Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915. TALL APARTMENT ON SMALL CORNER H Fool Plot at West Knil Ave. ;, in! H!)t Ii Street Site for t:t Story Hotel. ' i DWK.MA.V PLOT SOLI) tV rtn story apartment hotel on a I foot plot Is to he erected at the north- rt corner of Vct Ilml avenue and My-nlith street by a oLetit of I.ouIh Kempner . Son. The Improvement was i mrprle to some of the owners In the black, which is essentially a dwelllnB mum block. The block opposite, for- ttrly 'n Evan, ptoperty, Is, however, T.proved nlth several apartment houses. fj,' apartment hotel will cover the slto the tflo ilncllltiRs at the northwest ' lnD . ,. t ., ., o. cfti i,.i nil orner, mn'ii am - w. Tho corner house . vvt Itui avenue. i a feet wide, and tho adjoining prop The site In !0 feet V .rtv 54 feet "le. The housi houses on the site, four JIT." I by Thomas lories iubii. ' ""- nnil Donald Durant Title to tho oroperty will bo taken nbout tho first .' Ihi month by a company which Is row belni? orj-.tiiized to carry tlirouxli he improvement. The man behind tho may not appear ninunir, the Incorpu- j-ors ot tho company. The reason liven for this reticence Is that the buyer 'u been out of the teal estate market team nnd does not want hie. return r - . . ... ..... ........ the neio To ne iiiiuwn uc nan uuukiu n Wen: Lnd avenue Pefoie. "I n nuiui- ' t to be ercclod will cost, with tlie lte. , ibout $500,000 and will be tho finest ...illdlnn of the sort In New York, orJlnK to Henry I. wooper, nroner in , ht deal. It will be laid out on apart- ncnt .0 a floor Kach apartment will omrrlse nine rooms and four baths, kch will rent for $3,f00 to $4,0u0 fir. B It ( X -M A .V II A TT . I I I A I 1 1 . HOE AVnNt'E. O'I'eilly A Dahn have I sold for Hlns A Hlns 941 Hoe avenue, a five story apartment house, on plot SOxlOO. to Henry Hennett. The pur- , chaser Rave in part payment 73 West CSth etrect ard 41 Went 113th street, tso three story nnd baement prlvnte dnelllnif. O'llellly A Dahn will man- , ae the Hoo avenue property. WHST 215TH RTItUKT The Lawyers Title Insurance Company has sold th Mock front on the south side of itreet between Itioadway and Am sterdam avenue, .1 plot frontlilR 12," feet on Sloth strtot. 100 feet on Rro.tdwa w;th a similar frontaite on Amsteidam avenue. The buyer In tho Haven Construction Company, Charleo Flaum president. The plot, which con a.ns about 12'.0O square feet, will be Improved with two five story apart ment house-, with stores. rtWLTON AV1:NLM: K. Osborne S'mlth has iold to James A. McCarthy the southeast and northeast comers of Walton .md Tremnnt avenueK. Thi sell, r of both parcels Is Mary L. Cansldy. Ilach corner cons!t of a Yauint lot, the southerly one meas urmR 10O feet on the avenue and 2! fiet on the utreet and the northerly psrctl frontins 103 feet on the aVe r.'ie und 2." feet on the street. Mr. M'Cirthy has no Immediate plar.a. BASSI'OltD AVlLVCn The llrombers l!P.i!'y Company sold 2SS0 Hansford t cnue, 3 four story apartment house, piot 33x7., near lS3d street, to Mar in II. Cohen. The property wan Cue 111 part payment for If. Arden ttrcet, a live ntory apartment, 27x100, ele of will, h wan recently announced by Arnold Hyine A Haumann. iVASHIXlSTON AVKNCE John Tflu irr I'm sold for Alexander Mable Il'iO Washington avenue, a two story d- '.hng. on lot 25x103, near lS2d n 'ire t. MsTKItDAM AVKNl'E Joseph P. Day lus sold to a client for Invent meut .1 live story brick tenement with to s'ores on lot 25x100 at 66 Am- j iiernain avenue. 1 ne iiruperiy 't to have been offered at public uuctlon on special sales day, Thursday. April I The property wan sold for the es t 'e of John C Kleley and the con iileiation wan all cash. rnxiii.Nfi ix nH4oKi,v. The sii.macroM Itealty Company has d to buyers for occupancy the three ne hmuy stucto dwellings at 254, 2G2 ni .'it Ninetieth street, between Sec- il and Third avenues, each on a plot MOO ' hi 1:11 run sin rati: hoi sr.. Arthur 11 Strong, builder. Ii.ih xold one ' h s new Colonial dwellings In Sea ite t Clarence V. Kip, for occupancy. rh house Is in the centre of a plot 10x100, on the southeabt coriu-i of Nep ne and Highland avenues. MM()VECK LOT TH Villi. The .Selinns Company and l'redeiick But im ha sold for Taul 1" Sheehan If"" 1 Hellc Kolter a plot of about th' iota on Heathcote Hill. Mamaro- T'mu bujer gives an part payment te !os on the Iloston pont load, 175 "' it from .Mount I'leasant nvenue. 7.-.,((l(l MO.VTCI.AIll HtlUSi: NOI.U. Mos'Tclair, March 16. Thoinan S. !add ig of the firm of Stlllwell A id'l'ng of New Vork ban purchased three atnry residence at Qnlen uve ie and Clinton avenues from J. II -arm, Th.. property Is one of the ' knnnn m Montrlalr ami Is f.i lllar i knonn as tho Sweet lesldoiice, 'r'K ' -nany yearn the home of tho 1 arl Sweet. It has a frontage ne.r 1 nnd feet on Gates, Meliosu 1 ' ion ..venues. In addition to e fe lence, there are largo conserva " alii a garage. The price nald to ' paid for the property Is $75,000. K. " Crauley A Hros, negotiated the ?2n r. n wi:i, i. im; iii vr.n, T ' f'ntnmlnii Is the buer nf tho 1 A I7B Kail Seventy .eoronil n teil 1.0I1I jphtcnlaj- by Dnui rt & Co. fur An.Mll I.. Hull. i;ril'iian in thi' iiiirchaNer of ,ii'"Ue, ioi i'iTfiitl liy Harry i tli Coryell IIuIIiIIiik Com- 1 ie , l ' ll , "Ull! IN nl.D IIAYl.tllKJ'.T. I'U i havo benn (Ueil with the Man- 3H,in II, lee in r.r It, , 11,1. ,, rn, l.ollflinw ... , ,, (v., iui .,u,,... , movins pieture theatre In the two Htory om ai the Houtheait corner of Klxth I fmie ani Thirtieth utreet, the old mailt." ilame hall, The lM'0Mrty ' or.e,c, i,y )u 12;i7 itroaiiwtiy Cum 4"J" AIji, main flotilsmltll In the lesiee. I "Hdril ll,neel, the architect, haK estl- I "icn tne cobt at 5,000. Mom: nitow fsi()iti:i. runs, for onft gtory iore, 85x30, to m erc-ete,! at the Bouthweat torner of y.ant aveniifl anil 179th iitreet, wero 1 ".sterilay by M, W. Del fiuaillo. Ttn r.-vicr is jamb Marx and the cost " eS't.nirttrrJ at tft.oon ti v n r i'hii ni:wi,i:i i i'i. ci3. Thj rai i-on Mel.. Mori 111 Company '"I Millwm It nonnIilfcon have leaHe-I Arthur W Connuble to Conrail ""ftll th ten Siay road u'lHt, U. 1, acre and ektate at Kchencks Kait Un. FORECLOSE ON OPERA HOUSE. Action Btinn I tlrcnvrr 9210,000 en l.nlnKtnn Arenac nnllJtn. Th Lexington Avenu Opera House, built by Ojcnr llnmmcreteln, In the nub. Ject of a forpolosnrn milt, Action to recover a mortRiiRe of $210,000 on the properly held by the Manhattan I.lfo Insurance Comnanv wan berun venter. ilny when attorney for tho Insurance company filed a lis pendens against HammerMrln'A latet venture In the theatrical Held The money Optra company Lawyers Title was borrowed by the In April, 1913, from the Insurance and Trust Company, which later sold the mortRaRe to tho .Manhattan Life. Insurance Com pany. The mortsuKe. wan 'o explie In two yearn. Oscar Hammersteln sold his Interest In the opera house last month to the Oersten-Cramer Amusement Com pany for JS2.000. The property and bulldlni; orlislnnlly cost $1,000,000. TENANTS FOR BUSINESS SPACE. I.ofts, Stores nnd Sections Offices In t.ennrd. Many The American Heal Kstate Company has rented through Hpear & Co. three floors of 35,000 iuare feet In S4 to 112 West Twenty-first street. The Cross A Urowii Company has lensed olllces in the Forty-second Street HulldlnR, Madison avenue and Korty second street, to L C. De Witt & Co., Norman Macbeth, American Woodwork InR Machinery Company, John Deere Wason Comp.iny, il. K. Laird. Ilohcrt Kuwer and X.istt A Kennedy, and, with Loulu SchraR, the eleventh Moor at 149 to K.I West Thirty-sixth street to the University Hutton Works. Henry Trenkniann has leased the fifth door In the building at 24 and 20 West Thirtieth etieet to Pllverm.inn & Turkfl, and l.r.OO feet at 16? to 103 West Twen'y-tlfth street to Abraham llosenbauni. Hpear ft Co. have rented for i:il A Cohen the bulldlnR at 13 Kllzahoth ac-stieet to Louis Horowitz, and, with M. x i.. mi ss, tne sixtu lott in 13 to 21 i-.ast i wenty-sei'onu street to tiretz inper & Solomon. The Duion Company has leastd the second and third lofts at 52 and 34 J Urovo street to the Duerk tliand l'lino ' Company, Inc. for 11 term of years. Ndson. Lee & tlreen. with Iluberth A Iluberth, havo leased for a term of years the eiiore on the sixty-first street Hide of the New Circle HulldlnR to the Itncliie Hubber Tlru Comp.iny. Carntein A Llnnekln have leased tho first loft at .IS."! and 513 West Thirty third stieet to the Muit.iimh Elevator Company; the first loft at 1 l'.i East Eigh teenth stieet to John Kondrick: offices at 32K I'otirth avenue to UrllTIn A Field, Joseph Abrahams and linns T. llofer; also office In 3 and 7 West Twenty-ninth .stieet to Joseph A Fobart and William A. Kliebe. Leroy Coventry A Co. have leased four orfhes In 23 and 2, East Twenty sixth strict for a tetm of ;ieir to Will lam T Knott. .1. II. English has !aed the store In 164S and Id 30 llro.ulway to the Key stone HolJing Company. cii'v iiwm.i.i.vtis iinxrcit. The Houghton Company his leased for John W Cox to Abraham I. (Ian Cher the tluee story and basement dwelling at t7 West Ninety-fourth ktreet HI4i 1.(1 T l,()V 11 t'l'K, A loan of $450,000 at 4'j pn- cent, on Temple lleth-El property at Pifth' avenue and Seventy-sixth etreet, recent- ly placed by Charles K Noyes Company,, was recorded yesteiday by the Enultablei Life Assurance Society. This Is the only 1 large loan placed at thl nite of Inter- est for many months. HIGH TAX RATE PROTEST. Col. Itnusrx elf . xjnsnr lakril Id tiiixeriiiir itml j llenr Sitnlrra. tho floveinor, tho! Col. Itoosevelt, Mayor, the Comptroller and practically all uf the other members of the munici pal government have been invited to, attend the mass meeting to be held next Sunday night by the United Property, Owners Association at tho Forty fourth Ctreet Theatre, whcrsi taxpayers 1 will protect against Stato and city ex travagance. Several of thos- named , huve bteit asked to address the meet-; lug, but It le not said that they have, accepted. L. Vlitor Weil, ihaitman of the meet-1 Ing committee, said yesterday that Col,! Itoosevelt had epieed his hearty I sympathy with the movement as .1 prop. ! erty owner, after reading the call for' tho meeting. Tins Is the Mrvt attempt , of property owners to voice their pro- test at nn increasing tax rate through a mass meeting. About 100 taxpayeis' organizations covering various pirts of the city hao been Invited to Join in, the meeting. ; t I'l'llll Mt.MIATi' DIN Mill. The 1'pper Manhattan I'lopeity Own-1 ers Association will hold Its seiond an-' nual Uaiuiuet on Tuesday, Apill 20, at the new Hroadway-Claremont, Hroad way and i:i,'th street Tho uieociatlon hasj aHsm.iuccH of an attend. 1111 e of over 500 Those who have accepted InvUatioiiK include Mayor Mltchel, I'ollcel Commissioner Arthur Woods und llor ough l'resldent Marcu.s M. Marks, be sides various representatives of the city anil State Legislature. Tho association represents property Inti rents (overlng all of Washington Heights. Heserva-' Hons for the dinner can be had by appll-! cation to nun, 4219 the treasurer, Hroailway John Holiert. RESULTS AT AUCTION. I'ulillr Ollrrlnu A enleriliij In Mime liHlliii. nml I n s-ii 1 1- r on in . I AT 14 VI'SHY KTIllir.T 1 11) I) I' Iliiiiallain I; i'o ll.'TH ST, SID 5.' V, "I l"'0 e itli v, .'ilxlOO.ll. nil ely tilt- llslller Sllllt et ,il in It H Alir.uni ei ull due, 110,1143.11: lnes, Ar, S'.'.dOO, uli to l.t lllttT. I'll.- HOu, lo Kinunuel (.lauber ti'J.iCZ By llrnry Hraily. STANTON ST, , n , loi " Allen t, ::'x51!. three ty tru ami tm C ii Open, liytn ft al, triis, v Max i'renleln et ul; ilur. Ul L'Sll.iiSl IHNe., ir, 11111,33, tn Hymmi lirnsn . . . 111. 9"." I AT Till: HKOOKI.l It HA I. I IS TAT K i:cn.Mii: i .N'aihiinlcl Slmter Ht'ltON ST. II 379 e I ' 1 .1 1 1 K 1 1 1 1 av. ; lOO'-l" I' A Sihaefcr in J H.irvar el ul. tu I. Kinnix 1.1, ilii nilOIlAW ST e , Hi w Sitillli l, I.'.vlOO In III" .JS.OOO A Von Klff v 11 U D.ivln et ul: ulalnlltt Ily W J. Mi'l'lilllUmy & Co. ATLANTIC AV, n or (ielnton av. 27n 100 C 11 MrClellan v T T .MurrD et uli to the Jay llolillng Co 11,000 SV.W HKAI.TV COHnilt.VTION'l. The follnwlnn really rnrnnrallons were i'liuiieie.1 ..I Albany yislrnlayi HolilliiK Cuiupan), ManlialUn. ranltal, 11,000. illrnlurH. Morris ll Silinartt. HrouUljn. Theodore ,lifrled, New Yorli city. 1'lorenee Tuniif nbaiini, The llronii. I.lbnian t'onslriirtion Corpiiratlon, .Man huttani capital. 11.000; illre.tor. Abram I I.lbman. New York city; Alexander Aaronsnn, The llronx; AHnnon l". White, Kiml Oranee, N J, UmvM JloUllntc Compnn, Manhattan; capital, 1100, dlrectnr, Marxaret M. Kll leen, l.lbhy Oppenhelm, New York city; Mary K. .Martin, nronklyn Keitione HolilliiK (.'oiiiii inv Manhat tan, lupltal, Vi'io illri'ilnm, Sidney Hern helm, New Yolk ell) Ciitheilne A. s'el,lim Harry II Jaenh.on, HrnnklMi II A I' He.illy Corpotallon, llrnoklyn lanital, IIO.lHiO dlrei mm, leldnre I'lemer, Pauline ric :rr and Karah llrlnc, Ilrook- lyAmu.finent lloldlne Company, llrcok yn: capital, It., 008; dliectori. Kopbl Krankel, Meyer UadelolT, llrooklyn; l.eon Uuchorurkr, New York city, TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TKANNIT.RS. (With name mt addrew ef lender nd atlnrney. If attorney's nam la omitted addrets party of second part.) Downtown, Otolith of Fourteenth it ) l'tWIll. ST 2J0. s , (with rlitlits to alley In rear to nurllnft Slip), Pearl st .si, n s, ZixlOO, Malilen lane, 1 2 r. . st . w water t, runs w so.s x ,-.3 3 W 0 11 x a 12.1 e 21.2 X ll 01.1 I to hen Water sl, run n w alone street, 1 1 r k . ,, . 4 M - t, . -. n - 1 1 .. beg, t'lm st, ti n- s at s w a Duane 9t, 4". x2l Jos W lluey. ltuxton, Mil. to K.luln II sieiuirt, 1313 (Ireena st, l'hlla. P.i. a t. all Hens, Kel ;S. ntty, Pou'hark A II, II lln.iy $J,r.00 FULTON ST, s w for Front t. tS 9x00 -.Inn Monro to 4f0 Ilroadnay Cnrpn, 5 William et. Mnr 12; attys, Stoddard A M, 12 Hway $100 (MTV II A 1.1. I'l.ACi:, 23-27. 1 s. 142 4 w l'earl sl 59 lOx 5!i.Sx9 10 Annie B Lupton A ano, exrs, Ac, M t.tip lon, to Harry C llallenbeck, 97 dales 11 v. Mnniiliilr. N J. mlK ISIJ.OOO, nil lien, .Mar 13. atty. T 1 Co, 17'. w.ii $3M.00 UllllADWAV, 4i0. s r t. 211x12(1 45l n Curpn 10 M.iry M Munroe, 30 ; 74th et. mts 173.000. Mar 16, ati 1 I. T Co. I0 llway H0' IIIIOo.Mi: ST. 307, lor F.rMb at. 2.x7 a Jullin FelnberK to Simon J 1 Altchiiler. 2S lllclianl et, mil jiu.ooy, t2i att), Abr S Hmolena. il Cliam- trs -t..,. I1UU Ku-t Side. (Kat of Flftli av. bmeen Fourteenth and 110th s:s 1 JTH AV. 141-147. cor 21st st, sitSO 400 W Hit St Co, Inc. 2t W 34lh -t, to Mrthatits Cntrjl tilde. Inc. 314 .in, hub IfiOU ooa. Mar 13; atty, 1. T A T Co. 16(1 tlwav 110') 1 29TH ST. 230-232 B. s a. 160 2.1 as. 4DJS !i Jos llran, Carroll Co, IndUnii. to Mlna 11 anil Antonio Capue, 231 Il 29lll sl. llltK $20,000, AUK 31. 1910.1 irt.c.irde.l from Feb 20, 1913. atty, T ll Co. l;6 lly $1 SAMi: lMlDl'F.llTV Antunlii Cjpace Ml ('.line.- Iltalty Co, Inc 232 13 2St)l t. M.iy U. att. .im MOD 47TII ST. s . 14S l.exlneton av, 20x . ton,;. Itevtor, Ac, of St lurtliolume s's Church to Koiisl Ilrutner. 714 3d n'l Men. IVI 23, lluay isrii st. ij: 1:. s av. 19x100 t, Alex On-ii.uKl, al and 2r, W "-Mil at, lit 1. T T Co. 160 atty. T O I". 120.001 ., i) w l.exlmrioii t.imte-rl to the N V lllorrnphlcil Soii'l. , lleni, Mir It: ntt. Hay S1.000 '.ITU ST. 121 and 1 :c, s a. lit w i.ivIiik ton 11 3xloo .'. Ily 11 Anderson, Iioro. N V. to am, all Hens nitK JJ. 000 Mar 12. ii'ty. L T A T Co. l.:o llnav It 0H0 I.I.TII ST. . 191 w Av A 41 x9 lluelave Wncht to T 4 S llexlty Co. 99 Nan ill l. Mar 1".. nttj. I llerslilleld it Na.iu "t Il"i I'AltK AW, s e tor :d t. 3i2xl0i--ll.xton Itenlty Co in No 4 Wet :,7ih St Co. 30 line t lilti! 4C7 000. e 11 . ull ins. Feb 27. any. I. T A T Co 10 Huav Iloo 9'TII .-T 11.7 II. 11 ISO 3d av. 2'x ll' 1 (fot.rlos Feb 171 Jno I' ll'llrlen tef. to (Mtltens Sa Itxnk. t llor. p.n Mar l.Fi: attys. lirnson A Ilea ! , N a i x 11 : . . $12 ooa 10TTII ST. is-i;i 11. 11 . lx,' w .-.1 a. (fore.s .Mar 21 -Abr Nelson, 'ef n W (iu. 10X Ai K. Ilrook- .mi intB SS.'.Oi) Mar 1. .ilty. Sen if, oiutt i. llrnuklyii .t en tti'.t lde. ,Wft of I'ltth av be'ween Fourteetith .11 il 1 1 u tlx it- 2 .Til ST. l'..'-: . s a. 173 6 e 7 b av. ,',,1,1.11 I Man,- I I'o. ll to Heae . i'ii. 1.: W V.'.tll !. all ieti-. Mar I. att, Humuel Hiitrman. 320 Hwo Sl OTII ST . 17". e 11th av 25X100 1 Tho. .1 Whelm et al. burn .t. Pall Irk Whelm to Mirv T Wheian, w l.lovs . mlK tt OdO. I. and . Mar 13. 1102. attv III. h.t.l ll C. irk. :.l Dia-nbers t . SI SITU ST '3X W :-.0 e lltli av. 21 tlx His -The Uorcus Corim, !"" Hay 1 .-I, 1. tlannlliK. '3 W 4stb '. Mar in any. N V T I i'i. 13'. llway. . . SI 76T1I ST. lt.1 W, 11 . .00 Ams: al I"-. 102 2 Adulpll lllrsli tci Herbert Itxlph T ami Alb M lltretl. !6! W 76li . all ' and I l 1 3 part Nov "II. ! la oh ll HI1U.T. t'l Cedxi . Sl 9ITII ST II . 1'.' Alllat a. 14x100 S llU'tiar.l S M.Caftrey, Mimou. Idaho, to No-l M MiCalfr.y 163 W lth et a t. 0 1. Aptll 29 1913. attv. II S Trexiv Jr. 41 I' irk How . . 51 I'ptoH n, 1 Matili 1 tl 1 11 Islam), north ot 110th si I ttxTH ST. 221 n. n 320 4 w ;d av. i xxlOO 10 Jno A Lambert to Jo I Cnr.iieii.i. 217 ll ll.Mli t. :m K II '00. Mar I.: atty. T 11 Co. 176 Itwuy !00 IlltllxtlW XV. w s, 30J 3 11 12.'d "t. 126. tx ll 7. to c I old IllonmPiKilnle read Xl26 11 7i.ll No 4 W 17ttl St C'i in II. xton Itnltv Ci. 37 I.lbertv t. ml J0 1. ill liens. Mir H. ally, 1. T A T i" 'so llw.11 lloJ 3D w '.too w ;. : s t-.xtii t. ..".x'ne - S.intl.'t IpiReti l.t tt I I2e-Il-. lie Wit: 1.. atike-. N V, mtg S17 x.'.O. fl I liens. Mn I'., at'.. T c, Co IT'S llway . $1 13IST ST. !-" U. n . .71 w l.enux av 17x 9 !l Samuel C Ilerriinan. ref. 10 Coti ll.xihanice Hank 13 William st. attvs. ' lluwers St S.ltnls. 46 Cedar t . . I.OOO 153H ST n . xiio e Amst av. runs e 132 3 tux . Croti.n Aiiuedurt x n e 11. 1 Mk x w llllns 11 10 lieu St N'lihola" av ti w or 1 "3d st. runs n 32 4 t s croliin nuedui 1 x w to n " I ',3d - X e 25 1 to bE. .llNi. all t t unU I III following: U3il st. n s. 132 2 e Atllet av. at w s Crolon Anueilin t runs n r un ilirve In 1 I blk X e 11 to w Sl N'liholas av x.ii'J tti e s iuedurt x e w 41 to l.' st w 62 fi to bee Jolm C WeitMlml to .Inn (" Welw I ItealtX I'otpll :'." 4th ill tnta t .'00 OOO. Mar 1". ally. Itnumls. S A I' si. Hh.ii S31J.00O 1021) ST. 4.12 W. s s .2 .lumei Terrai e. 19.6x9!t Jno M Pules to Laxlnla M liailes. 317 W 106th t. Mar 9, attv T 11 Co. 176 llway Slllo Aftll'HON' AV w s s 179tli t. 100X 100 Adoipli Wu-sbltrei r t al to Cor imral llealt) Co, 1 ' Liberty xt. mix S20 00D, Mar 11 attv I. T Co. ICO llraiid wai tl i'n llroiix. (Iluriiueli of The Htonx i IIOSTON III). 1 4 4 4. 2'ix90 -Lawjeis Mlg Co lo Maniuel s'e.-n, '.lx W 14 3d t ! Mar 15 atly. 1. T A T Co, Ki) llroitd- ! wav ... II "u HEATH AV, e s. Ill It ll Kostmi rd. 33 4 1,4 Clarence w lllsner to Win C SHet -wood. 55s W l".th st, any. I. T A T Co 160 llwin $t"o WASHINCTIIN AV. w s. 50 s liTlh sl. t oxtoi Iiw reni e liavis to Jas Mi Con neli. 330 ArlinKtnii ox. Jersey lily, mtg $13,000, Mar U. , atty. T (I A T Co, 17. Ilwax 10" Al.DCH ST. s s. a7 e lloe l. 42x10 Ixovacs Constn Co to Abr WulM 35th si. et al. mtg 119.100 Mat 1 .1 I. Wolff. Olu tin ii . . :ioi i: alt . 1 1 1)0 :i i'ii A 111. it FI'I.TON AV. 1S11-3. ' s, iO 4x1 ton-Wetuloi er consul i n ii 11.4 V s.lll sl (ri.rreltlnil iteell. inlK 4 (ll'O. .I.i S. IV10: .itn T il .1 1 Co. ITB IMav . . I'"0 140TH ST J II e , 40J", S ill S.lluiK hr m A ois 1)1.1, IH I'I Titli t. line l.'s.noo. Mar l'.. nti)s. ilreentliui a fl. na . I" WASHIM'.TON AV. ' , 50 s IS, til t. f.U lOt T T It'-lil Cotttti Co Ul J.ltt. rem'" Da Is, (iieene el. .N'eivark. .N J . inti: 40.000, Mar i:. atty. T ! Ai T Co f.ii ltwn ... .. I'"0 Sllllltlii' N AV HID Isabel, i in Im. 11TIJ IJ alt i a t i i-ii-:t t n li . e i nr n:r,':i et. i 1 1 M Mi.ks in Itlllie UlilK n. miB Sll CO. T il A T Co. KC lit nlil 8100 A I n llllt Tree til. ..'1., ti nn. 1 1 i.i k ii i r i i -i l Mee'as I)'j0 .-nut liei ii Ilinlei it 1. -n a $:.' uoo, i . ai'y. i i. a i ". ST.! It v. 5100 li,;Tll ST ll w cor H.'lh hi i3.xlill Itinie II.iIk Co. ll'' l' I'HiellJ M Me'k". tiieO Southern mill SI3.00H. Mur 15; all). T ll A- T Co, 170 Hroad. ii I y S I'll "1CT1 1 ST. 11 h, "Ii0 llllelil.l av. C'.xlOO ,li. M.Cii.- in llni'li.l Sinner, ilrund ii nitir t; 300. H.'' 3D, lull i rerecorded triini .Im v, l'Jl.l. att, Calm A 1'. 40'1 I, 140th t Sl KAMI". PltOI'IJItTY It.lillil Sinner t.) viorrl" Marks. "Hi P. 17 Ll i. and in", mic St.. ',00 M ir 13. nit), -ame. . . . lion I3VTI1 ST. HO'i II. II M. 3'.'.10'I--K'il'llleeii Mil'ariin" t I'.umin" V lilaitinml 5' liufll. Id vt. Ilr....I,!n. .I.ui !' a T I M.ii'Kirl.ine. 4.3 4'.lll el. HlooMin. Sl III.I.IOT A. e Mil n HUH lli.'lll i UK I.'"- Marv MiC.irili) to .lolianni (I'Con liell, 33) S Ulllllllle ai, Too IS. nay, 11 ijulun, S71 Ilii'n . II (tlliiTHN'A I'Mtlv Siil'TII. e ior Ctointin ,il 2 Ivl'l. I H.nuui'l rolaintie et al to Lena Seli.H'hl. Holl, I, I. mt SlS.onn, Oct 9, 1H14, atty. 1en.i Silucht, linlil-. I, I 10 l.oniNtl IM. ' ". 167 il Knrilhuni id, 37 xl00xl!xl5 3 n -- 100 Henry I' Mock to dim Ilecliman. lannli llelKhtn. N J. -Mir 5. atty. T O A- T l ,.. ITi, lliv.'iy nilYANT AV , llry.ini Conrin 1101 4.. 17th St. 4i11l 1 Co Inc. to 1' C It Ilea1 c Im 1 40 N'his in Kt n if jitv T H A T i'o, SKI) (.1. e i.. 40x100 Will 1'nnntii Co to Daild 10.0(10, I 17., WALTON AV 10 l.J i: Dlller lllty A M.ieiirlile. 1758 TonnliiK av. inie SlU.'iOii. Mch HI, ally, I. T A- T Co, 160 llwin 1100 nilNSON AV, n w c l'rleliy nv, lis David MacHridn lo Wm 11 Dlller lllty A Conslll Co, 27 K 10411) st, III I K. 113,. 000, Mch 16; att, Heybel & F, 4t Park Hon- 1100 M.MIHNTA ST. n . 156. S ' Murker av. 1. '.xlOO Cleo I'' nates tn Mary II Ilitrs. Kill! LexliiRtou av, Mch li, ally C 11 l.ideiker, : Hector t St 3D AV :I0?1. ". ' !'xM- ileo I" Mooilv to I ciaiencc Hiivlin, II L xm Nt, intit Sll 1100, Mih li. all) .1 C Dinlfe, HHIi st (i- 3d av MO.) CLAY AV 1337 -Kami) C llnnuy In Ilr ant Cousin Co, Im', 1 ." 0 3 llrjunl nv, Mch 16; ally, T (i T Co, I7H llway 1100 HAMB PnoPIIItTT Hryanl Conatn Co, Inc. to Minnie N Khlem, 3H0 K Idtlth rt, and (no, mt 11,000, Molt ll; atty, name 1100 HOli AV, (, e a, SST a Aldus t, 60x100 Charter Constn Co to tlelon Morris, 73 President at, Brooklyn, mtar $44,000, Mch 1!; atlys, Whnley, W A r, 27 Will lam at $100 LOTH 3 nd 3, blk 1, mop Morris Park t.oula Hamberir to IlenJ Htelnman, 2100 Mh nv, ami ano. mtr $ 1.CS0. Mch 10; Btty, THAT Co, 17 Hway $1 TAVI.OIt AV. e , I II Wood BV. 47.1IX 102 7 Antonio Dllltto to Oluepplnii Cipriani, 2134 Cnmbrellent av, mlK $1. 3J5, Feb 2T. atty. TO T Co, 170 Unity Iioo VVASIllKOTON AV''. e s. 220 3 n ISIst si 23.3X103.S Alex .iianitr to uorfil iioauy Cnrpn, 27 William t. Mch 13, attjs. Whaley. W A I 27 William at. .,$100 WIIITi: PLAIN'S ttl, w a. S7 s 223d sl, 67XSD Urnetleve K Cuddlhy to Hlk wood lllty Co. tnc. 60 Wall M, Meh H; atty, T U A T Co, 17 llway. $100 MORTOAOB.S. I (With name and address of lender anil leniler't attorn-) ) Downtown. (South ot Fourteenth t I 1 IMTV IIALI. IM a i. 112 4 w I'ejrl t, I '.s.ioj Harry C llallenbeck to Annl- I II l.upton uml nna, pts. k3S St Marks av iiKi)n. .iiar is, 3 yrs, j p c; nil). T U Co, 176 Uway $31i.O0D llil.t Mile, (Ha - i of Fltlb av, bttnem Fourteenth and liotli eta.) .,T. ST ,(0 , . 40xl. cuiuce itealty Co to Title llur A T Co, 176 Uway, Mar 16, due spt 1, 1 1 6. s . . $3."..000 47TII ST. s a, 145 e llnlon nv, !0x loo r.--Kope, llrinner to Title (I A T Co, I7C llway. Mnr IS. due Mar 1. 1920. p r . . . JU'.OOO 4TII AV. e . 7 49th it. 2! ix ts0--i; J ' Mt(nllM to NVn NXherlnnd llJI.k. 41 W 34111 et, .Mar 3, One Apr V ISIS. it c: attia. Harkett. C A S. lit NaMiu st tll.1110 21) ST. a t ur Park mv. 100x23: llexton Itenlty Co to Irvlnit I Krmpnr, 14 i: "lib st, Mar M. pr mtK lli.OOO. 3 vrs. .. p e atti 1. T Co, Uo ltjv.. I.'S.OOD I Went of Fltlh av, between Fou'trenth and liotli ste 1 S1ST ST. 11 . 122 6 e th av, x2.0xl00.: Janpote A Wern"r ItoldliiK ro lo Thou II Clarke. Jr, :'2 K 30t)i -t. Mar li. demand p c; attj... Wesnlman A K, 53 I.lbertv l ,7.00') Cplmtn. i.Manhai'an 3D AV. xv s I - .ti il . north of tloth "t 1 I2MII st. ." tlOO llnr .1 luerlul ti alnl Hatter, 1 i: l3il '., . Murih 15. pr mtg t"i.0D0. 3 rs. 0 pel ally, H Horde. .'o i,va . iz.iU) 1 4 OT 1 1 ST. 33 W. n . 211 s i t.enox al. j 41 x9 11 Carrie Frank, tru- m , Moses i 1) Frank, tu I.'.nl. 111.,, v. .21 W 1 4 1st 1 st Mar 12. due Sept 12. 19.11. 5S p .. alt). Iltrnard Viilltnburg. 30 I -t . . . . . S9.7f. I MSTi:i!l.VM AV. w 74 11 - 14!)l el. 24. 9x --Kilo c Catnmnn to Lawyers; Title A T Co, 160 llway, Mar 15. .1 yis, 1 : p I12.0VO Al'lll'HON AV. w s, 2". llSlh st, I00X led Itealty Co to Adoipli Wurtburger and ano. 342 W SUh t, Mai 1 . 2 irs 6j p , am. I. T Co 160 tl xx ai JVO O'li) llroiit, Itarouitll of The llinnx l SIHHfltV PL. e ., ",0 ii i;2,t -t tun' nits ea.ii 41.4X100. I.i m'gs ei h 'I.i00j 173 --'i lmpt Co, im to Ilmina Dressnei .01 W 120tli t no pr tntea ' 127. .'.oa ea. Ii. Mar 15. 3 yrs. p ..j itty. I. T i'o. tui ltw.iv . .. S'i.000 ' Si: MICKY PL. e .. 23't I 11 172d st. n.x, IO0- lame to Sum! Feidtnati 1 . .; 3 lid , t. Ilk'in. pr rnle I27.500. Mir IS, 3 irs, 6 p i: alt., same. . . ,.i,.,iHii TIli'VNV ST. sic e . 10x110 Cimlllii I n llenj M Kale 1S90 7th av. I Mar I.'., due J.,n IV 1914. 6 p e, atty, HrnJ M Ix'a.e 149 Una) . S3. 300 HUSTON III). 1114. 2.'xJ0 -S.mue' Stern to laiwiers Xlta Co '. Liberty st. , Mir 15. due per bonj attv 1. T .t '." I'll. 1.0 lllla) Stl one I.AFOVTXINI: A. ll e lor O.ik Tre .l .'.X!.'.- Isabel a XI Xleeke to I:,. i, II .loeger Mont'i ell... N pr -ntg $ 22.000 lar 1 .. due a pe: l.ond. ttv, THAT Co. 170 llway S3. ono I 23 1 ST ST. II s. 3X1 1 , M:, piaii.s rd. , 20Xx229x to .J2J e: also 233.1 w While I'liPis rd lOOxM a North , Side linestlne Ci, TO Nettle llulvne, 33 M' I "Tib st. Mar V due us per tKir.d. atty. r I! .4. T Co 176 llway S23.O00 WAFHINI.Tl.lN AV. w s. JO r 171 xl 50x , 101 Lawrenie Davis to T T Held Const : Co. 2 ItlUle.lne ai, Has; urane. N J. pr I tu in 1 10.000 Mar 15. 2 irs. t, p c. atty. I T ii A T Co. 176 Hwa S3.000 FI'I.TON AV. ii . 132 s s (iaremont I'kwv. 50 4x175 llexlly Options '' lt, M.trlu ileiker. t IS F.ldtldce t. pr mtg 137.500. Mar 12. due us per bond, att), T tl A T Co 176 llw ii S7.000 ' 170TH ST. Ji V. i s, 16 11 x74 4-W Ml II Ixircbner 'o Uilker P.ln Co. tne. 12X1 Franklin a nr m'g 11.300 Mnr 11. " ire. . i am. I' ti Shupi-o 119 s.i---an el $1,000 li Y AV I2t; xi .. 2.XSU11 Minnie H llhlerf A ano to Hriaiit const c, Iru 1 5 us Hryatil ai Mar I"., due ae per bond. .. ti. T i! .V T Co, lTt, Dual ... $4,000 WALTON AV. e s. 116 I n 16".lli at. mo lot-, fin li 20x100. twii in'K, eai h SI.T'O i iild Ala. Hrl.le :o v in i: inner liny ,x Cuni Co, lb? I" I6ltli k'. nut pr tiittts S."0U tacll. Mnr 16. 3 Us t p t. nttve, Seibel A F 41 Park How. . . t3 f.Oli LOT 31 map Wilmn. 1'ort Morris and Hixt Morrl-.inl.i Frank W Fuller to xnnle 1 MoKiitre, 1X4 i: lltth t. Mar IS. 3 irs, i'. p attv. T 11 i. T c. Ko Hruad- i ai Sl 600 1 WHITF. PLAIN'S HI), w 1 - 223d '. '.; xo- Itikw.iod It'ty ''o, (n,-. to iMiv .1 s.baettler 10 7 lloe ai. Mar ... .In- i. par bond attv T II A T Co 176 llrold wax . . . .. .S'i.OOO DLCATl'll AV, w -. 24 X n I'urdhniii rd. 67 I.XX2 10 Weilittioud Co to X V Life Ins A irust Co. ; Wall et. Mar 13. 3 M. 3 p c. atty, T li A T Co. 7. llway T 000 23XTII ST n . 300 e Maltha pi 25x100 Isabella Lr.-enlesx to Hast Chester Snitngs Hunk, x S 3d av. .Mount Yimou, N y. .Mar 10, 3 ire, 6 p e. ac.l. .1 M tie-!,. S 1,1 ai. Muunt Yen. on, , V 13.000 AsxIIINMUNTI Of MdHKlACK-, Manhattan, THllMI'MlN ST 9 and 100-.lull M Hiiiick lo H'.le K I'oiiell. ISn K Tutll si all.. W M Poh ell. 7 Wall t .. Si.i?4T j,tl) st s s. hi; ,ij av, .'.ixSii.!' John Koiai-s to Joint Koiace PrllHte Hinkrrs ilrund m, llklm; uttv. Anton c.ronlch :im Htiiiv ti SI'ri'OI.K ST. 115 Iteultv (;o to H'ni L l'fiser. 414 W 1) , am, Hulldl It Itlphael, I'M llui.. It 31) Al, ,i;:i and :isl Clara M HrniH and ano to Hoivery s.n Hank, l.s ISoueri. attjs, Cadiioladei, W A T 4il Wail s . . . . . j,-,o 0(in III.IIIH Kill! ST ii , 150 M.n doiiital sl. .",.ih -Heneilettn l',ir;iir ramie to John 1 TuF.inl .'s Klnit t. a'ti, ctins erl.i rlnl. 3H iiiiat .... i:: no, i ' S. u ST. 4J i:--Valenllne Ztlilinn io Hr r -st Klein, ;v.. nK jt), P I'rle.l .131 r. v itn st ... SJ.TVi ?M'H ST. I.H W Pin, in LoKenfelil uml ami to Pauline l,e). i,ll w Until ul . alt)'. Ida 1'iiiistier, 4 tl 3 W llbth t.. SI 1ST v. t.;:--I)lna llngth in lia. lie', li.iiK 1 e, Lenus av, uttv. Smiaei Dulls. IBs I.enos av tn. iui 117TII ST, , IIOl . 1st nv, U.kltdO II N V Mise and Serurllv Co u Maur I H I'eriy nj Colunibl.i llelehts llklm am. N Y Title Ine Co, 131 lluu). tl .'.00 3D AV, s iv ior I'.'Jd st. V, ;x loo- Ith hard SI lei tierir 'o N illliin lll)il. 3'i ('.. rm ml ai titoe, Juritis, I. A N', 11'. Umatl iia ... . . Sit, una I. Til sr. 'II I.'. iii'K" Si.O'ii' Maii: i I to iiiTu.u.i Saiuleriiun.l an I lino IT..' A iiistenta in in att. Hulls KiipJie'lUon, 141 Itllllielon t ti l.'I'I'H ST, u0t-1 1 I' tliuk. Cousin in -o Clio I'ei or.iro. 10 st Mark's p. .im., Poiixi a Co, is: ii ly . . sii, mii) 1 150TII ST. n I.'.') e Wadsiwiilh .n. t.ux , ll.ii:ills P r.arlo to UinlKratii Ind Sav Hink, Til (iatnbir et. .ill). K J u'dor. man. SI ciianibers et S 10,000 43H sr. '.'31.:n i: Mary fi Knluht et al, nrs to Title flllur A T Co. 17. Hway i.'lo.uuO "TH hV. C Title (iuar A T l.'o to Julius uoeiiei, i: r. n.ith et. utty, t (i c,.. t?.; Hway SHO00 40 I'll ST ',i;. W-Raine to 111. hard K Cox. Hid Hull., .N" J, ati), aaine S1..00I WHST HNIl AV. Ill -Same lo IUI. !-1 i 11 iik, .':.' W KOth i l..t'. .anie S" Oml Ilrum. COUI.UAIt AV, w a 1 ll, il s ;jj, t, ; ,x UJ 'i, and other pioperiy In The llronx y.llph.i O llertl'in, exi r. In Zl,ph.i t), Moi rlsioii n. N J. ults, fioy,e A- Prink. 41 Park llmv Sl MITCIIP.LI, A MrlilHtMOTT H11ALTV en INC, to 1 il Id Cohen I.'.'iOU A.MIIHICAN MTC.i: CO to l.uuls J llor eon SV.IiOO CUSMOPOLITAN HA.NU lo llemy Kroger A- Co II TlTI-li (H AH A Tltt'ST CI) Io C.u.lav A llrind' S.'.'iOO MANHATTAN MTUR CO lo l.aiv.'i r M if. Co . . (.1 rn.) HA Mil to .itll'' ... S;."lli) SA ill: to line . S-'T -on CHAWrnltD. JOSHPII C, to John lie lie I.1 IJ.) ecuitouiii.iiu WII.I.1A.M, a Ivati) . , I Villi) II II .... It to Itn. . J7.000 to Her . . 10, 000 rr.iset ... PAIIIC MTtlfl CO io Maiy J All-I I fiAlli; tn Hume ,1 A M 11 to e unn A.MIiltU'AN ItllAI. HHTATfJ CO tieee i WfilfT IIAHTWRl. OAHOI.1N1J P. nix. mini Hnv Itlinlt l''Il.N'K IINTH A l.llll. AI.KItni) III .Morris DsiniiiieUv qai.hw rrz, .los-iii'ii, tn sii. ii. llei'tv I'll KK K ITII K i't l.liieu n Tru 1 1 1 . I ' 1 : 1 1 M Mill; .ixt r ti lllli" i Mice I'n KI.IIN Jl STIM!, t' I.ouisr ilorf , . tTI'V MTdll CO tn flionx It ink 11 I3ntnieii 11. .'Ml c.i II i 1 1 iiar 3,mii) I. inu la 111)1) Sivlnaa !3,ifiO . It N V TIUIST CO to l-lly Mis Co. IlICII AllDtJU.N, Afsrsii n, vt fr to Mlchl Csra. 113,001 It A mil, L. WM K, to Amalla M Chry- ti $s,ooo ltot'OIIT. StJfiAN V N, as extrx, to Kun V N Houxet, triis,.,, tl.onn Same to same , H.noo Panic to anme $3,250 KIIANK, .tULlltS J, t al, xr, to Julius J Prank, et al, tru I2T..OO0 MATISFIEII MORTIIAGKH. (With name and address of lender e at loiney.) i FI'I.TON AY, 1331 33, w . IS'2,1 Wen I duvtr nv. "iOxl73x,.0. 4x166 10, Mar I. 1910 , Solomon (Inlilsmlth to Kntttmnn Sxhll er, nttja, Shapiro Levy, 113 N.-i.ui st . . . $9,000 1 71TII ST, n s. 170 e Lexington av, 2Sx . 102 2, Sept 17, 130 Wm C Hume to , Cliiente, chax A and Arthur C Tucker, nusteea, atty, Chas ! Ilucklcy, 171 I llwny $22,000 I 721) ST. s s, :sj,t w Lexington nv, 19 9x 102 2. Oct 2, 1 r, Sarah, widow hi Levi (loldenlierg. to the Herman Suv Hank. 137 4th av. atty, T il Co, 176 llivi) . $19,000 HltOAllWAY, s e cor 19th el J3.10xl23x . 4'. sxtOH.!), June 21. 1913 dully ll Wnoiley and olio, lo Columbia Trust Co. ii tlx . DaMes, Auerbaih, C f. II. 31 Niiss iu M $; ,.ooo HOWLHY. 114 11(1,, w r, bet Hester and ilrund sts (lot li,2 map of il s Fast , Farm). 23xlno, Hrimdwny. s e i or 19th st. 33 10x123x1'. XX10S. V, 19th sl a s 123 t llwny, 20x92x13 2x95. 43d st. 120 W, n a, 24t',.3 w nth av, 2t.Skin0., Mar 3. 1911 Lmlly ll Woolley to Colombia ' Trust Co, atlya, Merrill It. inn llwny .... S23.O0O BWAX e cor 19th et, 33.10xl23x4"..Xx 10X3, Mar C. 1914 - Frances 11 Campbell I nee Harm s to Columbia Trust Co $"i.noi) 77TI1 ST, 15't-li.l 11, ll s. 300 w 3d in. 33 5x102 2, July 2. 1IS Slgmund Mexe, to J Allen and lldwln S Tow ns.nd, to Wall al $23 S"0 llsTH SI', ti w cor let av. I00x2i 2 '.,i 2, 1913 Anna Tle:Jn to Cnas W Vuunic, atlis, L F A- Co, 44 Com! -HrooKlyii Soo 12311 ST II a. TO e I'alk III'. .15x1011 I H.e 3. T.04--Simon W.-le to .Ii. un Ilireh. atty M stem. 44 Hixiii S" . 12.Ui ST. n r. Ua e l'ark ax. a.x-I'ion IJ. i a. I sot--Sam.. o a.tllle. uitv eltlie .... . '.t. 140TH ST. '..'. . li s 241.8 e Lenox a. 41 0x9 II 1". b 2. 1!'IJ-Uiulx H oi II to Cirile linnk trustee, any. Iiernirl Nuiimburg. 32 llway 13 ooo 1 4 T 1 1 ST 100 w Com. lit ,li , x 99 11. Jun (,. 1910--Adolf D.k'oi Hid alio to Chas Flledetiberg. 312 Manila ' 11 in l'. Cahn. NorJ.lng.i i I.. I 'll I'r n I- wm . . . id: : ii llllNHVWm.l. VV. -'02' w s r.s t , tf. h st. 2'xMO 1 ll. 12. lsi? Tb.ix J and Annie M Holiqn to I'eter A lleall 119 II Kith a' a'.'t. HuhJf'i .1 S an'.ali 51 Chulilbera -t . . $1 2i"l MADIson XV n e or Tiyior t looxl.a Miiv 1 1T4 Sunanni M lloiow.iv '.. Ilmll) D llngtn., , of reionl b order of the ''ounti court of llronx lom v .Mar ". 1X15, attys for plaln'iti li.lm-;on A- .1. 23 llway.. I 'M Iilli 'ATI' It A. s . loo Mo.lio.u Pi.rk .r. C"xl20 s. pt r. 144 Annie 1. I and Xlttiur il.r.lner to I reilk Hal-'e.i.t and alio, 'Xin H".y, Kenneth H Ha.- stead. 71 III- a) . . S3 '""I SAUK litdl'CHTY Irec 81 194 Sa-n. to sail,, , exre S '"J 55T1I sT :3s . . . . lltli .11 . x 1 4)0 5. Feb C. 19!0 T.n.i an I Helen Siimildt to .lo-iphlne K tleekman c i II xurme 32 llwov.. niono 7TH -T 2J.24 s . J ', i- Ai c 4.'x so lo. July 10 l0x Hani Forge. Saruli ind ll, nj Friedman. :, A ' f i I .I Wolft. ll". Ilxii) SI n"0 11TH ST 211 F. n e ?'.'2 ., n w : I .' .' xxlO'i. Mir 15. IMS -llirmen 111. ' hum t Sunn Kohn. !os F. lO'b -. 'ys, Fl.thee A t. n;, Hwni -ai 23TH st. n . i former.) Ixeinbie s' ,t 1 2.1 .hi. map itx. partliton ii pi Ilyaf farm near Woodlawn 24'1 W. r I o x ill. '.13, ; i '. and li : . h 5(10. Xlar 16 1S04 te?he ii Creeti'e, - to xiari Kent any F. I. Hirt.ari William st ... . . S3 OH" l.nTs 9.1-91 in.lutve. map 1100 of 300 . ..ntrol'ed in' Sty Morssnihau. 23.1 un.1 24tll Wards. Pled N V It. rlsler's Ofn.e Mar 23 '"O" .Im 1910- I- i 1 1, -1n. oi ill ' i It 'en II V'he. ..nkel- NY a". I. T A- T C I'.O Ilwax "7 17l ST II -. 44.. w Hitli-i e a . I. 10A June ; 1913 tile JCdK C.j .os, Hyir ai o .,iji sliii.itis and ut.o a" Hose ,t PasUii., 121 llway It 0 lti:( HltDKII LKX-sK-s. HilllliNtlan, AI.l.H.N r 1TI. sioie -IKIU'- I.' l" i ' 'iin: lloente, on premise. 3 ir fi' ' M.O S. tl'. atty. .".iml Sihlelmer llwin t: " HI'.iiADW V Y, s e nr SOIh t. n'.uies ., i ., - Amlermn . I'rl' e Co id ?.' V I'm in e K 'ti nine Hink, 10 ll i). 10 ir i Dee i, lU . . i;.:n ruitv.irn: st. io. tre un.i h-n.iiiu H. um -.nil mo. irii". to "mil! S'luile'ii s-.n. 3iy r'toiliii.n M, HK.m ". ,i '- -s ir.mi Ken I. '.''tr.: t'v I'l'ih. .M X ,. ".' N.iss,m et . .1! 11.9 TII '. M Knlr M.upliy M I. re Dflu. Unn. '(. v Hth t. .' -' I ,r fuim Mir 1. t'li atu- I'.l. li. M V : a: ns'4 .t . . . st "o .V.MSTHIttlA.M XV n nr "1st .st. sinr, iml i rrmeri' k w Kru-r tn mi, ii.i-i M Mllller. 'HI) V 111 II sl 1 1 . Irom M.O i. tivi. n ,is..i i .... M ,t I.I- I'llNHKN'-. lunliattim. . e 106.4 w Till A e l , . n . eir iRt i .1 et al i tor. o-'ire u'tyj. 1'rntt. SI I"- llermlne K I 111) I'aiu Kiel, itlllie nt 1110! A lloi.e in- vn'i: ark If i liirl" r rnaler et il , fore, los-ir or in.irli; n-i . att). II ("ark. J- ;th av. : .'.a;, .ir.3 nu.t j'..t:.. io .i. 'Ion Cetitr i. Tni-i Co art Kiel, h .nanil Heal') Co. In., et nl i tore.-losui e of tn., mortvuitesi H'tis, Jollne, Larklti A- lU'.llbone I.HNI.N'IITON IV. e . 50 , s Met nl, "Ox tduxltreic Life Ins Co ant II imtnerstein ( ipem Coeial i fore. io. ore ol MIortKaKei , alt)., 1( ip illo A- . IiikT T. 1.4 W c.ara steiirmunti act I'lrst Pulled Preshi i. rlun I'hur.'h et i i fiilerliisure nl lllurtKJgel. uttv. .1 Hoseti-ivell- tITTII ST. i"04 W Julius II Mtieri.on axt Will W lillle.pla et ul i p .1 r 1 1 1 1 o ti i am, C I, lltltlln I5TH ST, i;o W Warwl U s.lVne, li.inU ant H.'.li..l Corp . a i f.iieriii.ure of iliortiraisei . urns. Cat" A Carroll I.'.eTH .-T. 4M W -It I.ieplt ant Hies. lien Corp t al I lore, I,, .itre of rnort Raael. uttvs. 4'iri .1 Carrot. UUTII ST, 17.' U IMnlu J Appleton atft Hl.islien Corp et al i tore losure mor'- ),.ii;i.i; ams, i'jiij ,v Carro.i 110TII .T. (! T Varnum uf Hlo.lien l-orp et al l foreclosure af niott u k .' i atl). Can A Carrol,. I'.uTH ST, In: W lames S Oieie. aut , H! Corp et nl i forei Insure o' mor uiuei. .nt. Cir A Curroil i liiiTH ST. 47 4 Ur ii Maxll ant H nl.ell 1'i.rpn et nl I (or arlosure of mot t kaiiei. am" Can- A Cirt'o" l'..'1'll T lt.1 W- Wii H Minn xt Hlos. lien I'.iipil et al I fore. !osue of 'nti' if.mei ntts I'.irv A- Curo'i :lsT ST. e. .I', tt IV Of 7'!l 111 0 nr..'. - .lukeph wli.inx .iki llroukintie Itealtl Co it a, 1 fo: prlosuro of in u 1 1 it.iRei; attv, Jl TTH AV, e e cor 133d M, .'5x1 00 l.e.ih H siieni ii c lluir Itealty Co it ul iioreidosure of mortgitrei , am. ll V II ily 'i'IM'T. ll . 137 ft v nf 1st iv, 37x100 1 1 I -IVin C Hoiis ,ixt I'l.le'lti Conutrip 1 tloli i'o et el I tore.-losm f mot tx l fee I . at" s. Hon et A s,,ni. Hroln, l!P INT r e , I'D I, , f '. I ii ..xlutl -Ci,ii i.. P Hi .'e.l an' I... lie' i Ho' ' o I't ... il.tie o-uie o, Hull rt .e atti. II Htirlie 1 I'll sr ii .'io f'. e n l.lm-,.''i at ...ion- Itosiinna .'. inl-in nut IVr I lll'i' It e' III i lu-ei lo-ure ol lliol'i K .IKe t . ill . Ilosen A Phll'lpi PIliispKCT AV n ior lUxt at, 29x1 on ileri'inle Hi hirter el al nut Wlrth Iteultv A Constnu tloti Co -t al I foreiosu'e of iiiertauei, ntt), S ilnon A Van Waif oner OltAND HOL'I.KVAIII) A- roNCOt'HfH7, e 2!t 7 (t of Ki't rordlum r.l, 60 .'x3ii ii- -Arthur II HrUm ast N'.u loiih Healtv Co et ul i foreclosure of illorlR IT'I . tts . Sl'ter A S'elllkimp I.iiT-. I". I', ui.ip of KM Im .dlnB lots lieltltlltlni: to P-t.lte of 'I'll i mi is II Wo. ft Ith Wain Lime-in T l . ,f uk' Mali' Julie P'i. llolvt .aia o! rnu: I e a ye I . Ill'l- DiiC'IR A I)eM'. Lii'l's ' 14', .iui i, maii of 131 I'Uii.lliie lots iie.onir nr 11 list ite o' Thomas (I Woo.f. .4tll Ward- Dua-ne ' Wm, li ,,st Mary June Pri-'e if.ire.lot.uie of inorteapei , attve. Deering A licet Ini;. MKCIIANirv I.IKXs, Maiilmtlnii, TlliiUI'.'-ON' peter nr ST. 5- W II III. i I'leiio Uli m li.-i 1 1. - I I. 4fl on p. r ,V i nui ... Illlll MiWAY Kll tn III' one Klii'llplil Wt.iks. - siln nor Cur h. nn' Wall K 41.1 i I'n i 1 1 r 1 1 .iiiner lirn..iliiav I... i. . W i lire ul Co. llli-leee M n I'iihi In l ll i out oiTii ir. i: i.ouis .l.'iiiue Kind, on tu r. I'nnl . . .I.M'lvSiiN AV, 7".7 to THJ liel.iiid Lumber Co aut uniier ireneivall lilOenl Samuel ra IKI ll. II. 1 1.1 r.i Cro., Austin ,v lilerl Cons! Co i:i kn HT NICHOLAS AV, n e cor tTMh l I.' ton. ami Aiidubnii a, n w ior 1 7 1 1 1 el. lOUvloa NI.ik ira Itadl.itor A Holler Co .ml I T." 1 1. fit llolillna Co, owner. Hiney Kimliu erliiK Co, rent . tl.SJH 1.1 II'TH .T. r. lit ti. 551 We- LoiiIh 1 llripin in aui I'n ijerl. I: I. Martin, own. i Itudoiph Hies "nits tji.n l I III MI't IIVNlt ' l.lh.N Vliuiliiillan, VVII.I.I'.TT ST. . Max'h 8' llenrj ll Durker el al, Nni 10, I til l.'.fi 11STII HT 500 lo SI.' W -Uaac A Inc, art St Nlrhnlas lth Av Theatre Cn tl al, Doo 10, 1913 14,S:.7 COUNTRY HOMES DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND FOR RENT. fiudson River fiomes V 111 plots, estates, Itousea of alt alr.ei, ready for occupancy. HASTINGS HOMF.H t'OIIPANT, 1 1 ast In (a-on -1 1 ud son . NEW ROCHELLE ?,'" JE" See my list of beautiful hnuc. Furnished nnd unfurnished, sale or rent. 31 VI riU'.W Dili 31 31 ONI), 2n?lliiiui notMtNcwltochelle, N Y, Te.lJ42. II HO'iM residence, erartsman finish, hollow tile, one acre artistically laid out reetrli lions- North Shore, Sound view: 4f. minute, to terminal. Ideal home, snertfre. lonsldrr Intnmn In rxehunge. LoltLNZ KUISSIIT 4 West 34111 St. N. Y. IT RRnNVVILI F N'"r ""y Country HI DnunAIIkbC ciuti, Modern, stucco house. CI lo.itt's :t batlix, rent or sale, ANDERSON REALTY CO. JSvIKk!,'' Ilaie 3 our House Unlit After Your Own 'lull Hi IKMTH Hit, I. Tiie rein or buv ti't I u ale M.F.,MllllllF.i.lINC. Wi He for map and While liln. N.Y. 1 WESTCHESTER COUNTY III Its FlillretJ smiihiiI, Hudson. IIUIx FISH & MARVIN. 527 5th AV. Kenneth Mygatt 1W.34thSt. rronttk'f m;w .ik.ksf.i. KM. I. $:1)()II. N. .1.- "The r . to Uve ii'. the iHi,r r iund Sen I tor ireular. H.Mil CMODI) It FA I, lisTATIl CO.. 43 Ilea i - I Tele '1 i f,, 3J1 .1 I.OXtl IM NI It MAI. KSTATK FOR SAI.K WATERFRONT BUNGALOW WII I. 1.1:1: s room liunnRltTT a I im pnv.untilr w .itpff tout kiioiI rtattfi?. bi'lilhic ii ' fih.tK on Spilth Hhor uf l.or.K N ; ri . i ni"u' from NVw Yorlt $'u) ! nn a( ill nj of ftn'mi In p,ft i-h to pur- h.ii, J-0 of Itit I -Hi a, b .1 t n. tl"t p.ttiint ot. li c (? i.urt , h i An.1 oti munthl WATERFRONT COTTAGE ' Mll.l. I.Fx.-i: 7 roo-u loltuir. Unproie t)i. 'x, p ,,t t, ,:t tn kirftblni; on the north I h I 1 1 ic i j'.,i : I minutes irom T .Sew .-'k. Sl"0 t iix -he sejmun at the end J t -. ,.,i , ,ie pit v t.i. . to pur r'lis- S."0 ".' S '00 ii,. bi .ll. Oiled ds fi t piMi.-iu i uf lee banme on ens1 , im. mil p. tne.'- A It. bo Hi Sun em i m i:-u iiii t:n hi:m. tT.rn rtm w.v.. FltM F(H'M'lt HOMF lN I I'l'KIl l;st( III l Kit. We It i . e il uf I I' us .in 1 i ourT' r. i.- -i -. f et u .1 f JT Uf e O! e. tl I . i. . -g.l i n UF':t X. i'I.WIK White I' j.r.s N Y II..H .'..sir. ..... -.,r ' ' . Virginia Farms and Homes I leei A I VI ill, I it -I 1.1 Mill. 1IA III. M ,,. , - It. II. (II XI. IS .1 ((.. lil,,iH..'.,' V..,.r'-rioorr'.n.o',, . 'k. ' !,V,Vn ""- - ', otjiemen e .vup'te ii:urrs -n.-rors ItllAI. l'.sTTi: I'tllt ill.V 'tmnlsume ilt or.ite.l ren l ior of. mn i. ( ON .N ECTICl'T, . .n isu.i ,y ion r.n'i Inq i -e Ml li n! . . -. . - - v-.,i KlIfsT i'LAs itilry frm, eijulppej, etu' k i.irms. I'liuntr) ehore tiuines, llCl.I., f-uu'n tmmlk I'onn T1I hT, !:'. V TI.e Oontractlnf Co urn i'i,.,. I: M.irrrn et ul. Jun 1 UU..I13 HilWIllil .0 .1 Milliliter Metal (limit 'ii .ii;i u KrHiner's Sons H;tv Co et tsl m . tit; .... . . ins .-AMI! I'ltlH'llltTY Hkiiw .iRt rlitlle. Aliir ''. I 1 S .... Hts 41. ST. 21 11 Seninn Ilactie .t Co ae 4J.I M A .M.nliiitl A I'o et .il, O. ' i'i ij:; i rnWI'AI' A. sle-Simi Irlikin nr' Mail ' Ktiuw !-s Ihll ltront, . '.Til M' 11 s , ft . , uv i. - Hk i S'r iri i r: ul' i 1 ,,tiKreK'ilnnj Krb 191i . . el .NOT It 0 Washlnitton Meel Corp I'ti'irch tt .sis;: SMALLER STEEL DIRECTORATE. HiiHnl llrrenfter lit llnxr IK I ti elenil llf lit 3leillller. A' the cpei tneetlnK of the I'mled s Steel Cortiiinitkm yesterday to iiiiie'iler reilucltii? Hi" ilirectoratrt from twetity-fiitir to elKhteen. Thoniaa Mtirr.ii ieelune.1 His reslKiintlnn brlnKP the dlrei tor.ite to the iiroiaisetl iititn Iwil, then- h.nlnc been the v.iciiiclep The le.i-uti.s uiven fur the reduction of the ihi.M'itir.iti- were that with en lame ;i l.o.iiil It n.ia often difficult to seeure a nunriim und that the restriction, of the I'l.i.ituii law inade It difficult to Bet nun uf the ileited caliber to .serve on the Itil.Ull The lejKirt for lilt was ie.ul .ind approved .md the. board adopted .1 i."-olution aiiundlli); the bv-l.iwn ho a-s to maUe the directorate consist of , eighteen nieniher.i. The leport will be i.Mieil tn-nioirow or on l-Vlila '. .md the m.-etlllB will be held oil Alil I'i At i th u time Hie tln.uice ivinnilttee will bu ledip-eil fntni n,t,e to .own rneinhe's COTTONSEED OIL. n :b, . am e tu'ie l At l lit Hell' ll llllt. If s of th.s mrt i'i eilbll' lie i Hers ill d the p: e--Ul.'ed ill. ii. i nf (In i.tlKs lo liquidate local I'rilde pi nfe-N,OII,ll oil ttii Mow 'i tn 11 ' Ptits nml l lit H.ili iit tin- Ii.imis rt'ultfil tti lu'ilpt wflrt itiKe Thr appartl lo In bta tul tfcft'iorico tn the r-'Cent contraband rul Injr Sentiment wim RiMiernllv nilxrd utul not htlpl bv the df !irH!on In thf lard nmrUi't '.fcially a1 thciv wi Vttnt srll.nK of ml ttnrln: the M-paimt ('10"itiJ prir m lIr.V t ioe M i". .... f.h " If Tl ilu' i M li J,.l) FINANCIAL NOTES, 'I .1- ,U!.ii, , Ifllst Cump.lit wflriil.e lil.iiiiD.iiuo cue lt'iitriiad-ileuefe Itlier Itailrn 1.1 llt.t ltl(irtK-l.'e per lent. Ininds nt lii'i.",. t.i )ieiil ;. 7U per rent these biinii. .ire ihie In 19.'7 Al th- ,tnniml tneetltK nf the I'nlted State Itiiliher Ciiiiipinv, held lesterilm a' N. llriinsnlok N. .1., Mldilletoti H. Hat i Id of New fork and Samuel M. l ll" son of Pral I-lene e -eie e'ected illr. i'irs to site. ee, II I. M'lllliUoil and II." if H. ILisllllKH. lel,l li.u'i 1'i.rl.e-. ,t C.i .itinotin, e tl. i the hue -...I ll .if the $ I linn on j fl, JK Mllvt nikee ,,tiil Sl P. nil Itillu i Keller. tl ii'i-l ii-I in.lliiK " "iui rtlb.e '. per i ent bunds ulil. Ii he leien'K pur.h.isei trom a n 11. ll. ate. The Ameilim Sureti Compjny has lie rlaied a dlildend of 1 1. per lent on it elui'lc. palable .Maieh 31 to etiKl, uf le.'iird Man-li :'0. The last preilnua ills, biirsement mis at the rate of ':4 per 'ent , p. liable December II The stork L'xi'hiiiine liming ininmltlee .inn.iuni", thai .Mi i. , 0 0 1 1 udillilnnal Clil-i-aKit Milwaukee .itnl St I'au. lomtnori ini k bis been listed Aitthorlli ia. .ileo I'lieit tnr llst'tie f .. ft. I lift more out ntll. I.i nnili'e nf tssu in 'e iepi,ii that the Sieivnn Wainer! peeilmtiete' Col porat lull his mute .i i nn I tru, i for the equipment u: I'nnl . ,irs was ( ilenii I last niKht 1') i". It smith, eeiietmy if the i ii r p 1 1 r,i 1 1 n u . Ni'ttoilatlotis are pep.l. hie for an order tor partial equipment but timhlni; definite has lu'en done Harris, 1'orhe- Co anntiuni'e that thev have i, il all of th" 14 ano, ooo I'lilroc.i, .Mllnaiikee and Ht Paul Hallway anil tefuudlue lonierllble . per cent, bondi hi. li thev recently imri'li.itej from lh oilalnal ..indicate, I nurl of ll It VNV . M.ii V ppej - i a ie ii 1 1 ,i l Jj. s, s. Aiirnlii ( alendar. . h le The r.i fur to tiiin nni- . .S, 4 y .'HI aim I , r, Miprrme t'oiirl Calendar, VVASHINHTON, March II. The day call of the Unite,! tttatra Supreme Court fnr Wednesday 1st Not. "04, 505, JO!. Stl. :is, :it, :n, ::o, ::: and ::3. to let rtm iifsinksis i'Imhmihi. Transit Building i and Annex No. 7 East 42nd Street ' No. 10 East 43rd Street Stores, floors nnd ollicca in the new 10 story Annex will ' be ready for tennnts ! April 15th. Elevators now runnitip. Over scvpntv verv lltrhl sinirln I or conncctinp; ofliccs of conve I nient size. I Yearly rentals $420 to $1000 i Tennnts have it -lUnd Stieet und 43rtl Street ntltlress if de sired through connet'titiK nr ende. Grand Central Express Stili wny Station immediately ad joining 42nd Street entrance. Homer Foot, Jr., Agent 7 East 42nd St. Phone 3313 Murray Hill. CANDLER BUILDING Times Squarr OFFICES UNIQUE SPACES im PARTICULAR TENANTS ()nr cnii. v Moiii V) quftrc f-''t in Tnwrr, irht on f" 'Mr nt .1 Mnnlrii tt ij SMALLER OFFICES to meet your need's,. 0. D. & M. . Dike ;:) w I ti 4:n si 8 WEST 40 NEW 20-STORY OFFICE BUILDING Olerli.oMnu Hie ei lork I'liblli I llirnre KEADV FOR OCCU PANCY MAY 1st - 1 C t i ent're floor. 4. mm il Ewing, Bacon 5n & Henry (V i fin I S.Vm M . Hi' I .ii i 101 Park Ave SITTENHAM BUILDING 'Slore - , par.i.r ranr, otn ii. nn -ni s'u.Uos I I' . r i' i .nr :,h Ii 1. 12', 1 i. . ':rj:rr:: 'in s ill il, e ire tipli is 1 uiruf iesi j,in LIGHT LOFTS si:vi:k.l KtNK i.orTs i-oit pkis-tki'. ANI M N'lTAl'Tt'll Kits TK -V M H I AT. KI.VA ATHUH KVA Wii.V. VWVM iKi.l.t'Tnu i i.ivu ti:am 'Oxo ;ui.i ani -.uxi-u 'i;nthai. l.ot'ATios. tr.v- KgrAUiK.n r cimtii- ai'iiv Tt) voimi HitoKi'jt mi at omen or E, W. Bliss Buildines, 312 East 23d St. i.nrr ;( ooo n to ri.ooit, 237-9 LAFAYETTE ST. At s.prlnif sl. s.iuHi -tiitiun. lite pro.if ti iiMinr . i; .. .u. leftCr prtiiUie ).st.sjii. pais i.i;. r ana fie ghx ele atore hum' III'. s.r.l.l)IMi HIIOs., lis rtrnndnej. Phone r . rt J. i It l.tll'T- 10,01)0 52-58 DUANE Suit tti f. r I'rtn -e- . .(), rr. Krn. street, ir:,. I. t i -K jpher et , 1. c t . b t. titrlit. I.'.iepriir 1'reneir . rise- c - i' e itors in: t:i.i)iM. iiitn-., ( IlraailMal. I'liulie t ort. M0". NATHAN L. OTTINGER, Ileal r.slalr Ne vnt later 900 grteti'ii A.e ) W luii.-r ?th ft Ti tepholie 73Rt l inn. ii piiivatk orrii r. ' oflt. os Olllenleti fi far rent ,e.k ronni IVl'MI 1' '' Ul ."' t'HV III) I I.I.-. Prince George fiotel I if h .i J prftr. i I B f i ritMSIIKII ATAICI MK.NTS WANTKI). WANTKP -On o ir. .finfu motlc-'i UIU'henet:i anl l't i-i M-tr . v-.t i i th to 70th l . niiifl. i'i rt-n- .llii., M i:. It . J i'ii 14:11 M SKALIll) IIIUS IM . lie ie iliel by the llii.ili of Walti Mi)ipv. ,i lis ,,!! e. twrniy-seioiKl lluot, .Mnnl Ipn Hal an.:. 1'elk ll'.rt I'en.te .11.. I l Ii.l Ibe-s "M Nell .,K Clf. Ulltli It A M en I , I , . Mtu.h .1 I'M1., lor c.niii.i i.. i, 'r the lanetra linn of M o i uli -Ul. .i. I brl. K biu.iiinK at and n i" the Keimi, . ri'SiTlulr. in the taivtl of Ml. P.eanlll, ll'est, pester inutitv. New ork The Uri;- est ut I lie bulullui.'s If, Ipprultmaleiy loo i tert Ul a; leei nv ij lee-, ,iti i tn .1 . feet bi 31 feel b) .11) !e. t itrut'ur. s o fti'ltlibitllilis nt these build In... ll..',. been b.itlt Htid 'he t'i-l nil 111. Ii I eli u.nt ere. l Hie luat .ev.ii lur th!""1 bu '..lilies. I l tin- .fioie p'e e .,, tun- the i.i be p lb n t ..p.-ue I ail I nl P - u Ipltli-'.s .,1 i.tlidiiit liiturui i'i. u t .,111 i i -ii f tl et s ot ..itlt'. i 1 il " i l nig s iii b- iil.t.lnrd at 111' abuie a. I. lien, .it ;w I iiln e ni Hie Se.r.'.in b. , I. It, K sjlli ..1 I. II do I lis .llllt III i t.ll ti . . e. inn a.nt lot e it n tt.i ninli.' t Knr fuf bi li.lltl I. .lis .mil. I Id the tilth e of the I'rbi ilpitl As.lttant Khxtlleet at llle abuve ad dle... CIIAHI.IN STItlUSS Pre-lilenl, I'll Mil. IIS CM MIWII'K, .ll'IIN V t, IN i.'ommltmonert of the llo.inl ot Water anpply, w Hltct'i: conn. S'tieury. OllVmtNOKS ISI.A.Stl N ll. I'ltl --'ea le I ptiipus..'s, for luriitshinr 1'onne ,ie I inon h ii, l . "'ii . ' 'Pi '. -' H I.N'II Ml Mil. VI. "I I Ml I l"N .) i m. I : Hi ,1 '. im; . i net 'i.i .1 . V. H . .Mar In tjlpll. ate sit ie i lliree . .,1 I I I I , 'll , i 1 1. ' .nl. Mi.'l II. PI' ' i , .. . he... I if .1 ll II t.ll I le( .iltli,-iil I '1 tint! I ml- ' ., l,i ii. r i ft mih I'lll'.VHI NLUMIIP NIMH IS, NIITIi ll I IP IMSMll.l' I . IN til' I.I.MITIIH CllPAItrNI'll-ilIP NOTICK It hereh, (till ll llllt 111" .III I 1'Op.irthersllip he ' 1. .Ill Ii.l I i ' i .ml William I. Hi murr, sp-!.i. paitue under the tlim nrne o' it Kin ml t i( slo, ll broktre of No l Yl.lll Mieel N. V urk lit lias il-k..lie. un ll. Mber 1 IVll pilil.lll' i.i I'e ti l iif Hie jr'l, iif'iiersiitp IJ ' il Mat. n I-' tl t.llll Villi '! V i I VI 11 I.I AM i: i. II VI' ill K -.'lie i ' 1 ' ie- IIF.I.r UANTI'.H VI.MT, HOPTII America- Send 11 for list of ad. drfdo nf No American Units cmplnylni: Nn. Ami rlcan ' ibor In Sn Amen, i 1 wircil ICAN SHHVINd I'D Sim P'ai. I t Cil. ' hlTI'ATIONS W N ;i)v ll, HODKM. I'l'KIl e.e , tril. e i il t i le s l , I ' I Sun olli e Vl.t IIV Al I I ION, KOH VVIIliM IT .MVV lONiLUN VouilK, Alli'llnneee, nells this il O ID A M , t "li II 4.d hi . nue .strou I 1 1. hid No 3371. Uy onlir of luorlgat'et (l F.I.Ns III, A I l-l Vtl. SDH s. dV. X ii.i'BurLji-rm 1 1 1 ip 111 111 mi 1 OLD ENGLISH TYPl STUCCO DWELLING , .IirL romplctril f tic ti .it it i ami iiini". Hilly u 11 t- jiim'-I Immi r H litrr i lUlliC imt- Hit '2 linn Hiiti iipfii fi fiilirf rtr. (bPKMtiinhii I' -'c n I himi ijpt.t frtni 15 Minules From Herald Square t I'rnd I I M 1 ,uph .r Mm Rcw gardens sutrtMihillitt; I unlrni Slut. on. In tl.p ll',int ifiil lllll. ut Ken, i Mfihi ''tliiiM new hmi i- ( t fur tn Mi;iinrr. f-t.f nto " V i'i'f Ull tilnti 1 uf Pr i-'it tnji i In r'l ofi i-mmHp trrtiiH iDform.-tn)" i mi n im. -.t f out tlolt N .1, I tit 1 1 ION, 'iirtiriilui ItitHilliiu itrnnhtnt- unit Mltll .St. N. l ' it pli-n.i (.iihi) ..'.'t'l ll'Ul W lit1. ri oti t . t i i it'dfri'-ti'Mpf ;it ltn (i.ini'ii- Sl i it rri. tl i ..i riM'ti 1 illH to Kf l.'ll't IVfi i M 'tinn Mil st -Ml Tin mi, ; l! . tl.ll - t,. u ' ll, 11 !" l .2 ci. - hi S.tuftlj-x I tit. i! 'ti , :i hi, ., I'M i .iim, t't'a, .If M lj - "IJ i .... it I ; M ' ' t, mi. ill i f M Mrttirnlnc t vl lit Ii . lilt' H'J . I , l i; (lie I.I. (tit ll.Nii; Hurmicli of UrtJoMt n. 1 cf.fNTOV A . thioiich n V iffr t o hi"t00, i" icti thfi n 'till t' for - (ri! fteml far i t , V - i n. nti Tit for J I lOO per "t 111 K n I" t "Ml rii in't k 1 ti ! o lut t' tn i ll.i '1JEI i ' ir'i v 1 1 i roi-t MO 000. -I . up i Oi lip i tl ' . r ' rtif ..-I t it nrt At; in I unmi'i 'j' r)Yr- 'o m.w .ii:ui: ki. m. it 1 1: nut r. SUMMIT r tl". tl - t'tUtl.Cl.OsL III, .s.M. M i'i y k t . k II.Mi. Mini. ulST viK O nl' II I -'I I. up l'li-tf ot u t:ut "wi Hi' ' ' Ilf I 111 I I In it'' nl tlltd i r nii n it i i t h I Hi- iiffti U ) i It-., 'ii-ii; ..f l' .1 "-.'ii . Hi f 1 1( .ii- o.'- ! j. 'It , nn. dii'l - H N ... k iU. t- -I P il..' tl U 'I' ll v itu?!i;s.-Tiiv an i mi-, nii; I:n-..-TL1.N. vlf f .tl Hfli ii l.ii.t- lit iurv,i4nr uf u .MttlJtmt'fU Oi i u-uft .ii.l fc. luly ni . If f u' - I I' ;Ik-'tl t'un atttl bfi-p j tij..f ilf sth ttttv fi l,ii ti. I'M . I i. Ilin u.r,.,,nu so !t-i. v. -r M ' 1:1 t'1 li'uti of ,ty ' ' ' v'n VorH .n ib tl'i.' of j J l.M it i 1 J it .' k '.OMii i'i I Ii it i i ' -I I'll I'. U, V i- ti I i k, .inl tin rein l' rt(i ni fu.lo . t 1. !u. x -r t i iii lt. iitet 'n ur - inn, of , in. i. h tht hi.!1 tl:R huij iinpfo- 'il Hi til' !t nfl f! frtl, til ,(.)t U illfi .i h J tlriK in the lluriusn of ) . er .f .- uiK t.i '. 'o iii. mi i ?t i S w I ,iiii ul. ti t.ik'-n i"k iit .ti ii.Miniimi a nil U-v i ih"'l iii lulMi. I? i . . I s N ! a .i puiMi tn iii f ii ff 1 1 f ti Mrct, iiltunt nnf hw i . it i cnt.. - two i leet fit t) in iM" leh .'tii" atil ."evontl Aan i ur- -iic thmr Southerly, patjilei w th Av.-hj nnd pati nf the .i Miroi.ijh li!t U. oh huiHlri'tt untt '!! ! thr (3i Inch, thr !: ' jta-i.lcl vlth Mth firm, fo t Hv (ji lf-t; ihfn Northarly, jw'ti'ti. hh S1' Mill A t'llllp pir' t ' i. thronch another prv wall r hun-lrel Ht'.t Kirrp iioat left ihiv li :n In " I th" S'i ili",.V of 1 4th t i nn i itl(n nf Hth street, Juiti tt I4'l . -' i.i ll ' poi'il n ' p'.i. e nt beirlnrl.tiif, le enl-l .1 1 I -liliie-,. - 'i,.,! , 1'ie p'f'in-e. llln-t i i. V.. I t i , 1 ' 1 ii i .t niii. 1 e.i. . -ei. 1 1 , n. S I' 'loll I I.'. I. I II "v I. 1-lll.rt. el" Hid I' leu . . ued 11 . r. h 11. I1t5 Im . . N. ii.rk. M ,- !i 11 J Wli'i I'ini'li! x Mi.vrit-.' I''! I! I.-' BAl.liU I .. tt I'HI'I'Kll. .Mli. le - Inr I'l.itiu'tf, ume A P ll. A-l tiees. 31 Ji'-eet. Matili jt jl, lllteplll, N'V Vf.rti I'jtl. The f.,' oulliK I a .1' jJ-.-n o' the pf-.e er'i ' l,e -oM. I. - r, VpM -er l- l. .!-. I ml 14th Si-eet. JlorniiKli of Mm h.ttati, New Yo-k f.'v. N.w .r'. I tth Ktreet. i:i' .." I 4'.' i Tl ll it K' pprmlmate ti. e.itl-', e.l prepe-' Is -. Ut lit' th . I" vl'il.i! i I ' .. ul te. r - H i I ,1 M IO tl l 1 "V f th ! "I h i : ! i Oh ti - ipM n atul 40-10" ,ri 1 . i'. rt -i ln. i Vok M . J AMI' uWMtA Ml M'l'RllMi: f OlKT ,..!.;.., Ii'!fu Unu tu put Jtviain . i i 'uii'e .tii i-.i 1 i In i )! ,ihve n' ' t 1 h" th 1 i i uti 'i ilf i t, tti ii i u in,, .i. Mii ' i ' ' Kx. h itikf -i - n". in tho It.. i ' t i tl Vii" I. Ill I I'l i. air" t i ,i 1 I ' ' ' p Hie '. ' '-"'' 1 I ' I. " ' HI '.INN l . M ''ire., , t'""i" P.. tte thell.e St, tin A, Hue h.n 1 1Kb tn,.h,ii to ilu 1 w een N.nel llf ' 'i ,. i 'heme I! - e'er , , j the b;nt k t hi"'. ' sei III h. , then, e e '! . ill I V I fl ie i ' Ii r..utf h .. p ' t f . tjrh . . v . n , .. . , N ,, ' " . .'.. N ' B' 'l v . ,. i ,. . i mi N tl III N IIAI.DVVIV ri-IIHP f..r Pi.'ln'irt. N lb i- ,.ieli .'l M CI' i V The f'.lln.l'ier i' i .ti in le r'i, I't -Y ,tt i 'h !( t ll s ell V in k l'. Cent! p In of ' '7 I lii0J " I. . Tim uppioxi . ehaiiie. id . i lie J pi V thtee tlttiuf , i un I i.i lull 1. ! ff lltf l e. r i t . '. 1 1 . I ,t . . . il e ,i't . i.t I h Sirnet .. lilt Of the .r '.' H III aboie.,1. P i li lilr. :sh' i I' le Le', .ie 40 Do in a Dated Nr.- I i V . k JOl. '1 Itll 1 llL.ll.. 'il leferr 5f 'S n i ti lis; T