Newspaper Page Text
"THE SUN SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1915. MRS. W.L.GOODWIN ? OBTAINS A SECRET DIVORCE IN IDAHO i f. - 'Troubled Pnte Bnek to Timo j She Fonnd Any Thcntro ' Party in Her Home. ; CLUBMAN A SON OF MORGAN'S EX-PA HTXER t BAkTFOnD, Conn., June 2fi. Jn pounce "tlon 4vtth ,tho death nnd luilal here on '.Friday of Jaroes Junius Goodwin, cousin nnd former partner of J. Deriont Mor- an, PRIVATE TRIBUNAL FOR BECKER ASKED IMcu to Whitman Without Precedent in Annnls of Criminal Cases. MORE "FRAMEUP" TALK If tuinnmn knnn'n 10-JaV that the rWIIO OI m Mini .tATCimiui ..unci . Goodwin, pot n dlvorcf lut month In . Boise City, Idaho. Uofore her marrlaKe ho was MIbs Hetty Huue, member of n wealthy Albany family. The divorce action wai posed on grounds of defcrtlon and itoiimiiM)rt and Penator Goodwin entcr-d un np. ttearance, not to contest the suit, but to arrange for tho property settlement nnd the custody of their four boy, tho elder two toeing given to the father. It l un derstood tho reasons for the Repartition date from nn evening In the -spring of 1914, when Mrs. CJoodwIn, returning from Kiiroiw, found her horn's, Woodslde, In the possosslon of u gay party that had Just come from the theatre. At his home to-night Mr. Goodwin re fused to dlHCUss tho o.i. Mrs. Good win is in the West with Mrs. Itosalle Hooker Welling, daughter of ex-Mayor Edward W. Hooker nnd u descendant of tho first Governor of Connecticut. She has Just been divorced In tho West from Richard Welling of Hartford on grounds that wero held Insufficient when the ease was tried In the Connecticut courts. Wnlter Goodwin of h(to has divided his time between this city nnd South ampton. I.. I., where he Is a popular member of the polo colony. A lecent tiro on his Hartford estate resulted In the loss of several valuable horses. Mr. Ooodwln has one of the finest stables In tho Hast. Ho owns a number of choice polo ponies. It was not known beyond the circle of Intlmuto friends that there had bei-n any domestic differences In tho Good win household, although Immediately af ter her return from Kurope last year Mrs. Goodwin took steps to establish a legal residence In a western city for the purpose of suing for a divorce. Blr. Goodwin Is connected with many clubs, nmong the the Hnrt ford Golf Clnb, tho Country Club, the Meadow Drook and the Hocka- way Hunt clubs of txmg Islana, the llrook and the ltncquet and Tennis Club of New York. He was graduated from Yale In the class (if '97 and has served In the Hartford Common Council and the Connecticut Fenatc. Mrs. OoodVln Is the author of several books of children's poems and storlfs. Her health lias not been of the best and she has spent much of her time In Europe. The eldest son Is 14 years old and a student at the a rot on School Ayer. Mass. It was announced to-day that the will c James Junius Goodwin, who was nc eepted as a Hartford citizen, will be filed next week In New York, thus cutting Connecticut off from the Inheritance tax II his 130,000,000 estate. WOMEN KEPT FROM BOATS. Tltaulr SnrvlTor fi Itrvalvrra Were' Aimed nt l'nM-ii-rs. William J. Mellors of 30 East Sev- nty-second street, a Titanic survivor. Charles neeker's nppeal to Gov. Whit man Is snld to nl for executive nrtloti that Is absolutely without precedent In. tho nnnnls of criminal cases. The Gov ernor apparently has not made up his mind what to do about It and, although Martin T. Mantnn, Becker's chief coun sel, expected to hear definitely from Mr, Whltmnn yesterday, he has decided to say and do nothing that might provo embarrassing to tho Cloernor before tho extraordinary request Is nctoil upon. Mr. Mnutou would glvo no Indication yesterday concerning the detnlls of Ills plan. It was broached to thn Governor last week when Hecker's attorney talked with him nt Albany. Gov. Whit man, It Is understood, promised to com municate with Mr. Manton when lie enniP to New York nnd to let him know then what conclusions ho had reached. L'p to last night 'Sir, Manton had no word of any. kind from the Chief Hxecu live or his secretary.' and It H probable they will get In touch with each otlur pot Inter than to-morrow. It was learned, however, that-tne no tion Gov. Whitman Is asked to take to sao Decker's llfo would bo entirely new. It has no basis whatsoever In criminal cases of the past. It Is held to be Justified In this caso only be cause of the peculiar nnd original clr cumstances surrounding It. The re markablo nppeal Is made because Gov Wbltman has been Placed In the posl Hon of Becker's prosecutor nnd final Judge, nnd, It Is understood, as a di rect appeal to the Governor's conscience, Impartial Tribunal .Ursl, Gov. Whitman, If the general Idea of thu plan as learned yesterday is cor rect, has been requested to select an Impartial tribunal to sit on certain phases of the Meeker case. Who would constitute this unusual tribunal, whether It would be one or many, could not bo learned, but It Is believed that If the Governor acts favorably on tho plan, which Is considered extremely doubtful. one of the Judges of thu Appeltato 1)1 vision or some other Judicial body would be called Into the case to take the steps suggested In Ilecker s behalf. Tlie plan, according to the version obtained yesterday, provides for this Impartial tribunal to cull certain wit nesses who figured prominently in Becker's two convictions. The evidence sought from them would be primarily to sift once nnd for all the oft repeated charges that Ilecker was framed up by Hose, Webber, Vallon nnd Schcpps In the Tombs. Tho witnesses called to settle this point might be promised lin inunlty and they might not. but every opportunity would be given for them to tell what they know is true. Tho granting of this plea In Becker's interest, It Is said, would of course entail a stay of execution. No expression of opinion could bo obtained as to the pro!) able success of the appeal, but those who know Gov. Whitman's convictions regarding Becker's guilt believe that he will refuse to entertain It. Tho Gover nor hns so Indcated on his visit to this city, but Becker's counsel take tho view that the extraordinary features of the case would Justify favorable action by tho Governor. Further evidence came to light yes tcrday tending to bolster up the -allega tlon that Becker was the victim of i "frameup." Following the receipt of the letter from Joseph Murphy, a Sing Slug convict, to the effect that he over heard Webber and Rose plotting to lin- three were tu arned yesterday ho with his brother. Jacob, figured prominently in the first conviction of Becker, has mnde u statement that he had Information of the sanio nnture its Murphy's. I.nlimi .Vow In Jail, I.uban Is now In the Itaymond street Jail on a charge of larceny. At tho Becker trial I.uliaii testified he was III testified that he saw women prevented I !''l,-'a," 1'her while all from entering lifeboats Just before the Tombs It was lean IMIiinlx usinW In h h.rln,- voutmlnv "" .uori is l.uu.lll, w before Judge Mayer In tho United Slates District Court to have tho White Star Line's, liabilities limited. In one case particularly, Mellors said, Mrs. Hose Abbott of I'rovldence. It. 1., was prevented from seeking safety In a boat. Mrs. Abbott went down with the ship, but found refuge on the raft on which Mellors was. He mentioned also the use of revolvers to keep passengers i the Lafayette Baths shortly before tho murder of Herman llosenthnl and that he heard Becker tell Jack Hoso that Rosenthal ought to be killed. Ho also testified that he was at the scene the murder and Identified In court the four gunmen, since executed for the crime. I.uban had been a prisoner In New' ark on a charg of forgery before tho Becker trial and was found by John F. Mclntyre, Becker's counsel nt that time. Ho was at first thought to bo n witness for the defence, but ho np peared fur the State. Luban wus sub pcenned for the defence on tho belle Hint he could glvo evidence nt that time about a "frameup" of Becker. In the letter which Luban has writ ten In tho last few days It Is under stood thero Is no montlon that his testimony at tho Becker trials was false, but that he bas romo valuable information tending to show that j Becker was the victim of a plot to inline llie iiuseimmi muiuer ua mm. I.uban In his letter says he Is not look ing for money, but that ho wnnts to clear his conscience. In connection with the I.uban letter It was said yesterday that a few other witnesses against Becker nro In danger of becoming conscience stricken. It Is known that some of the more important l witnesses are being watched day und night. from leaping Into boats, and testified that a collapsible life raft could not bo launched, though he was not sure whether because of Its condition or the crew's Ignorance of Its handling. Itlchard II. M, Robinson, ox-Naval Constructor, now with the Lake Tor pedo Company of Bridgeport, Conn., said that In his opinion tho Titanic, In consideration of its unprecedented tslze, should have been designed either along new lines ns regards compartments m at least the old two compartment plan further developed. In comparing the bulkheads of the Lusltania and Titanic he said that no construction yet devlhed could withstand the shock of a torpedo. Cnpt. Robert Nlss of tho Bohemia testified that he was near where the Titanic sank thu day previous, saw Ico, Including seven bergs, nnd sent out n wireless wurniiig. He continued at full peed, he suld, but ordered the engine crews to stand by. OMT HOUSE PLAN- GETS REALTY BLOW President of Dealers' Board lias Thingti to Say About Collect Pond. PREXDERGAST IS QUOTED The fact that both Comptroller I'ren- lergast and Borough President Marks hnvo snld they were In favor of aban doning tho County Court House project s being seized upon to. stir tip further protest against nn undertaking which George MeAneny eays will cost about JITiOOO.OOO. Mr. MeAneny also sayB It s now too lato to withdraw from the undertaking, even If It wcro not folly to do nn. litis statement was Issued yesterdnv by Laurence M. r. McGulre. president or the neat Kstnte llonnl of New York: "First, Comptroller rrendergast. hav ing been convinced that tho city Is In volved In n bad business proposition, hns wltli nue regard for tho public good frankly reversed Itself. Ho not onlv iloubts the wisdom of enterlnir unon sueb colossal financial venture at th s time but cxpreoscs misgiving as to tho sound ness or the ground upon which the nro. posed Court Jlouse Is to. stand. . 7o fncts, ho says, have bon pro Clerk anil Irged TWO MORE STAMP ARRESTS. Al- Mesarnaer Held In If I. (100,000 I'm nd. Two young men, a clerk and a mes- anger, 'were arrested yesterday In tht Investigation, which Deputy State Comp troller William Baardmnn and Tollce In. speclor Faurot are making Into tho Irau luleut sale of stock transfer stamps, Edward Rose, 1H years old. of S5 Os. borno street, Brooklyn, was arrested as he was enurtng .Mount Sinai Hospital for a minor operation, and Charles Marcl, 2, was taken Into custody at .19 Broad street, wheip 1m said he was employed as a. clerk In the store- of a stamp and coin dealer. Rose, who. made u long statement to the police, was arraigned In tho Tombs court and paroled In the ciutody of In spector Faurot until Thursday, when he will be given u hearing, along with ISmnrnnuel Jnokson and Benjamin Alex ander, the stamp dealers who were ar rested on Friday, nnd Marcl. The State Comptroller's olllcu was said to bo close on the trail of the men Col, A ppleton, Netenth ItCKlment, Mnkra Sonic Appointments. 1 To conform to new regulations which ! reqtilrii that the supply company of u riglnient shall be under command of the quartermaster. Col, Appleton of the Sev enth Regiment. N. G. N. Y has ap pointed Cnpt. James W. Myers to the offlco of Quartermaster und iinmaiider xif thn supply l ompany, and Lieut. -Major Y. White has been appointed Commis sary, with rank of ("aplaln. i.'apt. .Myers, who holds tho brevet rank of Major for faithful servlco of twenty-five years, fiist Joined tho ri glnient as a pri va In Company 11 June 18SII, ('apt. White, wlio was awarded tlio hreel of First Lieutenant, In 11' 10 for faithful "higher fraud. up" Z he XVl $ o'hhw" ! '''vlr,. of tweiit.v'.five !.rs. first Joined Hi tne aiitgui i.utm,iiun lm v(j,,mcm u ,)rVt0 My 2!, nvJ. CORTELYOU'S SON A COMPOSER. niia Writes The II renin Mnld," 1. PYaMu Dolnit J,rlcx. Boston, Juno :c V. Wlnlhiop Cor telyou, son of George B, Corlelyou, ex Secretory of tho Treasury, and F. Otis Drayton of Belmont, editor of th .Vrio lXnaUinU Gumprintnrv .Viiiirlie-7e. vlcto, liavo cooperated In the iompoltlon of nn operetta, "The Drcnm Maid." por tions of the music of which will have a first public, hearing at Symphony Hall next Thursday evening, Mr, Cortelyou Is a special student of leomposlllon at tl.o New Kngland Om- .seivatory of Music. Ho Is a graduate of forni'll, where he was prominent In drnmatin and muslrnl nrirnrilzitliitiK air. Drayton, who has written thu ly rics and book of the operetta. Is a Con eervatnrv lonfc ,,!,, ,,, it.. .. - Tr of the Apollo Club and prominent In .uuaiini minus, Whitman' Old P.lewitor .Mini Hurt I John Hart, an i levator runner In tb Madison .Square apartments at :I7 Madi son avenue. In which Gov. Whitman Oia.lo hit home while District Attorney, wni caught between the roof of the ele vator and the llmir at the ninth Moor last night and lecelved Injuries from which It Is expected that ho will dlo. Ilnrlluiin Mines Ills Show. Th crooked weighing and measuring devices which I'ommls.slouei' llartlgan has exhibited as uu open air chamber of horrois In I'lly Hull Park for ten days will 1m moed this week to the plaza of Borough Hall lliooldyu. Next week Tho Bronx will view them nnd later tho lower Hast Side. GLEN ISLAND WILL BE OPENED THIS WEEK sented In evldenc to prove tho correct ness of the. borings. True, the names of big men In engineering havo been used to substantiate thi oorlngs, but nothing convincing has "been furnished to nhow that the groiind for tho Court House slto has very much moro stability than granulated sugar. "This opinion Is based upon experi ence of building a foundation, for1 tho Municipal Building, which is within a few feet , of tho proposed court house site. Under It Is what was called the Collect I'ond, a stream of water which served New York city when the city extended to about Canal street. "Evidences of the existence of the pond nre still found, Quito recently iho Bradley Contracting Company trlod to strlko bottom for a. subway foundation. As lato as ago the water trickled In llttlo rivulets under what would bo tho very foundations for tho .new court house. Tho additional cost over the estimate of laying the foundation for tho Municipal Building was something moro than 1,000,000. "What the additional cost In similar circumstances for sinking caissons tor a foundation of , the magnitude-of tho new court house would, bo Is ntnggorlng when the nrca Is compared. "Great stress has been laid by advoeatos of the court houso anil civic centre on tho alleged statement that the United States Government would orect a post qfflce holding and tho State government an office huldlng to house Its departments In this city within tlio so-called tlvlc centre. "The known facts are that tho fov crnment nt Washington rejected the proposal and the government nt Albany took no Interest In It whatever. This shows conclusively that tho city would havo to finance tho proposition alone. This, It seehis, according to nit tho doc tors who hjire diagnosed tho case. It la unable to do." ) . COL. BEEGHER DELAYS DECISION ON MEMORIAL Says He Sees Many Rcnsons Afrainst Changing Parents' Resting riace. Another message wan received yester day In Brooklyn from Col. William C. Beecher, who Is spending the summer at Buck Hill Falls, Ia In regard to tho controversy over the proposed re moval of the bodies of his father, Henry Ward Beecher, and his mother from Green Wood Cemetery to n mauso leum crypt In Plymouth Church. Col. Beecher, who Is tho executor of the will of his father, hns not reached a decision In the mntter, leaving the uuestlon open for discussion In tho Plym outh Memorial Committee. He says In part: "I recognize that there Is much to bo snld In favor of tho project and yet there nro a number of reasons why I doubt tho propriety of chnnglng my parents' resting place. "If nny dellnlto plans have fccon formulated 1 havo not seen them nnd do not know what they are, When I know Just what the plans nro I Intend to submit tho question to my brother Jiving, on tho Pacific coast nnd wo will settle tho question ono way or the other. "Under the law. permission for re moval must be obtained from the heirs. While either one of us ran prevent, by refusal, nlether alone can give author ity." s CHARGE PURCHASES MADE NOW, BILLED AUGUST 1st. 560 yitftUAvCnUf. 46TT and 47tJ? ST& 664-566, "V. QPand&ful lueaivincj Greats liaVc been arrariaed th Quslxionable cMtd-SeasonppareL In many at mere tractions instances oJormer prices $95 to $235 Model "Suits-M5 $65 $95 Original and reproduced Paris styles, in silk and cloth. (Frtnch Salon, 4th Floor.) s45 $85 Suits $ 1 5 $2 5 $3 5 About two hundred desirable garments to choose from. to $375 Model Gowns $65 $95 Of exquisite materials, suitable for formal and informal wear. (Frtnch Sahn, 4th Floor.) to 175 Evening Gowns $45 A group of handsome gowns, somewhat soiled by display. $45 to $125 Afternoon Dresses $18 $28 Silk and cloth styles, in simple and somewhat dressy effects. $35 $55 Summer Dresses $ and -38 '25 Charming models, of batiste, organdie, crepe, voile and linen. $45 to $125 Silk Wraps-$I8-$35-$65 Silk coats, throws and wraps for formal or informal wear, including, at $65, very handsome grosgrain wraps, embroidered in silver. $65 to $125 Limousine Coats $45 $55 $65 Luxurious styles; of high-cost imported materials. Hampton Furniture of Gracious Simplicity. THE fine taste and un affected simplicity of our Colonial forbears made of the old-time New England Kitchen a place of such peace and pleas antness that from it may to-day be gathered many a gracious hint for the furnishing of the Country House Dining Room. Among the Hampton Shops Re productions of these unstudied masterpieces may be found the Gate-legged Table with its comely turned legs and convenient drop leaf, the comb-backed Windsor Chairs, the oaken "Dresser" gar nished with a plentiful array of Willow-pattern plates and dishes or the Tall Clock that chronicles with drowsy solemnity the summer hours of lejsured case. JAMPTON SHOPS 34 AHD 35 WEST 32d STREET MEW YORK fl OTTA fan ' ''MMF 1 REAf, ESTATE AT AUCTION. KRAI. ESTATE AT ArCTlON. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. ONE YEAR'S CHANGE .One Year Ago. Hennessey Estate June 27, 1914 To-day. Hennessey Estate June 27, 1915. A YEAR AGO We advertised the above lots of the Hennessey estate at auction. They were sold for $800 to $1,800 per lot. To-day they are built on and are worth from $3,000 to $6,000 each. $45 to .$75 Utility Goats $18 $25-$35 A dosing out of remaining styles, from many lines. $16 Summer Blouses $6 d $8 Dainty outing, utility nnds semi-dress styles, in white net and lingerie. $25 and $28 Lace Costume Blouses Very dainty effects, in highly desirable new models. at 75 Smart Tailored and Semi-dress Hats formerly $ 15, $18 and $25 at $5 25 to $35 Mid-Summer Hats, 10andl5 Outing Styles Seaside Hats Semi-dress effects Garden Hats. TO-DAY We are advertising 579 of the Bradish Johnson, Inc., Estate lots at auction which you may be able to buy for $50 to $350 each They are along the new Lexington Ave. Subway route, Directly along the line of the City's growth, Within seven minutes walk of .an apartment house district, Within six minutes by trolley from the Simpson Street Station of the Subway. VIE KNOW That any man that can bay these lots at $50 to $350 EACH MUST MAKE MONEY ON THEM. YOU KNOW IT, TOO! Go Examine the Lots To-day 579 LOTS of the estate of Bradish Johnson, Inc., OnClasonPt. Rd., Randall Ave. Easterly extcmion of 149th St.), Ludlow Ave. Easterly extension of lf3rd St. i, White Plains Rd., and adjacent avenues and streets, to be SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION no matter what price they brina TUES. & WED., JUNE 29th & 30th, at 10.30 A. M. At the Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vcsey Street, N. Y. City 70 CAN REMAIN ON MORTGAGE. TITLES INSURED FREE SAVINGS BANKS BOOKS TAKEN AS DEPOSITS ON PURCHASES OF LOTS TO Hl-ACII Till; lOPIiKTV T;ilc Siilway Hron I';irk Tram, to Simpson Street Station, thence Westchester Avenue trolley c.u down Cl.ts.iri Point Aenue to property. For in;ip. ;iipl to .1. Clarence Daues, M'Hli St. & ,'rd Ave Joseph P. Day, S Nassau St., N. Y. Cu I J I