Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. 17 YACHTS GET SQUALL, HEAT AND ZEPHYRS Cfiriilinii Onlsnils Spnrtuii in ( lose Ktic' of I ml la n Hiii' lioi' Club. IUYMOXI) I.OSKS 1MIOTKST r.' j o i lUi V t I I. II 1 le t r yHchlttincn hnd a hot time .f I the rrRiitta of the Indian V.i )t (.'lull wii marred ly llitht . a nil squall which ,ie n the nftrrnnon inil drove . homo. When the committee : JC;i. .1 le st.iruriR mic on ureal i-';ip-tuuf l:ril the wind was very HgrlU nid : w.irnliiK signal was postponed f jr ' a mli.utes. Then a Utrht ulr unic : r. ii east by south and the courses vii' levels d. the fifty footers belnn cnt II -H v l.lonl Xcok and then to Longt"le ciiirneii uoumi i-usi unu ic. mic 11,r I hlH lAtnklnlmr ... rtn , a illlti.v ,1ft.',. Xt K 1 -.!!- Th - a be best course that could be ui.iler the conditions and they hail f windward work on the first In;, 1 nfr making a few shcrt tacks t.f i i. 'its were able to fetch the mark The hom.'is( was the first away at the t'.irt i .lowed b Acushla, Carolina and Miariii'. The second leg wa a reach and t ie last a broad reach with bal- '"Vwas while on this leg that u sharp faual. came from the northwest and the tain fe.l ucavlly for a few minutes, but It did r damage to the yachts. A. lir.n Alley sailed the Carolina and on the la-' leg had a close light with tho Mwrt.ui. The Carolina won by 1 minute 3; ,e- nds. The lroi'iiol was third. J, W. Alker's Alcrlon II. led the 30 footers at the start, nnd she was followed by Alera, Okee, Hopt. Lena and Slln In th order named. The Alerlon won, with Okee second, the difference be tween theso two at tho llnlsh being 2 minutes. I. K. Raymond, owner of the Hope, rtvtf.'-ted all others. In the race for hav lr.p gir.e Inside Huoy 21 off Greenwich I'oiht. The committee ruled that this tuoy was not a lio eminent buoy, but the turning mark of another course, nnd conseuuentiy did not sustain the protest. The 31 raters Amorct and Anita r-cod In the first division of the handicap claM cr.d Anita won by 1 minute S3 seconds. They al.i failed against the Josephlna In fie regulnr Claas V. Addlon G. as usual handled the Josephine, nnd won by 3 mii.utcs 11 seconds from the Anita. , ilroi'L-e 11 Gartland Tiavlng no clans competitor, had the temerity to tall the tinh.n Hood 111. ncalnst W. H. Cr.llds's Joyetta and Clifford I. Maliorys Mar- rare . i ne JOjeiia won, mm -'..n... cfcend. and Gartland was able to nnlsn f the Scnwanhnka Corinthian iloe up, being three minutes astern of Yacnt club wm disband. Mombers of the winner. i the yorfc Yacht Club will slmulta- Sally IX. won In the second handicap ncoujly lmvtr tne Scawanhaka Corln division from Nadla. ..... ih!n lmrcee and will masthead fhj in the interclub class the Barbara j ;n and Roy Manney's hlff was sec- id. bcat-n 1 minutes 37 sconds. H. S. Morgan arnica rtnomer iropny u . his collection by winning again In the Jewel S class with the Opal. That yncht finished 15 seconds ahead of HrlUUnt.: the second yacht. ' The Indian Harbor one design sailors 1 had thilr usual fun and Page & Rush on the race the Yaqul. wIIe the .. ';".;rrT-ij'mi: rcorry'wnn inhe Star Cass -I" J-'LV. W' E'd'r' Jr " uelnK ""' . . The races were well managed Dy ... . . . ,t x-. ..,. 1 Ahb. tt P. Hruih. The summaries : NEW YOltK Y. C I'lFTV FOOTER Elansed Finish, T" h' and Owner 11 M Cut- . . Pembroke Jones. 5 59 05 lime H Mx. 3 Si 0 ' . J- M- Mac ' .e'i k vu i) a in lr .!! ISalPh X F.llle.r. 0 14 3 41 14'nOOIl. It Was tne Iirsi OI wie train Acu-!..i H stelni'rui;e;e. .' 08 19 3 13 19. SLO U'S 3.1 TOOT CLASS STAUT. :40 TOCrtSE. 15 MILES. Alerlr.n II J W. & E. P A kT 5 3 15 66 IS 'kee .1 A Mahlstedt 5 3 15 : !.1 15 l.t n... " M Held 5 3S 51 ! H 31 lra J. I. Cutler 5 J (7 59 47 Hnp' I K Itaymond 5 4! 05 3 0: 05 Minx w Marshall. Jr 5 50 3! 3 10 3: HANflii-'AP CLASS EIIIPT DIVISION START. :.35 CULT.SE, 15 MILES. Anw.- It II Hu.ld 5 Jl 53 3 56 53 Anl , ; p (Jranbery 5 30 :o 2 55 20 Ssnn-a ii parrell. . . .Did not finish. Pot, u. W H llo'es Did not finish. Car i ina. A W Lockwood. Did not llnlsh. MI.NKD t LASS H AND HANDICAP TlllUD D I V I ION STA nT, :ns COCIISE. 11 MILES. Jeye'M W II Chillis. ..5 15 51 2 30 5 M.rrJ-e' c D. JIallory..S IS OS 2 31 OS ' I. bin IP id III.. '(!. K i 'ill 5 IS 5J 2 33 59 i IIANPI.'AP CLASS SECOND DIVISION 1 STAItT -' SO I'OUKsil:. 11 MILES. f.illv IX. A E niatk 5 15 54 2 25 54 N .'li i K Clark 5 15 Jl 2 25 II I 'rrn time ?auy i.; NJ ! - ii 31. LAlt'H.MONT INTnnCLCn STAltT 3 P. M COCHHE. 11 MILES. P Dura. C Shields 5 25 14 Whin. Hoy .Manny 5 26 51 n . , Spenee llros ...5 51 uro. v II. Macintosh.. 5 27 00 II ' irjr II . M. M. Hold- I ni., It 5 25 01 i 14 :o 51 2c :i 27 00 25 01 JEW CL CLASS STAHT. S MILES. 3:05 COCItSE, fP' 11 Morunn 5 15 1, 2 10 Hi i' ., ' Dr J c Ayer...5 15 31 2 10 11 I- ' a I. C. W. Atwater. 5 21 31 2 1 31 :n'DIAN HAHIIUII ONE DESI'I-N STAHT, 3 10 COCHSE. MILES 'ni.l Pace & Husk 5 24 53 2 14 53 Huhe-hee, J W. Lewis. ..5 27 33 2 17 33 " 'Mlw, J Johnson... .' 27 37 2 17 37 en. A llughe..5 27 10 2 17 4H " ' -' It. Outwnter 3 2 43 2 Is 43 T.Ut CLASS STAHT. 3 : 1 5 COl'HSE. 5 MILES. 1.1" Hipper. Oeo. Corry. 5 : 42 ' W. Elder. Jr 5 25 26 i i .raway. A II. Fry...'. 26 35 I " A. Iselln 2d . . 3 2B 0-1 H fi I .er. J T. McMahon.3 27 57 Lii ! CI.AK44 I' STAHT, COL'HSE, 15 MILES, Josspt- -e A (J. Hamn...S 27 09 Anf ', i' i,ranbry 5 30 20 Arm ret 11 n Hu.ld S 31 53 09 4 10 2 10 IS 11 06 IS 57 ::35 S li OS : 55 :o : 56 S3 SPEED IN LOCUST CLUB RACES. Ilurr'a lleltl,. . l-rim-a Fnsli-st of the Mill firlmutu. Ho Hank, N .1. July 31 Over n nurse at the mouth of Clay I'll Creek sticed boats owned by oillcers and rr embers of tho newly orK'inlzed Locust .nhi club started In the first of n sens of motorboat races this afternoon, Vice. 1 'oinmodoro J. K Uuit'h Uottle n. fir 'shed Urst, rnverlnir the course of "i'i miles in 17 minutes 30 secondH. "k ar llcnnlng's Imp whh second In 18 minutes is seconds, and C. Edfrert's Velfare third In 1R minutes 30 seconds. The other starters were J. Fnss's Annie, I' W S Ayres's Ilattle U, neorno Heu ern IVnela, William P. Tuylor'H Nu 10:1,1. Andrew Ilobertson'a Tlilstlo, I. Maxsnn, Jr.'s, I'egKy and H. O. Cre ler Cero, In 1 he taco for points on the season ii'ih .up on tho South Shrewsbury River " 11 l'otts lilf won her elirhtli con ecitlwi rate, A liKht westerly breezo was blowlnB t.en tho 0110 design knockabouts 'got av in n bunch. The Hlf soon took he lead und headed tho others through lut llrlel.le) 'a llrolber a 1'Hllnre. B'jS'o.v July 31 Alex rearsnn, man !"r f tho Lawrence club of tho New ;c8laid I.eaRUe, has released Outfielder ottrn llrluklcy, brother of tho Harvard FIFTY YACHTS JOIN MWANHAKA FLEET Cruise Will Last Two Days and Will Conic to an End at New London. FLEET THEN TO MSIIAXD Heawanhaka harbor wm well filled with yuchtu lust night. Thty gathered tlure by order of Ormmodore Daniel Hacon of the Heawanhaka Corinthian Vaclit Club to take port In a two days nultc to New London. All the beKt known racing and cruising yacht In the country will gather nt New Lon don to-morrow afternoon preparatory to starting on the annual cruise of the New York Yacht Club, nnd the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club haa arranged u short cruise to make things pleasant for . ...m. .-.,,, ,,..,,0 ,v, uv, ... ........ the Sound. Commodore Bacon received the yachts men In the clubhouse at 6:30 o'clock. Thla reception was attended by cap tains, their guests and members, and at 7 .30 o'clock a mess dinner was served nnd the accommodation of the club house were severely taxed. After din ner there a a danco nnd at 9:3' o'clock nil the yacht In the harbor were Illuminated. Commodore 1 In con owns the yacht So llta, and to-morrow morning he will transfer his flag to the steam yncht Floretta, owned by Capt. J. V. Alker. About noon the flagship will signal the yachts to proceed nt will to Morris fnvp nnd tn.nlcht the fleet will be nt anchor off the New Haven Yacht Club house. The regatta committee win oe on board the yacht Marcva, owned by Capt. C V. Weber, who Is commodore of the Stamford Yacht Club. Early on Monday morniror the fleet will bo ordered to proceed to New Lon don, nnd nn hour after the harbor start the yachts will cross the line, which will be off the eastern breakwater. The vachtg are to race to New London, fin ishing off Sarnh's I-edge. and they will leave Faulkner's island. Cornfield light vessel, llartlett's reef light veasel nnd Sarah's Ledge bell buoy to port. Com modore Hacon has offered the prizes for sloops and ynwls. Commodore George F. Raker. Jr.. of the New York Yacht Club has offered the prizes for s.-hnorirr. for mer Commodore August Hcckscher has donated the prizes for the fifties and thirties and Vice-Commodore Howard Smith. Rear Commodore George ."Mcnois. p. W. Rouss and others have offered ntfier nrfzrjl. t. ai.Aiii 1 tin n'c npK. nrier Hrritui. 1 ,i., imm ... nn mm slcnall from t,)e ,iaBBhp each yncht In the fleet I ... Kiu. with one gun anil 1 no . , 'r,he New York Ycht Club. . tne yachts that will partlcl- 1 . . cnll(e are former Commo- 1 curtlss James's Aloha. J. P. c0.ltr and his fifty footer ..Mng Commodote G F. Raker's b()th footers 0f the New York Yacht " .'Ln p Cu.ier.. Ai.ra. Dr: C B. jr.J h" n ' aranbery's Anlts onits'ah II Ogden "tills houette. j.. a. Mweai ox? h.. DjnW . Racon's SollU T. F Hi, anfek- " Co..en"'.auP1,p F. Humphrey's Everett Plunkett's :..::V ' r, nll.W. Pt.nna. Guv "inn, , ' " r ui . ii,,'. Wmiii't Iris. Lvman C nutler s mi- ,kana. and J. uysioi s ler . i-aerc be at least fifty yacnts in me n-ei. nir Itegatta committee In charge of the 111c- Ins is made up or Colgate iiot, jr., Victor 1. Cumnock. Henry n. i.nnoon, Uohn Clinton Work and Ileverley 11, ti.o Vina n race yesterday nfter- Koiunaon .... get ley and was won by CnlKiite Iloyt'a .lojcphus, wlth Ima Nut seconl. The summary SLOOI'S- NfT CLASS STAHT. COL'KSE NO. 5. 1.50 Elapsed Time. U. M. 8. 1 14 30 1 IS 45 1 13 4t 1 l 0.' 1 I 42 1 10 03 1 !J 04 1 23 50 1 25 4 1 20 57 Finish. Yacht and Owner. ,.l'A.l i'x Josephm, Colgate Hoyt. Jr 5 04 30 lma Nut. Franklin Hem- Ington 5 05 45 Heechnut. lleorxe Nichols 5 05 41 Cocoanut. i M. Fletcher. t, 5 0 02 lira Nut, Dr J S. Hall. .5 0 42 Nutcracker, If. H Hayes. I 09 0J Acorn. F H. Coudert . .5 IS 04 Chlncapln. DeForest Illcks 5 1 50 Filbert, Crawford Hurton.6 15 4' Areia. W. II. Appleton .5 1 57 SLOOPS FIFTEEN FOOTEHS STAHT 3 45 COCHSE NO 5. Tamale, S. Shaw ... 5 45 42 2 00 42 Chipmunk, H Younr.. 5 49 ss 2 04 22 Iris, L. S. Tuckerman.. . Did not nnlsh ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB GATHERS THE STARS Mirny of the Populnr Class of Little Yachts Will Snil nt Sen Gnte. One of the star features of the race week of the Atlantl? Yacht Club this year will be the fleet of star class yachts which will he sent down the lower bay. Thin class Is a wonderful educator. Thce are now fifty-eight In commission nnd they are stanch, able little craft, fast and seaworthy, which c.innot be capsized. Ceorpe A. Corry la the en thusiast who built up this class and he la now working hard to get ns many as possible on the lower bay for the raclns which will basin on Aufrust 23, Twenty two of these boats raced at I.archmont and it is expected that this recoid will be beaten. John II. Drophy, the Indefatlirable chairman of the Atlantic's reirntta com mtttiM. already has fifteen entries and v.. in has been Informed that the owners of the stars will look nftor their own tnwlnu and arramro to be taken from the Kound to Sea (Jate Instead of being towed down with the larner yachts. Not unly nie the stars going to the lower bay, but several of the owners of the thirties will sail there In tho series races. Two have entered already; these are J. A. Mahlstedt's Okee nnd Kdmund Iang's Ilanzal, The Atlantic Yncht Club has challenged the Larch mont Yacht Club fnr a race for the Chllds trophy and this event will be the feature of Friday, August 27. KAT0URA TO MEET ATLANTIC. vr anil Old Schooners to ("Irish IlurlriK niK Annual Crulae. One of the attractive, features of fhe rac Ing on the Now York Yacht Club crulso will bo the meeting of Robert K. Tod's schoorrr Katount and the Atlantic, now owned by James Cox Iiriidy. The Ka toura never has been tried galnst a vessel of her size and Mr. Tod Is very anxious to find out Just what his yacht can do. The Atlantic, winner of the last ocean nice, Is knowd to l fast under any conditions. Hhe now Is fitting out In Brooklyn In Cham of Capt, Kd Pngel. Who has sailed her a Krent deal, nnd she will join the yacht squadron some time this week. Battling Levtnsky Now Jugs Nutmeg Fall Guys Morgan Loses a Useful Charge and the Ring a Giant Killer When Blond Heavyweight Becomes a Deputy Sheriff to Clean Up a Connecticut Town. 'KID ACQUIESCE' NEWEST Admirers of the organized fistic riant killer, Rattling Levlnsky, have wondered at his unusual Inactivity In tho ring during the last few weeks. Up to now the half sized blond heavyweight has fought three or four times a week. In deed he has been known to pull on the gloves In strenuous combat every night 1 of one week. He had that craze for wotk when he came to Dan Morgan as R.irney Williams, a Philadelphia selling plater. Morgan didn't discourage Williams In anything but his name. That must be changed to his own, Levlnsky, Battling Levlnsky. L'nder that banner Morgan sent the Phlladelphran forward to mow down the pugilistic giants. He fought so often that even Morgan became mixed In his dates and had to hire little Rennle Murphy to attend to Levlnsky's booking. All went merry until a few weeks ago. Levlnsky had been sent to Stratford, Conn., to train. He was well known thire. havlnir prepared for his many contests at Cant. Rond's place. Morgan hent reeral telling the battling one to go to this place and that to box. In answvr to each wire would come back : "Can't go hurt my hand." or "Can't i.u. smuiiicu iii nnuuiuci. After a dozen different wires of such rnture had been received Morgan be- came aiurmen .inu rusnta uu 10 nirai ford to ee Just what was the matter with his useful charge. He came back to town yesterday and let the secret out. There's a reason why Rattling Levlnsky has ben Inactive so long. "When I , was warned by I would be pick there, said Morgan, "I the time he doesn't wait for the birds to light,' suggested the a Kent. 'He Just reaches out and nabs 'em In midair.' "Who Is this diligent deputy? I asked. "'Deputy Sheriff Levlnsky,' said the station matter. "'He's right all popular up here and he's right all powerful too: no use re slstln' him. If you do he'll bit you a kirrup on the chin and you go to the Jug In a swoon.' Sure enough." continued Morgan "the powers that l had appointed the Hnttler hsi n deputy because of his rnp ularlty and there was a general cele l)mtl0ll thf ,)llht tney i,u.k.,j thp nat. t,er mU, ;( corj r ()f thp (ow) ,,., an(J booked a big new fherlff'a b.tdRe on Ills "They told the Uattler Juat wtwt he was expected to do. lie waa to po out nnd brhiK In alt the n nr brigand he could round up. That part of It was all right, but Levlnaky didn't prick up his ears until they inforired him of the cap. Itat prize that went with each arreat. l'or every m ill the newly nude deputy fherlff brought to the town cooler a fie of $5 was to be collected. Of this the Uattler was to get half. 'Hlght there they ruined my tighter. gaaasaMsW 1 f .aassl Ves, sir. they robbed him of all his tight- "I "i""- Lngusn Doxers ma Hone. Ing ambition. Levlnsky's llfr Ixtaim He xald be had good reasons for wait one vast forage after silly looking ' Ing until he was ready to reenllst. strangers who looked like they mlcht IVtterly did they assail hlb so-called break the law. At $2.50 per silly looker the Battler did a rushing busln ss with small chance of receiving ti cauliflower ctr en route. lie gathered them in until they had to lock a lot of them up In barns and me ting halls. "At i" 50 11 smash Irlnsky Jammed the Jail the first night. Autolsts got so that they hopped out of their machines nnd pustud them through the town He was no lespecter of inilucriee or o sltlon. When noses counted the ttrst morning after they had hooked 1e vlnsky to the badge they found two city officials In the lineup. "Business boomed for Levlnsky. He got so that he even stalked the surround ing States for pn-y at K.fiO u head. It didn't make any difference to the Battier. The big gold shield was his rue und two-fifty per person was his Incen tive, They tell me that he proposed flagging tho Incoming trains down the line to drag off mysterious looking per sonages. He even asked If It would be all right to Jog down In New York and round 'em up by the Jitney bus load, "Yes, sir. he wan running out of fall guys, und they began to tumble to the fact that he was npprohendlng repeaters on them at two-fifty a repeater. Yes, sir, they've gone and spoiled my giant killer. "I tried tn take tho badge away from him and cart him home. Ho had me half way to the hoozgow at two-fifty a thicw before I promised to depart nnd mind my own business. I left him wishing that a national convention would b thrust on the town. " 'tiorh, Dan,' I10 said, 'wouldn't there bj 11 lot of mysterious looking pcapla around hero then at two and a half a head?' " Jimmy Johnston nnd a number of crlbes were sitting around fanning after the debut of Thomas Cowler the other night. Jimmy was telling about an offer he had made to some am bitious fighter to appear at the rink. "The offer waB stupendous for these times, but our hero would not acquiesce," said James. Just then Scotty Montleth passed. He caught Jimmy's last word us he did. "Acriulesce, acquiesce," he said quickly. "Who's he, JlmmyT' asked Scotty. "Why, bavent you heard came Jimmy. "He's Kid Acquiesce. He's a coueln of Joe Azevedo, and he'll be here to-mnrrow morning from San Fran cisco. Jimmy Coffroth sends him on as the greatest one hundred and twenty six pound loy In tho world, Why, the Western papers are full of rum. "Dundee will tight him," eald Scotty, seriously, "When?" asked Johnston. "In two weeks," came back Montleth. "You're 011," said Johnston. "One thousand, with a privilege of 40 tier cent." "Closed," said Scotty, ns he walked off, Jotting down a Dundee future date In H's Utile red note imjok, The other night at Ebbets Field l'atsy llrnnnlKHii wore a bright pair of green silk running tmnis wnen he uccn Kddle Campl which were strictly ac cording to Hoyle, for l'atsy Is red haired, pug nosed and Irish through and INVADER FROM WEST through. A silence fell over tho great open air arena as the men fiddled for upenlngs, Suddenly there came a voice of a man from nwuy up under the grand stand caves. "Come on. l'atsy I Don't disgrace them there tights I" ho roared. The command could have been heard a mile away. Patsy must have caught it, for he rushed at Campl with both little fists flying. Another thing that caused n big laugh during these bantam contests was tho appearance of a giant miller moth In the ring. It looked as big as a crow as It flapped between, under and around the fighters. Beverat times It fell to the floor nnd the crowd yelled a warning for the bantam roosters to have n care In their footwork. The moth was still on the job when the lights went out. Gunboat Smith win be one of two heavyweights to appear at the Rink on August 11. No worthy opponent has necn sciectea 10 oppose uucaiey n ex seaman, but Jim Coffey Is the man whom the matchmaker has In view. Harry Littleton of New Orleans la with us. "And let me tell you that Littleton Is the best middleweight In the coun try," said Jimmy Johnston In telling of the visitor. "He Is the nearest man to Stanley Ketchel In looks that I have ever seen. I saw him fight nnd I'll guarantee the fans a run when he meets the first man I select for him. He's a giant kilter If there ever was one. He knocked out Steamboat Bill Scott, the big fellow whom the champion heavies couldn't stop. Walt till you see him." There may be a hitch In the Dundec Rrltton bout. Scotty Montleth said yes terday that no amount of coaxing -rouid Induce Johnny Dundee to accept Farmer Rill Brown as third man In the ring at the Garden Tuesday night. Montittu refused to state Just what Dundee's ob jections were to the newly appointed Garden arbitrator. Brown Is one of the best referees In the country and the boxers know It. "Perhaps tho only objection any tighter could have to Brown Is that he is czar of the ring when he enters it. He won't stand for any fistic sketches or play doodle He can toll one of them a mile off He doemi't wait tn argue. Just walks to the rope and culls for the I next brace of brawny ones, leaving the: contending pair to walk In disgrace out I of the ring. He Insists nn action and he I gets It or the culprits get out. i Dundee may hav it good reason for not wanting Hrown to otllclate. It will I have to he a pretty good one In order ' to liavrt Hill enht aside Just to (satisfy his whim. I Bombardier Wells gladdened the hearts of all Kngllshmen by reenllstlug In the Urltie-li army. Wells served be fore ns a royal artilleryman In India. When tho war broke out Wells was cen sured for not Joining the colors. u many luck of courage. When he was good and ready the big blond Joined the colors ns ar. lnfantrnian His story of why ho hesitated Is interesting Inasmuch as his Is an unusual excuse for fall ng to go to the front at the first call to arms: "I am .1 married man, with a wife and two children, the youngest only a few months old," he said. "It was my j domestic responslblllt'es that so long deterred me. and I do not think it Is a discreditable thing for any man, situ ated as I was then, to set his own house ( in order, with a view to falling In with the call of king and country My po-1 Itlon was unlike that of many other) married men. I was, iso to speak. In 1 business for myself. In the precarious 1 capacity of a professional pugtl'st, ' whose reputation stood in constant dan-' ger of collate as a money earning fac-1 tor. "I had no firm or employer who would ' guarantee, two-thlnls, or any fraction whatever, of my salary to he paid to , my dependents. As a matter of fact I had no salary at all except such ns I could win In lump sums with my hands literally with my fists, In such cir cumstances It was well to make some provision for my wife and family first. ' "As soon as I was able to attach my self to the army again I did so, and I , mil not making any fuss about It ns If there were nny merit In It. I enlisted because I wanted to do my bit like the , rest of the young men In the empire. 1 I am still a young man and as fit physl-1 cnlly as any you will meet In an hour's walk through the streets of Loudon. "With the exception of my two young brothers, who are not yet eligible for service, nil our family of boyn have given themselves to King nnd country One of my brothers was killed at the front before he bad been In tho trenches many hours, and two have been w ounded. "You cannot Imagine how deeply I used to resent the Insinuations levelled against me by thoughtless people during those months when It would have been almost criminal for me to have left my family, uh they evidently thought I should do, regardless of u 11 conse quences. "I was as sensitive as any man on such polntH of honor, and nothing but the knowledge that I was doing my duty to the best of my lights could have kept 1110 smiling under the ordeul through which I have now trlumphuntly passed. To be misunderstood by one's fellow countrymen at such a time ns tho pres ent und In such a connection was painful to the last degree. "I thought of It day by day, and I dreamed of It by night : yes, even when In the ring nt tho Opera House fight ing thut great Irish American Frank Moran I could still find time to wonder how many people In that audience were regarding mo uh that unutterubly con ti'iuptlhle thing a shirker. The posi tion of married men Is at all times n dltllcult one. Even tn those cases where wives are well enough provided for the fact remnlns that men are under other obligations to their children than the mere duty of providing for them. There Is their education and all that is meant by the word 'upbringing' to be thought of." Wells's wife used always to Buy that she would no longer try to dissuade her husband from going back to the armv If England were Invaded. She said this in the firm belief that the invasion of ICngland was about as unlikely to hnp pen ns the Invasion of the moon. Rut England haa now been Invaded. Thu Gorman army has not set foot 011 Kng llsh soli, but tho German rmvy has thrown shells Into English towns, and German airmen have dropped bombs not only on the coasts but een on London Itself. " 'RinV said his wife one day, 'I can not Bland In your wny any longer. You have been very considerate Jn braving all the taunts that have been thrown at" you for my sake so long. You enn go now, as you nave always wantel to go." Wells Jumped to his feet like a man who had Just heard some exceedingly good news which liberated him from an embarrassing position. "I have had many moments of elation In my sporting life," ho nays, "as when the referee has declared me the winner of a fight for a good purse. Hut noth ing ever hrought me so much real Joy as that hour when 1 made up my mind that 1 should not go to sleep again until , Kills Altree second. Nelson Dodge won I had taken tho oath of allegiance to ( the boys' club race, with John Gould the king. second. A girls' handicap race was "I was at Brighton nt the time, nnd won by May Altree, Mnrlo Kayser be I got hold of n recruiting sergeant late Ing second. A girls' club race was won In the evening and told him Hint It I by Marie Kayser, with Marjorio Howe didn't matter how far I had to go or I second. Eastern Steamship Lines A ll-the-W ay -by-Water Summer-Time Way to ALL Points East To BOSTON MKTHOrULtTAN LINK Hfatiulilps ManurhiiaeiM anil Hunker IIUI l.m. Pier IS. N. K. ft Murray St . nrry clay, r, P. M. fame nerrlce return lug. Iiie llnatmi about s A. M. l'nur facllltln for eiieilliliii lunillUm if Autnmotillrs, Jlorfea and Freight- - Kx tiriM .Merrier. .Main Deck Dining lloonis Kxt elleut Men Ire. To PORTLAND MAINE NTEAMSIIir l.INF. Rtraoithlpa North Land and North Star Lvr. Iter 10. N. K , foot Warren (t.. Tuevlay, ThunuUy and Saturday. .I P. M : alv Monday, 10., ",11 M .V i!e llchtful 300-Mllt', 22-Rwir Trip to Port land, tbe CITY IlEAUTIKl.'l.. 35 STEAMERS 15 ROUTES 80 LANDINGS FARES LOWER THAN BY RAIL Through Tickets to All Points Baggage Checked Through Tickets and Information at Piers, also at all Tourist and X. Y. Transfer Co. Offices, or address Passcnrer Traffic Department Pier 19. -V. R Sew York. CALIFORNIA Toura to the two Expositiona, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park. Ca nadian Rockies, Yosemile and Crater Lake. Splendid choice of routes and stop-overs permitted nnywhere. Luxurious train service, best hotels, side trips by automobile. Parties limited in numbers. Departures .I17. 3, A, 5, 10, 11. ll.' and Inter JAPAN AND ROUND THE WORLD Including the Coronation Ceremonies of the Emperor of Japan Frtqurtit Dcparluris St trml'i r and Ortohrr SHORT SUMMER TOURS One to three weeks duration, iiicliidinc White "Uounta.ns Great Lakes, Muskoka. Nutari I (IN, ThoiiMiul Islands. Quetv, Sdguena Hiu-r. Maritime frounces. Gefysburn. Nirnni'j arJ Hen lud.i. .Senrf for Jloolrl ( rnl RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. T.'A fifth Aienue New York Where crisp sea breezes bring rest, health, relaxation SUPERIOR SERVICE and LOW FARES to SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE MACON AUGUSTA ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY And nil other Southern Point CoSSiXT ANY TICKET or TomwT acfnt or Uteratur and all information upon request Vacations at Sea A In li tint- $32 TO $80 Including nn-aU and iici-puiK liiiiiinmu d.itlii'ls a b u a r il M earner llluMralcl llli-rature and full Information from CIde-Mallory Lines Pier .111. North Idler New lorl.. (il)' Ticket llltlco au '.lis llriudway . 7 I fc2i.' ..-fiitiiv?; CUNARD EsUblishtd JS40 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL 1 Saxonia . . Thurs., Aug. 5, 10 AM SarAuTioAM Orduna . Tuscania Saxonia . Cameronia Orduna . Tiieesnla Fri.. Aug. 27. 5 I'M Sat.. Sept. 4, 10 AM It... Sept. IU, 5 h'iM Sat.. Sept. 18, 10 AM Fri.. Sept. 2-1 5 PM T.N lltlllTK Til liUMlllll. ROUND THE 0RLD TOURS Through bookings tn all principal port nf the World. COMPANY ti omc:K !l-'JlSUteSt..N,Y'. FRENCH LINE Compagnle flenerol Trnnsatlatitlilie I'OSIAI. M.HVH'i:. Sailings for BORDEAUX CHICAGO Aue. 5, 3 I'. M. ESPAGNE Aug. 7, 3 P. M. ROCHAMDEAU. . . .Aug. 14, 3 P. M. LA TOURA1NE . . .Aug. 21, 3 P.M. KOK INFOHM ATKIN AI'I'I.V COMPANY'SOFFICE Phono llroad 4!),l'J TO NOHTII JKR8KY COAST ItKHOKTH, bandy Hook Itoute New Jersey C'viitml, flPSlSjlllS Wu4 m how much Inconvenience It might cause him or anybody else there was nothing for it but that I should reenllst that very night. Not knowing how much In earnest I was the sergeant told me to wait till the morning, but he didn't know the sort of man he was dealing with." in the end the sergeant let Wells have his own way, evidently fearing that he might lose a recruit If he didn't. It was nearly midnight when they managed to get tin; job done. "lifter late than never," said the re- e. ultlllf? "(rwi,lt' 'ey came out Into " . . .. 7 ... . That night." said Wells, "I enjoyed the soundest sleep that had come my way since tho declaration of war. It was the best part of my training." Port WnshlnRttin .NiTlnimliiK Itat'es. At the Poit Washington Yacht Club yesterday the feature event, the Harle quin handicap, a swimming race of over fifty yaids, wan won by Maurice Gould, Atlnn Itltm liMtttr .Kcnml Iti lliii tnnliil' swimming race Robert Ware won, with LINES EAST OF BOSTON HUSTON A PORTLAND LINE Direct between the two cities. KKNNKHf.C LINE ni'tneen Iloton, Path and Kennebec niter polata. including lbs lloothbiy sec tion. BiNCIIII LINE llelween llotiin and, Me.t sImy lntirinwdtate iMilnti nn the reiiobcnt Itay and llheriaud polnti. In Mt. l)iert and nine IIUI Mutton. Including Uar llarlMir. Mo. INrr.lSNAIIONAI. LINES JMrect herlce hetwivn Motion and St John, X It bImi roatwie wnlte be iMcn Uiniirn an. I M Jnhn. N. II., ill Portland, l.aslimrl and l.uliec. 1 AitMoi'in i.i.m: lletween llovton uml Yarmouth. N. S.. ultb ronniTtloa". to all points in Noa Scotia and the I'fovlnres. NEW YORK OFFICE 501 FIFIH AVENUE Pbn.:j6HMuru,llill Till" DCOT If flHATIAsU I Nt DttM VAul I llJll mmf 1 w nems iwii A 17-Day Cruise lo or hrom CALIFORNIA 1 Through the Panama Canal Aboard Large American Trnns-Atlantic Liners FINLAND - KROONLAND Iriini I'ler ill. N. It., m: riiitK AUG. 26 rvVj Irom I'ltlM iscil AUG. 24 SEPT.18 OCT. 9 SEPT. 16 OCT. 12 And Kvcry Thrc W(ik Tlicrciflcr Ciller runs Vi. and up INTLKMLDI.VTK, T,0 ami up. Ini liidlni; meal and lierld Ural nf nilslne and sen Ire. ASK AimUT CDMIHSATION Tit It's ll'.lt HOl'TK. IF. w IC a, 1 1 , KOI II. M OIHUt HIV Passenstcrs also tinnked In nr from 1.1 htiiii nf 1'iiniiiiiA. PAHAM PACIFIC LINE ,V,Y..k 7 . . . AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N.Y I.lvernnol. Pior 62. N. R.. Noon ..... ' SI. land. Aug i I'uul . Aug. 14 White Star Line I N.Y.Llverpool, Pier 60, N. R., Noon Adriatic Aug. I.l.iiplmid Aug. ll Azores Gibraltar Naples Genoa Ciiniiplc August 11, H A M. IM'I K ll. It ll'WAV. N. V. lei. IHMHI Itrclnr. 'In t'nllfiirnlii Kipo.lllona Sec J iniiilca. Hui.ina, I'.inainn Canal en mule, Scinl for lirmk'et I'nllrd Fruit Co.. 17 llattery Place, flty Ticket ilttlce, 15S4 Hro.uliiay, N. V. III. II DOMINION I. INK, Tn all polnta South nnd West, hliery week ilny 3 1' M, 1'l.r !5, North Itivi-r. Tel. 3IKIO I 'i ii n It 1 1 11 11 lliiy All llipcii.r Norllicrn Crul.e, (AO. llooklct free lied t'ruas Line, New York, UO TU HEItMl'UA UY "8 S. HHHMUUIAN" Hoiiklei'iyL'i:Ui:i.'S.a.i:0I.ld.,3:U,iiiiy,N Y HOUSES FOR THE SUMMER AN IDEAL SL'llMEK IIOMH KOIt KENT or leiine In the lUmapo J tills, 30 mlnulu from Itamsry. N. J., or Sultern, N. Y. i lo cutrrt on Itocklantl ltd. & Itnmapo ltlver, furnlthrd with all new furniture, electric lights, hot and cold running tr and sp.iuotm garaxe: no agent. J i 1 101.11 ks. (i w. seth m.. N. Y. 1M0 Col. Tel. Ktr.TK H)K SALK. MA&SACHCS KTTS. For Sale: In the Berkshires A 1(0 acre farm, with bungalow :Jx29 for summer home; 1,500 ft. elerutlou. quiet, fine scenery, pure air, field, meadona, woods, timber; spring water A well, I' mllea from tatlou, .1 large garden planted, llcrrlca In great iibund inte. Frame of barn erected, Long row of ImineiiM maplea at liuiue. Spot of real beauty. Ad dress I.. I). ItlCHAHDSUX, Cheater, .Mais. It. P U. No. 3 MAINK. KOlt SA1.U IN MAINE. War does not Iesen tlmberland values; each year ieeii Increase; we orfer our township, :i,000 aire's Investors Inveitt gale. OUWlllt, lloj 149. Uorham. Me. IffJt.l' M ANTKD I KMAI.K. n'ANTRD Youna ladv. Christian. sl- nographer and typewriter, operating either Remington or Undcrwiiod; salary fT.o tier month, liuuri 1:19 A. t tn S:in I'. M.; must be ekperltncetl and Lapable of writ ing at least 10 lettera per duy; state ate, business experience and references, J t.. box 1:1 Sun otnee. WANTED Hy a larce manufacturer thorouKhly experienced" ami competent stenoirratiher and tvnlsti nermanent tirnl- I tlon, must come well recommended , state salary desired. Address HHOOKI.YN. box 111 nun eince. Ili:i. I' WANTKIl MALI! lNSLTtANCE UltOKCItS who w leh to Increase Income; new Idea combining Insuranie with Investment which Is maktnr a blsr sensation; call for Informa tion HUME UL'AKDIAN COMPANY OK m:w yoitK. 71 west j;th street, x. v. c 1 WILL PAY any honest man up to jr. monthly for part of spare time, no ran vasslnf; no capital; write to-day. VOOR- IIILS, Desk i:ti. Omaha, Neb. WANTED An Idea' Who can think of some simple to patent? Protect vour He, they may brine ycu wealth. Write for "NeeJed invention" and "How to tlet Your Talent " HANDOLI'H & CO., Dept. 4114, uasnineton, v v. ISO MONTHLY .ml expenses to travel distribute samn'es tinil take onlers or in. point iitent pi nianeiit. J.M' AMEItl- t'AN I'O ranjn, ACKNTH WANTED. AOKNTS Amailna Inxenilon IS daily 1"0 proflt. New-bus.ness n t ompeittton. w-,.rin s i.est norne mnsise m.unine 1 works by naternower. deilahts both sexes ' urll fAr urlli ulnra ,n 1 trw ttnnk mi beauty and ha th Ail lr IlLACKSTOM CO SS Mere. II-h It: la . Toledo O AOENTS and canvasser wanteil; new miiKailne, "The Spiritualist", August num ber free Write or call Koum 7. (17 Madison Ave.. Cltv MTUATIONS WAN-nOV- -.fg)HLE IIOl'Si:WiJHKEHS--CoIiired, eevera: neat rlrle. exnerlen.-e.t. aooil retfreneea. tnor. ourhly Itnestlrated. want place, other Southern he'.p furnl.he.l LINCOLN IN Df.STIlIAL KXC1IANIIK (Airni'M. 314 W l""h Phone 5H.2 Columbus Klabllhed i'i SI T U ATI O X V.WI IIP MA L STKNO'lllAPlILn C3I. clean cut. am- Mtlou vouna nun. 5 ears experience 111. 00 It b..x 14: Sun ofllre. Army and Nnvy Ordeni, , WASHINOTON July 31 Tluse army eriiers were Isaue-i I'lt.t I leuts .1 ' llntivals. J II. fress I ( Hti urd and ' II. Price and Second l.'en K W llcrm.iii. Wnalr.eer Cnrps, Ironi ?e on.l llattnll-'n of Hnrlnecr- tn Ert.ii"e' r . hnnl ashlnclon ImrraLKa, Dl'ri' i ,'f Cn.unililM, for nurse of tnetruc- 'In rant J s Hardin. Q M r . 10 Kort She !ins. Minn., unil In chars, nl cicpot il t I'a'i.. Minn . an 1 also uum ch.irse cnnstriii tmn work at l"ort Snelllnir re llevlni! Major J K Marlrten. who 11 lit go 10 F'.rt Sam Ilnuton as iienot niiarter master and .issume charge consirui tlin work at Knit Sam Houston. rellciinB Major 11 11 Hi le Major S c Vet il. Q M " . to Kurt Monroe, Va , as iiuartermaster ilefenies of Chesapeak. lai and in cliarge or equip ment ami outlining transport at New port News, te'leilng Majnr 11. 1.. rettus, 1 1 vlll report Ht Mashlncton an .ijiit .m 'o ,I.n t nuarli-rma.ler Klrst IJ.mii II W Wagner, Third Cv , n reslLMlatt-'Il Hiieiit-il Sc. ond I iut W K Oiinti. Coist Artll en . W t r tn' Aci leniy Cain K M Ta.hntf. M C. from Wash I1.51 ' DC, to Philadelphia as attending su-gc n. . apt II It lll'-hmnnd. Thirteenth Tav. a 1 from .1 -tistinieni to th..i reKlrr.ent . apt 1. V Co email, c'oast Artillery, .c' .lied In Q M. 1' 1 apt J I' Morrison, from Sixth to'h Infantry. Major J It Lindsay, from Twenty rltiith to KKteenth Infantry. Majur I C Jenkn, from .Ninth to Thir teenth Itifantr) capt (1. M (Irlmea. from Thirtieth to l.i,;lil!i Ir.Ii.nlrv. Chaplain W H Watta. from Ninth to Klfteeuih Infantry. M11J .r T N Horn, Second Field to 1'irat hie il Artillery. i.rt I.leut , ( Uiiterimhn, rclleied 1 from ruenti seventh lntantrv. , riie-e ottliers relleied fruni assignment us Indicated: Col W. II Allaire from Kightn Infantry, Major C C Calk, fiom I Plfieenth Infantry, Major I'. 11. Pierce, from Ulteentli Infantry, ciiapiaiu u. IV Wood, fmm l'iltienlh Infaiurv " x "J"". elnrg nf re- I criiKl c station. Wnr. e.ter. Ma- ' Utu. j v ,v!uln, rrum om,.(. ,vaVai I lnte llgente to . elisor radio station, Say 1I1.1 L. I 1 1 tent. .1 I.. NT.lfttl. from the Phei'enn to Hie II 1 Assistant Sur.enn C. A., M. n. 1.' 'o rtvt ultlng station, Chicago Comminder 11 s Kellnrg. froiu nninuml nf tho Monterey tn contmind the (Ul 1 eston Passed Assistant Surge .n I' I. Lee. from the il-i.ieston to home for or.lers Marine mips- jiijm c " Ilt'l fr.i'n I'hlla.le.plit.i t Army College, Wash Ing'on r " Capt. H I Hear. fiom l'tili id phli t" armv hool of the Un, !" Le.ii en oi 'h capt T Mirlv. Phltad I'll! I. to .i i hi v sihool of the III!" ' '. Leal en i or' !l This nay order was Issued: I.leu'eiant C. mman Irr J 11 (illnier, front N'aiv liepirtment to the New York us navigator. Mm I'liicnl" of Nilliil Y'esseN W VSIIISi.TDN. Ju'c 31 Tha collier I'rnnicilie.s ha. an He I nt Dutch Harbor nrpedo 1 ...its Puts, Ililnbrldge Chauncev, Hirri an, I col ler romper lit Jolo. ! 1. . tig W.ihnet.i at In 11 in Head, levtroyers Mi I'ouga,, fanning, neaie .inn-it and Poug Jams at New part, .Ic.irover destroyers Paul Jon-a, .. f'.-s.. ,.,.rl l'r.1,1 ., 1.' ... 1 1 . 1, I aka. s'lpp v ship I'e.tle at Ciunlananio, I... ier I'roteu. nl Hampton Koads. lie. sir,-.- era Cummins Downes. Hur rows Atumen Patterson, I'au'ding. Trtppe nnd Park.r at Newport, collier Aharenda Shu .uh ii. and de.iroier Hopkins at (Sail Diego , I'ruiser I' has silled from lln sauadi Me. o. for Sin Plego, Inilleships Inulst.itu an l Ven II imshlre from Pre. ileti's Itoa.u for Newport, lug Aiiouuc rrnm fnr New Voik ile.troiei lln. ! h i from Newport foi Sew ork. io.llr I Ini.lter from ror Jupller from rnrtamo'iih N M lor 11 impton Houls tiatt'i-shlps Nebraska aiM Virginia from Itm kfort. Mas., for New. pnrt. cruls r ('lintnniitl from Shanghai for Chefnn destroyer Hopkins from l:n-iin,l4, Me. o foi San Diego, I'.itt'e.hlp. Florida. I'l ih South I'arnllna anl Michigan from I'riitiicetaw n fnr Newport, battleships' Missou.l. nlilo nnd Wisconsin from Saul Diego for San I'rinclscn. cruiser Naih. I ii. e from Santo Iminliign City for "apa Ilayllen. cnl.ier Hannibal from Tompkins. vllie fnr Portsmouth. N 11, anj n.onltnr Til.hii.see from Now Yoik for Hampton llo i la I Til ruler Colorado has armed at lln- senaila, Mexico; cruiser ' iluny at Sin Francisco, gunboat Vixen at Delawara Hreakwaler; bntt'rshlp Wvonilng at New porl, iiuller Jason at l'urt-au-Prlnce. cnl Mei Nero ut Tlburon. battleships Louisiana nnd New Hampshire at President's Heads ..ii.l , ..lll.-r Haniilb il il Tomnklnsi It' The inrpedn bon' Held h is micd from I Key wm ror .Moiuie, gniiiioai .nnapniis from Ilulii'ia for l orinto .ruisir ll.i.M'oorc frnm Inna Is'es for Newport, bmieshlps Krarenrgc and Ki-tuuiki from llaltimor for Tangier Sound and torpedo boat Whipple fiom Hrciurnuii for Sitka. WEATHER FORECAST Wushltiffton Prctllcdoiis for To-day nnd To-morrow. l'or eastern New York, party cloudy ( da 1 prntiuldy liirul slimier In smith per flont probably fair tii-inurriw, nlth loner temperature. For New UnsMud, partly cloudy to-day nd to-morrow; probiildy fair to-inorrnw. ulth omtwhat loner lempemture In In terior. Knr New Jrriiey and rattern Pennsyl vania, nrllr cloudy, w Hit total thunder hower In-day; partly cloudy to-morrow. lth aomenhiit lower temp.raturci light to moderate arlble nd. .KV YOltK, Auir !. M11.1II area of depression tnvered the HI. Lawrence Valley nd most of New York and NVw Knkiand yealerday, and the pressure wa liw (iter the plateau and Korky Mountain Hutu. blseuhere lilih pressure nrriiillrd, com posed of centres mer the Northnist, the upper lake rmlonn rtiul a l.iruo Htrm oer the Pnuthwfstern States Hlsh temperatures ronllmisd senerally In Ihe sutea east of the llockv Mountains and mere abnormally hlsh In the Atlnntlc Mates. It waa eool.r In the .Missouri anil unnar Mississippi valley nd tin- Northwest jnd 111 the plateau Htutrs. Shuuers and iliundsrstnrnis orpurre nulte senerally oer northern ptrta of lh ceuntry. at ef the Hotky Mountains. in nil. city the day was fain lontlnued warm, followed hy thunder ahowera; wind, freah northwest; uver-iBe humidity, ef. per t'nt.i barometer, lorreeie,! in ee.,1 m level, at I A M Jji.S!; 5 P Jl 59.91. The temperature In thlt uty )elenl.iy. M recorded by the officlil thermometer, n shown In the annexed table; . "''i u ' id SA.M Ml1 rOirtt t, ta HI 1 ' 14' 61' ll M... . .. W ! b l'. ll' ' ! Ml 3 P. M, ... j ;. iJiiu Hlchett temperature. s at 4 ! M. Lowest temperature, :j at 4JC A II. EUROPEAN MAILS. The H0tla?1l1.Jlt.ierli a 1ln V salllni: TuesJaj- fur ltotterdmn. V 111 taka J-V' c;,n,ln "t 'i A M . for the Nether. Unfla. flermany. Austria. Iluniary, l.uem bur una Turkey Tbe Krenpli liner rt.i..... -- . .I-.. . , . ...... . ....uku. FdiiinE iur, f'.JT. Bordeaux. take mall, c'loslns- SL-.ii. !' .."r rf"""- rtumanlii. HtilrarM. fcT'!' ;"''fl.nd, Han Kpaln. Pnrtnnl. i'fifi' 'Mf""' ,'.r,"'h India British Bl .'.'! tiloraiiar. li.iin, We. ioi'.V.1."'"'"!"', 1u,,h indies. , Autrnili nnd 1'ersin ,i.v f"C'' 'J.iropa, salllnr. We.lnea- s so a r?' J'ke mall, rinsing at A Jl . for Ha v. Hu.rrl. Ilurrsnla, , PwtUerluiiil a,.) i)f,.,; III. Whit.. Ufu.. ,1 . , .. ... dne,d.y fr' ,'jtrVpool ' ; TilS n all hurir TiTefc.. I.uxem d "enniark, li Mu'irnria Serii. Aluruan,vef'rli"ir'"n"l, Alrlia, West Asia und East Indie., MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATL'Iii; ami AI.M WAP Sun rises. ..4..1: Sun ten. 1HOII IVATKII . AM. Sandy H'k..ll tl (im, l. LOW WATKK AM andy H k .1 11 (;, . ,i I'M I'M " II rl- 13 01 tiii Dy AMI 4.M 12 II Hell (iate. 01 THIS lAV. M ni II J8 Hell lute... a It ArrUed-PATl Itl)AV. Jnii st a Tovuhnsht .Maru. ? A July IK M Msud. e A M . l.omlon. M.. Cathanen, An.iM.i., n ' .."r . ... - July H nirKs j.iana. JliliM:0"" M"f,!l N CohK "alhurst. N. B, Si Chesapeake. Flaltlmnre July : AHKIVKD KltdM NEW VOP.K Ss t'tiit.,1 Mat,, a' l-open.iaten Ss Iiuca de;h Abruri at t,. 110a SAll.KO I'OK NKW YOltK Ss Itnehambsau. Irom Ilnriliamt s tt Paul Item Ln erpool Ss Panama. Irom Cmtnhal V aracas frnn San ju.m Ss Haiana. from Havana OUTGOIM! STKAMSHfps. Sail To morrow Maila 01,lfieldGrane.RioJanelro Hamilton. Norfolk ' Alaskan. San Francisco Pall Tuesdni Aurust j Chiraso. Borileaux .. .. 1; ml M Sail tin. j 3 nfi p .y Jfulpv It Ki . 1 ") I' M 3 00 1' M S 0u I'M Nonnlam, iioiii ni.uu .i A M Apache. J(kiilllllle C. ol Monitomeri sav'h . . . rnnwas Anne, Noriolk ; Sail We lnes.j Amuv 1 Adriatic I.ive-pnoi K'lmna Na-'ilcs Mara'-atbt. Ui (iua..i snnta M utii l-ini 11 .1 Muyaro. (ii run '.1 ,Moniti New Orleans Arapaho. 1: ill. -ion Edith sail Krnii. 1-.0 Midisnn. Norlnlk ' I m :- m ' M 1. ! M ' ' A M '.') M ."AM I.'oim If'MAM I. MM l.'f'M I 00 ! M 1.' f'l M 3 I M INCUMl.SU SIKAMMUI'S. Out Today Ls Gaaoin. LacKawaiina J'alioleina Ballord l'laiuna Bone Westminster Lincolnshire sirathairl ban Jsiiuio SI. Louis biraihuy Uijoune Venua LaCna Advatue . llattif Luckenhach Camrrnnia .... ...lloiileaux ji, ...Wauciicaier ....Jua !7 .Mea Jul' li . . . vi,,n .. Manchester HllllI'MlU l.on.lun . Cristobal . ..tialiciton .. lavirpool , J 11 1 r t JUly 11 July 11 Jul) 1? July :j Juljr :i Julr It St Lpuls du Khtine July ij .-Marseilles July 11 ilai re Julr 17 ILlbto Critohil rrilot,a (llaseow Juiy li July :t Julr !t July :i . July :i ..July 17 ..July l July U .July IS July : July : July July si July .1 1 Kspasne , I apn I Nrtherlee Cape Orlegal ... . Horde hit Marseilles Havre Orm . .. Geno'i Ni.att Galieston .1.1. ks-fl 'He flalvesion .. Sn annah c.isnrta 1 Morrot'isi El Paso AP'C.IC sl nl City ol Montsnmery Du Tn morrow. llenrnela American Stnthli'von Prams Melapan. ... Iroquois ... llayamon . .. Anlllles .... Hull Knttcrdam Havie San .til in . July 11 July u July II July :t July 31 Jaln 'to Iinniinru Ju'v ?l ..San .In in July : New Orleans July :i .Mil v U Jl Y tl J.llv 51 Jlllv IS ,t' II July 7 Juit j: July SI line Tilcsiliy. August 3 Frederick VIII ftinilam Urone Wines Ullboiill . . .. Hid Ilo'ter tan La Plillo MTrse.lle. II i i 1 i li'lllC I" SacatM :t'( 1 1 i. I v";". nn ana i,. nr Cn!iimliiis Mohawk IiiciiiiiI ns; A'l'aacli. .l- Wireless. f-s J I) Knckeleller Tunpim mi CO miles snulhwest ol Hiainuud shoal bt noon cstr. day City nf Mni"gnmerv SllHMiii'l. wal Hi miles south nl si di Hook :il nonn Moyn Ci.tlc It i ir wis sn tulles south of s nidi Ho at iiooti s Kl so' fl.diiston i K'1 mile, south ol Saody lloolt at i; P M F.I Albi. i; ilccstou. wis r? miles west ol Toriugis nt ii p M S Ai.n bo Jvl.soiii .He w is c:,' tulles south nf miiiIt Honk nl - P M Nucii t ilal'es'on w i. ii miles north nf Jupiter at ' P M Ss Alunn Mobil'' "as ir. nnles from ll;a ninnd hiul at " I' M s I'l Sislo (lnlvcstou 31S miles east ol iialreioti bir ut il 1 M Ss Antilles New Oj'eaii. was rv. miles north ol Jupilir at nonn Ss Pram Sin Juan w is li.' miles south of s indy Hook at noon Ss Si Lou's .Liicrpool ruroried du ihannel litlitslup r A M In day lir.U, lT.TK I'Olt SALE. FACTORY, scvpiitccn small build. iriKS, wuter power, 100 liorsc power. Deep viiu-r anil mil transportation. 100 acres. Convenient locution. STRATFORD OAKUM CO., Jevfioy Cily, N. J.