Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. FINDS B.R.T. RIVAL i FOR USE OF BRIDGE R. H. Macy & Ca.'g Attractions Are Their Lew Prieu. fONSlLT the Macy Bureau of Home Furnishing and Decoration during the Mid-Summer Furniture Sale. The entire time of an exbert on 1 1 AMATEUR photographers: Good News t Bring your films to Macy's fnr fin nrlnlino ttl Utile, enxt. DeOelottint of films tflithmil rhnrtsi. 'Ot Kracke Gets Offer From Third Avenue Line for Williams burp: Structure. Interior Decoration is placed at your disposal without charge to sate your money and layout what you spend to the greatest artistic advantage. j p- ...... -3 - - 1 a -v - - . ...... o " when we do the printing. Fifth Floor Camera Dept., or Main Floor Camera Counter, if you happen to be in a hurry. Herald Square B'dway, 34th to 35th Sl Summer Business Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays, 8:30 A. M. to 12 Noon. jOI'TEHS HATES ItBI-TSEI) 18 TT TW 7rWJ7 IK v " t m i vft h it V0 ' Ths Tlrftxl Avenue Railway Company ent to HrhlKe Commissioner Krneke yesterday a formal offer to operate through nnd local service- ucros the nvilllnmsburg HrldKC This company ould allow the city the same share of profits which Mr. Kntcke demanded of tho Brooklyn Kapld Transit company and which the R. It. T. has refused tu roncedo. In the ofTer of the Third Avenue com pany the BrldKO Commissioner sees a chance of ctidlns the controversy and of obtaining for the city what he deems a fair proportion of the revenue. Ho aid recently that tho It. H. T. and the New York Hallway Company, which tofiether form tho brldfic operating com pany, capitalized at $100,000, were net ting J100.000 a year from their lease of tho bridge tracks owned by the city and that tho J 10,000 yearly which they paid the city was far too little. Tho Third Avcnuo company agrewi to allow the city substantially all of the profits of the local line, retaining only enough to cover tlu operating cost and JO per cent, of the profits. Tho city would have unrestricted control of the bridge tracks, tho company not ask ing for exclusive control. The present toll of 6 cents a car would be continued. tThe toll money would not be rebated gainst the company's franchise tax ac count but would be retained by the city. Commissioner Kracke saUl yestorday: "Col. Timothy 8. Williams president ( the B. It. T.J was quoted In the news papers tho other day as follows: 'If, However, the Commissioner Kracke In sists upon exacting more onerous terms, or if ho wishes to divide the short haul from the long haul business and givo to political friends or others the short haul butlncKs, leaving us tho unprotltable Jong haul business This state ment of the Colonel's rather amused me tX the time. "Tito Colonel's solicitude over my giv ing a public contract to political friends is rather a reflection upon his good Judgment than anything otherwise worthy of consideration. I am making public to-day a formal proposal which I liad definitely, though orally, before me at the time I mentioned to the 13. It. T. negotiators that there was another pro posal for tho Williamsburg Urldgo op eration before this department. It will, perhaps, ease the Colonel's mind to And that this proposal Is not from a political friend of mine, but from Kdward A. Pilaher, vice-president and general man ager of the Third Avenue Hallway Com pany, who has wide experience and ranks In the railroad world with the re doubtable Colonel himself." ( WANDERING HORSEHAIRS. (Two Inatanrrs of Thrlr Peregrina tions In the Unman System. The Mctlical Record prints the follow ing translation from the Munich Medi cal Weekly of the wanderings of ,two tiorsehalrs: "Cluhrauer relates briefly two obser vations. Three years ago the author's father summoned him and polntea out to him on the sole of the left foot a mall lntl.ited point the size of a pin head. lSeneath It one saw a small, dark splinter. The author, by means of a needle, freed the object, which firoved to be a hortrhalr 20 centimeters ong. Tho removel was painless and bloodless. No wound was loft' behind. fTho hair was evidently from a hair mat tress. "The second case occurred In the author himself. After a bath, as he Nuts putting on his right stocking, he aw above the flexor tendon of the arrest toe and projecting for four or five centimeters a horsehair. This was pain lessly removed and measured 20 centi meters In length. The wound closed at once. Tim author has no Idea as to bow or when the hair entered the foot." KEW JEWISH CONGREGATION. first Service to lie Held on Sep- i Irmber 8. A new liberal Jewish congregation, to be known as the New Synagogue, Is being formed on the West Side In the JJro'adway-Wcst End uvenue section, and will hold Its first service probably on the eve ot toe Jewish New Year, September 8. Ilabbl Kphralm Frlsche, now of Tem ple Iurael, Far Ilockaway, will be In charge, and Clarence Adlcr win be or ganist The temporary officers aro Morris II. Rothschild, chairman; Jer ome Wile, treasurer, and J, L. Frankol, ecretary. Some of the members will be Victor David Brenner, the sculptor: Morris D. TValdman, director of the United Hebrew Charities; Dr. Marcus A. Roths Child and others. I 6TJED ON ALTAR CONTRACT. Martin Malnury Is Made Defendant By Sculptors. Martin Maloney, the Standard Oil man who was created a papal marquis for his many Roman Catholic benefac tions, was sued In the Supreme Court yesterday for $3,000 under un alleged contract by which ho was to provide an altar for the Church of the Nativity of Our Lord at Scranton, Ia costing $12, 000. Tho suit Is brought by Dennis II, and Edith C. Mcllrlde, Bculptorw, who allege that they wero retained to do the work and that tho Rev, Father 3. J. Loughran, pahtor of tho church, was to sign the contract, but that when they were ready to proceed, Mr. Maloney refused to permit them to do bo. They sue for tho amount of their profits on the work. LUBAN HELD IN $2,500. Eiamlnntlnns uf rlrrd ftnmblliiic llonne Keeper Set for Friday. Jacob Luban, Louis Dlenstag and Benjamin Friedman, who were arrested In a raid by Lieut, Costlgan of Special tJqund 2 from Headquarters on Friday afternoon, wero held yesterday In $2,500 bait each by Magistral!) Murphy In the Jefferson Market court for examination on Friday next at 2 o'clock, They are charged with bo ng common gamblers. The raid was made at 3.15 o'clock on Friday afternoon at 174 Sixth avcnuo. It Is reported that Luban had boasted of protection from tho District At torney offlco and ald that tho police were afraid to raid It's place. Jumbo I.iihaler lit Montclalr. Moktclair, N. J., July 31. In a con slgnment of lobsters received to-day by Thomia Q. Lawrence of 347 Bloomfleld PRICE decides, when you come down to facts. Do you does any one else want to pay more for furniture when you can get it for less? t People take it for granted nowadays that a good store carries furniture worthy of its reputation. Other great stores besides Macy's may justly claim high quality and fine, extensive stocks. ' The point is that Macy's has all these advantages and another advantage, besides, that no other store can claim. Bedroom Fomitare , An air of restful dignity should be characteristic of the design of fur niture for the bedchamber. The symmetry and grace of these pieces con tribute to achieve that effect of harmonious repose. Their beauty will be as great a surprise as these matchlessly low prices: Suites in Mahogany and Circassian Walnut in Mahogany Macy's Uiual Mld-Summtt Ptttt Would Be Salt Pile Bed, 4 ft. 6 in. and 3 ft. 3 in. size, Dresser, Chiffonier, Toilet Table, 530.25 554.25 S40.50 533.75 $25.75 $35.75 $26.75 $22.49 White Enamel Suites Macy's Usual M Id-Summer Ptttt Would Bt Salt Ptttt Bureau, S30.50 Chiffonier, S30.50 Bedstead, full size, 528.25 Dressing Table, 520.24 $21.89 $21.89 $20.24 $14.34 Dressers, Chiffoniers and Princess Dressers, in mahogany, tuna ma hogany, bird's-eye maple, walnut and golden oak": design of each matches others, special at $14.89. Toilet Tables to match, in same finish, special at $9.74. While Enamel Dressers, large size, French plate mirror, three large drawers, special at $11.24. Dressers, in mahoganv and bird's eye maple, with large "French plate Mr)'l Furniture Crettomnmes from EumropeAt l3 to lA Import Prices 10,000 yards of fine 31- and 50-inch English and French Cretonnes juai sccuicu aim suiu at remarKaDie 31-inch French nnH Fnnlkli Cretonnes: 42 effective shadow print, verdure, French floral stripe and all-over floral patterns. If Now 16c and 22c per yard 50 inch English Cretonnes in decorative Bright and Subdued Color ings. Floral or Jacobean patterns. If l-ought rep ularly viculd sell for f 1.12 to M9. Now 59c and 74c per yard Micjr'i Fourth floor. Heat-ProoiF Table Pads Macy's guaranteed Heat-and-Moisture-proof Table Pads insure full protection to the polish and grain of your table. Round Mats Leaves 89c each 42 inch 2.97 48 inch 3.49 12 x 42 inches 12 x 48 inches 45 inch 2.97 54 inch 3.96 i 12x45 inches 12x54 inches 60 inch 4.89 12 x 60 inches Special size pads made to order at short notice in any size or shape. Miicy'f I.lnen llrpt., Second Floor. Fime Framed! Pictares amidl Miirrors at l3 Less Mirrors, Water-Colors, Pastels, Plain and Colored Etchings, Plati nums and Artotypes framed in bright and antique finish gilt, or fine wood frames. Itegularly. 51.39 52.97 8,?,,c I rtrpilarly Sal Price. 89c 5.3.49 $2.39 $1.98 I 54.49 $2.97 lcj'-I'onrth Floor. Electric Art Lamps at Macy Half Prices A special factory purchase from one of the foremost makers in the country enables us to offer a dozen styles o metal lamps with metal overlay shades at precisely HALF the prices Macy's usually asks. Eleven prices regularly 513.37 to 539.50 at this sale. $6.68 to $19.69 Electric Floor Lamps at $10.49 t.Vin.ll,, .l. .-II ... .J ..I I " . .... . ' ,nfpn uuiininiu t Made of solid mahogany, standard height, with fluted columns; two lights, null chain k-kvK rr,r, I un, ,,lii f.,r taching. An attractive silk shade, 23 Same lamp, complete with 22-inch cretonne shade and 4-inch fringe, $8,89. llar-la in 11 llfjit,, IMictiicnt, Ilroadtmy. In Circassian Walnut Macy's Usual Mld-Summtt Ptttt Would Bt Salt Pitt Bed, 4 ft. 6 in. and 3 ft. 3 in. size, J41.25 $27.50 Dresser, 557.75 $38.50 Chiffonier, 542.75 $28.50 Toilet Table, 536.25 $23.89 Ivory Enamel Suites Macg's Usual Mld-Summtt Ptttt Would Bt Salt Ptttt Bedstead, 556.25 Bureau with ivory or primavera top, S64.25 Chiffonier with ivorv $40.25 $46.25 $42.50 or primavera top 559.25 mirrors and small top drawers; also two large and two medium-sized drawers. Macy's usual price would be 524.21, special at $19.89. Princess Dressers, to match, in mahogany and bird's-eve maple. Macy s usual price would" be 524.24, special at $19.89. Chiffoniers, to match dressers and Princess dressers, in mahogany and bird's-eye maple. Macy's usual price would be 522.49, special at $18.74. Solid Mahogany Four-Post Bedsteads, Special at $16.49. As pictured, guaranteed to be made of solid Honduras mahogany, with turned posts of one solid piece instead of two or three parts of mahogany glued to gether, and then turned by machinery. Sanitary steel lock rails which stay firm and rigid. Sizes 4 ft, 6 in., 4 ft. and 3 ft. No value like this in the city. Dept., Slttli Floor. reductions. boueht rceularlv these would sell for 24c to 39c the yard. We have had some in stock ourselves not so long ago at 34c. Rulrl)r. 55.94 57.49 Sill Frlc. $3.96 $4.96 (It ulivrv llfl tU,UU VtllUCf inches in diameter, in several colors; trimmed top and bottom with antique gold braid. Dimog Room Fmiraiitore A splendid illustration of what "Macy Price-Supremacy" means to people of moderate means the fine, beautiful things, that are so costly elsewhere, at less than what you would usually pay for ordinary furniture. You won't see values like these anywhere else in the City. Queen Anne Period Suite, Ten Pieces, at $273.19 In genuine American walnut, as pictured, including: Buffet, 60 in. long. 26 in. deep, one large and two small drawers, two closets and three sections of mirrors. China Closet. 43 in. wide. 58 in. high. Adam Suite in Mahogany, Ten Pieces, at $127.00 A graceful design in veneered Mahogany with a rich brown finish, including: Buffet, 54 in. long. 23 in. deep, with French plate mirror 50 in. long and 10 in. high. Dining Chairs, combination birch and mahogany, with slip seats in brown or blue Spanish leather. Golden and Fumed Oak In Golden Oak 6 ft. extension, 45 inch plank top. at $18.24 and $19.89 6 ft. extension, 48 inch plank top. at $24.74 and $27.25 .Mcj'i Kumltureinrpt., Rltth Floor. Beds amid Eeddieg at Cash Saviirag Mattresses Sift Flo" Mattress, blue or pink flowered ticking, finely stitched and tufted: soft, fluffv and sani tary; can be had in all sizes at this price. Specially priced for this sale, $9.74. Macv's usual price for this mattress was 512.74. Black Mixed Hair Mattress, finely stitched and tufted, and covered in a good grade of A. C. A. ticking. For the full size, special price, $11.24; smaller sizes pro portionately less. Cotton Mattress, finelv stitched and tufted, blue and wfiite striped ticking, in all sizes at the same price. Special at $4.49. Beds and Cribs Brass Bed, with two inch posts, with 5 half inch filling rods in head and foot, with large caps. Finished in guaranteed lacquer, in either satin or bright finish, and well constructed. Speciallv priced. $5.89. Brass $15.49, $21.24, $26.75, $32.25, $53.25. Beds, $16.24, $22.24, $28.25, $33.75, $13.67, $18.89, $23.89, $28:50, $46.25, $14.24, $19.67, $24.49, $29.50, $49.25, Brass Cribs: $15.89, $17.89, $22.49, $26.75, $36.50. Brass Bed, as illustrated, with two inch posts, large husks and 5 one-inch filling rods, with large T bal ends, finished in guaranteed lacquer in either satin or bright finish; can be had in all sizes. Specially priced for this sale at $11.89. Mar)'. furniture August Linen Sale I TBi?JL. . Out-of-town patrons and Full Particular Attractions. visit to this event. Evening; Pnpert. ! Srnnd Floor, Itrnr. ' I T'S the absolute, basis can possibly secure. With no heavy burden of "charge accounts" or with no need to reckon the cost of oredit with CASH resources always ready to swing the biggest deal Macy's can and DOES undersell all other stores in the City. See what others have then compare it with Macy's. Every offering described or shown here is a definite proof of price-supremacy. Round Extension Table, 8 ft. ex tension, 48 in. in diameter. Scrting Table, 36 in. long, 19 in. deep. Six Chairs, with slip seats in fig ured tapestry. Serving Table, 38 in. long, 19 in. deep. Extension Table, round top, 5 legs, diameter 4S in.. 6 ft. extension. China Closet, 44 in. wide, 65 in. high. Dining Tables at Less In Fumed Oak 6 ft. extension, 45 in. top, at $18.74 and $24.24 6 ft. extension,! IS in. top, at $20.24 Prices Pillows ' Feather Pillow, sateen ticking, pretty pattern, filled with goose and duck feathers. Size 22 x 2S inches. Special at $1.34. Springs Rabbit Edge Box Spring, all regulation size. best grade of tem pered steel springs and covered in a good grade cf A. C. A. ticking. Special at $8.74. Shdf Box Spring, in all regula tion sizes to fit either metal or wood bed: tempered steel springs, and covered in good qualitv A. C. A. ticking. Special at $7.89. Couches Genuine Spanish Leather Couch the frame is of golden oak, finely finished, and covered in a genuine brown Spanish leather, upholstered with the best grade of tempered steel springs. Specially priced, $22.49. Tapestry Box Couch, cedar lined, open construction, covered in a fine grade of flowered tapestry, with best grade tempered steel springs. Special at $21.74. White Enamel Beds: $3.24, $4.24, $4.89, $5.24, $5.67, $5.89, $6.34, $7.34, $8.24, $9.49, $9.89, $10.49, $11.89, $12.67. White Enamel Cribs: $4.49, $5.24, $5.67, $6.49, $7.74, $8.74, $9.89, $13.34. Drpt., Sltth Floor. rrrn i ii n i i i m IIep final advantage of price that only Living-Room Furniture Comfort, elegance, graceful strength and a certain atmosphere ot Home these and the Prices combine to make the offerings listed most attractive. The hundreds of other pieces in the store are equally beyond competition, as comparison' will prove. CASH is the power behind these values. Arm-Chairs and Rocker Fine, massive pieces, in fumed or Jacobean oak and mahogany finish. Rockers Arm-Chairs Maty's Usual Mld-Summtt Ptttt Would Bt Salt, Ptttt Mahogany finish 56.34 $5.24; Golden oak 57.89 $6.67; Jacobean oak 523.67 $19.67; Antique mahogany 519.24 $15.89; Fumed oak $16.24 $13.49; Duofold Davenette Beds Tapestry, brown Spanish leather or leatherette upholstery. In Fumed Oak In Golden Oak MacrS tUual 1'rlco Would He 540.25 S20.67 S22.24 523.74 Macv'i t'nual Trice Would He 520.67 522.24 523.24 526.25 Mid-Summer halo Trice $35.75 $18.34 $19.74 $21.24 Leather Arm-Chairs and Rockers r72??;i Leather Armchair Leather Arm-Chair "t 'M back ancl P'"ow seat upholstered in gen uine red or brown morocco. Rockers tc match. Chairs and at $37.50. Dacenporls to match. 60 in. long, also upholstered in red or brown morocco; special ai Macr'a-Fiirnltnre !id-Siuimmeir Rug Sale A general reduction of 10 to any store in New York. Quality Wilton Rugs Every rug guaranteed perfect. Beauty and service are features of Wilton rugs, and to these add the merit of exceptionallv low prices. For living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms. French Weave Wiltons In Chinese and Persian designs. Macu's Mark-down Pritt teas Ptttt 27 in. x 54 in., 36 in. x 63 in., 4 ft.6 in..7 ft.6 in., 6 ft. x 9 ft., 8 ft.3 in.xio ft.6 in. 9 ft. x 12 ft., 55.74 $4.89 SS.64 $6.89 518.48 $14.24 532.75 $25.75 548.25 $38.50 .553.25 $39.50 Durable Wool Wiltons In combinations of brown, tan, green, ecru, rose and ivory. Maty's Matk-doum Price ll'aj Ptttt 27 in. X 54 in. S3.48 $2.48 4ft.oin.x7ft.oin. 511.74 $9.74 8ft.3in.xl0ft.6in. S29.75 $24.74 9 ft. X 12 ft. 532.50 $26.50 Worsted Royal Wiltons In Medallion, Oriental and small all-over eifects some with fringe. 27 in. x 54 in., 54.14 $3.48 36 in. x 63 in., 50.48 $5.48 4 ft.6 in..7 ft.6 in., 514.21 $11.24 5 ft.3 in.XlO ft.6 in., 536.50 $28.50 9 ft. X 12 ft.. 53S.50 $31.25 .Mnry't Rich Oriental Rungs You will take an esthetic delight in the inspection of these rugs and j far Rreater, permanent deliRht 111 their possession. Beauty only possible to the L.istc " weavers art and prices only possible to a store with ready cash. Spot cash secured these wonderful pieces before the prices ad vanced, so we can say with assurance that otherstores can't equal our values. Nor can their beauty be duplicated. The Chinese Rugs especial! are noteworthy for elegance .They are deep-piled, silky beauties, most I with a ground of marvelous blues, ranging from a faint azure shade t the dark-, vibrant hue of midnight. The designs reproduce fnmou 16th. 17th and 18th Century antiques, and shades of gold and tan pre dominate. ' Oriental Runners for Hall and Stairs at $26.75 A new collection, not shown be fore. Lengths 9, 10, 11 and 12 ft. Mai 'a a business on a wholly CASH "instalment plans" to bear Maty's Usual Mld-Summtt Ptttt Would Bt Salt Ptttt to match to match to match to match to match 56.34 $5.24 S7.89 $6.67 523.67 $19.67 519.24 $15.89 S16.24 $13.49 In Mahogany Finish Mtd-Summrr Sale Price $18.34 $19.74 $20.49 $23.24 Macy t'aial Trice Would He S42.50 522.24 523.24 526.25 Mld-Siimmi-r Hale Price $37.75 $19.74 $20.49 $23.24 as pictured. With oos; as pictured, with loos? Rockers, special Iept sixth Floor, 11 Ct- C- Values unapproached in Seamless Axminsters One size only, in Persian designs and two-tone centres with Persian borders. Colors Red, rose, brown, green and ecru. Made for ser uc and priced for speediest disposal. Limited quantities. 9x12 ft. Special at $19.89. Maty's usual ptttt 326.25 Wool Velvet Carpets For hall-ways and stairs: equal in appearance to the higher-priced carpets from which the designs ot these were copied. Strictly all wml face yarn, insuring good sen ice. Value exceptional: very low price. Macy's price 84c per yard. Elstuhttt 90c and 95c yatd. Imported Inlaid Linoleums Purchased from famous Scotch and English mills. Hard, firm body; smooth glazed surface; su perior in appearance and wear t domestic linoleums vet even lower in price. Geometrical and ti'e patterns rolls two yards in width. 1st Grade: $1.48 per Sq. Yd. 2nd Grade: $1.29 per Sq. 'id. 3d Grade: $1.04 ivr So. Yd. Fourth floor New Moussoul Rugs at $14.48 Average size 3x4 ft. Priced far less than "exclusive" shop would charge. fourth Floer. ) . 1 1 HI i p p k .'3 a Si ? $ '3, i3' ii t HI I f t- j a .: 'i f v a "weignoa twenty-