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12 THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. - BROOKLYNS HIT TWO SNAGS IN PITTSBURG tfnniiniY Kofiislrrs His Sixth Shutout mid Sixteenth Victory of Year. SECOND (JA.MK 10 IXNIMiS riTrsiilMio. July 31. The llionklyi'f MilToicil ,i iloulile defeit Id.ita.v nl tlm liiitnln of the I'irule. tile flr-t R.iine' moir leinjr ." to . whilp the econil r.ime went K tli lentil InnliiK, the Ki me Ix'Iiik Tt to I Toui.s Al Mitniuiix Knt III' -Ixteenlh victory iiml hi flttli hut(iut In the 111 ft (uiteM. ImlcllliK the visitor to t lit t p hit- imil one wulk. )nl four men ic.ti'lietl -croud nml olio not l ttilnl, tile I.UtPi Hip result of mi error. .ilptnti iiIhh put nl' :i roiiiI K.itnc until the plKhth Iniiinu. In tho tlilril O.irey, Collin: nml .l.ilinlin all regis tereil ut Hi on 11 lie-It I tup, hut no core iPBiilteil. Ill the elRlith l!llion lel off with :i triple to the score board nml Hvhnns; went In tn run for him. Mnmatix struck mil, hut t'arey hunted nfp and Holiani -cored. Colllna nlo hit u wife. Apple ton hit Johnston mid then pitched the catcher to the -creen. Carey mid Collins Kcored and Johnston wont to third, whence he Kcored on'n sacrifice lly. Wucner doubled to left nnd scored on Vlox's sIliRle. The second same wmi one of clinnR Ins color, ii both sides wele forced to send In relief pitchers, six belns used In the. ten liinlniss. Smith and AUmn started, but tho former did not last over tho third InnlnR. tn the second Ualrd tripled to rldht and scored on Murphy's slnnle. the latter golnir to second on Adams's sacrlflce and ecor lnfr on Carey's double over Wheat's head. The Pirates got two more runs In the third. Johnston bounced the ball hlnn In the Infield nnd Iwnt the throw to first, scoring on Wagner's triple through 8tnKcl. Dell replaced Smith, and on winding up for his first pitch Wagner et sail for tho plate, registering safely. Dell remained In the box for four and two third Innings without allowing a hit, giv ing way to Schultt as a pinch hitter In the clRhth. I'feffer took his place, and In the tenth, with the score tied, Collins and both doubled, the former scoring the winning run. The DodgerH made n great rally In the ehthth Inning, when they got three tal lies and tied the score. They had scored a run In the third Inning on Smith's hit, a sacrifice and O'.Mara's hit. With the (.core i to 1 against them In the eighth McCarty led ofT with a safe blow and Schulti followed suit. Mc Carty was hurt sliding Into second and Olson took his place. On Vlox's wild throw to first after Myers had forced Sehult. Olson scored and Myers reached second. When O'Mara singled to left Myers stopped at third and Adami left the box, Cooper taking Ills place. The first thing Cooper did was to un loosen a wild pitch, scoring Myers and sending O'Mara to third, from where he noted on Gilbert's safe hit to centre. Thl tied the score, but Wheat could not fetch mid Daubert was left on the base. In the ninth Inning Costello went, to bat for Cooper, which eliminated the porlslder In favor of McQuillan, who i;nt through the tenth Inning safely and gets credit for the victory. The score: KIKST GAME. BROOKLYN iN 1. ) I l'lTTSDUBO (N, I, ab h p a el b h p a r Myera.ef I ; o OCarey.lf 4:100 O'Mtra.e . 4 2 l 0 1 Colllna.ef ..42400 lnubert.'.b 4 0 10 0 0 119 0 0 Wheat .If . 4 1 2 0 0 Hlneh'n.rf. 3 0 4 0 0 Cuth'w,:b 3 0 3 J oUva-ne-,a. 41001 itleiwel.rf.. S 0 4 0 oVlox.:h.,.. 4 10 10 (tftl.Ib. ,, 3 0 0 3 0,.. 3 0:01 Mlller.e, .303: oIGlbaon.c... 3 1 6 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 Sclianr.c..., 0 0 10 0 Maaiaux.y. 30030 Tola..., 3) 3 14 11 I Totali 8 B 7 J rirooklrn 00000000 0-0 Pittiburr ooooooog id Runt-Pitlaburr, Caxey, Colllna. Johnston, nainer. Sehaut. Tu base hit Wanner. Three baae hit -Gibson. Sacritiee. bit-Cut-ehaw, Stolen base O'Mara. llaae) on ball -Off Appleton. oft Maniaux. 1. Hit hy pitched ball By Appleton. 1. SI ruck out lly Appleton. 1: by Mamaux, 4. UmplrraKlaier and Hart. Time 1 hour and 39 mlnutea. SECOND GAME. BROOKLYN (N. L.) 1 I'lTTSDURG (N I) . ab h p a e ab h p a e Myera.ef... 61:0 41200 O'Mnra.a.. & 2 1 4 1 Coliina.ef... i I 1 1 0 i 1 13 I 0 Ml! 0 4 0 s 0 olHlnchm'n.rf I I f. 0 0 Cutehaw.2b 4 0 0 3 OlWasner.aa., 4 1 .' 3 0 Wentel.rf.. 4 0-10 OiVtox.Sb 4 0 6 3 2 el.3b 4 '0 2 0 nalrd.Sb..., 3 114 1 MpCarty.e.. 4 3 6 0 0 Murphy.e... 41:00 Olaon 0 0 0 0 0 Ailam.n.. . 2 0 0 4 0 Miller.c .. 0 0 3 0 OCooper.p,.,. 0 0 0 0 0 Smith,!).. . 1 1 0 0 0 JCortello, 1 0 0 0 0 Dell.P 1 0 0 2 0 McQulllan.p 0 0 0 1 0 tSehultl.... 1100 0 . Pfefter.p... I M 10 Totala 3; vSOH 3 Tot al . . . .39 ifl t293"l Ran for MtCariy Id the ninth innlnr. tlUttrd for Dell in the eighth Inntnr tTwo out hen wlnnlnir run wa acored, IRatted for Cooper in the ninth innlnc. Brooklyn 001000030 04 Pittaburr 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Runa-Rrooklyn. Myera. O'Mara. Olson. Smith; Plttabure, Colllin. Johnatoii, Warner, Balrd, Murphy, Two bate hita-Carey, Col. Una. Hinchman. Three haae hila Warner, Ralrd. Saprinee hit Adama. stolen ti.e Waaner Double play Waaner and Johmton. Baa on balla-Off Smith. 1: otf Pfeffer. 1 girui'k nut lly Smith, I: by Dell. 3: by Pfeffer. 3. L'mplrea Rigler and Hart Time : hours and 9 mlnutea. REDS BUNCH THEIR HITS. Itndnlph Yields Tnllle In Second nml Sixth IiiiiIiik. Cincinnati, July 31 Cincinnati bunched hits In the second nnd sixth Innings to-day and won the final contest from Huston, U to 3. Dale pitched trood ball, DovIh relieved Hudolph In the eighth. The score: BOSTON IN. 1. ) I CINCINNATI iN 1, 1 ab li p a e ab li p a e 4 110 o Groh.Sb.. . t 2 n 11 0 Vnran.rf Fi r. Jli 2 1 1 0 lieri'.H 1 0 3 7 0 4 0 4 3 1 4 3 r, 0 0 (12 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll:0l) 1 3 7 0 0 4 10 0 0 F,triit'k,.li 0101 0 Wjiht,:h Cnniuilly If 1 2 2 0 0 Ktllifi 3 111 0 Griffith rf -1 hniiilt lb I 0 10 0 OCI.irhr.i' I 0 10 0 OCI.'irhr.i' ill: 0 lltodera.. Smith, 'b lrfr.oe 104 Win o c linwev fiiKinlph p Tvltr Dt i p 4 t 1 William.. It. Dale.p ; 0 n 2 0 1 11 0 0 A 10 0 10 1 1 0 0 0' Totala,. ."3 U .fl) 2 Tnl il ".t ' 21 11 7 Batlnl for Itndnlph la the elahth innln. flatte.l Ine li iris In the ninth Inning, than fur Clarke In the elehth limine. r.osinii 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-3 Cincinnati . . 0 2 0 0 it 2 1 u -r, (tune- Cni'iiinali. (Jinn. Klllifer 2, flriffltli, Clarke; Hasten Kilipntriek. Connolly 2 SI i ii. U out- llv Hale. 2: bv Kildoli.b 1 ii.iho ' ru hill Olf Pile. 1: off Uuiloliih. I: off Ilivia 1 Two ba.- hlla-Klllller. Clarke, (rob Three base hita-Mnllwiu. Klllifer. Pontile play Itiidolntt, Maranvllle and !. Imildt Sn.Tlflie hll-Clarke I'mplre ntrnn and Kasnn Time 1 hour and It nilnuli f'olnnlal l.enaue. New lledfnrd. H; Harifonl, r, 4 first ;anil New Ileiiford, I, Hartford, 1 (nerniid emn) llrorktnn ti, HprliiKfleld, I (oral itaitie), Springfield, f.; Hrncktnn, 4 (second fame) New 11. ton, I; .'awtueket, 1 (nrat rimn lw tucket, 5; New Haven, 0 (.ennd Same), At Arelle I'ark. ThlU. (llama, . . SOOftoooooo ' 'i K, JJmplraCHyA.A, ft'ioooioiooo. 2 5 Ilatitrlea Smith and tfeliiuon, llorle apd Dltial. -i CALDWELL, PIPP AND HIGH LOWER WHITE SOX FLAG Yankees Put Up Fine Game, With Makeshift Infield , Steady Benz Holds Donovanites to Half Dozen i Hits, Only Two Being Bunched. ! The Vmikces lieal the White Sox yes terday afternoon, hut Chicago was nble lo retain clear title to second place, as Hip Hed Sox turned on thp Tygers, New Vork got back to within tuo game of the Wiishlngtoii'i. ilrlfllth's men "Vst out to the llrnwns. t'liltadelphla stopped i;iepand. Veterda)'s lti-.iilt. Nen Yfk, J, Clilcaxo, 1 M.i. Inn, 4i Delrnll, I. HI l.ciuK S; WahlnKlon, Philadelphia. 1; Clrelanil, 0. tetalle.1 fttamllni of th ClaW. o . S til E E S O 6. m.m .rl: u is Tej 7! ril Club -it ') (U ; lloion l.'hlraio iletrolt.T...... Wahlnton. "l n 7.10 s o r it 4? 49J.MS "444'7i?4'4 New York...., Ht. l.ouiC... Cleveland Pbudeiphra" tlamealo!.t., r 3 3 s, 4 t2.l .344 r;oi r SSllJ1'' To-laj' Keliednle. No jrnme acheduled, Wild UIII Donovan's shuttered legion turned upon tho White Hox yesterday afternoon at thp Polo (Grounds nnd ripped them up by a score of 2 to 1. It was only the second time that Jfew York had been able to stop Chicago In ten games played this year. Hut tho man ner In which the Yankees went about their business proved conclusively lo the 10,000 spectators that neither Chi cago nor any other American League club should make a football out of Donovan's clan If his young men would only keep their heads up all of the time. Yesterday's wa one of the best games the Yankees lrive phi led at home despite the fact thnt both recklnpaugh and Malsel were still missing from the Infield, This makeshift Inner line was far steadier than usual, I.tite lloono seems to have accustomed himself to the short field oucu more. ll.uiinanti worked as well as his Itwlde partner. Those White Sox fought as gamely nnd as heartily as the home team all the way, Donovan sent Hay Caldwelf a.fter the Windy City aggregation and Caldwell was In rare form. He had to be. fur big Joe ltenr. was no slouch at any time. Hem held New York to half a dozen hits. Only once were two of these seen In one Inning, and on that occasion the locals did not score, as tne blngies fell with two gone. Caldwell ceitalnly deserves n great deal of credit for putting his club on the move upward. Yet he never could have done th's without the able assist mice of Walter I'lpp and llughie High. Iletween the pair of them they got lioth of New York's runs, and two were needed for victory. High got the first till b himself. First up in the fourth Inning the fleet Utoflelder leaned up against it slow bait from llena with such force that It shot against the frleie of the upper tier In right field. Cnder the fair American League rulcH this was it home run. Walter I'lpp didn't get any sort of a hit, except a sacrifice, yet twice he saved the day. In the seventh, with a man headed for the plate, he pulled out of the clouds with one hand a random throw from Himue. This wonderful stop, whlcli retired the side, cut oft one sure run and maybe more. The moral effect of one bad play in such a bitterly fought game can scarcely be realized. l'lpp's sacrifice In the ninth won the nrgument. He came to bat with men on second and first and none nut. The White Sox Infield liatlll ally expected the big fellow to bunt. ripp took the BROWNS 0UTOAME SENATORS. Score Tied In Mnlh Wheu They tin After HorhlliiK nnd Win. W.A81I iNOroN, July .11. The Ilrowns turned tie tables here to-daj', winning the second game of the series from the Senators, J to 3. Willi the count a tie In the ninth the Hrovns got after Hoehling und cracked out four hits, rushing over enough runs to win Hamilton was touched freely, but kept the nine hits off hi in well scattered. The score : ST IXJl'IS (A I. ) WASHINOTOX (A I..) ab ti pa I UU II I ShottorUf 4 2 10 oMoel'r.rf.If 1 0 Auatin.Jb.. 3112 fot-r.:n... Slaler.ef. . 4 0 3 0 olMllan ef I'ratt.Sb 4 4 1 t. o;.Shanka.3b . Walker.rf. 13 3 0 o ( . Howard. lb 4 2 It 2 . 1. aran 3 0 3 2 0 ,tnhnon rf Severeld.c. 4 17 2 otenry.c .. Hamilton. p 3 0 0 1 0 Mcllrule. - (iallla.p .. Tola!.. 31 13 27 II o'MVilllanu llii-lilint.p tAIn smith I 0 I 3 1 3 I I 3 4 2 7 1 0 1 2 0 1 4 2 6 3 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 il 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total, ss (i 15 1 ltalled for (Jalha in the evenlli innln tllatted for llnehlluir III the ninth Inulmr. St loilli , 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 55 Washington 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 01 Itiina St. linn. Shottnu, SUlrr, Pratt, Walkir. Howard; Waalilnttmi, (ianihl, John, un. Mcllrule Kir.l bane on error St liui. la-ft on bate Waahlnatiin. : St Iaiuls, .1 l)3.e on balls -Oft (lallla, 1; off Hamlllnn. 3. Hlla tin (lallla. 'I lu aeven luuiii.a; uff llorh. Ilnir. I in two I11111111 Struck nut lly (iallla. I. bv Iloclilllu. I: by Hamilton. 1 Three base hlla (lanilll, Shimon. Two base lilt Walker Saerlfli. hlt-Willama. Auatln Slolen baae Howard. lilt by pltiher llr Hamlllnn i.Mllnul. l.'mplrea Hlldi brand and O'l.oii-hlin Time 2 houra and f mlnutea. ATHLETICS WIN IN FAST TIME. Cleveland lift Only Three lilts nnd Vi II 11 ns lift WyeUofT. I'liii.AiiKi.riiiA, July 31. In record lime for Hie Athletics they defeated Cleveland to-day b) t to 0. A muff by Wnmbsganss of Tinner's throw for a force play gave the Athletics the win ning run In the eighth. After this error rli'hnng sliighd home llealey. WyckolT allowed Clepiirl three singles anil only twenty-eight men faced him. Six hits were made off llarstad. It required only eleven minute over an hour to play the game. The score : CI.KYKI.ANII (A I..I I'JIII.A iA 1, 1 ab h 11 a ab It p a Stbw'lh.rf I 1 I 0 o:nealey.3h.. 4 2 12 0 TiiriKMn 3 o 0 a o,w,tih.rl Clip,iim'n.s 3 0 2 3 I'oidrliu.lf 1 0 3 0 0 113 0 0 I I 3 o o 3 0 4 0 0 10 3 11 3 0 li 3 ft 3 110 0 3 10 3 1 jacknii,ii 3 1 o ii sinauzef Klrkr.lh J o 11 0 l,l.a oie.lh 3 12 0 o)falnue,:b 30211 I ... j . c . 2 0 10 ft'Kopf.j toon o wjikiiff.ii 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0, Total . Smlth.ef Wamby -b O'Nelll.e. Il.irbare Harslad.p tKvans .. 3t 6 21 9 3 Tolal .27 3 31 13 .1) Halted for O'Neill In the ninth Inninj. Olattrd for llarstad In (he ninth I mil na Cleveland 0 o o o o o r, o 0 0 Phtladetphli oooooooti 1 Hun Philadelphia, llealey IWl un base -Philadelphia, 8; Cleteland. I Saerilk. hit -Klrlte, Struck out lly Wyrkntf. i., by liar, atail, (. Kirat bae on errors Cleveland I: Philadelphia, I, Hate on ball oil liar. Had. 1, Imiplrea-KaUlu and Hluoou, Tunc 1 hour, tad it poluuir. healthiest kind of u swing at the Mist pitch. Thnt Morlnrty set the Sox In field to guessing. Illackblirue and Kournler, drawn half way Into the plate, edged hack a few Inches. Hecause of the proximity fit tho third nnd flist baseman I'lpp had Just one small spot of the lulleld us it target. A bunt either In the llrst base side or towanl the box Voiild have been suicidal ' for thnt would hae meant n 'lively easy chance for a force out at i third. Hour, kept the second ball high iatid lo the Inside so that I lie percentngx , would favor a bunt rolling to the first base side. I'lpp. however, surmising us much, pulled back ns the ball left the pitcher's hands. The result was us pretty a bunt as could have been placed with n ftiiiKO stick. Illnckbuine had tn make a hutrled play. Ills nrm was untrue. The ball carried high mid on the error the winning run soured. In the first three Inning" both sides went out In order before the deadly lire of Caldwell and lienr.. Weaver scratched the first lilt of tho game with a lazy hopper to Kallmann. One wu out at the time mid HucW died a seiond afterward trying to steal. New York's llrt hit was High's home ru:. in the second half of this period. Kelch robbed till- nme batter of an extra base kn"ck In the opening round. Chicago tied In the fifth when the ve' ! umpire Tom Connu'ly them the benefit of the doubt on (Hie c!oe play. Pournler, who whirred the Hist three limes he fared C.udwell, was the first out In the fifth .1. CclUns singled to right, but Nunamaker flagged him when he attempted to pilfer. Kelsch walked on n bill that appealed to cut the heart of the plate. Iloone went nway luck on the grus for a pretty stop off Mayer H was forced to throw while off balance. , The peg to llaumann was so high that i the second baseman had to Jump, but It looked as If I'addy settled on the bag I while the runner was half a step away. I Connolly could not see It that way and both men wer- safe. Ill.ickburne singled Mo right, scoring Kelsch. Mayer got to third on the blow, but was left with lllnckburne when High made a shoe string catch of a low liner from Hen. In the sixth Chicago threatened again. .Murphy beat a bunt to Hartzell a ,i starter and Weaver sacrificed. Kddle ColHns tiled deep to Harney. The latter made a wonderful throw to Itoor.e which every one but Connolly considered a dou ble play. Caldwell was forced to fat. Vournle'r for the third time to avoid danger. J. Colllm walked In the seventh and Kelch sacrificed. Mayer struck out. When Hl.ickburne hit to Iloone Walter I'lpp saved the day by hH tine one handed catch f a wild throw. In the second half with two out the Yankees nude a bid for the game. Cook nnd Harney both singled. Doc didn't nut a- fast ns lie might on Kallmann's grounder to lllnckburne and was forced when the third baseman slid Into his station with the ball. Nothing more of moment happered till the Yankees came to bat In theli half of the ninth. .1. Collins estimated Iloone too cheaply He played such a short sun Held that he was unuble to get balk for I.utc's lly to left. Hootie got u double for hlmelf. Hen was a bit (instead) with Hartrell and finally hit him on the shin. Then I'lpp came across with ld perfect bunt and the umpires palled it a week's work. The score: CHICACO (A. L.) ab h pa . NKW YOIIK iA. I,.i el ab h p A e ii If iarli.1 r . I 2 1 0 ii ulitoolie.i. , 112 10 A'lln.l..ll li a ,i l a Mur,nhy,rf 4 1 Weaver., 3 KColllna.Jh I jciiiitns ir. 3 Kelaeh.ef. I 1 I o 1 0 12 1 3 0 2 ojllarti-II.Sh 0,Pipp.lh OCooU.rf . 0 3 Ii 1 2 0 1 3 o n I 3 2 0 1 il 7 3 0 0 10 0 n, Harney .of . M ayer.e 3 ll'Uh'rtie.3b 3 1 1 1 2 0 llaum un. 2b 1 N'niaker.e (i Caldwell, p. 11-llT.Ii ...3011 Totals :f77l Totals . 57 ! None out In the ninth liinmz when win ntin run was iirrd. rhii-jno ..oooot oooot New York . . 0 0 0 I 0 o o 1 .' Hlins-Chleao, Keilc New York, Hull. Iloone Kirst base on error -New ork Ue h Tiin-Hl.h. Two ba-e hit 1'""' J,1"';"."" balls -Jn tajuvtrii, -. .-i,nn. liv Caldwell. Sacrifice lulu-Weaver. iviih. I'ipp. "it by pitched ball -")' IJe'i- fllarlzel i t'mplre- hlef-Wallace. Kield umpire '. Connolly Time-1 hour and 4.1 minutes A Hint cur l.enuuers In Tie. The Commonwealth Club retained lis clean slite In the Anuteur league by playing a nine Inning tie game at 2 runs all with the Crescent Athletic Club 011 the latter"!! grounds t Hay Hldge yes teiday. The score: j( ..,,.-, 1)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 3 CommonUValth 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 3 3 llalleries and HInKhalll, llauaewehi and llooth American .Mlallon. T ri.KVKI.ANI HIHUT IIAMH It. II K. n, I.1UI ooojoiio 01 x u (evelan.l.. .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 8 I ll.itlerle. Wllllaina and Jnhnaun; Carter and Levoat. hk,oni) nAMR it. 11 r. It Paul ... ,00001000 0 1 h 3 e etelaml. .. 2 o u i o " " " s . Ilitterles I.eltleld and (lletin, Johnsons Hnwiiian and Hillings at roM'Miir?. It II K Mliw aukee . . ColuinbUM. . 000000O00 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 X 4 13 1 Shackelford and lluchra, Ilalterle Kerry and Coleman. AT INDIANAPOLIS. It. II K. Minneapolis. . O0OOO2O3 0 It 11 2 IndMllHpolls. 0 0 t 0 I I 1 0 0 7 9 3 Hatlerles Williams. Vlngllng and (ihar rlty. Tltiple. Willis, Harris, rrandall and (iui( AT I.OHISVII.I.K. II II IJ. Kansa ("lly.. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 5 3 l-Ulvlll. .. 0 0 2 6 1 3 0 0 -11 IT I llatlerlf Gardner, Carroll and ilelbel. Northriiti and (!roln. New Knaland League, Worcester, 3: Manchester, 1 (llrst aamei Worcester, 1: Manchester, 0 (second garnet Lawrence. f; Portland, 2. Lowell. 4, Kltrhburg. 1 (first gamei Lowell, 2, Kltchburg, 0 (serond gainet, l,etvitoii.Lynn, rain Western la-ague. Omaha. C; Topeka, 4. Other game postponed, rain. I'ro.pect I'ark ltetilU i IlllOOKLVN AM ATHI'lt LKAlll i: ! Centra! Y. M. C. A, 8; Aurora M K. ' Club. 2. Trinity Club. 7, Suburban Arrow, fi ( Sagamore ('iub, 9, .1. .1 T. CoukIii fl I II ('.. 4. I HTAMilMi or l.llAlll.'K W. L. pc . o I .noo . ! 4 .tiOO , ' .' r,oo ,4 (00 , .1 333 . 2 7 22" Trinity Club 'entrnl V. M. C. A ... Suburban Arrow Aurora M A K Club. S.iKtntore A. c Cousins II. II. C V M C. A. I.RAdl'K. Central, fi. Carlton, 3 Prospeit Park. 3; Heilford, 0. lll'KII THHMINAL LIIAOI'K Hb'llle Cn, 10, Cltenau Co. 0, Se,ir.('roi- 12. (Iroipaii. I Crai kerlack, 7. Hush Terminal. , I'ulleil cigars. ". Kiigl.inder. 0, OTHllll Itl'Sl LTS I'arlfle Hi nil o North SJ.Ie Hank, INrkway ! c . ;i . MHfoni. 3 li HltYTIIINO KllK Billiards Bowlingj Prin'i un iVrms Suit. REPAIRS by EXP15RT MECHANICS lite nriinaulrk-llalke-Cnllender Cn,, -' to US Vt ct a.d Ul Mew Droadway. SKEETERS RAP BOTH Ncillici' A hie to Keep .Ici'scy Swntsinitlis in Chock anil Score Is ! to 1. S1IKH.MAX KXCKI.S HIJACK eslerdn)'s ltr-nll. lersev Citv, if Montreal, 1 IPllf.i'n, ; Itlilimoud, I iflrt cam' Mnrf.ilo, 9: Itlrtimnml, 2 lecnnd came) Toronto. ! Ilarrlbur.. 2 illrsl came) Toronto. I! Iliirrlbur. I dell liuilti. dark- h. pfinil fiam-i I'rm lileiiir, 3. Itm hier. I ' fl rl anmei llii'lusler. 4! Providence, i i-eiond camel Mainllna of the ( I (. W. I.. PC. I W. P. PC. I'rm Ideucc. M 2 .H !toehler T' I" llurfalo ... IJ .13 .ciiS'Tnronni lliiii'lshtirir. 14 33 .r-VUlU'limond. Mnnlre.ll .. O to .:n,Jerey fit) 11 4 .412 34 M .12 .1. M 3f2 'l'o-dn)n ehedidc. Jersey CHy in M0nlre.1l 1 Montiii:!., July .11. Neither Houd ' nor Mcllale could hold the Skeete'r I swntsinitlis here tills afternoon, with the result that Jersiy City won easily, 9 to 1. Sherman was hit hard, but kept the lilts scntteied, The scute: JEII0KY CITY if. L.1, MONTItKAI, I 1. 1 ah h ti a e ab h n a e .".lit O'Nash.M .. j i 3 4 1 t'urteil.i, . .', o a .i clliriau,.b.. 1 J ( ; i llues-b.. .114 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 liemnntl II. i ! 1 t I I II 0 Harry lb.. ". 1 14 0 P,.lmenla 3h M.umiii'.if 4 . 1 0 okniKli.'.f. Ill ike.rf ... 4 10 0' llohlen.rf . ItxanMs.c 3 110 0 1lolr.c Sherman. p 1 3 0 S OM.uliien.c . IDowii.n,. . Totals . 4) 13 27 12 0 rlt.lle II. 1'P Smith .. 110 3 0 t 3 . o 0 3 0 10 0 i a a i ft 3 1 : o I 2 0 0 0 0 L I Totals it 17 V ! Halted for Mcllale In tho ninth Iniitn- Jrr-ry City 00ft3ft00ft t Montieal 00000010 0-1 ftuns-Jerser City. Purs ?. Demmltt 7. Man nlntr 2. Ill.-ilsr 2. Ite.vnolds- Montreal. Madden, Tuo base hits Unwil, Irelan. 1. Smith. Ab melda. IllaUe. Maakleli liases on balls Off Dowd. 2i off 'J Struek out llv Sherman. 7: by Mcllale. 7 I'mplrea Harrison and Caullllower Time-2 houra At Itorlirstrr. KIKST (.AM.:. Provldenc- (I. L ). 1 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 r 11. I. 1.. 1 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 o I 5 3 itnti..rl .Qrhnliz. PAlniero and Chy. Wanamaker; HuenUe. Hen-be and Will- j lams. SIP'ONK OA.MK , II. H H. ' Prnvlrtenie 1 1. I. I. 0 0 0 0 0 O 3 0 3 S 0, llurhesler ll I.I. . 0 0 3 1 0 0 Ox 4 V 0 Ilitnrles ..r and Casey. Unit,, Krlik.Kit and William.. At Tiimiitii. PIIIST UAMK. it ii r. , ll.iirl.l.urK il I.I. 01 tooooiie 2 4 h Toronto I I I.I 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 ( - s to 4 I ll.ittrle ChaU k and Sno . Ilirl.frt ami Koelur SKCONIi (IAli:. II I. n. , llarrislnirg I I. ) o o o 0 I 0 0 o a 1 t Toronto 1 1 l..i.. o n 0 o 0 1 0 ii ii o- 1 'i 2 (lame railed. darkll" ll.iiterb-si.ooabread and II t.uiiu" slid Kocher. Al 1 1 u ft., lo. KlltST (lAMII. Mn'f- It II 1 Hlrliniolid if 1.).. 1 2 0 (10 0 1 0 0- 4 II 1 llulf.tlo li Ll.... 0 il II u S 1 : 11 1 Ilait"rI-- I4li linioiiil, ('rain. Itusll and HarrlnKton, Scliaufle, llulfalo, llet-bi and l.aloliKe SIlrONll (1AMK. It. II H. Itli hinon.l 1 1 I.) . 0 0 O'O 0 0 0 0 2 2 s 2 i,i , i oo 2 0 i) in n to : Halter! Itlrhliuiriit, Murriette and Harrington, (.law und dnaluw. PHILLIES AND CARDS SPLIT. Mnlh IiiiiIiik Hull) Decides first (; unlet .Neat line Shleil. Mlllt I but In tile league leaders. Hescher doubled mid Long tripled, Then Alexander re lleved Dematee. After Miller walked and Wilson popped mil. Mi) dec singled, winning the game. IVrdue was easy for the Quakers in the second game, l.u ilerus put Hie ball In the right field bleacher In the second IiiiiIiik with two on. The scores KlltST GAME. 1'IIII.A (N Li JiT I.OKlSiN I. ab h p a el ab h i,i . Ham r' I 0 o 3 (i,ll-rhr.lf 4 13 0 0 M(S-K.3ll 1 o 3 0 0 I.otiK.rf li)ni-.3l. . 3 1 il 0 0 Mlll. r.JI. Ilecker.lf . 2 1 o I'aaketl.lf 1 1 a 0 0!ii).lr.e Crat.nli.rf 3 2 2 0 ojllyatt.lh. Niehoff.'.b. 1113 0 llutler.. Whlttedct 3 17 0 Lu.erll,lb 3 0 7 0 vlleek.3b Klllifer c 2 111 l,Ame,i. l)eiuaree,i 3 0 0 1 OlfHoeho. . Alex'nd'r.ii o 0 0 0 ntlKilaii I 1 n 0 o 3 2 1 4 n 1 n 4 0 0 4 i r. 2 o 3 0 12 o 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 .' 0 II .', 11 110 0 ll I 0 0 0 ' Honintnu p ii o o 7 o Tofll .D a I - I Total. 30 c 77 It I One out when wiiuiin; run waa scored. til tiled for Ame In the elehth tnmii. titan lor Itncbe lu the el it lull I ti til ne I'lillml-lphia ... oooooioo ( 1 M Loin 000 0 0000 -.. Ituns-I'ldladelphia. tlyrne; St lamia, lie, her. Lone, Two base hits Millir. Whilted. Iljrne. I'.iakerl. Hexher, Three b'isi. hitIaiiu. Sacritlrv hll-.Cravatli Sac. rllire lly-Peek. Ilalk Ame. llaae on ball Olf Iirmarce. 1: off Ame. 1: off Alex ander. I Struck out Hy llennree, 4. by Ame, 3 f mplrea-Quitley and Kmslle Time 2 hours and 3 minutes SK.CONII OAM B PHILA IN. 1.) I ST LOUIS .N J. ) ah h p a e ab h a e lt.ncrofl.aa !, 1 2 3 o'Hei'her,lf 40300 stook.tb 2 10 4 O.lxinir.rf. 4 .1 : 11 1 I'askert.lf 1110 0Mllter.2h 4 10 10 1 0 0 0 0'llolail.ef 4 0 .', 11 0 Cravnth rf I 1 .1 0 0 (inn-ale. ,e .1 0 4 0 0 Nlelintl.'.'b 1 3 2 0 l.snyili'r.c 2 13 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 17 0 0 I 1 1! 0 Olllutler.s 3 0 .' 1 0 Kllllfer.c .4 0 7 2 oiieek.Sh 4 I 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 lil'enlue.p .. 1 0 0 0 1 . 1 Itiiliin.fiii.p 10000 Total . .'U T 10 2sn.'lie . 2 0 I 0 0 ilcbaua.p .0 0 0 0 0 tllct!i'l 1 0 0 0 0 I Totala 3.". "7 .'7 4 2 llalleil for Kobinsnii In the aeyenlh Innln. (llatteil for Nirhau in the elrhth Innlnr Philadelphia .... I 3 0 0 0 I 0 3 o- M lanlla. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Kims Philadelphia. Il.tix ro f t , Stock, I'.nk eit. Cravalh. Niehnff 2, Whltted, l.uil-rua Two base hit - Ham roll. lama. 2; I'.i.kert Home run Liiileru Sacrlfiie hits Slnek Whilted, I'askert Stolen Niehnff Wild pili he Niehau. Itlxey Ilaaea on ball -Off Itlxey. 2: off Niehau. I Struck nut lly lllxey. 4; bv llnblnsnii, 3 Umpire. QiiKley and Kaann Time-1 hour and 47 minute St. Uit'ls, July .11 The Cardinals . nnd ;ilihniifb M,,rUI i m.. euod a first 1 Kiri.h.r M,.r!.iM r..i . .'':: to. day's double header with the Kaek entrv lo be shunted eisew here as a 1 Clncaan : Murray Willlitns Klrt"' has- mi 'hlllles. taking Hie first one by 2 tn I. erimneti i.Inti. it looks ns If Met; raw i !rr"r' N'''. ) rk, 1 : thlc.iro. I ll on it losing the second, s to n. A rally naH s,nm. rV,iistributlon of material In ' ! ,:i.on "tXI,; :, rn'"'n.y''' n'i'f nif uiiiui rmu'iMii uii1 nrfi out- irniu iniiuii tn DU POMT WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM NEW YORK SALESROOM 226 W. S2d ST.. Just West of Hrojuiw.u . Tel. Kk.5 C ,nu, ori:. i;n;.MMis iimii. hi p, m. GIANTS ROUT CUBS AFTER BEING FLAYED IN FIRST McGraw Makes Radical Shift and Better Ball Results Snodgrass Taken Out, Merkle Goes'to Centre and Brainard Put on First. Many .ipsets marked jesteiday's struggles of th" first division clubs of the National League. I'ltlsbmg took both games of ,i iloulite header from Hrooklyn mid ns a result nosed out Huston from third place. The III lives were tlouticcd by the lleds. The Vllbs mid (Hauls divided their double header, while the Phillies, after losing tho fltst to Hie ('ardlliuls, came back mid slaiigliteied llugglns's men III the second encounter. Veslerdaj's llesiilts. Chii .iU'i '. New Vcitk. .1 . :iret wmn New Y"tk. ?. Cllleago. 2 (reenml yaniel. I'liub'ilii, ttrnukln. 0 itlrsl kii.ihm I'lttslmrg, i, Hrooklyn, I laecnnd yamei. ('tin Inna'l. o. Ilninn. 3. .hi. t.nuls 2. I'hllaiielphln, 1 f first gauiei. I'ht.iidelphld. sH. I.nuls, 0 iseennd gailiel llrlslled landing if the ( luba. I lis j e 3 is I S ' Clubs 1 Philadelphia, t "..Cj j ! 7. t 1 S 3 10 7 1 5 , jFj 3 To 4) 50 )l' il 3i j lli-MUlyn.... i l'?! e, 4,4V 111 .. "Vnli I 'I'lttshurg.. ; 'lloston 4 ft to s 16 sell I (Chlcizo.. j, if o "LiM I) 4f New York j5Tirouis.. jcinrlnnall... Oamel lost.,.. il el ! L j, 3! 1 .474 5 5: To.dn)s Hrbedille New York In St. Iiuils. Hrooklyn In Clnolnnatl I'hlladeltihl.i In Chlraxo. lly Wll.l.ltM Ciiicauo, July 31. II. II N t. The Cu'w;sii''il'rs.ef 11 11 1 e t, the (Hants this afternoon tn the firs: i-onlllct of ,, double bill; the '''""'V turned and routed the Cubs In th second. It was with about e(iial e.isej that each club won Its game, and that' , . , , ., was considerable ease. The scores were , 7 to .1 for the flrt tussle and to 2 f.'r i, ..,.., i the second. Neither game was a good contest The , winning team had It too much Its own , way. I Tile (Hants wrre getting !t In the thoracic region with emphasis In the tlrst Kame when Manager Mct.raw made a I radical shift in his team and from that moment Hie (Hants plajed better ball i ne cnalige was tins: in the sixth Inning Snodgrass, who has been in a slump for soeral weeks und little mure than an Incubus as a batter, was taken out and llra.nard sent , , . ,, , , ..... . to centre, A line drive to centre re. vended the fact that Hralnard was Iot It. .t,". .11.1 .. I.rrl.,.rf i,ml In th n..,i i.. i. ...... i,r...' I.. ... (lrt ... .. - nml Merkle sent to centre. This last arrntigemeiit held good for the second game too. except llabblllgtotl IPlleveil the versatile Merkle near the close. llrulnard played well at firs; base, also ill.l jeomaii service wttn tne nai, iino.irt mote lutt ng strength to the (Hants, who have fallen on in tneir iwiltliic In lb., 1t week awaiting 111 tne 1111 wick If Hralnard could continue to lilt ns Archer MeLarrj stnlen bie Zlm he has been doing III this way station, the nierni in. An her. J Double play-I)o)le. pr sent arrangement wouldn't be .1 bad ' SM,fr ."."J1 ''"""'Ih w'ld i'lt''he.-.ier.-. !i,ie. for M'rkb. can play the out.leld .0 1,Si.-TO the iiueen's, tile king's, til- knave s tir Innlnc off I'n-.v 3 in two and one-ttunl anybodv else's taste. Ilibbington Is a innin2: off Z.itel r, 111 ix iiinin- fnipire e.ii.lldii'te f..r Stu.dL-rasH'H place while ". '''''j --.hl'.ni f (eld umpire toekill Time the latter Is In the dump nnd then there Is Kelly, the big chan from the far West who is likely to lie tried If room cm be found for him under the twenty-one tila)cr limit provision. In tl... Ilrsl eatne the dibs cave Matty 11 lacing lu the fourth Inning a:I Hitter one In the tlfth. A few appro- 1 prlattly applied clouts to the ddlvtry Hint of the veteran, then of the young- hter and away went the ball game The (Hants opened on lllpisi Vaughn with a show- of force, but good llildltig hurled them back mid they didn't g't going again. They found the big south paw freely In the last three Innings, but were too far luck to be dangerous, There was a man on1 llrst base In the. fourth with two out when Matty began lo mck on his throne Klem made a wrong decision against Matt), but It didn't nffeet the run getting mid cost the (Hants nothing. Zlmiucrma tan Into his own bunt on fair ground nnd thereby cariKd an out for himself lie knew It und trotttd stralghtwav for the bench, but Klem called It a foul ai.l called 'Am back. Tile boss arbiter plainly booted (! '. However, as said, the decision cost nothing, Zlm reached llrst on a fielder's choice which retired Klsher, ho it was merely a uuestion of Klsher or X.lm be ing on the base. Knlsely came along with a single and Williams with a home run. The William homer bounced back in the field without Itobertson knowing where It was, Hobby lately has been written up as a coming Cobb, mid he hasn't done anything since Ills batting has fallen off mid on his present form he won't cause Cobb lo be fot gotten Hitter In the fifth was hit as haul as Matty was lu the fourth and his sup port threw a few splints, lie steadied , after one flustered Inning, but as Hie lllmits were Vaughn's meat there wasn t I anything loft In the game for Itltter but etercise and experience !n)le audi l.obcrt plastered the pitching of Vaughn, bill there was only one Doyle mid one l.obert on the team. In the second ruction Cheney hail ,.AAlV.W4.MM.av.) nothing and not inucli of When lu last faced the (Hants whlcli was at the I'olo (Irounds they couldn't touch III n i. To-day he was wild and was liiockeil out In the Inning. Ho wailo-d Itoberlsnn and Doyle, Klntchcr niailc ,1 ringing hit. Mcrkle was safe when I P il Mm ray tlelilcd Ills tap vainly to tile lie mid l.obeit cut In with a eiicrlflic lly, Hralnmil lined a triple to Iff' .Hid the llflh run of the Inning piancisl in when Klsher fumbled on I'lei'ie hum tui liiioMiveoient over Clieiiev ll. hjil l.'lnhi.e illv trvlnir to i i . i . . . . ,r"1' 1 head oiT 111" pltchc". mid tliey were so wilt that the (Hants didn't Heed milch . In the bare hit line to mid to their stoic of tallies. After the llrst inning tlicie was nothing to the game ex(cpt I the motion and being out In the air Tesie.ui itielled tin- Cubs from the I outset. He of the Ozark nativity and boarlike ineauiemeiits is one of the 1 few pitchers going well at pns ! slit He hulled speed anil Wet leather over the plate which the Cubs hit only oil sullcr.inrc. He kidded Heinle Xlm iiici'iimii "Heie'-. one stialght over," he told Zilr. ,ti the eighth Inning. Sure enough It was and ',1m popped to Fletcher while Tes chuckled. The New York team will play a dou- ble Header In St I.nuls to-morrow. The 1 for that mil .o-e Life for the ('.l.lllt I ll,... ,1,1.. ,M .1,,.. nt ,i...,i.i.. t,.....i.,..w They g'et up. eat bieakfnst. giali , luiirhcon on the lly and ruslt to the ball ;i nl. I ta Ik, 1 1 1 ila)s are now such fixed part of their II) e that the)'d be lonesome without them. The scores: . KlltST 0AM E NKW YOIIK (N. I.I , CIHCAno (N. 1. 1 all Ii p a e ab li 0 ,1 e I 0 ; 0 enoodrf.. 4 '.' 11 0 0 Itiilxrt'u.rf 1 1 0 0 0lKtlii-r,... .1 .1 ft 1 u lloMc.b.. 1 3 4 2 'ISihllllelt . 2 13 0 0 Kiel, he-. j p : 1 yinfmati.3b 1 0 0 1 0 M'kle lb., f 4 0 c 0 0 K111..I1 :i 4 2 3 Lobelt.. li I 1 I 0 William, ef 4 1 ) 0 2000 ' Archer..' .4 0 3 1 0 1 C n 1 I )li-I..irr.lh. 12 7 13 llfto 0 Y.111 -hti 11.. 1 0 11 ? 0 1'.tnii m""1i" an.p 1 ) 0 0 el Totals.... 3; iT 77 11 "j 2 1 .'. 0 ft Totals ?vif;'' "limed lor Itltl.r in the ninth Innlni Nw York .. .. 0 ti ft o 11 1 0 2 0A t'ni. ajn. . 00034O00X.T Hun -New York. Ilurn. Kobenron, 2; Clne-.n. (.nml. Kioher. schulte. V.imnii rman. i;,., wuiunis. Mibrn Kir.i ba... on . ,r New York. .; Chna.-o. ; l-"H on lia-e New York on lull Off Vniichu Sirurk nut lly M.ltln-w .on. 1 by Hitler. by Yallcbll. 3 Hotne run -WilPim. Xlel.arrv Two ba-e hit- Kisber a,TilUe hit -Kisher Schulte. 7 NuTifli" II) - Kleirher Imubie -Vaiulin. Kisher anil McLrrry b-ill-llooin Kit ht pilrbe.1 ball-lly Itltter (.im nurni iin 1 lit Off Mathewson. I In fimr In. nun:' off Killer, ft in four innln: t'mplre. in chief- Klrm Kiehl umpire Cnckill 1 hour and ia minutes sK.CONI) (IAMB 1 NKW YORK (X Ll t CHICAGO. N Li ab h p a ab h ti a e I 3 12 0 OfJnodrf .. I 0 n ft ft 1 llob'son.rf 4030 0Kiher 301 41 , Hotle .b 302:. 1 -. hulie If .11210 Kleleher .1 2 3 Iv.lm' I 1 ft 4 fl Ml.rUlPpf , , , o'Murray.:b 12030 l.ib'ci'n.ef 1110 0 William rf 3 12 0 0 I.Otrt'b . 3 0 1 0 0 Archer.l. .11 t (t O "ran 'nl.'b 2 lo .. (i McLarr.v.Ib 3 I 13 fl 0 1 .Mejerse 3 I ,, o l Cheney .1. . . 0 o o 0 0 Wendell..- t o o o oPienvp. . l o o o n Terem.p r. : 0 .' 0 . il.l.p ...301 .. . . --.- ' ..Jo'al- 3. 10 27 10 3 Total. S: 7 27 13 1 j .ork . . ' S 5 o i S o o 1.5 , in,n..v, York. Hum Kohenaon. nnvi. . 1'iertv 3: off Z.ilwl. Strn.-k not li "''. 1 : ,"T ''ii'"- ? ;'' "" iiraio.ini, remnie two i..e hit Zimmerman Mnrrav sner 1 ... tiiei -1 hour and V. minute Paeltlc 4'iot l.naue. Oikian.l. 3. fan franeiam, 0 (flrat -ain. i ... tlak and .. .-an, 1 sei on 1 game. .i 1 Lake r. I.n Ann!, 3 Port nnl I Vi rnnn . U'.M ll', N. V, IKIJ llrrsen tie,, llronx, ,tll 4ncl.iin lie,, I.. I. Hi. FOSTER MASTER OF TYGERS. Wild Tlirim It) ('Mil) I'letenls II I m from spnrlim Minlont. Moston, July .11 Kosler pitched shul out lull to-iliiy, ,i two base wild thiow by Cady allowing Detroit's nnty miiml lloston's four runs were the result of onseciitlve hiltltig anil mi error by lluh , :n the foiiith Inning Thp scoio; I IlKTHOIT (A 1.) I IIOsTON (A M ab 1 n a e 1 Vitt.-b .... 4 0 .1 4 OIHonper.rf . ' . .. 4 1 .1 3 l Ilirrv..l ab h P a e 10 3 0 3 I 0 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 i 3 110 o; 4 110 0 ii hi. i 4 0 o ft "II.cwts.lf 4 0 i: 0 C (liinlnrr.tli, 1114 1 Nifill. " c a 2 OCacly.e i H o , 0 roMer.ti.... a a o ii a! (.r.-w f il.rf Veaih.lf II . Younir.ib Mlana. e.e . Cov.le.V.p McKee.... slecn.p. . i 3 ii : i 4 0 I 0 0 3 12 2 1 S 0 1 1 0 , J 3 .1 t 1 ,.10771 .i 1 il is i 9 0 0 3 0 Totals ToMla i ?i i: nuted for Covelesk'e In the seventh In- nliiir IVIrnlt 1 'i 0 1 0 0 0 ft 1 llnstotl 00040O00I-4 Kuns-Delrolt. CnbTi: llnsinu. Speaker, ( ilner. I.ewi, Seetl Two bne hlls-Cady. llallier Mnlen base - Si 0(1 "aerifies hits . Ilnaner. (1 ilner DoubV play VII t and I "urn la'lt on base. Ditrnil. lln-ton. 4. Kir.t bi'e cm etror- Il'lroit, It Itftsinn. I. n...... n 1..1:. nu civ,l-.Uie. 1: off Knter. J 1 I lit bv tillehed hall llv Foster (Cnbbi. slrnelt ICJ( o!ll lie tnveie.Kie nv ruirr. a. Cmpire- Kvins and Chill Time-1 hour aim 1: miniitrs New York Slnle League. r WII.KHMIIAItllK i( Illimrn ft 0 ft 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 Wl'kinrr o 0 0 0 ft ( il 0 00 S 2 llatierle Dtssau and Itltter, l'hlillpi and (llitilo XT CTICA-nilST (lAMII It. II K. Ml.anv toftftoooo 01 3 1 fib a o 0 0 n 0 1 0 2 x -3 4 0 flatteries- .lai ops and Clotigher. Taj lor and .Mrlionnugh Si:C(N! (JAMK II. II K Albany oioftooo-1 .1 o f Ilea 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 2 flalterie (!nrnr nnd ClmiKher, Ober lln and .Mclinnough AT SCHANTON KlltST (IAMB. It II H. Illnghamton. . 0 e t ft 0 ft 0 2 1 4 ;i 2 o i) 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5 12 0 llatterle (, Hupp and Murphy; niacin, nnl Mtll-r Si:i'ONI (JAM K it ii r. lllnghamtnn J 1 ft 0 0 2 0 ) 11 o Scrnnion 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 llalterles Harned and .Murphy: Hall und Mfler AT SVHACHSK KlltST oamf: it ii i: Troy 1 ft 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 3 0 Syracuse... . ooo040ftOx--4 n 3 flatteries -I'rlesio and Tyler. Parson and Klt7ral.l SIH'OND (l.)MK ft II i:. Stratus 1 e 0 0 0 ft 1 2 3 1 Trov 1 0 fl i) 0 o 01 i 0 Hatterl- Cornwell and Tyler; and .Meilrath GAMEST BALL CLUB FOUND. I'os I a I 'renin of ('let eln ml llnpea to Win ii linini' Some Hay., July 31.--The gamet base- 'ball club In America has bee'i discov ered. It l the I'oMnl Telegraph Oni pany team of the Slxtli City League of Cleeland. Although It has not won a game lit two e:irs, It never whimpers. It never has protested u game. It neer has blamed the umpire Oiawing nothing hut blanks through out the t'Jll season, It was the tlrst club I " tne league to post its rorfelt of Jri.. tills .tear, and the piujcis raised that amount themselves. It Ugh haul for every game, but never Is accused of lowdy tactic. Nosed out by close mar gins, it Is the llrst team to show up the following Sundn, Jut ns hopeful as be lure of finally winning a game. (I'Tniili- "tntt it Setlail t lull. Coi.cmiiia. July 31. Marty OTooH: Is making a coi.slder.tble hit throughout the American Association because of the one hit anil one run games he is pitching ft,r Cnlumliiis. Irsliiltt League. I Nport New. 4. Norfolk, 3 first (second game 1. Norfolk. . Newport New, f, c.i me! Sunolk. 1 l,ortmoiiih, I (llrst came). Portsmouth. ;'. Suffolk, 0 tsi-eond game). It i.'ky .Mount, 3. Pitersburg, I (tlrnt E.inu'i 1 Hoiky Mount. 1. I'eterrhtir, 0 1 second 1 name. j At ItlilKewiiod, H II. K .Murr.iv II 11 ' .. 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 ft 0 0 4 ItlilKeuno.l A (' 01000002 -- 3 9 0 11 itterle K trkni-r and S.-liwart. Spm cer and Helnfel.l Al Hlnibur.l. It ll f ' N Y Kire Hepi II II ( 0 0 0 0 n t l 0 .' , 4 ' K. uibiir' lira.. 100002003 h 2 I ll.titerp )lar-ny Ln.h and Kenne.ij I )1 irton an.) Heui-r eln f XiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaiTaeilaTiHiTaTttt-a--- mmT. ANNOUNCEMENT The following prices f.o.b. Detroit, effective Aug. 2, 1915: Ford Runabout $390.00 Ford Touring Car 440.00 Ford Town Car 640.00 No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise cars fully equipped. There can be no assurance given against an advance in these prices at any time. We guarantee, however, that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug. 1, 1916. Profit-Sharing with Retail Buyers On August 1, 1914 we made the announcement that if we could make and sell at retail 300,000 Ford cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915 we would share profits with the retail pur chasers, to the extent of from $40 to $60 on each car. We have sold over 300,000 Ford cars in the time specified, and profit-sharing checks of $50 each will be distributed as rapidly as possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed us their profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed, should do so without delay. Our plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars during 1914-15 has been most successful. We thoroughly believe in it, but, realizing the uncertainty of conditions generally makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future profit-sharing until a later date. We are, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for several months, and therefore can offer no profit-sharing for cars delivered during August, September and October, 1915. ' niiTunrr BLUE JACKET FOUND FOR TIMELY CLOUTS IMttsfnds' llil I iiili.-ni fnp Tm0 Clumps of Two If 11 11 i:,irh and Win hy . to -J. KNKTZKIt If KM KV KS itriUv Yelerdin 's He. nils, ntl'liur. 4! Hrooklyn, 2 Chlcaro. 7: Newark, t (tlrt ran-e Newark. 3: Chleacn, 2 (seennd camei St Loiiir. l: lliiffaln, 0 Itlrst cime llurfalo, 1: SI leiuls, n i.e.'.in.l -am K.insa Cite. 7: llaltltnnre. 1 ifirl K ,tn" Kansas Citv, .: lliltlmore, 1 , t ,T,, Hlalulln- of the lub. ' W. I.. 11' , W 1. nr Chleaco..,.. 5. 41 ...'I'Newark ,. . i u Ivans i.i.iiy . 1 .1 .:ni iirn'iHivil I'ltistmrir... SI 41 ..v,l llulfalo. St. Louis., . 51 41 .t,i:;lliliimnre To. day's .rliedule. Newark In ChliM.o Halt 1 111 nre. In Kansas City llulfalo In St Louis " 'l .111 ' ,.l! ."I .' rn-rsni'ii(i, July 31- The I nt. Mi defeated Hrooklyn to-day I tn ! Th pitching of Hurk was rffeitlte, wi,l llluejacket was lilt ut the tight tun in the fourth nml llfth Innings two r:m being Hcored In encli. llurk wiih afTei:ti:d by the beat in ilo eight Inning and Unet-ei piPM. ,1 tho, last IiiiiIiik. The score; imOOKI.YN K. I.) I I'llTSIH Itii K I.. all li t a e' ab bps Anilers'n.rf .112 10 llrsh'er.s I 1 1 n Maae..2b. .4022 D.Wfklaiid.lf . 1 : (i j Coorer.l f ..4 1 2 0 0 . 3 11 I 11 1 '.' I 11 0 0 (:; iim, Her. Ih. 4 1 10 1 11 Kelly. rf. I . ' 4 Halt.3b 4 10 3 l,Morey."u. Khmllh.s. 4 0 .1 I 0,Verke.L'b. Mmon.e.... 3042 ii.O'Connor.c lllue .la'l.p 2 0 ft 2 0 IPirk.p . Land 1 0 0 n n Kneizer.p Kinneratl.o 0 0 0 3 el ' : . 1 a '-ON 3 1-01) 3 1 . a n 0 Kj j.M)er.. .. 1 0 11 0 !' Tolal .. tl .' 11 ) Total. . 32 M.I 15 1 llattcd for lllue Jacket in the nth nnnf, tllatlrd for In the ninth ( Konetchy out. hit bv bitted '. 1 llrnnklyn oiiftft'iiftn-; I'lttabtir? 0 0 ft 2 : o j 1 4 Hun -Hrooklyn. Atnlerni. Kapt. I'm burs-. Kellt. Mnwrey. Th-t li.i hll )nwre.t, Konitch) Mo.-a !.i. K.iuff. 2: llra.llev. Mmnn. AndersT,. K v Sainttie hit- IVrelitmmer. Kheani Yer',.. Wbkland lt.i.e on ..iIs--Off lllue ,l-e'ai '. off Kinneran. 1; off llurk, t, siru.'k n ,t fl; Kllineraii. 1: b) Park. (.; by h'il r 1 Umpire Kinneran and Mullln Tinu . ft :? and (.4 nilnuti At t.'hlriign. KIHST OAMH. Ne.-arl (1. L.) ... 0 0 ft 0 0 0 I 4 Chicago (K. L I .. . 4 70O001OV naileries Alor.m. Hrandon, )! Rurldeii; Ulack nnd Wl.son MHCtiNI) OAMH 11 It E. a : .0 5 - v t! 1 Newark IK- 1, ). .. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Chicago I K. I. I 2 0 0 0 0 0 ft ft - : HaiierU Kaiaeriing unn iia'ti--Connell and Klacher, At t laud. KIHST llAMH. ! Hurra tn 1 1 L.I.... n n o n o o a o n , ht Loul I K. I..) . . . 0 n n 0 o ii ft t , ' ll4lterl--HchuU and Albn H. and Hartley, Chapman. s-neoNii iiami: i llurfalo (K. L 1 ... . ft 0 0 o ft ft 0 I . tt. I.olll ( K. L. I I o On..' " Hatterles L.tlllle. Ile.1-ll( ,i i 1 Davenport and Cliipiuan. At Kattsii ('lit, KIHST (I AM K nsltlinnre i K. L i n t ft a n o Kan. a CP) i r.L i " a a n t t n o v llalierle P .l.iinoa iiki .t .lohneou and H.isi. rly si:ci)Nt) iiami:. Haltlllior" I K. L.I . ft 1 0 (i n o n ft " City t K. L l " n ft 2 o o n v Ilaiterlr italli y ami iiwen- ' and llrnwii Tetll l.eaciie Sin Atitnnln, .". , Italia, o Kort Worth, tl. Ili..tiiip,.i Shreveport. 6. iialMt,.n " waco, 2, lll.llelon t Inn. - North Carolina I e.ttiie, HalelEll, 2. Ah" idle " Wlulon-Saleln, 7 Cli.r'-.t . ( (irei nsl.oro, 2. Iiiirlt. rn, I , t nines i, inithcrit I eamie, Memphis. 3. MoMI, . ; i-.u . Ailant.t, . I. nil" Ho, k . New Orient! .'. N..l,.i , i, 4 li i' ni , . ga me i Ittrrmtigham i'b .t n fc garnet llertfmit ie. HtooUli n. enlrnl e. S llnl.ei M . eu.ilk,