Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. 1 1F '1 31 N Ml 'I. f, t.Vt Fle NEW COURT SYSTEM INITIATES REFORMS STnprlstrntos Got Adilltionnl Power. Wliioh Will K.vpciiitc Trinls of Cnses. The Inauguration of a olncle ayj-.tem tof MnRlxtrntcH courts, with William Mo Adtio. Chief M.iKlRtr.ile, In rlinrite, will tak place next Thurwl.iy. Thlrty-elRht j MiiRlRtratCH, twenty-plght courts nml COO offlclnls will be nffertpil. Tho rhnnse wan provided fur In 11 Inw on nctotl by the Innt lA-Klnlalurr. Not the least Important of tho chatiRf which will result will he the sparing of hundreds of Innocent men from tho dls KTitco of Rolnt; to prison for lack of ball money. The Mnclntrates will have au thority to dlrpo?o of thousands of cases nnnunlly which hitherto have been hold over for hearing In Special Ses sions. Hitherto the Magistrates havo been unable to make final disposal of accused persons charged with misdemeanors, but have held for the Courts of Bperlnl Ses sions men accused of such comparatively trlval offences as mixing garbage with nslics nnd using expired fltrwt rail way transfers. An average of nearly SOD persons too poor to furnish bond have pone to Jail for from threo to twenty-one ilayn In tho year, only to be ni-iiultted when finally their casrs camo to trial. I'nder the new system the Magistrates may constitute themselves Courts of Special Sessions to hear such cases and also nlleged misdemeanors In connection with frauds on hotels, violations of highway, labor and tenement house laws, laws concerning nnlmals and other offences punishable by fines not exceed ing $100, by Imprisonment not exceed ing sixty days, or by both fine and Im prisonment. Tho establishment of a special court to be known an the Magistrates' Term nlso Is promised. Here will bo heaid all cases affecting the city departments, violations of the building code, the tene ment house regulations nnd labor ami factory laws. Hy assigning Judges morn or less permanently to this work It Is hoped to develop n specialized knowledge of tho laws and regulations of the municipal departments. Heads of departments ns well ns lawyers and clients, will he spared the annoyance nnd Inconvenience of having to appear In any one of a score of different courts In various parts of tho city. Though the actual organization of the Municipal Term will not be completed for n few months tho Magistrates will have Juris diction at onco In nil cases which the new court Is to handle ultimately. This union of tho Magistrates' courts of the several boroughs means also k (Ingle system of linger print record for nit tho boroughs, making It Impossible for miscreants to poso ns first offenders by transferring their operations from l one borough to another. Also there will bo only one pronation system, with u single system of records for the en tire city. With tho reorganization, too, the Children's Court wilt cense to be n sub sidiary part of the Court of Special Ses rlons and will he come a distinct division, with Its own boaid of tlve Judges and lis own probation system nnd records. Mayor Mltchcl has appointed these Judges, mi follows: Franklin C. Hoyt, John II. Mayo, Robert .1. Wilkin. Mor gan M. I.. Itynn and Cornelius V. Col lins. Justice Hoyt will be designated ns Presiding Justice. As one result or the new nrningement children be entirely separated from hnrdened crim inals. The new law was enacted as a ro suit of the efforts of the committee on criminal courts of the Charity Organlza- I tlon Society. THE REAL AUTOMOBILE HIGHWAY I'... JLEBSSSl . - fell1' - P ,; " i" ji The Adirondacks, Lake George, the Berkshires Kun your car on the steamship and you'll really enjoy the trip. No dust, no dirt, no bad roads to bother. Luxuriously appointed "steamships, suites de luxe with private baths, ballrooms. Music. " "the Mark All.. -II TI.I..,'. I n.-,-. . ... . . .. .. Of Scnlcr." ikvi-ii. simrjjieii of, ri-vpic a una .ipir nxpreu hi net. THE LARGEST RIVER STEAMSHIPS IN THE WORLD NEW YORK ALBANY TROY Dally Service Pepte' I.lne IH. H. IlKHKMIllli: and V. V) MORSK) Xcn "Might l.xpreaa" . . Capital t'ttr I.lne . pa hps t ri:on.KS and xhhit rci'in:ss. i on 6'xi: way - Leave Tier 33 .V. It. W. 133d m. 6:00 I'. M. Ot.lll ! M. .. . . 11:11(11'. M. lo:ooi' M. r.i.'io r st. o:o l'. M. n r.o iioi'.mi iiur lei fsprwc ikod .. i i.i.ii., II mi ,; mi Tel Mprl "THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE" Short Ocean Trips On finest coastwise steamers in the world, with direct connections to all fur.oji uccrU of the Southwest and Pacifi: Ccatl. 5 to 21 DAYS Attractive vacation voyages at $32 to $S0.00, including mcali and sleeping acccmniodatiom on steamers. Don't decide before visiting CLYDE-MALLORY LINES Pier an. North ItUer, Mew TorU City Tkt, OBIccs. 100 & M flroadway. N. Y TOCRS. Me Golden t WEST COME To tlie Races Poughkeepsie-Next Monday S. S. "Adirondack" SIIELTEIIKO IIKCKS. UPI'UU-llIX'K CAKE, DINNER A La CAIVTE. I.IUVI'.S PIKIt .12 M R... BI.10A.M. i.iuvKsn la-jit sr rn.ti .. ioiooa ji, MAKES STOPS AT POIKjIIICEEPHIE IICrOItK AND AKTTn RACE RKTURM.VU TO NEW YORK U.hT RACE. ROUND TRIP (,",,,d1tna11VcctcSvlrw,) $1.00 i'iio.m: si'RiNi-tuo. "When You Travel, Travel Right!" Eastern Steamship Lines All-ihe- Wayby- Water SEE AMERICA and Her Wonderful Vacation Lands Now Ideal Summer Routes: METROPOLITAN LINE: Direct between New York nnd Boston. MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE: Direct between New York and Port Innd. BOSTON A PORTLAND LINEi Direct between the two cities. KENNEBEC LINEi IJotwccn Boston nnd Kennebec River. points, nlso the Bath nnd Boothbny sections. BANGOR LINEi Between Boston and points on the Penobscot Bay and Rivor, nl.o the Mt. Desert nnd Blue Hill sections. MARITIME PROVINCES of CANADA INTERNATIONAL LINEi Direct nnd Coastwise service between Boston and St. John, N. B. ! YARMOUTH LINE: (Boston & Yarmouth S. S. Co., Ltd.) direct between Hoston nnU Yarmouth, N. Through tickets to all points. Baggage checked through. Fares Lower Than by Rail 35 Steamers IS Routes 80 Landings Write today for Descriptive Folder Tickets and Information at Piers 18 and tg. N. R. (loot Murray St.), also at all Tourist and N. Y. Transfer Co. Offices, or address Passenger Traffic Department, Pier ig, N, R New York. To Boston Fall River Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, dally, 5i30 P. M. Steameri Commonwealth and Priscllln. Orchestra on each. Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, dally except Sunday, G:00 P. M. Steamers Providence and Plymouth. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have Outside Ventilation and Are Always Cool and Comfortable. Other Long Island Sound Routes M'.w iir.iirniii mm. In cm llrdford ami Nn miner rcnrt on lliirrant H. tc t oil nnd Mar thn Vlnryard and .Nanturltrt Ntr. MAIM', nnd M'.W IIAMI'NIIIIIi:. I'lrr 40, N. It., fool nr lint-Vim SI.. nrrk da.rnnlr. OMMI l. M. iutiiKii:iMiitT mm: l.r. Tier SH. I"ni Hirer. tI dor. .1100 I'. M. I.rnr I'lrr 70. I:. II.. Innl 3Vd St.. nprk ilr. .It I. I'. !.. Mundajt 4:1.1 1'. M. Str. 1 K. Ticket, MtBternnnM ml Information R nlo m S Y Trannfrr Odlro, M'.W I.O.MIO.X MM-: In New Ixindnn, Watrh Hill and Itlock land. l.r. I'lrr 40. .". II., fnol llnaston St.. nrrk dnr. r.i.'IO I". M.I I'lfr 70, i:. It., fool i;. 'J2d St.. Oido p. M. fltr. l.imt:U. and (.-IIAI'IN, m:w haven mm: Tn lint en. Hart ford. Nprln field. I.i , I'lrr 2rt, I:. II., near t'alharlne HI., nrrk riarit. Vl4r. I'. M.. Sundar. fli.10 A. M. I.v. I'lrr "O, I-:. II.. foot Katt 2 2d St., nrrk iny: .'Iiflll I'. M Snndaji, 1(1:0(1 A. M. SIT. ItlCIIAItll n.CK. t l"l Ilnudwaf, nenr Cortlandt Street! Tourist Ortlce and ft Tiers. The New England Steamship Co. 118 Raymond -Whitcomb Tours Luxurious train service, best hotels, side trips by automobile. Parties limited in numbers. AH the freedom of independent travel without the worry of arrangements. Splendid choice of routes including Alaska Two-Expositions Panama Yellowstone Grand Canyon Crater Lake Yosemite Canadian Rockies Departures July 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and later. Prices $435 and up. Popular tours at lower prices. SHORT SUMMER TOURS One to threo vreeks duration, including White Moun tains, Great Lakes, Muskoka, Niagara Falls, 1000 Is lands, Quebec, Saguenay River, Maritime Provinces, Gettysburg, Virginia and Bermuda. Ala Toura to Japan and Round tha World Stnd fmr bhUt dmihai 225 FIFTH AVENUE WTTTVI 111 HlkillJ. F i III J III J BY THE .1ARS1 m SYSTEM A unrein! train of D Luxe equipment diner, onse rv.illim, coniptrtmenl tur, etc, (pe.-onalI eonOucted liy up) cirrylni! lending buslnep nnd prof-lnnil men and tlielr famllte, will leae July for a won rtfrful Tour Mlth expenoi IncljJr.l. A very few more em t.e accommodated In compartment or Mftndard I'tiltmun. A remark tide oppor tunity 'o m.iko the California tour In an environment of ronpenlal people. VU Amorlcun and Canud'.an ltockie. Coast of callfo'iili, a full week In Sin Kranelieo. Wlnnipes, St. Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago, (Send for Itinerary II.) OL'lt 3IIK.-.1 JI.MKIt KI'IU'IAI .tt(J. t!. for a Hon lerful 30 d ij' tout uf the Amerl- an cont nnt li filling rapl lly. ism.l fur Itinerary K ) INDKITIIKNT TDfltS By the Marter eynteni for Individual travel, In'IudlnB all expena Pullman, hoteia, fli'htnei'lr.s tide trlpi, &c. IJc parturoa ddlly. i)Tin:it Toms u.vnr.u escokt June '.', Auirunt 3, Sept. 7 (33 dava), -ta Coiorailo. Vellowetnne Park, ('nan He eorte, llxpoxltlnni, C.inaUlan Itocklci, e, .IuIt :t, Aiin. 7 Sept. It C) Uavs). via I'nlorau i. tir.ind Pan-'nn, f'oaet Ite.ortu, Hxpt.l n. fanndlaii HocldeH. &e M.' iiTiinn i'i:ci.i. train ami rii ai n 1'Ul l'Alilli:.-. IN .11 I.V AND Al til ST. Fen I for "Aero America," th' Hook I. a H.ile tha Problem of Your Impo sition Tour. GEORGE E. MARSTERS, Inc. Phone 9737 Mdlson Square. KMC ll'nuy (ut .Hat M,), V. City, IDEAL VACATION TRIPS To and From CALIFORNIA Via PANAMA CANAL Lnrfic American Trans-Atlantic Liners FINLAND AM KROONLAND .Up the Hudson Fvan tvemng DANCING S. S. "MANDALAY" Iaj Pier W. 151 Ht.o,U".e..t)P, it. I'arel (Weather Permitting) On .Sunday l.venlnit ulll alio leave llattrry Pl-r7.)P M. Iti'turnlnetoW.lsiKt.only Tel. Pier .Morn, isoi or Ilmad I7a-mi. FOURTH OF JULYHsrvD ATTRACTIVF. SHORT SEA TRIP via OLD DOMINION LINE Combining the delights of a bracing ocean voyage with a pleasant Wi days' stay ashoro at the famous HOTEL CHAM BERLIN. New York to Old Point Comfort and Return $20' BHHmlletuf altvratrr trael M'A UlltK JULY 8 JULY 31 AUG. 21 SA V I HAM IS JULY 10 JULY 30 AUG. 24 HARTFORD LINE Trom Xrw Tier 30. Bait Itlver. foot ot Peelt Slip, dally except Sun lay, at ti P. U. forCnnner. I ilcut lllvi r lanillnci. Write lor Summer folder. CALIFORNIA AND THE EXPOSITIONS Special Train Tours with escort on full V enuinne.1 Plll!mn Irnin. f .rmfn.K ably limited capacity leave July 3. 10, 31, via -irana wanvon ana t alilornta Kesorl, returning via Colorado KockitJ. July 10 rnd 31 tours include also YcllowMone Park. Fully inclusive fares, (Ifjr and with Pullmans, Motels, pliD up Meals, etcv Early decision necessary to secure places. liiura He i (,rand Canyon luiveJulj :i and wieklj then alter The iet In pl''a!ure trnel Iraiel llt ',ri. onlj , at Inwent fairs ,y all routi-1, with nr without Mutch, PulliMiini. rte , in di-klnd. JAPAN Spcdal Toufsfof Ktnpcror'H Jnl HII Coronation in November THOS. COOK &. SON ' lift.!, Ave ((or Mil ;t vi.??. i',.r'"".,.w .." "-'1 i'l ! .ii.n. . -i'nion are Kir. fflli.nVn-.r:r,i,ut:; riltr CAI1IV. SI2.-. and up, in n:nMi;niA'n:, aoo ami m. Includlne mealt and berth, llet f ctitilne nnd aenlrr. -l .XIIIIL'Tt OMIIINA1 KJN 1 idl'iS ivn;i: iidi'ih ONI-'. vtv If t'O 'lllll lt VA MANAMA PACIFIC UHlVW VtV. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y. Liverpool. Pier 62. N. R.. Noon 1 riilla lelii'il.i, .lulj :i st, Ijnl .liilv Hi White Star Line I N. Y. Liverpool, Pier 60, N.R., Noon I Adriatic June 30II.apland .lol.vT Azores Gibraltar N.iples Genos 'I'retlr .Inlv Id A.M. ranoplr Autr. .1 OI I'K i:,o ll'AV. 1. lel.llllllll Itntii,-. CUNARD Established 1840 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Saxonia . . Sat., July 3. 10 AM Orduiia . . Sat.. July 17, 10 AM i Tuscania . . Fri., July 23, 5 PM j Saxonia . . Sat., July 31. 10 AM ROUND THE WORLD TOURS 1 IhrouBh liooklnsn tu all principal Porti nf the V.orld. i oh rAM'soiFiri OCEAN Trip AVACATION CN THEWATER Cool, restful and refreshing. A bracing journey on luxur ious steamers with a glimpse of a "foreign land" that adds relish to any tour. C Days at Sea; 4 Days on Shore $95-00 Covering Ail CioeniM for Trip IncluUina Hotels, Etc. Nrw York to Havana and Return Writtfaf Information an J neur illusttakJ tvokkt dcxtlbtni Ihlt Jtltthtful trip. WARD LINE New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co. -ne-al OffVe, Pier 14, C R.. New York niitorlo Tidewater Ylrflola Incluillng nil eiuemenafloat A aihore Kvcrj- cek dav at H r. M. From Pier 24. S. It.. New York. Baud for Illustrated pamphlet No. 1, I'hnne MY) Hranklln. IT. I.. WOOIIIIOW, .1. .1. IIItOWN, Tramc Manuirr Ofn'l Pajj Atent Here's a Cool Trip! Where crisp sea breezes bring rest, health, relaxation SUPERIOR SERVICE and LOW PARES to SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE MACON AUGUSTA ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY and all othar Southern Point consult akv TlCXtT or tourist acint ok LItaratura and WJ&T'mu- fgrtgattdtaiiiHrWi ItlXIIlT'-. MM.MKU ItKSOItTS. Vacation Sport and Rest Cape Cod A land where you'll spend healthy, joyous, comfortable summers and enjoy continuous ,FR O SCABflNAVIAN' msm tn ica .... Wfl iviiiesnorthof Scollnnd. Dully Connection, with Ml t'.iro , "n ("lev Frill l.i. ,n !( tint (.. .ini.'Vr; A.aCJaju 41 CUa.U. I Him.K.1, ENCH LINE Coin; aiinle (lenrral - Trini(an(iue IMISI AI. St:ii It l' Sailings for BORDEAUX .4NtiteSt...V,v. i -w.ww 'ui, J or. i vi. JiO.-AUNE. July 10,3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU. . ..July 17, 3P.M. NIAGARA July 24, 3 P.M. TOIt I.NTOItMATIO.N Al'I'LY GJMPAHY S 6FF1CE iLhnVr,r.v,y,-,. ' Til California Ktpiiiltlnna See Jamaica, lluwiini, I'linuina I'anal en route. Send for! i booklet. I'nlted rmlt ('onipan), 17 lattery I I'lai e, N. V, IS.I'ar, All Kiitrnaa Northern t'rulu. I0, free lied Cro I.lne, New Vork go to numtwiiA hv -s. s. hkiimudian Booklets g HEBEC B. S.CO.; hi U " wiir, K.Y cean oreezes Sea beauty and picturesquenets greet you on every hand. Ideal, motor-boating, yachting, automobiiing a golfers' paradise. Children Thrive Here For Illustrated liooklctj "Quaint Cape Cod" or "Buzzards Bay" AddrosVacation Bureau 171 Drondway, Iloom 307, New York, N. Y. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad New England Steamship Co. "The Public De Pleased" Colonial Line Boston, Providence AND ALL NEW ENGLAND SUMMER RESORTS - m Jb ; . 6 r.. BOSTON, $2.80 PROVIDENCE, Direct $1.75 Round Trip $5.40 Round Trip $3.30 First Class Service, entering to the best people; Palatial Steamers; Excellent Cuisine; Clean, Comfortable Staterooms (nil outside rooms, $1.00 to $3.00); Wireless Equipment. Write for booklet. Leate Weekday and Sunday, at flt.tO P. M. from Pter .TO. X. It,, loot Wnt tloaaton Street. I'hvne Spring Mill 1-0 Mr.', t'ptnnn Offlrr, llrnailnaj anil s.lil Street INTERCOUKutejh T-i ia am S. S. "MANDALAY" ,UNEa"' ROUND TRIP tlDWt Obaerratlon Stei r Tbem All, Cafe, Ktsvrmai, Bods Fountain. i il l ill ' SPECIAL DANCING FEATURES. Inliii; ll.tljirr D..V). V. lfllAt Kt man A i Tlcketj tJralted. Adrtnee Pale at 11? Brnadiwj. Tel Mrwd 1TM or SMS. Kernlar Aftenvnn an. I Brentnc Trlna m the llmlaon, hfl'ile in Ix'lr l'-ra SUNDAY TRIPS FALL RIVER LINE MANAGEMENT STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL TO BRIDGEPORT Leave Pier 40. ff. It , ft. Houston St.. 1(HM A. M.. I'ler 1 1. X. It., ft. rulton St., in IS A M. Due nrWcrport :,15 P. M llet. leave llrldceport 5J 1 M.: due x Y , oi P M. Mule, Hefreshmenti. Tickets, Jl ou; children, Co cents. STEAMER RICHARD PECK TO NEW HAVEN Leave Pier It, n It.. B 30 A, M. foot Kan Kd St.. 10.) A. M : due Xew Haven 3) P M Hetum. due X Y. UnO P At. Tn houts In Xiw Haven Minlo, HefresS tnents Tickets, ll.oi; children. Si) cents, Tickets, sales limited to half the capacity on sale at Piers only on day nf excursions CONEY ISLAND i.r.wr. wr.sT i'.'htii srni'r.i i n n, !i tn, li:to. ii :i A ,l . i: .m, i is. : on .145, 1 :i.1u, 115. .MS. nan, T 31. a 15. 111 p M 1 i.r.w : 11:11 1. miii 1 11 1: 1 v i:u 15, in ill, II ISA l . IS IS, 1 IS, -Jfl.2 5,3S0. I 15. Sll. I! ut, li in, 7 13, S. II m, '1 Jtl P 1 1:. Mi;i;ri.i:ciir. ihski I -ii to A m . r.'.2s. 1 '.'s. J'.'S, :i 10. as:.. i ss, .I;:,, , C 1", " HI. " .VI, a.'-'S, 11.2.1, llllm, II) ii P M I Trip marki'il dues not ki In I'.'tlth St. , 1 Trip murkril lines nut stop ut I'ler I.X.It. Deep Sea Fishing Str. "Taurus" , uaiiv at e . Jl. rrnut i'ler 1. x n.. II.M.V I Merkilai i ;.1rrnl. Mtnilnt ,1 llollilut sa I. Rockaway Beach I "GRAND REPUBLIC" 1 I and extra IHI sll'.VMIIOVI . i.v Ynnkers :I5 A. M., H, I'.'tlth Sf.,tino.O m 1 t., I ISP M I'ler l,.,lt li IS. IDV'ilA M , i '..III' M . Knrkawii), IS M , U' fat. 5 o I, n isi P M llminil I rip tickets r.(K. nllilrin '.'.i Pull Time Tallica arc mi Insldn ut front or oacli coer nf l ei Dlicctorles V Hector aj;' I Up the Hudson By Daylight All Sen ten Ilallr Klcept Snndar Direct Hall Connections to all polntj In the Catskllls Rxratoea, the AdtronaacK J, the West and .North, Mttslo, Itcstaurant. letiroies St., H;i0 A, M,: V. 43d Rt.. 0 A. St.; V. llllth St . 0:M A. M.; Yonkcra. h 4S A, M , lauillns at West Point, Xow. ti'trirh. Potuhkeepsto, Klnntoa Point, Latsltlll. Hudson and Albany. Also lleshrnssea St., o 40: W. 4Jd St., 10. W. liath tit.. 10 30: YonUere. 10:50 A. M for Hear Mountain, West Point. Cornwall. Xrwhursh and Pouchkcepsle All throush rati tickets between XewvorV and Albany arceiitt'd. One liar Ontlna-s tn roufhkeepite, NrHlinrch. nr West I'ntnt. titr Hiiitl'.ltl ri i.ton" will run as a 1111 I It ,(': SI'M'IAI, to tho IX. n:ii iti.ixcivri: iuckh, at Pmich- keepjlc. June 3!. leavlrc Dethrosaea St., 10.15, west t:d Kt . 11-00; Weit 139th St.. 11 ?ti A M Afternoon Boat for West Point, Nrulancli. Poughkeepile, Klncvtoli nnd way latnllnirs, leaves be. Iiros-w-s Ht , I IS P St W I3d Mt . 2 P M ! Wcs; imth ut, 2 2) P Jl Dally except tiunday Ideal outinf tn West Point, rc turnlnit hy Ktr "1I.H4..NV" lx Pier Tel 41 It fiprtna;, X Y. via lloat anil Teollev. l?.r.v Wore eater, f.'.D0; Pros lilem illrei I, fl.SO ST.VTKIIOIIMei, SI. 01). SI. .Ml nml K'i.nn, Hall, liiclitilliiK Mimlai, 5:",() I'. M. Front Pur 13, K II 'Phone '.Tin Itoekman City Ttcli.t Olftii. no Itro.iiUav X Y Uptown Tieti-t (""Ice r.'nv "nl '.Id Witte for lllusti-ated Till V r VtlXKDllH ,X M'NDAV.H SteelStr. "HIGHLANDER" l.a IHttery '.its, W 2J ht u. .-, iy u st, in Vi, IVH St iu.l l, Weekdays only), YoiiI.its II in A M susm ki i.ii it nixxrit 50 CTS, STR. NEWBURGH s'"1SnAnd l.vs 4';. w '3'J ht in 40 A, M. I' i," i I rip, i rkiluya. r.ic Children, 3Sc hunu ivs A llollil.its "Sc. Children, Mo .ll'AM.IMIIIttl'll'rt'O re I HroadUSS ROCKAWAY BEACH STIt.s. IttlsKliAl.i: ,xn riMHKIA"" Tn-ila (aiinihl) ) illl Iruio ' West IJ'JIll St . s 3'). I 30. . 3n. West Tt'tli ft , a is. ;i J. I ' Wist 33rd SI !i 1 tn I ,. -J in 1 Hatter) I'ler. :i:4.'., l.i:,, a -On 1 Itnckaway h, 11 .1". 1. 3(1, 00, C Oil i:c.Tktn 50c llrir trips beiin S.n , .lull 3 I III.4ICK ISLAM), OltlLNT, fillKKNI'dllT, MICI.TI.It 1-1, AND AMI MAC II AKIKHt, Sir "Shlnneiock" of Mimtnuk ftteainlmat I Ch.'b I.lne leuven X. V, Pier ft .14th st i: It . Tites. an 1 Thura., 5 3D P M , , 1:00 P. M. in nans itii:it n xitiiir MANHATTAN LINE $1.00 TO ALBANY Minion s,-rlie u lu Curie. I'lllttHI.H 'll('IU:iS AMI ItVlillAHR ciii:(m:ii to i,i. phis in. lllla Hiul HlltkCa ill l.nvt Itilte. Sleliner. I. ,iitv I'l. t !t( Nurth Ttlrer, foot lloiiatin St 6 .10 P M West si tft r. V M T enlion. ? ? it Snrtng HOTr.t.l AXP KKSTAI ItANTs, HOTEL BELLECLAIRE NEW YORK Broadway at 77th lUnhu o till!! SI.) Asrar from the noise and dust nf I)er llrnarivtny. '"' ' ( sleep romlortal'ly and In an rn vlrnnment ot rerlned people Itonms laree nnd cool, many of them ovcnooklnir the. Hudson Itlver. Ten to IS decrees cooler than tloamoati. Tin mlniites ride from tun tneatrc aim rnoi plne district Prices tier liar are1. I nerson. 2)1. ith hath 2 nerannw. till), tilth hath 1 nr two persons, and upwraril for atttinc rnnin pedrnont and nam, Hnhert II. Illarkittan Prince George Hotel rirnt a v. axo mit st. One of tho host nppolntod HoteU and n-Btnurnnt in towti; Krand rover for ladles and uentlcmen tiuwly added on ground floor. R00 bedrooms nil with bath. Special rats for Perroinpnt (Juostg. OEOHOE H. NKWTON, MnnaKer, Kormorly of Fifth Avntiiii! Hotul. AIIOTEL f aa lberT llth St. & t'nlverslty Placs. Ono block west of U'way. Thoroughly Modern and Fireproof, RATES $1 AND UP Verr convenient for permanent and tranHsat runts ho desire quarters below 23d at Excellent Restaurant and Cafe, MOllKRATi: I'IIIC1'.S. Special Kates for Permanent (laeitt. ML'SICAU NEW YORK GERMAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 10 to 101 MADISOX AV NEAIl 45D ST, Directors, Carl Ilrln, Attctist I'raerackt LEADING SCHOOL or Ml'SIC. At Lowest Hates. Terms S 10 Per Quarter Ua. SKXII rK CATAI.tHH K. Harmony, Orch. Lectures, Concerts, Fr DIRECTORY OF NEWYORK'S LEADING VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL INSTRUCTORS Wl LH . AUGSTEI N VtMaT Kouryearsaasts'ttolate Prank Klne I lark, Studio Metrotiolltan Op. Iliiuse. 14 II s HJMXESS CHANCES. DETDCTIVKS InvestJKatlons n ln Hal: reliable results obtained lesta' t 1896), CHAHLKS SOHXHIDHIt . I WANTED Hookkeeper and nt'l ager. youna; or middle aped man th.000; butlneas estaMIslieii j; i. chance for right man, 11 I,. U offlce. WAXTED I.lva mall order propositions. HUPXHrHI.t) Slo-I. CO, 431S Sullivan Ae, St HEi.r vA.Mi:i. -.M.M.r 1 Wlf.l, PAY any hnnr! mm up monthly for part of fpare time n- vaMlnsT, no capital, write to m HIE.S. Desk; lil, Omaha, Xehr SA.l,nsitnX Six tsanted for Jui outside of Xc,w York. JIS to 1220 m ly, we pay every Thursday, no earn, rt no selllne or collecting, Imply deterr. tlon to werk. euch full lnstrtiettnt.i. success la nssurid. Write and sei ure tn r I did Income. 11 O .IOXES. Serretir. ( sehstlnn Huiicr.ntr. uayton. Ohio WAXTDD An lda' Who can think of some simple thlnR to patent Protect voar Ideas, they may brine you wealth w-!!s for "Needed Inventions" and "Hot to (let Your Patent." HANDOM'H . CO, V? 404, Washlnitton, D. C. WAXTKD Hooklieeper and ofSce mn apar. younR or middle aged man. tn tr.iMt ft. 000; business established 35 vears rsr chance for right man. It I., box lei Pun office. IS to 110 A DAY easily made, roopsrits with us: no capital or experience necss. aary; write nt once J. J COWBI.!., Seneca. St. D-45, Weelsport. X Y It A DAY vastly made, we have a p-o po sition that will tnterest you b!t profits: poaltlv necessity, write THE O & K. JPPPI.Y CO., Hox 9J, Ilrldirepor.. Cor.n 190 JtOXTIII.Y and expenses to travit, distribute samples and take orders or ap point aitents, permanent J r-AMnrtICAN' CO.. Chlcnro AUEXTH WANTED. AX3EXTS to sell Automolil.e Glare Sh'.tlds; every drtver needs one f.s- se'ler, fclr profits. OllESCnXT iXMPXY O'a tonnn, Mtnn tl.000 I'EHtAX PEU COVXTY--Strancs Invention startles worM. area's amard; ten Inexperienced men d'vtle Jto.POO, Kf atad. a farmer, did tn 14 dai. Schleicher, a minister, fi- flrjt l: hou'i. tl.?0"5 cold eufh rntde. pall, bankei Stone-man In 30 ilns, II.' " o t ie a he or cold running water bitlt i i p'nent fs any home at oniv ffi ee.' ti .. it plumblnir or waterworks ren,.!'-"! ' Kate, exclusive saie; crettt K"-en, srnl nt monev. write letter or pi a' Af.I.KX Ml-M. CO. 417: n r l. Toledo, Ohio SITUATIONS WAX I' Kll I'F.M I.K. HOrSEWOHKKHS--CV.nred. eevera rest flrls, experlert' cd. coo refere' e outrltly Inveittpated, w tnt p . Southern he.p furtilshe 1 I. IN '1 Hl'STniAI, iJXOHAXiir. (An 1. ' t w tth. Phone JO:: I'n.U' 1 i' 'iel 1S9S SlTfATIHNS H.tMllll IIE. OFFICE PLKHK wants p slt'on lr. M Ins: houso. 31 yers of nue ti che-t e tlon; thoroughly experlen e in ' work: quick at tlffures, kn, e ipe llsh German and Huncnrtan references at hand. Letter un it 1' Jlox ;'10, Paseale, N J YOUNG MAX anxious for work rera useful, private fsmllv. suburbs er pntctlca: know-led):0 walnn. as. ) cows, rarilen. ntitom e t tons. consider penmin n- p ' ' llallt cotnrd Southerne' s'n rt pe - references mn.terut w ir -s .lolt enro of llnrv. 3"l W Th st gV.'I'saVf iiTJ.UI. I W,f IIAII.T AMI NIlXtlAT Tit ITS TO Interstate Park Landings (Al.tlXti Till! I'AI.ISAHICSI. HTIt, kINliSTON Leaves W. 12t)th St at 10 A, M.. 3 A iP, II, Fare as ctt. ltouo4 XlU. Sight-Seeing Yachts l.K, nativrj P.!1 1 1., . jj 'lit. llrojj Ji . lo.1A.Mllf IIOOKaii.lllieOCIlA.N liaor.U SIGHT SEEINC YAGHT CLIFTON l.v. It, W. 43d Ut., 10:30 and 3,10 every i day. Music. Lecturer, Tel. Bryant Itll, BRANCH OFFICBS DAILY:: SUNDAY:: t3'A7A ADVBRTISEMESTS tad sn ' teas soar aV feff M roes sfrtai, wktn ( rates are th saase assess chtrjtd Ml or In eltkt. Xew Tork ( Hi Wall Street mn may leave subscriptions and advertisements at the Wall Sin e t I'tTlce, So tltnsd Street Telephone ' l'kman l.wv llroad way. near 37th Sltcet M esl i:4ia Street. Itrooklm 100 I.lTlnrstnn Street near Court Street lloitnru Mass.. ftonm yi Olohe Inilllloj, Washlnetnn Strrrl T I Harrlsoo fblcato. III, Knlll Chamberlain 1, ims Peoples Ui-s lfiU.Ha;. Atlantic City, N. .1,- Walter R. Pdt Ixindon, Kngland-ItorUnJ Special Acency, 3 P.eceiil Street