Newspaper Page Text
16 ? THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. DOLE AND BREESE ' PLEASE FANCIERS HIGHEST TYPES OF SHOW DOGS REPRESENTED BY THESE WINNERS SOUTHAMPTON SHOW IS SURE OF SUCCESS KENNEL DIRECTORY 8 A wards nt Ornnjyo nidr-n-Wcn S?low Olvo SntisfncHon ' to Xonrly All. jrowrnrinr tievk ox top y, Orangk, N. J., June 2fi. Tho Or hnge nide-n-Wce Association, n society formed In 1!11 tn relievo tlio suffering among homeless and abused dogs throughout the State, hold Its fourth nnntinl dog show In the Klflh Itcglmcnt Armory heie to-day. The show was tinder Amcrirnn Kennel Club rules nnd aa'lth championship points granted. It Jb the first one Riven hy thin club Hint has been recognized hy the A. K. C. twitl About tflO entries were reeelved, The Judging of the unclassified spe rinlR hv I'rnllk V. IVnle nml Vlnlnn IV Breese was mnrkc.l hy the large num. bcr of picked specimens of the different breeds which buttled for the handsome trophies offered by the committee nml !.... . , . . friends of the association. The work of the Judges In these chases met with the hearty approval of the exhibitors nnd the many ha.d decisions they called upon to make were Riven fault- lessly. .Messrs. Hole and Hreese decliled many problems without the necessity of calling upon O. Muss-Arnolt, who was tho referee. John Mlnturn's Kngllsh bulldog Cham pion' Crlsslo Denton, won the Presi dent's cup, offered by Mrs. It. F Mc Ouckln for the besl non-sporting dog, while Oeorge Qulntard's llolmbury Itcve accounted for the speclnl for best non-sporting, best bitch In the show, and the handsome trophy going to best oogor nucn in me snow, Hove had to be right on her mettje to win these high honors, as the Kealyham terrier Chum- nlon lvn irn,w ii,. a t r.i ., t ,-. Long Cadet, the Kngllsh Setter Albert's f J...- r-Vj. is" ,,. '.. .. ainilwyd Mixture nnd the Scottish ter ritr Walescott Malster Wullle, which are II corking specimens of their respective breeds, furnished hot competition. The Walescott Kennels had a field day In Scott sb. terriers, irninr frnm puppy to winners with Walescott MnlMer Wullle mid getting the special for best of the breed ; also capturing the vice-president's cup donated hy Mrs. Krnctt Meyrowltz for best pair In the show and the secretary's cup of fered by Miss Agnes. Tyler for the best team of any breed. Walescott MnHter Wullle Is a very typical Scottish ter rier and has met defeat only once, which was at the Scottish terrier spe cialty show, when Champion Hraw Laddie was placed over him. The next day, however, at Mlneola the Kngllsh Judge Holland Buckley reversed this placing and gave Wee Wullle winners, saying he was the most typical and best specimen he had ever seen. Wullle Is nn American bred and was bred by his owner. Francis ;. Lloyd. The English setter Albert's Mnllwyd Mixture was the winner In his regular classes and also annexed the special offered by the association for best male In the show. This dog Ih a remarkably iod one, proved hy the fart that he recently obtained his American cham pionship without meeting a defeat. In crocker spaniels Judge James Anderson, selected the black dog New port Rlackboy as best of a strong field. The bltcb winner, Overcross Trls, at tnlned her championship by winning to day. She is a grand type of cocker, but when It came the special for best of the breed, the dog winner, Hlackboy, de feated her, scoring In substance, short- nefs of back and front. In American bred bitch. Newport Peggy, which had been a winner nt other shows, got the gate. The Judge said he believed her to be underweight. The Klmvlew Kennels won both win ners classes In German shepherd dogs, With Harry Von Nnhetnl and Mlnkla. Robert Lobban's Champion Deodora Monarch added nnother win to the long lift ito his credit In the Kngllsh bull dog class by getting winners dog. The bitch winner was Champion Crlssie Denton, which defeated her kennel mate. Champion Oak Nana, for tho rosette. In commenting on this class after the Judrtns the Judge, John II. Horrax, said that It was a very close decision be tween the two, but that he preferred Crlssie Denton, as she was tho sturdier built of the two and scored In foreface. Tho miniature champion Woodcraft Model, filtered for specials only, ac counted for ten speclnl prizes In all. Tills minimum Kngllsh bulldog has a remarkable- record and has accounted for more specials than any other dog of his type ever shown. The American bred Airedale terrier, , Gee Long Cadet, added nnother win to the number necessary for him to sport the coveted title of champion, defeating Delhi Oprang In the winners' class, Fcorlng In color, ears, coat and nblllty to make the most of himself. In the ring. In bltchcR William M. Jones's Crewe So I'atricla went from puppy to reserve winners, iiemg defeated in the winners' class ny Cos Cob Kennels' Cos Cnh CnrOSS. which scored In silliHtnnr... ! . , trlcla Is tho better colored and has bet- ter coat, hut needs ne., tn v,., ,i, , tdance of the winner. I I.a 1-rancc Model, n slx-months-old puppy, went rrom puppy to winners In French bulldogs. Hb Is nn nnusuallv i promising nunnv with a beautiful hm lots of bone and good substance, dark ' lirlnriln In mini- ..-tih --.I tall. He will rnnlto'r ImhaKIa S...... t- , i. - .,,11, ocki'ivk 10 nun was nnother puppy, Joufflu. which nlho elves .i,iiiu,,..1 l..t. ... .1 , ............. ,.,.,-. iiimii in ui puppies sic out pon nor' tile J punnle Champion Ivo Caratloc reileeme.i himself for his defeat at Westchester last .Saturday hy winning over Tern per.iitcc, the dog whkh was placed over. ras placed over. Ige to-day said better, as he I lis and hn.l I nun last vveeK, The Judg ho liked Caratlou tho b m..i ti tn mau nnti loins and hud 11 ". .mill 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cil llvl , WHICH ttcoiiil only In one point over Caratloc slightly better front. The Irish terrier fanciers were treated to a surprise when tln puppy winner. Leed's Congall I 'at, was placed over the noted Champion Aioostook Historic In the winners dug class. This diilslott did not meet with the appro tint Inn of the rliigslders, many of ibeiii levlnilng Distant' to be the belter dip by 11 good margin. Vinton I'. Hieese, who handed mlt t, ribbons In Din well tilled I'onieriiiiliiii B id Pekingese classes, went through 1 his woil; In his usual able manner mid gavo u.iiiplcl" satlsfaetioii In , j tanner MrH 1:. s. All.nd made a clean .n;;',n',,f ;v;;rH w,o,tv1i;:;;;:; ; with Offley Mite's Sunlloner and to- ti.i've vvliinerH bltihes witli I'oinl.nid Topaz, ntllcy Mars Siltitlovv ef wlmlni; .... ...... in me uteeii, - In Pekinese Mts. Thomis II isllnsa ! T.on dog winners will, H.igalelle Wang ' i.i...i ".ui s .siiiicuiing I Mil I i - 5-.,.,.,S. L,'I,?:r"!V-. -r Arcady. ' of different dams. Mrs. J. J. Mathc- i r.ns,.l"h T.oy P'1"''!". (Hlaik and Tan) formulated whereby this object will be Ftull Is flat and muzzle stroiic ami well lnK lr!ek" Irepmd particularly for this ...... w. .i,..ii,i,uii ,111111 lilai. .. .1111. irrnm. . , .... .M-,in MIllirL oeiio nno IPOII .inrirn. r.n h.r ' 1 " ,. mi, ,,- w nnvn 1. .vcMiianK Antoinette was the win- KnK Lawrence Hitch; won i.V- mV. 1." 1 "' "' !"""" are now in filled tip, with big nose nnd undcrjaw. " " ea 111 ne serven n b toh Kh lu u l.-,lr...l .l..l. I.i.. r.i... .. .'.. "" 'T' Mnn " .irs. (, nrnrfss nnH llm nrnK.hln l..,lln. ..III i... . ... Oil tile l.lwn. and won liundlly fiom J)r. J. 1: . '. Hogs, won by Mrs. J .1. Mutheann'. x... I he Long lloich, I.. I., antl the tl.ite earlv Chaiiinloti"inllirliti.r iviit,.i. u ,, Hastings will have her well it ... ... ,. . 1,1 in- , 11 ui n , 1 lip unn. nr.... . luiniiui in n i- wt' L n Kin -lour iiimniiK -tiiii u iiv - .irivrrs ivonno ill,, winch went from vr.,.'.":. """ . -virs. .lames 1:1 .-entemner. noti-i show ktieeiiiu.ii Mi... ...v,,.i 1,.. "wii winners nun cnninpion nogs on s to reserve winners. . ui,k ,7. """Ji Atnonir tnose netlvelv nteresto,! hu. Mr u Hi, iiiniuny, ntininiKn iney w III not nn en. tmignifl.,.,,, p..,olo,ed dog l ted1 from ab.oad. At the Oree, vlcll shov' from I,i,i.lii i.v Mi nnd ie ll,,v'i.i ive.ks urn M s ' . VL h did not . ,n, J ,7'.'.'' "i'1'1 on h'',Ml "'Hs srlffnn with l.llllV Hlrt THIa tlu, wMer a. .C" ' . onnt.e.H ""' wainer no en as r mo nrst mv n hi. 1ft I - vww,.- 1 ' Vjt Iiiritie, (Innilua ilnbette, I'm mimes llaliette nnd Nnnniil, owned br Mr. Tred KdnnriU of Dorchester, Mn, L. !2h. .h" "L!..!" Ink hln withdrawal from competition, The many IVKe fancier who had heard KloT.,"B.?crH".",l! nf.,hlH ,Iok'" Prowess on Kngllsh bench were giving him ,.ricn, ,.XHM1,mi,n. They were Im" pressed favorably with Mr quality, i Krpl" hone. grand head and wonderful "JTW , Holland's mini whin Tln't'o of llvdecree' won In bltchen. with Mrs. A. McClure llnlley's American bred Sun's Ouena, leserve. Everything went along smoothly un til one of Wex Jones's hull terriers challenged n Kreyhnunil which tried to demonstrate that a While Cavalier Is not as great a fighter as Is claimed for him. The battle was short hut spirited, the bull teirler getting n Frank fiotch toe hold on his adersary anil Hoofing mm, mining the battle. The awards: 'Olnters Doffs, won hv tlnnUt 11 llnrv1. Hob, reserve, II W Richardson'. Jr's. nichanison's Prank niirh. unn ,. u W Richardson. Jr'j.. Richardson's Queen. ,K . Cottrell's Nanry Lee. ' . '.' . fetters -I o.. won hy Dr I Jmi r Hair s Alberts Mallwyd Mixture, reserve. Dr J Corn In Mabev's Meadow view Duke nf flair Ilttchis, won bj Dr II. M IWk'e Pea o ilv Heart r...rv.. r,n"owu, w M.anowview bath- I Heagtea Dos. ion hy Relray Kennel' I Relray re.erve. J H. Van i '"" rie. iittchei Won by J. H Vin Dnrn' Uvpsv II Oachihunili- llllrlic, won by .tr. Mary Fuch'n l.uci Jenerliit reierve. Mre, A. lluneerford. Zefora Houth Shore Cocker ?pnnle! tlo (Muck), won hy Pen Cral Kennele' Newport Itlackhoy; reterve, llnnnv) nn Kenneli' KeautKul Joe. Doje (an) other color), won h Pen Craig Kennele' Newport Pedlar II . re. serve, enme ouner'e Newport Pereeue. Illtchee. won by Mr. Htley Kieke'e Oier cioet Irla . reserve, Pen Cr.ilg Kennl' Newport Ituth Ilulldnae Do. won hy rtnbert I.oh iMn'i Ch. Deodora Monarch, reeerie. Thornae J. Psrvln'e M.iitnet Mahomet Dobermiin l'lneehere Do and bitches, won hy Mrs. T It. Dell's Trlitun; reserve. Otto Durch's .Stella III Dalmatian to, won by Rocksltlcus Kennels J'enwnrtham llosco. reserve. V V Crnln's Wold In the pines Pepper. Hitches, won by Hocksltleut Kennels' Hes tlve. French null. lots Dots, won by Fred, erlck Porfet's La Frame Model; reierve. Mrs D. Robertson's Joutnu ratchet, won hy Mrs. J. J Matheion't Nessbank An jojnette; reserve. Dr. J K. Tark.r's Yvonne ealyh.m Terriers Dogs, won by W Ross Proctor's Ch. Ivo Caradoc; reserve. Krnnahani I.nwrence's Temperance, nitchet, won hy W Itoss Proctor's Hlrkrtale llessj reserve, same owner's Ivo Coronv. Airedale Terrlrs Dors, won by R. K lleltht's Oeelona Cadet; reserve, J A .stlllman's Delhi Onrans Hitches, won by Cos Cob Kennels' Kenmare Caress, reserve, Wllllsm .M. Jone"s Crewe So Patricia Miniature Itultdoca Dogs, won hy Yan Ce.lner'a Woodcraft Menestral. Hitches, won hy Charles I.. Watson's Hlghpnlnt Pee Wee. follies Dogs, won by Miss Hydon's flrey Ml'ts reserve. Thoma. P, Law-son's Keirny Stnrmer. nitches. won hy Oak Hill Ken nels' Oak Hill Iris, reserve, Plnewood Ken nels' Plnewood Pippin. Oerman Phephenl Dogs Dors, won hy Klmvlew Kennels' Harry von Naketal; re serve, same owner's Dutlo of Klmvlew, Hitches, won by same owner's Mlnkla. re. eerv, II M. Green's Senta. Hull Terriers Dogs, won hy George Low's Frostbite, reserve, same owner's Hare Knuckles. Hitches, won bv time owner's Odds On; reserve. F K. McNulty's White Rose of Mountfleld. Russian Wolfhounds Dogs, won by Miss Anna I'ase's Itanro o' Yalley Farm, reserve, Mrs Halph H. Thomas's Na)ad o' Val ley Farm Irish Terriers Does, won hy C. A. F. von Pfltenmayer's Leeds Congnll pat; re. serve, L. H. powers'. Ch. Arlstook Historic. Hitches, won by C. A. F. von Pfltenmayer's Leeds Irish Rose: reserve, L. H, Powers' Aroostook Annabel. Scottish. Terriers Dogs, won by Wale scott Kennels' Malster Wullle; reserve, Miss M. K. Mellnn's Lnlndnn Loon. Hitches, won by Walescott Kennels' Ch. Walescott Shady Lady! reserre, same owner's Wale scott Illue Hint. West Highland White Terriers Dogs, won by R. Lawrence's Ch. Ilumpus of (lien mere; reserve, Thomas Hrooke's Cotnus. Hltchis, won hy E. Lawrence's Waitress of Hraewoodj reserve, Dr. E. Huckley's Honnle Jean. W..1."'? Terriers Dogt nnd bltchet. won by Walescott Kennels' Walescott Mixer; reserve, flulloway Kennels' Rallovray Yolkld. Dandle Dlnmont Terriers Dogs and bitches, won hy Rallnway Kennels' I'otford Jean; reserve, same owner's Galloway Leezle Lindsay. Chow Chows -Doit, and bitches, won hy Mrs, Ralph Waldo Chase's Chink: reserve. Mrs. I, H, pouersa ch. Oreenacre Mlnchl. i.revhoumls Dogs, won by Mrs 11 V von der Helde'a Herscbol 111.; reserve! Htr.,hIBl''-1' .':).. !'.'r,cro,"...w.': Kl. Cro Klrellv - J'i ,i . ' ' r isae uver- ,. I,0l,," Terrlert Doa. won by W. A h"""' "A',nK'5 ."P'oer n. j by" San, uei llVlhy's Italb'y ' B-allflf OlrT "serve, Moshnlu Kennels' Hellhorn't Terri.r. r. v i.- 'kV :"in'ZrP"':, ."'I Plate: reserve. .Miss s c t-'tt..-. 'o.. I '!!":". won by C. A. F. von Pltienmn er'i :V'a. r.!'rPf. reserve, .Miss Francis A. MS"Tri;!rS,teL. ... h ... l.nn It lfll.lA,u t.,..,. 7. ' " ,'" Sir'. FTirMi!..":? I -- tWit' . J'...A ?j J:"''" Chlkt.o. . .'liyiirs. wiiii ny ii, iv vei V;..;.. wV.n,W"..h. iminluiry Iteve; reserve, II. dale Mnnnllirht 1 ,, Jn.i'an.',"e!''',n''''.)0K''. won bv Mrs. 11. I, Harrison's Little o'me Hitches, Pekingese Hogs, won hy .Mrs. Thomas 1 ,'1V.nK!'il,,,,.,',,;I,,llL Vu T"' reserve, Mrs , vnn byMr.1 Al 'I'loll r."l1l,(,"l':- ti., A..' J'nJ.I.,,.ni' f. C fnwhln . .', . .hup im n.r a t'rineess .vionin. Tlnto of Ilyilegreel reserve. Mrs A. MiC. liniiry s Wll.n.l or i.tenruil RrilSsets (lrlrrnns.Ilnv- nn l.l,t. by Mrs. It, stuvveaaiit Plerrepnnt'a liover. ""ks. won 11 v .virs 1; jt, Allunls Piiniiand Hiike of Kent. rerv. Swiss .Mountain Kennels' II inner' Flf.u .1 offiev iii.'' '.r.;.!; .Vl"r,l',i i i'imi: s i-n. urea KU'n imp w..av , . I ... , ...... ......... ... .. ... ... ... er's Poinland Topaz. . nml William S.ixbv will be the Judge bvTUV",nn".!!'THr?J,7l'if"TjMBJ' .,vonl A "n,, ll,,er nf Airedale terrier pup.' HluiieT won hv .lI,,rZ..,K,M jilmn. pies, consisting .if .even male and seven ! Iiiunes, won by same owner s Karnn S.ilda 'females, was wlieiued recenily by II. p "" I Toinltnson's Hilar V I MTJO PtCTir utiwc nnrnnn,,. WilS, liAbliib BUYS GRIFFONS, Piiri'liii.e 'Hirer llou. Frnm Mr.. ... I'drr nf IVIIinm. Mis. Veriitu Casiie Is taking moiH in rlrr,,n '"' ,ln"- Her latest purchases m the.e p.ipulni rule iogr ifn three ut.isnHn'cpt urile bough' from .his j-eie- l-eilCf 01 NOI'i Pelh N. V Mts. Cede,. i,,,s uVet, for tw. lve .ve.its a l.rc. de.. and cxhlblto; of tlielin j miKi", inn mis jinm time to tlmo itirlii.' that pe, o, Imported the best stocks 1 Tllckly purchased bv Mrs. I., ou rk v niirrhnaeri hv m.. i ' Brown of Detroit, who was present on I that occasion. , 1 . I I SVf.) 'a'HI !" iinnm, .Mm. Ilrr- I ' .'liiifti .ulH I lirrtN iioleil si ml ilnir. I tTWTj .fc,?VUW --Tj I l- Mrs. Norlenr Dentnrk of Ito.e I - -gaF .1 d-lr, I.. I. I II 1 1 k v Mm. M. r. MrOlnnr'a Iln.ton Above, tn the left, n pair nf rockers nt the IVslnnng Kennel., Plain-I neld, x. j, ' BEGINNERS ARE AIDED BY WOODMERE CLUB .... . .. . Lonp lslnnrt OrffnnIntion Has ; . . ..a , Well Dpsprved Ropiitnfion for Helpinjr Amnteurs. There Is a aaylng that a poor start . . , l he Woodmere makes n good ending The Kennel Cluh has ample proof of the truth of this snylng as thnt club wns l ushered Into the kennel world under the mn.i n.ii. inn. in, ii wa. a'cofd rainy day "that the cluh selected for It. first match mee.ln.- on May 17. 1913. at Woodmere. I.. I. llnln nnd plenty of It was the order of the , day. but It didn't hurt a bit because It got no further than the roof of the bla- tent that sheltered the exhibitors and failed to dnmpen the spirits of the fnnc era who wem exlilbltlnir tn fnrl all nresent enlove.1 themselves K. such an extent that It was decided to hold another meet the next month. In this way the Voodmere Kennel Club was started by a few amateur dog fanciers and It has continued with the object of benentlng an.l furthering tho Interests of nmnteura ami beglnnero. on .tn. ihi i. ,,h hi,i K th.? v,odmero Kennel cluh has accomplished nothing eNe It hns at least shown thnt a club established and con- uucieii aiong amateur linen ami run pracucauy oy amateurs can be success-1 ful. Although the club numbers among I Its members many well known and prominent fanciers, the great majority, nf , V, Mflr.,l.AH. ' D I.. ... ' of the members nre strictly amateuru ' and beginners In the dog game. The novice with a single entry receives Just ns much consideration niu attention as tne rnncler with a string of dogs. Fa- 'hat at one time or other ltve been "mp'"" nnmgn .Mineoia or greynoutms. vorltlsrii Is reduc-d to the minimum and ' owned and exhibited by T. S. Ilellln of ,, ""hl,lr'. "J from the north shore W. Iloss Proctor. New York. Sealy as a result of this nollcv th club tin. Albany, but It Is doubtful If ever this lM"K 1 '-n. ,hnm and Welsh terriers. grown both In popularity nnd member- ship. It Is generally conceded bv .log""""" Tp(1' winners or first In the 1 fanciers In and about the metroi. lis, varlct' hrae" cU H well as best of that the Woodmere KenniluThTJe! a high mark In the manner In which Its evening matches have been conducted, Cl. "ning niliur that was judged ,rle9' " record never before attained in rrntcn of tills kind. L .T,'? "v "n th? club have long' Wt ht they would like to see the club ho . ;how .given under American Ken-, ne Ulu" rule? and with championship nlan are Mrs. M. (!. Mcdlone. nr.ldint Mrs J Conklln. Mrs. Harry T.ivlor ami . , iMrs. h A llltcnx, vice-presidents, ''"'N6-' Meade, the former preside nt ' nnd present treasurer, and George lleln- le'". 'he secretary. 1 BRIEF BITS OF KENNEL NEWS. , T!i"-.N'P.r,n'rn m.T "'' l'll'h eislmed the. dn'e of Ortnber !V.V. . !'u.,s,!lf v Ti." V v Mr and Mrs Charle. H Lester of I Knaluweml .v ,1. have Knur mi a six wen, triii i" i-.iiiiiirnii. liii.riie i.e.. is 1',.' w7e'r''J I ..'i ie. Kr,"n,1" ',"rlnl! rienrae Crn Held well known on 11,. lot,. ,, ml In ('.iniiil'i ai J an ill ?."in" , ,,K Judge, his riinnvpil from Vancouver II c to Salt Lake ft where business Inien sts will keep hint for smile Utile liwi. th. .ninier . i .11 " 1 " " , the" coming' South. mpton Knei ('Itil. iixiiirf. tins iiiiereit nun u ensli prizes to he won oiitrlrhl In these cassis I eiVl'nVTlar'no.'k' Laird VZ'.HJ: ?rom his brother. Anil rew II Lliti r of .Mev.nd.r Lister of 1V...I....,, vt " r'":l.n" . 'hur'm'.1. J Itothe.ay. Hfotl.m.l l..itr,i i. , i.ti .. iV.,,.1 I I on. tin othe- sbu hiiliig wnn it cruf . "IT,,; '"".".'r' "nlh"n- .!.'. n . v Ct" ,. ',m nn . X"."'' n( Jv.'" hi7 1 Snl" -rrler class..1 ,1 i.. .. ' '.,.,.,: ' ' t" ne hi . Vh". i.ti' no " n' Member I. ''Wde'rlrk I liamm' o "l,n. matca l. down to Jurige French bulldoxi I at thla nxtura. I l ii m II II mm II I French llnlldoK Club II Mka W .1 II Annnnl Kient, terrier puppy Mo.hnln llnhette. . GOLD HEELS IS REAL CHAMPION And Alan la MnklnK Splendid Rec ord na Stud Don. It is seldom !h,t n n v.-.,, Airedale terrier nmeirs ihm n hnM Ul. own wlt '.he41 est' Imnn te?,, men. n rt s , rt ; n lt th!" Is '.rue of the American bred terrier ,t-nainploii t.old Heels, bred nnd owned by John McC.ugh of Hrooklvn Not only has O, Id Ire s vvXrful' on 'the bench, bu s Ini retlr "from competition and placed at the stud 1 the has made a name for hlm-elf a. a ' producer nf wlnnln- ,.m,..v .,.,.in. ..,.ini,,... . .i. L -' tnetorlous as tfce n.une he mad for , i nimself in the show ring I .vlrSJ ""il.1."" Jh'. f?'" ' Champion Soudan Swlveller. without a doubt one of the greatest Airedales I k.. ti..,t . 'u.i", I '.'. also Is note'.1 !rnr"rrln n wndrfu! prod.icer He made his first appearance In the show ring at the Aire- 'iA'e Terrier Cluh of Long Islnnd's show "'here he won llrst puppy, first American bred and rcerve winners to his sire. Champion Soudan Swlveller. nt w or nine months. This started " career inai gave nun mor" l.n". enou'-h lns to count a full -nnmpiotuihlp. l-or the past year or . "',,' ."' ' "r " ,, I n l.un, bvCoM h"u thn. -Tn" hi r 2J. t ,a ' n ,nelr """" "f (j'oldleels Is n .In f i,i.i .t.. h- has a long lean j!rl stlong mure dark eves nnd nent .r. .ut. u r,on an,i WPu rlu(.(1 Pi foro. , leirs nnd foot, .ten,,,- tntn. nn.i ..i. formed body with plenty of substance i and n good hard coat. i pTrTT rrrPTJTrue nr avitttv BULL TERRIERS OF QUALITY llurnlnu n..ui.i i . ( " """" neiun s neat, Many are the celebrated bull terriers i '""dor has owned or shown a better I .brace tin Hurnlng Daylight and Ilea-1 ' bull terriers nt the Westchestor iwm. ncl flubs fixture last week. Hurtling Dayllght Is n giandly bred bitch, teem- Ing full of Hloomsbtiry. Millstone. Chntler, Wild. Duke of Marlhorouicli . and Ciirdnna blood. Although not ex- tenslvely shown she Is the winner of .. . . .. . ;.Kmi,. ' ",r " "en.e.H throuehout the fanev for h,r .',. 1)0(h. roIM.rtles. great bone, hie rib, flo.nnnnr T.i 1. o., t,.,n.i .1. nnd one that owns one of tho best' heads ever seen on a bull terrier, lie has nlenty of length from ear to eye one 'mild not wish for a better flllei for. face, the Jaw power being trul: nhenomi.tml. Ill, nnel, filled I truly s phenomenal. Ills neck and shoulders ;i0r- SI "ids iV atX? nil that would bp desired. He IKIH !."V',y. .0",.!l",, a" m n.,',, '' ",1,K,,, ,,"- win keep ti. Ilellln colors .lying at the front for some time to conic. Plllrlcb (Inrang Still nn Sliuvv, , " n measure to Aireiiale ran- '"I'Ts see the Haiikiifell Kennels ex- miming tnat gland dug Patrick Oorang l" r-veiil West chest c r Kennel Club's llw', I'""-'1'" Oorang had not been '" '"''Petllloii on this side, since ,M" Hyl'i'rry show last jcar. whlih wah Just after his 111 rival lit America, when' ' he hwepl the boards and was conslil-1 v" " nn "' "''casion tun nest Alre-;lp" ' ! , T"l T ,niU hen I "" ' ' " '" .. - lint mire i.iinil I'rkes trrlrr, Two I'rklneosn rriim M,. ii.,, i, ,... ' ..... ......... kenpels III London irr veil In New York on the Adriatic list Thursday. One is " "''I ''"U f'niale. a tlatmht I'ric, bolh wtl .1 , nir im.l lUr, ml... daughter of Chamnlor, Yen- Tnv nre a splendid . V "? the devlr,l l.,o..L- ,Thr.Z,Z n-l . misK nnu ot tne pest breed nc. Ths """" alV ' w"iv'2 ln rM rU conditio,, and are w"n th' other owned by Mrs. Herbert. si nl IVi., Um.i i I. .-v.. ,dc nvin .ii rrurian. Chnmplnn Ponrgunl Pna, ovsnnl PRODUCE STAKES NOW OPEN. Annnnnrei The fourth nnnunl nrodtiee stake for the Krench Hulldog Club of America ,T, lr'IRJ,;,Lb "re now "P'n-Th rn- dltlons which govern these stakes are as follows. These produce stakes nre of- fered to all comers whether members nf the French Hulldog Club or not. Reg istered French hull bitches bred to regis tered French bulldogs between the dntea .. ,',n,rcn -" nn" Aufu"' 1. "re only trials to be held by the club were dls eligible for nomination. Owners wish- cutscd. The date for the trials will ing to nominate tlieir bitches must nil OUt the nomination blank Provided hV I the club nnd comply with Its require- Iments, which are made part of these conditions. Hitches must he nominated nnd fees pild to the secretary of the club at least one week before the bitch Is due to , whelp. Puppies the produce of noml- nated hitches only nre eligible for entry Hiui competition. , least tnrer weeks n'for" tn, Judging of the puppies takes l'1',ff ,he secretary will give notice to each person who has nominated a hitch of the exnet time nnd place selected by the executive committee for the com- petition and If possible the name of the jutige or judges appointed to officiate. Persons owning eligible puppies must make their entries, nnd remit their fees to the secretary of the club within ten " "'ire, r eas p 1 111 n0!. n r"un,IM s-Jiouid a ?27'n"0' 1 ?r. "ten or , -- S -: ; ' h- considered a. th. l.-uimail .,. rr.,nr to all rla-ht. and nrivit..,.. on i K .tmi privileges ann ma . f"' an? c1mp," f"r the stakes. L'Ji'l'J' 5!.en.,-" .r.ll. .th'.. Irtnt.l' ,'on Hons fhswhers sst forth sLZ 'I "". ,n - . """-equeni owner noi enter .... . . , , onginni nominator may do so In his own ,, i t' ,. .k... . Pld to" the' ma'klng ' nn. entAT : All matters nf doubt or dispute arising , ", ma"f nI ,,olJ"l1 or n"r "nil" these conditions or oinerwtse ' ' Z. c-ind Ha d. i , 1 merlcn' an 1 ,,e ,, " m " ,he lii..rai r..h e fH",? . th cl. for this competition Z '''i',' 'u., inl.ii ,n Zwir ''VJ"VJ' 5L'"A"ir'"J ,.0..,'nn"de.,, ,)f KrMtv enhanrlnc the flnanelnl ,.t. . .... , .c. " .,',"', L , "iii L.. Ik" ... ' "u " " '' .' ...i,. "1 successful exhibitors. The competition w" ,!,k- l,,'w " ,h '" of For nomination blanks address nil communications to Orant Nftlmn' Secretary of the club, H J0""'""" rert. Hrooltlyn. N. Y. SPECIAL SHOW FOR PEKES. .lira. Ilnatlnica Will llnld It and Mrs. Il.-rb.-rt Will .lodge. Pekingese match will be held at ! H.igntelle. the Long home of Mrs. Thomns Hastings, Tuesday, June 29.1 Hagatelle Is nt old Wcstbury, next In1 iirigniuitnr. tne estate or Samuel vu- If'", "" can be reached bv motor from n'.",h ma,Cn. '' n" ', inwnn ,nfl Ju(,s nK wlM tak" ',lac "n(lpr a 1 , ....r,i ..,,. iiiu t-iiisjifi arT 'e tho regular classes ,h. r ' ,,. ?nT for n'Jl'I'le- under X best dog and best bitch bred by , "r. "'ver nav- 'ne won " rlb!"?n ani' rln"', 1nr """I a' b,oud bitches with their get. Ilerhert. one of the he.t Jtrdgea 01 ' llt'"K".,, "1 hnglnnd. ami who Is on " T1!" this country, has accepted the lnvltntloti to hnnil nut lh pllil,r v. nn ndded attraction for the be tetlt o er guests Mrs. Hastings hns arranged 1 have Howatd S. Starrett's troupe of I tered for competition, GOES IN FOR LABRADOR DOGS. ' Scolt McComh I. No,, In F.llKlniid, Settled J. Scott McComh, who several venrs nrri bont n t 1 1 . . ..... 1 terriers and other dogs arDobh. Ferrv- 7, e" , n ,0" uZ' , r.,""' ' . : 1 ",l '"'ii 1 of a sporting country In Mr. ' ,MC( iiinb now gnes In for Labrador dogs 10 tnoruiiKii i.isiuoii. ne possesses not ones, tun neld and ring champions of repute. "'" popularity in the Labrador ns a reti lever llos In bis smartness and great1 nrtlvlty This dog Is unlo Knnwn In ; America, nltliough he might he looked ! "l"l ns a dog belonging tn this cnntl-1 '"""I Willi the exception of rjeorge J j '"lould, Clnrence M Mnckny nnd a ' "ip' sportsmen the dog is not to' " ,0""" ,n" 1 S,""a' ,,... . . ' " -' " ; nk.-a i llle, James Kdwln Hair's Hmrllsh Rotter . ,,, ... . ...... , ."niiBjn .viixinro rnmpleteil his ''!l'l,".,nmislll nl the IMgewood Kennel ' on .nine is, unoer tne vet- WZn do.' J" JZ U.'hn,r Thl" 'lnR wn',' ',N "hnniponshlp ' "Ve coiifivutive shows nnd has not . ' . . ",,r" snows una nns not h''',n ''""""I I" "'IH country He also holds the distinction of n'lnnlni. lit. championship under five different Judges, namely. Hooley, Zletrler, Ellis. AVJiite ana .Mortimer. Mnny New Pfcmiunis Added to List Will Inorrnsc Xum hcr of Entries. Golf, lawn tennla and surf bathing, the chief summer recreations In South ampton, must yield first place on Pa urday, July 10, to the second annual ! dog show of the Southampton Kennel . Club, to be held on the grounds of tho 'Meadow Club. The board of governors, jmade up of leading residents of th Hamptons, Is working hard in tne in terests of the club's second venture. The entries close to-morrow with Frank F. Dole, 2B Knst Twenty-third street, New York. Since publishing the premium list many additional special prlies have been orfered, Dr. Hoy M. I'eck of Springfield, Mass., nnd R. H. Ituggles. the bulldog nnd (Serman shepherd dog Judges, ench have offered cups for th best In their classes. Otiher new spe cials Include cups from Mrs. Illchard Newton, Jr for the best foxnound ; , I from J K. MeCatthy, for the best novlel class French bulldog bred hy the ex-1 hlhltor, and from Mrs. Oeorge I. llsll 1 for the bet In each of the four types of Kngllsh toy spaniels. Harold fiber, ' president of ;he Airedale Terrier Club , or .vmerici, announces tourteen specials for members, each exceeding $25 In value, and the Pekingese Spaniel Club of America has nddd live and the Oreat Dane Club twenty more specials. .Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge S. Trevor announce I the gift of gold pieces for the best four sporting aim uest tour non-spnrtinc ex- nimts or tne ouinampton rcennei t lun. The special train to and from South inmiTiton from New York and llrnoklyn will have baggage enrs attached for the transportation of exhibitors and their . dogs. There will be free transportation ' fne vl lines anH thalr rinir. hslu-asn Ih Southampton station and the Meadow Club. Dr.nuljW 1U flUfl Ufl It.inij. Rmplre Clul. Annnnnrea Cla.aea fur i Pleld Trials In the Kit II. The executive nnd field trial com mittee nf the Hmplre Ileagle club held a meeting recently at Schenectady nt which all the details for the coming he the week of October IS. The classes I annnnnrnl to he run on tho rabhlt. sr. the fotfowlng Tuppv class for dogs and I bitches whelped after March 1, 1H15, fori ; th. Watts cup, a IS Inch Derby, n 15 inch Derhy, a 1.1 Inch all age dogs, 13 Inch all age hitches, IB Inch all age dogs I and a IS Inch all age bitches. The hare classes will In all probahlt- Ity be run thl year on Oermnn hnre, In- , stead of the white hnre n the Atllron- I dncks. This club was the pioneer tn opening classes to be run on hnre nnd will be the first tn run classes on the Oermnn hare If suitable grounds can be found. The hare clnsses will be three In number 13 Inch, all age; IF, Incn. alt age. nnd the Kmplre State champion ship. In the running of the hnre classes the entry Is drawn in packs of four , and runs one hour In the first series and two hours actual running In the final series, the judge choosing the .logs to compete In the final from nmnng the first series packs. The championship is open to those dogs ana nttcnes that nave won a nrst. second or third at ,me recognised field trial The entry . Put down a. a pack for not less than rr a"ual Irlvlng of game IM)H. mlt. Hn iijiiKP, KnOWIPUCP of what constitute, a heagle and his In timate association with hengles In Hie field and worked to the gun make him especially competent to fill this pnt- i Hon, ATLANTIC CITY JUDGES. Prominent Fancier. Selected Art nt Shnsr nn Auanat 7. The Atlantic City Kennel Club will , n01?. ,a,imla' Atlantic city i on faiuroay, August (. inis win ne a ' b" "'. with the usual generous amount of cash and silver trophies as special prlies. The list of judge. Is not complete, but so far Includes the fol lowing prominent fanciers t Clarence Clark of Devon, Pn bengles anil chows. O. V Olebe, Hryn Athyn, Pa., St. Hernards, bloodhounds, mastiffs nnd Scottish deerhounds. James II. Cooper, Port Washington, Pa., colliers, fox terriers ami Irish ter riers, Levi VIIcox, Philadelphia, poodles. Maltese terriers, Yorkshire terlrers. tov black and tan terriers. Chihuahuas nnd Italian greyhounds. Hownrd M. Ionovan, Cynwvd. Pa.. Airedale terriers. .1, Sergeant Price, Jr., Chestnut Hill. Pa., Boston terriers, nnlniatlanH and Pr. Oeorge r Haler. Jr., Phlladel- Phi". Kngllsh toy spaniels. .vinrsii.iii v iiriuon. t'ni aiieinma toy poodles. Mrs. Herman F. Meyer of Philadel phia, Dobermnn Plnschers, The show will be held on Young's Million Dolar 1'ler. Kntries cloee Mon day. July 26, with Oeorge F. Foley, I.ansdowne, Pa, FAMOUS POM CHANGES NAME. ,.,..,.. v...n. ... win . Hill. Stnr In Future. The black Pomeranian puppy Clnv- ton North Star, shown by Mrs Thorpe .Mineoia, nas neen purchased by Mrs. V Mayhew of the Fox Hills Kennels. This exceptionally good dog Is a solid I black and won the special for the best puppy tinner the noted Kngllsh Judge 1. P C Astley, at Mlneola. He also won for best puppy at Oreenwlch. 11.. i 1.1.. . , . I iii in in. new owiiersnip ne ' known as Fox Hills Stnr nnd will be shown nt the coming shows. For over twelve .vears Mrs. Mayhew has been I Identified with these little dogs and has lm,'or,, nn" ,lr'' man' M" ribbon ill '"Z,:Z72.',l'!n?T r'' 1-.111K in-i-iiir 1 ut rs neen pur- chased by Joseph Carberrv of Itiivbur- ottgh, Philadelphia, from the kennels or Hie late Thomas I'. Hunter Kim- necior gnine.i nis cnainplonshlp m Kng- land before coming to tills muntiv and has won at prartlcallv all the shows she hns been exhibited til In this counlrv He Is the sire of many puppies that nr.' "Inning at this time, the best of his get being Knoi'klayiln King lleit, which won th" speclnl for the best collie at the recent chni lty dog show and also the interstate Collie Cluh held In Phlladel, Pn,n' IliKllali U'.iniiin na PeUi- Mrs. Philip lltmlock of llticknell r, ,,, iiin-niieu Manor. Hlcester, Kngland. Is the liulir... elect for the Pekingese show to be held nv tne I'ek tiee.e I'lnl. nt A,..,l.. i ,Y"rk S"?--. ..'- I lock Is a prominent owner nf 'Pekingese In Knirlanrl .ml h.. . " In Kngland nnd has owned some tlrsl class dogs among them being Cham. Plon Wingerworth Chln-Chln and , Champion Wingerworth Pl-Chl The for- , mer wna bred by Mrs, Hunlock and was a winner of eight challenge certificates. FOX The Imported Wire Haired For Terrleri nt Stud I Wlrebor of IMlfnton, Fee fSO. Ch. Rahy nattier. Fee ItR. The Menta tion of England and America. Rldf stray Baffler, Feo HO. Full flrother toCh. Raby nattier. Rldja tror Nutcracker, re V h R.hT ii. tiler. . naZ".".Vf ' rioi and mf r.naue.. winner. Rldgewar JP'- JgtiJS2Urt Ch. Raby nattier. Fee JhJJ '"WjlJ Pomeranian, at Rtudl "1,,f,7. roa? and rare quality. ee '.S. ihfe. Rma.her. 8-pound .'"'til MB The Rig International "bijer. Fee M0 ..T Imported Enallth niilldoa t?'rfm'i wv Klnarraft. A Rig Winner In KJaiann "d Aml. rown Htoel. and for Sale at All Time.. "'IJROI! w. ot-INTARn. Owner. Charlea Button, Kwn nel Man?rV. P. O. Dot SI ".'''' Pno", V. V. Bldgeway Kennel., mono 81 Flushing. - Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers at Stud Rinr.EWAY CORKKR CHAMPION SAIIIN K RF.FF.RF.K SAHINF. ROlNDtP FKF FOR ANY OF THF. ABOVE. t0. J. B. ABLE, Tappan, N. Y. WinE-HAIIlEIl FOX TF.nniF.RS and all breeds for sale. Don boarded nd handlei . - rpmB 1 1 r ni.t.iu..T. i irnn Cottarr. Wvnnewood. Pa. WEST RKilll-VNn tVIIITF. TERRIERS. At Stud Th. famous WF.ST HlOlTLANn 1VII1TF. Terriers. Th property of Efflntham Lawrtnca. Eo. , New York. CHAMPION MAIHTKH OF OI.EVMERE the most successful young stud dog In America. A criterion for type. Already the sire of the coming cham pion. THE I.A1HD OF C.I.ENMERE. for which a record price was refused at the late bit New York show. CHAMPION Itl'MPfS OF OI.ENMERE A son nf the world renowned CHAMPION KII.TF.E out of America's best hitch. CHAMPION HHCF.I.I.EN OF Cil.EN .MERE. stud fee. I3. Ship hitches to William I.lveeey, Crawford Kenneli, Caldwell, N. J. HOSTON TERRIERS. YOH SALR. BOSTON TERRIERS Sesl brlndle In color, correct marklnai Urand In heads and talis, Three, six and nine months of age. Fully Prdlareed. PRICK S AND IT WILLIAM WALLACE. P. O. Rot S!. WATERfH'HY, Conn. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. WALESCOTT KENNELS Scottish Terriers At Stud Fee. 2P1 to Mil Walescott Kennels. Hernardsrllle, N. J. YORKSHIRE TERRIERS. Fr YORKSHIRE TERRIER PrT PIF.S. Msles anil females. Hred frnm lm- I ported registered Kennel Ctub stock. HO W lth Street, N. V AIREDALES. THE SENSATIONAL AIREDALE Patrick Oorang AT STUD FEE, $25.00 Chtmplonshlp winner In England and Ins hraten the best In this country ln rludlng York Master Ke Westminster Kennel Chili winner, i.eelonr Cadet, Charlt Show winner. Kenmare Con jurer Vlrker Oorang'a Advance, Cht ciiko winner, and about all the other lop dos. In America. BAUGHFELL KENNELS, 56 FERRY ST., NEWARK, N. J. AT STl'Il. The International and win nlr.g Airedales. KINHAI.E CRACK and REHAI.IA. Owners desiring estreme nual lt and perfection of color should breed to this stock. Particulars from A. II. Thorn on. New Piorp. Staten Island. Phone lis R. Stock generally for site. JAPANESE SPANIELS. Japanese Spaniels, the best of Imported and Rate Hlbbon stock, sleeve nod larger specl mens for sale. L. llAHKSr.N. an lieu-en it., Ilrooklin. lei. Prospect. H.ll.l.rONIIARIT.IAPANF.SF,.Sr.MF.I.S. Uold and while and black and white puppies br Omar on exhibition and fur sale at U7U boulevard, Astoria, L. I, Telephone. POMERANIANS. HUillEeVr CLASS SHOW SPECIMENS. YOl'Nti ANI HEALTHY STOCK. FOR SILL AT MODERATE PRICES. IILACKS AN It 1IHOWNS A SPECIALTY. Mrs. R. F. Mnjhew, Trollej Slop 313 .lerlehu Turnpike. New ll.vde Park, Lung Island. Phone H-H Floral Park. GREAT CHANCE FOR ALL DOGS. Hestrli'tlo.i. Will He Absent nt Snu I'rniii'lseo ShiMT, The day of the dog will be tripled nt the P.vnama-Paclllc International Kxpo Itloii. The dog ot a king, prince, mil lionaire or peasant will be entitled tn a place and equal rights on tho bench of the International dog show to be held In San Francisco November IS, 17 and 1' All thnt Is necessary for the ambitious dog to do Is to obtain a master or sponsor who Is willing to advance trans portation expenses and entry fee nnd he may And himself In the lists and under the critical eye of the Judges No dogs will be singled out for special treatment In the matter nf prize awards and the American or foreign dog that Is declared a winner In his class will be the best dog 111 thnt class, regardless of the rules of any nrgnnlz-itlnn To the winning dug will be given a diploma of the Panama-I'.icine International K - position and the cash awards that ae - company each win HijeSi PEDIGREE BLANKS FREE OF CHARGC New York Sun KENNEL DEPARTMENT Enclosed find 2c. stamp. Please send five pedigrer blanks free of charge. NAME. . . 77777777 777." 77 .T7T . 7 . V . .... ... . ADDRESS drT)7.n States. I'oiuce Aided to forrlf n countries. Cheek or money order must arrorapV KF.NNF.I. SI'PPI.IKS YOUR DOB NEEDS VERMILAX Mnrvrllnui Tunic, l.ntli' VifODIJ Internal Corrective nnd Worm "Unnl ltemover, Will keep your Brurnu doc In miperh rnnrtltlnn dur- nCnlCUT 1UH nniin fioiitn it u-,i re(ilarly. At nnigtMts or by Parcel Pot, Mc. nnd II.iki a bottle. VF.RMII.AX CO.. INC. Dept. I, j:o v. t?d St., New York BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to ant adilren by the Anthnr H.CLAY GLOVER, V.S. 1l8Wc.t3ltSt..NtwYor 09 RNMtfteal IF YOUR ihow dogt ar off their (.t n hot weather give them a eonje nf Freeman Lloyd'. Tonle PHI.. r . n tetlt! One dollar box, I'oetpaM I. 1, W. 10th fit , New York. COCKF.R NPANIRI.a. Breeders and Exhibitors of HIGH CLASS COCKER SPANIELS MINEOLA WINNINGS K first., ,1 winner, and numerous specials. Including "Rest tn Minn," "llest Hrace" and "llest Four " ltleh class puppies, also matured stocK lor sale. MIDKIFF KENNELS, W. T. Payne, Owner, Dallas, Pa. OERMAN SHEPHERD IsOfiS. ANI POLICE OERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS allies of the police and armies of Kurop-, will protect your property and p'rn even In times of greatest danser ldesl companions because of their obedlerii i and their almost human Intelligence. ELMVIEW KENNELS SJl Cnnnell Hldg., Scranton. Pa. PL'III.IC POLICE DOC. TRIAL, Sunday 4 P. M. Trained dogs and puppies fi- mi Montilair Training School f r To r it Pomptun Turnpike. .Mont t.ilr .V J Tel 733 M PKKINtiF.'.E. I (lit VI.I. A lleautiful Hrace of Pekingese a rived on Thursdaj bv the Adrlatir ot.e a small red doc under 7 pounds urirht t''e other a bitch, both with hlael: masks fro. the Enllh kennel of Mrs. Herbert. Moth are exceptionally Rood the bite' Is a daughter of Chamrlon i en-( hu Ar for sale a wonderful son of Champa Prnadoak Reetle price $.isi. a of his famous lre lintel (irrrorlai. S.V . st.. New Yorl- Tel (.rrrlev ',5.ri At Stud. I're $20, for short time. The Imported Son of CHAMPION HRO.VnoAK IIEF.TI.E. England's hes' knnnn etr, This Is a yeun rtoa with exceptional Pekingese eharaete Mr.. Katherine Preshrej, Imported Peklnr ee 4 W. loth .lri'et. New YnrV Clti Opposite Public Library, COI.IJES. " i COLLIE PUPPIES FOR SALE FROM REST lll.l'K HIllRON STOCK Scarsfield Kennels, Closter, N. J. w York onice: his m, ni.t mhlii IIRI'SSELx CHIFFONS. MAGNIFICENT Hit Csf.I CnllTON puppies for sale, ' mile., 3 fema s f the best I'hamplon strain In F.urone CEnKR, t At Second Avenue. North I'elbnm, N. Y, MISCEI.I.XNEOl's. The Dog Shop 15 East 35th Street, New York Just opposite Aitmans Phone Murra HI., 02 Sptclal attractions 111 Choi," lkn puppies Sealyhams, West ! , E i- , Poms. I'eUes and hlch ass itns The llnstnn Terrier Champion lM ROY nt stit, j.-ee tu ATTENTION' Who sii no. r-. Hints, Monkeys! Reuben C'irke. Ir.i.-r, tlnnal Judge, has the rhob esi h i all breeds In New York, tin-liidlni: n.'s ment Imported stock vi: snip v WHKRK, slate breed require.! (. , , KKNNHI.S, 113 East Sth St Vew v. v lintel Cirisdale, fur Iloss. Human. is s efllelencv all bratl.'lles HU V Un a N V Tel Hrvant T 1 3 SprlliKslile ling 1'illilie- V . pre sale is Hist 4Mb Mriet. New V i IIOARHINCi AMI IIA.MH.IMi. CRAWFORD HOWtOIX; hl:M'. Lane Avenue, Caldwell, New ,lrr, MUirC MT.ST HICIII. VMI 't'PH FOR SI.F. Ilv of Champion Ilumpus of (.Irnmere a champion Tnllskct blteh Anni- v LIYEMIli. late Kennel Manager lm H - (ioelet, E WATI.A.M) Iins.ltlll.M-, KOM'I.S Board your pet or show docs In Ine n e, kennels in America. Ilnea rnndltlonr-l a handled at all shows. The best ot prdljre. , stock, all hrreda. for sale. Ardsley ,s i Tel. SflO-W Hnhbs Kerrv. FRANK II. AIIIIYMO', Prop. A COUNTRY HOME FOR DOGS Larchmont Boarding Kennels II'HTK Te 3na t . Kviritlunii for h' ant MOREY IIOltlll.Mi KKVMil.s. John Mokes, nronrletor. HiiArd an,t ... dltlon doffi. under the pertnnal atunttja ih.. ... ,,u ,uv iiuiKiiii.u J I : fll U . Uorsruiere. (now n. RESERVE YOUR EXTRfES POU THE Southampton Dog Show, .11 IA III. HI 1.1 More than l'00 in b i ,m.'ih . .r fll I to he w oti hi'mc',' ' Ju.iges the sh..w fe- . ' -p 1., V 'r.. I ..... ...... a .. ... 1 For" p,' ' . ,r. ,i- 1 FRANK I'. HOI I., - si, l ",!!' e.,,hVi,Vk"r ft. I mmmkT "