Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. 16 SWITCH OFF YODR . GLARING LIGHTS Mnkp It Knsior for tlio Mnn Who Is Coming Toward Yon nt Night. TWELVES A HE INCREASING They have been making arrests of mn ters's recently for having headlights vMcri are loo jrlarlng to be used prop erly within the limits 'of the city. It Is the cause of a crent deal of ill-comfort lo drlvlnc nt nleht there Is so niuc'h us of unnecessarily bright lights on the roids. To drive ngnlnst a succes sion of such light Is to finish the tup ullrt n severe heid.iche, There always lire rhsnces too of hclnc so dazzled ns to run the risk of boiiib off the road Into the rtUch, Pome autnmohlHsts have hit upon n plan of switching oft their llglits when they meet another car. Thnt Is. they switch off the big lights and use the dimmers or the side lights. Those who do this find thnt the motorists they en counter act with like eourtety, or almost 1 do sm. There are of course cars with out electric headlights which cannot ac-eo-rrpllsh this feat, but most all the enrs Out have electric llehtlnic go on the SO-SO basli In the non-blinding act. One atitomohlls compnny says "A little Child Can Sell It," but has nil frown folks on Its salesroom floor. When John N. Willys said last winter th-t he expected to see five twelve cylln itered cats In the neit automobile show It didn't look as If he were a true prophet, necent events show that he wis Krone only In underestimating the number. The Facknrd lead has been followed by many others. National has a twelve, so has the Pa-thflnder. There Is a Davis twelve too. The Continental rrntnr manufacturers are turning out twelve cylinder motors, so that It Is rea sonable to expect there will b many naktrs who will incorporate such a mo tor Into their product. There Is talk of the Stearns company bringing out an eight or twelve cylinder Knight motored oar. That ought to be smooth and quiet. The contest board of the American Automobile Association has ruled that all racing cars must be, registered annually and that no racing car ahnll be men tloned either In programmes or In ad rsrrlslnc save as "special." It will toe remembered that In the au tomobile year of 1914, which ran from February 1, 1DH, to January SI. 1015, there were nbout 185,000 automobiles registered In Now Tork State, Tims far, from February 1 to June 13, or about four and a half months, there have been 1SS.0JJ cars registered In the State, so that a colossal! record breaking- ear la tally to he expected. The State has re ceived In fee a total of better than ll.S80.O00 from cars and chauffeurs. It !s wnrth while noting thnt in the like period of 1DH there were nearly 50,010 less cars registered and nbout 10,000 less chauffeurs. It seems to show that the percentage of owner driven cars Is con tinually Increasing because the propor tionate gain In chauffeur Is not In keep tnr with the growlnp number of auto mobile. New Tork city la a very Important contributor tn this total because the New York bureau, which covers the greater city, and besides It Nassau, Suf folk, Westchester and llocklund coun ties as welf as part of Ornnse, shows nearly half tlw toul of fe paid In to the State There are MO.AflO cars regis tered from the New Tork office. Has i M s.iuiiia of the Maxwell ill .iff in nil piolmlniii) has miles in a motor car than rt . in. hi. Wlp ii Ii" was driving 'I ne was sli'inlor nml llii.lliuil Wi " isi vvotk nn Hi" I -) agl'-'d ' 'id his lii.ilili improved wit i j. Tii.'bo 1'" .' 1I-", b'n'il e i r, ,1 and ,i veritnltle Jiii-llirt- of , 1 atriiiK'li ' V.iii vr. Ii.iji kepi a careful rei or1 of ' worn ut the wheel lie look part r viw ev'ery rella'hlllly and economy r nagcd for many years under the .tii-Mces of the American Automobile Aodatlon. McNamara' diary con- T "J WlsiioW 'M .bbbbWTI -e. i. stX. vT Vv ' . - - . 4sM. W. . , ' Vj&a. -t Urge Employees to Join Militia tTOLLOWING tho lend of Sam uel P. Colt, president of the United States Rubber Company, Ellsha S. Williams, president, has instructed tho heads of the va rlous departments of the United States Tire Company to oncour-n-rc all employees to join the mill Ha of the States in which they reside. This means that more than Bfi,000 mon are to have tho sanction of the comtmnv if thev , choose to join the Siato militia or naval forces. The United States Tire Com pany will continue the pay of any employee who does military duty, nnd the annual camping or cruising tour of duty will not In terfere with the regular vacations given by the concern. The exec utives feel that it is tho duty of large corporations to aid in cre ating nn effective military re serve in the United States. HOW ADVERTISING SELLS CARS CHEAP Willys Says He Spends Loss Than 2 1-2 Tor Cent, on Eadi Car in Publicity. FAITH IN NEWSPAPERS The Overland Is frequently referred to iim the most advertised of all motor cars. And this extensive publicity Is declared by John N. Willys, president of the Willys-Overland Company, to be the principal reason why his company Can marke the new Overlnnd Model 83 for so low n price as J7S0, "I recently overheard a remark dur ing a conversation In the smoker of n I'ultmnn Indicating that the talker be lieved Overland advertising must rol about $200 a car," lie says, "Tills, of course, Is preposterous, ljiet year our advertising cost per car was a little less than 2 '4 per cent ; this year It will be a trllle less; next year materially less due to greatly Increased produc tion. "Tho quantity of our production spreads nil overhead, so thnt the Item per car Is so small that tho buyer paH for but little more than the actunl ma terial nnd labor plus a reasonable profit, which, also because of qunntlty, Is small per car. "(liven two cars of equal mechani cal and structural worth the one built In large quantities can nlwnys sell for n lower price than the one built In limited numbers. The Inrger the pro duction the greater the supply of ma terials purchascJ. And the larger the order for raw materials the lower tho price to the manufacturer. The man who buys by the ton can always get a better price than he who buys by the pound. This Is one of the foundation stones 'of modern business and nt the same time the greatest argument for advertising. "The price of nn article to the con sumer can be made low In proportion as the advertising produces quantity sales. This principle Is not always gen erally understood. Some buyers be lieve that the purpose of extensive ad vertising Is to obtain n higher price. Inntmuch ns the results obtainable from the ndvertlslng depend ho largely upon the price It necessarily follows that the price will be the lowest that n reasonable profit will permit. The entire plnn H predicated upon profit from volume rather than profit per unit. "There Is a benefit other than price which the consumer gets from the nd- Driven Half a Million lalns lllll" but hi travel leronl Thi" arc ,i f"W blank days, for In- kept ac count of no trips less than twi nt -live tiulis His vv.iiiili'i digs h taken him thrnuarli vlitli.illv t-vprj Hliitn 111 the I'nion H" has crosi-ed the rntit lnc nt n.ii" limes in a motor en II" pii 'led ' tit,, oieiin to ocean lour of lit 1 1 anil the linlliina-I'oritli' null' f H'l'l H" i ,,'oriil mill Wll" 'he tl'el to inollir ov r he Nittona: "Id Tn.U on'" to the l'n"ifp roast AmoiiK Ins vutinlni; per- C,.e...nncr, allll nn llll rOi'OI'lls (tf tilt' COM I test hoard was .1 iwenty-foul limn run from Boston to New vorK nnu return ir. a car provided with only a hlah gear. All In all McNatnara's grand total Is now well over 500,000 miles at the wheel l'S HERE IS laaaaaaajl taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaataa taaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaflaaflaaaaaaa IIh VaaaajaaW jBHslalalRfl """"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aPMKBBBBBBBBBBBBBHKf--liBn 1bW" MT 'tmBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV VBaCgeMBtMaavl rte'-iray-. -MSVj--Mfl--W---i lllllllBBljaBBBBBLBy ate. bHbSC& 9aHnBIEj3Pr MB-iPtPBMaaaaaaaaaaaaaatw "LaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaar .ssaataaaaaaaaaaClaW -Laaaaaaaaaaml vY The first of the nrr Stuilehuker slmes. At I be rrbrrl, .fame ft. Ilrnstrt, deilgner, llrslde hint. J, M. StndrbsUrr, nnr of the flvr brothers nhn f minded thr business, Tn Mir left In the tonnenn, Kri'ilrrlrlc H, Klsh, prestdrn t, nml nrst htm, A, It, Krsblnr, first vlrf prrslilrnt (if flip mlelinkrr ('orpnrntliiii. r or 1916 a seven ven passenger, forty at 1SS5 and a seven horse-nower six at horse-power four passenger, tlfty 11,050 are the new Studebaker cars, , Studebakrr has uut gone In for unusual , lines, and .ici-omIIiikIv In this year s cr ' has ndherrd to lis customary lines, simply Improving thwn in some slight details that ndd to effect. The line of , the hotxl melts Into the cowl and thelrcfr has been transferred to the left I pump nt ths end of the cam shaft In The wheel base of the four has been cowl Itself has been made longer The ' side of the motor, lessening the ills- the oiling system not only gives a posl- j increased to 112 Inches. The seven pas crown fenders ara of a deeper design ' tunre for the gas to travel and giving tlve feed but also eliminates noise , senger touring body Is to sell for $ss5. and clln,- more clowely to tne curves of the whirls. One of the features of the cars ! . the new nrrangenient of the seats The drivers seat, for example, -a snaped so' that both the driver nnd the passenger riding with him have separate seats The tnnnenu Is roomier and the nux- lllnry seals nre of new desrgn. Instead, of folding back ngalnst the sides of the car or up against the b.ick of the front sent they sink down Into recesses In the floor, completely disappearing when not In use. Bxtra room and rase vertlslng n ruarnntee of quality, flood advertising may sell a poor article for a time, but w- doubt If It can do It continuously on a profitable basis. Ex tensive advertising to pay continuously must be backed by a good article." Mr. Willys states thnt the tulwrtts Ing done by his company In tho news papers has brought big results. "I havo nil the faith In the world In newspapers," he says. "The daily newspaper Is the unlv'rslty of tho masses. I'cople who read no other pub lications read newspnpeis. They get their news of the world and form their opinions of people nnd things from what they read in the dallies. "And the Influence of tho newspaper Is by no menns local. It extends for n radius of many miles around the cen tre of publication The grent bodv of newspniter renders Is composed of mill ions of city residents nnd hundreds of thousands of people who live In neigh boring cities nnd towns nnd In the country. The vast army of travellers which every city draws read the news- papers "Consequently we bring the Overland) message to tne niifimou 01 tne puitiir through the medium of these papers. We Hud that our efforts In this direc tion have met with much success, Our newspaper ndvertlslng. together with ndvertlslng In othr fields. Is, In a way, a mcHsure of our success." Miles of a motor car. lie Is niateimlly In. I'lciiHiii: t lis total this veal- by ex tu 1 1 nidi t nig, wiiliii lie Is doing in a .Mawiidl ear on the I'.iiilii' cimihI nml in i ilesiui legions uf Um far Wist, where illinallc rntnlltlons piimlt nf tests mote rinuroiK than niiytlilng posallile In or ii limit li'irull. Vn ll mi h ll 1 1 feiitute nf Mi'Nh India's I iiipeaiMiu e ,i hl rosy t'h'ekeii com- ' pli'XMti. utiliii nellher the torrid sun of i i ilese t ,ioi the lei blasts of winter n 'he It'JCkirs have ever beep able to ! hronxo McNamara seldom drives In goggle and never useia spectacles, and although he hns done a great ileal of night driving his eyes have always, been I perfect. THE FIRST OF THE if entrance Slid exit from the tonneuu 1 Is provldfd, I Them Is erestlv Increased oower In i tb now Sttidelinker motor, . Ilrake trsts 1 41 H and on This ridded no til four have developed the sl 54.5 horse-tiowiT power has been secured In one way bv enlarging the bore of the motor to ai Inches, For -mother, the carbu- it freer passage The electrical system for starting and , lltclitlne the new cars Is the Warner two unit type, which was developed four tear ago exclusively for Studebaker cars. The switches are rotury and 'have been placed on the Instrument, board, with provision made for locking the Ignition control All wiring Is car- rled on the chassis, with connections In n Junction box conveniently placed under the tyod Wiring Is enclosed In metnl conduits, proof acalnt water and me- chanlcat Injury. ii SUN" READERS' TOURING QUERIES ANSWERED (RetSets of THE SUNDAY SUN who desire any Information on roads or tours are invited to send these questions in to the Automobile Editor, THE SUN, 170 Nassau street. It will facilitate answering if all questions are in by Thursday evening. The Touring Bureau of the Automobile Club of America is cooperating with THE SUN in furnishing this information. Suggestions and information will be welcomed.) W fl. Htcks, 1034 Fulton street. Brook, lyn. N T. -Aalde from detours that are necmary st Tarrytown, Ossinlng and Petkfklll, It la leported that the road from here to Geneva is In good shape, belns mostly hard macadam The first stare l from New York to Albani. which Is about ISO miles This road leads straight up tha eist shore throuah Yonksrt. Dobb Ferry. Tarrytown. draining, Harmon and I'eektklll to Poughkeepsle. "1 mli. From PnuKhkeepsIa tha road ti throush Ithlnebeek, Hudson and Ptuyvesant Fails . - Tkl. I . - nt1a tnm tAti. i,..n,i. Frum Aiban. 10 Ctlca Is a miles Th rosil runs through Hchsncctadv. Am' sterdam Fonda. Mttle Falls, Herkimer, tllnn ant Frankfort to ftlra The next s'nte Is from t'llca to rtyraeuse, which Is Sfl 1 miiei. This road son through X' Hartford. Klrkland. tinelda Cattle. Chit tenanso and Kist Syracusa to yrtcii It Is 11 t miles from Syracuse to (ieneva. the road running through Camlllut. Auburn, feneca Falla and Waterloo to Usneva. llftmld Cohen, 10( Itutledge street. IlrooklMt. N Y. The map. or rather maps, tli In the detallt which you require ran i, mt from the t'nlled HtJtet Coatt ' nnd (leoiletlc Suney These mars are erv complete and show by counties or h) sc-lluns the road, mountain passes, rivers, Ac To set them fur the entire ftate nf Now Jersey would probably cost you about 110, berau'se they corns st 10 cenia apiece for various sections, ltoad mapt audi aa are used tn auto, mublle touring would not have tha detail which ion require If ou want a rnsd map alons It can be u at low cott from th bureau of toura of the Automo bile Club of America From New York to tha scene of the boat races at I'oughkeepste to-morrow the route follows llrosdw.iy nnrth alt tne way tn 0tt fquare In Vonkers Here there Is u choice of routes, via Warnurtun ttvenue ; or atraJllll on phsi ins nnrsain nnu i mu ami through llaatlngs tn PnlA,s Ferry The direct route northward to O-slnlnir proceedt through Irvlngton and Tarry town, where a detuiir may ba necessary uwliitr tu road construction being In progress, a word nf caution that also ap plies to the road north of Fcarboro, but a pleasant nnd picturesque detour from Dubtis Ferry proceeds via Ardtley, Rims ford, Iasi View and HrlarcllfT Manor and rejoins the main rovl nraln ut Osslning Proceeding north through Harmon new brtel; Is found In the village of croton, where the road waa recently closed In fuel It la not unlikely that a detour from Harmon to the upper end of Croton village may silll bs needed. Clear of Croton good conditions prevail through Oscawanna, 'Montrose and Iluchanan at far as Peek. skill but north of tha last named town The price of the car complete la $785 f.o.b. Detroit NEW STUDEBAKER S lenc.e In the operation of the car lias 1 been made another feature by various I change!. The timing gears nnd ncces-1 sory urtve gears nave neeti rearrangtu. giving more quietness and nddlmt to , accessibility. Changes In position Irave Wen made In the generator nnd Ignl tlun distributer, with the same purpose 1 In view The substitution of a gear Lengthening the muffler tall pipe Is an- other feature In producing quietness ami greatly li'ssenlng vibration. Hubber bumpers and secure fastenings every- where there might be n discommoding rattle show careful attention to detail Toe bodies of the now models nre fin- Ished In "the Studebaker blue" This Ih set off with a pin stripe In while. Ths hood, fenders nnd moldings are enamelled In black. The spokes of the wheels are blue, with blacg rims. Another detail In the new cars Is the rtm used on the wheels. This rim has i llonte tn ths llrKatta. AnnsviUe HIP which haa for a Inng time been In the handt of the rnad builders. Is mu yei comiMie,i. i ne neiour turns rigni and Is altnsethsr about five mllet long 11 JPP0y0HKECs8IC tansabUl Jj wspsssi Mtufs y7 'ana tiOj yy NCWBUROH j; II 1 I USSSSI lr u ? J) Os-s sy"!" se aaMSaeMRi)- '"olntJtt) I Osel-alQL JJf I VatiA 'elUr I if MtMastcv '"-esaa r iffy. .-.., ruxroos us,a.stVH. Os-sa Sj-ia, u s I lit. (n 1SSL W r 1 NTaCk?f,,fTSYTOWN sirxxwooo "tl Ql 0na fYONKCRS ITU AUTOMOBILE CMWiuiMm L.W.AMEIUCA I I puHtetu or tours f 1 1 ver umii.n, i-oor uut ruau nun ounierniia nv niiomeTer miieases une feature Js a sharp turns and hlllv sections, hut under I list nf hotels in New England with com pretsnt condition! It It the beat available plele dst as tn rates, capiclty opening Hereafter the pool road Is all oren and , nnd closing dates and amusements mostly In very fair condition through This Is one of the Motor Way Series of Flshklll village nnd Wapplngers Pulls, , hioks which Mr MacNalr has set hlni though tha village streets In the latter self m provide for the better Information place are In the same dltgracsftil condl- I nf the nntnmnhtla traveller. the chrome vanadium springs are self-lubricating the full real leather upholstery is stuffed with natural curled hair Dodge-Brothers MOTOR EAR Colt-Stratton Company, Broadway at SIXES an Interlocking device that springs the tire off nhen it Is dislred tu reinuw n rasing The windshield Is of special uesign, mini integral wmi tr.e nouy nnu so fitted ns to make the front coin- p.irtment rain and worm proof A iiililltltiti to Sludebakur eUlpmeut Is the Sparton electrically driven horn, the but- ton In the centre of the steering wheel. the three passenger roadster at fiaO and tbf three passenger inndnu.road.ster at Jl.lSo The wheel b.tse of the six Is Increased to 122 Inches. The seven passenger touring body Is to sell at $l,05o. the three passenger roadster at 11,0ml. the three passenger landau-roadster at J1.350, the four passenger coupe at J1.550 and the seven passenger Union- sine at J2.250 In addition to the pleasure cars Stude. baker will alo manufacture three com- mercJal cars. - tlon for a few Mocks they have been In fur twn or three, tears. After Croeslnr 111 brldee the road turns right, following the the valves a one-fifth reciprocating motion, troilei pist a monument straight along I The machine It manufactured and mar Market street to Main street In l'ough- 1 kated by Knepper A Kntght of Detroit, keeps),, completing the distance by the direct mute nf teyenty-thres mllea from I "Thera Is no doubt In the mlnda of rhe New York officials of the !ot!r .Motor Company Motorists driving n P.itighkeepsio from regarding the market for hlrh grade auto. Ith.t. 1 I oiher point In western New mobiles.' save Samuel Frank, g-neral York w , find goo 1 routes via Cortland 1 manager of the I-oiler Motor Company Cues end -he Mohiwk Va.ley to A.bany, ,"n Instance Is a reeent order si received from when, either slJe of the Hudson 'from the New York branch for a trnlnload mav be fo lowed south, as the roads at 0f cwrt It was possible to nil only a present are In very fairly gnnd con lltlon. ' psrt of this order and we rushed through From snuthern .New Jertf) nnd Penntvl- to New York eight freight cart with fours vanle the rout via Trenton and New 1 as1 sixes. llrunswltk Is sunaested. proceeding thence' Joaeph lloran. the formsr Iorler ran. through Plalnneld, Summit. Peterson. 1 Ins driver, who haa charge of the new Itldaennod. Suffern nnd Tuxedo n1 north t.orler branch at Uroadway and Hlxtv to Newlnirgh. liars a good ferry ervlre firs! ttrest. hoe made a tplsndld start, Is available acrots the Hudton tn lleacnn .inasmuch aa he has heen ordering cars for and the road on the east bank of the , ward by express for some ttmt lusler liver lesds north tn Poughkeepsle Motor- owners In and around New York and lta wishing to crosi therlerma con- throughout the East have been provided tlnus north st .New-burgh to Highlands on , with ,verv facility for quick service at the west bank where the road otters one this station." or two one points trom wnicn tne rice can be viewed front the car. There Is also a rerry between Highland and l'ough keepe New F.ngland motorists coming from Huston. Providence nnd New London sen. Hons will nnd an excellent route via naternury, Dxnbury. Cnrmel and nver S!i,rmvllte Mountain to Pnushkeep.l Thl conlstt nf fair rnad surface all the way with the exception of one rough stretch on fiorini'ille -Mountain, whl, h Is. how eyr of no great 'nth l'ou;hkepl enn 1- reached most conveniently frum northern .New Httglatnl over any of the Ileal Tour routet through 'he lirkhlres leing Island motorics who do not wish In pass through New York city are ad- led to cross Long Island Sound by the ferrv fru!!t Hoi Cliff tn ItVS or New- j ltn,Jiatr )nd then continue north through tthtta Plains connecting with the Albany posi man at rarryinwit. A noie' touring viilume Is Just l-ii.-.l frum tin- pris of Hinrv Mai'Nalr 3'4 Fifth avenue It hre.iks awnv- fmm nil A.u.ri. can road liouk tradition and It nut modelled . after anything ever publlahed before Its rincipiti opjei-t. it outlined in the prrfxee. i to "answer tho numerous nttast.-inu which constantlv occur to the tourist a to the significance of monuments and tablits. the lilcntttv of nramlnriit hullj. Incs nnd the precise location of historical points " More than three years have betn spent fit the compilation of this volume. In whl h time the record nf New i:nv1aiid have "been studied with care and the exact , location of all Interesting points checked 57th Street Notes of Live Interest to the Motor Trade, More thin 100 cars wss Ins record of sates tli e first ufk of display of Hie now 1316 llupitiotillfl at the salrsrouins of Charles !. Itless & Co.. Inc. The total I nil the tnnrs rnmirkahlf tieriise of the fart thnt Mr, ltless uss slile to place on exhibition vnlv one of the ttvn cars that enmprlia the line for next Thla one model the shorter wheeibase rarap- reared to be all aumclsnt tn Indicate to lupmoblle admirers the nnallty of 111 prcxluct that will be featuretl In tho next twelve months to rome, From present Indications deliveries of the 1M1 llupiniiblle will liesln about July 1 The factory officials have thus far bean unable to set the eiart dsta on which shipments of the new product will berln. Tlier have given assuranrea, however, that once the output begins to move ahlpmente In larie number will be made frequently anil regularly. Itl-ea'a Initial ordtr for llll modela Is rVfty freliht carlo.idi. George II, Itntiertaoii, whose early tn the automobile Industry aa as n race driver but who bitterly was Identified with the Auto Supplv Company of New York iJly, Imp bernme the Keilern district minuter for the Honk Mnnufacturtng Company of HufTnlo. N III heail nisriera for the eile f Hunk wire wheels .will he st the (ompativ's brnnch at Klfty vlKhlh street nnd KroHitnny. I Much of the expense and annoyance that HiTiimp inlea mining an auto ton be ilone awsy hi bv atiMylng the problem luf liibrli'iit'on If perfect lubrication were, Is there Koulil be prnrtlcally no eur nut tu lour inr Itv the use of s!ecte,l tluke graphite frli'tlnn Is reduced to inlnllnuril, nnlees are subillied gnd retMlr iol l materiully rut down, IilMin - rraphlte lubrlcnnis are now be ing ueil io pretmt rultlng nnd selling ami iiiiki nl ng.ilnst ru-i end corrosion. As s retiuier of friction graphite has no e, irf hh .t I- uu.iffei-teil uv letuper.'itiire ilLinse and I Iniuitiue tn the s, enVi I uf ,rpiire. (niin.l,iMon arrangements nf the Hiker Mulm Win,;. I'uinpauv is it , I the Ituiuh 1 'in if (Hrr!Ke Ciimpiiiv huve been torn-p.ei-,l The Joining uf thee roinpinl-i will eiinble the new rompany, which will be lane,! the Hiker It, ft I, Compiiny, to furnish e, client service rsillltles. Tiie ne fouip.iny will hive n capital ei," K ni . uuu I'nsries I t Wleber, presiiUm of Mie liiich A 1-mn Carriage 1 0'"''",11' ' Vie b'it l'wi!i1ienlfl,,ii,h'ii "v m,,,,,. . ,,i,.,' " in i. Sr.. ...'J. pre-mnt i-iiri h i i.ang of the itucb ''"'! f',"",'", h'7,n,y. "v h,' '"'""! I n'rae II Kelly ,',f the llaker rompany I ,vni i,. ireasurer snu secrsiary, respec, lively ami F w Treadway of tlis It.uich "rr"" ' oinpan win o. gensrar ' loiinsvl. Mrs Darlo Itest i, wife of ths race car driver. Is using a Premier In Chli'agu. The tirher's wife Is an ar-lent motorist r mnr. una often make, runs or a huti.lrej miles In one day Hhe whs Mary lter of ths Ute Sprncar Wtsh.irt. Wlslmrt. Aiming word uf tnilurt-ment for red rubber tir lumluic tu the F.inplte HuMier and Tire Coiupiri) from users none are "rfn.,,; . with .Mesmen. phvaleisns oan" vesper's, collectors. c, ft is felt thai mith 1 motorists who depend on their cars for "r'X"t orP'ro!!d.''but whu ,uly "Jtlder ill 'condition, must mak their rounds, are , In the bet position to tell whether ths ' ''",Jtr"wrh1i h'e'r'lt'ls" dulabftVrtspuno. 1 1 i r v dues not heat rsnllly and nence the tnlleiige on which ita makers argue Its econumy Many lttere from neh motorists are on tile at the Trenton factory nf the Em pire company, showing hlrh mileage. undr adverse conilAilont. A new machine for which It la claimed that It will make It possible to grind all the valves of either a four or six cylinder car In half an hour and at the asms time give a perfect seat for the valve la now uut Th applUnre Is quickly litis, I tn the motor and four spindles that resemMi a screwdriver, or six. In caae It Is a ala cylinder, are Inserted In the val open- lni Tli rtti.l nf lit sftln! St Inln t. .lots In the top of the valve and by tha turnlnr nf u ,nll rmnlr th nln,H. !. Iita advlrsa Indicate that tha Packard awards at the Panama-PaclHc Interna tional Imposition are slgnincant The grand prlxe, which was given to no other Hiitomnblle company was awarded by the superior Jury for qualMy of material and worKinansnip. ingtnuity and sxtn in iir sign and construction, the maanltude of the business represented and the lensth of time the exhibitor his been engaged In iiianufucttirtng In addition to the grand prU the Paikard got the first of the three medals of honor Among other exhibitors ware distributed fifteen gold meilals. thirteen el'ier medals nine hrom medals am two certificates of honorable manttop The awarding nf one of the nfteen joia niedals In such a fanlti car aa th Hulls. 11 ,i,- nf F.nglleh manufacture Is Ittiittratlvs of the substantial character of tha ram- .petition 0n of 'he placet where progrts In motor car construction Is moil evident tn ths user It III the top and curtain con- "'ruction Fsw realize that only four vesrs nxn not only top and curtains but amBm m - "Setting there is one thing. .. Getting' there without trouble is another. If you want to avoid trouble on the Journey go on Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires." -Mister Squeegee. Diiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Some people . think the import- ance of their work is gauged i by I the noise they make. , Other men do big things without bluster or ostentatious effort. If the noise he makes 'over it were the true measure of the importance of a man's work. Grant and Dewey '.would have v been dismal failures. Diamond Squeegee Tread d Tires rare going right along about their business, giving wonderful road service and justifying the wide spread faith in them, without making it neces sary to keep up a constant commotion regard lng their merits. If you wish to know how'to'secure mileage economy and freedom from tire trou bles just ask anybody who is using Diamonds. You will not have to look far. Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires are sold at these " FAIR-LISTED " PRICES: Diamond Diamond Squtaeeo 8110 Squacgco' 30x3 9 0.45 34x4 J20.35 30x3! 12.20 36x4H 28.70 32x3, 14.00 37x5 33.90 33x4 20.00 3BxBjj 4C.00 PAY NO MORE A Local and Foreign such essentials as nli.itshleld nnd nng- lieto were nil rtfctifile.i n 'extras" Tf day "one. man" top and "Jlfr" euriatns are proving tbeniselvt s !h Insf word In security, comfort and ee ot ueratlon, i nr inmnnrp, no me .tmrinon ' ii u tnkes Just tlve tnlnuies tu chiinsi from the protected luxury of the llinmi-lne to the open phaeton -bn'iny ernlng style. This Is made poesWile parity by the con- lenient one man lop, p.tttiy by tun neni auspvtiilon of the curt ilns. on,; fiotti carh bow and one Inside the front visor, 'and partly the clever "lift iie ffl!ners which are ttiapped on uinl on ,is eislly ns an olectrlc Hsht push button, but resist t-ny other temlencv to lonscn them. Another feature f that curtains enn alt Ik lowartd or mini J from slthln. It C. Mutip will simiii snnonnie I e com plats personnel of the Moti.iri.Ji .Mo:or Car Company board nf illicifora Inclildeil among them will bo Henry I., .foyr. 'lli lam It. Itnndall, A K fpittilillng and (Jeorge It, Turner, uho Is -ecremry md treasurer nf the rumpniiv Hupp Is presi dent and general'itftr. Henry 1. .Tayre Is illrector of Um unci imn National lliik, director uf the. llioi,li,ii mul Alan hatinn ferry C'oitih.iiiv. pr, sMent of the Truniortatloii lle.ijt) i.oiupkiiy, Vive pres. lleltl of the (tlulie Itubber Tiro Compsnv, tice president uf the Peopii-s Five Cent Hus Cumpjiiiy, preslilsut nf Hie Iivckman atree. anil Knglewooit Ferr t'ltrporatlon nnd president of the ilollwini Corporation Wllibllll II, Hun. 1.1,1 is iri",en' of t)l Keiurltv Transfer nnd Iteui.tcr Company, director of the C'ual Hint Irun National llink, dlrietor of the Kie'frrt i'oirh Cor poralVn, dlrei'tor or tho Fulrf.K Itealty Coiitpiluy. director uf Hie ridr.PV Com mirclnl and Tr.idlni; Couipnny. director of the (leneral Acnttstti. 'ouip.tny, dbector of the .Mount Vernon Trust Comp.iny and director uf the Hiimherii Htntes Iumhsr Company. A F .'pending le of the lirm of i-pnnlilliig, .Mi l.o, m and Cmpany. iiiembera of the Ni w York Clot k ilianife. T I'. C Forbes, dlrnior of sales, Ii a man uf broad expertetue ftoin the earliest ,las of the lnduU. Ho ins formerly sales manaser of tho Pope Manufacturing Company, ttnd when the Iten Motor Car Coinjmny was storied handlei the tales uf thut company, later Jolrilng Johr N. Vlll)a In tho marketing uf tho OverVand cur Mr Forbes i in lurgo of tales. "Since the annoim iint nn mads of the new National lluhwuy inodela we have been b!eg1 wl i iniiilrle ennosm tng the tinrs. nml in r sales have been made Uesplte the, fn t thnt we have not a ' " "r '"vv ' !h 'poenVr Mor Car,Mmn"nyn "In n"m,l't xhrtr nrn rH" and twelve cylinder typsa Highway models, tha 'Na tional company hit upon u popular Idea. This is preeminently u year of touting, as u greater number at motorists are Inter ested In croes-country tripe than ever' be rore. 1 txpent to havs the lllchwayi Klx model In New York the early purl of pest month. As far at the Is concerned, J do not look forward to receiving ona of tutae modela until August or Heptember." In tho opinion of W It. Chnndler there art, many motor trucks being operated tn this city which are not fitted with ade quate horna or warning algnn.a. Mr. chandler rnpresnts tho f.p:irton Kara abouta and lie fi given much tlmsand study to tile signal problem. "itotor trucks and other heavy ve. hides. If fitted with proper wsrnlng ,tlg nala. IU do much tu decrenaa accidents by ttiet vehiclet." says Mr Chindler "The nolae of a motor truck often dntwns ths sound of a horn, and with tn- aidd nolast of elevated and straat car lines jibout the only person who ..can hear a truck horn It the driver It Is Just to Important to rmve good wnrnlng algnula on trucks as It la to hive good brakes" 'Sueh a deluge of ordera hat com? in tha wake of the announcement of the, en aattonal redaction In the price of ths ust im model 4 Olds to l,il5 that for, tha second time within tho past fortnight I wsj forced this week to make another trip to 1nnalng to srs tf It wot possible, re rln anything to Inks ears of the business that has poured In for cars for Irumedtate le. llvary In the metropolitan dtvtrlct." save C. 1L Laraun. president of the Oidsmabl'e, Company of Now York. "For ths past ten dayt we have been bonking from fifteen to twenty-fjva ordera dally and tho sc. cumulation threaten to swamp us evn It ths three solid tmlntonda now ordered from tha factory should enms through on schedule tline, which tn view of Ita pres ent pushed capacity production a! moat too good to be true. E-en then then hlpmanta will only enable us to take cn- of orders now booked and w will havo to tavVa our ohancea on getting onotber tralnhjaj or two to meet the need of protpectlve purchaeers." That' Ooodyear Tiro and Rubber Cnmpane announces the conetruct'on of a new brick: building that will aad 3T.3iiu square feet of working space to the factory Tha new building will house several processes con nected with making cord tlrts, tn which tha company's business haa xrown by leaps and bound tho past year Iloom svlll nlso, bs mode for the growth of the meihanti-al goods department, to facilitate the miking of asbettoa packing, balloon and aeronline fabric, coated and u-aterproofsd fabrl.-; the mixing of all cements, Ac The Autocar Company of Ardmore.'I'o , hat developed e, field searehltght for ,mll Itiry purpotas, which In a been demoti stratad at tho 1eagua Island Niry Yarl, Philadelphia, nml at Washington, r r The electrical apparatua of thla eiiulpsint Is mounted on a.specisl body on a stand ard Autocar chassis. The body Is ilelg n ! su aa to furnish protection for ir.r pos-r Plant and to support the fuur -e-i if flexible calile and the spring mounted tracks on which the two ictrchllrht hand trucks rest The power plant consist of i ttanlur I Autocar gasolene mot r 4 In.Jt by t , lnrh cylinders, cuupled dlre-tto a kilowatt Westlnghoue direct current gn initur. This generator Is designed to, ru nt 1.100 revolutions p-r minute, nt wh n ieed It gives l?t, vnits and de.ivirs nmperet Tho motor Is iqulppe.i with t Tierce flybill governor renul.itlng 'Pe speed within very uot" llml's i:uch llsht carries 1.351) feet nf cai divided Into two lena-ths of s;5 feet ea , t. so that fsah l.4np enn be opcratetl in dependently of tho othT n- it illst.c-e if one. quarter ml,, from the ceneri' c Plant Kach search islit I- 14 melius I ra dlametsr and has mii .,r, or oon capi c power, and Is iKccm,. qi o one and a half mlhie on a clear nlyht