Newspaper Page Text
14 THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. WILLIAM OUTPACES SPEEDY DIRECTUM I. Tn.i-s .V5.()l() Fi'cc-foi-AII nt Jit-troll Aflcr Scnsoii' .Mink Is lluiiir I'p. BAT) DA V roll KAVOMTKS Dkt-wit, .lul .11 Willluni bent Dlrec turn I. In the lli-Kt of tin- $fi.0(Mi free for nit cli:iiiiili)iiflili. at the i.r.tml Circuit meeting here nril did It easily after the clu.ituut kins had won the tint heat In the time of the year. The remaikahle IhltiK nl-out It iir the time. Haiti at nlfiht and In the morn-ln-r made the raidin; outlook -dim, lull It na dreldeil to tackle It lu i-pltc of mud. Three race were Htacrd heforo the feature wan tenched, nnd liy that time the lr.ic! una Hcttlus dry. nltlvnigh oft. Directum I uni f.ivurlte at $100 Raltist v and drew tho polo. William led nt the ipi.utcr anil three lent-tlm nt the half. Mliiphy did not utart to drive until approaching the rtretch, mid then he came outside of William, overhauling him nt the dlxtiince and ulnnlnK by a Boir In 2,nn,i,ihelni'tuuartiTln0:S9i. Dliectum I. made th pace, the next time, with William i-econd. They raced like a team and when In the stretch William scooted by llreetutii 1. without trouble, and won by a length, the Inst li.iir thl time belns .5s?, and the ter Anna Hradford made the pace mow In the llnal heat, with I'lower Direct ec ond, to the hair In 1 and William third. William hecm to dist In on the turn and paced away tium them, his own last half bclnc about .5S on track fully three seconds slow. Kite races weie on the getaway card ml the 2 "OH pace proved to be n stellnr contest. Karl, Jr., was even against the Held, but after winning the tlrst heat from I'eter Stevens he bumped up ncalust a big surprise. Karl. Jr., had the rest beaten half way down the ctretcli ill the second heat, when up came Hraden Direct, winning by a neck. Braden Direct raced behind In the next own lasl half being In about 0.5S on u track full tluce seconds slow, The 2 IV stnke trot was hard fought nd Miithful, the favorite, was beaten, Lettlc winning the llrst two heats, McCloskev the thin! and iuurth nnd Mirthful the tlfth. giving I.ettle the rnce. Another trotting favorite that was bfdtcn was The (iiildc In the 2:16 class. The Unit slaed on his feet and went a clever race, winning the first heat out In (tout and the others In tho last part fter CUcnwood H, had made the pace. Cox had an easy win In the 2:0.1 trot v-tlth Margaret Drulen. She Indulged Wiythmcll with the lead to the stretch cveiy tilp, thin trotted on and won as he ideased. The summaries: Hotel onlchnrtruln Stnke; trot; l:.uoo. I.'-tlle t m., t Mnko Lee. tell. ! Axtell (Whltel 114 2! Mirthful, h. m by Stnr of Pali hen i Murphy S ! ! I I Mil.o-ki br. k., by Theo.lnlu ( 15 111 Temple, br. g. imiowi... 2 3 14 1 lllnmuni. b. m. IF. Chllda). 7 4 Sdr Jtr Warren, b. in. (Healey!.. dr llronll)ii Hal. b. k. (Snulektrl 3 Itla. AMIm ch. h. tll.irrlii Ul. June lleil, b. ill l .Vh-Mnhnn I Pl. Mlt Alle .viidreinr. b. m IMc- Alil-lerl Ill" Time 2.0V',. S:0!t,. ::0.i,. 2:9H, ::l0ij. 2:or. trot iir. ll.MO: Mercnrit Iiruh'ii. b. in. bj I'eler th (ireiit The tluntxcs. by Onimrd silver iC'ix t 1 t 1 Ilhythtnell. blk in. ish.inki : ; s Fur winter, b. x i Mi Donald I 4 4 3 Joan, br m. iMt'U'iltti I 3 1 l Time S:o;, S:0i. S.01. 2:1 trot: purse SI ion The Unn. cb It., bv The Nitlve Anna H. bv J"hn lliinllne (Klod) 1 1 1 Rlennond H.. b. c. il'uriell) 6 2: genera Hoy. h k i Fleming, I 2 3. The liable, h h i I 1 niteetnr Itlls.'Il. b ll iStieilekerl . . I i Tommy To.P1. b c. iSnmvi a t; 4 Empress of Itu.slii, ih in. (Murray) 3 T H Precious Creneiis, ih h i.stokcst.. 77 Cacun Slur b It ill:ii . . 9 Dl. Time 2.10t4. -.'.09V :.0'.i,. Free for all pace, three heats 12,000: H'llllHIll, b. h . bv Abe J. l.Uzic C, by Javuond i.viurvln) 2 1 I Directum 1. h h., by Directum Kelly iMurphv i 13 4 Flouer Direct, b in. c Whitehead,) . . 3 2 2 Ann I lr. . 1 for c 1 . blk in. I Shank),... 4 4 3 Time ::ooi,. 2:021,, 2:04. Ji03 pace purse 1 1,500: Brailen Direct, blk. h , bv flarnn Direct Hraleu l,nss ( I'.ik.iiij . . sill Earl. Jr., sr. h by The Karl iCoi) 12 3 3 Peter Stevens, h b iSneileker) . . . 2 3 2 2 Tickler, b in I Molt I 3 4 t P. H Hrett. h. K, llirailv'l t .'. 5 5 Time 2:031,. 2 n;i,, ::oji,, 2:04t,. Milts nnil While VI im.- Ahcild. MoNrci-viit, July 31. The MnuUialr Athletic tiuh handicap lawn leiinls tournament, which huh ted ono week ago, was continued In-day In the second round, class A, V. D. West beat W. S. MaeDonald. 1 , 12 in, 7 :, In the third round W. T. .MIJIh, Jr.. heat J, l Roll. 6 n, C :i, iiikI I. 1 1, Whlto beat ('. D. West fi ll, tl- 2. In class II J. , tiregory bent W. Hmnn, by default, and A. Bennett beat II tileiin, 0 3, 46, V 2, in the llrst loiind. Archie llnlin lu CiihcIi llriivvn. Camduipiik. Mass., July 31. - Archie Tf aim. the former Michigan sprinter and winner of several A A. C. champion ships. Is to be named ah track coach of Hinvvn I'nlveislt within a few days He has tx'en cuachuirf In Oregon. II will lake the place left vai.tnt by the relgnatbiii nf Cddu O'Connor, the man who lirought out .N.iim.iii S. Talier. HAMILTON RACING RESULTS. First Hare Three-veir.ol. I nnd up ward; xelllin:. iiire jno. lx furlongs Torkvllle. 1 1 j ii'iMiperi 3 to 2. I to 2 and out, flrt. Zln Del. 102 I Vlr I l.'riliott I. 3 to I, even anil 1 to .'. Mrroinl. Uutra, 101 tCar neri, v tf 1, 3 lo t an.t even third. Time. ltlS .1 V Hin ore, Vila, liiivle, Martin fafeft, Oitunthl.i I. .idy, Nevillrt anil Dr. llolzherK alo ran t'ecinil It. ice T o.year-oltU. sellintf: pome r.00 Hie fiirlonca -l.litlo Hluger. S ll.oiilerl S In 1 tn Z and out, llr.l, Tuih Tush 'ik lili Alee) 5 to . rven illli 1 to n, seiiiinl, Prohibition, lor, (Hirst i. 10 to I, 4 lo I h ml 2 in 1, third. Time, 1 ,03 3-5 Andre An.iln. Prlile of (ireen vvav, tlbimer Welpu ami Itet nlnl alao ran. "I Mini lime luwnlln ll.lMilUap. two. ear-nli. pille 1700; n f urlnngs --Doilt;e, 115 fKeohi 3 'o :t tn , nnil out, (Irat: Kin Neptune l.'O ll'nnperl, S to 1 to 2 and out. ml. I'irl Light. 10.1 (Louden. 4 te 1. 7 n ami I in third. Time. 1:11 2 5 Mileainne, I'lill fnncr ami Hi nth alto ran Fourth Itaie- 1 1 . in I ll nil i:up Hamlii.ip; thres-i .ir ohu aa1 upunril, purKi ;',iioii. one nille .mil a quitter ThiII.h. loj i Sin th i, 7 iii I. 3 in 2 ami out. ilrnt. Harneffat. iiiaineri, 5 tn 2, 7 to 10 ami mil. seinml, 'rimiit.iln D.i) 10(1 ictaveri, 4 to 1. rim ami inn, third Time. 211 1-5. King- II .unhurt. 1 1 iiiliilem e tl'iiiu monailii iiNm ran D.inli l-ThornclKJe enlr) t.Vii.i'n i.ntr.. liltb It.i r iiilee . U-..I.I. ami up 'tri. fnii'eii in i', in, i.. i. tfei;;ng. purait iiro, iiue mile ami u alvieenih--liari.i un. 101 illulneai, I to 1. V to i ami I in f. 1rt I ..11,1 Spark, :n, (iSameri, 10 tg ). to 1 nnil '.' tu I. amiml, interior, 141 (Momi. :iii t., 1. Hi i i iim h, j, T . 1 'i I 3 5 -'Mil If.l.e- Throf -li ir i.''l 11 ml up. ' n" B. piuse D'.Oii ..tie mile mi ' "'' 'i Mil :n u.pi.ri 3 in 1. " !' 1 1 'o tl ' M i, Inn HJ H!ar 1 r 3 i ' n i i I 1 . , re iiml Cur u nir ' nn.. v i , i 3 In I and H-i il Time I III i . ,''H' ''i''1 Tirrc i.hlk anil up ,f u!". '"K l"" 'i't "lie mile , " s"b.t kt ll.lel 7 In 1, 2 ' i' P i I . k liHvniiniitth, no hi I n .ri-iiml , . M i,J . .11111 '!" ' I. .a. BEEDLE AND R0THR0CK SHINE. I llliln Hlioolers tlll In Lend In CIvIIIhum' Conlrsl. Wasiiinoto.v, July 31, The eighth week In the series of en weekly com petitions between the chill,..! title r.lulii of the country for the small bore tenn championship shows tho Deters Hide and Itevolver Club of Kings .Mills, Ohio, "till leading with the highest score turrit I In for tho eighth match. lt 9ti2 Is twenty olnts higher than the next team, tie Auburn Itllle Club. The highest Individual score was made by J. Ileedlo of the Deters club, who made a possible nt rapid fire and 09 at slow tire. A. I), ltothrock of tne same club nlo made tho po-wlble nt tapld lire. GOOD FIELD IN SWEEPSTAKES." Ha Id tv In nnil llninplirej vllle Win I nn (ilen lllilur l.lllUs. Oib.v Hiikik, X. J July 31- A ball I sweepstakes In two classes was pl.i.veil ' at the Olen ttldge, Country Club links I thtu it f lrtwifin. Tlin wnlM ! ' Chife A -f W Hahlwlti. tt . 7.'. C W. Sehwlnn. S4 11. 73; .1, K. t.nnenter. 11015, 75: It. lllekfonl, 'J 1.1, 7r,J 11. W. llenson. 9117, 7'i; W. V. Ilenits. at 14, SO, W. D. l,)on, 0717, 0j W 11 l.emn sena, 14, si. t'lao II A. It. Humnlirevvllle. 0021. . f C. Ileekmnn. ; 23. 74; 11 II., ltouer. 10727. vn; r. it. Hlllcott, 99 Is. I H l" M I.lmlslev, 109--11 2, .1. I , Capen. 10 22, HI, A. It, Smith, 11725, 92. I PAGERS LED HOME BY FLEET BUSTER BROWN Trillin's OHilinpr Wins Class A Kvcnt in Tiirt'c llcnfs nt Brooklyn. i W C I'rban's Duster llrown. winner of many races on the Harlem Speedway and at Mlneoln, made his bow to the, light harness followers at the Parkway Driving Club's half mile track In llrook lyn yesterday afternoon and carried oft the honors In the dims A pace, but was forced to go nn extra heat to do It. Chailes Ring's Andy X. J. showed the way In the opening heat but In the next two Duster Drown won handily. Who Knows, owned by V. Leopold, was sw ord In each of the last two heats "with Andy N. J. third. The second heat of the Class 1" trot was the first dead heat of the season. The Judges were unable to separate William O'N'ell's lMtricltts and 11. It tel's Hoy Winter. The race required two extra heats to determine the win ner, Datrlclus finally winning, with Hoy Winter second, neroun third and Ar boval Axworthy fourth. The sum mitries ; ria I), pace: Hen H.. gr g. (Joseph Carboy) II Chief, h. . (fl D.tlrymple) 5 Itulh I'strhen. b. m. (.VI. T. I.ll.. 5 2 Mensshs, gr. m. (II. Frleilman) 3 3 Harette, br. ni. (J F. Hlbbon) 4 I Tlmr 2:20, 2:32. i"la- A. trot: Courier Hoy. b g. (J. P. Kennedy).... 1 1 Elastic b. K A HrlesUml) J Time 2:21. 2:20 t'Uea D. trot; Tlmrm. Hood, b. h (J l.ockwoo.l , , . . I l Viola Strm. b. m (A. M. Stelni.... 2 2 Ollie McKltinee,, nl ,y Cabin,,. , j j Time 2:23. 2:22H. Class D. pace Counte.e Kohl. blk. m (B. A .Mrcklei 3 1 1 J. I). Me., b. Ii (J HahneisniD t 3 3 Doi Reos, ch. m. (Chnrlea teaman) 2 2 2 Time SH71., 2:13', 2:10.. Class K. trot: Hessle naron. Ii. g (J. F. Gibbons) . . 1 1 Hlher Forbes, br h (It. C Itfiuls'.on l ! 2 Hill Mcl'ann. a g. (C D J 3 Time 2:31. 2 35. Class F. trot IMtrlelus, ch. g iWllll.itn O'.S'ell) 1 l Hoy Winter, h. k III Fettel) i 3 j Heroon, br in U. F. I '.II. Imp. I . . 3 3 2 2 Arbnvnl Aortll. b h. (F Small) I I 4ir Time 2:291,. 2.291,, 2.311,, 2:3Sl.. Dead C!as C trot Araw.tnna. b 111 ill' It Strang! 1 I Paul Snele. ch ir. (Charles yeimani. " Time 2:23, 2:23 1, . Class C. pace: Catherine Cla, h. m. i.. w. Wnrneri I 1 Viniten. b. g 1 J Habneaanil) ; s Iloyal Clay, b k uir Linlgi j ; Time 2:H. 2:19. Class A. pace' Duster HroMn. h. b ( W c t'rban) 2 1 t Andy N. .1.. ih k (Charlea Hlnei.. I 3 3 Who Kiinns. blk g (F l.enpulil 1 , . 3 ; ; Time-215. 2.1.'.s,. 2. lit. Class H, trot Jaik, b. : 1 Wilton llrldi 2 1 1 Hiluard F b g (Sinn Hrleslamll .12 2 peter Chicken, b. h (Dan llilhre) .333 TI1110 2 19, 2. IH,, 2:19. AIRESHOFF'S BOAT IS FIRST. Ilenls Dr. strut no's Hnlr In rinlll. innri Ciiimlrn llnce. . liin.M.Ki.i'ii.v. .fitly 31. flora II,, owned by Hrutio AlreslmfT of tho Itlver slde Vacht Club, was ti winner by 2 Iioiiih H minutes and DJ mcoiuIs, cor rected time, over tho Kugonln, owned by Dr. Kugene Swayno of Hie liat Hock Motor Hoat Club, In the 3 K S .j iiautlcnl cruiser race from the Murvl.iml .Motorboat Chili, Dalllmorc. to the Cam den Motorbont Club late to-day. The, Jennie S., owned by lienrge Stuck of the Camden .Motorboat Club, which was the scratch boat of class II ciuitieis under 4 4 feet, wns thlnl. 1 Mlr ,u,( 5 inlnuies behind her scheduled lime. Tho .Marguerite 11., owned by Com mndoio A. II. Caitleilce of the Vacht Club and president of the' )el,i-1 ware Yacht Haclng Asiii'iatlnii, under I which the contest was held, was unable to Mulsh She was caught In 11 storm and damaged late yesterday afternoon Just off Hie mouth of Chesipeake Hay I f hnrmiiiii II., the exptess cruiser owne'il ' by J. II. .Manley, representing the Alnri'- 1 land Club, had tut tepnrted at the finish line up tn 11 o'clock to night. BATTEN WINS JULY TOURNEY. I'rlro In I'lrsl SUleen nl J M nn I i-lu I r (itilf ('lull, I Mll.NTl'I.AIil. -S. .1.. .1 ill v .11 Tl, ll.,lu III Hie July tournament. n ban Kweep lIlkes and a ladles' putting competition furnished plenty of hot weather golf at the Montclalr Golf Club links to-day. In the July tournament first sixteen J. It. lint ton bent A. I,. I'lersnu 1 up, In the second slxtien J. C Dlalt beat W. H, Crav.ith 2 up and 1 to plaj and In the third sixteen Hulph Starrett Iwat H V. .Miller :i up and 2 In play The sent oh lu the sweepstakes: Class A- It. II lllesot. S3 12, 71 .1 H. Il.ittui, 14-11. 73. c. .1 Turner, tn C 74; A It. Allen. k3 9, 71. J. II Kremir s. Hi. 7.-,. W v.. Marcus, .Ir . 77 -4. s II A It Knpiur, 90 IV, 72. j w Allen. 9- 14, 75. II U Delano. 9! 16, 7i.. A D llrnwer, !- is -v, w II Loftua. 93 15, 7. I). W T. dr.. j . 9. H, so ' Class C-- VI. Hlanike 91 211. 71 p 9 " "isl- ''' M- ,v Huhliinl, liner 11 nil llnrlln Win Cups, .Mnvrri.Ailt, X .1, ,ul 31 A sweep, slakes In two classes and the Munis for tlm membership committee and club trophies wete plaed 011 Hi., links of tho I'pper Monlctalr Country Clul) this after noon. For the lilemtiornhlit r.r.m.,.1. . .... cup It ,M. C Olenii heat .1. It. Ilaer I 7 up and to pluy, while for the club 1 iioimy c ii .viartin neat K. :i up and 2 to play. The scoioh In the sweep, slakes , ii.i. A It M c (llenn. ST 1 H, 71, A 'li s""" "'' "' s,-1,HPm""i . Class II J )i llorafnrd. tl II, 74. T. 103 'Si '' K,J,"" NORTH JERSEY PUTS NEW LINKS INTO USE Travel's mid W. B. Klrcker Are llt'iifon by Ono Hole in Kxliihition Matoli. OKA HAM AND TAFT WIN Datkhpon, N. J July 31. With Jerome D. Trnvers, national open cham pion, ns the guest of honor the North Jersey Country Club opened lt recon structed course, Paired with William 11. Klrcker of the home olub Travis played In n four ball match against Itoger It. Taft, the rlub champion, and Archibald Crnhnm, who brought much fa mo to the club In past years. It was Graham who waa runnerup to Travers when the lat ter won hla first national amateur chnm pJonship nt Cleveland In 190. In tho match to-day (Irnham nnd Taft won 1 by I up. At the start It looked as though Travers nnd Klrcker were going to win with ease, for they captured three of the first four hole nnd acquired n most comfortable lead. (Irahant nnd Tnft stuck to their task, however, nnd nuc-J cecded In squaring the. match at the. tenth, For the remainder of the way it was a ulp nnd tuck struggle. It 'was all square when the seventeenth was reached nnd there Graham hit a great drive that ran through the trap well out aiKl stopped 011 the green, which Is 2?n yards from the tee. He made hl 3 and put his side 1 up. The home hole Is n dogleg nffalr 37S yards long, and when Klrcher holed nn approach shot for a 3 It looked as though the match would be helved, Archie Graham was equal to the situation, however, and after putting his iippronch to within, a dozen feet of the pin ran down the putt for n 3 and saved the match. Doth Travers and Grahnm made Individual scores of 75. The cards: Archibald Grahnm and Itoier 14- Taft: Out 45554523 334 Jerome. D. Travers nd William n. Klrcker: Out 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 315 Oraham and Taft; In . ... 45 4 3 5 4 5 3 3 72 Travers and Klrcker: In , 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 4 33173 Despite the Intense heat a good sized gallery followed the match all of the wa atoiinil the course and after It was over gatheied around the seventh teo to watch Dr. Walter II. Johnson, the president of the club, drive a gilded golf ball ncross the pond. Dr. John son accomplished the feat In a skilful manner and declared the 'new portion of the course formally opened. A dinner and a dance at the clubhouse this evening ended the day of celebra tion. llnnlnnila I. end at I'lalnMrld, Dt.AtNfim.n. X. J., July 31, Another large Held of golfers turned out at the lialntleld Country Club this afternoon to engage In the weekly competition for the golf committee cup nnd the sweep stukes event. In the golf committee competition It. Story Rowland returned the liest score, a card of 74 net. In the swceiwtnkes D. H. Itnwlaud's score wns the liest. The scores : liolf Committee tMp It Story Itonl.inil, 3-. 71. W A. tngeman. 9313. 0; D II Itoaland. 95 IV. 7; Howard II Cratg. 9210. 7: W U (ilenney, in, 71, II. II Osborne, 10H 23, S3: 11 K, Hitler. i 12, 74, Morris J Dumont, 13--13. 71 Sweepstakes D 11 Itonland. 9519, 71, .1 I! Osborne, !m II, 7. W ! C.len ney. 1, 7 Nnllrr I'nlls lu Mrrt Alberta. Krankle Xottcr failed to Hppear at the llroiiilway Sporting Club last night for h Is H'hcilulcd bout with Johnny Kid Alliens and no star bout wns put on Several four round bouts and one affair scheduled to go ten rounds were staged by .Manager Melsmantle, who then gave out checks good for next week's show, In the scheduled ten round number Charley Him gen outclassed Jack Will ilmn. and the referee stopped the con test In the fourth round, (oslrnllnii Knocks Otit Me(.onr(. Stpnkt, N. S. W., July 31. -Kddle McGoort of OHhkosh, Wis., was knocked out here to-night In the sixteenth round uf a middleweight championship match with Is Darcy, an Australian boxer, , The result was a surprise, Darcy having it easy. .NeiT f'Htrther for Alhletlca. Gl.ot'i', .Mass., July 31. Italph. Perkins, catcher foe tho Italelrh olub nt' tlio North Carolina Dengue, has li'en sold to the Athletics, according to a telegram received by his brother here. Perkins Is 10 years old. Inle tn lie In Chnrge nt Fair. George F. Foley of l.ansdowne, Pa., has been offered the superintendence of the bench show, to be held in connection with the exposition nt San Francisco In the fall. HoxliiK limit l.nsl Mhl. At the Fairmont A. C. Jnck llrmple fouled Jim Stewart in the fifth round. Al Brown's Gymnasium Young .Mc Donald iiml Jimmy Powers boxed ten niunds to a draw. GO TO THE Grand American HANDICAP GRANT PARK, CHICAGO AUGUST 16-20, 1915 NO previous event In trap shoot log will compare with the Sl. tccnth Grand American i np In number of entries, shunt, ing env Ironment, beauty and valun of irophlcs nnd awmhlaitu of trup shooting stars. This Is THE PREMIER EVENT OF THE YEAR unit ntrn-t nip equipment thelnrgest ever InstalledInsure to every hooter Ideal conditions "nn tho llrlttg line" of (Irnnt Park. Chicago' most popular shore resort. Oct Inlo this "rounibup" of tho world's crack shots, Plan our Ion to Iniiude tho Grand Amcrlcun llnndicnp tho "world scries" event, of the trap shooting gnmu. Pit iirogranunn ami spcclnl in formation wrllo to K. UK!.'.!! 1 SIIANr.It.Scci'iiai' InlcrslHle Assn., Jill Cnlliirl Ave, liltsburgli, or (u 1 Sportlni I'lmdcr Division, DU PONT POWDER CO. WILMINGTON, DELAWAHK. SEASON'S MARK-AT MINE0LA. Itnynl McKlnney Duces Mile and Win In KtlVJ'fc. Minkoi.a, July 31, Split heats marked the racing of the Nassau Driving Club this afternoon nnd a new season's record wns hung up. Iloyal McKlnney made his second mile In 2 l'."a, which Is n rec ord here for the year. Iln defeated Lil lian W owned by I Chambers. Helelie JlrlRht finished thlnl'lu the class 1". trotting-, but wns dlsqualllled because she did not win the last heat. The decision of tho Judges was hooted by many In the crowd. The summaries: (inn D, pacing: Sadie Ashburn, ch, m i!, Chambers) , ,1 1 Oakland Hoy, Jr., cb Ii. (I. Conroyi.,2 2 Tlme-r2i3t,, 2:30. Second division; trot! liancon, br h. It). Hnrseneld) I 1 lloynl Spring, b. h. Ill, Crnsstnniii . . . ,2 2 Prince Marino, b. h. II W H.irkti I ... 3 3 Trips Itoae, blk. m. (I.. Smith 1 1 4 Time 2tl2, 2:31, Class E, trottlnr: Mend-all.' h. x (J. Doty) I 1 1 Acoru, b. g. (F.. O. Illnr.en) 1 2 3 llifnn Spier, b. g. (X. (Irunsfelder) 3 .1 2 Hiden, b n. (C Van (Install ., .5 dr Helena Hrtxht. b. 111 1 13. Lanxiloii) 2 4 ill. Time- 21251,, 2S29, 2:2ftV class c, trotting Direct Aiiiiillnn, b. h. (A Cornwall). 2 t 1 Hrlght Metal, b. m. (L. Chnmtmrs) 4 2 2 Ada (lliv. eh. m, (It L. Davis) 1 3 3 W,ltnn (ientry. b. K. ((1. ltorteneld).3 :. Cornelte. b. m. (A. C Cornwall). .,5 4 MrCarney, blk. h (J. llanlnu) 0 dr Time -2-20, 2 20, 2.22. (inn II, trotting: Jean Oakland, b. in, (A Cornwall) 1 I Julia Samlerson. ch. m (W. t llen- iltlcksnni 2 3 t.ennn Dagler. b. 111. ll. Chamber) .1 2 The Pfltrntsr. b. g (S. posit . ..3 4 Kinney Metlrrgor, b. g, ( W. X.el).. .4 5 Jennie F b. in (.1. M. i . , . 5 Time 2:lt, 2:19t,. Tnn.earold lrottlnn: Almlette, br. f IS. Poat) 1 1 llellfulr, br g. (J. J laionel ) 2 2 Time 2-39, 2:30 Class A, paring: Iloyal MrKlnney. nr h. I W. Hartrell), 1 1 Lillian W. ch. tn. (I. Chattiberai . . . . 2 2 Lewie l'atchen, b. J I.I. Hunlon) 2 .1 Time s-154, 2:12i,. Clam A. trotting. Country Tramp, ch. K (I.. W Hoyn- ton) ... 211 Flying Feet. br. m. (X. Post) 1 2 2 HI'tan. Ii. g IK l). Htnreni . ..333 Time 2'14',, 2 14',. 2:1 First division: ihree-ves.r-.dd trottlnr- Xorn Setr, b. tn. (It Clark) 2 I 1 Norblnn. br h (J .1. Looney) .12 2 Time 2:23',, 2:25, 2:32. Class II. paelnn Jay l'otur. b. k (J. Ilvanl 1 1 Pattle C. b. ui. (Lee Clark I . .2 J Matter MrKerrun, b. g. It.. W lloin- tnn I '. . ... 3 2 IIMeM Direct, br. g. (C Itlawatich) . I .1 Hiram Ablff. b. r. IW. J. Minor).... 3 4 Time 2:22, 2 23 Lee Droit, b. g llr Kingston) mile 2 22,, tn beat 2 25, Mack 'Glad Coombs Is WlnnlnK. DlllLAPkLPHlA, July 31 It Is said that Connie Mack decided two years ago to let Jack Coombs go (is soon as J ick demonstrated that he was tit to pitch winning ball ngaln .Mack appreciated the fact that Coombs had .'one some grfat work for the Athletics, but some thing that Coombs said gave offence and .Mack determined to let his Iron man go, lull not its long as he was Iticapailtiitco from pitching, Finally Coombs received a few trials during the last month of the It'll campaign. He again rlc man id rated he could wotk. His rdeise fol lowed, Connie knowing he could pitch effectively. None tide tn Ileal l'r. New ItomiRt.t-K, July 31. A match play competition against par at the Wykag! Country Club to-ilny was won by A. D. Hunn, who with the aid of a generous handicap Mulshed 3 down. Others who handed lu scorts were. C. IL (Illicit. 4 down. C. It. (Juery. T. down; J. II. Dinwiddle, o down, .1 I. Hurger, 5 lUiwn ; W. K. Stevenson, fi down. About Anti-Skids How They Differ. We Spend $1 ,000,000 This Year to Make Goodyear All -Weather Treads Double Thick Some anti-skids are simply regular treads made rough. The Goodyear All-Weather is an extra tread vul canized on to the regular. It will cost us this year about $1,000,000 to give this double thickness on our output of All -WeatKers. This means more than extra wear. It means deep grips which remain efficient after thousands of miles of service. Serious Defects Some anti-skids hove shallow, short-lived projections. Some hnve rounder! edges which fail to grip. Some center the strains at small points in the fabric. Some cause much vibration. The Goodyear All-Weuther has sharp edged grips. It is flat and regular, so it runs like a plain tread. It distributes the strains. Any man who meas ures and compares anti skids is bound to choose Goodyear All-Weathers. BILLIARD HANDICAP WILL BE TRIED OUT N.vstt'in of flnlinp: Li-ailing lMiiycrs Will Up I'scil Next Win tor. TrOIM'K TO BE AT SC HATCH" With Wlllinm P. Hoppe holding the 11-1. 1S-1 nnd 1 S-2 balkllne champion shin, no securely that there apparently la Utile chance of tiny of the veterans or younger players taking the honors from him, contests for the world's title no longer nttract ns In the palmy days of Jacob Hchnefer, Frank Ives, George Slosson nnd other famous cueist. For some reason or oilier handicap matches nt billiards have not bent much In vogue between the leading players In this country, although for many yenrs they have been popular with tho leadlrg Hrltlfth players. There ure few other branches of sport In which handicaps are not made the medium of equalization In skill. Tho end aimed nt Is close com petition, nnd when this obtains the In terest of the fan Is Increased. Olllclals of the DrunHWick-llalke-ColNndcr Com pany, under the auspices of which th world'ei championships are conducted, Imve Inaugurated a comprehensive schi me for rating the blllanl players and will give the handicap system a try- I out next winter. It Is plannril to put Champion Hoppe on th scratch mark with n rating of Din nnd rate the other players according to their skill. Other Included In the list are George V. Slopsntt, KoJI, George Sutton, Ora Mornlngstar. Harry D. (ilne. Albert O. Cutler, Al Taylor. Jnrob Schaefer. .Marcus Cation. Welker Cochran nnd Joseph .Mayer, winner of the last nmatetir championship, who now Is Included In the professional larks. This plan undoubtedly will be a big help tn the rising players, ns It will give them a chance to m -t all of the veternns In mutches that would mean a great deal more than mere exhibitions. For the purpose of getting the li.csll caps as near right ns itosaihie many of th leading roomkeepers and players and also the leading amateurs wilt be con suited and the ratings will to made fiom their riort". Among the roomkeepeis and players who will be consulted are .Maurice Daly. Tlmoth.v Klynn. Alfredo De urn, John T. Doyle. Frank Krone, Charles S Otis, Xat Waul. George W .Moot-4. Sam Grtiehn and Frank Isherwood of .N.-w York; Sol Alllnger of Philadelphia. M. II. Scanlon, Kilward Si-inloti nnd Frank Sherman of Washington, Harry Dav't and TruMou of Pittsburg . .Muses yHt ter and Charles Warren of l!oton 1-ooiianl ll.ntlsiin of .Montr al : Jerome Keogh of Hoohester ; W It Ctillen of HurTnin, George Wheeler and l-M Helm of .Cleveland ; .Michiel Foley of Detroit. .1. Sweei.'y and ..I M.itth. ws of Detroit ; SI lluslon of Ann Arbor. Thomas Foley, Louis lleiislnger, W. D Museey, Charles Mor'n. Joseph Capton. C. F. Conklln nnd Clem F.lllun of Chicago; Charles 1'elerMjn nisi Frank Henson of St. 1ouls: John Klein of Haltlmore; John Kllng and Hennle Allen of K ms.t City; Fr'il I James and Tun.v Sanon. Denver. W M. Spiuks, lis Aug lea, 11 C Wright. San Kianctkco, nnd Henry Solomon of Spokane The amaleuts who will bo .uikcd to So AH Through Every detail of Goodyear Fortified Tires shows advantages like this. The extras wc give you outside of the trca-a will cost us this year $1,635,000. This year's improvements over last ycarwill ulone cost us 5500,000. All that for features exclusive to Goodycars, or which few others use. Yet this year's price reduction will save our users about $5,000,000. And that was our third reduction in two years, totaling 45 per cent. Impossible Claims Tires which lack these extras claim toeqtial Goodycars. That is, of course, ridiculous. Tires with small output claim to match Goodyear values. That is impossible. Accept the users' verdict. Goodycars lead in sales nnd prestige after millions have been tested. They hnve held top place for years. And our increase this year in new users is breaking every Good Good YEAR AKRON. OHIO Fortified Tires RlnrCuU-ny nur Xn-Klm-fut (enure, r.jau WowoaU Dy our On-Air cure, . TrU-hy many rubber rlvett. rtifieJ Agtiut !niir'tr-by 126 braided piano wires J-SSVVSI. UI .tU (ITUIIICU ll'linil WIIO.H, PuDcturri and Sklddinf by our double- .niva .in . camrr ireaii, assist are W. W. Harris, K. II. Kurt. Wilson P. Kos, Dr. W. 0, Dnjigl.ts, J. I'ctdlnuisl Poggenbiirg, Morris 1). Ilrowni I'M wind W. Gardner, Dr, I.. 1 II. A, Coleman and William .(Jet hel, of New York! F. S. Hovey. J. B. Cope .Morton and J. Kmery Smile of tho 1'nlon D?ngue, litllndelphla; Dr. W. ):. UtTenhelmer of Philadelphia : Martin Mullen of Clevcamli H. I.. Mllbuin of Memphis i II W. Av ry of Detroit: Clint Ir lleililen of Dowaglnc, Mich.! Xa-thn-ii Hall of Hoslou, Charles Gray of Wnshlngton , W. Dunnlway of Portlnnd. fire., nnd F. I'nger of Xcwark, N. J. All of these men tire famllnar with the skill of the .lending professionals and their nimbined opinions should re sult In a s t of ratings that should come pear the murk In each Instance. SPERL WINS BRIGHTON DERBY. I.nrxe I'rmvd AMends llevlvnl nl Speed (in me ill llench. Ten thousand persons attended the re opening of the Brighton llench Motor drome last night. The revival of the speed game under the management of IMwald Harvey proved n success. Tho big event, tho Brighton Dei by, a thirty mllii race In which six of tho fastest riders In the country met, was won by Geoige Sperl of Brooklyn. It was a neck ami neck race from start to finish between Sperl and Hamilton. Arthur Chapplo lost ,n tire In tho twelfth mile after ho had lid the field Up to that point. He had n spill and re ceived n sirlous Injury to his left itrni Physicians said that It would be nece saiy to turn the X-ray on tho Injury be fore It could bo determined whether or not th arm Is fractured. The other starters. BUI Brown, Slef fnno Qunrhlncttl nnd Sam Henderson, continued with the leaders until tho eleventh mile. Then Brown dropped out on nccount of engine trouble ami llendrrun In the sixteenth mile was rnmpelletl to stop owing to Inck of gasolene. (Machliielll, although tempo Mllly disabled in the eleventh tulle, gamely resumed after hasty icpnlrs, finishing third with a total of twenP-tliD-e miles and two lap. The best tlni" was 24 minutes 11 1-1 seconds, within IT seconds of the record for the illstanre. Three he. its wre necessary tn decide the two mile match race between George Hamilton and Sim Henderson. Hamilton won, the best time being 1 minute 37 seconds. Tho tlnce mile open professional rnce alsir required tltr.e hutts, Bill llrown was the winner, with George Sperl sec ond and Steffann Qu.ichlnelli third. The time was 2 minutes 11 seconds. Arthur Chappie won a three mile' match race agalnt George Spetl. the i latter substituting for William Ptuhner, ', who falted tn appear. Chappie vvon In i two straight heats by n wheel length.,' His best Dine was 2 tnitiut II sec-j ond. SISLER D0ESRESCUE WORK. I . i rrlve .lust In Time tu I'rcteiili Predicament fur ItlcLej. St l.orts, July 31 - The lnt wort lifted on George Sisler so that he could . priy with tlic It-owns ir the nick o' tune, for Manager Itickey was desperate for a first baseman and Sisler Mils the bill. Kaufman was sold to Atlanta, with the Idea that l.eary would h dil down tit nt regular!, but imme liatelv sprung an Injury A semi-pro fiom St Louis named Sciimatult whs taken on but he would not do, so Ivan How.itd nas sent to III fl A sever, spiking I o: o of the games at Chicago put him n the disabled list lor a iii.-ir.h, And then wiiir SIM. r. haied ,i a pitihtr hut who saved tile da at tl i t imi.: l jn lemv etnl. year record. Your fri ends or wo will sometime win you to Goodyour tires. You can t alwii) s resist these advantages They mean loo much to you. Any dealer will supply jroa 1 n i iim iir x n nuia tad LITTLE UNDERSTOOD Jicn Who Oimnl Viold and Sirciini Must Wo. Fiftod to Perform Duties. IXnOHSKI) HV SPOUT LOVE Mil.WAt'KEK, Wis., July 31. Few pen- pie have an Idea or know much about the wotk of the Slate llsh nnd game wardens. There are many men making application for the position who hnvo no Idea what the work Is or who would or could not do the work If npiiolnted. A successful llsh nnd game warden must be an experienced hunter nnd fisherman; he must be nt home In ft skin or boat, it ml must be able to locate, himself In our northern woods. He should have the skill of a good detective, lie able to handle his own cases In court and use good Judgment. He must be strong and healthy and used to hard work. Warden Boomer slatted woik at Osh koh April U. with Wardens l'rledeman, Hull, McMillan. Albrelcht, Brunett, Keys, Worden. I(.itul.tll. liuell and Huth. The wardens Weie stlitlnned at different point with lieadquiiiterH at Oshko-h, for Mr. Boomer took an active part In the work. Violation" consisted chiefly of sitting nets, .na: lines. flh traps and illegal setillies The wardens patrolled and iliagued the river ami lakes for above devices About seventy-five snagllnes and more than forty (Mi imps were lifted nnd de lroed nnd In the viclnlt of North I'ort about Snn pounds of sturgeon were seized oft of su.tgllues, A snagllne is a long, sttong line stretched between two pules, Willi many big, shatp honks at tached to the line The sturgeon going up the river, (.pawning lu the spring, rub against tho lines and get caught on the sharp hooks. The violators take chances ns they get from M"t" tZO for the spawn or eggs from one sturgeon, as tin; eggs are used for cavalr, and about. 23 cents a pound for the fish. Sturgeon aru protected now until 1!'21 Many hoop nets were taken from the river This manner of violation seems to In a fnvoilte one on Wolf HIv.T. At ll lilaie south of Shawano Wardens Boomer and Hull discovered a hiding place on the shore of Wolf Itlv.-r where the violators kept their outfit. Th two I wardens made the trip In a row-boat from Shawano to New London, n dis tance, by river, of 100 miles and frotn New Iindon to oshkosh, by water, C tulles lulll I Itllls llf l.lllllt- l.tlVtN. White bass run up the Wolf B,ver during the spawning ea m 'n great rumbers The vlolntat." till tip the river with nct and trap" and tne tlh cannot AUTOMOBILE Greatly Reduced Prices for Used Cars i inn I (cr wli. H l.tpe r vim nre liinMim fur, we li.ile Ii, I ti I ii it I ii c mi. MiiiImiii. ii-cl timrltic. like new JtiM), .Vp.i.t iw.')l nith nlre itri'iU. n in New liniH'rlal itiiiiilster. Js.l.'i 1'U'J Marmiiii .Vp.vss tourlm: J.Mm, l!i I Oakland n i r-pisi $mi inf.. 1'h.ilnn n. ter nnd Tiiiirln.r f I.Mi. I!i;i AIiIh.ii ItKmlsirr i 1 I ole Tiuirlns, all iniMlels SIIH) ti. J.Mul Kexal TinirlUK. "f lis) Itiwdster Til II Pi1, Lite iiu-lil l.-rlc ., ii-cjl. with limousine nnd tnurlmr, $iioii nn HulckTciiirliM 4IHI I'ackird l.itiiiiitne.tM.-n Uiiirk t 'h.issls, $17", .M.tvncll ItiltiHiK-'i .'ti Cullllac Tnurliu 117.. Cadill.ic Itiudstir. .l.iii. 1'onls, all inisirN, JIMI in vu TRUCKS-ALL MODELS NEW & USED, $150 UP l SV I IMI. I' VVMI.MS ArrPI;ftrip5 tne W0Itd'3 largest dealers in Autos and nv.v.cooui ico Accessories we are always able to supply you anything at Kg reductions. Writo for our latest Price Wrecker It3 Free. l.i"tiiii: .'l.OflO Accessory Harcnins. It will save vou nione' TIMES SQUARE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY WORLD'S LARGEST DEALERS S. W. COR. 56 ST. & BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY r:m vitciiKiw y. ciiicvi.d K$3 Autos at "Jandorf's" MitTi-r Iriiiu thr r"t-v I'a-- niTfro-l' You Are Sure of a "Clear Title" You Are Sure of a "iquare Deal" Our Factory Replaces Wirn Parts ard Our Prices Are the Lowest li ul n, v unliMlinn- ItivHtii From Our Great Stock We Quote Plen'i-,rriiWH Hie .mil Mveiip.isw.iiiri.r I lllllillir Itll.'i Itllll.ltiniit lull Uiier 1'U'I MiTilT Hlltl.-llmill Hire win-els- other Mercers lull Stut Itnre.ilKiiit other Slutcs I 'nle slv C)linilcr soldi nisst-nci-r Ahlnitt l tinilMi-il ItiiiinlMiut . Plats 1 oiirliiit.l.ltnotisltiiii I' Itlinvliinll. J'.'.'iil I 'aillll.irs, Jl'.'.d tn Jl i i.mi lluliks ir.n up Natliinnl 8peedster t'U.'i impli-i l'lfi. wire wh'vls swell IhkIi. Ml M.ivi lls SIL'.'i. I'.'llll S'.'.MI. .I.MI 111 I I.MI. Tunis, lull J jr.. $!lm. jt:i'.MI, Packard nrfhtii-n' Itiinnliiiiu f.Mm l.ocntniiliilcs. I lilrl.v ' .tll Ki IMI. LiHiiinnlille. Ms-slv." $ lllilsiiintitle seven pnssrtmer, VI. fVMi. ii ii I iiiil. M7.'i l.'iin S turn. I.M1 J'.isi MHi hi lls mini tn -.'imi imi-, I'll I hum i Ch.iliiii r turn in t inki kki Hitlers' M'W MIHIV M.s CdMINi. IN lUI. 'Steal" a Body for Your Auto! i : Prices That Must Sell Them , 'rmirlnv. Hun iImiiiIs s,.,ftns Ciiiih-. 1 I :in1.llle(lt-s. ,ti l)(l (1T Ml" 'I'lll'si: CIVN( I'.S' A Colossal Tire Sale nn. malls i.i sii:x At a Very I - Big Saving UMTlo.nlcit ShMt nlilch mut l' nittn idt'd ki.hh) Trm: 7,v op , f-iunlrli. Vmu-IiIcIiN Ituhu StMtt l.nip riifirli- I'.iiil)ini-iii At Big Saving for Quick Cash (II II I'lUChS MAin'OI It COVll'KTIVOUS" Jnndorf Automobile Co. 1763 Broadway, noar 57th St ritis siiiiiliii-s, 17. I i. k,, illn Ii uppii-lie. AL iDMOlill t: imi viot'ou ritri-K in- SlIttC'llON. AUTOMOBILISTS GAIN tlir-Mijrh fii' '.' 'hd uf 'nr'riiciion a com p . t. . im a, an'l pr.u"lM kiitvtri)K of ui iMii-ti. huvtrfii.. wl' tj.!ifv tu o ir i.ui.M"r t a I I ' ( lnr . cninv't . n- ! -in nA !-. 4'v .'' ' i f'o .i ns :o amt con Stewart Auto School ,.v;,. l,;t,,V,1, l KIMDIIII I Itlll VlltlMI. Wb Repair r B 11 1 I l-lN AITO I.WIP MllllKs, i,, HIIH..MI I'.liilill'll.' , . 1, nlLI-.tHni ( ii, lull lleiifi..!' ie , iIMiii. lei. K'i: lie. aliir, Al'l 'lMllllil.1. M P.'I.II.C . in uTt ( ; New Depirture Serilcn st. 'the i.vlillvm di is Hi 14I ll'mij i Pel s.c.l r jluinh is AlKIMOIIII Kt Kltt llllti: I'VI KVIlll M 'I'd 11(1111 1 I I'.M'IIAM.I-; 'I "I .i'lS I ollllllltll., H7i; llln;lilll;i.l . I'M l.iirits li,r ihi.i, ueek ot ki-usun,' ri)itrin,i, r.AiiAf.i.n, POFl'l' lit 1'. .vtviftl reaiiea tht jpkesp or -nur en" !u 11 minimi. 1:1, itronf nnil dtirAbU, .irlls'.li In ilultn i.n.l told .it prl.ti thul 11" t tn th inr liuiti, 11 rile nr phone for Otulor U. .sri-JKI, HUH. DIMS HAI.K. COItPoilA TluN. 0i 1'jrk Avenue, rhont Murray Mill 1:10. et to tholr spa ivnlitf, mounds h,,, ... mi.lil In lbs, nn'v i, ti,l r.. "I h legal hool: and line i'shi i.)(1 ri ortsmeu. This .Vear :: uu .fr(f(,.,' People at Gill's lauding cU,m i.. tt uh i bass fishing vtitp the her.: invv he ninny yearj, bei..iut,a the ' n cleaned the river if i.rts a-d could tt throtigii nnd vvcie, ys., riko run tip the t'vor In jrst beis. They are ti'ken b- th fisheries for tne r.pici t md platitol n Inlsnd waters, l.ske W,:,nebpo uA tlte Wolf itlver n .'iters urn t.i, breeding cioundn for llsh in Um gtltr lxits of net fulling h.ii been done j Uike Winnebago. ago thers ) n gang of violators, profesonsl ns:i-. men, at Oshkosh, llshing with rwti Warden Itnetli, with two a-ss(lW. took up twenty-two gill nets, with over 3.000 pounds of dsn In tin in, niostiv wlilln bass nnd wmII-c.miI pike, llntttn years ngo, near Oshkosh, In one morn ing. At thnt time the fishermen, or v:o Inters, up there considered tlnir work a privileged one, told the w aniens they should look for nn honest job and let tl Ilsheimen alone. They called the er fleers all kinds of unmet and shot ,t them mnny times, This, has rlbin.-ei), ns the wardens have the support of t,,)' business men, clubs, ami In fa. t irv right thinking person In the state. .,) as n result the fish marktts, or fellows who handle or sell the Illegal c.nicni llsh, for the violators are put out of business. As the result of this spring work, the wardens have between thlitv-tlve i-j forty cues In that one loc.ilit) S m violators have received sev er. ei e- es pavir.g fines of w and thitty ut n Jail. Illegal Shipments. Another important wotli ' i . mj-. dens Is watching tr.mtpoiiat.oii f r th Illegal shlptneitts. If the violate i ,: get his fish or game to the ih iik. ' ar If he loses his shipment nnd d)is noi . telve a check for his llsli or game . w.; give up his Illegal work Hcde conllscatlon of the shipment he 11 .4 nrrested and lined from $2.. i 'oi. Wardens seized a shipment of .e e- . n pounds of game llsh caught ami l pi i from Lake Winnebago. Ward"' sized mnny shliimcnts of game tisrt f m Inland waters, shipped in trunks bnves, butter tubs, wine kegs, A,r billed rrl marked iw luerchiindiM'. macultu iv bit ter, vegetables, wine, Kc. Suinetiniee he seized as many as tut ut -live ot thirty Illegal shipments In one itav This spring, dining the c'nsnl seon, he seized seventeen ban els, 3,5" poumli, of llsh one night on u train to C'i. auo. marked ft am .Menomlrn e, .Mich i it by Investigating Haeth found thai t !.h ramo from Wisconsin. The next t ig'n ,-. caught seven more barrels, 1.0TJ puu"li, from the same part. The tlsh are i at the highest market price, . e money gorx Into the Stac y and ctcdlted to the geiicrnl lain VI rs. nnndy Wins I Tide, l.nsc, Rkacii, Cal., Jul .11 I llnals of the Southern Caj f.n ,t . n plonshlp for women to-day Mis Ti C. Bund, vvho prior tu bet ,i tkn was .M'ss May Sutton of l.u V ei. tmtiona! champion, ilefoalnl M M t K Browne of I.O" Angelee t"'ie e s national woman s doubles aid ttlej lentils champion, '. I i .' EXCHANGE Terms DIRECT FORD AGENTS (li. of Hodles iii sel.c from fiitiurlutr and Jitney llus Pnille. JUjti.Dielendetler C. 21 ft . f.:d St. N, T. A ItAlHI VIS 1 111 i l'A.'SI-:N', 1.1 III I. Kfl.l.Y KiJI 11-1 ll i Jl V 1 1 1 v: a r .-.vritiru i i i v lis HAST JUTII One Man Tops $20 to $25 YACHTS AND MOTOR BOATS KTAMuitni7Ri w.i;n itnnr.ii Itemli for (.Inh k rtrll r r .!(. II. II iii Kvpir.k sreort if, n at" ft. I'l.CO ( ulsrr r-..hit's- K fl i:i.'( ('I' I'r' en evtrnl ijin Hoi s on kai. a-r t-iiijet! unit In prrfrot ertf tn (uatm ELCO hipre Ciulien, .r Ajaixl mr. r.Lco tour am. 1117 4l. A. IIA1UNM'. I Trlrphone -t.d llsironoe New 0 Otlliw, II V'l-ie f.xw WHO HAS MM IIKVItll III' CINDERELLA Tlir Sensatioiul Ruiidhout an I 'hi' H'lirW (wimpiM Vicr 'ai- H...C h.v Itfllancc Motor Roat Coiiipan) '.'IITtll M. A llailelil Idler S 1 1111.1101 I I VSS Mllllllt IIIM11 Mai limiiii Spfni 1 1 ui ( in I' .... ? I'ti Iln gains In -.rnn.. II. ml li.iill Tili'lill.'tH' !!- .r 7'i GIELOW &u ORR ut I Arrbitei is. I n.-iiui . n-l in IlliiUt-l h Plnn. Spirlfi allir, mid I si . ' I nMird In.- 1 'iiiisf.ii ui'i '"i,iii.n trpaiif l.iritii IKt of a Ins ' h1. i n ler la Elrhsncr .liln " -. ihi.k-i -! 1 it'! Rrnadiiiii. eu tiiiil. T1I1 plitiie 'r.7,1 llnuiil