Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, FRIDAY, . .MAY 21, 1915. STRENGf H WHICH ITALY CAN PUTIN BALANCE The. t&iAt war ViNngtli of ltly' nrmy In 3,30,202 man nf till milieu, of whom l,1J(),()0.0,inen uro reported inobllltml. 1 ' Tho arm)' cotmlataot, the UikUiik army, 2l,UI men:' tlie mobile mllltla, 3:0,10 men; llio terrltoilul mllltla, L',::r.,631 men. nn.l tlio re tcrvcH on unlimited leave, 80,830 men, There lire twenty-four reRlment of tteld artillery and eight regiments vt other urtlllory brunches, 11 total of thirty-two. Thn aviation corp hwi alxty companies cadi station or Kjuailron having at veil neroplance, a probable total of U'O Hcropl:ino, ready for Immediate tine. Italy hn neven hattleohlp.- of the tlrcadnotifiht type, and clitlit older battlciihlpa. n total of fifteen. Thu liirge-t are tho (Hullo Ceaure, Leon ardo ele Vinci and Conto d Unvour. each of 21,500 ton, with a main bat tery ron-l-tlnx of thirteen II Inch gun-. In addition Italy haa nine first rlaia cnit-em, five second cla-a cr'ila er. ten third class cruisers, live Rim boata, forty-six destroyers, seventy five torpedo boats and twenty submarines. have helped to assure was destroyed, nnd the problem of Italy's national In testlty was virtually and Irresistibly revived." The bill presented by Sltrnor Balantlr.i leads as follows: "The Government Is authorized In ease of war and elurlng the cluratljn of war to mako decisions with duo au thority of law, In every respect m nulred, for the defence of the Htate, the Guarantee of public order and tirscnt economic national necessities. "Tho provision contained In Articles 243 to 251 of tho military code cm tlnuc In force. Tho Government Is au thorized also to havo recourse until De cember 31, 191.'. to monthly provisional appropriations for balancing the 'uilge.. This law shall como Into force tho Cay It Is passed." An qutburst of cheering: followed the speech and lasted nftten minutes. Kven thn officers and soldiers stationed In ho building cheered. The members ro In their seats repeatedly and ac claimed the Premier. The Socialists, who remained seated ilurlnR these dem onatratlons, were hooted and denounced openly a "traitors." Drpntles Kuthnalnstlr. Kx-Mlnlater Iloaelll, the "father of the house," said : "This house, elected by suf frage, will tho accomplishment of our national destinies and the realization of our national rights. Italian soldier are Impatiently waiting for the order to march. Italian sailors are eager to re new tho exploits of the Venetians and the Genoese. All look to the King to lead them to victory. They look to (tome as the mistress of civilization." Slgnor Uoaellt's speech was Interrupted Iiy cheers and wild applause. At Its oncluslon there was an unparalleled cent of enthusiasm. The Deputies In rJsted that the speech be printed and liosted up throughout the kingdom. I.ulgl Barzllal. a native of Trieste, urged that the redemption of the Tren tlno und Trlesto be hastened The Socialist Deputy, HIUpro Turat I, made a speech of opposition to war with Austria. His word were Interrupted by hooting and Imprecations from all parts of the house. Slgnor Clccottl. a member of the Ileformlst Socialists, urged war. During the ballottlng the Glollttl msmbers hustled and pushed the officials of the Chamber. When the result was announced the entire house cheered and applauded. The speaker shouted "Long live Italy!" "Long live the King!" "LonR llvo the army and navy!" The Deputies embraced each other and many wept for Joy. All the Ministers received vongratulatlons. The Chamber I .'iljoumed slno die. As the members filed out Into the street they sang patriotic songs. In the piazza In front of the Parliament building they were cheered by the troops on guard. pain. Not V. ).. Asked to Act. Baron Sonnlno, the Foreign Minister, hid conference to-day with Thomas Nelson Page, the American Ambassador, and rt. Plnay Millet, the Spanish Am bassador, regarding the protection of Italian Interests In Germany and Aus tria during the war. The Foreign Minis ter explained that on account of the pos sibility of war between the United States and Germany tho care of Italian Inter ..ts In the enfmy countries would be entrusted to the Spanish diplomatic rep usentatlvts. It Is reported from Milan that the Austrian fleet at Poln, the Austrian naval base in the Adriatic, Is under h earn and wailing only the actual out bieak of hostilities to proceed to Venice ind bombard the ancient city. In antici pation of such an action the authori ties for several weeks have been en gaged In removing the art treasures i rom the galleries and churches of Vtnlce. USES U. S. AIRCRAFT. Italy Geta Big Supply American Instructor at Work. Pawb, May 20. Aeroplane factories In Italy are working to maximum rapacity In anticipation of Intervention n the war. They arc building duplicates of French and German aeroplanes and nartlul deliveries have already been made of large orders placed In the United Staue with the Curtlss compan), according to truMworthy information. The Italian aeroplane effort Is chlefly concerned with hydro-aeroplanes to co operate with the navy In the coast de fence. It Is said that Italy's aeroplane forces have heen increased to four times what they were before the war. Two well known American pilots, chltfiy distinguished for their overwaier flying experience, have been at Tarantn since January Innructlng Italian mili tary pupils. They are KM wood (!, I'oherty and Lansing C'allan. both of whom went to Italy from Hnmmonds port, N. Y. POPE HAS WAR PRAYER. Approves Plea for Victory to He I'sed by Troops, I.0Mo,v, May 20. Despatches from Rome say tho Pope haa approved a wnr prayer, which has heen distributed among the Italian troops. Millions of copies of the pra.yer have been printed and these will he distributed among tbe civilian population also an soon as. wnr Is declared. The approval of thn prayer by the Pope, rho despatches say. Is regarded as of great significance oh ehowlng tho unity existing between thn Vatican, Qulrln.'il and people on the eve of war. According to the despatches the gen eral tenor of the ptnyer Is a plni for victory for rlvlllz itlou against tmr. harlsm and for the blessings of a future Trn nay I wi n In It riiulsl tinned, The Anchor liner Transylvania, which arrived at Glasgow on Tucuday nnd which was Kihnduled to Mill for thin port to-morrow has been requisitioned by ins iii'i'sn iiiiverniuciil Bhe is to be used fin I lit transport.!' tlon of tumps, pueuinably lo thu Darda nellea. ITALY'S WAR TO HIT GERMAN FACTORIES Would Close Lust Door to Ilnw Mntorlnls, Alrrndy Short in Kin pi re. 'XEUTKAL' niVKS OPINION Sptettl Cat'le flfflft '0 Tnr. ?t IiNrxm, May !l. "Neutral," the Times correspondent, who lias returned from a xlult to aerm.iny, continue- I1I1 observatlons In to-tlay l.-ua of that new -paper. lie quotes a CJertnan university pro feshor, who, he. sa-, haa kept hla men tal balance throughout tho war and haa not repudiated his long connection with Kn.fl h m-liMiiinc men anil linai -n thought This professor salel, accorilinit I to "Neutral." that the educated men of 1 (lermany now generally believe that . lite war could have been prevented. One would have broken out In two or three ear In any case, he adds, when Ger many, comparatively speaking, would have been In a less strong position than she Is now. The masses on the other hand, the w 1 Iter continues, havo an Ineradicable belief, which the authorities fnstnr, thut Germany was attacked on three sides at once at the Instigation of nreat llrltaln, who aimed to crush Gorinany for tho purpose of ridding bcrelf of a hated commercial rival. "Tho authorities." ho writes, "manip ulate and censor tho press to 11 degree never before known, llldlculous storb s and assertions nre printed and abuse Is showered on the enemy. Many doubt, lesi see through them, but the maims do not." Short of IImit Materials. Tho writer found everywhere con Urination of the view of the profes sor mentioned In the foregoing and uscrllK-H the unity of the empire nnd the readiness to bear sacrifices to that fct. lli advisee, their opponents to Imitate, this. Everything In economized, he says. All mourning Is hliMen, and tho care for tho t-oldlerx la everywhere dls td.ived. He ajerU that the weakest spot In Germany's economy lies In the Indus trial and commercial sltuitlon. llusl- ness Is kept going, but with h greatly reduced personnel, . "Despite all efforts nnd notwlthstand iiir ihe fiilciencv of tho German orianl zatlon." he explains. "It Is undoubtedly true that the Important raw materials 1 are becoming Increasingly scarce Thus the textile Industry In the Chemnitz dis trict Is affected by a lack of cotton; the electrical Industry Is affected by 11 lack of copper and uther metals. So far as could be ascertalmd there Is no real lack of copper for the manufacture of ammunition There la a considerable stock of that." It was not until a fortnight ago, he continues, that the authorities ordered an Inventory of tho stock of copper nnd other metal articles which may be used for ammunition, It has been or dered that none of these articles be old hereafter without authority, but such a measure Is chiefly precaution ary, like the former bread regulations, 1 which were designed to keep down the price of bread and subsequently was used against England's so-called t-tarva-tlon policy In the hope of arnusltr: the compassion of the world of neutrals. Tho writer foresees serious conse quences In the famine of raw ma terials. "German Industries will not Improbably bo reduced to the condition of Hamburg, which to-day Is a dead city," he says. "The country Is now consuming 'its stored commodities which cannot be replaced, while pro duction in gradually ulackenlng except with regard to the materials used In military operations. Kven among manufacturers and business men who regard the military situation with complacency I found a perception of the great danger Impending wnicn no puper money, no system of credit at home, can pcostwy avert. This cWef cause of apprehension tho ' neuirai ODscrver rounu 10 uo over naiy . . . . . . - All the military contingencies In rcU- tlon to that country, he declares, havo long since heen foreseen, nut tnr jugn Italy Germany haa had nrtAa.n ... neutral sources of supply, especially the , two Americas, lie round similar mis givings with regards to Rumania. The offices of the Hamburg-American Line and the North German Lloyd throughout Germany have become the agencies of Italian shipping companies. With the intervention of Italy In '.ho war this door, practically the last one, will be closed. The newspapers, he says, are not al lowed to attack Italy editorially or In their news columns leet It Imperil t'.ie diplomatic situation, hut private, v tuperatlon and the most violent doctr of hate against Kngland, prcncneii In nulolts. In nothing compared the unmeasured language used privately aga,lnst Italy, LITTLE ITALY EAGER Air of Quiet Conflde-tice In the Wnr and Its Outcome. The attitude of New York's Little Italy toward the Impending entry ot their home land Into the war was one generally of quiet waiting and deter- m nat on yestenmy. Large numbers or reservists visited the Italian consulate to offer their services or to learn If they would be called on. In cafes and other gathering places the Italian newspapers were read eagerly. But there was no flig waving or parading. Italians of different walks of life on being questioned said that tney would go back to fight for tho "patrla" If their services were needed, and none thought there would be any difficulty In transportation, as all were confident tint the Italian navy can ha5 !f!e. . ...i- ur.,.lu,, oi ,,,,, ,,,, generally by Italians of nil classes. The better educated said that It was tho only decision which Italy could have ... ...... Ik.l .11 Ta.,1 , j ,.ni, umi uu iian.uiB wiium rimy In the colors In whnt they termed the second war or liberation, A consider able number of Italians In New York have returned to Italy In tho past few weeks to be ready for the call to the color.i, It waa said yesterday. 2,000,000 ITALIANS IN U. S. Labor Sliortnur lVnred If Their Country tinea Into War. Wabhinoton, May 20, A labor short, age Is feared In this country especially along the Atlantic coast, of Italy goes Into the war. Government stntlstlclniiH were making a Kpcclal study to-day of tho results already noticed. In the United States there are morn tnan 2,000,000 men of Ilnllan birth, It Ih estimated lime that at leant a.'i per lent,, nnd probably t,1 per cent., of this number are Italian reservists, who are honor bound In Join tho colois. The names nf thin legion are oou talned In the tiles, of tho Italian Rm basny and the varloiiH conHulatot throughout the country Tho moment that word Is ofllclally received nere that thn Italian Government nas (!" creed war against Austria, every tin of these men will receive h comma ii, I from Kin Italian Government 'o ie. turn Immediately to thulr country ami Join tho colors. AUSTRIA DECEPTIVE, SAYS ITALY'S BOOK CoMflmifif rom Flrat rno'. without previous conclusion of th accord relating to compensations dut to Itily In Article VII. of tho Triple Alliance. 2. Infraction of the ahova will ht ronsltlercil a violation of the Trlpla Alliance, entitling Italy to resume tho freedom of action anil guarantee) her own rlRhta and Interests. 3. Proposal- anil tllseusslons of com pensations will not be accepted utiles.-, they lire based on tho cession of ter ritories held by Austria. 4. ItMly Is entitled to compensations Irrespective of the results of Austria's military action In the llalkans. f. The ce.xlon of the territories mut bn mailo piibllc, Italy to occupy tho territories Immediately. . Discussion of compensations for the, occupation of Avlona and the l'sean Islands are excluded. Italy then sent a wnnilnR to Austria airainsi naval operations at Afitivarl and finally, on March 9, Ilaron von tin- rlan, owing to pressure exerted by Ger many, ifcopted Italy's point of view an I proposed to Initiate "conversations. Ilaron Sontltno Insisted on absolute secl-ecy nnd the Immediate execution of the sreord which was expected to i-ovcr the entire duration of the wnr Jtaron von Ilurlnn, howevnr, was agalnt the Immediate execution of this accord The Italian Foreign Minister Insisted on this condition, which, he snld, was a slno qua nnn. I.onR conferences between Prince von Huelow and Ilaron S'onnlno followed Ceritiativ nsMtmie.t the ilutv of diarim- teeing the execution of an Itnlo-Aus- trlan ronventlon Immediately after the , wnr. Ilaron Honnlno refused to arcepi this arrangement, but consented to a resumption of the "conversations" at Vienna Instead of nt Home. What Italy Demanded. Baron von llurlan then made v.igii'. unrertaln offer of the cession of part of Tyrol. Including the Tmtitlnn. which Baron Sonnlno considered Insuftlclent On April 2 Baron von Burlan specltletl the extreme limit of Austrian offer nnd asked Italv to lormulatn her de mands, which Hiron honnlno explained as follows: 1. t'essToii of the Trentlno with the Identical boundaries of 1111. 2. Itectlflcatlnn of the eastern fron tier In Italy's favor. Including the ces sion of Gradlsr.i and Gnrltz, 3 Trieste, Including Nabreslna. Capo d'lrtrl.t and Plrcno. to be proclaimed an autonomous. Independent Htate, Austria to withdraw her troops ana renounce her sovereignty 4. Cession of a group of tne 1 urzo. larl Islands. Including l.lss.i, Lesina. Curzoln. LJRosta, ("azza, Meleda and Pelagosa. S Immediate occupation by Italy of the territories ceded nnd the evacua tion by Austria of Trieste. fi. Austria to recognUe lt.ilun sov ereignty In Avlona and sutllclent of the hinterland for Its defence. 7 Austria to declare Its complete disinterestedness In Allnnla. S. Austria to pardon and release po litical and military prisoners who nre citizens of tho ceded territories. !. Italy to pay 200,000.000 lire (about JtO.O'iO.OOO) toward the refund of the national debt of the crown lands. Ac, of the ceded territories. 10. Italy to promle neutrality throughout the war toward Austria and Germany. 11. Italy to renounce further Invo cation of Article VII. of the Triple Alliance nnd likewise Austria's con nection with the .1'gean Islands. Demands Itpjertrd. When reports reached nome that Aus-1 trla was about to conclude a separate , nence with Bust .1 Italv demanded an, immedHte reply, but Baron von Burlan rejecieu Italy's nemanns. ortering oniy the Trentlnj. enlarging the boundary. wZtelM? tSltS" vul'lVu-sla,: staff and all the vigor of the reasons wh Italy f it that Austria s k k , 0fThMe WDTMUnari.IUn Ambn.- defl ct the advance of ,he enemy a little sador nt Vienna, refrtod on April 25 iht unrnn iinrinn w.ia it irr iniiiffi nnr ,., " " ,hr'. r" ., r".V.'., . ,.,:V:; eil-ieill (IM.IIMII I .",, c, refused to accede tho demand for the Independence of Trieste nnd the cession , of the Dalmatian Islands. The Italian envoy added : "Even If Austria yields at the eleventh hour, owing to the pressure of Germany, tho question of the Immediate execution of the accord rem tins unsolved. Under the clrcumstnnce I consider an Italo Austrian accord Impossible." The Duca d'Avarna tried again with out success to persuade. Baron von Burlap to yield. Finally on May 3 Baron Sonnlno Instructed the Duca Baron von Burlan kans WItn tne onjec or conciliating Italian nnd Austrian interests of o. ve gent tendencies. Such accords, If loyally observed, would certainly have furnished a basis toward common, fruit- ful notion. Instead Au-trla. during the ..nn.e nf 1M4 without nrevlotis warn, ( , or acrorrt nn,i unheeding Italy's , ,,-nminendatlon urKinc moderation, sent , an ultimatum to Hervia on July 23. thus oiwint? the present lluronean con lagra- , tlon. Flnnrnnt Violation ("named. ..Austria, by neglecting the obligations i nf ,he treatv. altered tho status uuo In . tna llalkans and created n situation to , her own advantage and detrimental to , t,cr ally's most Importnnt Interests. Such a flagrant violation or tne s unt ami letter of the treaty, nesiues justifying Italy's refusal to join in a war pruvohea without her onbciit. destroyed tho 1 ralson d etro of tho alliance. ! net .VaHty wa"" compl'mnlsed such ..i.nn s.,ee nelltralltv Is Inmosslliln n..v'"1".1. "n.,.i?.tl It IK,, . .f..llli , " ' oi.nose.l to the vital In. , ., niher ntlv when the .mil,, I ' ' ... . : ,ject of tho alliance is to safeguard such interests. , "Italy has, however, striven for many months toward a reestabllshment of the . friendly relntlons between the two cuun. I tries nnd hoped that an agreement based on the satisfaction of her national as- plratlons would remove the existing dis parity in tun reciprocal position nr tne two States In the Adriatic, but the ncgo tlatlon with this object have railed. "Austria now admits Italy's special In tereit In Avlonu and offers Insufficient concessions In tho Trentlno which do not regulate thn situation ethnically, poim. cally and strategically. Moreover, such concessions are to be executed after the war "Italy therefore gives up hope of .......w... Ul,n ...Itl, .......... lenlllllK UU Hbllr" '"' Mtt" ,iiiiiiiin j her proposals and teallies the futility of continuing an nlllauce destined hence. I forward only to hldo continual mistrust. , "lliily now alllrms and proclaims that she resumes her entlro freedom of action and declares annulled and void her al liance with Austria. Sonnino," The Duca d'Avimia communicated this letter lo Parol, llurlan on May i. GREEN STRIPE SCOTCH Ak for the Non-refillnble Bottle with the Green Stripe. ANDREW USHER & CO., Edinburgh I"' 1 ,h he i I. received tho following V er ' ln. ' "H? K"JL"n "The ltalo-Austrlan alliance had a-. where, .vier; r..,. ,m . with,, , i ,n,i... , .:,m.Mi.. was triought. hid been gunrdeil ngainsi. ' on defence, but when the ' and thus an equal concentration or g una treaty was renewed special accords were by the Buss ana at anj - one .".iiu .e :;..,it.,! In cnnnecilon with the Hal. Impossible at the beginning of tho en- I SHEER WEIGHT OF METAL FORCED RETREAT OF GREAT RUSSIAN ARMIES "Hiclce acLt ors lfMniska t Ramose j o 1 -7 jf ScWv T I ft Javoro ifiilmke r&ftMSL ' . oUWiVrfsVife. X if j3rohobucz 9l I Niiinorionl .Strenctli No Match .... , for Tromoiiflniis Artillery "i$$t&& , tjf f in (Jaiicia. ''''' Vii , Ungvar J'.'.'.'.V,, NadworntL y OKRMAN Sptrial CAhle iwfrA tn Tnr Sri IiNiKy, Mny 20. Th Daily MMV correspondent at Pc.rogra.l coniirm, the j belief, prevailing In London, that the , Ilusslan retreat In Gallcla was due to thn tremendous Austro-Gcrman artillery, suddenly concentrated "It proves." the correspondent as serts, "that the war ultimately will not be decided by the numbers nor the bravery of the troops, but by the weight of metal " "The Husslans have Illimitable re serves." he continues. "Their soldiers are as brave as any In the world, yet they wen obliged to give up the entire fruits of their terrific winter campaign In the Carpathians beeatu-e on a cer tain narrow front the enemy collected an enormous force of great gune which created a zone of shell tire In which no troops could possibly live. "Prussians, members of the Imperial Guard, taken prisoners have j..lil that on one short sector of the front twent four battailous of Infantr), roughly speaking 21,000 men, were supported by no fewer than forty batteries of heavy guns. Thcue guns blew tho Hun-Ian trenches to pieces and made the strong est Held fortifications useless, Aviators Dlrrct Tire. "The wedge driven Into Austrian ter ritory held by ItussU consist! d of 1S0, Onn men and 1,000 field guns. These were placed In several lines, one behind the other, and their fire was directed by a host of aeroplanes. These were In the air morning, noon and night, observing nnd correcting the aim of the gunners, The Russian sunners downed tour of, . I, .... . o.-fou In tint rirtv. lull 11 did not , , tftem or nffrct ,her daring, ,.s , of urtiery could be ' . '....,......-.-...-. Twn.v., n fVIV'Than' hre7o7'four m He. I . , . thuultll .... wcrc siow they , u.t..,hout .K nf the to the north - 1 n ..... .hla mlvnttee ulitch mad., tha Busslan General Staff more than once that they had bmucht the enemy to n standstill. But , m,i .lellheratelv forward never- theless at his own pace. ........ Ilnsslnn Guns Inferior. "If It had been necessary merely to brlnt up reenforcements of men the Ruskluna hnd enough of them nnd to spare, but the concentration of such powerful guns of the Germans demanded an answering movement of nrtlllery by the Russians and this could not be ar innged so rapidly. The enemy had a Inrge choice of directions In which to strike his blow. All through April the i liiisslan General Stun knew that It ,-,. rt.el.lnn to It was only the prompt decision o retire al along the line which pre- vented the ""mans from 'giving a wedge not only into the terrl tory ot- cupled by the Russian army, but Into the armies themselves. .... -This catastrophe was avoided by the coolness of tbe Russian otilcers in corn- mand and the obedience or tnei " ny tne lurc-e. "iij (rented under pressure. Everywhere ex cept between the DunaJeJ and the San tho withdrawal was effected In perfect order. . . In another part oi tne nein n mmn . ....1 Anntrlin nrtnv miller fleil nkl was severely beaten bv the 1 " ' BUard near Opatniv. In . '",lh' .... i.0ind. and they are now In " ., of those forces. The forced ..rt tired the enemy, who. has ,.,., nt heavily in killed and , r ir M 0Q pr,,onerH n-i, mv check the general advance of t tha ene.ny., h,!d for Its object the recapture in i cn-iujei mm i,in,n t. "The success of this endeavor would bring the sltuntlop back to what It was early last autumn. It would, however, I r-Tc r-? To acquire success and a permanent position in the clothing world, clothes must set a standard beyond reproach and earn a repu tation through the recommendation of their users. The idea of skimping in either materials or tailoring to save a few cents here and there in cost of production has been something we never have entertained. Consequently, the service of our clothes remains unimpaired. Spring Suits $18 to I45 Spring Overcoats $16 to $40 Brokaw Brothers Astor Place & Fourth Avenue Sutrway Station Ht Door f HlffTPncr: Thn nuMlan;. ran 'J'Z AustTlans' ,tmot leached their limit." ADVANCI-J COSTWUES. Tenlon Drive Tlirniiuh (inllrln Mill In Pronrrss. Spreint Cabin Htvpatth to Tnr Scs I IOnpon, May 20 There are no Irnll-' cations as yet that the Husslans have been able to che"k the Austro-Gcrman advance In Gallcla. Despatches by wire less from Berlin and an otllcial state ment agree thnt the Teutonic hIIIss h iv,i consolidated their lines on the right bank of the San between Jaro-lav and I.tzaysko, nnd that the bombardment of Peremynl ts continuing, not of the city fortress itself hut the outer de fences. The second drive north through the marshes of the Dniester, however, has not yet succeeded, while the third drive of the Archduke Kugene In the Buko wlna appears to have been crumpled up. Military -xpTts In London profess to seft a strategic spportunlty tor the Grand Duke Nicholas In the Gallcla sit uation. They say he Is drawing an Im mense army of the enemy, some say forty army corps, further nnd further away from Its base, and nt a fixed mo ment he will throw against them a force hs large, If not larger, with ndenialo equipment. They claim that of the four teen great armies Ituslu now haa In the llelu only one has met with the icverses In Gallcla. In detail It Is apparent that the Hus slans still hold both banks of the Sun. betwten Peremysl and Jaroslnv They have administered a check to the In vaders around Opatow nnd on the Tar tiow-ltazwndow line they are about hold Ing their own. South nnd east of this tho Germa n wedgt lm tf'fnoj yer the . ..II ....... . river The news from the etteme northern end of the eastern, 'b'altW lint appears encouraging, for it Is thptmrjt the Hus slans have finally straightened out their line In Courland nnd are beginning nn offensive, There Is little fighting in cen- tral Poland nnd nlong the Nlemen or the Narew. There Is continuous fighting In "' ..T' L l,.. . J.i. makini: a desnerate effort lo nmh north ward and Join the northern command , under Gen. von Mnckensen. RUSSIA CLAIMS GAISS. AttncUa Pressed With Snrrrs. nfllcial Statement. Pr.TnoonAP, May 20 The General Headquarters issued the following com munique tonight : On the left bank of the Vistula, west of Ilja, Loptow and KoprJIvn sea, and in the region of the con fluence of tho San with the Vistula as far as the environs of Nlikov, our troops have pressed the eremy with success. Tlie number of prisoners taken here In the course of the day of the ISth cxceedeil 4,000. The great hostile forces which crossed the Pan after an obstinate fight havo succeeded In spreading over the sector of Jaroslau, Radawa and Slenlawa. In tho region between Percmysl and Jaro'lati we have pressed the enemy somewhat on both banks of tho San. Detachments of enemy neroplanes threw bombs on Percmysl, against which the enemy has attempted no other action. To the south of Percmysl the at tack of the enemy were conducted with particular Intensity In the sector of Lupkow, the lwnghl RlsVr and Strawlscz, w hero the enemy succeeded, al enormous s.icrlllce. In capturing several of our advance trenches, On the front of Drohobycz, Stry and Dotlna we have continued to re. pulse tenacious attacks and Inllctcd Immense losses on the enemy. in the Shavll region our troops con tinue tn push back tho enemy on n wide front. We have cnpttited several hundred more prisoners. The enemy Is offering very stubborn re Istance near the village of Klrchany, where the lighting still continued on the 19th. : : : ; An Idea of the extent of the retreat of the lltisslans before thn Austro-Ocr-itniti drive through the Carpathian Is Indicated In tho nccompaiiylnR map. Itotighly speaking, twenty diys ago the Russian lines beginning north of opotow dropped nlmnst duo south, following the line of tho western slope of the Carpa thians, on the Itungarlnn side to lluko wliia. Now the Mussina llhe la from thirty to forty miles to the east of that point. They were driven from tho threo big mountain passes they held, from the Important heights of the lies kul It.mge, from Hartfelil and other Hungarian points where a foothold had been obtained. They are now lighting prartlcally over territory (oniticred In tho itrst months of the war. FRENCH TAKE GERMAN TRENCHES NEAR AILLY Sapping and Milliner Opera tions Net, flnins in Mean sejour Region Also. fip'riol (ViM nt'pitlcS to Tap rs Paris, May 20. Thn French and Brit ish armies have pnssrd another un eventful night and day on the western front Some progre?. by tho French was made near Beausejotir by sapping and mining, nnd several German trenches were taken In the wood of Allly, where the captured positions were held and consolidated. Two German aeroplane were hrourht down by artillery tire. Between Nlc-u-port and Arras the ground remains so badly soaked by the In avy rains that action has been practically impossible The official night communique wa.s as follows: Between Nleuport nnd Arras the country remains ralnsoaked and hardly practicable for lighting, Tho day has been marked by a lively nrtlllery combat, in the course of which two 'German aeroplane a wrre shot down, one by tho Ilrttleh artil lery and one by ours In Champagne, near Beausejour, we progressed by sapling nnd mining ii far as the enemy s trenchee and have maintained contact with these. In the Ar?onne. at Il.initelle. we repulsed an attack. In the wood of Allly we took sev eral trenches, made some prisoners and rignlned and consolidated the ground gained. Tito afternoon communique- ways t simpiy irini men- was rio uccur.-cnce wiiruiy m rcpon huuiik insi nigni. it '' There was nothing Wednesday night io report. 5,600 RUSSIANS TAKEN. llncLs ar Jaroslnv Itepiilseil, Vienna Announces. Sprtlnl Catilt Ptfpalei to Tnr. Sex, VlhNNA, May IO, Tho Austro-Geruinn drive In Gallcla continues unchecked, ac cording to tho olllcial statement of the General Staft to-night The statement follows: l'.nst of Jaroslnv and nenr Slenlawn strong Itttsslan attacks were lepulsed with heavy losses to tho enemy. The allied (Teuton! troops urn gnlnlng ground to the east nnd southeast In the lighting on tho upper Dniester Illver we captured 5,oo more prl-oners. In one sector north of Snmbor the Hint-Inns were ejected from their main defences. A village six miles southwest of Mo-icika was stormed. The situation along the Prilth lino Is unchanged. We captured i,oo prisoners on a short counter attack north of Kolomea. Eastern Steamship Lines NEXT TUESDAY Opens the Ninth Season of the Metropolitan Line All-the-Way-by-Water Route To BOSTON First Trip from Boston, Monday, May 24th Express TwIn-Screw Steel Steamships MASSACHUSETTS and BUNKER HILI. ulll leva Pier 18, North River, foot of Murray Street. New York, week days and Sundays at 5.0,(1 l. M. Same service returning from North Side India Wharf, Boston. Running time between Cities about 15 hours. MAIN DECK DINING ROOMS EXCELLENT SERVICE Tickets and Information at Wharf Office, also at all Tourist and New York Transfer Co. Offices Inside Rooms with MARKSMEN SCORE IN FLANDERS FIGHT French ,Kyc,witnc.Hs" Sny TJicy Picked Off Many at Sfccnstnictc. 2,000 OKIIMAXS KIlLKD fP'tM Cahtr nnpiteh to Tnr. Frs. Vamu, May The Trench eyewit ness sends the following description of the fighting nt Hteenstraete: "Our soldiers wero not satisfied with carrying the trench In front of the vil lage, and In the wild charge that fol lowed they carried the second line. Of tho village nothing remains but ruins, but thesis ruins nio. llko all tho rest, or ganlxed In 11 highly effective manner. In the street fighting the Zouaves, shnrp shooters nnd Algerians gained ground rapidly. They captured four mitrail leuses, also rllles and bomb throwers. "Tho Germans, who occupied the deep cellars nf mi old brasserie, offered a de termined resistance. They were In trenched In tho cellars mid much of tho lighting was underground. At the end of a brief Interval the Zouaves wero seen coining nut by the stairway. They were masters nf the rellars. "On the right the sharpshooters also were making progress. Tlie enemy, by means of n tunnel, precariously held, still had nrcess to the Yperleo bridge, but fearing that bis Hank would b turned, ho wns dashing hither and thither, advancing and retreating. Minrpihnntrrn I'li-lt Oft Men. "On the steep shore, a short distance away, our seasoned sharpshooters were following this confused movement """J every time a head appearnl a well aimed rule bullet added another body to the German III Uie tronches. "At the end of tho day we reached the canal nnd took up nur positions along the road from Ste, istraete to the Yperlee bridge and I.Uerne. We hold this road as far as the bridge. "The rpeitacln offered in tho evening on the battlefield around Steenstraete nnd In thn vlllnge Itself was frightful. The Germans left more than COn dead on tho Held, our losses were serious, but far less than tluo of the enemy- "At the same'moment that our attack tva hecun ac.ilnst Sleenstraete another attack was delivered n the I let Has frnm (111 the latter our artillery prep- ! aratlon had been very easily carried out. The Infantry fighting wms, tnererore, iesn ........ vi ninhtf.ill the Zouaves wcie mnsters of the enemy's tnree lines oi trenches and of nil tne nouses m n Sas ion 'he left bank). W walked In with our hands In our pockets; said u sergeant, lighting his pipe. 'Our progress was continueu immedi ately toward the north We captured three mitrailleuses and sex oral bomb throwing guns and made prisoners threo officers ana tniny men in tunnels. The number of German dead exceeded Too. They belonged to two of the three regiments which the enemy hnd iniiBsed nn the left bank to In sure Its possession, "During the night the Germans tried to take advantage of the darknes to deliver a counter attack At Steen straete. in the cut up ground wmcn our 1 1 oops had not had tlmo to or ganize, the enemy succeeded In making an advance and through the Interval be tween the two sections they entered the village They had begun to advance In the streets when some one shouted, "vnlln les lloclies 1 "At this cry rifle fire burst forth f'om every point. The Germans, about a company, attempted to retreat, but It wns too late. The sharpshooters got before them nnd the entire company wus encircled and mpturcd nnttle 1'nnnht In tinrk. 'Trom the direction of Het Sas the Germans showed a prefeience for the use of asphyxiating shells. Our fcol illers, however, donned their masks and successfully withstood this form of at tack. When the German Infantry de bouched they found our men rendy to resist, hurling their hand gtenailes Into j the tlnrknes with rare precision. Tho enemy was repulsed, and several hun- I dred more German dead were added lii the casualties of the day As one of our Zounves said, 'Its disgusting, but we1 have to walk over them.' i "The morale of the Germans leaves much to be desired. , "On nnd after May 15 we heard salvos nf rllle tire from the German trenche-. 1 but not a single bullet reached our, lines. "It has been confirmed that one (i.r man company was called hastily to thi. front to make an example ot marine fuslleers who wished io surrender, and ' that thirty of tlie latter were shot' inside tlie trenriies on tlie same ,la wo saw nn otllier lire with his revolver on soldiers who were holding up their hands In token of surrender "The losses suffered by the enetnv were very high in p.o;-orti'r. to the number of their effectives engaged on the evening of May 1". In occupying the entlro ground as far as the canul we found several hundred more rle.ui, which brings the total of German losses to more than 2,000 in the lighting hj. tween Steenstraete ami llet Sas. "On our side we had heavy losses too. but we had more wounded ih.m killed, and many more slightly wounded tnan severely wounded ' (MAY 2ftTll) FARE $4.00 Electric Fans $1.00 RUSSIANS ROUTED BY TEUTON FORCES Hem nnn Is nf Army Are In V( Flifrhi, Snys Ilrrlin Statement. HEAVY LOSSES TN" KM.I.KD Mrai.tM, via London. May ;n -Miry Ger:n.n g.'.lns In the I.ire'te nil v,i the rout of ntisaian forces sour, t-,. Nlemen, with heavy losses to t' e i jr, troops, are announced In tn-dn , cial statement. The report is as fo. lows : Gloomy an hazv weather n nuerel actlte fighting In l'l.tndere hi I i i western Krance yrsteiilay Ue u.4,,4 a little progress In the leiretie if , At Ablaln a nuht ndva ice j by the enemy was repulsed al,, , to hand lighting Ilctween the Metise and the M ti , nrtlltery dllelj were lepe - ,V He . At daybreak the Crimen rmnmen e, nn attack to the east of ,i v eiu j, Ing over a wldo front, but we ,- ,. f, where repulsed, in iert,i,n se , , ter llerco hand to hand He. We hnd no w i . etrong forces of the ene ny r- . to be advanilng on the lire of eiora-l-'ratienbilrg till the cistern t is aire), Ilusslan attacks on the Ii, t were repulsed. Nine hundred p ,. ere and two machine guns re ?i In our lianel.s. Yesterday we attacked a h, I to tli north of Hodilbls We rapture! a hill nnd took r.OO more protr, ttusslan forces nilv.nrlm ecui ni the Nlemen were e-omplete; defraleil at Gryosikabuda, Simt ,t Sxakl. Ilemnant of the e-ie , forces are lleolng In nn easterly ,1tr', tlon In.o the forest -Mln.n Oil one still are holding Sutkl, Tim 1 .... ,( tho nusjilana In killed were ierv huv and the number of prisoners for t , reason Increased by only I'.Ona Ts hundred and four more myn n cum were captured Our troops which penetrated rrnn the Kan Hlver north nf IVrrnr i' ngaln were attacked yesterda- i , Husslans In a denperate aes.iuit T enemy everywhere was rpu,sed i,t very considerable Irmjes. T! i. n n Ing we opened a counter att.irk en ot of bis wings and stormed the eneni.. po.siiione. i in is neeing u qu Kl il possible 17 GERMAN SUBMARINES LOST .Mnnr Vessel llr.lnilr,! Murr IllocUnite nf nnulniid lleunn. I.onpoS, May 20 Germany ns ln,t seventeen submarines since I'. bnnev I when she began her blockade of i:nt. Innd, says a Copenhagen despat h h.n on reports curient In lVrPr The Bond to Offer in Court Delays in Court uiuslly are costly iv alwayi inconvenient. Hu clients inter ests demand of the lawyer that proctr. in?s be expedited in every potsib!- i) Whenever a Surety Bond i! reauirf it should be a Bond of lueh kr,oi itrength that ita acceptance I! lmrnflill,." a Bond which ii recognired to be ibi-, lute in iti protection and a gumnttc ct prompt reimbursement in raic of lei Comidtring their graie repoiibili in approving juretiei, it a fair inferer" that Judge! are plraeed when thr Bur. of the American Surety Oercpar.y i preiented, not only becaus: this ti ts iargeit Surety Compan m the ori but because it has establithtd dbrinic; past thirty years, the nvst tnmt reputation for the prompt percent ct''.i obligations. American Surety Company of New York IIDMl. id 1 1 100 Broadway, New York Telephone, Rector 95:5 Mronklyn Brunch. 1-0 MontW.e M Telephone, lnin lf flrsnchrs and Aernues l.ervwi'" I Outside Rooms $2.00 4