OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 23, 1915, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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mar 'im
Ellis Pilots Iroquois 11 to Victory in Race of Six Fifty) Footers Yale Varsity Rows Speedy Mile
Cclflinli'iii Set Hncli ti ml II cr
Hiilcr. Itnvloii. Siipsi'mU'ri
for Kouuli Killing.
Jecse Ittixton t.i illicit the Klknood
rrk Stamen 'Scl.iiiilrt.i .1 nose In front
,f the ljulti'ji' Mlnl'le's Huniilc Tesl
ti-r i.ut f"' the lloaodnlc Stakes at
l,mAiu teste-l.iv In the bet ami
lM,t in. e ' tw -) cm -olds tint h.i
been rim tl'i" si.ieon. UN elation was
,bort llKil, tr mi Investigation follow-1
n h prcteit of foul m.'.Oc tiy the rbkr
of I'le.i: f ended 111 tnc tiisi.uunueaiio'i
f Cilandri.i .mil the suspension of Hux
un for the remainder of the meeting
on the cl a? of rough riding.
The ruling out of Cclumlrla cnu.cd tne
mi'.kof the pinso to go Into the pocket
n iiviiur of the Qulncy Stable liy.ll.irb.ua. Slowly but surely tho lro-
1110 .... ... I .....rn,....t n..l ..... ...,lrtl,..l l.A
is. medium of an outsider tlial or ptii.lie
it""""" ' . . ... ..
form b.il im chance whatever to beat
lh Wph elans youngsters, opposed to
M. I.e tha 1 ,l WM'! "KO Hotinle Tess
wtg lieaten off In a race won by James
Butler's Ml" I'uwle. It was whispered
that an Improvement might he expected I
rl(rda but must of the mnney bet
cn tae ultlm 'to wlm ev ivns for plac
abJ fliow The close thllsh and crowd
or In the sfelch were all to tho nil
.inUff of McCihev. whii found a Bnmlt
ci'fnlnK and Joined tho leaihrs In the
list furlons to llnlsh a nose behind Co
.i:dri.i. In the crowd of r.weKoels, which wai
Urjfr than usual, there were few to
ifn vilth the nillnc of the rtewnnU
hlch illsipiitltlPil Celandrla ami pun
ihfd htr rider by kceplni: hhn on the
pound until the opening of thu Queens
County Jockey Club nicvtlns; on Satur
liy. After the Meld closed on the pace
alr, Orasi, at nlMiiit the eighth pole,
there was x vlsorous flKlit on tho part
,1 rtirly every hore In the race to Bet
to tne front. Cclandrfa had been fol-
'irlnx the pace set by Orasp, and with
Malichlte next was entitled to a clear
nth to the JudceK. As Honnte Tess and
p:!on rushed up to the bunch it looked
from the stand as thouKh nil Huxton'x
ffforti were devoted toward k'ettinir his
mount home In front. I'lclone failed to
tnd an oiwiilnB. and tho other four
horses rushed on to the finish m closely
lodiM that the lender changed with
itaost every stride. Celnndrla's rose
t In front of Bonnie Tess at the wire
iiA heads separated Grasp and Mala
chite. The last named lllly was st;iK
rerlnar at the finish, ami It may be that
tie official observers had discerned somo
reugh work on the part of Huxton that
tu not apparent to the spectators In
tie itand. At any rate Jockeys Lllley.
Cavanauch and Huxton wero Inter
rlewed with the result that Celandrla'a
number was taken down and ltounlo
TfM halkil as the winner.
There was another thrilling finish in
the Florida Handicap at a mile and a
rixteenth. In which a length and a half
nt all the mr.ru In that separated the
9rtt from the Init of the four starters
t the flnlMi. dipt. Cassatt's Dying
Fairy nude the pace with a length and
a half tu spare most of the way. Mc
Tattart kept I'.unes In becond place, ami
n turning into the stretch rushed
!or.p!de of the leader. At tho eighth
t!e the four contenders wero nearly
itreaat, and D.ivlcs working with might
nd main on Flying Kalry got her In
'rent of Rune-s again. Tho pair raced
itrlde for stride until within twenty
Tarda of the Judges, whero Dying Fairy
.altered and Itunes got hl.s head in
!ront. Top Hat was n neck behind
Rrlny Kalry and u length In front of
.tatzano. Tho summaries:
rnixT it.ca
Mllir: for funr-vc.ir-olda and upward,
porK, io, ki furlongs:
HorvAAsc. Wt. Jociey. Prices. IFIn.
lil. 113 DuKon .... 0-10 t-3 1
lr D'ntali. 9... no. Huxton to-l 4-1 J
CfWlHock, i no McTsituart.. t-l 3-1 So
Pamrk S , lu; ralrbrntlicr. 3-1 4-S 4
SfTmlicdn.a. no LstTerty... l.Vi o-i J
r inlju. i. in: Meuurd 10-1 i-l a
Cnew.i. in-, yurlen 20-1 ft-1
Leli at the pott.
. M Time. 1.1 1.
finod rtart" won easily: Andes, br. c, by
ooteitor-lllde and Seek: owned by Allan
Itakenon; trained by A. U. Dlume.
m:c.i iiaci:.
Selllnr- for four- ear-olds
wne. im sU furlonei.,
Hone & an Wt, JurVry.
and upward;
Prices, Tin.
2- 1
3- 1
1 urakan. I nr. Mn'alny
vi,uu,l n&
'.or. 5 pis,
I. like
I'nlrliiother. 3-1
limn. 1 III. Il.,rllnn. l-l
HoSmtn. a Ill Trnxicr ..'li-l -l
Wlop. 4 110 Oilrlin.. ..10-1 4-1
, . I line. 1 13 3-5.
com start, won inslly: presumption, br. c,
57 ooMcn Maalm -Proud Duehess: owned by
' Uacilanui, trained by H. CuniilngUam,
The Florida: handicap: for lhrce-year-ohl
t.o upward whlra have not won at thl meet
tr, lr subscription of sio, with seoo added;
mil; ami a sixteenth
Honed Age t J.icliey, Prices. Fin.
ri?."'? .- w McTairitart.. -3 1-3 p
filter I airy. 3. 113 uavles 3-1 even 21
Top Hat. S. ins Huxton a-1 a-5 S
Muuio,3... m MeCahcy..., a-1 even 4
Time. 1:47 2-5.
.wwl tart won driving; lliines. b. c, by
wseej thlflir owned by Jieury Waterisou;
falarU by J iMwnril.
loiitni haci:..
,T5f nnsejai- for two-enr-o!d Allies: by
inscription of fJ5, starters to pay tU addf
'uranteed cash value IS.ouo; live fur-
Morse h te ;vt
waile Tts, mi
'P. ! .. mi
' sctiltr, . 107
Vor.i- u-
H! l"irle. I 10
dsn" ,e ; wi
T. s"
Jockey. Prices. Fin.
Met ftliry., Kr-i
steward , 11-3
CaiannuiEti.. A-1
1- 5
2- 1
lluri-1 11-5
bonder 5-1
ti........ ,
1 "irons . tie
..V" i," the Htitlrr entry.
'I Inn nil (lr.. illniiiullilctl for foul.
r . rim. . t 01 3-3.
Com ,, on (irionii: llonnle Ten, eh. t.
jrjiurhmi l.n.t ciu-riy: owniii by Qulncy
sU(i,e luiunl Iij , ntzslmmons.
HiLUcan vciMnr for thrrr-vrar-olds and
e .ileerlition of 110, with f5on ndiieit;
lift.. . V" " -ixiiimii
1 01 v... u 1 Jockey. Prices. Fin,
"It H-in 1 ioj (iiiximi A-& 1-3 l
'frt'ian 1 lis Meiaiiit.xit.. ft-1 a-J 1'
;'deriMi,4 nil McCahcy....ll-5 3-5 3
ii...""1'' ' 11,1 l.ouilir inn evin 4
wtwiirtu 1,7 i.tiicy . .12-1 4-1 5
... I Ime, 1.10 1-5
'.'Ki .!-. wn ..ny, ciin piriii, hr. c. by
i-'iii ' lehfe, 1 owned by I.. J. Carey.
se m e f. r tiin-i-ii-nr-olds and
' o' won t mi In
!I1S; purse, f tou,
m 1 a sixuenlh
Jockir. Prices. Iin.
I r l.j
l.llley 11-5 7-10 P
lliirllnvime 11 5 3 5
McTaggart 15-1 51 '
McCnlicy .. 13 5 ti-IO 4
. . 1. 1 loticr..., . i-l o-u i
t'r.ie, I II.
i'w driving, Camellia, b. 111.. by
M'ljiir iiwncd by Mrs. J. 1. Paul;
1. I'niil.
St .
Utll .1
'"'I'd lil.iiiiillil.atliin for I'll 11 1 1 ng;
' liiiiliiiii.'s rinnlali Wrestler,
I .l'l l, !,(
thu Finn, wa cllml-
on inn wicHtiiug touriiaineiii in
'peri House lust night for
ll.iMinpna suffered his third
".. In a ntaf-'h wHh lr II.
ilti-r twenty-oiio minutes of
. t wliph Flnlund'H exponent
p. i'i nearly every rule of the
a giie
ex iniler Aberg over un hour
i;i' Lurliii'M shnulilcrs to tlio
in arm anil body hold, but
Zbyruko downed Wllhclm Her
i double, arm lock In 12 mln-
f... .
I 1
lo .
ber i.
M U fecotiiin,
Kalph N. Ellis Guides His Yacht to Victory on Last Leg
of Course in New York
Miladi Fastest Schooner.
fix of thf llfty footer raced In the
si tty-clghth annual regatta of tho Now
Voili Yacht Chili jesterday on tho
Sound. They furnished tho best con
test of the season nnd omi of tho host
they ever sailed. The wind was modcr
.ato iiml came from southwest tiy f-nntli,
nlowlng about twelve miles an hour.
The com so selected gave tho yacht
two htoatl riaehen nml n heut of nine
an, murtrr mllen, on which tho klll
of the nm.itrur helmsmen was thor
oughly tested.
H.ilph N. Kills triumphed with tho
lriniiiili II., wliininng the nirn tin tho
last leg of the course. When tho yacht
hauled on thu wind tho Iroiiuoli w:n
fourth iiml nliont threo mlnutts ujdurn
0f t1() KMiUr, Harry Payne Whitney's
"i"'''" ".-- .
fitlinro and ulin flushed n winner hv 4!)
seconds. J. It. Mncdonough's Spartan,
with tier owner, Stuyvesant Valnwrlght,
G. (Iranbery and IMnunul Itniulolnh on
board, was second, Si! seconds ahead
of Cointnodoro lloorgo V, Itakcr'a Ven
tura. All the sloops, that Is the fifties and
tho thirties, sallied lu uno class for
one of the New York Yacht t'luu course
cups. The llfty footers had to allow tho
smaller craft 32 minutes it seconds time
ami Udgen Mills Held Won this trophy
with thu 50 footer lA'iia, which also
was a winner In her cias. Mrs, Ibid
assisted In sailing tho Lena. Tho Lena
had been too soon at the (darting lino
and was recalled, but In splto of this
extra handicap she outsailed tho other
Mx 30 footers and won tho courso cup
by 2 minutes 12 seconds from the Sil
houette, nnd tho lronuol.s was buitcn 1
minute 4T cecondb by tho Silhouette.
Three schooners started. In the reg
ular class tho Mlladl defeated the Ahma
kola and in a special clans i-lio also
defeated tho Windward, but In tho raco
for the course cup with full time allow
ance Howard C. Smith's AlunaUola won
First Ilnre Sprint, Mills nipper,.
Killth llnuniiinn.
Serond Itnce CarlaTerocV, Dolly
Maillson, (inmrnon.
Third llacr Hlnah Ho, Outlook,
Fourth Raef Helmnnt F.ntry,
Clinrlestonlnn, Surprising.
Fifth Itaee .Mamlo K., .Mlnilrel,
Sixth Itnee All Snillfs, Coin, To-
Firt Itaee-For two year-old
fillies and
relillius: live furloinrs:
Kdilh Haumann,,.. lmiFavour,
sprint loralleiiry Jr.....
Little Dipper lMIUoltfeii f.ale,
Second Kace For thrce-year-olils
six turlonir:
lkt H 1 b and IKccrla
Tnrlier 107'l)olly MadLon,
nalnsborouah 101 Carlayerock ..
Hammon 1041J.011 lllue ,
Liclltl Out lo:,r.veij-n v
Tlilnl llace For three- ear-olili sclllnr: six
Fenmoiis'e 11! Ethan Allen.
,. tat
Dinah Do....
iojtii. tin 101
, 10: Mcnlo Park 10J
Hiker ' 107, Outlook
Uoodwood toll
Fourth K.ico-Klnirs County ITandirap. for
three- ear-olds and upward; one mile and a
Mromtiolt Kt Surprising
fcam McJIeekln 105 Cliorlemonlan ....
Fifth Haoe For three-year-olds and
ward! selhtnri five nnd a half furlonss:
Kl Malidl H5 Minstrel
Cultert llJIIiantasenrt.
Charlev MoFarran. lis Woeslfalr
Som of Valley.... llr.'fiain-borouth ....
Mr Specs UI.Mamln K
Mack U. Eubaukii. llilDolly Maillson....
lliew liocilt Eilcc
Armour no Frnniou.e
Klla llryson 110 llronx Qmen
. 105
. 103
. 10:
. 10:
. 102
,. tc:
. 100
. I'M
. 1M
. 15
. f5
Hill stream wi
Sixth Itacr For maiden three-year-oldi and
upwant; i-ouuiuoin; one muo
Coin lOTjOamnion
Yodelei "... 10S Mlo Mcfilirde..
a sii'
All Siinlles MJtu u...-
XTitiiarj 1
llniiutnu Unco mi Pacific I'nlr.
S.xs Fn.xs'ctsco, Juno 22. Running
races, legislated out of California sev
eral ycats ago when betting .van
stopped, nre to bo revived In San Fran
cisco with a thitty day meet nt tho
I'anama-raclllc Imposition beginning
August 20, according to 1). O. Lively,
head of tho exposition') Uxo stock de
partment. Uvely said to-day that 11
Jockey ciub to look nftcr tho mte'.lr.ff
wl'.l bo organized this week.
Oiilinet nml Sirs. Itoupe I.rnil.
noBTOs', June 22. Frand Oulmct,
the nmuteur champion, and Mrs. 11. Vv
Itoope of Hrao Hurn, with a score of 73,
won the gros prlxe In the Woodland
Golf Club' open mixed fouisomo to
day. In the tournament each player
drove n ball from every tee and a pair
selected one to be played out, taking
alternate ediots,
Toronto C'lnb fieta n VIIIIniiis.
Toiionto, June 22. The acquisition of
Outfielder Ous Williams, formerly of the
St. Louis Americans, wa announced by
the Toronto Internationals' management
Klrst Har Purse;
H.itice. 103 (Callahaiil
1 to 4. won. Ileddost,
1 -. tit '! and 4 to ...
nn mile Pepper
5 In 2, 3 to 5 slid
105 (Smyth), V lo
second: llirriuana,
l'l' uloldsleln). ! 10 1
3 to 2 and 1 to ..
third. Time, l!l5
1-5. Linger and l.lnsln
'"'(.'.-cond ni.ce-llillg. live
1 1.1.. tin isfnivilil. 11! IU 1.
4 to 1 and
",':' won: llosewater, ill (Obert). 10
in 1. 3 to 1 and 3 to '.'. rernnd; Smiling
Maggie, 100 (Villi Dllsell), 13 to I, j to 1
iiiid 7 to 5. third. Time. 1:03 S-5. Hlrkn.
Mills filnk, tlentlewiiinan. linclnnitl nnd
Matrix also ran
handicap Pan Kurela, 12'J K'liuperi
to rii lines n r-, iinii.1" ... . .....
5. 1 to 2 mi. I mil, won
I 11. Alee). 1 to 1. r, in
Hick Hay. ll (Hums)
u.i ..hi ihir.1. Time.
licliire utnt i-iirnme ami nn.
Fourth Hnco Selling. 1 fiirlmiK
l.idt- London. 101 (Hilltwll), 0 to 5, 1 to
1" and 1 to 4. won, i'lurlhi-1, 101 (Midler
tnnttt, IS lo 1, 4 to 1 and 2 to 1, seiond;
l.il.il.ilm. I'll (Dodd), 13 to I. ii t" 1 "in
3 to 2. third. Time, 1-U 4-5. Ivlniont.
Kajdirosiros. King ll.nlfonl, ('ilebrlty
.Msrtrs and Hrarlhstniui also ran.
Fifth llace Selling. l furlongs
Irish Heart. 100 (Cnopen, S to I, 3 to 5
and I In 2. won; I'linnl" Jean, HO (Donald
soul, 12 to I. 4 to 1 and 5 tu 1, second.
S kefir. Ill 1 Smyth ) l'l to 1, 3 tu I and
ei-en, third. Time. 117. Muster N' kn,
lil.-iinonit 'luster. Dilkii nf rhester and
Hnvn.ck also ran.
Hlntli llaceHelllng; six furlongs
Hlellatn. 105 iMIIIrri, 3 In 1. 2 to 1 and
even won: Josorlna Zarnte. i.3 ll'olllti.).
r. t. 2. even and 1 to 2. second: MeeiicK.
if, ill.one.i. :o to 1. k to 1 and 4 to 1,
third Time. 1:15 3.5, Setinspp. Tower.
Andrew oiiny. Hlunley H., Hiilcrpe Mlnda,
ltlu nil. in ami rKiriicnn nisn ran
I . I'ciiih llace Trillin,' nr.e mllo nml
iwrii y yards lliclino.id 111) iilolilnlelnl,
S to 1, 7 to 10 and 2 to 5, won; Sin').
rimless, 07 (McAtru). 7 to I. 3li to I
ind ii to 3, second; Kaaan, 103 (Miller),
lo 1, ! lo 1 and o on, third, Time, l:4t
2.5. Durlll, AJax, le.ve Day, lleuu I'ero
aud Liberty Hull alio ran.
Yacht Club's Regatta
easily. Victor I. Cumnock was on board
th winner.
H. du II. I'arsotm nnd Frederic O.
Speddon had chargo of tho races and
selected a course that too the yacht
first from n line off Molts Point, across
tho Sound to l'.usnnage l'olnt, then to
wooiscy s l'olnt and then ngaln ncros
the Sound to the stnrtlng point. The i
wind at the start wax drawing put of
Hempstead tlnrbor and enabl-d the
yachts to carry spinnaker across the
.Sound for 3", miles. Then they started .
to reach, but Inter wero ablo again to
carry splmiaket.t for miles, and the.
last leg wns a brat of ! 1-5 miles, with
tho wind truo nnd steady. The sum
maries :
couitsn. i9i .mil t:s-
1) 1X1) i-
linlsh. Time.
Ynrht nnd Ownsr. II. M. S. II M. .
Mllndt, Oeorge W. Serttt.,, an 41 it 5s 41
Windward, II. 1). Wlilton.3 17 14 3 37 SI
Corrected times Mlladl. 5:50.47; Wind
ward, 3:14)40.
HCllOON'nttH rl.A.oi K ooriwc, 19 u
Mlt.ES STA11T. 11:10.
Mltn.ll. (leorso S. Scott. ... .".1 41 S 21 41
Ahmnkolii. II. c. Hn.lih ... 3 40 :r. 3 jo if,
I'nrreotrd tlmri Mllailt, 2:50:17; Ahma
kola. ::iT;33.
N. y. v. '. rirrtiy rounsi:. vi',
Mii.Ks sriitr. ts:i:..
Irontmls II . Itatph V I'.illi.S 11 ill ? r.7 r.
Spirtali.J M.MMrilnauiisll..3 13 IS 2 Ms
Ventura, !. 1' Inker. Jr.. 3 13 r.l : 5 .M
ll.irlur.i. Hurry I'. Whitney. 5 17 19 .1 o: 11
(lralliiE. J. I'. Morgan....: SO 10 3 15 tu
S.imnrl, W. llarl lmlge...3 30 40 3 15 4
N. V. V. C. TlttltTIKS I'llfltSi:, 19'
Lena. O. M Held 3 50 31 3 .11
Hlllinurtle, II II. I'r-ntlce.3 41 3 SI 4S
.Merlon 11 , J. W. Alker...2 51 0 .1 n u:
lliipe, I i: Itnvninnil 3 5s :i 3 S3 :o
Aler.l. J. T. Cutler I C3 41 3 3H 4.i
Ju.inllil. J T. l'ratt I 31 3 4(1 31
Htnzal. H. I.lllg I 06 is 3 4U 58
., ni:w yoitK v. c. cot-itsi: cfi-s.
Holiooners rorrecte I time. Ahtn,iknls,
2:34:15; Mlladl. 2:50:47; Windward, 3:11:1".
Slg.ipi Cerrec ip.1 time, l.ena, ;:23:0S;
fllhouetto. r::6::o: iroiiuois 11.. :::;:;:
Alviiuo 11, 2::c:40: fip.irtnn, :::7:5t.:
Ventura, ::::32. Hope. 2:30:.7. IlHrl.am.
::3::30, Atera, SilC'.'S; Juantti, J:J:ii;
Ilanaal. 2;3S::5; Ora)llng, ::l:51; Samiirl,
Cets float b llnndlcnp nml
oil Flxo to For' tnr.
SiHTiiTow.v, I.. I., Juno
u.i. 1.. ...... 1...1.. ii..x. .. .i.e..., ..a .v...,
.-Illlbll.U.I II . UlU MUU .V.L1, ..Vll.l.l.l b.l-7 ' ... .... 1, .1 .....
Camden Jr.i-.hoptcrs by to 1 In .('o'clock to-night they cebbrated with a
game for the Smlthtown Challenge cup 1 lousing bonlire.
which was played 011 the homo ground' C'U't- Murray visited Capt. Sturtevant
to-day. Tile trophy hiiB to be won three "t Yale's ipiarters late Monday night
times and Snilthtoiwi already haa gained , nd n toss for positions on tho course
a lee on It. I
Smlthtown received n goal by handi
cap, but tho home player. wero to ag
gressive that they could have won
easily without tho allowance. In the
e-jrly vcrlods Smlthtown xcored livo
goals to one for the visitor. A raln
Htorm slowed up the play In tho last
two period. nnd men nnd ponies
floundered around without milling to the
score. Tho lineup:
.Sinltlitowo No. 1. Attinore Itohlnson. 0;
?o. 2. T Dnum, 0; No. 3. Uiwrence M
ttutler. u: bjik. Clarencn It. ltoblns, 3.
Total handl. tp. 3,
(.'imden UrnJlioppera No. 1. 11. Ander
son, 1, v. ArtJirr Klnn.t. 1. No. 3,
Henry Anderson. 0; buck, Umirrry I'rcece,
2. Totxl inindlcap. I.
Smllhtown tl.iils Aarneil. r.: nlliiiv,! hv
handicap, I: total. 6. Oumil.-n 'loxli t
earned. 1; Individual goal coreil. Huilcr. I
1; Itolilnson, 1; Iteliblns, J. lloueu, 1; Kin- 1
ney, 1. Ilefcree 11. K. Vlngut.
tVllklr nml linker .XI nj- Clnali.
Vnl AVllklo of Ynlo nnd Homer Hakcr
of the New Ywtk A. C. nro two "If
(ntrks for tho alillroso (ifjn Invitation,
feature event of tho annual games to bo
held by the Millroso A. C. nt Celtic
I'arl; on Saturday, July 10. Wiikle
sent In word yesterday that lie will
start if ho finds It ihsiIIi1o to change
the x-.icatlon plnns ho haa made, linker's
entry Is In. but ill competing Is con
tingent upon the mending of his sore
knee. The appearance of Ted Meredith
of 1'enn In tho fcaturo Is assured.
Samuel D Itlddle, who has been a
prunUiiriii exhibitor of Jumpers ai horse
hows under tlio name of tlio lllen Hldille
1 arms, is inn latest owner to luLn up the
steeplechaslng game lie has H"nt nine
steeplccliusors to Helmont Park and they
will be trained for coming ettnts by Hen ,
Sixteen horses owned by John K.infor.1
nf Amsterdam, N. V., have arrive. 1 at I
Helmont Park and nro being prepared for I
engagements nt Aqueduct by Trainer I
(lenrge WlnglleM line signed John Hull
mini to ride tho Keeue horses in Kentuik).
Thero was a time when Hullinan was con
sidered the best rider of twu-yeur-oldn lu
tho country.
Father Hill Daly's Phew distinguished
herself In the first race. She refused to
break, and after the others ran lh race
without her she gate Jockey O'Hrlen nil
ha could do to get her buck snfely to the
Form players had more thm in eten
tireik yesterday. Hnnnlo Tea una the
only outsider to win. The other purse gutn
erers were either distinct choices or eijuai
favorites with some other candidate.
The finish In the third nice was another
feather In tlio cap uf Handliiippei o
burtrli. Four borets so inn l'lseml v
weighted thut they iliilsh within a lengih . tnK Ptr,nk he has emitted a string of
proud' of " " ,U '"isbiteinent to show Welsh Is afraid of
Tl qVeentree Stable's Caidimln. had I''"1-, WUU '""''Weieil y.sterday bj
et the track uilre In her work for the I making the match.
Hosedale. but he wis lust when It came
In racing with seasoned ciitupulKiiers
First lines Selling; three. ve.ir-olds six
furlongs N'olileninn, 107 m'Hrlim. s.'tMit.
110.30 and I. 40, won: Casiiba, 1" icunip
belli. 112 and IS. I. se.-nnd. F'ossle
I'rockeit, iaa ujtti, l3.sn. ihird T.nie. ,
1-14 3-5 lldille Delllug, (iliirtea I'rali. Is. ,
Afrlia llenti, Dorothv I'eikluu. Hoicrls,
L.nlv Powurs, June, rUnr Miiles and .Mal
heur aWo run.
r'tfcoiiil It'tte Selling; maiden enlts and
gi-lilliigs, two-ear.ol.: lite fm longs - i' ,
I' Il.irnbcrg r, ini ni.irneri, 137 10. f i W
unit lil.so, won: Kin. n 113 ll'ei'el, 13 10
and $J i). soioiid, lireiilnte. 10'j (Itnlilu
snni. 11.'. 0, ihlrd, Time, l;n: 3 5, ri.ir a
Hoy, lirceiiH-iind, fnme Ilencli. AI licne. '
l'nele Will, Haiiwrkopf and Little Cote also
ran. i
i nir.i j;nce--iiiinuicap; iiirei-eiir-oiiiH
ill iCiioricri n inland upward: lx furlongs Mills Father.
ooiil, r i aid 'it !'5 'Murphy). Jo:to. 1,x.i;o and 2 9o, won,
a i ui e.i nil l eo' hiir.e. IS'i Ulerl1, U.sn and 2 .'.0.
n id ..lit. '''' '''' ,e. ..ml; Hmlge. JI3 (Slurllni, $2 Hi. third
Vl4 4 Mn' nr ' Tl1"'' ,1,s 1'raBsroriiillon and ll-n.-iu. i
n in ran.
Fourth Hace I'unoi three, ye-ir-olds
ono mile iind'd sixteenth -Hrevllle. Ilu
(UenRhl, -". s r. and (4.20, won. Km
brnliU'lf. 10! (Murphy) 13 and 15.50. sen-
I nIlll; Kieetabiile. Jo
(Marllii). 13.90.
third. Time, 1:15 S-
(Iriimpy and Undo.
Hrvn also rnn.
Hftli Dace Soiling; thre-year-nlils and I
iipwurd; mile nml setenty anls- Miss
Thorpe, 107 fDonilnlck). i:'2, 11110 nml
lli.'.O, until (lllldepoll, lOf, (House), 11.70
mid 13 in. second, Star Actress, !in (liar- i
nor i 12 Ii". Ihlrd Time. 1:11 3-5. I'ie I
on. Jel laioi e. ,ndv Panehlla, Hani
Hull nnd rosins nlso run
hixili Hair I'liriu liillu, iwo-) ciir-ulds
selling, live furlongs Savlno, 107
(O'Hrlen), 12s 30. 1)3.50 and (7 2i. tvnn.
Ingot, I'H lllsrii-r), 110.10 and 11.40, sue
on. I. Invcitiui-nt. 105 tTaiiori, li 20,
i linn!.
Timu. i.o: '.-:.. i.,.r..-.j.., ii:... !i
: lli-aiit
Disturber, Hulh Ktrlcl.l.ind. Aunt
fa I. .lull t Slrsllh. Itnlph S. unit Impurliint
ulso run, Miitue ti ej 11
Sitiiiih Huie - One nml onoslxli onih
in ns for three, jear. olds ..ml upward
selling puree li.oo -Irish (b'utlcm.iii, 115
I.Mi 'aboi. I4 lid, 17 20 and 4 0, won
Moikniy, 105 (driitryi, 11.70 and It.SH,
secnml, Oholns, luu (Xltirttiv). V) to. Ihlrd.
Time, 1 1417. Wild Hone, White Wool, La
mode, Cumin F., Consoler, l'eilowmun uod
Ytrwa ru. . '
,, e - i n
I I 111 0 Ol ;H(
siiHsficd Willi
.MnuV A-raiu.sl Tide Visil
Paid by llnrviml.
invALs- toss row laxksI
Ni;w Ionmon, Conn., June 22. Coach
Nlckalls, accompanied by Hob Cook, fol
lowed Yale's varsity crew- downstream
for a cuiplc of tnllei Just befme sun
down this evening. The freshman eight
tsn followed nhflird I'ayni1 Wnltne's
sped launch Tirpon, Nleil' deentlng
. advlaible to give the I'.ilS rrcw a
rest, The varsity crow paddled up
1 ream to the mile mark, then hit un a
thirty-four gait and reeled off a mile
ngaliiht tide, but with favoring wind,
In f. minutes 10 seconds, .which Coieh
Nlekalls regarded lis a satisfactory
Vulft's second varsltv erw chnsn the
vrnters uliitve nn.irters fur Its evetdnir's I
work and practlrcd on Its own hook,
Conch Gl.mnln! remaining at camp.
Yule and Harvard's vc rally crews are
reported so wtll matched that betting
thus far has been voiy light. At Har
vard's camp there I ptemy of money,
but very little -f It has been placed
to date. The oarsmen In former ears
fi rmed poo's nnd bet with their rivals,
but this has been eliminated this yeai,
both Vale and llarvaid's row lug commit
tee agreeing to nbollsli the custom.
(l.iod health I the pisswotd at Y lii'J
quarter, and every oa'sni.ti seems as
lit us fie proverblil llddle awaiting the
annual conttsu. Tne harbor 1 ban
ning to take ti a regatta iinieir ncc,
alsiiit 11 doien large craft having hi
rived in ndvimce of the big licet which
i expected to take position along tt-e
course next 1
rLlay. C. II. Armstrong
was elected ii
:it slant manager of tne
Yale varsltv crew to-day,
An Innovation of the Central Vcimont
Railroad this cnr Is n triiln that will
precede the observation car to Hart-K-lt's
l'olnt. off which the crews finish,
and return Immediately after the ob
servation trains. Tills will prove a great
convenience for the general public, the 1
round trln t!ck"t tutting only 25 cents.
Harvard's rowing sniiad paid a xislt
to Yale's (.imp at 2 o'clock thli after- ,
noon and nflei an hour id fraternizing '
rrturiud t.i lted Ten to listen to Asnift- '
1 ant Managir I'elton nugaphonH plays
I direct from the Yale-Harvard basoball .
I gaino nt New llavin. Just a won lis
news of Harvard's victory was received j
: manager, coxswain nnd waiter gath-I
Tho'elcd all loose timber about Hit. camp I
and stacked It twenty teei nign. -xi .
resulted as follows.
Varsity night Huriord
wett course.
1 ale, eat course,
.-eeond Vrlt Hanard, writ
Yale, east course.
Frc-lim 111 HlKht Harvard, west course;
Yale, eaiit course.
l'reslinuin Kn-ir Hirvard, west course;
Yale, east cours".
lUntlctnen's Klght Hnrianl, east
course, Yale, west course.
Tho first raco to bo rowed wtll be
tho rrenhman four for one mile on
Thursday evening at ti o'clock. Half
an hour later I lie gentlemen's, eights
will struggle for half a nillo for the
Hcrrick cup. proved Ya.e can get its
crew together. Harvard already has
selected Its graduate crow, as follows.
Stroke, IC. Farley: 7, IL Ciilhr; fi 1.
Wellington; 6, J. Lawrence: I, W. T
Gardiner; 3, U. von 1.. M'yer; 2, t! 1'.
Mctoalf; bow, O. H. Halcli ; coxswain,
I C. T. Alleles.
11. mania varsny crew nan ugnr
practice this evening, p.ubll'ng to the
two and one-half mile Hag and returning
to lted Top In three streti .lex. Wraw
i left the vnrelty crew and followed the 1
1 fieshmen to the Naval Station, speeding'
! thsm at 30 for a mile on the return
The Junior varsity crew wa the last
. m get out for practice.
"The varsity crew I In fine health "
said Cntit. Mllrrnv this ..t-enlm? "In
fact all tht oarsmen In camp art In ex
cellent health." Dr. Young reported '
the varsity men a still holding n pound
i extra weight with one or two xceptloii
iimcinl llereree w. A. Melklciiam ar
rived In New Ieindon to-day and will
call at both training quarter to-morrow
to talk over matter with tho cap
tains and probably rehearse the cvws
us usual lu starting. Notwithstanding
the spirit of conflilcnco which prevail
In Harvard's camp, the athhtes urn to
be enlivened further to-morrow- night by
a brass band Irom New London, thu
concert to last trom 7 to 9 o'clpck.
hlcnicnnn (let Hunt Willi Welsh
for July It nt Hrlglilmi. !
Willis Hltrhln's demand for a weigrt
agreement nt 13S pounds at 2 o'clock ha
ciused hi in lo he sidetracked in favor o'
Charley White for tho July 3 dale with
Freddlo Welsh at Hrighton Heach.
White was matched with the lightweight
ihaniplnn yesterday. i
l'ubllc demand for ti White. Welsh '
bout has been growing steadily dur
ing the last few months. Tho Chicago
boxer ha knocked out six opponent
In a row, nnisning loung lirow n lu a
i lound l.int week. Thlough his hard lill-
Hull Stop Velodrome Hnees.
Owing to tho rain last night the cycle
inees .it the SheepslieaJ llav Velodrome
have been postponed until to-morrow
evening. '.Thu programme nrranged for
list night will be run off. with .1 irklo
Clark making hi llrt appearance lit the
Pay track In Iho alternatice rare. He
will try his skill at this stvle of rming
against Fred Hill. Hurry Kaiser ami
Hob SpeirH. In tho feature nma our
lace nt three-quarter of a mile, Hun
Ohrt and Tom ilrlmin will be the head
liners. TDK l
$1,500 Kings Co. Handicap
The Wyoming Handicap
& 4 Other Attractive Races
ruts i hai'i: at titan p. ii.
leal' Peiiiisylvaiila Stiitlnn, :ud St nnd
7ili Av , Imi lintliush Av., Ilninlilyn, nl
12 3'). and at lntcrvalip to 2 P M, Course
also rcnelicd by Trolleys,
(ilUID HTAM). ma. lUIIIKN. Ul.HO.
It li'l.ciilini.Uer's Mnwtrll Trnirls
lit Itl.'t II Hi- A 1 crime,
I'iiicmso June 22. Auto drlveis went
,1ft. r lietfei positions In t' e elllililiallon
.tllals Ihls afteiiioon at Speedway I'ai't
K,'''inl of them sliceeided In lals-
big thcm;olves several tioteches In the
tutting older. The duel liidweell thi
I.'iikIImIi and Amu lean Sunlientn learns
resulted In Von Itanlte of the fnelorc
pair going around the inuise lu 1 Ml .15,
i an average of lon.S mites mi hour. This
wus bitleieil l Illckenhacker In n Max-
, I well. Mho attained a Iu3 mllu average.
YlMiiillv all the drlvci-M who bad
:.oi quiilliliil before did o to-day. The
oiilv M'eptlons were tin- Herwyn baby
Mefcedes, Vail' Mulford Special and!
Millford's Muirord Special. The last'
mailed ear was expected to start, but !
Mulford was having t.oubln getting I
ped out of Id mount and waa tuak-,
ng repairs. Following nie tlio time.
md menage mad,, lu to-day's elmli.n-'
'" '''''i"
1111 Itaii.i- In a ciiiiiie.iin. time nil , ,
nvi'i i. 1011.x. 1'ievnilei, Demec, 1.1,1 1:
9..;. H-iirilv.ir Mi-reer. Ii,l4, 91.0;
lleiitit. Ilutenberg. lili.nl. 1.6. u Honncl.
, liuiMTherg, 1 un, 95, llugbns. 1'nrter
, KnlKlu, I I . H . ill 15; Abe), Dusenli-iir,
1:1., ii) 5, orr, MiutiveM, liso.ai, .;
I I'oriinrutti, Hunheani 1)13 3S. !' i5i Omit,
Stm.. am. t:ll.x, Itn 3: lllckenbseker, Mux
jWiil. I OS.'.i. 103; I'nrlsnn, Mnxwell, 1:11,1,
I S3:. J. fooner. SelirlnK. 11. 113.61.
Tun Millnr tin 4M rrlmnrtl Whrn
1 nirl I'olleen till Iter.
"l'lio Vanltle lost her bowsprit letter-
nay Willie out on a trim trip on in" I
fouim. sin nan starteu wnii tne jncnts
1 raring in the regal In of the New York
i Yaciii tiuli and with her spinnaker set
lull abiiiil as far as Siamfin 1 before
the wind Then when the ,") finders
tut m il the mili r 111.11 u the spinnaker
011 the Vanltle was taken In. sheet
trliininil Hat and she hauled her wind on
a tnurse tu leewanl of the racing achts.
She was on the stalbo.ird tack and
heading toward link Neck near Oyster
Has and wns sailing well. A yawl
named Colleen, owned by Hvcrct I mill-
lm.;i nnlnr w.,.. , Uw fouled ttw
v.,. n.. nt.,t ti,n ..nu vi..-iii lust ii.r lmu
split, which broke shatp off at the
gammon Irons, The Vanltle was luffed
sharidi and her topmast was sand.
ti... ' ......1 .-,.n..i. in-i 1,..- i.,...-i.rit
and inalnmast and n man 011 each y;nhr ,
wa knocked overboard. Ilnges were
Inuii.-hed .it once nnd the sallois were I
recovered As soon as the accident hap.
pened several steamcrn and tnolor
yacht hurried to the disabled 1 aft. Tho
foil. tu was t.iurd Into Stumfurd and
the Vai.itie w:ut taken by the Indian
h Titl t.iwed tnw'.inl ( lien Cove. Ijiter the
lniil took the Vanllie to her moor
ings There the yacht' tender. Algon
quin, took charge and townl hr to city I'
Island, where a new bowsprit
titled at once
will be
.eitrl This Hundred (inlfcrs n
Hen 1 11 Tourney To-inorron .
1 : .. t . ... .
..- '"" 11 f""."r"'". '"."
1 up at f i-x tuns ui-morrow 111 tne cuiu s
I annual Invitation tournament, nccordlng
10 worn irom me oiiiiuiiit- msi iiikih.
Post entries will be accepted and pl:i.
to worn irom tne lomnuiiee iasi iiigui.
er. svli-cting their own partners, will
be permitted to start out on the qualify-
lug round as late aa 2:30 I'. M.
l'io.ilon has been made for five six-
teen and a trophy I ready for a lxth
slxteoi In exint that It Is found possible
to handle that many.
The Sign of
Mechanical Excellence
ihe World Over
117 A U 0 KW D X TM
stun ford Mas Us llni ili'st How
Since Arrival nnd Ollicrs
Sicnil Aclivi- Day.
. ...... ..
I'oi'nilKW.l'sli:, June 22. tne weather
man tiled hard to letiird the piogress
(tf the crews in the towing colony again
...,.. . ,.., ,...,. , -,....
,., ,,.,. ' , ,..
,, ,,. .,, .,, ,....,,1,., '
delled the ,ni" I' Is inniilnc and lie!
r ,i.,,ln. ... n,u rtnrn(uin. it un nreilv
plecarliiii rowing, lull nil lie ooiieivs
iidired their coxawnlns ti hug tin w.st
shoie and except for shlpii ig water tm i
damage leslllii!.
Stanford gut III Its III si hunt row
since arriving heic. Conch Hu"rena
took his crew of giants up two miles
Im'JiiIiiI the stalling point of the course
at Kriim dhow. He drove them bird
for half a mile, and on the return tent
them nt a tff clip against the thin
f 1 .mi the start to the bridge, three mile.
The coast champion, ale still a little
ragged loth Inlmard and outboard, al
though they spaced In gimd shape.
liucn na
tried linxei nut at nuinhei'
ami moved Hloe'-r up. illspluiiiig Kills
man at bn.v. lingers ni'iiMis il fact I
I;; lie. .'Hid Vi ighs I'll e-in.lH 1 1' 111.'
niweil at fill-ills-1- 1;, atllinngj- In red
llldli'liiist'i) The in w ciiuililnitl.iii lowiij
llli.ll,. 111II..M il!lit!Mllin..
IVnnslviinhi and C.nm-ll were caught I "anon." cnamnion. an 1 an iie,c 1 i.ern
.1, the storm but iiilinled i- not a bit. !'"'' tenched the ssml-nnal round In the
The ouaker came pnt lit- Stanford women h single of the lawn tennis
buathnuse and stopped to glie the W. st-1 tourmimcnt for the Quaker nidge chain-;
eriei a lousing cheir. Slanfoid le- J',,m!M "'4- l'"."rJ., u , . i'W i
ti,-.,ed In 11 -i.iinner that could be be-ird V"11'" '"JW,i' T"l"'1 C ''T." 'I.1'.". !
1... is .1,.. nwr. IVn.i thin aiiplHUded ! A" l,,lr"! Vf ,'",r "l "'
nii.l ...,i.ii.,ii..l ... .1.... ,, ,1,. i,,.. ti. 1 liiUnd lilitehes In stinighl sets Ml.
l....iii,i- r in.. ...,-iiv u,.m ..1.', ,i
o the tight between llarrj M irej and
Herb Shin maker for the stroke position
1 appears ov.-i
Shoemaker has Hie i-.ill,
1 n.l Vlx l.tii Xleknllie i,...
Mile disgruntled over the wititln-r. Moth:
had hoped In use this week for mure 1
j "'" timing tip. Hh-e wanted tu get
time trial before to-morrnw s.i that 1
lie could fee' more iln- the present xac. 1
P In heller than the une he ulMiulnricd
Hoth caches feel they hue Improved ,
"ieir crews even ir tne (lellcienclo.s wer.
I He In h'Mng un. arihe i. lint want warm
weallir and stnuoiii water to remove
rough edge thu have arisen in at.
I tattling p"id.
1 The mock of Syraeu Is on th-
rise. There l no accounting for It ex-
r'"' Te" W "l,"" i'n
In the mouth than he was a week ago.
I There was a rumor that he had snrnkril
j sj, vnrsltv ov-r the four mile course
I Friday night In III minutes 32 sec-
omi'. HI varsity weigh about the
same as Columbia', nut Is mot,, sea.
.,,,.a Ten i'v..u 1 uiinnt
hi 1
I dm,,,,, nr nbout nnv one
. .n(.( mutter
I i.t- ... .... 11.
' lr.TitolT, June 22. -University of
Mlchigiin'st greatest pitcher, Ceurge Sis
. ler. who I playing Ms last college ,
game to-day an Ann Arbor, will Join tho
' St. I-oul Americana here Friday.
Men of keen judgment men who know values are choosing
the Case Cars. They are buying the Case 30 because they have bought
other Case Cars, and just as their fathers and grandfathers chose Case
products. So envy no man own one yourself.
We urge your attention to the fact that only a few Model R's
remain allotted to this territory. Some may be demanded by other terri
tories. We cannot get more this season because of the limited output of
this Company whose products are known and wanted because or their
72-year standard of excellence.
With the Case you have a car that combines low purchase cost
with low operating cost. One ih.t requires few repairs one that
is on unrivaled saver not a spender. And why? Because we do put
into our cars materials and workmanship found in no other car costing
the same as a Case 30. We firmly believe that no car can compare
with it from a purchase standpoint for, in addition to its inbuilt superior
ly, what car includes all the necessary equipment you must buy later
such asf.fra tire and tube on rim with tite cover, Weed non-skid tire
chains and 8-day clock? All these arc included in the regular equipment
of the Case. As for month to month expense let us show you our
record book entitled, "From Those Wlio Know What You Want To
Know" which is convincing proof of the thrifiiness of the Case.
Talk it over with your family today and arrange to take them on
a demonstration trip. Telephone or come in today, won't you? We
also want to give you definite proof of the worthiness of the Case Cars.
"Now is the time."
Founded 1842
New York City Branch Home
Telephone, Columliua ?090
The Name
f'.tliense leeiiiinl iolnl nf itr.ll.MI
I'llilsi's , , I'. In
l'!lil..luci.l'HM, June 22 -A.tn.i V
M'eharils. Olympic dig 1 Jump champion
and one f the gieali st athletes III it
ever compiled fur tVrnc'l rnlverslli,
ha fnllcii Into Hie bad rr.ice of the
Amileui Mhtctlc t'nlon hee,uie he de
111.1 nitt-il eoiislilerably inoio expeue mnney
for c tnpcilliim In the recent Vale ft
KllbiHii game here than he was en
t.llol to, accoiillng to the charges pre
So gleat was the expense sroniinl,
IMSI'N niimiintlMj? to Kdi.oO. that the ieglstia
' ti n ((inniillti.e at It meeting last nlslit
liidellniiely suspended the I'nrnelll.in. It
l now up to Itlchnril to send in a
del illed iiiniunt of III expenditures.
The Indefinite suspension of Itlohards
me ins Hint miles he ran clear hltnef
.. ...... ... ...Ill I. I..
,..,, , ; '.,,. , ,i, ,rv.,i f.. 11,.
. 1, ,.t ,.i . , ... 1 ,..
...i.i i.-,,. n,. . ii.,i.'.,i..I,Ii. tit. ..
'i1- ).lde of I In r.i'e v ill be leijewid
". soon ri m.ihi I. ixoiditd fiom h',111.
1 n ly onn sine or t lie storj lias Ueen toiil.
.Miss Viirtn'i Miss I't'iMiliaril
ami Mrs. Hurler-A 'allacli
Tiike Sti-aiirht Sots.
New IbK-itt'l.i.i . V V.. .1 22- -Miss
.Marie Wiener, th- New Vnrk State
..... 1, .. . ii- .ti.. .1. r...
einnipcin . .Hi1 i..M.-r-. mm 11, iiirii'rr.
Wagner triumphed on- Mis lleli ne
' Pollock at fi- 3. fi -. Miss Hernhard dls
' pused of Ml I'.lsi Kahn at fi 3. ! 3.
land Mr. Wall.nii .limln.iled Miss Hrssle ,
1 Holdeii at tf -1. ti - n
; The women 'start, d their matches ,
.irly In the ila and heme gut thrmiga 1
them on schedult Tihe men, howoier, '
were not so foitimate, for about the
time that all of the courts should have '
been o.-1'Upltd a downpour of rain turned
the plnilng surfaces Into miniature
ikes Th- summaries :
(,'nakir It Ukc .'h.iinpleiishlp Worn, n's '
Singes Kir-- lion id Xli-. Hoi,l V le-er
rtt f iied Xlrs 11 ,tena. fi - 1 i 2.
Sc. otid Hound .Miss Viorsnc Hallln de
fested Miss 1" F Hrongan. 61. --n Miss
H..,eii HerrhirJ .lfe-ate.l r. Ilsrh.iri
iarirh.iri. 1- 3. C - 3. Mis H-s.l. HoUlen .
riefeated Mr- T Tuppcr. fi- t. 2
Third Hound- Ml-s Hernhard ilefjtd !
.Miss K'-,t Kahn, 3. --J, Xtr Hsrcrr- I
Wallnch ili-r.-nted M'.s. II.-. I- Mo'.dcn.
-3. fi--o. Miss xi trie Wagner defeated'
Xll.s Helene Pnlloek, fi 5. .'
Men's fingles. Second Hound II I.
It.iwuaii ion from U Schl- ln-r bj d--f
Tl.lr.l ItAiin,! II 1. n,.itiRM i fn f.rtm
XI n.il.Hnnft by default. A Ii llmititl 1
(h feated It B. Itogers. -t. fi -3
1 rourtn iiniinu a i iiammeii iiireutert
' fifth Hound K .1 Fix man defeated J
Cninim. --4. J- fi. .
1 Men's Douhles. rirst Ho-ind -llrtcxs and
psrtner won from Konlxer snd .lone by
Second llouiid -Hartmsnrt nnd Grnes
heck defeated Trutie.- and creislnon. s J.
s I. HrHiiger and i'Hrlen won from
Hrlgis and partner by default.
Behind the Car
E. I. Idii'iit'il ii'tor in Oni' of
TIh'iii. Hi'lVa.iiiir Tiillanl in
Slraiiilil Suls.
Moi'NTii.v Station', N. .1.. June 22.
Haiti held up Hie liiiini.iiin lit for tho
Middle Stutos lawn t " n 1 1 1 rt ehaiiiplonhii
at the oi.ingc I,.iivii Tenuis t'Uli here
lo-day. 'Hie slioiiirH had belli threat
enlug all day, but did not ntrive t.iti
0 o'clock, Jut tile time when lnot of
Ihc eompelltors Ind arrlnd n the
courts for thilr initchis Thus Instead
of getting tin men's singles nnd doubles,
pretty will mil ihe loiiiney wis left In
a rut, for onlj lx matches w.re com.
pletcd ivVn the rain siarled.
15. P. l.an.ed pla.ied some more prettx
lentils olid dlpoed of the veteran Hugh
Talbint In Mr.ilght sets at fi2. ti 4 In
the third round The feature of the
meagre d.t, lmu ever, was tin. easy sfyli
lu which Henry W. Italrli xati'initlied C
F Watson, Jr.. in the third round
Halch had the lend at - I. o 0 when
tlio rain came, nod Watson defaulted
lather than hold the finish of the sec
'id set over until to-morrow-.
I.li.iWay riiitihntn and Hxrol.1 A
Tiirnc iroi'ton wele on the lb, id set of
1 1C r mate', when the bid to quit
Kunhnm b-ul tnlyn the flrl t at
'. -4 and wa Itudipg 111 Ihe thud at
3-2 and n--1u Tornckiinirton won
the second -et at fi-. 3. The worn-n'.i
singles will begin to-morrow Tlie tnim-
Ml llles :
Middle Stsl-s .'bslnplni-lllp Mln's Silt.
glee, yei.n.l UoiiihI -ll.'in) It 1 .It d
fe'ited Sinntry .l.iiu. s -I. fi I, IVnlter 1
Pule d.-fcill.d W M Vllt'OiI.ei, I '
Third tint ltd 11 W llilcb d"f1 fd '
F. WRtson. Jr. fi -1. ..-0. default. B P
I.irncd ilefete.1 HiikIi Ti'.Uiii. ?, f- 4
it. A. 1.. HP. mm won from 11 fi. Tolsnd bj
default. I.lii. 1s.it tiiinlmin ts Hn'fi'd A
Throi kinoiiun, I, 3- . 3-2, and in. 30
iiunipl.'iililr Hoiible. First flMind R
f Vafi llet and II. 1 ' Vail (let, .te, -toll
from lliifch Fuming nd r'rins.'ii Xls'nney
hv def-tn1! William A l.srned and K. P
l.trneil it. in from I: I-'. Ilenn-f and pirt
ci-r hi il.-rii.lll. II 11 Mi md Laurence
11 IN oo.ll.int nun rum lir Wlllim Hosen
Latin ..no parinirbv d. f a ii' Jr. 1 . 1 rtike
.nd W P 1 inipi-.-i defeiie.l . V Pi ITIST
n I I. W Km .X l I 1 I. Il ( "".per
Slid V HI) dif. at.. I 1 I- Wli ien Slid II.
i- .-it : uifer. 4 fi, 1.- I. C- h
Illineitdorf nttd Intersil Venrllnaa
tin I nder llniunier.
-'otne of the, host American skies wl1
be reptesented In the sale of th, F.lmen
dorf tnd i:ierlie xearllng which wll'
be conducted In the l'owers-Hlintr
i'ntiipan at Shecpshesd Hay ns.xt Mon
day. Thue always Is a demand for r It
stork put on the market by these stud
farm and the report Is that a fine lot
of youngsters ! to be found In the pres
ent shipment
The yearling! to be sold .te by such
well known stallions a Hsllot, Star
Shoot, WntetcitM, Waterbos, Star
Hiiby, lllorlo, George Ketrler, lt,
Oloiirler. lleno and Trap Rock.
Hie SiKn ol
Mechanical Excellenc
ilic World Over

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