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THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. 13 OARSMEN ON HUDSON ARE READY FOR GUN Columbia Is Slight Favorite in licit inir on Kvo of llipr loratln. SENSATION OF COAST TROTTING TO-MOHHOW IS THE DAY N. Y., June 2. TuifJ w for the luttle of their lives. t-hf roltfKe rri-WK rompleteil their trsintni: M-ilny nml urn ready for the (Ji'mh thnt ,hrm oft from Krum KIbow on Momlny to Kittle the rrentt nin. Junior nml viirelty i'h;uiillonslili8 of tlio Iriti'tvolh'RlntP Unwind Associa tion, This ear irmrks the tweiity-flrst nnwl rtMtta of the nnciinUnttnn, aim while re have been eur when ht ir cre tontemleil for the honors It fjnnot ! "it"1 llliU lhrre rvcr W1U1 n vrar hii they looked moro evenly nil hed ... CrUln hnpptnlnwi and developments In the p:t week. It In true. hnvo turned k uric of favoritism slightly up stream t, l the Columbia quarters at Krum Elbow, hut the strong point of Cornell, 9) mouse. Pennsylvania and Stanford hni dlstely crop nut nnd the advantage of the lllue and While varsity flwlnfites, I'lpmnlpntnl shiikeups from wlilrh re atiy feemed Impossllile set Pennsyl vania and Columbia so far back that for a few ''ay Cornell attained her natural position as the favorite, but the milck recovery rapid Improvement of Columbia has pushed the Ithacan rsltv out of the llmellKht. On past records there Is nothing to Indicate that tne recorus win ko u- mi boanl. The time trials Indlcatu that the field Is up to that of last year. All hae havered around twenty minutes for the ivir miles. Conditions vary so that there Is little ground for picking the prolulile winners mat way. jecmuc.ii .Trellrnce. crlt. detennlnatlon. coolness. courane and other yuasl-psycholonlcal ftctors must l consuiervu in prerer nr to time trials. Wind and tide can make a difference of a minute In speed. mil both are of such u nature mat tne urrace lamau cannot discount tnem when lookliuc at Mis watcii as me sev eral crews rip down the four miles. On method of rowing, physical prowess and ability to hold the pace, howler, there Is some ground for lin ing up the probable winners. An un usually KooJ supply of strokes have ap peared In this year's crop. Cornell has Comer: Columbia. Wormser; Pennsyl vania. Shoemaker. Syracuse, Ossman, and Stanford. Mauer, Not one of them stroked last esr. but three of them hae displaced men who are still on the !)uad. Perhaps the huh who has shown the most speedy development Is Worm ser He Is 20 years old, 6 feet 2 Inches tall and weighs a scant 154 pounds. Yet fur grace In oarsmanship, speed and stamina there Isn't n man who can equal him. Around Wormser hinge the chances ef Hlcc's success. He has reorganlred his crew so that now he has only two nen ho rowed at Princeton. It Is one of the youngest varsities that ever has roned here, every man excepting Prat ton being Just 20 years old. Two of them. Jauss nnd Dlekmann. never nulled a sweep until this spring, nnd only one, Wormser, rowed In last ear's Junior varsity. With such an Inexperi enced crew It would teem the height of folly to pick Columbia as the favorite mere It not for the fact that In all kinds of water It has proved Itself the fastest and cleanest working crew on the river. Capt. Sanborn. Ilratton nnd .S'aumcr. three eterans who have rmellcd powder, nre so arranged In the boat that they can steady the Inex perienced men uround them. There Is little likelihood that it will blow up. Cornell has n powerful man In Coll yer He Is a tried veteran In nthletlcs, being a star on the Ithacnn football team. Last year he stroked the Cornell freMiman to the most hollow victory In jears. With plenty of veteran material and sixteen splendid men from the freshman Junior boats Cornell was fig ured to sweep the river this year. Shakr-up and defeats have shattered the confidence of Its followers, however, O'Brien at No. 7 Is the only man to hold his seat from last year. Just how fast the varsity Is even Coach Courtney (ton not know. lie has tried to give his varsity a time trial, but swells from parsing steamers have spoiled them. On oarsmanship, weight and drive It seems Inferior to the 1D14 combination. It has been a pretty fight for stroke of the Pi-nn varsity, and the question of which Is the better man, Herb Shoe maker or Harry Marcy, is still an open one. When Shoemaker was In the Junior boat he continually beat the one troked by Marcy. Since, their posi tions have been reversed Marcy has habitually beat Shoemaker. On form JIarcy is the better man. He rows the llngllsh stroke taught by Vivian Xlckalla splendidly, while Shoemaker (lugs his stroke. With six men from Ihe crew that finished second last year I'enn was at one time considered as wcond only to Cornell for this year's rare, In the Syracuse craft Ossman up to a few days ugo proved a tower of strength Ho displaced (llass. who MroKed Inst year. Ossman Ii n second Ttiurton. and those, who saw the latter drive Syracuse ncross the line to vic tory in 1013 know what such a com parison means. A spoil of sickness weakened him. He may have recovered lure If he ha Syracuse has a fine char. to Us victories of 1904, 1508 nnd 1913. Syracuse next to Columbia has showed the most knowl tdgo of oarsmanship. The Ten Eyck stroke as demonstrated by both the tartlty and freshman eights defies Im provement. U is to bo regretted that the rest of the Stanford crew has not the form of Its uruke It. Mauer. Tho powerful roan champions; would bo picked as the win.iers in a minute If they were all Maui rs it ih the heaviest crow on the nv r tun that means little in tho Kant. Of ' " oast a strong crew has u great advanirtge Hut In the Kast here llthe "I h puferablu to strength. If Stan ford .men through It will be because It an ui,ii the Jookeylng pace of tho first hr.- m les to the bridge. If It cannot li lost because, there Is not enough 'Pi-'d in the boat to overcomo a big le (i Si. everything considered Columbia in i dife, rough water or smooth. The ' ii . K turn been slightly that way, Thr . xi i.oirsj of tho experts seem to uene on Cornell and Syracuse, l'ti.i vaui.i is not considered as a wn r a use of Its varying form. As '" i mi ior and freshman races no "v. sc. us to crop up far above the 1 oliimbln, Cornell nnd rcmi i ii.ivo three.elghths on par. In irn am pooling equal nmountB ' iig the winner taUo nil. Tim ii ini will not bo a walkaway ""li Syracuse will bo there and Pennsylvania. g ended to-night. None of the k ' "Hi until nil the preliminary wem ocr Cornell p.iflfliof: cowii A lantnllzlng breezo caino up " ircwsi got out, but didn't pre ' i hi from doing their turn. - n ot lux Penn crews down the ' a fairly fast clip. Syracuse eiiely up to the Mart and then " ourse. Ten Kyck allowed his ( Ml,, mi limit ulrnlin tint nr. ?" tii'Tii nut to put any power bo- Mini !''' f nil rowed twice to-day nnd had "'"'ii hard, short rprlnts. The coast f If,' .ire improving hourly nnd ought ip a grand race. They are will KprlKBan. winner In strnluht lienfn or the ao,00(i atube nt Han Pranrlnpn. Ttilo lilir horse, lililph tins sold here Inst December for 700, niHde SiOHVi In tils fimle-it li nil. bridge. If they do there will be a lot of people who will back them for the rest of the distance, because in the tug ging ben that usually ensuts In the last mile a crew of siuh strength has n splendid chance of pulling througii u winner. There will be no fool betting this year, according to Police Chief McCabo ' of this city. He said he will hold the lid on tight. Speculators lire lielng watched carefully. Any undergrnd mile caught selling n ticket for ti.e ob servation train to one of the sharks will lose his privilege of getting any more tickets In the future Harry A. Fisher, secretary of the Intercollegiate Itowlng Association, said the biggest crowd In the hlitory of Uie organization was ex pected to see the nice. Kcry seat III the observation train of forty cars ha been sold, There ln't a reservation left In any of the better known hotels either. An unusually large advance crowd Is on hand. Since the automobile has been such a dependable method of transpor tation the regatta has narrowed down to a one day nflnlr. Many followers, however, decided to make It a week end trip this year and for that reason the regatta has taken on real propor tions earlier than expected. A big Meet of yachts Is expected to-morrow. SEMI-FINALS COMPLETED. P. LORILLARD, JR., WINS ON THE GOSHEN TRACK Tlifodort' FrclinirliuystMi Also Captures a llnee, Driv ing Dr. 'I'lTfTir. tJositEN, N. Y June 2fi. Seven races were on the card at the Goshen Driving Club's course to-day. Pierre Lorlllard. Jr., won with his mare Notice P.. nnd Theodore Krcllnghuysen, president of the Tuxedo horse Bhow, with Dr. Tregg. The veteran Knapsack McCarthy won two races, defeating Wood Olcott and Amaxls. The two Judges dlUdcd sec- ' ond honors, each receiving a red rib i bon. Alrdale, bay stallion, made his 1 first appearance on the track here this season. William Hodson drove the Stony Ford trotter, now a four-year-oiu. two miles In 2:1 and 2:14i. The sum maries; eias A. trotting- . ii h I., r-,1 itifi.r I V. , niiFi'- - -i " " j. . I K Dlrkernunl 5 1 - Jut So., br. (.. by .liutu (lldward L.ifforty) ,. ' llermla, ro. g.. hy Austral (A. II K. Se8r) J Pattle IllrU. ro. m. (Pert .sceger I J Kmllle l.ea. b. m. (Wlikln ,enrd) ill Timet : :,. ::2J, 5-4 Class 11, trottlntt! . . Itele Cook. b. in., by Alfred O. lUiilanil llarrlmnni 11 I. II, I . b. k I Pierre Lnrlllurd, Jr. 2 3 ro.illa. I., b (W K. Ulckcrsuni .. 1 i McKlnley t.uard. b. g IP It Orlfltni 1 I Tlme 2:11. ::i0 Class C, iroltlng: Airedale, h. s, by Treranto (Will- lam Hodson) .: " 1 I Itonil Issue. U. It. V l. Mitchell).. 7 2 Halena Conitantine, n. m. uonu it. Towmend) .'.. Times Sllii, i..ns- Clais D, trotting: Mary Harrlman, b. m by Mokn (W. H. .McCarthy) 1 Wood Olrott. b. a. (JuJkk Tompkins) : Amasls. blk. g. (Judge Seeiter) 3 Ur IilKH". t. g, (Peter io,i,lel 4 Times 2i:4. 3:23. Class n. trotting: Nitllca H.. br, in., by Almonarch (Hlt-rro Lorlllard, Jr.) I lied (lift, b in. (John It. Tonsend) 2 Nancy Cooper, b, in. (!'. ft. lirltlln).. 3 Margery I'atchen. b. in. (W. K. Dlckerson) 4 Times 2:J, 3:20'. Class P. trotting: Dr. Treirg. b. g.. by Trega.ite (Theo. Frellnithuysenl t Howdy McUregur. b. g. (Itulnml Hur- rlman) 2 Vitesse, b. m, (W. I). Mitchell) 3 Ktlto. br. g (P. It. ilrlfllni 4 Tlnue 2:1T,. 2:17. Class (1, trotting! Capt. Todd, blk. ., by Todd V. II. McCarthy) '. 2 2 Jaeka. b. g., by Jutto (William II, Hodson) 1 3 Amy Frisco, b. m., by San Fran cisco (Oeorxe H. Corwln) 4 1 Tinker, blk g. (ivter iinmle) . . . . 3 4 Times 2!2U. 2:244, 2:25. I'pper Montrlnlr flolfepsj tench I'lnnls for Four Cups, .Mo.VTOl.Alit, N. June 20. The semi finals for the governor's cup and three other trophies were played on the I'pper Muntclalr Country Club links to-day. rjic summaries! (Mernor" Cud. ltnumt41. Schswnors lis-u l:, a. lirrnn.m, s and 2. Anderson, Jr, u. I.wes( and .' (lrens iAmmltte "up. .eml-llnal Hound .iiruiiiKnnn neai r. ii. uorMeiair, ii iilnl .', , Jlurh A 1 1 ,i I r beat J S. Auchlln i loss. 3 and 1 Club Trophy, Semi-Ann! Hound J. II Klrkulily It. II, : and 1: C W. Oushin in tieut T Cirlln. 2 and t. Directors' Cup, Heml-tlnal Hound- N .M.,ir II. struiisrs. r. .in. I 5, v: K.iton beat A li. Ilutby, 1 up. II. M0NTCLAIR PAIRS BREAK EVEN One eiiil-tliiiil In June Foursome Must lie lleplnjed. MontclaiI!. N. J , Jun- 20. The semi- lliial In the .lune foursome tournament .Hid a ball sweepstakes were pluyed oil Hie Montcl.ilr tlulf Club links to-day In the June tournament T, P. Mciillnn and O. .M Palmer tied with P, S. Kel lugg and Ii 1). C.iriner, Arthur Hunter and II. P. Harbour bat T. D. Hrauston and T. I!. Hradtey, 4 and I. In the sweepstakes the results were: '! A Had Johnson. t , 75, A. Jt Allen. Si ?. ::. C. J. Turner. SJ 6. 77 It. ' Kerr. 11. 77; K K Donohue, 7S, 7. J. W. Surhrur. Jr. s 3. ., J HoiUson. s , 0. K N. Carr, 2 12. sD It. ti. Starrett. Ji- 12. U Clls II C II. Ailing, 7 IS. 71. A. It Kunner 0 1. 72. A. II I'uttlnir. '9 16. 72. J Nn)es. SI--14. Ml W. H Loflus, si u. si. r w Arnoiii. jr. 5? t. . f.lrn y tir aim fr.- ( for n raic Hri-ii Jun , tw Nil" ilri roui , i0MI ngi Tmi Tle nt HiiKlfwnotl. Knoi.ewood. N. J., June 2. There were ties In both classes in the bogey competition at the Knglewood Country Club to-day. Vhe scores: Class A It. U Chamberlalne. 2 ud: 11 V. Kp. 2 ud. Slilmon Me Hie. 2 up; J. C., i up; j. i . r.scner. an square, , a, Si-vtferman. ull suuare. Class II V (I. Huttell. 1 dnnn; li H. Hardy. 1 down. A. W. (illmore. 4 down Thomas Carter, 6 down. Klulit lime Chnnee for Cup. Ni:w i:oi"iin.t.r. June !',. The first round for the lltibner cup was plnjed to-d.iy at the Wykagyl Country Club and eight golfers now remain in the struggle for the trophy The summary Hubncr Cup. First Hound V 1 Haskell beat A. I) Campbell. and 4; II w i-ratt heat J - wpimer. I and 3, j. c Ciilboun bi-it J. Ii Heals. Jr.. 1 un. T. V Hermlnham bent It. ! Johnston, 3 and ii. v names nat i j raun. : up, W. K ll.inn.'il beat A Stiles, 4 nnd 2. W U O'llrlnn beit J Marln. 3 and 2 C It. i.'ucry (I II. l.uhnian. 4 and 3 ARDSLEY GOLFERS DRENCHED. GOLF BEGINS AT CAPE MAY. K. II, Prpprr Wins First llnmllcnii of Seon at Senahnrr. Caik Mat, N. J June 26. The first Ighlcen hole medal play tournnmcnt on the links of the Cape May Oolf Club was played to-day. li II. Pepper of the Philadelphia Country Club made the best gross and beat net score. The tend ing scores: i:. II. Peoner. 77 12. St! A. P. Htrobel. 325. S4. Thomas II. Vetterleln. M IF.. f9, Arthur U Walker, so a, 72; Frank I,. rarninc, j zi, iz. winiam i. uursi, S3- 10, 71; Holand C, Meeker, M , 73; ii. ji. jusni. jr., 3i. if: josepn w MiMirrheail, 10 25, 7Si I.. A. Davis, hn- 1.', 77; William Potter Davis, 91 12, 79 William D. Utrialrr. 99 in. HO. A. K. MtCulloua-h. IS, S3; J. M K. Hlldreth. S 14, S4i A U 11UISI, 111 11, H. SIWANOY GOLFERS IN TIE. Phillips and Lacker Lead Ills Field nn Mount Vernon Links. Mount Vernon. June 2. A field of nearly ninety golfers played for thej vice-president s iropny at tne mwanoy Country Club to-day mnd the competition resulted In a tie between II, U Phillips, 87 11, .(!, nnd (leorge A. lackey, St 13. 7. The other scores: II. K. Porter. 10224. 7i P. W. Kirk land, 9517. 7; J W. Fltrierald. 10523. 7. P. W. Phillips. HI 12, SO; II. F. Chapln. 10019, M; Ii J. Stevens. 10019. Mi (I. S. V. Hmlth, 111 :, 12; Frank Zsk. 10521. l. PRATT GETS INTO FINAL. Mitchell nr Martin 'Will Oppose Hint for fllen It I dec Title. Olkn HirHir. N, J Juno 2R. A ball sweepstakes In two classes was the at traction on the (Hen Kldge Country Club links this nftrrnoon with Harry Smith, the winner In Class A with 71 mid I,, li McCoy In Class II with "3. In tho semi finals for the club championship A. C. Pratt beat W, (I, Thomas, 1 up. Frank Mitchell nnd O. H. Martin will play their match during the week. The scores In the sweepstakes: Class A II. D. Hmlth, 77 . 71; K. W, Congdon, 7 11, 7; K, T, Merrick, ! 11, 7s; J. K. Iinrsster, 5 14. sft; r It. Haynnrd. !0 10, so: P. W. Itildivln, l , s2; C. W. flehulnn. ft 1. ; Class It U K. McCoy. 92 Its. 73; II. M ndrls. M 22. 74; C. H ."kelton, 14 19, 75; W. J. Wonerster, 94 IS, 7.; f. Ull son, lo: -22, HO. ADVERTISING GOLFERS BEGIN THEIR TOURHEY Two Qiinrfpts Kvon in Four Hull l-'onrsmnes, With Not Scoros of 7-l'. Hot SriilNiis, Vn June 2(5. The open ing day's play of the American (lolf Association of Advertising Interests tournament on the Homes:-id course to-day was confined to four oall four somes, with one-sixteenth the com bined hntidlcnps of all four players ('mint ing. Two quartets tied nt 74 Oeorge D. Jones. It. I.. Whltton, F A Sperry and C A. Collette of ChlrniM. plnytng under n handicap of 3, and M. F Sawln, Frank Smith, Chicago , Wllr un Camp bell, Detroit, nnd Samuel 1 1. McKV.vIe of New York, hnndlcapped at 4. The lowest handicapped party, one better than sctatch, made up of Louis A. Hamilton, present champion of the asso ciation : A. J. Watson. 'I. T. Miller. New York, and A. Ii. Oliver, Pittsburg, re sulted In a best lull of 75 net. Mrs. W. S. flint, Scarsdaie, won the women's putting contest fnun scratch with a score, of 31. Thj foursjiues scores : Halph Holden, It. II. Harden, C. II Ault and F. I.. Hogan, M . so, (leorge IJ. Jones It. 1. Whltton. F. A Sperry and C. I.. Collette. 773. 74; II. F Sawln, Frank Smith, William Campbell and S. It. McKel vie. 7s 4. 71: Fred Itoss. Houard Spauld Ing. H. It. Malllnson nnd T. P.. Cnnklln. so .1. 77, It. C. Mllhollaiiit. (1, S. Ollvr. W II. Iishar and (leorae A. rirhnllold I 4. 7Sj A. It. (lardner. Col. II II. Tread nell, A. t. Aldred and II. II. Lewis, 404, 71; I. A. Hamilton. .. T, .Miller, A K. Oliver and A. .1 Wnlon. 7 -1, 75; Miner Meyer. Itexer Hurl. Italph Trier and Will Isnr. 915. . .). Ilarber. Kdward Hmle, F. W. S)f and I, A. Klein. 90 a, i; i; M. Parker. A. S. Moore. W. C. McMillan land A. H. Johnson. 772, 75, J C. Martin. , A. Appel. W. S. lllrd and (luy S. O.borns - Ii 71 II. A. Thompson, ,1. SI. Thorsen. A. ('. Hammesrahr and J. F Malteson. '3-5. 7!: llurrlil llutler, It It. Whitman. John Wallace nnd II II , Heed. S3--4, ?; A. (I. Carter, flrey Sulll iv.m, lifayette Young and W. A. Thnm-on, 1 12 4, '. ROWLAND MAKES LOW SCORE. Lends In llimllf Inu Hon nit a't Plnliillelil Cunnlry Cltili, Pl.AiNi'iKl.ti, N. J June 2S, Tha qualifying round for the golf Cham plonnhlp of the Plalmlcld Country Clur attracted an unusually large field to the. course to-day The qualifying scores: Championship l)li Islon It. S ltnwland, '2; F O. Iteln hurt. SJ; W l.esler (Uenney, r.; D. O. lingers, si, Wilbur Murph, Si: William T, illennry. Hi II. H. Illhbatii., m, li. It I'li-lnlhi. . I.. (I. Carman. Ill II K. N llutler. ss; II. II Craig, 9t Charles ,. Heed. 9. S. t. l.ounsberry, r C. !: I.lp.i'oinli, siii M .1 tliimont, S9; W M. Alllnn, n Serotul sixteen II. (I l.npsley. 91; T, S. Wheeler, !M . .1. P.. P.rlokson. H: .1. 11. Shoemaker. !.'. II. II Slocklon. 93; S. T, I'errln. 91, S. 11 Patterson. 94; 11. Mj Holsteln. 91, .1. C. .Martin, i. W, A, Knici'inan. 9ii. (1. A. Ilomann. 96; 1 IM onr.ul. , II S. Hr.iMn, 9S; A. Me Tweedy, '.is, II. C. Kenon, 100; A. W. lansome, 100, Third sixteen -I. II. Ailing, 100: A W. Klelnrrke, 101, Charles Hedmin. 105; W. (I. Cooke. 105; K. A I.Jon. 10; Charlea' l.vman. I0. C W. Kin. n: y. S. Hirr. in .1, It Kians, I0S; F. c Osborne, 1 to: II it Phillips, 113. W. F. Merrill. 115: Ii. II rtnwland. 115: W W Cornell. II: it H. Hodites. 119, T T llarr. Jr., 119. 3 3 DR. MARTIN WINS AND TIES. I'.g in w;u;er thut they lead ut the At Ton of List In Two Competi tions ut (ireenivlch. OngKNWlcit, Conn., June IB, Two competitions were, played to-day nt the (Ircenwlch Country Club, one a thirty six hole affair for tho Queens jubilee, cup, and tho other at eighteen holes for a cup given by the club. Dr. Martin won the Queen's jubilee cup and tlo.l with (leorge II. Carliart for the other cup. The scores: Queen's Jubilee Cup Dr. Martin. Ull IH 145. (1. P. Carnal t, H!l 111, 163. (1. 1. I.ymle, 16410, 154; (i Ii Chapman, 174 Is. 151. K. (Illllan, 172 IB. H. .V. T. Soulier. 17216, 156; T M. S. Polls, 175 17, 158. Club Cup Dr. Martin, "it 7. 72. (1 II. Carhart. SO s", 72; .1 D chapman. SJ S. 73: W. . Cl.inkur.l. --ll, 74, II. illl iin, S2 . 71. C. P. Lyndc 79 5, 74; II MiOrd. 93 Is. 70. II. i U'lghton. 9i- Si. 75 J A. Topping. 9720, 77. .1 T Soul ier. 5 t, 77; Dr Mlttemlnrf. Mi--o, 76, T, It. Ilonnir, fill 11, 77. T M. rl. Dulls. k4--n, 75. II I.. Dillon, li.' II. 7s. N Wetib. 106211. 7; A C. IP ncken, 99 20, 79, A. T Palmer. 9510. 79. C S. Wills. 10122, 7' Held nml PrIclitH Lend I'lelil. .Mount Hopk. N. Y June 20. A four ball competition was played to-day at j the St. Andrew's (lolf Club nnd whs won ' by Archie M. Held and If. K. Prlchltt, whose score was 73 s, li." Tlio other, scores i 0, I. Hasten and S H. Menken, KJ 17. 66. K I Di ii Itoot. Jr.. nml .Iniiies Hertrain. 753, en ; a. ii. naiiiu.iy ami r; ining niaii, 75 !'.'. C6. I Hi'inliTsiiii mid K K, I Ward, 7811. i 1 jnnn r stevena ami 1:. (' Stevens. 7 II, 67, Franklin Cue nnd Harry ll.ishroril. 6 -14, 72. A. P. ll.ih.trd and c 11. Miller. 3 1 1. I.' Yoiiiiuiiinn (iel lonti'liilr Cup, MoNTCi.Aiit. Juno 2fi. In the finals of the Junior Hnndlcnp Tennis tournament on tlio Montclalr Athletic Club courts to-day Arthur Youngm.m defeated Do Witt Young. t, 75. Tho winner and runner up received cups preempted by Frank 0. Turnbull. Hut Moon's Are Lower Than t'sual In Spite of Storm. AitnsLKY-o.v-llrpsn.N, June Town send llornor nnd M. If. Waters led a Hold of over threescore, golfers In the four ball handicap at the Ardsley Club to-day. Their winning score was 72 4, OS. All of the competitors were caught out on the links in a thunderstorm this afternoon, hut in spite of the unfavor able weather the scores turned in were much lower than usual. The other scores : M S. Paton and I.. N. C.reer, 76 7, 69; J N. Shedd and J. P. Chirk. 0 9. 71 11 F. Mundy and C. S. Smllh. Jr.. 7 1, 73. A. F Itolilnsoii and T S. Fuller, S 7, 76; J. s. Straker and A. U KellogsT, 92 15, 77; S. Waters ami tl. D. Horlon, 5 , 77; H. J. Ilarthdlomae dnd A. D. Uarenee, 93 to. 3; 1. w. Hewitt and S. C. WHIey. 3512, S3. Plnjlor First at Pnrk Clnti. Pl.AlNriKl.n, N, J., Juno SB. These cards were returned nt the Park (lolf Club to-day for tho president's cup: .1 W. Playtnr. SI 11. 70; S. U Moodey. 9320. 73; It V. Carpenter, 9520, 73; C II. Morse. 93- Is, 75. II P Hlazler. S9 12, 77, A. A. Cannon. 9521, 77; 11. (1 Morse, S3 15. 78. It. C Illaneke. 100 2i. 74; lloyle T. Phillips, 9315, 7S; C. J. Hand. 9919, 0; F. I. Collins, 104 2S. SI: Dr. P. K, Carroll, 9713, 84; Waller White head, 101 IS, 80. BOXING BOUTS LAST NIGHT. nroadwny Sporting Club Eddie Campl outpointed Kid Sullivan. Fairmont A. C. Tog Kellcy won on points over the new Al McCoy. ft 5ee the Boat Races At Poughkeepsie, Monday, June 28. To view those thrilling contests to best atlvantaRe, go by the special Day Lino observation steamer "ROBERT FULTON" I.e. lies Deslirosses HI 10 15, West 4 2d St. llsOO. West 129111 HI UlSO A M returning fioin PiiiiKlikeepslo anil Highland after last nice. Humid trip, liu ludhm dewing rneea frimi HleHiner , . . . T,(mj Hudson River Day Line Deslirosses HI, Pier Tel. 4141 Hprlng. New York. t-- 1916 Studebaker Cars IS IS more more -still and POWER ROOM HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES a Forty H. P. 7 'passenger FOUR at (Motor J" bore, S" ttroke) $885 a Fifty H. P. S&T 1 050 (Motor 3W bore, S" stroke) This year the Studebaker announcement is more significant than ever before. It demonstrates more conclusively than ever Studebaker' s leadership in the industry. For once again, Studebaker is announcing new cars at prices that completely recast all standards of value in the automobile industry. And never before has a dollar bought so much as it buys in these new Studebakers. They are the best cars in every detail that Studebaker ever built But while the prices are remarkably low.'Studebaker has made no effort to manufacture a small, low-price car, to compete purely on a price basis. THE PRICES ARE LOW SOLELY: 1 BcUN of largely Increased volume of production i Z Unrivaled manufacturing resources: S The Studebaker policy of manufacturing our cars com plete In our own factories and thus eliminating parts makers profits i 4 The greatly Increased efficiency resulting from 4 years study and concentration on the manufacture of two chassis i I The high percentage of Interchangeability of parts In the two chassis. And Studebaker is merely passing along to buyers of the new can the PULL benefits of these notable economies. You may question in your own mind the quality of these cars, considering the remark able reductions in price when compared with our last year's models. But we simply invite you to make any comparisons you like with last year's cars or with this year's models of other makers to see what resources and manufacturing experience such as Studebaker has at its command can accomplish. A whole Book of Specification couldn't begin to convey the impression that your first glimpse of the car will give you must see the curs to appreciate them. Pour-Cylinder Models and Prices Touring Car, 7-passenger - -- -- -- -- $ 885 Roadster, 3-passenger - -- -- -- -- - 850 Landau-Roadster, 3-passenger ------- 1185 Panel Delivery Car ' - - 875 Open Express Car - -- -- -- -- -- - 850 Station Wagon - 875 Six -Cylinder Models and Prices Touring Car, 7-passenger - $1050 Roadster, 3-passenger - - -- -- -- -- iqoq Landau-Roadster, 3-pasienger ------- - 1350 Coupe, 4-passenger - -- -- -- -- -- 1550 Limousine, 7-passenger 2250 F O. B. DETROIT Write mt once for Catalog illustrating all cars and giving complete specifications STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. Walkerville, Ontario AddrcMM all communication to Detroit Detroit, Mich New York Showrooms 56th and Broadway Brooklyn Retail Headquarters 1495 Bedford Avenue