Newspaper Page Text
4 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 191B. POLICE CARNIVAL DRAWS FIVE HURT, NOT MUCH, Chariot Race mid Hpscho Bcnutifitl l.adlps Only n 1'nrt of Prosfrnmmc. At soon as the sun not through pout ing ysswrtay nnd made up Its mind to prevent the precipitation of nny more moisture th police carnival hesan to run Its kaleldecoplc roure at the Brooklyn Jockey Club rcetrack at Ortvesend, Matter of fact persons would say. that It wan the second annual cme of the honor roll relief fund of the Police Department to aid the widows inrt orphms of tho members of the i force killed In the performance of duty. But 'poet lmprcslontts would, ay 35,000 present, sunshine nnd straw ht;i blue coats. Iirass buttons and hrass 1 bsnds Inoculatcl with the holiday perm 1 of merriment; runaway horses and I recued bahles; hurglnrs and ft woman alone In the house help! po-leece! cunt and a rnt-H-tnl-tat : a smile and ho lilnrt It Commissioner Woods ; wild West ecstasies and Roman chariot races In the Street Cleaning Department's can wsnons ! , , By the time the programme of events achieved No. 13. which was the 100 yard oharlot race, the spectators had given the capacity of the two tiers of the grand stand the hlgirest flattery It has ever received; they had overflowed the lawn In front and Jammed deep against the rail on both sides of the track. Com missioner Woods nnd his deputies, Dock Commissioner Smith, Magistrate Me Adoo and ot'er guests of the Police Com missioner were beaming happily from the Judges' stand, which got Into the metamorphosis of a gayly decorated reviewing pavilion. Hen llnr nntilnnr. And then, along midway In the events, esme ,the great chariot race, never dreamed of In Den Hur's philosophy. There were fifteen entries of three men teams. Each team consisted of tw policemen as horses ard one as the whlplashlng driver, who rnd In the chariot, whfth was one of th" llttl skeleton carts which ho)d the dust cans ths street sweepers push along ahead of them. Th "horses" took hold of a Una haU allBKMl tsi Y 1 m tirni'U.fl ehsriot and thus provided the motor power. When the Identity of the chariots be came known and It didn't take long the crowd sent up a shout of approval, because that's what crowds at sum goings on arq supposed to do. nnd In tpector Dillon declared It was a fine civic specimen of "departmental cooperation." They're off, Down the track came tho panting Meeds and their merciless drivers, and on and on except the team 1 .. . . .. . .. '. . inst lost its grip on me cnarioi ann ir.i eharlnl and driver sprawling In the dust until thev flashed ncro.s the finish' lino with the detective bureau's team ' winning hy a prominent nose, Just as the "horses,' detectives Krank Creamer and Anthony Orleco, pulled their chariot Into victory one of the wheels came off th vehicle and upset the driver. De tective Jerome Murphy, giving the raso a truly mediaeval gusto. The time was IS and 2-S seconds. Traffic C'a team finished second. No. 14 was a hlf mile horse race, won by Mounted Policeman Bridegroom, who no sooner swept across the finish line than the two l pound guns of a field battery began tn bark like real Anmm nt i r n n 1 1 f i-1 n llm n-n.M ihnl a sham battle was lieglnnlng. Threo i companies of policemen, composing tho veteran battalion, advanced across the Infield and captured the field pieces and the dcrendlng rorre at the other end. It was then that the rat-a-tat-tat of Ik, rllleu lib Ifum hail, nn.l tin. policeman soldiers fired their fifty or I sixty lounds of ammunition, while the , I pnunners sent a nuimren sneas or shrapnel bursting all over the big en closure, killing nnd wounding seventy five men theoretically. The wounded, anyway, fell with enough picturesque antics to satiate tho most callous ad mirer of Charlie Chaplin. And, speaking of moving pictures, a movie company staged a scene from a drama right In front of the reviewing stnnd, with police Commissioner Wnoda leaning over the rail tn shake the hand of a braxe policeman I who waa only an actor policeman), while a beautiful he roine (movie.) stood bealdo the Com missioner and looked goultully at the hero top. Itecralla In Undershirts, In other events policemen rode, nt what is termed' breakneck speed and pulled women from the backi of runa way horaea or picked up babies fr rode three horses Roman stjle. Recruits i from the police training school came nut i In a'hletlc undershirts much more hardy 1 looking than tint uung men who near 1 those same shirts in the street ear advert. sements and showed hmv they i scale up lire csuiv-' pi kiuok a lo- resisting prlroner down. I una Mae acro-n from the grand stand appeared the Interim of a house only scenery, nt coins.--and a auspicious. lookins man entered that house a window. He wa a huislar. He lud Just slatted to gf.e evidence , if bis pro- fesslon when the lady of the hutise re-1 turned from somewhere. What nie o" doing there? lie seized hei and slin screamed, fie snipped the Jewels finm her hands and fled She blew a police i wnisii't I nil oop: appearetl lil,ct'iii.iii and a pollr The do; took .1 teinm. able sniff of the 'tip the burglar had Iff behlml and fnlluwed the burlai In Ins h'dtn: pIhcc up tin. rnvitai k. .nt.icklng the rulpilt, who waa Palmlman Itlley of the. ll.'rt ijtecinct in ilifgulse, wllh mote xeriPiinil.UnIi' than the tbentetlcal bur slat expected. .Mrs. Bessie Rnn of Flnthuh plaved the pan of the woman of the robbed house, ftf couisu there ie nihil events which pin forw.iril Mums claims ft bleb Ion. t.iiatn-e lite polninieu en- "The Forest aenue cios.sng Is pro-te-ed i, ,in t)i, (.i nital ullh Mich vim 1 'ectcd by a Hignposi with the warning, thai i.thi of t'li'-t were . iijin and t - I 'Slop, l.nok and l,lsen lH nut nned erert trt.itrient it the Held hospital frcrpienily li Hlllomnbile drivers 'I be " Tti.-c iv i f,,,,te.. ft., i, the ; wccnlent to In- Mulsntt Is the llrsl tl je untie' llo ennel'ss man nf' which .1 lil"ltu'tt.t lias been lujtlieil the n-, it ,,,, ,,. . ,, rj,.,,' ; suit e the railroad started an aggressive Trd II ,n lUrrt an ni.en it city i. pur rn-n . ,, ,, h , 0nnh,n tire Ii.pariin.n Da-id liDnlnnin 4uonai Utparkmcm, atcond, Samuel Tel- OOLICEMEN In various exhibitions of skill and efficiency nt the carnival yesterday. Above to left, the chariot race, in which there were some amusinjr incidents. To riirht, two mounted policemen doins Cossack stunts to demonstrate their proficiency in horsemanship. Below, a squad of mounted policemen in a riot charge. msn. Fire Department, third. Time. J. minutes 2 .erflnil.. 100 Varrt Dh. Handicap Wun by All kui Uemrrlch. SIxty-HKhth precinct; lnr J. Vers, first Inprtin ill.trlct, ..remit. William ". O'Connor, UMh pri1 clnrt, third. Tlrap. 10 4-S srpnhds. 100 Vnrd Dfh (tor men ntleen J ears or mor In th crlcr), L'hsmpton.hlp Won by Thoinis f. Farley. Seventy, fourth pr rlnct, Jamra J, Wall, TrsfTIc A, eernnd; William Irvlnn, Flxty.srcoml. third. Time, 12 4-6 second. ISO Ynnl Isiw lturttl. Handicap tepen lo ilty ilrpnrtmrnto Won !iy John .1. Kller. lr.l.t precinct, worM's rei-orrt bolder, who started from scratch; John M. Kelly, Traffic i necond; Daniel Shea. Klre De parinivnt. third. Time. M 1-5 eeconds HO Yard Inter-Clty IMire I e I h - Won hy New York, with Kller, liemerk-h. Men ami John K. Hell. Newark. N. J., eecond; I'aterion. N. J., third. Time, 1 minute SO 1-J eecontts. K0 Y"ard Itelay nace. Open lo City De partmentsWon by rollce Department: rlre Department, second: Public Service ,""i " ' " role sult. Handlrsp, Open to City De- partnients Won hy William Tetter. Slity nfth precinct; A F. Darrln. Tax Depart ment, eeoond; Hernard Wchuli. Flret pre cinct, third. Height. J feet : Inches. Throw Inpr 5 Pound Welsht In the Air Won by pat McDonald, frame C. world chnmplon: John Burke. Thlrty-se enth. second. Marry it. Corell, Traffic K, third. HelKht, IK feet, llunnlnc llriiail Jlimn. llAntllran Won liv.lullua Drill. Sixty. flfth; William Nevln. 2,liS l'i.,"',coni-, Auguat (iemerlch. ,slty- elahtn. tn M. Dl.tanie. 1& feet 3 Inches. TuB , War , M,n,n(1 on. Anchor Traltlc C. with I'.it McDonald aa anchor, w"n In the seml-flnala; also Trafflc A'a "am won ln semi-finals. Klnala on July S. KILLED AS TAXICAB SKIDS. licorice M. I'.llloll'a II rain Pierced hy .xpllnlrr In .into Wreck. When the taxlcah In which they were riding skidded In attempting to pass I a northbound Ninth n-enuo car at Thirty-eighth Htreet early yesterday morning Oeorge M. Klllott, a valexmHii, Purccll. waa Injured. M Irs. Purcell is I said to he tho wife of Frank Brock- ";. H. vaudeville actor. 205 Vest i.ikiiij -iiiui ,11 piiiTi, I'.iuiiii iivrii HI looming houo at 230 West Thirty- ninth street. The chauffeur of the taxlcab, Frank 1 labor, said he picked up his fares In i m s ,t? .,f i,,,C ' '"nH,y"la Station j1'"'"1 6 .cl, L.n,nd w"8 ,,n,,, ,D , 34 est Thlrtwjh street. Mii ' r.,r.i ... . tn nil nil nL.lil Hri,r In LV,r... , Hecond street and It waa while he waa !!!?'' ,,M, ,,... . . ,,n hiu ikor. ihai in ...., .,. u, .. I The accident occurred on the road !,:- ntreTnr; mac". nT 5 - "tf .i? When 'Policeman Russo nnd the;,"': "'j'."-'''"."" dn"h,!''r "f chaulTeur pulled the man and woman "'"r'V 0rk,'. Rnd Rob- from ibe wreckage of the car It waa " 7' Harnes of eat Summit, who was found that a large splinter had pene- , rlvlnn the car. In the Neats car were trnted llllloltH brain and caused In- Mr. and Mrs. -Neata Mr. and Mrs slant death, The woman waa taken un- noo.rtmin "J Orange and conscious to the New Vork Hospital. I Ml", Angleman of Newark, who es Sho waa suffering from contusions nf'?'1' wl,h ml,nor Injuries, tho head nnd Internal Injuries. She -Mr Barnes ln nt the Memorial Hits wan transferred to Bellevue Hospital P'tal here and Is Buffering from Internal and later In the day went home. Injuries. The other occupants of the Tho iliaurreiir ohenped Injury hy',1"r":" "lr wcro irraicu JOr Druises clinging to the Mecrlng wheel and so avoiding being thrown out of the ma chine. Haber woh taken tn the West Thirty-seventh street station, where n charge of homicide was made against him. GIRL SAVED BY LEAPING. lliilaim of It ncU vllle Centre Hurt In lolor itIiIciiI. MNs llllathetli Snelder. 21. a niece of' Unison of ItocKvlllo Ceu- ! ,( , Hnvp(, ,,,.,, frilM1 HerloUi, t !lJllrv r ,eH,h j,,iy hpll hfl . ,.apw, trm tfr ,mre-H ntitomnblle an1 (llHUlll ,cfnre t .., atruok bv a Long 1 IhDiiiiI Railroad train at the Forest ave- ,, ,.rHiiK in RueUvllle Centre i tr. Hidfou Is pnsldenl nf the village ,,f ItoeUville Centie. lie was tiiriiwn out of the car. which was wiecki d Tho dm tor stifi'i ied a biuken nrm and cutH .mil bruises. The Long Island Railroad Compau. which has been i (inducting a safet llrsl raiiipaiKii, Issued a I till It-1 111 on the accident In which It was asserted that "lliiglneer William TinnpkliiH blew his whistle at Ibe prescribed distance from tho crossing, and also blew an emer gency whistle when he saw the auloinn btln was In danger." Tho bulletin adds campaign of advertising and nuhllcltv to the end that no lives and no llmha might b lost at Long Uland irudo crossinca this summer.' CROWD OF 35,000 TO GRAVESEND TRACK; IN BIG EVENTS; SEVERAL WOMEN FAINT AUTO'S PLUNGE INTO ! CANAL KILLS DRIVER Car Crushes Thronph Antes on Jlaritnn River Itriripc in tho Dnrknoss. ONE BIDER ESCAPES Nrw topher Brunswick, June 2fi. Chrls Durj'ea, a contractor of 125 Raritan avenue, Highland Park, died at St. Peter's Hospital at S o'clock this morning as a result of Injuries received last night when an auto he waa driving Plunged off the Albany street bridge Into lh. htaiv,r nnrt n.'irllan Ciinnl ihrminh th. tneli.rl Irnn irntea nt (lie draw. Ills companion, Frederick Wlttknfsky of this j "' disclosed that the negro's ma clty, la In tha hospital with a broken thine was driven at excessive epeed by arm and other injuries, but Is not In a ' a young negro whom Rogers waa In- serious condition. Christopher Duryea formerly lived at Princeton and was the father of Miss Mae Duryea, who waa run down by nn nutntat near her home about a year ago. When picked up Duryen told William Faurote nnd Harry Weber, who took the not going fast and he explained the oeel.l.nt .,vln lh, h. hurl .n Injured men to the hospital, that he waa " " w. J 'j "l V" T. w,,"JL" paythe' Tghts were there ' ,h' " ' MRS. G. A. JEFFRIES KILLED. Olhrr Injured When Automobiles route Into Collision. MoRniBTOWN, N. J June 2fi. Mrs? Mary O. Jeffries, 30 years old, wife of Oeorgo A. Jeffries of West Summit, was ,,.,, nr h,r, ,0.nKht whPn tn allt0 mobile In which ehe was riding came nto coln,Um wlth a car belonging to If C Un,a nt C.nJtnnl nl.A. !.. ' and'shock. SOAP BOX COASTER KILLED. Tnn Mmall liny. Collide With Aulii In Pnrk Avenue. Two small boys In n soap box on wheels coasted aouth in Park avenue, .between llMh nnd 111th street, yistcr- ''nV afternoon as an automobile, owned u.v iwnii jirriiuisyiera 01 iu i'ani linn , street nnd driven hy Joseph Oallo of - 05 '''aa' Uth street, waa going north awung his machine one aide to avoid a head on collision nnd. the whlz- sing soap box cart struck a rear wheel. The cart was smashed to splinters an1 By" were thrown several feet, They were Tony De I.urca, 6. oY J27 Hart 117th street, and his playmate, '"" lh Russo, R, of 325 Kast ll'th K,reH Both were injtll'eil litlernally x'"1 " I" believed their skulls were fine lured. They were taken lo Harlem Hos pital, where it was said their chances pltal, where Russo died, Slight hope la held out for the other boy. Ilrldr'a I, ray Broken a Nlie Hlnrla on Honeymoon, Summit, N J., June 2S A few bonis after Miss Florence M. I.uhden nf this place beoime the wife of John Mortimer Nelson she was hurled from an aiitrtmn. bile and suffered a fracture of the leg. She was Inken In the Ovcilook llospltil, The brldil couple were In the auto mobile owned and driven by Amos 0. H.iteheller a neighbor nf the I.uhdens. GLEN ISLAND WILL BE OPENED THIS WEEK They were on their way to the Short Hills railroad station to take n train nnd thus avoid tho ctowd of friends who had assembled at thp .Summit railroad station to give them a merry eendoff. Through some f.iult In the steering near the automobile became uncontrolla ble and dashed Into n tree. Mrs. Nelson waa burled from the car. IVith Mr. end Mrs. lUtrholler, who were In tho front seat of the .nr. were cut by glass. They also were taken to the hnsplMl. The bridegroom, who was not Injured, is at the bedside of his wife. t'hnnrTriir la Kllleil White In- trnplltiK n Vouns Driver. Kast OrtANOE, N. J.. June 2S. Aaron W. Rogers, a negro hackman of Kust Orange, was killed here to-night when knocked off the running board of his automobile by a machine driven bv Paul K. Davis, 1 years old, of 42 lllllyer street, Glance, N. J., nnd occupied by Davis's sinter. Miss Hazel Irene Davis, and two young men. The nccjdent oc curred at drove street and SVrlngdale avenue. Tho young people were taken I 'he police Station, Where Invrstlga structlng. .tlx-) car-old Orrriipnlnl llo) llnillj- Hart by Anln. PIx-year-old William Patterson of U2 Norman avenue, Orccnpnlnt, .was run ner yesterday at Nnrmnn avenue nnd M " ' """y" . " .l""n C Irt.llll Of IS., (.reepe Street. . by Job ' "esldes contusions on hi- head, face and body he was Internally hurt nnd was taken to St Catherine's Hospital. E By DR. D ELMER EUGENE CROFT THE BOOK THAT GIVES YOU THE THRILL OF POWER MAKES YOU LAUGH AT FAILURE One hundred thousand copies rnllcd for by dealers in fi months. It shows you how to "come back" into the gome of life, it puts magnetic throbs into your being, it puts "ginger" into the sandals of your desires, electrifies your will with energy to swny emnires. gives your mind grasp on forces that ' master worlds, crystallizes your spine I with supreme courage that crushes I obstacles, puts the star-gleam nf con fidence into your eyes, gives you the red-blood surge of health and gives magnetic thrills to your personality. WHAT READERS SAY OF IT A MOTHER'S GRATITUDE: "My son left home in anger over a year ago. It was n long, snd yenr to my heart. But recently I bought your ' book, and for a week, after reading it, I used your Thought Waves method every morning and night to bring back my son, nnd in the evening of the ninth day the door opened, my boy came in and threw his arms around me. Then up through my tenrs of joy I thanked God for your little book." "I have many books that cost me ten and twenty times the price of your book, but they never gave the positive help your book has given me." "Enclosed please find check for 100 copies of your book. I want every person in my employ to possess it." A bank prciidcnt says; "Every busi ness man in the United States should have your little book." A great nutomobile mnker says: "It is the biggest little book I ever read," A DOUBT, FEAR, WORRY CURE. Makes you a world master by Thought Waves, method with codes complete. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY" THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. SOLD AT WANAMAKER'S, GIM BELS, MACY'S, GREENHUT'S, BRENTANO'S AND ALL NEWS AND BOOK STANDS, 25 CENTS, OR BY MAIL, DR. CROFT, NEW HAVEN, CONN. OEM THEFT STILL MYSTERY. P.,c. N, T.M Ah.n. ..0.000 Jewels Oone In "innthamplon. PofTltAMrroN, I.. I, June The mystery surrounding the dlstppearance of J10.000 worth of jewels from one of the summer cottage, la still unsolved. Several of the prominent rottagers hsvn been ssked about the robbery, but they say they do not know about It except by rumor. Peveril I'lnkertrn men have been In town, It Is said, work ing on the case. Thirtty-fourth Street Ami Dmportannt Sale of Smnart Batlhi flung Gosturmes for Women and Misses will be a feature of unusual and seasonable interest in the Department on the Third Floor to-morrow. It will offer entirely new models, made of the most desirable materials and represent ing the fashionable ideas, at prices that are sufficiently low to command immediate attention. BATHING COSTUMES (ail with combination included) Off satin, with silk braid trimming, $6.50 Of satin or taffeta, with vestee of white silk $8.75 O'f satin, trimmed with white-and-black silk $10.25 Of satin, with white pique collar and kid belt $118.00 Of mohair 5.25 ALSO WOMEN'S SWIMMING SUITS Of worsted, trimmed with braid . $4.25 A Sale of Hiosflery for Men and Women, will present unsur passed values to-morrow at these prices: Women's Silk Hose, in black or white, per pair . . 80c. Women's Silk Hose, in black, per pair 95c. Men's Mercerised Lisle Thread Half-hose, in navy, Palm Beach, gray, white or black, per half-dozen pairs $1.25 TURN TO GREBNHUT STOCKHOLDERS NOW CiTilltors Wnnt $500,000 Re turned Assail Indemnity Agreement. SUITS! STEPS TOWARD . . , . , n..M Attorney, for the Independent redl tors rommlttea of the J. R Oreenhut I'omimny. whose members demand that . . i.,i,,.a ninai suits for :,40M0O be Instituted against the Hreenliut Interests for the recovery of that amount of asset. Intend to call twenty or twemy-nve wune-ses ..e.i.r. 1 - Hef-reo Peter H. Olney to prove that - : 11 ill. I'liiui. me..- iiim v 'Ti id- there are legitimate causes or action rorporal Ion's hanking InHn'ss tho cred which to base the proposed suits. Home Itors committee believes that the stuck- of these witnesses will be heard on Tues - day nflernoon after the attorneys get I hold,nR!l )n ih C()m'Pany. On the other through with Capt. J. B. Oreenhut. ( hand, It Is held that It would be ex Saul P. Meyers "and P'elden Itacon of tremeVv dllMcult to prove that the s'ock- . .' ,u ,.i i, -raitne heM holders of the Oreenhut cnmp.iny were counsel to the Independent creditors held ,,.,.. hW. f9 o ,h; ,)flnk. a long conference yesterday afternoon nR nrm, preparatory to continuing their exam-( Home of the witnesses on Tuesday, In Itutlnn of the Oreenhut officers and 'em- eluding the head bookkeeper at the . . . . , . ... .... 1 Oreenhut store, will he askerl to explain ployecs. Capt. Oreenhut will be the first 1 R fllmnca, Mntement sent ou: to Ilim'i witness, but It Is understood that he and ttratlntrrrt' on March 2, I'll 4, will not be on the stand long. , which showed a surplus of nsscls over ... - ,.,! .Kn,,! , liabilities, Including capital Mock, of He will be asked for Information about m3 3i Tn, .t!1,errlrnl w nR ot the transfer of J900.000 from the J. B. I n.ccmher 31, 131.1. and was t'unni by H. Oreenhut Company to the Monmouth Se- J .1, Oreenhut, son of Capt. Oreenhut. It .untie. Company In reality the Green- tlnle wben. It Is as- the Mor, B0 bndly needed the. money nlnt the transaction greatly Im- i Pllrj H credit at the banks and ultl - , ,.,.. hrnh, bout bankruptcy. The mately brought about bankruptcy. The witnesses wno win ioiiow iapi c.reen- iee in urging suits against tii Oreenhut hut will be asked to explain alleged mis- Interests for all or parts of j:,40,onn. leading nn,neHI statements sent out to 8lnlricnce was attached m these r- j turns, as some of them came from cred commercial agencies, and especially pay- tnr, .no .,rr nol represented by either ments to tho Oreenhut .tockhnldera I of the two creditors' comml'lces. i. Altauttt Sc (Ha. FIFTH AVENUE - NEW INTERESTING On TUESDAY. Another Sale of Wommemi 's Sumo inner Dresses & Skflrts will be held in the Department on the Third Floor (Madison Avenue section). It will comprise: DAINTY DRESSES, in a diversified assort ment off new, attractive models variously appropriate for every Summer occasion, made up in the desired cotton fabrics and very specially priced at $5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.Q0& 17.00 SEPARATE COTTON and utility $2.25, 3.00, THE STORE IS CLOSED AT 5 P. M. ON SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, THE STORE WILL BE CLOSED w AND WILL REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL TUESDAY, JULY under Indemnity agreements against losses In the store's private banking business. The Independent creditors contend that the Oreenhut trustees should re cover at least J500,i)il0 ftom the Oieen hut stockholders nn such Indemnity pay ments. It Is their belief thAt the it demnlty agreements were unlawful nnd void because tin corporation tried, they say, to do n banking business tinder ths names of Its principal stockholders nnd i iiic iirr iiiuriiiiiiij nun luiuinr I asnln.l ,w,,l ln... .ltl.onp.h low I forbids corporations to tnke tho risks ' l,ut.blt, kn.ln... ...Ill.n..l -MIIIahhI 1 1w.Htll.e ...ltt,..a ...UUUh.1 ..... a 'niiniiis) itiniucnn militMii niiiHi"iini j'Ci ' I Sinn li I ah ..F lha t rwtlf in ilm a ,n ,PU' ihf" Inrtfpcnrtent rrlltorw at . I . .1.- . uir: I'niiniiiH utiniiirnn Piiiiririi rr- ci iK.n iwi.i uie si n-K.i.iiurri. umin irnni hi'.mii IflPl,"!'" 111 tiinu IIUIII I wreennut store, giving in return securi- j tl . v hlC(I a, nbout .100i00n Whl!e Oreenhut store, giving In return securi the committee hopes to iccover onlv ! $500,000 on this transaction through I litigation It Is the committee's couten- ton corporation's banking business In such a ) light as lo hold that the stockholders 1 were nersnnni v linn e ti, inn ereiinnra . -- ,- iu ., . holders could be held liable ncr-oiial! In Ik AVlanl nt t d A (I A CI A fl fa.. la. f n-.W comennen mat many .nercnamw nTM.0rU ' Up lo Utll nBnl nl)OUt 0 fr,rtnri of the Oreenhut company hail voted to ! oppose the reorganaton plan submitted ,n(, ,0 suppor, ,h, ndependnt commit- n .l?r ' ' V"1'1:. A"n,ml"" MADISON AVENUE YORK SUMMER SALES Ann Exceptfloinial Rediuicitfoirn Sale off Woolen's Smnninroeir Blouses arranged for to-morrow, will offer rea'.'.y remarkable values at these low prices : Lingerie Blouses, including voiles, batistes and linens, at $1.25, 1.65, 2.00 & Blouses off crepe de Chine, French crepe cr I&cc at $5.75 A Very UmuLnsimal Offfaiinig off S3 Ik Smocks for House amid Lawn has been prepared especially for io-mcrrc"' (Monday). The Smock is one of the tinctive novelties of the present Sumre:, and this is the first Special Sale off tress attractive garments. It will compr'ss daintily-made Smocks of India silk, po'ka dot silk, dotted silk crepe, silk pongee, Habutai silk, taffeta, crepe de Chine sri brocade, variously priced at $5.25, 7.85, 9.25 & E2.50 Also Smocks of linene (Department on SKIRTS, for sports wear, at 3.75 a 4.00 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, Visitor Front Oilier I ID,., (( ( cml In e- ,it nnicKernocKer ,1. v Itxan T J. P. Kennedy nnd .Mr, n Ilrwtnn. ' Algonquin Frederick liai y i . . ' j ,?!'r1f,: . I,'H.",I:L ,",'1K ;"' , i . , ,, . Aslor Oell. Ml 1 1. II, ot.VSj n"aA 'Vi?J ,' V.l.l,h "'"'mo.. ! " " I 1 1 HT . 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Wjlie, m,.i, . Hllttnorc Mr, and Mi. .1 1 . , Can Kranclsrn : Tliomni ! ' 1e j !..... m cngni Mr. and Mis. II - (n . William A. flrr. Albat IIICI I nrfii iia t t mi. M H. - 1 ,.,t i.:.,riiiiie v v ,J . ''i't redire Knrlvllle V V i. . ' ( and Mrs. Victor Tyler N'.- n,,'. Conn.: Mrs. II. I. Wmi N. .1. 'or I Mnrrfinttnn Mr. and Mr t-, r fl.r,.n tDmll M. I O.rK Cnildnrd, lloston. ...','. nnu .iirn ( in ii-inA it i.. n 1,, ? ' e Oeorge II. ltJV uTir " Al"',',y t clnnatl : Trnsk, Toronto, m.'i-iL . . i-.-iiiiiKii, r.ui) - . Mr. anil Mrs. Krnenier IM,...,i.i. 11kn-l II t.l......l. I .1 Ciirllge Ornrgn I). Siotr 1 Al iee-ir:ck Keith, Chicago Uotham Mr, and Mrs ItMiert tv .lonea, Pittsburg: Sir iViiw t,. Oordon, Kngland ; H, V hwlilni Pvi delphla. r,lu" l.aurellnn Itohert II INsex yr , land. Ontario; Charles It. lirimn ', llnwn, Cnntn; O. V. Post, Ph n'4. phla. McAlpIn Mrs. .1. M William. . Mra. C. K. llrennan. .Mexico ,11, jj and Mrs. Itafnel Vlllanlzar, llnro', Colombia; K. K, ll.iruo'id (irita! Venesuela, ' Cnlllngwood Mr. and Mrs It I.lbbry, Boston; Mlea Klorem-e r Welling, Philadelphia Martinique W. It, Ilrigliim. gusta, Oa. ; Mrs. W. V tlniith. Vn'inr town, Ohio; H. H. Manignult and F K. Irfgge, Charleaton, S r flewl Eatale .Xlnn Is Pined mnn BT Antn "perdlnK. James A. Dansey, a real r. In The Bronx, was fined 1M jeM.-, hy Magistrate Reynolds In the VIiik,,. court for his fourth offence -is an vj-i speener on ucran avenue. Me hud su wun mm ann isrt a diamond as security for the balance. "I Thirty-fifth Street the Second Floor) A Sale of Gonxh Hainminniocks at the special pr..c - $7.50 is now beirr These Harnrr"--especially pcod ' being well ireif embodying the ? approved featu-c construction ?.-' terials. Special Sales? wall, if desired, -tailed to seen--patrons to the various departme ALL DAY 6th.