Newspaper Page Text
Second Section BASEBALL, BOXING, RACING, TENNIS. Sporting and Automobiles GOLF, ATHLETICS, YACHTING. FOOTBALL PISTA CLIPS AUTO 1 RECORDS, WINNING j BIG CHICAGO DERBY; i Haiinii. in it roiiscot. Speeds at 97.15 Miles nn Hour, Captur iiifT $' i,.)00 in 1'rizeK. rOT.POI.ATO SKCOXD: I MAX3VKLL CAlt THIHDj risi-ii is riiir.r.o imtiiv. r('r llHier. Tlmr.. ..rr. T-l.rot. l(r.l. .. . .IMtl M.;o JriiinlVum. rinmlit. . . .910. VI lUO txiaVnril JHcKenhachr,.. ' M.M lsnntieni. (irant 5 !' J5 vtnt. K. ('.mper 8 IS ! HI."? A I llllil II I. II I MlltI. .xlllirriMii, ... !DuwnhT. Alley,. . Prime, Chrvrlrt .. rrunent, llurman . . It Srhrlni, .1. C'nnnrr.. . ii ift fl'tSM Ul.fO 3 50 10 IKI.itO CillC-lfiO, June 2. In tlio finlest ROft ,!! automobile race ever recorded, ami v.fnr- .1 crowd of 1O0.00O persons. Dnrio ujitB, a cosmopolite ot Italian iiinh nnd rrilh BjrontaKf. drove his French car, I 11. to v ctorv 11.1. afternoon at 1 fca new Speedway IMrk In Maywcod, ( The. Italian reeled off the distance at nn , image rate of 97 0 '" an "our. ,1" Cat v 5 hour 7 minutes 27 seconds. tn winning Chicago's rtrnt Interna tional automobile derby Iteata broke four world's records. His time clip : minutes Is seconds off the speed y recoril set up last mouth by Ue I'llnta In Imllanap. Hi. The Italian led from the first and wis edged out only ft few lap. In the tnt century. Ill total winnings for the air's drive were ?2I,500 and n silver JUyfleM carbureter trophy. It wan a groat day for Italy. Second slice was captured by J, Porporato, also n Italian, drlvln? an Kngllsh car, tho .'jnbeam. Ho was 3 minute 23 seconds Mtslr.d Hesta. Ills average speed was ?t miles an hour. Ills prize was I1,C00 and his time C hours 10 minutes ;0 seconds. The third prize of 15,000 was captured ij Ed Itlckenbacher In a Maxwell. Ills jyeraso speed was 95.S miles nn hour jr.d he came In four minute hchlud rorporato. Harry Grant, winner of two Vander- Wlt cun races, drove In fourth place In . Ms Sunbea.m. his average time beliiK . Mhat It lost by a poor start .ifter a quar jj.Of. miles an hour. i ter of a mile of rowing. Rice's young- Of the remaining six who lnnded in glcrn ,oo!, tno challctiKn and Incrensed ih money Karl Cooper. Oil Anderson. thl,,r ,e.ul umll oppn W4lcr showed. Tho Tom Alley. Chevrolet. Iiurman and J. i rare wa rowc,) from th one an,i a half Cooper. In tho order given, nil averaged mMo wark t0 lf tw0 ml ,iaif mlC i HKed ill excess of 90 nilles an Hour. . nwrk ,u,t low the Syracuio boat Frt.dway records of ull sorts wer f ,l0U((1 ' bittered. Every car th"tol"?''",.1" ' Pennsylvania nnd Cornelf rowed a ihe money ten of them ran j m mllo race for HUi,Htltuto varsity men it a speed In excess of the iior Id s oire(1 Corne walke(, 0 wlt!l lt :ompetltlon record of S9.S4 m les an minutes 14 seconds. There was a hour, set by Ve lUlma on .Memorm, w. InJUnflimlU. ' u in..,. " u The first "ye cars hroke the world s 5no mile recor oi n.."'leVnLiml Ilroeklatids. Kngland, b a team ot tnreo , drivers, Hirr) ..theentirem p,..i . n new no sion Grant set n nexx ny 1 xlthout pausing once nt tno ims .or uu '. .v... int li ho ran lr. " .V". . . :,T.' .u,i out of "juice uui u-. u.i o fot across the line wunoui .. 1 11.1.1. ... u ,an- xi-nrld s Ilex aes uMiiuunniiiix - - rtrord for the f.OU mlle distance and .f.tlng the $20,000 prize for mm. uea.a a .1 1 fi.n nrl7fi. ltffllf.iM t 'P. ".".. :... h. loader itner smaller mien. ---- t the 200 mile, the 300 mile and ho 400 mile mark, eacli time urea... mo world's record for tne iiisiuncr. .. .. .i, Hn.1 cnturx- llirll ... . .... 1.. .. u,., in,.ae,i tlw 1 lr uwlon. Otherwise It would ..... 1 uu'itHft fnr Uefita. lldve iwrn i. - nn .1 - 1 ."Cn J"Jr"...:",'',7,.nn.d n?r '". l"c " -TiTh;. win uoouncn s .)''i"" , "" :. ure as run witnout mismip "r "- im of note. Just before . t l.o . Kreat I lr.d up" Chevrolet drove his leinge nto the fence In fi-ont oi inc m.,.iu ...j 1 1. 1..., ininpx- A minute haff nt ih.' Plt-ui he was off ''i1' .. a ... rfnrV ,.re.,u Afttr tho first 200 miles a dark streak to appear 011 the yellow woodtn loorlng of tho track. On th tutns tho TtJCnCO Of tills OH HClieu oni.Krr ui he drivers, As the peril pf sklrtdlngl --rea.e( the drivers ueifan "'" by taking the more s,-cure footlmrl ra?htr uu thu sldo ot tho saucer. , There were thillls galore for the spec- oni round of S5 Mrs. Honald 11. Harlow .itor. when the cars would buitch Ml,if Mvrlon declslvelv defeated Mrs. J. he thltd and fourth quartern after a, (.rufh down the back stretch, The freuuent brushes between Hesta 1 his Peugeot sixclal and Cooper nnd tndtrson of the Stutz team were also i curies of continual excitement icr m- 'pecutors. When tho black colored , ceugtot (inn tno wane muiz wuum ru.,r nto pie strefh the grand stand woum 1 u4dnly become nllve. Although Hesta a number of time nlr.ed the first quarter turn In the lead f the Stutz there was seldom a time nen tne Italian driver s meonsuiician oum iook uacg anu noi see me .Hirer.- an c.-ir MtKhlnir ctnsf. behind blm. 1 ite-ta started out with a pace that ... i.. .i. j . x.i, .... ... .!.. i.n,i I" KIXXT 11,11, Oil rre,,jr , Ther was a hum ot surprise even imontr th old timers when It was dls- 'overnl iat the Italian had driven tho j flrit three laps at the rate of 101 miles in hour The Held was forced to speed CANADIAN FOUR ECLIPSED. ' Cre.renta Take Lacrosse Rump In ! 'nin.des of woik were the Canadians llolihy Cnvrrnnlnt Ilttlsuiole ilniv-j,i 'VP! it " ;Jnl.r,,,,. till lf v.... lirxt defence . , ... I. Ilalne ."rroiid defence. .. W. Illtixuiore iliird ikience. .. . -: Copi ('rutin..,. I lllnl attack... I'. laicegrova M-eiind attack Kane I'lrst attsrl;.... Pallanten D.ilslde hoine. ... Alllster li.xlde Inline liay set til Ili-acln s. 1 ltefrren W. 'Il 'x i. ci nt, t (i.ial Linpiira Unite and J'liit sulcuiutex II Tn) lor for It. T)lnr; Ji'ir tor nilri us; I'.tler for Hobby, Coals--r" s Ksi, Wallirldte, Uoiecmve Time of "lex 3" iiilnulex Hii.x- Slvlr u ft tn 1. sei-ftiid Iteaten Pour. Pinal llnund M s ' Itotiluson. lunar,!. T ine, li 4-1 aecumla. I ' ' i ami 3. .nn) siie, score i to i. m, onu '"''" .''"",. '.' ,!. i ,:, xi,.r,i m,um .oi a i" , fi It f. a. The wit.n nir nalr will n lav Second Mxieen. Setnl.t in Itoim.i vv k Tie .aorrwx.. .-,nn nf th Crescent I i.'i..if,..Ir.i' Hna-u-ixoAd. .1 and 4. 'second. P.imels. HrooUlyn, N. Y.; third, I Wallace F. Johnson and J. J. Al instroim i '"hii.ioii nii.iw nodle. beat ...W. W Van Ucr0. nul. of Toronto fit Hay Hldge . H TnMwl'n K ntill Ln.1- Mr., wl.e. It V.. height. fe.l IU 'Inclie.: iiulllel,l llrirk Htiullf). liound-Pulter heat .l.ihtistoti, .' MerJii. The Now Mooners had no , . .Ire, . .wlcb. l.ea; " !'- 7" heigh i l feei ! A. S. Cbutllcld. un.l (1. W. Hi ttk ' lle' ieu HUilit. .s.-eotid sixteen. s,.,,,l rj- ..ficPty In wnnl.iK. thr linal Parreliy. :''.';;;; ' ' "V,l.-i, Vard I.a,l,-V rs. lieat.'' n by q,,lil,, for the governors' run nt Hie'!1.'!!'' J1"".'.,"'i-i.VJ':li",rj!.,-" i-";'"",'.""' v" '-Tied 30 n rivor"o .'lie H ' ""n.,a '' "'f" ,i;V;:i,,7,,.iki-.:0mVl!.V;M:-V'sr Kl.isl.l., Country Club ye.ter.biy. will, '"A.Ai'n.ll"?"' .,.::f .,,U.i' V., ii...... ,., ... ,,. ...... il d. iirui.,. iiirri-nv linn i .. iioiiii- uue limy men .new up inn. ino "',;,, . ifcK i,,,,.,,,!!, Mtorrs tecninl". rui.ii. won ny "lOnii twelve wnn ns II lllwis-d. Tha " t.,".n.'. ..ti . ' . i iaxL- i a I leiiti second Mnr- Salet Ir.eim i "V ri..:j-.-r.,,:. xir. Ilosto. k Pltlxlmr- Time. IS -S ssrmida. Wn C Poxltlnn. I.e.cbe. ... r. . Ved a,,A. Howo,..,, l -:i. 1.:: J j;r;j". "W .M?, VT'Xi ,.. ';!); ".l.m ' Jit" , "l.."V;ar. :,."i "'u InVhryi .e,,.; ...tirnln. N, Y, A. ;.. .11.. Finishes Long Walk on His Eighth Trial PHILADELPHIA, June 20. Tired out physically nnd mentally, John H. Scott of the Southwnrk Catholic Club reached the City Hall I'lttza at 0:31:12 3-5 this morning and with a faint smile announced that ho had at last succeeded in his task of walking from Now York to Phila delphia in less than twenty hours. Scott's time was 19 hours 1 minute 12 3-5 seconds. Scott, who is 54 years of ape, has mnde seven attempts to walk from New York to Philadelphia in less than twenty hours, but on every other occasion he has been balked by inclement weather. COLUMBIA'S SCRUB FOUR ROWS RAPIDLY Leads Syraeuse nt Start and T TnPIVnRPR (.lip Hofoi f J.', ((f jt, , SHOWfXG I' LEASES JflCE 1'ofoiiKr.r.rsir, Juno 24. Columbia celebrated Us glorlou victory of a year aso to-day by taking the feature event In the Impromptu regatta hold this after noon. Only two events of tho programme were run oft and Columbia won the main one, n mile race for substitute fours, by two length In 5 minutes 9 seconds. As I'ennsjlvanla and Cornell were scratched because they could not get four oarctl craft, the rnco was n i..i-N ,i.. tii., I dashed InW the lead, bentlng tho nos match affair between the nine t0I, man b. ,s or BfVen yards. White distorts and Syracuse, Vivian XlckalU was selected to ref eree. The Orange scrubs said he gave them the worst of It nt the start, ns lbe- with not rp.idv- and Inst :l lencth right there. It was n good race nnd the1 jeulars at the various boat houes nnd several smaller craft that had arrived for Monday w,itched the battle with keen Interest. Syracuse rowed n high stroko and managed to pick up halt rnce hetwefn crnu alui !V par III.... 1 consisiinK oi mic uriiriu.iii inn, ui.u Stanford oarsman that proved n scream. CorncIl straKilt WOn by five lengths In 3 minute 52 seconds. K.ich member of M combnnt,on rowei) R .urfer- , - . ,. . . K,rnk,, oar nil around. There doubt that the pair - - "em sir.iui.ers, Tho raco among managers was called off, ns was .. . p,umhIa x.oilimoi.1 tnlnep cuse trainer Itlllrr W" Hlce Clllded ,.,,, 1,1 nn, U Iter wo, Id not Coach when his White prestig; "4 iiiumtuK i1.1V Til WOrtls asketl who mco nnswerej; ,llmhl. arrived In lame numbers u "bla Kra.h4 arr " vr- ,,, nptiUI. ruahed . . k . oMst . " - - JW-, .ny -- , favorite In the bettlns at S tn 7 . MBS. BARLOW SCORES AN 85. pi,,,., Sl, ll ut Minxxnet- Mr: A .. . . u ... i Stetson I. Ilriileu, H nnd 7. Shaw.vek. Pj.. June 2C With a lec ; in iienrv stetson of Huntingdon Valley In tie flnat round of the women's Invitation t nlr murnnment at the Shawnco Country qjj to-day. The match ended on thn eieventh green by nn S and 7 margin, j jJr9 Barlow played the byu lioies lor a , HCOr. I Mrs, Florlan Kruce of Knglcwood won, In the second division, while Miss Elsa niwhnnit. nlso of Knglewood. won a In seCond division, while Miss Elsa PIckhardt, also of Knglewood, won a harJ match from Miss Irma Waterhouse , o( jjackensack In the final of tho third i c(rht - ,n ,,0 afternoon about fifty golfers ,n,U n.irr n m xed foursome., which re- ..i.i i.. r. on,1 Mr.. Henna Oirden of Pittsburg winning with a card ot 1 X rr.,.. ST 1NU , wa - returned by the scratch pair. Miss yinretice McNeely and R. S. Worthlngton. -nie summaries: .... . Kl.Ml i-nal Itnund Mrs. Ronald , Tlarlmv, Merlon Crlrket Club, beat .Mrs, Henry Stetson, Huntingdon Valley, 8 1 First neaten Pnur. Klnal Hound Mrs. aeL V Vox. Iluntlngdoii Valley, beat Miss riornc aic.-xru. nw, . --i- ' Mrrond IllKht. linal Itound Mrs. liorlan ! Kru. Knglewood, beat Mm. W. H. Hllles, Worthlngion. US-5, x; Ml. p Mc.Nioly and It. H. WorlbbiKt.iu, i- u, x. Pritcllci- lllcti Throw II, . cord curding In nnnoiincement t.i-tlii) Thu world's r ord Is held by J, Diincim, who threw the weight MS feet l",v Inches In 181S. ... ... itl..l.v.l ,.f 111, xar.l ltlll-J r.. .xiereiuin. ..icauow ( nm I.. .ita ,,.,,P,l,.w ni,l .i.i.Hi.r In .h .inr finr,u,,l i u ,nir,l tt 11 T II.. mllo I rllul v...,,,,, i. , . ,, teiween uiu rren i -iiii.-ir.i . . . , . , ,, ., .tc in ui. ,., .nn ... .-.. .... ,..n i,i.i..i i.... inn. .9 t - I, and Harry Crowley, the Syr.i- ' ,V,rnno?,A on a ,lAmn"pn'"' - , afternoon. Durlig the second strm n on tho fifth h threw away a' couple ot ,:;;'," .('(. ami.. x'4-, U: It. a Tyler Plalsted Is years old, ViO Yard rtiin J T. Illgalns. Holy frons; I big tree near tlio sixtn tee was stiucu stroKcs in a uunntr netore conceuing inn Dxrtnioiith. vo is. Tx. 11. .. iltewurt, n nfter Crowlex-. but the Itompr Maker. X. Y. A. C, tit In condition), by llglitning searcly live minutes nfer holo to Knmmer, whoso tlrst shot !'"n" ll. l -111, ' Ausiln P. Palmer. uld not get out his shell. Jim ' and I), s. i'al.lll. ,n,;n".A; ,A , , they had pnsx. d by. In fact they were reached tin- green. K.immer should have J '...' V I1 naTti.rii' the Ornnge trainer, but tho . V"', vi,,' truh AmiVlcan Jv. . . Paying . e sixtn nolo wnen in won tne slMli also, tmt took three putts ,0. y. m. Kieinlng. Knx- llllis 3311, tnkn n ehnnce on belnic I l.V... V...I. bolt struck, lint It is n long noie an i , nnd halved the. hob, Instead of winning no: ciur, nee it. Cone, lnnooil. nil 16. to. irrnnil olil man 01 tne Kiv Mile llun nannes itiiinnuinrn, inty rre hvit a urn uui m imiisn ..i.n. i le mane i a un ai 1110 eigutii. now- ""'". " m im, ."", , 1 .,,. -nine Irl.h American A. C. New Yoik. and V. 0f tl,P ree fell across the course. ever, by getting a good 3. and wr Wnn : 1 , '' hV.V u.. "j "a.r. Umlnit with u roller to Abbo.. urli ,''.;" ' " AJ V. 'V nice smiled his winning smile 'Zu.w. iu tn. Smart Set ' Uniting out In the inornlng Connolly the Inward Journey with a comfortable K,;, Fox Itlii;. S-iV. M. nichard ' ' .,1",..V."1.. r'V'SL", , "tat't.'i . t the lib.rai od'.N ,.f 10 to 1. recruits upheld the Hfu.wind ' A;;v; v-;-: Vork. . I1? ,n'r"' ""',"' I '""IV M...11I..1., Pox 111 11.. (-. l; Dr. , Mnr- '' ''.,"', ' , V' :,a V" . ,' 1 lis x li;i,,r was taiilx van., d. and bo h e. It Indicated to h i way . HU-h Hurdles W. A. Savaite, Jr.. Hon-1 nnu wnen no ions in- sexenu The tenth wan halved, tut on the " -arpemer. imki.iii.i. o-x si. u i . " " .x. ""' " " ,ockev mil horse ro. civ, d their meed ot .I. ...I.-, ...Ill l,nn..n Mnn. ' Ion A. A. IClineil .1 lead Of fOUr llOlCS, Wlllcll h i ft,.,-..,,,!, ill ,., ,..,l l,r,1M... .,,, ,, T'lller. Iin.ltlliehed. 10O-l. xS. !alnllet tlCI When til.) M'Clllld lllllllli; beK.l.l l.l.r- J' " ., "0r'e.-r, ",." V.'Ur " C Isn't saying much, but in iiiree , ,-;. , "'" ' -". 10M "ect-nung 4 ilown. As tho. pmrehiid, Kx HIM.. 10. s:i 11. fs. Hot- I ,J V , " .,.,'.. ., ,, ,., , w Hud Hoamer or Borrow nossnesed ths Is packed a whole Int. When lllKh jum Wesley Oter. Nw York A. V" ". ' . .... .1 . ... . ..1.. ' ext two were Imlvisl, Kamiuir be,-iinn i"me. Pox Hill. 5 S. c. I, William- I ,., Hitl,, extra ouot.i of .iixed stini 11.1 will cross the tllllsh lino first , C. nnd Harry llarwl.e. Iluiton A. A. , wen", , K t ,,. wm, Uu. llvo lllort, hQll.s t0 ,,laJ., ;oit -xrusie, -j.x. 93 im il. ,iieuij'. ; "'"" '" ,','" ,V . ncosniv to be rettlitie.l winner the lo "We'll be there." Co- . Ilroa. 1 j.iini.-u. 1. worin iigion. .."-.on nn "cowr. "'" I and 11..- match seemed about 01. r. Piatt ;.'":".' ."T";, .'..' .f' , . "' l'.".'.. '.''...r."'". ;."x,..V ..f ih,. ,,,,mB,i. ...itrl.r h-.x.. 1 ... . ,, .....I II... ,1 11 ' n.'lllllll, II r-li- . r,. .,,M.,,,n, ,,,,,, .'in ,r, II wtetantt c rm rtl'',- i-oieii, i. , n, MA,.,sor?. Wis.. June 2 Arlle Muck. Jl''.,? "i',, ' KS..' H I : ..??, n that he lia.l suspended ln,le,ln!.ely Msu,,- i "VOTou-nfl-iU beat Allaire 4 ,, 3 Is.onsm s Kiiu.i weight man. hosted A . ni,,,,,,,-,, ii f,-rt lou in.he. ! r,.r .loo Tinker of lb- Chlfeds hi,.I Klrsl j ko r til ! 5ii i. 1 1 1 1 n n a I it o u ti it c 1 1 ' thi) wvild's record III the iIIsciim thinw In rm0 Mile ltnn; Won by laber llo,ton ' j.u,.,imn Hup MyerH of the llrooklyn Zimmerman. New riav.n. heat II II m" Iiractlc, .xcsterdny nl ('.imp Itiin.lall. i - ) ,T'i'XmlV lio ", ' r Viii.e' ' Inderal League Club because of their Clellan, Pox Hills. I uml 3, 1' C Dennltig, when In, tluew the dlscu 117 feet, ' , i ' ' '., B"" ,lu'"' ,i,t tlulH dining tlm Hecn.,,1 L-atiu, .r.V':... I"1 J'""''' "' ''.'tl'T-on, Pox NEW YORK, TABER VICTOR OVER KIVIAT IN 4:15 1-5 Heats Irisli Amerienn 10 Yhrds ' in Sensational Mile at Eastern Tryou.s. IIUUDLE MARK BY MEAN IX f'AMUisiiHjn, Mass., .Tune 2ti. There : were two performances at tho llastern tryouts for the A. A. L national cham pionships In tho Harvard .Stadium to day which stood out abovo an excep tionally tine lot of events. One was I tho breaking of the world's record for tho quarter mile high hurdle raco by W. R Meanlx of the lloston Athletic J Association. Ho cleared tho three foot .hurdles and covered the iIO yards In , I o seconds. neuering oy -the world's mark made In Knglnnd In l'.'O'J , by (1. It. U Anderson. Tho tlmo also was 3 seconds faster than tho American record whlrh .Meanlx set a yenr ago. Tho other feature was the lctory of Norman I- T.iber In tin- mile run over I a lot of very fast men. Taber ran the dlstanco In 4 minutes IT, 1-5 sec onds, which Is tho second fastest timo for this event ever mado In America. It was T.iber's running against John I'.Uil Jones of Cornell two ears ago that compelled the latter to set up the woild's mark ot 4 minute 14 2-5 sec onds. Taber had an easy tlmo to-day nnd many felt that If he had been morn closely pressed he might have come nearer to Jones's time. Abel It. Klvlat of the Irish American A. C. of New York was Taber's nearest opponent, but the former Ilrown anil Oxford I'nlvcrslty nthlete beat him by close to foity yards. Several of the Minors said they clocked Tuber nt 4:14 i-c, which would seem to Indicate that had h been rressed ilurlnir tho last 3'.'" yards hn might have mado a new record. Tom Ilalpln. Ted Meredith and four others started In tho 4 in yard run. llnl-j tiln net n kllllne nace. but slowed a bit nt half tho dUtance. and Meredith Ill tn? nail muo mere weru ne ih-i men. Dempsey of Maine, Joe Hlggltis. tho New Kngland Intercollegiate chain- nlun: i:.t 1'raser of New York, nnd lljnn and Caldwell of this city. The Maine boy went tn tn iroiu soon hiut the jdMol. but VKrt..',l.!!r.1rf'..'uvu III ill,' I1U.II 1,1 III, I.I ll..ll., ",,. v.... and Kraiir closing up. At the turn of tho bjckt retch Kraer led fnr a few seconds and then Hlggins went out again Into a five yard lead. Toward the finish Caldwell with n great sprint got by l'rascr In second place, but was three yards In the rear of Hlg-glns. Captain-elect Olcr of tho Yale team captured the running high Jump. Koleh malnen and Kyronen gave an exhibition In the five mile. For four mllee they ran sldo by sldo and their terrific pace brought out round after round of ap plause. At tho atart of tho fifth mile Ktdehmalnen begin to draw away from Kyronen and when the bell sounded ho had hla spurt left Harold Weeks, al though outclassed by Koiciimainen nnu KjroiU'ii, ran a lino raco and took third i,v. Announcement was made to-night by ' ,,erick xy. itubleti, of New York, . socrctary - trcasurer of the Amateur Atl,lottc Uiilon. of the folio win selec tIon u.mbers of tho Kastern team 1" c-uunici,- ,i in.u.. . ' . . .S, ith 7? New York. I "r.e?nrJA,u.,.1!rubh ,f"h yard Dash lrxlng T. llawe. Colby Colleie. A- '! '. .V,an"- k ,. Hop, fieri and Jump M. J, Tahey, I, "a'V x! " ,,olM vault K. It. Curtis, New .orK A. ... , ...miiiioni. -piVcu." ThrowJ. J. Cah.ll. A. Juxelln Throw (Je orge llronder. I A. A. O . .New York. Three .Mile Walk IMward item. Mo hank A. C. New York, and Krtd Kalaur, New York A. C. 1 Pound tdiot J. C. l.awler, I. A. A. A. of Pnslnii. and P. J. McDonald J, A. A. C. New York. 16 Pound Hammer Patrick rtynn, I, A. i A, Sw i ork .' K,r11f"tMalt McGra,h' A. c. New lork , Tho Held for the meet was small but select, and most of th evciilit rf close. About nil tho schools, colleges and athletic associations In the Hast ui cuii.Kcn in in.- u, ,ew l-.ngl.ind most of tho i were represented, but tho New Kngland men got first places In most of tho; nineteen events, The lloston Athletic i Association entrants by winning or plac lug- men, got a total of 16 points, seven niore than the Irish American A. C. of New York. The Irish American A. A. rnore than the Irish American A. C. of New York. The Irisli American A. A. of this city scored 18 points, the New York A. C, 12 and the Smart Set and Mlllroso organisations of Now York : each, iho summaries: m l.y divay. , ,,.n Vjr.l ti.i.h lirsl beat, wnn iinwp. (oibi- Coll,u:u: iiecond. Treadway. . ji. a. ;x.i mini. uri-rr, '. - 10 1-5 second" Heeond heat, wnn h lar,.. Sn 1 rCnt: HFCOIlll. Alrr. ,rJh American A. C.i third. Trachner. II. A. A. Tims, lo seconds. linal, won 1 Howe, Colby CollsKei third, Treadway, II. , A. A. Tlma. in aeconds. I -n,,,r i,d Won hv Ijiivlor. Irlxh Anierl. 0an A. '.. Iluauui; dlitance, 47 feet 10 , I incur,-, se. no,., ., .iiw.. ... .x. tance, 40 feet I '. Inches; third. Caldll. I .MIIIro A P.. 40 feel t Inch. I I'll Yard lllah Hurdle Plrat heal, won I ,y .Martin. Set A. P.; second, llngels I f jirooklyii. J!'"''-l seconds. H'''""'! Iltener, Ht. Albans; third, Morse. Salem Crocetit, tirooKiyit Irish American A. 3 Indus, Ituiinlng llroad Jump Won by Worth- lllKtoll, II. A. llinanco. ... teri I uu Yard Hun, linal Won In .Meredith. Piiliemlly of IVniisylcanla ternnd, Hal tiiu, Minion A, A., third, lloiiacr, laehvil. Time. 41) 3S sernnds. Halt Mile Muo. Final Won try J. T, V . .. t .-. ll'. .. . . . 1 .. in .. ,. . .. . ..... . 1. ,. . t ,.. inn. .... i, 1,1, ..l,.r,nU. I t..f, ,1.11, Villll'llll .-mll.,1 III.. ' ..... ....,.,v. -- iiriiiu- it. xi,.:,ntx. Iio. ' ....i.i .1... ,..,i.,.i. ,.r i,u rn,i,,.i . . .. . . "v- A ii"in Jll.llanl. !; jo. x;- iii-nrRe w . rin .v , villi n, mninul praise as me reun ueu : uie , .111 llll l-l.'. I'll in.-i 1-4 l.Mil-1 HI ,,-i.'--7, Irisli American A. P., distance, 157 feet , SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. Copyright, 1DI6, by the Sun Printing ami Publishing Association. CLOSE, EXCITIMG FINISH OP RROOKLYV HANDICAP jSELjllllMBBillB!l!1iHRIHi3C ... , . v ' . -..' -.v . -rv . ' A .... ; It. T. Wilson' Illltitln.. Hiily Crni ti-con.l. D. S. Cald well, l,,.nin A. , thlrJ. IM i". Frser. 1 1 1 ti AmerlcHii A I' Time, 1 mluuts 5il S-5 fi'tnml.. ' Tliree Mill. iv.iik-Wnn by lMward Ilea. .Mnliauk A. (' . ftprniiJ. Kri'tt KAlrfir. .New York A. I',, third, Prank l'lunt. I.nng UUnd A. V Tlfnr, it minutes 4S 'i ec- i oftdi. New A. A. t'. record. TlirnwiiiB ill,. Itatuiner, Tm Cnmpell. tor. n by t'at, lrlli American! inches. ,econd. (1. l.oadl.etter. Irl.h Amer- lean A. C. of lloston. .Iltunce, 143 fe-i 11 . i , ,(r York, rti.tnnre. i;j irei Innl... Vftrd Hunll-, final Wnn by ,av-! ae. Ilciitoit A. , srenml. Hiirsi h. New ' YcrU . f . third. Martin. Mmnrl fei. ilrftuUiyn Time. 2 ecnnil Throning Pound Wright Won by Il an. IrUli Anierlean A. l. New York. i rj-tt American A A., li.n'mn, iiii'.inre. li reet .1 inen, tnir.l, l.uiy, irisli A A.. lioston, dlatinee. z frr: inches. KlinnlnK Hop. .-(tep and .tump Wnn by I'jhey, Irth Aim man A. .' . f- fi"l tli Inches. lei'Qnrf. McI.niiKhlln, Itnuton A. A., 41 fet Incites, third, Almlof, Sciin- A. v, 41 feet t Inrlie. Pol Vault Tlw for first ami leeond. Wrlxlit, lluitnn A A . Held, lrl.h Ameri can A A., I ln ton. 11 fret ' Inihct: tie t'ir second, llarwood. notion A. A., Oar tan, New VorK A. C, lt feet lnrhr. 4)0 llur.llr Wnn by Metnlx, Pin ion A. A ; second. I'rltchar.l, lrlh Anierl enn A C New York; third, M'hRfl. Amerlrm A. I., Ni n York. Time, Si Li ktCIMldf. 'lvc Mile Hun Wnn by Kolehmalnen, Irlth A. O. . ecnnd. Kyronen, Mlllrn A. C. third. Weeks. Ir.h A. A, lloston. Time. ;0 inlnutea 13 :-9 contl. ThroMlng the Dlcu Won t,y Oihltl, Mlllro.e, dlitance. ISO feetj cnnd, Whit ney. Ilo.tnn A. A., lt? feet 10-I0O Inchea: thlnt, Joyce, Mohank, IOC feet 17-lflU Inches. STUART CONNOLLY CHAMPION. Takes Hudson Itlvrr olf Klnal ( Prom V. II. II ro xv ii. i TiTir.x-j V V tun. if, Ktll-M D. I r.,nV. ;;r.V ,'.,'", il ;,,.. u i. n n. ' :'",'' . .. - .. , ..iI i'n:i miiiiiiiMniii i.i inn (iiiiiniiii lovrr i iuu ' hamplonshli tlic iiunson uiver ,. on tile UllKs or tne hock- land Country Club to-day. defeatlrj: Charles H. ltroiin of Saegklli, a forme? holder of the title, by up and 4 .;) Play In the thlrty-slx hole tlnal round. Connelly took tho lead at the third hole In the morning nnd kept It right through ond I to ,, nnd SQUaring the match. The Po IHII-. "9 5, 74, K II. llnyt, llellexue, .circuit. He drew a raso on ball, nd . .... . ,.. . i i.. l,r. l..i ion nn ihn fmirili un.l '! I. ?S: Charles Hltehcoelt, Jr. Point I , . ,..-.. ,,). eighteen holes were over. . , eighteen holts were over. Th two llnallsts pl.iyeil straignt I through thu two severe thunderstorms, the tlilrtienth had cut Connollys leal to a single hole. The golf In the afternoon was of about the same quality, Connolly pin) lug tho tlrst nine in 3k, and Drown getting u tt, Cor.r.olly Increasing his lead to live holes. On the second nine Ilrown won f!m. Mhni't uHriinil bill,, ii bole which hi won on every round but the llrst, twice. getting down In 2. hut Conn,,ly won j two of tho next three and iludid the i match four holes away noni iiuiine, n.l... UA , .. .1. ...... ...I.,' fK....... 111,1 1111.11 I1JUIIU in inr nriuu.i niirn .., O .1 Xllll.... Itocklaii.l, defeating II. .H. Poty, Haegkl.i: !on the tl Irty-elshth greetv I V. H.'n. ' " n llu)H r0. p 1)!0 t))f) ' . ; n,' m! iilit nan i,.nr(i ii,-u.ij, ... 11111:1,. ,,,(2,,, W(,1U to .;, n Mallory. Hockl.inU, jir, 27, Ox, nnd W. n. Hoa, Hockland, ji- j. -0 llni-ry rimlth lo Hun Aunln. Harry . t0tm ;.), i,-it i il Mmtth. the funnel- two mllo n.l.1 tnnai champion, will try a real come- ,ci; t)0 thiee mile run. at the Mill- rUH a a. Saturday, J iramea In iVltli" Park July to. The Hronx: Churcn n,,uw. star ha been out of competition for a long whllo as the result of an' lnjurid ankle, hut hns been training quietly. Smith sas he is anxious to mtlftlv meet Krilelimaliien, Kyronen, i-iynii, i,,.i. ,, ,i,.,- ,n, ,,,... X,li.,...n....,W, v.- stars nt tho Mlllrcse game. I'liurcli llclmvare Ten tils Ixlliu. ... .... ., Wll.MINOTo.S. Del.. June li. III til J championship challenge round of the j),, awai o tennis single (icorge M. '. . ,,.,. ,,i , i i.,,..,.,.,.., , ( lilirch defeated J. J. Artitstroim, ), .1. I li. li 2. li 2. In tlio finals of tin doubles Theodote H. Pell and Hernon S. 1',,-ntlco defeated Stiinla'y Pearson and .ii,..,!,. I. i. ri.,i..u ..-mi -i ,.1.1 ... it. Time. 22 4.5ss,o, 78. and Charles M. NesmltJi. n l're'f-Ht'l ,' third I 1'" H', S, qualified for tlm con- solution cup. Tne winnern or tno instai- ineiil nmtchts will meet later In the asuil ai uiaiiii p.-iy. Tinker mill .Myrrs SiiN.iii.lril, . Presnietit .lames a. tiunioro ot the jestei. lay's double header nt Washington Park, tilluiurit took this action ns soon us ho rrlved Uuv qllltial rcjiort ot his utnplros m retarcne to th squabbla. I'll r til r Irilillliu Amlrrn l 1 1 l,-r Kiihiiiit nnd l S. Thoniisiit'a lliirrim PLATT GETS STEADY 1 AS MATCH IS LOST Klllllllll'l' OhtllillS Co 111 llttt tlI i II ' WUIUIII?, I iillllllillliini , l.i'iKl in hnriy St aires of lo v Hills Final. VAN VI.EPK'S 7S IS LOW ugust K.immer won tlw l'on, Hills Invitation tournament yesterday b defeating tho palnf taking Percy Piatt of tho New York (Jolt Club by 2 up and I j to piny In tlw eighteen hole tlnnl round. , Kamnier, who Is the best of the Fox' Hills golfers, had tho advantage of piny ln on his home courw, but that fact' did not cut any great tlguro In tho ultl- mate nult, for Piatt spent time enough during the final In studying his shots to' learn about ns .much In regard to tho peculiarities of the links as Kamnier knew before the round began. For tho flrt nine boles ot the match It looked as though Knmmer would win by n bl margin, for at tho turn he was s UJ, n,t flutl had won but one hole. When Knmmer made It 1 up by winning l" oieveimi llie x-uauvr" in nil , mi i nn Ih began to look brighter, but then ' b..n It w.-i to,, late to ilo anv renl itood ----- . - " ,. , ,,V i, .TiMt """" " " . , V .u Rlf mnnngeiito carrj tne inaicn 10 in ... . . ntotied for h's error by winning the eec- fth Plat, pkixed hopelessly Vol golf aim picaen up on iom notes, xm ino fourth ho sliced txvo balls out or bounds his second Into a bunker. Healiziug thnt tho tide was turning against him Kam- nice sieanieu mmseii, nnu ny iiaivuig- tin next two in par settled the match. They played out the bye hole nnd halved It in 1 The rardrit Aug'"' Kamtnsr n.x Hill.: "T'irirPUttxew'Yiir'k tioir: 9 out u I I ; : ,i i t 4 it 1. ixnnirner; In. I - 1 i i i ! I 4-3 7 . - ,.l. " " " , , ' ' ' I mnsts won their morning . matches without much trouble. Piatt "'' ' Sleepy Hollow, by r. m.. ! V,1 , !, 1 ' ,v'"'inier beat J. ci.iiir, ciumuaie, ny , up nnu r. to play. Slater has played llttlo golf this season ami was moro willing tnau ' ever tn admit It when his morning mulch was over. ' ' III i siMccns and In flVi' beaten , eights was completed yesterday and n "'K "eld played In thu liandlcap. Chaile U Villi Vleck, Jr., distinguished him- self by pla.x lug around with a hot t owed , set of clubs and making which tllu -'"jsh prize. II. I.. Downey won "i" ""t PrUe with 77.". 72, although au Meek H net score was lower, but ' e.iini.i.iicu ny ruie mat tiux , same 11 aver slinll not tnkn bnth nri. I ' Tho summaries: , ,, .. " " -" I'll st SI t -eii. Seiul-flnal Hound -Per, il Plan, Ni w York ilolf, heat H. i'. liark Hlnepv lloliow, ., ii n.l 4; Aiiuinu K' Kiuii tner. Pox llilla, beat J. Harold rilater, Pox lllll.. 7 ami .'- linal Itound Kaiuiuer lie it Piatt. ! aim i lleatun Plght. lir.i sixteen. Send nnal ilfred "ViuiVei an V'' r harV'in1.'.''!!1 ..i.k. .lr. iMhit Jii'iith, ht.Vt i" V iV Itllei. l'.ix Hills, j an, I I. final Itounii L))er llltihcoek. Ilniif. i up I , ' """ Third Sixteen. Html. flnnl Jtiiimd W I.. "j ";, ;, '"i :, . ",',,r,v- ,,"r' .-k i'iii, heat h'.ireiK- Maiiln, llaitu.ioi; J an.) linal lluuiul lllchard heat Wnnil). 2 I and 1 1 llraieu nikilt, Third Sixteen, Heinl-lliiai i Hound K P. Allaire, Pox llilla. heat c. a i Pearson, Jr.. (lrnwlch. 4 and 2, -inines Hills linal itounii Klmmrrinan beat DennhiR, I ond ,1, maun mailt. Fourth Klxttcn, Heinl.tlnal Itound-A. P. Itoth. Manhattan, J. FJ. llxk. Thoraburf, J up. Utora X.. Arm- took the fifteenth when Knmmer nlaved Brickley Football Star at Baseball CHARLEY HR1CKLKY wound up his lliit-vartl athletic career yesterduy in a blaze of- ' , ccrtnjnIy not jn u blaze of glory. Hrickiey is essentially u footliall ii player. In his lust timo up , uirainst Yale ut Ebbcts Field his , ! bnt actetl us its owner docs in i dodging tacklers. He struck out. His Inst lleldinK chance came in the eitdith innine;. Middlebrook ; raised a hich foul fly. Brickley ROt ujj swt for jt nnj then made a HO yard dropkick. Brickley also proved in the first inning that ho is a football player at heatt. A bouncing foul was knocked in left field by Boston. Brickley let it roll past. It nestled against the fence and was allowed to stay there all afternoon, while the umpire put other balls in play. strong, Va Hills, hent Harry U. Oashntin, Knrtewond. 1 up (2 holes). Kin l Ibmnd- Itotli he it Armstrong. 2 up. I'lftli Sixteen. P'inl-Ilnal ItounJ II. W,ilr. lllihmoiid Count), beat rw. A. H, TlioniH". Knx Hills, 2 and 1; t:. 'f. haw, I'rtsient, beat Ira il. Ile.titu, lla.nrth. 4 nnd : riiul Itnunii Walsr bit Shaw land:. li, ii. n r.iirht. I irtri s n'een. Siini-nnai itouiid It il Trier, tnrtmnutli, b-st II Turner, unattached. : anil l. James i..,.. . . ai. Jliii'ii. Areola, beat .-lr Arthur Eliot Unrblll llngluiid. 1 up yinAt itnn,i-Tlr beat Jplinsnii.-t n,j l, , tl.o..nt ?t A. Ill enl.l I. ftI.u.n.,f i m,.r. r.ix llbl. :e 74: J v. Neninan, irT TrSnff nlV. xi 5. 7.;; k. T .si.iu. cresient. si 7. 77. 1. rrn-e. 1 n inns, :u 7.. 1.111s 1 TDAVTPC ATiTIC Tn TUnuTTTfe j J-WAViLKa AJJJJb iU J.itUriliX.3. ruptures ' I In 1,,'K nil Sumla Merliin Flnnl. tnp Pllil.AtvKUill.l, June 2. Jerome. P. Trovers, national open rolf champion., l Walter Heynolds of the Wood- bury Country Club In the 3.'. holo round for the Harold A. Sands cup at the Mellon Cricket Clqh to-day by I up !" ' Travers ,i I up w for luncheon. The nan seemed the lead over.1 when piny ceasinl ill tonal title holder lleyiiolds on Hie eighth hole and he maintained It to the end or play after the champion had been down at the fourth for tlt only tlm.. ut th,. in.ii.-h . ItexmildM nlac-d ln-ttee ,r,.if in iim afternoon and started olT well, but on the llfti-cnl-h hot., be nut his ,...,in.l li,,t Into a trap mid failed to get out on his mxt Tills cost him the holo utid the ni.iti-n. uKii Wllloucbby of the I'.nmtry Z ,' i elm, ,lef,-nted C. W. 11. Tow nsend M,.ron, 2 up nnd 1 to play, In match for the .1. It. Maxwell c the final up. STADEL PRESSED BY QUINN. Two Oilier Xiilel,i-s (in Three rt ln I. miir l.tHtid Tranl. in look i.ihii.i irnnia. Straight set victories were-the order of the day In the .mi-nine roiitida of the Long Island championship law n i-ti. ui tourniimcnt at the Kings County Tennis Club yesterday In the llrst J round the only extra set match resulted I in a xicimy mr neorge niauei overs. J. I Ijullin at 4 ii, 6 I, 7 -5. Among the payer who drew bye , Into th third runup only two mntihcH went to a third set. Kduiiind J, F.. mail of New York) I'plvcrtdty needed one lo beat lt. II. Hoggs ut fi I, a- li, 0 -I, and Jack Allen, foinier club cham pion, was vanquished In three sets at il ti, ti I, S it. Tho summaries: Long Ulan, I c li.i .. i iKi n sli i p. Mtni's Mn gles lirn Hound al. UuimIIIIk defeated I,. I l.nnri, u- ., --,,, l,. v. Xll.10l.r .IP leaud .1 P. Lewis, I.-S, 4; (lenras si.i.t,! df,.iii,.,l m. .1 notiin i n i 7- -;. W A folrtell Uefeated P .1 ltaine). iiTa'h 7 -1 c i"), .ri'i-"'in! niY.r i .a.,,.,.1 l.-l,. X, llAl,.r a -, li -..i.i . ,i..f...i.,',i ii, a-1 ii ' ".'. .-. i Hfcoini itounii- t;. II. defeated H. 11 Hoicks. I, 3ii, ii-4, W II iii-ii-aieii - ii iii.rrnws. l - l, I, I . (1. L. llurr defeated T. 11 Kerr Is. ti. n fi. II. Vnnhetl defeat.! I Unit W H ilrr.on, -0, (t t: Ur. W II. Itosi ito. te, S. Hoiial.Uuii, --:, C- 4. 11. Caid- An feat well defeated 11. II Pearttn. 7.',. 7- lyotiU ilraves ilefe.Ued K. P Th.nniis, Jr. .1 -1. R--1. ,t W Anderson defeated Paul u, S ti. KJnuuds defcaled lllinld. 0--0. ti ll A. Jtnore, f t), d :j H, J, Henr) do feuteil J. T. Allen, 0 it, C 4, i II. If i. a He iisreuteoi (. li, uaicomb, e3. 7 a M, Qoldmun dtfgatd Embrca Hendenon, t . 14. T QUEDl'CT iivi-r line. THIRTEEN FOR YALE, NONE FOB HARVARD Ciniritt and .Malum Wild Aul Kav to Jl it .Males Field Kike Wooden .Men. J i ..... ,,. . ivvn vt't) in i'! J I h lid 1 l. I li-N I'd UtXllliV ; Following upon Its overwhelming crew victory, Ynb, crushed Harvard's baseball team nt Kbbcts Field yiste-. day nftemoon, thereby getting two bisn doses of revenge In two days for earll.T beatings on the diamond ami track. The igame carried no championship aspect. Harvard already had -mi the annual series by taking tho first two Karnes, but the blue clad nine obtained consid erable satisfaction nex'ertheless while driving men around the base paths for a total of thirteen runs to tho Crimson's none. . Pie Way was at his best. He held lie foe to three lilts, all of which came !n the first two Inning, nnd only one Harvard man got as far as second bus. Hrickiey, who reached third In tho H'C ond Inning. Onrrltt nnd M.iban, the Cambridge, pitchers, were wild and iiis-j easy to hit, nnd their imi'eN tleld-d like wooden men, both mentally and tdiyslcnlly. ' " '-"I'1, -"""nenroim, i nun., in. I third on Mllbu'rn's out. which was on a . . ,,,.. ,..., ,,, ..,,,, mw n n recnx-eriMi snnn cniiuirn iu naii 1:1c u luvr nt first. The fourth ball to l.ctoie v.i.s 11 wild pitch, on which tho football slur got all the way to secotiJ and M ddbs brook soiled. Another wild p.tch Mill lajgore on third, xxhence he -orcd on Hunter's single In left flelJ. itolliy uiso delbrook bent nn Intleld hit to Abbot. Haston dropped 11 single In right that Cmnett let roll through him nearly to tin: fence MlddlebrooU went home nnd ! K.tston took second on the error. Heed ! then threw out Mllburn Harvard was meek In th" early rounds. Xiish sitiLied with two out In ti,e nrh(l i,ul waM torced by Canncll, In ' the second Hnrdwick fouled out to 1 JIhsIoik, Hrickiey singled In left, Heed 1 fanned and Waterman singled In rluht , Held, putting Hrickiey on third. In this promising situation ilarrltt was allowed to bat for Himself, but alerman etuleil . tli inning by fixing to steal. It was one. two, three for both sides In the thlnt and in Harvard's half of Iho fourth, but Vaughn reviled Interest h opening vales luiirtn wnn a lilt in ' left. Hush sacrificed, ilarrltt steadied i and made Way and Mlddlebtook hit high "ties to Hrickiey and Waterman H-spectivel) . The Crimson began l take the game more seriouslv after It , was blanked in the tlfin and Yale n- unmd Its batting bee In Us half ilarrltt . hit Hastou, Mllburn beat out a bunt, l.e- gore walked and lltint, r -iiigled for two , runs with none out. .Malum and llano were summoned HI this Juncture iim i crack pitcher fanned It Illy with a hurst ,.r v. l inn VniiL-hii Ktm-l.-d to.Mi lt.,,1 .scoring Lcgote, and Hush's sacrifice lly Ito Hrickiey In ought In Unmet, putting 'Vaughn on second. As Way dtew a -...,. il, Loll YaiiL-bn f,,r iblrit ! Hurtn's throw beat hllil tllete. Malum was hit by a pitched ball In (hp K(xth liu f(l fi)r (ht, ' ball trick and wa doubled when l.e- o- iiiiriiiielx let Abbot's tic diini. llardwick'ii i-rior put MlddlclMooh nn second In Yule's tin n and he s.-ot.-d nn Mllburn's hit The Hluc merry-go-round conllnueil fnr t! more runs tn th,, ,.v nth, making the total Mill teen t-coi e : IIAKVAHI). Al,!; an li P a e i,li 11 pac Abliot.Jti a I) o 2 I, M illt-li'k.i-f I I :i li o II li 0 ii (i llAxinn.lf J I Son, . 1 o o o n Mlllmiti.vb 1 2 4 3 0 N' I 1 1" o li l.riniie.s, :i o I 4 .1 I .'.in iit-t t . rf '.' ii I ii I Hunter. c .". I llaulwlcl.,.ili II .) 2 I I ra-,tle..e Hii.n.-j.K :i I 2 it l li-iii. .atj Iteed.xi. 3 0 I 2 2 Vauiilin.rf u o o it o Hand) .if Wntentiaii.c 5 I a n o liuh,lb V 1! !'.'.! !! t :'i i ti i! I o 1 o ii "'"J! : .. ..! 1 iltirie.c. i ii a i iiiti,i,ii ,. Ha. Hit ,, i'hi n xianaii,i 1 ii ii a ii - - -- I 0 o :i n Total. .14 t.l:'. in tl i nx,ials :7 .13412 rtl llrleklry mil 111 liflU Iftnliiir. hll b) own batted I ' fail llanard n u n o n o o- nl t ' "lr ' I Hum i ale. Mlddlebinolt. 4; Paxtou. 2 Mil I nil r ... l.c.nic. : iiuniei-. iirnn, xauK.ui, iini lir.t have on error -Vale. 2. .lirsl base uu ! balls ntt (iarrltt, a- nil Malum, 1 nlTWav, I. ! Struck out llyW1. fi: Ijy Uatrltt. I: hy Maliaii, X Wlid pltciiM Ji.inl'.t. 2. Matlsn. I'axsed ,X: ball llarte llll lit tiltclied U.lll.x lly liatiltt .lian.ini U)Ma .Manaii), i.en uu Law-I air llarvard, 3, Two bae flit Itelll) Stoler b"1' H'lll) Saerltlcc hits Kastoti, Hush I Sacilllce II) ll.ixl. nniihleplay l.ewnre Hush and Mllburn. lilt. Off (iarrltt. 7 In foui Itinlnifs itione nut In llflh). nlT Malisn. n In four ttinlni.. l'ni,r'i 1 nilZ V".!.' ,,."p' rc Btaflord. Ttmc-r3 hour Mid U n-uuM. GLORIES OF PAST REVIVEDINRAGE i WON BY TARTAR i Kidoklyn ljiii(licni Is Hull Truly iicloi'c Killed Aqncihict Sliuids. FA VOIMTKS XKXT T.v OIMJKIi. X0S.KS AI'.VKT Tartar's Itrooklyn Handicap, placed to tho crollt of tin! nn f. Ogden Ynnkio Slstvr. at the opening ot the Oiieens County Jockii flub meetlMs a' Aqueduct yesterday, deserves to go down Iti turf history ns one of the most , inrnoritbli, fines fur the eient since ' Ury Monopole squeezed homo in ftotil of llluo Wltu mid llldnrgu on tlm first running, twenty-eight cnr ago. In the Held behind the lightly weighted five-year-old owned by H. T. W'lson, Jr., wcru two miiM'ili thoroughbred of tho American type In Andrew Miller's Hoamer nnd 1.. S. Thompson Morrow They wern conceding big weight to the winner nnd finished only n li ngth h llltid hliu, with thu nose ir llo.uner Just enough In front of thut of Ilnriow to in ' sure thrf plnce going' to Andrew Miller's t entry. , 'Tartar ran the mile and n futlonrf It. I-SU 3-5, n second and two-llfthi faster . than the track record, which was held Jointly by the Netvenstlo Stable's l'un nlne Water and 11. It. desalt' I-l ln Kalry. Sinvlj It was no i'ls- grace for the top weight-, to be beaten 1,1 !,lll'M il r,"'L' ,,y " that was so fnvore'l In the weight ullutitient lis was Tartar nnd which was handled with ' the greatest skill by little Johnny Mc- Taguart, who eecins tu regained his best form. Ilitrroxx Pi'iiltiibl.x ll,l. llorso for hor.-c Hot row was pi-maps thu best In tin, race, as he larried lUx pounds to 12.1 for Itimuer, and Has coming so fust at the finish that In an other stride he would ha, Inch In sc j otl,i place. Yet It must be taken I account that the gallant little Hoamer set such .1 fast pace ull tho a that he killed olT the three otlur contenders and at the llnisli stood 11 drive when h. matchless sptcd began to fail at the quarter pole. The. others wcte truly also rntte. with August llelmont's Hock View fourth, ten lengths back of ltorrow. lie bent J. W Meservy's Addle M., tlw KtroWor Handicap winner, by 11 length and a half, and then In Ut rice trailed lh overrateil S'.mi M-Mekln, xxlib h a it recent addilloM to the Hilmoni Stable ran coupltd with Hoik View. The Kelie a'lendii.g the running "I t'n' renewal of the big handicap, which for years was the feature f ra. 'ng ,tt jr.ivrend track, was worthy of the best traditions. ll train and aut-. thi crown rolliil to me .iqui'ouci eneinsurn un'll tho parking spaci .t Jammed with cars, the I.iwu so crowded t li t i was dltl'lctllt to tllul one's bi filein! and every seat in the stand occupied, with tho owrtlow tquee.i-d in the n sles, nnd craning necks to get 11 glimpse, of the races. ll llniiilleap (ilnry 11,'xlxcd, All the old glory of the llionklyn Handicap seemed revived b this vast throng, strictly tiriscull'-c on the lawn and xvy largely femin n- In Hie siniids Nut a soul in tile l.,,tii)i) that did not demnn-'tiatiie. as one out uf eiiry tw.i persons that Invested on tin- cb. of thu contenders selected one of tlio two favorlU-H n hi standard b.aie. Hoamer had more friends that, am "Hn-r and closed favorite at odds of J to J, while 2 to 1 could bo obtain, d against Ilnrrow at poxt tlmt . Hrlet watmiiig up xj,.ns b) Ho inter and Horrow were lndulgil in before thn contenders In tho Itmoklyn Handicap responded to the bugle call nnd emerged fiom the paddock with shining eial surmounted bv Jockevi in bright new I color for tit,- parade. Then It vn that p.ittMitism mingled with soo. t and , loo Not ter further endeared luiusi It to the laceinuug public by Ins reinli nc- i,u!soencc In tliu spirit of the o. ...s.on Sutler Ii,ixxh III Iti-opei-t. Joe had the mount on 11 irry I'.nn Whitney's Horrow, whlrh. Is rutin. t at .n the color- of I. H. Thnmpx-,', of a family bereavouu-iit IPs place at tlio head of the weight t.i'.U- gave Por riiw the honor -f tin- parade and is the stateli son or H.imburs l "igc' I with d.Unty steps past the Ju lr.s 1 stand the baud stni.k up The S ;i PanBlcl H inner llicc.owd It, the stand rose anu tno in. ii uncoicre.i 10 the strain of tlm i,at...:il anthem Nottet- was as qu'.k as any one to recognize the stirring Iuu. and an extra 1 I'heer went up for Ihe best Jo-key in ! America as Ins hand went up and ti little red cap cam., otr, wlttlo his hi-. I,,...! lower ni cr the nr. bed neck of Hor mw unlit the music teisi-d Tho o.-tur boys Wile ton buv w .til their muun's , to follow the lead nf the qitlxli w.l'c N'olter, wlm scr.d .is heavily with tin ciowd b tins simple act n- It he -.1 1. . ! - f'l l be t-i-.i'lx had wmi the ItrnUtlxn Tho I August lielliiontn li'i V icv, " ' -was Hie null one 111 the lice to pare In kinks Willi lb.' in.iBtilllc-nt p..,r. 'low, was a ugiy in iiispii-jnioi' a- K handsome 111 appearance He twi-i,.' , .. . . .,, imcniiB b inds . 1 1 H"1" " imgiin s . ii u way In I be l""-t and tin n Vt'i. . tl, o boi-hcs wen- bin. I UP .n tin- It'-nd or rm long h.ukstietih -b -wed m..r III t- -n- I'cr, so that lie had to bi tinned t'n oillnile of lit.. Held. Jt wa. therefore, with l cling-, t- -i to di-guel the crowd jelled' . View I olT rtltililtnc '" Tin son or I!" Sand had behaved long: en.. ugh to cl.ei' the st irbr b a tn.irgm ant he rushed oft' on Hie long Jourm.) with a 1. 1. Kth and a Inif .idxant ige , wr ... t,.,i ucr II nw u-ss man .. .ni.rn - I nf a milr. (oy the ..idintn v looMni; i ,.,,,... ... ,i.M,,r If.,..) 1 Hoatnei to uispri lio.. view riretoti. l. . snnis in iiiiiii-. I slol j Mc tlmt up ,i, the blown liorsn xxlih Mittlltig spc-l md opened up a g-.p nf tine.- length In hss tunc that- 't ' i.n t,j t-'l Itnck View Pnlls IliieU. MeTflRSiirt was -ultrt with Tartar and half way down the backstretch both li ua Addle IL te4 Mie4 Hock View and I I-