Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1915. RULE OF UNION BANK, COSTLY, SAYS GROUT E.v-Cntnpfi'ollpi'. on Stiinil, As serts Me Served ns Presi dent ;it h'jierifice. YIELDED TO TKItSUASIOX HN-Clly Comptroller IMivarrl M. Grout, tfM'fylnr In his own behalf ycr terrlay tifforn County .lurlRr. Henry l.el In Hrooklyn. antorUil that ho hurt mourned thy prealilenoy of the Union Hank only an i public eluty which hln confolpnco rnmpelleil him t.i Perform. In tryljiR to avoid the posl. tlon, ho said, ho li.ul nuRRmtcd rrv(r:il nntnpH to tr.e State Kupcrlntemlcnt or Jlink. and among' them the name of the chief examiner, ' Mr. (Iront la helnc tried on a charge of perjury, baaed on the iillecitlon that he 'iRniel a fale statement of tho financial 'condition of the hank a.i Its president on -March 2.'., 1910, HcRardlnc lit wlMlnm mid Justice of leuprnliitr tho bank .Mr, (irout nild: "1 ',i prevailed upon ncalnxt my will and my Interest." In order to c-nvlct .Mr. (.Irout of per jury It Is nceenMiy for District At torney Cropsoy to provo that re knew the report was fal?e when he Rwore to It .Mr (Irout contends that he had no such knowledge, although he ntltnlt't ths cath. On the contrary he holds that he was misled, unintentionally no doubt, by the .State Hanking Depart ment and by hit. own friends and asso. dates. Groat IlovlenK Ills Cnrrrr. Mr. tlrout wtis called nt 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after (leorge Mo Aneny, I'rcsldrnt of the Hoard of Abler nwiii . .Michael J. Prummond. fnrmrrl. Commlsflutir of Charities', and Thornn P Mulry, prtsldetu of the Immigrant Industrial Savins Hank, had appealed for him as ch aracter witnesses. Ho aal.l 'that ho was nearly 51 years old and that he had lived In Hrooklyn about forty.three years, He was born in th old city of New York. He said that he was admitted to the bar In December, ISfcS, nftcr eight years In the law office of On. Stewart I.. Woodford. Ho then formed n partner uhlp with tho late Mayor William .1. Oaynor, which was dissolved when Mr. Uaynor wan elected to the bench. He was also nt one time u law partner of Presiding Justice Almet P. Jenks of the Appellntn Division. Mr. Grout sketched bis political career from the time he ran for Mayor of the old city of Hrooklyn In IS?.', to January, 1906, when he completed Ilia s?eond term ns Comptroller of the c.ty. Kor ten years he hud been president of the Hrooklyn Club, he said, and for several years was vice-president of the Montauk. He In now, and has been for ulMcen or seven teen years, a trustee of Colgate, the col lego from which ho graduated. He Is treasurer of the New York County Har Association. After these preliminaries had been dis posed of Stcp'tcn C. Haldwln, counsel for the defence, said "Mr. (Irout, I now hand to you people's exhibit No. "2 the false bank report ; did you sign that?" "I did." "Did you swear to It?" "I did." Rrllea on Ahlf' Acenrsey. Mr. Oiout said that he had telled upon the accuracy of J. T Anlley ami that he had never examined tho books of the bank to timl the Items that went to make up the totals In the reports. "It would have been physically Impos sible In the time allowed me," he naiil. He told of flrianclul lossen incurred by reason of his accepting the presidency of the bank. He had feared it. he said, for his experience ns Horough 1 'resilient had taught him that, though bu got J5.O00 a year for di voting mighty llttlo of his time to the Job, the salary had failed to offset the loss In legal fees. Clients, he found, did not go to lawyers holding public oltlce. As proof of this, he quoted figures showing the falling olT of his nnnual In come while he was president of the bank and offered to let any public accountant named by Mr, Crops-ey go over his books. In ISOfi, 1907 and lDul bis income was $45,0O(i a year or nvire. In 1909, the first yenr of his presidency. It was about 133,000, and in 1910, It was If than J22.000. On the other hand, there had been a, steady Increase since tho bank fcloacd. Indictments and Incidental ex penses notwithstanding. The direct examination of Mr. Orout will be continued to-day, FOG, RAIN, HEAT, GOLD, . WIND, 4C, HIT CITY Many Varieties of Weather in Tew Hours .Make Day ' ' Lively One. f Terhaps there weren't forty-seven .kinds ot weather yesteiday, hut there seemed to be to tint- rtunatcs who were '-forced to be on the streets. To begin with a tjg rolled In from the ocean in the morning in waves that seemed at times to have alnust the 'density of rain, and the ciutlous ones who carried umbrellas were wise. r With tho muggy mist came It 'grew more and more opptessle until toon after noon large black clouds rolled ,up and broke over City Hall Park as a tatreak tf lightning shot across tho sky. Jt rained, and tlu n It poured, and then It stopped, and 'hen It ruined again, and so on most ot the afternoon. Hut "lien It was all over the muggings was gone tind on Its heels came a breeze that .reached almost an unpleasant degree, of coolness. In the height of a wind s-iuall In tho afternoon a big sign was blown from tho roof ot a building nt KUth avenuu and Thirty-seventh stiiet and struck three women who worn waiting for a car. Ohm of them, Angelina riurlvo, 'Jo, of 223 liold sheet, Hrook lyn, was taken to the New Yoi k H os pital with a filature of the akull When It was all over the local Weather Hureau estlmatid tile raliifall' at oul 17 of an Inch This ben accompanied by a wind that teached a velocity of tiff v -tun miles an hour, mostly fioin tho north The highest temperatuie of the dn was "3. at a few minutes after 4 o'clock In tho after noon. It rlro.ined ten dt glees In little moio than an hour to the day's louest point nt 30 I' M t.nsi night the storm was centred off tho Massachusetts, toast headed In an easterly dlieetlnn. Apparently the local weather man was satltftlcd last night, that the, Mono hail pone, for hi promise for to-day and tn moirow was fair weather. Whatever winds ace mp.iny It will probably conic from the Hist lliiby lllimn Tli riiiiinrlir of .Mllei I'nliiirt. NK'V HhI'NSWM.'K, N. J , Jul. .,.- inlu-aturc rei'lmi' about , mile wl In sc,'t u.i Ml'l-ln e Ibis lit, nni 'i. noil a ii' k tllei Munla p M-1 a bah carr age and lis nceiinant and ,ir. rlcd It lliiee nu.irters f a mile in the .n. dropping the carriage m a llelu i ithoui lilt ng the baby TIGER'S SLY PLAN TO CONTROL ASSEMBLY Doiiiocrats Kavor Limitation in Senate if Comity Lines l Are Abolished. WOULD HOLD VETO POWER Al.ltANT, Jnlv - The Democratlo delegated to the constitutional conven tion nre evlllln-r to aocott a greater limitation on the New York city repre sentation In th" Senate If the Hepuhll cans will agree to an amendment to popularize the Assembly by abolishing county lines, It uus sild to-n'.ght. New York city then would control the As rembly bccmije of the majority popula tion In (Ircitcr New York and would thin hold u veto power over tlif Senate and, for matter, the (lovernor on all now legislation or nmendments. The ctui-tis npptoved the plan of iwpularlrliig tho Assembly and will keep up the fight to get n larger representa tion for New York. It was announced that the pemo-rats would op;oe any plan to still further diminish the repre sentation ot the greater city In the Hcnatc by limiting all the counties within tho city to one-half of the Senitors, whereas the present provision Is that no two counties shall have more than one-half the Senators. Mo of the Itepubllcans and even the Demccrats were Inclined to laugh at the suggestion that the )emo.'rat would make an alliance with Senator I-Vlgar T Hrackctt and h.s following of nvpubll rntis to force through an amendment to iwpularizc the Assembly. Would nlu Xeu- Vnrk Control. It was decl.iied that Mr. HracVa'.t couM not control ten Itepubllcan vp'es for this programme, as It would Involve giving New York city practical control of the Assembly. The Itepubllcans can not see the:r wr.y clear to blaze a path for compromising with Tammany. Should the convention pass the iopu '.ar.;ng ameuument. then a reappor tionment would be abso.uteiy ncessary, and SeniUT Hr.ickett would have gained his point. The Itepubllcan leaders dc'nie they have enough votes to stop any apportionment plan the Saratoga Senator may devise. The committee on public utilities has definitely voted upon prov.s'.ons to pro tect the Public Service Commission and ha appointed Chairman Iedyanl P Hale. William M. K. Olcott and Jamcu A. Vo'.ty as a sub-committee to draft this article of the Constitution. This ti:b-conimlt:ee must Incorporate provisions recognizing the two oommls-rlon-s as constitutional bodies. tlNlng their ternin at fixe years, permitting the Legljliture to regulate the salaries of the Commissioners and giving the cor porations a review In the courts on de cisions of the commission on questions of law, but not of fact Ch.ilrm.ln Hale ali a 1 counsel of tho up-State Public SoivLe Conimits'.on. Protect CoiiimlHslourra, The proposals upon which the discis sions weie had for the appoint ment of rew ' Commissioner.", but this was teimed "ripper" legislation, and the committee went to the other exttemc by Instructing the sub-committee to provide that the present Commissioners) shall serve out their terms. tnator ltobcrt K. Wagner protested hefore the committee on cities, of which 1 Seth Low is chairman, that Mr. Low's plan to give New York city about as much home rule as the Philippine en Joy would not be tolerated by the city. I Job K. 1 ledges, Nathaniel A. lllsberg, ' Nathan A. Smyth nti.l Itobert S. Hln ' kcrd. representing ,i New York city 'citizens committee of ISO, favored a new , home rule proposition, which whs ilia fled by u committee comprising Will iam It. WUloox, William M. ('aider, 1M wanl M. H.iMott, Alfnd K. Marling and Nelson S. Spencer. This plan would permit the Mayor of , a city to appoint a commission to pre pare a charter, which would be sub mitted to a vote of the pe pie. After 'each city had thus sccurid a rharter the provisions could be changed only tnrougn inc i.ecisiaiure passing a gen eral law governing all cities, on sp.clal subjects, by a majority vote In each bouse, or the legislature could nirpcr seile a special provision In any specific city charter by passing a specific law by a two-thirds vote In each house. Mnte Miould Keep I'linrr. The speakers did not helieve the State should surrender Its lovereignty over, the cities, and thought their plan re served to the Htato all the authority It needed. They thought this was much preferable to the Low plan. Their plan also provides tor abolishing the classi fication of cities. Hay li. Smith of Syracuse and Mer ton H. Lewis of Kochruttr, Klrst Deputy Attorm y-ttneral, opposed any giant of self-government to the cities. i "If the cities get home rule I pre i diet that within the ytars the city of I ilclals of New York will come to Albany on bended knees and beg the I.eglsln tine, to save them fiom themselves," said Mr. Smith. He said Syracuse pmplr did not want ench new Major to tinker with their charter when he has fads of his own , he wants to put into operation, j Mr. I.twls said bo thought a certain measure of home rule was dslrable, but 'he opposed any such btoail giants as I proposed by the committee. "The State should Jealously guard the I power of the Legislature to Interfere with government of cities at any timet 1 for the protection of minorities." he I said. Would Mnl.e (tilth Hauler. WillUun Haines's Committee on Legis lative organization reported favorably the amendment prupeised by John C. l.eggett of Cuba, striking out of the of. I tidal o.ith of Stat oflicliils tho pr. i vision tliat tin' shall swear that , 111, IliiH lint li.iiil ritr..r.,l it- ..,. ...I.-... I ... i ' i' "iiiin ii in pay an) money ur valuable thing iih a coiisldei or reward for giving or withholding a vote at the election nt which lie was elcetcd atiel has mule no promise to iiiiloince Hie giving or with holding of any such vole. Must public nfilcl.tls in a greater or U hut d'gife perjure themseiv s In ink ing such a strict oath, It is contended It Is tliuiight sufficient to li.iw the of. Ilci.ils swear to uphold the Constitution of the i'nlieil StaUs nnd of i ho state of New York In taking theli o.ith uf office. Hioader powers for inferior local courts were .iihue-nted bv Judge Julius M. Maer of New York liefoie tile .lil 1'iiliiinlM.e lie ill clnred Hi.u . :;t tlm pi cent I line the Immcstlc Ite la tioriH Colin Is haiiipcieil bv inability to tuicc liusb.inils to support abandoned wives ami eli, 1.1. en Children's e'ourts, he said, iiccd more iemer to treat with tin: eases Imfore them, ns the pr'im use ,if tinulile s ,tek of proper girirdiittiFiilti I'lanklin ('. Hoyt, presiding Justice or tho Children's Court, said that H.2SS runs of improper guardianship were be foru his court last year. SMALL INVESTORS If yu want the safest and best investment fer your savings buy our 5 GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. RICHARD M. HURD, Prtnlatont Capltal,Surplus A Pr. $9,000,000 in liberty St., N'.Y. lfil Montague Pt..Tlkn. CITY DEMOCRATS IN SENATORSHIP PLOT Won hi flroom T'ntennyer to Sneeeed O'fionnnn hy Proli In": rinanees Here. ,FIT MAN TO RAISE MONEY At.pant, July S. New York city Democratic legislators havo decided to ask Chairman Klon II. Mrown of the legislative committee which Is to In vestigate New York city finances for the appointment of n minority counsel. If consent Is given to such nn appoint ment It Is said that Samuel I'ntcrmyer will be selected for this work. The naming of Mr. Cntermyer would be looked upon l.i some quaretrs us his j Introduction Into the New York State I political situation, with State Mnauces net tho apparent campaign Issue, ns n prohable candidate for tho Cnlted Htates Senatorshlp to succeed O'tlor I man, whose term expires March 4, 1917. Mr. I'ntermyer's appointment as mi nority counsel of the Investigating com mittee would put him In tho public eye ns much perhaps as did his work ns counsel of the Pujo ("money trust") committee of Congress. The Democrats are said to be seeking a candidate for the Senate who possesses the power to collect some campaign money and who would know how to spend It. Itrirnril Illra am Plttr. It Is said that the Tammany Demo crats think Mr. Cntermyer would till the bill. He could make his plea before i the people of New York for home rule 'anil other mooted questlonn and could I continue attacking tho Itepubllcans for I their tn levy of Illt.OOO.rtOrt this year. The Constitutional Convention has i brought the most Inllue lal Democrats .from nil parts of the State to Albany elurlug the last few weeks, uud nat urally they have- been talking politics. ; The organization Democrats seem to I think that with President Wilson run Inltig for reelection practically on a war 'Issue they will be able to slip In an organization State ticket. While tleorgc McAneny, President of the New York Hoard of Aldermen, Is known to be the choice of the Mltchel administration for (lovernor. the up state Democrats have about decided that they will force Tammany Hall to sup 1 ort Charles K. Treman of Ithaca for (lovernor nnd will be willing to support a New York city man for the L'nited States Senate. .Mr. Onhorn'i Hopes. William Church Osborn, chairman ot the Democratic State committee, wants to be a candidate for (lovernor himself nnd falling in this might look for the nomination for Senator. In view of the manner In which Mr Osbom ran the last Democratic campaign, however. It Ir believed that his candidacy for any office, even for chairman of the State committee, will not meet with much ap proval at the hands of the organization Democrats. Under Mr. Osborn's management last fall, none of the money for election pur poses was received up State until the Sat urday afternoon before election after the banks had cloed. Hy that lime the Hepub'.ieni money had been received and distributed nnd was working. Martin II. Glynn had to go to New York to manage his own campaign there an well as In Albany, so declare Democrats who know! Mr. Olynil himself Is said to believe that he Is the most likely candidate for (lovernor on the next Democratic Stato ticket, The financial iuestlons he has raised make him the logical candidate, ho is said to have told close friends, al though before the financial controversy arose. Mr. (ilyun's friends thought he would be a candidate to succeed Mr. O'Oorman. i CHAUFFEUR PINNED UNDER BURNING AUTO I Machine Skids and Overturns Near Fort Lee Driver Not Expected to Live.. Pamsaiik. N. J.. July I. A fast going i automobile operated by Armando Al bertl, '-2. of ins West Forty-ninth street, New York, skidded for about 10.0 feet In Anderson avenue, half way between Palisade and Fort Lee, late this after noon, turned over against a rock and 'pinned the chauffeur under the tnuiieau. Twei other persons in the ear, Areste nnd Anthony (liolnte of tlm same net- j dress, the former the owner of the ear, were thrown out lull e'siaped unhurt. Albert! was probably fatally burned i when the machine took tire. ' Several automobile parties on the I slippery road went til tile assistance of the wiecked motorists and an ambulance was called fioin lltiglewonil Hospital ' Meanwhile the gasolene tank had burst into tlanifs' ami nearly all the lower half lot Albcitr- body was burned Dr. ' llnlpern of llngleweiod Hospital said the man had small chance to recover. Until , Ills legs must be amputated. i Areste ill.ilate conducts n lestaurant lut ins West Forty. ninth street, where I Ins chauffeur lived with his family 1 by Per MONTH UPON PLEDGE! llQQF PERSONAL PROPERTY; ' THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK MANHATTAN UltONX Poiirth Avenue, ror. :."tli Strfrt. C'ourllnnrlt Avo ror, Uth 3treot. Illdrldk'f Ktri'i't, ror lilvlnaton St lilti)OKl.v" Hovrntli Ave., lift. 4tli mill 411th St, I.1''' K'- CT' IJvlnsfjtnn St I.,xlnton Ave. ror. .:th Htrret fflrW C.rniul Ktri-fl, ror. Clinton Strert. sj t v tTci'M i i'H a nni-'ii mow ' Last 72.1 St., bet. I.exlnKton & nd Ava. IZ AN8 ' liKPAII) WI' IUN tual Huuistan bt., tor. Kaanx tit. JJ TWO WEEKS FKOM DA'l'K. CINCINNATI'S DEATH LIST MAY REACH 50 Scores Injured by Tornado and Money Loss Will Pass Million Mark. 10 HACEHOHSES KILLED Cincinnati, July S With a probable death list of thirty-five and Indications Hint It may reach fifty, ten persons missing Hnd scores Injured, Cincinnati to-night began Inking toll of the dam age wrought by tho terrific rain nnd wind storm which mvept over the city Inst night. Twenty-two persons nrn known to he dead, but reportH of loss of life nrn still coming In. The city has pnrtly ree-ovcred. Wire service has been resumed nnd trolley traffic started again through most of tho city. However, owing to tho tapgle of wires and the hundreds of trees that were uprooted nnd thrown ncross Mtrects nuto trafllc wns blocked, except along the main thoroughfares. Only n par of the city was llglite to-night, owing to damage to tho elec tric light wires. Nearly nil of the river towns, too, were In darkness. A committee of business men which met nt tho Chamber of Commerce fig ured that the property loss In Cincin nati will top the million mark, No estimates ns to the money loss In the surrounding towns hns been made, but the destruction there was as thorough. or more so. than In the city proper. Two river steamers, the Fulton nnd the Convoy, were sunk. A Pennsylvania train carrying horses from the UitonU racetrack to the Hast en! tracks was blown over nnd wrecked at Terrace Park nnd three men nnd nineteen horses, all of them valuable animals, were killed. Among the race horses were Little Father. Fltzaerald, Hlooil Test, Hrlck nnd .Mortar, Margaret , D. nnd Hrlggs Sister. White Wool, Hiind llagg.ige and Prince Dermis arc missing. The heavlist dam-age to property was done In West Sixth street here, where n nun.ber of houses were demolished. Five of the family of Henry Tnnnen baum and four In the family of louls Cohen, related but living four blocks apart, were killed. Firemen ami tolict are busy exploring the ruins of the wrecked houses trjlnn to tlnd elead or Injurtd. Only meagre reports have been re ceived from Ludlow, Dajton, Newport and Hellevlew. Ky ns the telephone ser vice Is crippled, A large number of per sons were injured. The storm, after sweeping eiver Cin cinnati and vlclnltj, spent Its fury In central Ohio. Much d image was done In Dayton. Ml.imlshurg. Washington Court House and Columbus. No loss of life was reported. SIX HURT AT KEANSBURG. Wind IIIoith Mini Kurt) Pert iiuel Pnrtly Wrre-Ls pier. Kr.A.vsiifiiu, N. J July ,. The high wind that struck this place this aft, r noon elld much damage and injured si persons, two eif them so badly that they were lemoved to the Mouuiout'i Memo rial Hospital at Long Hranch. The wind ripped eiff part of the steam boat pier here, tore down a large slnsl on the end of It, oxer turned a canelv stand, throwing It Into the water, and narrowly mlss.l killing MIfs Susan Miller. I, who was In the stand. She was thrown to the pier, suffering a frac ture of her right leg. cuts and bruises to her face and head and bruises about the body. She wn removed to the hes pltiel. Samuel Hrazll was blown forty feet nm! was cut nnd Inju.ed about the head and body and was also taken to the hew. Pltal. The others Injured were: Mi chael llnan. hit by falling timbers; Pat rick O'nrlcn. cut about the b.v, . ml legs. Arthur Parker. Injured .bout the arms, and William Haitians, about the head and legs. UP-STATE TRAINS DELAYED.'l.nnnniiii null Hrle Hoods buf fer From Wimliuntn. Overflows of the Su-iiuehanna and Chemung rlvo.-s near Hinghamton. V. Y. caused by the violent rainfall of f.stcrday, delayed all up-State trains "lUfl In Jersey City last night from sexen to fourteen hour. The lines most affected were the ItuiTalo divisions of the Krle and the Lackawanna. Traffic was stopped last night on all lines running between Hinghamton and nimlra. The tracks of the HufTalo sec tion of the Krle w r- ivasbed out seven miles east of Hlmlra and thoe of the Lackawanna at Hestnl. The Lackawanna lluffalo express No. . due In Hoboken at 7.12 last night, did not reach there until this morn ing. The Crle Chicago express due in Jersey Olty at 7 17 la-t night was ex pecti'd about I o'clock this morning Trains on the Syracuse ill, is on of the Lackawanna were from eight to twelve hours late. TROLLEY VICTIMS NUMBER 17. 31 ore- Vlnj Die us Ite-sult of tret. el-11 1 nt Mniriira Fulls, XlAUARA F.M.I.S, (lit.. July -The total number of dead as a result of the trolley ncclilent last night on Queenston Heights Is placed at sev enteen Fifty persons were injured and some of these may die The Ontario provincial aiithniltles have already taken stilus to II x respon sibility for the wreck A coroner's Jurv examined witnesses at (Jueensloii and "officers t ok statements from the ln ijuri'd In the hospitals here A separate Investigation Is being e-nnducted by oft'l e'crs of the International !lallwa. Woninii mill (ilrl lilt hy tutu, Mrs. William Colwell, ,M. uf 'J3.-, I Fifty-first street and Ida Lee, If,, of the I same addres.e wen severely injuieil je'.s. terday afternoon when thev weir struck by an automobile at Fort) -seventh stteef and Second avenue The iii.icluue s owned by H c. Tnelor of Shi Seventy-second strict and was operated by Loomls Wall.eci f :'.,ii West I'ift.v seventh street Mis. Colwell received btulses about the face, ,uu body and Miss Lee suffered a fr.ictuied ankle. Until were removed t J Flower Hospital. 2,814,000,000 CORN CROP IS PROMISED (iovernnient's Estimate. Kirst of Veal, Exceeds Ex jieclalions. IfECORI) YIELD OK WHEAT A corn crop of 2. SI l.fnn.onn bushels, cxeeedln? expectations bv more than iJO.OOMQo bushels, Is estimated ns of July 1 In the (loverniuent crop report Issued jerterilay. This Is the first re port of ti . jrar on the site of the corn crop. The crop condition of 812 per cent., as rompared with s.'.li last nt this time, was about the llgure vi peeled by the trade. The crop was plintcd late, but with the exception of fear of it late frost the promise, In the oplnnlon of the trade, is for a yield next to rf cord breaking in sir.e. The reeord com crop was 3,121, Tlfi.flOO bushels its 1912. Last year the promise at this time was for a crop of ..Stfs.Oiil'.uiW bushels, but the crop nctually lurvcsteel was 2,'!72.Mt 1.000 bushels. The aien planted this year Is n record, mil, 273, 000 acres, The acreage In 1912 wns ln7.0ts.n00. Last jears acreage was 103, i.t:,nn0. The Increase In -icre-age this jcar. It Is thought, points to crop dlveirltlcntlon In the South, corn In part supplanting rotten. The tr.tal wheat crop, reported as 913,000,000 bushels. Is a record breaker. The greatest crop actually harvested was tin. of last eir. 591.017 mm bmhels. The enormous size of the crop reported tor .this year can better be appreciated by comparison with a pre vlous. jcar or better than nor mal yea.-, such as that of 1912. which Is excccdi,! h this j ear's cron bv more 1 than 230.OiiO.000 bushels. The w.mti wheat crop of Cels.nofl.nnrt, as reported by the liovernment. Is nearl 2rt.ono.noo liuuneN 1,,'ttiT than the figures expected In the trade It shows the small decline of nlout hu"be! fi-om the estimate of a month ago. The crop this ear e'omp.ires with n final winter wheat crop last year of e',.1 4,990.. 000 bushels. Conlitlou of spring wheat Is reported as 4 I i it cent, as com pared with .sr. x a month ago and 911 on July 1, 1911 The acreage this vear Is lO.HiO.DOO, against 3D.3S7.00O ncreti plantrel it ear ago The spring wheat crop of 29.",.n00.O0o bushels Is about the size, expeote I. This Is 21.KOO.000 hmhels greater than the riort of last month and 2ii.ii0o.fl0o bushels Inrger than the estimate at th s time last year. The final crop last was bushels. The condition of the spring wheat crop at the be. ginning of the month whs 93 .1. ns com pired with 94 9 a month ago nnd 92 1 last year at this time. On the farms the amount of wheat remaining, as e stiin.n,.i by the tiovern ment, is about 2x.972.noo bushels, as lomiured with 32.230. 000 n eir ago. Tho estimate for the oets i rop t 1.399.000.00(1 bushels. K eoiiipaie.s wpii a crop of 1.1 ll.ooii.oiin bushels list ve,i . and the prctous record of I.lix.:i:i7.ouo bushels in 1912 The condition is 9 3 v. is compared with M..". last year at this time. The Increase In the size of t e crop elurlng tin month was lll.eoo.nnn bushels An the nop Is near harvest Its great size Is practically assured. Other cr'ps reported are as follows Itye l.x,4i7.00ii Inuhel., as compared with 47.X'.oi.OOO bushels a month ago, .mil 12, 779.000, the final .Weill a yeir ago. and 3j.OOn.Ouo bushels, tn. average from 1909 to 1913.. The condition ,f the crop Is 92. as cornpar.d with 92 9 last year at this time. Harle 2Os.00o.n0n b'ushelH, as com pired with the June 1 estimate ths year of 197.noo.000. nnd the final erop of 19I.953.O00 bushels list year, afte an etimite on July 1 last of 21I.319.00O bii'hels The condition is 91.1. as compared with 91 ti las: mnntn and 92. il a year .it". Potatoe" 393,ooii,non bushels. as compared with sr,r..onn.non estimated a year agi, ami 405 92 l.nmt hu.'heK the final of last The cnnd.tion is 91 2. against X3 i at this time last year Flaxseed 1. 000.000 bushels, against lX.OOii.oon, last 'ears estimate at t'l.s time, and I ".." 39. ofto bti'he'.s harvested The condition is s 5, ag.lnst 90.5 at this time last jear. II. i - 71.0iia,00d tor.s. comp'ircd u.'h 70,071, nun tons, the final last via The ci mlit'oii ,s ", '.'. as e with SOX at this tune last e.n. AMALGAMATED READY TO END. Due- Mil ore of x iiiieondii noil J IS fur Hnrli share f stork. The Amalgamated Cupper C mparv has announced that st itutoiy pro ceedings for tl'e d "s i!utloii of the com pany have been loinpctiil and that t'n company Is re uly to distribute its as sets to the stockholders Tills di-ttiliii-tlon will consist of om if new Anaconda stock .mil about 3 In c.i-h for each shale of n Transfer VooKs fm fie , p ilmt on will close on Ju'y 31 r d cc-i r , g i,n AtlEUSt 30 sto ! !, - rt.ll , ,.i tie new stock at.d ,ii up n s.l rrikr of their ccttltl Pes 2ve UJorldte Field $ mm Safety First you cm not bo prop rly insured unless you aro solely hisured JlVERPOOL : London m Globe i tlnsuranci Co.mJ TtMt TRieo-Fiae tcstsd ! Nt MM lilt HI.MiltT.s. MIVV MlltK. EMPIRE TOURS M-YiV,K r.imoil niltnniolille route Ali .,i.i K, Iroillo, ami OnnuiiiiKl MnnKiet ami mini free I N ll.nn. ,., j, s'im . turKti, N V NKW KM. I.AM), THE 1 DEAL TOUR New EiiElanii'i. .SVenle Wonilrrlaml limits rooK and map on application. lln iU'wai'. ,, v.. or Hotel Kltoii, Watrrbuiv. Couu, SV.W .IKItsKV Atlantic illy. .SreJlr(ii nthf enncrttt eonitruetltn of Iht BUnhrim, TVium'M A. t.Hit'in i nrf. "It in the tuminn mniruet for nil trtat butidinat. It won't 4.11J, il won t brink, and rnti roul'ln't burn if it you rf-if." flnarlbotougbJSlenbeim, ATLANTIC CITY, IV. ,1. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD Caimcltt 1100 American and Kuropeuu Plans The great eiientitl ol a reiott hotel, at diitinguished from city hotel, it ample public (pace devoted to the uie of its sueiti, in the lorm ol bttght and airy txchanget, Lobbies, Parlori, Calleriei and Solariumt, affording pleating vtitai and beautiful pmmenadei.lhe whole combining into harmonious viiion of grandeur and beauty, while replete with the coiy group lecluiiom of home, and yet affording full view of the pleating panorama of the tetorl life. In thu euenhal the flartlritrnuglpBlrnhrlm ttandi without an equal in Atlantic City or eUewhete. Ill "Ownership Minajjement," while accounting for ill unique reputation, il a guaranty of the high character of iti patronage and the unexcelled quality of ill itrvice and cuiiine. It employi only white lervice in both iti American and a la caite dining roomi. It makes a specialty of its high-class music every evening throughout the year, with special Sunday night solo features. Roman!, the wofld's highest Tenor, of Venice, is engaged to sing at frequent intervals during July, August and September. Atlantic i:itr. with Its only real competitor IKumpe) this year imrossltile, la off ring unumilattrseilon'and entertainment. Two living bnits nrt dal'y s urees of interest. Twnuolf rounea. the Yacht Club, the fliin rlret nnd the wnnterful bithin beach attract their respective devices while tho lier amiisements, the ilmrdwalk. In fire motor ro'Hs snd tho splendid hle s and rrturant. atTnrd enjoyment to all. There Is only one AtMnrle City, and thla summer It Is particu larly attractive. Write for 1 1 1 11 st ii t .-.I booklet and rnles. IOSIAII WIIITti A SONS COMPANY Itffitfl'tfSi' ii'. - "jr- -- tijiji?M t ruT. Ji tjsz nrm l C M A L F O NTE"- ATLANTIC CITY lWAV5 OPIN TM.teizoa compahv ONTMCBCACM I LO.N.e Isl-ANInliattan I.e., b. H(pVJrir.Nri.K "Swept by Octan Brxf" Nw York's MmI Popular and Fathionable Retort brthSa Terapfnture twlJom ftrii from 70 rii;ret W ithlu tlit-citx hmiti, hulf hour ty train, one hour by auto. Ttnnl Courl Outdoor Rtiurafit turf Bthns 0p m Flthmg Crl ftsittMt Oriental Hotel .. iiim-h, I tiruppHii I'lan. IJanilrts evrv fvenlnc In tn Hs i II nm Dinner il..nci. in--. l.i). an. I I'nle uiuler ipronal 1J1 re i , f jfri. Hath Itun nl n Aula PnaH. I.h.-, 3l2fcffc- JOIieM e. cniAVCS.M.n.Lr tSKS-TS. NwVrsBo.liiOfllc.4S ataav. IriarMa la.t Ctfll Hse.tC. Tl. ttii nd S2SI M.4iM.n ltqu4r I After ,lun :t Te 100J t anry I.Unil. I.OMi s..ND New York. .ne iliii Allrarlter f'uiinfrT llntrl AitJ.nent lo f Torts f'ttr. Garden City iloteL GARDEN CITY. LONG ISLAND i)nr of "ii most ee, lr .mntry hotrla ti Ami kit c ,i i, uiull at lite aint initroti,i,it. n 'mu mturv vlitom foiiiiil t oncliH-lril i. ii . , n-rli-.n, I'Un I bn i' Ii aisu for the rem, -e uf niotm let A Handsome a la Carte Restaurant jo nil . sfinii I u,,uint i-i'lik'.-e e . I'ci,nii hlstio:. J J I.A'.MX il) . Iri)i- M:W MlllI, ralet.HI Aloiintiilni.. IK WnUrst ('(Hi llnirl In Mr fmetift New GRAND HOTEL ; (VIM. 111. .Villi I A INS, Vllltuile '..Mill fl. .Nun (ipi'ii, Mrnrr.i I neini Jlleil. I IS to etc .Trees cooler toan , . City Pcr fict ni.ltiy ronelltlutis. rulnm- nml servli-e hl -hcst tariJarii. I'utc pnnc water Superlo ir !.. I.eaMinalili price- Hall Itunm prrtect SSS.A'Sua SiS: f!"fYT iUIch l.olf, li'lltlts,, pool, Imwili.c tinirimi'icut" iiMvir t limit r k Mipnlor s.iiiic horses Apeclal rite fm I.inlllcn I r.iiiaicui.1 , M .1 llll anil up t.viti.lsiiN s IHIllNs, Proprleliir HU'hmoiitit I' o . N V Pilli- l.rnei' lliill-i. A' - 1 j ill ha 1: 1 1 k itlf- .V' K I n r I.eeil e'atro. ne. c lral., li W fe I.iiil. V V N KU ill! U Ciioirrto a. 0-TE-SA-C5A On Otsei;o Lake, Cooperstown, N. Y. ni'i.. 1 .m 11 ni 1 iin;i(. f,( ho .r-, o in' I ,1111 mw i urK t It v I, ell. I IIIIVII.M. IIIIIIKIM, I II.V.Ms ItVllllM. lll.MIM, ! j M; MlltK Aillromliii U .Mo'iiiloln.. I iit.i (ie'orse, N. Hotel book'et .mil I parti, u ief 'it 'un 1 IlforillH ' I ,li lture.iu j I'llNNst I.V ASIA. , Mi'tvrMN AMI i VWl; ItKMiltTS Ids 1 k.iw ei.i'.i lt.11 1 neie kiimtner liouie, ii lie p wi, pfin mil! .1 1. on l-'lee .it t ki" 'Iti e i n l , .- 1 ur p,.rk I' 1 'or .'in m e. 1 N'nv I I'D.VVs. I.V A.MA Unaware ver linp. lITTATINNl IV Wft lleliiiiiiri venter uip, Pa. yM N ipen t.uperliii in !' ,ip a iul ie ,n 1 r m l Sn'i ti .In v tei in W riH ,..',( e' in 1 nit map Mo,, ii, j.. ir IimI .uue term )t. s- L'iiel elAlt!t: H Will 1 1. Piiip J PKMns's I.VAM Mount Porono. I I MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE ! I Mount I no, IViimi, ( 1','ei'llg t" I I'lit-e IV l,i ippre III. , oi. ne.i riiv.i'e n.iiii iiee Open ,1 , l.l,r,,'uie i iriioeit V s A II .M I.IIKe'll I .MAA( llt'M;l T!.. HOTEL ASP1N WALL I i:m , M S, Three coif roursrs, sm, lie hoisr. tennis, itanrlnK, niiHnrlnir, ete. Ac niiiimoilatiK .vl. Open to tli toher ("oit.iers lu I nt, 1 11 e (or elii'iilar. v i Ilium. . AlMilillA.M.IDlC.N lid I I'.I.. l.aUe'.Sun.iln i'. N II VIAhSAt lU'SKTT-sii HOTEL EN DOME loiiiliiontteallli Ave, A' Dartmouth M, BOSTON, MASS. i MIMMKH JKKMMIT.S. siav Ji:itsi:v Atlantic cttr StCbarksPlfKandthBfXbM III l P KltO.VT AtCO.!.lilt)A I ION:-. AT IIA1.K PIlH i: lU-m.-,.., the .New (i.itden .mil .stevl l'ler the ,opular sertlon. Within klitht anii snutiet of olil ocean A hlcf, i-la-s modern lo,te'l. sa Ills vtio u, ontn.. All eelth untn rin,uiir,. I'rltate Imtlis. hot nml i-oM lunnliw Mir in rooms, Attrartlrr tieitrhrs eli.itoi rtp (ul-ince.nil vi.tMreine i e tn iiiiMtiiiiiie rnie jji)u. II J DV.VKS OSTEND Occupln- nn entire block of ocean front and nineiteil n It Ii the f ,iiuuu llo.u.lwa .ki In the popular Cheliea eitlon, i 0d, uiiueuaily larse, tool -ouniri. wiili tin i obstruited le or oir.n from all; eeer) , appoli.tmeiit ami contort. e.i ami fre.r I eeaur In all bath, ruimini; eeater In rooms 4.00U feet of por. he .urrouiut the hotel J the new illnlnrc ronrn overluoKs the iea t nneet eusne ami wlilte rri e, orcheura of o)li;.. ilaiiilnc twice il.ill), iiiclal (11 vereion. maenint'eut new I.eim l.ounus; pi lal J I" ."o up weekly; booklet ni.elleii auto metts train. nnnaKenient bv owner. JOHN t liost,:It, Mer Hotel TRAYMORE 1T1IK t.M)f5KT FIRKl'ROOK RE . iuiii iinir.i, i.-s inr; huki.ii A Holt Ordinal CriMiiun with the Loeal I ojjr of Aiiantu City nieric.iii5.itini.miin;riilKiirLr an NEW HOTEL MERION ,.", Vermont Ave. ami Ileaeli. Capuiiy 3110' ' Very mr,lr.H( rate for the comfort in. pnlntlnent anil table of Die larre.t holel up iHli). pei lal weeklj, Larre eool oceaii view roam, et Itookiet c I'rettyman. THE WILTSHIRE r0rw5 rnt.. I pr vi.l Capa ty 351) I'rlvi'a tntn. rum. ne water In room., elevetnr Hun Speela -Jl.,(i Un weeVIv". I. ?n ,10 t.ii.v -0 un lai.v open all itooin.V .s VMl'f.I, Kl.I.l.-. THE LORAINE CJ"- nc. .n I nr. bwnMinb beach. 1'rlvata freS and e water bath, running witer In corn, elevator uprlnr table HeJuce.l i rlv ion rate. Coach at train, a le WAtlNKIt. P.-opr V. It. LAVTON. Mfr HOTEL NEW ENGLAND .south Carolina uc nnit beach Prli ate bth tnnnltiir water lu ruoime. elevator tn ,ir..i i. . ni' rilniihc ponhes, Cupni'llv 310 .special ratci.' Uiaikltl I1IIVA.V 4 WILLIAMS t 1 1 re lllirii.i ,i.s .Moiierate lta-e Hotel ALBEMARLE , s'..uvt.,""r 11,a"n nbykmniikk jM, Klevator. prl eate bath, etc . ixenlent lable Juij rata lu up wk y , U up iliy llonklet J. P COPE. ,li:itsi:v A.biirs Park, Moilern lintel It Tile r-en.' HOTEL COLUMBIA AMI ( un Ai,l. J 0 f.OO 11 (iroxiMiH ntn tn. r 'aft maion, ! 1. kititnr s.itfr ir, routii lapaclty -I0U. ilfortte W T' '' W ll.nvv .Ic-nM, 1 .fici,iic .M.m itrr o nr und Manager THE EASTON I A moilern t'on enlence. ISO I'titirtli Ava. rele -t p in onautt Wlilte e- Ire. a!l E. bTOPKl.KT HI pi in lliilliliillii'H lillisli.iti'il rl Ashuis Park Willi' e h.imliei uf e iiniincu,. SlJ.M.llllSt , Aslllin P.irU. X J Sl-llil si- pnttiiKC' MIVV .IKItMlV spring Ijil.r lli.ih. i 1ih NEW essex o cussex hotelOCocottages M'lllM. l.VM: IIIIVI II, N. .1. Illrrill.i on tin- llii'.in. M1W llt'DN e" 'ii- el .mil il.itue ir hel .i en.r. lenolt, lllilll.; e. irileli e,r,,i 11... iiiii, to. it el water in batln iin-n N ) ejttl, i. Ae. I'huiie :li:.'. , Mum iv II 111 Il V II) II. I'l I Mlilt. Miiiiaerr. I'int MittHiie rur lent in i-onnee tioll eeitll In, tel. NKVV ,li:iS;v Point PleasHiit. Pie tun, pi, Point I'leiisiint. On ocean ami ti.te HoiitiiiR ti.ith ii ie ft!ilnir, no' r C ri.iin t.ei of Coiumeiie Pt. Pi.iaut N' J , Pept & I luxMiniixi, ! "UIXIIPsl'lH'HT," a tiinjern lie 1 ort . rlrepr iiif tuil'illnc levator, ren anil ' reeuperatli n Ailrlre DltAW Ult J. un ' N'orwalk I'onnectieut Ml( KM VMlOt'S, DELAWARE and HUDSON SlHUtt')"!, I)U -lil'lat HTIll I. fllP hilrn Nru trU nnd 1 mi I r ml OI.I !MkMIM(N lil S Id T nit pulnu auutli unit Wmt llv ry wk tUy 3 V M.. l'ior .Nurih Ulvr. XL yjOO Kruiiklln, . I L OCEAN Trip A VACATION ON THE WATER Cool, restful .ind refreshing. '95 New York tolf.ivannJrt. turn;6diysat!M 4 Jaion shore, including h.itc; ti pemes. $60 California F.npounone sH; trip. New York, I hunt New Orleans, by itnmtr going or reluni'n;. II rile Dtpt.C for "The Heal I jfj'j, WARD LINE New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co. (.moral Other, I'lrr II, l;. It., s THE BEST VACATION A 17-D,y Lruise to or from CALIFORNIA Through the Panama Canal Aboard Large American Trnna-Atlantic Lincra FINLAND -KROONLAN0 I'riilii Tier ill. N. II., m; vohk I rum SIN I IIIM 1st n AUG. 3 AUG. 24 SEPT.18 JULY 10 lilMdl A. M. JULY 31 i aim i Ati'l Krry I'lirrf Wrt-kt I hfM ff VIUSV 'HIN. tl7A Mini it I NT Kit M K I if Ti;, .n in. Iih lutlltiie inriih nrul horth llrl of tuMrti mill rrtttr. ASK . WtVT en Mill .n I Iis I uis I 1(111 II ll-NI It IHU M U 1 PANAMA PACIFIC LINE WtiXi American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag Y. Liverpool, P-er 62. N. R Non lulr I ' St, I'n u I tuti t: White Star Line N. Y. Liverpool, Pier 63, N.R., Noas Italrl- .inle It l etnrlr .Itilt 51 'I'nliln nnrl Tlilnl ( ls I'n' t c or' Azorea Gibraltar Naplei Geno frrtlr .tnlt '.l. Ill A. It, 'n,iplr .gel Oi'ICl..U ll'tt.Vl. .N. 1. 1,'l.tHlllll l!-m CUNARD Established IS40 EUROPE via L1VERP00. OrfJuna Thurs.July 22, 10 AV Saxonia . Sat.. July 31. 10 AN Cameronia . Fri.. Aug. 6. 5 P Orduna . . Sat.. AuS. 21. 10 AM Tuscania . Fri.. Aug. 27. 5 PY Saxonia . . Sat., Sept. 4, 10 AV "Camctonia . Fri.. Sent. 10, 5 PV I Orduna . . Sat.. Sept. IS, 10 A V I "I II.I.S I I.I.ASI.OM . . ROUND THC WORLD TOU' Ihrousli bunklnc to all prlneipai I'n of tin- Muriel, j COM PAN Y'S IITFICIi - I -'J I sl.ire Nt V Eastern Steamship Lines .ll-l.'ie.'it.i..n aier BOSTON .Metropolitan I Is Sir . .in. In m 1 is .1 in 1. 1 11 nn 1 I V ! '. ' 11 '"nt Mur , s oay o I M Due Hi,t,,u ai, , . , . 'VS. "'r.ire rt-titrnlnir . fau titles fir expi-ellilmis nam'. ' t niotilin, llursea ana Iri'icnt U- -.-ere Ice Portland Maine .steamship line Mfatn' ps MMtlll I V.Mr ami .Miltlll svi. I'lrr 111. N It. Tuih i - atl'., i I' M no toi, . in n tl TUis anil Infnriiintlon nt pie ,, Tourist ntut V V Trsnslr t FRENCH LINE I fjiiipacnlr Cenerale I ranalanlliii I' v 11 1:, Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE July 10, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU. . ..July 17, 3 P. M NIAGARA July 21, 3 P. M CHICAGO July 31, 3 P. M lOlt l.N KHIMATION , I 1 -V COMPANY'S OFFICE ,'V, Mare l . V hunr! n A Grand Vacation Cruise No Heat, No Hay Few MEEimmMk ILZlViitine rorciftn Americ.ia MlLa l.iirepe.n cnn.e V fltinc HAI.U I s the I m l of I: anie'irr ti,l .- 7' Ji II Am '', ..ory or, v .1 the Red Cross Line tss t mrit teiun.tiT. FrKI'MANii s 111 f Itr.l w h reery i'i,nviiiiri..e uinl h', ' or trip m.-lud e, rv rrntlnl i 11,1 in ,..rl St'len I'll 'Ul-lle ' ,shii t, , ur In, lit l .i Hie entire Ir . IS lllij.trnlnl iKukltt M, HfUVKING Sl COMPANV. ITIUtt-v '" lei I'lilirnrni.i livpnsliiiiiii. - Hue i ii., l ,n i 'i, , '.in , . In k .' t nlii il I rillt I i,niian.v. Pl.ue V ni til s v i i irir ... I'.i, ... .. ell -hi I'l " IM I VN Ml;Vtslllll ll . I'.' 11,1 Vtl I'll,.. I,.,. Srll..,i I , C0 I' ',', e f" . Hi lii til. I'M ' ii II llOllk.r.,,L 1 li i AK.v in iiip si x C'anailH . . Line I til 1 oiristi 'Mil Its TVO-KXPOSlTIONfc IMn.iMi.t i an.iill.iti li 1 I tmir draml I ui l.i'il 11111 l r 118 Hmnrlt aI Tourt On' ,i Mftf lh, $4.iS mid up s-plrr Houtfi l.iiiniinu ffftin p" ' Hies , ol H. Hotrlt, buie I ript by Automat ' Other T our I at Potmar ti $nt (or Hooislrt RAYMOND & WHITCOMU CO 225 Kiltb AfCBUe, New l oil CAI.irOHMV AV r lihtclBK eliolce of ron - UN I"H UAililUlti. i:0 bruaan mm