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1 r 12 Z were doing their hent to keep near enough to the (lying lloamer to be con Hldereri contenders. Iltli drew n little lienrer to tho pacemaker In going nround the bend and McCahey called on Addle M. for an effort that sent her momen tarily Into second place. McTaggart had no Idea that Tartar should lose the advantage the rail gave him, and In bait it Jiiet, ulrldes he was again In ront ot tht (Illy and the Immediate pursuer o( Hoamer. Notter, on Borrow, had been grad ually making up the ground lost at the start and as s.oon us the turn was made, tlio stretch began to close on (he le.'iucrvf for the run along the heart breaking long stretch, which Is calcu lated to lent the stamln.i of the stoutest racer. Addle M.'s brief (light of speed had killed her chance and she dropped back, boHtcn as Horrow moved up to within a length of T.irtar, which still j was following with Infinite patience the pace set by lloamer. As far as the quarter pole the Idol of n year ago went on with even stride and maintained his advantage of n lencth unit it half without nmi.iront effort. Then Just as it looked as If ho was going to triumph easily It was noticed that llutwelt was at work and had given lloamer a touch of the whip to keen him uu to his unit. Horrow. on the outside, was gaining slowly but 1 surely, and as the trio cnine Into close ; view at the sixteenth pole Hoamer was fighting hard to maintain a lead of half A length, with Horrow almost lapped on Tartar. MKhtnrrlKht Shoots Oat. McTaggart steadied his mount for his first nnd final effort, and while the two heavyweights were staggering under their burdens the lightweight shot out from between them. It wan only fifty yards from the wire when Tartnr's thrill ing dash took the lead away from lloamer, but m those last few strides the Ogden gelding went away so fast that he won by a length. Hutwcll and Notter rode doggedly In the battle for runncrup and lloamer lasted long enough to take the place by a nod. The struggle of the three leaders had been so keen that few noticed the other trailing In headed by jkock view ten lengths back. There were plenty of other good races to holp make the best day's sport that lus bern seen on local tracks this year. In the Hudson Stakes, for two-year-old--. James Hutler scored a popular victory with l'addy Whack, a son of Celt Network. That race provided another disappointment for Harry Payne Whit ney, as Kmden, which ran in I. S. Thompson's colors, wns touted as the fastest youngster In the stable. Kmden, which Is by Uroomstlck Miss Hamburg, was making his first start, but the repu tation of Trainer Howe for winning the first time out caused Mm to start u light favorite over l'addy Whack, which had a take victory to recommend him. Kmden linns Oreenly. The wizard Howe failed In his peclulty for once, as Kmden ran greenly oud never gave l'addy Whack serious trouble. The Hutler colt won by three lengths, with Kmden two lengths In front of Uamrosoh, the best of the Hel mom pair. Favorites were beaten all alcng the line until the fifth race, when K. Mnn rtlx's Sleuth rewarded the confidence of the public by galloping home first Old Walt repeated his victory In the steeple chase over Syosset, much to the disgust ef the experts, who expected a reversal, nd In the first race J. S. Ownbey's "Wanda I'ltier heat He Will and Etrus can, both of which were more fancied. The last race, for twp-year-oldn, was hummer, four of the nine starters finishing almost on a direct line. Joe McCahey came through on the rail with J. B. Davis's I'lumose and snatched vie- tory by a nose from August Hclmont's Jllgn Horse. U J. Carey's Trlbolo and O. Alexandre's Ataka were In the bunch heads, behind. The summaries: FIRST It ACE, . Selling: for three-year-olds and upward: by subvilpilon of tto, with tsoo added; six fur lonrs: Hone A Age. Wt. Jockey. Prices. Fin. Wanda l'llzrr.S.1 10 Matthews... 0-3 tt-S n IStrusran. 3.... 103, Iluitnn 7-1 7-5 J lieWIII.3... . 103. I.lllry ... o-s 7-10 3 llrlenBarbce.a.ltl. .McCahey.. -3 n-s 4 Palanquin. . . ill .Troxler, . 8-1 S-2 i lady Teresa. 3., 110 Uurllniame.lS-t 6-1 R Slnal, 3 00 .Hopkins.... .30-1 10-1 7 . Time, till. Good start: won ildden out: Wanda Pltirr. b. m by Peep o' Day My Gem: owned and trained by J, S. Ovinbcy. SECOND RACE. Steeplechase; selling: for four-year-olds and upward: by subscription of 110. with 0o added: about two miles: HprseAAtc. Wt. Jockey. Prices. Fin. Old Salt, 8 161 Henderson. 2-1 S-S l Byosrct. S... US Powers.,.. S-S 2-S 2i GunCotton.a. 131 Howard... . ft-1 3-1 3 !r. Duenner, a..lo Walker... ?o-l 7-1 1 C,ree, 4 137 Allen &- 2-1 Astute. 5.. iss. Haynes 9-1 2-1 t Refused. tKell. rime. .zo. 9 . seashore II. Sallle Thomason: owned and iraioca uy k. a. uurue, THIRD HACK. The Hudson: for two-year-olds: hy subserlp Hon of $35: starters tn pay .V additional, guar anteed eah value (2,n)i; live furlongs: Horse A Age. Wt. Jockey. Prices. Fin. Paddy Whack.2.1is tlorcl 13-10 l-t l Kmden, 2 103 Uwdrr 11-10 J-S 2' Damroseh. 2.. .107. McCahey.,. 0-2 4-S 3t Lib. Sands, 2.. 107. Turner... IKS 4-S 4 Kllmi-r. 2 102 lluilon 15-1 4-1 5 Coupled as Belmont entry, Time. 1.01. Good start: won easily: l'addy Whack, b. c.. by Celt Network: owned by James Butler; trained by II. p. Hrnsnn. FOUIITH HACK. The Brooklyn Handicap: for three-rear-olds nd upward: by subscription of fin, starters to pay Jlto additional, guaranteed cash value i.vii: one mue ana a ruriong: Horse 4 Age. Wt. .lockey. Prices. Fin. Tarter. &.. 1(0 3-1 11 Hoainrr. 4 135. Ilutwell 3-2 1-2 2 Harrow, a... 12s Notter 2-1 7-10 3'" Hork View, S...I20. Dugan &-I 3-2 4 Atldle M.. I... ion McCahey.,,. &-l a-S 5 Sam MrMe'n, S.ln.1 Turner fr-l 3-2 Coupled as Helmnnt entry. Time. 1. HI 3-5. Goojt start: won drltlng: Tartar, b. .. by Ogdm- Yankee SWrr: owned by It, T. Wilson, t.; trained by T .1, Henley. FIFTH HACK. Sielllng: for thrce-yenr-oUN and upward wslch har not won slneo June 0, 11115; hli furlnncs no ijorse&Affe. Wt. .loekev. Prices. Fin. Miuth, 3 117 nutwcll. 13-10 1-2 s ...11-5 even 2' t,.it 3,. 105 iiuxton,, t'rnYrca, 4.. 115 l.niey . f-2 :t-2 3 llomleK.. 3.... 1115 McCahey.,. S-l 2-1 4 Lot Fortune. 4 117 Huestls..., 201 S-l S Sir Dcnrali. ... tin Corey. . 10-1 4-1 Surgeon, 3 107 Steward. 40-1 12-1 7 Time. I 13. Good start; won galloplnz: Sleuth, eh. g., by Woolsthorpe Ksplonaee; owned by 1'. Mannlx; irainea uy u-. Merrill. SIXTH HACK. Selling: for two-year-olds: by Mihtcrlptlon of o, wun ei anuei: ne iiirionics Hor-eA-Affe. Wt. .loekrv. Price-, rin. Plumose. 2... 107 McCahey.., s-l 3-1 In iiign nunc, ... iiv iurncr... I ei .. o-s -2 &-1 (1-5 2d 4- S 3d 5- S 4 10-1 S 2- 1 rl 3- 1 7 K- S 2-1 0 Trinoio. 2 10s lluxton.. Ataka, 2., .. ion Louder., i-any Atkin, 2. 103 Hnnkln.. Ilissllen. 2. ... 105 I.llley illilellnrk. 2 nu Allen.. 1-1 Good Counsel, 2,1m MeKeever. . .20-1 Marylllack'd,2 HW J.Mf faggart s-l 1 ime. 1 in 1..1 Good start, won driving. Plumose, b. f., by King James Phimerla, owned by J. K. Davis, trained by J. Fllrslmmons. New York Mute l.aegue, AT KLMIHA. It. H. K. Utl'.a .. ., L'I mini. ... Hat'."rles shd ...iter. . . (I I 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 I) II 0 0 0 0 13' 7' ' 0 i" k J (., "da.uj., -Hroer und Allies; AT TItOV. It II I!. . . 10 0 0 2 0 0 1 ft 1 s 1 0 11 1 0 0 1 1 2 x r, 'j 1 MiGlnley und Hrligcr; Iluoklrs AV AMI ANY. It. II K. . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 r, 1 WitkMli trre Troy Hal'sr.'r uJ iltufcy. Hrrantnn Albany 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 x t 7 0 Hiii'erl-'s Winters and Miller; (ierner anil t'louKher. KT IIIMIHAMTON FIRST GAMi:. It. II i:. Syracuse . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 s HIiiKhmnion. . 0 2 0 1 1 2 3 2 s 11 17 1 Halierles- llewes mid Tyler, ilarned and Peter. on SKCOND OA mi:. R. II K. Pyrailise ... . 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 f, 2 lllni'h.iinniii 3 0 1 1 0 0 x ., I, 1 (lame .i.le,J . ilarkneNM Hiltirles Kimiiid .mil Tyler, Frock and Murih Mrglnla la-uiur, nl'i!1 M'"""- 6 ''"rlsmoulh, 4 (ten In Nswpiirt Nw, s, Norfolk, 3. ,c,.i,urK, o, nunoik, 1, BUNT STARTS GIANTS TO ROUT; MARQUARD WILTS Braves Come From Behind in Ninth and Make Enough Runs to Take Game by Score of 7 to 5 Muff by Doyle Hurts. Results yesterday Irr the National League did not cause any changes In the standings, but did make the race closer. The Cubs were beaten by the Cardinals and came back several useful points. The (Hants were conquered by the Hrnvco, Just as they were about to do the conquering, and the Hrooklyns were shut tint by Alexander and assisting ThlllcM. Tho 1'lrates subdued the trail ing Heels. Ycstcrdnl 's Results. Hoston, 7; New Vnrk. S. Philadelphia, I: Hrooklyn, 0. I'lllsburir, A; Cincinnati. 3. St. I-oiils, 4; ClikiiKo. 3. Detallrd Mandlag of the dabs. c , . , a ; p t 3 3 j clubs. ca 5 S Chicago 18 7 6 I Philadelphia! 4 " "3 i St. Louis 1 "s 4 Pittsburg.. . 3 S 4 tloston 1 & I "5 New York.... "4 3 3 1 3 'Brooklyn.. "3 8 l4 3 Cincinnati.... j"si 7 f 3 'Games Inst.. 73 3S?'?S3 r 3 s 1 Z S3 2, 8 1; i w;,roo ;3B'WI 1, 4 3. 3 39 62J .491 7 l :s .451 30 ,433 3S ss'so To-day's Sehedule. Chicago In Cincinnati. Pltotiurg In tu. loul. II y WII.I.IAM n. IIAN.VA. A bunt started the Giants on the way to disintegration at the Polo Grounds yesterday. This was In the ninth In ning, and before the cessation of the general debility which followed, begin ning with Marquurd and extending to his support, the Hraves made enough runs to win. The champions of all out doors were behind at the beginning of the ninth, but they regarded the circum stance of being laggards at that moment ns paltry to the point of nothing nt all. Inasmuch as they were ahead when the game was over. The score was 7 to S. Winning a game on home grounds on a Saturday before a big crowd seems to bo n mental hazard for the Giants, which causes them regularly to flub the ball Into the rough. And when the hazard Is complicated by the presence of tho Hraves us opponent the pitfalls become deep and numerous. For eight Innings tho Giants simulated a club about to grab a victory from the lords of diamond creation, but In the ninth they became their own usual selves when stacked up against the Hraves and allowed a blight ing rally to be put across on them. Strongly as the Hraves -went at them In the ninth the Giants weren't beaten entirely by the developments of that In ning. Failure to have a lead large enough to cope with the Boston rush to the tape could be traced to the quick petering out of hitting spells earlier In the game, thus leaving men on bases; also to a costly muff by Dovle. The weakening of Marquard was the primary cause of what transpired In the ninth. The Hraves found him for four addi tional rar after the bunt which set his goat to bleating. Marquard had heln In loslne th rim In the ninth from Merkle. Snodsrrnss also made an en or. but' It cost nothing, and ns Snodgrass batted In three .-una he was a help and not a hindrance. Merkle's error let In two runs and the nraves won by that margin, but up to that Merkle had played a superb game at first. He scooped erring thiows all afternoon, but then, as luck wouM have It, made a mlsplay which turned tne game into a defeat for his side. The Giants rallied In their half of the ninth nnd went so far with It ai to have two men In and the tying runs on first and second with nobody out. Here Hums dampened the ardor of the rooters by feebly striking out' No effort was made to sacrifice and put the two base runners In position to tally on a hit. AQUEDUCT TURF NOTES. Andrew Milter was not present to see his great racer Hoamer beaten. A slight Indisposition kept the owner at home, and he was perhaps the only prominent raring man who wns not pn sent to take part In the opening day festivities. There were two new stewards In the stand. Hchuyler I,. Parsons acted In that capacity for the first time this season, and the other newcomer was 31. J, Winn, the leading spirit of racing nt Juaret. Those who have been grumbling at l.lllev all through the Jamaica meeting will be out of a Job for a while. The boy whs set down for pulling hack with He Will ut the start of th first rnco. lie will be on the ground for ten days. Getting set down by the stewards whs not I.llley's only misfortune; h was set down more suddenly by Han Yega In the fifth race, Han Vega lmmp-,1 Into Gilt Kdge going to th post and I.llley was thrown to the track. Th fractional limes In the Brooklyn Handicap were: Klgbth. 12 3-5; quarter, 34 2-.1: three-eighths. 3i: half mile, 4; live eighths. 1:00. six furlongs, 1:12. on mile, 1 ;3I, one mile and a furlong, 1 :50 3-S. Tartar, Hoamer anil Horrow are nil geldings, and the Hrooklyn Handicap thus firovldes h record. It befog the llrst time n this country that geldings hav taken nil three places In a big handicap. Sleuth, winner of the lift In race, was hid up anil his owner had to pay I20S over his entered price to retain hlni, Tartur's victory marked the llrst nrnok llll Handicap (or It. T. Wilson. Jr. He was Immensely pleased and In a talk after tne rare saiii mat tne race was one or tne cleanest run In years, also that the time proved that e are still breeding good horses In this country. Simon Ilealy has turned ouver his light weight rider llyan to Tom Healey as he has few opportunities to give him mounts ami does not wish to keep a good boy on the ground. The tlrst race to-morrow will start at 3;45 In order to give the horsemen time to make the trip from Hhesnsheail Hay. where the sale of the Klmendorf and Kllerslle jearllngs will he held, commenc ing at noon, Among the well known turfmen noticed In the clubhouse were August nelmont, Perry Helmnnt, James Hutler, C, K, (J, Hillings, Harry Payne Whitney, Payne Whllnev John llu-reins. James Milton. I Senator Christie Sullivan, I,. S. Thompson, I'nlled Stales Senator William s. Ilmhe-i. I l-'rn, Hitchcock, Thomas Hitchcock, former State Senator William II. Reynolds, Congressman (1. W Loft, W. II. I-Mwards, Frederick Johnson. George Johnson, senior "l and Junior: Martin Dolan, an ex.M. P. for iiiiuway, rniiip j. iiwer, i;dwaril , Adams. Mattle Corheit. Jesse Iwlsohn and Schuyler l , Parsons. Nenr Knglnnd League, Maniheslei, I; Worcester, (nrst game). Worcester. I .Manchester. 0 ns 1. In. niiiKS. seiond gnmei. leiwell, , lllrhiiurg, 4 (nrst gamel Louell, 7. rltchburK. 1 (sll Innings, sec. ond game), , Law rence, 2, Lynn, 0, Lewlslon-Portland; rain. Southern la-ague, Nashville, 3. Memphis, 0 (llrst K.iine) Nashville. 2, Memphis. I (secoml game) Little Rock, i; I'lialtaniiom, 1 (llrst game). ('haltnnoiiKa, 1, l.lllln Rm k, 0 (second gamei. Illrmlngham, 2, New Orleans, 2 (thir teen Inulnrs darkness) Atlanta-Mohlle. rain. Iloeehall To-ilny, 2 Games, t I. Newark t."- .""J.". c,,y' Federal .siu Park, Hudson Tube tn grounds. Atv. He stood there nnd slashed nnd sUshcd out. j Then, with Doyle out on a fly and two stin on, Hralnard wns the next batter. ! Fletcher Is n good hitter In a pinch. Not that he might have done any better than Hralnard did, which wasn't Any thing hilt tiA la nnl'A,fhDln, i hitter In a pinch. He didn't hit In Ihls I 'Hider "hen the Phillies defcattd Hrook. pinch because he had been put out of lyn, 4 to 0, In a remarkably fast game the game by nyron. They Jawed About ' of 01le hour aml nnp ,,,. Alcc something. , " .... , Hyron, the ofNclows Is mistaken f I atirtcr allowed only one hit, a sharp, he thinks shaking his finger In a hall clean single !o right by Znck Wheat In player's face he has that habit makes him any the better umpire or makes the people think he Is. That gesture of his lends neither dignity nor authority to his position and Is ns far from neces sary ns It Is far from Delsartean. He can hit the dlglthl stroke up to sixty a minute, however, If need be. nnd as between mm ami the player who :s a target for the wagging, win by count less lengths of open water. The (Hants talled In the fourth on triples by Doyle and Fletcher. Fletcher was on third with only one out, but Ttohertson churned nothing tirlco dnd ' ho wns loudly applauded every time he Merkle popped. The Hraves stalled for came In from the box to the players' a while, ns long as the umpire would , bench. He had perfect control, rarely let them, which wasn't long. It was , getting three balls on a batsman. Sev dark and stormy looking overhead, hut of the Dodgers tried to wait him the rain held off for a couple of nnings. ' out, but all were compelled to hit nfter Doyle muffed a fly In the sixth and getting two strikes called upon them. P.ittiAr ntmhdd n home run Into flip .pft t,.nt fnnmli, whit linn lientetl the J Held rookery. Singles by Doyle, Fletcher nnd Ilobertson tied the scoro In .New Alexander a tough battle lor six York's half. This rally lived and moved ' rounds, but weakened enough lit the and had Its being nl! after two were 1 seventh to let the (Junkers score their out and Merkle closed It with a strike- first pair of runs. He wns directly re out. 1 sponsible for the other pair they hung Following a twenty minute hnlt by , rain Kddle Grant singled In the seventh, ' Meyers and Marquard succumbei". on , n,t1,1 nnni.h.a nn.l llnmlornd enm tn time with an Infield hit, which brought I suited In tho winning runs, although Grnnt over. The score stood 3 to 2 until he certainly did not get much encour the ninth. In that painful period itgement from his teammates In the art Schmidt beat out a chopped bunt, nnd of run getting. thereby spoiled the whole afternoon fori Nlehoff got the first hit off Coombs, the Giants and their friends. a single In the first Inning, but then The harm which that bunt did lived Jack went along at n hltless gnlt until after It. Magee. who has been a mark the seventh, when tho Philadelphia for pitchers of late, burned a double got their two other singles. In this through Grant. Doyle threw out Murnn- Inning with two and three on Mehofi vllle nnd held the runnerM where they ! the latter hit the next pitch to centre, ......... v.... , , 1 urn) tn KecOlld Oil I TUVnth S OUt 111 at Iludolnh. rood judgment apparently. lid not nrm-e it tvmilil h.ivn lvn ordered differently had McGraw bad a ' l!l"fr, Promptly stole nl. second guess, but ns it was Itudolph . I.uderus singled savagely through Dau slngled right off the reel and brought In I ''"t. scoring both Mel ff and ttM. two runs 1 I.udy In trying to tnke second on the The ball slipped from Snodgrnss's I h cul down' Stengel. Coombs to nana as ne was aooui to neiu 11 lacK was wet probably. On that error Gowdy a so score", .out ne a nave counted any- l... .... . . . way, lor i-itzpatriCK singled. Gilbert hit to Marquard. who threw him out. and itudolph broke for the plate on , only n,,cl1 low- throw. Merkle's wild return not precluded a' double play but Increased ""n ( rniscnicf afoot by allow-. scamper " " h ,0 nlsh. The Giants didn't make a meek finish. They were still trying -when thev shuf - fled off. Grant singled. So did Meyers. Murray walked, and a hit by Snodgrnss brought In Giants twain. Which wns the rally's end. Hums f.innert. Dnvln DonDed. Hrnlnanl fnr-rt ,,n,ti.T-. n. score; HOSTON (K. L.) I NEW TOHK (N I. , , ab h p a ei ab h p .1 e it'nek.2b 5 1 ; 2 iiS'drrass ef. 4 3 3 0 1 uuoen.ri.. 1 0 0 0 0,, . Kan.... 10 9 0 0 Doyle.rb.... 4 0 10 0 3 2 111 Moran.rf... 1000 o:pieiehrr : 1 1 1 tStrand.... 1 0 0 0 2 0 12 0 Connally.rf 0 0 0 0 o.Hob'tson.rf. 41300 "ather.lf... s 2 1 0 4 0 10 0 1 Smllhlt)..j 4 0 11 O'Grant.Sb.. .42110 Schmidt. lb 4 1 10 0 0 Meyers.e... 4 16 10 4 110 0 Marquard.p 3 0 0 1 0 Mar' 4 12 6 OUMurray.... 0 0 0 0 s Gowdy.e.., 2 1 10 1 ; HUdolph.p, 4 3 0 2 0! Totals... .37 11 27 10 4 Totals... .38 9 27 12 l' Ilalted for Gilbert in the sixth lnnlnr. tllotted (or Moran In the ninth Innin. tMattnt for Marquard In the ninth Inninc. tlosion ., 00000300 & 7 New York 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 :-J Runs Iloston. Fltrpatrick. Fran. Cather. Schmidt. Magee. Gowdy. Randolph; New York. I)oyl 3. Grant 3. leers First bao on errors Iloitnn 2, IIt on bases iloston 5. New York . First base on balls-Off Ku- -Off Ku- ,?"rTio!l ilolnh i. off Marnuard 3. Slni.U n...,nl..K . lniii,,l t! Il,,m. run ' Cather Three ba.e hits Doyle. Fletcher. Two base hits-Mssee. Gowdy Sacrifice hit - Gilbert. Stolsn bases Snodgr.iss. Robrrtsnn Karned runs Off Rudolph :,. off Marquard 1 llinplr In chief llyron Field umpire Kaon Time 2 hours and i minutes. Joe Bran. Advances n -Notch, Cl.r.vr.LANP, June 2d. Joe Kvans, third baseman of the Cleveland American Asoelstlon team has been switched to Aeociaiion team, nas oeen swiicntxi to the American league club, and Hoy wood, local American j.eague inueiner, ment wns made thl afternoon by Owner Somers. Uvans Is the fastest man on either Cleveland team. Jersey City Klk Rent Ilrnoklyn. The nrnnUlvtl I-1k Irtfct In thrt 1.r,iM' City Klks. 14 to it. nt St. John's Fletd, lirooKiyn, yt-sieruiiy uuernuun. Colonial league, Hartford 6; New Hedford, 5 Springfield 4; Fall River, 1. New listen. 2, Taunton. 1. I'awtucket-llrockton, rain, Prnpcct Park llwseliall Results. HROOKLYN AMATKI'lt Ll.'AGL'i:. Trinity Club. 8: Suburban Arrows. . Sagamore A. C. H; J - T. Cousins II. II. l. 7. Aurora M. P. Club. . Central Y. M. C. A., 1. OTH Kit RHSDI.TS. Sears. Cross Co, 3, Jones Speedometer, 1. S.iliioset A. C. (I; Dixie A C, 2, Register's Ofllc" Kings i-uunli-. ft. Ho. anoke A. C. 4. t.,..i.-M it.i..u.- i. n .. 6; I'lvuiouth CongreBatrnnal r, Noflh side Hank, 2; National city Hank. 1 .,erord . ,. c. A.. 4, Prospect V. HUMlUfr A. A.. 10. Newman MrHdin Inn. Co.. 9. CXPERT mixing in exact pro j portions gives the uniformly distinctive flavor that has made Club Cocktails famous. And the soft, mellow smoothness that the result of aging in the wood. As for materials.Club Cocktails are made of the finest money can buy. . C F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Hartford Ntw York Losdoa Inoorton ol Um fossa iu Brand's At Sauc THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. ALEXANDER BLANKS DODGERS WITH A HIT Kuril Wlient Is Only Robin to (let Safe Hit Against Phillies Star. GAME IS QUTCKIA' PLAYED t'ltiLADKi.ritlA, June 26. Another wonderful pitching exhibition was given here to-day by Orover Cleveland Alex- n,0 eighth Inning, and pitched Just scv- enty.slx balls during the game. Only twenty-eight Dodgers faced hi in. one uboe the legal number, and not , Brooklyn man got beyond llrst bate " 'I'd not pass or hit a man, and the Phillies lloldcd perfectly behind him. tuner man trie nit uy wncai 1110 Dodgers all went out on comparatively easy chances, a liner by Stengel to Hccker belnc tho only other hard hit ball. From a local standpoint It was the best game Alexander ever pitched In this city and Phillies three times this year, gave Up In the eighth. Jack gave only three hits, two falling to Nlehoff. Hut one of his two passes and a bit batsman, tn.lUr u-ltl, liltt rntl wild thrOW. re rst and to third nil Hecker's roller to Datibert. Coombs then hit vvnilieu ' V. . V . , ,, ,.n,u, nn.we.l III IIIU 111 f v , . Kin rer nun 111 irvuiK In trying to get Aiex- " ;.rs. ... c ,Mt-K t.utit the "" " ri.. flei,i Kllllfer ''i'0.! 7 ' '"." L S'r i' Hyme scored Kllllfer with a long line drive to Meyers, on which Alexander r-eheil third he scoring when Han- . HAC. ry iT., nL, n r,t. The score: cr()t wns out nl Mrft. The score I UllOOKl.YN (N. L.) ! PHILA. IS. L.) ab h p t' ' h P a e I Mr... . 1 1) A 0 O.rtrrne.Sb.. 3 0 13 0 HHOOKI.YS (N. L.) ! PH.LA. .S U Mr.r.f . 1 0 I 0 o.nrrne.Sh.. 3 0 12 0 IO - .Mar'a.s.. 3 0 11 0 3 0 i t 0 . '''lur,,;lh I ? ' J XlrraihrV ii "Jj'lb 3 S 2 0 nSterJl'!'.' H M sicnicl.rf 1001 o'wnltted.ef 20000 C.etz.Jb.. 3 0 11 0I.udcrus.!!. 3 1 II 0 0 1 Mlller.c. . 3 0 0 O.KIIIIfer.c. 2 0 7 0 0 Coombs. p.. 3 0 3 4 1 Alexsnder.P 3 0 0 o Totals 1 Zi IS I' Totals, ..24 3 37 II 0 Hrooklyn 00000000 o-0 Philadelphia .00000022 x-4 Runs-Philadelphia. Nlehoff. Whtttcd. Kllll fer. Alexander. Sacrifice hits Byrne. Nlehoff, Alexander. Stolen bases Nlehoft. Whltted. Ift on bases-Philadelphia. 2: Ilrnoklyn. 1. Struck out Hy Aleiauder. : by Coomba, 2. First base on errors-Philadelphia. First base oil called balls-Off Coombs. 2. Hit by pitched ball Hy Coombs iWhlttedl. I'm. pires-Hlitlvr and Hart. Time-1 hour and 3 minutes. PIRATES JUMP ON DALE HARD. III! lleds' YonrtK Pitcher for Five linns In Fifth nnd Win. PlTTSBL'Rd, June 2S. The Pirates de- ifeated the lteds to-day In a long drawn out game, 6 to 3. Dale, Cincinnati's vontie ulteher. held the Pirates In check I unt the fifth Inning, when every Pirate I went to bat. Nearly all hit the ball ! soundly and five runB resulted. Ames and l.enr came to the rescue, hut they could not bring their team to the front. The score: CINCINNATI (N I.) PlTTSnCRO (N I,) ab h p a e ab h p a e . 4 0 2 0 1 Carey.lf. ..51 (! 0 0 Mnllulll 111 f. OKI 0 Collins. ef .. 4 1 .1 1 0 ! II, rina .s., S 2 2 t t!ll.iln1 St ... 1 2 2 0 0 I 1.1, 1,. I. - , , A Allll.,.J.n.' . 1 A A (iroh.sii..' 4 0 2 3 o H Waa-n'r,'.. 4 i 3 s fl , Cl-irke.c. 2 14 1 0Vlox.:h, ...21020 . 'J Wagner 0 0 0 0 0 Johnton.lh 3 2 s 0 t 0 Gibson e. .41431 (jrn,h.rf ..4 2 I 1 0 Mijulllan,p 3 1 0 t 1 t oion.;ii. ..131211 1 3 1 I'aie.ii 1 u 1 1 ". ITwombly 0 0 fl 0 Ol Ames.p. . .0 0 0 1 0' Wingn.c ..IOIOO! Totals .33 9t:3 11 3. Ran for Clarke in the eighth Inning tli.ilt.-il for Dale In Hie eighth inning. ICarey out for passing Johnston between ( V('1'1,;,1'1 ''Mbaw. 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 03 Pittsburg o n o 0 0 I o x Runs -Cincinnati -Clarke 2; Grllllth: Pitts. burg -Collins, H.ilrd. llinihman 11 Wagner, Jnhnslon. .' Two base tins -Olson, Hinch- man Thrre tiase lilt Hinchman. Sacrlflee lilt Ylnx. Stolen bases- Mollwltt. Herrog. 2: H.ilrd First lm on halls Off Dale. I; off gmllan, :. Struck out-Hy hy MrJiilllatj. 2 I'm , hmslie Time-2 hours and ' ,,ni,'e, ; in, ., vmiinii, Dale, 3: by l-ar. pires- Klem und 11 m:nules DOUBLE STEAL BEATS CUBS. lilllle, I'nrillnals l IiiiIiiIki In MiiKKlnur lire. I a, u, I1 nt ' ,''i--, ..nil. ... ... tt.M I their runes off V.illghn and .a be I In the , tlrst two Innings, the Cardinals, nbette 1 I ,v u-m lefe.ited the Culm tn.dav. s' to 3. A hitting bee was responsible for i the llrst three St. l.ouls runs. In the Ihecond Hutler nnd Mlllee worked the double for one run. Adams and ,ii,it iwi ui nit .nif, and stopped the visitors. The locals hcored m the third on hl's by (!ood and Scliulte, ,i!-d t rn"y par tlclpated In by Hresnahaii and .Imiuer man produced two runs In the eighth. The score : ST LOUIS (N I,) I CHICAGO (N L) all Ii par ah h p a e 13 3 2 OGnod.rf 1 2 3 0 0 lies, her.lf. 3 110 0 .31330 Wilson, If 1 0 0 0 0 Si lilllle If.. 3 3 110 Mlller.i'li. 1113 OS.ller.lll . 1 0 S 0 0 I. 3 1 I II 1 Phclan.ah 4 13 3 0 Dol.m.rf 1030 0' Williams ef 4 I 3 1 0 II. vall.1li 3 I 12 n ( Archer e 1 0 3 u I Heek.Sb 3 0 3 3 d Hresnahail.e 2 1310 Snvdcr.e 3 0 4 3 0,Mc!.-irry.2b 1 0 0 3 0 Sallee,i 110 3 oyim'r'nn.:b 110 10 V.iustin.p . 0 0 0 )0 Totals 31 "37 11 1 . ilHl.p . 0 n 0 0 0 Ad.lllis.ii. . 2 0 0 1 (I I'Klilsely 10 0 0 0 ll.atcudiT.p 11 0 0 0 0 isiandrldge 1 0 0 0 0 I Tot lls 11 f 27 13 1 I'll, II led for Adams III Hie seventh Inning 111. 1II1 il for Lavender In the ninth Inninz SI l.ouls . 3 1 0 0 (i 0 0 fl 0.-4 j Chicago 00100030 0 3 1 Runs SI Iiiiis Hutler, llesiher. Miller. I.nng: Chicago Good, Phi I, in, llresuahan Two base hits Schiille, Hcsihir. jlretnahan l'i slier Three base Ills Williams, Long, Hynlt Double plnys-lleck and lltall: Um P I- and Snider Sacnllce hits Dol in, Fisher. Schiille Slohn Inses Huller. Miller. Zlm merman Fust his on halls Off Vaughn, I; olf Zalicl 3, off Adams, 1; off Sallce. 1 struck out-Hy Sallte. 6; by Adams. 2; by I. .n wider. 1 t'mimes Onli and Qulgley Time 2 hours unci 2;' miuulcs Western l-ciigiic, 1 St .losepll 4, llllllll.l. I Sinus Cily (i lies Moines. 4 Topeka, !i, Lincoln, ; uirst game 1 ! Lincoln, S, Topeka. 0 (second gams), Denver, 10; Wichita, I (tlrst game), Wichita, :; Denver, 1 (second fame). TINKER AND MYERS MIX AS MALES WIN Plnyers Exelinnjre Mows nt Second, hut Others Stop the ncllisercnts. TIP TOPS TKAIL TWICE Yesterdsy's Itratilts. Chlraco, ; Hrooklyn. 1 (flrst game). ChlesKO. 10: Hrooklyn. (seond game). Newark. Si Kansas City, 3. ft, Louis. 2: Hiltlmore. 0 (first game). Haltlmnre, .': St Louis. 3 (second game). Pittsburg, Si lluffalo, 2. Mnndlng of the Clubs. W I- , W h Vfv m r nni . 'it 11 .mn'Newark i " Kansas Clly.S7 r .("Tjllrooklrn Chlcnrn.. .3 Z WPllalllmore Pittsburg. 12 '.'1 ..VI lluffalo... .:: 31 .i .3.-. 3.1 .(17 .21 ,JJ1 Tn-dnt's Schedule. Kansas City In Newark. Joe Tinker's Whales tipped the tops off the Tip Tops In both games of yes terday's double header at Washington Park. Chicago led nil the way for the first victory, which was settled by a count of C to 1, but came from behind In tho second, which was snnlched through a Garrison finish. This score wns 10 to C. The good night number of the bargain day was enlivened by a scrap between Joe Tinker nnd Hap Myers, which took the full forces of both sides to quiet. These two players had been "riding" each other pretty ham throughout the series. Toward the end of the game, when Mvrrs was sent In to run for Griggs, Tinker evidently thought. Hap tried to ( cut him down nt second. He slugged 1 the lanky first sucker, who came right hark in the snine fashion. Neither Player was badly d imagcd. t.afHte was hammered pretty hard toward the end f the llrst game, while McConnell set down tho Tip Tops with four scattered blows. Hrooklyn got an advnntngeous lead off Hendrlx and Hlnck In the second gnnie, but Wilson exploded In the eighth. Onco tho Whales got the lend old Miner Hrown was called upon, nnd It was all off for the Tip Tops. The scores: FIHST GAME. CHICAGO (V I..) 1IH00KI.YN (F. I..) ab h p a e ah h p a e J Smith. ss.. 5 111 OCooixr.lf... 10 10 0 Flwk.lf . . 4 II 4 0 (I K.-ill.Jb ... 3 0 0 3 0 jFisoher.e ,5 2 3 0 (1K.111rf.ef. 3 0 4 01 a I o u v r.vans ri . i v 1 v v Friust. 3 3 4 1 0 .4 1 13 0 0 3 2 0 V Smith. M. 4 0 13 0 Mannrr. 4 10 0 d. Simon r. .. 4 17 10 Farrrll.:b, 4 0 1 3 0 Howanl.3b 4 3 0 6 0 McCon'ell.p 4 0 n 1 o,l.aflltep .10040 illerrlnr.p. 0 0 0 0 0 TotaU. 35 10 2T 0, I Totnl- . .31 4 37 15 1 Chlcara 000102030-'! Brooklyn 00000100 o-l Kuns-Chlcairo-Fl.iek. Fischer. Zwillln, 2: Frill. 2: Hrooklyn Miers. First ba-e on er yn Miers. first ta-e on er Mi'S?"?- lion'Je TSnSWIlo ' i?Ck t 'l hits-Fischer. Frit, Zwllllne. Simon. Slolen batting support for his well pitched bases Halt. Kauff. Myers. Double play game. Foster broke the runless tie In IjlftUc- simon and M)i-rs Fir.t bp on balls-Oft MeConnell. 4; off f.amte. 4 struck out-Ily MiCoim.-lI. 3: by I-aittle. 3; by Her- "nr. I. H.ts-Off unite. 10 in eight Inning.; off Herring, nonn I it one Inning I'mpire in chief Johnslone Field umpire Fyfe Time 1 hour and .V) mlnuw. SECOND GAME. CHICAGO (F I..) HROOKLYN (F L.) ah h 11 a e) ah h n a e J Smith. sa. .'. : 1 4,... 4 12 0 0 Flack. If .. 3 110 0,1a 1.3b 3 0 10 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 A wiisoilp 3 a : 1 Kvans.ri.. 41110 Zwtllinr.ef 5 3 10 OGritgs.lh 4 1 10 0 0 Friti.Jb. ft 1 3 4 O 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 7 0 0 F Smith. ss 110 4 1 Hanford.H. t 0 0 0 o't-ind.e.. . I 1 A 0 1 Mann.rf 4 3 1 0 3'llnard.:b 30130 Farrell.:b 3 114 o'F Wilson p. 3 3 0 1 n sWeatrrtll.. 0 0 0 0 OFmneran.p. 0 0 0 0 0 tri-her... 0 0 0 0 o'H'rall 1 0 0 0 0 llrn.lrn.ii.. 10100 Illark.p.... 2 0 0 2 0 Total 33 11 27 4 Ttnker2b.. 0 0 10 0 Clemens'b. 1 0 0 0 0 Brown. p.. . 0 0 0 1 0, 1 Totals.. .37 9 37 17 1 Rutted lor Farrell In the eighth lnnlnr t Unite, I for Westerril In the eirhth innlm. tllalted for Finneran In the ninth lnnlnr. Chicago 0001000 1-10 Pronklyn 0 f. 1 0 0 0 0 0 d Rui's Chicago. J. Vmilh 3, Jackson. A Wilson, Hanford 2, Mann. Fischer. Tinker: Brooklyn. Coojier. Evans, F Smith, I KauR. F Wilson First hjs on errors Chi cago 3, llrookln. 1. l-ft on bases-Chl-caio fi. HrookHn 2. Home runs -Kvans. F Smith Three base hit Cooper Two base hlts-Fnrrell. Lan I. .Mann. J smith First base on balls Oft Drown 1. off F Wilson 1. oft Finneran 2 Struck out Ily Hendrix 1, by black 1, by F Wilson stolen bases. Uai,rf Ifinfnril Minn hll. Ilnu- ird. Hall. A Wilson Dquble Krans I and Howard: Fntr. unassisted Wild pitch ' Illack Hlts-Off Hrndrix. 1 in two ami two third innings; nlf Illack. I In four and two third innings; off Hrown, t In two Innings; off F Wilson, In eljht innings- off Fin ' nerau. 1 In one inning empire in chief Fyfe Field umpire Johnstone Time 2 hours and 7 minutes DOUBLE FLAYS AID NEWFEDS. Three nf Them SnnrT Ont Unities nf KaiTtrils Score, (I i fl. NEWAIIK. June !S, The Newfeils took another game from the Kawfeds to-day, the score this time being 6 to 3. lloth teams hit the ball well, hut three double plays by McKechnle's men offset a num ber nf tho vlsltots' hits. The score : KANSAS CITY (F L.P NKWARK iF I, i ab h P a e ab h p a e (fV.tKriie el 1110 0 CammVll.rf 112 0 0 C'db I 1 1 o o campl'cll.rl ) l i : Rawi', 1 2 4 2 1 4 0 3 3 o , 3 III 1 oltouhf . I .' 1 0 0 i ivrrlng.i'b. 4 12 1 1 I.aporte "h 4 1110 ! Shaw If .1 1 0 0 0 seheer.lf 4 0 2 0 0 Hr.iilley,.1h 10 11 0 McK'nlclh. 4 3 0 3 0 .r.llmnre rf ,4120 O'Millslli I 0 10 1 o Hrown .. 3 t 3 1 0 Rarideii.e . 1 .' o 0 ciillopin ' . 2 0 0 4 n RiuIIi.h h p 3 1 o i I -Easterly. 1 I 0 0 a Gmsrus.p.. 0 0 o o 0' Totals. .I-, 13 27 13 Totals. 31 9 VI lit V1 ( "Ilalted tor cttllop in tne eiginn inning Kansas City . ninoA002 0-.l ,-sewarK " ( " - i s nuns Newark. F.smnnd. Rnusch. Laporte. ehrer MeKeehme l.arliien, u.insi. city. Clialhourne Sluw. Kasterly stolen bases Laporte. MoKcchnie. Mills Two hit llsir.ilen nirce n , Home run Rnuseli Hils Off Cttllop. It In , ven timings; off (Siiigriis 3 m one inning I First base on balls Oft Keulbich i Mruck liar, (leu rnrce n.i.e nits itaniieu. ?n.i TVufc? R-ulhSch M I F.smnud. Mills and Rarulen: Lapntie hsnuuid , and Mills: Ksniond. Laporte aliil Mills: Raw : ""S, "o 'hsi r:Wew T , KatlSSS 4.11V t'mnires llreiinan and Shan- noil Time-- hour and 10 minutes. A I llultlmnre. FIRST GAMK, It. H. K Kt l.ouls (F. L.I . 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 10 (1 t-1.1 .L i . A t ft 11 nnooa o s t llttlMIIIMIt- I - ' " " u " Hatterles PUnk and Hartley; Header nnd Owens. SKCOND GAMK. .. n ".' ''a St l.ouls (F Li 0 000 I 3 n 03 J 0 Haltlmore ( F L.I. 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 x ,1 1 I Hatterles --('randall and Hartley. John- sin nnd Jackllisch. At HurTnln. II M Pittsburg (I". L. ) 0 0000003 oi is Hiilfalo il Ll .0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0- 2 0 Hatterles AHn and O'Connor, Ander son. Hedlent and Hlilr . North I'nrollmi langiir, Durham C, s)iellle 1'dgh :, .'olie, 1 ,'weH-e Inn'ngsi ilre.-nibnro, 7 Winston S.ilem, i,. AMERICAN CHESS BULLETIN IihuciI monthly since 100 ! $2.00 yenrly; sumplo copies upon u p pi i cation', only New York City emporium for chess nootls nnl boolts; lfiO Nn:tii Rtrert. EVKRVTHINC. FOR Billiards Prices and Terms to Spit. REPAIRS BY EXPERT MECHANICS. XPERT MECHANICS. llalkt-ColleniV4 Co., Id St.. Near UtCtdway, The II U It WMt-tld YANKEES PULL ONE FROM FIRE, THREATEN IN OTHER Crowd Five Runs Over on Foster and Scare Joe Wood From Box in Second Game of Double Header With Red Sox. The most momentous happening In the American League yesterday was the defeat of the White Hox. The Clevelands bent them nnd Improved the race, for they were getting a long lend. Tho Dctrolts nlso lost, and to the Hrowns. Tho Yankees divided a double header with the Hoi Sox, and tho Wnshlngtons were benten hy the Athletics. Vesteritu.i s Itesnlts. New York, 3; Ho"tnn, 1 (llrst game), llosion. 4. New- York, 3 Iseennd gam0. Philadelphia, 3: Washington, 2. HI. I ... 11 1 7, Detroit, 3. Cleveland, 3. Chicago, i. Detailed Standing of the Clubs. 5 1 ! Clubs. ;j E E n . n (3 'tS Chicago.,, 'I ! 7J111 4l2t!.(VH 32 22l .5(11 Iloston,, Detroit New York... 2I4 6 3(1 Sdj.tsl 31 :b.525 . 2S. 37l (09 Washington.. S' 31 3 3 II St. l.ou?s... Cleveland,, Philadelphia! Games Inst.. 23, So' .3711, 'I 2! .W'HAlM1 2311 I To-il' Schedule. St. l.ouls In Chlrago. Cleveland tn Detroit. Hoston, June 26. The Yankees and Ited Sox split fifty-fifty on the double header nt Fenway Park this afternoon, the Donovan hoys taking the opener, 5 to I, nnd dropping the second encounter, I to 2. The closing number furnished a big scare for the Carrlgan clan nnd l(5,nno rooters ns the Yanks needed only a single to tie up the game In the ninth Inning. Hoy Hnrtzell grounded to Jan vrln with the bases full and two out and the ball got the decision over Fritz Mnlscl In a race to second base. A stirring rally In the eighth Inning turned the tlrst contest Into the Yankee victory column when everything pre saged a defeat for Wild Hill's aggrega tion. Three scattered hits was their portion of the speed and slants of George ij'oster during the first seven Innings I ,,,i 11 that .t.irV w.-irhnn van in ,h ,, ' 1 "n" ; nu last half of the seventh with a double, and he evidently expended too much energy In his dash to second base. He did not last through tho Yankees' half of the eighth. The double had chased Thomas In from first base with Hoston's only run. Hughey High started the Yanks on the road to victory with a double to bft Held nnd went to third while Jan vrln was throwing Pecklnpaugh out at first base. Faddy Hatimann, who played third because of Malsel's Injured hand, followed with a triple to the right field corner and High raced In with the tying run. Figuring that a close play at the plate might decide the game, Donovan sent Malsel In to run for Haumunn. and a minuter later Fritz scored when Janvrln threw poorly to Thomas after Melding Plpps grounder. PIpp got an extra base on the error. Cree sent PIpp homo with a single to left and Foster was excused for the afternoon. Shore succeeded him. Hart gell's single through short put Cree on third and Hlrdle scored when Thomas muffed the ball at the plate after Hcone bunted to Shore. A pass to Sweeney LAJ0IE WINS FOR MACKMEN M fin ills'. .nerlH.T I'ly Also llrl.s tn Rent Senators Washington. June !(" Connie MitcK s .Mnietics neie.ueii im- cciwiui. here to-d.iy. 3 to f I lnl.'a triple .mil Melnnts's sacrifice fly In the slvth Inning bioke the deadlock that had. existed from the fourth. Only one man reached tlrst on Joe Hush after the third Inning. The score: WASHINGTON' (VI. IMIII.A .I..i. ab h p a ei ab h p a e Connolly. rf. I (i o u o Murphy. rf .so i o o Mo.-llcr.rt I I, it I if mi iim,t , ,... 3 (I 2 I ii Srhnng.Iih. 3 (I 0 o 1 I 2 o (I ii I02OO 4 1 3 0 II lJlole.2b. 13 14 0 3 n 7 2 i) Mrlr.nls.ib .1 3 to 0 I I I 2 o 0,r 3 I 8 n o 3 I S 1 (1 . 3 II : S II 3 14 2 (i Hush.p 4 0 0 1 O 0 (I II I 1 I 1 (i 0 o 0 Totals . 13 02710 2 2 0 2 1 0 roster,.iu sii.inks.lf . (iutiilll.ib . Mnsnilth.e hhiiw.p . Ullllams . Ayers.p Totals . 11 (127 II 1 1 Patted tor Shaw In second Inning. Washington 11 t t 0 n 0 0 0 0 -2 Pllladelphl.i n 2 (I o 0 1 (I 0 0 3 Huns Washington, Minnls". Morgan: Phlla dilpliln, l.nji'lc. 2. Mclimls. Cnrncil runs Wahlngton. 1. Philadelphia. 2 ITrst base on errors Washington, l. Plill.ulrlnhla, I belt on bases Weshlnetnn, Philadelphia, 7 llr.scs o ,nw. 3lntnoltiiilns. cr, iilnseM-nlnnliigs struck nut Hi Shaw, I b yers. 5. by llusl. 7 01 ihrce banc hit l.ojole Twnbaschlts shanks, on halls tin Miaw, i. mi iiii-n. i iii". 'ii Lapp. Sacrllleehlt Shanks Sm-rinretllea Gan UU. MCinr.l. .--liiicn lin-l- .mum. iu,"ii-ii.i; Kopf, l.ijolc and McInnK Kupt and Mclntds Wild pitch Sluw 1'inplrci lllldehrand nnd O l.iiuthllu. Time ? hours WEELMAN MAKES IT THREE. j -fni-LIcs Tuers liner .llorr null . ...... Suocessf ill by 7 lo 'J. Iiktroit, June 2C. Carl Wellman was nent b.ick by Hlckey to-day, pitching for lhlpli ,im n,s Prles. and the I Hrowns as a result made It three out of live oer the Tygere. score 7 to I Six lills were made off the long left bander The Tygers had 11 little hard luck In the ninth, when Hush's line drive, following two clean hits, went straight at Austin for a double play, killing a lally. The Bnr ' ftor' ST I.OL'IS (A I,) . HKTKOIT iA 1.1 abh par abh p a e Sholtonlt IJ10 nWill,3b . I 0 3 . 0 ) Austin. 3b. 3 : 2 J n Kav'ngli 2b 11.30 'ral .'b I 0 f, 4 oCobb.ef . J 0 : 0 0 rw'llur.c! 1110 o'Crawfordrf 1 fl 1 (1 0 K W'ker.rf n 1 n o'Veach.lf.. 3 1:00 I Walsh. rf ., 0 n 0 0 iiurns.ib r I Howard. lb .'. 110 0 O'-Vniing 1' . 1 : 3 1 0 Hush.-s II s fl o 0 O O 0 0 3 1 .( ft i : I ii o i .'1101 oooio 10 0 10 1 o o o o ooooo 1 i) 0 0 I) oooo o 1 Aeiiew e... lall "'stallage Weilniau.p I 1 0 t HHaker.e cm -sgiep 10 I Sleen p It.ln obsiin I llnl'iud.p. tMnriarly Totals.-. 37 l: i R7act p I Totals Ran for Hums in the ninth inning llluied for Steep In the sixth limine ni.ittcd lor Roland in ll' eighth inning Ddroit i) n 0 o o ,i n 2 o 3 St lx)itis 1 r 3 S 0 0 1 o 0- 7 1 Runs S Louis, Slioiton 2. Austin How ' ard. Lavan. Wellman :. Detroit. Hush. Sinn age Slolen liases -Cnbh, C Valker sacrt Ihc hit Austin Two base hile -lltish. Lavan Three ba.e hii-Hikir First base on bills Of,' Sli en off Wellman :i Struck nut Hy CiiM'leskie by Sleep J. b) Calet I. by Welluian I Hit by pitched bill -Hi Weil lll.llt iVeaeh). by Cuyeleskle iProll C Will lter Double nlijs Auuu and Prali I'm i lures Kians and Chill Time: hours 'nilllc Const la-nKiie, l'i, San Fianclsco, Pnrlland (llrst game i k cnrtianu, l San Francisco, S (second gnme) I n 3 3 "Vs 1 "5 3 3 14 ?3 3H 2137 Venice, i Salt Lake, Los Angeles, 3 17, Oakland, 1, filled the bases nnd a pass to Wnrhop forced Hnrtzell home. Then Hoonc wns picked off third nnd I High, who started the Inning, eiricd It v.s'n a giMUIIlier to agner. uu .Sox touched up WnrhMp for two h Is In t n! ninth, Lui FicK'npnugh chec' id 'he ral'y when !" iir.lbbed Hooper's ' l'i his gl-xr'i hum. '..gged seconJ ir 1 threw to flr4t, iloiilllng Gainer and line per. The second .'iffa'r f.howed the Yankees nr the merry of Smoky Joe Wood u n I : t the ninth Inning, when the lied Hox star Inst control and voluntarily walked Irom tho box to the Hoston bench, Carrlgan had bcpn warming up three pitchers In I Ight Held nnd he selected .Mays to do the twirling. Mays did so well that tho Yanks collected only one run In this Inning nfter having the bases filled with none out. No. a clean hit was made off Wood. In the sixth Hoone hit through short nnd .Tanvrln backed up for the play, but the ball took a bad bound and hopped off his glove. This was the only hit off Wood until the ninth, when Caldwell, batting for Hrown, hit n high bounder over Wood's head. Helnlo Wagner fielded the ball cleanly, but got It too late to make a play at first base. Carroll Hrown, making bis se-nnd start of the year, the first since April 16, "scattered the six Hoston hits through five Innings, but when he wns hit the ball went far nway. There was only one single In the lied Sox hit collection, four drives going for tvo bases nnd one for a home tun. Wood got the homer, a terrific drive over the Mgh left Held fence, In the seventh Inning. The scores: FIRST GAME. NF.W YORK (A. I.) , HOSTON (A I.) ab h p n r! ab h p a e .",2 10 OHnoper.rf. S 0 1 0 0 lVek' 6 2 4 3 O Wagner.Cb .2 0 0 3 0 Haiim.Vn.Jb 2 112 0 Henrlksen, I I n 0 0 MalselSli. 1 0 0 0 O.Rodgers.Jii. 0 0 0 1 0 .1 1 11 0 o srieaker.ef 4 1 0 0 I'ne rt . .. 1 3 0 Ol.ruis lf . 4 11 2 0 J Hartteil.lf 3 14 0 Oilloblltg' 3 1 11 0 Hoone.Cb .. 3 0 1 r. l.janvriu.s. 3 o o z : Sweeney.e.. 3 0 2 1 0,Gardner.31i I 1 1 I n Warhopp.. 3 0 0 2 OThonias.c. .42121 . r osier.p. a s o s Totals. . 34 S27 13 1 Shore.l 0 0 0 1 0 ((Gainer. ...11000 Totals ...14 !27 II 3 nnttrsl for Wagner in the elghth'lnnlng. tll.urvd for Shore In the nlnlh Ittilng New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 ft S Iloston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Runs New- York High. Malsel, Pipp. Cree, Harwell: Hoston Thomas Two has,, hit. Foster. High Three has-, hit-llaumann Sac rifice hlts-Pipp. Janvrln, Rnooe Stolen bases Speaker. Pecklnpaugh Double play -Peck-Inp.iilgh ami Pipp, Left on nasi -New York. : Hosioii, 9 First base on error New- York. First ljs on balks -oil Warhop. off Fos tr. 3: off Shore. 2. Struck nut Hy Warhop, I: by Foster. 3; by Shore. 1 Hits Off Foster. ! in seven and one-third Innings; off Shore. 2 in one and two thirds Innings. Vld plli-h Warhoti, Umpires Dineen and Nullln Time 2 hours. SKCOND GAMK. NKW YORK iA 1.) DOSTW iA 1. 1 ah ti p n e hi) h p a e llirh.ef.. .2 0 2 0 llnojier.rf.. 3 o r. i o . 3 0 1 4 0 w.ignir.:b 10121 Haitm'tUb 4 0 2 0 o' 3 12 0 0 4 0 10 11 OLewln.lf .. 2 2 10 0 Cr-e.rf .. 2 0 0 O.IIob'cll.lh 3 I 14 0 Malsel . 0000 O Janvnn. ss. 2 0 2 s 0 4 0 4 0 o;Oanlncr.3h 4 0 13 0 lloolle.:b... 3 114 Cid.e .. 3 110 0 sweeney.e. a 0 2 o 0 wood. p. 2 10 2 1 Hrown. p. .. 2 0 0 3 "Mays, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Tcainwen.. 11000 , ' Totals,, 27J4 2 Totals 2s 2 2( II 0 Ran fof Cree in the ninth Inning Hatted for Hrown in the ninth Inning New- York oooooino 12 Iloston 1 0 n 0 i o 1 1 j 1 Runs New- ork, Hoone. CaJdwell: nnston. Sneaker. 2: Cadv. Wood To base bus Iwis 2; cady. llomitrell Home run Wood. saiTimw . diih linnutzrli. wood. Janvrln, N'wls Samflie Hies Hoontr. High Left on base -New York. 4: Hoston. (! First ba on errors-New York First base 011 balls 1111 nrown. a; on woou 3: nir Mas. 1 Struck out-Hy Hrown. 3- by Mns 1 Hlts Off Wood. - In eight Innings (none nut In ninthi: off Mays, none to one Inning Double nlays-janvrin and Hoblitiell: Hnoivr ami iionnwcii nnie 1 nour and 4J minutes I'mnlre N1II111 and Dineen American Association. AT COLfMlll'S. it 11 K ; llm".: I 0 t I fl 0 1 0 1 10 1 0 0 010000 0 .1 '. latteries Willis and (lessen. Davis nn.l I 1 uiciii.111. AT MlflSVII.LB. n ". - n; ' v u l u II V I 4 : Louisville V 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 x 3 5 - Hatterles .lames and Devon. Danforth ""' -'-nions. AT MINNEAPOLIS. ... H II. E. .1IIIHAUKFS, . , , U O V O O 2 0 0 2 7 Minneapolis.. 21002000 x 3 11 latteries Shackelford nnd Ilrannon and jiuKiics; 1111.1ms ami Minivan. AT ST. i'Al'L. P.. II. K. Kansas city 0 0 n n 0 o n 0 00 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 x 1 ,; m ram llalterles Gardner and Alexander: t.el field and Johnson. ' Smith Atlantic I-ngue, Augusta, "i, Columbus. Macon. 3. ColunibU. I (10 Innings). Albanv. 4, Savannah, 3 (first game). Savannah. 1, Albany. 0 (10 Innings; ec ond game). Charleston-Jacksonville Rain. Texas la-ague, Shreeport 5 San Antonio. lleatimonU 1, Waco, 0 Dallas. 4, G.lHeston, 0 Fort Worth, 3 Houston 3, extra sidewall tion 1 Krir.Jmm c m. r 1 vyimiv-; stuXsira service ( M.T'- TSJ iW M I WA I 3UC5 I ! 3QO a 5 I si L 91 W ' I I iTIIIlTllM ill SKEETERS DOWNED TWICE AT RICHMOND Fine Support for Works mm, Hussell's (Jood Pitcliini: Win Contests. HEAVY HITTIXH i-'KATI ItK Yesfprdaj's Results. Providence-Newark lloth gam s Richmond, : Jersey CIO. t ini- g, Richmond, 7; Jersey Cltv , , Rochester, !: Toronto, f, (first, Rochester, !i Toronto, 2 (e, .. , I g.m. Montreal. It; HulTalo. 5, Standing of I lie Chilis. W I,. PC W 1 Providence..'" 'l .0" Hoehister Montreal.. .21 21 .Mf Newark lluffalo. . . CI -V "I" ToMhtn Rlihmond.. 3 MSJers y 1'ily .! TimIh) 's st-liediile, Newark In Provldenre. HilfTalo tu Montreal IT 0 I'S Richmond, June 2'?. lllcrtinm 1 on both ends of 11 double hende- fr,,tr Jersey City to-day by scori.s of T( t 1 nnd 7 to 3. Splendid tleldli g bel im Works won the llrst cmitist and Pu. soil's excellent twirling tho sec ml. IIjj. sell fanned ten men, Seven two base hits and a home run featured tho llrst game ;ind four trip's, the second. The scores: FIRST G.WIi:. JIIHSUY CITY (1,1.1. I RICHMOND 1 1. abh pn el ab Ii nse Truesitale,2b.4 I 3 3 ii'Thnmp'n.rf S I I 0 1, line. .lb.. .4111 0lPlck,3b 41310 Wrlght.lf.. 4100 olllates.ef 41310 llarry.lli., . 4 17 11 Araeon.3h. 3 1 ISO . 4020 n; I 212 00 I' ,3 2 3 1 1 liunn.lf. 21200 Heynolds.e .3 3 fl 3 (, 11 1 3 0 llentley.rf, 2 0 " " (USehaufele.e 11030 Yeaeer 1 n o " 111 Works, p. . 3 1 0 11 0 Sherman, p. 4 12 13 I Totals .. 3.1102711 n Totals . S3 1(121 Id ftl Hatted for Hentley In the ninth Inning Jrrsry City nonnnni nni Hlclimoil 000004 1 4xi Huns Jersey City Purte-ll; Richmond Plek, Hates, Aragnn, 2. Jordan, 2; Dunn, Srhaufrle Works. Two tiasc hits Reynolds, Cr.nie, Mel, Jordan, 2: Sherman, Srliaufele, Home nin Works. .Sacrifice hits Hentley. Works .Stolen tiase Harry- Double Plays Hates. Pink snit Arnenn, Ar.pnii Aliil Jomsn. First l)A,e tit j balls Oft Sherman, .T oft Works, 3, .struck on- -Iiy Sherman, 1, i.eiinn oases .icrvy ( ny, Richmond. 4, Umplres-Cleary and Carpenter, Time 1 hour and 10 minutes. SECOND IJAMI5. JEH.S1IY CITY II. t,.) I RICHMOND I I alt h ti a el ab h n a e Tnievtale.2b 3 0 3 3 olThomps'n.rfS 3 1 n n nuss.3b. 3 110 nplrk.ib .',2 I 0 0 Wrlght.lf . 4 t n O (I llales.rf .. :i 2 n 0 4 n n 1 olArrag'n.Shssi 2 . 1 1 4 2 3 1 n Jordan. lb . 2 o 11 a 1 3 2 4 ol Dunn, If . . 4 1 loo I 0 r, o (1 Crane. ss . . I n 1 , 0 ..10 1 fl il'Krlrhellli 2 11 0 3 . 3 0 O 5 o Srhnufele.c. 3 2 pi n , - Hussell.p 2 " o i 0 .33 7 21 11 0 I Totals . 33 13 .'It 0 nam , 10 . , . IteJIiilld,C Sheniian(rf, Klng.p. .. . Totals . Jersey Cltv n I 1 o n (1 (1 n I J Richmond . . 1 11 11 3 n 0 .1 n x .7 Huns Jersev Cltv Trliesdale. Purte J- It chmond. Thomnson. 2. Hates. Arrngon ' n. Crane. Huwil. Three base hits Pu-ti Tnnmpson, tick, .vrragon. naerinee 11 1 -ell. stnlin bases Arragnn. Dunn. Si-ii . Double plays- Arragon and Crane Ring ! and Rejnolds. liases on balls ort Ring Russell, 2. Hit by pitched ball HyltPic Struck out- Hy Ring. 4; by Russell n I ball Schaufelc. Wild pitches Itiiss, on basei JersevClty. . IPehnnitiit s i IT1i, Cleary ntul Carpenter. Tlnie-l hoi minutes. At Toronto. FIRST 1IA.M1:. Toronto (I. t. . . , 2 0 1 1 n 1 0 ii ' Roche. ter (1. . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 r, 4 Hatterles Toronto, i.uo'ie , Kelly; Rodtester. Palermo .ml I'm SKCOND GA.Mi: 1: 'I Rochester ( I. 1. 1 . . nftonniono Toronto 1 1. L. . .. 0 o 3 0 r. n n n Illtterlrs lloclie.ler tier ' ,1 I'lins, Toronto, Co, reh itn, M T g Kocher. At Montreal. t: , nuffalo (i. 00 r, ooniio- (I. I. ) . . 0 1 0 1 0 : 0 3 x -II Hatterles Hurralo. Matter and 1.1 Montreal. Cadore and How ley. LEIBOLD'S HIT BEATS SOX. Ilntlbles With Two Hen on Hnse to MnUe Score (I to -. CLKVgl.NI, June 5fl l.elbold's d with two men on In the eighth br ' White Sox winning streak to-d.i the Naps won, II tn 1'. The In ans w to bat with the score 2 to 1 in t. ! the Sox. Singles by Smith and iN...l and a sacrifice by Wninlisginss se- - stage for I.elbold's two bagger held the So rimless up to the s. , -u, when Weaver's triple, singles b I '. llns and Itoth and a p,is t-i I gave the Sox two runs. The sere- CHICAGO (A. I.i CI.EVKl.AMi '. ab h p a c ab h 1. , 3 0 2 0 o'llbnld cf . ' ' a Weaver s 4 2 1 d 2 Hamm d -b ( - K Corns.:!) 11O0 OChiptnan.s -. 0 ) Hretnn 3b . 0 0 1 1 .la, k-on 11, 3 - J Href ... 1000 (.(ir.inej 11 j i Fournier.lh 2 n 12 4 0 Mnnli rf .. .1 Cnlllns.rf 2 0 1 0 0 w .imhy ,b - ) lloth.lf. ...1119 0 O Neill.e .31 I Seliallt.c . 3 1 f. 1 11 Walker.p . 0 H'hurne.2b 3 0 0 3 0 Hent.p.... 3 0 I 4 l. Tutals.. Cf, . . Totals.. 27 S24 17 2' Hilled for Hretnn in the ninth inr r Chicago 00000030 I Clevel ind 0 1 0 11 o 00 . I Runs Chlcigo. Weaver Fourme-r f land. Jackson. Smith O Neil! Two bis. U-lbnld Tliree base hit- 1 play--O'Neill and Chapmin s.n e tie Chvman. Grinry stolen bise !- ,i bnse on lialls Oft II, nt I oir w Struck nut-Hy Henr 1 bv Wa k plres Connolly nnd Wall-ice T m, and ninuies Federal Double-Cable-Base Tires Heavy endless'double steel cables in the base of the tire pos itively eliminate pjnehinc, blowouts just above the rim and the danger of a tire blowing from the rim. Seventeen years of experience nuts endurance into the Federal process of combining fabric and r'ibbci F.iflhth of an inch extra thickness in tho of Federal Tires is extia protec against rut and curbstone wear. Federal Treads The "Ruccrd Trend ' is genuinely scientific nrolection ai?ainst skidding. The "wrapped tread" process adds hundreds of miles to the life of every Federal plain casing. In their mileage nnd safety Federal Tires arc truly "Extra Service" Tires. New York Branch & Service Station 38-40 West 62nd Street Oriental Rubber A Suppli In 1 1 (Ml Heilford We., Ilronkltn '