Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1915. 1 ffl nhlps. would provoke the submarines, i IJ They mxd no provocation. Uur only dc- K fence. Il4 num." NEWFOUNDLAND TROOPS l'olonr' Third ContliiKi-nt rrle Ml rrpoiil. St. John's, N. 1'. March 30 The Cunnrd tiller Orduria, which arrived at Liverpool loniny, rarrieu . m soiuicrs i and seventy-live naval rcserv nts of the Newfoundland cori'tltigeiit Thin is the I third contingent sent Imin this oniony since the beginning of the, making a total of 1,000 .soldlcis and 1,000 sailor no far. The loft St John's on March. 20 by the lied Crow liner Ste phano for Halifax, ar.d there trnni hipped to the Ordun.1. MAY INVOLVE U. S. Amrrlrnn Vlrllm nf Siiltnirirliie ntTrr I'oiii'rete ('use. Washington. March .I". The re- fporteil death of Leon I' Thrasher, mi American as a result nf the torpedoing the llrltlsh ship I'al.iba by a German submarine brltiRs up b lore the 1'iilted States (loverntneiit a concrete r.iso under the Issues dealt with i in the American note of warning to strong as could be Imagined, but Intl Gerru.iny regarding her war ions opera- i m.itlons have been received that the tlons. German (io enitneir is prepated to nc- No report about Thrasher has reachtd 1 (-pt the views nf this Government and the State Iteparttncnt. Consequently , t ,ay tlie lilll without protest In fact the Incident !s not vet officially before (,. ptep.iratlon of the note was cnnsld this Gnvri nnient. It is expected, how entity delayed here as It bad been sun evcr, that A mba sailor I'age will be gested m Herman quarters that the Iirompt in forwarding to Washington all Hetlln ( might voluntarily the fans Hi the ease I move toward a settlement of the case. Tlie Vtnerlean note to Hermans' made . The claim for compensation will be public here in rchruar II announced limited to the loss suffered by the that the i niton states would noiu me German (lovrrnment to a strict account ability for the acts of her naval com manders. Tho warning against the in struction of American life or property on the high seas was at that time In terpreted as apphlng to Americans on Tlrltlsh or French vessels as well as to Vmerlcnns on vessels tlylng the t'nlttvl Htutes ftig. Consequently the opinion pres'alls here ! that If It is established that Thrasher J hand of war The State Department lofit his life through the torpedoing of i has learned the Identity of the Kngllsh the Falaha the United States llovern- man who bought the cargo and estab jnent will be compelled to raise the Issue j Itshed the fact that It was not destined with (iermany. This likelihood Is viewed for the use of the armed forces of tho Jiern with considerable anxiety llrltlsh and was therefoie non-contra- ' band. COMMENT ON SINKINGS. I ' " fct chieny th .t the i American demand for compensation will NVhAI New York er?inperii Almnt f.ermnn AttitcUs. New York newspapers make the fol lowing comment upon the sinking of the Kngllsh steamers Falaba and Aguila Tsy German submarines: Trllinne. The apptlt for nviiKeiy in war i tentlon to the fact that the German Ad rnws with what l feeils on Once the mrtj. instructions for this war run wise restrictions which humane scntl- , ..,n,si the nrov'.slon tht consignment of inent. acting thmugh International cum- ' P'1Ct..Vl? p',l ll'l miliflv. hT'l'TllLV-ire thrust anile, the plunge hack Into bir- barlsm cannot be long delayed Moral . degeneration in the viewpoint of a bel- llgerent Government must have a quick ; repine in eve-jes anil atrocities an a This lsnot war as tlie civilized world i knows It It is assassination. Otllcers i and crews committing such crlnn-s for feit their right to be treated according to the Lavs of war. If captured they should be tried for murder. Times. The tales oi i.erman aimiuies in, of German BMBlum even If we assume them al I in ne true, are iniiiwiir t. en,. fav-.gery by the act of the .ommandei of a German submarine In fctuidlng torpedo against the Hritieh fdcimer Fslaba wnlle many of her otllcers. crew and passengers remained on Isiard, while others were still en caged In lowering the boats. Aca.n the ease of the Aguila. the Herman eubinarine U-2S opened lire before the ship's company could lower the lmats. killing a woman passenger. , Uio ihlef engineer and two of the crew, nd kept up the tire while boats were I belng lowered. Tills ig not war. It I murder. It ha., not even the palliations of piracy, for thi pirate, like the highwayman, kills for gain, not because he delights In elaushtcr. llvenlna lol. There .an be hut one opln.un among right minded nun in regard to yester-1 day's sinking nf the Kngllsh steamers , Falaba and Aguila. with their pa'sen-1 Kirs, by German submarines. In the light of internal. onal law the act was Flracy In the light of common human ity It was wn-kediiess such as the his tory of war will Mud it dllllcult to match. Hern Id. Germany's stitimanne waifair I a Tcvcrnlon to hai barlsm liiacy in th worst days never Indulged Itself In such Inhuman methods a thine resorted to by Germany's navy acting under the In- i Ktru'-ions of the K:uer Th. nf the merchant steamship I alalia with Its ln.,,1 rt lhn,i,,i,ii, ,on .mm 1 1.) t Il t s the ale.' liberate eltort to sink the if the Aguila aftei this steamsnlp had been Mink, tlie cold indifference of the "gal lant" seamen u the C.eruian navy to Ihe fate of passengers and crew of these and other vessels slmllaiH attacked all these things levia! tho Uiasted "kultur" I In Its propel garb It I barbarism, bar- barium run mad Grrilinn lleriild. Do t011 jjn 111' 011 Ihr biiflinefif idiia fie bullrtH tin llytngt We observe that the Cngbsh after noon papers are much displeased with the Gentians because they torpedoed a passenger vessel If the former rules of nr held good we too should condemn Mich h proceeding, but the Kngllsh from the of the wai hnve thrown .11 rubs of war into t.n dis. ard we feel that Germany owes it to JtH own interest to do Jut what has been j "The Crown prince tetalri his pupil done. J larlty In military circles, although he The Geiman Adrnlraliy bus, on Ih- oes not sssess any real mllllaiT swer luary 4, ilu.v announced that all Allien' I outside of this clnle the Prince is re vessels In the war one will be torpe- ?arded less fiivoinbly Field Marshal von doed. Anybod.v using these vessels Hlnilenliui-g's decline in popul.n'.ty is take the same risk as If he were to go ,ue to his fallilte to accomplish what out on the batllelleld where the bullets tn, pbc expected hltn t' do In Po arc flying land. rtefaiise of ts suhmaune atrm ities in the water of the Kuiopeap war zone the Von Tlipitz Adminlty Is damned in the eyt of .ill civilization German warr.ors the m.rilful us well as the merciless, the humane ,i,s well as the eav.ifc, arc alienated Horn the world. Tnat l" the terrible tiling winch the Von Tlrpitz p. i. ites, slaughtering a few helpless civilians on Ihe sea have done to all the l( r M.m aril e Hut wh.le the Von Tirpitz Admlr.iliv ban thus blackened the German name we submit for the conHideialloii of en llgntcn'd hiirn,init that II hui outlnwed the siibmiinne fimn future use by IH'oplm mlistei in tin ranks of civiliza tion and Chi istmrilry I'sed 10 on purpose of war that be i imies tciif (i '.hieis and I101101 able nn n, It 'ma been made In Ihe uitnile of cow ii'dls arid tu ut . I ass.iss ns ,1 tiling of .nf.iiin along with t'e torturing bullet, the poisoind arrow and th bravo's d.iggi " ihnihi 111 Die back AUSTRIA INCITES ALBANIANS. Aitni'k on Vloitleiicurlns Itrpulseii Wltti TTrnrr T.nas, vrn,' cm,U In. nli I, in Till: tsis ItoviK. Match 30 - Hands of Albanians nllic d liv Misliians and ,ir ned wltli .v ,1,, 1 1,. 11 nli I'JH . atia -Ki'i me .vi.iiiicnii - tli lil-il.i.. bill vvcie ie p n i iin vi i . hi iv ,iisses Ir 0111 is 11 in b -a Moi tenegnus rnnfiised that the bantlo were i 'igeiiiecd i. 1 paid b Ihe Austrian Consul ut Sou-W. U. S. NOTE TO EITELFRYE Washington Demands Compensation for Ship Sunk by German Cruiser, but Not for Cargo, and Dis avowal of Act No Protest Expected. WAshinoto.s Much 3d - A note pre senting the views nf the American Gov ernment regarding the sinking of tn.i uhlp William P. Krye by the German commerce ilestroyer I'rlnx llltel 1'rled rich has been prep.ued at the Slate De partment After passing tluough 'ho ch.innels It will piobably be snt to llerlln liefore the end of the week. The fulled States note will ask that the act of the inmmunder of the Prim i:itel Pilcdrleh be disavowed anil that f ompennalliin be paid for the loss suf fend by the owners of the ship. Not only are otlli lals here confident that the I'nifil State" hjs case wnicn is .is nwncis of the vessel ami win not in dude the loss of the cargo. The Stnte Department has learned that the canto was sold In transit and was the property of an Kngllfthman before the Frye was sunk This Information regarding the cargo disproves, howevei, the condition of the 1'nnz Intel's commander to the effect that he salia the Frye becall-e he re- yarded her cargo of wheat ns contra- I rest The American note win assert mat since the cargo w:us not contraband the German commander had no right to sinu the American vessel In which It was car- The German .Vmbassador has estab lished clearly that the German Govern ment Is virtually already under obliga tions by Its own nctlon to repudiate the i slnklnir of the Fr e. He has called at- a cargo of conditional contraband to a t .. .,r(.. 1' inl.M not s'Jfll. cenl evidence to warrant the conclusion ,mt ,h(. cargo was consigned to the arn,p,i forces of the enemy an I therefore , treated as absolute contraband ALABAMA ANCHORS , . . niiv'T Al I .H. J tutV I at San Juan was recelveii by Assistant I Secretary of the Treasmy Peters to- Amerlcnn nvnl Officers Hold Con-lday ... .... . The lejiort contains some evidence i frrenee-l.ltfl MiiUr, Move. ' ,,,,,., ol dlVuKl wlncn is r.sarded Nonrou;. Va., March 30. After a day ; as Justifying tin- suspicion that a vlo nf lonferetices between American naval latlon of the ncutrallt.v of the I'nlted ,.,. ,., ,,, ..,. mix. ,,,,.: i-i.m l-rledrlch. now v-.....,. v. the .e.. raider made i ' ,,', , Bet awav from port to- ;.,;..' I request that he be allowed to tike on H0 tons of coal was made by Cart Thlerlchseli of the I'.ltel to customs oil!- I elaU to-day. It Is reported. The Hltel, 'it Is said ' would go over to Sewall's I'oliit on the onnoslte s de of Hampton Itoads from Newport News, to take on . ' ' . w( . , arrlval of the battlrship Ala r.- r KAISER'S POPULARITY j WITH PEOPLE GROWS, .Wilt nil Sny; (!eneraN Foinnlj Way to Stop lli In terference. I .l,roif iiM t)"polrl. in Tnr Srs LoNiios, March 30 The Neutral corifspondmt" of the 7lm, who Is In Get many. In his cable despatch dated vesterday recur to the Increasing po.- ularlty of the Kaiser, whose religious protestations aid strong aip.alr to the Almighty aie regarded b.v must of his subjects is sip.wiig neces,iilly that tie is a good and great 111,111 Nevertheless, he continues tho'e of the military faction, althougi they do not sjeak against him, are not Influenced i..v their llmperor 1 the were 111 tin e.irl stones Of tile Wilt "The Genelllls seem to liav- found 1 w.iv of preventing him from luteifei r g seriously Aith theli carriialgn Thev know that Gen. von .Molt he nn that Gen. von .Moltke was made the irapegoat for the failure nf Kaiser's own plan and thev do Hie not wih to suffer a like fate "His Majesty's (sipulai ll m tlie South hns sunk somewhat sline the fail ure to reach Calais, although he Is still ' regarded with indulgence "Sensible Germans kunw altendy that Ihej have met relative faillllc. despite superhuman (florts and bloody saeri Iices (ine must heal in liund the -enti-tnentaliRili of GermatiH, who are easlU depressed or il.ited, to understand llieir deadly atAicty, which at times beti;ns itself in theli conveis.itlon when they lire irv ing tn.'ir naruesi in ne ..iiii. om tor snuif. lint., in , out, no i Mieel t-illilei.- sor- of ills.ipiointiner.t need be ex peeled from any part of the empire. "The South German Stall's will prnh obi v llrst admit falluie when the time s ripe Then the great crnrh will come ovei all Gerinanv "Germans still think themselves t'.e li iseri jk-oi, , misunderstood b i ver bod notwithstanding the Kaiser's work for peace, simpathv nml the fiientlhhlp of al! the world II N reiuat kal.le to lltnl how ihleiisi'ly and siruerely tne be lief In Genua n'H woik for peace is asso ii.itt il with the (oiivnilon that llugland world d for war " rn 1 nnr cttvc crmr 1 u TD 1 nr FRANCE SEEKS GERMAN TRADE. VuiiiimI Paris I'nlr Vtnj lllval l.elp (lK llipnsltluii, Paihs, Manh 30. The Pari Munic ipal Council has dicidul lo coopeiate with the chief ami industrial iiiganlzatlor s of France in promoting a 1 ..reat annual Pans lair , The plan is lo make this f:i i hike i lie place Hi otie-nation. t Hade long heid by Ihe Leipzig fnir- aral is n e del m a step toward obtaining for Piatim and her nines irado which hitherto has been held by Germany. BERLIN ON CASE READY I Hi Hampton Itoads to-day the i warshltis off Cape Hcnr wait- hama foreign warships off Cape ing for the Kite FrledrlWi to start to I sea. mined awa.. In fact there was til, tin l,i start. h.n lit Allllinm.l tl.isseil . l. t. . . .... ..... ....... ......... I ...... ' (itiuilKll lite I apes, mil ine? ...-..- n.ic. reported ten mile off shore. , Hear Admiral Hoatty, commanding the -xiiiioik nru, near Aiimirni newi, uinii- i mniidlng the reserve Atlantic licet, who 1 to on linanl the Alabama, and Cnllectnr of Customs Hamilton held conference t at the navy yard to-day It Is be lieved that It was decided to notify the commanding olllcer of the Kngllsh I squadron olf the capeH that his ships J must not come within the throe, mile . Mmlt One of these shltw. said to have beep the Suffolk, camo within one and a half miles of Cape lUnry. The Alabama Is anchored nlmost In the middle of Hampton Itoads and com mands: a view of the channel In all di rections. Tne llrltlsh steamer Arlington Court is reported to have delivered coal to foreign warships on the Virginia Capes Customs authorities say they Investigated the report and found It untrue. The Arlington Court left here with and grain. GERMAN SHIPS MOVE. Cruiser HruuUl; n Wntelirs 'l'hriii nt ' Boston tlunrntitlne. Hoston. March .10. Four German merchant ships, the Koln. Wltteklnd and Wlllehad of the North German I.lovd I.lne and the Ockenfels of the Hansa Line, left the docks where they have been tied up all winter and went down to their otd anchorages at Quarantine to-dny The cruiser Hrooklvn promptly' steamed down to Quarantine and took , up a position In the main ship channel, west of Deer Island light, where she will have the German boats constantlv under survelltan e. The change will mean a big saving to the steamship companies, as the wharf age charges Aununt to a large sum eich , ,. ,, . . , month It Is doubtful If the Kron- ,'"'"" lt" Tnr st prlnr.ssln Cecil:-, Cincinnati and i H.ivik. .March 30. The tlylng trip of Amenka will leave the wiiatves for ev- ( Ambassador von Ouelow from Home is ral months, as they would have little t m.p.y.ip.i to iM, ,, . cov-r bis room at Quarantine in cisr of a blow i , definite itoiinrture from the country with REPORT ON ODESW'ALU. Il Illdll'O tes K n rlni V lllieln. 1 I W'ns Veil r nn .Infill. WahiUNRTvs. Maroh 30 A complete report of Coilis tin of Custom l. K I Itichardson of I'orto lino amplllyliig ! his earlier despatches regaidmg th at ' temptisl dash of the German liner eden- w-.iiu lor ine npcn si a irotii ine naroor .i.-.t..s w..s eontei,ii,l..te,l For the llrst time It Is disclosed that the Collector of Customs had renorts that a mysterious -hip. siippo-ed'.v the Herman warship Kronnrinz WUhelm. . linking a few miles ml San Ju.m 'at the time the Odenvv.ild attempt. J ,10 leive nrt Fishing boats w ere stationed along the ' channel at Ihe time the ndenwahl got i unuer way an.i ine suggesiion mm oeeri made to the Cnllectnr that these were. til-lee.l in .IS tn nirk nil tn. .'loi.mel I the iiilenwild .living liu Pilot on board BRITISH LEADERS FAVOR PROHIBITION 1 'oiituii.rti from -"ns' '.tor mei . liant slops c,n he sold at piesen' at three tunes the pr.ces obi.unable he. for.' the war "Tlie employers' unjustifiable attack." the executive committee continues', "will do mete to hinder the output than all the drink In the loutitrv Tlie public and the Clumcelloi of the Kxchciiuer have been leil in a false trail In false hooiLs We ate doing .ill we can to help the finplo.vers am) will wi Iconic th-ir assistance in mil social reform, but 110 good ever was done to ,m cause by sinh means i,s those adopted by the deputation and the,! We have received i-nmmiinii it ions from several employers who feel uimot us liierdv a w do vesLidajN libel nml wish to be dissociated from It" DOCKERS HOOT LEADER. i"'"' 'ii0f li'iyntrl. lu Tin s leiSisiN, March tin.- S'-eret irv Sexton of the Dockers C1I011 nihil essisl ,1 meet- I,).- ,,f 1,1.1 ll'llll IHHU II ,,,1...,,1 ....I , Wiin, ,(,.., , ,,,e ...,,,,,., of ,,'nv 1 labor tumbles at this 1 me . riois """' 01 ine iii.eiing .iiium ro shout hlm ilown, cursing him and accusing him v.: having uciepted bribes from the rlupowiieis. The meeting broke up 111 great confusion. The 11II.11 1i ,h the 'i.n are deter mined not to .vleld The matte, is to be irf cried to the exe, utive rnm m ttee of tlie union and speed v action Is iXJlected ' SPAIN CALLS MORE RECRUITS. Const Defences, lo He 1 1 ru a n I ei , I'reinler llnli, II 1 plains, prctill ihU ifpiilrli to Tnr M v I.onpov, Mar.h 3U -A Keuier des-, natch from Madrid says nn nllidil do- cree was Is. ued to . lav summoning to Ihe colors the recruits of the IM I class vv ho liav e not been all e.idy calleil Plimlei Patn, aflei ,1 council of the Mlnlters In the loyal palace, said there was no question of the abandonment ot panlsli neutralltv or of taking orfin e measures against anybmlv He explained the "cr-ple of Chin,, unite together to ' . .. ' . '....... thit the summoning of the recruits to the colors whs necessary foi tho oigan- U'lt.on of tcoas, defences PROTEST BY AMERICAN SHIP. Skipper of Vntllln Tells of lluil Trrntiuenl t Ilrltlsli, ''apt Geoge Cornehl of the Ainericin steamship Antllla, last repotted ills 1 barging cargo at Dundee under super vision of the llrltlsh Admiralty, has written a letter to tint ship's 1 linrlerers, Phelps UroH of 17 Ilailcry place, assort ing that he wan badh treated by the . ommaniler 01 ine criiro'r ingny. nut !hehl up the Antllla off the Scottish coast. 1 1 ommaniler of the crill uT Ibghy. lb it According In the letter, the skipper was ordered to his cabin and locaetl In and a relltry fiosted oulHlite Ihe locked 1 door. Afler Ihe AntillH reached Kirk- I wafl the skipper was rebised arid told that his ship would be ta'.en to Duntlee. On the vva she passed a floating initio I and '"apt. Cornehl iiked permlssioii -o send out a nii'ssage uaritlii; neutril vi sselH of the lociitlon of ihe mine He1 was not penuiitcil to do l,,s, Thi' An til.i was bound for Sweden and Den mail, and Phelps tiros, i.-innot under I island why sho was hold up and why her skipper was humiliated. GERMANS ADVANCE Liiinlslimn Take 'alios 1,000 Pris-j I Hussions Killed , oners: '-',000 Xnar Knisnopol (Jl'IKT IX WKSTKHX ZOX K IlKm.tN. via tendon, March 30 tier- nidn ilinrAtift, In Cnst Prussia Were an- ' nounced 111 the otllclal statement Issued nrR to-ckiy. The report was as follows: A telegram from main headquar ters dated to-day states that In the western theatre of war theie were only artillery combats nnd supping operations In the lighting which led to th occupation of Tuliroggen (Knst Poland), the F.ast Prussian l.und eturin, according to a report from I'linco Joachim of Prussia, espe. t tally distinguished Itself, taklna 1,000 prisoners. Near Kiunopol the Itiisslans suffered severe losses; some OOil were killed our booty In this light ing until yesterday evening was 3,000 prisoners, seven mm nine guns, one cannon and several ammunition cars. On the Skw.i. nrar Kllmkl. after a Itusslan attack failed, we cap tured two Itusslan olll'-crs and COO men. Near Olcyny, on the left bank of the Omulew two Itusslan night attacks were repulsed Itil'slan at tempts to cross tho Lower Hz lira failed." BELIEVE VON BULOW LEFT ROME FOR GOOD' . . ,., . ' t tl 1 1 II II LllVOV S - I 1 H 1- MM Is Tlioiiirlit to Mean Defi nite Departure. I thi consequent breaking "fT nf dlplo j matte negotiations . He hrth s,.rit a mi sage 'n the embnssv uspended until April I", hut many be ve th.v will not be ri hu:ii d for : ,fl!!L" tllll. In connection wiln h: depatture it is i iniiired that the Kaiser and the im perial Chancellor. I r v.-n Itethmatin llollwi g. it.t.tru teil 'he A'lit, is..dnr to offer on t tta'.v il.:,li the Ambassail ir thought insntllin, nt as !t wa less than 1.: had offered previously. HAY FORCE ENVOYS TO QUIT. Illll, tidvlseil ttl ,spoid I. HIV l.riinllnie Immunities, .rot' 'ilM- r,;sirr;. fe Till" .r It'iMi:. Mar h fl Prof -ciiute. i 'e d -ni'hority . canon l.i-.v. c,,ti 'lnis the report of .in agreement be. tw.en the Qulrl' and the Vatican for the depaituie from the Holy Sfe in case of wa, of the envovs of the be1 llgerent nations. Prof Sraduto eays the best action the i lovvrnm, nt omld take would be r msue a dis ree suspending the diplomat.. Iin nuiiltics which envoys enjov under thi l.iw of Guarantee, unless the represen at. ves of th- belligerents uur Home. t ImIIh it Orilrrs 'liieed I for I'mtl In i li' n ni'e. I Ii w is reported on good authori!) jej. terla that huge orders for 1 for w.irhips and for miscellaneous .supplies teritatlvelv placed in tin l States reeentlv b esei ,t at ! v,-s of the an Government have been plaieit in abe aiKe for the present The resrts con Him the nnlcle recently punt,,) in 'I lie Si'N that Italy dots not contemplate in tenng the wai for at least thiri d.iy POSTPONE CHINESE UPRISING. Ilrt ulul lonn rip A mioiiiii iiiirl of (o riiiiiciit III i'lrl. 1 tl ii thr Jar tl Htirrnu.) Tiikio, March an The Chinese revo lulionaries In Tokio. who until i.nw liav tirin buterl.v opposed to Shih-k'a.. have cabled the lollowlng stilling mainfiMo to the Chines,. pie through the leading m wsp.ipei s of tio'th and south China Tne manifesto is signed by the leading spirits of Hie milliter revolution It is as follows' 'The aftalrs of nm country are be. oiiobK more critical d.n bv , ,iv When we look westward 'o our homeland we i..ili the dinger which mnlront China and our hearts ,ue liouded by sorrow Therefore is i tlie more Im portant thil we should dissipate mis leading lepoits concerning ourselves and out' actions "It s said that we are going to avail 0111 selves of the npixutunltv of the Fai rope. in war to start trouble, and tint we at! asking the Japanese ,ni 10 time nt tu support tu, in bringing about a revo 11011 in south China Such reports are absolutely false. "Wu an- conscientious, we .11 e patri otic. Although we have been upim.el in the preei'tit Ailmlnlsti itnm in I'ekln ei will we never Introduce or Inlp to introduce alien 1 n tl 1 1 ne. s over our cum. rs Our llrsi object s I'hlna China's welfare 1 mr si cond object s tin. char- icter of China's government The Ili , terests of party politics aie um must temaln subordinate If 0111 ountr is lift from us where will hi our Gov ernnient 1' China -eases to possess Chinese government wher e will hi lh" i"nri"sc parties? We swmi we shall lievi Unit anv revolution while Ibis 1 risls lasts It Is our desire that all difirnl the fatherland. " - - j fTpj,jJJ SOCIALISTS LOYAL. III Itetltrn i lie, Itxpeel In Itrcelve, lucre used I'rlv Ilexes, I.onPos. March "O A di spate', frou; 1 .i 1 : 1 " : . 1 1 reaching lb liter s Agent' 01 wav nf AttftTdain i s tnat tlie So-. l.i 1 ft pally diet of Hesse has adopted a lesiiliitlon i.xpressm-' the beliet that as a lesiilt of the stanch suppoit of the Governrnent by the Genu in Social-I istJ in the picscht wai thit p.irtv will leii'lve rl.'hts and privileges eipial to , those ietl P. other partu s ine resuiiiiion sis 11. 11. enue sate giiatdiiig all paits principles, the So lidllM deputies will Vote for the b idi et In order "lo show the world Ihni Get maru I united In Its effort to gain the viclniy and lustliig peace" Ilrtiin llospitnl VV fcl. Ileulos. Hospital laiiip.ilgn wcili begins to 'ia di The Ibitiix mi 'Oiiliiiues unill pnl 'I Thn campaign in lis. funds lo Inula a hospital ,n Crntot i Park Hast mid Charlotte slieets will open with two. Her n anil for the eluslv Gerin.i'. ves- :m ban I'm 1 -v ,n lift I n, will t as concerts and mass meetim. i nt Mt. Mor- sel has even Liken her u connldcrable I signed tn the lib vcnlh Cinaliy for duly rls lllch tichool iind Public tjchonl I, j illttaiire up thn Amazon. I at Fort Dglulhorpc, iltsrgla, RUSSIANS GAIN IN i MOUNTAIN PASSES' Austriim Troops in llnl.-nvinn .MaUc Ailvnncf Nortli From (.'zoniowitz. (i K l M XS S11KM. AMV ,l.eeii fnhlf lKllrh M Tnr l I'KTlioiliiAh. March V). The captiiro nf fortified Iirlith's and nearly fi.000 men reporled to-mght. Is evidence that the Hnsslnn forces are winning tho battle of the Carpathian, which l to settle ! the faie . f Hung irv The olllclal state- i ment of the General Starr records, how- j lever, a partial si es nf the Austrlans I m llilkowlna. where they have tarred, 1,1... fnll.r nml i,rreli.,l mirth Tlie , statement follows- On Sunday a German vs.el ap- penciled Mbau ion the Haltlc) and llred two hundred projectile, kill ing one civil!.!! and wounding an other Nn s.ddiers were Injured On the ftnn' .vest of fie Niemen Itlver the lighting co'tltmes On Sunday, near the village of Strum KiKtnW, eight miles northwest of Ixirozieje, we captiiied reliinantH nf a (Iprriin bittallon which had lseti attacked b) us with the luynet. numbering two hundred nn the right bank of the Niirew, ii'tuevn the Skwn and flmulew, lighting riintlmies for the posse. shin of the Isolated woods and heights We have driven the enemy out nf the region mound the Milage of Wach In the Carpathians, between the pol'its .eadln-i t., Itartfeld and t'fok Pas, out actln-s are develop .1 with perfect Notwith "tandlng the enemy's stubborn re sistance and a series nf desperate cuUttU" attHcks, ue acaln cirt let! some fortllled posltlnn on the leduhts, and cnptureil Surdiv n.d Monday Tu officers and r,.J. men ami guns 21 machine guns and 1 trench tmutiir. A detach'n'iit of the enemy ad vancing frri Crernowitz lliiko ninai : Sunday forced wir frontier and pu.hed f,,nv ird h ilf wav tn I'hotln Measures lc i. taken to meet this Ineiirsl' ti GERMANS IN AUSTRIA. Illll, IIIMl Troops Unshed In I'niniii nnd tlie I'll rpn I bin n s. 1'NI'oS. M ,'. it .IP VI I On German tioops have ait' -ed I A .. i. icon ire! j ,rll and bnv lieM' se"t to I'l.t, the Carpathians .nul to olhei point w'V'ete attacks .i.e feared i -c dirg to a despatch to the loruin? Po,f fto'll its llei ii correspondent "ne h indted and seventv ir op trai' he s.ivs. have icieheti Augvar slice Ma'ch "1, most ,,f the men in them e. Hii'iirlins nnd Snxnns. Manv of tl eni, vers i sa.v? students und.r 1 Ml. MEL WA:- FORTIFIED. Itiisslans llefetld Vlcrvsiire laUeti li 'I heir Primps, l.,,nos. Man h "' - ltcutn'' cor respondent it Petrograd f.rward an III lal statement in ep'.v to the Grr man cnnient.on l.iat .vtemel was an un fortified town The statement soys "The Inhabitants of the town treach erously took put In the fighting, com pelling the Kusetan to adopt , xcep ' 'ir. al measures wMn.ii were unavoidable under tin' circumstan, es '' After giving various instances nf vm atlon of the laws p; war eharced by the liue.ins aganvet 'leinianv the state ninit savs t at under su h cir tim'.mres 'ieiin.iny has no 1 .e'ht in mike accusa tions against the ltusiau troops VIENNA REPORTS GAINS. Ittlsslmis llepillseil lli-splte l.l of i rniips I'rmn l'ereills, Spir.j I'nhtfi t'lt , fe Tils -! x Viiixsa, March .10 -The Ail'trl.'in leni"-al St. nf lepuits the arrival in th , Cirpatlilnns ' .1 part of the P,ushi;i lone whh '1 reduced l'.reiris .,rid us parin Iptition in Hie ibvpetiite Viatile now being fought from thi 1'ilkla Pass south lo l.le Cslok Pass The statellleli: 0 lllgllt I as follilWe There was vigoioiis flKiitlri'; e--terdav "Ami, ami iat ut ihe l.up knw P.ns StiotiK forces lesuni'd theii iitfelislve winch lasted Into the night The em in) was eVer.VWhele reptllhlsl With lie.lV' losses There is also obstinate hunting be'we, rr 'he Height of l.upkow ind the Crok Pass. I' .tt IvN south ot I've' .k Ihe Ii'.',. tut was noted o' i div.eion lib ,h ' oinpo-e ' im-i oi t'le forces ' ItllsSi 1 I",', lit I b.tore P.Vrimsl Itiissln I'riitsvs i tui n llfiies, W isill'. iTnv. Mat ii 30 -Not if nf a IV sul.sf inlllll gelieril 111' lease in .ill IlllsMah t.llifl ate. w I- reie'ved it the I iep.,1 t'nieriT of I'onimei.e lo -la.v troin the l'lt'.teil -st,,., i' it .11' ;, mi ,1 , P.'t'oeail The n. T.iM. ,ili' Ige flO'll 3.', lo 10 be- cent Itlal none is less than l'l p." . el,l 1 allele, tu ,, Ifeeteil, it Is stated It is un'i'l-i,,,' 'he in ' ises f,,r Ihe plilpi.e o' raising- ' I'V enile "I'M NOT A HERO' KING ALBERT sbolllil l.tiol. tn Trenches, (. 'tells Swiss I uteri lei er. j '.rs-iv'A March Hii 'l ,,m c-t a hero 1 1 w 11 ibid i n n om rrii''iej." sa'.l Vlliett lite King nf the Ifelgi.llis. ,,l pIS i' itliU,l! 'ers ill t .e Held ,11 l'l IllerVieW to d.iv Willi l'Miiii.irtl Ch.ipuisat of the fun run! ill (t'f net e liming Ihe 'Oliver, e.ition the guns ot t'e Dclgni'i- ami the Germans were sounding onsi.iiit; . "I alllrm thai b.foii ihe wai I ,-iud mv coiirl 'v , " s.utl King A'hei t nliseiveil sci upulotislv ,i' the leijlll 'ments of ninl frailty thai the Poweis proscribed lot us with a pns Islon ol tne spiciiK iitliin; in nn en ii 1 1 1. . tnr i 'iiiloi'l "Vo'ir neutnililv.' he said i f-i'.-t ruin to Switrcibinil. 'is in at t of sttvetointv luirs had been obligator! bv an agree melt nf the Powers NeV el'tlli'liss, w.U see tin n suit " - - SYDNEY LEAVES MONTEVIDEO, 'the llniden's Host ru er em : ,,, ,. p,,,, In for M..sTi:vitfii. I'liigiiay. March :;u Tlie Austrillan cruiser S.vtlriej. which ilcs't',ed lln German commerce labbo llmibri, arilvi'tl lii'ie i'.ste tlay left to-tla The lliiuliii wjh distrti.veil m ;h,. .1 ti. Vo,, . 1.. -n, I V.' . .. J i, ,, ,'t.wi,.., , i mo,' alter ,ll I Vlilllb'i. I'evlfti 'hen lame to the Vtliiniic In hi'.'iich l"i lln K 1 1 Ni iihe. a d ii .1 .1 ti ti ,i i v whs lepotled a lie .nil'i HERE TO PLEA D CA USE OF FRANCE MILITANT. Miles r. 'lois Also Will Heiioi ton1 H. Food PnKiuetioii nnd Kxportntioii. Jules Hois. Journalist, author Chvnl ler of the Legion of llonor nnd prophet of feminism In France, has conic to the I'nlted States with credentials1 from his Government to plead the cause of Frame militant and to mako repoits on our food production and exportation He will make a speaking tour of tho I'nlted States, study th methods of teaching Frein h in the schools of California and KV(. , comfl, of lpclur0H at ,hl. i,mw:x. .aPfl, .;x,)0.,ion 0 the varied in- ju,,, f ,.0r, M. Itili was the gue: esterdav of .Mri. Corliel.lis V allllei llllt .V lle Mill mom afterwanl he said he would speak llrst on April 7 at the home of Mrs H. II. Harrlman Then, as France's delegate, he will express the gratitude of his countr.vmen to Americans for their rympm'.. and lal asslstancv since the beginning of the war l.atei a Columbia l'nlve:s,t. the .Museum of French Art and other places he will, while observing the spirit of American neutrality, describe the de struction of France's art treasures dur ing the war. explain the present feel- I nigs and aspirations or the rrenen I people and make a plea for the demo I cratlc faith and ph.losopliy of France . and the Cnlted state, as opposed to the hegemonv and Impel l.ilisin with which I he behaves i iermativ is trying to dominate the world "Gcrmanv s political ideals bsilt to the past." s-ild M. Hols, "while thoso of France and the Cnlted States f ice th riif,,,, Tin, I. tat urnsriect of having a ! Kalsei of the world passed away with Napnlenn. Since all the gteat nations of the world are now civilized none of them wants i Kaiser among men or a laiier among nations German? 's ptlde must tie humllated German, must be beaten. The blood which is being shed now is the price of a great peac j "Franc tn-iliv Is ilgit'.ng not only fni lu-relf but for Ilelnlum. Servla. the lav. the Czech, foi the liberation of the nir ..f men Her inspire! Ideal i-r peace is that 'nin should and will be ! i ome iit.zer" of .i planet as well - of a lomitrv She ni-eiN '.i-day that the whole wond nin ,l,i be demiK-ratlc, :i ,it n il ii'ii flee M Pecs en'tijsnistr illv of h.s FRENCH TARE TOWN "ANDTOFlCH LINES Aeliller Porees (.erninn. t Hetire in Disonler Fnnii llfiiilieonrt. FHMITIXC IX THE VKVHK kp"el' 'ohlt ir.r'it'. to Tni rv Pvr.i. M irch 3" -The ch et .nfantry a, '.mns rfirded m th- mfieial 1 om muniriuC's ti'-div took pltue In the wc8t ern Part of the llo - le Pretre, lu tne Woovre. nrd the road fr m St. Pierre Inn to llegnleville, west of Pont-a-Mouson In the forrmr district the Freneh captun-d a line of German trenches, taking 100 prisoner, nnd held It in the face nf a violent oour.ter at tack I-, i .e flshllng west of Pont-a-MoUS- ., itmnsti nost wa.- taken and 1 111 ...... rt three co.mtei attack French art.llerv fire forced the Germ.!.- to re t,re in dKoidei from the vill.cje of Heu dieouit neat St Mihiel Herman aviator homl'-vrded P.heims ' Moiiilnv. one "f the I.Jtr.b. falllrtf 01. the .ipse of the cathedral. ti,.. . iinimumiiue i-ued a Ou'.r.S mht the enemy .01.1.1. nd to bombaid U'.su .'issfillly tec 1.1 nines at NVupoit. 10-day here w.u- 11 teronttent - anni'iimlltig ,',1, he enlue front from the ica the Alle Tne tight ln 1. region p.ithes. Iteails.joui and Vllb-sui. Tourbe 'iiisited ot an artillery ac tion and m win fare. In which We g.l.lied tile ildV kt'tilKi'. In the Al go ut" the lighting con t nues at eoiiie points. It 1- very tuiii'iuus. but nn apptrs.nble ru. suit his been achieved b either ' Fort Hoiianmonh north of Ver I 111, wa boiiltiiil deil .sterda by .cvcijt 51 ceiit'iii.-tei- "hells Our lltl'.lf'V 'iiMieibatelv ledll'e.1 the Gei.lill'l battel to silence The i'01. suffeieil no d.i'nage In c ii'-lit'. p., 1 ' ot the Hio le.I'elie we . 1.1: l. d .1 lino of tt en. he, t iking 100 pr.eoni). ". In cluding one officer and three lion- olllllllsiOtll-l nllliel'k. III Kpite of a violent 1 outlier attai; we hold ine grcatm part of the captured ren -lies r,'t of Po'it-.i-Moitsson. on the .vol :10m S- lieire Inn to liegnle v we ciriied .1 1 e 'Hall Iist lasl 1 glr and n pulsed thiee German 01. lite- III.!' l.H On the hattlellihl of Hartm.inns weilei- Ko,f TO!) liiTiilau ileail were . Olintell. The foiloivs .teinoon omniimlti'ie was s In tie Champagne ilisl'lcl a Ger 11. m aviator estirda threw bombs down on I ho clU of Ithitms and wourded two itersor" 'me projec tile fell on the upse of the catheilral V. well lllecteil aitillerv rite troru a I'remh bilterv Inned the Ger 11 .ins to rente it, ilisniiler from the Villagl oi leudiciillrt 10 the noith east of St Mihiel t all other fiomts .n the war ,10c e the d,n passed quiell No In fant: v engagement look place GERMANS MOVE EAST. . ( I'erennsl's Pull I'orees Iteilri I'erenn . ., .. 1 1 ' r' ..'nl l-l'.e I, ;-,lfi A a Till' Sis i Lo.siins. .M.ncli 3.1 -The linilu i cori i-iHtiiueni a. .vmsiei-.tam ten grapiis rh.ii IlilKiui refugees at SI'iis r epnr t lb, it the i i. i mans coiiteinplatii letulng fiom the Yscr In conseiiience nf the fall nf Pcicmysl and the daugei' of a llus. sl.m invasion of Hung ny A consider. ihlc forie of .voting troops have , ilnt, nl left Flanders, they assert, an.i then arc other icpmts of a iciabb' iutivi'tiienl nf Genu in tntnps to , ward the eastern battle rone In-, ' l.nimlMiriie I. ii in lieorulii I'osl. V v s It t v . ro'. M.'llih to -Slcietir.v Gt t'liioii d I", lav ,lior He t. T Luilteiie. ex hi t. he ( 'he r1 t Jules Bois. rommlrsions Horn tlie Frein i .Ministries of i oinmerce and agriculture, but showed wheru h s heart lay when the subject of feminism was broached. Although he has not rotno here to speak of the message with which he i-.tiise.l Criinee tn 11 isilmiderat inn of woman suffrage in his novels "l.'Kvc Nouvelle" and "WV.u rnal Itetour" h. may nevertheless speak of his work If occasion nffrs H siimmarlitd his views of feminism -hils "Ves. i woman should nave the iote nd that w, may have more votis but that new moral element the mother ele, ment. may entei into the politic il world 1 do not believe women are any More worthy of the franchise than men. We must have more perfect co operation between men and women. A great moral for' is lertaln to 'ome into the wur!d th.-o'ish developing the Idei of man and wornm as one rathei than a e, parate eir.tps I biv. ti'd to show thi 'n my t...k 'I." ijouple Futur' Through tne fii'til'iiei.t , f suc'i a union, i,. I. licit as well is lomesf. . mank.nd will si -ne d.iv .tta n t , a divine h"v TURKS MASSING ON ASIA MINOR COAST Nils inn I'leet flenrs' Hlaek Sea of the KneniN. Sas lleport. HOMHS ON HHITISH SIMP lisnos. March 3e The Tu-a a-e ma ng large niimte'rs of troops tt Smyrna. .icco dig to the Havi Agi'ncy's corresoori'lert ' A'hers, to nn'est nry tempt ' v the ,r; ed fee' to land trnp, on th A-:i M rM .-a The irimi' correspondent sajs thit on Monday the French fleet In the Dar danelles conducted an intermittent bom bardment of Tu position, but no general bombardment Wds at tempt."!. The shlJM we e aided In these operations by acroptincs The Turk, who nre said to be l u-.'v engaged m re pairing tin damage .ion,, 'o the fort'tlci- I t.on in the bombir Iment mule ! Olll.l . feeble !OJilv to t c vtssls fl-,. I A Turkish oMlr al stateme' 1 u . ve' I her. b w:-eless from ller!:i ..Vs ' .1 Turkish seaplane has ,totpr,l ,..n o. 'on a lliltlh warshin crii.sini .., P.irdanelles No lorirlrrnatiot c t s has Been ri-eelveil and the s' makes no mention of the Identity or the damage - irfen-,1 The llus"i,iii tie, t. unoili.e., ;ece!veil here s-.,v n.,, ' 'i 1:1 I I Sea of hostile War . ', riuple despatch r. le.viii . , "let : S-e ' . , -ts it . r t I t .- ' 1 .. r tin and A'ns-c tdain s,,. t t.. Il is- sian war-nip- wui. !: r. . - i ..1 if .1 ,ie. the .niti r Itiispit 1. fee's ,hr 1 .,,, 1,,, attack and steam, d ,1.1 - g tt w.; nr an hour It ipci. . rr ; , r . elte.l tha' I .. .1.1 111.,- w e ! '..' o 111. lorts bv the boutli .r.iitei 1 fite f m, filed OIll.V .1 few stalls 11. l,.., lb, lies- Patch givliti! 'he 1', ness r'ie liu si in tire as the leason Th- TuiKsh , War 1 mice is ipiotui ,,s tnnou' ' r'j that j I In- Anio-Fierich tie. t has r-su iiiil 'he j boinbitiilinent nf -he Inudum-i;, . r-tt-1 at long range, wltli only 'ti-igi. meant I emits 1 Piil I M iisi i von ,e: ti., t,, 1 , . I'erv.ett .eg-aplteil fl 1 undid is t.,.it " . It, .1,,. . . d f- nces in, ve, -no:. "f,,.:iv, h.- befit epi.te, ,i thai '.. -.','.1 1 alllrm thar the Allied He. ivou'l r be able to force tin- ptss.U' ,,f "1, The 'i, ,l M.irs.i il 'ni.finied "We await ,1 rn w it-.i, ,, 1: fe Tn mon -hns- iln-e 1 c, t . s -Ibd we (halt le We d . , : 1 ,. iiiiinlt.oti rot i ink. -11 t t ,, il- with nil vve want Tr' I'.is h. n sulllclt niii d, v ,. ,. d a freeh army of 500 into v h . - ii i ,i i-i wi e.lsv to lu , nlmr "Coiuftantlnople . it-it ail c-,. s- tall is sill! ill 111" H n tie II KIIIs KlIViT - 1 ist . , ind we are commend s 11 Vx 'I'he Field Matshil h i ! Hach.ues for llerlln TURKS' FIRE FEEBLE. srrtff' ' Ib'r fu.ftll ' V TS' St latS'P"S- Mir, h "0 -tn.. i.thon- ihe , Dartlanelli s e.s(er,l.iv '.v,ie ontlned 'o an intermittent hoinhardm I o' ihe ! Turkish positions The water t 1 ires to I iieiat, ng ii. il'ri.iing - 'i , .,,n, ,,. .,. j porting the effecte ol s ots pbe tepp of Ihe Turks was te. hi, I OFF ICR TO BULGARIA. , l-ospns'. viar. n n the repoit tl.-i Iluikev has .uitln.i i..'d F M irha! 'von il It?. !. c inltb t rcKOtiations llulgir.i lo ,. Iig '.oa.llil ,1 eon- tmuauce ,,f Hie I'm's neutrality ,ind i to nffer f" th, . , t.ll '.ttton of tip. prus. ,., . tlont,, u, ,al,ing ihe l.'i),ts..Midi,i ' llin. the lioiitit,ir ,i in intliii enii nr to keep hei out of the tonllici is rete,itcd I by th. Ageiv s c rnpondi at Athens 1 he t in n spoudeut says h has nli aund i ontlriinitiidi of ihe repoit liom iliplom me out i e. T'e siiggestetl chinge lu Hie bnund.tiv would give tile lllllginai's Ailiialiopl' Iv. t Kixiiisscii aim otlnr towns of im portnnt'e Itulgaila. according to dnnpatchts. , i . e.vcl fr m Sulla hv wav nf iVn.i ""inuig up sn pinenis or tieima t'l'eiv ami iiiiiinnnit no, iioni lor 'he ,ui o' tin Turks ib'e mimbi" or i ; ,, , o h ,v i' hi i -in in n Tin I., l m t II v s' I I- tnr 'his sav a tv ,' Sun, i aw. i passports lo enable tin m o lciuni home. PARIS SEES TROOPS: FIRST SINCE AUGUST Heciiiieiit rroin Trem-lie, Wifli liiinil IMm inn Thrill, llolllevnnls. (iOlXfi TO DAIIItWI.I.I.KN Paris. March '.o - t-Vv t-.- since war was der tared tiie g-. , vnids nf Paris were thrilled li the tramp of march. fg trnoi blare of a mllltarv band .lust afte i, oi lisl, v I e storm w',,,.1, t,.,,i i,,,,. , ig" g ,nl i e, i, lied Its height, i r, g I r lit1, headed bv baiiiN i p.iinotii airs, i a tiie i i Champs Hlvsees, .ast the i ' T- omphc and the ce into tii i,., ,,. ,r , ai tie Madelelre The thr- nc on the s dew ' f tie bigle 'inies thong'ii . , t le Ze,.poiiii alarm was - , i ii' when thc hrus Dsl i their eves they found tlie' - n amaemem upon sol. I j along in column of f..-j--Uniforms of horl.on blue w " t full ind field equipment r sIk ulders The astonishment "t tie r -wa as, w en -In. n,,, Hf, lies Itallens ie.iehe.1 a from Tun Si-.v oilier the . ' r, to a hull, the Colonel nil . .f "'t' dismounted nd tie men v , a-tns on the sidewalk w "1 tn . ptecls.on. When one remeinhe-s t ,,r ; the completion of mob luaf been permitted to gale i;, i t iee of troops nn l e inr , appris-late the . te- . .. tins ime.pectil ninvi ici t i mllltarv nm g , I sieged the smiling pioU-plojN t 1 rs nnd in a good "nam ,.ih. - i while old men stood w h , . 1 One whitehalred bystai ! ' .- I nearby, ''h.i'g.',! I money as possible Into qve : , and dlxtrlbtiteil then . " . When lis llrst supply w.i , , .. hurried nfj for mo-e. ai 'i . march was reuni'sl t . .if, i 'hut eve-v man In the : eg i,' ' richer hv live f'an Tobacco shoifi were emp'.ed e t stocKs 111 the crowns e.tgei-. ply the soldiers witn . ga-'f It is so si'ldoi that Pir -a sight even of Indivd'itl the real lighting nun n' I" tne spt! tators weie ver, ic , nutation for the stalw .i-t . i II "I v: these vnutlis w-ho looK-d. the verv cream "f tli I' unit was timde .; ? mints whlc.1 hmi tieer, n 1 tc.e front, ami reer for, . tc- Of voilths of the 1,'isi hive not vet bfe- ha; t jted t ire wc-e among Item t'..s I'rench cnll pollus. o- t 1 from- the trenches, nnd and l'l Just turned tn . - 1 nil like viti'.u.s It whs learnisl late. .,1 .'ome afoot all "he w v fr rna,n-en-Ixiv ar.l t i form part of m .1 o I 1 -for. e to ' -e Ii . r. . Thev h il'ed fo - ' 'i r, Tin St oitl .In- 1 w nth ' l,. 1 , . s .1- w w . ' :'. '. ' I - 1 t . t 1 ,. ete ,11, . I I t: Our fixed policy : :, making boys' clothes l is based unnn 1 .ill. 1 ri . . 1 - -" -e j important business fac Ha tors: I'trst ahvavs tn x- tr consider quality before 1 quantity. Second a! ways to use notluru Vs.., ,U. V...., t..-:..-t.' ?i .in viiv. utai uuittiuap t ) materials and work jl manship. E this policy, stnc'" adhered to, ha tie v.elrsr.e.1 . V. . .1 .. i Ja - .'w'v.u uiuu3iiiiu ti & i cizular customers wh learned as boys to ap preciate the lastit- goodness of our d ments. itii Valtir idr.lls: nre st, Hi inr-ly portrayed in .r t g present sliowniR J Boys' Spring Suits a- U Js Overcoats IBrokaw Brothers t Astor Place kfounh Awnx Subwjry SlaiKm.ttDcx 'r-Cfi frtjtnrnmc-aTmii.t,uiiiwm; -tt-i i ffls BARBARA'S MARRIAGES By MAUDE RADFORD WARRt.N Mr-. Warren p: r--' tfro.-t iiip: prolilom i v novi'l. Iiiirbani - ' " ti-oiis, anil piissicijui-' ous of kiiovvir.e,- . marrifs a man n' I ' lie hor fathi-v. Ht thoir vvvililiiitr.iluv lo lii'Klll her -oat. !' ' lll'.S.S nil ov Ii IIU'IUI o' it .sho l up- it t" " alloys. Anlicip.i't tinii. anil iulii'iii' wide hoi's. Framispit'- f ? HARPKR A WHO , ' GREEN STRIPE hOTCH Pure, I.itlit. IVIkiU ANDREW USHLK A U ' ",!"