Newspaper Page Text
r THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1.915. Fae Beaten on Own Field in First Game of Harvard Series--Giants Return Home and Tie Phillies ! HARVARD NINE NABS OPENER FROM YALE AMiott, lirickley, Malum and Hiirdwick Chief Factors in Making Score to 2. 1110 CROWD NOT MVE1.Y EACH SIDE SCORES EARLY, THEN QUITS FOR THE DA Y Rain Cloud Darkness Prematurely Ends Fray in Ninth With Phillies and Giants Tied on One Run Apiece. Nr.w Haven. Conn., June 22. Tha largest but not most enthusiastic com mencement gathering that ever crowded Itself Into Ynle Field saw. Harvard bent Vnle this nfternoon, 4 to 2, In tho llrtt tit the, series of tlirfo games to be played this; week. Harvard had tho upper ban about nil the time and IMdlo Mn ban pltchel a strong game. Was for Yolo had Rood control, but Harvard smote blm with men on tho bases. Ab bott alono driving In three of th'e four runs with two timely hits. That football firm --Hardwlck, lirlck loy and Mahan proved nltnnat its ca pable (it handing out bitter llls In n baseball ranio as It did in ftotuall and the nil nround playloff of the trio was.u matorlal nld In the downfall of tho Klls. Hrlcklcy hit safely threo time, Mahan ktvicc'antl Hardwlck once. Hrlck lcy , however, demonstrated .that as nn outfielder he makes a line fullback, for ha misjudged almost everything that came his way. Vaughn's triple In the seventh went over hi head, but the runnsr was nipped nt tho plate on n flno relay starWd by Coolldge. Tile display of fancy costumes was the most vivid ever seen xin Ynlo Kleld, each of the classes wcnrlng a pay re union suit. Ther were ten bands and tan classes resembled middles, flrsmen, rttats, Ilulgarlnns, pirates and Indians. A camera man ground out several thou sand feet of film ly order of the ad visory board and tbo pictures will be used by many of the Western and Southern niumnl associations. Harvard get a good Mart, putting n run across the plate In tho Hrst Inning. Abbott singled. Coolldge tried to sacri fice, but Hush hesitated, then threw wild to second In an effort to head off Abbott. Nash sacrificed and after Oannttt struck out II. arte la col a single to left, scoring Abbott, Huston'A throw nailed Coolldge At tho plat. Yale scored twice In Its half. Middle- brook lined a pretty one to loft nld and Kaston sncrllloed The Giants moved forward to sixth placo yesterday. That's higher than they've been In a long time, They played a nine Inning tie with the Phillies while the Ilostons were beating the Brooklyn. The Pirates won from the Cincinnati. Yesterday's IteMilts, Philadelphia, 1; New York, 1 (nine In nlnas. datkne.a). Hn.tnn. 3; llrooklyn. 2. PlttstuirK. 3; Cincinnati, 1, Detailed Standing of the Ctnh. I I . I . c -I i . L;l li , - o . I 3 , a, il ', 31 u C 'J - Ichlciito 1 t; 5 4 BOJtj iv 5T. Louis..." 4 3 4 8 li 4 3? M .SM ini'llndclThlZ i 3 1 5 4 I 2MI SM PUtfburg.... 4 S 3 I 4 S 3 5 27 IS 519 limton ' 1 1 " j ' NcwVork.... 4 2 2j 111 i'li 21 20'.4I7 lirix.klyn lllijll fi Y30 Mi qncbuMtl 1 1 111) 5 l 1 It M burn'B roller and on Legore's out both runners moved ahead. Hunter rose to the occasion and singled to centre, scor ing Jllddlebrook and Mllburn. This ended Yale's scoring. Yale's lucky seventh looked squally for Harvard, however, flellly singled and was thrown out stealing. Vaughn sent one to the fence over Ilrlckltay's head, but tried to stretch the hit for a homo run and was thrown out easily nt tho plate, via Coolldge and Heed. Harvard put the game on loe In the rccond Inning. Hardwlck was hit by a pitched ball mid moved forward a station .011 Hrlckley'n sacrifice. Heed singled, Hardwlck going to third. Heed btole nnd then Abbott came to the tescue scoring his two team mates on another hit. The Crimson put the final run over In the seventh Inning, flrlckley led off with a hit and went to second on Heed's lacrlftce. -Mahn'n hot one to I -ego re which the shortstop couldn't handle and the dropklcker-left fielder scored. The score": HARVAJID. I . YALE. . ab h p a e ab h p a e Abbott.2b.. 3 : 6 1 0 Mid'cb' 4 110 0, 40:1 0 S 0 0 1 0 3 0)1 0 ol.Milliurn.tb.. S 0 : 1 0 (iuinctt.rf. 3 0 1 0 0.1.-orc.f 1... 4 0 4 3 1 tianp.c ti63 0 iiumer.c.,,. 3 3 9 3 0 1 3 0 IV I 1 nellly.Sb.... 4 10 10 To-day's Seheilule. I'MUilrlphla In Nw York, llrooklyn 'In Hnlon. ritt'liJrit In Cincinnati, ft. I.ul In Chicago. Ily WILLIAM II. 1IAXXA. Dark day pitching made base hits tin common to the point of ono run for each side nt the Polo Grounds yesterday. The Giants entered the lists with the Phillies after a trip west and tied the Quakers In n nine Inning game, which was called on account of a dnrkness. It was premature, not regular, darkness, enured by the coming of a rain storm, which cut looso within a minute after the came had leen called. Knch team scored In the first In- MIC iu n-ii II 111 MIIU , ,,i . Heed booted Mil- I nln& didn't cf again and dldn t have llard'ick.Sh s 1 0 4 1 3 3 10 0 iieea.M 1114 1 iiuisn.p... 3 z 0 & 1 Vaus-kn.rl., 3 110 0 way.p 3 10 3 0 Totals....: 10 37 H J Totl....30 TiTlJ ffsirard 1:000010 04 y , :oooooo 02 ley. Heed: Yale-Mlddlehrook, Mllburn. Three on nu-autn. facniie nils nam. linck' ley. Abbott. Kent. Euton. nuh. Hlolen brnri Iteed. Mlddlebrook. Double plays Ijore and Iliuh: Hunter and Mllburn Struck out Ht Way. 4: by Mahan. i. Pn-st he on nuit-uu .Mnn. I. IlUR-Way. Hit by pitched ball Ily Way (Hardmcli. Csnnett): by Mahan (Milburni. I-ft on basts-liar- yarn. 3: Yale. t. Umpires Sternbort and aiauora. lime : noun and 10 minutes. SISLER TOO GOOD FOR PENN. Pftebea Well, lilts Ilnrd and Oat fleld Catch Spoil Hally. ANN Annoit. Mich., Jun 22. Pitcher Ge-org Slslcr, the greatest baseball pleyer Michigan ever bad, defeated Penn sylvania single handed to-day, 10 to 0. Hlsler came to the plate four times and made as many hlta, scoring hree tlmei. In tho second ro,und he smashed out i home run, which was enouh to boat the visitors, as a catch of his while Playing lert nem nipped their only scor Ing chance. Pennsylvania didn't have a chance with blsier pitching. In the ninth Koons and Irwin opened with alnrla nfr nnvi. son. Then" Wolacs hk Into a .double, - " ' ' ' wuwrn juimh mi II nil. which would hvae scored a run to end mo came, ine score: PEIIN3YLVANIA, MICHIflAN. ab h p a e) ab h d a e Mnn,2b... 4 0 4 2 6 0 0 o o ncnimpj j i s i oAi(Muren.:b 4 0 3 0 Koonnc; ..2110 Oab'dle.lf.rf 2 0 2 0 0 Irwlnjf .... 4 110 0 Silrr,t.lf... 4 4 13 0 I lit t I Dolan.e 4 0 4 2 Ci 2 110 1 Murd'k.rf.p 3 0 0 1 0 Kane.Sb.. 112 3 1 Wlsnnr.P... 1 1 0 4 Of ftstchett.rr 1 0 0 0 0 llftiton.c 5 1 1 t n Slrart,lb.. 3 1 12 0 0 iMcman.rr.. 42000 ri.ivlilnnn.p, 0 0 0 0 0 Wnlu.jb. .41131 4 0 2 Totals. ..83 11 27 U 1 much chance to score again. Mnrquard and Alexnnder were the pitchers, and mostly the batters were helpless. The effectiveness of the southpaw nnd the Quaker nonpareil was heightened by the sombre day. The near opaqueness and what they hail In spned nnd quivering benders put a pall around their pitch Ing which made tho ball more difficult to see than ordinarily, anil either of thee pltchera when right Is stirnclently hard to locate on n bright day. The Phillies Jammed n run home In the first, and In their half the Giants drngged one across the terminal, nav Ing done that, the teams on the offensive .went Into retirement. Ho asslduotialy and completely did the Giants discon tinue scoring and hitting that they did neither of either in their last eight In nings. Three of them reached first base In the last eight Innings, eich of the three through momentary slumps on the part of Grover the Great. The latter walked two and hit one. As only two safeties were made off G the G, lie hit Giants almost as often as Giants hit him. Marquard was not as brilliant an op- ANOTHER TWO GAME SIEGE FOR YANKEES Assail MacUmcn Twice To-day Aliundannc of Double Hills During Next Fortnight. eratlve as tho peerless Alex In divest ing the conflict of bane hits, for off tho llube the Phillies clipped seven, but tho Philadclphlan wasn't a mite morn ef fective than the big town Impresario. The seven Quaker lilts weru scattered to the extent of Inutility for six, and In making a hit with a man on bnac wait ing to be driven home by tho thrust the Phillies did no more to Marquard than the town lioys did to Alex Tho Giants couldn't have dovetailed their two hits moro felicitously, Mnrquard, oh he has often dono this year, took a tight grip on tho situation when men were on liases. Gabby Cravath was the only one who i.llpepd out of Marquard's grasp when anybody was on base, nnd ns It was Gabby It was no weakling on whom the ituno lost his hold for a moment. Crn ynth tripled In the first Inning after Hyrno had drawn four balls. I,obert ;nd Doyle were a New York nalr to break away from the Alexander dom ination for n short space and In tho same Inning. lyoliert drifted a two bagger over Iudcrus'a head and Doyle lumped n single to the same field. These feats done, run making took Its piace among tnc extinct arts. l ine Pitching and errorless fleldlnr they were the game. Rise running was tried, but tho eM-cllent throwing of Meyers nnd Klltlfrr stopped stealing. Marquard's facility for picking off run ners nt first also helped. He caught two men napping at the Villa Merkle. Cravath In the sixth hit the ball a savage soak with n mnn on first, but Snodgrass was In the line of fire nnd transformed tho smash Into nn out. The Phillies were stopped by sharp fielding In the eighth. They hit the ball wtlh vigor in that round. Snod grass took a hard one from Kllllfcr, nnd Hums, while running, speared a harder one from Alexander. Ilnncroft singled, but wan away from the base taking the nlr when Marqunrd threw over and caught him. Ilyrne singled In the ninth and went as far as third. Once more Cravath looked ravage nnd hit hard, but Hums gobbled a second liner from his frowning bludgeon. Alexander was so effective every min ute of the way after Doyle had batted I-obert home that the Phillies didn't have to do mote than stand still nnd wait for the ball to be batted to thepi. Alex kept buzzing his fast ones across, curve or straight, resulting In easy files or grounders requiring no footwork to Intercept. Only Ixjbcrt reached third base. The score: Pima. IN. L.l I NEW YOKK (N. I..) b h p a ei ab h p a e nintTott.M 4 2 2 3 0 S' 4 o 3 0 0 llyrneAb., 2 10 1 0 I.ntiert.3b.,. 4 12 4 0 Nie'ioff.rb.. 4 0 1 4 0 Doyle.tb. 4 12 2 0 Crsralh.rf 4 1 l o OMiiirnn rf.... 40300 4 n 13 1 O'Fle'rher.n 3 n I 2 f lteckrr.lf. 2 n I 0 0 Itob'tunn.lf. 2 0 1 11 0 tock . . I 1 0 o 0, 2 0 11 00 PnsHrrt.lf nolo o'Mryers.e.... 2 0 4 2 0 3 2 3 0 OlMamuard.p 0 0 3 0 Itllllfer.e... 3 0 4 2 0 . Alrx'drr.p. 3 0 12 0! Totals.. .21 2 27 13 0 BOH KELLY GONE AT LAST The Washington bent the ltcd Sox yeterday and tied the Yankees for. fourth place. The Yanks and Athletics didn't play their game. Hatn made them postpone Inning battle from the Dftrolts and tied ,the Mackmcn for seventh place. The hlte Sox beat te Cleveland and took .1 longer lead In the race. Mcquillan baffles reus. Altima Only l'mir lilts Schneider t'nslenily In Pinches. Cincinnati, June 22. McQuillan nl. limed Cinclnnitl four hits to-day and I'lllsbtiri: won th tlrst of 11 two game sfrles, ,1 to 1 Schneider was unsteady In tho pinches. The score: I'lTTSMJIUl (N 1, 1 I CINCINNATI IN. I ab h p a e ab h p a e Carry.ll . 4 14 0 oitjrh.ef ,,. 3 0 4 0 0 CnllliiM'f , 4 1 3 0 0 4 0 11 00 lialriUti. ..4013 OIltcrtoir.M .. 1 0 4 2 2 llliHl.'ii.rf. 3 0 3 0 O'Ktlllfer.lf ... 4 2 I 0 V 3 0 3 1 clOroh.Jb, ,,'tllll Vlox.ib 4 3 1 2 0 Wlntn.p ! M I I .lolintt' 4 110 Oifirltlith.rf.. I 1 0 0 0 (iilnnn.c.... 4 14 0 !0iO!1.2h ... 3 I 0 t 1 M'Qillllan.p 4 0 2 O.ScUtieldfr.P. 2 0 0 1 . !Clarke I 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 31 7 27 I I Toney.p V 0 0 1 0 I Total! ....24 "l 2M2 4 Hatted for Srhnelder In the seventh Innlni. Plltfhurr ... ,02000100 0-3 Clmlnnatl 0 0 0' 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 ltiin-Ilttbiir Colllm. Vlox. Johniton: The Ilrowns won a fifteen 1 Cincinnati flrtlflth. Two baa hll-onintti. n.icruiir nu itron. ainiru uai?f vurry. Lentil. 0on lilt br pitched bnll-lly .Mr Qiilllnn. I Double play llalnl. Wajner and Jolinton. Struck out Ily Schneider. 4: by Tnnry. 2; by .McQuillan. 3. Pint base on Lull. -Oil SchneldT. 3: olf McQuillan. 2. Unv plres Idem and Lmille, Tlmc-1 hour and 40 minute Vrtterday'a IteMilts. Phlladelphli-Ncw York (wft f round!) Waihlnxton. 7: Itnton. 4. a. I.ouli. 13; Dfrnlt, (15 Innlnii). Chlcairn. 9: Cleveland, 4. Detailed Stomltn; of the Clubs. Cubi Chicago I Hn.ton.. J Octroi; New York.... Washington.. ii s - S4 Cleveland... Fhlladclphl'ir St. IrfiillC.r! I 4 111 '1 II 3 111 3J 3j 3tl 213 5 .1 (lsmi- lot.,.l?nrn ?vjV 1. X f. 1 if n 'J! P .. s; ai 1 :l 2 5 3; I 3S20 Ml, J M 20 593 ill 21 ".',7V !- 1 27 21 M WHITE SOX TAKE POOR GAME. 2tl 24 2i;as; 21134 213t UK1 .31 12 .?A2, To-day's Schedule. New York in Philadelphia (2 game). Ilo.ton In Wsihlncton. Clilcao In ClMelaml Ht. I.ouls In Detroit. Totali.. . SJ 7 27 It 0' Battrd lor Ileoker In the seventh Innlnr. Philadelphia tonooooo 01 New York. 10000000 0 t Ituns Philadelphia. Ilyrne: New York. Lo. bert. Tfl on baie.-Phlladelphla. 4: New York. 3. Klrt bae on bill ort Alexander. 2; olf Marquard. 2. Struck out ny Alex, ander. 4: by Marquard. 4. Three bae hit Cravath. Two bare hlt-Lolert. Hit by pitched hall By Alexander 1 Meyers). Karned runa Off Alexander. 1; off Marquard, 1. Cm nlre In chlef-PJf ler. Kleltl umpire Hart. Tane 1 hour and 30 mlnutei. TRINITY LADS BUNCH ERRORS. Commit Fonr Blunders In Third fnnlns; and Weileyon Win. Harttord, June 22. Before a big commencement week crowd on Trinity Held this afternoon esleyan defeated her old time rival, C to 4, In an exciting but loosely played game. Four errors by the Trinity Infield In the third In ning, combined with a double by Pitcher Stanley and a single by Becker, resulted In four runs. Trinity tied the scoro In the fifth Inning when Lambert nnd Smith scored on a series of Wesleyan errors. Dan Keerjan opened the eighth with a single ana scored the run that won the game on Rtockey'a long double to centre Held. The score: VTBSLF.YAN. I TRINITY. ab h p a e ab h p a e r.annlnr.lf. 4 0 1 0 0 4 1 12 0 0 Ileeman.3b. 3 1 0 3 0 McKar.tb.. 4 13 2 0 Stnnley.p... 3 10 1 0 4 0 1 .1 1 1 1 0 OCarp'nter.e. 3 2 4 3 2 M'kth'er.tb 4 0 12 1 1 Schmldt.rf, 8 0 0 0 0 Stockey.rl. 4 2 2 0 Murray.n .31011 0 7 3 : Lambert, If, 1 0 0 0 0 Decker.!!.. 1 3 0 6 J'llrsnd.lf .... 1 0 0 0 0 Hrman,tt. 3 0 4 2 0 3 110 0 iBakrr.p..,. 3 10 2 1 Totala....lO 27ie I Totals 31 7 17 II r, tVfleyan 00400001 6-1 Trinity 002020000 ( Run Wealeyan. p-emin. Keenan. Stanley, Becker. Harman: Trinity, Lambert 2. Smith 2, Two bate hUe Smith. SI or Hey. Stanley. Struck out By Stanley ft. by Baker S. Firt base on balls OR Stanlry 2, off Baker 2. Mlt on baaei Weileyan I, Trinity 3. Double Slaya Becker. Ilarman and Msrkthaler; arkthaler and Ilarman. Paiied bill-Carre nler. Hit by pitched hall Becker. Sacri fice hits Beeman, Msrkthaler, Stolen bneei -Lambert. Smith, Baker. Beeman. Umpire Lincoln. Time 1 hour and W mlnutei. ONE PITCHING SHUT WORKS. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Yeiterday'a Results. Newark-Jirsay City (wat grounds). Iticnmona, s (rum (ami). Richmond, 1 (aecond Totals ...M 24 12 1 Pennsylvania 0OO900O0O 0 Mlcliliran 02330030 x-10 fltins-M chlran-McQueen. 2: Labadle. 2: Sleler, 3: llenlon. 2: Wsltr Home run-SIler To bate hlls McQueen. Nieman. Stolen ,.!?",'TS'"'"-' McQueen. Benton Sacrin V'""I!tJl,,,n! s,twar 8aerin hlt-Shtvely Ilitf-On' Sleler. 4 ln seven Innlnraj oft David on. 2 in two innlnra; ntt Wlmer. 11 in elitht Innlnrs: off M unlock, none In ono innlnr. Sttut-k out By Sliler. ; by Wlsnrr. 3. Klrit bam on billi-Oft Sller. 2: off Wlmer. 3. Double play-Waltz nnd Stewart: McQueen, Shlclv ana Stewart: Wuner. Mann nnd Wnl 1,T: .V,"""' nd Wallace: Munlock, Mann nnd Wallace. Left on baeei-.MIehlran. 4 Pennsylvania, , 4 lilt by pitcher-Ilv Wlmer ir.atadie) Ilmplrei-Ii.ivia and Kerntnon Timo I hours. Amerlrnn AaMirlattnn. AT INDIANAPOI.IH. Cleveland 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1' " Efl ii.iienes , jninei and Willis and Blackburn. Providence, 7 Providence, 3 game). Montreal, I; Toronto, t. Itocheater-Huffalo (both imii; rain). Standing of the Cluba B a 4 Illlltnia; Mera. AT LOUISVILLE. Columhm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "o' R3 Lonlltvllle ... 1 0 4 0 0 2 1 3 1J "J 0 Jlatterlen-.naM,, wheneberK nml Cnle man and Itobertfon, Nnrthtnp and 'emnns, AT Mn.WAUKlH:. MlnnespoJIf. ... 00000000 0o' 's "i ........uvr. . .. U II V U. U U U X J T, 2 andnuEhe7V"":llr"r ""' Su,llvani Voung AT KANSAS CITY, 'ui. loooooij 0" Ki Kins-U" City 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 x i 10 2 0;Jl'rlA'!VrI''lneM "U'1 "'"'n; Delhi: Oorte, Alll.on a.1 Aleinnder. Nuflli Carolina l.eugue, JTir.Vj "VJ ,6 Charlotte, I. ytalllxh, 1, Allievllle, J. irenboro, . Durham, 4. w. li. rc. Providence.. 29 .617 Buffalo 24 IT Montreal..., 21 .ui W. L. TC nichmond....2l ?4 ,r.oa Newark 21 23 .177 Toronto 23 2d ,46'.l Ifocheste r.. .23 23 .MO'Jeriey City. 16 32 .233 To-day's Schedule. Richmond In Providence. DutTalo In Rochester. Montreal In Toronto. At Trovldenee. FIRST GAME R II E Richmond (I. L.) .0 1 n 0 0 t 0 1 0- 3 k 2 Providence (I. I. 1.3000002 2 X 7 10 1 lUtterle - Rlehniond, Ituivell and Krlchell; l'roMence, Ocichger nnil Haley. HBCOND (1AJ.1K. It 11 V. Richmond 11. J,.) .0 1 n n 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 Providence (I. L.) .1 0 0 0 0 0 I 3 x - 7 1 Itatterlei Mcminn , Worke, Sclinufele. Comstock and Caiey. At Toronto, R. If. P. Montreal 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 1! 12 n Toronto 2UOO0O0O n 2 7 I llatterlxf Montreal, Cndore and Ilowley, Toronto, Cook and Telly. Shaw Stops Scoring, but Shore Proves F.aur ta If It. Wabhinoton, June 22. By taking advantage of George Foster's wlldness nnd hitting Shore, a relief pitcher. Washington defeated the Doston Hed Sox to-day, 7 to 4. Ayers was batted bard by the visitors and was replaced by Wiaw In tho sixth Inning. This shift probably won the game for tho Senators. The score : BOSTON (A. L.) I WASIT. (A. L.) ah 1 11 .1 . -v. v. ... . Ilnoper.rf.. 3 2 0 0 0 Mrpller.rf.. J l 1 0 0 iiinrr..u. u 1 i u,r. 1 omer.JO 41111 4 2 3 0 0 Shanka.lf... 4 2 2 0 1 i!e 4 112 I 10 10 0 6 2 8 0 0 1110 0 lauvrln.K. S 1 1 1 ( Mnrmn sh ilanlner.Sb. 4 2 3 2 1 Alnnmlth.c. 3 2 2 0 0 iiiiiiiias.c, 1 11 a 1 a .Mcnnue.ia.. 4 13 4 1 fialner.... 1 0 0 0 O Avera.n 0 0 1 1 0 Cndy.c 0 0 3 1 0 shaw.p 2 10 10 t..r-oter.p. 2113 0 Totals i mil ) n the itventh innantr. TctMA lrtgue Port Worth. 7. rfan Antonio, 4. flalveeton. 3: Whcii, 2. Uaumont, 10; llnuoton, 3. Wire vepurt. V, Dallas, 2. VYeitrrn lnrue. Den Mnlnei, fi, Omaha, 4. Lincoln. 4, Dener. 3 Sioux Cltv. f.; Ht. Joseph, I, Tiipeka. II; Wichita. 2 Southern League. Atlanta, S, Illrmlnvhaiu. 1. Mnlillr. w, 7,aw Oili-rtii. 0. I, title Rnrk, 3; Nanhvllle. 1 (to Inning.). No other came rrheduled, tllen'kien. 10000' Shore.p.... 0 0 0 1 o rannncK.p, 1 0 0 0 0 Totals. ...37 11 21 1 2 Batted for Thoma. IBilted for O. Koiter In the alxth Innlns! H?ton 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 04 wainintton 00201200 z 7 Runa Waahlngton. Moeller. Foiter 2. Aln- ennui, .purine. Ayera 2: uoiton. Wasner, Sneaker. Cardner 2. Left tin hairs w..r,in.. ton . Boiton 10. Pint boe on billi Off mi snaw 1. on roster . on Pan nock 1. Hit a ntt Vn,t, d In fMi. Innn.. pit Shore. 1 In one. Innlnr: off Pennock. 4 ,?,,,."Tt ln""iii: on ayera. s in nve and one' third innlnri: off Shaw. 3 In three anil in. third! lnntnri. Struck out B Shaw b Pennock 2. by Foiter 2. Three bate hit Alnimlth. Two baie hit Atnsmlth. Sacrlflc hill-Thomas 2, Stolen banea-Mllan. Speaker. Iloblltrell. Double playi-Ayera. Morgan and Oandll: Mrllrlds and Oan.lll. Wild pltch Pennock. Umplrea Dlneen and Nallln. Tlraa iiouri anu 10 minutes. BROWNS OUTLAST TYGERS, Score Fonr nana In PIffeenth of Longf, Heavy Jllttlng; Game Detroit, June 22. Tha Drowns out- lasted the Tygers In a fifteen Inning game here to-day and won by n score 01 jj 10 v. 'mere was heavy h tunc on both sides until tho eighth Inning. From men on Dotn teams went scoreless un til the fifteenth, when tha visitors pountieii in four runs. The score: ST LOUIS (A L.) I DETROIT (A. 1. 1 all h 11 A el ttK 1. n n m r, 4 n 0 0 niuh.n,... e 0 n 4 n Aii.tlii.!b.. a : 2 3 olKavan'h.Jb. not Pr.ilt.Jb... 7 14 6 ojCohb.ef.... R V 10 0 1. ai r.rr. J 1 3 o s urawru.rf . 8 3 2 11 r. iiair.ri. 1 u 0 1 n veach.lf... 7 2 110 Mnlili.rf .6 2 0 0 0,,.. 7 311 0 0 Lf.iry.lh. 4 17 I 0 Vltl.Ju 7 2 2 3 0 Lavaii.iH.. 7 s e llstanaie.c. 20510 Agtuw.e... 7 3d: liMc'Kee.c... 11100 llanil fmi.n 2 1 0 0 0 .hMh.nn 1 n ft A ft j.imiv.,1...,. 11 11 i, 11 11 iiiimicp.. 00010 i-rrrym n.p 1 u o o p. . . . 2 1 0 ivriimnii.i. 1103 O'Cnvcl'kle.p. 20020 .... - - "niriariy.. 11000 Tolnls.. .A3 2143 21 :Ilalirr,c 3 I 0 I S . , I Totals,.,. r.S 17 li 2 puled for McKce in the eljhtli Innlni tllallrd Jor Coveleikln in t tie flllecnth Inuln; St l.oul 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 IS Detroit. 00204030000000 0-9 Hulls- .St. Louis. Sholtim, 2: Austin, 2: Prtll. C Walker. II. Walker. 2: Wnl.h I.earv. Lavatt. Airnew. 2: Detroit, Iluili, Knvanaali, t.obli, Cranlonl. Veaih. Burm. Vltt, Cavel, 2. Two tiasc lilt-lnry. Cavet, Crawford, Ven.'li. :: llunn, Cobb. Walsh, Three lisie hit liioltnn. llaniiltnii, Crawford. Sacrifice lilts 1' Lavan .Struck out IW Diihuc, 1; by Cnwl. by Civelel;le, a: by Hamilton, i; by Jnniei. 1: hv Wellman, 4. Baiei nn bal's-Off Dubiic. 1 ntt :avet. 2: oft Hamilton. 1: off Jnmei. 3: olf Weilmsn, 2. Double play -Lavan. Pratt and Lcary. Paised bslli Arnew, Baker, Hit by pitched ball Bv Cnv eteilile (Shottnnl. Umpires Chill and Evana Tlme-3 hours 43 mlnutei. New York State Leagus, All gamia postponed, rain. I da T, F. U. Ulanta vs. rhlladilpatja. sv! Hrrnra anil Passes Count Toward Mnklntr lip Score nf 0 to O, CLr.VKtAND, Juno 22. The 'VVhlte Sox defeated Cleveland, 0 to 0, In a loosely playeilgamc to-day, Chicago errors were moro plentiful than Clcveland'a, but the visitors clouted nine times nnd drew seven passes. Tho score: CHICAGO (A, L.l IOLEVELANJ) (A I. ) ab h p a e ab h p a e Pelioli.cL. 4 13 1 08'hworth.lf 3 1 0 11 1 3 2 3 4 4 Turner.Ib... 6 0S10 i:Cnrni.2b 3 2 0 3 l.Chapman.aa 0 2 6 0 0 ivirnirr.lo 4 1 11 0 0 .la Kson.iti, 4 0 0 I Col'lm.rt. 4 12 2 4 1 4 V J 11.11 1. f Sclnlk.e.. 11 nr.30 Paber.p,. PitltAPEiPittA, June 22 The Yankee doublo header crop, which previously had numbered four for thi next two weeks, received another addition to-day when rain caused the ponlponement of the game rclutlulcd with the Athletics. As a result Donovan's men will be called upon to-morrow for their second twin bill In three days. There are two double headers looming up for the four day series with the Hed fox. beRlnnlng Friday, nnd Donovan expects that these will be played on Friday nnd Monday. At the Polo tJrounds next week the Washington tcitm will bo called upon for a doublo exhibition, and the Mack men who follow Clark Grllllth's crowd to Manhattnn also must nlav off a poft. pencil game during their slay at the Itilo Ground". All told the Ynnks will play live double headers In the next fourteen Playing dnvs, and If any of the regularly scheduled games should no prevented by rain tne nargntn aays win be even more numerous. It has developed that Conway, who plaed third base ngalnst the Yanks .Mondav. Is not a Georgetown player, as had been supposed He pi a member of the Vlctrlx. A. C. n local Independent team. Connlo "Mark callrd him by telephono yesterday nnd naked him to report. Tho youngster had worked In the morn ing, but he took the nfternoon off and Connie put him In nt third base. Hay Fisher, who remained in Jew York Monday, iolned the team here to- day nnd Is likely to pitch one of the games Qf to-morrow's bargain bill. The other probably will be entrusted to .lack Wnrbop. Manager Donovan sain to nleht that ho might chango this plan nnd send Hay Caldwell back ngalnst the Mackmen. Connie has announced that he will start two of his cub pitchers, Crowell In one came and Ifajia In the .other. Thla year's race evidently does not Interest .MacK very mucn. 110 is Interested now In laying the foundation for another winner: Manager Pete Noonan or tna wnms- barre team conferred with Manager Donovan to-day nnd a deal waa clofed for the transfer of First Haseman Bob Kelly to Wllkesbnrre. The Ynnkae man ngement has been trying nil season to dispose of Kelly, but the player hajt refused to maka the shift desired. Ow. Ing to conditions Imposed when Kelly was purchased rrom ioweu Dy me former Yankee owners It had been no easr matter to dispose of the player. Doc Cook Is expecled to rejoin the Ynnka to-morrow or Thursdar, but It Is not likely thnt T-.e will gm into tne game before, Saturday, If then. Boone undoubtedly will be kept on the side lines until the Yanks open t Boston 'wfth to-day! gam called off Paddy Baumann organized a Charlie CTiaplIn partv to see the noted movie star In his latent film. Baumann hnan't missed a chance to aeo Chaplin all senson. South Atlantis League. Atifosta, a; Jackaonvllla, 4. Macon. I: Columbia, I. Albany, I; Charleaton. 4. . Columbus, j Savannah. I. New Kngland iMtne. Lewlitaji, ; Worceatar, I. I'ortlarfn. : Lynn. 0. lAwrence, 1; Iiwell. 0. Manchester. 4: Tttchburg, 1. 0 0 3 0 3 0 o.smtth.rf.... 4 2 1 0 0 111! 0 Wamby.:b. 41120 3 10 2 0 U f CIII.C ... 4 U .1 11 1001 0 Ilirmad.p.. 0 n 0 3 0 Jorxa.n.i... 3 110 0 Tola'.!.. -A 3 27 13 f. Hammond. 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totala 37 3 27 S 1 Batted for Jonea In the ninth Inning. Chlcsiro 11410300 0-9 Clexelar.d 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 1-4 nune-Chlcaro. Felech, Weaver 3. Fournler, J Colllne 2. Hath. Faher: Cleveland. South north. Chapman. Lolbold. Smith. O'Ne'll. Jone. Two hit E. Collins. .Three bne hit Smith Sacrifice hlta-Felich, Weaver. K. Collin. 2. Schalk. Blackhtirne. Stolen banes Wearer. FonrnleT'2. .1. Colllm 8. Firt bae on ball-Off Harstad t. oft Faber 3. off Jone 2. Struck out y Haritad 1. . by Jones 2. by Faber 7. Wild pitches Faber. Jones, Pmplrci Wallace and Connolly Time -2 houri RED SMITH PURSUES FORMER PALS AGAIN Drives In First of Three Huns mid Scores Lnst One (o (Jive Urnvcs Game. STKNGlifi FANS IX PINCjr NOTES OF THE DIAMOND. The jabbering of the Phillies In tha field and from the bench 11 less pepper than pe.t. They overdo the 'chatter business. A certain amount of that tort of thing Is nil rlirht. but they carry It to a point at whlth It Is a nuisance and the eari cry out In protest. Three collegians reported to the Giants ve.terduy to be looked over by McOraw. They were Ilsbblngton. the llrown third lusrmnn, Carroll, the Pnrdham third base man, and Kenney, the Nntre Dame catcher. Hut Meilraw warn't there o iee them. He left the (Hants three. Aifj ago to at tend to some business of hts own hers, so Secretory Foster said. There was a sur mise that ho was trying to put through that reported three cornered deal. Robertson and Hums have switched fields, noth did admirably yesterday In their new pastures. The Idea l to give. Hume's eyea a rest from the sun to see If hla batting won't Improve. Robertson played a capa ble mn Held In the West. Marquard set Ilancroft down In tha flrat en three balls. All were strtkea, and Ban croft offered at none. Then the Rubs) walked Ilyrne on four balls In suceeitlon. Kletrhtr turned Luderus bark In the seventh with a long throw from deep short. Bancroft of the Phillies Is Just aa good 1 player as he was when hers in April. It was credlcted that he would blow, hut not so much as a zephyr has he dona so. With the rnlklnr of Jack Rarrr br Ed die Collins every regular of the Athletics has been hurt some time or other this season. IlOETiiN, June 22. The Braves came 'nme to-day for n short series, enter, talnlng the Dodgers, and look the first of three games by 3 to 2. Htulolpli out pitched Coombs. He refused to allow a past nnd struck out four men, Hirud ins Carey Stengel, the Inst man up In Ihn final Inning, when a hit would have tied 1 In- score, as Cutsliaw was roosting on "conil. Hrd Smith was nn Important factor In the champions' victory. His first h:t suit In Fltzpatrlclc with a run In tho opening Inning. He started the third Inning with a double, drew n wild throw uhlle Schmidt was nt but nnd went all the way to third on It. He scored when Hutch lined to Stengel. Mngee nml Mnrnnvllle wore passed and Howdy hit during the second Innlns. Mngee scored "while Hudnlph wan being thrown out nt bv Miller. Brooklyn could do little with Hu dolph until tho seventh Inning, when with ono out Cutshaw singled and Wheat doubled. Both scored on Step gtl's single. Maranvllle robbed the Dodgers of several hlt. The score: BROOKLYN fN. L.) BOSTON (N Ll ab b a e' ab li p a e n'Mnm.i 10 12 I iFH snrt'k.2b 3 1 2 ", V SIS" u iiuorri.ri . .1 v , Iisntien.lh 4 0 6 1 I 0 1 0 0 Cnts'l.iw.:b 4 3 2 2 O.Smtth.Sb. .3 3 0 1 0 4 1 : 1 upcnmn11.11.. .1 v 11 v Stensel.rf . 4 1 6 0 0 Mates rf. ..31000 Mlller.c. ., 3 0 4 3 0 Mar' 3 0 4 60 Crtr.Sb 3 12 2 OOowily.c... 3 14 10 Coombs.p.. 3 1 t 0 tflttidolph.p.. 4 0 0 4 0 Totals. ..S3 "s2tH l Totals .29 27 17 0 Rronklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Boston I 1 1 0 0 0 V 0 x-3 Huns-Brooklyn-Cutshaw. Wheat: Boston Fitipitrlck. Smith. Maire. Two base Iilts Cutshaw. Wheat. Fltzpatrlck. Smith. Sacri lice ftv-Srhmlilt Mnlen hn.-Smlth. Mo tr. IKiuble nlv- Marnnvllle and Schmidt: Maranrllle. Fltipatrtck and Schmidt I-lt on tnses Brooklyn. 4: Boston. 11 First base nn ba!l-Off Coombs, s. First base on error Iloiton Hit by pltcher-By Coombs 1 Howdy. Flttpatrlek). Struck out-ny Rudolph. 4 1'nsse.i ball Miller t'mplres llTon and F.amn Time 1 hour and 64 mlnutei FEDS FIRE TWO MORE MEN. WAGNER GETS 100 HOME RUNS. I'lrsl Plnyrr In Hnscbntl History tti Accom pi Isli Kent. PiTTsnmtfi, June 22. Hans 'Wngner, Hie veteran captain of the Pittsburg Pintles, Is the first player, ao far as known, to retch the century mark in home runs, having accomplished that distinction yesterday when he hit Era kino Mayer. I'lilllln pitcher, for the cir cuit In the second Inning. Sum Crawford comes next with 95 up to yesterday, while Napoleon Lnjole has only 78 and Ty Cobb 4. Tester tlny'fl home run blow was the second in two ytars for the great Dutchman on the home lot, nnd tho first anywhere since last September, when he hit one of Christy Mnlhewson's offerings Into the left Held stands at the Polo Orounda. TRAVERS PROGRESSES IN LYNNEWOOD GOLF Open Champion Rcnchcs Semi finals Wnrren Corkrnn Suffers Defeat. TIP TOPS GET LEAD, BUT CAN'T KEEP IT Wntson Rescues Crnndnll, lint Marlon Fnils (o Do Snmc for George Uplinm. WILD SPELL LOSES 0AMK w j, rc w ;i :i m ui 21 II H 40 Pacific Coast League, San Francisco, I; Portland, 4, Venice, I; Los Angeles, t, Salt Lake, 6; Oakland, . Baaeball, Washington raik, III p. M. Ttvalar. Tla-Tapa y. BU bouts Tf.Aiw. HORSES AND CAHIHACE9. THE ELMENDORF YEARLINGS snd the following rUCR IIOItSFJi IN TRAINING Msnsgrr Walte. Watercreaa and, Votary. Tradlllonrr PROPBRTT OF THE Estate of the Late Mr. James B. Haggin Villi be sold by public auction at their private stables, Neck Road, Shccpshead Bay,N.Y. Monday, June 28, 1915 ut Incite o'clock, to he followed by a sale of Ihe ELLERSLIE YEARLINGS Property of Mr. A. B. Hancock These yearllnzs are by Flnllnt, Star Shoot, Vlalerrrrss, Hater boy, Star llubr, tilnrlo (irarce Kesslrr, felt, tilorlncr, Ilrno and Trap liock, Por catalogues snd further Information, address POWERS-HUNTER CO. Windsor Arcade, M0 Fifth Ave., New York CIEO. A. II A IN, Auctioneer NOTE: A Dlsneraal Male of the entire EL UtENDORP STOP., Including the stallions Ballot, Sale, llrsilan, and all the Droodmarrs, Weanlings, etc, will be held during the Autumn Heaaon, lilt, " llagti Hrndler and Eddie Holly II c lenaed Despite. Contracts. PiTTsmTta, June 21. Hugh Rrndlew, extra first baseman, and IMdle Holly, utility Inftelder, of the Pittsburg Ped ernl league club, were released uncon ditionally this morning by President i:. W. Gwlnncr for Insubordination In that they refused to bo shipped to the Colonial League, the Federal farm. The players' contracts, which would have expired at tho .end of this season, did not contain the ten dny clause, and were of the so-called Ironclad variety, nnd the players any they will go to court to compel tbe local club to pay .their aalarlea for tho year. , r Ban Johnson Will Put l'p llnlf. Tomdo, June 21. President Han Johnson of the American Leacue will purchase $25,000 worth of stock In an American Association ball club for To ledo If local business men will raise tho remainder of the amount necessary to lihtnln the Cleveland team. Johnson made this offer while attending n ban quet tendered him nnd President Tener of the National league last night. Philadelphia.' June 22. National Open Champion Jerome D. Travers of I'pper Montclalr; Dr. M. K. Nelffer, Huntingdon Valley; Itlchard Mott, Huntingdon Vnlley, and Marwell IL Mnrston, Haltusrol, tho N'ew Jersey champion, nre the seml-flnnllts In the annual tournament for the I.ynnewood Hall cup at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club. Travers, who has two legs on tna Lynnewood I lull cup, progressed thus fur toward permanent possession by put ting out V. II. Gardner 2d, nuff.alo. In the first round and P. C. Nowton. Hal ttisrol, former Pacific Const champion. In the recond. Two surprises were fur nished by Dr. Nelffer. In the first round he defeated Arnold Service on tho nine teenth hole nnd In tho afternoon he com pletely upset the dope by winning from II. Warren Corkrnn. H.tltlmorc, 2 nnd 2. Cnrkran wns considered a sure seml flnal'rt and wns winner of the trophy In 101.1. In tho morning ott defeated J. N. Fteirns Sd, Nnrsnu, nnd In the afternoon took the measure of Cameron n. Itttxton, n rlubmnte, on the home hole. Marston's victories were by wide margins over C. H, WVbtter, Jr., In the first round and K. 11. Humphreys after luncheon. Tho summaries: Plrst Slsteen, First Round Jeroms D. Travers, l'ppr Montclalr. defeated W. 11. Gardner Id. HufTat,i, S and 4; r. C. New. ton. Hnltusrol. defeated Hugh Wlllouirhhy, Phlliiieltihla Country Club. 6 nnd 4: Dr. M K. .Neirtcr, Huntingdon Valley, defeated Arnold Servlee. I'hll.idelphla Country Club. 1 up (11 holesi; H. Warren CorkrRn. Haiti more, defeated CeeR Calvert, Aronlmlnk, c nnd 4, Cameron II. Uuxton. Huntingdon Vallev, defeated W. L Thnmpin. Hunt InEilnn Vallev, 4 and :: Rlchnrd Slntt, lluntlngilnn Vallev, defeated .1. N. Stearns Td, Nasau. 3 and 1; Mnx Mnrston, Hal tusrol, defeated c. H Webster. Jr. Uni versity of Pennsylvania, r. nnd 4: E. II. Humphreys, Huntingdon Valley, defeated Roland Ltpplncott, Huntlngdm Valley, 4 nml 3. S-ond Round Travers defeated New ton. 3 and ;: Nelffer defented Corkran. 3 nnd 2: Mott defeated Huxton. 1 tip; Mars ton deflated Humphreys, f, and S. Xesrfrtla Oct "nte Dnme Stnr, NitWAitir. June 22. Rupe Mills, thi Hirrlnger High School boy who covered tlrst base for Notre Dime University this season, was signed to-dny by Presi dent P. T. Powers of tho Newark Fed erals. Toung Mills wrtl cover the Initial sack for the Newfcds ar.d Kmll Huhn will assist Hill Ttnrlden behtnd the bat. It Is said that John McGrnw ond Hoger Hresnnlinn were after Mills. yesterday's Results. KU Louis, 4! llrooklyn. 3. Newark, 4! rittiburg. t. Chicago, 111 llaltlmore, 4, Uuffalo-Kaniaa City (rain). Standing nf the Clubs. W. L. ix: ! Kama aty.JI SI Newark..., St. Louis... M 21 .III, llrooklyn . Chicago it 2 .Kft Raltlmor. Pittsburg.. ..29 21 .MSlnttflalo.. . To-day's Schedule. Bt. Louis In llrooklyn. Plttaburg In Newark. Chicago In Baltimore.. Kansas City In lluffnlo II game). The Tip Tops wcro beaten again fcy St. Louis at Washington Park yestarfij afternoon by a scoro of 4 to 3. Mageo'si boys toro off Otis Crandsll fo? three runs In tho first Inning, That li as far as they got. Watson went ts the rescue after Otis retired In the, ond nnd blnnked llrooklyn the rest ef the dlstnnce. Oeorge Upham pitched the nrs. t't Innings for llrooklyn. In the first thrw rounds he blanked the foe, hut he lis: his grip In the fourth and nllowed twa tallies. Tho visitors tied the sonre lr the sixth. Marlon was a bit wild wjiss. called upon In tho seventh nnd allow) the winning tally before ho settled. Tt score: ST. LOUIS fP. L.) I BROOKT.TN (T T.) abhpae abhpas Tobln.rf... 3 110 o;Cooper.lf.. 4 1 1 ' Vaughsn.tb 4 0 4 3 6 Lnnd 1 0 a 0 ( 4 0 3 0 0'Mnree.rb.. 4 14 2 1,. 3 I n 0 OKntift.rf . J a i ( 4 12 0 a Krans.rf... 4 0 4 D t Hartley.c... 4 2 6 1 o Smith. ss,... 4 1 n l ) lieai.JD s : : : v.nversio,, 4 10 1 o'.ltnlt Sh.,., Crandall.p. 0 0 0 0 O'Slmon.o. , Watson, p.. 8 0 0 0 0 I'pham.p, .Mnrtoi.p. Total 17 7 oOrlrs .. tllownrd., ' Tnt.ils.. Batted for Cooner In the. ninth innlr.r tRatted for Marlon In the ninth Innlrr :un ror urirgi in tno nintn inr r.z St Lonla 0 0 0 2 o t 1 a M Rrooklyn 3COOO010M Jtuns-t. Ixinli. Rnrton t Jtsrtl.y ! Rrooklyn. Cooper, Mnree. Smith I" t on error St. Ix)uls Ift on hir-,t I im J. llrooklyn 7 Home run -Magee base hits-Cooper. Smith. Hartley T"- hit Tobln. First base on bn!l Off id 4. oft Wataon 3. Struck nut llr t br Crandall 1. by Wntson 4 St le" ' P-orlon. inerlflce hit" Vauchi'i w i Pss.e,l ball-Hartley Hlt Off C'x In two innlrs': off W:ttoi Innlnrs: off rpham. f, In x ip i Marlon. 8 in three Innlnr. I'm" rr Rrennan. Field umplroShanr " T hour and !' minim At Newark. T- rittsb'g (T. L.) oooninoot Newark (P. L.l oonnn::',. , i Ilatterles Knetrer, LeiHirr Moran ond Rarldrn At Il.iltlmi.ri-. ! I i Chicago (F.L.) 01003200 ' Il'tlm'e 0 1 0 0 0 1 n . Hntterle- Mi'fnnnrll. Jnhii"fl " ' son. demons; tjuinn, Conies , -t 1 Owens. rolntiinl l.rilRilr. Hartford. 4; P.ill Rlrr. S New Iledford, 3: SprlngPe:d -Hrockton, ,; Pnwtnckrt. 2 Tnunton, 9; New Hnen, s. 4 ! 5 0 C 4 0 111 4 0 4 e I 1 1 ( I IMI lllll 0 0 0 D I Jf trai Virginia l.niintr. No-folk, 3; Newport News 0 SuffolK, 3, Portsmouth, o in-s' rst Suffolk, 4; Portsmouth, t is,, i c Rocky Mount, C. ivterihurp, I at Cost Demonstrating Cars To dltpote of them t onct, w sr ofFeting Stndebaker Demonatrating Cara at coat. This the raoit remarkable opportunity of the year to buy a high-grade car at a real reduction in price. For theae cara are as good as they were the day they left the rectories. They have been used only by our Demonstrators. Wa can guarantee them to be as good as new. However, they are now classified aa Used Cara and we are willing to sacrifice them and cut the price to COST. So now, It la possible for you to buy a $1385 SIX at a greatly reduced priee. Is it worth saving that much on your car? If so, come in AT ONCE. PaSBB -ri Jmkr . cam-en New York Showrooms 56th and Broadway. Brooklyn Retail Headquarter 1495 Bedford Avenue,