Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. 10 HENDRICK IGNORED JURY IN THAW CASE Attorney-General, Protesting About Foreman's Inter view, So Lcnrns. MISQUOTED, SAYS JUROR Albant. July 81. Correspondence be tween Attorney-CJentral Woodbury and Supreme Court Justlco Hendrlck over tiie alleged Interview given by David Robinson, foreman of the Thaw ad visory Jury, to the errect that the Jury disregarded the JuJkc'b ctmrso and was Influenced In Its verdict by the "natural or unwritten law," wn.i made public by j the Attorney-Oenernl to-night. At the i same time a letter from Mr. Hoblnson to Justice Hendrlck purtlj ilenylng the ac curacy of the Interview was Riven out. When the Interview appeared Attorney-General Woodbury In tho belief that Mr. Robinson had confessed to a serious violation of tho sivofn obliga tions of a luror. If tho ntatrmenta cred ited to him were true, Immediately called , the matter to tho attention of Justlco Her.drick. His letter pointed out that the Interview would nenm to Indicate that Justice Hendrlck hod been decoded In his expectation of deitving conscien tious assistance from the jury. Justice Hendrlck lh his reply to the Attorney-General end scd a letter to hlin from Mr Koblnson denying certain Sarts of tho Interview and clnitflng that e had been "misquoted." Justice Hen 4rlck says In Ills letter that his decision that Thaw was sano was his own opin ion arrived at Independently of tho ver dict of the Jury This leaves the Inter View with no possible effect upon the ap peal from the decision. The Justice Alonr Concerned. "In an ordinary lawsuit," Attorney Oeneral Woodbury said, "the prop t course for an attorney to pursue under these circumstances would be to try to obtain legal proof of tho misconduct f the Jury for uno on a motion for a ew trial. In tho Thaw habeas corpus case, how ver. the Jury was merely ailed to assist Justko Hendrlck to reach a decision, nnd therefore It Is my belief that Justice Hendrlck alono was Injured by the misconduct of the Jurors, if any. Hecauso of this I called Justice Hendrlck's attention to the Interview." In his letter to Justice Hendrlck Uio Attorney-General said In part: "Tho Interview with this Juror shows Blstnlv that when he entered tho Jury box he entertained a preconceived opin ion of the case, which was such that his Answers, slven upon h!a examination as to his qualifications to sit as a juror were at least untrue In spirit "Furthermore, the trend of his state' ananta Indicates that the advice cf the Jury given you at your request, at least, so far as he participated In It. was so tacking- In good faith as to be of no real value to you whatever, ana 11 ne inter swats at all correctlv the controlling mo tlrves of tho other Jurors, few, It iny, of them In castlr.c the r votes were Inllu navl bv such rjroner considerations as would render their verdict of any valuo to you. However, I am frank to say mat I doubt that he does Interpret the mo tives of most of the other Jurors cor awetlv." Justice Hendrlck's reply to Attorney- OanarsJ Woodbury follows: near Attorney-General Woodbury : Jferrntt me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of July 20th in relation to the alleged Interviews with Mr. David RrJblnron. the foreman of the Jury In the Thaw case, as published in the news papers. "I have received a letter from Mr Robinson, a copy of which I encloso, In which he disclaims the Important parts At the Interviews as printed. The statc- sments In this letter you will note are concurred In by another of tho Jurois. a. von have orobably noticed In the pub Mr nrms. all of the other Jurors with whom Interviews have been had repudV i h atatements which havo been at ttlbuted to Mr. Robinson and which he M,. belief la that the verdict of the Jury expressed the true thought of all tho mombora of the Jury that Thaw was at the time of the trial. I would bo disposed In any event to Investigate tho matter wore It not that the verdict of tho Jury was advisory only, and In depondor.tly of the Jury's findings I be llevo that upon the evidence odduoed upon the trial no decision could be reached other than that Thaw in now Bane. I agree with your observation that If my 'decision ft to Thaw's trinity was reached uncontrolled by the ver dict of this advisory Jury, although In uocoid with It then- tho miscon duct of a. Juror or a Jury would not affect the legality of the decision' reached by mc. "In view of these facts I thmk no publlo benefit would acoruo from an In vestigation of the facts In relation to the interviews as published In ,tfie pa pers. 1 appreciate the tender of the as sistance of yourself and of your depu ties should 1 decide to pursue the mat ter. "May I take the occasion to compli ment you and your assistants on the tiblo manner in which tho Interests of the State were represented on the trial." Hoblnton's Intwvlcw, quoted substan tially tho name In several Now lont, wuh In effect tlvnt he, und ho believe! the rest of the Jury, had dis regarded the charge of the court. The :ourt charged tho Jury that It had been adjudicated that Thaw wan InBano at tho time he killed Stanford White; also when ho was found to bo Mill lusano I In 190S by Justice Morsrhnuser, In 1500 by Jiistlce Mills nnd In 1012 by Justice Keogh, und that the Jury must icgafd It us settled that Thaw was Inaano as lato as 1112. ltoblns n wns quoted us having said that tho Jury believed that Thaw was never Insane; also that ho and tho other Jurors believed Tliaw wan juntneu in llllng Stanford White umier tne -nat ural law." In his letter he now says th:it he believed that Thaw whs "le- rfallv Insane' at the time lie Kiiiea White, but eano evor elnce. SALESMEN'S SWINDLE HITS MANY FIRMS Bogus Orders Forwarded Counterfeit letterheads Reap Rich Harvest. on BANKER STOLE WIFE'S LOVE, PLUMBER SAYS GyruB J. Lozier Defendant in $50,000 Alienation Case Woman Asks $10,000. THE REAL AUTOMOBILE HIGHWAY OLD CONVICT REARRESTED. riiired In Custody ns He Is A bant to Tnkc Vessel l'nr Ilu.xln. ll:ivlntr lust completed a term of ton veais In Atlanta penitentiary for forging money orders. Philip SchwolU. 60 yoirs nid. was In H i city preparing to lane steamer back to Tlusla yesterday when ho was rearrested by tho rvderal au thorities on u removal warrant irom Philadelphia. The mejcnt charge against &cnwcuz. according to Assistant United States Attorney Prank M Itoosa. Is the same as that on which he was convicted but concerns a prior violation wmcn oniy came to light when ho was tried Fed eral Attorney Haosa had a talk over th telephono with the United stales District Attorney at Philadelphia, and tho latter thought that considering frtchwcltz's age and his determination to to go back to the land of his birth tho sicond chargo might be dropped. Mr. Hoos.i nrrjlgnel Schweitz before Untte-d States Commissioner Houghton and had him patoled In the custody of his counsel untl Ito-morrow, when a final decision In his case will have been reached. Another variety of the salesmanship swindle In which forged billheads of big concerns in this city were liberally used was brought to light yesterdsy through the arrest of Leonard VlttU son of a wealthy Italian In this city, Vlttl was arraigned before United States Commissioner Houghton on a charge of using the malls to defraud, and on the sujgostlon of Assistant United States Attorney Frank M. Itoosa was held In $2,000 ball for examination later. Vlttl and his partnor, who Is yet to bo arrested, operated, It Is eaM, from a barber shop at 25 Thompson street kept by Villi's brother-in-law. Thoir first step, It Is mid, was to get Jobs as salesmen for big out of town houses. Then. It Id ulleged, the men would d'lngo tho out of town, houses with bogus orders sent la on the forged let terheads of reputable houses In this cl. y, giving the Thompson street ad dress. When the out of town houses wrote In nt tho sufrgestlon of the defendants to .xinflrm the order the mall whs for warded to the defendants and answered by them. When tho order was ron tlrmid the defendmts were raid their vommlssIotiB and the goods were sent on to be disposed of by .the defendants, It Is charged, at cut rates. IUckbnbacx, N. J.. July U. Through his counsel. John M. Ward of Paterson, Robert AfcCandlees, a contracting plum ber of that place, has Instituted a suit to recover 1(0,000 damages from Cyrus J. Ixizler, a wealthy contractor and banker of Rldgcfleld Park, near here, on a charge of alienating his wife's affections. The papers sre In the hands of Sheriff Hubert N. Heath of Hackensack for ser vice. .Mrs. McCandless at the same time sues to recover $10,000 damages from lxzler tor an alleged attack upon her by Lozler on December 22, 1913. It Is explained by Mr. Ward that tho assault was the result or a struggle oeiween -Mrs. McCandless and the contt actor for possession of certain papers. I.ozler's wife eloped a fen- months ago with a ctose frleml of Lozler's. Mrs. McCandlois Is the mother of two children. She and her husband are liv ing In the same house. nig Cnstoms Itecrlpts for July. Itocolpts for duties at the Custom ttoure In .Inly amounted to H1.U92, S1C.01. I.nst week's showing was $2,. 675.991.S1 The total collection for duties yesterday was'.i.T.S. which euuals the avcraro day's business, de splto tho fact that yestetday was only n half day at tho Cii'tuin House, of tho day's receipts $125,292.63 was for merchandise withdrawn from bonded warehouses nnl J30!"i,lS7 12 was for re cent Importations. TOL'BS. HARVARD MEN OFF TO PATE. S.0 Alumni Sail Ansf an Panama Pacific Liner. A Texas steer on bosrd the steamer I'lnlund of the Panama Pacific Line when she sailed yesterday would have found much to attract him. There were 250 Harvard University alumni aboard and 93 per cent, of them wore red neckties, while the rest wore crimson socks. A huge, bloodhucd Harvard pen nant wilted In tho D2 degree breeze at the masthead. The former residents of Cambridge, with their wives and ram Hies, are on their way to the Panama and San Diego expositions, the party being formed of members of the Har vard Alumni Association. In addition the Finland carried a number of mere passengers, 100 of whom were In the first cabin and 150 Inter mediate litbln passengers. Among these were Mr. and Mrs. George Lauder Car negie. T. J. Oakley Rhlnelander, Prof. Edward C. Moore, Wlnthrop Cowdln, Augustus Hemenway, Jr., Philip Kip Ithlnehnder, K. Cameron MacVeagh and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Daland. AND THE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS VIA CANADA'S SCENIC WONDERLAND Mv&yirsiidsis ssr York MoD'J,)r Ausu,t for ,he THE TRANS-CONTINENTAL LINE CANADA'S NEW OCEAN-TO-OCEAN RAILWAY Lit and Winnipeg Not el and enclmlve features of the Itinerary comprise! COBALT, ortnern uniario VI l)t,jri III. nsntflcent scenery nf Till1; C'AN'A sail throuish the NORWAY OP A.MUH1CA from I'rlnce Rupert to Sosttle. m'nln rraiou. the Northern Ontario OOI.UK1 II the furamia illver. Along the lillA.M) C IN HARVEST-TIME. ihnuatnd mile of wheal, the hlsheat ueaka CANADIAN JtlH'KIKS. A aeen hundred-mile RETURN FROM ROCKIES. CALIFORNIA VIA THE COLORADO A UNIQUE TOUR OF 30 DAYS The srrsDfrmenta laolude All Traveling Eipenaea for htiheat-elaa trael end accom modations, luxuriously equipped limited trains, Hneat hotels, and aen Icea or e Tour Maoaser throughout. Itinerary and Full Particulars from THOS. COOK 9c SON 245 Broadway, 264 Fifth Ave., 561 Fifth Ave., 2091 Broadway. California Panama Expositions including Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Yellowstone Park, Alaska, Canadian Rockies, Glacier Park INDEPENDENT OR CONDUCTED TOURS Leaving D.ily by Kali cr Stumer. SPECIAL LOW RATE AND DE LUXE TOURS First-class throughout Best hotels Largest choice, of routes. THROUGH CARS WITHOUT CHANGE FROM COAST TO COAST Insure the success cf your trip by arranglna; it through nhe Frank Tourist Co., 398 Broadway, Nsw York IX. li:t. Telephone 4550 Franklin. Officially appointed tteneral Tour Agents of both California Expositions. BEAT. ESTATE AT AUCTION. RF.AI. ESTATE AT AUCTION. j REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. EASY MONEY Is certainly being made at the BELLE HARBOR AUCTION SALE OCEAN FRONT LOTS LOTS ON THE BAY with riparian rights which could not be bought at private sale for less than $2,000 each Are selling for $600 to $1,100 each and the Avenues and Streets which sold at former sales for $500 to $800 each Are selling for $110 to $400 each Ask th6 Bliy6rS -They will tell you "They are certainly getting bargains." Aclr tha Raol 1? eta fa A cratltc in the neighborhood. They will tell you rioH UlC ICCtI ILalctiC AgClllo "The lots are being given away." Go and See For Yourself To-day THE BEST LOTS REMAIN TO BE SOLD Including Ocean Front Lots With Riparian Rights Pawr The balance, about 200 lots, will be closed out TO-MORROW Monday, Aug. 2, at 2 P. M., on the premises, Rain or Shine. 679 LotS Including 234 OCEAN FRONT LOTS with Riparian Rights at BELLE HARBOR Rockaway Coast, Queens Borough, New York City 10 on Day of Sale and 30 Monthly Payments may be Arranged, or 70 Can Remain on First Mortgage. Titles Insured Free. To reach the Property: Take train from Flatbush Avenue Station, Brooklyn, to Rockaway Park, time about 34 minutes; or from Perm. Terminal, 42 minutes to Rockaway Park, from Rockaway Park Station 3 minutes by trolley to Belle Harbor. For maps apply to JOSEPH P. DAY, Auctioneer, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. ' TO SARATOGA Lake Gtorgt, Lake Champlain, the Adirondacke, the Ilcrkshires and the great vacation land of the north. It's go easy to run your car on the Steamship, enjoy a good dinner, see the beauties of the historic Hudson River at its bet by searchlight, have the luxury of a refreshing night's sleep, and get up the next morning ready for the really interesting part of the land trip. Special tourist auto rates ($5.00 to $10.00 one way, $7.50 to $15.00 round trip) make it more than worth your while to travel via THE LARGEST RIVER STEAMSHIPS IN THE WORLD Service Daily, including Sundsy. ' Leave Pier 32, N. People's Line C:00 P. M. Capital City Line 6:30 P. M. . New "Night Express" v." 9:00 P. M. Sunday Morning 0:30 A. M. . NOTE Th froplr'a Line liaa the Mgbett.antarled rhrfa of any atrarmlilp afloat. R. W. 132d St. 6:30 P. M. . 0:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 10:00 A. M. TELEPHONE SPIIINtl mm HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY TUCKS. ran Tours to tlx Expositions by variety f.f routes, indudinq Grand Canyon, Ycllowatona and Yoaemlto Na tional Parks, Canadian and Colo rado Rockiei. nnd all points of interest in the West and Northwest. Comprehensive Itineraries, finest ho tels, expert escort. Fares include All Expenses and the best travel service throughout. Departures August 5, 14, 18, 33, 37 and later. and AROUND THE WOKLU Tourt de I.uit. Norloa Include and JAPAN Special Tuuri to Japan Coronation JJ up SHORT SUMMER TOURS B to IS Day Toura with escort to rcjorta of New York State. St. Lawrence and Mari time ITovlncea. Moderate Inclualve lares. THOS. COOK & SON 245 13' war (Opp. City Hall Park) 2fV4 KlftU Ave. (Cor. 29tn St.) 801 Ktrth Avo. (Cor. 40th St.) I0S1 Uroadway (Cor. 72d St.) Vlnltore to the F.ipoltlon are cor dlallr IntlteU to Impect our Trare. Kvhtbll In the Tranipoltatlon Building. HOTELS AND REKTACRA.NTS. HOTEL- BELLECLAIRE, I NEW YORK -A Broadway at 77th llooma larre an.l cool, many of them overlooktne the Hudton iiiir i n an 13 n?rpr ma cl I than downtown. Ten mlnutca' plncdlwlct. Low tn tire Inaur nrA nf 1 larce hotela aboe I iutti St. Prlcea per day are I I. I'timjii, p.w. " .... peraont. 13.0). with bsth: 1 or two nersnnft. 13. 50 and I upward (or Ioearoomitnaoaio. oiirciai Tailcab fare JSC per peraon i ana rallwav lenuiua, Hohen II. nlarhmaii. Away from Heat In the swift breezy rush over cool sparkling waters, you for get the city's dust and heat. Bring the children with you for a one-day trip up the Hudson. It's a hot-weather treat you will enjoy immensely. AI.I.-HKRVIIT. UAU.T M.XCXI'T Sl'MAY. Muatc IUf.laur.-int Direct rail connoctiom. All through rail tirketa betwiMi New 1 rk anil Alhniiy ntTrptnl. Iine llcbior tit., S'40 A M ; WfH 42iI St., 9 on A. M.: West 12!ith St.. n 20 A. M , Von)ter. a 15 A M j Imdlni at Vt I'otnt, Ne burgh. I'oUKhkretwIe. Klnto.i l'olnt. ('attain, 1 1 tiilaon and All.iu AIo lirnlirooe. St.. "i to, W 42d St., 10. W 121th St.. 10 20. Yonken. 1O.C0 A. M., for Hear Mountain, WfBt l'olnt. Cornwall, Nexbunth and 1'ouKliket'psUi. One-ltav itnlnii to I'ouatikerptle, New burgh, ni l'olnt or Hear .Mountain. Afternoon Boat wr,"olnVounA,e1wn: liursh, l'ouxhkeenle. Klnxlon and way landing. Iivu c liKlinwae St., 1 4. I'. M.. IV 4 2d x . 2 ! M W I2inh St . 2 20 I' M I linker, 2'4.1 I' M Dally etcept Sun diy outltiK to Hear Mountain and I'i'i'tii'v'''' mur"ln,? te' "HIIBEHT Hudson River Day Line i I.H XY l Y I.lNr.) I)rlre t. Pier. Tel 4141 Spring, J. Y HOTEL NETHERLAND 5th Av. and 59th St Under New Management. Reduced Rates: Room and Bath, $2.00 and Up. Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, $5.00 & Up. Prince George fiOKI FIFTH AV. AND SSTII BT. One of tbe best appointed Tlotels and Hrataurants In town: grand foyer for ladles and gentlemen newly added on wound Hoor, 800 bedrooms, all with bath. Special rates for Permanent Guests GKOHOE II. NEWTON. Manager. Formerly of Fifth Avenue Hotel. To Boston Fall River Line LeTe Pier M, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily, 5:30 P. M. Steamer Commonwealth and Priacilla. Orcheitra on each. Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily except Sunday, 6s00 P. M. Steamers Provide nee and Plymouth. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have Outside Ventilation and Are Always Cool and Comfortable. Other Long Island Sound Routes NEW IIKHKOIID LINK To Neiv Hertford and Summer rrort en Iloitunl flat, Cane I'ihI and Mnr tlio Mnejnril nnd Suntiiiket. Mr. MAINK and NKIV IIAMI'simil:. I.,. Fief 40, N. K., font nt II lin (.. week da) a onlj, 0:00 I". M, nRIIMKroilT I.INR . ,TV.r,.r ! ,"'' "Iter, ncek diiT. S:00 T. M. lMe l', r 1U, K. , foot Kaat Jtd St., week rin. 3:1ft I". M Hunrlaya, 4:4.1 1". M. Sir. NAl'tiATIJCK, Tlcketa, Ftate:oom and Information at alio at N, Y Trantftr ornet. Tourlt NKV I.eNI)ON link ...T". 'VT ,1-0".l,"n'. Watrh Hill and llliirk llnnd. 1.4. I'ler 40, N. n foot HollKtim lieek dava. Si. 10 P M i I'ler VI. K. It.. fi-l K. !2d St.. (l;0fl I'. M. Sir. LOW KM, und CIIAPIX m: IIMKN mm; To New Itujen. Hartford. Sprtnslleld. I.r. I'ler IK, K. It.: nenr t athartne Nt.. rek du. i4S I'. M.i SuudnTa. 9.:io A M. I.v I'ler 70. K. II.. foot K.t fid M.. uwli ila, :t:00 r. M., SunUa. KIlOO A M. sir. Itl( ll.Vltl) l-urK. ' HI Ilroadnay near Cortlandl Strae!; Offlcee nnd at l'lera. Tho New England Steamship Company JEdKnUGrttBOUTE NEW TOIlaC AI.HA.N IIIUI ana ih . Dally. Ineludlrut Bunday. Capital -lty l.lne-I'ler 32. X U , font "anil St". SfM IVM.. W. 13J.I ht., ll:.m P. M. Wve Troy orWI V. M Aluaujr 8:00 P. M. Fare )".., ,3 New Nlfht Kiraa Pier M. N II psoo r. m., Hut i.'i,2d ?t;:1V,'.;J?,! V bave Troy (ree,t rljjndaj- w P. M ., Albany, dal y. lorludlnx Hiimwy ll:ii P M."yra o'o. yy-round trln. tin iP. , M." Fare 2 u" ne iy. JJ So round trip. Sunday mornln iKiat for Nealnirun, Point and Al hany leave I'ler M, K. II., D:UO A. M.. W. I3jd Ht.. 10:01) A. M. Iatren Al bany, 10 MX) A. M. Tel fprlnt niuo d.iy or nlirlil l.oirt Hlter Mrnmitilp In Hie orld. SUNDAY TRIPS FALL RIVER LINE MANAGEMENT STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL TO BRIDGEPORT I.eare Her 40. N. it., ft. Ilmitmn Si, I0.COA M.i I'ler 14, N ll . 11 I ilUotl St . lO l.'i A M Oil" Hrldfiit 2 1A I' M, Itet , leate MrMKcport 1.00 p. M d io N. Y . H no 1'. M Muale. Hrfruuwata. Tirketa. S1.00, cfilldren. .'.0 irnl STEAMER RICHARD PECK TO NEW HAVEN I,esTe I'ler IS. It. It . 0 .10 A M , fmt Eaal 2Uii Ht.. IU OU A. M . (lue Ni'w I In.,, P. M. Hrttirn iluv N V ( ! M Two Uniirs lu New llairn. Mui lt. frrahmenta. Tickets. S1.O0, chlliinu. iO cent. TU'ket limited, on tale at l'lert on day of ricuraloni. I lie .New I' Mramlilp Co, SXu HIGHLANDER nK',?;;.. Lv Hatter WIS. WrM 2.1.1 t. v to, Yonken I0.4.-i A M IIANCI.NC. Itf.tll'l lt IH.VM'.ll. .Vie. Sir. "MARY POWELL" iW;, M III "JO. Ulllll M III 40 A M .in data and lloli.l .. .Sir. "SI lll It t . 1 1" llound Trip Dally, fto.-. t'lnldr u -V rmnday A llolldty. 7.V ' i M MrAij.isri:nsili'rri. th iim i ) A lnr I'liwell sili't 'i 'IVI s,.. i o VorM's P.entw re Grounds" t I I- "T if r ftu t it ff C il f ti nt ' i,- Ki v. t' t fi 't Hpunii Trip' Xhn public v p'raiif i BOSTON $2.80 Via und Itnll. Itlll'M) IKII' r ' PROVIDENCE !rt $1-73 Kfll'NII TI'.H' .:. Colonial Line l'lrt-rla terIce. I'nterlni lo ihi '.' . Week ila and Minda; at v r v' 1 I'ler 3d, N It foot '' Houion ' Itutilde Hoiiiii". Sl.KI In H.nn V.lreie.i equipment. I jiIomh (llllci., Ilrcnd. , ...1 2sa Bt. I'iionr irlns TI -1. II..I n .1 T r rt 11 . ' '; Proildenieilliei l.t .VI hTAl KltOOMS, l.ll. H..VI .mil 1.' Unlit, Im ludliiK .suiiile.i. 1 iiil" From I'ler 10. ll II ' Plume i Iiwkui?. City Ticket Dfllce. 200 llroulu Ipiokii Ticket (iIIIch, l j r l i'i ft Write for IH-iKiratiM Tnuli-r lberT HtbBt.lcUnlreraltyPlar. One block weat of H'way. Thoroughly Modern and Fireproof, RATES $1 AND UP Very convenient for permanent and transient sueata who dealra quartert below 113d 8t. Excellent Restaurant an i Cafe. MODEHATE PRICES. Special Itatea for Permanent Oosats. TOt'ItS. A Vacation Cruise for Two to Boston on tbe Metro. Solttan Mite's Orent Rapreaa Paaaenier tcamhJ. "MaMacbuietl ' and "Hunker Hill," CAP fin each Includea trans. ''XM,'Mpoitnllon. atalcrooma. hotel. auto lour lo Historic Ton FOfi TWO cord and Lealnntno, and boat trip lo Pembrrton aud fiautaakel Ilench. For Itineraries, reservatlona and llckcu, apply to GEO. C. MARSTERS 12411 Hroadway. New York E(Vr YACHT CLIFTON ITCC tantaii MJa 4t Mile J Hour Crulte. ! Imnlll AROUND MANHATTAN ISLE Sat. and Sun. 25c. BtJtllllonal. Muttc. Lrcturrr. LV. f 1IR FOOT W. 4t4 T. Tat. Bryant 362 ,3ron4fcmnb0at(!ii artUIAL NOTICE Toimit. NO LANDING AT W. 23D ST !".!,TMr,,i?,V?l'hV S.iVi!-?rT,a,h ST' " iow.V.rVw?v l'etcrt Beat at Knglrnnml, Knolkwdou, N. J., July 31. Members of the KiiRlewood Country Club iilnyeil ugiilnat bo-ey to-day, N. W. Peters win ning tho competition. Ha finished 5 up. Orantland Itlco was 4 up, Eugene Frsser 2 up and Dr. J. M. Kent 2 down. TO CALIFORNIA Under Kirort, with Kkprntrs lili luded. Nett Pnrtlra. AiiKiiat a and 7. All of California and CANADIAN ItnCKll'.S. KPrnill TR1IM TflllP Wi is, Won- Him Miniii aerllll i J tv Tour De l.uxe, wltb chartered l)lnlnk.. nbaenatlon, Htandard and Cum- 97 A partiuenl Cars, t'liiiinleu. rust CIU Miner t.auiorniii i nura, Kept. 7 I October 7, via inixt Mlrxi'tlin rniitin II. SHORT SUMMEj) TOURS, K8CIIKTKD OH l.Uf;PKNl)KNT. to Ureat l.nkra. St. I.awrinco IIImt. Mm), treal. tjuebec. Hagnenay, While Moon, talna, Adlromlnrka, Maine, Nnva Scotia, lleruiuda, &c. "TDlUn " tK sn-PAOK tDCC IRAKI nooKiJtT ok toukr rntt Send tolay for copy Gm.E, Marittrt, Ino., N.Y. City 1340 llro.ldv.ay (at 3lt st.) i" nu-.OCEAN "TAITRITQ" Dot p ri.blnt Mir 1 l U 1 U U Dallj ,u H . ,M, frm pPr j, N lI(Vi CONEY ISLAND i.i:vp. mi:st iTiirii sniKP.r. i 4R. . I .10 4 IS J 1.1, 0 .10. 7 311. S.4M V. At i.i:k pir.n i miiitii .1.1(1.4 I A. A tin. i) IK), 0.40,7 14.K l" M til JAA M . 12 JA. 1 2A 3 25. .1 10.3 AS 4 A.-, . ? I". 7 AO. M. U.2.V 10 40 P M' I tip murkc! 1 doe not alup ul Pier 1, N l I ROCKAWAY BEACH aiajAV , .. ..""V ... i r. iiiij i A p ?,,. i" III lni u I It u Ml. Hi MANHATTAN LINE $1.00 TO ALBANY Hindis Itooni sirtlie .i l.i .itle IIIKIIKTII III KI'.IS AMI l:l.(.V(,l 4 HM KKII lit 41.1. PIIIMS Auto und llorcai l.on It.Ht " atrsmiT. I.v ilill l'nr , " fiK We-t lluuMun A :u 1' ' " 1 mi hi . n I1 M Ti.i.phnii.. 'i i ' Atlantic Highlands -cS&FARElOCts. ulnniiilille Curried ciip.nln 1' Till llmito for All li r.. i i- I.ia Dally ft White- l i' " ' ballrtt niattoNniili II l V si ' s 1'errv IO A M 2 I'M Tel llr- ni ' Pai'ntcr c.-ip.u'ltv I " ' ' ' S.S."MANDALAY" Moonlight Nail ln-th I inli I'.rr l-tnliiej Broadway Stars and Celebrities Will roMllvcl) r.lilerla" i ' Tiieda 'I htir I o ' ' Niimliit. bis I. Mr ll.ui' " or Ibe Inter i.-inle U 1 " li'iir llnt'i'i ; to P M ,t s .10 P M Hue l"H "l v' S. S."MANDALAY" Wr.PKIMVS AND NII.VII4.Vh. To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS New Haute to Jeraet Coait lleort. AC Pin iLva.W 1311 HI.. I) ,10 A.M. AtM Ulhi I'allery Pier JO ao AM UIVJI, AtlaiitfelllKhl'aoP.M l:tl'llAV. Ill" in lottery only 7 PM Tela. Plrr. Morn. 4.T10, Ilroad 170-328,1. DAYLIGHT TRIPS Long Island Sound! NEW LONDON LINE iV : Pier 411 N It TI llnilMMII -' i or K.iit sad m io io M ', -Numicli, siiinluk- on W.ik Ii II 1 Hoiton. elc I nliler on n-ipe -l it) llrkel Ak-enl. 171 N CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH Steamers Rosedale & Ciniliria Today I.fttVe Will l.'J'll (' ? ' w t.t ja i ii " Hi'Ipij " l " i'ont- U hi' t 1 lUek.iu.i 1 1 i;('l ItsliiN IK KPI-. Mil IIAII.T AND MINIHV Tllll'! ' I nterstate Park La nd i ngs; iiik TH. KI.NlHrON Leave IV ith l IO ..M.,aAi AP M PnrellAi I. lliillini 1"P HARTFORD LINE Prom Nsw Pier 30. Kait Hirer, foot, rcck Kllp.dally except Sunday, at A P,M. for Cgnnec. ttcut itlTsr laudlocs. Writs far Bummsr foldsr. Sight -Seeing Yachts Lve. Uatlery Plrr 10:30, 3 :an. Tel. Ilroad as J. To SANDY UOOatandttaeOCKA: