Newspaper Page Text
Second Section Sporting and Automobiles GOLF. ATHLETICS. YACHTING. FOOTBAL. BASEBALL, BOXING, RACING. TENNIS NEW 'YORK, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. Copvrlght, 191f., h tht Sun Printing end Publishing Aoclntlon. SAM JACKSON IN SEASON'S RECORD WINS MT. VERNON Crowd at Aiio(lnci Cheers When 1:!10 1-5 Is Ihuijr l'p on (ietiiwny Day. KtM.INd IS 31 A OK OX liKOCK.MIIiLKirS ACIS T.mothy ' O'llrlcn's Sam Jackson made the closing ilny of the Umpire City Jockey Club meeting nt Aqueduct a notable nno by running tho best race that has been put forward this season hy any thoroughbred. In winning tho Mount Vernon Hnndlcap yesterday from a good Held the nged son of Oarry Herr mann Itavcllo II. turned a mllo In l;3fi 4-5. Tills smashed tho track record by one nnd u fifth seconds nnd U only one-fifth of a second slower than tho world's record under similar conditions standing to tho credit of August Del mont's Slromboll nnd which was made last year nt llelniont Park In a hot fin ish with (latncr. Ilecatiso Ills owner J business Is lo cated on tho outskirts of City Hall Park Sam Jackson has by his recent Rood per formances becomo tho racing Idol of rrk How. ills brilliant running yester day lifted him with one Jump Into na tional prominence In the thoroughbred orld nnd there were many competent horsemen who Insisted on the way home from Aqueduct that bo would prove. more than n match for such eiiulno im Ho.imer. llorrovv and The I'lnn ' weight for age cundltlons. stars aa ..i ....I..... . " : . ... i ""i " ' nonunions. It wns not so much tho tlmo that i counted with practical observers, but the nunner In which tho feat was ac- , compllslied. Pani J ickson. nlwnjs , ilow beginner, was last nt tho Hart, but was in his runnlnr mueli iin(.Uof it..n ..r,i .iV ?. il ? ? . . 'lU'CKer than uual. showing he hail learned tho trick of getting under way. He made no ef- I fort to get to the front at once nnd , the first three furlongs were reeled oft oy burprlslng at tho uiuderatoly slow pice of 30 seconds. In order to krep tho lead from tho 1 tpwdy Co(iiette. which wan second at , that time. Surprising was urged to a . raster p.ico and tin- next quarter was covered by the ltvldors in 23 seconds. That in icmaikable going for tho mid dle part of a mllo race, but was n'N remarkablo was that while the llghtwelghiH In front were dancing1 along at this lively pato Sam Jackson wns f'.ylng toward them with mighty strides kt.d gained length by length until "Just I. for entering the home stretch' he had ptss-ed Co(tietto anil was near enough to Surprising to insure victory. ii ii. e pix iuriuiiK r.tiu uacK.-Jii .in , abimt on even terms with Suiprlslng,! and .til, TYmmv McT.iirirart had not ,..V- 1... h . ,lm.M Tho llm r.-i .lL-ht ' ; ;. . , In- timers at this oolnt was 1 1 1 which Is a n-cond faster tjjan the I .. standing to the credit of . he-k i. he and tlalner. Jnckson had e i ue well In hand then, but nl- though M T-ii-i-r.rt wtlll hud o. tlirht hold! .u t,.t hi. ..i-,.n uirld.. cnrrlrMl him along and he left Surprising further be hind at cery bound. A new distinction awaited him .it the seven furl'Tg murk, which he reached in 1 4.:, Neither thbt mark nor that ., ,h ,,,, wiii en on the at the three-quarters will ko on ine rfcords, im- tne met remains uini 1 .MCK$on nail covered seven lunuimr. n second faster than the track record tlmo made bv the great Itoamer last year. It was n beautiful sight to nee the hamb-oniu thoroughbred full of life and, rot stepping through that last eighth nf a mile He came on with steady, n-rn Mtru!.- as though In a warming up fillop. His Jockey was not driving, not en urging, while th beaten hones w.himl ern belim whltiped (mil spurred i ! vain .ffort to keep within hailing il stance of the day's champion. 1 r&ouette. which had nroppen oacK nheu the ).i 'o btenme so not in ine , mld.Ha liart nf the raCO. had passed SUT prising skiii after three-quarter of a mile, but even with Johnny McTaggart in the saddle was unable to make any Impression on brother Tommy and hla liiatchli-ss steed. The gap grew as tho llnlah nenrcd so that when Sam Jnckson passed the Judges with his rider already pulling him up ho was five, lengths in front of i uniotte -which lii turn was three lengths to front of Surprising. In fourth I Place, a. length nnd a half behind, was the Western entry iiouge, which n.u i-tartod an even money favorite hut had been knocked back early in the race. When tho time was hung out 1 0,000 perons who had been sweltering through th-ee races without showing any enthu laim broke out in a roar of applause. T. umy McTaggarfH faco wan one broad urn le as ho looked at tho time lioard and lifined to tho cheers that greeted him and h . mount. Ta k ..f records followed immediately and g(Nl Judges of racing speed agreed that -f pren.ied Sam Jackson could have Made th. distiinco In 1:30. It wai re gretted by all that McTaggart had not If h m i-un a little harder nt tho finish order to have disposed of Ktromboll'H rerLrl of 1 30 3-5. That Is tne mnrK ' ' ' " re ig-.,z.-d h tin f men an llio standard, I i"' jgn faster tlmo mis oeeu iimuu mi n uightaway track and on a trotting track The ciri ular track reconl stood nt 1 57 2-U until ChriHtophlnc was "f1" ,7' th a mile In 1 :3fi 4-5 nt Juarei In the u-r or iy;. j ilia won lunu-.y - Stroii.bol.'K mark of a fifth of a second faster ,ast fall In tbo meantime It. T. W .ion's Amaltl had run a mile on a fa h sjiei tally prepared for trotters nt F'-ri. iho in 1 :3f.'(. but though the meet Ini! was held under tho auspices of tho J' key Club the times made were not onn'ern by turfmen n worthy to link thoso made on regular run r. n.- 'rur ks. Tie burst hero of the turf world has n nieiestlng history. He was bought 'i a huikllng by Jack MKIInnls for Mcdlnnls trains tho horse to day and in all probability nan nn owner' Interest In him. Ham Jackson made a rutno n. a Iqng dlstniieo performer, hi fi gnlheil Its greatest lustin when 'e won thn Saratoga Cup nt two miles a quarter In 1'J13. He then went In training for the (ireat Hndurancc Slakes M Louisville In tho fall, but broke down hlie preparing for the event, which wns r.e nf the rlcbisl of the year and called tor a illgtanro of four miles. Nothing wan heard of Sam Jncksnn Jftr that, but McIIIiiiiIh never gnve up ''P- and kepi working on him with Ntltnco and skill, Iast fall Or. Mc Cully, the well known veterinarian, fired the horso mid whon he wat put on the t'ck again ho appeared sound an ever. Sam Jackson came baeklnto the ro ting world after an abjeuco enear)y Tiger Eleven Must Keep Past in Mind C"NK of the many new methods introduced In Princeton f oot bnll' training by Speedy Rush, the new Tiger head conch, has been discovered by a midsummer visi tor to tho new field house in con nection with the Palmer Me morial Stadium. In tho dressing room of tho football players hangs a big placard headed, "Things to Remember," nnd in cludes bits of advice on how to tackle, carry the ball, &c. Dut at the top of this sigh arc the two significant lines: Harvard, 20; Princeton, 0. Yale, 19; Princeton, 14. two years at the meeting of the Queens j month of August. Many tralmrs have tII tlnlMli In the third division of the same County Jockey Club, nnd sad to say he i arrived with their strings and the morn- class, Mouse scored a similar victory1 ran a very disappointing race bohlnd nt- hours at the track ajul Horse Haven) among the knockabouts and Meteor was Hayberry Candlo and Plying Kalry. He , r , .,h m IM,,i tint the the only Star boat to be timed. next tried u sprint of six furlongs and "rr Lu, rnoaulx to -Ukgest that the llber of the 1 boat, raced. Oher finished .third. races are In progress already. , nr(Il i,.,,, mvnr nf Alice. was at thel ine rest of hwi work Is well known. lie ran second in tho rough and tumble fUDurnan, nnd nt that w pulled up at tno wrong post near tho was followed by a third Uty Handicap. The first gilmpco of his h'.nV?nr w,n.n,l,,,wh,e,J hc wn. 14 mlle n.'V p, ?l Aqueduct liwt Wednesday. terduy. .. , , ... ,.c ul fi- ......uuKn u was a getaway uft' lne hones ran fairly close to form nnd there . , r " K""n' ilml in tho third rnce, when C. J. Ilrock- mil cr a Acts, recently nrrlved from l.a-, tonia, came home after being backed : from 30 to 15 to 1. The luminaries: FIRST HACK. For twoyear-nld. which have not won at till, meellns-: selling; liy sub.crllitlnn of 15. with t.'iOD added; Are furluno: Horse arul age. Wt. Jookey rrlces.Fln. Btrllsrina. 1 .I0i..J.M'Trc't ITdO 1 f. 1 Kilna Kenna. 2 im,. Allen .. It l 2S Hob HwlfleM. 2....1(W..T.M'Tii,t. 14-5 J-S a. .Manuni, H3..Ilyrii 71 I 2 4 Importint, 2 104.,iiti mi .i t, E?luh ois1" I" ,m Corei""" 'in'! 5" Unlh ut-..lf l.l nt i in... ' p a . a tiiiui uiirs, 3... . 107 .Corey Hum Sln. wi'il i mi .ijiw. . i r. . i Tlnie0:S. , .('?"'1 ",nn e''1,1' Mrllsnna. t. I . Xi-VtSSST1 " ltmh ..., . " " . BALf- lnr tonr-jrear-old. nd upwnnl: elllng: by ,Ub,crlptlon ot t- wlth iM u,,. 01ie mile: Horse and age. Wt. Jockey. Prlo-s Fin. ZniV VMieJ'irT "v." i S'l i"' Wi.hU' 4-t l-l I- Napier. 112..I).HofTm.n 11 1 5-1 4 Hay n' I.iiht. ltd -i & "::" HJ-SL0"1!'"- lu. J i 5 Kl b-o, re.l..'....'!lis'.!cnrey. 7-t S-2 I Northerner. 4 l07..J.M'Tiii't 1! 1 3 Sir Denrah. 110. .Steward . 10-1 4-1 10 Monmouth, C., ... 117 ,W MrDer't W-l 1S-1 II Time 1:41 l-l. Oood start: won drlvlnr Doctor Duenner. rh g.. Prlm-e of Metbnurii(v-Itos.alr: owned by Capt. C, K. Hockwrll; trained by M. Smart. TIHItD KACE. For three-) ear-old and upward which ha.-e not won nt tills meeting: Hlllnc by sub terlptlon ot It. with lrU a.tded: tlx furlonrs: Ilnrm and we. Wt. Jockey. lYIces Hn. Acts. 4 llli.Ditr 1S1 s-l 1', Atyladr. It2.,llyrne t-1 31 24 iir M'ccs, aeen in. r.jr rag-i, !: rvinj' Mrlker. it Sand Marsh, 3 HI Henry .. 10 1 4-1 4 lll,,J.rTa'l 10-1 4-1 Carlaveroek, i 103 llnxton. s-1 4d (1 V ' 'chlta. n 120 Ilnrel. j. j, uiiis, 4, .IK .Troxler.. . in-i 4-1 itnr,.v . blackthorn. 3. Xl,nol?', VvmMfalr 3 ' . Ill Falrbrot'r. I'l l 4 1 9 . 10t..I.lllry ... 101 4-1 10 . . 104. Matthew. IV 1 10-1 II ...111". .It Huffman 10-1 td 12 .. 10.1. W MeDer't 40 1 15-1 13 Timt-l:U 1-5. Good start; won drlvlnr Aci.. b. ff- I.aiinum-Clsianar: nne.l by C J. llrocK miller: trained by C Hauser FOURTH KACE j The Mount Vernon Handicap; for three- i )ear-old. and upward; by subscription of t II. witn IJ& anuiiinnai to sun; on nine Hore and age. wt. Jofkey. riieesdn. 'Sun Jackson, a. ...113. T..M T't 5-2 7-10 1 10I..J M'Tau't to-t 31 5ur)1ruiiit. 4 103..1liutnn... i-l 7-1 3i Hodre. 4... .lit.. Ilnrel 11-10 2: 4 Iron Duke, 3,... .107..njrne. .. i s i r. .112..MiCahey. St 5-2 uucKiiorn. o... Time 1 :3S t-a, Oood start: won easily Sam .laekson, b, r . by Garry Herrmann Itavello II. j owned by T, J O'llrlen; trained by J L. McOlniils FIFTH RACE, 8teplecha: wiling; for thw-year-o J ; t&W&Xl twoTSES?" "' ' ' liino aoiieu, aooui jwo iiiiioj. Steeplechftse; sellln: for thne-year.oliJ Hnrsn and ae. Wt. Jockey. rrlees.Fln, rimla' nirinl Seiieuaiiibluu, C. .114. .Murphy . H-S 4 5 ! 141, .Chandler. 8 2 i i 2'4 .UJ..II Wil'me. 81 21 3" .U4..Hevelifon 121 t-1 4 .I44.,Hrnd'rsm s-1 3 1 I ,119,.llooth. ... 12 event Dion Dark, nrcd " "-":' I McNub, ael. j('xai,, ae.l Zellool, aged.. I4,,ularK Il l s i 7 Btui & Stripes, 4.11i..Ort!fin.... 101 4 1 Fell. Time 4. in. Oood start: won drlrlnr. Benegamblan, blk. g. br Islington baity Aprdeby; owned by J. E. Divli! trained by f. Ilraily. SIXTH RACE. For maiden two-year-olds: ptirae, 1400: fire "ilrTr" "and at e. Wt. Jrs-kr. frlir. Fin. Sevllllan. ! lM,.J.M'Tag rt 1-4 out !" i-..:.,,rA - ins.. llnxton. . M ki 3 Solly h'e'n, 'j! : :o5: 1 Ni'kiai is ,' yi'l ;i'J'1JayX....;..loa..T.M,Tag't. 41 , lli, . l. mill .in. . i ven !i Doneer. 2 11! .Jiruaney.. i-i oui joS! 2 112 D.lloffan. 40.1 pi I 7 Heai'tHPIe. ! )0. . Steward. ., 301 ! a Coupled as Hanford entry. Tlnie-l:0o3-0 (ioo.1 start: won driving Sevllllan. br. g.. by Isidore Adrlutha: owned by John San lord; trained by II Hughes AQUEDUCT TURF J0TTIN0S. ..... i..i. the hand played "Auld Iang Sine' as a muslinl remlndir that the race- !-"r5 "V'd,,'Sf,i Vr" John H-virUan won the last race. This wns a ery lew ot ine largo or en nrr lcularry ntting close as fnr years Sara-1 tries lor the United States Hotel Stakes toga haa been recognli"l as the home i for two-year-olds have shown form racing centre of the Sanfords. The win ,vncn W(,i, n-nrrant their winning the ir-'tu1 BeflXn l.n.ld o h. thr best eviiit. but many that have not appeared - """.., in the Sanford barn, lie i a ILh-, j,y ivjdor. nnd was coupled with t.ncer. by th lami Dancer, by tne same '',' ""V.y.'' "", l.n.'.2: lry,ViTirZXc:TXl. ll oine by only Vsnture. -h " or a.t performanie. was demon- D'f.,,i n the first race for tow-year-olds That the weather and tracg were ranr- it five furlongs. Stellarlna. wnicn won me r'ent In T 69 sooonda, equalled the tsaik record made by James R. Keene's Veil In 190C. It wa. reported that John n. Mblen tud sold the two-year-old felt White Ilaekle to W 11. One, who races under th" "am. of the Shoshone Stable. If the sale la consummated tho pries will be In tbo neighborhood of 120,000. There was a close, finish In th" second raie In which Hong of Valley and Dr. Duenner went poat the Judge, cn eltno.t even terms. Dr. Duenner appeared to lie In front, but his hackers grew anxious, as he. men In charge tlm board dcl.iyid nutting up the numbers. The Idea was that thsy were looking for ii doad beat sign, but It turned nut that they had to go back In thn shed for .No. 19, as the high numbers had bn stowod away. The steeplechase wns a rough and tumble, affair, with several of the riders ngindlng In the c-arly part Henderson on l.lttle Hugh persisted In running McNali wide. Then to get square Mc.N'uli took a turn nt bothering Dixon Park. There was a close finish, with Henegamblan wearing down Cloud and Dixon Park, and tho rider of Cbnid want Into the stand to make a pro test, which was not allowed, that th winner had fouled hla mount, "All aboard for the Spa!" w ill .lie the cry at the tlrand Central rllatlon this after noon, when the Cavanagh special pulls out at t o'clock to carry the Naw York crowd for month of racing at th Springs, John Cavanagh said ynterday that If tht train was not run In two lections It would be the largest train that ever nn on a similar errand. SARATOGA LIVELIER THAN IN LONG TIMEi Hnce, Meeting That Will Open To-morrow Jlas Town Astir Fine Openlnjr Curd. Ll'KK Jlrl.l'KK EXTKHED Kaiiatooa. .Tiilv at. This vlllaen Is livelier than It has been for many years . ., , , .. 1 at tho fag end of July. In anticipation of the rnce meeting of tho K.imtuga A-i soclatlon for the Improvement of the ! Ilreed of Horses which It scheduled to mm ..i i ,i..i, open on .Monday and last through the The bookings at the different notiH nra far In advance of thoso recorded nt . .ViT1 '1' this tlmo last year and It Is predicted the flnlHti Tills 1tnnt ,lt0 comfI?, hnyc ,,,.,. ,n ' '" ,th I'nl','r:nndlng accommodation. Among the st gllmpeo of his ,.i ... i... . u ,Pll ' 'V., '"'" " I,,,.. , ' ,,ri, i their thoroughbreds are Jnm.s Howe.! wlth n ,,,, f u K Thomrson. who! , rac. lie I arrv I'nvnn W i tnev's hnrsesi this season: Ham Hlldreth. In charge of August Ilelmonfe stable: W. It. Mldgley.' ,vho worWlllf :l formidable lot of two-1 ar-old belonging to Clfford A. Coch rani Jimmy Owen, the handler for the (Jreentreo Stable: A. J. Ooldsbormigh. looklnc carofiillv after the Ho.imer I nun oilier noises ouneu n Amirew sillier, nnd W. II. KarrU'k. with the dual outfit of Schuyler I.. Parsons and the Oneck Stable. Several Western stables that did not race on the Kastcru track., nre iiu.irtercd hero also. The.e Include John W. Schorr's, which him l.uke Mc I.uke ready to come back to the races. lioal students of form are looking over the stake book nlr-ady In hope .f ; flmllng the winners of the early closing i events scheduled for the opening iln. These in order of Importance are tie Saratoga Handicap for three-year-olds nnd upnnrd at a mile nod n quart- r, the United States Hotel Stakes for two- year-olds at ilx fur'ongs, and the Shllle- lah Steeplechase at aLout two miles and n half. .hoT OTS. that more than a dozen will go to the Ist. Itoamer. which earned the dlsllnc! tlon of top weight, lias been going along nicely In his work since he cime hero (ifter being defeated in the Kmplrc City; Handicap. Oniner, his conipieror In that ' event, Is not entered. Neither l Plifinnv. ! whlclj throtmh the fnxt p.u-o tot by him ' at the start was largely responsible for the failure of Uo.imer to remain In the running to the end. There Is no horse In tho rnce callable of extending Andrew Miller's champion at the.start. He there fore will be allowed to make his own pace without Interference, nnd as he al ways has shown a liking for the Sara toga track will have a good chance to wipe out his most recent defeat ut IJel mont Park, I.. S. ThomiiMrrs llorrow- Is In thn nanuicap with 1 25 tmund.. then. l.a 'than Itoamer. He has had little luck sine, he won tht Kentucky Handicap In the early spring, but lwis run many good races since, llorrow wot this event last 1 year, currying 1JJ iKiumls, and Is likely 1 to prev Itoamer very closely for favorlt- ism on -ionuay. ..unu ..hi. um-, nnicn p.iriy in ine sen- ' 7, T. 1 Keonh. 102 26, 77, J David son wns rat"! as the equal of the Knst- , port. 22, 77. .1 McNrlr, H 20. 7. V. em Cracks. Is now esli-emed n ri,l I W Ne. 99, -20, 75. W O. Phll'lt... 106- 24, Kiirss than llorrow II. i,.rfrm.i iii. Ilantly at llelmont IMrk In the unrim- of last year, where he won the llelmont 1 Stakes over a trying i-oursc. Ho Is a ' nam nurse to train, but has been pre pared carefully for his Hist appearance In .Vew York State this ear and if he has regain d his form of last ear cer tainly will Im ilnng-rou-". Atwirli.. r.ii.n,l.l..l,u .....-..ll... ...ill ... fr,n-.i in aiiii-. 11..1, u. .....v. , i t which has raced consistently well nil t season and wound up with a victor v In ' tho Suburban Handlcan. stminimi'i u w 1 1 i 123 pounds and In spite of the. 1 fRCt h '- the Suburl'in f r.n... n..i... ...m , of rather fluky character will be sup- Jiorted well, , II. C llalltiiU'ck baa tw three-year- I olds to carry his colors In The Finn nnd I Iron Puke. The former has to carry 1111 pounds, while iron Mike Is In with 104 It is prolwble that Tin- Him may Im re- serveil for the Travers Stake on Smur. I dav. which Is .xr-!iiiwdv t..r u..r , his age. Kvte f that Is t,n, the Hallen beck entry will bo dangerous, for Iron Duke has run two goon, rai-e.s tho only times he 1ms been out this year and has not been run to d.Mth m Tho Finn. Addlo M. and Tar I nr. both of which havo won good handicaps this year, ato out of the race on account of Injury, and the "uttlng down of Tartar leaves It. T. Wilson, Jr., the president of the Sara toga Association, without u repreHftitn tlve. James Duller 1ms six nominations, of which the only one that has shovwi any real rorm tills year Is I'ebble.. It Is oil the cuds, howeier, that I,.ist Coin, which showed gioat form at the end of his two-year-old can nr. may be a iod 111 pickle for tho Saratoga fixture. Last Coin Is rnted nt 110 i-ninds by the han illcapper, while Pebbles has to carry only lOfi. Ii II. 1 1 rad ley may start either Illaek Toney or lliadlej'H Choice, while nInoiii; the lightweights which mav face I the starter are Saratoga and ClifT Field, i wnn me i-niiirs up are enginie, including four of the youngsters tlmt Jefferson Livii'gston imported irom i;iigiand ns yorvrl..,.,, are-Co, Ala... by Colin ji iiiiiu , i.iHKiiti. iij i'w.iiiik i n ce Teetotal; l'leure, by Cicero I-'leuielte II., and Poltoma, by Polyinelus I.a croma, Of the I.. S. Thompson young sters those so far seen have not given much promise, but It is known that Trainer ltowo generally reserves hla best for Saratoga. Them is considerable talk of the prowess of Thunderer, by llioom stick Jersey Lightning, a full brother to Itegret, but whether this colt will be started before lie has had a public prep In n less formidable field ! a question. Among the best of thoso seen In mces In the Knst nre James Hutler's !iasp and Paddy Whack, filfToid A. Cochran's Air .Mull, James It, Keene's Lor.ic and II, T. WIlKiii .It 's Oniiesdalo. The Shlllelifh Steepleehaso is a selling stnku and will not brine out the best of the limber toppers. Tho most tellable of those entered are the Ciieentiee Stnhle'a Cherry Malotte, Thomas Hltrlirnck'n Swish nnd Timber Wolf, J b l.lss. bergei's Syosset and J. K. Wlderior'n ICI ll.ut and Sklliberceii, There will be stake events on every day of tho week nnd a grand card for Saturday with tho North American Hteeplechnse, tho Sanfonl Memorial for two-yi ar-olds and the Travers tor three. icarolds. Among tho ellglbleH for tho Inst named are I.. S. Thompson's un beaten llegret, James Ilutler's High Noon, II, C, Hallenbeck'H Tho Finn and Iron Puke, Frederick Johnson's Top o' th' Morning and .Schuyler L. Parsons'! Phosphor. ONLY SIX ABLE TO FINISH. llnntlc Vnclit L'tiili'a Itetintlii - rrr :,t r'r, r;: the I Atlantic Ynrht Club wero able to cross. ! tho finish line ofT Hen Hate yesterday. I The yachts started In tho lightest of airs from the southwest that petered 'out long before the majority of the craft had finished tho first leg of iv shortened course. The tide managed to lake the majority of the boats to the Port Hamilton mark, the second turn ing point of the voyage. However, with no hrc(7c nnd a head tide the )nclits found It practically Impossible to reach homo. As the hour was growing lntc tho ma- Jorlty cnlled for tows. The few that ''" ' course Picked up n little breeze off llensonliurst that managed to . , . ... ., ,, wa tnost disheartening nfternoon for the );ioht.tnen. In tho second division of the handicap elns the winner was Joy, on both adual nml rorrected time. The , ... W!t, , fin,.. ...,..; niartlnir line. However, he stale, that ns Virginia had been Injured on her wnj " from I.archmont week nnd was still In drydock he would not race for a i snllover prize. U was the first rare - im th lower bav fnr n fnrtn rht nnd was I on the lower bay for n fortnight nnd was the seventh -ac to count on the yacht racing championship of (Iravesend llay. i lie summary: iiaSMHOAP t'LAfi Kfrst DIVISION fTAHT. 3;o; iolhbk. .mi. r;n. Time. Vn.-hl nn.l Owner II M t H M " .Inv l.e Him.iKi' Dvl II J 1 4 5J t.oafor II A llnllock ... 5 M it 2 4J !T Mrf W An i.rion .1 M 44 2 49 It ur..I II W lliininiell.. Hid not finish S. i I'.iil. A. Ohr -'lsn'en. . DM not nnl.b i'Tr.t.i tim .Iny, 1-42.2. Loafer, ? ?4 40 Mey. S.Srt 3S. HASDirAP CLASH -THIltD DIVIHU1S HTAUT. i in Ctll'ltSK. si! Mll.F.S rrsnrl. S WlPke. . ! II (! . ) 05 Wshlc tn II . M Michael Hid not tint. h. Iluf II.. U. llnliinslif . DM mil milh. Amu. J. II Wright. . . . DM not finish. KMirKAIltifTfii-STAIlT. 1:16 COt'ltSH, ' l: s,,i'K:i ',"""V. li f'KY i ,;.,','". 9 'fVAJT Skylark, r Putt DM not flnUh. STAIt ri.AHS .TAItT 5 20 COt'ItsK ..62 Mli.'nf. Me-rnr. It II. KlnUy 5 :.r. 21 2 35 II Mal. H U ... DM nt finish, Shadow, W f.. Inslee. . . . Did not nnlh. S3 SSSS: -rmcv tiav at niTMnrinTiTT1 BUSY DAY AT DUNWOODIE. one Tunriu-y to lleitln .lust ns Ari- .... iitliir I.iuls. vm u fit a. .tlil Tint fin j !l fvln l rounc! of the rcKUlir monthly nmrnnmont was played to-day at the Ilunwoodle Country Club. The final ivund of th" July tournament In Class Ii nUo was played, V. S. Kvana beating D, C, Knvan-tugh by JO up nnd to play. In the red c'lrd competition William Chllvers led In Clns A with 13 'J, 70, nnd tho class II winner wns N, K. (Sal land, with M 19, fi5. They also were the leaders of their respective divisions In the qualifying round. The qualify ing .cores : t'lass A - William rhilvr, tf 9, "0 D. J""',t'- (.nnkV, ";.5 u f v AtTm jj: , 75; K, n!'i,. oL,; A- T CnlWlle. s 12. 77. A M Morris, 9112, T. N Heker, 0 t. si, s. v.. oiln. '4 Class 11 X If. fHlland. 92 1, tl; W. H f2. W A Mllllken. lot u, si, A Pater- 'on' 1H -24, St. W Ilader, 1071 i, . GOLFERS TRY FOR TWO CUPS. 11 . w, 3liirslnn Lends 1'lelil at Rrn'ii-Ii-li I'oiintrj- Club. OrtER.N'wtni, Conn., July 31. A quail fylr.g round for n cup given by V. H Truesdaln nnd an eighteen hole handicap for 11 ''u' kUi'" ,,y ,hl cl"b nttracted " g"d field of golfers nt thn Ureen- w'l'h Country Club. II S. Mnrston, with b i-cnr of S7-15. 72. as first In both i... i,..,.,n . n.. e .i.... competitions, heading tho list of those lu quallllcd for the match piny rounds for the Trucsdnlo cup nnd winning the club trophy. The scoron: run 11 n Mnrston ST IS 72? M II FiMierSC -?2, 73. 1 J I-hrM." U7 7S; II. lilllelan, si k. 71,, j D Chapman. 5 3, 7. T M. HudKens, 4- I". 71: C . Tripp, no 11, 7i, il II Hilton. 36. 77; H. J. I'hlillna. 93 ti. r D llarferty, 9--20. 7. A. !. II man, HI 1C. 7, C c Pearson. Jr. V2 12. 0; r A. Wanner. 6 1. SO; W. F. Drunkard, 1)4 II, Ml: N Webb, 10222, 0, .1. It Dunliip, 100 10, HO. Club Cu;i--ll S. Marston. 7 15. "2. M It. Foster 45 -12. 73. II II c.irhart, l- . 73. 11 !--, 73, T M HodKens, 92--l. 74. 17. J Khret, I7 -2.'. 75- J D Chapman, --!. 71, C W Trim". SO II. 7. II II lllltnn. i3 77. V.. J Phillips. P3- 15, 7, C l ItafTerty. ;i 20, 71: A II Hunan, 91--H. 74. C. C Pearson, .lr. 9212, m. C A uglier, us in. .u. , 102 r i-rniiK.iro, ;n !l. so .N 22. SO. J. H Dunlap, 100 20, .0 FIVE RACE ON SHREWSBURY. final I v I'lrst In Iteuatlii nf Ited Hunk .Motor tlon I Club. !!H Hank, N J., July ,11. A ten mllo hatiilb'np race was thn feature of the midsummer ngatta of the Hed Hank Motor Hoat Club on the North Shrews bury hero to-diy. Five speed boats started In the open event. It was n pteltj race with close finishes, William ItiisNell'H (ladlx winning nnd running over tin course III 1 hour K2 mlliilfeH 2.1 heromls, corrected time, She Just beat out Archibald I.. .Miller's Jesslo M. H. by 12 Hfi'inulM. l-'r.-mk I), ttrattiin'tt Jen m was thli il. The engliio of J. P. Andrews's Jack Tar went dead while the craft was well up In tho in. o nnd with the lenileis was inundliig tho stake on the third turn. Cups wero awarded to the winners:, A latgu Ileet of yachts lined tho course. IMwiinI nnd Alexander Hussell were thn Judges nnd Fleet Captain John Morrow timer Colters llusy nl Ps.i-x l'nlU, Cai.pwki.i., N. J.. July 31 -The semi llnals fur lb" I. man Clark cup nnd a b.ill sweepstakes were tlm attractions nl th" Ks.ex Fells Oolf Club this after noon. In Hie semi-finals William Shll Inber, Jr., beat C. Wendell 3 and 2 ntuj T. Merrlman beat It. S. Hespard 4 and 3. The scores In the sweepstakes : V. A, Hush, 04 21, 73; A. I.. Plerson, 830, 74; T. .Merrlman. sn -12, 71, H, I.. McCord, 951 9, 70, Mne Keep on Tr Intr for Cup, Pi.AiNi'iKi.n, N J July 31. Nliin members continued play for the preel dent's cup at the Park (lolf Club hero this afteiimon, It. il. Campbell and Walter Whitehead tying for best net 1 score with a mink of 72. The hcoiisn: Waller Whitehead, 1001S, 72. It. (I. Campbell. tM 33, 72, William Taylor, 111 17, 74 . Ch.ules 11. Morse, !ili 14, 7 : Hurry Ieiwza, 01 13, 7S , Claienco J, Hand, 8019. 80 1 lioyle T. Phillips, n IS, SO; n. (I. .Morse, 9816, 81; It. 31. Smith. 11528, 87. MARSTON TOO GOOD IN MORNING ROUND .lersey flolfer IMnys Ekwnnok in (HI nnd (tains Big Lend Over . V. Seoley. WINS MATCH BY AND (J Manchestrr, Vt.. July 31. The name of Max It. Marston of Ilaltusrol will be added to the list Inscribed on the first president's cup nt the Kkwanok Country Club, nnd what Is more therewith will go tho fniiio of playing a round of the course In competition In OS strokes, a feat which thrilled an Interested gallery this morning nnd made the afternoon work easy. Mnrston's opponent In tho thirty-six hole final wns W. I'nrker See. ley of Ilrooklawn, a former Connecticut champion. Tho story of the match Is the story of the morning round, nnd even then of Marston's ft. Sceley's brilliant efforts being confined to a pretty 3 nt the second, n long putt for a half at tho sixth nnd n few good approach shots. AbiiKton was outdriving Seeley by many yards and was playing his seconds rleht up to the pin. He took six for the first hole owing to n poor teo shot, but when his mnshle shot at the third gave him an easy i and an nccurato putt at the next cUlmud a '1 the earlier mistake was forgotten. At the sixth and eighth Mnrstun rimmed the cup. but failed to belter par. but nt both the ninth and tenth long piitt brought two more holes played In less than par. He holed an other lung on- at the fourteenth, but nt the si'Wiiteetith inlsed his second shot and required ". Seeley winning a hole for the fitst time since the second. Marston was par 4 for the last hole and T up for the morning. This nftemiion the piny was anything but keen. Marston took the first two hol.' with iase and lost the following three ns ejisily, lo.lng his ball nt the third hole Seeley took advantage nf hi. opponent's po.jr work nt the fourth and fifth and the 1'nd was reduced to six boll's. S. eley failed to get out nf a bunker on tho eighth and conceded the hole before Marston had played his sec ond nnd then both played par golf until Marston calned the twelfth In par 4 to f for Seeley after driving Into the rough at tho light. The cards: MOHNINO HOl'.VD. Mnriton. out.... 4 1 2 4 3 5 4 Srelsy. out 4 3 1 3 3 3 7 4 Marston, In. . . . 4 3 4 3 i 4 4 S Sseley. In 1344f4 J 34 434 4 34 M 41 19 AFTERNOON ROUND. Mar!nn. out 4 S 6 4 S 4 f 4 412 Hsley. out f 3 4 4 443 Mill-tor. In 4 3 4 Set)y, In 3 llye hnle. not plned. Approximation, at third and eighth holes for both play r. Tho finals In tho other divisions also were played to-day nnd thero also wan n hmdlcnp compctltjon. The sum mark"! : First Thirty-two, fnr First President's Cup. Hound Max It. Maxston, tusrol, bfat W. Parker Ftfley, Ilrooklawn, I nnd s. ConsuUtlnn. Final Hound fieorgs T.. Morsr, HulUnd, bat F. 11. dates, llonl clalr, ( and 3 Third SKteen, Hnal Round C. It. I.eak. (lardsn Xity. beat Fulton Cutting, tx County. 1 up ltratsn i:iht of Third f)Utrn, Final Huund C M I-irk. Sunnyhronk. bsat A J. Chase, Hrnckton O. C, 4 and 2. Fourth HUteen, Final Hound W Na.h Held, Montgomery, beat J, A. Allen, Ilal tusrol, 1 up. Fifth Sixteen, Final Hound It. A. While. Oakland, beat C. D. Cooke, Ar eola. C and 3. .Mxth fUtsen. Final Hound II. H. Mac Master. Mohawk, beat 11 11, Knight, I'hlUdrlphU. 4 Mid 3. Kl-hteen Hole Handicap O. II ijardner, Ara-iain. 7s 3, 7ti F Unare. llatant. 4 7, 77i i:. T. Williams. Sprlngrtd. 7 20, 77; lleorg 4jrvl, Oarden City, 4 IS, 7, U II. Franklin, Oakland, Is , SO, T. H. Wheeler, I'lalnfleld, 4 It, to. BEL10 WINS TWO RACES. SprlntliiK Ability Gains Ilia Vic tories nt Velodrome. Tom Hello won two races at the Mn-epshe-nd Hay Velodrome last night. His flrt success was In the three-fourth tulle handicap. He made good use of his 50 yard allowance nnd held up with the distance men to tho stretch. Hern ho opened tip a sprint and came tinder the wire first by n half length. A. Deslmone of the Century Itoad.Club Association wltli 4ft yards was second and Jerry Nuuzlata third, Hello won his second victory when he took the two mile open amateur from a Held of close to thirty riders. Fred Walsln of tho Acme Wheelmen, leading from the start until the bell lap, looked a sure winner, hut on the last lap Hello showed his sprinting ability nnd won by n half length. His time for the dis tance wns 4 :22 2-5. Too much Jockeying on the part of the stars robin d the nlternatico i.-ice of its Interest Threo men contested In each of the four heats at a distance of one mile, but tho heats were practically de elded In one lap sprints. Alfred (loulelt nf Australia was the ultimate winner, scoring 1.1 points for his three starts: Harry Kaiser of The Jtrnnx was second with a tally of 11, nnd Francisco Verrl ami Fred Hill wure third and fourth with 7 and 3 points, respectively. Oeorgo Wiley of Syracuse wnn the one hour motor paced rnce from n field of four starters, covering u distance of 11 iiiIIcn ii4 laps. (It'orM- Seres nf Franco finished second, with 10 ml I'm 3 kips, and Vstor l.lnar of itolgium third, with 30 miles 2 Inps, Claremv Carmen dropped out at 30 mllcB owing to a sud den attack of Illness. GLEN RIDGE SCORES HEAVILY. Tnki- Co ii r Out of Fire Ten ills Mntchra xtHIi I'ns.nle. (it.i-N Itipiii:, N. J July 31. In the I'nssalc Valley Tennis I.eiiguo tourna ment tho (lien Midge l.awn Tennis club defeated tho 1'assalo Club hero this af ternoon four out of five mntches. In singles J. M, Merrill, Ulen Itldge, heat Hwlgert, fi 2, 4 fl, 04 : l.Uxon, l'HHsnlc, beat Shafer, 6 3, S 6, S S, and I'lilmer, Cllcn Itldge, beat McKay. G 4, f 3. In doubles Carter nnd Wllllnms, (ilen Itldge, beat Westcrvelt and Crothers, f, 0, 6 1, and Knox and Salter, (lien nidge, bent Harry and lilndgett, 0 I. Hunger ItocU In llad Mhnpe, Iinpon, July 31. August Itolmonit is experiencing tho worst of luck with his crack race horses in lltiglnnd. How Tracery was brought down by a madman when racing for tho Ascot Cup is well remembtred. Now Danger Hock cut himself so badly In the DulllnKhnm Stakes at Newmarket two week ago that It la doubtful whether he will se a racecourse acain. SHARES EASTERN - .-v 31. Wnsblmrii. ..fill the liiitlniuil IiikIi-n cIiiiiiipIiiii, It. .orrls WIIIIhiiin -il, nun the- Kiislern iloiibli-s iipri-mnr- nt I.oiiK.. unit ) i-sferilli; . 'I bi-y ilefeil li d Ir.lim I. Wrlulit nnd U iillnci f. .lo tin so ii In n spirited four set tllinl. POLO TITLE EARNED BY MEADOW BROOKSl Grout Xi'ck Is Xcvim" in Amni on Point Judith Field Score 1") to 1-2. STAIt WOIIK ItV IiKIiMONT I .i I Naiiiiaovksftt Pirn. July 31 Meadow, llrook won a clear title to the polo championship of America to-day. .! feating (Ireat Neck. If. to on "t Point Judith ixolo Club field. A vic tory wna expected for the big four, but not po overwhelming a one. (I rent Neck xvas outclnnsisl In ev.-ry department. In the first c.tlkker llelmont scored 13 second, nfter tho throw In, After a foul had been called on Stoddard for crossing llelmont scored ngnln. He fol lowed this ten second later with his third gonl for the period. From then on Meadow llrovik svored nt will, tak ing tho I sail up and do.wi the field. . e..i- ..... liiiL.ttilculnii i. n.i ...... ... ....... .. , ... ..... ....... ... .. ...,, (if;o liad piiseed linn. Crnlg P d letup by Meadow llrook, Mllburn and i l,aum intKht pull the r.iatrh up to even , M, mu -h tennis in him Hint V. Ilelmnlit featuring In t. n'orlng. (Ireat tonus. Ho pla)ed tennis that wns not j with It.ib Seiver e.nled quic.'-Vei-U Several opportunities to score' in- mn nn-ans lilt beat, but 11 un i umtu irlCs : In the last two irrlttK but the nlnvlng of Mllbuin and Slevenson blocked all of their shots until the bin,"' 11 part of the final chukker, when Itunu-ey Kd nv-iile two goals. Webb and SMddanl pliyed good polo for (Ireat Neck, but they wero atwa).i alone when a chance to s,oii- ofleiod itself. The score! MlIAllOW HIUMlK. (.IlKVT MXIi 1 ltaniinid lb Iniont 2j M Wati-rlmr) 3 M nli-ollll Ml-lellsOll Ituni.i-i .11 .nil Webli V llesdleston Hek-1) xiiiiiiirn nn c,-...M.'i.liis Tlrnnk ('liiilis an'ie'd.1''"!; by h'Uidictp o: less l "n ntles. e: loin . 13 More--(ireat Neeli final, eirned. by hsllrtlcnp. il. less ni'iullies t,- total IndiiUlnal eosl" -llelmont, s. W.itertniry. 4; St. veil-on Huttise) . L Ivn.x'.tlcs -lire it eoU -toddJril H for crn.tlng. Iteiidleston, foul honk 't, plod- Hi'ferees .! C Cnbley and K lloiipliu Timer-ilodlny WATKINS DECLINES PRIZE. Ills I'm her Onw It, So lie droits Ills Niuiir, With - ftVK, N V., July 31. C. J.. Watklni Woodineie tournament last Sunday and led the Held In tho eighteen hole handl- It .is if she might niiiiv) to cap nt the Apawamls Club to-day wlth!di. At am tnte she paid no attention a score of "! --', 6!1, hut ns his father wliateer lo the mutch In the opening had given the prizn be withdrew his i h i and I.ovibond fared well, bu In the name and (1. H. Ilarnes, with 7T. -5, To, i second n t, whin she began to Interest became the winner. Watklns did not herself in tin- score, the m'.iltlaman be- spend a profltlest dav, however, ns IPs good score won tne morning sweep stakes for him. Tho scoies In the han dicap : (' 1,. Watklns, Tl i. 1. il II llirnen. 5, TOi II. H. (Iraves, Ts '.. 74 W I". S Hurt s--12, T4, II A oil :-!!. Tl. T C Fogel. 90-15. TU, P S Keeler. " II. lb; I,. I'lstt, I5- -H, TH. i it .xi mi-ill". K 7 s . JI. II I..iliri-ni e, HI 1'., 7li, Henry liearbnrn. kt K'. "t. U -I laildhi", UT S, 79; II. A. Chonte. 91 -t:. "'.I, A. Pell. IU 13, SO; C II It indelliroek, 7 17. 80. lleeles's Coll lo Oppose .foi l's. I.onpiiN, July 31 The substitute for the Doncasler St l.ei:cr. which will In called the September Stakes, will be i.--elded over tho last tulle and a half of the famous Cesaiewltch coiin-n ut New ma! kot next mouth. This r,iv. which Is the last classic of the. Kligllsh season, will bring together two of the most brilliant colts In recent years, I.ord He. eles'H cnicls three-y.iir-iild llallagh tobln, which won the Irish Porby, nnd Solly Joel's I'nmmern, xvhlch cipttircd the Unsllsh Derby, Miller Is Tenth to (iliillf). Shout llit.t.s, N. J, July 31 Philip F. Miller qualified for tho Irving K Tay lor cup at tho Ilaltusrol Oolf Club to. day with a net score of 74. Ho was tho tenth man to qualify for the trophy. DOUBLES CROWN .X'. 4j ''--. ROSENBAUM BEATEN BY WARD IN RUBBER Doctor IMnys Poor Tennis in Kdjrenicrp Invitation Ten nis Toiirniiincnt. i 1 ho was h ir.aiillllie n rtilial . lili.f I.OVIHONI) HAS IT KSYiHlRl,t "' wniiams ami w.isi.-.i isti-uck an utibeatable l e and .'iit,i . . skilfull) for anothei pvo -.nie bid Washburn with bountiful p! i -nienls i:i.jKMi:nn. July 31 Vamlubllt It . took Johnson's servl.e and Hip --t went Ward reached the round In . hl combination In tin- flu; fe v the IMgemere flub Invitation tennis tournament oy ueieuing nr. Ibsvcnbauin In straight sets In the stinl - final round here. tolnv nntn. 7.V It wns the third time this enson that the two had met nnd inch had beaten the other once, so thn thev were both anxious to get the edge. Itnudibaum played bad tennis from star: to finish and Ward had little trouble winning. The ill st set was a walkover, for the oungstcr took everything that Itosen haunt could offer and slammed the ball with might and iiiuln, Fur a time In tin- uncoil d let It Io"!od ns If Itosen- : mU(.h better than that hlch he showed In tho opening set that It almost looked Itnsciilmum led for n shoit lime and held the .set square up to 5 nil. Then lie blew up. One of the best exhibitions, of tennis during the long mltry afternoon was in tho second round between Arthur M. I.ovibond, tho Seu'iith Itcgiment plaer, and Kenneth l. Fisher, a I'nniell rac quet uleldcr. At Hint the gnud tennis wn" 0,,l' ""' l""-""d s.d, for the mill- 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.iii away with tin- opener m six htialght games It t""li him i'ightt' ii to win the second nt 10 x Tho collegian probably was a Utile Hran-d of I.ovl bnnd's repiitntion in the tlrst set nnd ot tered very wenk rc'.t nue. In the sec ond set Fisher pulled himself tnguthor nnd in.i.le a line bid fin Mctmy. 1lsh 1. I'. M..1...pi m... i.m t..... niYI. rial pli.fiiiK npher nt all the tounia- minis in which l.ovllioiul plays, came down to the courts with thn Siimli 1 ltigiiiii'iit iiiniiliill) expecting him to I win. Tills same ouiig woman almost Jlnxed him In tho llunl round nf tho g.m to fall off lii his phi), and an uiiin teietted spectator had tl lead her aw.i) to save the day for I.ovibond Tho doubles weio started, but nntn nf the matches would set thn woibl allio lor speed. Thu summaries ; I! Igemere 'lub Minis linll.ill.m Slniibs. He. i. n I Itiiinnl i'h. ii Irs I, .luhnstuii, Jr, ilelcite.l v.ln i ' ilrnnt. i'.--.'. (, - 3: ,r 1 1i u r M li.illi.ini defeated Kennelh H i'lsher, O--11, III S; ll, A 1,. IHuiuie d--feuted I,. M Hurl. 3. .'I. dr.i ut Third IPuiii.l Van. let l.i.i II Wirl de fiMti'd llr Wlnlmil Hosi-llli linn, R--U, 7 - . Illllllllni lluilliles. I'lis- Itiiiin -llln. K 1. '. 1 HI n k ill-rented I...iikIi1iii and .M , l...UKhlln s i., -I; Mm milrn and Cnrd'er fu. Ill I'llilinl.ers and llelmnr l.l de riiull . It ll.lsfis and l l.ien.l.irf .l.r. nti.1 I ov an I l.lnen. ii- I, ii- 1. M.ijur nnd Mm ler. ii.-.i .iii.i it.iNf.tii, linn, ii- i, & i'.- I. Hint mid Ash.ev defe.iliid Ken. hen Hlld Hun. r l. 11 I. I, ; Si- i.n I II. .im I- Hi!! .in. I Cr.-iKln defeni. II n k in.l lll.l. It, 0 l.i II ii;ij hp II.U I..I..I i defeated M.iigiilre uli.l Curdbi. C - I, - (.illesple It urn. STAMrniin, Conn, July 31 An eight een hole handicap wait lil.ijn.l ill Wee lllirti lo-lliy with tho fo'l. living results' J F (iillesple. SI fi. T.'i . J J. ("Ionium. 9(1 13, "7, I'lirgon, Hamilton, '.in 12. , FnderlcH Schavolr SO S, TS , 0 Chester Sclleck, 63- 3. VO, A W Stark, 'jn 10, SO , F. A Loiliwond, 0110, Kl , H. tl. Adams, s'.i s, m , m, B. Miller, i 10110. Sfi; I). T, Woodbury. 107 IS. S!s;-r. H. Knapp, 10012, sS8, WILLIAMS AND WASHBURN GAIN DOUBLES TITLE IMn.v Impressive Tennis in Loiifrwood Kinnl Aiiiiiiisl Wn'olii anil .loliiison. t'HAMIMOX PLAYS IX BRILLIANT FASHION HosTo.M, July . , I! Noirls Williams .d of Phltadelp and Watson M, Washburn of Nov Yolk ale tho K.iatcrn doubles cliampliiim and ns sudi will ap pear In Chicago shortly to compefu with tho other sectional champions for tho right to challenge Maurice V.. .Mclamgh I In nnd Thomas V. Unruly for tho na tional title. Williams and Washburn beat Irving C. Wright and Wallace F. Johnson ut tho l.ongwooil club In the final to-day, 3 '., S ii, C--3, ii 4. Among the gallery this afternoon were a few who had witnessed eveiy picvloua championship dotiUes final that the his toilc courts have known, unit It wns the opinion of the majority that nn en counter had brought together pairs who better e.vemplilled the forehand driving, lobbing mid chopping game than did those of to-day The win was as ex pected, for thero were very few ptesetit who considered that Wright nnd John s 'Ii had n chance to overcome their op ponent'. Ill addition to the doubles fifth round tinfeliee In the l.ongwooil iiillengo cup singles were won by Nat -Vies nnd Craig Middle Thn doubles maKh opened on Wlll mis'.s service and he drove and voile) ed with accuracy and force such n has scl d m been seen In doubles. In the earlier games he demoiisti ated the wonderful iinge of strokes lie has in his conttol. Though his eecutlou wns almost fault less Wright mill Johnson are ntltlcd to . edit for tho excellent team work and for the uncanny manner In which they anticipated the haul drives of thin op- ' IHinents. With in HI) fine lobs the estab lished a lea i of fou i games to ttitco , Wlllams p!,t)cil steienK Diiuis in the next game, but a double fault it in Wright uini Jo. .prim tin' points n. I they I qlllckl) finished out I In- m-: on llu-.r sen Ire. Wright and John .'ii weie superlatiwly strong In licadwmk and to that factor ulmie con In- a.i min-li nf their sucicss In l, n :. fo the drlM-s and olIe)s nf Wilb.i'o.- .i.-nl Washburn wvro r,iulilc Hc.uU'.nrl: nnd team play was more oppapn: in Wl.lllams and W.ishbutn In the sienni.l "i't find they qiiti klv ct.ihlM - .1 i i -n line lead Wright and ,lin. I.ow eer, qlllekl) gathered In tllle. g I 111. -but thereafter Wlllams and W.i-bbi Ii j played steadily, not oine li-eor'.m; t-i I lobs ilrsp.l,. tlu fai t that tin .1 '!', n.-nts w. ie aliunsl e oitlnu.tlh' at tl int. ' In the next set .1 le.'til of llln -o ' xmis iiM'i.nme. i-spvclall) V'rlRlr, , IT1 7 "'" . 'T.V. ..' , '"",".",i i,-i, tf- I,,.-! Iilitinu In mi' si1 .-..I . i I 1 sti.itei.' i-.iiiie of tin-other W i'h Johnson tired, while the lithe, pill i 'iii- l.nna.l t,i ,l,.tn f... nn.i ; ll,...,.,u '),... wnH K0U11 ,,,. Williams mini 'he Inst gniiie of the match wi 1 oi t " ruht tried Hi 'v to tave o'f d-'eit. bir the foice of !. oppom-i: ilr.M - mid volleis w is ti't tl be ilepn- I To stop l.e Hoy Nile, foui-il It lie -e. sary to tiling into play nil Ins i.-nms skill, and It was tint tintM l.e llov twisted his nnkle In the foiirt:-. se thil Nlle.s appeared especially lo l ige. During i g-i itc poif Ion of the tab h remained In b.T k co'ir'. on long drives, Ji,!!i'h as I oii'ent Itoe hi I m i' vi Tli lls-nrii, . 4 1 1 i m pi on .hi p. I.n il l:n,ill.l--ll N Vli 1 .Ills Vd. IlilS'.on. and V. I m WrIii.uhi. .n w York, dif.nii.d i (.'. I ii rmiii,, .in i i i. .ihmis.iu, riui.i delpl'Jn. tt. -. i. 3. Ii I l.otiKuriml i-iiiiin im.1 nip. MriRle ririh I (. il Ii I Mies ll.s'. hi. ii. It I ... Ito)-. New V"rk .' - I, J t; ,, i rmlK 111. 1. 1..-. Phi .l.niil. i .1 t. i-., i it. c. Mjnr, llnstun. '- I, o i. e : RAIN SPOILS WATER SPORTS. xvillnrit (npiiiri-t Ihrie I'rln-. Ht III) side Xnnlil Chili, ll.iln put a stop to Dm vv.i'i-v M...HK of tin- 11.1) tilde V.n-llt Club yesiei l.n ufteilionii. The squill did mt linaK. hnwi-xer, until the of the inn tests were d'-eldcd The prtlitlpit win ner was l.uwson Wlllatd, Who Wn-, tln I swimming i.uu mr jiiiuu.s lli.n 2 ' .1""' """" '" n. i Hi' I sirii .i i - i tile gieased pole contest. Tlm s lininliu; lln.e. um rndi r 1' w . n i , Itrnwn. J.dni S- rbit i, si-.. .ti. i, iam Kelly, llllr'l SwIllltiilnK Hint-. Vniitli. riiilft .'.i , -Unii ti l.iiws.'i, Wi.'iird. risru Hi. m mi. I. It'itien Il.nle thlid Winn ill's s i in tin ii s. H.i.i V,,., v ; . gsret I'urri. Mabel Telpr. --. I , I I'unke. tlitnl S I in tn 1 1, i; no Men. Win, in i iv sun Wlll.ini. IL ii Hi n. IU. S. .Ii. .i ., , Waller I'linl-i-. third ilreiised I'o'i- 1'i.n-t'it -ii 1. l.i. Wil'.arl Mrsli'ht Uhlng i'. in.-- w .i, in i:. Ili-n In. ks. ,lr . II ii. ... , . ,,i I'll! Mills I, Hirer- Urine Ileal. Iiespite the lint d) n K V. . u I . ol member" nf the Fox Mills n i: f Wi le out nn the links 1 1 -i,.. d.i , ; contest for the .1 Kins t . 'ix 'I seeiiiid 1'iiind "f inntih i v i. u,t follows . II. iw. II .m i) ! r .1 1 1 I l i . hill, A nnd 4 , A n.l. ison In i ! l.lnyil. I and S . II I. ill I. I Splndlcr, I nnd :i . W W .n i .. i bent .1 I'. Cl.ui.i-. 1 up In in.' u plav hatull '.ip open to nil u 1'ln.s Ii i man, 1'cr. y It. I'iiKci. did I'T -II". .17 Mllllj 1 lit III l-lllllllg Innlesl. Wati'II lilt i.. It. I . Jul) 31 lii tho wctkl) pilttltiK miilcst heid at i he n.-enii llnlin to-il.l) hlllldleapt Wer,j Imp. .sod, adding interest of tho roniiM. Ilcnrv C, Hiitcici- of I'hll.idnlphl i won thn gcnlliinins prUn with a n-nn. of To. Si ootid place went to Lmils lulinll nf I'lttsliurg, with i i.inl of Tl II I,. Childs, ilcnrge II l'l'bn., in, I p s Win en .11 had s ,.e ni V Wiiinc. s i up wot,' to M II ! , ,. i who turned m a i I . f ? i jc place wep' to M ss il Ifyiin in Oubu pie while three slimed tturd hunois Miss H. Martin. Mlns M, J K.ilt and "Mrs. JJCcmater Jiad,corca r Sl,-cjch,s