Newspaper Page Text
18 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. BIDS FOR CITY BONDS ! BY TWO SYNDICATES Rf roiitf (inmps of Hniikeis Will Jin lie Offers for All of $71, 000,000 Issue. crun piticE is uwnn The orfcrliiK of )71."0rt,(i(i New York elty bonds to tio nmile on Turwlay will tirlrnr out "all or nonr" I'ltl" by two of this strongest bitn1ln? iyncllcnts thnt I rnulcl ba formel In tlis rnuntry. accord ing to report In WnH'Sttrrt yestentay. It Is bcllovr.l in the district that In on of th BymlleulM will be the rroup foniKd by J. I'. Morgan .t Co.. the City H.uiK. the I-'Irot Na tional Ita nV i Willi niKiK'Inlnl bond hoiiicn. Tho other bid for the ntlte Imtif of bond'. It In If ported, will bo m.nlo by a nyndlcatn compwril of Kutin. l.oi:b tc Co. mill William A. lUud & Co. The necexsity for unusual otieiiKth In the fyndlraVs prepared to bid fur tho entire lue wni unite apparent yeBter d iv to bond men. The Hire of the lMH nt a tlnio when the bond market la ).My In the chief reason reiiulrlnR un usual baiiklni: ctretiKtli. Investors nt tho present time nro hohlltiK off from putting money lino perinunenr pun rliiiecr. Knropo Is si'lllm? to th!i country n bin eupply of American bonds iih the j-isult of the IiIkIi :l.teret IioIiik offered 1u the meat new Itrltlsli war loan, nhd the outlook In tho Rvnernl bond market la not particularly uicoiiniRliiit. Itnrrly Hid for Cll l.onn. J. I'. Morgan K Co. have In recent yerd rarely nppeared n blddern for i city loan. In times of spwlnl need this firm has come forwaid mid taken A 1tf,lttp n.irl In the Mnnneliii; of the cltv. This wan demonstrated In n way that ' m.itl hMurv last September, Tihen with Ktihti. I.oeb & Co. the Mor- 1 enn linn organized the syndicate that financed the S10U.000.ono loan to the city to pav Its debts abroad. Tho Kuliti. I.eob & Co.-Wllllam A. Itesd & Co. syndicate, lias been very miccessful In bidding for both Htat mid elty loans. One of the most quickly euccesful loans of n State or city that has appeared In several years was the f 31,Ann,onO I' per cent. New York Stnte lfsue of January, t'.tll, whtch this i,yti Olcate bought and sobl the next day In tin Investment demand that took the wholo Issue In Ues than ii business day, The syndicate also got the JG&.PU0.000 Issue of New Vork city t'J bonds of April Inst year, tho last Untie of city bon's before the emergency I'sus of 1100,000.000 In the fall. The blddlnc of these two syndicates will be watched with great Interest In Wall Street because the price of the Issuo nnd Its relative success In subsequent offering are regarded as a crucial test of the Present Inveetment demand and financial temper of the country. During the past week It became more r.ppnrent that the Investment demand was not a strong one and that the elty would probably have to be satisfied with a comparatively low price. The lionds on the curb have dropped from 103 , the high a week ago, to 102;, the closing jestcrday. While the curb price affords little real Indications of the price the bonds should bring. It Is generally recog nized that the Investment market has had to take for several weeks, paitt eularly during the pust week, a very heavy amount of high grade American bond's from London. Ilnjlns of tiuoil nalltr. Tho r.uylng here has been of excellent luullty. Men of great wealth have been anxious to get at present prices tin American railway and industrial bonds held In Kurope. Bond men said yester day, however, that tho bond market, though condition. were fundamentally Found, was tired. Attractive' bonds could be sold, but the buyer was the rovernlrg factor as to price. The prices of railway Issues of gilt edged character sold by Iondon In tho Jit wek showed only a moderate and Tiotyinnatural recession from the closing of ttii previous week. The prominent Atchison Isvues have lost ti" more than Ti of a point and some hae gained H or Heavy selling of Central Ha- clflc first 1s brought only decline and Burlington 4 dropped only The j Pennsylvania leeuc-a lust not more than 1i point, with somu Issues gaining slightly. The Union, Southern nnd Northern I'aclflu underlying Issues rhowed about the same declines, with th exception of one losuo III ach road,, which declined about l'v point. I Theso declines weru luokod upon by . tond men as by no means a sign of un healthy underlying conditions tn the bond market They were accepted, however, "us Indlca'loni, that there wns no aagic- i Ive demand for bonds. 1 STATE TAX URGED FOR HUDSON STEAMBOATS Just ice II own rd Advocates Con sfitiitlonnl Clwnigo to Aid Property Owners. Albant, Juns 26. Supremo' Com t ' Justice Wesley O. Howard has wiltten I a letter to Willis U lleaton, former Hur- , rogato of Hensselaer county, hiiggestlng ' that th) Constitution be so amended as to provide for tho Imp' jltlon of a tax , on the llnt.4 of the Hudson. Itlver between New Votk and Albany and other points on the liver The direct tnx of f 10,1)00,000 Just I levied could well have In en borne by; these steamboat lines, Juittco Howard i urges, whllii It Is a tfenifiidous blow to property owners already heavily taxed. Juetlce Howard writes; "Many propositions Jim been pre sented to tha constitutional convention for consideration, but the tubjeet of tax at Ion Is the one Hupieme question, us I view It, which the convention should consider. Sonio method should bo do- I vlkud to relieve those who are loaded i beyond their strength by oppressive, taxes. ThlB constant and growing bur den, which rests heavy on the backs of many, should be shifted hy sonm device to the shoulders of thou ho will be mconccluus that they are eairytng any burden. A clnuve should hu iiireitcd In ihe Constitution whii-h will permit the J.eslslaturo to work out a scliemo whereby this great reform can be accom plished, j "Instead of levying a direct tax of ' tlf.OOO.Ou i un the l.inikd property of! the State It would have been will It the J.eglKl.itir c could have taxed t lie tiJttlc of the Hud-on Itlvei. Tho light to navi gate this irii'it highway and tho other water highways of tho St.ito Is or hu- pienso aluu. All sorts of rights and I ranchlses are taxed and yet this great I lght goes untaxed. Tho navigation companies carry thousands of tons of freight on the Hudson ltlve and convej multitude: of jiats.ngers uu and down Its leneth, but they ay nothing for the tlirht. I' iv Tirtvtievn if diiving a l00 uiitornobiln imi a country road should lie tV(,A,!,AlA?,y ,n) Prlvitej., of prupelllinr tt 15,000.000 steamboat on tho Hudson Jtlvr ahould be taxed," Vacation Deliveries Include "shopping at Macy's" in your plans for this vacation. Wherever you go either our efficient Delivery System or Mail Order Department will bring to your door the savings this store alone provides. And regular de liveries to nearby resorts form only part of our Summer Service. A staff of expert shoppers stands ready to do even your buying, save you money and to save you the trouble of coming to the city at all. R. H. Macy & Co.'s Attractions Are Their Lew Price. 0( 6 Herald Square. B'dway,34thto 35th St TIT TtT A'AVo ff M 1 M 1 A Vacation But Where? Before you decide come to Macy's. Our Public Service Bureau may suggest a way to add to your pleasure without adding to the cost. Or it may plan a better route, "a shorter way, a less expensive trip with more to see and enjoy. Whatever you plan to do this Summer, the Public Service Bureau is anxiuos and willing to serve you without cost and without price. Silk Poplin Bathing Suits Three New "Slip-on" Models $4.49 Lustrou Navy Blue and Black Silk. Poplin. Smartly Trimmed with Bright Colored Satini. N' EVER was there a more picturesque mode nor a more practical onel Simply a graceful one-piece garment, that may oe worn over a combination, making the most fetching "Beach Suit" imaginable, or equally desirable for the girl who swims. llhittraUd are three smart models. There are other models, equally becoming in style and attractive in price. Black Satin Suits $6.94 Two models In Kinpirc effect, with shirred and corded skirt, shirred bodice and ruffled slee'es. Another model features a cross over bodice bound with black braid and a box pleated skirt wiUi deep circular yoke. Chiffon Taffeta Suits $7.94 Copied from a Pam novelty, this clever model haj a pleated strapped bodice with high collar so designed that it may be worn low if preferred. The skirt, circular, and very flaring, conforms to the newest silhouette. Mohair Bathing Suits $2.89 Complete with Bloomers, well made Suits of black or navy Mohair trimmed with lingerie collar, braid and buttons. Mcy' Third Floor. Oatre. Japanese Hand-Embroidered Silk Kimonos Reduced For quick clearance, prices on these luxurious Japanese Negligees' have been very radically reduced. The collection embraces garments typically Oriental in every line; fashioned of soft silks, silk lined and rich with heavy hand-embroideries in effective floral patterns. In rose, wistaria, navy blue, king's blue and in black. Kimonos originally $11.74 Now $5.94 Kimonos originally $13.74 Now $8.94 Mucy'd Third Floor. 34th Stntt. These Smartest of Summer Dresses Are of Silk TAFFETA leads in popularity, with Crepe de Chine a close second, while from the viewpoint of colors navy, black and white are accepted favorites. The Dresses featured in this offering are extremely simple and correspondingly smart; their modish lines constituting their chief charm. Accordion pleating is cleverly introduced to give the fashionable width to the skirts. Dresses at $13.74 (In Crepe de Chine.) The two -tier skirt and blouse bodice are closely ac cordion pleated; satin piped and finished with wide folds. The dainty collar knotted in fichu fashion and the deep cuffs are of organdie and Valenciennes lace. Dresses at $15.74 (In Taffeta and in Crepe de Chine.) A trifle military in style, with white kid silver braided belt, and silver buttons. Clus ters of accordion pleats al ternating with wide box pleats form the bodice and skirt; collar and vestee are of white Georgette crepe. Mry' Third Floor, Broadway, 3 Dress Patterns of Net, Voile or Linen, $4.96- I T7 LA BORA I ELY embroidered, these are the season s Hi latest novelties, usual wholesale prices of which are from S6.50 to 813,50. Only 200 of these very effective Robes, from which may be fashioned the smartest of Summer Dresses. In White Handkerchief Linen White French Voile White English Net Fabrics of fine qualities, richly embroidered in floral patterns and in stitches that can hardly be dis tinguished from hand embroidery. The skirt circular and very flaring is embroid ered in deep bordered de sign, and for the bodice there are embroidered fronts, cuffs and back. Marj'.-SUtn Floor, iloth At. The Moat Abused Word in the Dictionary ( f J f replace merchandise or to Guaranteed sasfy you in any other reasonable way. Further, Macy's advertising is our ' word to you that we will make good at all times any statement appearing under our name in an advertisement. We do not make much ado about say has Everybody who con ducts a store or manufac tures a commodity is ready to "We Guarantee" until the word lost its power. We have tried in this store for over 57 years to live up to the spirit of this word without juggling with the letter. If you ever buy an article here that does not prove satisfactory this store stands ready to refund money, the word "guarantee," but we are con scientiously devoted to the principle of "money cheerfully refunded." This is our idea of "guaranteed." fry",- ' Wm ' M IrM, Wik- 19,24 -$7.4 I $9.24 Quaibit Imidliami Splieit Fwmtaire Reproducing the garnishment of Oneida Indian lodges, the graceful ruggedness of these pieces makes them fittest furniture for the life of forest and open. backs are woven of oak splints reinforced with metal bands. Cool, attractive in appearance and just as attractive in price. The sturdy four-square frames arc made of true forest oak in golden, fumed or "bog" oak finish; the springy, comfortable seats and Arm Chair (illustrated), $9.24; others at $9.74 and $10.24. Stitte (illustraUJ). $15.24. Rotktr (illustrated). $9.24; others at $9.74 and $10.24. Square Table (illustrated), $7.49; others at $6.24 and $9.74. Tea Wagon (illustrated), with tax top, removable tray, rubber tired wheels, $17.74. Suing (illustrated), suspended from unique stand, $15.24. Four-piece Set, seats upholstered in tapestry: Arm Chair, $9.49; Rocker, $9.49; Settee, $18.74; Square Table, shelf at base, $9.24. Chinese Grass Furniture Woven of braided Chi nese sea grass that holds its pliability, reinforced with strong, elastic cane and rattan. Cool, springy and comfortable. rtocfcM. $6.67 and $6.89; Chairs, $6.24 and $8.24; 5eeej, $12.24, $12.89 and $15.74; Tables of oblong shape, with woven grass top and shelf base, $7.24; Cakt Stands, four plates, $6.34. Charming Willow Suites In forest green, tango brown, cream or frosted brown enamel, or in any finish desired. The identical pieces offered last week by a reputable store at "reduced" prices that were almost double these ettryday Macy prices. Five-piece Suite, consisting of Settee at $9.74; Arm Chair $4.74. with pocket $6.74; Rock'r $5.67. with pocket $7.24. Three-piece Suite, with large roll arms and flare backs: Settee at $21.24; Arm Chair $10.49; Rocker $10.89. Fibre Rush Furniture Comfortable, roomy pieces; some with roll arms, others with uphol stered seats and backs; in rich brown and other colors. Arm Chair, $8.24; Rotter to match, $8.67; Settee to match. $13.49; Arm Chair, $7.24; Rocker to match, $7.49; Settee to match, $12.74; Rocker, with seat and back upholstered in cretonne, $11.24; Irm Chair to match,$ 1 0.89 Mrj't Forntturr Drpt. Mxth Kli.or. FITTED Travel Rolls Limousine Catti) $7.24. b l KLMfai!' K S . 'I T V.v' iiiwtV'V.Ji The above illustration will give you an idea of this compact little case so convenient for the traveler. The tneJetalt prltt quoted was brought about by mi excep tionally l.'trtic Cash purchase; the standard price of a Case of this kind being fio.00. Made Of fine Block Morocco Italhtr; workmanship of the very best; all silk lininRs, in assorted colors. Ten fine white fittings and steel scissors Mirror. Comb, Hnish, Talcum Holder. Tooth Brush and Tooth Powder Holder. Buffer with shield, Soap Box, ScisMjrs, I;ile and Button Hook. Folds up smaller than any other case with the same number of fittings. Usually called "Lim ousine Cases" nnd are indis pensable to the Traveler. Macy' Main Floor, ,14th Ml. Attractive Savings Saimitary Somminnieir Rungs In need of a Summer rup? See our fine display of the Crex grass rugs. Japanese grass rugs, imported and domestic rag rugs, jute rugs, Belgian rush rugs and Shirvan art rugs! Note prices coming at the very moment vou need Summer rugs wilf be of exceptional interest. These Unusual Prices on "Crex" Rues The usual Macy prices on these popular prairie grass rugs range from 5 to lO'o less than elsewhere, so these special All are new this season, and the patterns and colors may be matched in the various sizes. There are the usual band border, Grecian K-y border, and scroll border patterns, and in plain shades in addition and several new designs that are to be had only at Macy's in New York. Representative sizes: Sizes. Plain. Figured. 18.X.30 ill., 28c 32c 24x48 in., 44c 54c 27x54 in., 59c 68c ' 30X60 in., 69c 79c 36x72 in., 99c $1.09 4j&7Htt., $1.89 $2.14 6X9 ft., $3.24 $3.48 SUes. 6X12 ft.. 8X10 ft., 8X12 ft., 9X12 ft.. 9X15 ft., 12x15 ft., Plain. $4.74 $4.89 $6.24 $6.24 $8.14 $11.74 Figured. $5.24 $5.34 $7.24 $7.24 $8.89 $12.74 "Miles Standish" Colonial Rag Rugs White Shoes For The Summer Girl After all there Is nothing quite so attractive as dainty W h i t u Footwear. Our assortment is now complete and we have a lull range of sizes in all the The very kind, we fancy, Priscilla Alden used, onlv these are made from new cloth stripped into rags, while Priscilla doubtless found it necessary to use rags from old clothes. Washable and reversible and come in any color or combination you could wish. Typical Colonial bands across ends in harmonizing or contrasting shades. 1X7 ft.. S2.44 I 8X10 ft. 36X72 in., 51.64 6.9 ft., $4.89 I 9x12 ft. Mcj' Fourth Floor, 24X36 in., 59c 1 30x60 in., $1.19 27X54 in.. 98C I 2 S7.24 S9.24 $2.97 newest fashions of the reason. White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, $1.98, $2.97 & $3.49 The Pump illusUaitd at $2.97 is of White Canvas, outlined in Black, with Black Louis heel. White Buckskin Pumps of excel lent quality are $3.69 and J4.96. For Sport Wear White Rubber-soled Shoes, .97 to S5.94. Mtfy.'t-Beroml Flsor, 85th St., Bur. Oaimrtty Lace Trimmed Scrim Gunrtaios VERY light and pretU for summer and unusually prac tical for open windows, because they can be laundered and replaced so easily. 2J yards long. Priced at $1.24, $1.49, $1.74 and $1.98 the Pair. Those at $1.24 and $l.os arc particularly good value. Our Special Order Department is always ready to lend n hand In making summer homes and bungalows coy and attractive. We'll give Miggestions. mb mlt designs, samples and est!- Mu'-riurtli Door, .15th HI mates lor draping and furnish ings, shades and awnings, slip covers nnd recovering furniture phone Greeley 6100 (Up holstery Dent.) and our repre sentative will call. Fine Handkerchiefs A specially selected assortment for Men and Womenat very attractive prices. Stock up now for Vacation time. Men's Handk landKer Hand - Embroidered Ini tialed Linen, 6 for $1 .34 Maty$ Usual Price $1.74 Fine quality with corded Iwrdcrs. chiefs Superior Quality Pure Linen with Initial 6 for 64c Verified Price Elsnchtre, Sl.00 A variety of pretty Initials. Pure Irish Linen Extra Large Size (each) 24c Mteyt Usual Price (each) 29c. Good duality: made with i and S Inch hand thread drawn hems. Women's Handkerchiefs Dainty Designs Linen Initial 6 in Box, 98c Heavy quality l.incn ui'h Hand-Embroideitd Ma deira (each), 38c Macy's Usual Price 49c Fine quality; several beauti fut designs. embroidered wreath, importation. Our o.mi i Imported Silk Crepejde Chine H'dk'fs. (each) 24c Verified Price Elsiuhcrc, 50c each Pink, blue and lavender with U inch white border, white with colored border. kerchief for dress occasions. Exceptional quality. Dainty or mi lian i Hand-Embroidered Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 6 for 49c Convent embroidery in wreath effect. Pretty designs. Mucj-n-Mnln Floor Pure Irish Linen . each, 12c Maiy's Usual Price ISc Sheer quality with K or "4 inch liaiid-thread-drawn hems. Jlllh .strrrt. A Timely Clearance of White Cotton Fabrics At Prices Unusual An event of importance -this sale of White Goods just at a time when wanted. The balance of an Importer', stock bought at such concessions that we are in a positioi' to quote prices unequalled in New York for the qualitie, offered. Just a few of the interesting items: Novelty Embroidered Voiles (yard) 33c American made copies of French Voiles in beautiful designs. 40 inches wide. Gabardine (yard) 24c Macy's Usual Price 39c Medium weight; .16 inches wide: nothing better for Suits and separate Skirts. Your choice of the following Imported weaves at (yard) 33c Macy's Usual Prices Were 69c, 19c and 9Sc Crepe 40-in. Snow flake Crepe 40-in, Imported Silk Stripe Crepe 10-in. btnpc anu necK e-rope 40-in. Ratine fie Crossbar 40-m. Tussah Crepe 44-iu. Peau de Mouton 44-in. St. Quentiri Lace Crepe Seed Voile (yard) 24c Macy's Usual Price lie 40 inches wide. Herringbone Stripe Gabardine (yard) 39c Macy's Usual Price 49c A novelty material 36 inches wide. Clip Tape Stripe Voile (yard) 39r Two pretty designs. 3r inches wide. Corduroy Pique (yard) 39c 36 inches; ideal for cos tumes. In the faahionabl wide wale. Yard wide Long Cloth (10 yd. piece) 72c Macy's Usual Price 9Sc Soft finish, dependable quality; desirable for underwear and Infants' apparel. Marjr'i Nrrond Floor. Centre. Dine on the Loggia Where the air is refreshinglv cool and you are far aa from the din of the streets. The choicest of food, damtii served generous portions at moderate pri-es. A h Cart-sen-ice or Afternoon Tea gentlemen may smoke, if t!u Care tO. Kiprr nnatnr, ar.lh Mrcrt llntranrr. Keep Cool in a Cravenette Mohair Suit $12.75 WOU'LL enjoy real comfort to a degree you've never known before in one of these skeleton lined suits. And your wife can tell you how well cravenette mohair will wear. And if she gets around town much she may have noticed that equal grades cost from 515 to 518 elsewhere. Come in neat dark and light stripes, and plain weaves in serviceable shades for summer, silk trimmed; some French faced. Ah MKool Krash" Suits $8.75 Very practical, comfort able and serviceable will wash perfectly, as mate rial is thoroughly shrunk. Both regular and Norfolk models in tan and gray mixtures. "Palm Beach" Suits $7.75 Made of genuine "Palm Beach " cloth (cold water shrunk) which will not shrink in washing. In tan and gray. Have French facing. MaiV.-Flfth Floor. 9 I' P P! i I 'A ' 3 'a i i a