Newspaper Page Text
Hi IH 10 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, ,TUNE 23, 1915. y. 1 1 IS I urn Two Sound 6 Bonds at par Net earnings of each issue large, ly in excess of nil interest re quirements. An excellent opportunity for the investment of July Funds Parllculati on ttqunt lot Chcjlar N.W.Halsey&Co 49 Wall Street, Ncv York I hllairlp'.ili I Hrnr an Francis i I'oston I nltlmora l.loiii FINANCIAL HEWS AND COMMENT Kiiilronrt Stocks Display Indl cntions of Advancing Strength. SOMK FOItEIGN SELLING NEW YORK STOCh. EXCHANGE PRICFS Katlroad and other Share. Tukbdat, June 22, 191G. -Closlnr. ID1T.I I I ocxn-l Hlrh-I taw I Clot-1 Net Bid. Ask, m, tlm. I I Inr, eat. est. Inr. I Change. WANTED Atlas Powder Giant Powder Hercules Powder FOR SALE Colt's Fire Arms E. VV. Bliss DuPont Powder Hosmer & Webb Tel. 6962-0 Broad. 35 Broad St. 101 E. & C. RANDOLPH Members Ne-Y York Stock Lstrnange. Ill llrimilnny, Nnv YorU. Cond ind Open Market Soeuritie.1 Department T. F SHIELDS. Mgr. Dealer In lnietment iind Other Seeurltlea of the United Statea. Canada and Meilco. SjV INCORPORATID Q CONSULTING and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEER8 PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIEC FINANCED and MANACED BO Pine Street Ne Vork I There were suggestions In yesterday's I slock market of sin Incipient change from flip compiiratAoly featureless sessions of t lie lust week or so. All tills month' . llioicil values have been movlntr prnctl i rally along one average level without j significant fluctuations except In n few liiecinl directions. Whether or nut any 1 Item! or tendency In developing If con jectural, hilt by the close last night there hail been some Indications that 1 constructive effort was engaged on the 1 side of i.slng prices, although It stlil re ' mains to be seen If all the circumstances of Important factors of uncertainty will . 101 permit sustained advance and If thoj S7V4 market Is as Invulnerable to depressing lnlhiences ns It has looked under the tests of relative Inertia. ' Dealings expanded a little further along the. scale of activity and the trad ing Included hoth a very apparent In ' crease of selling In tho forenoon nnd the oxlstence of an absorptive demand which held tho share list rather firmly and afforded a basis for some hardening; In the afternoon, with the final tone, fairly strong, nlthough In the late deal ings the market was quiet. While the 1 transactions seemed still to have their origin largely In professional operations, there were tome tokens of n broadening out of the market In tho way in which ralliond shares were brought Into the Held of Interest. Whether or not the diversion of at-' I tentlon to tho rnlls wu wholly expert I menial and tentative It made the under . lying strength of stocks a little more I convincing. Wall Street has lcen feel- 1 Ing lately that Stock Ks-change busl r.ess was suffering somewhat from too i much spoclallaitlon, nnd If the time' , Is right nil the current revival of ac tivity In Industry as a result of the S7i 38 18 18K .. 7BH 76 2 61H Bl?4 .. 4Ri 46? .. 10 1 54 1 02 7 go sr. 54 2 113 11s 7 10214 105 7 40V4 4 8 54 .. 7H 7s .. 3454. Hi 30 I 305i .. S3 I S354 .. ! !)7 7 S54 6 517s 8114 4 40 41 10SS HO 7 114 11414 7 12354 124 8 22fi 227 20 10! 107 6 7 8 4 7 7054 154 170 6254 101 88 4 7 144 15054 15054 4154, 4154 30 54 115 2954 9154 1854 4S4 32 4 101V 1015! 67 7754 70 T4 154 17054 624 102 8954 69 1654 .14 12554 1554 7S54 67 97 80 39?, "7. 2 . 914' ' lS?,j 46 1 33 .15 127 I 1554 79 , 6954 101 87 60 stimulus whteh forelcn trnde and the plethoric money market are affording-, I together with the prospects of further expansion emphasized by excellent crop 1 conditions, deserves some reflection, at j least by way of anticipation, In stand- urn snares, especially tne ranroaas. ine 3054 3054 402 !420 11554 T11554 Cs, 26U - 1 "4 4tt 3454 32 104 1 10! - . 42 34 Ti 3454 105 The Best Market The Merchants' Association says that this City is the best market in the United States for manufactured products. On that account, it must be a center of strong financial institutions to assist in send, ing these products to every country. The Metropolitan Trust Company for 34 years has been of service to manufac turers and to men in general who are doing things. It of fers a dependable banking service to manufacturers and merchant throughout the New York market. Stni for out Banin$ Dtpartmtnt BeoUt Metropolitan Trust Company George C. Van Tuyl, Jr., President 49 Wall St. 102 ,10254, 119 !ll54 364 1 37 I 64 C44 . 10 3 54 1 04 1074 109 31 '4' 3Pi 39 24 77 54' 85 37 4 234 775. SO 234 23 4S5t 46 144S 145 116H 121 52 57 12S4 128 92 54 . 9 8 54 43 8654 36 76T4 26 116 44 S7 37 14 I. k Prealdtat 49 Wall St. 73 15 9254 90 66fi MOMMOI00MOOQCM ntx itri ujKit 40 wau arrett a Srttlly I 166 Montagus Street i OfUtu) 569 Fulton Stmt J DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS. Company and Term. Stock. Amt, Draper Co., quarterly,. Draper Co. quarterly.. Dlillllera Co. of Amer ica, quarterly Market and Fulton Na tional Hank, quar terly National I '.irk Ilank, quarterly Anaconda Copper Mln Inr, quarterly Cblcago Pneumatic Tool, quarterly Doclge Manufacturlns, quarterly naey lled, quarterly National Automatic Klre Alarm ficcond National Ilank, quarterly Torto Htco Hallway, Ltd.. quarterly Ootham National Bank, quarterly American Public Ser vice, quarterly CtilcaS'J City and Con necting Hallway, semi-annual Canada Paper, anrnl annual r.lmlra Water, Mfhtlnr and Itallroad quar terly Bank of the Manhattan, eml.annual Merchant! F.xchanite National Bank. eml-annual Payable. pfd 2 July 1 com 3 July 1 ptd Hr. July SI S JulT 1 i July 1 60c July :i lt July 26 pfd 1,CJ July 1 pfd Pit July 1 S4 July 1 IV. July 1 pfd 14(1 July : 2 July 1 pfd July 1 Pfd S1.2S July 1 Pfd Ji July 10 1 pfd July 1 July 1 S, July 1 fact was commented upon that railroad' 13454,165 I stool! made a bul".lt rerponse to com 1 paratlvely little buying on the day after j , the Supreme Court's decision against the1 Uickawanna coal comblmitlon, and de-1 uplte the disappointment or tne veto of the Pennsylvania, full crew law repeal bill Nor was there any obvious stock market sequel of unfavorable result I from the inxtponemcnt of decision In I the International Harvester ttise. J 1 An Impulse to purchases In the rail road sroup was provided by the Su preme Court's confirmation of tho South ern Pacific In Its ownership of valuable lands In Orecon, but morn particularly ' by the lialtlmoro and Ohio's report of earnings for May, nhowlns n proas In crease of )644,00O and a net Increase of J1.2J7.000. This advertised posslblll-' ties rf a recovery of railroad traffic 1 w-hlch had been almost forgotten. Also I tho presentation of argument In the1 Western rate case furnlahed occasion . for the Indulgence of moderate hones 1 that the Interstate Commerce Commls-1 j;i eion policy, wnicn nan neen revisen 1 30 neipiuuy ror me casiern lines, fum be applied In a similarly beneficial way for the Western carriers. Canadian Pacific, which Is more a foreign than n domestic stock, was an exreptlon to the general course of rail road Ijsuoi. It seemed to be affected by selling from nbroad. nnd Indeed the strength with which the stock market opened' all around was quickly over come In the forenoon by salea which had tho appearance of more than profit taking. Hearlshly disposed traders In sisted that ICuropean liquidation had como In becatuo of the defeat which llussla sustaining In the war and tried to argue thnt the military posi tion wae taking a scrlouily adverse turn Thero was no Important Indorse ment of thl.i view, nor was there any manifestation of uneasiness over our itl'M (Vthtrnvnr.,. fAn ... A.t- .... , . e-j ,,.tt, uvtiiiaiij, I vices from Hcrlln. for that matter. I rather portended n desire on the part of the Clerman Clovornment to keep relations with us on a friendly baals. An nccept-ble explanation for the fresh symptoms of foreign offerlnirs of securities here wan provided by the suc cessful appeal which the new British war loan seemed likely to make to the patriotic purse In Great Hrltaln. Last autumn a considerable total of Amerl- can securities was marketed here under 1 disadvantages to supply the proceeds for ' subscription by Hrltlsh cltlzena to the first war loan, and some exchange of Investments Is bound to result from the attractive terms of the new bonds, the owners of which will have a call on nny subsequent issue which Is put out at a higher rate of Interest. Sterling exchange hardened enough to warrant the Inference that some Itrltlsh selling of our securities wan going on. nnd there may be enough of this liquidation for a little while to provide some correctives for exchange. It Is probable also that subscriptions for the loan In Oreat Ilrltaln will put the Government In possession of a con siderable quantity of gold against , which the Bank of England can op erate In the International money mar ket. The announcement of the arrange ment of a French credit through the I Rothschilds on the collateral of Ameri can securities simply confirmed recent I authoritative reports. Routine news Included the declaration 1 of a dividend on Anaconda Copper at the rate of two dollars a year, an In j crease from one dollar a year, and a , plan for the distribution of a 250 per . rent, stock dividend on New Jersey Zinc, 1 another event in the category of wlnd ' falls of fortune which war business has been bringing to American Industry. 17254! 8 icr io 2654 117 124 31 11'4 11 100'j 10254, 6154, 63 10s lll'i 1754 17S 71 14TI 91 89T4 6654 3054 30V4 107 108 3I4 35 1064 107 35 I 40 2254 2354 93 9354 50 5054 1604 162 24 1 354 3 24V 33?4. 30 I 874 40 1900 Alaska O M , 700 Allls-Chalmers 6600 Amal Copper 400 Am Heel Sugar 20200 Am Can 300 Am Can pf 1300 Am Car & F 100 Am Cnr & F pf 100 Am Coal Prod 200 Am Cot Oil 900 Am H & Leather.... 400 Am H & Leather pf. 1000 Am Ice 8000 Am I.oco 100 Am I,nco pf 100 Am Malt 3S00 Am Smcltlnc 4200 Am Steel Fdy 100 Am Sugar. , 200 Am Kuirnr pf 1200 Am Tel & Tel 100 Am Tobneco 100 Am Tnbncro pf 100 Am WrltltiB P pf... 11425 Anaconda 1500 Atch, Top & K Te 200'Atch, Top & 8 Ke pf ! 23300 Baldwin I.oco 7600 11 & O 800 H & O pf 200 Ilatopllas SS70 Bethlehem Steel 7600 H F Goodrich 200 H F doodrieh pf 800 Bklyn Rap Tran 800 Butte Copper 100 Cal Pet 18243 Can Pacific 10600 Cen Leather 1600 C A O 800 Chi at WeHt 300 Chi at West pf 1810 Ch. M & St P 5300 Chi, It I & Pac 2400 rhino Copper lOOOICol F & I 3700lComstock lOO'Cuns Gas 900'Corn Products lOOlCorn Products pf 300iCnnt Can 100 Cont Can pf 400 Cuban Am Sugar 1900 Crucible Steel 200 Del, I. & W 300 Dctroit-Kdlson 6300 Distillers Sec 17700 Krle 3000 Krle 1st pf lOlKrlo 2d pf 3001 Federal M & S 100F W Woolworth.- 1600 Gen Klec Co 1400 Gen Motor lOOiGcn Motor pf 900lat Nor pf 1700lGt Nor Ore ctfs l'OOlGURgenhelm 400'Harvester X J lOOllll Central C00 Inspiration Con 520llnt Paper pf 1990OI Inter-Met 9S00 Inter-Met pf 20iJ Kayscr 700Kan City Sou 200 Lack Steel 2000lLehlgh Valley 100 L A X 100 Manhattan Shirt 250 Manhattan HI SOOlMays Dept Stores pf. ... 800lMaxwell Motor Co 600 Maxwell Motor Co 1 pf . . 400(Maxwell Motor Co 2 pf.. 3000 Mcx Pet 800 Miami Copper 200 Minn. St P A 8 S M. 38 1854 7654 6154 464 102 6654 113 104 54 48 754 3154 3054 53 97 554 8254 3854 3754 1854 18 7654 7554 514 604 46 454 102 102 5654 S34 113 113 10454 10454 48 4754 754 75S 35 3154 3054 30 SIV4 53 97 1 07 64, 554 S21i, 804 4354 4354 391. loss, iosh ios m 11454.11454 11454111454 124 124 112354,12314 2201; ,2264 2204 2204 106T4 101!106.108TA 37 18, "64 61 4594 102 55 113 1044 474 754 314 30 634 97 ft 814 40 RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. THE CURB MARKET. 74i 74' 37 r!4 364' 74 30 101 69 75 70 li 169 624 102 8954 694 16 1524 40T4 884 1154 294 904 174 454' 33 .15 10154 6954 7754 704 14 1714 634 102 894 694 15 1624 42 40 11H 294 91T 18 54 46 33 ' 1 1 4 rransnrilons from Opening In ?il.t I. M. :ooo,', .Hftla Hies Corp S tnoo. ,.,n 1 U I Atner Arr rv 5s noon,,,,i7l3 North Pactfle 41 zoon.,iui zmn.,,,iiyi4 ;:m, ,,,w 1 Amrrtredebds toon. ...07 looo..,.", j la inon..,,Ha I)uPnnt4' . Mv),,,,nlnj AmTATrviMs loon.,,.n !Ha inno, ,,,n l .v inono,, n !J 1 1 , Trie rv ts er AiNorthPaelno li : s.iftwi., i na.v lono.. ..on ,,,H4 I Soon., oafts Trie er Isser til loon., .,(14 i S20on., nils 40OO..,,n7la Ont Power Ss I AmT&Telt (s risi:Coast4' r,ono ...1)4 iono,,,,HHia wn....MY. tiractaiisiM .inn),.,.HH.T(i Oen nieetrle f.s moo,. I oou wsv,,,.mj I lono.. I (i ill a Or sh I, Mr .iooo,...HRiR1r!rest Nor 4's :onn. ,.,hh AmWrltl'Ss I Knnn,,,.ini9.t'enni 4Ssl 7".on. .rtaiu llnekVnl I'M tern rtfn :ooo....A:i ini(i.,,.(iaai' lnno,,onst Armour 4's Illinois Stl mon. . n:tr9 1000,,,. (i aii ron,3..,,H4-ii 'onnn, mniii TAH'rv4 ono. .,4l- s.'.oon. I()!T, loon.. I ijijij Mfllsni-ileeias inn(n. . 1 u;i i, I'kvi noon.. I in I "ono. . I (i:i7s f.nnn. . I nill j InsConsCopc Pa cm t"s 1 lmmvil oni-jl iil'i 1 irtnrtfs loon,, (low innon.,l.'ia 1 Jooon. ...n m t I AT M' pen 4 Interti It T ret 1M pv ., tntt , looo. ,n 'Hi, IMS tool, innixl lrn3i.,i:t inon,...!17N I'enni Is toll , 1000..., (I III i Interlioro . Mel inn'i 111 Son... (inli ro! trust 4's J'ltt Cln Chi Ac ATASI'adl 4s. nooo.. .77'iii SM.Ister" . Hampeil r.ono,, 77 loot. ...H no loon. . Mq.T'lonno....7 7.i.( I lirlllard V PaltAO fold 4s lonori, ...77 V .looo. ,..n'is 54 101 10154' 'i 67 674 4 75 774 24 70 704 ?s 1-H 1H 54 168 170 14 6 2 54 52 -4 54 102 102 89 89 67T4 68 14 16 15 149 4 16054 24 40 4 41 H 38 4 394 1 1154 11 4 ' 29 4 294 4 , 9 0 54 914 1 174 184 ; 454! 5'H. .15, .16 125V125H, 1254 125 ir.i 78 694 99 86 31 5i 151; 7S! 6954 99 81 31 I I QT 415 ,11S IS 78 694 99 86 304 415 1654 I 9 S 694 99 87 304 418 SJU IS1U jflO H4T4 H55i!ll4T; HS54 274! 274 254 264 iUf, illVi, .u j 404, 41T4I 40H 31 31 31 32 I 344 ' 32 104U 1044 1044 1724 1724:1714 st-a ICll Mfl 102 41:4 31 33T4 10454 1791. 11544 102 101 '102 11S54,U9 I11S4'H9 364 ! 3754! 364. 37 64' 644 63 64 103, 104 .1024,104 108 10S 10S 108 32 37UI 1 1 a 85 I 25 4R1'. 324 374 24 32 37 23' 76T4 .1 85 254 46V4 144 145 1434 144 1174 11754 "74 1174 25 4554 3 374 23 T4 7754 85 2554 4614 54 125V4 9S 44 8754 38 : 764 26 I 11 54 54 54 12 5 54, 12 5 54 1 2 5 54 98 44 I 4 I SJ crt ' c 7 38 77,4 !654 100 M, St P & S S M pf s 16. 123 . Art" f C. rA.n. n ! 1 A 1 34 244 33 304 88 145 145 15' BID AND ASKED PRICES. Closing prices of stocks In which there were no transactions yesterday: EM Aakei Arfamtnxtl Alllst.hpf U AmAiri'h 51 AniAuChl'f Ol'a AmlirScfn lit', Amnr.spfeli'j AndltKupf M AmCoal AmCol'r pfliet'i AmCotO pf 'i AmKxprs 1 Amt.luOll 114 Atnl.lnti pf AmMaltof 2'i AraKmltf pfl'l' AinHHfPfH ' AniUnufl H"i AniNnult Pfim Atnlel(' m AniWnnlrn. 87 AinWool pf S7 AavtaKrnl. Aol I pf Alol jpf AtlCol.tnc lot llHldl.olf0'J IlrlhMllif .nr. llHwil'(.aI-.'7 , llPliislVr r, llxmnKliui' 5:i pf im llufltAP .:, llutllftl'i't Pip' initti'ilrlt ai (allMpt :is CaiiU'ti'th .V, (itllofNJ Vi Crn.VH VI i lisne I l.i'Ulhd P'l't t lilA Mtun I'hlAAItpf ll'l nliiHi'i.r t2.-. ( HlftNVV IS.V j Ch'.f.tlV.I1 113 hM'AII pMJi l'Ahtl, :n 'LAhl. pf .VI flevAI'llts 1.17 luettPAI'o M ' lneitPpI pail, lol.VHoutll 2'J loliSnl pt li) ml M4 M W, 101 iro'a w li r. HP 5 1.1 r: :c 1U7', i p.i ioi .r :u ii (ll'.j lll'i I IH II" , i:n :i do .'ur. I Ji'ii i"p, r.'ii 1.'7 7; irl. :il m Bid. Aaked. 12 -il . I MK! coiiSoipf .n ri'Ti Hrpn in t iiAniSu ptmi IlolcV'liil I hi DcireCupf Ml lli'M.vrtl II iifsuru Pt :u UeiiAlitir n UinitiJr pr. DitMarh IKttVM pf llPll'nltPd llmS iAA ! DulH.-iA Pf r.nininn I f.lMflrS pr 1 1 nWwth Id ll'l' ! IIUiMiup I ' liU'Mlm.'li'l"' I i-li li.'ni 21U (iinriipf lilt (, latin) i un vi HaaiiH mi. HaMiiwuif no H. inN.lpr III1, llnrvi urp oi lloni'iir pf 'il llnmi'MkM 1 1s IIwWiikV Ini Vrx'.irii s IntA .rpf . 21 lull iii'T :i -i loA.O en n i-n pf tr, iKn r I ifpi7 ,lli li'i, lit 7., hi I ,-M pf i :i K. ni -i . .f r.'i', Kin' I). -l I Kuiiiu pf 'i; h' '.Hi 121 I "I. lil.iil'JI I. l.rli-AU I l.l.f lif Hi , l.i.tvVt ifil iU l bi r.. i, i nr. I.uni'l-I.inil III Lorllluril ini lrlllanlpllM4 liiibcWIIlii 111 loosW 1 nf. SH'. 1 UinV3iit, m Mnrtl.i t'nm ? Ij (V) lis lll'j II l'.;i I1 I'i'i 12" . li lis 21 s UK' J I I I.I m;, 'i-,', ii i M III , r."ii' ii; i'i 2s HI' I in (VI m 1 2 l 1 vt' It 13' II ' l2-'l :r, teJ 1171, 1 2 OS SO MackC pf , Mllllr.,cn lan:ili pf MayDprit VP'S Pet pt MWU en Mln-cStl. . MA.itl. pf U.ftPAiiK Ml. I. . Slt.Vtl pf N'nhAT MiimPiiwit M'lril.fVi; ,1'llA.IU Hid. Aike.l ill 1.7' t 1114 as 0M XI 75 CIO ll'l ri K.'i 121 1 atlllsiiiit ik' , N.llllls if 122'j Niltl AS pf III.14 Nrtll'.A.S if. si .Net llyiif Mi x I pf -Nal ll of le 2 pf 6 N VI Aiitl, I pf NW'.VStl, N I'.fAW'.ItT illllljS ' 11lfS1 5 nrfU'. 10.1 NoifAW pf hi intliAni 72 S.nlU'l'el. I n.l lirt.SUVt ii, IMtiatllr pf. I'hpI'AI' 31 I'm I' A-1' pf. 'II I UWl I pf III I'i tiii'.i'aliuMl.i I'rnri'tAI ll'-j I'I AStl. I'l l ,Vhl,pf hi I 111I111.0 ll( fl'ltWAf 187 I'I Ml pf S2 I' pf IIS lllh'tltipilf, hit Itrait 1 pf hi IteadJpf . M Itocklaland H ItuUasd pt. II 10 1 41 M 15 J1,'' M'j K.s 12.". 121 111 II' 4 st 4 112 i::i 11 9) I'll 71 31, In I :n IIIO lii lis '. . lis !) Ill) III H7H 83 .. . ..... ,in- Aaked. hi LAM'. ! , SI.ASI 1 pf is .ii,;ii;v ir, Ktl.HoW Pf :l Si irs.H i f 1 22' j Slost-Sh Pf 7.-, NKKii'sjk Kill IISKreapf PI7 .SilljMAd ll,i. HPiinlMIH a.' St imlM pf 1111 tit'iilt'link Stllili'U pf S reC(irt. I2H Ti'sPni'ir phi, TiihPr pf ) TnlStl.AW 14 lSl.ftWpfet7 Tnlnl'ItT lil'j Underwood 112 lliulpru pf. list, 1 'iiiiinr pr 1114 iHI'J 121 mi I in un Silo M i:n I'ni'kM nf n 1 niiryiiui I'nllryd pf .17 rscasll'pf ;i7 I'SlndAI pt Mi lISKm. in I'SltltAlm .IS' iisllriltVH.. USIIMI pf I'SllllliSpf Vali'O'il'AC VnltA P Vlllrail. Villcon pf Wi'll.nfa UVMMll. West Mil nf WcMh 1 pf 125 Wi'lllrCn 1x1 wejnrtif U'hlAl.ll t UAI.i;:if j WUi-cnt,. 31 Kx dlrldend. Where a "c" follows a quotation It Indi cates a bid or offer for SO abtrauj, l' I ".1 in in HI Oil .1 K4 tm 7n 105 211 ini'j ,M iui in' I Hl4 m 4'l in 12 1:. 1.1 HI lis I2S 2WI I2il 1.Vj 5541 124 14 36 137 36 6 ton 7,i 16 51 79 54j 99 37 7s 124 144 5454 7 5 128 80 43 164. 31 1 55 6454 107 . 541 13 15 37 139 37 654 895-4 n 524; so 101 38 1 127 164 544 74 64 129 8154 47 17 31 554 644 108 61 14 10954 109 684 684 33 96 99 67 74 13141132 105 il06 98 u 9954 67 9 12: 10 40 200' Mo, Kan & Texas pf.. 2300 Mo, 4nn A Texas pf . . . . 400 Montana Power pf 200!Xat Ivcud 120 Nat Lead pf 2800(Nat K A S 100 Nat Cloak A Suit 1200 Nevada Con 100 X Y Air Brake 11135 X Y Central 4600 X Y, X II A H 2800 X Y. Ont A W 900 Xorthern Pacific 9900 Pnctnc Mall 6900 Penn R R 1740 Pettlbone M Ct 1300 Pitts Coal 700 Pitts Coal pf 3900' Pressed Steel Car 200, Pullman Pal Car Co.... 600!Qulcksllvor 200 Quicksilver pf 16001 llay Cons Copper , 2001 Rwy Steel Spring- 600fRcpubllc Steel 300 Republic Steel pf 23400 Reading 100 Rock Island 600!Rumcly , lOOlRumely pf 1100 Seaboard A L , 600 Seaboard A L pf 100 Sears-Roebuck 400 Sloss-Sheflleld 700 St L A San Fran t pt.. 5200 Southern Pacific 100 Southern Pacific cf..., 1000'Southern nwy Co , 139Southern Rwy Co pf. ... Studcbaker Studebaker pf , Tenn Copper Texan Co Texas Paclflo Third Ave R R Tol. St L A W pf , Union Bag A P , Pacific Union PnciHc pf Un Cigar Mfrs Un Ry Inv Un Ry Inv pf , U S I Alcohol II 8 Rubber U 8 Rubber 1 pf U S Steel U S Steel pf Utah Copper Va-Car Chem 100 Va-Car Chem pf 13 Wabash 500 Wabash pf 15700 Westlnghottse Elec 332 Western Union Tel.... 300 Wheel A L Erie 1 pf... 200 Willys Overland 100 Willys Overland pf. ... 9S 43 87 374 75 26 11654 123 in I 1 A uv 1 10?4' 11 10T4 1024 1024,10 c.-.i; cr,., c 110. 110 1-4 11400 135: 800 200 100 3600 100 100 16100 Union 100 100 ' 500 1700 1100 3700 200 68100 1100 100 900 1 714 1554 934 884 63! 28, 10674 tfZ'.l 106 35 224 93' 494 162 354 4 244 3374 3041 87 144 54 124 1454 854 1374 3754 6 89 104 164 62 794 1004 38 128 15 644 7 e 1284 8074 44 1754 31 6654 644 107 614 109 Ofl.,4 33 96 4 99 677ii 74 1314 105 1 714 15V4 934 904 6G 30 1074 3554 107 4054 2354 9374 60 162 354 4 65 110 174 714 16 9354 8S4, 63 28 106, 1074 98 434 87 374; 7" 1 264i 11654 123 I 30 ' 114 102 . 65 110 17 714, 15 934 89 66 304, 54 14 14 4 8 4 i 1 14 14 '"4 54 14 "4 '" 2 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 " 74 4 4 14 10 39 23 9374 60 162 34 34 106 35 224 93' I 494 162 354 34 4 244 244 3374, 334. 334 29 30 87, 8774 143 145 ! 64 124 1454 354 1374 364 2 254 254 54 24 54 1 4 1 1 304 88 14574 ; 64 124 1474 37 1374 374 6 89 104 164 62 80 1004 38 128 15 54 7 6 1294 8074 44 174 314 664 644 107 61 109 684 33 88 104 164 52 794 10054 38 128 15 634 7 6 128 8074 44 17 31 524 634 107 60 1094 67 33 96 96 4 1004 99 6774 0754 74 74 13154 131 105 105 654 124 1474 37 1374 364 6 894 104 164 62 79 1004 38 128 16 64 7 6 12874 8074 44 17 31 04 4 644 107 61 1094 68 334 96 1 99 674 74 131 JlOft 4 4 . 4 4 14 197,287. January 1 4 s '4 14 '4 4 14 4 54 '4 3 '4 1 4 74 4 14 254 1 Vt Total sales to-dny, 459,100 shares. Same day 1914 to date, b'j,'ji,asti. same period 11114, 3b,,riiy,;iK. Whero a "c" follows a quotation It Indicates a bid or offer for 10 tharta. CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. Such stocks as Reading, Union Pa cific, Southern Pacific, New Haven, New York Central, Krle and St. Paul all hud their share of trading attention on the Consolidated Stock Kxchange yesterday, Canadian Pacific was about the only weak spot In the railroad list. The In dustrials, while active, did not monopo lize Interest as has been the tuIo of late, Some of them were reartlonary, al though the tone of tho markrt n a whole was firm. Unrted Stales Steel common, wlilrn leu as to volume, wiiu sales of 1.1,120 shines, barked and tilled In Its price movements throughout the day. It opened nt 61, which was 's of a point under Its rloslnc price on Monday. sold as high as 61 and as low as 611, closing nt Hi ,, IRREGULAR LONDON TRADING. American Isanra Sternly Canadian I'nrlflea Improve. Lonpon, June 22. The markets to- day were soinowhut Irregular, Influenced by. uncertainties caused by the new loan, There was 11 big rush for prospectuses. The old i nr loan was active am! Kt.-ong on the term offered for conversion Into tho now Issue, Homo valln nnd colonials were flat Russians sagged. The American market rulsd staady but quiet. Canadian Pacifies Improved In pU.I cUrtoaaaat uaoajrUlntT. THE COFFEE MARKET. Wiir Mock Slronac and Active llct or MnrUet Featureless. Higher prices were established by the mijorll.v of the active Issues In the curb dealing jestcrday. Trading was 011 nn active scale, particularly In the department, where practically all stocks closed at fractional gains. Transactions In Kennecott Copper feittired tho mining group nnd closed 154 points higher. Transactions In detail on the market yesterday were as follows: Open- Itlih Sae inr el. 710 Alliance rum ' Am Zinc M'4 tov Alaska Juneau.... 13' :iiAlla L'on Mining. .... S2'4 . Low Clos. et. In? GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. Fatnrea Ilnll Day's Transactions Only 0,7(10 Hagi, The coffee futures market was dull and featureless yesterday, with prices nt tho close 5 points lower to unchanged to 2 points higher. Total iMticicllons were only 6,7."iO bags, the gt eater part of which were snitches. March wns in points over December In these opera Hons, mid July was 2 points, over March antl 11 points over Iiecember. Ilr.izlllan markets were Irregular, R!o "fi declined 75 rels tn 4JS25. Santos 4s were unchanged at 55600, mi and San. tos receipts totalled 17,000 bags. Sao P.iulo had 14.000 nnd Jutidlahy 10,000 Tie rate nf Rio exchange on London was lowered to 12 9. Hid Prices weie : nirh est. June July August fci'Iiteniber. . Oi'lnbrr . ... Nom nitier... DiM-emlier.. . itiiiary lirntiry. . .. Mai ch Anrll May Low est. 6 SI 6.74 f 87 6,74 70 6.7K Clos ing, t 5.MI li lirt H.7I ii.71 11.711 1171 ii 79 l r. sr, 1; c. 6 M Prer close r. n 11 p.i r..7:i li.72 B.77 6.77 li.77 (i M HAS r, COO 13000. ...HIM, i in i ev 4' noil. .7 7(1o' frtil 1 7 .i;ooo H7li .1onn.. Hiirij loon . .fta ! 'liar i!nn Con (li SIOOO.. H7 Inst Pmp 1st W rooo. . I all .son, HHS4 con,! .an itteadlne cm 4s lnooo ,H7 certificates I 1000.. little 11000., H7U MO0S-I...VI , Pen IAS .Is 1040 10000. ,.,H7isllowa Cent 1st r.non. ...n 'a woo,..,B7i4 2000. ...84 iooo,,,,n:ii3 ooo....H7islJap 44sriermn' .ionn.,,.o rt BaltAOhloJUa atamped mionrandeW 4s 10OO.. (ll.isl 2000.. ..74 1 soon . 7 1 PnllAOSW.lHi Kan City ter 4 niodWrnl ir 4s 1000. ...HHIa, 1000. ...HHSa 2000..... in ii Peih stl fd tl 4000. ,NSii Stl.AlronMSs I7000.,,,U.1I4 KlntsCnrt.AP 10000.. ..9(1 10OO....B.VS rvfs 102.1 St PM AM 44a .100O0. ...0.II3' S0O0.. I 1 H .1000. .101 Ilklrn City lat Lark Stl &s 1050 Jatsl AI, ref 4s 4000. . I (10. 1, 17000, ...7 4 70tls1. n7a, Bkn Hap Tr t loooo..,. 7M34 M IxitilaSW 1st 101S .V.0O0....7PI f.000 . ,74l .1000.. tOOIs LSI (V MS 4s 1011 yoPellTATHs J-Omonl OO 1000. ..,11 1 la 1000, ...)77 2.1000. . 1 Oil I-S A MS 4s I IBS So Pacific CT Is Canada So 5s 2ono..,.niOs 5001. ,..n na, I looo.,lo:il I-ehVal Conl f,s Mm.. 1 OOIk t Cen Oa en 5s 2000.. 1 oaii 500. mots 2ooo..,,nti.Vi Lirc-tt a m !s .moo. ...0014 (en leathers I000..IOI loom. ,, .HP's 1000., .uii.Tm Marine clt 4is 1ir-i'ii null I ;o00..,.0fll3 f"H .ini 15000 .007,. Cent Pacific lat inroo. ...iil'i lnooo. ...p fw,;iRS 1 mimi .ntlU So Pacific ev 4s linoo. ...RK I :nrvw" ftn lnooo.. a 1 Cent llll NJ 6sl perllflcatps 5000....8 I'll .1000, ,ftP)i 1 Sol'aclflc ret 4 i r.ono.. :i 1 4 lsnno. ...Bdja 1 jonnsji, na ' csi..Biila I noon.. .ftiUa !.vni,,Rflia ( torxi.,."iM3 Joooo. ...nia Mil Das 1st 4s iiooosO .Slllj 2000.. ..n 1 13 Sol'aesr ler 4s I MOKan&iei4s rioiin. ...nwi 4 I000....7 Ola si'ithem Itr !s 1000. ...77 lfoon....o OS, 1000.. .7fS 10000. ...07 MoKanATexSd ,So llwy rm 4a IOOO. ...07 20OO. ...114.11 1 M r.i i'i . 1MU 1T, 5000. , 1 1 :ia4 COrr 4'4s looo. ,.,73 10000., ..-aa, 1000. ,,.78la 10000. ...7aSH C II AO Joint 4 1000.. .,1111.14 :i'n.ii,,n ini 2ioioo..onN :ooo...,o na, 7000 II 07 Cht IIAQ rm 4a Nttr City Secur- Int. Ity, Rate. ray. Due. nid. Offer. Yield. NYCIty e u-3 Sept. 1,'15 1001 100H 3,00 NYCItr M-S Sept. 1,'U lOSli 10J( 1,00 Miciir.... u-a Bset t.'w w,, kmm i.m Mo Pacltle eon Tea A Pae 1st 5s noon.. 100 1 fooo....H4la inrtirKiolOO 'Union Pacific 44 5000.. IOO I 2OO0....O.VU Mo Paeino Is I ..pfta, iwui n 1, tr n..ln. r i OOO....K.1U MAOVontntSs loon.. .801, Oil A Hast til 4s looo.. IOO UnlnnPae ct 4s Moot Power 5s 5000. I la 6ooo..,.OOl4 N Y Ceo den a V s Pan Ss rpn rels full n4 loon.. 1 (1 1 :00O..lO37()T S Pan Ss .rer 500.. I 04ta 1070OO 1 0.17s rets 1st ml sonoo..l on N Y Cent 4's 5000. ...HR's NY Cent deh 4s lims?)HR 2000. ...RRI3 NY Central 34a .vroo). ,7013 2000. ...70I3 SVCIS SlJS 1000. ...7419 NYCIty 44sliK3 1000.. 1 o:i7 NVCltf44a 1057 Mav looo.,l oflla NTCIty4ia10 40on....onas NY City 4S 50 1000. ...nftis NY (ias Kleo Lt It A P 5s Jnovtil Ofl NYNItATT ct sa 12000, . 1 1 oia N T Ont A W 44 fooo.Kan looo. ..,7Hi NY nra id 4s 1O0fl.,..7Olj 1000....7O34 NY Tel rm 44a inonoaM..oni4 1ooo....oii.1h NY Westchler A noston 44a 10OO... 7Hfa NorWev 44i IOOO..IOHI4 moo n 1 au Chi IIAQ III 4a 300O....PS34 12000.,,, P.I 20oo....nnii ChlPAQ 111 84s 000.. ,I5 ChliOt Veat4t 0OOO. ...07Sq C MASt P CT S rcta full pi 500.. 10413 10OO.. 1041. CUsiPrro44e 2000.. f ooia CllAstPcr 44 iuooo,,,.w 713 .-Kit) , , , , H 5000 071a CMAStP deh 4 5000 K7I9 Chi A N W eon looo.. 1 (1714 Chi llya lat 5s 1000. ...04la Cht map raf 4s 10000, ,..no7 5000 (1(1 Cll HIAPllrle moo... 4.119 32000, ...40 1000 ni4 CSt I'M AO 5s 15000 on ia Con Gaacv Sa 10000. . 1 1 ma 3000. . 1 1 n;ii DelAHud pt 49 1000.. 1 nnii DelAMud ref 4 4 0011. ...w.i Den It nioOr4a ioou.,,.7314 5000 7nla Den A P.I0O 44a 200O. ...70 Dan As no ref Sa JHOOall. 4V71 MVOall. . A 7 1 natron Un 44a 1000. .M looo.. 1 O 1 la V S rtuhh.r e, 50000. , I OS 04 10000.. 1 U S Steel af Sa loon., I n 21 a sooo.. I onU l.wnrHiol oats eono.. 1 0314 1 oai looo.. 1 oa 2000. .1 02l VarantltVCo ctf IOOOO, ...Oil 5oon.,,,nni4 1 loon... .on Watvu! tst 0OOO.. I O 1 1 4 Wahaah 5d 1000.. ..O IS4 Wahaah eat 4a looo. ...21 la lnooo . .a It, foTrctfastt lofloo. . 1 oa, Western rleo 5s isomi. loll, Wn Maryld 4s 1000....1I'; la W NY A Pa 1st 1001.. I 021 J Westc HI PT 5s 210O0 .104 .100.1,. 1 on7s 7SO0O. . 1 04 certificates rooo.. 1 nn7g S20OO..1 0 4 notes 15000. . 1 oola 10000.. 1 ool, 3(iroi.. I oois icooo. . I OOI4 TnuuaKstlens frem triS P. M. to Clastaag. V.rt -Allanla In Ills Lnlxcr D?T. 50 1 Hi 7 Cnttonoo'l IP ' llr.i len Copper. llnotli CO llulle N Y .'1 Canadian N O C. Cnr I.tkht & P. Il Crimp Ship ... ."H) 'Ciribou Cobalt.. I M Caalibny .i Chile Cuivier .... 7V0 Cons Nev-Utah. I.M) Con Arlrona... Wl Home Mines 17.-.J Klectrlo Iloat 121 :Ji Kleclrlc Iloit pf IM JOO Kmcreon Thono.. lc; I MO 'Kmnn Copter. 53 ) 'Florence 4J Oreen Cananea . 4014 .10 Ooldfleld Cons... 1 ! ll WO Ooldfleld Merrer I3',4 CO Inter Con w I.... 25 100 Inter Con pf w i 77; 2iv) Inter Merc M. ... 24 WW Inter Merc M pf Vi .60 Inter Motora U M Inler Motors pf Si 7T Jumbo Kxten ....1 IM! lW Inter Petrol H etO Inter S Pump... t 210 Kellr Spr Tiro.. .155 31 Kellr Snr T 1 pf. I6'4 0 'Kewanas . . .. J.VWO 'Klnnecutt Cop.. ?M Iine Star twi Mutual Profit Sh rl McK II SaT Mln lo New Utah ninr.. 'l Oro 145 Pyrene Mfr too Itlkrr Her Corp... ffti) standanl Motors.. lio .xandatorm Kend. fAl "Sella 41T") Succeaa Mlnlnr.. tsto s.iuper MltUnr . IM10 Stewart IW SI Joseph Lead,. in Slprllnr Gum IH 1500 Tonopah Merrer. 40 2M) Tono Mln of NeT. 7 IHMTonopah Ext....! Ml 13 Tularoaa I ll KVl Tuolumne Cop.... Ml t2l Vn Clr St new..,. 10i ltt Un Clr 9t of Am.104 W Un Prof Shar I lXI Waeatrh lsi 2500 "West End Oon... H 200 YTabaah w 1 It 100 Wabaah pf A 4 l0Wpt End Ext.... 4 2KC World Film 4S STANDAItD on. SUBSIDIARIES, 14 294 27 S4 10 104 a 7 7'4 2E , S7 1 23 .2 1-H 1SV 51 1114 M'l ; IS'i 1.1 12'. 73 C7 7: 3.T, 31 1 14 1 ;-k 14 7U TH 1 Stl, .VI 5.14 1 15 t 3-K ! i, pj ! 7 f,, tr, i, en; 14 44 14 Mil, ? 20 4 :-i li 13-111 12-14 13-16 IJ, IC'a 1'. 12! IIS l:l 1M 111 120 us hh 21 23 21 41 40 41 41 404 41 1 J-K 14 1 ! 214 S14 21 r. 24 S4 ;:; 77; 7:; 24 i :s i, 1 1S4 11 "li SO S3 38 I 1 11-K 1 P-32 Pi 1 tv. 14 v. I 14 Pi ICS 153 Kt 4 44 M't 15 14 13 I 4 2SS H'4 ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 t 27 27 3'i I S'i 10 10 10 10s ton is 74 : 4 I'i IS I I I 25 S3 B n 11 234 21 ' 24 S 1-lt 24 134 12i 13 I i ll 14 IMI 41 44 41 74 7 Pi IMI 1 IMI MS 111 114 1-11 Ml ! lOSi 104 10 105 104 104 ten I 34 It'll 14 1 -ti V U II I 1J 12-i 1 11 II 44 I 4 4 44 44 44 The TotiPh of Mlitna, A great many stories have been heard of Immense fortunes havlnp been mado by vnrlous speculators out of the great rlso In Ilethlehcm Steel stock. Most of theso are prohably pure myths! others are at least grossly exaggerated. Kveu in a rise like that In Hethlehem, which wns unusually rapid, very few (peculators buy at the bottom and sell anywhere near the top except by acci dent or circumstances over which they do not have complete control. Instead n constantly changing number of specu lators take part In tho advance nnd go nway with small profits. Nevcrthe- hss, In a few cases tho reports may have 11 substantial basis. AVell vouched for tales are being told of n Stock Kt change member who has been extremely successful. This man. It seems, bought 3,000 shales 111 the thirties to hold for 200. The remarkable thing about tho ti.'insnrtlon Is that he still has his stock. What It has cot him to adhere W his original dctei initiation, however, It would bo unsafe to csllinnto. Tho strain hat, been terrinc. In older to re- , slst the temptation to take Ills profits ( this speculator has kept nwny from Wall Street altogether. He has not been on tho "floor" for four months. He Is up In tho country playing golf with a body guard of friends to remind him of his VII w w ben be shows signs Of SUCCUmblng to the Inclination to take somethlnc like $400,000 of paper profits. rtntiber's Weakness. A great many persons who have fol lowed the fortunes of the United States Rubber Company with Interest have been greatly put out by the recent notion of the market for the common stock. At Its present price It Is selling at a level to yield something like 94 per cent. This state of arfalrei of course re quires and explanation. Knrly this spring the stock had a perpendicular rise from around this level to 74. Then It dropped oulte suddenly and the explana tion offered by nosslp of the Street was that a director of the company, who was n'so a large holder of the stock, had lightened his holdings because of heavy speculative losses elsewhere. It Is now being asked whether the misfor tunes of this director ato still a factor In the market. Otherwise it Is not easy to supply the answer. Up to now there has been no serious talk of a reduction in the common dividend, The dividend was maintained throughout last year, when general conditions nnd the rubber Industry' s well were In very much worse Bhape than they are now. As far as the company Itself is concerned Its finances are supposed to be In good shape. Shipments are now being received from the "tame" rubber plantations In Sumatra. For the past seven years or more these plantations have been a steady drain upon the company, the total outlay being something like ,7,000.000. J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will iUy '"I 'U sik nn .leiim i.iiiii-ii I i ir.U I,. , 1.' 1 t 100 Aiuprii Hit l.llliii'riiiiitii 1, an Aiiicrniiii intuitu; rid Mm I, Oil .tllllM 1-IHllllT I Hill, , !',1 Nlnrl ?n llorilciis 4 iimli'ii.iil M ti. .,, s!t Ml Hush I .T 111 i 11 . 1 (inn, v, k ' '" III Coiilliii'iilnl lii.iitiini ! 1,1, fill Cumins: l.litht A l'nui-r Mm L 2.1 Ciillttr, II111I 1(1, A I ,t. ( , 4., fin llll I'nlil I'niMti r I tun A ', r .10 i:. W. MIL Ciimi 1, ' 2.1 I'm 11 Kiln 1'lri Im-iiuim ,. Mt,, ia ridpiit riti-iiiv in- Nil,',, m,l ,10 rnjiirilii Mn-nr Mini, fid (trent Norllii'tn l',iier , 2.1 (ipriniinln 1 11-111 n in r Mm I. ,10 llprcllli' Pun lll'i' I inn, , IT,i Kill Iliirliln; 1 nlli'.t I'riiil.ii, i!. llatini r uc st, , tni) limcr-iill II11111I ( niii A I'M inn inlerimt.Mm.l'uiiip I cm A 'f, iiu iniprii.iiiiiiiiu -.111 ini. Ion I.I11111 Ih iiincl lie (inn, Mini, 2.1 New .lersel 'III! -Ii 1 I, Kill New Vnrl, -I1I11I111I illnt s , .Ml New lurk Dim Ii I'M Mini. lll'i Nllcs-llrnil'lil l'ii'iil I 111 1 , fill It, ,1. Ite.ini til- 'I'n, 1-11 1 11 1 1, ,, Hi -nllici trcr A .Mill lid s ,. 1,1(1 Mi Inr Inlkliie Mil. I I i" 1 v,i fill IVblle Hi." I. Illn. I 1 , ,1 Ini licli r Itrpi iitimr ., . ii,,t 2.1 W or I III 113 Inn I'liinp I'lu M I, a COT J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell Ml Aetna i:pln-lii- ( mil A I'i mi 2.1 .111prlc1111 I'uniT A limit I',,, .In , Mill I'miili-r ( inn. A I'fit i.ii III l litl Min i, fillllllsll 1'iTiiilniil Mini. IOO I'nmpiltlnc-llllilililtllti; lti-i d'i;, 2.1 llll I'iml I'nuilcr ('mil Miiek fill llclillltiri', Ijii I. ,V Mr. I I 1,,, I vit 1.10 i:. W. till. ('mil. Mm k Ml 1'rslcrnl Mirnr ('mil, M,, AO (Insit Nnrllirrii 1'appr li-k 10 (Jiinrnnty Tru! Mm I MWlerninn Aini-rlfnii In-iirnnre S(k 50 Ilerrlro I'nuiler Com, Mil U 100 Internnt. Stni, I'liinp Cmu.A l'f,tlt, 1& I.lnua IvietuntilUt ( 11111. s,, 1, 42 I.lmoln Trn.l Mmk 24 New .prpy Zinc Mink 100 N. V. A ,N. .1. It. It. ( nm ti,fk fiO Nnrtlm psterll Out. I'liner I'fd, 1, Ml NntlomU 1 llrl (i:i stink 10O Nllps-ltPiiicnt.l'iinil (inn, Vm-1, Kill New York Dock ( inn Mini, 2.1 New York Stale !!. I'fd, Ml, tr, Phelps liinlk'e A ( ii. Mm u fill I'nrlllc I'iiiiit .V l.lslil I'fd, Mm I, 10 simiiiiori, I'lpp I. Imp Mm I, 1(1 Thmiipmi lnrri'll ( mn, stork Ml Victor TutMnc Minlilne Mink ion Mnnl (mn. Mm I, ." 1 Ini liolcp Iti'p.iitliii: riti snl, inn IVevtliinrelnnil I'ntll Murk .10 11 Idle Ilnrk Mln ' pm. I'fd, tk, 1U Yale A Tonne Min k J.K.Rice, Jr.&Co. Thonea 001 to 4010 John, se vi-a'l St., N Amnlde At.f t 1POO.. 1 Oil Am T A T ell 4a 6000.... BHU ATA-ST ad) 4a eUmped 1000. ...Rnaa n A O ct 44a 3000.... R 7 Pel Ml fdr 5a 5000. ...POla Bkn llap Tr 5a IMS looo.. lOOl, Central Oa lat 6000. .107 Cen Oa cn 5s 10OO....Bi"a Cen Leather 5a ooo....nnia CrdflAQ III 84a OOOO.... Mil 4 ChlAOtWeat 4a sooo.,.. (1 7 a, CMAStP fdlMa looo. ...o 1 Sft Chi RIAPnyta 300fl,..,4(1l4 7000. ...4(lla 4000,,,, 4 034 10O0. ...7 4000. ...4034 CStPMAOM NT Cltr 44a St 5000. .100 1 2000. ...Olllj Cht A IV Ind 4a N V Hra fda 4s iooo,...7n iMoon , 112 Krle ct 4a aer A (lot Power M 2000. ...021a IOOO ...1141s. Erie ct 4a aer II Or Sh L fdr 4s 0o0....(IRas 00O,...H77 Erie ren 4a Penn.s44i0O 3000. ..117S4 tern ctfs lnterboro .Met 2(wi..iM7 eoltniat44al IOOO. .10 33, fooo. . 7 7 1 a Pa pt 54a 101 1000....7 7si soon., looia InlVavsfM ,PuhllnSerCorB 1000. ...031, 1 rr.NJi lat Paper ov 5a. looo .H7ls 10000. ...RO 3000..R7l4 Manhst Ity 4 IOono....H7le atamped Seahi A t, adl 10000. ...H R.S-4 1000... Oft Marine clt 44a U Pacific ret 4a 10000. ...ana, aono... hii J000s20.,6:i34 UnRItSanFfdc Nat Tube 6a 1 &000....4n IOOO....OHI4 U s Itubner sa NorthPactn. 3a 1000.. I 027, 30inis2o..n:ia4 t) s steel at 6a Booo....nri.i, (mono.. 1 oa 1M)001..H; lYanallllACo clt 4nnoM. .nns4 sooo....o:i 10000. ...uan, Kl pt Ja I 10O0..1O4 ToUlbondaalea (par value) 13,480,000 400 Anrlo-Amer 174 1'i K'i I 6 Atlantic neflntn. .. oo W 6' 6 Puckeye Pipe I. 1034 1014 1034 13 Illinois Pipe line .. 135 Its 1S5 10 Ohio Oil 13? I 139 200 Pierce OU 11 104 11 75 Pratria Pip L 141 14 14 1 Southern Pipe I... .. 213 211 213 15 Stand Oil of Cal.. 2J1 21 2 4 Stand OU of N J.. .. 401 403 403 26 Stand Oil of N T .. Ill 135 1 12 Vacuum Oil 200 1S 1 BONDS 113000 Chile Copper 7a ..1114 111 IH4 117 5fvi Klnnlcutt Cop eat .lis lis n m CtrtM N Y C 44a 'C5 w 1.1034 1'3S 10J4 103S 35000 Weat El conr ea..lv7 107 Wi 104.1, Sell rent, per ahare. CURB STOCKS CLOSING. Itnllroad Shares. Strenartli In the railroad Ust, which has been distinctly t&jrgard lately, was laid to the report of the Baltimore nnd Ohio for May. This statemont showed a really iema.rkn.blo improvement In earnings, both In gross and net. Its Influence was Immediately- translated into higher prices for naltlmore and Ohio mocks. It is also likely that tho better mnrket for other railroad shores should be attributed to this. Some of the weaker roads, whose posi tion will be correspondingly bettered by an enlargement of railway trafflo at this time, were rather conspicuously stronaj. SHORT TERM NOTES. Tat. Berorltr. Bate. Pay. Due. Bid. Offer. Yield ATATSC... A-O Apr. 100i,100is 75 AtnCOHCW A-F Nor. 1,15 1004, 10044 2 M AnCopC....6 M-flMar. 1,17 100l 1007, 4 43 I140nn....4Vi J-D Jane 1,17 004 004 4 77 BAOim.,.,4M J-D June 1,1s 4 Osn( so BklynRT... J-J July 1,1" I00i,100i 4 01 M-a Mar. U-N May J-D June KS Rept CanPItyO.. ConPCo.. CheAORR..B ChAVinn.6 DelAlludC.4 Erleim 5 Erienn S,'J4 102t( 10314- 3 53 1,17 0711 03 6 50 1,1 014 1 7 45 1,15 1004 100, .1 37 J-u June 15,18 1004 1(104 3 yi A-O Oot. 1,15 1004 lOMf J "5 A-O Apr. Via oovf no'1,,5 30 ErleHIt,. .,64 A-O Apr. 1,17 MH M 6 S7 OenllubCowl.S J-D Dee. 1,1 Bl'ie M'ia 3 2 HockVal... M-NNov. 1,15 I004 lop,, 3 OH r-A Feb. 15.1S 094 08j 6 05 A-o Apr. 1,1" 07 014 e 53 Sept. 1,15 10)',, loo,, 2 13 J-D Dee. J-D June M-N May IntI!arv....S LCAl'.lCo... L.SAMSItn.3 I.RAMSnit.5 MlnGE1Co., NENavCo. NYCAIIU. 5 NYCA1II4. 5 NYN1IAH..S PaHnrnT...34 J-D Oot. HoI1yCo....5 F-A Feb. SoItyCo... 5 UnFmltCo.S lVestPow... Weatl'ow, WHCAECo.O Amerleen r.tno,.,, Alta Cons Mlnlnr... . 70 Dradn Copper 74 Drltlah Am Tob Ord.. IBVi Jumbo nztrnalon 14 Yesterday, ntd. Aaked. 504 Monday, Hid. AalteJ. 144 a 7 ion S't. .... as .... s .... 4K BONDS. Chile Copper 7 118H Kennecott Copperas. ,117 N Y City 44a 13 w t 1034 Kewanaa Nlplnior Mines n. A It. Corp United Ctc S, new... United Profit Sh.,,., Weat End Con Weat End Eiten.... World Film 504 314 614 .76 .Ml .70 74 74 74 17 164 17 l"ia Pia IH 13 14 13 64 54 8 74 7 7 10f 104 104 34 S 3',, 67 53 66 4 3 4 44 44 4 117 lie nH 110 1144 utW 1034 1034 101i; COTTONSEED OIL. Offerings were heavy at times and bears were encourages the scattered liquidation. The list declined Into new low ground again. Consuming demand remains quiet and cotton reports are good enough to restrain speculative de mand. Refiners bought oil nt yesterday's decline. Spot Jtilr September December Cloalnr prleea 6Mff2f 031.10 S41WC 42 S.43 0 (5 Prev ilnee, ntd coo (1 13 C45 6 47 Paclflo Mall. The Jump In Paclflo Moll cum when the speculative element least expected It, although Pacific Stall haji been a trad ers fancy for some time. It was the market which entirely deceives! them. Paclflo SInll was around 30 when the re jiorts of liquidation by the company first came out. The company received a great amount of newspnper publicity and then it even seemed to be the time for a boom In the stock. But fhe stock was Instead conspicuously heavy, being knocked down to 2S or so. This neglect of an obvious oppor tunity disappointed the trading element badly. It ajave them the wrong Idea of the state of the market and many got out. Thereupon the stock promptly boomed. These traders are very dis gruntled. They feel that they have been treated badly. Similar experiences have been had In other well tipped stocks. Before It started on Its latest move Baldwin Locomotive presented the hardest market in the world for traders to make money in. Only when they were thoroughly tired out did the prom ised advance materialize. THE GRAIN MARKET. Wheat raanrl Third Arena. There will be a meeting of the Third Avenue directors to-morrow. President Yhltrldg-e, whose attitude on the ques tlon of dividends on the stork at the present time Is woll known. Is still of the same mind, Testenlsy he said thut he would be willing to bet a large sum of money that the speclnl committee that has the dividend matter under ndvlse ment would not report at the meeting. PUBLIC UTILITIES SECURITIES. Bid, Aaked. 2 (12 5 50 7 41 2 37 2 23 1.15 100( 101 1,17 101 101 1,17 1)7 4 07U M-S Sept 15,15 1004 1004 A-O Oct. 1,16 1004 looi M-N May 1,16 1004 100' 4 OS 1,15 inoino 2 31 l,l 100 10)4 2,17 Mil OH', 1.17 1011, 1014 1.16 ion', 1004 1.17 US 00 1,17 07 M.4 American Otis Company 101 American Light A Traction 310 American Light A Traction pf 01 Adirondack Electric Power 144 Adirondack Elcctrlo Power pf 53 American Oas A Electrtc M American Oaa A Electrlo pf 47 American Power A Light at) American Power A Light pf 79 American Publlo Utilities 34 American Publlo Utilities pf si American Waterworka A Electrlo... 7 American WAY, E, partlclp'r pf,. la American Waterworks A E lat pf,, f.s U-H Mar. U.N Mar J-J July M-S Mar. A-O Oct 4 33 B.00 6.13 3 50 50 e.7i RAILWAY EQUIPMENT BONDS. (The following are nunled basis,) Name. Mntnrltv. Hate. Bid. Askpd. Atlantic Coast Line.. 1014-21 4-44 4 52 4 41 1H14-21 .1014-31 .1015-31 ,1015-21 .IIIH-24 Baltimore ft Ohio,, Bilflalti.Horh.APItts. Canadian Pnelflo., . Carn.,Cllncli. A Ohio ClicaapniUe A Ohio. Chicago ft Nnrthw'n. 1014-23 Clilrngii, Ind. ft I.ouls.llM4-21 Chic., H. I. ft Pan. 10I5-J3 Chicagn.St.b.AN.O... .1015-24 Clev.,Cln..ClilA.St,I,,.. 1915-23 Delaware A Hudson. Erie Railroad Hacking Valley, ,. IllllinU Central LotilavlllrANashvllle., 11)14-2.1 Mo., Kansas A Trias 10)1-21 MlM-ourl Pacific.,. . 1U1I-23 N, . Central Lines, .luil-'il Norfci'i & Western. N.Y., N, II. ft II. Pa, Gen. Freight., St. L I.M, ft South, ,1014-34 Seaboard Air Line, IV14-33 Southern Railway... 1914-24 Southern Paclflo 1914-33 VUfUUansllWjr,,.,l14-U cities Service 49 Cities Service pf 61 Colorado Power Company is Colorado Power Company pf 90 Commonwealth Power, Ity, ft L,,,, 61 Commonwealth Power, Ry, ft Lpf., 79 Consumers I' Co iMInn) 6a 1929 3 Dayton Power ft Light Co 30 Dayton Power ft Light Co pf so Denver lias ft Electrlo gen 3a .11 Ulpctrlo Bond Drposlt pf ai Electric Bond A Share Co pf 014 Empire District Elcctrlo 6s 72 on a percentage I Empire Pl.trlct Electrlo of m redrral Light ft Traction 13 I rpilprol Light ft Traction pf 50 I (iih A 1'leclrlp Meiirllle. A ( lias A Elcctrlo .Securities pf 70 ( til eat Western Power Co 3s iota.,,, 7114 I Lincoln lias A Electric 1.1 1 Northern Ontario Light ft Power... PI 4',-44 1933 .1014-21 .1914-23 1914-31 !fl5 21 .1015-21 10I4-2J 'S 4'j 44 4'4-J 5 5 i'i 44-1 4-5 44-1 44-5 t'3 a 4-4 j i 6 44-J 44 4 51 4 02 4 M 5 :m 4 81 4 Ml 5 111 7 ) 4 Stl 4.50 6,11) 4 S3 4 51 4.50 0.2S 5.511 5 l 1.50 6 IH 4 411 6.60 6.00 6.00 4 .43 4 4 I) 4 5 on 4 02 4 3d 4 70 5 .V) 4 an 4 si 4 3H 1 7(1 4.1'..'. 4 41 4 25 5,25 5 W I.M) Northern Ontario Light ft Pow pf. VI Northern States Power Co 37 Northern Slates Power Co pf M'j Oiark Power A Water 15 Pnclno das A Electric 41 Pactllo lias ft Electrlo pt Kl Republic Hallway ft Light Co 15 Republic Hallway A Light Co pt,., 02 Southern California Edlon 71 Southern California Edison pf 01 Standout Una ft Electric 34 Standard lias ft Electric pf 2:1 Trnncsscn Hy, Light A Power .1 1 Tennessee Hy, Light ft Power pf... it 1 I 1T.,I,.I 1 I-,.. I. Il.ll ... vjiti,,,, ..iii, n iiniinii., ,11 United Light A Hallways lat pf,, 57 United Light ft ltallwaa 2d pf 03 Utah Securities ti Weatern Power 13 Weatern Power pf 54 I sii 4 20 6.0 4, SO 4.(15 4,46 4.T0 101 334 110 154 M Ml 4(1 64 J SS est s 19 a) 52 67 194 0:4 64 51 91 33 as 01 M ion 7a 70 la so 75 M M 25 13 63 '.'9 Vi 20 4.1 M 11 (HI 71 V5 ', 2.1 7 l 4.1 70 ai la 15 U Interboronajhs. To-day the exchange of the old Inter borough shares for the shnres of the new consolidated company begins. The prospect or the declaration of n divi dend on the preferred stock nnv day now Is evidently the basis of the current strength tn that Issue. STANDARD OIL QUOTATIONS. Following are thequotatlona for the Standard Oil stocks: T,?!ter',T. Monday. Par. Bid, Asked. Bid. Aalced. Atlantic net Co. . 1100 6A0 670 aao 670 Borne-SeryniCo, 100 21 280 21 20 Buckeye Pipe..,. 60 100 106 100 jos Cheaeb'h Mfg. .. 100 700 7:5 700 ;JS Colonial Oil Co... IOO 110 131 iin 130 ContlncnOllCo.. 100 330 230 2M 330 Crescent Pipe..,, 60 40 43 40 43 Cumberland P L, 100 4) 47 43 47 Eureka Pipe I.,.. 100 220 230 27.1 230 Galena Slg Oil... 100 147 150 un im Galena Signal pf. too 13S 140 133 140 Illinois Pipe L.. 100 131 SS 133 ISS Indiana Pipe L 50 05 100 93 too National Tranalt. 35 29 SI 21 31 NY Transit IOO 207 213 207 211 Northern Pipe L, 101 02 oa 92 94 Ohio Oil Co 25 133 111 136 13 Pierce Oil, new.. 25 10 11 104 u PralrleDllftOas. irai 30.1 315 310 315 1'ralrlePlpe loo 145 141 143 14a Solar lief Co 101 221 230 225 330 Souther 1 Pipe I 100 20.1 210 205 210 South Penn Oil . 101 271 273 275 2M Southwest Penn. I( 101 114 ins in Stan Oil of Cal,,. 100 27n 23 271 213 Stan Oil of Ind... 10) 401 415 40.1 its Stan 1)11 of Kan,, 0) 310 .la) 340 360 Stan Oil of y . 10) JO 2V) 241 2.V) Stan Oil of Neb . 10) 311 32.1 310 325 Stan Oil of NY . 10) S 1S7 114 137 Stan 1)11 of Ohio . pn (21 43) 47) 4.11 Swan A Finch Co. to) lo'i 13.) 101 121 Union Tank Line 10) 71 sj 7.1 5.3 Vacuum Oil Co . 101 197 200 107 203 WashlngtimOll . ID 33 31 32 3d Anglo-Am llll Co. 11 ia, I7' 17 174 Stan 1)11 of N J . 1(1) 401 404 403 404 Silbsld "en hloo" . . 611 . . M) ,., SOold"allon" . .. list . , ijflj ' ... Beeoaera on Kxport P.. All Mnrket. VVcnU Earlr, A revival In the export demand fi-r wheait yesterday rrwervol the mar'nc from Ita downward courss. Stony rhn were inclined to cover the'r cvnmit ments because of the reappearance, tf this foreign Inquiry rather than ecauc of Its extemt. It wos estlrnate-1 about 250,04)0 bushels, of new wheat a-i 1B0.00O bushels of old Vhent we- n'( nbroad. This buslneas did not develop f late In the session, so thnt the r -1 ' 7 In the market wns deferred ur r. the olooe. The early inli. a'K -s , naratnst export transactions, s ?. llsh houses were, again cance'Vp.- r with local exjiortars inu . v 1 heard of the relative scarcity a in the vnrlous foreign grain f" a countries. There was no stampede of si " the export news, however S e large bears reiterated that v not be held or raised for s.-irr unless Europe takes nbi it bushels dally of our wheat r the American or Canndltn v are subjected to abnormal ile'e The Huropean crop outlook clouded ns ever, with the pr'' contradictor?' and the officii' I believed to be colored. Hrtv" bled summary of the crop " Europe follows: United Kingdom Wheat p matntalned ; oats need rn'.n France A good wheat " peeled. A few districts are r drought, Germany- Drought continues Russia Wheat outlook ger em ' vornble. Supplies are llch; .it little Is movlns nnywhere tn tv ' Rumania and Bulgaria -Cmt pects generally favorable, Italy Veathr unfavorable t harvesting retarded by rr.ln Spain vv eather seasonable am ere; prospects good. Holland Weather dry and ho e-e only fair. India W eather favors r.grlcu "jri progress. South Africa Crop prsvsnects ei- eel lent. The selling of wheat during th ear' session was In partial reflection "t freer new wheat offfrinjrH fn m Southwest. Scattered showers n K - sas snd Oklahoma did not lend " special complaints and with the pe- erally settled weather el-ewhere n " winter wheat country It was as r- tliat the crop was being helped tc p s turity. Corn Argentine corn was offere". at New York yesterday in liberal a et amounts on the basis of 73 "j ngalnst the domestic com line Is o 80 cents. Although no Import b- was consummated a bearish fee t engendered hy the competitive o- Liquidation tn tho marltot a modernte volume during th ti r dealings. Generally clear we.p e the corn oelt affe-ted the Rt ntic" explained the frer country Kxperta contend that with ' weather for several weeks t of the wet spell would be nui) e.- t j' late fall la hopel for to ov a n " best rewults. Quite a little profit taking 'tr in- Interests took placo when Cts w t' market rallied. Predictions showers In Kansas and N'ebra l! sened to restrict offertnes 1 " 1 trade. Generally the sDeou.n lug was more mixed Oats There were exime " prices made yesterday Helg'i. tions were frequent The wea,fce Southrwest was conducive to a sure. Bears talked of a re. prospect and cormcjuently the o speculative demand wns ' volume. Theire was a lr Ing dealings, however, with able short covering for opeirv believed that the slight bt' the export Inquiry for w.a' followed by r more ne'lvo :i oatA Provisions The scatte-ed did not work against va.ues es the outset. Packers nnd s -willing to take nil offiT ncs market was a shade fl'tmr Chicago prices DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. Ami 141 Am Cntt' tinchat There alternt slreng rtefcrll shade rallyln upcnei' oft vloslnf was c Opt' togeth rotton great I contiti Sex"' cotton was r' new ' cludln Mid "Th has I peclet larger receli would fall." Impor ronfri ciCl proba and H sold ' hopes ent 1 eurre to thi have ever Ku Jsly.. Augii' Octols Iiecen Janus Marcr .May.. "niid Kp point em e phis Sc.; HOU!- phis. Tli Prlci Joly. Oct ob Pecen Jann: Th Ttiet spot cllne celpt Ame Pi ateai Joly Oct ' 11 .S7i Mar tO O! R. Gain New Situ Char Nor! Wlln Uob Ir Hani Mem St 1 Oals Nest E thui C eon win bldi sab aevi ma trat Wheat July.. ,. Pent comt July Pent Oat a: Jtilv .... Sept .... Pork; Jtilv.. .. Sent .... Lirdt July ... Seiu Illbs: July .... Sept .... New July., Sept . Oen inr l'l , T24 TP. 344 High Ii H'.'i. 11", (11, York la 1: - s 36 9 ii 10 10 ! heat pi Opeti ii'l .13 9 M 10 21 10 r.'. Par Talus, 340. tEi-dlvldend. KX DIVIDEND, Company nnd Term. Stock. 11 W Ills. ,i,artprly com 11 V lilt ei i" 1 com . !: . r..!rr, i'rr j i.f.t llnsl'in A Wort pter lllectrlc . pfd $1 ! iiiicuinitl A Utiliiirli'in 1111 j 1 Telephone quartern - ;ijPi , 1 itiiiii.itii .v 10, iiuaiteriy 1 pin 1 4 rf 1 Diitihiitti K i'n iiiiartPil 2 pfd 1 ', r I Ul.iinl Crpek Coal, iiiHr(et1y pfd It 1 Wel India lilectrlp uimiterly - I ', Weatern Electric, quarterly t: Yale A Town. Manufacturing, uartrly W SUB-TREASURY STATF.JH " p.ih r... h ub-Ti l,n tci h.i' k- 1 ,11 1 1 mi. I SIM , 1 1 Pud hy "ii' I I'.ll'i hi I1.111U. tn s I, oaa 10 banks Ixiea to tank, anie perl .0 vl.iis w.k I l: 1 Po 10' fin hli aj IK U R. 1'. Il II II T 0 (j s s I ( , b c 1 JV-M