Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1915. 11 COTTON RECOVERS FROM EARLY LOSS jforkel (Moses Firm After a Sosion of Pronounced Irregularity. ill) OPIN'IOX UKAHISIT inn C,lloii l'til yesterday practically trchintoJ from Monday's final prices. Tfrc was loiwulrrnlilo Irrruularlty. with iltrrnatlnK periods of weakness and (!rfj,h before- the Hose, which was crlbtl a nrm. l.lvcriool wan a ,Sid Miw than "' showed a rillrlns IrnuVncy. The local market ..ctced ,l a llBl,t B"ln' ,,,lt "oon B0'', rjr shout ton points below Monday's wins Hie ""covery In the late trading; !j mu'o chlclly by short covering tthtr lth the belief that exports of nit purine the coming season will be. " ',1- hclow this Heasons clearances, ontlnue 1 be the chief bearish points. Secretary Houston's cnlm review of -otton condllioiw for tho current season ' regarded a" Interestlnpr, but cast no taw IIkM pn 1,10 situation. In the con tltidlns paragraph of his analysis ho ""The domestic consumption of cotton . been about as much as was ex-rt-lrd. tho exports of cotton much inter than anticipated and the prices rKflved were higher than most people wiM have been willlnc to predict last UV All of this Is nulto true, but loses Importance In view of the problems now fonfrontlns tho ootton trade. Sentiment continues very bearish, and reobaWy the narrowness of tlie market and Its tendency to become, quickly over Mld furnish the chief basis for bullish hepei at present. If the market at pres ent prices can be maintained around carrent levels until a crop scare comes tth rescue the few faithful bulls may hire a chance to unload, and then everybody will be happy. Futures closed Arm. Open-Hlrh-Low. C4oe- Prer. Inf. ft. est. Inc. doss. Xt ... -4 ; ? '-3 '41 53 lirast.. 914 9 35 9.54 9.474 9.49 9.47U 9.49 Otiobrr 9 81 9.t 9 M 9.75 Fist 9.76W 9.73 rmter 10.03 10.04 lO.OlfrlO 01 1O.OO01O.O1 jiiaur. 10.11 m.i: v io.(K0io.o7 io.o:io.os Slrta... W34 1414 19.24 10.3OUI0.32 10.21310.: 19 M 10 44 19.41 10tlfll0.6t 10.oltn03 fpot cotton at New Tork was qutet, S paints decline; middling-. 9.5Bc. South ern trot markets were unchanged. Mem ft II points decline, with New Orleans, Je., Oalveston, 9.20c: Savannah, 9c; Houiton. 3.05c. ; Augusta, 9c, and Mem Hit. S.8"c Tie New Orleans market closed steady. Wen were : O.on-nirh-Low. CJos- Prer. Inf. est. est. Inf. dose. .'Hj. ... 9 10 Ml 9.01 .C7W 9.09 (.070 0 October 9X1 9.54 9.4.1 tMQ M t.Wt 31 Jecmber .71 7 .5 t.KU 9.73 9.72 9.7 .'Uiuary 9.M I 75 9.37 9.33t .M 9.SSU 9.94 The Liverpool market opened quiet. There was a good demand business In ipot cotton, with middling 6 points de cline at 5.23d. Sales, 10,000 bales: re ceipts. 17,000 bales, including; 11.009 American. rrlceo at Liverpool doted barely Uadr. Open- Hlfh- Low- Clot- Prer. ing. est. eat. inc. does. Jto-Aoruat.... en s.t s.n t.u c.n 0t1 -Not K.40 6.41 b.j i.h e.u Jn-Frt... E.M B.&7 S.H (MH II Murb-April.... 5C4H6U .M l. t.V 11 A. 1L bids to Liverpool went: July, M7c; October, 9.77c; January. 10.10c; Hirch, 10.34c. The market there la due to open to-day 1 to 2 points decline. Receipts and stocks ware: lie.- Lsst Last celpts. year, tooks. rear. Mreoi... 174 1M.IU lk.lU S0rlen 1.1M ,4ra 17I.K7 110.117 HTtuaut... Ml J.MI M.I97 1 1.404 nulenoa.. 71 .... M.M6 Jni Vlo.k Hi tso utnt ms ycmtnrton. M .... 17.7M '1J.10T till 14.1H I.0N interior stocks ana receipts were: Re- I.rt Lest Mil.. lfu.k. mr- Iea.. l.ois' t.m T1.04' t.77 JltEthlf.... 1M 614 101.406 SS7.73 .... 11. Wl SO.977 17,ta !l loaJi.... 97 750 4,7U W.W1 EMlmated port Last Last receipts to-day. week. year. Jllrealoa 700IO1.000 2.114 1.741 JiwOrlewj... 100 to S00 1.SS1 IU Eiports yesterday, C.7E4 bales. Total ttei far this season, 8.062.83S bales, icatest 1,504,763 bales lairt year. THE CHICAGO MAEKET. Ciiicaoo, June 12. Stewart-Warner wnlnued the msln feature In activity, m prices holding- firm. Union Oar Wil declined three points from previous "lei and an easier trend was noted In everal issues, cmieag-o Railway &e nad a subatantlal sain from the last tnniictlon. The summary: Klrh-Ijow.fJlos- et. est. lor. U C7 1S34 1SJU lVi K 944 4H if4 5 11 IV 1114 111 U6H lUt 11(4? t3 em u 94 94 4 1914 1M ltlU 49H UK 4Si HOti 110 110 IU ltl Ul 0 4Ti 4H 10014 100 lOOVi H& 44 J4S. TtChie lTu Tool.., M nr. Ksn J It 4k L.... 19 if J,10" "r Ward pt.lllli 1 IVoMm Oai jiev, l. &t ?'rT'T "5 . Jut irvlm pt... 4 ' 45" Corner... Vi 3Slft A Co uo?4 ..J?,nl?n Carbide. ...m Wt U Csrbttfo rUhts. S BONDS. THE BALTIMORE MARKET. BilTiMota, Jttne 2-3omolldatf( V "rons;. closed H VP t 107. Tfoit.j tiii . 1" T f0"- the Incomes closm a point -. ins summary: ju. Open- Bleu. Cjow- (Ties- 5r. Int. eM. Ml. Jnr. 1M vi-'k PowtT v,MK 104 J07 m f.orl,h,6rn Central. B ku k jh In Kyi 4 Klec. sift 1114 aij BONDS. 'lt 4s ! J K 9f, K4 KH 91 S2 ntla 4e. H t7 ri ,1'nHr.l 44,.. 71 72 7! 71 1.5 f.hlJ W A IJ 4,,. 94 9 94 94 IS K lit 4i. 7i 79'4 7914 79T4 0Um Sc WrH 4s. Wtt H 93Vt tm DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. lkrl",r!fGT0N' Jnn 11 The xtatement ef "7 ,how" warrants or tne Tteaa- !!... June 11. TMamo. Fiscal rr. 5J?'M .. 12.00H.S10 949.F72.117 20.r21,l r7 warrant! 1,1JI,4 H.362.M5 691.l01.t9S arpl 4TI.M U,9.I n71.rl.4tl Heftot C ejh tatement of tho United States ur for .In no :i thows; Cm . GENERAL FUND. 149,(21.144 S,,tol" 2I.4.20 W.J. 1" f.r.' . 4.I6B.7II !;..'. lv'"caies 11,690.(77 fZW .tl.iie note 13.54l.tV4 V!?!"'! chwkn on banks Kin.. . ""' on oi KB?"" bank note. i'..1!7,f,llvr l"or coin and I1,94,I91 Ci.s7. "V"U' SS.7SJ.717 ! .. ' "''iry i76,eoa, 'national hanks M.H0.II "ilahi, eain In Treasurr and 176,(WM.!1 dX,"" Sll.450.171 rjuct rurrent liabilities S06.I4I.111 oln In feneral fund :4.62,04O ssln isd bullion MMN.T1I TRDST FUND. e,.V'Tr.0B'Inaine; ommcass.xi.s4.isi,i land tel.l c,,h .,,, I. twainr Im.'u 'r,,m eutoms Jnna . tflMtt; tSV?.l rt!Tn.":- ordinary, 11.101,005; corpora T.,M' ml.cellan.oui. Il.. r lu J'.""1 no1" received tor rederap- , . THE BOSTON MARKET. TtosTON, June 22. There was less activity In the copper shares market, prices ruling fairly steady. Anaconda's Increased dividend from 25 cents to CO cents tier share had llttlo effect on the shares. The summary: . , Open- lllrh- Low- Clos- '"" st- eel Ins. 140 Adventure : i : :u V. A!."11 is Mi ' 3'H 1J; Alloue Mti w M M. 4) Amal Copper,.,.. 74 74 78 74 7MI Amer Zinc 61 CI I3'4 MS M Anaronda M'i ivt K'4 :6' StA Arltona Com 74 Vk 7Z 7' 76 Millie A Hal m ji' ji' " TlitttJ A 8iuerlur C:, 4jt, t;X 4 167CalA. t m k 4'i l Cnlumet A llpclai;.) 6:i tvi ( lOChlno ........... 4S 4ii 4T. 4il l2 Copper Itange.,... M M u; w ,SSMl,l.,,u" 11 " J!2 ranb"" io io to ;:r,nb ' i"i ' "Sj Jtrtene Cananea .. 40Vt 41 40Vs 40'4 Ii Ilanmck ii. ipi, 191. I7J Island Creek 4l' 4S? "A 47! - Kerr Lake tij 4V, 4V 4Vi 1TO Mason Valley 2'4 1 m C",, ls, I'H U'a !4 : Mayflower N J n f, IS J "J!1 V 's Ti roo Mlrhltan ;ii , ;u i. Mntiawk 79 7ou 7914 iJS S"Ji CoP, IS' ,5, ,s' ,5' roo New Anidlan.,,. 12 t: ii'. it'. r7 North Hmte M'4 I0i) Nortli Lake 114 190 tlsceoln sii, 17M Pond Creek I7. ro Santa Te s?5 110 .Shannon 9 4.t Shattuek i 100 South Utnh ?5 153 St Marr- 19 IM Sup A Morton.,... 34 76 Superior ri 100 Trinity i aoo Tunlumnn ni II Xl'i 31 2' i', PI V, WVs 91 'a 17. 17 17'4 it, r, :tj 9 9 9 :a :?' :t r. ;. .w tin M 69 .14 r4 , a", r.; ss 6 a-16 o f,. u 1009 II a Kmellrrs 41 " J iiri. ,b .a ...i, 91 II S Snirltrn nf t:K itil irv 44 4S 276 Utah Apex 41, 4'4 4S 4U 90 Utah Copper 6S CSV, 6t, i, Joj Mctorla li. it, ik. .T. II. nmon.1 (i, 4 414 .u to Wolverine 62V, :. 62 62 RA1LKOADS. 177 Tto.ton A Albany 177 177 177 177 93 lloeton Elevated 75 73 7li 74U KO llotton A Maine.. 31 34 32 31 to Kltchburr pi M ts 6S ti 143 Mom Elrctrlc. .. tV 6iS N V N II A II.... 41 M 6.1 S I Itutland pt 19 19 19 19 to Union ractne. .lavi i:s4 1:114 1:114 MISCELLANEOUS. 12 Am Arr Chem pi, 94 94 91 94 1 Amoskrac 65 CS 65 63 101 Amer l'neu Ser .. 24 24 1 2 17 Amer Siifar 109S loos ioil ioi4 1664 Am Tel i Tel... ..121', 111 1:14 ia'4 3 Am Woolen pf..,, M 61 jj j IV, A O A W 1 114 U4 lt4 111, I9 A O A W I pt .... sriJ 17vi i? i & East Hoi Land..., 9'i 91. 9V u General Elec 171'4 1714 171V, 1714 :ir. Mass (las 6.4 K .; it 47 Ma Oas pf 174 174 74 174 i? JJcKlwalne pf 102H i, 10:4 10:4 M Jullman .. ... ...lei 161 ill 161 II Keece Outtoahole. 1C4 KU m: .JiS'U 10, 10'V 1104 170 Torrtrmlnn 1:4 524 3: Unltr.1 Fruit 111 IS 1174 111 IV) Un She- Meh . 614 Mi 621 624 Un Shoe Men pl u w lia U S Steel 614 614 0914 sis IIU8 Steel pf to9, io 109; 109. BONDS, 11000 Am Tel A Tel 4s. 64 114 94 14 100 Am T A T 44s,. .,102 102 lo: 10: 1S4O0 A O A W 1 Cs 72'4 72V 71V, 72 C 11 Q )t ts MI Wi 944 SX Swift t K ti 96 94 THE BOSTON CURB MARKET. Boston'. June 22. The closlne? Ttcwtnn euro ma ana asxea quotations: Alvarado .70 Asked. .90 .14 .JU .3!U Hlr SLata ou .n Berole 1 innfnstn ..., 94 Bohemia 14 Boston Ely .K Butts A London .M Calaveras 14 vnampion .on7er......M....... Chief Consolidated Cortes New Cornelia Consolidated Aiiiona .10 .11 14 .to I .ts 2 6-16 .13 14 14 1 11-16 .64 .15 .11 .11 ts 4 .60 .23 !' h, 4 7-14 2 I 3 311 .76 17-16 a ..! .60 .11 .27 .20 IS 14 .46 . 14 6. 2 1-16 4 e-16 4 6-14 . 14 consolidated copper....- Crown Reserve - Davis Daly. Eafls A Bluebell First Natlooal Copper,. , Houthton Iron Blossom La Rose Majestic McKinley Duraj-h Mexican Metals Mines ot America.. New Baltic Nevada Douglaa... Ohio Copper Oneco South Lake Stewart Mlnlnr nan netus United Verde Extension.. Tukoo Oold THE FHTLABELFHIA MARKET. Philadelphia June 22. Baldwin Locomotive was the most active frtock in the market here, closing 1 point be low the openlnr price. The summary: Open- Hlfh- Low- Clos Balee. Inir. est. est. Inr. so Amer Oas N J... .1004 1004 1004 14 10 Amer Railways... 40 40 40 40 MX Baldwin Ijoch 69 9Vi C7, 64 77 Baldwin Ioopf.. 101 102 191 102 40 Buf A Suaq pf.... 49 40 40 40 SI Cambria Sleel 49 494 49 49 10 Colorado Fuel 114 lli 124 31H 17 Con Trac N J 72 71 72 71 10 Distillers M4 244 MS 164 6 Electric Storafe.. U4 (34 4 "4 100 Erie . SV K4 174 KVi 2 Oen Asphalt. .... 344 14 U4 1S3 Hunt A II T....... note vollunt A-UTpf.... 14 .14 II 14 1! Ins Co N A 21 S3 11 H 10 Keystone Tel pf 674 674 7V4 674 29G3 Lake Superior.... 111 11 114 114 IMC lhlrh Nav 744 7CU 744 764 ISO L V Trans .. 144 144 144 144 14S Northern Central. 4i I4V4 l4 144 U New York Cent... 194 9i s:vl 194 JOS Pennsylvania 634 M4 "4 t34 in Padflc Mall 314 J4S 144 6! I'M I a Co 34 14 34 14 :62 Phlla EliH-tric... 14 24 S 3H 230 Phlla RTt C...H 9 94 9, 4 10 Phlla Traction.... 74 74 74 74 19 fteadlnr 71 71 72 7: 100 etudebaker MS 80S 60 90S UCOTonopali Belmont 44 4 3-16 44 44 420 Union Traction... tv;, 33 324 33 4970 U S Steel 61 CIS CO, 414 110 W J A S 8 414 414 4V4 44 IM Wm Cramp Oft cs 63S US BONDS 1I0O0 Am O & E 6 S 94 96 16 3000 Maid Loco 1st ts,,lul 102 10J 102 101 "5 City 34s 1931 94 94 91 91 19000 Eqult 111 Oas t... IM4 I0G4 ICC4 10:4 11000 L V sen con 4s... 494 14 ,94 J0O0 L V Coal 6s... ..,.1034 1034 1034 1034 MOOO Pa con 44s w i...l03tt 1034 1094 1034 66000 Pa con fen 4Vie... 84 f4 684 94 1000 Pblla Elec 4s 79V? 794 794 794 lOOOReadtnf ran is... 93 91 II 11 DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET. BUTTSR Despite receipts ot 34,163 packacss the market was firmer yester day and an advance occurred as a re action from Monday's depression. Trading- Is limited and speculation Is llsht. Firsts ami seconds quite plentiful. Ken oveted easier, ladle, weak and packing stock hardly steady. Prices; Creamery, ex tras, 93 score. 2i4(i:i4c.; higher scoring-. !9Sf!94c; firsts, 19 to : score. 2HS7SCS State, dairy, tubs, flnest, Ztft 2IVi'. : good to prime, 2CU274c; common to fair. 230234c: renovatsd, ettras, 2.1 If 14c; first,. 33tf;4c: lower (trades, 21f 214c; Imitation creamery, flrata, 124 (f 13 Vic; ladles, current make, firsts, 22 st 114c; seconds, 214c.; lower grade. 194 Mllct packing stock, current make. No. 2, 20O:04o,: lower crades. 1140194c. CHEESrE Most lines are firm on ac count of a fair local and Improved export demand. Under price lots scarcer. Skims steady. Prlcest state, whole milk, fresh flats and twins, white and colored sp. rials, 15c: acersf, fancy, Stale, skims, fresh snecla '. I44A14 lals, 124(12 Sc.: c skims, fresh, choice, l64W114c. fair to gonu. sirioc. EJOOH Lighter receipts coupled with poor quality created a firmer market on fine stock. Arrivals were 13,706 oases yes terday. Market rather Inactive. Medium lines In accumulation and weak.- Prices; Fresh gathered. i:421Hc: extras, firsts, 114(2lSo.: first. 19S02O4: seconds. llOlfc; No. 1, dirties, 16; it 17c; hennery, whites, fine tn fancy, :.1fl 16c: hennery, browns, ::vft:4c; mixed colors. 19V4 0tt4c MVn POUH.TUV 'Fowls and brnllsra In fair demand nnd firm. Other lines not dennltely settled. Advice Indicate about 9 cars for the week. Price! 1'nwls, 154 tfllc; broilers, :'HW30c; guineas, pair, 60c: plfteons. 20rt-26c DP.KSSF.D POl'LTItT Fowls In slow demand. Dry packed In boxes more plenti ful and weaker. Old roasters slow, Broiler steady: small elies weak. Tur keys mainly poor. 8nrlng dueks more plentiful and alow, riiitialu dull. Little OUing in irnzrn p,rvpi inry (-iiiLKtim. fowls and turkeys. Prloea: Fowls, i: to box. Western, 01) 1L.. oi.l oi. Its,, aid rooaters. lltfllWc iuhs. prime wTille, IP tbs to dnsen, 13.60: 9 lbs.. ,13; I lbs., 12.60, Turkeys, fresh hens nnd tome, late 17. Froaen turkeys, dry picked, selected, llc.l Western. 20c: Texas, 17 17 4c Broilers, milk fed. II to 14 lbs., :7M:ic; eorn fed. 1 to 34 lbs., 24c, Chlokens, H te box, milk fed. 11 to 36 lbs,, 20c. j 41 lbs. and over, SlOllc; corn" fed, SI to 14 lbs., lie.; 41 lbs. and over, 10c Fowls, 13 to box. 40 rba. and over'to dosen. lie; '30 ts II lb-., lie. Old reeetere, lille. Exeoutop Chartored The Famers, loan Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branoh Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New Yon. MWDOff, 15 Oockitrar Bt, B.,i 26 Old Broad Street, E a PARI8, 41 Bonlerard HanNmann BERLIN, 68 Unkr den Linden, N. W. 7 Travelers' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange, Administrator Interborough Consolidated Corporation Notice to Holders of Stock and Voting Trust Certificates of Interborough-Metropolitan Company: You are hereby notified that at special meetings of stockholders of Interborough-Metropolitan Company and of Finance and Holding Corporation, held at the offices of the respective companies June 1, 1915, more than two-thirds of tho stockholders of each corporation voted in favor of ratifying and adopting the agreement for consoli dation entered into between the said corporations and their directors on the 23rd day of April, 1915, and in accordance with the vote of said meetings, said agreement for consolidation was declared effect ive as of June 1, 1915. Holders of Preferred Stock of Interborough-Metropolitan Com pany are hereby notified to deposit their stock, duly endorsed, with the Secretary of this Company at 165 Broadway, New York City, for exchange for the preferred stock of the Interborough Consolidated Corporation. The Preferred Stock of Interborough Consolidated Corporation will be ready for delivery in exchange for Preferred Stock of the Interborough-Metropolitan Company on and after JUNE 23d,, 1915. Tho holders of Voting Trust Certificates for Preferred Stock of the Interborough-Metropolitan Company are likewiso requested to deposit such voting trust certificates, duly endorsed, in order that tho Voting Trustees mny receive and hold, under tho Voting Trust Agreement of March C, 190G, as extended by extension agreement of February 6, 1911, an equivalent amount in par value of the pre ferred stock of the Interborough Consolidated Corporation. Voting Trust Certificates issued in exchange will be stamped as follows: Tho consolidation of tho Interborough-Metropolitan Com pany with the Finance and Holding Corporation having been matte duly efTectivo by vote of stockholders, Juno 1, 1915, tho holder of this Voting Trust Certificate is hereby notified that the preferred stock of the Interborough-Metropolitan Company represented by this certificate and deposited under the Voting Trust dated March G, 1900, renewed February 6, 1911, has been surrendered and exchanged for preferred stock of the Inter borough Consolidated Corporation of the par value of $100 per share, equal in number of shares to the stock represented by this certificate. In cases where the holders of voting trust certificates for such preferred stock of the Interborough-Metropolitan Company prefer to receive preferred stock of the Interborough Consolidated Corpora tion, such stock will be issued to them in lieu of voting trust cer tificates. Holders of Common Stock Voting Trust Certificates ef Inter. borough-Metropolitan Company are hereby notified that their Voting Trust Certificates, duly endorsed, should be deposited with the Sec retary at 165 Broadway, New York City, on and after JULY 6th, 1915. Voting Trust Certificates issued in exchange therefor will be stamped as follows: The consolidation of tho Interborough-Metropolitan Com pany with the Financo and Holding Corporation having been made duly effective by vote of stockholders, June 1, 1915, tho holder of this Voting Trust Certificate is hereby notified that the common stock of the Interborough-Metropolitan Company represented by this certificate and deposited under the Voting Trust dated March 0, 190C, renewed February 6, 1911, has been surrendered and exchanged for common stock of the Interbor ough Consolidated Corporation without par value, equal in number of shares to the stock represented by this certificate. New York, June 22, 1915. SPELTER SELLS AT 18 CENTS, i Aboat 10 Cents a Teand Belaw Re eent Hlajh Ierele. Metal markets showed no material improvement yesterday in quantity of business placed, although some smelter rnr enot delivery was sold at 18 cents a pound, while December was booked at 16 H cents a pound. In both cases, prices about 10 cents a pound below the high levels quoted early this month. Honour was dull and Inquiries were few. Nominally electrolytic was held at 10 to SO1, 4 cents a pound by eome producers, with second hands quoting still lower? Higher copper metal price has been reflected In higher quotations for bras. Koods. Quotations for shrapnel shell .... in nn.u n nnnnlt. nralnut 3SVj cents a pound last week and !iS cents In February, specincauonn 111 many i for this class of material called for Calumet and Heola copper and beat grades of spelter. Lead was offered at 6 cente a pound and eome business 'wm done. It was thought that consumers would come Into the market quite heavily when It was demonstrated to their satisfaction that prices had reached their low level for the time being at least HNA1TGIAL NOTES. Tli trsaaurer of Pprlnftlf Id.j Mas; , , baa awur.l-J to Halnmon Hros. II itilsr 1600,000 notrs, ilus November It, lllj, at 3.47 vier Cfnt. discount. At a mfftlni f the directors sf lbs United Htales Industrial Alcohol Company yesterday K. W. Fuller reslined and Jules 8. lUflis was elected In Ills place. At u meetlnr of the directors of tbs Merchunts Exchange National Bank yes terduy 12. V. ilambler resigned his position as cashier In order to devote his entire time t" the duties T as vice-president. Frank K. Andruss was appointed cashier. The directors declared a .eml-annual illvl .lend of a per cent., payubls July I to holder of record June Si. Charles II, Imhoff, who has been elected active vice-president of the Union National Hank of Newark. N. J will enter on his new duties on July 1. Ills resignation as 2 Tlce-pr'sldcnt of the Irving National llank was accepted with regret at the regular meeting of the board yesterday. litre "torlc Market. TUKHDAY, June IS. Hecelpta of beeves were 600 head, all consigned direct to local slaughterers. Keeling nomlnully steady. Ireed beef In moderate demand ut UHtfUV, Pr lb for ordinary to prime native sides. Itecelpts nf calves were Mil head. In cluding S head to be sold. Keel In firm. Prime veola aold at 111 per 100 lbs.i fed culves. Dressed calves higher; city dressed veals selling at IKfll", per lb.; country dressed veals. 10 14c. Itecelpts of sheep and lambs were 4.450 head. Including 204 cars for the market, making with pivvloue arrivals I4U cars on sale, rineep in talr demaiid mid sUaily; lambs more active nnd nrm. Common to prime sheep (ewes) sold ut IS.60tf If.. SO; a few, I n ,7 b : culls, 13; common to prime lambs, !80'!1I; one car selected lambs, 110, Hi lulls. IT.C0, Dressed mutton nrm at TWi:'.c. per lb.; dressed lambs, 1IU lie. Ilaeelpta of bogs were 1,110 head, alt consigned direct to local slaughterers. Feeling Arm In sympathy with Buffalo advices. 1 Tru8to6 1822 and Trust Company Guardian M. FISHER, Secretary. THE STEEL MARKET. Shrapnel Makers InqalrlBY for TS.000 To as ot Bar. The steel market continues active and flrim There Is a continued heavy de mand from ammunition makers. In quiries for steel bars for conversion Into snrapnei are estimated at 75,000 tons. It Is expected that these will soon re sult In orders. Prices on shrapnel bars are somewhat firmer, and It ts not thought that sales will be made at much uncier z per too pounds. Domestio demand la also showing Im provement There is a better demand for plates from the railroads, and prices on aii proaucu are noiains; firm. BIO GAINS BY TI, 8. FOUNDRY. Year's Karn Intra laerrasr to 9211, 20T IVois 9121,207. The United fttatea Cnnf imn Pin. Foundry Company report for the year ended May 11, IMS, shows total earn- Inars Of till. SIT. as mmn. rmA aHth $121,297 In 1114. The net Income of tho company sor tne naoai year was 1171, ffg. anlnh IIS 11 eh. This was equal to LSI per cent on the tl2.B00.000 nrsfamit atnnk h.f.. h.. ductlne; raserrea, aa sscalnst 0.28 per The aumltla 4av 41 iss aaa as compared with a deficit of IB9.JS8 In the year previous, with a profit and loss surplus on May 11, 115, of 1253,010, ubuiuoi sin, i on may si, iai4. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. The New Tork Federal Reserve llank rates were 4 per cent for thirty to ninety daya and 5 per cent for longer U1IIH. Open market discounts, prime ac ceptances, maturing up to ninety days. 2V4 0j2U per cent. Commercial paper rates were SHfflt per cent for sixty and ninety day bills ana ror rour o six monxns beet names; V.i per cent for others. Time money was 1n sxood supply, but demand was very llsrht Rates were 2tt per cent for elxty days, 2H2i per cent for ninety daya, 2ifl3 per cent, for four months, 3 per cent, for five months and 3V3tt per cent for over the year, Can money on the floor of the Stock Exchange ruled yesterday at 14 per cunt.; high, 2 per cent; low, l per cent. Domestio exchange on Now York; 6f. touls, par; Han Francisco, 40c. pre mium; Minneapolis, 30o. premium; Chi cago, par; Cincinnati, par; Montreal, (8.75 premium. Call money on London waa H41 per cent; short bills, Ifti per cent; three, months bills, 2Tt, per cent. Sterling; exchange was steady. Final quotations were; Demand, 4.78H; cables, 4.76 15-16. Dar silver In London, iSMi.; Io New Tork, 4T4o. New Tork Clearing House statement: Exchatuns, $S09, 999,053; balances, 116, 372,154'tUub.Trsasury credit balance, Mio.slfcl . $3,500,000 The Detroit Edison Company S7o First and Refunding Mortgage Gold Bonds Dated July 1, 1013. Due July I, 1040. Interest parable March 1 and September 1 tn New York City. Coupon bowls, re slstcrablc as to principal, nr fully registered bonds. Interchange able. Denominations ll.onn anil tn. Hankers Trust Company, New York, Trustee. Application will be mads to list these bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Tor detail regarding tne ahove bonds attention I rilleil l tl.e Utlrrot Mr. A!:t Dot. I'rr"M'"t nf the Company, copy of scblch will be sent upon request, anil (mm which It nil! be noted that: The Detroit Edison Company does the entire commercial electric lighting and industrial power business of the City of Detroit and of an extensive adjacent territory in the State of Michigan, serving a total population estimated to exceed 700,000. Earnings and Expenses (A officially reported tor year ended May 31, 18 IS) rose laminae Operating Expanses and Taxes , Net Esmlna-e ,. , Annual Interest en mertse bonds ilnchiaUna Interest 'an present Issue ol SB,SOO,000 First and Refunding Be),,.. Balance i;,ooo,n00 retained In the treasury of the Company. Nat Earnings over thraa times annual Interest en Mortgaga Bonda The replacement value of the mortgaged property is conservatively estimated to be approx imately twice the par value of all mortgage bonds outstanding, including this issue. Addi tional First and Refunding Bonds may only be issued to a par value of 70 of the actual cash cost of future permanent extensions and improvements. Price 98J and Interest Complete Circular on request Bonds are offered subject to approval of legal details by our attorneys Spencer Trask New York Perry, Gofffin & Boston njr nrmnyrom I t7R OF 1 . a. . iiiai a THE CITY OF will sell at bis office In tne Municipal Building On Jrma 29. 1915. at 2 P. M. $46,000,000.00 4Vi Gold Corporate Stock of the City of New York Payable June 1, 1965, Gold Corporate Stock City of New iom Matnriag annually from June 1, 1916, te Jsw 1, mo, tadwrre Tha lattM class wilt be so!d only in law ',15.000 is a propoial (or 15 la fiflsea yean. No bids wil be 3 lasers s Prapesels araet Taa Greater rl York Charter pror14 that Maa saay ba jaiaila tor at miM an araonnt at StO and In multiples ot 99 for fTT7' No Ntl for Corporate Stock in the serial form eaa be accaetea far lata thi lead bids for each diss In septrite sealed enatops, aadtoaaa ta etaar eavetopet sddressed to the Comptroller. A DepoMt of Two Per Caat of Par Vslue mult Aceompwr ch Bid. Surt deyostt la taoosj or etrtlfled check upon t Nttr Yerk Stata aaak er asat Cumftmr, er tor Nitkxul Btnk. far fafler tafonnttlon tee "City Record," sMaad M Net. nd H Read Street, New York, or consult my Baa er Traet Caea psjry. Saasl for aUacriptire ctrcular to WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroner, CHyof Her Tfjrk, Mnnicipal Boilding, New York THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Notice of Extension of Time for deposit of Three-Year Six Per Cent. Gold Notes. More than half a million dollars face value of the above Notes have been deposited since the date of tho last extension of time for deposit, and, in view of tho fact that the total deposits to date afrpregate more than twenty-three and one-quarter millions, the Board of Directors has authorixed the Depositaries to pay the June 1st interest and the extension commission upon ouch Notes as may be offered on or beforo June 30th, 1915, for deposit under tho Extension Agreement of April 9, 1915. By order of the Directors. June 22, 1915. H. L. UTTER Secretary. DEPOSITARIES UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, 80 Broadway, New York City. GIRARD TRUST COMPANY, Brond and Chestnut Sta., Philadelphia, Pa. MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, 721 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY. 17 Court Street, Boston, Muss. Missouri Pacific Railway Company Collateral Trust 5s, Due 1917 Missouri Pacific Railway Company Collateral Trust 5s, Due 1920 St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Rail a ay Company Unifying and Refunding 4s, Due 1929 Wo invite holders of tho above Bonds to communicate to us their names and addresses, together with the amount of their hold ings, with n view to concerted action, for tho protection of their interests if it becomes necessary. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. 89 WA1.1, HT11KKT, NOW TORK. BUSINESS TROUBLES. LOUIS SUMNER A petition In bankruptcy has hern tiled against Louis Milliner, dia monds nnd Jewelry, 9 Maiden lune. He made an assignment on .Saturday It was alleged on Information and belief that on June is he hud disposed of 16.000 worth of stock, nssertlng lie was robbed. Humner has bevn In business twenty years. KantrowlU Eaberg, his attorneys, said yesterday that Kuniner had told them he waq robbed of about 16,000 worth of diamonds on the llowery on Thursday night and had reported the matter to the police, lie owts 131,000, of which 122,300 Is for merchandise and 18,600 for borrowed money. LOU1H KNEE A petition In bankruptcy has been tiled against Louis Knee, trad ing as the .Slur lllndlng Company. 7 West Thirty-first street. He also tnude an assignment to Charles L, Itrookhelm. 1IIRHCII COHEN A petition In bank ruptcy has been filed iiKulnst Tina Illrsrh and Harry Cohen, who composed the firm of lllrsi'h & Cohen, fura nnd gowns, 103 West Horly-second street. They made an assignment on June 16. I3ACK ZO!OTH, women's ami men's fur nishing R9"d. I'3 Elfhlh venii, liaa mude an aaalgtimenl to Remand Et linger. A petition In bankruptcy waa also tiled against him. A, LOWELL MANUHACTURINO COM PANYA petition In bankruptcy has nttn filed against the A, Lowell Manu facturing Company, 101 Pulton street, it waa alleged that ths company allowed Its stock to be seised under a Judgment for 1141. Liabilities are mors than Mi est assets IMIf. Ths seapear & Co Burr asssssBsaaaassseasasaaaaa n n ri ia in aa-ae. NEW YORK (15 - Yer Serial) of the arias. Fs $1,000 eases la aeaaU Sar eassfc eiaae. waa agent for manufacturers et house hold utilities. llullkruptcr Schedules. M R REHRNfAN A CO.. dresses. 3 West Thlrty-llfth street, liuve riled schedules showing liabilities 133,443 and assets 116,360, consisting nt stock. IS.HOl fix tures and machines. 14,785; accounts, 13,230, and rash. 116. RICHARD W HIIAW, Pennyfleld, N. T., hue tiled schedules showing liabilities 19,230, mainly for money loaned, and no a.sets. LEri.VARD rAlMHSIt, diamonds and Jewelry, 72 Tlowery, lias tiled schedules showing liabilities 17,213 and assets 2.115. Assignment. HER.VHARDT. WIRT80HAFTER A CO. IMnnrd Wlrtechafler of llernhardt, Wlrlnhafter & Co., furs. 24 Eust Twen-ty-llrt slreet, hns made an assignment for the llrin to Henry J. Moskuwlti II A A MOKIIKOWJTK Harry and Ahra hum Moshkowltz, romposlng the llrm of II. & A. .Moshkowlta, clothing and pants, 63 East Uroadway, hate made an as signment. RAMUKL UAMTQR, men's hats, tl Canal slreet, has made an assignment to Harry M. Marks. ILtaMllttea ars 11,000 and assets 12,000, Cnatonia IlrrHpts, r8(l,ISa.t T, The total receipts fnr duties At the CuHtofrt House yrstertlity were B88, 182.17, of which $180,75n.8 was for merchandise wlthdrnwn from uondnd warehouses knd 4456,4(0.49 for recent Imncruaotus, tlesis itiiiissssajsas ..S0.983.S4 7.7 7 ., 3, 1,335.02 SS.102 ,322.78 . S78.00Q.OO . S2.127.322 78 Harris, Forbes & Co New York Security Trust Co Detroit Glinchf ield Goal Corporation PREFERRED STOCK , Ths undsrstrnrd. aa Transfer ARent et Trsfsrred Stock of Cllnchflald CoaI Cor poration, pursuant to tha provision rs spsctlnc said stock, hcrebr airss nottoe that thtrs has bsen dspoaltfd with H 114,164.19 araltablo (or rsdsmptlon of such stock on Ausust 1. 1MB, and that It will rraclvs staled tenders up to 8 P. M. on July 6, 1H. for ths salt to It of such pre ferred stock at a pries not sxcdtn 1:0 of ths par Talus thereof and tha accumulated and svecrund dt-ldends thereon. THE NEW YORK TRUST TOM PANT, Transfer Arent. Bx H W. MORSE, fiecretarr. New Terk, June It, 1115. To Holders of Pea rrwnclaee end North l'ertflc Railwer Compear First Mort ksko KIT I'er Cent. Thirty Vrer Itonds. Hankers Trust Company aS flueesster Trustee under tho Mortsar or Deexl ot Trust of tha San Francisco and North Pacific Hallway Company, dated January 1, 1819. In accordance with the provisions thsreof, hereby Invites proposals for ths sals to It. on or beforo tha close of business on Jun SO. IBIS, et Its office. No. II Wall Street. In ths City of New York, of bonds secured by aald Mortse or Deed of Trust, at a rate not eiceedlns par and ten per centum, to such an amount with the premium, aa shall not esceed the sum of S.13 01 IIANKF.Rft THCST COMTAXT. Muccenor-Trustee. Dated at New York. June 7. 1H. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST. Bering The BowerySavlngsBank 1 AND ISO BOWERY, NETWORK, June X ttll. A semi-annual drrtdrnd at ths rets el Tllltrr. end ONK-11ALF Per Cent. per annum has been declared and will be credited to depositors on all sums ol 13 00 and upward and sot rzcerdlne; 13,000 which shall hare been deposited at least three month s on the first day ol July next, and will ho payable on and after Monday, July If. 1918. Money deposited on or before JvHj IO will draw interest from Jnly L, IBIS, IIENKY A. SCIIKNCK, President. WTLT.TAM E, KNOX. Comptroller. JOHEPH O. LIDDLK, Secretary. SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS "4 and TH Mall Street. X':Tiii'STi:K.siAvioitin:itKn that l.STlIltKST lie paid to depositors en titled thereto for the six months endlnr Juiiu so. 1010: Ou accounts not exceedlnr three thousand dollars at tho rato ot TOUIU'ER CENT, per annum. Payable on nnd after Monday, July 18, DANIi:!. UAIINKN. President. OKOIKJi: M. HALSnY. Cashier. WTLMSTON II. HKNKUICT, Secretary. New York. June 10th, IBIS. MIlICi: Deposits to drau Interest from July 1st or Oct. 1st. or Jan 1st or Apr. lit must he made on or beforo the last day at the previous month. HARLEM SAVINGS BANK lfSTU ST. AND I.KXINOTON AYR. The trustees have declared e. sarnVass ousU dividend et the rate of syi Per Cent. Per Annum ess eJl deposits entitled tharete smiieelial te the hy-lawe. from 1-5 up to II, oat, smlt able on and after Monday, July 19th, 1113. Money deposited on or before July 10, 1113, will draw Interest from July 1st. 1913. WILLIAM 15. TROTTER, President. TIIO.MAH It. ICRKKT, iecreury. IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION US ( HAMIIKRs ST., N. Y. The Trustees have declared a dividend for the six months ending June 10, 1916, et the rate of FOUR PER CENT. per annum on all sum from 3 to 13,000 b.., ci. Uliuri tla ll.'inw., Dir. able on nnd after July 19. 1913. ueposua mane on or Dolors July 1 will draw Interest from July 1, 1911. II. E. TBNKR. President. OEOROE It. DUNNINO, Secretary. THE SUGAR MARKET. Sos expert rXwWtmcs I at rta,vr . No Domestio Taklnajs. The raw suirar market was quiet arid steady yesterday, with the spot price unchfttiKcil at 4.89 cnts, duty paid New York. No iloniMtlo taklnKH were re. Iiorteil, hut there -was Botne export husl ness. llolliuid took 3,000 lono of CiiIkus at 3.80, tiiulvuleiit to u duty paid basis hero of 4,7 cents. Ths weekly Cuban cahle showed re ceipts of 30,344 tons, as compared with 4!,G6fl tons for the previous week, Stocks were 709, 83G tons, n gainst 728, 339 tons. Tho relineii sugar market wee un olmiiKeil, with the Il pi Ice on the basis of 6,10 cents. The demand for with drawals on old contracts wnn only fair, owing to the cooler weather. Heavy July switching; operations fee tured the sugar futures market at the Coffee Eichjnre, more than 11,000 tons 4at the day's transactional repremntins Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company In Nebraska Consolidated Mortgage 6 Per Cent, lends DUE JULY I, 1918. NOTirc is iinitnnv tuvns that in pursuance nf .i Trnut Mnrlsngr Heed sse riiletl to Th Nw llnslatifl Trust Company, Trustee. Iv t tin llurlliiKlon Missouri ItUfr ItllroMtl Coiiipsriy In Nebraska, ilaie.l July . UTS, the fiillnstlns D" Con snllilslrd MnrtsiiRi' Itnnilo line .lulv I, 191., f s.ild ItsllrnKl I'nnitmrty, serurrd by sail Keeil of Trust, lmr brrn ilrnnn for psr rnent. tlx.: t Thr. Ilnn,lr..l nl Thirteen (313) Dost sl.000 KimIi. immbersl 7 Hi? i3ii inii, :;si 39 ;oit U 442 !0n 200 .1:44 4043 "01 4 444 1401 ;l2t 231 3274 4074 7144 41 7 1411 Sltl 240 ,12J 40!9 7317 III S4.S 1417 31 4S SS43 3t91 4123 7S4S PI 49 14.17 21 47 2SC.1 33311 4134 7710 !I2 124 ll.MI 22ir. 27 3.144 4141 TTSR 114 7.M 14S.'. 2Ji; :; 3344 4171 T7II 123 770 HOD 22.14 Si!) .1.14.1 4194 7IIT 147 77 153 2241 2107 3374 4227 02 U 779 UI4 2274 2909 33fl 4237 1074 199 790 K.S.I 227 2949 .134 4243 3247 214 01 17.1 3294 297 3.19.1 4211 till 220 407 144 2.10h 292 .140 4247 1414 22 4f. 1444 2309 .1005 3424 4170 65l 217 449 1477 2312 .1020 3100 4VS7 70 241 444 U9I 23IH 3027 4293 9211 2.0 474 1707 2.U0 .1022 3(21 429. 9241 257 90.1 170 2394 30S2 313.1 432.1 9410 291 909 I7M 2397 30.4 .1547 4344 9120 301 914 I? 2411 3O40 33 410 9SI3. 30 944 17C 2420 20r, ,'S4 4344 1420 310 973 177 242 3074 360 4373 9793 317 97. 120 .'147 3997 3414 4374. 10111 341 943 123 249 .111.1 34?? 4397 104S2 .144 1021 13 247:l .1132 .11 SI 4113 10414 39. 1044 15.1 251 2157 374 tOI lOSSl 42. 104 17 2S23 314 .1744 C2S3 10710 437 1111 1903 2547 .11 0 .131 S294 10117 444 111)! 190- 25.17 .1171 334 MIS 10191 477 1123 1910 240.1 .1174 .173 550S 10974 497 Il9 191 24211 .114 .1494 IS92 11021 Ml 1173 1920 26.1 3194 392 M31 11194 30 1302 193 2473 .1197 .1924 942 11344 5 .11 1214 191 2477 3207 3931 993 11477 111 1224 1979 249 3227 .191 4044 1104 93 1279 2014 2742 323 397 4174 11704 (94 1309 204 27.' 4 3;3 391 4542 110 (91 1130 2041 2IC0 3242 3990 4713 11151 409 And Slit -one (01) llnmls IC00 Kacli, nam. brrn: I IS 374 42C I,St CS3 774 114 19 97 293 429 t,CH GM! 419 ,130 24 141 .124 449 K7A 49 123 940 14 14 327 42 (73 713 Ml 941 17 330 491 1.01 72 47 113 (7 194 342 610 f.(S3 74 473 III 70 220 .17 31 0 773 III 1000 17 233 400 C57 433 The bonds bearing the abovo numbsrs will bs paid at par nt the otnee of ths undersigned. 13 Ievnnshlrrt Street, Floe ton. Mass.. on the 1'lrst Day nf .Inly, 1018, with accrued Interest to that date, after umrn unie interest on saiil llnmls will cruse In conformity with tha terms of the' Tryst Deed. The New England Trust Company, TRUSTEE, by JAMES rt HOOl'KIt. President. Boiton, Mass, June IS. 191. K. I. lit! PONT 111'. Nr.MOt'RA POVlli:it COMPANY. . IIoMem of Hive Per Cent. Hirst Mortrsge and Collateral Trut (lokl Ilomls ot the E. I. du Pont ile Nenoisrs Ponder Company ure hereby notlileil that pursuant to the provisions of the inortKnKe an'l trust nKree ment latl Juno 13th. 1 90t. between . I. du Pont de Nemoura Powder Company and the Metropolitan Trust Compiny of the City of New York, the following 121 bonds have hen e!ect! Uv the Trustee by lot for redemption on July 1. 1913: Coupon llonds 11 24 32 33 It M 37 91 114 130 133 13S U,3 lie, 1M : 249 :t9 sod a:.'. 314 4 1 -. 4:1 4:3 437 415 471 413 307 333 373 31 331 392 KOI 620 623 1.33 COS 740 742 714 770 771 779 7S3 314 3.19 "1 K,2 3V0 992 397 9H1 91: 97 934 970 971 937 101 1027 1033 HegUtcreil llnmls 143 344 230 213 21S :r,7 2C9 270 271 239 :3 30C 322 331 370 372 393 394 403 401 417 302 333 333 332 3C 343 393 Mi C12 9 -'3 C31 fiSt 73'. 773 773 777 SSt S32 S7t 379 '.l 930 949 931 911 333 1000 1002 1003 1043 1043 1064 10ST 1118 1119 112 1141 1149 That on July 1. 1913, those honds will cease to draw Interest, and that on and after that date they will be paid at the ofllce of this Company nut of thn money which under the said niortg'ig ar.'l trust agreement the said K, I Ou Pont de Ne Tnoura powder Company must bv then hao deposited with this Company for that purpose DatM. June IS, 1915 METIIOPOMTAN TltfST COMPANY OF TH 12 CITY OH NHW YORK. Trustee, JJKVnm.Y CIIKW, Vice President, ee tVall t-tret. lloroiiKh f Manhattan, New York City. AT7.A.q rOWIIKR CO. T etders of Cft Ten Yeiir Income Oold Itonds of Atlns Piiuilrr Co.! Notice of Redemption Kottne la horobv plven. In accordance with provlslona of Article Hour, Section One. of Indenture hf-tween Atlas Ponder Co. and Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, Trustee, dated January 2nd, 1913. that TIIK ATLAH POlt CO. WIl.l, UE DE1VM OV Al'Ol'Nr 1ST. till A. AI.I. 4F it Tiir.v oir.r.Niiis(i -, ten YEAR IM'OMK (iOI.II ItONDs. There will he paid In cah to the holders of eald Ilonds lOJf of the face v.ilue or such Itonds upon their prr.entntlon and surrender at the Trust Department of Ouaranty Trust Co. of New York, 140 Ilroadway. New York City, on and after August 1st. 1913. Interest maturing Au gust 1st. 1913. will be paid on nr after aald date to the regtsured holders, or upon presentation of coupons maturing August 1st. 1915. The usual ownership certificate should be tiled. AHTEH AUGUST 1ST. 1915. INTEREST ON RAID INCOME 1IONDS VII,I. CKAKU. By order ef the Hoard nf Directors. Atla Pfiwder Co K. II. COY, Trrusurer. tvTrmtnrfon, Del., June 15, 1915, DIVIDENDS AM) INTEREST. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dlrrdend of Two Dollars per share wTB be pe-hl on Thursday. July IS, 1S15, te etMkhalders ot record at tho cln.e of tmataese eo Wednesday, June 30, 1313. O D. JIIICE. Treasurer. MERCHANTS EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK of the City of New irk. June 11. 191', The Jtoevrd of Directors have ihl ilav declared a eemt-nmiiuil dlvldeml of THREE PER CTJNT- free of tax. ruivntila on !. after July 1.1913. tn stockholders of record rrt She oloee t business .Tune 1913 v. Ji. ANDltUHS, Cashier, TIIK IVA.NK OF AMERICA. New York, June IMh, 11S. Beard of Directors have to-day da- w w iiiuum uiviu.nii vi lourieen 14) per ofbU frvj of tax. payable July MAL Seta, a tfarlrhaUm r h....! nr .l.t. data The tmnafer boeks wtn remain oloesd cnttt July and, 1913. w. at, BrXTNET, Cashier. OOee ef The Tnltest (lax Improvement Co. N. W Corner nnd Ar. h strtets Philadelphia, June 9 1913 The Directors have this day declared iv cruarterly dividend of tuo per cent (II 09 per ehare), payable July 13 1913, to stock, holdera of recoil at the close of business June 30, 1918. Cheeks will bo mailed I. W. MORRIS, Treasurer. OTl'IfWINrt MINKS COMPANY. ICS llroadnay. New York. June '."1 I9ts The Hoard of Dlrri'tnra lia t.. .i,i ,ie f.1!1.'?? ?,r'".,Jl?r. Hi.irferly dividend nf P1VE TIIR CENT., pax able July !i 191' to shareholders of reenrd as of June "1) 1913. The transfer books n ltl rlo.e June 30, HIS, and reopen Juiv 1", I9f.. P " PrEll'I'lJIt. Treasurer THE HANOVER NATIONAL HANK of the I'll j- of New York. New York June luth, 1913 Tne Hoard of Directors have this d.iv Quarterly dividend of PIVE LIl..9i5Nl;i ramble on and after July let. 1918. The transfer books win remain closed unttl that date ELMER E WHITTAKER, Cashier exchanges of this position for later months. In these opomtlntiri September was 20 points nbovrt July; Octohor, 2H jwlnts, nnd Xovrmber, polntH. July was 3 points uLoym necinibcr. transactions for the dR7 wtre lll.tvni tons. Prices were: Hlrh- Low. Clos. rrer.v est esl Inr Hnee .lnn, ,.,.,.. 3 vi 3 it Julr 5 91 S V, 3 .s 391 Aiuur 3 ,( j 5 .September . 4nt trr. 4e7 4M Oelotier , 4.12 4 i: 4 13 4 (if rnTrmber..,,, 40; 4.13 December............... 3.V.1 SMI 3 t 3 ti January 3.1.1 3i) 3 m) 3 ei-j February. . ..9.30 3.13 S'.A 34, March .. ,. 330 1 41 Aptll .. S C, 144'. M7 - 310 IU