Rpncli Cops nnd Life Savers
Dodire Rpsponsiblii.v for
Knforeimr Kdict.
Zomi Already in Midst, of Ac
tivities Canoe Rpjrnttn
on Deal Lnko.
AfBCRT Park, X. J., July 31. The
einoe re-gatta for New Jersey Rtnte
rhatnplonshlps w-a brought to a closo
this evening with a celebration on Deal
jjike. This was the chief entertainment
feature In the week' carnival pro
gramme. Announcement liy the carni
val commission that more than 101 en
tries hive already been received for the
sllier Jubilee parade which will take
pl.ire Auitut assures the greatest
number ever In line. Never before ha
thin number been equalled In July. As
bury Park's rummer visitor were also
much Interested In tho further announce
ment by the commission that It hail
made Us "rat selection of a momber
of the queen's court for this year's
carnival. She Is Mls Itlanche Veronica
Hois, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Tines of Wanamass.i, nnd sho will be
one of the maid of honor to tho queen.
MIm Itos Is 20 years old. an enthusl
untie horseback rider umt a graduato of
Notre. Dame, Lowell, Mas.
A conservative estimate of the number
of persons participating In tue dances
Jn Asbury Tark this evening places It
st 10,000. Instead of nbitlng the dance
crsza seems to be on the Increase here.
The experiment of allowing dancing In
conjunction with the Pryor band con
certs at the Arcade pier, which was tried
out Friday evening, proved so successful
that It will be u. featuro for the rest
ef the season. Six hundred and fourteen
eounles nartlcltiatcd the nDenlmt nlcht. I
Arthur Pryor Is organlrlng a chorus
ef shout "5 young women nnd men so - i
Jjurnlng here preparatory to having them )
present sons revues built around popular '
comic opera successes, with tho possl-
Willy of one of the old Gilbert and
Snlllvnn favorites n n erin,t Mnaln In
6ptember. I
ThTNew Jersey State Association of I
aster Talnters nd Decorators held
Ifa al I K annual unni'ihilnn n
Hotel Brunswick Wednesday, Thursday
nd Friday. The annual ball Rame of
h ..uilon n-a. nl..vo.i Th,.,v.l
sno rrioay. ne annual nan frame or
the association w-as played Thursday
Th !'r' ci.n ,..
j no rrocresslve state executive com-
in , M.iii. ii..i
-i.. ... , ... 1
mis aiternoon and listened to an ad-1
y.,.0,f- "Jl-. .l..1: ."riKnapp. J. F. I.uckley.
held their dinner at the hotel thla eve
lrujr, eovers belnu laid for 100.
Finals In the tennis tournament on
tho courts of the Metropolitan wore
played to-day.
Members and cuests of the National
Surety Company of New York to the
r.umber ef 320 were entertained at tho
Hotel riazx this week.
Followers of Izaak Walton have had
the best MKirt of the season this week
t the Ashing pier. Wcaktlsh have ben
runnlnK and boys with hand lines have .
t'An Hu I1i--fll1 na tllA n.ltli !
elaborate outfits.
A children's dance was held at the
New Monterey Hotel Wednesday eve
ning Pwrctary of State Thomas Mar
tip ind Mrs. Marfln with their family
re spcnillnR tho summer at the New
Wednesday evenlnc the second In the
erles of thrte dances to celebrate tho
twenty-ilfth anniversary of M, II. Frost
t tho Lafayctto Hotel was Riven. A
lucky number contest, with Jubilee sliver
prizes, made the event doubly Interest
Inf. .Mrs. Amy A, Wnrlnn of Taterson, a
seifon sojourner at the Coleman House,
C'iebuted the clchty-thlrd anniversary
of her Mrth on Tuesday. In honor of
the event her nice. Miss Fanny Ilorden,
rranged a dinner for her. Anions the
ruests were Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Borden,
Mr and Mrs. J Nandlne. Mrs. Charles
T Wood. Mln Jessie Wood, Mrs. Henry
Jlledendorf, Mlwi Helen Mledendorf. Mrs.
. II. lieynolds. Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Stevens. Mr nnd Mrs. C. C. McCoy, Mr.
nd Mr, ritorRO Schlos5er und Mrs. P.
A. TMIcy
The. I, in .'at the Albion Tuesday nlffht
as the most succesful entertainment
future at this houe so far this ncuson.
Wre than fifty couples participated.
A dance was Riven this cvenliiR at the
luyd. On August 20 a charity ball will
for ,ho benefit of homeless
Ani'ine the week's arrivals from New
Tork were
unroiMiiitan Mr, and Mrs. James
J.lyfe. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. KVii-hnm .
ft. Carstern. A. L. Owen. Frank s.
-ire. .M ,,nd Mrs. H. Fiinkel, Mr, and1 Norwood Hull Dr. W. 11. Mend. Fred-1 formed Friday ownlim iKuicIiik class at
Jr H IlobcrtHun, Mr. und .Mrs. F. D. crick HodRraf. Frnnk Johnson, Mrs. j the HatliliiR and TcnniH Club urn Mrs.
'll, .Miss L. K, Jenkins, Miss Marjorle 1 V. D. Van WiiRner and Miss Loulso.J. II. Hewitt. Dr. J.nncs Clemens, Mr.
in"' a- K- (Jreen, II. W. Ucndcl, Van WnRiier. and Mrs. C. A. Wurrell, Mr. and Mis.
Hastedo, Mrs. F. W Chamberluln WellliiRton AurusI WcrschliiRer, Miss Frank It. Wathon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
liruns-Aick Jlrs. S. Thomas, II. K. INclson. fialliiRher, Miss Keatrlco Heard, Miss
TrlOmaK Mr n.i.l M,. T Ti.m v t PlnrlilnwMm II. M. ritinpnn. TUn i Kmtu.l Mnrklll. MiK Ann .Inlioc.n .,.l
r."' " Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs.
' h Itanccr. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Hu
Artaur V. Hareatt, Mr. nnd Mrs.
1 Itander.
Colemin House Mrs. 1. L. Hill. Miss
II II. Mr. and Mrs. N. Travers, Frank
.. ,Tr;,Ncrs. Herbert Kracuer, Clifford
lorl. A. Noel. John I'. Mason, Mr.
nu M,s Walter Hollenbeck, (Jenrgo M.
'ren, Mr and Mrs. .1. D. Cray and
Mr and Mrs J. I Sallon.
New Monterey Kurciio J. McCarthy,
-Mi an ,tr,. c. M. Anderson, Mrs.
JO'c; .1 I' Mcilovern, Miss Jessie Mctlov-
. . ,,' .i, i.iiu. j. u.
Jnk' V.o, .'."y Sl-'Ouycrn. Dr. W. St.
ri am V. r' nrm Mr"' ht' Jhn
.,. r! ' .Mr ani1 M"' J' McAf-
"tV Dr 4 tf ntl,.1n 4T II
j. " 1..., ii.
. -xr 11111I .Mrs. V. A. Cole, Mr.
fil Mrs. II. Streby and .Mrs. J, Klein-
I'laz.,-.! c. Lacey. K. H. nrcnnlfcor,
and Mis, It, It, McKenny, Mr. and
41 1'r.uiK Lawrence, Mrs. Kdwnrd Cra-n-r,
. m rr j( aoff(.i J ,)aj,( Mr
nn Mrs c it DooiiniT. Allen Schroeder,
Mr and Mrs. Juan l'cret.
Columbia Mrs. K. Htadler. Mrs. II. T.
JlfcrlnR. Dr. and Mrs. J, T. Asch, Mr.
nd Mrs. H, ninnliiR, Jr., II. H. Downes,
Wlss Helen Hoberts, Leo A, Aimew, Mrs.
O. fllbson, (Jeorge U Merrick, Mrs.
J! J I'sffan, Miss II. McCarthy, L. n.
"tCrtrihy nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. Iturk
hardt. Monmouth Mr. nnd Mrs. M. P, Acker,
JUrtln U. Hnrwltz. Miss Illancho Flnley,
K, Donnelly, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M.
Inlmer and Miss I'almer.
Hrlatol Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoff
fnni. Miss Hannah A. Talmcr. Dr. B.
Hanson, Jr.. Mrs. '. M. Htraub, J. W.
Jritz, Wllllahi K. Emmoni nnd Mr. and
William U fichock.
T...-,irord Arthur Pettlt, Miss nuth
Jr.e, Mis, nello Klmmey, T. II, Weir,
. Colhurn. Mr. and Mrs. II. Winter,
A Smith. Dr. and Mrs. II, Huntlns
Jn, 13, Youiik, J, I". Muller, Mr. and
fin. O, Pomlnvllle. Miss Oertrude Pom
lnv!e, 0, O. Hoesen und W. D. Whedetl.
Marlhorough L. C. Haggert, I, H.
'"ert, B. Adanu, j, b. Wbeatenuin,
. (II 4 kii.ii. ii irca ,iim i ' . ' , v
Miss Florence S. Whestcnian, Stanley
H. CIroome. Mrs. Walter Jones, Mls.i
- Knes 11. Morrison.
Wlnthro William It. Schoen. Mrs.
Navle. Miss Irmu Hrummer. Mr.
nn'' Mr. M- M" tt'l family. A. I.. 1
Morrel. Mr. and Mrs. L. Well, Louis,
?!ur' 1wVaV,0l?.,,"!,l' "'l-.5,.'?-1
S - Shalleck, M. Stotilcross. C. Elliot.
Sunset Hall II. C. Lyons, Miss M
Allen I-apldu-, II. I'. Wallach. Miss
lllln" Den"hy. Hobert L. Lu.lor, Henry
Voucher. Maur cu i-ouch.-t
iJifayetto Miss M. H. HaRan. frs.
, .. -..i V. .. ..
L tu, ?,"a Sr.
' A. F. O Toole. Mr. (Sustavc A. Mill
, r.. .. .i M ... i.. ....i- - r t.
' Mr- nnd Mrs. . 1- Spies, K J. Hi
i-'i, iiimi .irs. i . r iin's, r.. j. jturiic,
vv,,.i ati. iri.. t- i.-. n I
VlrirlnlaMlM II A IVwl.1. Mr.
Charles Iljdcr. Miss Mildred Itydcr. 1
Miss Blanche Veronica Ross,
First maid of the Asbury
Park carnival.
Mluu M Clint. n .l lllu. Til. I.'mipa.
O. It. Whlluker. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvah
- " - -
Irma H. Duncan nnd Dr. t Allen.
Colonial Mrs. L. J. Nyth, Mrs. J. A.
Dlnsey, It. L. Ilrownflcld nnd John It.
Shoppnrd. ,
IteRlnn JIIss K. Tliompson nnd Mrs.
L. Thomiison.
Surf House Mr. and Mrs. L. Hovnye,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
('. Ilennrtt. Miss Florence Ilennett, Mrs.
c K.Wilson.
Herwln Miss M flrant, Miss M. Kdna
Boyle, Mrs. P. A. Hoylo anil Miss Kath -
crlno Hall.
Manhattan A. M Suismlth. John J.
j ' J,
S i
Uray, Mr. and Mrs. P. HelniHley, MIsi.D. Stark, JeniKo P llurch, Dr. L. M.
,Althea Htewnrd, Miss Ruth Hitchcock.
Fenlmoro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph John
son, Miss Johnson, Miss Sarah John
Albion Mr. and Mrs. M.
A. JudRe
nnd V.. KliiRsinau.
Lakk Hopatconu, N. J., July 31, The
Ilreslln Hotel and park was In Rala
lust nlRht for the Rrund ball.
Mr, und Mrs. James Henderson of New
York Rave another one of their enjoyable
social events nn Wednesday, which was a
Rolf dinner to twenty-llvo friends from
Hernardsvllle, who composed threo tally
ho parties.
Miss Lillian LIvlnRston of Hrwilrtyn
Is nckiiowledRcil us the prettiest Rlrl who
has visited IloputoonK this summer.
Mr, and Mrs, James TalmaRo of New
Tork, who have a house full of friends,
Bftvo a Japaneso dinner on Wolnesday
nlRht, at which there were twenty-live
Riiests presont who camo 1 from Mount
Tabor and Kchooley's Mountain.
One of tho moat InterestliiR functions
of tho season was the hnrveit dance nt
Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Carpenter's country
home, Tho decorations consisted of
Jack-o-lunterns, cornstalks, baled hay,
farm Implements ami ltd peppct.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ilucli.innn of New
York returned hero from Paris early In
tho week. They have Issuod Invitations
for a dance and dinner for next Thurs
day evening for Mr, and Mra. Samuel
Thorns of Berlin.
The boardwalk and beach front at Asbury Park,
Xntoil C3lintC n Revival of
fair in Honor of Governor
and -Mrs. Fielder.
.-IT.IMi l.Ahc. J . Juiy ji. ...i,
nt tl resort has Just enjoyed the bus -
day will start anotlur tound of enter
talntmnts of oery putsiblu kind. Tho
next ewnt of Imiirtance will bo the
second annual costumo ball, which will
be held at the New I2kmj and Sussex
next Friday cvenlnR. It will be an invita
tion affair, and If precedent Is followed
one of too ri eaten cicnta of the
!cusu!i on the north coast.
The revival of the famous old tlov-
crnor; ball, which was Riven iinnually 1
for many yeais at the Now Monmouth, , Mrs, Itonald Harlow, thu Eastern chain
was rov.ved Ian iieniliR in lioimr of , ,,(m. and Mrs. Clarence II. Vandetbeck.
t!ov nnd Mis. James F. Fiolder. AmoiiR t,c runner up In tho Uistern catnea,
tho Invite 1 Riiests wcio Secretary of cre two of the tilayers. Othem who
War and Mis. I.lndley M. inirriMti, Su- . played were Mrs. ltrinton Thomas. Mrs.
preme Court Just ce and Mrs. Swayze, (t. Herman Vetterleln. Mrs. Fred L.
tltn Wilbur F. Sadler. Mr. nnd Mrs. I HardliiR. Mrs. William N. Weaver. Miss
Frederick A. DuRRan, Ir. and Mrs. For- Marie .Starr. Mrs. A. l'ayson Knapp and
rest F. Dryden. .Mr. and Mrs. .Mortimer j .Mrs. Howard I.'. IVpper.
I SehllT, .Mr. und Mrs. Howard S. Ilorden, 1 Miss Anne Steele of Tlaltlmnre, n
Major-tlin. und Mrs. Dennlii F. Collins. RranddaURhter of the Southern poet Col.
Col. and Mrs. Henry F. May. Hen. and I William M. IVRram of Ilaltlmore, Is
Mr, nird w. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. I MayitiR nt the Haltlmora Inn. Her en
Charles U Taylor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nicholas I KaRement was recently announced to
, Ilrady. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. ..i-.A. Ferry Oshorn. son of I'rof. Henry
brlskle. Justlco and Mrs. Victor J. Dow-!
Iiiir, Mr. and Mts. Karl (!. Uoebl.tiR, .Mr.
and Mrs. J. Amory Hiuskell und Secre
tary and Mrs. Joseph l. Tumulty.
For the benefit of tho Antl-Vlvlcec-tlon
Society of New York Miss Francis
Campion Is ni.ikltiR urranRcmcnts for a
fair to be held on hrr efclute here on
Aurum 10. Miss C.unpion will bo as
sisted by Mrs. Diana Valalrs of New
York, prinldent of tho American Antl
Vivisection Society, anil Mrs. Jasper
Lynch, v.ce.pioMdent of the focicty of
thl State.
Th annual tlowor show to bo held at
the New l-fx and Sussex 1111 S.itnnl.iy.
AiiRiist II, in another eient of ocUl
On Monday Ihn Junior tennis timrna
liieut will b.'Rln at the HathlnR .mil Ten
nis Club Mrs. L. W. tilnwr, wIiomi mhi.
John Clover, won the tniiriiiiment la"t
eur fur tho secnml consecullMi time
which Rave blm possession of the cup,
will offer another fur this year's event
aiiiiiiik the ineinli'H nf tho newly
Mlsa lather Johnson.
" . w
Arrivals from New York at the hotela
I this week Include:
j New ICssex nnd Sussex W. It. Hees,
Frank fiould, Mrs. Harold Townsend,
I.Mrs. It. O, Fox, Jr., Mrs. Chnrles Fallo,
Miss Jane It. Fade, Mlfcs Anno F. Crane,
I Kenneth r. Fallo, Dr. F. M. Stephens,
1 H. II. IIIrriiis, Mr. and Mia. Charles II.
Werner, Harold TowiiM'iul.
New Monmouth Mr. ami Mrs. .1. M.
1 Peiulna, JIIss MarRaret Cnnnqr. O, Plel,
I Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T N. James, Miss
1 Mildred K. James, Mrs. J. HorRan. A.
Moody, Mis. A. S, I'.lchmond, Miss
Oladys Kerry, Dr, nnd Mrs. D. 11.
Webster. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith.
Allaire Mrs. It. (5. Smith, Q. Jones,
tho Misses Jones, W, F. Kropff, John
Duvenpoit, Tliomus F. KentlnR, Miss
Katherlno O, Oatcs, Mlsi Hllu Nlcliol
koii. Mrs. T. F. KealliiR, Italpli KcutltiR,
UeoiRrt W. Draper.
Shoreham Miss Itnsa Franklin,
Charles De Witt, Miss llrcnnan, Clin'ord
Hoberts, Miss TiirIIs.
New Hre.tliers Mr. and Mrn. J. O.
KliiK. II. Ilaydcn Sands, Otto KochIr,
T. II. tliisn'tt. ll. J. Present t, John W.
Dunn und K, M, Carter,
AU.KNHtin.fiT, N. J., July 31. The Sun
day evenltiK sacred concerts at the
Allenlmrst Club attract muMo lovers
from this part of thn coast.
The event nf tho season of IDin will be
thn cabatct dinner iiejrt WndnosiHiy
-venlnR at tlm AUenhurst Club for the
members and their friends.
For tho benellt of tho Nnnscctarlun
Homo In Asbury Park .Mrs. M. A,
Heatty Ravo tlm seventh luminal benefit
and cud parly at the Throckmorton on
Thursday mornliiR.
Arrivals at tho All nhurst Club this
wiek Include Mrs, L. Winter, Mr. and
Mra. S. II, Ilailey. Jr C II. Dollolo.
MrH. II, llroescl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O, Mass, James Cavuuacn, Mr. and ilra.
Qcoreo Trowbridge.
Vf-!JlcSorfc IS Attmctlllff Well '
Known People From All
rnrts of Country.
("Arc, N. J., July 31, A number
of members of the New York Yacht Club
were entertained nt dinner this evenlnc
at the Capo May Yacht Club by fotmer
Commodore J. Clifford Wilson.
Commodore W. Orlscome Coxe of tho
Corinthian Club Rave a dance to-nlht
and on Wednesday nlRht Rave a dinner
dance of twenty-four oovcrs. Commo
dore Coxe has donated a cup which will
be raced for nn Aumist M on a fifty
nillw course laid on to sea, and which
will be open to the members of all yacht
clubs ulniitf Hie Atlantic coast.
This week has been filled with ROlllnc
events. On Monday the women h handl-
cai tournament tooK place, ami nmoni;
.1,,. nl.n-.-rs wvrv from New York.
f airuem usnorn. ine i.rinoRronni in u
is a New York lawyer, und ho will spend
h.s vacation at Capo May, bcRlnnliiR
next week.
Mis. J. K. Southwell nnd her son,
William F. Southwell of New York. Imvu
arrived here to enjoy tho remainder of
the season.
HumilH Taylor, former United States
Ambassador to Spain, Is a patron here,
ami has his Fon, Hannls Taylor, Jr., with
J. C. Dlrolo and It. F. Waters of
Hrooklyn camo to Cnpo Xlay In their
acht Pocnmncko II. and aro staylnR at
the I Intel Cape May.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I. de Yotintr of New
York are sojourning nt tho Hotel Cape
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. A. Farrelly. Mls.i
ItcRlnu Farrelly and Mlsa Alennc Far
telly of New York urn spendliiR nn ex
tended season nt tho Hotel Capo May.
Avon-pt-tiie-Sea, N. J.. July 31. All
the swimmers of the rchort participated
In tho contests held In tho Avon pool thin
A flshlne party, composed of visitors
at the Avon Inn, went to HnrncRat Hay
on Wednesday and returned with larso
catches of fish and crabs.
Auction bridge was played at thn Avon
Inn this week for tho Home for Crippled
Children, who summer nt this resort.
Arrivals nt tho hotels this week In
clude :
Axon Inn (',. II. Wayner. Mlsa Mario
Wleiicl. Kdwnrd Wlesel, Dr. O. W. Todd.
Miss May Todd, Mr. and Mrs. II. K.
Forrester, Miss 1.. A. I'orter and Mrs.
S. FIscliRround.
HucklnRham Mr. and Mrs. W. u
Mcpherson and family, Krnebt Meer
and Mrs. II. Mc)r.
Stratford Inn Mrs. J. II. Do Laniater.
Miss Anna Do Lamatcr, Mrs. Charles
Norrls, J. T. HIpRin, J. H. Norrla and
Mrs. Hobert Archibald,
Deal 1 1 k a c- j I , N. J., July 31. The
annual ball of the Deal firemen was'
held this week In the Deal casino anil i include .
attracted a Rreut number nf the summer Hotel Columbia--Paul J Delant-.
visitors. A Rreat sum was netted for! Mrs. A. J. McCarthy, M ss 1 uircti i
tho lire compuns. I.McCnithv, Mr. nml Mi'. 15. H. Williams.
Tho winners of the weekly lirldKo ntl Joseph P. Hrctt. Mis. ti. II. Atkinson,
Hathaway Inn yesterday afternoon wcrn k. D. Allon, M. C. l-'reeman, A F Jones,
Mm. W, MontRomery, Mis. W. S. KUIott, a. F, CiiimliiRhain, Mri H II M i. j...
Mis, M. J. Packard 3d; DourIiih llcdcll M. I,. Hull, a. II. Atkinson. M.s M.uv
and Mrs, F. Foul. , McN.-unce. tleorR.i W. Fiey, Fr.init i a
AnivalH this week nt tho Hathaway penter anil Mr. nnd Mrn T Tnoze
Inn Include Mrs. Casper Colin, MImsI Itinna Vina Paul Dolaney, Alber'
Whel.ui, L. Mnrchwahl, N. .1. Monl-j ntteilsiuriT, John Miller ami K Hlanch
Romery, Miss Ollie I loch, Mr. and Mis. 'aid.
Joseph Hybbe, Mrs, .Inmes Mnchul, Miss , Llimymor H. C. McKlrath, M ss
Corvon, Mrs. U-o Cohoi. Miss n.-m-. (1UM, p-, Koth, Mls lloso M. ltnth. .1
itetto Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. OrlOltli. Mulhollunil.
M. i-iii-K.-iru, ir. i.n lloy jiieycr, A. i
Dubben, C. Arthur. Herbert Mendelsohn.
Mrs, J, Hudolphy, Ms. Otto Heppen
lielnicr, Harvey McCoy, Howard Hop
plnR, H, I'lato, It. MarsHeM, C. Zoller,
P J McCoy, Jr. i . h Ltlker, deorRo
W (Iraham mid Mr und Mrs. William
L. Taytnr nf Now York.
Deal Inn Is entertaining Mr, und Mm.
L. Stern, II. S. Mnruff. Dr. K. R. Heifer,
A. C. Kteuge, Mr. and Mra. Max Ad
ler and Mlsa Edith Adler of New York.
with the new Monterey Hotel in
Omtorlo "Messiah'' Will Re
811111; by Uujtp Chorus on
August 21.
Ociian Onovx, N. J., July SI. Musical
events are attractlnR the attention of
this resort at the present time. (!r-t
preparations are beltiR made for the pres
entation of Handel's "The Meslah" In
the Auditorium Saturday nlRht. August
21. A chorus of 1,000 voices, belnR the
union of tho New York, Brooklyn, Jer
sey City, Newark nnd Ocean Crox'
oratorio societies, will support the solo
ists, who are Mme Anita Itlo, Pan Ited
doo anil Henri Scott.
The orchetr.i which will play on this
eveninK im un-n i im mi '
from th" New York Symphony Society,
the Fhllharmonlc and the Metropolitan
Opera House. Supporting all thli will b
the huge Ocean t.roie tliie orRan, r
pitted to be the l.ueest In the world
Speclll trains will brlnR the members of
tlw chorus and music lovers from New
York on the nlRht of the "Messiah."
Next S iturday tverniR John McCor
mack, tho Irish tenor, will be the solo
ist at tho Rrent musical concert whlil
will bo niuleriHl In tlve Ocean tiroM
The Children's Musical Festival, an
E Lnnuil event rr1.-1r.led l.v hundred, of I
5 1 annual ient rr. iniel t iiunureiit oil
; Ocean Urove visitors as the most taii-
, t fu cnin-crt 11 the world, wlb be held
s q..inril-iv ..culm? Vneiixt 1 1
Jhaturd.i eieiiliiR, Ausust II.
f Tho fom -third af.nherMiry of th-
' . ' V !. . '"'-
Women's I-oreiRti .Missionary society
was celelirateil In Ocean t.rnv this
week, the mr.-ttiiRs comliiR to a close
. ...
u-.inii.iiu tlniim M.l.m-irv Socictv unM,'eiit memliets of the li.u, wen- RUCts
cebbrnted Tuesday avl W.ilii.d.iy ,,f
this week.
POINT Plkasant, N. J , July 31 The
feature, of the week here was the an
nual doR show at the Kenwjn K nni-ls
. i ,, d c ; ; ,. ;. , ,;
l..,,fllrt,ln n-lini ..tir.. lliiii "fill
pnirloM ii ml m.uiv nf the visitors here
sent home for their favorite iiiilinals.
The m.inaRemeiit of the Hotel I.elRll
ton plans to hold tho annual inasiiio
rado ball this year on AURiist 21,
New York arrivals at the hotels thli
week Include :
LelRhtoii Miss Olive D. Cray, Mr.
and Mrs. (J, W. Harlow, W. K. Caldwell,
Kdwln Murphy, Mr. and Mrs J. Mur
phy and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. P
W heeler
Pino Hliiff Inn-Mrs. D. Fuller. Miss
D. K. Fuller, Alex F. I ii-iiniston, Mrs
C Dennistnn
Cirrol lon--ltnlert Itotenfe Id. oli.'ll
It. Itoss, Leo Heevcs. Miss M iv MeC inn
Chnrles.!. Hansom, Leo A. M.-Dni .iRii
Hcacon W. A. ll.illev, Jr, Miss M
Hradley, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Il.iriy.
Hklmah, N. J., July 31 - With the
finest bathliiR of the season, lac
catches of fish from thn Ms'iinR pur
tnnnis tournament at tho Inlet Terraco
Club anil dunces every evenl-iR at tl
liotils and club, visitors hem haio b.i l
nn unendiiiR procrau mo of iI.misMciI
Tim week's arrivals from N w Ynrii
, Curlelon Miss II. HodRlns. Joseph
Meare, S. Miles, W. St. John
Neptuuo House Miss K. S
nnd Miss K Itelllv
Melroso I nn Miss Apnea Von (lap l(,
'w'. F HIsslnR, Miss Melba Dunn u I
Mr nnd .Mrs. Paul Ssllh.u-t
Colorado Miss Sara (lolilen, M,.i A
Friedman, Miss lUatrk-o Filedina ., S
Levy, L. Hutler, Alnlph IlnrschberR,
Miss Sadie CrnRer, Miss K. Franklin
and Mr, and Ura. Ccorgo Waltors.
the distance.
Affair Was .Most Successful in
II i lory A. G. Vanderliilfs
Death .Mourned.
l'sn Branch, N. J., July 31. The
annual IiiiR Horse Show which
begin on Wedi.eday and was broURht
to a sii'vi.sfut cll'iiix this afternoon ,it
tra t ! sonio nf tho mojt famous e-
h'.bltors of the country and a fashionable
'-Sf .,"J2i!r.n'l:.,,,:-''-.nli,'r.
" r,.....
1 i-'iill-.
It was the most successful show held
In the htatnry of the .isocl.itioii ami
t'ler- was only 0110 thtiiR which tended I
' siibdui- the nthuslHMii if tho show
I ml tint was the ul.ei.i nf Alfred
'niif Vanderbllt. who luM Ills life In
the l.u-lt.inl.i illsiter and who was the
li adliiit stlrlt In thf horse show assocla
iioii. Ills lmx wa itr.i io1 with crape
t 1 token of r s, t t.
SumnuT residents nf Lour ltranch
and nearby colt. ice colonies attended
this wt-ck the third classical musicato
R.M-i In ink Hill Farm, tho beautiful
toiliitry (state of Mr. and Mrs J.
mory Haskell nn the Shrcwsburj
Dr. Aimi llnivanl Shaw and other
"ronilnei.t leaders nf the women's suf
,'rise cause have Peen In I.nnc Itr.uu-h
I all the week add-essliiR open ulr mect-
Iiirs and In other uniiiue was endeavor
to 1 nl-s! the support of male
,,rT nrrl '; , . . . .
' " izaa-r neiu ai ine i.oiir nr.incn
Nurses Hun e yesterday iiftcriuion
mi,.r ,,, ,lii-..,tioi, of Mrs- Thoin-is V
V.'" r...,hC ' '.' 1' .'" ... '.'I:. .'
, M,j',,...t Bii,.,.,,l kiu Iao- fr.oo tlw. on. I
i aye . ic ........ i-uj.r. n. s....,ri.
i toL-et i.'f 'i ltd v ce-c hrincctlniM and nrotn-
! t.i-.l iv of tin Mntimmit i Cntinty As
s ection, which h. ld Its ..nniiil dinner
at Piirt-.m-P.-k. on the Shrewsbury.
The hotel arrivals this week include:
lUy Vie- Hniiso-MIs- Marv K. Wall.
Mr. and Mis I-'. M.uione. Miss K. Oil -
hot. P. C. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sey-
incur. D. 1" Hr.inti.n. C. K.
Kurd. Mis. i: IV v. .1 F Tnwiilov.
Miss L.iiii-.i Tonle .mil Miss Florence i'
iTownlei of New York
; . - . v:
' -V'' 1-- nu
It k,, K U H.imlne, L. W.
clia.nb.-K. Mi and Mrs A Sussnian,
I John i:. iislioine. Frank Ch.iter ami
K. P, ll.irituiii of Noiv lotU.
Sua Hun-, N, J., July 31. Uovernor and
Mrs. Fielder, at. well aa tho nllloers on
duty hem, attcnd'M tho bill held nt the
New Monmouth last nlRht. It was Riven
l"'nf "'' ' i"V.riir Th.. Chief
l'.u:.i and Mrs Fielder were tho
micsm oi nunor .it .nc u.uiut i'.iiij ,u
i:. i .11. i i-ui-A -ins eveniiiK.
The i vent of th week at tho Trennuit
Ilo-el his tin fu v dress ball, which
wis la.- 1. b-iciMlnl by tho cnltaRi!
"In- Hrewer C ii.-iri- Mis- Juo. Hiinlev.
-...c fie late .i rliils me- j l..nire'..i liar, u - M -s Frelil.i
T- ' - ' Mis ll Hanintei-, Jaio.s ciailtii
l I H. i U l'i lej.Mrs llnlTlil.ui '- llei,i I - .e II. i r Mi ,u,d Mrs
l-n i. ii I' M Wi'-h. II I'hanne y. Mr ,1 MiotiiRe and f.iui Is
lawtegafcL. -la. tiitiyi
Campers on one of the trails noar Lake Placid, N. Y,
and Mis M M ils, .Mrs. L. S. I'ctrle,
M Firle i: Wells and Frank L.
Davis of New York.
I 'a II i - M M. t'orcor.iu. M.
J. Ctrlln, Mr and Mrs. K. M. Welch
and Mr and Mrs. S jten. of New Ymk;
J. Itvlnccke of ltMxiklti.
Hkaoi.uv ItKAcit, N. J.. July 31. At
the annual card patty held thN week at
La Heine for tho Church nf the As
cension of Hradley He.ich sixty awarSs
wete made. Three hundred people par
ticipated In the Raines, wnlu 200 en
joyed the dancltiR on the verandas.
Amoni; the winners -of tho piizos wete
Mrs. William It. Ituckhoin, Martin Nil
Rent, MIh (ienevievc Itow, Mrs. Maltha
IIHii. Mis. Frank .1. Connertv, Miss
Kdlth 'larlty, Mr.". Lnulve J. Heers, Mr.
Thomas KeatlnR, Mis ilioiKe .1. Hnff
ni.111, Ml,". Maiy Itosers, Mis Thorn is
Kennedy nnd Mrs. .lames K. Smith.
V !. n,.....l.. .1... ..111
f.i "cine thfs week the li.ltial er-
Wit ,u,,,,, ,,v H,llnt, f ,hc g
iv some or the Riiests
of the house, who wele R.tly dfecd
us .l.ip.ine',, muds
The week's an Hals from New Yoik
include .
Ll Itelne ,1 Sllverson. H. Hlcke,
I'enjamln S Wet, Mr. and Mrn D.
Ixy, ileniRe It.-nird. John II II ithi
way, A. Cuius and family. D.,
Mrs. I!. Davidson, Mrs. J Spoctor, Miss
Dorothy Spector. Mis K Klischbium,
Mrs. F. Crane. Mis. II. Mcrrits.
Sc 1 HlulT Mr and Mr M. Klein.
Miss Schiiibcr, Dr. UoIdheiR, Daniel
1 Kosmbl.itt.
lieii-h View Mis. D.
IxirIIii. It. Lor
W. Hoiith nml
I'll, Mr and Mrs. W.
Chnili-i It. Hoot It.
i'iik.ii-o, Pa. July .11 The week at
Spruce (Minn Inn has been Rlien over
,,, thl. tics. While the dunces nnd so-
,,.,, (.m,.rt,,t,,meuts have been roIiir nn
u.,i ,i .,!, i,,,,.. i,,),,,,,., hni
usual, tile .u.soi nun. iiiter.-st has
centred 111 the tennis tournament.
i A., ul.l.. Lodlcl .iiihuslasm was shown
An ubl.
i l.v- the summer visitors at the P.udolpli
I in ihu nrnirresii r.nrt this week
, ,, ,. ,unv Ui ,. orchard was a
i v ooiiou i.n. oi mi on n.u n w.i.i it
, n.i,-. v....
Mls I'olience Hall of New York, a
, VMV"' ''" the sprue Inn.
"I"'"1 l,l,p 1,1 tl'e metropoliH.
I1'"- ''uim-d t" res,',, when, she will
May for the iciiiulnedr of th.. .c.ison.
i ,. states Plillatiiler t
I " I'cnnsylvaiila 111..I Mrs. Knox
I visited the i-Rlnn In their iiutomnlille
I ''"' spent the week end at tho Spruce
Dr nml Mrs. F. W. Huber nf New
nrl: were chap, ions mi a iIi-HIiir
patty nf snjiuirneis at tln Itudolph to
the artillery i-.-iuip at Toliyhatina.
Hecent urrlials at Ciescn from New
Spruce Cabin Inn Mis W. II. C
Tachua nnd child, Mlsa Putter, lieorRe
Itudolph Dr. F W. Huber. Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. D. Shaw. Mrs. I '. C. Ljon. Miss
Jiwephliu. K. HiRt'Inw
Mupl.i Lawn Mr. and Mrs. ft. II.
Coward, Miss Kleanor Coward.
Mononionnek Inn M. V. Ilallnck,
William Iterdlne. K. II. Smith, Mrs. K.
Small. Miss D I-VrRcr.
CHIT View - Mr. nnd Mm. OorKe
Monte. Mlsa MuiRaret Mnoie
Plnehurst- -A. C Ail.ims. A. H John-
Mis A. I . Johnson, Miss !!cll M.
Lannl (ir..e
Mr and Mrs Kdpar
Atlantic! Citt. July 31 . CottaReri
have clashed with the city authorities
over the lesnllty of the "mackintosh
law," which compels all bathers passing
throunh the city streets to wear fom
coverlnp over their surf nttlro that will
sir. tch well down below the knees. The
enactment was made several years ago
brforo commission government started to
operate hero and the cottagers claim
the tilil Councils passed It In the Interest
or the buthhoiue barons. Now they
ask that It be repealed, asserting there
l nothing objectionable in n tnouern
bathing suit when the wearer tops It off
with n coat sweater, nnd n merry debate
l.ns resulted.
In order that the bathing beach may
be preserved during the winter months
so that the spring storms will not have
so much to build up the city commis
sioners havo decided to construct four
giant Jetties at differ, nt points nlong
tho beach this fall. These will net both
as current twisters and beach makers
end will be placed under trie supervision
of experts on beach formations.
Tho resort will bo without tho ser
vices of the Municipal Hand along the
beachfront next year. Tho rulers have
Just pruned the 6,000 appropriation
which pays for the four months engage
ment of the musician frpm their 1011
budget because the money is needed for
othtr purpose, and the beach tangoert
will hnve to get closo up to the pleti
where the music from the orchestra
come. Hunting out on the breoies If they
want t dance In their bathing suits.
(iallant life guards have icfused to
er.forcii the edict that nil bathing skirts
must bo within six Inches of the knee.
The edict was Issued by the city fathers,
but the "llfo catchers." backed up by
Chief SurRton Charles Hots-rt. czar of
the beach patrol, announced that they
would not ro up and measure the skirts
with tanes. nnd besides they were sup-
I posed to watch the people In tho surf and
I not the paraders on tho heaih, Let the
beach cops be tho censors, they nig-
Rested, but the bluecoats manage to
dodRc tho responsibility, so the Rlrls are
appearing In their bloomer suits and ati
btevlated skirts Just as before.
An aerial meet between Hying tiosta
and a monoplane will be a feature here
tn.mnmiw. A South American aviator
will attempt to outdo some of the nerlal
stunts of the French ller and then give
a demonstration of war uses of the
monoplane. After that the flying hoata
which are operating here this summer
will engage In a straightaway race for
fifty milt h, the winner to secure a purse
put up by the hotel nu n.
Some of the more matronly bathers
have introduced knitting parties along
the beach. They find It much cooler
than sitting around In hotel exchanges
and It has now become iiilte the fad to
take one's embrohkry or knitting to the
beach for amusement between ocean
j plunges.
I Motor pursuit contest are now
engaging the athletic youngsteis along
, the ocean aiid Inlet fronts. They fasten
i their surf boards behind motor boats.
climb nhuatil mid then balance them
selves ns the speedy hydroplane yanit
them across the Pillows. The skill re
quired to remain right side tip when
the speeil boats arc making thirty miles
an hour or belter mentis practice for
weeks, nnd the spectator are given
some real thrills in watching the youths
skip oier tin. wines.
Society women here for the summer
are promoting fetes tn raise funds for
Hie ihlldren'H sanitariums along the
lower beach llrldgn parties, dances,
moonlight sails and the like have been
features this week for th" benellt of the
homes, and they luc been largely at
tended. A swimming meet for girls only was
u feature to-night at the ll.vgela Pool.
The weekly contests have become ex
ceedingly popular now that the iiinii-
i teurs among the fashionables have ar
I rived from tin- ninimtuiiih for the. bal
ance of the summer.
Among the distinguished visitors here
I lire Ambassador Domain ila llama and
i Mme. ila (lama nf lira 7.11. who ar
' iiuarteied at the Hotel Traymore New
I York Riiests theie Include Dr. and Mrs.
I W. L. Sa.igc, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc
I Cready. Mr anil Mis. H L. Shipman,
Miss Frances It. Watd, Mr. and Mrs.
1.1. S. Hu7lni. lienrge S. Itoiiilinot, Mrs.
j Wlliner o. Davis. I'hatles Ciaiiter, Mr.
I and Mrs It T Curtm. Miss Dorothea
, ltlodgi-tt. O W Tteielt. Charles F. Kn
( derly. Mr. and Mrs John A. Murry, Mr.
,iiinl Mrs. I'. W camp, K. C Dumas and
' Mrs (!. C Iltlscell.
i Domiciled al the Hotel Wiltshire aro
I Mr. and Mrs. C 11. Mason, Miss Mason
Ml" I'eccli.i l.c, C i; Pearson. Mis
I S. F. Clothier, Mts. Heglnald It.
Si hlenck. Miss Mni P Sclnenck, K J
Kecly. H James llayle, M 1 C .lor
don, I (I. Segal. M. C. Jarober. C W.
Swanber, Mrs J. W. Mason, Mrs. A.
L. Caipciitcr. Mr und Mrs. J H. Crocli
i'tt, Mrs .1. .1. Miiuth, Mr. ami Mrs.
II. W. Hunl, JaniiH M. Levy of New
Yoik, Miss II. A. Dell, Miss M. )'..
Dill, '. II. Habcnck of Albany. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Charles 12. dross, MKs Hent
lico Clay und Miss S. L. Clay of Rrook
lyn At tho New Merlon are Mrs. J. F.
Mvets. iieorgn W. Kern, Jr, Mr. nnd
Mrs. M. K. Itloeli, M. C. lHock, Henry
F.ageis. Jr., W. F. Weinberg, Samuel
H Hothwell, -Mrs. Harry Haeharach,
I Sidney Haeharach, Mrs. Kmm.i Green-
baiini and Mr. and Mrs Thomas French
of New York.
I Sojourning at the Hotel Hoscobel ar
Mrs M. J. Swart, i.eorge V, Swar'z,
I Margaret Swaitz, MS - Anna
i Swans, Ha i old Wnodley, Mrs. fc. r. Wll-
son. Mrs D W Fultmi. D. T Fulton,
i Horace Price. Amies C D Hich-
aidson, C. 12. Ilnunr. Mis Mar Hunter
of New York and Miss L. 12 ItelTo of
Hrookb n.
At the L.-Iatiil Hotel arc I, M. Hack,
Mi- ami Mrs. A 1 Stem. All.ert Hol
ier, James C. Llo,l. S 12 Heichat'd,
I'hiines M. loudar. Flank Hooke, Miss
lli-lene Tcchncr und Miss Maty Technei
or New York, A I. 1 l.u mini, ileorge H.
Teii-v nnd Kdwatd W. Lonc-iistum of
At till- Hotel Albemarle ate- Miss A
M pupcry. L. P. Meiis, Mrs A It.
Meyers. Mrs. II .1. Smith. 12 It Kil
ia n, Miss Ireno A Calably, Miss Klslo
lliigne, Miss Kllz.ibeth Conlin, Miss
Ma ie Sheehan. It. F. Franklin, 1! C
Kuodet, Mrs J. W. fuck, F.lla
. iuason of New York, Miss 12llzjla
I .iiii'Ughs nf ltinoklii ami Mrs. Anna
H Maar nf pougiihi-eis e
Stopping at til.- lintel Loralne are
Mr. ami Mrs. i W WlU.aius. Hen Akel
i.irg, Mrs. L. K. Ilaidean, Mrs. Harry
llarrican, W. II. Ilosrnthal, Mrs V S
Schmcrln, Mrs. II Y. Sulnman, Miss
Marin Snloinan, L. H Hurdock, A. L.
Myers, Miss F. C. Slllenthal, Miss Mar
garet Thomas, Miss Lillian Thomas of
Sow York, David Lewis of Utlca, Miss
Frances Carter. Mrs A T Carter of
Hrooklyn, Mr and Mra. 1-2 J Minler,
- ami Mrs W A lilcnn of Albany
Hi-iistered at tho Hojal Palace Ho
. ie are S, J. Cohen, Mrs Ilachel Cohen.
12, II. Btrousc, H A Itoman, Miss R.
T Ranaoher. Carl I-aemmlo of ,SVm
York, Mrs. Louis Mooro ot Brooklyn,