Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. 17 ji YACHTS CONTEST IN WEATHER MEDLEY JrnqiioN Wins Unco of the Fif ties in S(!iiwnnliaka Cor inthian Club. JIII.ADI A XI) OK EE Fill ST ,M oiti anil cmdltlons of wothcr yesterday s-ae pjoiity of work and much sttid 'he atchtntien who look part I" the regatta of the Heawanhnkn, IV, iMihl.m Vneht t'Hili, sailed on the (.mi) ILtrly In the morning n thunder rivM klllcn; nl! the wind nnd net lml f of ho yachts entered could reach the starting line. Those yachts having steam or power tenders or that were able to pet .1 law were fortunate. Then when the time came to start thee was a flit calm, with the Mile running ebb. There wan n wait of half .in hour .mil then a Unlit southwesterly -ltid gave the committee stilllclent en couragement for giving the starting, slg pais. hut after three classes had crossed thr line this wind died out and nil the otter yachts were left h pelessly drifting. Te committee Instead of holding strictly I" the rules sent out launches to gat ier the Meet and pave fresh signals b) tha each class was sent away In fairly close order. Half way across the Sound the yachts found ft westerly wind which lasted for l nhlle and then after another calm ipdl and a squall, the wind came fresh from the south-southwest and (rive each etas.- a fine windward lag to the home mark. Hcfi re the schooners and thir ties had finished, however, this died out and they came home with spinnaker under a northeast wind and Inter drifted In with the wind Mat again. To vary things stll! more there were two squalls with lightning and rain. Five of 'he fifties were on hand, but Vice-Commodore J, I'. Morgan was un Able to be on his yacht, the Ornyllng, and as no amateur could be found to represent him the Grayling did net start. These, with the schooners and thirties, were sent first to Greenwich Point, then to lAing Neck Point, keeping outside the (Jtjrtrs. and then home. Ilfleen 'and one qmrter miles In nil. They started with booms to port and all except the Iroquois had small Jib torall set. The Iroquois carried a No. 1. The Spartan, with J. M. MacDon etish at the wheel, was first away, with the Ventura, steered by Commodore fieorge I- HaHkcr, next. Then came the Iroquois, handled by Ilalph N. Kiln. Tha Pamurl was last. They held slowly across the Sound and then gybing at the first mark set spinnakers for the next leg. It was n thrash to windward en the last leg and the Iroquois again worked Into the lead and won the race, with the Ventura second. The Queen Mali had to allow five min utes to the Mlladi nnd IS minutes 2" seconds to the Ahmakola, and although he finished -first she was beaten by Mlbdl by 3 minutes 23 seconds. This was In a special race with full time allowance. In the regular class race the Mlladi also won. I'lve of the thirties led by ISanzal got away well, hut the Lena and Alera weio handicapped more than 12 minutes be cause the wind died out. At the finish the Okee was the winner, with the Hope tecond. The Amoret and Anltu sailed a good race from start to finish. These two crossed the line drifting stern first, but at the end had all the wind they wanted, and the Amoret won by 35 seconds. The Carolina won In the handicap class and In a special race Oeorge Gartland's Robin Iliod III. with K. Hurton Hart at the tiller beat the class H yacht Joyetta, owned by Commodore W. H. Chllds. The Yuron won In the Interclub class, the Brilliant In the Jewel S class and the Nertune, sailed by Charley Davis, In the Star class. Nine of the Nuts sailed over an inside course and the I'ra Nut, owned by Dr. James S. 1U1I, was the winner, with the Cecoanut, owned by George Bullock, sec end. The committee handling the races was Colgate Hoyt. Jr., Victor I. Cum r.ock, Henry H. I.andon, John Clinton Work nnd Beverley II. Koblnson. The Iroquois won the Robert Center memorial cup and the first and second prlies In the class of the thirties were donated by former Commodore H. S. Vanderbilt The summaries : NEW VORK Y C. FIFT1KS COURSE. iHi MILES STAUT. :30. Elapsed Flnlh. Time. Tacht and Owner. II. .M. 8. H. M, S. Iroquolt It., Italph N. F.III.5 IS 40 2 45 40 Vtnturv O F Haker. Jr. .5 17 49 : 4? 49 Fyartan.J M Maclonough.5 19 29 5 49 29 Simurl. W Karl Dodue ...Withdrew SCHOONERS COt'ltSK. lSlj MILKS STAUT. 2:3;. Queen Man. Henrlon Chubb.S 01 i 3 2 2 Jllladl. f.eorco W. Scott... 6 03 OS 3 21 05 Ahmakola. H c. Smith.. 39 5B 4 04 50 Corrected times Mlladi. 3::j:05; Queen Mill. 3:2:2; Ahmakola. 3f46::9, E LOO PS CLASS P COIJIISK. H MILES START, 3:25. Amoret. R. 14. Hudd 4 52 33 J 27 53 Artta, O I Ciranbcry 4 53 25 1 2S 2s HANDICAP CLASS COURSE. 6 4 MILES START. 3:00. Carolina. A W. I.ockwood.4 51 38 1 51 3 Kobln Hood III., (1. E. HartUnd 4 57 JO 1 57 30 Nimma T S Clark Withdrew. Corrected times Carolina. 1:47:10; RoMn IIoikI HI . 1 ..".2:29. SLOOPS CLASS R SPECIAL COURSE. S MILKS STAHT. 3:00. HoMri Hood III., George . Oarl ant 4 57 30 1 57 30 J"ta W II Chltda 5 00 4J 2 00 41 NEW VORK Y C. 30 FOOTERS COURSE, If.'. MILES START, 3:25. J A Mahlstedt 15 4"i nape. I K Raymond lit 25 Jusnha J T Pratt 29 OS Alsrlun If .1 IV llk.p fi if. 11 2 SO 4 2 (3 25 3 04 OH 3 21 It 3 22 19 3 2i! 47 3 39 25 Uintal. Ed Ling 6 47 19 L-na O M Held 6 51 47 A,ra J T Cutler 7 01 25 LAHCRVtOVT I.VTEH CI.fH CLAXH I'll It.sK. - MILES START, 3:40. Yuron II Mackintosh.!. 03 Og 1 23 0 lutmar p J Tlerney .' 07 1 1 27 16 Blrbara, C Shields 5 OH OS 1 2S OS J.K.N t'uVK S CLASS COURSE, MILES -START. 3:60. B" Ian, ft i Ayer 5 I I 43 I 24 43 ''"' Robert Kraser ... 14 15 1 24 55 tmi. n j r Atater..5 10 30 1 20 30 TAR CLAS -COURSE. ' MILES START. 3:45 NP'unr W II Hopkins. .'. 18 40 J! . yef- 5 23 54 f Pn' V lrl,m l..n :d.S 21 11 t'if ra...ii, a II Fry.. 5 24 21 1 33 40 I 3 51 I 30 II 1 3 LI 24 M'T 'LASS TRT. 3:14 INSIDK COURSE. ' n . Mr ,la S Hall. 4 31 00 i. uree Hiillotk.4 31 30 ' Iji-K.ii. Illi'ks 4 10 00 ! ' - . Mrhols. ..4 42 10 v S II H London. Jr 4 52 20 t'f w H Appletnn... 5 S4 10 i II ! llni I a. 4 5 30 1 16 00 1 Hi 30 1 25 00 1 27 10 1 37 20 1 39 10 1 II 30 f fax foul Kurlon . Ulsquallfled. !' - r, v, r it iio. nisqualined. BELL SHOWS REAL STAMINA. A'li-r (.ettliiK Second In llnlf .llllr He Mile With llnac. J lie ,f the Hrooklyn Kvenlng High fi-honi p,w two gooil performn nres lit ..,,. , i jiu,, ( yenc rday lit thc joint rrni anil high H-hool Iioj-h " i en in Hrooklyn. After finish- i ,1 Atherlon In the half mile i i ar nind and won tho mile In i ' h -hi It l-'lnld-lsteln gavo lit in ul' ' i he money dining the early I'.i t (' the mile, hut towuid the end i vpruited away from the Held. 0 H mpr of Holy Prep hurled the ,"ln u soiislderalily further than 1 s I, iccoid lie threw It 102 n li .h ulrnost twelve ftjet better j-an n. best lugh school mark. U. It. ''a a ulinato of his. was second a Miioa of U'fi feet 5 Inches, with f .snrkii of Itlchmoiid Hill third h 23 feet, SEEKS HONORS IN BLOCK ISLAND RACE Thr Hoopla, hull I by Urltt II of Sprlnurlclil, 31ns. I'.iiiliird tvl n sprril of 'J.I miles nn hour. SMALLEST BOATS GET HOME; BIG ONES QUIT Queer Condition Develop in Hayside Heiratta Alberta Finishes in Front. With dark clouds hovering over L'ttle Neck Hay at the time scheduled for the weekly raJes nt the Hayside Yacht Club yesterday afternoon eleven boats of the three classes, birds, one design nnd but terflies, crossed the starting line. They had not gone far before It began to rain In torrents and things hnppened In rapid succession. Only three of the eleven that started succeeded In finishing and they happened to be the smallest craft of the club. A. N. Stollwerck's Alberta. John W Howe's Cocoon and Oeorge Hopewell's Cabbage of the butterfly class weathered the storm and finished In the order named. Charles T. Arrlghl. who was alone In his butterfly Kteadn, had a rather thrill ing experience. The bay was rough, a southerly wind changing to a variable one at Intervals, and whltecaps wero numerous. The little craft pushing over the rough waves while the larger boats sought shelter was an Interesting sight. Arrlghl's yacht overturned and he re ceived a dripping Thr boat was re covered and no damage was done. Two of the other butterflies did not finish nnd of the three birds and two yachts of the one design class that started none finished. The summary, somewhat crippled because of the storm, follows: HAYSIDE BUmS-START, 3:J5-COl'RSE. S MILES. Etapaed rinlnh. Time Iloat ami Own-r. 11 M S H. M. S. Dodo. Arthur Andrews. . .Hid not flnlrh. Curlew, Charles 1 Wlllard.DId not Mnlnh. Teaner. Archibald Nebett Did not nnlh. HAYSIDE W'TTKHFLIES START. 3:13 COURSE. 6 MILES. Alberta, A. N. Stollwerck.S 32 00 I 47 00 Cocoon. John W, Howe . 5 4 30 2 03 30 CHbhage. Cieorge Hopewell. 10 00 2 2." 00 Eleada. Charles T. Arrlnhl.DId not flnlh. Diana. John John Did not nnlsh. Ariadne. William Teller Did not nnlh. HAYSIDE ONE DESICSN CLASS START. 3:40 COURSE. MILES. Edna J.. E. Shuttlworth . Dl.l not nnlnh. Mayflower. Hobart Raw.on Did not flnl'h. CAPE MAY CLUB OPENS HOUSE. Yaehlnnen .Make Plans for Hnsy Henaou of HnrlnK. Capk Mat, N. J , June It. The Co rlnthlan Yacht Club of Cape May has opened Its doors for the season and has arranged Its programme for the season. The clubhouse has been reno vated thoroughly under the direction of Russell M. Wagar, chairman of the house committee. A number of thc nnf design boats or dered at the close of last season have arrived at the club anchorage and a series of races Is to b,e sailed during the season with similar boats from the At lantic City and Ocean City Yacht clubs. Thirty-five one design boats In all will compete In these races. On the morning of July 5 patriotic exercises will he held at the clubhouse, and at night a costume dance will be given which will bring together Cape May's society leaders. On July 10 a swimming tournament will he held In front of the house In Cold Spring Inlet, and on Aug. 14 the races of the South Jersey Hactlng Association will take .place, me uriiiiKniii iii mi "nun .1111 111 I thr. hnnHq nf n sneelnl enmmlllee. of which Morton H. Alexander Is chairman. RUMS0N WHITES BEAT REDS. Honors In Polo .Mutch lllvldeil by Wnlers nnd llorden. RtiMSON, N. J., Juna 2C, In a one sided polo match played at the Rumson Country Club this afternoon the Humson Whites defeated the Reds by the score of 1" goals to 4. J. Hehrcns Waters nnd Howard S. Horden, playing for thc I Whites, divided the honors of the day. A largo crowd watched the game from the sidelines, The lineup: Whites 1. J. llehrens Waters. 2. Ci Jason Waters! 3, II. Smith, hick. Ilonard S. llorden. Herts 1, J. Mlnnlck, 2. Hugh narrett, 3, Thomas S I'leld, back. Peter Hnuek. Jr. (loiils Waters, 8. Harden, 7. field, 3, Ilarrett, II Mlnnlck, 1. Heferee--.lneph Claney. Yachting Flotsam and Jetsam Horace K. Umicher is having a 15 foot I cruising motorbpat built from his own I designs by Charles Johnson at the font cit sixtietn street, isroomyn nils win be cliff. rent from tho Chin Chin ; It w.ll be a real yacht, so Houchcr's friends bay, G'hcrardl Davis, owner of the Q class yacht Alice, lias given a handsome sil ver cup, which is to bo to the handicap class yacht niakliiK the best record on Oravesend Bay. There are twi divi sions and the prize will ro to the win ner In the division having the largest fleet. I'eter V. Itouss Is fitting out the Q class yaoht Arvla and will boon lie racing against thc Alice nnd Virginia. Mr. llouss reclved so much silverware recently that lie won last year that he has decided to Increase his collection. There has been porno talk nf ullowlng the Joy to rnce ugalnst the Q yachts 'nnd receive a handle ip allowance. Tho Joy Is n Q. but Is outbuilt. Him Is a little too fast for the handicap yachts nnd should she call In her regular class with un allowance many troubles would 1 be Nlmplllied. I The rivaway has started off well by .winning the Albany nice and making it new record for that course. Hhe linn it now ISO horse. power Van Hlerik rnn- line -,iid will iro ofler all the lonir din. tnnce this summer Victor I. Cumnock sailed the Sinin- ford schoner Ahniakola In the New York Yacht Club annual regatta and thn nnttrmxt ntttl tlnfttnUttf lltfl rill,, vun liiu sui,,.- . .... hnnuri on KPirrsclsil llpnn Th H to m . ros. fritiu (Irslmis lij Hns-', llnymonil A I'nKe fur llnmlil Wesson Id nn rlvlit ejllmler inn horsr-pmver Strrllnv motor, iihr ran allnln LOWER BAY YACHTS 1 HAVE VICISSITUDES' Men Fall Overlionrd: Driftiii".-, Mark Elusive: lloat Fouls It: Wind Pooi, Tide His. VIKC.IXIA GOES IT ALOXE Yachtsmen of thr lower biy partici pated In the fourth championship re gatta of tile Yacht Racing Association of Oravesend Hay under the auspices of i vl tua .iccrmmed at ,no conclusion M"0"''1"0 tornellun Minilerbllt. . nut ... ., ,,,..v. . Ti,- uniriiHiieu .11 wio lum-iuoiuii jop plmcatl jnmr! p, Sparkman and a the Atlantic 'iacht Club The ;of ,ne )nil nPati as N N jhn.0n atl(1 fcw o(1)0r l,,(,V(,r nmntour ,, 1)0ar, wind wns light throughout, nno ns me nrntt lifid In hliek II stronc flood tide ' n. in ii.iu hp ..inn .i J.I.....P, ........ ....v during the greater part of the contest the finishes were late In almost all of . the classes. The Q division was the onlv class that finished earlv. As only ... I T utt.nt ntrtllnn'a '-lriln atnrfnrt 1 the regatta committee, made up of John n. Hrophy. chairman : Dr. C. I.. Atkin son nnd S. L. l'lnlay. stopped the boat at the end of the first round. Several of the boats of the handi cap class found considerable trouble In getting to the line In time to start with their ro?.cettvp cllvlslon". Ah the re wan nrst by throo-fourths of .1 lap, suit two or three of the craft were rVT'tl rnTor e Va' i more than ten minutes late. The llght'wa!) i4;os (.3 nd 14::i. 1 wind nnd the strong tide also were re-I The scratch man. Hans Ohrt of Call-1 sponsible for J. II. Wright's Anna foul- log the Sea Oate mark. In the excite- I ment of the foul one of the crew of 1 . . i i n inloi,i..n,i. a.i.i . I,,.....! the water for more than five before he was picked up by nnother :.' ' race n 1 " 1 6 Henr" craft. Another member of the crew was Werner of Newark, SO 'yards! "was sec - . .... .. ,, . ,,,, 1 ,h !,. Vi,i,in ihir. set adrift on the mark boat and also Oniv?two rld"r. brake frni the h.r had to be picked up by a passing craft. ' i .1.. .,f I.Vi. .m...- . 1 1. The drifting of the mark made It Im- nnsslble for manv of the boats to round 11 n,npi Hni-ini. ihe lint rniinH How. ever, they rounded at about where thr mark should hax'e been, and this was satisfactory to the regatta committee. The mark was in place by the time tho yachts arrived during the second round. Anna, of course, was disqualified, as was also Waukan II., the latter boat for using a kicker after the preparatory signal for her class had been fired. On both actual and corrected time 1 the second division of the handicap class I was taken by M and F, Milled by Camp ' and Marshant, her owners. The third division of the same class was stopped at the end of the first round, the win- , ner being Sunbeam on both actual and corrected time. Mouse was the first of the !raesend Hay knockabouts home and In the Star class the winner was It. H. Klnlay'K Meteor. The wind was Time, 2:l! 2-."., fourth heat won by lioui llght and from the south-southwest. HI- '' r':'rS, f'fon''- .''''? Tln". vision A sailed Course No. 9. H sailed I h-Wri,. 7 iTkr- ' MrNama"' Course No, A and Divisions C and I) j i'wu Mile 'open' Amateur Won by Hans sailed Course No. I. The nummary: (ohrt, A. K. Ituse. iiuffalo. second. Henry HLOOPS CLASS Q- STAUT. COl'llSK, MILKS. 3'00 . Klapsed Time II M finish V.irhi and Owner. 11. M. S. Virginia, J. Stuart Hlark- ion 4 23 10 1 25 10 HKC(1NI IHVISION HANHICAP CLASS START. 3:05 COt'ltSK, 7.9C MILKS. M. & f.. C M. Camp ... r. 17 10 2 12 10 Oriole H. II. Itillnmoll . 5 35 15 2 30 41 May. W. Anderson 5 II 31 2 3t, 31 Li Ciiluna, H. Ilron'inder.5 43 3s 2 3S 3 Mlstrel. S II Axtell .1 (4 37 2 39 67 ,-terllllg. K, O TlmilMs. 5 4 4 2 43 (Hi Corrected times M ti f, I . o 1 1 4 . ster ling. 2-11:01: o-lole. 2:15:11: .Mlstrel, 2-30.21, May. 2:30 52; La Ciihina. 2:57-57. THlltP DIVISION HANDICAP CLASH STAUT. 310 CoritSK, 7 9ii MILKS. Sunbeam. J. II Wright.. 1 37 03 I 27 15 Hug II.. 1' lloi'lnshead 5 12 50 ; 02 50 nna, .1 II Wright lilsiiiialllled Waukan II. C K MUhliel DIsuualMed. Corrected times on Sunbeam, 1(25:30. and Hug II . 1 50 33. ICNOOKAHOl'T CLASS STA11T, .coriisi:. 7 3 MILKS. Mouse. It. S Supper 2P. 42 Skylark. P. W llurnhim .3 40 37 Slow Poke, f L. Durland 5 36 31 3:15 ! It 42 i 20 37 : 31 3i STAR CLASS ST WIT. 3:20 COfltSK. 7.3 MILKS Meteor, n. II. flnlay. ...5 21 35 Maalxe, (1. I. Heslon S 2 40 Argus. C. S. Hilly 5 25 19 Aria. f. SwelsBUth 5 33 32 Shadow, W. I. Inslee 3 10 14 ma, ,t - o -1 ?5 10 - l." 32 20 II ford schoners sail well In .1 sle.iriv wind and Mr. Cumnock showed that he h id not forgotten his skill of years ago. : A bill Is to be Introduced In Congress : n xt season whlo'i If paswd will require 1 that all motoiboats be licensed and carry- a number Just as automobiles do. I'lve of the O'.ID class of mntorboats have been delivered to their owners, hut the talked of racing has nut begun yet. i I'l'hess boats are fast for their size and' power and should furnish i-ome tine rac- ins. Hutler Whltlns Is In commission again and he sailed last week on the 30 footer Silhouette, which llr'.shed eecond In the New Yu.!i Yacht Cltib resnHa. The 3D footers nre now more than ten years old and are Just as good ns when they tlrst came out In the spring of 19(i,i and the racing Is Just as keen. Several large sehoonerd nrn an chored off City Island nearly ready for eonimlHHlnii nnd several largo steamers are almost ready to hoist their pennants. Halidi N. Mills has started off well i with his no footer ImkiiioIh, This yacht 1 on the i-liamplnnshlp two years ago I nnd w:ih not III cimimlsslou last year, yr, .:i wt,n the New Yolk Yacht i-lnl, r,.,. if, thennr-l, tflif,,i 1,.111,,.. ,nd turned defeat Into victory oM the wlndwanl leg of the course. Tirob.'lllll there will be 11 floss nf nnn design in footers next season, Several . . .. I. . .. . . .. - ,..11,1.... .1.1 , 3 .ll-llieiiien in i itiiPilllH lllllllia Ulcr llllll I P I, I ., b Ihl. 11, hul ul.. . V,.,lia j think this aboul tiie beat site to build, j OHRT FIRST AGAIN IN VELODROME RACES Sun Franeiseo Amateur Wins One and Two Mile Slieens head Kvents. noi'LLKT LEADS THE PROSlS&'Wrii?; Non-wlnnlng nmateurs had their In ning In the 'opening event of the pro gramme at one mile. Thc result was narry c.Uber, who finished first nnd i .i. iw..j rennert ie?v. renoatrrt this oer. formance , tne flnR, hfat. B. , Mul. ' n ,h(J M,com, heat flnl.h1,, , , h, , T))e , , o -o a.r. ; . . . m ilnrp.ln'n Cftrmnn Af .Tnmnlpa showed ....V".?" "r" .lis nans hp, ,i.,ce louower ny rming rings around (leorge Seres of Frnnce l f A he ' cne and Jimmy Moran of Chelsea In professional paced race In ten mil heats. He took the event In straight heats, a third nt five miles being un necessary. In the first heat he led Seres home by a lap with Moran eight laps In the ruck and In the second heat he fani a. and I;w markers figured con- fornla, and Pnv markers figured con- "ft,""" ' hn "Ant nn: ,'iek marker .ii.filim.,1. Vi th HnMl 1 '' full length. Ohrt came within 3-r. , oi a fcroim u ;np worm rrrDrn in i shecpsheid Hay Velodrome last ! nlchl. Hanji (lh'rt s-.'nred hi. third v'lc. tors" .within two weeks when he annexe.! lot- p-riii, u, nufpui a lull iroKin ironi AI Krushel of Huffnlo In 4 :2" 2-5, Pass. Ing the mile mark liuls Illhban of Neark elected to steal a ninrch on Ihe pack and began a terrific t-prlut. Ohrt, I.. . . V. 1 ... .. 1 1 I 1. 1 ... - onVe In from waT mr. leader! The summaries: One Mile Amateur Won t.v N N John son. Century Itod Club Association, Henry tlUher, New Viirk. second. K. H Mullln, C'enlnrv rion.1. thtr.l. Time. ?... 3.X One Mile Amateur, Handicap Won by 1 1 nans unri. tan rrunciaco. scraicn. nenrv . Werner, Newark, 50 yards, second, Jerr Nunzlaia. Kmplre Oily Wheelmen, SO ards, third, Time, 1.3 1-5. Allernance Ilace, Professional, One Mile Heals first heat son hy Alfred iloullet, , Australia, neglnalil McX-.imara, Australia second, OiK'ar He, wltierland, third I Time. 2:30 1-5. eond heat won hy .Me Namara. riark. Newark, second. Kkk, t third. Time. 2:43 2-5. Third heat won bl . doullei. McNnmara, second: Clark third nernrr. .ewarK. inir.i lime, ;i rofesslonal Motor face.1 Ilace. Ten Mile Heats--first heat won by Clarence Car, men, Jamaica, paced hy Moren, (leorge Sp-res. france, pared by Nuzo. secon.i, .lames f. Moran. Chelsea, Maes, paced b Hunter, third Time, 14:0 .5, Second heat won b Carmen; Seres, second, Moran. third. Time, il.21. YACHTS CHANGE HANDS. The following transfers of yachts are I n ported through the Holllan Hurgrsa aeht Agency: 1 ne 11, root sieam yacni itonemian, sold for frnest Henrtrle of lloston to W L. Halo of Hast Hartford, for use as a , passennp'r and ecurson sieatner 1 Tiie o root motor y.irnt I'ainia. sold ror I Dr W Alvan Hitchcock. Jr, of Huston to Cipt W Cl Ilutman of llockland, Me for Use as .1 passenger and frelnht esse be tween llockliind and Matlnlou- lsluml, Me Tho 10 foot walerllne schooner Carolyn, sold for Walter 11 Howes of New York to Charles J Wler and lllanchard II Wrat' of Lowell. Mass 1 The 41 foot motor arht Trst. sold for c, l, man Snow of Huston to (7eorge Leonird of New York The 32 foot motor yacht fulton, sold for Arthur II Sharp of Taunton, Mass , to (leorge H. f Carroll of Dorrhesier Mass The 25 foot motor boat Mohican, sold I i"1 .'I - ran i. 1111 iiuriisuii hi ijiiphuii 111 . ll. i.,n,i -........i.i.. rtp v-.. .. p.. I The SO fool raclnit sloop Pontile, sold I pap trn:n.u II,,,.... ... U-.1l.. 11 11.... r New York The 60 foot water line auxiliary schooner Vdsrani, chartered for ilarion H Hill of I Ronton to Dr. Charles 11 frailer of Phila delphia, for i:se at liar Harbor. , The 40 foot molcir aclu ollye, chartered for frank A Tuki y of Medford. Mass. to llenr U llndlcoti of Dedham, Mass., for use on Huzzarris Hay 1 At Cllendale. II. II B ! Kts si Antony. 0 0 ft 0 n 0 0 22 9 2 farmers 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 x 7 1) Hatterles Carey and Zachman. Stehlln and Logan , II Hit SI : 1 AN I) ( A H It I A (i r. SALE TOMORROW (IF 1 111: i7i MCMnnpr l-i - IT U ill V-e AX J, and ELLERSLIE YEARLINGS and the following itAci: iioitsr.s in; Miiniigrr Wallr, Matcnrrss '2nd, Volar,), Trndll loner 1st Mr. HaicKln's stablest Neck Road.Sheepshead Bay, N.Y. at Iweh e n'rlnck -r .aialonuesand flirllifrlnforinallo,,. a.l.lre.. , ' POWERS-HUNTER CO. Windsor Arcade, kid I'lfih Ave,, New York I ) tf-irfl A lull: 1IANM. UtVU. A. Ulia, AUeilonerr to DEFENDERS PREPARE FOR FIRST OF RACES llesolntc nnd Vnnltlo Will He new Klvnlry on Snnml Xoxt Snturdny. ST A TIT OFF GLEN COVE The Resolute and Vanltle will sail their first race of the season In n con test arranged by the New Yorlt Yacht Club next Saturday afternoon. The start probably will bo made off Ol'ii Cove nnd the first signal will be made at noon. The Hesolute Ih still In the neighborhood of Newport and llrlstol i KO 'n,en several of the .lk.nalca Hay and has been tlmrmixmy tuned up yachts are going to raco on (Iravesend Some of her last year's sails have 'iy on Saturday afternoons. Next Sat . . . , . . . , 1 urday h event will be the first regatta been recut nnd she Is In fine shape tr I Reason f tM0 uPnsolllulrsl Vlleht meet the Vanltle, which will be handled club. It will be the fifth event to count well this season. On board the Heso- 1 for the championships. The start will lute will be Itobert W. Kmrnons 2.1. ' '""J" "I""'"1' 1't'lork tn', "tt , , . , the Atlantic Yacht Club house. Thers the manager of the yacht: Charlei j wllt j,,, ,.lir,1(J ,, oravesend Hay on Krnncls Adams, her skipper; (leorg? ( July .". Mchols, George A, ( ormack anil John I'nrklnson. She hns a professional crew of about twenty-llvo men and nearly all these are new men, as sev eral of last year's snllorN went with Capt. Christiansen to the Vanltle. The tender for the Hesolutc Is K. Walter Clark's schooner Jrojlta. Mr. Clark Is incllornce Jllnt bcf0re Decoration Day. now a member of the Hesolutc syndl- ,,, , e, fomi(1 iSn( now ln thc cniT,' ... . , . .... , , .'hands of her owner. William Hayward. The anltle has been at City Island , ,,..(,, esterday In the race of the for some days, having u new bo sprit k Ah,Me 0lub to Hlock Island. day. She Is .n One shape for racing, better than last .year. Capt. Chris. Hansen hns the yacht In the best pop. slble condition and with former Com- I modore Cornelius Vanderbilt, , Hut- should make a much better showing """"' . rj ""ne-oluti and- Vmil'lul 1 ., w nt tll0 i,arrhmont Yacht club on July U and that vei'h ', the two yachts will sail four times, on Inlv ? u-llh the loHInn Itnrhnp Ynrlit .I1" i Willi UIP llllllllll llHrii'ir l.uill cii.h- o i, wm the sv.iwaohakal . ' . ., ' .. ,. .. , I llllllllll! II I (1 VIII I II II IIIHI !ll llil I1 wltb the New York Yacht Club off Olcn Cove. The annual regatta of the American Yacht Club will be snllcd next Satur day and the start will be made at 2 o'clock from a line off the Scotch Cms near Milton Hnlnt. where the clubhouse stands. There will bo races for all Classes anil inn course will oe me usual trlnngular one, but the direction of sailing will depend on the wind. The (Ifttou llilpllnu on.1 ,,11 llin ..(-,, Li. "., ,,, nml ,1P ,f0!)1 ' Uk " 1,1 thl! ! v'tt. Saturday will be the first of the holidays and there Is sun to be a , nl thestnrtlng line. 1 T1"'r,, wl" l, "s"nl WP,k,' rnce ' 9 ,, !J'ant.hakn Corinthian an I Hay S de Yacht clubs. The Nutit and 15 i wl11 rlir" llt V 0,e 1 Hlrds and other club classes at Hay Side. At ,n H,iy f!'1' club ,," featur' w111 bsitlon before starling, The rules of the n" ,lr" race for the July up. The American Power Hoat Association will second rnce for this trophy will be AUTOMOBILE From a "Jitney Bus to a $5,000 Car No Matter What Type You Want We Have It At Greatly Reduced Prices Iwi: Aim tiik worn it's iaiuiKst Hi:.I.r.liM a at itivi in 1 1. i.e. anu always hac hundreds of cars to elect from Special Proposition to Summor Rasort Keepers life one onaortunlty m Inn a -rood substantia! car for little money Inrludl'H' I'd II adlllae, like new, '. f,in7.VII P Flat lloaiHti-r, perfect sliape. msi- H'- Oakland, 11 r i , 7 psssenci r, elretrlrall) i-HUliped. I7.V1, Hlllek lllc-r. Jl'l l.-i r less. 4 aid e r. landaiilet. llnioulni and tourlns bodies. I25H to fi.w lludsou. I'U.'I. cjl.. Intidaulet and touring lm,l 1 1S11, llulrk Touring car. late nmdel 75 Studi-baUer. 5 pass.,; Atnerlc.-tn sitn plet, 7 pass , 5.175, 5 tlass , 1175: Hen Tour. Ini, laic model, J275: I'ords. all model, fJSu to ''i. I'ole, late models Inuring, IWI to fi.Vi. Illllck Chassis, !IM Hambler Iniirlnc, II M- Maxwell llunalioMt 225 Maibeson a cvl toy loiincau, M2.V Turd tour, and runalinuls, Id Pegals nil iniHli-ls, J2ii-.'IM New Sa-ip-um Light DelbiT) Trurks, with impress inni-Plct'- ti-eul.ii nrlc l n. out-lt (. spu EASY TERMS ARRANGED ACCESSORIES I U rite fornur Lalesi I'llli I. WIIKc , I II Its rrei- anil eniuams a.issi nionei mii: Autiininlille narraitis TIMESSQUAREAUTOGO. S.W.Cor. 56th SU Broadway, N.Y. l-.-lo aill'llll.W f. rllli tii A Great Auto Sale at Manb.ntati s ut itnohiii i.iriraln'.t.i', 1 ,v' s' 1 '1.1 II e.ii"' Every Car to Be Sold This Week Cii-hi ral Mm m leiiuei oi', r- i en 7.'i Metalliirifie lain JT.Vi sVVsiit,.i mil. fi.'.i fljr.l PAi-karilh Sun to Hi.Vi I nle fl.'sl Cfldlllaet I2.VI, H'd tini. tT.-s i. 5'iVl, li.l Stuilrlinki-rs, fi.'si. M.'si, 4Vi Mauells ii-ij foi (lie rlandh, li, V.'M, Ji.Vi Sliniili-v Hue new fl.Vsi Pulclc lluniilio'iK M75. Sim. H. i. M.Vi lludsiitis. fs'.Vl, ftl'al. -l.VI Met fees MVl H.SH flini. I till. tiers I It.".. S.-li. Ji to IU1 Stearna.Kiiiirhta MVl to Sees Mi), IVtofll'i Miliolt .lulu li.-ici-alniiit 5s.-,i Marlon llol-cnt - Hun t, J3:, Mercstea. JJVi, up Forils, oratiis. Saons, i tc Si'si in 2.VI laiij Othirs Olleri-I' New rrivnls Dull) ' Hi ifonstrallous i:lin I'xHn-.i-ni.cin linltcd, l" eri Phi, t; . I 'e.-r se le I Auto Bodies At Any Price Cre it Sim 1. nl I mi tin limits I. are. (hunts I nt.rtnc. Coupes, sedn.i, I ani'aiilctti-s. Lleioiislnca, lii-l)irlfs I'lucka I ' Prices 1 s to 1 ! Value uj ta'r 1 nji M,li' m 1 -v ' !' ,lvt-rv Hnllc-i I I'lit't 1 Hi) Tires By the Carload Cheap I.AI'(,I.St iHSOl I Ml S I ill l. il iui,h, At 33:: to 65'. Discount Used Tires $3, $5 J6, $7, $9, $10 Sundries at Biggest Discount In New S ork' To i h' c .1 i,,,,. s Jandorf Automobile Co., iiii n 'itnij ' i iw I 1763 Broadway, nr. 57th St. , TlifH, iiniies, 17(11 ( inn, illrirtlN oiipnsiti OLDS ROADSTER , !' full! eiimppeil, deinoiliilalil.. rims l,ii' wlnilshleld MOON I i;i CH j j i ; i i SMh Si circle limn CADILLAC llll I SeilMii In tip rfeel eon. 1 union Jiano lie unatei- H77 H'vva) circle Uii, sailed on July 5, and on that day there will be a ipeclnl race for the Hay Side liiamplnnslilp and a bang and go back raco fur motor boatn. The I.archmont Yacht Club will hold ll annual regatta on Monday, July 6, nnd the Resolute nnd Vanltle on that day will be sent nway on their long course of about thirty miles two hours before the rest of the tleet gathers at the starting line. In this regatta, whlcn It: always 0110 of the largest of the sea son, there will be races for nil classes, regular, special and one design, and It In probable that there will be several of the smaller schooners on hand to start should the wind be nt all fresh. Schooners llko plenty of wind nnd often are kept out of regattas at this end of the Sound because the wind Is too late to make the sport Interesting, On the lower bay yachting Is pick ing up well. The addition of three cluliH to the association has brought out several yachts for the handicap classes, and since the handle. r liavo been an nounced John It. Ilrophy has had sev eral application for membership, and (Via. Mn i'IM wmw tnndllv nil f)ii Soil STOLEN YACHT IS RECOVERED. Wlllliini llnivnrd (irl. Ilnek Ills II mi I, Which Itlsnpiienrril Iteoelitlj. The thirty-one rater Wlanno, which it i Minimi r.nm th,i ll.trlrni Yni'ht Club ,h ,..,.. m,lnrinB. nd alled awav and the report of the theft was sent to 'all ports on thc Atlantic coast. About ten days ago Mr. Hayward was notified (hit a yacht looking mm h like the i Wlanno had been seen In Clullford har lior. Oullford Is near New Haven and Mr. Hayward went there at once and . found his boat anchored In a deserted I p.. . i.n..,,i.,i -i,. verl" and found that nothing had been '""turhed cm board hut the topsldes had dv' looked -Is lf'he',r?alntRhrd Paint. Ihe looked as If the paint had neen Happen on Willi a oroom. ' .... Mr. Hayward did not try to find the idrntes. lie hii.I his erew L-nt un Anchor I t-. -- i- -- ' - nnd sailed Hack to l Ity Island. There i ,i.& ...,i. ...u i.......i ,.rt . u the gray paint was burred off and the yacht Is splc and span again. RACE TO START AT SUNSET. ! PoiiBliUrrpsIr to i Mrllltl(l, ln iieKln HrlKht srn tera I. ale In Hay. The long distance race from Tough keepsle to Hrlghtwalers will be slarted at 1 P M on Prlday July 30. nnd the boats will finish early on Saturday. This ra -e has been promoted by Thomaw Plenilng Pay nnd Is for cruising motor I boats between 10 and 10 feet In length, the maximum speed of which does not exceed fourteen statute miles an hour. Tho ,,nl,s n"l!'t nrive Pennnnent cabins, j not glas canyas or shelter cabins, and must be fully equipped to berth and ! feci their crews. They must have com- 1 plete orubdng outfits and pis.s an luspec- I govern and the time nllowance will be EXCHANGE GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE of HIGH GRADE CARS We strnnely advise you to talie adnnio;e of this Hale If nu an- Intemllng to rurchasc a iiM-d car KM-ry car Is exactly as repre-etiied 1 he equipment Is complete i: every detail. I'HUT.s Mil IIKI.IIH TIIKIR AC 1 1 AI, C41ST 111 IR Model 4 I, runonli .1,1)00 miles 11114 Cl ri Under 41, eien pa's'sen Ker, run IMHIII miles, farlort u-uiranteed WZ.DIH) Hill l.4. seien passenKer. rust ur..4lili, f.ntiirj Kiiaranteeil. like op-w n 4i 111 l.l l am la with I leeliiood llni .""ne. 112,1)1)1) I1ia Premier, "-pass,, good for reotlnu- . ,42n idiii Itenaiili, -jr.. in. Hmiiti'e 7no 11)1 I 1'iipe.llarlfiird landaiilet D4.MI H)i:i lliid-nn, il-.M. loiirlna sniiii ID IV OliNlllntille, . in, lour on ID I '.' Ilenr. im, iimrlnic eriiiu IMARMON N.Y.CO.Jnc. Used Car Department IS &20 West 63d St., M.Wt IIIUIVDM v I'tl'HK l.lsi.l I'lltlllllllllS A HA I' I A I N 1 a llfVS KI.Klp ANT s.m M.i. ri)iii:Duuii, rivi: PAssuNii :n ST I HI. II VKIIlt Tlll-ltlNci CA 11 TOP ifllTVIN-i. MIl.-ilir,I,D. Pltll-sT-C).' I I Til TWK IMVn LAMPS, SPHIID 1 l.l KTlIlt. ''LOCK HORN HXTltA SHOES n hi:.-, chains, tools. a.c . in- Vn rsr.D pitivvTi: nxcLrsivin.v. p iii. iiitimii eijcal to ni:w. cjiujat SACIUI-Pi: IMUVATi: STAnLE, 148 i: AST 3'JTH UT Almost New It. T- n,,el . CMU "rue c.oacni left foi JftrAfr h ""n". Ureal llai flLlfif'ttfr Itauch A I-ann Carrlan VfOty 17 Central Park Wc (Het Hist A 5d Sis ) Tel, 7111 lrle Coach: left for sale llarKuln. Carrlare Co. vest ' ) Tel, 7110 Col PACKARDS 14-13-12-11-10 linirliiic, l.liiiiiiislnes, ,ti-. Alisoluielr ner reft i-oniililoii attractive prices, nood al .pw in, nn mil model fnr later Packard Antii l.fli in; II IFhuj, Tel. So; Col Baker lectrcs "H,',,'!r.liTVr?iiH,":r!,co',", IK Cenlnil Park . (li.'d M.) Tel, 21130 Col. FORD OMMHIli I,L HODIKS. a I stiles H.wns iiiurHNDKHKnrt co, 21 West il.'d si . N V. ONE MAN TOPS $20--$35 Ilunaliout tops HO 20ili Cenlury.HHI Hway, Al TOMOllll.K ) MOTOH TIUXK IN- sTitirrioN. AUTOMOBILISTS GAIN (hrouch our method of Instruction a com pete te, Initial and practical know ledge of .. 1 1 i 1 1 1 t,l I ,-. hundreds will testify to our ipi i r fa. I Plea tot tearhliiK. roaiiileia hum V. iln and eienlng classes, also p-lote Insiriii'tlon at hours to suit con. Stewart Auto School np'ii e ii, ne lor nnoKiet 57th m JUiv.iy ) AITOMOIIII.I-: hi: PA 1 1( I NO, We Repairi AlltO Itllillntnrs. t.anm. Windshields, Horns, Tanks, Mil I llllarils. renders ir III l)sON l TO I. IMP UOI(li, INC.. H,IH.,HI HriHiilitii), , , Nltll.:lHIII -i, in.M llcilfiiril if., Hliljn. Ti l. 1227 Decatur! Al'TOMOHII.K SCPl'I.IKS. -Ili:.ltlNi- wepariurojervicern i neuvv iniamco., I 2-' W. li St. li'wuy), Tel. I5.I Columbui. f!0 per cent, of the full allowance under those rules. There are to be three prizes valued at MOO. $50 and J2i". The course will be from off the IViughkeepsle Yacht Club, down the Hudson Hlver to Norton's Point, Coney Island, thence to Kocknway Shoal outer buoy, which must he left on the port hand, thence to the finish off Klre Island Inlet, distance 125 miles. W, II. Kinnk, (leorge C. Snford, T. C. Collins and A. Travers form the com mittee of the I'oughkeepsle Yacht Club and will receive nil entries, and II, C. Mackenzie, Harry M. Hrewster, C, F. Ackerson nnd Thomas Fleming Hay form the Hrlghtwalers Assocl itlon Committer, After the finish of th race there will be nn old fashioned clambake for the yachtsmen and the Ilayshore Motor Hunt Club will hold n bay race and water carnlvnl. On Sunday the visitors will be taken on a cruise around the (Ircat South Hay. ELF CAPTURES JUNE CUP. Wllllnm II. I'otts's Knocl.'llliollt Wlim It nee nn the sbron sbtiry. Ilt'MSON, N, J., June 26. Hy winning to-day's yacht race on thr South Shrews bury River off the Itiimson Country Club William H. I'otts's Klf c.ipturcd the June cup. The nice was sailed over the regular club course of eight miles and eight one del,tii club knockabouts started. It was nip and tuck througoiit be tween the Klf and Amoy Haskell's Mar garet, which finished a close second. Samuel Hiker's I'rr.nces was third, Other starters were the yachts of C. I. Ilalsey, llertram H. Hordon, Hugh Camp, I, Sanderson nnd Nynril Domlnlck. UOLK SHOOT FOR FUN MO (port eauklt ihooting for 1 pleaiure and health. It appeal to both exe and all age. Clay target (hooting i the school (or ctsck (hot. Call at the Nearest Trapshooting Club You will be heartily welcomed, and every (hooter will be glad to loan you a gun and (how you how to use it. A(k your sporting good dealer about the local club, tVrilt utforfttt ttapihoollng booklttl.- DU PONT POWDER CO. EuMIbi 1802 WUmlnioB.Di YACHTS AND MOTOR BOATS STANIIAIUMZF.n I.I.CO MODELS Ready for Ijulck Dellterr. .U ft. ) frulsette. Sleeps u', 30 ft. KLCft K.tpre hpecil 22 miles. 3fl ft. I'.l.tll Kxprcss. SprM 2(1 miles, .in ft, i:i.c cnilscr. I nsh deck ll ft. Kl.C'C) Cruiser Private statcr'm Several used Boats on hand, over hauled and in perfect order. Inclurtlnir KLCU njpressei., Cruli-ers, Ac. Address TIIU KLCO ftlMl'A.VY. 197 AVK A. IIAV4INM N, J, Telephone 4211 tlaionne. New ork Office, 11 Pine Street WHO HAN NOT IIKAItn OV CINDERELLA Ihe Sensational Runabout and the World Famous Peter Pans llutlt by Reliance Met or Boat Company J07lh St. A Harlem Hirer. N. V. IIHillKSl tl.ASS MIITOIt HCIALS Uailmum Speed, Conforu, Pleasuro A Vtw llaraalns In Second Hand lloats Telephone, llectur 372a GIELOW &ORR Naval Architects, laiiilnrers and Yacht llrokers. Plans, Sprcincatlons and Estimates Fur nished for Construction. Alteration and Hipalrs. Larirell-t ofVnrhls for hiile, Char ter or Lichanec, also Cummrrclal rscla 52 HrciadwHi. .New lork. Telephone 1673 U.-oad. The 'SPEED ABOUT" at the HUDSON TF.KMINAI, CONCOlltSE This Month Don't fall to sea this SKW MOTIIII HOAT. Cilia Kndne It Power Co. nnd Charles 1 Seulmry A Co. Cons. PATKNT l-'Oll SAI.K Contains level and compass and '-omlilnatlon Applv WM CHIMIN, US West 17th St. HaMitine. N. .1 Ann mid Nai,i Orders, WASHINdTiiN .tune 2(1. Nu army or ders were Issued to-day: These navy orders were Issued: Lieut W II. Lee to ihe Hrtessnn. Lieut W I. Calhoun fiout Inrpei tor of ordnance llrlilireport. Conn., to the Co- 111 in t.l.i Lieut A H. Cook from Ihe New York to the Arkansas Lieut. L. c. Firley from the New- Tork to the Arkansas Lieut .1. 11. Hoover from the North Carolina to home for orders Lieut. C L. Hand lo Atlantic reserve fleet. LnslKn H. C Wick from the Kentucky to the Illinois. Hnslgn II, .1. Shields from the Kearaama to the Ata-hania Hnslxn T II Winters from the Kcars.irt-e to the Illinois. MoieminitH of Naial Vessels, I lia.sin.viiii.i, Jim, .'. i lie Kiiunoai Dolphin and deslrnyer Nlihnlson hava ar rived llt New I.iili.liDi . battleship MIchlK.lll I in hi destroyer CuiumlnRs and iuk inikioii I at Nowport, col'lei Pmifus at Lambert s Point: collier Kanawha at San ! dro, Kuiihot S.n rameiito at era Crur. destroyer Maine ai .-sen i ora ) irn, repair snip ui. fan at Philadelphia. The battleship lamlslani his silled from Hampton llnads for Newport, li ill loshlp South Carolina Iri-u Dc'.iw ir, Hreakvvater for New pun- ieslrn)el .letikllls from Nnt foik fur trtil run. oilier Neptun f-otn Norfolk for liu.-iiiiiiiriiiio, k inlinai pa hp ,ih from Clenfoegis (,n Tu"i . . ir i cruiser Chesti-i frun n,,t , .on,, ',ir a'. nndrla, iru'ser Wnsi.inrfio ft- ,oi -e-, Cruz for Cap Hhvi en imr Ivvan.i from lloston for New poi e- r. f .ui La Par fnt fiuavmas supp'i sli'p -'la- er from La Pan fnr Tohiri Un lull e-hip ArkJtiin from New Vork yard for New-OTt. I WEATHER FORECAST. ia... 1.1. ..,.. t-.. ...... r.. j 11 H.illlllMIII I I t llll I miin lur To-day nnd To-morrow. For eastern New nrk, fnlr to. day nnd lo morrow I llalil tarlulile wlniU. For New Jerset, partly elmiity to-day and to-morrow, llcli! nnrlherly wind. Tor southern New partly rloudy tn-day and tn-nmrrnn; Unlit variable wind". ' Tor western Ne York, fnlr tn-day; un. 1 sellled tii'tnorrnw, prolmldy pihowere; light vurl.iMe wlndi. NEW YORK. June 27. High prensur prevnlled yeiderdiiy over all sections eajt of the Mississippi Rer, and wns gen erally low to the westward, crept the north Purine district. 1 here wns nn well deilne.l storm ii nil, al though rnln fell at many scattered points, II. was mostly ns local thunderstorms, It was somewhat cooler In the lake regions and In the pl.itenu Stales. Inn elsewhere temperatare changes were gen. I ernlly slight. I In norlhern Wyoming nnd northern ! Nevada the temp e-ature wns only six tr. elitht degrees above the freeilng point i In the enrly morning. In (his idly it thunderstorm occurred i In the forenoon, followed by partly ilmidy: ' wanner, wind, light in fresh variable laxernge humidity. M per cent., bnromeler, I corrected tip rend in sen level, nt X A, M., 311.02; 3 P. M . 30.02, , The temperature In this rlly yestrdav. as recorded by the thermometer. Ii shown In Ihe mmxed table: 1915 lau i iou 14 BA.M OS SO fl P M . 7fV Ii' 13 M i.i' s.s u p M. .. iw n 3 P. SI.. . T.T IH',1 2 Mid fd' 6 HUhest tetnperatiirr, TS, at 12 So P. M. Lowctt teniprrntu.-e, (12, nt S,. M ' EUROPEAN MAILS. The Italian steamship Sin (Jloritlo aall Inc Monday for Naples, win carry maU, clo.lnir jt 0:30 A M. for Itily. Hulcarla. Serbia, Itiimanlii, SulKerland and ilreere; Hl.n for other countries mcept (Icrmany. Austria, Hungary, I.iuemhuri! and Turkey If specially addressed for despatch by this steamer The steamship Hadacrl, salllntr Monday for Monrovia, villi (arry mull, iIosIiik at 1 I' .M . f ir Liberia ...The Whit; .star liner Adriatic, salllnn Uediie.dav for Liverpool, will earry mall, rloslne at A. , . for all Hurope it eept clermany. Austria. Hunnary, Luxem hiiric, Turkey. Netherlands, Norwar, Sweden Denmark and Itnssla. The Adrl atle will also take mall for Africa. West Asia and the Hist Indies The Scandinavian-American I.ln steamer Frederbk Vlll, siiiinir Wednesday for Chrlstlansind and Christiana, will carry mill i-leslliB .it 10 A M.. for Norway, Swe.len. Denmark. Itu.sla. (Icrmany, Aus. irli lliuicsry, l.uv-mloirir nnd Turkevj also for other inunlrles If specially ads dressed for desputi-Ji by this steamer. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATUHi: ALMANAC. ami rwl M Sunrises, 4.27Sun sets. 7Jti.Mooa rlsea.A: IIIOII WAThlt THIS DAY AW' SMI AM .Sandylt'k. 7ulSir;ov.Island.'iiilHellfiate....ll:Spl low wati:h this dav. AM 1 AMI AM SandyH'k. l:37IOov.Island.2.o;iHell Oate.. .3.41 ArrlTed-SATl'ltn.W. June 2. ps Ktiri. l-JI , M , Plymouth, .Tune in. S- Ardirarrnch. : A. .M I.nndon. Jun" 1". Ss Mm (iuwllelinn, 1 :i:. I M, Nles, June o, ! Tikaia Mam, 2 .V. P M . London. June u. Ss Mlssourlan, 12:17. P M.. st, Naxalre. June i:., Dayton. i'W A M . June II Ss Commodore Rollins, .' , M , Tanamo. June 21 Ss Petty. Barbados. May 31 Ss Concho, c.nhestnii. June l Ss Jefferson. Norfolk, June 2n Se Manna Hat J. Baltimore. June 21. Ss Mohawk. Jacksorvllle. June 23 SsClty of Columbus, Savannah, June II. ARIUVKD FROM NEW YOIIK Fa Nleun Amsterdam, at Rotterdam S MI.KI) KOlf NEW VORK Ss Espatne. from Hordeatu S St Ixuls, Irom Luer.-iool S t'niteil Stales, from Chnsilanand Ss Advam-e, from Cristobal Ss Morro Ca'tlc. from Priureso Ss Santa Maria, from KmrMon OUTGOING 8TEAMSHIPS. Sail To morrow- Malls esei Sail. 12 no M 3 il P M 3 Po P M 12 00 M 12 00 M 12 00 M J 1X1 P u Close. D 30 A M San Olorrlo, Naples ratria .Marseilles Melderskln. Bahia . ..12W.M Edw llcrcc, Rio Janeiro 'a fs) A M Tokoyo Mam, VlaJlvo. Mok. .. low i ti, San Francisco JtfTereon, Norfolk Sail Tuesday. June 20. Ocean Prince. Monte- Ideo. . 12 on M Mohawk, Jacksonville Cltv of Columbus, Sa- annah . Hamilton, Norfolk. 3 00PM 1 no P M 3 00PM 3 00PM Sail Wednesday, June .'in. Adriatic. Liverpool a an A M 12 nn m rreilerlk VIII, Christian sand .. Philadelphia. La ciuayra . Cnrrlilo-.. Jamaica. . Santa Iln-risa, Havana. , Mundall. Mntanzas cnnius, New Orleans . . t nncho, (ialvc-tnti. Apache, .laclisonvllli Princess Amu. Norfolk . loon a 1 S 30 A M Ii 30 A M 2 m p M 12 00 M 12 IM M 12 tl M 12 ll M 12 ll M I ii P M 1 isi P f :i io P m INCOMING STEA.MSHIP3. Due To-day. Delaware London Nascent Newport Trondbjemsfjord Her ecu Ilalilulii Arcatne . (illitiiliar . .May M .May Jl .June i liiiif ii .lime 17 .Mine II June H .June 12 June II .June 19 ..lium 11 .June 1J .June li June in .Juno It .June m June 10 June 20 June n June 22 June 21 .June 23 June in .Juno in .June 11 .June I .June 13 .June 23 .Juno 21 ..June Ii .June 2.1, June -.'1 .June J.' June 21 June 25 June '.11 June 2U June l.'p June I.S June Is June I) June js. June 21 Juno 2J rtrdrrlrk Lltckl llliacll.c lltnbal Sanllaco c'leiifiii bus,. Mitsinns I.1111I orinnutle.. llr-itiiiensf lord., Phlladelphli, ., Tonnwatnl 1 . . , FcyPtlina Vi-eiidvk , llelcier hlratlisprey ( atneronla Marlteres llolton Castle.,,, Denis uinurl LI Mar HI Cld Millie . 1 1 III re .. Chrlstlanla... . I.IIITPOOI l.licrpool I'owcy Hotti-rdim tip-rnn Ilatcelona I Iverpom . . . Huelia Colon Para Nurvttas cjalvcston... . New Orleans.. . Due To. morrow. ... . . laindun ... . Liverpool IW-riirn Minnehaha... S.ionta. Krtsllanlatlord Trniiio . . Morcnl Vacucr CiUlana Stxaola Trnadorca Carolina . ... LlOrlcnte.. .. Monius .. i.nmtim Tunis San Juan St. Thnnias. ... Puerto Man Ion, Havana... San .lean . Calveston . . . . New Orleans. .lackMinMile.... Due Tuesday. June Si) , .. llotlerilatn Havre . . Arch a n net . lila-cnw ... Arapalioe Ilntterdam . Clilca no . (Vi.rliM .... Pascal Tuitiwfll. KenUcn Maru No t"H of SI Louis M.-dlna . . Salilue Liverpool. I iitiilnn. .. Salami, ih . Ciahi-stoti.. Molilli' Inc-oiiiliiir A i f Is .ly Wlrrlraa, P lro.iuois San Doimnzo arrived at Monte Cnm at 1' M Krul-iy Ss Shi Juan Anlilla. was ill miles south ot Scotland luhl at noon vesterday Mlnrii Fi-ontrra was !' miles south of Cap- at noon Ss Po'n-e s.m .lu'in. w-as ill miles souih nf sent land bslil ,il noon Moinuk. New Orleans, was 223 uVU-, south o( Diamond fhoals it noon s Sabine, Mobile-. i.ied Ami-man hoils at 7 P M Ss Vesta. Port Arthur, parsed Saul Key at tinon S Mehna (iiliestnn was jj:, miles south ol Scotland at 1' M .ss Kl mii'. lioi.u.l for N w York, erosse-i Cialveslnn lur at J i P M ss Minnesota'! Hn. ton. was ;. nilles souih of Cane Cod al P M s Clly of Columbus, savannah, was w, miles north of Diamond shoaU at noon ss Count. Port Arituii- was 1-4I miles south of soil-nil li.-hi ai noon s Kl Cld New Orltans was 20-1 nilles Miiiih ot scotiatul luhi at nnon Hin (iriinle Urn 11 w .Is, was .'To nillrs ,n,iiiwest of llianiiuiil siin-ils at 7 P M ,s. Kl O-ientc li ill estim was J3il miles soul li vi t-st nl D,.iniimd shis at noon 1 s Carolina s (M ,hfm was .sj miles south 1 ol s. ntl mil li.-hi .11 v P M ss. Cherokee (',. or 1 "1 11 w n. passed Krvlns 1 I'. 11 7 P M ! s Hin 1 .1.1 iiM'.ni'h ii a ' nilles smith nl ,s, mi , : ! . '.1 at - P M At Hidneiinoil. II H K -4 12 1 New London " n I.lncoin illan.s 2 1 ninerlrt Smith and U. Hanks. a 0 11 a 0 a n 0 1 1 I I 1 -a .1 1 1 ftynka and Utllf I