Many Sporting Events Consigned to Watery Graves Hagen and McDonald Tied in Metropolitan Open
Light Weight nm. Muddy Go
ing Knvor Mnre, Yd Slio
Loses to Hnybcrry Cnndlc.
Flying Fairy, the pride of the. Cnsiatt
Stable lust year, qualifl'd for a place)
with Strlngbo.ird nt thn Chesterbrook
Farm when she was beaten yesterday
by Hayberry Candl" In tho Wllteti
Handicap, which was the feature, of a
rather poor ilay'a sport nt Aqueduct.
Under the light lmpot of 100 poumU It
looked a though Hnndircipper Vosburgh
had done his level best to glvo the. Fairy
chance. The daughter of Aeronaut
wan In receipt of ten pounds from Hay
berry Candle and fourteen from Sam
Jackson, and as sho had raced well In
the mud In her jnlmy days sho was
plnyed down from tho opening quotation
o that at post tlino Hayberry Candle
waa only a alight favorite.
Klylng Fairy Meped out In front
Under the guidance of Johnny McT.-ig-tart
and threw mud In the face of Hay
berry Candle all the way down the hack
stretch. She waa going eaully anil on
turning into the stretch with a lead
of a length and n half It looked as
though she would atone, for many dis
appointment this season. It was only
for a few moments that she flattered her
admirers, for ns soon as Butwll c.illel
on Ha berry Cnndl she e-llppo.1 by l'ly
Injr Fairy and galloped to tho flnlflh an
easy winner by three, length'. Sam Jack
on waa having his first outing In thn
East and was In no condition to run.
He waa fifteen length, behind Flying
John Sanford scored his first victory
on the American turf this season when
Islrose cantered home eight lengths In
front of a field of me-1 loom xprlnlers In
the first race. The heavy going nnd tho
light weight which Islrose carried caused
wholesale scratching, which reduced the
original entry of twenty-one to nine
tarters. The Sanfoid caudlJatn was
backed down from k to R to 6 to S, and
never gave, her supporters nu uneasy
feeling, !li breezed to the front In the
first furlong and Ixmder had her well In
hand ns she passed the Judges, with
R. T. Wilson's Plantagenct so far be
hind that he looked to be the leader in
another race.
Turner landed James Hutler's Miss
Tuizle a winner In tho second rare "by
so small a margin that many of the
pectatora near tho Judges' stand were
of the opinion that Success was entitled
to first money. McCihey kept Success
in front until the very last stride, when
Turner" hustling ride resulted In Miss
Puzzle getting her nose in front
Considering the changed conditions
due to the rain and heavy tr.x:k. the
talent was fairly successful. Threo
favorites won and all the other winners
were played heavily. The summaries:
For Ihreeyear-olds and upward: selllns:
hy subsrrvMloii ot IS. with V added- six
Horse and M. l Jockey.
IViit. Kin
ii-1 l-J l
v-t 5-2
i'.-l 1 i,
l-l 7-5 I
Islrose. 8
S.i,.l.01KKr. .
Plintacenet. 3
Kong of Valley, 4..WJ. Matthens.
sn vein. 4, . .
Mr Spec?, ajed
Brian Horn. 3.
Chtsterton, ;,,
Slnal. 3
IH.. Turner
107 .Xli-klau.
l'i-t (-1 3
a;...t.M'Tiisart -l :u
10.. ututnn .. r..?fven7
... JV Mmk U I CI
110 TM'T;irt l:. 1 S-l 3
Northllzht. i.
rime i-u j 1
flood lan, oon ra?il.T liro-e. h m , hv
Indor Ito-k Ito.e; owned by John i-anlnrd;
traiiinl by H Iliurhes.
For two-year-old. wluh hare not won
ll.eoo or Ihtee ran. of anr value; br ub
rrlptlon of wlih tioo sddr-1; live furlnnzj.
Horteandase VVi Jim key Prices. Fin.
Mm Purile. .,. 111. Turner .. (.-: 7 lo 1"
-Buec-se. : 11: .Mitaiiey , . 7 .. :v:"
Pidiiy's Choicj. lc.'... llvrne . M 3-1 3
Coftumtr. 7 , 10... MrKeevrr . 7-: t-s I
Murphy. : 11: T.M'Tajr'rt y: lii
Coupled a. Qmncy Siiible enlry
Time.-l ;fl 3 ".
(end start : .on iirivinr Mi. Purrle. h. f.,
by Illeule Ituhv Neherole. nwned by
James Ilullrr: lr.uid by It. C Ilrnnn
For lour-jrsr-olda and upward: llirii: by
subscription .nf tin, ith l',M ad led; one mile
and a lurlnn;:
Horse and ate.
"I .lm key Pru-rii Fin
. Pr.. Minimi . 13..-, ).,-, i
111. Falrbrnihrr -i 3.:.:",
..lei MiCahey . 1J.;even3'
( .Mink .... 7-1 M 4
.I0J.. Turner. ... 10.1 1.1 5
Msrelinn. I,, ,,
I-azull. r.
Amalfi. a:el
remllr. I
urn nn. 4
1 imp 1 1 ..
l?ood start : won eally Mnrshon, b 5 . br
Marathon Edna Shannon, owned hy Emll
Hen; trained by J. Mct'nrmack.
The Willetl; fnr thrre-.irar.olil. and up.
ard: handii-ap: bv snlnr-ninlnii nf f0, with
tni added: on. mile anil a sixtrenih
Horse and sue, Vft, Jo'-kej- Pricri. Fin
Rayberrr Camllcl lin..lliiiwei .r, nut i'
riylnr Fairy, t n. ,.1 Mi-T.ic t' 11-10 nut .'
Sam Jackson, ascdllt .McDermolt 31-1 3-1 3
Time 1 so
Oond start : won easily. IHyberry Candle,
eh, f by Ctiuard Tnwrr of Onilles: owned
y J. O. (ireen.r: IralnM by C Ilouer.
For three-yrar-oliL; ellini; by siibsn-ip.
tlon of $5, wilh I'i added; nne mile-
Horae and :e. Wt Joi-krv. I'rli-es Fin
All smiles. 3,, .. iio,,iiuieii
riaraloz'i. 3 HI. .Turner
10 li
I 5 7v
I.ady Teresa. 3... inf.. . Mi Krew-r 1
Orumpy, 3 !r',,miktiti
Doublet, 3 1l3...cCahey
K-l 31 I
i i ;-i t
rime-1 -l.i.
finml tart; won handily All Smiles, br
4". by Fair Play -Simper; owned bir Hobert
Kelly; trained liy A .1 linM.nnrourh.
Foe tun year-olds; eellln.-. bv snbsmpllnn
of lo. with ll"i added; six furlnnz:
Hor and ase VVI .Im-key I'rlres Fin.
Pun fjn.1. 7 II.'. levies 31 even IS
Bdilh tlaumann. io; ,1'airhinther S-l 3-1
Tnboln, : . llu. Ilimim. .- 7 10 -'
1aleswinthe, J s;.,txiuler .. I- 7-."i I
Lynn, ' . 107..IUuover ifi-r, fi..'. r,
Puny Willow, : 10- Mi-Keeier . . 1 7-1 6
Time-1 l'i ; .-,
Good Hail; won ilnvins Mm Hod, by
Aeronaut Sunrii-ej owned by Capt K. 11
Cataatt; trained by J s llealy
John K. Madden sold the 1w n-year-nld
print to the Mlzp.ili Hlable yesterday and
he will run In the new- rnlnra tn-iluv.
Hprlnt Is by Hoik Sand Sprite and iu
evearvl victories r lmr credit
For the set nnd lime within h week llmll
Hera waa forced to protect .Marshon after
be won the third rn.e He wa. bid up
UOO over the entered price by I'. I,.
That Hoainer'a recent races have not
dulled hi. speed wa. shown when the sou
nf Knight llrrant worked yesterday innrn
Ing. He stepped s mile In 13 .13 nnd
then unladed nut a mile and an ilghtli
easily In 1:::.
.(Mm hiiifniil was wurrli-d ft- er Hie train
w ret !r In Ohio In wiil.h several rare horses
were reported hist, lie believed that one
ef the horse, rm the train was the mare
Wlnnlne Wllrh. for nbbli lie bud Just
paid M.00O Hhe na being xhlpppd In the
farm ut Anisterdiiui
When the stnrm briike before the List
rata there wa. a rush mi the pari of hunch
plaiern to gel aboard nf lialcsw Injhe. The
true punrli tame later when Die clnmli
broke and Hie sun lame oul aci mnpunleil
by a brllllanl rainbow. That nas a slt-ti
pointing In ('apt Caaaatt'a Sun Hold,
which won after a noi ride by Davles
The IiIohIiik up of the I in linn cruiser
Amain caused a lid nf dyed In ibe m,i
supporters nf the Inns., nf Mint name in
let lilin seveirly slniie I nder nuliiuri
rlri'unistancra Amain wmild stot faviuite
In stub a Held as ilia' fur ilie thin ril, e
Aa It nas hi- was Uil -d iImiIo ainl tv b-.t
he iniilil do was In fllii-h tlili-l In M..
and Ixi-ull
llite In nm nil e 1 ii-niri
day lie wa In the . i , I . I r nm, mi e and
breught hnlh ll.iv tin r Caudle and All
bmllfs home In frmil.
Pitchers Will Be in Better Shape to Stave Off Attack of
Reds To-day After Additional Day of Rest
"Any One's'Race," Says Giant Leader. -
On nccount of the heavy rain tf yes
terday morning nnd early afternoon
Greater New Vork had to do without
baseball. The Polo (iiounds postpone
ment will be plnyed off this afternoon as
part of a double header between the
Giants and Ited. C. II. I-Ihhcts had not
decided last night Just when ho would
double with Chicago. Ono g.-ime only
will bo played nt Khbets Field this after
noon, l'erhnps a bargain day may bo
offered (lowanus random to-morrow.
Mcllraw did not appear to bo dis
pleased greatly with yesterday' layoff,
a. It gave his somewhat wearied pitcher,
........... . ru uiiiii-K. V lllllllll.lll
.Zentiv - ih',, KVl ""SV0";
I'eigue club; the Li wir m2
Cjrnw I, confident that his greatest wor-
ries of tho long home stay are likely to
come irom tno tnree other Western rep
resentatives. Seldom do the Giants
have great dllliculty In cleaning up on
Herzog's outfit at the Polo Grounds.
'.My pitchers are In better shape right
yne,.er,.ay aVerroon'JIaUy. U"
Marriuaul and IVrrltt hale coinn roun.I ",xI"'r""''1 M worth the expense.
nicely nt last Wit Schmm n ! '
SchaUVor re'erve'dul'y 13 M ,.,. 77eterRn lloh.P of
pretty fair condition to ivIthMand the ,,,;! tJr i tl that he win b-
. . .
Th:yra,!.ou,;l',rr, hni c"'rr nou zrM
?n ,r, TA. , i',?.l0 J'"' "W ,nat.a'week. Coombs consulted Sparrow Hob-l
-spurt of n couple of wefks means the ... .Mlin.. ,., ,lL, i.alner of.
difference between a n.l n h,..
division berth.
"Dooln, I think, will help ut. He I.
not through by n long way. Neither Is
Chief Meyers. The Indian has conn ,
stnlo through overwork. A lefplte is
, iikc.y 10 .10 wouiifi.. tor him. The enp-
pies on my club kept the team
down at
, wis si.ui 01 ine season. These men
have recovered only lately and the con
, sequent Improtrment Is beginning to
show. 1 nm not a bit worried over the
outlook. I think that Hoston and Now
York will glvo the laugh yet to some of
theso clubs that have been setting the
"Hoton still carries my wholesome
respect. That club should not bo down
where It Is. The team has been In a
general slump. The best hitters hnve '
not delivered, That Is h nn'wei. Hut'
I sooner or Inter the Uravex will bit their '
proper stride nnd then they will climb. I
Stalling., has n eood nlirhlnt? 'air. hm
of late none of tho pitchers hae been
favored with tlm ordinary amount of
runs. Hvers bnrk In the. game will
tnak a big difference. The outfield so
' llllu V.enn Utfillliina. . ... 1. 1.
t nr nin?i lUlt
'Western cluba will eMierlenie tniirh
I more spirited opposition 011 this visit !
to the Kat thnn they did on the first .
vw-s ern trip, rhiladelphia has played
.consistent ball nil tlm i.,,- tien,.Li....
Ib on tho crest of a spurt IJnMuii ninl
the Giants are both overdue, for none
I thing like a consistent winning streak.
! "It Is still nny onc'K race," Is tho
' way McGraw puts It, "The Giants lost
seven of their first nine games, Since
then they have won as consistently a.
the Phillies.
"That we have been unable to make
up any ground the last six weeks."
McGraw opines, "has been due more lo
Injuries of players than to any ileterlnra-
tlon of the club."
Two former Giant idols are In town
Ill comamnil nf hostile i-lubs I'hailln .
llerzog at the head of the Iteds n nil ,
linger Hresiiahan In .barge of the Cubs. '
Itresiiahairs team lead, the field by j
three full games. Herzog's fnlloneis are
In sixth plate, seven and oue-hair game,
behind the leaders and only iiiic full
game ahead of the Giant-. Yet Hresna
I ban's pennant opltmlsm has nothing on
that of llerzog.
"I shall be greatly disappointed," said
I'lrsl Rare Mslnrhlle, Sprint,
Ldnn Krnnn.
brronil Itiirr Minstrel, Walrr Mly.
Ihlrd Hare star tilft. Harry
Shaw, lllne Thistle.
Inn rlh Itarr Pebbles, Addle ."I..
Ilfth Itnce Ktrlyn ('., Coin,
Mvth nnre I'olarliM, Quiirtr.
- ' J
rirst Hare- For two year old filllra and
cldnu; live furlnnas
Sprint Hi Matai Idle Ill
Edna Henna Ill Kxirl-mr 101
Second Ita-e- For lhree-far-n!d. and up-
1.-iru; eeiiiu. j me iiinonzs;
Water l.llv
11., Ani oil
101 j
Toil ,
Nnrlherner .
Maik II Eubank
Cn.ln JimniU-
113 1'oy
HHIIallf ry ...
Ill Patrick S ...
HOIIVaeellll ....
lloMinsirel ....
l.iOLN'our.ilihii ..
I'M Hiker
Thlid lla.e For tbne
warn; sening-; one mile:
Harry Shaw .. . m star (lilt
Hlue Thistle H3l.Mi.le.
Fourth It ace For three.y cat -olds and
ward: handicap; nn mile;
Hui-kliorn i:;,Aildl(i M
Pebble. llV'Mollll.siir
liainer .... . ill Trial by Jury
Filth I'.ace Fnr 1hrre-y earmolds and
3rd; maidens; sellim.-; one mile;
Va.l no Evely u (;
Sam Slick 107 Haherdash
iT-imary io; l.adv lluiierllv ....
Coin 107 Mis. .McfilKBle
Ilammon 107, Venture
0V -
loii ,
up. -
Suth Race For Ihreeyearolda
warn; loninuons; live lurimus.
True as Steel
117 guar!. . ..
llJIFrnsiy Faio.
1 . nt l l in
110 Two lloyals
Uo.P.roslan . .
C.v Merrick
Devil Full
. to-,
. 1H3
Novel Pursuit Contest ArrilliKi'd
for Velodrome Tii-iniirriMV,
All lliterclub pursuit nice, In which
four of the Kast's leading cycling oigun
Izatlons will ineel. has becu ,,,1,1,-1 lo the
tirfiL-raniimi fnr Ibi, situ., .nub,.. i.l II. n.
,, ,
odromo to-monow night. There will hi
two Ift-ats, tlm winning team, lo race off
for llisl prize. In the llrst trial the
Sliiliv. Wheelmen will meet the team of
j the Ceiitmy It. C of Amcilca. The see
, nnd trial bilngs togrther Hie C.-nturv It.
'., e ,.. .. ... , . . .. .
i . iii .-vi-w .leiee.v anil ine i inline rlpott
lllg ItHlianii A. C.
A rnce (hat will attract much Inleiest
Is the three conieied paced inalch at
thirty mllea amnng Carman, Dlilbr and
Western l.eimue.
Wlt-hlta, i SI. Jnsepb, 4.
I.lnrnln, v. Slum- rity, ,t inrst aamel
I libicnln, 3 slinix 1'1'y, 3 ise, nml cam,.),
Omaha, t Denver, 0 oils! camel.
I Denier, .'i . omiib'l I laeinnd mm.).
I De. Mnlne.. -(ipe,n 3.
New Finland la-ngiir.
All names pn.tpnui-d, rain
llaseball, Polo dr'.ls, Iii-iIh) 3 gins tt
cm, 1,15 I", M, UUnu va, Cliiclnnall, Adt,
McGraW I.. Of tllO .mlnlr.,, flii.t tl.ifl... tli,. fnei- i.i-..iimll.M .-nill.l
llerzog, "If I do not go home In the
llrsl division. The boys are hushing
and full of confidence. Kver since they
stopped the Cubs twice In one day they
have realized the possibilities of hustling
in a rare so close as that In thn Na
tional League, The team has been able
to keep within striking distance of the
lenders so fnr. The club Is young and
speedy. It Is reasonable to expec that
it will Imprint- with the season.
"The men are Just getting accustomed
to one another In team play. They wero
held back by the many Interruptions
early In the campaign. Cincinnati Is an
well provided In battery talent as any
of tho other clubs. There Is no reason
I I. ,..,. .!,, I. f ,, .
Jail; Murray will fortify the Cub outfield
,,K,,ln!,t "''l lnJ"r'- ""lee,, "",
M')J'U! rJ-v w-nSri?,1 1
dissatisfied In New York." said linger.
"Ho lost heart when the fans began to
rldo him. He Is in much the same post-
Hon as was D ck Hoblltzell In Clncln-
. , .,. . .. .. , .......
iiiiii. itiiii. Mir i-uiiiiKti in n i,i h niu-ii
--- -
1 ' 1 "' ". """,cr
. i .1.1- ....i-.- e
ainieu. equipped nun wnn a
uium.iK ...utii i-iiiiiiii
ports the strained W muscle. Hobert-
kii declares Ihnt this bandage will
' . recurrence oi ine sir.un nisi
1 , , "' " . 7. imTi.. . i-i. .1 7-
... .,, ....... u.p. h.ii. ......
1 , n
ilnja ncn.
"I feel so well now," said Coombs last
nlglil. "lint I believe I could pitch Sat -
unlay If It should be necessary."
Uilbert Itolilnson said he would not take
nnv unnecessary risks with Iron man
.lack. "Pitching Is one of the least of
my worries Just now-," declared Hobble.
"I have so many cood ones running true
l foim that Coomb will not be asked
lo take any unnecessary risk.. A week's
M-si will d. him no harm. He surely Is
entitled to the vacation."
l'dleral League officials of the New
ark club declared j e.terday that theia
was no truth In the report tha Harry
Sinclair was ready lo thiow up the
spongo In regard to his venture at liar
lisor. oval. It was asserted nosltUelv
lluie to Hie end t f the season Irresrjec
tive of tho disappointing patronage,
It was rumored yesteiday that a Fed-
eral meeting was held in Newark, but
this could not In. verified.
CerMlnly it Wi.r.i .na n. .i ve
did James A. Gllmore, who went toi
. .
( hicago last Monday, If there was a
meeting It was simply a conference of
the stockholders of the club.
Manager JoNi .1. McGraw of the
Giants di.osed of Curlier Smith to the!
liochester club of the International
league yesterday. SmUf-i wa. obtained
from Savannah last fall. He made a
very favorable showing In Marlin, but
early in the championship season be
came III. He recovered hi. good health.
but the setback proved dlsastious to his
chain e.. of earning a regular osltlon
with the Giants.
New York, it I. understood, will re.
eorvc the right to recall on thl. sterling
youngster McGraw believes regular
work should nruve beneficial to Smith.
Smith was the victim of the roster limit.
When McGraw signed Charlie Dooln he
found lie was one man over the stipu
lated twenty-one.
niilli Atlantic iMMtue.
Auciism, 7; .ivann4h, ft.
i'iiIiiiiiIiI.i, j. Charleston, 1.
Mm-iiii, :. Albany, 3.
Jacksonville, 3; Columbus, J
Jsi-ksnnvllle. 1; Cnlumbua 1 (It Innings,
ll.irkliiss, seinnd camel,
V Irglnla la-ague.
No games siheduleit
raritla- t'oa.l league.
Venlie. I. Salt Lake. I.
S.-ili Fran. Ism, i,. Oakland. 3.
Io .ViiKeles.l'nrllainl. rain.
( oliinlnl Lrarue.
All games postponed, rain.
TeH. League.
Slirev eirt, 3, Dallas, 3.
Fnrt Worth. 4; Waco. 1.
Sin Alltonln, .. , linn. inn. 3.
lialvesinn, ; lleaumnnt, 1,
Niirlh Carolina la-ague,
(Ireeiislinrii. I. I! ilelxh, 3.
A.I uiher games postponed, rain.
Tin- (Hani. ha"e made a wonderful rec
ord nf elilltmlls tbelr la. I elalil mne.
!; I wonderful In Mie number nf times the on.
pining teams did the shutoutlng, Tbe
Giants went scoreless In tive of the eKht
up- once against the Hraves, twice against
I Hie Dddai-re, twice ngalnst the Phillies.
Whillier or nut 13 is bad luck, the
"M Hraves hive been anything hut vastly-lip-
, liu-kv In bising thirteen games by a mar-
I Kin nf nno run.
In- I, For nv team lo make more than two
j tilts, nff Ali vander Is it moral victory.
i rne item Mini the lied Sox have re.
I leased Pitcher Mcfabe and Catrher Hits.
ecu in me i.iiin dull no mnre news
than that the lied Snv bad those men.
According to a Cincinnati report, the
ll.ui t have asked waivers on Catcher
.Smith, which means that Dooln likely
will have a good deal to do.
Fielder .lone, nnd Heinle Zimmerman
nrc tun I e in tie r ii in e.t I n I h.i.u.. ... i.
believe, h.lV.i lllt baseball fnr good' for
a rew day.
.lust ii Utile bit inure nf something by
Hiy Caldwell, application, concentration or
physical slrriigtli he bus all tha inrve
reipilred and tliireM be another Alei
nnder In the Held He mlicht net there
aouie day, at that.
odd reionl, Al Heiiiaree's. lie shut out
Hm Ulania on April Hi uud kkuIii on July
7 lletwcin tlnse victories he waa uulla
eui ii-n.fiil draw Int- .urinous.
Ilddle Foster was a shortstop when ha
started mil. und ilrllf made a iliie third
.Znt": oeSl. andVhe
nu i... .n., .. i... .. ""1" '. rs
- in., ii,,,, in ninei Sllirt
Iiii'II Cnlllna limklng like a IlltcllllIC
Jen Overall, the former 'u,, put en a
iiulfiiiui i be iitlmr day In Halt l.aka and
Pitched in hatting practice, Overall, a
despatch says, bus been working a a a
btevvery ilesinan." .Selling brewerlea may
re,iilre v.,,rl bui If It I. what they tn.k.
that .left s si-iiluK we never knew a sales
man was neeiled
The si heme In the American League nf
having tlm umpire toss another ball Into
I la) when one Is hit foul la of no nta-
iciiai nenetii it doesn't save any time
because the llrsl ball la thrown buck and
all hands wall for the umpire lo pick It
up und poi lift It before going on with
the gnnie
Vlnron s Quaker mob doesn't do wall In
Philadelphia against the Olanla, fnr In
four clashes nut ,,r oer-ii In that suburb
ihc (Hants have unn and aent the parti-
sans Ininic tearing hair nnd gna.hlng trelh,
. 'Ibrie are many unite irllli. nf Connie
1 Mark and John VMlraw than thars ara
,1'onnle Maiks and John Slcrsrawa, ' TII.IIAV, KlinKTH FIELD.
Urooklyu v, Chicago, 3;30 P. U.AiV,
Scoring Better Thnn Weather
In First Day's Open Golf
on Fox Hills Links.
All kinds of weather and all kinds of
scores marked the first two rounds of the
Metropolitan open chnmplnnshlp, played I
yesterday over the course of tho Fojc
Hills Golf Club. The weather was bad .
most of the time, with occaslonnl streaks
of goodness, and strangely enough It
was Just the other way with the wore.
The general average of scoring was ex
cellent, and the two golfers who led thn
field at the end of the day, Walter
Hagen nnd Hubert G. McDonald, were
tied at 145 strokes for the thirty-six
holes of play, a total that would have'
been considered good on a fair day. but,
Wa" v'n ,"," n "uc" ft I
""day proved to be. I
I And Hagen nnd McDonald wero not
'the only ones to do well. Itlght on their
j hteU t 146 another pair of
. , , ..... .
1 nrofess onals. .ImpIc Mrnerninll. nhii
fT '" T IT'T '"T"
.he hns regnlned his former gulling skill.
wl111 Maefarlane. a young Scotch
Wr lonl nt Hnltlmore. who tin -
".h"1 '? h. monfy '." .he - ropolltan
. - -
viifT-ii iii insi r.i r mi nrnrxiiaip. i nrii
"l"lr ot
were two more at M7, Gil Mcliolls,
- nf ih. M.ironii.n.. il.l. i nut
. " - --.-...-r -
i and Tom Hoyd. the young Ilritlsh golfer
w, catI)e ov,r )(Ht w,rr ,i rlmv
employed hi kox mils.
All told there were an even dozen
with scores lower than Un. and among
them were Jim Harnes, Tom McNamara
tiiti. uru Kn fiHiKr i. e,i iiuini- iiirt- rru-
' r. ' 7 "" . .
T 1 ' ",r
which they play are not far from the
, Alex Smllh. with a 75 for each round,
Is among tho three golfers tied at l.Vi. so
he too is still In a position to regain
ine title wnicn he ha.l held so many-
times In the past. His brother, Mncdon-
aid Smith, the present tltlehol.ler, practi
cally put himself out of tho running by-
taking an SO In the morning, but In the '
afternoon he showed some of his old
time form ami made a
Though some of the golfers who fin-
shed well up , dodged the rain for at least
1 .1, . . . , . , , , ,,
half of the day, the two leadeis, Hagen
nnu .MCDonuld, Played through every
storm that visited Fox Hills yesterday.
' Th"' wre among tho lute starters, and
I before they were half way around In th
morning tlie rali Pecan to descend In tor
rents. At that time many of the others nn!p!y . ,
had finished and were beneath sheller in .'"aHm. P' nMi'.1.1' PMer r.-an
the clubhouse, so Hagen nnd McDon-
aid cannot be said to have been blessed
with good luck. In the afternoon they
wero nut again when It was raining
' """lest, so every bit of their leadership
earncu 111 uio luuesi sense in tn
- v. 1J ii.
The morning round brought glory lo
McDermotl and NIcholK each of vvsioui
made a Tl and led the field at that
point. Iloth wero lucky m (In. slung
before the rain began, and they split
tho 110 prize for the lnwev score made
for the fired round.
McDonald was ,n
third place with a 72. and Hagen w :h '
a 'o was not far away, although there
were several who were better.
The prize money for the lowest nfler- I
noon round went to Hagen. who made '
a tine 70. and with McDonald the for-
mer national open champion shared the ,
financial reward that went with tho
lowest score fnr the first half of the ,
championship test. As Hagen's two'
eighteen hole totals nttest, lie wa. not
especially steady, but vaa able In play
brilliant golf when brilliant golf wa.
Tieeded. On both round, he wi-nt out
In rather Indifferent fashion, and playi-d
his real golf coming In. His ?. In Hi"
morning consisted of a 3!) and a
apd In the nfternoon he did not appear ,
especially dangerous nt the turn as It ,
took him 3" to reach that point. A
dazzling succession of 3. on the way In
brought him home In ."13, however, and
put to hla credit the beat round of thn
tourney. Missing pults on three nf the
first four holes wns what spoiled his i
morning score, hut for the rest of the
way he played well and his 7.1 w-i. I
fully deserved. Ho finished 3, 3, 4 In ,
the midst of the downpour.
In thn afternoon hi. only bad hole
vna tho fourth, where he sliced hi.
second shot Into trouble nnd look n !.
Jle also dropped n stroke by
three putts on the tenth green, but he
mado up for the error before the round
was over by holing long putts on the
fourteenth, sixteenth nnd eighteenth
greens. He finished the round thus,
3. .1, I, 4. 3 which was Just about a
eood as It could be. Hagen's card:
. 5 4 4 5 3 5 4 4 S 3
. 4 e 3 I r, 4 3 3 4- 3i 7S
. 4 4 3 C 3 . 4 .', .1- 37
,.(3313334 333 70 14S
McDonald played pretty steadily all
day, was seldom In trouble nnd had
nothing especially brilliant to report. He
made a & on each of tho llrst two hobs
when he started on each round, but fnr
the remainder of tho day kept close to
par He made one 2, getting down a
putt afler a good tie shot on thn fifth
In Ms second round, but immediately
relapsed Into his most efficient scheme
of playing each hole in par. McDon
ald's card :
Oul. .
. .I S 3 4 .1 4 4 4 3- -3s
,. i i 3 & 4 4 3 4 4 -37 7J
. I u : S I I 437
.. 4 i 3 4 I 4 3 4 43673145
one was pleased to sen Mc
Play such good golf, and ho
might have done better but for the
rain In tho afternoon, which seemed to
bother him, as he missed several putt
on tho wet greens which he should have
made. At the fifth he lost his ball Hi ' per for tho t-mmil. P. 'lower, an
a ninrshy spot and had to play nnolhcr, J pounces Hi" following allowances ;
losing a stroke In that way. Macfai-- First dlvlslnu Anita and Amoret.
lane, who tied with McDermotl, played I ''laii h; Punilac, 2 per cent.; okec. 3 per
steadily und ronslateutly, getting a 73
for each lounil, lie was Hi only one
bunker all day, but llko McDcnnotit lie
missed several easy putts on tho rain
Hoaked greeim In the nflcnuxui,
The Mctropulilau Coif Association
tournament comiulttre mado a special
ruling permitting all compxtltors lo
continue play to-day icgardlesa of their
scores, so that all of tho seventy. ilvn
golfers who iviiupleted the two lounds
yeslerdrty will play again loilay. Tlm
scores !
Walter C. Hatch, Koclieater
ItotH-rt i McDonald, liulialo ,,
.1. J. McDermull. Atlantic City..
Wllllum Mnefarlaiie, Halt l more..
Tom Uoyd. Fox Hills
till Nlcholla, Wilmington
George Sargrnl, Chevy Chase....
laaao Mackle, Oakridge
Tom McNamara, lloaion
C, li. Molhrraele. Malba
75 7n 145
73 ;.l li;,
71 7fc llli
7.1 73 H:
73 71 147
H 711 147
75 73 111
74 74 141
7n 7: Ms
7fi 74 141
75 74 III
73 76 14'J
77 73 ISlf
75 7.1 CO
73 77 l!.n
7'i 7 l.d
7'. 73 l.',3
7 ?r
7S 77 IM
71 7. I SI
0 75 IK
70 7 IM
7 77 IM
7S 7. I.VI
74 ; l.'.r,
71 77 IM
il It lit
Joe .Mllehell, Hidgrwoml
Aim Smith. Wykagyl
Wilfrid Held. Searicw
Fred Mcla-o.1, Columhia
C, H Hoffner, Woodbury
Loula Tellier. Canoe Ilrook
Tom Anderann, Mnntdair
H Hatlell, Fluehlns-
Maeilnnald f4milh, Wykacyl ,
rjenrge Maclean, Huuwoiidie
Heorge Dernbaeh. Sharon
M .1 Mrady, Wollaaion
F. iM, Barnea. Kntlewnnd
M. R. Maiton. Maltuirni
Qcort Low, Dgltuarol
:30 Harry Overy nnd -lack .Icrtrer.
Xt Tom Patrranu and Herbert Martin.
. Uavld Hunter anil Alex I'lrte
lltj J. M. Hot-he ami "11. Copland-Kobln-mi.
a-.VV-C. W. Singleton and Channlng Floyd.
a Mt I,. C. Scliwelircr and K. It. Stella.
9:on-j. U. I-aiizl.imU and W. K. Stoddard.
s.OiV-Wiliiam .Meer nnd J. It. Injlin.
9;Io-Williom MlKhell and 'U. E. Van
Vleck. Jr.
!:IV K WriMcr and II. A. Conror.
M. Ciimls nml William llrald.
Iian Cooper and H. Amhterlonle.
:30Tom .McNamara and Willis Mai (ar
ia ne.
:.Vi C. It Hnrinrr and Tom Anderon.
: 10 K. M. ll.irm-4 and C I.. Mnthrrvle.
l.-Wfrpl Hi l.l and (!enre Mi Ix-an.
;Ji Waller Hasen and Marty Chough
llu. D..VV A ,1, fi.inderson nnd Jn Milrhrll,
10:'. (ieorce liw and Iiae MacKle.
i:."r--Jie Svleter and M. .I. I Irmly.
10 I"-(ill M.hnll. ami llcrt llaMell,
10:11- Henry Miller and .lack HotieiK.
I0:.i. lieorce !ar:rnl anil '.Mx Marslon.
10 :V-Klmrr l.ohur and Tom lloyd.
t'l-v .1 j Melirrninlt anil Alex tinillh
10 t". -,l.inif ll-iidry and Nick Demane.
10.1 -Jimmy TIioskijii and A. Ham
mer. lOMVII'ih Mi-Donald and Manlonald
10. W It. M. Ttiom-on nnd-H. K. Mc-
Jek Jollr nnd Dire Oillvle
11. m Willie Collln anil 'Thnm-K Harmon.
H:ft5- laiuu Tellirr anil Fred Mi I-ihI.
tl lo Kililie How and Frank McNamara.
11-I.Wark l"ine and Arlhur Held.
ll:3Wm Ilirnr and (leorne liernhach.
11 :.'.-ifortr ".iipn anil J,-n k l)nmi
11 301.. W. MnrtiiiTl and 'J. I). Ncoman.
II -Hfrlx-rt strum
I Henry .Miller. Hnuv.nkopf
'Joe Sjlventer, Wet 'End
' iil.i.r:. c..V.'. t.... 1V
rXS -.'
, Klmrr W lamnir. ouakpr ItuUe
J'rCarihr. 3a.i-.onj Hie
! ; J 5 ,' ', Zj'' "
; u m Thoni.on r.len Ul,l,e ....
.uriiivti iiiin.. inn nji .
Tt '!'
, 77 w
;s O
M 71
ir-iviii 1111 ir. .inrri iniiniv
: n isi
m xv
o to irn
77 tm
'0 m ll
M m w
7 : 1SI
1 7 ISI
, I'l
t i i:
71 is?
w t: u;
m ic:
VI 7' t
: m nu
t IM
1 M ll
77 7 Kt
1 H 1
l l l
0 V. If.
? t7
l V, 1CT
7 '3 170
; ko
: 170
'1 7 170
1; s t;o
i 171
'1 : 17:
l 51 17".
v? n IT".
t) w 170
II "M 11
1A! HI
w 101 70 1
uoene. i.iKnrisp ....
9".r".. Savers. Mrrlnn.
,,,lrn iinwnr .-.c.irwMie
.l ,mr. Ilrn-lrv Itat rook . ..
rrnnk M.rNaniara oimd Hrnrh.
,;. , .
JV" ?msim rn'r thi . "" '
' J.ek j'nllr. Nenirk .i!.:.'
.Ttioms- IHrmoo Saeuiii
Jsek Hol.en.. Knzleon,l
. . ... - - . - .
1 Mrk Urninne unaiiactiri
I Edward II io Sleenr Hollow.
Hand Huntir Eex County
U- '.'vIlo,,i!'.i
l.n M land " "I".
I Herbert Martin. Uiinsue..
, W Mllehell. Ilnleich
l.ouL Pchuclffer. uitalin.-hfd
Din Con-ier tinnttarhrd . .
William Tlraid lloekaway..
Hirry Overv. (Venn
'ii a. i.onroy. riorin jervr...,
Kreit ."tell-i. IMIrwirt
-I It Inili. Kalrview
Tnm I'.iler.nn. Knollwoibl . .
1 t'hinninr Fiord Yountakah.
j ;,"",ervie...;
.1 ,1 i,;i'isiiiiii-. r-iiineri i
, Walter MivMi-rf tteilfonl
ic w .nieion Si.inor . .. .
1 .in k -'eiiry 11m.
I nPnr., w"
I Ml CnnM
c K nn Wtt'A Jr. ltnPurol
e er nmtl n.-pe-l
Coiiland Itnliintitn. ltnlehk...
Prininon- .lim' Fi"-r Oreat Neek:
"eheri ndre Sew Haven: Joe Hnelvrl.
firrenwi' h
Sccrclni'v of Tii'iMii'y Simw
IVhT; Stui't Little Hope
Two Yiielils I'.e.Mt Jler.
Swash Imi.vs-h. .Me., July s -Stormy
weather was en -nunleteil ngain to-day
by the member of the eastern Yacht
Club on their annual cruise, but unfavor
able condition did not prevent n rate
from North Haven to Ituint foat Har
bor, here, where a licet of twenty craft
is lying fMish at anchor t icli'
Thole was fog and a heavy lain last
night and when the v.u-hts boat their
way nut nf llasteni P.-nnbsi nt II ly dur
ing the fiireiionii they cm nunlcri'd iiiltr
a pub- of wind. The racing craft dad h
i ou rue f out It.ibldce Island to .Saddle
back Light, around Isln Ail Haul, to this
liaibor. while the cruisers went through
Drcr Island thoroilghfatc.
C.itiilllliniH were unfavorable m the
start, vv hli-h was wilichsod 1 Scirit.iry
of the Treasury .Mi-Ailno from the
of his suiiimer home Assihtatit Sceie
tary Audiew J. Peters aildeil hi. sloop
Little Hope In the r.irels III that elasx.
i but sho was defeated by Vega and Nar-
i rlsstis, Tin- winners in the schooner
clayo. wee Irnht.t and and the
j Vega and Avenger In tin- t-lnnp division,
. Weather pel inlltliig, the siii.nlinii will
urme. , to liar lliubnr In-nioriovv fnr
the closing dinner nt tlm cruise. The
nummary :
illapscd Correi 1,-d
time linn-
Yaiht nnd owner II M - MM
IrnliM. K W Clnrk .. t n ,i: vi ,-.
Va.-ranl. II S Vamlerhilt la. K 3 II 71
Shycs.i IV. A Dii'if'as .. I
Timnilra J II Fallon. . . -4 a.t
Virginia, I. F Croloot. . 4 .'I I"
A veneer. C K Ciininiuur. "3
Dorrrllo II . i I. Il.n. hrider:. in ."l
sliimni, K T I'aine .d ., ill 3.,
Vrca, W K C Klislls. . I l l
Nnreissiis. Arlhur Win. low .', o l
4 01
4 Ot itti
3 03 II
4 o j;
i-1", l
; 14
i oi t.t
I .vi n
l.lllle Holm. A J Petes 17 19 Not lllcas
Vaaranl. II S anderbill I o-i l 3 54 ".I
EucliJiitlf", W F. Iseltii I l.i 10 l. 10
Hlverslile Mini llriml.l n Clulia
tllTi-r lliices To-morrow,
Handicap yachts will sail to-morrow
with the ItiviTside Yaclil Club on Un
sound and with the HiookDu Vaelit
j Club on thn bnv.r bay. The handicap-
t ellt . Dorlnil.l. -I :
per cent , Am Ida. 4
i per tent., Seiiura,
per cent . rarullua,
e:7 pvi icn-..
He. mid dlvlslnu -Sally- l, scratch;
Ariel and Veda, l? per .-out each, lied
Wllllt, pel' ci'lll . 1. 1111. Ill Mil l MlKliiill,
3 per iciii. each, I'larc 3 per ii-nt.; Ali
llntl uud N.ldla, 3l per ct-nt , ICclillllllr.
4 per lent.. .Mi-dlaiur, 5 per mil., Vlctury,
&ia per lent ; Sent. in. i. , per cent.
Tlilnl dlvlslnu- Niiinina, s.rulih. llnbtu
Unci. I III . 1 per It-Ill . .lulls- linger. 3 i
slit . 'Iwlnkle and I'cKi 4 per .ent. i.n-li,
l-'lrefly, iv per i em.
Fiiiirth illvlslou Snllta and ilrare 11,
e i-1 l . li . Pampero, 3 per cent ; White Cap,
5 per tent.
Tho iillowiinccs In the llrnoklyn
Yacht Club regatta, llirured by John II.
Hiophy, arc :
Second division- Jn, s. rau h. M. and
P, ; per cent , I, a Ciilnno. per cent ;
Careleas, ; s j,ec icnl : Mistral, per tent.;
Oriole, li 4 per cent ; Loafer, '.i .', per lent..
May. I;'. 6 per cent j Sterling. IS 3 per
Third division--Anna, acrnuh: Sunbeam,
3 per tent.; VVaiikaii. II and Heta. I.' per
.em. each, Hug nml lllleen, 3 per cent,
each, ,ala, 37 per cent.
I'p-Slllte Tennis Po.l pnn.-il,
I'TH'A, July . - A steady downpour lo.
day prevented n cniitiniiiitioii of the New
York Slute championship tennla tnunui
menl, and o-il,iy's proginmm will be
run to-inonnw.
nasehall, Washington Talk. '! I. nines.
I l.n 11 II I....!.. -l-l.. -a- a...v. . -
Willie Lewis Relieves He ran
Stop Such Annoyances as
Befall Champions.
"There's one mnn In th world who
can save .less Wlllnrd from being
pestered by would-be titlehotdera." said
Willie Lewis yesterday. "That man H
Frank Moran.
"I saw Helen nnd Savage fight and
I'm so sure Mornn towers above the lot
that 1 cabled him In Ixindnn to come
over and clean up the greatest lot ot
rumdums who ever called themselves
heavyweights. I worked like a beaver
with Ilelch. I had him In wondsrful
shape for Coffey and he Just wilted. He
won't do,
"Think of letting Savage beat him
when .Mm was fat and out of shape.
As for Coffey, Moran would nail him
so hard In the rib. with that beautiful
right hand punch that he'd knock him
from here clean Into Dublin Hay. Coffey
Is one man made for Moran. Frank
too good a boxer and hitter for this
crowd, and believe me he', the gamest
fellow who ever put up bl hands. He 1
proved that In his light with Johnson. I
"The only thing that bothered Frank
when the Johnson match was proposed !
was Jack's right hand uppercut. He
didn't believe he could stop that and lis j
told me so. I
How can we block It. Willie?' he)
nskeil me.
"'Don't try to," I answered. 'If you j
do he'll tear your head off. Above all 1
thing, don't try to catch It In your
glove." I
"We practiced a way to avoid It and
agreed that In coming out of n
iii(it. ,i
Just where John.on employs the blow.
It would be safer to turn sideways
and try to knock down hi. nrm. In
breaking. Frank got away with it fur
many round". Hut Johnson finally
nailed him over the eye. I never saw
such n cut In my life.
"Dan McKetrick tried to patch it up
when he came iio the correr and I
said: 'No use putting that Junk mi I;,
Dan. You can get the pail In that
cut '
"With It nil Mornn never peeped. II
went at Johnson harder than ever after
tlutf. Game? I should say so. Jack
.nuinson l.n t Kidding when he says Hint
Frank Moran will be the man lo whip
Wlllard. He knoas what he Is talk
ing about."
Joe Jeannelte will leave in a day
so inr i-ristnuii. 4 .on.-, I'
where he has been guarantee! Jl.ouo
for each of three tights. D. A. Vason
is the promo'.er who ha. jient f -r Joe i
He piumlse. in hand Joe h.s monryl
three hours before He enters the ring I
Very clubby, D. A. I
Sold. or Itartlielil gave Tommy Mad
den such an aitl.tip scolding .1! Mon Wednesday i IkIu that the in lu
ngers of tin- Cin.itllaii A. C have
matched Ii 1 111 with Milliard Lang, the
vveltrrw tight chimplon of C.itiad.i.
liarlllcld gave away fifteen pound, tn
Madden. He will make the weight for
Freddie Welh
California, whete
left last night
he go.j for a
mniitlis rest. I
"When 1 ve rounded to." said Welsh, '
"I'll be ready fnr the t. My pet ,
flglu will be for the worlds champion-1
ship at Denv-er. They must dve mo'
Jl.Vinn for fellows, Cross
or Ilritton and l;:,.niiii for PAlchle."
II a- 4 1 I I'hltnil.-lpliln lin.-relul,
Trophy. Ili-nllng the Country I lull,
PlIli.vpKI.PIIi.v. July s Hy defeating
the Philadelphia Country Club at Morion
to-day by 21 'j inints to in'.. Hie Hunt
liigdon Valley Country club team won
Hie Inicrcliib team championship nf the ;
ilfilf Association of Philadelphia fnr the
second y.-ar m suci oMnn and fm- the
twelfth time since the inception nf the
event III l'.i7 The CntiMtry Club won
Hie title live limes and Memm captured
It the Mrs! year.
HttntlliRiInn Valley piled up a Intal
of Di points In 0ie morning by winning
nil five four ball matches, of this total,
two team-.. C. II. Hum. in and Dr. Simon
Carr, and II. II. McKarlnnd' and W. i.
Pfcll furnished over half the points.
Huxtnn ii nil Dr. Carr ciino In ;t up on
K. W. Clark 3d nnd liartleld Scott, and
Mcl-'arlaiid nml I 'fell wen .' up on il, ,.
Crump nnd II. A S-rvi.e lluvlon and
Dr. Carr had a best ball card nf 76,
a score which lliiMnu nlime equalled In
the afieriionil.
Iii tin- tun ball matches Huntingdon
V.illi-y got but 5'n points to Iin.j fnr
the Country Club. Two extra hole
mutches were played and two thunder,
storms snaked the players In the skin.
In one of the eMr.i hole affaiis Service
defeated Dr. M. I. Ilelffer nu the twen
tieth, and in Hie other A. J. i'.-irty le
featod M. C. Ilurtoii nn the nineteenth
First Ha. e--Maiden two-year-olds foaled
In rami'la. live furlong. Miss Pay. 107.
u'nnperi j:i 50. f3in and lino won, I
rnorin-iiir, iov iKeueri.i, n ci and t: no,
second, ilnla Dav. 1)3 'Smylto, $4.70.
Ihlrd Time, 1-11 Kathleen II. Water
Down. V. ,v. Wright, Fovlet and Uallclan
ntsn ran.
Second Hace Four-v ear-olds and up
ward, selling, steeplechase, two mile.
ilirter, I'll lO'Cnnnorl, flSn, 3 'o -mil
; f.o. won, Dirnthv Webb, 111 iSmlthi.
$4 70 nnd 13 30. second Hturrn, 111
(llroi.ksi, :.0. third. Time, i :o ;.
.loe i;,.lc:v, V'e.sini and Orperth also ran
Third Hart- Three v ear old. and up
ward, eelllnar, el, furlone. - c.xth on lie.
livery, 103 tilnrneri. f 'i 30. t: 30 and :,50,
won; Kate K . 103 iContivri, 17 30 and
$3 30. second. Lady London 110 illavnesi,
II. third. Time, 1 31 Mamn .lolinsou,
Cnlon .lack and Ford Mai also ran.
Fourth llace xiugara Slakes, jsnu, two.
vear-olds, live turUiugs I'eskv, 111
(tturnsl. 133 50. 17 30 und 14 3u won;
Do.lge, ill iKeoRln. and $3 '.'0, sec.
ond. linl. t.-n l.lsi. III iTapllnl II 3u, third
Time. 1:0 1-J, Milestone,, Inllte und
I'hll Cngar Kirn l a ii. (Inldeii List on
added starter.
Fifth Hare Slv furlongs The llilsybodv .
104 lArlonl, 11.1 '.'(i, 1(130 mi. I i:to uou.
Illcll a Pet. 110 l Villld i, sen l, IT, fnl nnd1
. . secouil, .MeeiicKil, y; I .VI c.v I l-el. 1? 30
third. Time, 1:33 3 3. The Splifi. Sun
ijiicen. KliiKsHorth, Hublson ami sonny
tlov also nm.
Sixth Hace Three tear-old. and up
ward, selling, one mile i tut thiee-slv-leenths.
Italn Coal, (.Mc.vteei, n.jii,
13 and 13.60, won. Font. 103 (Kederla).
17 30 and 13.90, second. Milan, ion (Van
duseni. $i;,5o, Ihlrd. Time, s It j.f,. Ken
rock, lludu's Hrolher. I.nulse Trovers, Cut
t y Ii u n l; und -nl llolloway nlso ran
Seventh Hace Thiee.year-oldj and up.
iv 1. 1 selling, purse f is 0 0 . mie mile nml
aeveniv yards Supreme, 104 t.McV-eei
straight 15 3d. place 13 30, show 13.70,
won, I'rngresslt e. toil (tlarner), place 3 tn
show 13 70, second, Rurwooil (,5 (Mi-i-r-in.
il.l. show $3,711. Ihlrd Time, 1 57 J.J
Ida Claim and Husky Head alsu ran
New York Mod. League.
All camea postponed, rain,
southern league,
Memphis, 5 Hlrmingham, I.
N.shvllle, ;, .See. Orleans, 9,
Mobil". 3. l.lllle llntli, 0.
Atlanta. G; Chattanooga, 3.
The Ue.tern teams nere to hae
opened thtlr second K.istern srles In
the Natluial League yesterday, but six
' of them were Idle on account of rain.
The onl game was In Philadelphia,
j where tiu Pirates shut out the Phillies.
The Ola,i's and Iteds will play a double
header to-day,
Yr.lerday's Results,
Nw Vnrk.Clnrlnnstl rain.
I'lttl;urit, 1. Philadelphia, 4.
Hrnoklt n-ChlcsKoj rain.
Itntton-Ht. Louis both game. rain.
Detailed Standing of the Olnli..
1 3,
iSt. LouK.
S 3; 1 M
7! 3
"i '
s "if
I), I
3 pi!
New York..
3 I
i s'
tlame. lo.t.. In .11 r.V.11 as'll M'M
To-day". Srlimlule.
rinrlnnsll In New Vork. two gm'.
fab agi In Hrooklvn.
Hi l,oul. in Hotnn two games.
Plltuburg In I'hl.adelphU.
Plrnl.-s Wind I'p Willi Two
Tlmt Are .Vol llnriied.
Pilli.Atir.t.rni.v, July 8. Tho Pittsburg
Pi.atcs won the first game of the series
from the Phillies to-day by the score of
2 to 0. Fielding error. In the second
inning. In which the v.sitors scored, ac
count for the only run. of tho game.
Ma ma tlx w In danger In the eighth
and ninth, but managed to null put of
bolh holes. With betler upport Hlxey
would alo have pitched fhutout ball
The scoi e : '
I'lTTSIlL'Itll IN. !.. PIIII.A. IN. T..)
ah M 11 n. e al. n a. n .
linv-u .utMiA.f .4i,,i,,, Kill
1 .iiiin-,, . .
0 0 nirne.'.li. .. 1 n 1
II n
3 1
0 4 o n llanernti.... 3 1 t
.lohnt'ti,ll 4
llalnl.:i.... .1
Him h n. rl. I
Wairner... 3
Vmx.rb .... .1
Ilhin.e. . 3
Mamaux.p. 3
1 3 n 0 . 1
1 n n 0 Cravath.rf . I
0 t 0 0 - Welser .. n
lino Ileeker.H .. t
0 : : 1 Nieiinif.:ii . 4
1 M l.llileru'.lb, 4
t n 0 0 Kllllfer.c. . .1
n n
1 11
n n
n 11
HUev.p. ... 3
30 7 7, 3 1 M'a.kert .. 1 t n 0
itllusry 0 11 n 11
lUaunis't'r.p 0 0
0 0 0
Tola ".1 ;
K t
Kan for Traralh In the ninth inninr
Hilled for tinev In Hie eishlh Inninr
titan for I'a.kert in the eichlh innin?
) Philadelphia
I I'nt.hurr
oooooooo 01
0 0 0 0 0 o 1) v:
Itiin-l,illbiir.--Hiird. Vacnr Hits Off ? II. e,;i,l Iniln..- An II. ..
none in nn innlnt Two hi hita-Jnhn.-
ton, LiKl-ru. Sairlfli-e hn-Carrv stolen
ne Collins, Johnston. I-lt ,m ti.i.e.-
Phil lileltihlA. Plllshllrr. 4. Struck nul,. , . i.
or hv nicy, 5: ru- .Mamaiu. 0 Double Play - .
1 1 rav ai ii aim nyrne: Mennrr liancrolt and
' l.iideru. Hi.e on bal.orf Klxev. I; off
. liaiimzarlner. I off Mamatix. 1 Cninlre-
uif s
..M..I.-., uui, w,.ii nine i iiuiir .inn .v linn
In th" Ametlcan I.eis-je yesterday
there iia-i general Inaction. Rain
plan. f,,r -i double header In Cleveland,
where the Dctiolt. were to have played,
and no ether game, were scheduled,
Ye.ler.lay'. Itesidt..
Cleveland Detroit, both canies wet
Detailed -tniiillnc nf the Club.,
-II' Sri
ei--. - - .
Clofea z 2 "i Z " t
s s. 7. Z us e.
I hlcaco.. ..." S S S 3 f, II 47 3A.CI4
Hoston 4 l to : 4 i 43 3I
.Drtrolt loi 3 5 ' S ii io 447a, ll
I New YorlTTi 10 3 e P & S i 3e; 31! ii
tVMrdnctori. "tr ,r 3 4 ' 33 30'. 471
jl'hllTiMpiilBil 1, 4 31 s 4 4 3 37 443-ao
1st. i.oui..... 1 1 r 3 !a iifrr.
Cleveland... 1 4 3 7 "4 )f lis 433n7
IHvmrs lo't.T'?':'4 7 30 3 44'Ol43 l;an)l
To-day 'a Srhedule.
S'ew Vork In Cleveland.
Hoston in Detroit
Phi .iilrlphia In St. I.nuK
dshingtnn In Chlcairo.
Yreterdny'. Re.ulta.
It-e.nkn lliill-i'o iriln.
Chlrago, 4, Kansas City 0
Newark, r,. Haltimnre .'
IMttslnirg, 13. .L I.nul. .1.
Mantling nf the (tubs.
St I.oiiis it ;-i ,im Newark ....
Kansas City 4t -t ,JM llrnnUlvn....
Chti-ieo 4; 31 :.7."i lialnmore.
I'ltlsburc... 3-1 ;U .v.: Ilulfalo ....
Tii'ibiy'. -schedule.
llurfaln In Itronklyn
Si Linils In Pittsburg
Kansas city in fhlraxn.
At filling...
n ii n
Kan citv i F L i 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 4 3
Chi, i.iuI'M . I : ii I 1 x 4 7 t
liatterii-s- .lohnson, Hennlng and Kas
:erly . Mci'onncll and Fisher.
At Haltimnre.
Vewa-k 1 1 1.1 t : o n ; o n n o a i; j
naiimre ,f.i. i a n 5 o o n 0: 4 :
llnti-rles- lleullia-h nnd llarlden, Suggs,
Conley- nnd Jacklloi h
At I'lllsburg.
ft. H K
St Louis 1 F I . I 1 0 0 0 A t 0 1 : ;. s ,
P'tah'g iF 1. 1 0 - 0 5 0 r, 3 0 x 13 If, I
II. merles Watson, Wlllelt And Hvrtley,
Chapman, Knooer, Harger and Ilerry,
Yesterday ' Itrsiilla.
lib limnnd. 13. Toronto, fi
Jetsey City liochester iwct grnundsl.
Harrtsliurc -Montreal (wet groundsi
I'tovidenc. -llutTalu irnlni.
Sliinillng of the t liibs.
W. L. PC
.417 '
Prov idciii e. 35 33 .r.17 llicluunnd
llilllalo ... 33 :i ..'71 Tut until.
Mnlltle.ll .33 .11 .r,i; Km hcslrr
ll.llll-.lmr.- l 3-1 Hvl.lcrsev CHy
To-day's Schedule,
li.rue il Iii H.irrlsbuig.
Hoi hesier In .ler-ey city
Huh ilo In I'lnvldriii e
Tm nolo In lib hmiiiul.
At Itlchnioml
It H
Toionlo i I 1..1 .0010 1 0 0 3 0 -5 (1
Hlcliun-nd 1 1 I., i i I o l (i it 0 x I; 1.-,
I la i cllcs Inroiito. I.uiltic. I'Wreli.mi
and Kocber: Hlchiiiunil, Hiissell, .Meadows
and Schaufele
I'.fTorla to Piny Prut I Ices.
The spasmodic showers of rain yester
day stopped the play in the lawn'tennls
tournament for tho Noilh Side rliam
plnnshlp at the rnlvei-Hity Heights Lawn
Teiinls Club. During tho brief Interval,
of sunshine ntieinptH vvete mado to play
off Hiinie nf the doubles matches, but
Ihey rliinlly had lo be abandimeil, Ar.
Iliur M. Lnvlbond will play James S,
ii.Neiil" In the leinainiiig sem. final of
I tlie single., and llin winner will play
i ianei. i. iniiitet- in ine titular round
tn-monoiv It Is expciled that the
doubles will be brought uut to the finals
Famous Jockey in 1IU Dn ;m,
Lcailinir Trainer Dip, in
Charles Llttlefie'd. a f.-
In hi. day and fur manv .
America's leading triiln-i. 1
day nt the home nf ti.i
JullU. Gnrslde, Kant .S'.ue-.
and Kings H.ghwny, II:- ,
field was born In P.oche.'i 1
begnn hi. career as a Jm ,.e
where In the early "o r
winner of the first race f..- 1
Plate nt Toronto. III. b
was riding at the same t.nie
Llttlclleld returned M 1
Stat, periodically, nding ..'
Fashion nnd L'nlnn course.. ,
cinlty of New York and also
keepsle, where there, wa. m
lacing at that time. He a-
the Ten Hroeck stable m m
ISoi, riding Prior, Pr.orie.
Starke, l.'mplro and other in:..
I He did not remain long, hoae
returned to this country and
1 Patorson, N. J., then a f.imo.s
vous for turfmen, lie alo
, the old Secaucu. track, ret- li
anil took part In the Iniusu .
Ing nt Jerome Park in tie eir
He had the mount 011 Kent in k.
races, being In the addle v
horse won the Inauguration s
four mile heats at the opt
ing nt Jerome Park. oppn. ,
in that event, which was . ,
1 ?,, wa. the famous negio .
, tprLnll
the finest horsen 1.
It wa. In tills contest i
I beat Idlevvild and
111 ISM he rode Kudu- ;,v
ngalnst Lexington's fou in .
7:I-'', lyt failed to beat
his lust pul tic Hppearinie . .
; LlttlefleM then braii- i-e I
, trainer of thoroughbred, an-l
1 first animal placed In h .
' of
oimaio Hlra 11 ft it ward tin- d.i-
II rr
,ar. A'lolher horse in nu
n in. ii iiiii-i n.isi iiencr.ii iniM
ft I.eMtlClOil that Uflu the llel ,1 .
In 14TO. Late In tint ye.r
Milton H. Sanriird's hoier 'o t
had a great measure 01 sui.'.-
under . c.)re .such horses
lt. Pre.ikness anil Sallna aflc
dam of Salvatore. W.ll en
wa. the premier Jcckcv fo: t
- " " " aro I'OnilllJC.
. ,,kiii among Its
1 In Hi? nutumii of 1ST.". 1. t!.
ti,P S.mlniil horse. i., I!
- 1 " , , , , ; .
i "' " i i" i'i'
Ing year he trained tin- -
1 late Pio re Lnnllaril but il - .
- t flint rrctn i i ...,,1
illl Ml .
stable Hi 15..(i. He the-, n
the late lames 1 lalw-.t . , vv1. 1 .
the nam" of tlie I'ir.ikiiiii s
had a gi. it measure nf sj
ing such horses as Lndc 1
dere In lac post. Late .1
formed .. partnership w 1 1
Hoyle. pi vv living at Whom--ada.
with whom lie bail s
suceesfill M-asons. v,r. g
horses i-vvned by tln-m w.i
.Mls Maud. Peacemaker 111 I
low. whle Lidy ltei-1. af-ei
.dam of Hamburg, was a me-
stable, althoticli owned bv !
Smith n' Toronto.
The tl-ir of llovlr & 1.
, illssolveil In up; and o.
I Mr. Llttleheld has tra iled .1 .
for the lite .lanic It 11,
said that l,e was rcspnn-
' measure fot the success .,r
, enal performer Witterbov
horse having been di.i .ii'.lni n m 1
vvorthlesa until Llttli-Mebl . -e
with him the spring he wa. a '
I year-old.
I Mr. I. ttlefleld I. nrv ived s-
son. Fred, who, like I. .a fat-e-
rider and who now 1. living v
land, where he own. a laec,
Harry, who train, tlm hor-e.. '
Seagram, president of the. "
Jockey C'l'b. and Hud. who 1
Jersey. Charle Little'lcld .mi'sr
who was i turfman of note die! a -years
ago in tho prlnm of P'e H
be recalled a. the ow n-" nf ran"" 1
Mls Prl"i. Sabllla and other goc-i r
nil .1 .Merrlmnn Pnt Onl.
rtr.ipr.ri-cr.T. July s. Hec r c 1 v
Lewi, nnd W. P. Seelev were t " w
tiers of ine two principal mot - e. i
Connectldl State golf champ ons!
Hie Hrinklr.wn Country Club m-'1
Hoth eliminated golfer, who we- e
sldered te be prominent rnntende-.
I the title, young I.ewt. P
llnwers In u match win -h we-' '
sixteenth creen. i.ud Seeley, w lo
present champion, eliminating "
Merrinian. n former holder of t'-o '
The match went nil of the w iv
homo grxn. Seeley winning b- . '
Italn m.n.o good golf dllllcult
A wt lallon.
-pntfT o vc
lvulsville aaaooooo
St. Paul 3 0 : h 1 0 0 c
llallerles Mlddtelon. 171 Is a -i
Hall and Johnson
Louisville A 0 0 0 A 0 1 0
St. Paul ... 3 a o a o ; n
Hallerle. Hey nobis and 1
feld and lilenn.
3 o
0 3 A 0 e
Kaut.s city . 3 '
Hatierlcs- Davis
and Alevander.
Indian ipoli. 0 A A A l A 1
.Minneapolis o ' I o o e
ll.lltertes -Wills nnd C, ..
and Sullivan.
Indianapolis . . A A A o n i
Mlnneapo is n 1 l i
Haiierl.- Tipp an i .
burn M Wi' lams mi
INCLbDl.Mi Tin;
Seaside Handicap
1'IHST ItACP. A I' Siilii r M
leare I'rnu.y iv ania sii't-n 1
7th Av , .Co from F a I- ,.n 1
iyri. a' i. 30. and at jii
1', XI t nur.e h hi ici In I '
Aiilomnbbes from N
taka Qui-ens Hon e n i '
. .n
$1 so
Av , thenre n 1 i- u
(RAMI l M 1. I .nil i