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14 4-f THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. BEHR HAS TROUBLE HOLDING HIS TITLE Totingr Throckmorton Oivns Middle States Chnmpion llnrrt Tenuis Hnce. MISS HJI'TtSTEDT WIXXEH Mountain Htatiov, N. .!., June 26. Karl II. Itchr, n mcmtier of Inst year's Intcrimtlnniil team and ranked third among the lawn tennis players of the country, Imd the time of his life holding on to hi" Middle States championship on the Orange Lawn Tennis Club court hete to-day. The Internationalist did manage to defend the title against Har old A. Throckmorton, the eighteen-year-old challenger, hut It took hint five sets to gain his victory nt'fi t, 7 5, 4 fi, 4C fi 3. Hehr now has two legs on the famous Middle States cup and will have to win It only once more to own It. Tloth of the women's titles went to Miss Molla HJurstcdt. the national cham pion. The Norwegian triumphed over -Miss lna A. Klsel of I'hllndelphla with tlie greatest ease at C 1, 6 S, and In tie doubles with Miss Clare Cassel the Norr girl disposed of Miss Kissel and Mhss Florence llallln In straight sets at C 0, 64. Itoth of Mis lljurstcdt's matches were tlnul round affairs, for In the singles Mrs. Kdward Haymond, the holder, did not defend and there Is no challenge round to the women's doubles. Young Throckmorton showed a great deal of natural tennis nblllty and also tome faults that might easily be cured. Once the youngster has overcome the tendency to expend too much energy on Impossible, strokes and learns to keep his feet behind the rervlce line when delivering he will rapidly come to the top. Again to-day as yesterday the youngster made glaring foot faults. There was n Judge to-day and ho called few, but for the most part he over looked them, being too busy watching the (light of the ball. Hehr was not nearly at his best. The champion had not participated In a sin gles match this year and he showed the lack of training plainly. Ills general- hip. however, was too much for the joungster and It was Ilehr's court ex perience that gave him the victory. In the first and second sets Uehr won by a scant margin, but he apparently did not have to extend hlmsnlf greatly to do It, and this fact nearly cost him the match. The Internationalist threw away two er three chances to win the third set and make it a straight set victory through carelessness. After a ret, the players came back on the court and It looked as If the match were about over, for Hehr ran through the first three games In quick time. Right here he unearthed a real old fashioned streak of Dehr wlldness and dropped five games In a row'. He stead led long enough to take the ninth game, but Throckmorton won the tenth on his own service and tied up the match. There was considerable applause when Throckmorton grabbed off the. first two games of the deciding set. Behr came to life then and played some real tennis. II took the match and held the title by winning six of the next seven games. The men's doubles final Is mill In abeyance. Throckmorton and Dunham started to play Charles M. Bull and C. F. Watson, Jr., after the finish of the singles matches, but by the time they finished two sets. It was almost dark. Throckmorton and Dunham won the first set after u hard light at 75, and lost the second after an equally tough tussle at 79. They will finish to-morrow and the winner will play Hehr and T. It, Pell Borne time next week In the challenge round. Miss Iljurstedt's play was of about the same calibre as usual. She. ran through the singles In little over half an hour and with Miss Cassel finished the doubles In about the same length of time. The summaries: Middle .Statu Champlomhlp Men's SlnglM, Challenge Itouml Karl II. Hehr, holder, defeated Harold A. Throckmorton, rhsllenger, 61, ; 5. t 6, 4 , t 3, The point score: KIIIST 8KT. H'hr.. 5 4 4 1 4 r. 5 2 4 3H H Throckmorton. 436:41334 1 314 SECOND 8ET. 2fhrv 4 ! 1 3 4 : 4 4 4 4 4427 Throckmorton.. 1 ( 4 4 6 1 4 1 6 20 z34i THIHD 8ET. Hhr 2434 9 4 5 3 0 t 35 4 Throckmorton. ... 4 15 2 1113 0 4 4 39 0 FOUIITH .SET. Hehr 5 4 4 0 4 2 4 0 4 ;;( Throckmorton. 3:346464: 4376 FIFTH SET. ".. 12 4 4 4 6 3 4 4316 Throckmorton... 4 4 2 1 2 3 5 0 1 2 3 Totals Hehr, 3 seta; 27 (rumen; 173 ares. Throckmorton. 2 sets; :4 Barnes; 13 are. Middle .states Championship. Women's Finnic". Final Ituund Miss Molla HJurstedl defeated Miss lna A. Kissel, 6 1. C 3. The point score: FIHST SET, Miss Iljuntrdt 4 5 3 6 4 7 4326 kllss Kissel 1 3 5 3 1 5 1191 Miss 1 4 4 4 2 1 4 4 4 51 6 Miss Klisel 400344:: 0133 Totals Miss lljurstedl, 2 sets; 12 sanies: (0 aces. Miss Klisol, 0 sets: 4 games: 37 sees. MHIdle States Championship. Women's Doubles, Final Round Mls Mnlla lljur- tedt and Miss Clare C.'aaanl defeated Miss lna A. Kissel and Miss Florence llallln. t 0, 6 4. The point score: FIKHT SET. Miss UJuraledt and Mini Cassel: 11 4 4 7 4 Miss Kissel and Miss llallln: 9 115 1 4346 : 19 0 SECOND SET Miss DJurstedt and Miss C'uenel: OCS41I624 IffSS Ifl.ul an,l llallln 4 36 C 4 4 7 2 4 2 4 4 ; 1344 Totals Miss UJurxtt ilt and Mis Cassel, 2 sets: 12 games; 70 je, Miss Kissel and Miss llallln, 0 sets, 4 Kainrs, 53 aces Middle Statu Championship, Mens Doubles. Final Round H. A. Throck morton and I.. Dunham vs. O. M. Hull, ,Ir., and C. F. Watson, Jr, 75, 79, unllii tthed. TWO ESSEX CLUB EVENTS. II. II. Hotlomr anil '. I I'nrinelee Are Twice Winners. West Oiianiir, N. J June 20. On tho Kssex County Country Club golf courso to-day the winners of the two scheduled events were as follows . KJag Tournament Class A, II. II. Hot tome; Class II, (," 1,. Parmelee; Class C, T J. llson, Hall Hweepttakrs Class A, II II. Hot loins and Hussoll Marston. Class H, Harry Itodgrra and C. L. Parmelee. Nnasnu (Golfers Tie for Prise, GLEN Covn, L. I., Juno 20. A tie re suited In the eighteen hole medal play handicap at the Nassau Country Club to-day between J. T. Pratt, 32 IS, 74, nnd K. C. Kerr, S II, 74, The other scores: A. Vletcher, St 20, 7.i ; O. A. Dunning, dl 3. 7 ; K. T. Horwlll, fl'J 20. 79 : H, V. Carhart, 9112, 79. II. M. Adams. 899, 80; Howard F. Whitney, 803, 83, i One Able to Unit HoKi-y, ltobert (. Stanley won a bogey com 7rv ('ln.'U 11,0 lch''''l County Coun- P h!u1' y"Jenlny hy finishing 1 down. uronrl W.h wa" 3 ,lown " e.ond. About forty golfora played. Freddie Welsh Will his clrvrmrss lie sufflrtrnt to offset C'hnrley White's hnril hlt HiiK when the Inttcr tnrklrs him for Ills IlKlitiirlKht erosvii nt llrlujhton llrnrh next Saturday t WILLIAMS TOO GOOD FOR PITTSBURG BOY Xatiounl Chnmpion Tnkcs His Initial Mntcli in National Clay Court Tourney. DKXXY BATTLES GAMELY I'lTTPniT-.o, June 2fi. The sixth na tional clay court championship tennis tournament was begun on the courts of the Pittsburg Athletic Association this afternoon. In the men's singles there are 154 entries, and It Is planned to get them down to the last sixteen men by Tuesday, when the other events will start. Most of the matches to-day were be tween local men. The only big star of the day was Mellaril Norrls Williams 2d. the national lawn tenuis champion. It was on thrie courts that he won the clay championship three years ago, and this was his first appearance here since that time. 11 the first round he was drawn against Harnian Denny, Jr.. one of the rising outtg players of the Pitts burg Athletic Association. Many of the spectators gave It up as a foregone conclusion that Williams would walk away with the match, but the local boy gave him quite a surprise, and he had to let himself out to the limit In the second set. He won the first set, 6 2. In the second act, however, the Plttsburger played the game of hi life, and came from behind from 2 5 to 5 5. Here the Harvard player showed his calibre and took the next two games, set und match. Williams was faulty In his serving during the early part of the match, frequently losing on double fault, but toward the finish he played more care fully. The best match among the local men was that of D. W. Lloyd against P. C. Mailer. The former wus the winner. Percy Wlverd, the local champion, who fell before the prowess of Williams on their last meeting, had an easy time with Follonsbec of the Rellevue Country Club, winning by scores of fi 1, f! 2, but Slverd's playing was not up to his former standard. K. II. Hansom, the Heaver Palls man, gave a good account of himself. The summutles : First Hound Percy tflverd, Pittsburg, defeated John Follaiistioe, Hellevue. I'a., 61, 64. D. S. Thompson, Pittsburg, defeated M. A. Dickie. Pittsburg, 53, 6 1. 02: .1. F. Meredith, Pittsburg, defeated Robert Young, Pittsburg, ti 7 5: D. W. Lloyd, Pittsburg defeated P. C. Maher Pittsburg. 6 4, 7 5; II. S. Oar land. I'ittshurg, tlefented Joseph Dtiworth. I'lttiburg. 7 5. 75; F. 8. Hansom, Heaver Falls, I'a., defeated II, S, (1111, llreens burg. I'a., 6 3, 6 I; A. R. Matheny, Pittsburg, defeated J. S. Mllllgan. Jr., Pittsburg. 6 3, 61; J. c, Castle. Pitts burg, defeated W, P. Snyder, Pittsburg. 2, 62. R. Norrls Williams, IIar.ard Univer sity, defeated Harnian Denny, Jr., Pitts burg, 62, 75, P, C. Meiers, Trattord, Pa., defeated T. II. Uopp, Newcastle, Pa., C 1, 63; A. II. Wright. 1'lttsburg, de. feated T. A. V Malloy. Newcastle, 63, 0 1; II, S. Dornberger. Pittsburg, defeated II. C, Sherrard. Pittsburg. 60, 62; C P. Hillings, Pittsburg, defeated Waller S. Strnuli, Pittsburg, 61. f. ; Norman Leek, Trafford. defeated Homer (I. Castle, Pittsburg, 26, 61, 03; Victor Will man, Pittsburg, defeated Donald McLeod, Pittsburg. 64. 73: A. II Hlalas. Pitts burg, defeated Jerome Kuhn, Pittsburg, 64. 6 3; N. H. Hardy. TrafTord, de. feated Albert Kapteyn. Trafford, 6 2, 6 2; C. F. tlaut, Trafford, defeated D. E. Hler. Pittsburg. 36, 63, 62; Ellas Sunstein, Pittsburg, defeated W. H. Can Held, Pittsburg, 62, 3; Robert Thomp son, Trafford, defeated V, K. Alden. Wll klnsburg, 61, G I. W. II. Knox, Pittsburg, defeated Paul Cooglns, Helleue. 6 2, 6 3; Dr. T. W. Stlmsnn. Pittsburg, defeated !,. J. Weaver, Trafford, C 2, 63; W. M, Murdoek. Pitts, burg, defeated M. M. lloeveler, Pittsburg, 62. 36, 6:. Second Round .1. D. lams. Pittsburg, defeated Mux Williams. Pittsburg, ti 3, 63; H. Vincent Imbrle, Pittsburg, won from J. E. McLaln. Pittsburg, by default; D. W. Lloyd. Pittsburg, defeated .1. K. Scott. Pittsburg, 61, 61. Hnrney llrnla i'ar nt Scnrsdnle. llAiiTKDAi.K, N. V., June 20. A match 1 play competition against liar at the Soarstlale (iolf and Country Club to-day 1 resulted In a victory for H. A. Harney, who, wun tne nut or a 12 irole hanill ) call, finished 3 up, R. V. Fowler was 1 up. F. W. Cobb won all siiuare and J W. II. Wharton finished 1 down. The usual nail sweepstakes also were played. The scores : j Class A K. A. Harney, S2 12, TO; C, C ' Webster, 2 s, 74; Harry Chalmers, 90 I 15, 75; Clifton Crawford, SI C, 15. A. W Hayes, s4 s, 70, ' Clas II David Nelllis, S!l 19, 70; O. II Cheney, 9321, 72; (ieorge Standing, 1)1 -1C. 75. (iolfers Piny In .Inni- Tourney, Yonkrhs, June 20. The third round of tho June tournament and the weekly red card competition were played to-day at the Dtinwomlle Country Club. The , red card winners were : Class A, A. M .Morris. 8212, 70 ; Clas H, T W llarkei, 9018, 72, The match play summary : June Tournament, Third Hound T L. Mclleffy heat F. CaldMill, 3 and 2. I Hi Ilubliell won from W. H. Conklyn ,y ,t(.. fault, ri Johnston be It .1 ii M11IM1. and 1. Cot, II. II. Treadwull heat '11 1 i-rker, 2 and 1. II II Huikley heat V. M. Macfarlane. 2 and I, A I! Lott heiit D. L. I'elton, 2 aud I. Murphy Sticks With Alhletlea, Pltll.AiiRi.piiiA, June 26. Tliere is no truth In the ripott that Outfielder Kddle Murphy Hits sold to the Chle.igu While Sox, Connie Muck to-day Hnlrt that 110' such deal wns contemplated and that I 11s far as he knew .Murphy would roti tlnun u member of tho local team. Mur-, phy Is considered by Mack to bo on of the best outfielder! on the Wm. j ''A lab sEr ' 1 33 i 141 WOMEN TAKE PART IN CREW REGATTA One of Them Pulls on Oar So Hard It. Ureaks Heller Is Senior Champion. KEKLEY TAKES GIG It ACE The Metropolitan Honing Club held Its thirty-fifth annual regatta and ladles' day yesterday afternoon on the Harlem Itlver, and In spite of the thunderstorm that .threatened for a time to cut short the. rnces a card of six events was run off that Included the senior single oared shell race for the club championship, Junior and novice gig matches, an eight oared shell race and n novelty eight oared barge race, with women among the participants. The senior championship of the club was won by Henry Heller In easy fash ion over a three-qunrler mile course In ti minutes n nil 10 seconds. Janes, tho second to finish, was beaten by a length nnd a half, nlthough Heller never ex tended himself. V. II. Hart, the thiol to finish, was far behind. J. Hyan w-jts scratched. Tho other races were over a half mile course. 11. II. Keclev took thu novice single, oared gig event nnd the medal offered by President Thomas J. Waters. J. J. Kelley won the clas A Junior single oared gig race, although P. Itogers, who finished third, seemed a likely winner until he lost his course through poor steering. The clnss II Junior gig singles also was marked by poor steering oil the part of It. H. Keeley, who nearly ran Into the Putnam llrhlge nnd finished third. Mylcs McIIuxh. who Is the Pas time A. C.'s crack half niller on land, won the race. The eight oared shell race was a close one and was won by the scantiest of margins by the craft of which 11. Shaffer was stroke. Hut the eight oared barge race furnished the most fun of the day. llesldes the eight members of the crew and the coxswain nine women were added to each barge's aqulpinent with the exception of one, which carried eight. I'nch woman sat alongside one of the oarsmen nnd helped to tug on the oar. One of the auxiliary members of the barge Lone Star's crew helped so enthusiastically that the oar broke ;md the race was held up until n new one could be fetched In the starter's launch from the clubhouse. llecnuse of tin- shower nnd the late ness of starting the regatta the last two rnces, the Junior and senior double oared gig races, had to be postponed and will be raced on Sunday afternoon. July 11. Commodore Arthur Crabb of the Central Motor ltoat Club was ref eree. John Holder of tho Metropolitan was starter nnd the timers were W II Dunn of the Sheepshead Day It. C. and Samuel Cramer of the Lone Star Hoat Club. The summaries: No Ice. single tilg Won bv II. II. Kee ley; D. Thomas Coster, second: H. del Rio, Jr.. third. Time, 3 minutes 22 seconds. Junior. Single (Jlr K"la A) Won by .1. J. Kelley, W. II. Smith, second. P. Rogrrs. third; J L. Mark, fourth. C Row land, Hfth. Time, 3 minutes s 2-J seconds. Jrmtor. Single dig (Class II) Won bv Mlea Mcliugh, J. L. Mark, second; II, II. Keeley, third. Time, 2 minutes 51 2-5 si-conds. Senior. Single Shell Won by Henry Hel ler: I- A. Juun. second W. II, Hart, third. Time. 5 minutes 10 ,,, 11, 1 Eight Oared Shell Ran Von by No. 3, lth U. Shafler. I). T. Coster. II. Hendricks. N. Lund. O. Herner, C. Frnehllch. J. Pat tun, L A. Jauss and J. Heuleln (coxswain): second. No. 2. with W. Kirk, N. Clreen, J. L. Slack, J. J. Kelley, Henry Heller, K. E. F-iruam, W. Hendricks. J. Srhultx and Joe 4'loonan (coxswain); third. No. 1, with P. Rogers, J Hauck, J, D. Corhett, J. del (Jenetese, II. .Martin, II. Indelkofer, T. KllUe, W. II. Hart and A. Johnson coxs wain J; fourth, No. 4. witfl M. Murphy. Lieut. Mrilronln. How land, (i. Zoellcr, E, Thornton. T. Wenger. J. T P., (Irorge Froellch and H. I.auer. Icoxswaln). Time, 2 minutes 46 2-5 seconds. Eight Oared Harge Race Won by barge Hohcmla. with W Kirk, II. II, Keeley, (I. Zoeilsr. J, Mack. N. Lund. J. Itenleln, II. Indelkofer, J Sennits. Mrs. Sennit. .Mrs, Weston, Miss Hfer. Miss Klin-. Miss Cos tello, Mrs. Kink. Miss Wade, Miss TobIr and Joe Cloonau (coxswain); second, barge Lone Star No. 2, with F. Areson, 1". Rogers, T Dalno. ;. Rowland. A, Flllot. W. Hrn drlrks, James, T. Zlllle, Mr. Frankenstein, Miss SullUan, Miss McM.mus. Miss (lidding. Miss Annette Fllzpatrli k, Miss Katherlne FlUpatrlek. Miss Waring, Miss Zlllle, Miss Klrke und II. Laurr (coxswain); third, barge Harlem, with R, del Rio. Jr.. J. Hauck, II Hendricks. W. Smith. 11. Herner, Froellch. James Pat ton. L. A. Jauss, Miss Hell, Miss I.awl")', Miss Nlrkelson. Miss Hoth. Miss Weber, Miss Mattery, Miss Allen, Miss Dlano, .Miss Met-nrmack and A. Johnson (coxswain); fourth, barge Lone star, with D T. lister. II. ilreen. N, tlreen. J. I). Corl.ett, (1. Schaffer. J del (ienevesc, w, Ilertrani. E. E. Karnain, Miss Meery. .Mrs. Van Wag ner, Ml Johnson. Miss Drown. Miss Orif. fin, Miss Tully, Miss McCarthy. Miss llrooks. Miss Mc.Manus and T, J. Waters tiux swain). No time taken, I.onit Wlna nt Kauri Fella, Caldwki.i., N, ,I June 2C, In the finals for a trophy presented by W. A. llrown, Thomas Ixmg defeated T. Syl vester, Jr., at the Kscx Pells Golf Club this afternoon by 4 up and 2 to play An eighteen hole medal play competition for a club trophy was won by W. A Hush with a net score of 65. The finals In the Junior tournament for the Dortllngcr trophy was won by John Clinch, who defeated Robert Mr Cord up and 6 to play. The Best Car at Any Price Men WE STILL HAVE the Same Lozier Endurance Embodied in Our Car. Combined with the Most Refined and Artistic Up to Date Quality. THEN YOU MUST REMEMBER the Lozier Motor Co. are not experimenting when we offer you our type 84 and 82. Why buy a car with many more cylinders when it only means helping the manufacturers to experiment? For the present time we can make almost imme diate delivery and can render you immediate and efficient service. ' Lozier Motor Company Salesroom, 1850 Broadway, Cor. 61st Street. Tel., 5480-Columbus. Service Station, 47th St. and 11th Av., New York. Tel., 2947 Bryant. HAIL AT NEW R0CHELLE. Wnril mill Hoseiilmniii Will Ciiti- tlnnc Contest 7o-dny. Sr.w HocitF.ux, Juno 26. A hailstorm put nn end to the final round match for the Quaker Hldge lawn tennis champion ship between V. H. Ward ami Dr. Will lum ltosenbatim nt the New' Hochelle Lawn Tennis Club here to-day. Ward was leading at i 3, t 2, when the Morm broke. The' mutch will be con tinued to-morrow. The summaries : Men's Singles, Final Round Vanderbllt it. Ward vs. Dr. William ltosenbatim, 63, 12, unfinished. Men's Doubles, Third Hound .1 II, Stelllkimnf and Dr. William Uosenhnilm defeiled Allen Hehr and E. J. Flxman, i 6-', 16, a 7, Semi-final Round V II. Ward and H M. Phillips defeated Ingn Hartmann and (leorge H. (Iroosberk, 6--3, 9 7, Mixed Doubles, Seml.rlnal Round Miss Marie Wacner and A J. O-trndorf de feated Mrs. and Mr. nenjamln F, Urlggs, S-6, 61. BRYN MAWR TURNS TABLES. Rents Plillndelphln Pololsts First Time This Senson. Pllli.ADKi.PiiiA, June 2C The Ilryn Mawr polo team turned the tables on llm tl,ll.la1.,1.ln r... ..... , .xi this afternoon by defeating them, 7'i to0- cross-country champion, wns second. S?. In a special match on the Phlladel- with I'ctfr Powe. the Smar Set runner phl.i Country Club field, llala. It was " IH-rJ I'lacc. only Inches behind, nf tot the first time this keason the main line'0 mx" '""P1"0 for the place that lasted team won over the tin In aggregation. ! ""? 'ntlrc last two Ial,s uf 0,0 "lv The Country Club started with a ban- tnnrc. dlcap of three goals and managed lol J Uonoparte of the Salem-Cres-maintain the lead until near the end ofe(,nl Athletic Club came through with 1 the H-vonii, nri,i ,, i, i 1... ,.,...' I whirlwind dash In winning the 300 yard Mather nnd ltobert H. Straw-bridge gave ' Iliyn Mawr the lead hy i of a goal. iiryn jiawr made another in the final 1 peril!, which clinched the game. The lineup : Phlla.Country (iuh. lip. Ilryn Mawr. lip 1 .rhni' Mokes.. 3 I -Victor ('. Mather 3 2- Mnridley .Stokes. 3 2-1. W. Hopping. ( J-L. Lowlier Jitokrs, 4 ,1 It, K. Ktrau hrVdce ft Hack-Paul I), Mills., 4 lla(k-Ale.i. Ilrimii 5 Total Total 1; ,-.Sr"r.r; l,r:n N'lMr ''' Philadelphia Country tltiti. ..'1. Loals earned Ilryn Mar, S. Lost by penalties. ia. et. T'j. (ioals earned- Phlla tlc nhlA Country Club. 3. Lost t,y penalties, ',. Allow, il handicap, 3. .Net, 6'i. Iteferees llarrlay Mrl'sdilrn and John It. l'ella. Time, keeper and scorer William II. Itocap. Time of nine Light periods of ;ij minutes each. LIGHT BREEZE FOR RACERS. Tnehf Cruisers filnrt In Xrw York A. . Harp to lllock Islnml. Twelve small crulsinc vnchts mnri.A yesterday morning In the twelfth an- nual lllock Island race of the New York Atlil.-ilr. ir,.i, ti..... . .m.. . i-uiiicu iro:n a lino on Whortleberry Islnnd to race to V.-t Harbor, lllock Island, 100 miles lawny. Then- was a very light westerly wind at the start and the leaders passed Lloyd's Neck shortly after 1 o'clock. They were well out In tho middle of the Sound. Later the wind died out and then freshened again and by pun down the loaders were Hearing Port Jefferson. A .". o'clock In the afternoon the motor boats were started over the name coutse In this class were the Flyaway III., Hoopla and Wet, nnd as these .ire three very fast boats It was expected that the best time made over this coutse would be beaten. JAMAICA BEATEN AT BAYSIDE. Winners tirt I'uur of Five Tennis .Mutches, l.oalnic In NlnKles. Representatives of the H,iynlik- Ten nis Club defeated players of the Ja maica Tennis Cluli on the courts of thu former yesterday In the Queens League series by four matches to otic. The only victory for the visitors was scored In the hlnglcs. when HuhmcII Holt de feated Murle Johnson, '1 ti, C I, C 2. In the other singles It. II, Roberts of Ilnyslde defeated II. Wlttse of Jamaica, 30. C t, C 1. In the doubles ( r. Crelghton nnd T. W. Hoxle, Ilaysl.le, beat It. Holt and W. ('oggswcll, Jamaica, (i 1, 6 I ; It, II. Hoberts arid Merle Johnson, llavsld", bent 11. ilts and J. Wright, Jamaica. 2, 3 0, C 4 ; (leorge llarmeyer and W. l'.irmloe, Ilayslde, beat 1). Holt and (1. Hedervoose, Jamaica. C 2, 63. 'MiMilitiitnery llns I'lenly to Spare. Hvk. N. V., June 26. II. 1), Montgom ery led hy a wide margin in the bogey competition at the Apawiunls Club to day He wns f. up. The swei-'iMakes wete won by C, L. Watklns, whose score was Ml 7, "3 The Hcores . Hogey Competition II. 1). Montgomery, 5 up. C L Watklns. 3 up, y. s. Hart, 2 up: Norton Squire. 1 im; k. P. Walden, 1 down, Sweepstakes- O, I.. Watklns. SO-T. 7J; A. H. Ashfiirth, S1--7 74, t. (" Tore) SI liS, 7C; W. S Adams, M-s, Forest Hills lli-nts -Miuitt-liilr. Tile Forest Hills Hardens Club Hon Its Ilrst game In the Amateur League by defeating the Montclalr Athletic Club team yesterday on the hitter's grounds, H to 3. was driven out of the hot by the Forest Hills batters. The score ; Forest Hills.. 40220213 0 l" '' K: Montclalr 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 JSC H.itterlMs. Forest llllls. Warren ami Doyle: Montcl.ilr. Kurman. Meyer and lluitlips und Cross. Trrliiinp nml StnfTnnl Arc Low. Hackknhack, June. 20. In the four ball foursome at the Hackensack Coif Club this afternoon Walter Terhune und C. P. Stafford took tho prize with s3 15, 6S. In tho playoff of the two ball foursome Morell and Newklrk de feated Ileadley and C.uvey 4 up and 3 to play. The Sensations of 1915 Lozier Fours Lozier Sixes "The Choice of Who Know' GRANGER LEADS IN LENOX OVAL FIELD Dartmouth Ilininer Is Never Headed In Salem Crescent Club's Contest. HULL SHOWS SOME SPEED William II. Oranger, the Dartmouth College distance runner, rared away with an easy victory yesterday In the SSn ynrd Invltntlon race that featured the nnnttnl games of the Salem-Cresccnt Athletic Club on Lenox Oval. Taking the lead twenty yards after the start, Oranger Jumped nwny to a ten ynrd lend at the end of the first quarter mile, which he Increased ten yards more In the fight to the tape; His time was 2iOB 1-5. Prank Jenkins, the school run ,rom ,hc crn,cl1- With only ten I i"',lH ,0 ? llonopa-ie. was In fourth, Pve, uoi .........r, through the field, to win by a foot from lliiiric I'liin'i" v House, who had a start of six yards. Oscar J. Hell, wiio Is now competing unattached, showed a line piece of run ning In the early stages In leading horns n field of two dojien runners In the one half mile run from the 2S yard mark. Hell gradually worked his way towar.l the front to tnkc the lead In the stretch nnd win by five ynrds. K. It. Hank )f the Oiannm Association, who started ten vards behind, was second. Although It had only n hnndlcap of six yards, the Salem-Crescent Athletl" Club relay team defeated seven other starters In the 1.200 yard relay race, with the Hronx Church House second and the Knights of Paint Antony thlrJ. The summaries. 100 Yard Dash. Tlnal Heat Won by O Mundl. St. Hartholomew A. C 2 yards; A. D. Pendleton, Jr.. Salem crescent, a. c 4 yards, second: 1L Poster. Haiem Crjscent iA',c" ",rd'' ,hlri1' Tlm'' 10 1" "-c lonus. . ... . .. . in Yard Ittin. HindlraD. Tlnal Heat Won by O. J. Hell, unattached. 2s yards; K II Hank, Onanam A. A 31 yards, sec ond; II. Mrt.auKhlln. Holy Cross Lyceum. 40 yards, third. Time. 2 minutes 4 1-5 seconds. SOO Yard Hun. Handicap. Final Heat Won by J. II. Honoparte. Salem Crescent A. C, scratch; C. Dunbar, llrnnx Church House, r, yards, second; O. Hawkins, Salem Crescent A C 5 yards, third. Time, 25 1-S seconds. One Mile Hun. Novice Won by II. 11 Jennings, unattached; H. J, lllckey. Holly, wood Inn A. A., second: II. Johnson, Salem Crescent A. C, third. Time, 5 min utes 4 seconds. 0 Yard Hun, Invitation Won hy W. It. Oranxcr, Dartmouth College; Prank Jenkins, unattached, second; W. Powe, .smart Set A. .'., third. Time, 2 minutes .1 1-5 seconds. 1.200 Yard ltelay Hace. Handicap Won bv Malein Crescent A C C yards, ulth White. Honoparte, Poster and Adomson: Hronx Church House. 11 yards, with Agen, Scheffeld, Seney and Wlee, second; Knights of St. Antony, 12 yards, with Hell, Hyan, Klynn ami L.i Hoe, third. Time, 2 minutes 1' seconds. Hunnlne Hop, Step and Jump. Handi cap Won by L. La Heet. Salem Crescent A. C. 4 feet r, Inch--, with 4i fet 10. inrhes, H. Lauder, Salem Crescent A, C, 6 feet C inches, with 40 feet Inrhes, second. It ifsrnandez, unittarhed, 5 feet, nllh 45 feet 10 Inches, third. LAT0NIA RACING RESULTS. First Hare Three-vear-olds and upward; selling; purse JC00; six furlongs Colle. tli (Itohlnsonl, strulKht 115.30. place 14.20. sho 13.80. first . Carrie Oriue. 95 (Oarniri, place 12.50. show 12 50. second. Dr. Dough erty. 113 Miami), show 15.50. third. Tim,'. 1-114-5. Hddle Dslling. Hell nf All. Sure get. Alkanet and Sweetheart Sue also ran. Second Itace Maiden two-ear-old. purse 1600. tile and a half furiungs--Cheiks. 10t (Martin), straight 130,20, plare 120 10. slion IS 40, tlrst. Dirk Williams, 109 tMott), place 141, show 121. s.-cond. Pot roma, 112 ((loose), show Is 50, third Tim", ros 1-5. Htuck Coffee. Murgaret II. Trlinl, J. J. Murduck and Uueen of the Mist also ran Third Haie -Handicap: three-year-olds and upward. purs Itoo one mile Little Fathe-. 105 Kloosel. straight J If. JO. plac IT SO. show 10 20, nr.-t, Coldcrest Hoy, !5 lJudv), place 24."0, show, $12. second, l'mhroldrry. at il.a Palllei, show II. so, third. Time. 1 3s 1-5. Hanijuet. Ml-s Tliorpe. Kleet-a-Helle. First Degree and Water Witch also ran. Fourth Hue The Quick Step Handicap three-year-olds and upward. 12,000 added, six furlongs Hodge, 122 (Kt-ogh), slrntght is. 20, place 13.70, show S2 90, tint, chares, 123 ((loose), plai-c show 12 HO, second. Star Jasmine, 110 (darner), show 13.20. third Time. 1112-5 Little Nephew. Ilradle.i'a cholie. Hawthorn and Itol.rt llradlo also ran rifth It'ice -SlllnB. three-j i-ar-olds nnd upiianl; one mile nnd senty vards--Chllla. Ill (Jones). 1110. 112.70 ami lis 50, son, Iteno, 111 ((loose), 112 3) and tT.ko, second; Alston, 100 (dentry). Ill 20, third. Time, 1:14 s-B. Jessie fxiulse. Santa Hule, llrlckley, Mubel Dulwelier. Dorcls, Hard Hall and otiolus also ran. Time, 1 ;I4 3 5. Jessie Louise, Sunt. I Hule, llrlckley, Mabel Dulweher. Dorrrls, Hard Hail and (ibolus nso ran. Slxtli Hnce six furlongs, three year olds and upward, selling, purse tr00- Tory Maid. '.I'i (Hurler). $7.0. $1 20, 13 30, won. !' See It. 101 KI'Hrleni. It. "0, 13 40, second. Miss Declare, 103 (dentry). 13. CJ, third. Time, 1:12 1-.'.. Transit. Doctor Carmen, I'mlaiinted and Margaret D, Hoc nlr also ran. Seienth Hare One mile and a sixteenth, three-year. olds and upward, sidling, purse HOO Hxpectatlon, 103 (Mott). JiO.C'l. Is.sO, 15 20, won. Manasssh, 103 (Junes 1, tl2.t0, 15. SO. second. Impression. 112 idsrner), 11,10, third. Time. 1-46, (lulde Post, Honanza, John Heardon, lleulah S. and Itaoul also ran. BENSONHURST DOES WELL NEAR FINISH Defeats Brooklyn in Exeitinjr Cricket Match Mcintosh and Dnvis Shine. HOYLE HOWLS CAPABLY An exciting finish characterized the game between Hrooklyn and Henson hurst yesterday In the Metropolitan league cricket series nt Plmcr Park, llcnsonhurst winning by eighteen runs. Hrooklyn batted first and totalled S.". J, II. ICdwnril being top scorer, with 17, Nine Hensonhurst wickets fell for thirty-four runs, but J. C. Mcintosh nnd J. It. DovIh played to ntleh good ad vantage that the necessary runs were made before they were rcparated, Mc intosh being not out for 15, while Davis scored 21. V. A, Hoyle, with 6 wickets for 2G runs and II. Clark with r wickets for 30 runs, did tiro bert bowling. The Hensonhurst total was 73, The Crescent Athletic flub hud no difficulty In defentlnK Itlchmond County nt liny llldirii In the association series, scorltiR 1S9 runs, nunlnst r,3 made by the opponents, tl. Mncpherson, 30 ; K. I,. Street, 32, and V. P. Jackson, 20, were the principal scorers for the Unit Moon players, while fl. H. .Standfast and A. (lunn did tho best work on the loslnsr side with scores of 23 and IS respec tively. V. P. Jackson captured C wickets for 18 runs nnd performed the hat trick. The Hensonhurst Hovers ran up n hip scon against Stnten Island at Living ston and won the association name by scorlliK 2B1, URalnst ."(i. A. Kvelyn was the top scorer, with St ; A. I., flresham followed, with 42; V. II. Ottewell. P. A. IMrrle. J. C. K. Jordan and A. 11. llnlley all rcKlstercil In the thirties, whllo P. (Inutler had the remarkable analysis of 7 wickets for 23 runs. A. I. Iloblnson did the best hatting for Htnten Island, The Manhattans scored nnother vic tory in the Metropolitan I.en;uc cerlcs, defeattliK the Hrooklyn WnmlHrers easily at l'rospoct Park by a inanrln of 169 runs. The Wanderers scored only 37. f), Smith nnd O, Iloblnson belnir the only double llRure players. Manhattan responded with 20G, I.. Miller hitting brilliantly for CO, A. J. White following with 37 and J. (Illlettc and J. I'. Jones tiddinK 21 and 28. not out, respectively. Miller, with Hall, had fine hnwlltiK 'In ures on the winning side. The West Indians totalled IS I In their Kame against the Colonials at Prospect Turk and then cot rid of their oppo nents for the meagre total of 1!, win ning by n margin of 13R runs. W. (llbbs, 39 , 11. Cook, 28, not out ; II. Shlr land, 25. anil 1.. Springer. 22. were the scorers on the winning side, while (.Ibbs captured wickets for 13 mus and Al ley no 4 wickets nt a cost of 3 runs. MurBnii Harvard I'rew Cnptnln. Hostov, June 21. I). 1. Morgan, '1C, who rowed No. 2 In the varsity crew which wa beaten by Yale yesterday, has been elected captain of the Harvard eight for next year. Morgan was In the victorious Henley elglit last year. GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Cord Tires again win all honors in the world's fastest speed contest at the Chicago Automobile Derby and surpass their previous unequalled record for speed and tire endurance estab lished at Indianapolis. Every Winning and Surviving Car Equipped With SILVERTOWNS And above all every tire bought and paid for by the users at the regular price Manufactured and sold by the makers of the famous GOODRICH SAFETY THREAD TIRES The B. F. Goodrich Co, MONDAY'S CARD FOR AQUEDUCT Flrsl Hnce Kor twnyearsold fllllrs; con ditions! four and a half furlunzsi iLillle IU;.MIss 1'iurle II.. I Malachite lit Sprint 115 Edna Kenns ItslKcniembrsnce . ...109 Second lta"e for three-year-olds and up ward: marcs and geMlmts; one mile: Orotund .. IflTininelithnrn ! l'einlly ir.VNniitcddlti ........... 91 Mis. Ham Harbor. 100'Nephthys U Third It.ii Handicap: for three-yenr-olds 1 nnd upuardi six and a half furlonits: I Hosier Prlline .. ..t 1.1! t.en HltulllV 1M Double Kaile !(,' fair Count 58 Itoyal Martyr 10'.'! fourth llace ."rlllinr handicap; for three- vcnr olds nnd Uiw:iid: one nine: Thornhlll lieiCllff Klcld 1U Chance Harry Shaw 1111 t'lflh Itace Kor three-year-olds nnd .110 . f lip- uard: stHmr; one mile: Ban Vcff.i..... II.' Hinh Tide... , ,104 Stnttrhctiire .. Dart worth ... I.oieiand ... . llolcVn Prime .,11" iieemnven ..101 Yodrles M ..10.' Krerin ' ,.I0.'!Oilllool( ! ..101' Tinkle Hell Sixth Il.K-Kor twn j ear-old maidens: five (iirlon;: (Jm Vive..., Achievement HKirtlln- ,. Sasln ........ Pat our Air Man Wayfarer . . 11. ivr.nnon m ll?il!rnnif) 11 ..,112'Triimtintnr 112 Il2ll'.ilmnster Ill ,. .101 Lord Jtotk Vlle....lW ...t!2'4ca llinch 113 ....tl2' lirreii QunllMcs for Tnylor Cap. SlKif.T llll.l.s, N. J June 2C. Wharton (lrnen succeeded In tiu.UlfyliiK for the irvliiB K. Tnylor cup at the Haltusrol (lolf Club to-day. Mis score was ilS, S3. Three of the second round matches for the secretary's cup and tno of thr matches In the duffer's cup competition also were played to-day. The summary : Hecretsry's Cup. Pecond Hound Henry Alls.ipp be.u W. M. (larey, t up; C. J. H. Praser best ! M, Cnwpertlnvalte bv de fault. HoKnrit ll.isliriiiiik beat Dr. J. It. Shannon. 2 up. Duffer's cup. Heennd Hound . A, Phillips bent M. A. White, 3 and 2; It. S". I'oss heat C K. Dunn, .1 nml 1. At Klmlinrst. It. II. i: In-er-Senls 0 i .1 0 l 0 3 0 0 10 liliiiburst drays, jooosc: I n-11 9 o Hatterles l' nnd Lyons; Morton snd Ueurrlrln. HAMILTON RACING RESULTS. First Hace Two-year-olds; fillies; purse fiiU; five turbines Tnk.i, 10., tl'rnD, 3 tn 2, 1 to i nml out, won. Ilnrl.i, 110 (McAtee). 3 to 2. 2 to 5 and out, eee nnd. V'tiiy O'Hrlen, 110 (Hums), I.', to 1, B tn 1 und 2 tn I, third, Time. 1:02 l-f,. Kathleen II.. Tush Tush, Clara Hooth ami orln also run. Heconil Itace Two-year-nlils, selling ; purse 1500; live furinnKs (lentle Wnmnn, !i2 (Mnrys) H to 1, 3 In 1 nnd 6 tn ."t, on; Will C.ish, tit (McAtee). 6 tn 1, 2 to 1 unit even, second; OnMett 1. 1st. 110 (Tuplln), ' tn i. 1 to 2 and nut. third. Time. l!0l 2-1. Hrnoni Htr.iw, McI.elUml, Hemper Stnluart. (ireetliiKS and Heauty Shnn nlso rnn. Third Hnce The Diuidn" Ilnndlenp. stseiilechnse. fnur-1 enr-nlils nnd lllivaril. .purse Hon; about two miles stueio. 133 (Wllllnms), tn ... 3 tn 5 und nut, won. Dorothy Webb. 134 (Huttoti), 7 to t, I 2 to 1 nnd even, second. The African, 13S ((luilil)'l, 4 tn 1, I tn o ami 3 tn ... third. Time. It03 2-1. dray Planet. Mnr prtli nml Jim O. also ran. Fourth Hnce Oakvllle Handicap; three-ear-nlils nnti upward; fouled in Canada, purse tfiOO, six IiirlniiKS flipper Day, 112 (Metcilf), I tn 2, even nil, I I tn 2. nun; Tartarean, 10i (Witt"). 10 to I, I to 1 nnd 2 tn 1, second, Lady Curion. 10. (Obert), 2 tn t. even and 1 to 2. third. Time. 1:13 2 . Dark Hnsnleen, Mnrlnii (l.ilety, Itediltst. Amphlnn. (nru Hluom. I.lnsln nnd Hee Hive alsn rnn. Coupled, Tlfth Hace The lintel Hn)al Handicap, purse 1700; lliree-yenr-olds nnd upward, une mile und a sixteenth Hob Heiisley, 1 0 T. l.N-yinnl, I to 1, 3 tn 2 and 1 tn 2, won. Klnc Hamliurir. DC (Clavrri. t to 1, 3 to 1 and even, second, Celtic, 101 (Ac- ,h r. n . k ... -. .l s ,,. t. .1.1... I Time, 1:46. HnrheKal, Indolence and Pan dean alsn ran Hlxlh It ice--For three-eiir-o!ds and upward selllni;. purs'- If.OO; .it furlonrs - The Spirit, lot (Colllnsl, to 1. 3 tn 1 and to :.. nnti; Venetla, 106 (Metcalfl, s tn 1. 3 tn 1 nnd 3 tn 2, second, fir Ultlse. 114 lllilMies), I to 1, ! tn & nnd 4 to 5. third. Time. 1;14 1-S. Zln Del. Hmerald l-m, YeiiKhee, Jim Savnpe, Chuckles. Vldet. Astrnlnner. Stake unci t'nti and Hetterton nlsn ran Seventh Hnudv Howdy, won; Zodiac, second. W'evatinke. Hint Time, i.:i i-r. N.Y. CRICKETERS TIE AGAIN WITH MERIQH Mrifffrs Docs l$csi lldwliii-r ln llalifnv Cup .Mulch in Hnvci'ford. nOTH TEAMS HAT WKIJ, ritn.Aptct.piiiA, June 2fi .i,iih,t drawn game In the Hal fits cup loniMt. Hon resulted In the contest l.e-mm the New York team and the Merlon ( ,u. to-day al Ilnvrrford. Hoth sld. s bittnl In exceptionally good style, bin j n Hrlggs, on the New York stilt, n,,s the only bowler to accomplish much nh the ball. Merlon batted first ond .1 1,, V,tr, nnd S. W. Mllllln stajed together, (aih reglsterfng over 30. The best Hani of the InnltiRs took place when J n. Vctterleln wns p,trtnereil by q I'earce. Some ep riled liltting (.isud, nnd Vctterleln was not disposed f ; he had scored 79, while I'earce tun p 42 before beltiR bowled by llriggs TIs Merlon Innings totalled 2S, H-lmt. cap. luring 6 wickets at a cost of f,j run. After II. II. Hoyce had been sent rM k for 13, J. I.. I'oyer and II. h'nr'i,-e made an Invaluable stand for New Yr and each batsman pcorul nvtr flfl t. fore losing his wicket. Then K l t. Stclnthnl ran up 3S In character .tic style, and when time was called the tna was 171 for six wickets. The playing of C. C. Callnghan nt tr wickets was exceptional)' gooi, he stumping two men and cathlrg to others. The score . MEIllO.V C. C. It,, b, Hrlgus J. I,, ftvnns. b. Hrlftfrs.. . ... C. C. Morris, c. nnd b. Hrlcr. . ... S. W M If fin, b. Pnyer A. c. Durrnnt, li. l'ner J. It. Vetterleln, c. Durrant. h. !'', r It, I.. Melville, c. Pnyer h lloyre It. It. (lummere, e. and b HrliiK. II. tl, I'earce. b. Ilrlaiis C. C Callaitban. not nut .1. K. (JarrlKUes, b. HNkks ; Hxtrns . Totsl SEW YOltK .1 I.. Poyer. st. Callaghnn. b Oarrlcie. II II. Hnyce, 1 b. . h .Mel,(. i H. Knrtlantr, h. Melville , II H. I.. Stelnthal. c CnlUithar . I'earce jt K. (1 Hull, st. Callngh.m, b Hnrrlj i It. Comacho. c CallaRhnn, b. 41arflKu. I, W. Stuuxhton, not nut 1 (. K, Marshall, not nut 1 Hxtras ) Total ( wickets) 11 .1 II HrlgBs, A. S. D.irrnnt and J J Hretz did not bat. Appeal for KiiKlish llnrlnu, Ix)NDos. June 2fi. A monster re' ' i was presented In the House of Cornnien this week by Col. Hall Walker r.-. horse owner, signed by thousands owners, trainers. Jockeys and othfrs n teresteilln tho sjiort, nskln? for a r- nnn.l.lnrallnn nf Hi. r-rv,. PnM 1. clslon to abandon further race meeur.:. with the exception of those to be b'l nt Newmarket. All affected are hop, f.l that a letup will be allowed during t.ext month and preparations are being to hold the big meetings at Nenbtir