Newspaper Page Text
12 ;Z GOLD COMES BACK TO RESERYE BANKS Cash HwcrvoH Also Iiicitiisp, niiriii:o nil fl I'liilmlflpliia I .ending. SOUTH (SAINS IN LOANS Wahminhton, April 21. -i'IiIi-hrii ami PhitudelphlH reserve hank allowed the realm). Increase In cli reiiervei laM eK over tlif BhovvltiR a week hk. lint there wnti an In nil tin- bank, testrvtn of ll.son.onn, Tin- Inorrn n- In the Bold reserve vviis even larger In pro portion. New York, Philadelphia ami ChluUKo leading. New York rporl net withdrawal of 11,300,000 of olln-r cash. ofTs-l largely ,y a. not Rain of about l.20n.0n re ported !iy the ChlraRo bank. Injun and dlwountu allow a ciiln dur ing the week of about $r.0n,nnn, Muli ctantlal giilnn under thin bead ate ahown mainly by the three Southern bank, Dull. hIiowIiik the larsiwt In crease for the week. The amount of acceptance- held by th Baatern nnd Wcalcm hunk ahnvv a decline by alxiut jiriO.onn for tne ween th larger loss reported by New York pneouraRrd when the amount of their being partly offset by Rains by the Kan-. ,.;,(, receipts Is somethhiR over and be au City and Hoston bankp. About two- I yun, tl(.r rxpendltiitep. thirds of the amount of acceptances held pndor th" conditions stated above It by the reserve banks Is conix)sed of ) nt nut-prising that the movement In niniir nMVDted by trust companUvt and t,ii,i,nlnnu coal rests upon so .even a lightly over 30 per wnt. of paper hc j keel as at present In so many quarters, cepted by member banks. ' t seems to be very much the situation Of the total amount of commercial ,n.,t t. grade ot coal Is sold at a price ppr held by the banks no les than (0o I1P,ir cost and charges, and this 43 per cent., as against 3S.H per cent, at condition Is artlved at by reason of pur- th nd of the previous week, wiip paper pB HUpply which glvep the consumer maturing within thirty dayp, while the ,hP advant.iRe. In many of the coal hare of sixty day paper was 33.4 per producing districts of the central States cent., as against 39, per cent, a week thj, unfortunate situation Is more no before. .tlceable than elsewhere because of the An Inoreiis of about $340,000 Is re- totalized markets, as one might say, and ported under the. head of agricultural t).p Mocks on hand at certain points be- peper maturing after ninety days, this cause of the mildness of the past winter, typo of paper constituting at present n otlief districts there seems to be a bout T. per cent, of the total hnldlnps better hold on the tonnage shipment of the banks. side of the affair, and while prices are A net gain of $1,300,000 In Invest- to our mind In no degree as they should fiMfnts of munlrlpal warrants Is reported he, there Is not so much depression, for the week, Cleveland. Hoston anil When one comes to the trade which sup- Chicago reporting the largest Increases, ullc the Kastern markets there Is per- Th a,mount of United Mates bonds held haps a llttfe better feeling In regard to by six Western banks remains un- values and there Ik not so much tonnage changed at $,00,000. An Increase of being offered. While this makes shorter about' $500,000 In the amount of capital work at the mines, It Is a better conJI- pald In Is shown, this Increase helnR Hon for the coal owner. One of the best due to advance payments by member features In regard to this part of the tanka on account of the third Instal- , hltumlnou coal trade Is that the ma- mnt due on May 2. jority of operators are not closing up Deposits show an Increase or over $$ 000,000, New Tork and St. Uiuls reporting the largest gains under this head. Federal reserve agent re- port a total amount of notes Issued of I61.2D0.0OO, secured in part by the de- lioalt of $39,200,000 of gold. The banks report $44.2SO.OOO as their outstanding iilreulatlnn. Their net liability upon the I notes outstanding Is placed at $10.- 819.000. Following Is the statement of the three regional banks. New York. Hoston and Philadelphia : HESOURCES PhiU- llo.lnn New York delphta. riim-'ate""'1 IIS.M.wi :..U3.roo it(.9il.o,o tel tender notes. ilvr certtlteatrs and ..... subtldiary colli tjy."" II Jit. '.'7- ToioN . iii.ut.frt jiu;.i::,(i i?.i3.oo Mil, .ti.miiitH ami loMtis .MTo.1" .INI,"..I LCW T,S.1 f.ltt.' lnvr?tmnli line froai other T. K. n.. nri All other re. aourcH lt.tti.oxi s.-,l,ooo M;t,oAn Totals. . . JJl.sai.on) tSJ,?;i.nm I.IAHII.1TIKS tteier lpoil II7.W1" l.4.'" nn In other K R. B.. net. 4 .!. . Caoitsl tAll in. 3.M."iO ,;.fw.i 4,15l.ftV) AH other lis. bllltlre l.ll.ty Totals BUICLDES USE SAME METHOD. Workmen Shoot Theniel r , In Right Temple lolle I nUnoii. Fritz Strassner, 51, an ironworker ot 419 Hlmrod street, Williamsburg, shot and killed himself yesterday in the sub basement of his home. After gutting up earlier than usual he told one of hl-i eona he was going to the yard for an airing. He went to the basement In stead and shot himself In tho right tem ple. The family could give no motive for the suicide. Albert Uertsch. 2fi, a motorman of r0J Bushwlck avenue, Williamsburg, yester day committed suicide, by shooting him self In the right temple. He had been up only a short time, and hail been called to breakfast when he ended his life. His family could Rive no reason f . hie act. HUGUENOT RUINS SOUGHT. RjteSTMtnr at .Vevr Itoelielle l-'lnri Old Htnnr Konniln t Ion. New HocilKl.I.E, N, V.. April 24 The aearch Henry M. Lester, a pre. dent of New Hochelle. han heen conduct Ing In tho hope of Undine tho rulriH of the orlttlnal Humienot church hullt here In 1710, la renultliifr In Intereatlm; de. velopmenta. Peter ,1. Turnure, who haa been exca vatitiK on the entute of Huruenot and DIvIkIoii Htreets, reported to-day that lie had found part of an old stone foundation Search will ! made for the foundation of the chancel, other cities. beneath which it is s.ild lie the lwines Mine tli.iu $7,.'iOn,iiiio been loaned of the Hew Ianlel Hordet, the tlrst ' tblif fai by fifteen .Morris plan com HuRuenot pastor, and tno other pasturs ' panics, lellevliu; the necessities of over of the church t;n,onn borrowers AHT SAI.KH AMI KMIIIIIl IONS. NOTICE PRELIMINA1RE 11 Is lltllr unruliT in fllsiarlin!nittnir rt n hm ninriii rxpori rutin tm uMirr mhi- vits j he 1.11111 rnrilj ht tin' 1 nltnl litii ntii.t"nnirnt as tin supfih fnrihriipilim iliptt Tf rlinji lnJm put the 4tinp tlom thl hi h tll' tMiit SILO'S FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES int. .ii 1: sii.o. i i rniM i tt.i sdi. H111I1I111K, Fifth Av nml i-r. Went t.itli St , ThKo I'li-asilie III lilioiinriliK I 1 II nlrr nl Ml ssitv IIIM millllll A lll,ll.M:, Mt s . 1,0 II av THE PUBLIC EXHIBIT AND SALE By Public Auction in These Galleries of ' SUPERB MARBLES PAINTINGS CABINETRY AND. OBJECTS D'ART Itti:i.o(ii.Mi 111 Princess Francesco Rospigliosi AND MAGNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENTS Estate of the Late F. Augustus Heinze J till II sion; nil 1 1 him, Both the EXHIBIT hnd SALE will be included in the week of MAY 3. The Auction Seaaiona wilt continue until thia great offering haa baen entirely dispersed. I'uilhrr drlall tn imnlni; adterllenienli. THINKS BUYERS GET COAL TOO CHEAPLY T. K. Siiwiircl Advises Opora ItH'K In Mnrk V Prices to Oivr Tliom Profit. KXPKfTS HKTTKK THADK H 'IIHIMlllICK K. (Utt lBI). The uplift In roininerelnl and Indus trial condition proceed at a moderate pare and one may my 1 hh t there Ik eoiiietl-lnis of a cheerful notn In the pit nation which In douhtlr Imparted by thi propltloim day of miring. They are of mich a character ap to make one feel that there must be a betterment of con ditions which will Impart polldlty to the whole fabric, Conservatism In perhaps the keynote of ll-c present day pltua Hon when one Rets away front certain factp which are better left behind by the huplncHP man, for bio often these nre most iinilcslrahle factor. The main pprltiK of the lupines situation In our country In that which lend to the em ployment of the people at one pursuit or another, po that In Hp turn thope eiiRaRed In each branch of Industry feel too much of their pronanie ompui .n last year's contract prices, because they expect, and we naturally think to. that six month" hence there will be a better Industrial condition, calling for a he.iUcr supply of tonnage Consumers have had the ailvaiitaRr. In the bituminous coal trade altogether for too long a period of time and It iv.iiitil l.o win. for operators to accuinu late a little more backbone, to mark up prices to something which would vleld a protlt. putting mis nusiness mi a basis such as It deserves. Production of anthracite Is going on pretty steadily at the ihines and ton nage' Is being forwarded to the yards of dealers In good shape, beyond a per- adventure a good thing for tno same retailer that this Is so. for here we have the lowest prices of the coal year. Ill the distribution of this coal there is ac tivity on all the initial roads and also at the loading lsirts. When It comes to distribution to the consuming Intel -ests the movement on the domestic sires Is fair, while that on the steam raising nr Junior sizes of anthracite keeps up to the best proportion. It Is along this lino of trade particu larly that one- expects commendable growth In the demand for wherever stor age facilities can be had It Is a wise pre caution to lay tip and keep well stocked with tonnage for steam raising. An interesting point In regaid to any pos sible expansion In the fall of this year of shipments of anthracite Is what might he called natural restriction. At the I present lime aim pcrnaps ior a lew months plenty of cars are available be cause merchandise shipments and bitu minous shipment, are not any too great. When they do start up there will not be a chance for any extra anthracite tonnage movement In all branches of the coal trade there Is of course the anxiety as to what will occur In the tlrot three months of 191ii In the way of activity In K.iles and uhlpmentd. The reason for thlw la the fact that on April 1 of that car both wape nttrre mentH exjilie and a very interestlnE Kltu atlon to the dealer and conHiimer may he opened up at that time and date. MORRIS LOAN PLAN GROWS. Nov Conipiinlen Are He In it I'onoeil In Mnny rttl.p.. The niimlier of conip.inlea operating . the .Morris dan of Industrial loins and' inv estmeiits is incrcaidtiK rapidly. It was said enterday. .Since December I. 1011, the Industrial Klnanco Corpora tion has aided local Interests in orij.ui Ulnj; nich cointianles at New Haven, Conn.- New York, South Item!., Ind. , Hartford, Conn ; lirltluoport. Conn., Sallsbniy, N. C.. and Worcester, .Mass, There ureiinw twenty cointianlf . The date of openliiK of the Worcester company Is May 1 and of the Salisbury conii,inv May 3 The company in North Carolina has a capital of .1n.00ll The two New KiiRland companies are capi talized at Jino.eon each, and their stock was quickly oversubscribed. Similar Institutions are In process of I nrKunlz.itlnti at Cnliimbui, Ohio, and I Waterhnry, Conn, and In a number of AHT sAI.IIS AMI t:llllllllONS. fanthtiKrif.iv tht SWn n tin iiim hr n trrmH trrnied J tali s " I I of wl. I j V TRESPASSING MORE j FlTil. THAN RATTI.R In Ton Yohps riO.O'Jft In voders of Rtiltronri KictIiIh of Wiiy Arc Killed. YKARIiY A VERA.. K .WI0 Statistic complied by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Company show the heavy los of life ., .i, ir-irk. . frttll ...Till IIIIVUf.ll in n( ' .' of the different railroad ttysteni In thli country and how greatly thn Jc.irly deaths exceed than abroad. The fatall- . ,. . .. - .f.w i ties in a single rar. in r.e , or more I nun were Kiuen in in imiuu nr null lion. Krom 1001 to lPln the per,np killed In this country throURh ttvspapslng on the railroad tracks num bered r.0,025, while the Injured totalled ,'.3,427. some of these being maimed for life. The circular Issued by the New llaeu n,. It Is nut so much nfTectMl by the genus hobo as Koine otlu-r roads In j this countrv are, yet In the last three1 vears 442 iM-rsons have been killed mid ' 3!4 Injnrid while trespassing on the the appointment of Mr. Mudge as one of company's properly. In tho'inajorlty tithe tcrelxers of the Chicago, Rock Isl casw the persons killed or Injured were and and Pacific Hallway Company Mr, not tramps but persons who were using Mudge was among the directors of the the railroad's right of way as a public Hock Island Company mimed In a suit highway, geneially to make a short cut. brought by N. U. Amster and his a.eo or young loys or men seeking to steal dates for the recovery of $7,snn,niio rides on freight trains. ' which was tost In n transaction with In 1012 Ui2 person falling under the fl I.ouls ahd Han Francisco Hall the class of trcsimssers on the New j road Company. As a receiver of the Haven Tight of way were killed and 10s i railway company Mr. Mudge would Injured; In 1?13 172 were kllbd ami lo hae been obliged to prosecute himself injured, and In 1014 IK wiro and j for Ills hare in the transaction. tJ injured. IJIirillg lliese (ram New Haven and other roads of the conn- try nave tiecn masing eunris n n trespassing evil and avert the loss of life, but seemingly without success, The heaviest loss of life Is taken in the summer, the mortality rising fiom the spring months with the tempera ture. For example. In the month of January of this year on the New Haven's line four trespassers were killed. In February eight. In March fifteen, a kiIii of almost 100 per cent 111 a month These figures form striking contrast when compared with the lnses of life through trespass on railroad property ( 111 other countries. In Ureal Itrltalu between 1901 and 191" only 4.314 per. sons were kilted and 1.3K. Injured. ! Oreat Hrltaln. however, takes strung tecal means to prevent a loss of life I through trespass on her rallioads' rights of way. as Is shown by the New 1I:iv..m' statement, which sas: "If you walk along a railroad In lCng- land. bellelug you can thereby se the I country better or get home moie quickly. I'nll lire .irrested ami taken before local magistrate, who tines ou $M In Canada you can be fined up to J.i'i anil Imprisoned for two mouths, and there, too, the law Is strictly enforced In France unless you have a permit jou cannot walk the tracks without great danger of being fined and even Jailed. In tiermany the penalties ranee up to linlv thirteen States In this country have thus far followed the example of these European countries in having laws forbidding such use of railroad property These States are Maine. New Hampshire. Massachusetts. Hhode Is land, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Virginia, Delaware. Ceorgla. Missouri. Minnesota and Washington. The penal ties prescribed range all the way from a tine and ten days In Jail In Maine to $Ti00 tine and a year In Jail In New York. '"In one town In Connecticut, where the New Haven's tracks were per sistently crossed at a number of points lis a snort cut. ine raiiroao erecieo a standard wire fence In addition to put- , ting up warning signs. This fence was; torn down as fast as It win put up i Finally, unauie toi tins reason io hn. inc lenee ill n'li.iu s in.ii n utt.i. serve Its purpose, tho rallro.ul attempted to erect other barriers 1 tiev were r ulr, ., similar manner, the last on. being torn down the ei next day after It was put up. makes the problem an espe cially serious one for New Kugland is the very large contribution which In dustrial workers make aniiuall to this death toll. Probahl no other railroad in piopnrtlon to its toiKtlt has so mam industries Incited close to the' tracks as the New Haven. In ni.ui c.ihe-4 the employees of these establish . nients elect to use the rlcht of w,i as .1 highway to anil from their homes in disregard of all warning signs To abate this evil the his taken the mat ter up directly with the heads of these concerns and has asked for their p- elation, It 11. is also asked school super IntendeiitB to caution their pupils of the danger of walking or playing on or near the railroad tracks." AHT SAI.KS AMI IIVIIIIII l lliNs. Tomorrow (Monday & 5 following days al 2:30 each day Silo's Fifth Av. Art Galleries .1111 I'lfih w nnd I .1 ft T West lit' SI Annnmii e an etiraordlnuri aiirtlnn ale of Antique and Modern ORIENTAL RUGS and Carpets I tit t in "rt it ' I fiilln tlon to oririnl for public ininpetlllon m Ihr order nf H lironitlll-nl Mtiolekslr Itllg lienor In nn endeavor to -nlLti ilnlni.. there lire IMIII selected pei tmenn In main lei and Hrain, liiilinlliig nine etlraordlnarllv large le ar pel, fitr uwlrr thr siprrruifiii rmmi nf vur IIiiq . I II wl.nif C wvwwvwwvwj! pert. Vfr h.i,i:.s nv AfcniiN. UN VIEW 1'ii-inorniw , M loll l M t til" (lllllerien nf tile Fifth Ave. Auction Rooms OT lill l-'oilllli ve ill Mill Si liirneiilld nttr;ie!ivi'i ollei'tloM .if Homo Appointments lli'i-i'ived from Kht'tten nnd Indl vidit.tlt nnd rotwi-itliin m pint of Modern and Antique Furniture in MiilioKiinv. Kli-mit-h .mil Kncliidi t),-i(, i iiitaliln for eily nnd iiiuntr lioinert;.i liiililer Uprtitlit Wliilniin'il (In'.d riH! I'l.uin, line Cut (lliihe, Silver, Aneieiil nnd Modern Dil I'niiitillKH, ICiirnpeiin mid h i i it Poreelaflli, Al fhtn' Proof ;tri Iiik. Co"tly Drnpcrii'M mid llntit: illKf, KleelrollcrH, Orieiitnl ltlli; nnd iniiny other fllijeelenf t'tility nnd Adornment 'Mm snle ti)' illlrlioll will lie held on Tin'wlnyl Wednehdiiv, 'I'Iiiii-h. In V. l-'riiUy tind Snlimmv, April 27. '."', '.'it. :m and Ma v I. nl 1' o'clock IIKNItY A IIAHTMA.N. AncPn'r THE SUN, SUNDAY, CHANGES ROCK ISLAND RECEIVERSHIP ORDER CoiiiI Tnki'H Authority in ( iiiinis Kroin MudRC Gives II In Dickinson. t'ltlCAoo. April 24. Judge Carpenter In the I'nlted Ktates District CVmnt here to-day Appointed Jacob M. Dickin son, former Seeictary of War, ap sole receiver of claims of the Chlcaao, Hock I Inland and I'arltle llallwav t'ointi.iliv ;igalnst the director of the Hock lpland Company This means that Juripc Car- 1'enter has rescinded thn part of hip former order making H. V. .MutUce, president of the railway company, n ci. rereer with Mr Dickinson, that ap plied to suit Instituted HR.ilnst the oltl- inn nr uirci-iorn ui me iiuck isiiinti ,.,,. fnr neKPfl maladministration n, to any claims of like character. In respect to these matters Judge 'M': receiver, with authority and direction to proceed at once to InvestlRate all Mich suits and claims and to take such steps by an Intervention suit or other wise as the Interests of the Ptockhold erp or creditors of the company rie. in, mil .Indue Carpenler's older was viewed In Wall Street as a victory for the Ameter Interests In their fight against CLOSES BIG OIL CONTRACTS. Vlrileen Petroleum Co, Arrnnaes In sell In Kimlnnd. K. I.. Dohetiy, president of the Mexi can Petroleum Company, returned yes terday on the t.usitaula from England, where he negotiated oil contracts with large Kngllsh interests. According to Mr. Dolieny's statements the outlook for the. company In view of the contracts lie has secured Is very bright Mr. Doheny Intimated that the contracts called for the sale by the company of piactlc.illy all of Its Mexican output of crude nil, estimated to be about 70, iinip.nno barrels annually. The Hrltlsh Interests Invohed were described by Mr. Doheny as embracing practically all of the large steamship Intereits In England. The arranscnicnt contemplates the revolutloiilrlng of th marine fuel tuestlon. The Mexican IV tr oleum arrangement Invohes the formation of two English companies. the Iniildlig of tanking stations, dis tributing stations and refineries in sev eral foreign countries and the con struction of n large fleet of tank steam crs. Mr. Doheny would not stato what the capltnliza-.loii of these new com pel les would be, The company's agree, inent with the Hrltlsh concerns went into effect as soon as the contract was signed. MAY QUIT CARMAN DEFENCE. tirnhsm Kspectril to Wlthrirntr e Woninn's .ittorney. I Mineoi., L. I.. April H. It Is under-1 stood that Surrogate John J. liraham will not defend Mrs. Florence Carman lu her nest trial for murder In tho first di gree. Mr. itratiam conferred with Mr. and Mrs. Carman and Attorney Weorge M. ' I.iil'v If u'li H biiIi! l.'itnr ihfit 111. u-nnld ift ,. c,lrinans know next Tuesday w,p.r he vould take the cae again. I ,Mrlct Attorney Lewis J Snil'h said ,,,lt he was readv to go to trial on M.i ! 3 T()n p, ()f 1)r, jllror he aid, would not be sufficient for the trial. He expected that live times that number would be called before the se lection of a Jury Mr Smith will make no attempt to produce Farrell. the tramp witness, at the He has several new wlt nese. Hotels and Fifth Ave.at45thSt. Apartments and Rooms with Bath PERMANENTLY OR TRANSIENTLY. George C. Howe George Or is eoi ino Moi'SE.;;,;,"' Hotel fcslin Brodwcvy at 29h Si, niNNKlt .V SUPPKK DANCKS daily (except Sun.) in the Dixie Knoni front ti to li P.M. nml 10 to 1, Mr. ami Mrs. Rowley Downs, formerly of Rector's ami Casino, iS'iliTiitianseU Pier, ilircctinir. Music conducted by Arthur Kiati'-e, composer of the Meadow Brook I-Vix Trot. Hotel Marie Antoinette (Titli.ii7lli St. nnd Uroailvvay i.Minl .1 ceslhle Iniatlnil In tllyl To Rant at Vary Attractive Term l-'or Sprini: and Summer Month, One, Two &, Trtree Room Apartments H Stanley Graan, .Ifnnnotni; IHrrrlor In M'llI.Kl' al a narrlm e nn account nf t!..itll. fine rnoni and li.tlh anrlllliint inn i;i. iiAitiiitwi;, u: hv.i i:d m. CASTLES r? AIR m ior inn si. iiikv rni:. iff S I'hniie .vi is llrjatit Admission l V5 X Vernon Castle UT Till f. IlltV AI TIIItMlON n R'ednesiiay and Satinday afternoons Mil MItS.rMSn.llwlllapiitar Ailm ft, Inel. Tea. Maiiasnnent I.iiuls l aninne and I'lerre. Kludlv make tm-rvullniis (or tahles In advance, APRIL 25, 1915. COLLEGE WOMEN HEAR OSBORNE Slnjr Sine: Warden Tolls Prison Experiences to Mount Hoi voke Alumnne. NEWS OF THE HOTELS "Oolf Isn't In II with the pick and shovel," said Warden Thomas Mott Or borno of Sing Sing prison In relating his experiences in the prison road camps at the annual meeting and luncheon of the Mount Holjoke Alutnnie Assocla iim nt Nw York, which was held at the Hotel Martinique jrsterday. Mr. Osborne said that prior to his coming to the prison the Inmates couldn't sleep, couldn't read, couldn't talk, and about the only thing they could do was breathe. He told or naving receiveo recently a letter from the board of trustees of Osslnlng In which they com plained of the prisoners playing ball on Sunday, "I have written them," he said, "that hall games take tho place of all day confinement In dark, dirty cells, where the prisoners had an np M'ortunlty to secure drugs." Ho urged the women to worn rtr a nut which would prolvde Indeterminate sentences. The oltlcers eierlcd yrsteniay inciunen Miss Harriet Heardslee Present t, presi dent. Mrs. 8. I.. Cutler. Mrs. I. N. Hiirdlrk, Mrs. James Todd, Mrs. 1-. It. Maddock, Mrs. II. N. Dickinson mid Airs. It. I.. Mallorj. vice-presidents; Miss (ienrglaiiH llndgklns, recording secretary; Mrs. J D. Lester, correspond ing secretary, and MIps S, Emma Dem arest, treasurer. Conditions In England are hot as pleasant hp they were -ind Iron nml steel factories are at a standstill exceptiis regards munitions of war, according to Lawrence 1.. Clntas, wlm Is at the Hotel Knickerbocker on his way tn Join his brother, who has large sugar hpi! manu facturing Interests In Havana We had n number of tlerman born passengers on the I.usltanla," Mr, Cln tas said, "who nre coining to the I'nlted States to find employment or to go Into 1 trade. Most of them are Hrltlsh cltl tens but they tell me they have found It Impossible to do business In England with derm in sounding names under present conditions. "The business of manufacturing sugar machinery Is stopped In England. The Onvernmeut has practically taken over all manufacturing shops for the manu facture of shells ntnl other munitions of war. under ilovcrnnii nt Inspection, with the tinvernmeut paying all ex- TOL'KS. t'nder llscort or Independent, with Kxpeiues lurluunl. Vhltlnit (il.ACIKIl PARK tillAND CANYON oM:vnTi: vai.i.kv I .AsK A VI-' 1. 1 OU'STONi: PA It K rill.OKAIIO CANAIHAN HOCKIK, Kir. .Neil l'arte I'mler r.rortt Apr. 27 A- Mm tffl Tours of 40 nets. tl flrand f .itu n. 0'M Itr.orti. Ilipo sltlonn, Yoimlte. ( olormln. etc .luH :l. Aug. 7. Sepl, 1 I Tnurs of 711 l)n s. l cnlnrdo. lirstnl CAnjon. Cot Hi orti. I'tnoliton.. rnnndlAn llnrkles .cti M iitili:it spi:imi. ittviv a I'HIVVII. I III l'ltlll.s lH, .-M .Ifl.l A Aff.rsT. 1 1 INDEPENDENT WAY it Tnurs for ImlUldiinl travel it Incltnlvc rules We tanks itinrtirlr. to s'llt rnilllre mfiiis l.vllmnles rhferfully fumlihed free nt rti.trse e'l.t tor M'lWS I Ml tU , 7 If )i"it That nrtr.' llr I'rollrm 0 Vour I rpr tmnn Tour GEO. E. MARSTERS, Inc. Phone (i7,i; Madl.nn So 1 1 lie: luui.xiirt i .i n Restaurants HOTEL BO-LECLAIRE, NEW YORK Broadway at 77th tHabwaj ttth m.l More thin a reef unit renma. Ih TtdlrcUtr Iln sticrei aa a hnms thrnuch Iti rentanrint and aril I room ritnntr and aop- pr hre mn aood cook In a. 1llihtful mrround Inf. atari aervtee. Tha upper Weal Htda la rcallilnc Ihla. I Robert D. Blackman Prince George fiotel til lit W AMI 5-1 II sr One nt I ho lient iipHiilli'd llnli'U mid Hfr-t.iui .ititw in towiv, itrainl fnver for liidiet nnd gentlemen iinvvly milled mi ground floor eon bedroom, nil with Imth ispeciiil r,itei for 1'ertiiuin'iit (5iieta. (IF.()lil'. II. NP.WTON. MiiiiiiKr. I'oriiii rly of l-'ifth Avenu lintel. AH O T E L P 1 lberT 1 1 th St At'nlvrrilt) I'liee, line tilocU wrt nf ll'tvay Tliorounlily Modern nnd Fireproof. RATES $1 AND UP Very rent etilriit fur permanent and transient Hi'Mt who delre iik iters tit-low J.ld st Excellent Restaurant nnd Cnfe. ir. rniri:M. vperlal Hale for I'erniaiient finest. HOTEL MAJESTIC Central Park West at 72d St. I'liiiNtiii' epiiorlunltv now for selection of sullen an-1 lioukltiK of functions fur fall It'ini-liiK In N'etv iafe Modern 10 to 1 nlKhtlv New entertainment feaiurf rich nei-k S'1 ihIuiIshIoii rliarReil Hntidiy illniirr. HUM tun., It .vo STRAND ROOF GARDEN Hroftilway, 47f h N1 i Never a Dull Moment! Mon , "Queen Meht," llne-,Steii I'niiiest TueK,. Itlt-hinnnil .Nluht." Ilne-btrp rnntcst Wed , llronj Meht," One.hten fnntest, Thurs Inn-1 Imrnu uti 1'lnsls In tiiie.Kirprnnti-st fin rtiauiiilniislilp (iit ntt-r New VntU atlHI' M I'rt . I.iit-ltv Nil in Ixi I'linii-st tSat . Children's I'otitrM. I ltd I M. Hhlldtnn llanelnr, III I', M. Hexlns May .1. table d'llotr lltnner, 7IVe. fl to h, iuc, Duncluir & Adiu, for cu.tlre Uvg, ii' reuse anil allowing I ft r'r rent proflt to the companies. ov i lumps i. .ooHiHir'niKo "i -, MarMand arrived yesterday at the Wal- dorf. fluv. Onldslmrough said last night that he Is here to discuss agriculture with several professors In New Jersey and New York. The North Jersey Alumni Association of the Trenton Htatc Normal School held a meeting and luncheon yesterday at the Hotel McAlpln. President F. II. I.loyd of Perth Amboy, N. J., presided. Mme. Beatrice (Jotdle, president of the Bel Canto Club and of the Woman's American Club will give an Invitation concert to-night at the Hotel Majestic, Wlllard D. Ilockefeller, the new man ager of the Hotel Imperial, received yesterday a telegram from Asbury rark signed by thirty friends con gratulatlng him upon bis accession t", the management of the Imperial and re- serving rooms for a house warming l""ij iiiu ween eoti. .Ml. ninf" feller was for a number of years the manager of Allenhurst Inn and cottage. He was formerly connected with tho management of the Martinique. Of re rent years he has controlled a chain of resort hotels In the West. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS lome of the l.ntest .Vnnies Placed nn the IteKUtcra. Waldorf-Astorla tlov. Phllllp-i L OiTdsbnrough. Annapolis, Md . Mr. and Mrs. John H. Eastwood, New Jersey . Algonquin Mrs. Samuel Hawkee, I Miss Sarah H. Hawkes, Corning, N Y , I J. H. Moore, Providence, It. I, l.aureiion Mr. and Mrs. A. I-;. Ceper ley, Oncorita, N. v., Hlchard Klegln, Havana; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Barclay, Washington. P. C. Knickerbocker Harold Marflratb, .Syracuee, N, v.; Mr and Mrs. W W Parker, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. Carlo Pinto. Milwaukee. Aetor Baron It Ito. Toklo; Dr E. H Larned. Detroit; Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas B. Lloyd. Hcd Hank. N. J. St. Hegls Mr. nnd Mrp. Oustavo TOURS. aa ALL lUe Wonderland! and place! of interest and charm in the Grrat West are included in ihe itineraries of Our Tours, among ttiem lite following THE PANAMA EXPOSITIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIKOO MISSION PLAY YELLOWSTONE PARK GLACIER NATIONAL PARK Travel de Luie with eipencnctd escort weekly thereafter. Fully inclusive fares that SPECIAL-TRAIN TOURS with Escort on Injuriously equipped Pullman train' to the Expositions leave July 3, 10, 31 via Grand Can on and California Resorts, returning via Colorado Rockies. July 10 tour includes also tlie Yellowstone Park Tins method o' travel offers exceptional advantages at fully inclusive moderate fares. $275 up. including Travel Tickets, Pullmans. Hotels. Meals, etc. TRAVEL-TICKETS at lowest fares, with or without reserved Hotels. Pullmans, etc.. as desired. Travel service absolutely the best for individual or party travel Fully equipped Offices at San Francisco, Loa Angeles nnd CIiu oro for your convenience. MF.MI t'OK II.I.rSTItATI-.IS I'ltOCIlXM I MM IIS V Ml 1111,1 IS I VI IMltlll l;l t.iviMi Fit. I. i-Ain nt t.its I viitii nit wiiiiiii i milt is Cook'a Trsvelera' Cheques Rood in the United States nnd Cnnndn. THOS. COOK & SON Official Railroad and Steamship Ticket Agents rot it m: i mt it n ru t s 245 Broadway (Opp. City Hall Park) 561 Fifth Ave. (Cor. 46th St.) Appaallng ta th Dlaorlmlnallng Traveler Who Oemanda Ihe Beat In All Things. CALIFORNIA 118 Raymond W'hitcomh Tours to the two Ksposition. (iranrl Canyon, Yellowstone Park, Canadian Rockies anil all points in the Oreat Vct. Splendid choice of routes antl stopovers permitted anywhere Luxurious train senrice, best hotels, side trips tiy automobile. Parties limited in numbers. All the freedom of independent travel without the worry of arrangements. Prices $43S and up. Popular Tours nt Lower Prices. ROUND THE WORLD ALASKA Two small saml-private parties for Splendid tours to thr repositions In remarkable tnura of luiurr West. clurimc the wond-rlul inland vov hnund Sept. 2S from San Francisco, ai;e"thrriiih fie mountains of Atasta, Kantbeund Oct. 9 from New York. PANAMA From Sea to Sea thrmish the Great Canal, Ideal tour to the two F.xpntl tlon. Frequent departure In May, June and Jul) . JAPAN and CHINA Fascinating auramer holiday tour be Kin at San Francisco July S and 1(1. Aug, 7 and 2)1. Including the novel o! cormorant fishing. SEND FOK BOOKLET DF.MKKO, RAYMOND & tZB rillh v., Niw York FIRST SAILING FOR THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS Through the Panama Canal LARGE AMERICAN BUILT STEAMER "FINLAND" 22,000 Tons Displacement SATURDAY, First" Cabin $t?s ur Intermediate fin in PANAMA PACIFIC LJP1K 9 BROADWAY, NKW YOItK TKI.KI'IKlNi: intni R: Ttilf Georgia-Florida Trip ippealing to emybody in need of test, relaxation, or exhilaralion SUPERIOR SERVICE nnd LOW PARKS tn SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE MACON AUGUSTA ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY and all other Southern Polnta cuvh it sv hi kft mi toi msr ',i nt or Literature, and all information upon request Pabst. Milwaukee. Mi- anil Mrs R C 1 Sw.iyr.e, Tot riiigton, Conn. Mr a-id Mis. A. F llleterleli. Mlllblook, N V llelle. liilri Mr and Mrs C M l ,, - ..... . ... ., .1 I V,pr.' ""j. ' :. ' "' "' ' llaticrori. SlirlliBlleld. Mass (lothain Mr and Mrs. Samuel Hui sell, MlddletoiMi, Conn., Mr and Mrs. .1. F. Slianley, Jr.. Alleiihnrst, N. J ; Mr. and Mrs. Dudlev Duplgnnc, Mount Klsco, !. V Allien-James Martin. New Haven, Conn.; Charles It Johnston, Chicago. Lorraine .1 Peace Hazard, Syra cuse, N. Y.; Mis. S. W Skinner. Pom fret. Conn., Mrs It, F. Thomas, Hoston Prince lleorge- James T. Sargent, St lailils, Miss tlrare Lockllu, Colorado Springs, Colo ; A, L. CiimmltiRe, Haiti McAlnrn--Mlss Mabel Morgan. Phll.t delnhla; Mr. mid Mrs. C. II. Scott. Hos ton; Mr and Mrs. J C L. Krdman, ",r."!!1,",' . ,i m ft f Colllngwood -Mr. and Mrs. fl. r Keeiie. .Meildci'. Conn. Miss Lillian! Barrett, Newport : C I'. Crandall. Cut- ca go , Mrs. J H. Ciiiiimlngs, Miss Marie Ciitnmlniis, Mrs. I' Crane My- .pnaill, ra, Woodstock Mr ami Mis C S Mav, Boston, Mrs. J II Shipley and d-uigli ter, Portsmouth, N H MfT:JJAV3J;JJ Lcliigh Aiillcy Railroad Black Diamond Route Choice of routes snd ttopovef Ask for booklet nnd mnp City TlcVet Office! Breidwav 14f.O. 'Phone Dryant 4212 12.V1, " Msd, Hq. J5l " 4, " Rector 34t4 rtrooVlyn' jn Fltbuh Ave. 'Phon Msln 7 New-stk 211 Market St., 'Phone Mulberry 27 Till IP. lllalll lMlim''ivJIUl'JII aataia i i isaii GRAND CANYON COLORADO ROCKII1S ALASKA YOSI'.MITE VALLEY CANADIAN ROCKIP.S PANAMA CANAL Next departure May J and cover ALL EXPENSES from $345 26t Fifth Ave. (Cor. 2!)tli St. 2081 Broadway (Cor. "2d St.) p.iss the ningn.fWnt Field nml (ila iier ot Anie kas Norway and the Kteatet eemtllne scenery In the world. MIDNIGHT SUN Kemarkahle special tour to Alaska, Including voyage to Miacway and trip over White I'.is and rioirn north on thr Yukon River to lavnn l"ttv. the Klondike ami at ros the Arctic Clrcl to see the MMnicht tn Orpartiire .viay i ami June i WHITCOMB CO. 'Phone 0270 Mad, Sq. TWIN SCREW 580 FEET LONG MAY 1, 10 A, M. NEW YORK OFFICE 501 FIFTH AVENUE Phat236aMaira?Hill CUNARD EUROPE via LIVERPOOL . LUSITANIA Fastest and . arnrsl .Sir n, . . . . V ' HOW 111 Atlantic bcrvirr CATI IPPlA V MAN' I III M I oiuiwi. nti i. in ransylvania, .Sat., M,t h ((i irtrliii,!i ' V.r,ll,lla' Hat . I ) Hi I'tiscanid. S.U., M.tv2' ':o LUSITANIA, Jitt.hv2(. n Transylvania, Sat., Jtnv ' ()Ct Arnrn Gibraltar Genoa Nat-1 1' S-S-CARPAI I IIA.'l liu ,M.i I fJ,,n ROUND Till' WOIUD r Ihrtititth lieeklnu tn all iriiititil ruo, nf Hie M lit III I Oil PA 1 Sfll I It I '.'IVISMIrM V) . American Line AMERICAN STLAMF.RS Under the American May f nhln nnd .'Ird I lass I1 , ..enm r . iini, N. Y. Liverpool, Pier fi2, N I? Nnnn NEW YORK May l rtillndeliihla Mm S I i Mi, l White Star Line N.Y. Liverpool, Pier (id, N K Nnnn i Mammoth Steamer ! LAPLAND APR. 28 Meiinnlle Mm ."I'Mitrli Mm II "I aliln t .'Ird f lass I'as.rnuer nlt Arorea- Gibraltnr Nnples. drnoa t'tinople Mas I, I IIA.M, I n lit .Inrtfi llfllf I 11 lf V V. N. t lit lllinn !,,, SPRING TOURS TO TEXAS Down the loatt ami art' -' thr v waters of tlir Gulf of Mrxicn to d r t -Direct rnnnectinrii fn- n Vf Its fammis V'ltrto. -.t s I l Inlstt and ntl-r- ' - . t all points Iti V'.-ti.! a I it CALIFORNIA att " t I rtwi Wtiinrtttnv tut 1 MAI.I.0RY STKAM.MIII f 0l'N Tier .'lit .Niirth Itllel Net, m l I t If Urt fllflees .'tin A ll.-.s. I-,Iimii 1 FRENCH LINE nisi t si i: ii i Sailincs for BORDEAfX LA TOURAINi: . Apr. 27. 3 r M. F-SPAGNK . . . M.i) fi. I' I. ROCMAMRI.AI . May IS, .'l I' " NIAGARA . . . May 22. " !' Y. 1 ru, M .i' t ii-. i l. Company's Ofiicc, 1!) Statu St.. n ' SCANDINAVIAN 82 N wit I r m t i 1r i Dally Conne1lan with All Tumpan C'tlt Omit II, pr -. M. U 1:0 ,.. n Go To BERMUDA JSv "Bermudian" SCREW l.urnmt nnd ; itrat Sails Every Wednesday, Carries U. S Va Itlli'lire . . I ti . 1 - ,1 N ) . Ilitinias I nttU A uli, jt.l ..Hi V, . or mil Iti Kit Vi-.i t nn: t it x.N-- in m ti imiiim pt. -. Haute Xlliiliiirl ill. mm t ' " .e XurU Va . .linn I . Im . rilflps IU..-..V I .. I. n. el V I ini H'llt Ol.ll HIIVItMlIN IIM. Ts" pftln i S, .-liu- IV.. 1 !( da- S P .M . 1-.- . . s ! T -ion -r mk 'n It, t'nllfnrnla II . in , 1' .- , Kvpiisltlnns blink et I nltrd V h S. V . mil I tinipiint Allantli-. I.ulf nnd M est Indies I.tlirs. t- t I Mi -, -I.tns r-m . , . , , i l-J tl.ts Ml I V lle Ntirll" t. , II v, . - - i ' FALL RIVER L.NE TO BOSTON 53.0) I M l - rvt I iindiin 1 me evt llav en I lot- ltrlilseiiilt I Hie vur rt iii i 111 " COLONIAL BOSTON PROVIDENCE W It 11 . . I'" :i!i, -. IIiiIsIiIh Itl.lllltS. S Ull rilltllll-ll I I " . s M. ' nirfiaf rr ! -HI I"' ' ' IU still I ' Pith hh Iini"- i 1 i;,!',',,,,, PORTLAND 53 Maine stratiisliln I liu- II tool u Hi tint-,', I I ai. , I VSII It ll 111 .l Sight-Seeing Yachts m 1n nte" 1st Uatterx inr m J-