Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST J, 1915. 15 Half Billion in Detroit Next Year - More Than Seven Hundred Thousand Automobiles Will Be Shipped for 1916, Is Estimate of Motor Maker. IT WAS $300,000,000 FOR ruroiT, Mich., July 31 Three hun dred million lollarn represents the au tomobile business done In Detroit lust tear, according to the Government In dustrial census taker who have. Just complete! their work here. While off! ci.ll announcement will be mndo In Washington (300,000,000 la a conserva tive figure according to a United Btatcn official In touch with the work. This amount Is for the yetr ended June .10 ind Is just live times the Industry's total for the preceding tweWe months. In a public statement made this week, p. V Tobtn, president of the Continen tal Motor Manufacturing Company, de dared tint the automobile business In pctrolt for the year Just (starting wilt reach 1500,000,000 and that more than "00,000 motor cars will be shipped throughout the country and tho world. This Includes the accessory business which Is proving so Important Th Continental Is spending 1500,000 In additional 'building nnd equipment. Tho Paige-Detroit Company Is spend ing A like sum and the Hudson Motor Car Company win nave spent i,uuv,vuu when the Improvements under way are rmnnleted. In addition to these Henry Kord has Just spent more than $2,000, ooo for l.ind alone for tire and equip ment factories In nddltlon to tho big plant for his tractor engine building. Etehtv-flve ner cent, of the nutomo title to be prd-hiced. In 1914 will be of the four cylinder type. Of this large majority 75 per cent, will be of the ! head tpe that it to roy, as opposed to the so-called contrasting type. The four cillmW motor, for many reasons, Is Mill tho most efficient and simple for nil tha practical purposes of motor or propulsion. Gear ratios play a very Im portant role In the perfect torque ob tained at slow speeds. A high speed multiple cylinder engine in connection with low gear ratios la a combination that will cause the average motorist many anxious momenta. Of the four cylinder types the T-head er L-head motor la recognized by the majority of engineers to be the most practical nnd economical. Contrasting types arc often employed for high epeed er racing purposes, when the cost of oper atton anrt loss of efficiency, due to long wear, Is Incidental to winning an event. But for long life and practical result, In the hands of the average driver, the T or Ij head motor stands first In the estimation of the world's greatest de signers. It Is the prediction of those who have made a close study of the subject that the our cylinder engine will continue to be the popular choice of both manu ficturer and consumer. They base their predictions on tho fact that the four cylinder engine has proved itself to be eftlcient and that from an economic standpoint It has no superiors. J, J. Cole, president of the Cole Motor Car Company, has a new catechism for JACKSON MEN IN NORTH WOODS Chliiit Scene for Convention of Aiitomnlillc Dealers. Tanned nnd weatherbeaten from their week's sojourn In the northern penin sula of Michigan, twenty-six distributer nnd ofllctals of the Jackson Automobile Company rolled into Jackson on Sun day. July 11, after a convention in the north woods. Since leaving the Jackson factory a week before the dealers composing the party had travelled close to 1,000 miles over every sort of road from concrete highway to corduroy tote trails; had wit nessed the performance of the new eight and four cylinder models Just announced by the Jackson company under the most trying conditions ; fished the trout streams and lakes of upper Michigan and, In short, had made the most of an xcellently arranged programme In hlcli business and pleasure had equal parts. Sales .Manager Howard Matthews and Ms aalstant, ex-Senator Frank Newton, hare the credit for originating the plana for this year's convention. Both are members of Camp Newton, a spacious and well equipped hunting club located In the heart of Michigan's north woods. The camp Is sixty-eight miles from the lake city of Manlttique and I reached by mere logging trails and tote roads. TVhen Howard Matthews at the wheel cf Model 68. the new Jackson eight eyllnder car, drove up to the front en trance of the camp It was tho first time a motor car had ever been seen In that vicinity Closely following Mr. Matthews came five of the new high duty four cylinder Jacktons, which have been termed tho Model 31i. Cadillac Announces Its New Eight Cylinder - s , ,7w,.Ns""i;itii iji -" sr I ' -'-i i ' i mil 1 .... 1 The Cadillac Motor Car Company an "ouni es tho s:ond of the eight cylinder Krles, to be known as Type 61, without ndlcal chanire In mechanical design or ottttructlon. Consequently the second Cadillac, tight Is, to all practical Indents, r. continuation of the first. Almost in vrnbl tha automobile ma,mifacturer oiicovcrs during the first year's ep rlence with a type of car new to him that there Is room for many Improve p'nts in the second year's production. The opposite Is true of the Cadillac and M " tiKht cylinder car. The company le f"t th j manufacture, a year ago, of a 'He of car entirely tw to the Amerl w" industry. . Thu tight cylinder car met with In tsnt success. When the manufacturing Jtiir elnsa.l .. fmur ujil ini 19.000 nf njw type had 'been, put Into use. No i tor mtUsiH banc Mi Business YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 motor buyers. There are fifteen stand nrd (not that) questions on which the shrewd buyef usually demands an answer he says I Roes It leak will? Does It tit well? baei It rids wcllr Does It dodge well In Irsfflet Does It climb wtllf Does II hold well on the dawn Mil? Dot It noun! ti ell ? to It nuke the most el Its fusl? Dors It ketp cool? Does It save tires and avoid wear? Does It feel feed to rid In It? Dost It give all Its Btnengert enual comfort? Is It priced right? I the company behind It etrons and capable of backing lis guarantee J The following IntteS frnm Ononlarv nf mo navy joseDnus Dun els to ("aI Hum. uel P. Colt, president of the United States liuooer company, proves that the Navy Department appreciates the recent move of the United Htates Rubber Comnnnv which alms to aid In tho formlntr nf nn adequate national defence for tho United states, col. Colt believes that a great many largo corporations will follow tho lead of his company and encourage their employees to Join the mllltla of the various States. The Importance of the unnea mates Rubber Company's ac lion win -be appreciated when It Is realized that there are more than S6.000 ruDDer company employee's. Washington. July St. Ills. Col. ttamutl P. Colt, President United States Rubber Co. Mfty-elghlh street and Broadway, New York City. My Dear Blri The attention of th Navy Department has been drawn to a certain action taken by your company to encourage your employees to Join and ten In the mllltla. It Is gratifying to lesrn that broad minded men are beginning to resile the Importance of military and naval tervlce and tha moral obligation resting on all good citltent to contribute by practical self - sacrifice, either financial or pertonal, to the strengthening of the national defence, and the reported manifestation of parlot lim thown by your company In allowing your employe! to terv In the mllltli without lots of pay and without lost of their regular annual lears receives the un qualified approval of the Nary Department. Very respectfully, Jostrncs Di.mels. This man Ford who got all tho first page publicity In the Becker case was, much to the regret of Ifighland Tark, Mich., not Henry, but John In the City of Akron, Ohio, alone, more than one million postal cards, showing a blrdseye view of the fac tory of The B. F. Ooodrlch Company have been sold by local dealers within the past lyear. The sale of the picture of the factory exceeded that of any other postal card of any other city view by more than twrntjr-flve times. BUSINESS CP YOUNG MEN. Silver Talks Alionf the Chance In the Automobile Industry. No buslr,3s In recent years has pre sented so many opportunities for the enterprising young man as the motor car trade, yet as a matter of fact when responsible positions are vacant It Is a problem to till them. C. T. Sliver, president of the big com pany In, New York which nets as dis tributer for the Overland, Peerless and Willys-Knight liny of cars, Is authority for this statement, and he says that al though there are signs of improvement there is a big gulf between the standard of perfection In other lines of business and that which obtains In the automobile trade. Sliver's own business has grown by leaps and bounds during the past five years and he was early beset with the problem of getting an. efficient organiza tion. He had to proceed lo develop Ills Staff from raw material of his own pick Ing. This policy was his only salvation, and It Is now bearing rruit to the advance ment of his business ami the betterment of the men who were forturnte enough to realize the Importance of tho auto mobile business fts a profession. Silver runs branches In Newark. Brooklyn, Yonkers and The Dronx, and tho man agers are all mom trained in his home office In New York. The advancement of these men automatically makes, room for others In his main establishment, and bo it rots on ns the business develops. The trouble with th nutomoblle trade, Silver says, seems to be that a lot of Demons enter It as a sort or a go-oe tween something they haven't got and nm -tMns thev exoect to turn un. and the result of their Indifferent work Is dissatisfaction between customers and i the house ther represent. I construction was made manifest by con tinuous everyday use of the car. Changes that have been made affect principally tho accessibility of the en glivv and the appearance of the car. The o'sjlns remains, of course, the 00 degree eight cylinder V type 'that the Cadillac mads familiar last year. The electric motor generator, Ignition apparatus and carbureter are so mounted with relation to the cylinder blocks ns to afford easy accessibility to the valves by removal only of the plates which enclose them. The body Is a new design, with higher side lines, a now cowl, I'jew hood and a hlghw radiator with rounded corners, all of which alterations add to tho distinc tion of the car's u.ppearuncc, Tho mounting of the Cadlllao coat of arms, In a neat enamel design, om the front of the radiator, is distinguishing mark 5t) sur. MAXWELL HHHHHHHHr,,, ""OiSSsissilBssssflsHslsflsflsflsHsslssflsflsflH s llifBils... nTjF! I ' MTtnif' a 1 llhlaBBBBTlaaSlBBl '' VZ.frXtSbBHaBs!? iJlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmi -BBBH flHttba23HHBB93E?iZaB9DBBBB EiMBPVsK&ijNI nHI BBBHBVestvKiLMSHBBBBBia flLlBBBBBBH '- ftiJfeS.' ..... .. . .JtdBHI The latest of the 1910 models It. au tomobiles has Just reached Now York. It Is tho Maxwell. The tendency to re duco prlco among automobile manufac turers generally tho coming se.ison Is emphasized by tho new Maxwell. With complete equipment. Including electric starter and electric lights, the five pas senger touring model is priced nt 1056. There la no radical i hangs mechani cally. Maxwell engineers say thnt the success of their product would not be so marked If each new model represented n new Idea In construction. To the oull nary eye the new Matwcll Is more hand some nnd hns nn appearance equnl to that of many higher priced automobiles. rrom the new shaped radiator to tne back of the seat It is n true stream $500 BONUS OFFERS FOR 'TWIN SIX' DELIVERIES rncknrd Co. Finds Thnt the In tentlinpr Customers Aro Getting Very Engcr. There will be nn impressive Infusion of new blood Into the ranks of Packard motor car owners ns a result of tho development and Introduction of the Twin Six" models, according to A. C. Harrington, sales manager of the Pack ard Motor Car Company of New York. The proportion of Intending pur chasers who havo never owned Pack- arils In surprisingly large." lie said on Krldav. "In seasons nast n Inigc pari of our output hits gone Into tho lunula of ncrhons who already were Packard owers. but the ndvent of mo "twin Six" lias tapped nn entirely new rcservo of prospective business," The demand from this source, In the opinion of Mr. Harrington, Is In no small degreo rcHponslble for the situa tion arisen in which tho Packard com pany of New York Is nt considerable concern to obtain enough enrs to fill orders. Ono Impatient buyer who prof fered President M. J. Uudlong a bonus of 1500 for an early delivery Immedi ately was followed by nover:il others who tendered checks to tho same end. Such substantial encouragement Im pelled Mr. Uudlong to wlro to Packard branches In Philadelphia and Chicago, to representatives In Hostnn and St. Louis and to other Packard distributing depots extending tho $r,t)0 bomm offer to any deolorn willing to relcnso earn from their allotments for the New York trade. Hut none of the denlers queried evinced a desire to release delivery dates even nt $600 each, and tho tone of their replies Indicates an Inability to fill orders in tholr own territories from their iillotments, "The situation Is reminiscent of the earlier days of the Imliirtry," said Mr, Harrington, "a memento of which Is framed letter In President Joy's office In Detroit written by John t. Ilocke feller to n Pnlted States Seuutor asking If the I.mer's Influence could not secure mi earlier delivery, ill point of Interest and extent us n conversational topic I find tho 'Twin Hlx" sharing honors with tho war." Splashers are fitted to the front of the radiator nnd ulong tilt Inside of the front end of tho frame. New design head ul side lamps nre used, with ft tunnenu lamp on the right side, In tMo back of the front seat, to Illuminate tho step whin the tonneau door Is opened. An Inspection lamp a,:d a Waltham clock arc added to tho equip ment. Inside the body tho driver finds the clutch and br.iko podals n;t two Inches further forward, with the dash set for wuril a corresponding distance and the signal hoivs button In tho ceutru uf Iho steering whul The auxiliary sents In th tonneau have been Improved In de sign. Tho power tire pump Is now utlttclied In the trnitKiiilMiton case. The ratio of the second speed gear In th traniurls - Ion is reduced comewtO PRICE LOWER; NO RADICAL line design. There Is more room both In the driving compartment nnd In the ton neau, three people being able to sit In the rear seat with comfort. There are many minor features that add to the comfort In the equipment. Kasy riding Is one of the things that can be claimed for the Maxwell. IleMI lent sprlmts, well hung frame and even . distribution of weight on all whls make for easy riding over rough roads. It has power enough to climb the worst grades encountered on the average road and It can be driven at a speed ns high fifty miles an hour, There nre a number of mechanical re llnements that should increase the cfll clency of the car. Prominent among theu Is a new clutch system entirely Inclosed In a compact housing, which ;s , Notes of Live Interest to the Motor Trade, Local and Foreign Clodlo A Knt. Inc. United tit reir- entutlvts and manufacturer! if the linu ilallle Khock aluorlxr. Ii.ivf Just recrltrd an order from ilie Meresr Automobile Com pany for Houdllle equipment on their 191C production. Clodlo i: Engs. Inc , hare started th manufacture of lhl article nere und It will now be a standard article on Cbe Ameri can market. W. E. Utalnaker. vice-president and di rector of s.ile of the Pathfinder com pany, says plans have been drawn for an addition feet by 404 feet to th present plant to take we of the 3.500 production tor UK, Announcement of the I9l model of the Monsrch Minor Oar Company of Detroit Is to be made obout Heptember 1. ft. r Hupp, president of the company, will rive no Information regarding the new model, but promliet real turprlte In many ), Including nnrtlcuUrly beauty of appear ance. "It l my plan," said Mr. Hupp, Ym bring out a car tor Hit that wilt rrove a veritable lentatlon, the 'ninth wonder oi the orld." " Alfred O. Dunk of Detroit, Sllch., former president of the Auto Parts Company, hat bought ihe properly of the Brlgst-Detrolter Company. .Mr. UunK has estwclated with him a coterie of strong financial men who tund ready to place the company on a firm nnanclal bsalt. The personnel of lb old trsanlittiun hat been largely retained and the manufacture and shipment of De trolter cart will bs continued without In terruption. Mr. Dunk announces the appointment of Frank M. KlUredi as advertising msn aser. Wallace C. Hood It seneml lal'l manager of ihe company. Hs has ben with ihe Rtandard Motor Truck t'otnpany. the Brerttt Motor Car Company und the Chalmers Motor car company. "We dn not often uts publicly the bnehele of teatlmnnlnl letters we receive tolllnx of the performance of Uoodyear tlree." fy J. Wilbur llnbbt, branch man aeer nf the Uoodyear Tire Slid Itubber Company. "They ure of courts a eource of itttfactlon io us. becauxo they are proof that Una. lyear t(ret make good. Occa sionally, however, one letter stands out at typical of the many and we can't help telling about It. Kor Instance, ihla one, describing the performance nf a Uoodyear cord tire. It from the H. C. L.oo Supply Company. Iloston: "'The lire hat been on the front of our Franklin demonstrating car tlnce last August and we used It upward of 10,000 miles nltlrout the lenet trouble, excepting one small puncture, and, at you can tee. It It still serviceable.'" An entirely new device to mlnlmlie he number of fatalities and accidents result ing from the running down of pedettrlant by automobiles Is a combination bumper and safety fender rerently Invented by nanuiel Ulatgow, a Philadelphia!!. The fender It so constructed that It may be inatantly released l,y the drlier, covering the entire front of the car from the top of the wheel to within two Inches of the ground, with a flextMe canvas pocket so arranged and adjueted that It will pick un any object In Its pith nd carry It until the car can be brought to a full stop. rne renner wnen not in usn as a ir saving device appears tmply as a bumper, the renuer leature being concealed within. Automobile manufacturers and tire makers 'are now working successfully to the same result the prolongation of motor car service, The motorist used to feel It necea.iry tn chance hie car every year. Thla was not merely a fail. Cart wore out more rapidly then. The same motorist tnnucht. n mseir uckv to set a coun e or thousand miles out of a tire. Now a ear Is satisfactory on th average for three yean, nnd he burt hit tlrea on twice the mileage l,ls that once contented him. cars are being built lighter in weight, with a militant economy in the use of tires, their mileage extending In proportion at tne weight they carry It reduced. Hence It It promised that in out cart now being houicht will be good for Ave yeart of eatli. factory tervlce, with a minimum of lire costs. The Umpire Rubber nnd Tire Company of Trenton, X, J., did two yeart ago for the longevity of the tire what manufac turers ure now striving to do for the auto mobile. The big pioneer step was the adoption of red rubber for tires. This In novation resulted from the company's ex perience that red rubber applied to ue where strength was Imperative, such at rubber banrtt. rubber bote, rubber bottlt stoppers, rubber turglcal gondt, developed exceptional toughneta and realttanco. It therefor preeented Itself at the Ideal ma terlal of which to make the automobile tire that would iatt lonsttt In service. Prooettet were detigned nf a kind tn safeguard and nutment th toughness, re sllency and durability nf red rubber. It was cured with an abtence of free sulphur so as to mlnlmlie Hi htat conducting capabilities. The tread was mad extra thick. Tho (tret completed red rubber tires were viciously trated In comparlton with the Umpire company' own gray rubber tires, the ordeal Including grinding on the tlv tretlng n heel and actual work nn the ro, It wta found that the gray rubber Urea heated mora rapidly under friction, lott their spring sootier and blew out quicker. Not until these facta had been ettsbllahed was th Hmplr rd offered to the public, tha Increased prlr being accompanied with a guaranle of greater mileage, According to H. A. Williams, president nf th (larford Motor Truck Company nf . me. the Dteeenl method or 1 nar moior trucks Is quit different from what it ws 1 fjJSf lwf3,h' i'Sm grist oa sr.' said Mr. Will- mm mm fort oil tight, TJoth clutch nnd clutch mech anism opcrat entirely In n bath of lu bricating oil. The con'rol mechanism Is carried by the power plant Instead of on tho frame, thus doing nway with the danger of binding and distorting the op erating mechanism over uneven roads. The electric stnrter ilid lighting eys- tern Is of Hlmms-Htiff manufacture. The ttarur li nf tho single unit typo, root- lilnlUK lioth generator and motor In ivie Instrument. A noticeable fentiirc f tli stnrtor Is tint It contains only one-half the wire previously foond necot-arv to successfully operate a sfnrtlng system The new Instrument boatd carries nil Instruments set Hush and neatly f mined. All s Itches nre so placed ns to lo within easy renh of the driver. High tension magneto Ignition, ono man mo- ' loaded do.n ltl. .tatlttle. and data de- -.,... . II,. 1,-r.. A loll only hat to prove the tupirlorlty of the (ruck over that of the l.oree. but be must conilnce the prospective purchaser of the fact that the truck he Is telllns It the 1" t sulted for the rciulrMnrn;. of his l,u.ine. In other words. Hie comp.tlilon of the horre has become of eecnndvy Itnportanee to that of other ni ':or trucks "Ihe aieruge buelnee man Is convinced mnf, of n.ork ln , competent way. He of the ftci that motor trucks furnish th h . ......... fu.i,i In this vlcinltv It m,i econnmlral meun of transportation. nM ""?" . A,,, ,. Ill greiter problem hat been tn ,Me,t n goes without saying. The building of truck tht It the most adaptable to th the l5ng Island Motor Parkway was nature of hi business, a type thnt la one of his works nnd by It he n til be rc sullahle for one merchant may proe in be mcmtiored hereabout a losing proposition to his neighbor ' , L , en ml veirs nin tint vesllntlon will eenemMy show the fiult , w-ns a couple of e.iM ngo tint in b tn ihe sit- an 1 . vie that are us.-- he lie.nne assuclated with tho Ijlri-olll rither th-in In the ,i. tuil performance Highway plan and at It he worked an he truck itself. ,,,,, , n , , I slduously. Hn travelled all over the ,:Srm$&T$2SK$& I alr.-ln5 boards of ,r iile and trucks of hUes r.mslng from three. q.. .rur like otg.inizatloiis to tell them about the ton, to elt ton In capacity, and Inr'nillng highway. His health, never of the best etyu-s suited to practlcilly ny I n of , for ,ome years back, did not penult him Jhnef i.,!.fnn". b.Ui.'i"r?'ffrn-Vlirtnii.lgh'e , survive the drains he put on his vital 'and ' nVun?"i'ini; r. He will be greatly ml-Hod In the fur answer Hi.' purpose. It. on the. otMi t hind, tiler development of the highway plan, n man't product or the goods' lie handles It would certainly be titling that nt run heavy. Jie Ins the choice or cither a three, rtre or six ton Uirford. "This complete line nf trucks has no; only elmpllned matters for the coniumer, but It hns been the meant of broadening the scope of our bujltiesy, .To-day Har ford trucks aro used In over' 100 different lines of trade. I believe our success It due to the f.ict ttiat tkvrford trucks can b made to conform 'with a business Instead of miking th bntlneu conform with the truck." "It Isn't only nomen who nnd It diffi cult to keep a secret, erpeclalli tf It Is a pleasant one." says Itustell I., lings, metro- polllan distributer, In speaking of hit In ability y to uivu ae tne nutans ui 1 to (Uvulae the detail the new Kltsel-KHrs until tne factory announce-, ment is made. "Hai ever, I ran say." continued Mr. Knc, "tha the new model which ltl b renly for dellwy within a very short time are lower In price than former Kissel Kors. although not so eweeplngly reduced as to In any desree Impair quality. There will be new features, running mostly o body refinements with Improved deelcn of the very successful nil-year oar prominent. Chussl changes will be law." One of the first thlnss W. B. Ptntniker of the Pathfinder company, imnuf ne.urert of the Pathfinder Plnsle Hit and Twin CU, did when he moed to Indianapolis wis to get an order for 11 number of Pathfinder cart from the Ituselnn (Joernmetit, tn b used by ntnclalt In Ihe II 11 l i 11 army. Th enrs were stand ird seien piss-nner models and were consigned to Copenhagen and I'etrograd A number of Pathfinder cars were shipped last year to the Pathfinder dealer In Ituselv and one was sold tn Until Duke Nicholas, who rive the car unusual service. The Pathfinder also nude unusual records for an American ctr In scleral Kurnpr.'iii relliblllty runs last )ear. The Htudebnker announcement that In tit 1910 line would be a four cylinder eeven passenger touring car lo sell for 1 oiislder nhly less than II.UOi) was a distinct sur prise tn automobile manufacturers An additional surprise Ins been the portion of local motor car enthushsts when Ihe car begin demonstrating It" ability. With Ha 40 horse. power motor F It Hump, Slude baker's New Vork branch monger, was (ult willing to put It to liny ten In "wnek Ing out" the machine on New Vork streis and In the suburb" The lest which evoked the most applause wn ihr ease with which Iho Ktudebaker four climbed Abbey Hill on high. Abbey Hill Is the New York te.tlnr ground par excellence. The ttidloiker four went at It, was stopped In fho middle and then wn driven on up The entire time th ear was In high, and the 40 horse, power motor neier betrayed distress. Kort Cleorge hill was negotiated with the same rase, The H cylinder Htmleliaker was put through the same paces -mil with Its no hurse.power motor naturally did eirry thing that the four cylinder Car was cilled upon io no. 52 MILES, 1 1-2 GALLONS. The overage motorist usually Is einlek to notice all motor superiorities which come close to his pncke.tlKok. Tho re ception or the high speed motor In this country has, for this reason, called forth enthusiastic expressions of approval. The motor was brought out In a stock car In this country by the Oakland Mntnr Company In thn 1S15 Model .17, four cylinder, nnd continued with sumo m proveifSnts In the Oakland 1916, Model 3S. The triumphs of this type of motor on he speedway courses, under trials rnicn nro less or instance than they are of motor endurance, Is a con- vlnclng testimonial, Kvery owner of tne tiHKiiinn .aiouri 37 or 31 will testify also to Its virtues under nil road con dltlona, Hoth of these models have shown for tlulr owners u surprising economy If tlri's as well ns nf fuel, In one performance nf which the Oak. land company has officii record an Oak- I'tud .Model S7 made filirn one and one half gallons D2 miles on a country road. Tho car carried four passengers. A iftt:r addressed to tfin company by tne rexns makers wi the record was a worn statement, properly witnessed, to uua BMieet. , . . . CHANGE hair top and demountable rims are all Included for the price, Tho nnce Is made nu.nlblp only by the enormous production of the Maxwell fac tories nt uetroit, uayton and Newcastle Improved factory equipment has been Installed In nil three nltnts and It has been estimated that 60,000 new Maxwells n'l l the outnut for the coming season lienles the touring car, four other i.ody designs nre listed for the same rhn'sls. These Include i two passenger roadster, selling nt f S3." a thrte pnsen- ger cabriolet, selling at S65; a six p.u ensT town car, selling nt $915 ind a Ave passenger permanent top conveitlble body, for all seain usp, selling nt ISJB, in each Instance the price Includes eveiy thlng. No extras have to be purcha'ed to make the car complete. PARDINOT0N IS MOURNED. Lincoln lllulttvny Man rornierlr ' Prominent In IlncliiK Affairs Here. Arthur II. I'nrdlngton. vice-president of the I.llu-oln Highway A'clntlon, who " " t Wednesday In t'etrolt. was n 111.1!! WllO WHS VCM" II rOIlllnf ti 1 1 V lleMIIId itll motor racing affairs In this country from the earliest days. He marked the Vmnlerbllt cup races on I.nng Island ,,. , ,.1r. n.,,i n ,P., . nrtl- " V Marl '.,' ' . , e i,. c!al nt miny other contests of Impnrt- ance. P.irdlngton was a good orguntrer , tut d tall nun arsl handled a great some prominent point on the Lincoln Highway there should bo placed n mon ument or marker of appropriate design calling ntteiitiuii to Pnrdlngton's work to make thu highway a rt.illz.nion. This I the ni-tv King Right Itondster, a shown by the A. F.lllott Hnnney Coinpniiy, local dealers. II hns room for lliree pnsaengers nnd come pal 11 led In crimson lake, wllh Mneli lmiiiiet nnd fend ers and nnlurnl annul w lire I a. "SUN" READERS' TOURING QUERIES ANSWERED (Readers of THE SUNDAY SUN who desire any information on roads or tours are invited to send these questions in to the Automobile Editor, THE SUN, 150 Nassau Street. It will facilitate answering if all ques tions are in by Thursday evening. The Touring Bureau of the Automobile Club of America is cooperating with THE SUN in furnishing this information. Suggestions and inforr ation will be welcomed.) (leorge M Van Ponrn. Ill Macon Street, llrookln, N. V The mot illreit way to Stamford, N Y. which s .it tha mm tlmo the best road, l to take the east side of the Hudson Illver. through Vonk. en, I'etksklll and Poughkeepsl to lllilne beck. There take th ferry oier to Kingston and go by way of Phnnli-H to Lexington. Turn right to I.exing'on and through Urand dorse to Stamford William II llleser. Kingston. N Y Th road to I'oinl 1 Is tn dilte directly up the rlier tn Albany ami ilien run through ?! hi nevtady and Aiiu'er.l.itii to Fonda Kor the road m Hartford, iross the rlier to lllilnebik and lonilnue snuiti ilinnigl pniighkeeptle to sturmvir. Then go by way of funnel and llr- wtier to luubury The road goes then by Waterbuiy and Hartford. The lait leg of the Lincoln Highway, tlrrtchlng from Iener and t'heun west to the I'iclflo roatl. la about to be guide posted by the n'lonal touring bu reau nf the II F (loortrlrh Companj. It Is estimated tint anine 75,00 cars, carry ing uier 300,000 people, will trierse the thiee big transcontinental routes to the Pacltlo coast the neit few months The Lincoln Highway pasies through put Lake City, crosses the desert to far son rity snd then strikes Into eistern California to F icr.imeiitn and Hnn Fran clsro. The (lnodrlih touring bureau es Unities that It will require more than l.oiio of their Indestructible guld posts to cover this route, and that the cost to them will average full IIS for tauh pott ertoltJ. A truck and crew win follow th rout end place the blue and whit nmtl HUDSON 48 HOUR SERVICE. Express Car Drllverr fa Tlnn Heed by Harry ft. llonpt. The spectacular Increase In the sale of Hudson citr In th New York terri tory In the past two months meatis much more than the mer gucceio the car. , . Harry H. flaunt, ptcMdnt of the Mutt son Motor Car Company of New York, Inc., has not hesitated to bring cars through by express rather than to dla appoint the customer In vltw of lunde tjuate freight shipments. Forty-eight hour guaranteed delivery on all Fix-Forty Hudson phaetons Is the Hudson slogan these days. HUPP OAK A OIHtBER. Anderson Testa It Worth ith III Own frlvnle Tntir, Advlrea from tiee Anderson, eales and advertising manager tit the Hupb Motor Car Company, who has been touring the Bast In one of the new 1MB Hupmoblles, Indicated that the new model "N" Is ft wonder ns n ti lit climber, Anderson, ac companied by his wife and Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. T. II. Mitchell of Chicago, left lluflnlo n week Ago Sunday, touring through the Mohnwk Valley to Albany and up to Saratoga Springs. From Sara toga, Springs the party look In the beau tiful Iterkshlres. with Hn many and dlfllcult hills, through to Boston by way of I'lttsfleld. The ocenli was followed out of Iloston. Up to Maine, where they entered the Maine woods, going to ro land Snrlngn nnd from Poland Springs Into the White Mountains to Ilretton Woods, from where they they enmo down out of the mountains Into Concord and back to Hostnn, where they arrived last Sunday. Mr. Anderson drove to Cape Cod, Providence nnd New Tork and returned ny way oi Aiunny uihi Syracuse to Iluffnlo. "The Hupinoblle model N certainly Is a wonder an ft hill climber," An derson wired to President lirnke. "Tin- way It took even the worst hills wmh wonderful. It hns nil the power necea sary for even the most ilimcult climb. It simply rnn away from cars of much greater price on the mnuntnlhnus roads. Have not had the slightest troublo nnd tho 'N' did everything our engineering department has claimed, The company Is to bo congratulated on the pmductlon of this model. BUSINESS IS INCREASING. Mlilialiitch Kinds (ienernl Mlnntltm In Very fiooil. Imls Mansbach, treasurer of the Times Pciunre Automobile Company, Is back on Ilroadway nfter an extended tour of the country ns far west as the Paclllc coast. Mansbach visited the ter rltorleH where Micca 30 ngents are lo cated nnd also appointed many more In new territory. Mansbach says he found business con ditions all over the country excellent. In every city and town he visited fac tories were running full time nnd many working two and three shifts. Through out the Middle West tho crops are the biggest In the country's history. This alone will have a tendency to create a demand for higher priced cars. 'Prices on everything that goes Into the making of nn nutomoblle have ad vance I on account of the enormous de mand ('tie manufacturer has already advanced the price of his car 1100. Pev eral others voiced their Intention of also raising prices. In fact. Indication"! for the future nre that while the cost of upkeep and operation will be lower the Initial cost of automobiles will be higher," he says. "Dealers nil over the country report the most prosperous season they ever had It looks ns though next year merchants ns well ns farmers will be plentifully supplied with money. Our eomiMiiv Is preparing tn handle five times the amount of buslnes we have ever done, give better service lo our I trade and sell nt the very lowest prices possible." i FORD CARS REDUCED. Price Cut Is Announced liy World's Largest lllillder. Ford oars for the coming season will be sold at a forth-r reduction In prices whIMi ! nhnut ihe K.iinp ns thev ac tually cost thnce who participated in the reMte payment for the season between King Roadster Is for Three 4 guide posts at tpots hlch h already ui imi e fit eieu Thn iiooflrun guiae posts win n erecicu on tiihst.mtlal metal posts which cannot be ,! destroyed, and the eigna them- selves wl.l be of Indtstruotlbl material nf tmh eunslriicllon that It cannot be de strn)ed by hotfiin. rifle or by the cattle of the plains. With more than CO.OOO pout on over 70,000 miles of ihe moil travelled highways In the eoimtr, the Uoodrlch touring bureau he had enine tr .utile wlili ,i ii I . : I e in, nnd In soni ctsit guile posls hale been destroyed When the route from Denver wt hat been poed th enMre link from ocifin tn oi-ean will be compleied by Hie tioo.lrlch bureau anil inotorlste who onre reach ttie Lm.oln Highway will have no difficulty whateier In finding their wiy to the Pa cific coast. While one truck Is finishing this route two other iloo.lrlch trucks will b preparing other roads for travel thu sinnmer. erecting pottt at convenient placet where there might b rtasontbl ijuesLlon about the right wiy After three weekt of rslny weithtr dur ing which all Ptat records for tha amount of precipitation to occur In any on month have been broken. Main It beginning tn recover nnd road are returning to thtlr normul condition. On very hand waih ouls ner reported and road conditions were the wont ever known In th history nf the Pine Tree State, Thit condition also prevailed In Nw Hampshire ami Vermont, and In fact all vr northern New Kngland. enteral daya of cltar tklet are bringing the back Into condition onoa usort. tnd automobile travel may be resumed with afty ovtr ell of tht principal trunk linet In Maine. For sevtrsl days train o was cemyltuir taterrupte trtwee JTrM- V ,JT kL KU " x VW.FTTOtaLa&ji.jn' . "e'L MOTOR PARADE TO THE SPEEDWAY 0ioiiiiiE of Forninl Prndlcp fit Shecpslicnil St't for September in. rnizKS row VAHiors cars Hy way of a curtain r.tlser to the throwing open of the Sliecpshead Hay Bpeedway for formal practice for the Inaugural 3,"i0 mile rnco on October 'J there will be a imrade of ntltomoWIs from Central Park und through llrook lyn to the two mile motor rncecourse by tho sen, This Inaugural procession will be con ducted by the Motor t'luli. Inc., of New York. In whose membership Automobile tow Is very genet ally teuesenled. Ar rangements for the nro already tinder way by President H. H. Toback, W, ('. Poertner. t 11. I, and H. C. J. Mcflhfttio and other directors ana members of the club. The date set II Saturday, September 11 Iloughly tho Motor Club's plan Is to have the parade form nt nn uptown point at 1 o'clock thnt afternoon, pro ceed down town nnd enws line if the Kant Illver bridges over a route nnd to n rendezvous to bo determined Inter, where tho procession will bo Joined by the llrooklyn cotitlnguit for the run to the) speedway. Arrived nt the course the mwMnrlsts will park their cam on the groundi nnd view the events fmln the grand stiitid without charge. Tim general public, not participating In the pnrods will be nlmltted tn the grand stand nnd grounds nt nn admission fee to be an nounced later and to obtain throughout the prnctlco for the elimination trials scheduled for .September 21, 2fi and it. Practice that day will be confltvil to those who have actually entered fur the race, thus giving tho public n chancei nt seeing the famous drivers nnd cars thnt are to contend fur the $00,0110 purs on October 2. Hpeclnl npeed exhibition mid trials for new world's records will be nrrnngfd, The procreelon of the cotiric will not lie merely n big automobile run. It will haxe the addeil feature of a great dec orated parade, for which the Slteepshead liny Speedway Corjmrntlim nnd others will olfer tn iihiioih nf cars) for decorntlons based on beauty, gro tesitieness and humor. There will bo special divisions for decorated gasolene, electric and ndvertlslr cars. 1 will lie effeted tn dealers for tho largest representation of owners' cars of various makes parading In a body. Kntry blanks will l"i Issued shortly. No charge for entry will be mndo nnd drivers and passengers up to Iho full reimplement of the car will be admitted free. I.axt Fridny Nnney Hacks visited the site of iks ono- famous horse track not Nancy Hanks, th great thorough bred race mare but Mrs. Nancy Hanks (Mrs. Austin K. Hanks) of Forest Hills n.irdem, Ij. I., who Is an ardent motorist, In .1 high powered roadster, with two passenger, she drove several cnmplnte lnpi nt high speed, tlin speedometer at times showing a speed of better than eighty miles an hour. Owing to the fact that the outside edcesj of the turns nr? not complete, and lie cause of the teniiorary runways across the course she was forced to slow down frequently. She enjoys the honor of being the first woman to drive n cir on the new board track. August 1, 1311 and tn-d ty's date. Thit is to say the touring car Hi at $110 and the roadster at J.1H0. There Is no Indication In the announcement of the Ford company thnt there will lie another rebntP offer, but the stat-ment Is made that for the coming three months thern will tie no rebate payment on ai.y cars delivered. It Is generally understood thit the Ford company, which produced and sold moro than .100.000 cars In the past fiscal -e;ir, has In mind even n greater produc tion for the coming twelve months. It Ir said that the plans are for a produc j tion 01 as many as suo.uuu cim. part nnd Ilrinsni k th Port. ind- llockland hlghuai i n lep.nrs have now been made and b I'.ud is m prissi.t In i far betn r wmlni. n t n,t li ! Iletwuen pott n I and Hun PorlLind-Portsm i ll li.ghwai wax t,etoi4. Mm, on tlie wtier cinerete const! ugtlon M In progress, th heavy ranis mail irnei . x opiiun ii.y ui" .tgreeubli.. but this roil Is now miiih lm prmed und thn l'nn r 1 1 dniour. which U analn i eromineu i. .1 f..r .ill tourlsi. Is In ereileril shape Iletwern llsngr und nilaworth, on the Ilangor-llir Han ir trunk lin, nil traflli was Interiupied fur diyi, but re pairs have t.ow been ut.nle, nnd .1 flno nw rout has been l.ild out and sicue 1 f.r the entire dls'an.e between tie,e two tmlnta Howii In Wiivhioien routily th ,eavy mini dt I CJiisi.leeabie dainai, on Hie main highway between Mnelilaa and Calale. und tr.iflle Is nmv l.tinn routeit oier tine iiiitural graiei load via Mh. hlttt, Hast Mat-ida. I'ooper .Meddy bemps and Marin to Calais Trafilc te Kailport It lo rtcuimiK uded tu ui this route. Up III nnr'hern Maine the nln hss nt been to eeiere. and foi Hit limit part the roadt are In iery g il cnnd'Hon Tho autotooblle tourist b ulnsss, which daring the llrt two w. eki In Julv we ttrloutly Inlerrupteii by Hit unprecedented rains. I now rcipllly lesuinlr.i; norma! otto dltlont and thn M le of n-avei ioiuIijr Into the fltate li Increaiilng rnpldlv AiViisl looks like an ei-eptlnna y lnav mJiilli. The fact that Ihe rein hi been so heay for the past three wieks is accepted by many as proof that the next few usht Hi Htato will undergo a pm.ongej. iFt lie! of dry and brauilful weather Tourist now need hit no fcMr asatmit aitlulag Main, tt conditions nro l'nrcr (tally and th rotdi will ioon t In tht tftt et csodltios.