Newspaper Page Text
12 THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1915. Sis 1 if 3fr 41 WESTERN ROADS ASK RATE INCREASE Want Commerce Commission to Allow $20,000,000 llnise in Income. STATE BOAItDS OPPOSE Waiimnoton, June 22. The Inter state Commerce Commission heanl the opening arguments to-day In the Weal cm advance rate case. In this case forty-one railroad systems operntlns east of New Mexico and Denver and west of the Mississippi Illver, Including Louisiana end Texas, nre petitioning for an Increase tn freight rates on grain and grain products, livestock, fresh meats, packlr.K house products, fruits and vegetables and several other com modities. The proposed Increases are being op posed by State railroad commissions and the large shippers In the territory af fected. It Is estimated that the Increase will amount to 120,000,000 a year In revenues to the carriers on the commodi ties named. In other cases pendlns be fore the commission these carriers seek Increases on other commodities and also In passenger rates, which It Is claimed In the aggregate will amount to about $100,000,000 annually. The chief arguments were made to day by C. C. Wright on behalf of all the curriers, and Clifford Thorn, rep rrjentln? State rallrcnd commissions. The commission also heard from several Protestants against the proposed In creases on grain and grain products. Mr. Wright and Mr. Thorn confined their arguments to the financial needs of the carriers. Mr. Wright declared that the rail nnd petitioning for the Increase based their claims on the showing made by the forty-one systems combined, as If they wefc a single line. lie said that operating expenses had Increased faster than the revenue, and that taxes alone Increased from $1 1,000,000 In 1301 to $41,000,000 In 1914. "While the war had some effect on the Western roads they were not nearly so adversely affected as the Eastern lines," he said. Mr. Wright added that there had been a strong effort made by the Western carriers to keep up tholr properties to meet the growing trafllc and the demands of the public for better service, and that SUMMER HKSOIIT8. Mount Desert AND BAR HARBOR One of the famous "vacation spots of the world wonderful combi nation of Island and Mountains Sea beauty, cliffs, forests, villas and gardens. Celebrated for the high plane of its summer life socially, intellectually, artistically. And for its de-' lightful out-door life. Northeast, Southwest and Seal Harbors. Luxurious hotels; charming inns and boarding houses at moderate rates. Through express train service. Sead for Booklet, "Mt. Desert, ble of 'EoAuOmetA." Vacation Bureau 171 Broadway, Boom 161, New York, N. Y. NewTork, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Bottom 4b Maine R.R. Main Central R. R. FENNS1XVANIA Xsetn Cotmty. Where You CAN Catch Trout and CAN Gather Rhododendrons CRESCO, PA. In the heart of the Poconoi. An Angler't Partdiie. Nowhere else does the rhododendron attain tuch lire and luxuriance. Mountain itreami, waterfall and beautiful drivel. Nine-hole golf course and all other outdoor amuiementi. Summer Book descriptive of hotels, boarding houiet and cottages to rent, free at information bureaus or mailed cn receipt of 10 cents. Address James Fitter, 90 West Street. New York. NEW YORK: BROADWAY No. 2 Foeouo Mountains Canadensis. NEW MrrtUCK CAIIIN INN. Whin Tou Can Catch '1 rout, Hoorns en suite with bath. Klectrlc Ushts, Steam Heat. Uarafs, Qolf, Bi'ldU Horses, All Amusements. Booklet. Cresco Htatlon, I.ackananna H, li. W. J. A H I). THICK. Canadensis,, fa. PENNSYLVANIA Monat Foci. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE Mount l'ofono. Prima. Trout r.shlnc; prlrate baths, frss carat's. Oven all year, W. U. a li. If, LEECH. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Fort William llenry Hotel, Lake Georte, Si.iV J,l"ir. nainplaln on Lake Cham V Jln,i?.lu1 ? V- Albert Thlerlot, .Mcr Henched by tho Delaware A Hudson he believed the public la willing to pay for the service It receives. "Our net revenues are declining so an to be discouraging," ho continued, "and there Is but one way to Increase that net revenue nnd that Is by an Increase In the rates ns we propose. Wo might meet the situation by reducing the frequency of train service, but the public would not stnnd for this." Mr. Thorn, for the State commissions, said: "There Is no Issue outtide of possible International complications confronting the American public, so momentous nnd far reaching In character as the subject of freight rates and their general up ward tendency." lie filed figures with the commission showing that for the yenr 1914 th nveragc revenue per ton mile In the Western district was 34 per cent, higher than In Eastern territory. MISSOURI PACIFIC PLAN WATTS. Director filve More Time for Xote Dc-rmnltsj for Kxtrnalnn. It wjs announced yesterday at the cfflccs of tho Missouri Pacific: Hallway Company that the directors had decided to extend the time for tho deposit of the $25,000,000 6 per cent, note which fell due cu June 1 to June 30. Up to date 122,200,000 of the notes have been deposited under tho agreement which provides for their extension for one year from the date of their maturity. The directors cf the company nre still going over the plans for the financial rehabilitation of the company. It Is expected that the plans will soon be made known. Owing to the probability that there will be a drastic scaling down of soaie of the Junior lien taint, nnd a heavy assessment on the stock, llrown Br. s. & Co. Inaugurated a campaign yesterday to organize the holders of the collateral trust 5s due 1917 and the collateral trust 6s due 1920. They have Invited the holders of the bonds to com municate with them, giving their ad dresses nnd holdings with a view to concerted action for the protection of their interests if necessary. THE PITTSBURG MARKET. Pittsburg, June 22. The stock mar ket here showed small price changes. Columbia Gas and Electric was active nnd fractionally lower. Pure Oil and Wcstlnghouto also closed at a fractional decline. The summary: , Opt n- High- lo. clos- Sales, Int. est. est, Ing. 20 Am Wind O M pf 0 V V Columbia O E.. iz l:S so i: 114 i u 41 93'. i: lis st, C,l 19 4 :.. CTIH'IIMC steei pi. s ki X. Elk C Nat Gas..ll 114 U ln.1 Brewing It, 3i ihi .Mirs li it 4; 210 Nat Flrrjifr pf... 13 so Ohio Fuel Supply 41 m puts coil pf mu 212 rure on hi; 15 43 N4 It 14 in Union Sw & Sir.iop, lotv, 101 U loin SO V s Steel l, Sl, rill, siu J Went Air Brake. .13: 132 lilt, 1:11, 197 Went Elec M M 4, 49I 44 West Elec pf J M 5 CS Ex dividend. SUMMER RESORTS. FENNSYXVANIA Monro County. INFORMATION BUREAUS i BROOKLYN! Cor. Wall St. Cor. Park Place Cor. 28th St. Cor. 42d St. 505 Fulton St. NEWARK. Broad and Market Sts. 1'KNNSVLVANl A Delaware Water Qap. IITTATINN k IIKIVl Alll. S Al Kit !A l. I'A.l asrm now open, nuperior in us ap a poinimcnis. cuibine, ana service, K Special Juno nud July term, m V rile for booklet Anil sntn mm. Motorists accorded same termt at other -ueta. CIIAHI.Ea II. WHITE. Prop. NEW JEltSKY Atlantic City. Hotel TRAYMORE, TtfE T A DntTCT' vrnimniVin nw SOIIT HOTKL IN THE WORLD. A Bold Orltinal Creation with the A-ucai ,uior ox Atiantio tnty, American Submarine Prill European I DU PONT CONFERS ON MDTUALIZATION PLAN Will Cooperate' Wtith Officers of Compfuiy, He Tells Equi table Committee. Oen. T. Coleman du Pont, who recently purchased stock control of the Equitable Life Assurance Society from J. 1". Mor gan, met the five members of the tnutuallzatlon committee of the society yesterday nnd reiterated to them his assurance that he desires to mutunllze the company. Ho was not quite ready to discuss the details or the mutuallzatlon plan which he will offer, he told the committee, but as soon ns he arrives nt n definite con elusion ns to the best plnn he will meet the committee again. Ho gave assur ances that he Is ready at any time to cooperate with the Insurance superin tendent, directors and officers of the ronrilaliy In nny plnn tending to Increase the usefulness of tho company to Its policyholders. After the meeting Gen. du Pont gave out this statement through his counsel: "Oen. du 1'ont's desire Is that, so noon as possible, there be brought about through prop'er channels a mutuallzatlon of tho Equitable society satisfactory from the standpoint of the policyholders so that the policyholders In the future, ns In the past, may have complete con fidence that the affairs of the society will always be managed In their Interest, such mutuallzatlon as the management of the society has for some time been trying to And a way to accomplish. "The problem being a new one to him ho of course cannot announce a definite plan at onc). Hut he hopes that It may be soon solved nnd to this end ho Is ready and anxious to cooperate to the best of his ability. In the mean time the Insurance superintendent, di rectors nnd oftlccrs will find him ready at nny time to cooperate with them In nny way to strengthen tho society or In crease Its usefulness to the policy holders." The members of the mutuallzatlon committee, Thomas Sprntt. John I). Ker nan, Henry W. de Forest, Frank Wltherbee and Joy Morton, united In giving out a statement saying the meet ing was entirely harmonlouA In favor of mutuallzatlon on practical lines. Atmrondn ItnUrs Dividend. The Anaconda Copper Mining Com pany Increased Its dividend yesterday rrom 25 to no cents n share quarterly. Lat September the rato was reduced from "6 cents to 25 cents. The recent advances In the price of copper caused a large part of Wall Street to expect that the Anaconda directors would restore the dividend to the rate prevailing prior to last Sep- t tember. HUMMER RESORTS. MEW JEltSET Atlutl. City. CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jersey The Leeds Company NEW HOTEL MERION ffi;-. Vermont Av. and Ilench, Capacity 300, Vfry moderate rates for the coniform, an polntmenta anil table of the hotel. S up dally, epeclal weekly. Imtkk cool ocean view roomi, etc. Booklet. C. H. I'rrttvsnnn, HOTEL NEW ENGLAND .South Carolina ave. and tieach. 1'rlvatc latli, mnnlnir water In rooms: elevator to street levi-l; .eatenslve porches. Capacity 30O. tipeclnl rates, lioolilet. IlltVAN ic WILLIAMS. I.rnitlnr Illich-Clus Moderate Hate Hotel al BFMatNl F Vlrttlnla av.. near Heath. HkBtnianLb Capacity 310, r.levnlor, private hatha, etc, excellent table; June rate 110 up weekly; s: up dully. Booklet. J. P. COl'U. TUX VIII TCUIDC Vlrelnla I Ilk niLI Wllllls. llrni-h. flcenn vl.u- tireutly Improvrd. Capacity SliO. I'rivito luths, runnlns water In rooms, elevator, l Music. Special 115.60 up weelny; 12.10 up dally. Open all year. Booklet. jamim:i. mLORlME Rt- Charles Place an .unninE b,ach, privat, r,n and sea water baths; runnlnr water In zooms: elevator: superior table Iteducet earlv season rates. Coach at trains. A. E. WAONEIt. Propr. W. It. LATTON. ltf r. Atlantic cirv, N. J. J08IAU WllUli oi O.N3 COUPANT. NEW JERSEY Cape May, HOTEL GATE MAY. Cap Mi ay. M. J. SHORT SEA TRIPS For Summer Vacations Hte Ocean Paradise i hours drllBhllul nil from New York by twin-screw r e no. j:" i, o. oeriiiuumi Regular sailings from New York. All Expense At 50 Tourasdays t, CANADA BY SEA Nova Scotia, Maritime Provinces, (lutf and ltlver St. Lawrence, ami many other cool Hummer Trips. Tickets, llerths and all Information from THOS. COOK & SON 245 IP way (Opp. City Hall Park) 24 Fifth Ave. (Cor. 29th St.) Sl Fifth Ave. (Cor. 4fth St.) S0S1 liroadnay (Cor. 72d St.) HUMMEK nESOHTil. NEWKJWBvSilir ' IGKd m DEALlOU Is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAY'S RUN llh.ftrateil route book cr large map in colon free at 1180 Broadway, or by mail from ALMON C. JUDD, Hotel Elton, Waterbury, Conn. MASSACHUSETTS. HOTEL ASPINWALL IXNO X. MASS. Three colt courses, saddle horses, tennis, dancln?.- motorlnc. etc. Ac commodates 6no. Open to October. Cettacrs to rent. Write for circular, W. W. DHOW.V. AIjoGHA.M.IUL.N- HOTEL, HOTEL VENDOME Commonwealth Ate. A- Dartmoath St. BOSTON, MASS. CONNECTICUT. "WOODSCOtJllT," a modern Health Re sort; fireproof bulldlnrs: elevator: rest and recuperation. Address DItAWEIt J, South Nor walk, Connecticut. LONO ISLAND New Terfc. The Moil Attractive Coantxr Hetel Adjacent to New Tork C'itT. notei GARDEN CITY, LONG ISLAND One of the most exoluslve oountry hotels in America. A combination of oountry life and metropolitan hotel lusurr seldom found. Conducted on the American Plan. There Is also for the convenience of motorists A Handsome a la Carte Restaurant JO miles from N.Y. Trequent electric service. Penna. Station. J, j, LA.V.MN CO., Props. EXSTONE PAItK HOTEL, Far Roeka way. L. I. Ounther A Uebels. Prop. ; also 4 and C Court Square, Il'klyn. Special llate for orer Fourth of July. LONa ISLAND Manhattan Beach. omental";" HOTEL Open June U. N. Y. Office. US 3th Ave. Tel. 0t3O Mad. fa. NEW YOIIK Cmt.klll Mountataa. The f(Jff flats JTotel tn Ms CotJKUt. New GRAND HOTEL CATS KILL MOUNTA INS. Altitude 5B00 ft. Now Open. Scenerr I'nequalled. 15 to ?i dejri-M cooler than ,. V. City. Per fect sanitary conditions. Cuisine and service highest standard. Purr sprlne witcr. Superior trill. Itcawnable prices, ball Jtoom: perfect tiancinr noor. oyin phony orchestra: danc In it afternoon nnd cve nlnir: instructors: .Special attractions : and Inducements for the ouncr set. prizes. Coif, tennis, billiard, pool, bowline tournaments. Oscar Hauler's superior saddle horses. KpcclM rates for families. Transients i a day and up. IIARIilsO.V S. DOWNS. Proprietor, llllbmount P. O., N. Y. Ita Orova Houaa. Aoc. II: n'r. Lee4a. Oaira, sVc. : amusement hall, srrovss, (araae: fresh milk, e(Ks. c. II up. E. L. Wolfs. Lssds. N.T. NEW YOBK Blchflnld flprlnfs. orr.NS ,ivni: ssni Hotel In connection with the Great White Sulphur Sprints Batblnr Es tabllshment. Apply to EUUENB It. MARCOTTE. New York PooWns; Of. Oct, HfO Broadway, near ZKih btreet. Richfield Springs, N.Y. MEW TOB-sV Ceesxs stewa. O-TE-SA-GA On Otsego Lake, Coopentewn, N. Y. OPKN UNTIL OCTOIlElt. ' hours by rail from .New York City, iioatino Moroiti.vr. n.N.MS IIA'llll.Nfi IIKSTIMi NEW YOP.K L'pper Saranac Lake. HARANAC INN. Write Harrlneton Mills. Upper Saranac, N. T NKtV YOIIK Adirondack Mountains. Lnkr Crorre, N. Y. Hotel booklets and particulars al Sun Information llureau. NPAV .IKHtKY prin Ike Ileach. THE NEW 7SSEX P CUSSEX HOTELS 'COTTAGES SPItlNd I, KK I1KACII. N. L Dlrw ll) im thi tlciiin. NOW OPEN. Concert anil d tnre nrcliestras, tiolf, Tennis, lliiltntr. ilarilvi, drill lint and rol.l sea wnt r In liltliroiinn N V (Mtlce, M 6tll Ae. 'Plume .Tail Murr.iv I f 111. D.WIK II. IM.t'Mlllt. .Mniiairr. l ine inttiiKr fur ri'iit In iiinneitliin nllh liotel, NEW JEltSKY Ashtiry Tark, " Modern lintel llv The Sea." HOTEL COLUMBIA AND roTT.USKS. North Astmry Park, .V. J, IftO.GGQ Improvements since last seaaon, Itunnlns; water 'n rooms, Cupsclty 400, Unnklet (lenrxe W. Traylnr, W, Harvsr Jones, Asooclata Manager, Owner and Manaxer. TUT riCTnilll 9 Fourth Are. nC rH.MIinisI Patronaie . . wm . . a ... a White service; all modern convsnlcncss. E. STOFFLET msr ..11. I IIIIIS I , . i i M I Here's a Cool Trip! Where crisp sea breezes bring rest, health, relaxation t SUPERIOR SERVICE and LOW FARES to SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE MACON AUGUSTA ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY and all other Southern Polnta consult any ticket or tourist Agint or Lhoratare and all Information upon request PLANTO COME HOME From California Through the Panama Canal Quick ServiceRegular Sailings SAN FRANCISCO-NEW YORK Splendid Large American Trans-Atlantic Liners 22,000 Tons Displacement First Cabin $125 and up INCLUDING MEALS AND BERTH ALSO -MlflNATIO.M TK'SsrTS II T RAIT, TO CALIFORNIA It PANAMA PACIFIC LINE, 9 Broadway, N. Y.-Tel. 9000 Rector Or Anj Railroad Or Hteamshlp A cent. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y. Liverpool. Pier 62. N. R Noon New York. Jane 3 Philadelphia, Jul j a White Star Line N. Y. Liverpool, Pier 60, N.R., Noon 'Arable Jane 231 Adriatic. . .June 30 Cabin & Third Class Passencers only. Axorea Gibraltar Naples Genoa Cretlc .loir 31. 10 A.M.tCanonlc.Aasr. 3 OFFICII U U'ltAT. N. T. Tel. UOOU Rector. OCEAN Trip A VACATION ON THEWATER Cool, restful and refreshing. A bracing journey on luxur ious steamers with a glimpse of a "foreign land" that adds relish to any tour. 6 Daya at See; 4 Day oa Shore 95 .00 NewTark to HavtM ami Retura Wrfter blfyrmtOtn mnj nrss Khstisssst eeW aWw (At, Mtgkful ia, WARD LINE New York 4k Cuba Mail S. & Co. General Office. Pier 14. E.R- New York CUNARD Established 1840 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Tuscania. . Fri..June2$, 5 PM Saxonia . . Sat., July 3. 10 AM Orduna . . Sat., July 17, 10 AM Tuscania . , Fri., July 23, 5 PM Saxonia . . Sat.. July 31, 10 AM ROUND THE WORLD TOURS Taraash booklnc to all principal Ports of the World. COMPANT'SOFFlt.E 31.24StateSt..N.T. FRENCH LINE Compacnle Clenerale Transallantlqae postal i:. Sailings for BORDEAUX NIAGARA June 26. 3 P.M. CHICAGO July 3,3 P.M. ESPAGNE July 10,3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU. . ..July 17, 3 P. M. Fon i.vronMATioN apply Company's Office, 19 State St., N. Y. TWO'EXPOSITIONS Faaaasa CaaaJUa ttaakia Yilliaseaae Craaal Caayaa Alaska MlataujalSaa IIS Resaatkaala Taars. Oa la Tares Meeths, MSI aaia snt. Spleadid Oseioa al teLaB1jla Trata Setriea. Bast SidaTriae by AateisbtiV aW Tears at Paaetsr rrtsss SeiMlfarBeekUt. RAYMOND WHITCOMB CO. S28 Psfta Aveaaa, Naw Yark. SC ERICAN NtUINAL fUB Routaoutalde War Zona 250 Mi lea north of Scotland. Norway, Ksreasa, Dallv Connections with AUrnrnne.nriiies. llelllg Olav. June tt'Frederlk VIII. JuneSO A,ShIsssss Oaaa.cU. 1 war.M.Y. In 1'allfnrDla Expositions 3eo Jamaica Havana, Panama Canal en toute. Send for booklet, united rrnit company, 17 uattery Place, N.Y. OLD DOMINION LINE. To all points South and West. Every week day a P. M Pier 25. North Illver. Tel. jm rrnnblln. NIAGARA TO THE SEA. Canada S. H. tinea, Ltd.. Montreal. 18 Day All Einrnse Northern Cruise. 880. Ilooklet free lied Cross Line, New York fiO TO BERMUDA BY "S. S. IIRnMUDIAN." HnoUletsOII'.Bh:CS.S.CO..I.td2H'way.N Y TOURS. Sfl J 10 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN H m First class; choice of routes, stop-orers. Ofs MARSTKHS. 1248 Uroadway. N, Y.C- MACHINERY. FOR SALE MOTOR 30 H. P., 235 VOLTS 120 AMPS 32S REV. ALSO EXTRA ARMATURE. APPLY BOX 122, SUN OFFICE. fc, n NEW TORK OFFICE Ml FIFTH AVENUE rases atSMerrsy HOI Intermediate $60 and up KTLTt NINO ALL WATER ROITTR Eastern Steamship Lines AII-the-War-bT-Water BOSTON Metropolitan Line Steamships MASS 4 Ill'Sim.S nnd OLII COLON T Pier is, N. It., foot Murray St., every itay A P. M. Due Hn.ton about A A. M. Same service returnlnc. UnsurpaMed facilities tor expeditious handling: nt Auto mobiles, llorics anil Prelcht Eipresi Sen Ice. Portland Maine Steamship Line Steamships MOUTH LA Mi and NOItTII STAR, Lve. Pier 1. .V. It., Tues., Thura. nnd Sals., 1 P. M,; also ilons., 10 JSO A. M. Tkts. and Infnrmatlnn at Pler, alo st all Tourist and .V. V. Transfer Co. Offlces. SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE All Steamers Depart from Pier J. S. K, Foot Canal St.. New Xork. B:I0 P. M. Capital Cltr Line, dallr Ns York to Albany and I Tray. Leave W U!d 8t. plr. P. M. J" TtsH P M Albany s P. M. Fare JL. rU.teroemV 79e. . '?mWrWX;2 .00 P. M.Popl' Wn. dallr Nesr Tork to Albany. Leave TV. Ilia . Pier. I lie P. M. .V. , ih?' M. Fare 7 WT' ,,8 nvai trip. "Luxurious War." .00 T. 3L oallj N. T. to Albany and Troy. Leave w. ma at. pier JO P. M.; leave Troy P. M. ex cept Sunday; Al bany 11 P. sC. dally. Fare iJ.OO one way. tS.60 round trip. Band stamp for bsautlful historical calendar. Tel.! Sprint- 400. WI:EKDAYS AND SL'.VDATS Steel Str. "HIGHLANDER" Lvs. llatterr 9.15, W, 23 St. 9:45 (W. 42 St. 10 20 W. I2 St. lo.aO. Weekdays only), Ynnkrrs ll:io A. M. MTMC. Itl.til'lll DJNNER SO CTS. STR. NEWBURGH sol,Ylf1.Tr,d Lva. W 42 St. 10 20, W. 128 St. 10 40 A. M. Hound Trip. Weekdays. SOo. Children, 2So. Sundays Holldat. 7Jc. Children, Silo. M'ALLIS I sr'll'rro, Tel Itroadsis FALL RIVER LIIME TO BOSTON $4.00 Strs. iv, Plrr 14. N.n.. ft. Pulton St., dally at 5J0 p. 11. Music. Providence Llnet Commenrlnr June 28th. Strs. Iv. Her 14, S.H., ft. l'ulton Street week days only eon p, M. New l-ondon Line str. Iv. Pier 40. N. n ft. Houston St., week days onlv, 6 90 p. M.: Pier 70, E. H.. ft. K. 22d St.. fl 00 P. M. New lledford Line, Strs. I v. Plrr 40, ff. R.. ft. Houston Street, week days only, at IdO P, M, Nev llaren Line, str. Iv. l'lerIS. E. R ft. Catharine St., week days, 2.45 tTM.: Sun. days. BS0 A. M,: Pier 70, h. E. 22d St.. week days, SOO P. M.: Sundays. 10 00 A. M. lirtdceport Line, week days only, str. Iv. Pier 2A. K. li., S P. M.: Pier 70. ft. E. Ud St. week days, S:iSP, M.; Sundays, 4:45 P. U. The ptrhUo be pleaeeS. BOSTON $2.80 Via Boat and Rail, BOUND TBIP 18.40, PROVIDENCE gf, $1.75 ROUND TRIP (8,80. Colonial Line Flret-olaas esrvlce, caterlnc to tbs beet people. Weak dare and Sundaya at 1:10 P. Jil. from Pier N. It., foot West Hous ton at. All Ontslde Rooms, 1.00 to $3.09. Wlrelaaa equipment. Uptown Office. Broad way and 33d St, Phone Sprlne I4L HUDSON KIVEK BY NIGHT MANHATTAN LINE $1.00 TO ALBANY Dining Room Service a la Carte. THHOt'till TICKETS AND HAIiOAOE CHECKED TO ALL POINTS. Auto anil Horse at Low Rate. Slesmers I.v. dally, I'ler S9. North River, foot West Houston St.. 5'JO P M.: West 111 at . p M Telenhnno;;!' Snrlnc 3nm Steamboat (fa DP.r.P SKA PISHING STIl, "TAl'lll'.H." Pally at H A, M, from I'ler I, N. it. ONLY, CONEY ISLAND Strs. Leave W, 120 NT. : PIEH I, N. It. Pull Time Tallies are on Inside ot front or back coverof Telnhnne Directories. Tel Hector 1,2. ROCKAWAY BEACH SEASON OPENS SI'NIHY. .ll'NT. 2JTII. DAILY AND SUNDAY TRIPS TO Interstate Park Landings (Al.tlNG Till'. PALIS VDL.Sl. NTH. KINGSTON Leaves viMi St. at lu o. j r. Al, rare ia -s, itnunil Trip. a ' CSavlal a?eMiBasa WalaA I 01g1l''OBBIIlg TaClltS Le. uattery I'ler 10. JJ. L' .u. Tel. Ilrui;i loSANHY IIOOUandtheOCPAN 1130 P.M HARTFORD LINE Trora New I'ler 20, East niver, foot ot Peck Slip, dally except Sunday, at 8 P. It. forConnec. Uciu Illver landings. Write lor Summer folder. Str "MANIiillV" lr,n "nt To-mght. o iJ. U " r ' Ponthkeepsl BOAT BACES, Jaaaaa. Ticket! Broadway. Providence Line Service Resumed June 25 Providence and Boston Fall River Line Steamers Providence and Plymouth IIASTHOUNO l.rae New York, Plrr 14 N. II. (laity except Stintlay. .. H:oo p. m, line Provldeiice r. ::u a. i. line lloston, Hack Hay T:lil A, , lino Iloslon, Nouth Mtntton l:ir. a, h, WESTBOUND Iavr nolon,Sotitli Station, ttall)- except Naturday il:on p. m. Iae lloston. Hack. Hay.. :la P. m. l-avc I'rovltlcnce, I'ox Point :. ::( p. , Hue New Vork 7 :oi ,, m. Tickets, Staterooms and Information at City Ticket Ofiico, 171 Broadway. General Office: Pier 14, K.R. The New England Steamship Company Up the Hudson By Daylight All Sertlre Dally Kicept Snaday. Direct Hall Connections to all points In the Catakllls. Snratora. the Adlron dacks, the Went and North. Music, Res taurant, I)e.broei St.. 40 A. M.l W. 4Jd St.. 0 A, M.l U lMltli Ht.. 0-20 A. M.: YonKrrs. B:U A. M.: landlnc nt West Point. New tmrclCPourhlterpsle. Kingston Point. Cntv kill, liudsnn and Albany. AIo Desbrosses Kt., U.-40: V. 42d St.. 10: W. 12th St., 10 30: Vonkers. 10 50 A. M.. lor near Mountain. West Point. Cornwall. Ncwburjh and Pouihkrrpsle. All through rail tickets betneen New York and Albany accepted. One Day Outings to Ponghkeepsle, Nenbnrah, or Viest Polpt. Str. 'HOItrtlT PIXTON" will run as a lit) AT IIA4 T. NPI'.CIAL to the IXTKIt COLLI'.filATi: llAfi:, at Pourhkerpsle, June 3. leavlnc Deshrosfes St. lu:J: West 4Jd St. 11 -Oi): West lth St. 1130 A, XI. Afternoon Boat for West Point. rSeaburr!. Pourhkeeptle, Klnrston and way landTnTs, leaves I)es hrossea St.. 1:45 P. V : W. 42d St.. 2 P. M.t W. IJOth St.. 2 20 P. M. Dally except Sun day. Ideal outlne to West Point, returning by boat or by rail. Desbrosses St. Pier. Tel. 4141 Sprtnr. N.Y. SIIHT SEEINC YA8HT CLIFTON Lt. ft W. td St.. 10:10 and 2:11 every day. Music. Lecturer. Tel. Bryant till. FORECLOSURE HALErl. SUPREMF. COURT. COUNTY OP NEW TORK JUMA M. LOVB et al.. PlatnUffs, atalnst CI.KllENCB 1. SOARDAIAN et al.. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore closure and sale, duly made and entered In the above-entitled action and bearlnr date the 19th day of June, 1916, I. the underslcned, the Referee In eatd Judg ment named, will eell at public auction, at the Hichanie Salesroom, Nos. 14-16 Vesey Street. In the Horourh of Manhattan. City of New Vork. on the 14th day of July. 1915. at 12 o'clock noon on that day, by Ilryan 1. Kennelly, Auctioneer, the prem ises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL that lot of ground with the build ings and Improve-ments thereon erected, situate In the Fifth Ward of the City of New York, and Is known and distinguished on a- certain map or chart of the estate of Anthony Llspenard. Esq., deceased, by lot No. 125. Hounded northerly In front by Walker Street: eouthrly In the rear by lot 97: -westerly by lot 126, and easterly bv lot 124, containing In brealth In front and rear each twenty-live (25) feet, and In length on each side one hundred (100) feet, be the same more or less, which said premises are known by the etreet number 5l Walker Street. Dared. New York. June 21. 1915. LEW lis S. Ill'ltOHARI) Referee. EDWAHDS & BRYAN, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 31 Na.s.tu Street. Borough of Manhattan. New York Cltv. HILL. LOCKWXl, Ul'.DPinLD LT nON. !-JltS, Attorneys for Defta. Hoardman nnd r.lttng, 35 Nassau Street, Horough of Manhattan, New York City. HARRY FLAUM. ES3 . Attorney for Deft. Kyle, 115 Hrondwav. Horough of Man hattan, New York City, The following Is a diagram of the prop erty to be sole): Ita street number Is 21 Walker Street. Manhattan, New York City: mo. zi wamer nt. (j:s.i i?s.i; Being Let Ne. 115 en map of Estate of Anthony Llspenard. Centre Une of Block. The approximate amount of the Hen or charge, to satlafy which the above-described property la to bs sold, la Twenty thousand eight hundred seventy-two and 42-100 Dollar (I20.S72.42). with interest thereon from the 14th day of June. 1915. together with costs anl allowance amount ing to Three hundred twenty-three and 13-100 Dollars (IS:3.SS), with Interest from June lth. 1915, together with the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of the taxes, aesessments and water rate, or other liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the pur chase money, or paid by the Referee, le Six 'hundred eight ami 35-100 Dollar (COt.J5) and Interest, Dated, New York. June 21st. 1915. s LEWIS S. nmtClIARD Referee. rOPAKTNERSllIP NOTICE. Continued Use of Firm Name. R, J, KIMBALL COMPANY, 5 Nassau Street. New York. June 1st. 19U. Whereas the above nnmed Arm has transacted business In this State for up wards of three years and the business Is to be continued and conducted by the undersigned, some of whom rro partners In the bii.tness heretofore conducted. Now Therefor we, pursuant to the statute In such case made nnd provided, do make, sign and acknowledge this certifi cate and do declare that the persons In tending to continue such business and the use of such partnershln name, nnd to use and deal under the same, with their true tun names, ana ineir respective resi dences, are as fnllous: W. KUC1KNE KIMBALL, 10c Inter- (Hen Cove, N, T. ' nal rev. LEEDS JOHNSON, stamp. 20 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. T. JAMES F. MOSTY.V. 35 Mail). on Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. State of New York, County of New York, ss. : On thl nrt day of June. 1915, before me, a noury In and for said county, per- snnaliy came WILLIAM EL'tlENE KIM BALI. I.r.nns JOHNSON nnd JAMES FRANCIS MOSTY.V. tn In" known, and knnwn tn me tn be the Individuals de scribed In and nhn executed the foregoing Instrument, and -key duly and severally acknowledged tn Tne that they executed Ihe same. E V ARMSTRONG. JR., (Notary's Seal! Klnys Cn . Nntarv Public. Cert, nie.l New V .rt: Co Nr.. IS. BUSINESS CHANCES. MONEY for a man with H5.00O who will go Into nartnershln with me In one nr Snest and alfalfa ranches In Mon 111, v., "iit.i atiu nti.ii.i .iiiviic. ill .unil- tana, equipped and progressing. For full particulars address R E. HUNT, Fort Benton. Montana. Ne drinking roan need writ. aB?WSpsslsspJJsPs via Boat and Trolley, tt.ii. Wereeater, 12.00; Providence direct. II M STATEROOMS, 81.00. 81.80 and IH) DeJIy, Including Sunday, :30 p. i Tl.omJ?'S u- ,'l?n" KM Betanin. City Ticket Office. 2M llroalwar, N. T Uptown Ticket Office, R'wsr an1 2SJ i' Write for Tllll1 rated PoMr LEGAL NOTICES. THE UNIT STEBL CABINET COMPANY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ' Whereas, default has been made in tti payment of Interest which became Su tt. the 1st day of August, 1H12. on ths biii of The Unit Steel Cabinet Companv, ... cured by the chattel mortgage ma'ls 0 said Company to Lawyers 'title lnurn,. and Trust Compan), as Trustee l-irlrr dnte the lt day of August, 1511 r which -was duly died In the offl, nt thi Clerk of the County of N-.v York ar.l Is the office of the Clerk of the County c Kings on the 15th day of Angus'., mi, sn In the payment of all Interest which hu ubsequently beoom du alel payable 0 aald bonds; and Whereis, the said eeveral defaults li tti payment fit Interest on said, nh! became due and payable on and prior ts the 1st day of February, U14, having cr. tlnued for a period of mor than on w the Lawyers Title aud Trust Comsit formerly known Us Lawyers Title Ins'iran and Trust Company, as-Truitee undr u mortgage, ilecUred the prim Ipai ejn cured by all of eald bonds now ou's'ii,. 1ng, being the aggregate sum of c rt thousand dollar (IlO.ivOji, to be utie an payable and duly demanded trim 'he . The Unit Steel Cabinet Company t is tit ment to It of the principal of a i Mil a etandlng bond with Interest occru 1 !her n lnce the Jet day of February, 1 12 aM no part of ald sum ha been paid, anl Whereas, the said Lawyer Tlt.e sM Trust Company ha, pursuant tn the lerxi et said mortgage, taken pa-'-v'.on of 1 of the property covered thereby remala!:r In the possession ot The Unit Steel c.ib:r.f: Coropanyj .Now, Therefore. Notice Is hereby rlvta that the undersigned, Lawyers T"te 11S Trust Compsuiy, formerly known as Lt. yer Title Insurance and Trust C mf.ny mortgages, by virtue ot the said ti'.-t. mortgage and of a mortg'ags up?!e-n.nt! thereto made hy aald The Un4t .-tee. rar. net Company to eaM Law) era Tfle lr.. eurance and Truet Company, as T oaieu tne .-exn OS7 ox April. 1112, and Hi recorded with said original mortnr m the office of the Town Clerk of th Tmi of West Hartford In ths State of -onr, cut. on th 2Sth day of April. 1!12, In Vr ume ts, pax onu, or ine recorn c m i town, will bv Jonenh 1'. D.iv. Am expos for esJe and ell atpul.11 au'-t' i 1 we .aremont Mtorage warenou" m 210 Kast l.lTth Street. In the Itn-nnrS ' Manhattan ot the city of New Ynrli. i the 14th day of July, 1915. at eevn " '"'it In the forenoon, th fnllovrlnc n-io-t property co-ered by sild. mortg iga ' seized by said Liwver. Title m T-j! Company by virtue thereof, to wit ine wnoie rignt, title and intert e The Unit Steel Cahlm-t Company In ad 1 the Improvements und Inventlnns 1 't jitters l'atent or the vnlteii jjs-e. America lwued therefor, narticu. 1 ecrlbed In sjld mnrtgaKe. .in 1 n re reepectiveiy. S4C.M,,, p;- 303. Sftt.llf. 380.9S3 in.l 9!tO.Sl'j . ..r-t Improvements In cabinet (lllnir an ' 1 Jocklni; device card and ilocunir' e mncnines for corrugatlni: sheet me r i iocklnir dertces for card lndexe j- like, and in follower structure, for - 1 recept.iclee: also machinery dies nr - and also nil labels. elgn. tradem.i k' nes good will, i-otitracts, rights, drawlnBs. tracings, whei'.r ented or otherwle. formulae, a- rlehts and Interest therein which at the time of the making n s of eald mortgage -were owned or by said The Unit Steel Cabinet r -or were thereafter acquired, h1i.i iruucnisee, privileges, immun s ' ei emptlons, which under am ' ' United Statee, territory. dl'rl tin n possession thereof, or of any forepn 'i1 try. the said The Unit ste . -i' met ir pany had at tho time of the excit n and filing of eald inortgace or there."" acquired. Ami notice la alo given that on th 14th day of July. IMS. at 12:20 ov irV ,n the afternoon, the eald Lawyers T1 e r ' iruet company win, py said jo'"i ' Day. Auctioneer, expose for eale a' J m at pUblla auction nt the office Jcf'i Haydock, No. 4 West 22nd Street !n P-s Horough of Manhattan of the C!f ' v. York, the following office furnUurs art flrturee belonging to entd The l'r" Cabinet Company and covered ry ' chattel mortgage, to wrt: One roll top desk, on chair, cr.e stee cabinet vertical letter file and one f A more detailed description of f.aVv mentioned Letter Patent. mach)re-y, i!, tools and other property IntenlM to ts old may be seen at the oftlre of tbs u-i derelgTiefl, or at the office of its s:tore), Mssirs. Dean. Tracy A McrHrran No- 1 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan Ol'J : New York. Sated, New York. June 15. 1U LAWYERS TITLE AND .THUS" COM PANY, as Trustee. Mortfase-, lis Broadway, Horough ot Maiht'tso. City of Nsw York. DEAN. TRACY A MnRABRON s'torpers for Mortgngee, 160 Hroadwa- Rvwira of Manhattan, City of New vork UBAOOATES' NOTICES. IltTDDAJlD, TUCCtAS H. In purrjsncl of an order of Honorable John r CohsJsn, a Surrorate of the County of Vew Verk, NOTICE la hereby given tn a; periors having claims against Thomas 1 Hu Rp'. late of the County of New York de ee' to present th same with vouchers h.fjf to the aubscrlbers. at their tuiiie f rn-. acting business. No. 64 Wall Hire.' 'i "ns City of New York, on or before he 11 da of December neit. Iied. Vew r the 9th day of June, nis. ANN A V't HUIIHARD. SIHYL E n.VIH IV . JOHN HUHBAHI). SIlIYI, F III IIHt Executors. JOI.INE. LARK IN A II II HONE. Attorneys for Hieeutors ft " s . . St, Horough ot Manhattan, New oti, N. T. In pursuance of an order of Hon Jsaa P, Cahalan, one of ths Surrogates ef tin County of New York, notice is hrr given to all persons havlnc e aims gainst Francis Hustace, lit of h Cut of New York, deceased, tn exhibit "ts am with th vouchers therefor o 1J subscribers, the eierutora, , of ths salt deceased, at the office of Hamu-' ll'Sc'i Jr.. Number 19 Cedar street. In th 1 ' eugh of Manhattan, of th City of v Tork, on or before ths I'.iwenM day Benlember nest. . Dated, New York, the tenth day et March. 19 IS EDWARD V 7. LANE ORACH M LANE. Fieeiitors SAMUEL HIKER. .Ill Attorney ''?' cutors. 1 Cedar Street. Nw York rl" IIANFORD. WARREN D--In pur' ar of an order ot Honorable John P rvf" a Surrogate of the County of Vew NOTICE Is herein- glen to a r ' having claims against Warren 1' 11" 1st of the Cnun'v o' N'e-v Yo-k ' to present the nine Willi vo" b.-. "i."'" to the subscribers at their n 1 o' acting business at the oft' ' Hroumell, at No. Hi llr.ii ' n5 tan, in the Cltv of New Y-vk e e' the 23rd dav of October ne P v York, the :oth da of W' , . LEON SHELP, ARTHl'H s 11 -v '' ' Executors. SHELP & HROOM'" A torneys for Executors, lit llroid w- ila' kattaa, Naw Trk city. aaaaaaaaHaaWSSSaSBJJJJaaf-BJJJJJJH