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6 PENNSYLVANIA UNIQUE DIVERSIONS AT THE WATER GAP Moil nl ii in Climbing: in Moon lifflit Attrni'ts Mnny of Summer Oucsts. HOTELS AHB FILLING IT rRt.AWAttB Water Oap, Pa., July 31. Taking advantage of one nf the bright tnoonllKht nights' this week launch parties from the Water (Jnp House, personally conducted by C. H. Jnvobten of Sew i York, have hail merry outings. I Among fvnse attending were James Horn, r. Lmnsnii, .Miss llnrrlet Worth, .Mips ' Ilulh Meer. Misses Helen nnd Mar- jono ijuinn. all of New York : .lack MncDon.iW, W. Watson and Miss Dorothy Kelly of Brooklyn. A number of the sUTmer visitors at the Klttatlnny on Tuesday evening were seized with a desire lo hold n moon light soiree on the second promontory. Armed with soma lantern uiul electric flashllRhts they marched up the trail Ion about moonrlse to the summit, where they enjoyed the programme of Karnes and stunts prepared by the prima movers of the expedition. Those who participated In this p.nty were Mrs. Smlthlcy, .Mr. and Mrs. II. J. mute, brand. Mies i;se Hclsenbergrr. Miss Isabel Haer and .Miss lMrrlet Wlrtb. all of New Vorli. and .Mr. ami .Mrs. l H. Brenner of Brooklyn. The big event of the week at the Castle Inn was the lucky number dance. Among the dancers were .Mrs. I.. H. Donohue, Miss .Mary Crawford, J. stan- !m Uo,,'11-MI" -'flon K. Thoesen and I Is. Adeline Livingston of New York. G. D. Plunistcdt of Huffalo. .Mr. and Mrs. l p .Mitchell of Philadelphia and Wis l-leanor Hartman of Brooklyn. A series of biselull euir m n.. .....,.. ,,, turned out to witness the Karnes. Although the Qlenwood team deposed of their rivals In one. tno. three fashion there was enough simp and so to the Karnes to make thnm Interejtlng. The Qlenwooda won from Hellewie S to 0 and from the supposedly strong piofcxslonal team from Belvldere by a score of 7 to 2. .Mem bers of the nine who are doing some brilliant work arc Austin H. Bennett, the second bisea-an, who halls fro-n Brook lyn I J. O. Cornog of New York and B. A. Shlller of Kllzabetli. N. Jr One nf the biggest HfTuIrs of the kind ever held In the Water (Jap was the muslcale at the Cataract House, the pro ceeds of which went for the benefit of the KaM Strotidsburg tleneral Hospital. Both metropolitan and local talent found a well deserved place on the programme, which, according to enthusiastic hearers, was all too short. Piano solos were ren dered by .Mrs. K. Jackson, vocal selec tions weie heard from Mies Angelica L'Amourcaux of the Boston Conserva tory. .Miss I.ou McKdll. Mrs. t B. Bo senkranz. Miss Alice Klstler, Frank Oer brnch and Mrs. I, S. 8. lwls. Carroll D. McnouoiiRh was loudly applauded In a cornet solo, as was .Miss Mnry Hunt, who gae a violin Heleclloii. The ad dress by Judge C. R Staples was apt and full of humor. A substantial sum wan realized. Other events of the week Were the masquerade ball, the straw ride, on which two big loads of summer visitors) had a riotous time, and tho peanut party, at which the nev. William Jackson of Brooklyn won the first prize for tho men and .Mrs. H. H. ISoscoe of Tassalc. N. .1., the ladles' first. The masqueiade at the Bellevue was the feature at that house, Mome fifty couples being In costume when the grand march started. The first girls' prize was nwarded to .Miss Marie Curry of Jersey City, while tho second prize went to Mrs. Heckworlh of New York, who was a Jolly sailor. M. J. Daly of Brooklyn as a Broadway belle tool; the first gen tlemen's prize. Some bang up costumes were worn by Miss Anna Moffat of New York, "the Water Oap Boy," and Miss Harriet (,'hase of Brooklvn as "Sis Hopkins." The week end concert at the Forest House last xveek Is still being talked ouoiu in a very cnmnilmenturv wav. The Misses Laura Trlppel and Llllle Mpp of New York made a decided hit in tnetr ocal selections, accompanied by Miss Florence Redlining ci Brooklyn. Th Dase ball game befveen the men lind women at the Itlvervlew was great fun. The men were compelled to bat with one hand and run with one foot to even up matters, all of which proved to be too much of a handicap, for they were badly worsted. Among the stars were Miss Eugenia C. Sweenev of Brooklyn, H McKnlght of Brooklyn, Leonard KImore of New York, Clarence Day of New York, Mir, Paul Kaufman of Philadelphia and Miss Force of New York. A party from the Caldeno, Including me .Misses, jtue c. Carey, Agnes C. Carey, i:elyn Spoerl. Mabel Haynes and Mr and Mis, C. Spoerl of Jersey City left at 3 A. M. for the summit of Mount Mlnsl to watch the sunrise. Mr. .and Mrs. Charles M. Brown of M!' ork are rummer visitors In the region. Mr Brown Is New York man ager for the inton automobile. An nutomoblle party, Including Mr. and .Mrs, K. o. Crocker of Montevideo, Uruguay , Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Hoos- AMERICANS AID FRENCH SOLDIERS . NR of the Mulclest plumes of the Kuroppiiii xviir In the pitlnlile Htnti' of tilt) thniisiiiiils nf men xvho. lillinlcil In battle, will have to live the lent of their lives un der this liunillcip nml who nuiHt try to mippdtt tliumnclvcM nml their fam lllea, If tin own upon their own rc hOiuccH It 1h appalling to contemplnto xx hat their future mlitlit be, Tiik Kl'.v told recently of the xvork belnK done by l'ranto for her oxvn blind heroes. America now hns Joined In the work of tenchlni; them hoxv to de X'elop lebources not dcpcndlnR on KiKht, bo that with thu new equip ment they eati adjust themselves to their handicap. This readjustment thoy, of course, cniiiiot tuliiK about of themselves. Their own Oovcrmnriit and people lit this harassed period of stirss and dlsoi'Kunl.atlcin cniiiiot do nil that Is necessary for their partluulnr need. Ko In this country n movement hns been started to help In the work. It is one of thn most humanitarian of thtx many Inimiiiiltiirliin enterprises which havi) revealed tho breadth of Fvmpnlliy in America for the, xvar's victims In lJuiopo, The committee for men blinded In tmtlliM with Joseph II. Choate as president, Mrs. l'cter Cooper Hewitt fifeiiijB " --lvl Ly 3mS8 JMsTy-J-esg .... J,jBft..JHllMPsPisT'ft m - rw.lia3Si&sJE3tMfcl man, and Miss C. McK. Herrlck of New York spent n day at the Klttatlnny. Miss F. 11. Molten of New York Is making h long stay at the (ilenwond. (eorge C. Jennings of New York. ! sojourner for several weeks nt tho Ulcn nood, Is In the front rank of the horse men at the house. Mrs. L. It. Donohue and her friend. Miss Mary Crawford, of New York are among the recent arrivals at the Cat!o Inn, wheie they will t emu In for the month of August. ) Mr. and Mrs. H. K. L.n of New York j are cr Joying the sports and pleasures so 1 abundantly found at the Cataiact Home. Leonard KImore of New ork Is mak ing a summer visit to the Water flap and Is staying while here at the Ulver View. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Frot of New York arc spending the season at the Delaware House. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Houstoun and fam ily of New York are enjoying a summer outing at the Forest House. Charles Pelllcan of New York Is hero i for a several weeks sojourn at the F"reit . ... . Mrs. 1- iropp anti young son oi York are summer visitors at the Const nay Lodge with their friends, the .Misae.1 Marlon Kantrtner and Minnie Mrs. W. Boyd of New York and her daughters, Mls Hazel Boyd and Miss Beatrice Bod, have er.R.igcd accommo dations at the Central House for a long stay. Mr. and Mrs. Riymond L. Dltmars of New York, old time visitors at the Cen tral, are Itere again this season for a short stay. Mr. ard Mrs. Hugh Beeson "f f' York are tpendlng several neeks at the naier nap nnu-e. Alexander . Boss of New ork.wno , has bern connccutl in a maiinKtrJal c.i-J pacity with the Waldorf-Astoria and the Martinique, Is spending the month of August motoring In the region, lie Is registered nt the Klttatlnny. I'ecent arrivals at Water Oap from New York : Water Oap House Franklin Harris, Thomas B. Cummlngs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis. K. lfvcre, K. Kruln, William le Hyss, M. II. Allison, i:. Moves. Miss Flora Moves. Mr. and Mrs. t .. . 1 itartmau. Mr. and Jlrs. (i. Kane, s. I Ollfken. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Levering. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Armstrong. Mr. 1 aim .Mrs. t . s. w neeier. Klttatlnny Mrs. Klmer T, Beetter. Itobert Kmrlch, Alexander A. Boss. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lewis, Charles A. Koss. G. II. Pearsall. nruco B. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. Hoosenar, Jr., Miss C. Me Kerrlck. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, C.oldmlth. Mr. and .Mrs. A. B. Walter. Mrs. J. It. Mitchell, Miss Blanche Mitchell. Glenwood A. S. Klder. Vine nt I.. Bennett. Miss Lillian Phillips, Miss Klcanor (5. White, .Mr. anil Mrs. W. F. Grlnter. George C. Jennings, the I'.ev. T. J. N. Cummlngs, Mrs. McGinn, .Mis Mary McGinn, T. Kngleman, '. C. Dlelr.. J II. McGrath. Charles Affel, Miss G. A. O'Brien. W. U. Sullivan, Mr. mid .Mrs. S. Loet. A. K. Black (.aHlie lllll J. J. i-nea. MISS M.'irV Crawford. Itobert K. Lyons. W. II. ' M-yer, M. R. Hepuer. Miss Nettle II. II.. V..i.. tr : tinrrison, Central Alfred Lemele. William Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Smith, Itaymnnd L. Detlneas, .1. Mc Adam, James II. Davidson and daughter. Cataract House Mr. and Mrs. II. Brennlch. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gershorn Smith, the Misses L. and K. Carney. F V McGlr. Forest House Charles Pettlcon. Mlsa Laura Klpp, Mls.s Tlllle Klpp. M. Bellevue .Mr. and Mis. II. Batch cider, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fozer, M. Jncoliy, L. Jacoby, Miss Ktta Jacoby Delaware House Mr. and Mrs. G C Hasbrouch, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ludwlg Frost, H II, Frazcr, Miss V. Dalley, Miss M Moyer, S. T. Carter. B. Clazel'le. Blver View T. S. Callallan. .1. Moor her?er, John Metens. W. A Auless, B K, Gllroy, Mrs. William C. Kllnger, Ida U. Prima, Miss Irma Prima. Laurel Itldge Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zewlck, B, Barr, Mrs, Catherine Castles. Pokona Mr. and Mis G. C. llawlej, Frank .1. Mauser, Mr. nml .Mis. Joseph Dengler. Courtenay Lodge Miss Marlon Kaut erener, Mrs. F. Trappe and son, Mis Minnie Wagaman. ( Mountain House Miss Alice Megln ills, tnto F. Muller. Miss Bosa Bobln- con, J. A. Meglnnls. j ns secretary nnd Miss Winifred Holt I doing field xvork In Paris, has none I about the work In a systematized manner which is brlnirliii; about sur j prlslngly quick results. 1 The secretary of the committee, 1 Mrs, Hewitt, Is responisble for the I inception of tho xvork. Sho xvas In j town one of the hot days last xxcek, I sIkiiIiik ,100 tetters of appeal, which I were to ro out and spread nexvs of I this urgent need, and while she xvas xvriunK tier name over nml over UKiiln she told of her experience In Purls durlnR the early part of tho war. Khe had Klven her Paris house over to be used as u hospital nnd xvas vlsltlim the QuInze-VliiKt, a hospital wheru sufferers from coiitUKlnus dis eases xvere. belnt? treated nnd lo xvlilch, much to their horror, many of the earlier blind victims of trench wnr furo were, taken. "Thero were In tho hospital at that time," said Mrs. Hewitt, "c-lKhty-four men whoso eyes wero Kone nnd four ulsters attending them. It wax the pity and sympathy of thn sisters which first Impresed on mo the pathos I of it nil. 'Don't let him ltnoxv" I heard a sister nay. She was speakliiK nf it man who didn't yet know that ho would never see nRaln. 8howns ufrald Xo UU him, utrald tlwt in ' bin 6 MOUNTAIN RESORTS -SARATOGA Trout fishing near Cresco, Pa. Bridge View- -Mrs. It. F, Mihoncy, Miss .Mary llerllngtlof, Mr. and Mrs. llenrge Bender. Far Vlert Leonard T. Olt, Kd F. Kobblsh. IMgc View Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kklrch. Caldeno Miss May Wright. Mr. and Mrs. N. Itoehrcr, W F. noehrer, Jr. Kiirnniac Inn Mrs. T. Jarvls, Thomas Jarvls, Jr., Miss J, Maher, Miss Bessie Mayer. SHAWNEE ON DELAWARE. HilAWNKn o.v nr.LAWAnic. Pa., July 31. The Buekwood Inn tennis team, which Includes Alexander Colea of Philadel phia, It. S. Worthlngton of Philadelphia and II. Henry of New York, defeated tho tllenwood team last Wednesday, taking the doubles anil splitting even on the singles. Fowler llalght of New York regis tered at the Anotok for the month of August. Mr and Mrs. Thomas K. Hicks of New York made a trip to Shawnee by n,llmimh, ..,. wm .,.. nl the Buck v.'ood Inn for a week or so Jo.eph Karl of New York Is spndlng Ids vacation at the I-anwnod, where be Is popular on account of his energy In s-artiug things. Iteeent arrival from New York: Buekwood Inn Mis. Morgenloth. A. L. West fall, Mr. and Mrs. F. It, Abbey. Mr. and Mis. S. W. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. I.. .1 Cabe. W Seeman ard partv, Mr. and Mr-. Thomas II. Hardin, Mr. and Mr, Bussell (!. C wles. Mr. and Mrs. K Htck and H. A. Wilson. tihawnev lloure Mr. and Mrs. S. M, l Mr, rf. M,rrctt MtK M, f j.,,, M McCormlck, Mlss Julia M. C'.atk, F. F. Uwigsmlth. Mrs. F. Hhop fleld, Jr., and Miss Betty Von Ihberg. MESSAGE IN OLD HOUSE. ''' lob I'lnalerlntc In Cnllfornln With YlnlOKr of IS.7. At'lil'iiN', Cal., July 31. A message i . i. . ., , , , t .. , i " u.i.n m s .! mi workmen tearing down the old residence or senator w. ii. l.ardner In this city. The mes'ag-, written on part of a letvf frjm th- t'onorcssloiiul Itccont of 1S38, In a wine bottle, and had been J placed between the walls of the house. , It toad as follows: I "This house was plastered by James Mclturney, and It was a damned dry Job Bullock wouldn't give us any whisk y Jamcs MrHrnsTT." It was dated May 2S, 1S59. The bot tle contained a label reading as follows: "California Wlno from Los Angeles. Whim Wine, Vintage of 1S3T. Geo. T Thatcher & Co, San Francisco." The icference In the message to Bul lock was meant for the contractor who built the house. It Is supported. The1 houe wak a line one In Its day and, was well nude, the plastering being I Km lillv -nll ,.nn u,l,l,.lt inn- l, r jimteil for bv the fact that It was so' I ,r despair he nilsht commit suicide. Oncn xvhen I xvas there I saw two men hopelessly blinded and their two xvlves, iiono of them aware of the truth -four )e. pie beltiR kept in Ig norance out of pity and out of fear for xvhat they might do It they knew the fulness of their disaster." It seemed to Mrs. Hewitt that this was one of the. situations cnllltiR for immediate help, It Pas appealed simi larly to many others. Tt-n committee was formed, iirivnto subscriptions raised, and Mlm Holt, whose practical achievements In aldlnp tho blind to nld themselves carried out at the Light house on Hast Klfty-nlnth street need no detailed mention, Milled n few xverks iiry to supervise personally the xvork In Paris, "It Is xvouderfill," said Mrs. Hewitt, "lo see how generously people respond, there ure mi many culls made on hu man sympathies Just now; but we have nlready raised nearly J15.000, And that, too, waa without, any pub licity. We Just sent out liOO letters to peruana we thought would llko to help. "Wo need money both for finding thn sufferers and for the expense of teaching them later. Soma of them are marooned In Improvised hospitals, farmhouse or chateaux, many ol KiiikJik. THE SUN, SUNDAY, MT. P0C0N0 TURNS TO SADDLE HORSE Hiding: I'nrtios All the Wnuc at Popiilni' Pennsylvania Hcsnrt. -MANY XEW YOHK (tl'l'STS I Pa.. July Sl.-The ! Mot-NT, weekly muslcale at the Methodist Kp s-, copal Church was well attended, A leng programme every number of which was most enjoyable was fol.owe.l by a light repast on the lawn, which hid bfen prettily decorated for the occa- ion. Horeback pirtlc are all th- rage at the Mount Pleasant House. Among , the equestrian are F. M. Johnson and ! M'ss I'. L. lllaeslii' of New YorV Miss Miss and Virginia Wills of Astoria. L. I., Kthel Kdlnburgh of New York Jack Newman of Montclalr. The proRrssle 500 at the Ontnood was a ery lively affair and a grand success. The first prize went to Miss Frances Bcllawny of S ranton, serum to Miss Eva Short of Seranton; third, Miss Janet Morrison of New York. The promenade last Saturday eve ning at the Ontwood put all past caslons of this kind totally In the shade. Among those who attracted par ticular attention were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cake of Wllkesbirre. the Mlses Janet and Isabel Morrison and Alice Brett of New York. The big wagon which left the Chi chester last Tuesday evening with Its load of straw and young folks carried as gy and noisy a crowd of nierr makers a-s every traelled the Pocono roads by moonlight. At the Swlftwater IIoue. a unique broom dance prov'ded amusement on Tuesday evening, Miss Helen Near ot New York, I M ward Morris and Mlsi Mae Morris of Philadelphia were thu star performers. During the evenings of the week thi summer lsltors nt the Pocono Manor Inn were entertained by an elimination ! shullleboard tout .iiitn nt which resulted i In a well deserved victory for Willi mi IviUns of New York. There was another boat race at tho Like View this week, won by N O'Kcefe and O'Donell of New York, their de feated opponents belnir L. u'Ktvfu and liotnls of New York. The ballroom of the Tobhann.v House was tilled last Tuesday evening on the occasion of the big military d iree The Monroe Cotiutv Medical So ,i'ty mntnrn,l I. I.M.U I., th.. 1,......,,. U..fl "I this week, where tbev nnlmo,! ,1 nner I Plenty of lively doing Keen tin- y innir ' ... ... . . . . " Scene near Stroudsburg, Pa. them are congregated In the large hos pitals or lied Cross stations where they cannot receive tho particular kind of attention they need. To these blind soldiers we will send teacheis to furnish them with entertainment through rending nnd games sir that they may not become depressed and commit suicide, The blinded men xvho nre physically able xx-lll be started at once nt the tnsk of learning how to work without their eyesight; their In dividual Interests nnd abilities will be considered and nn far ns po.-slblo they will be trained In tho trades mid oc cupations for which their blindness had temporarily unfitted them or to Mud new openings In which they may becomo xvage earners. "When they have become proficient j It Is hoped, wherever possible, to re turn them to their home surroundings with the knowledge nnd thn tools to make them self-helpful. When this Is not practicable It Is hoped to establish them In congenial surroundings whero they may still feel Independent and hopeful. Without prompt, expert as sistance soon after loss of slghl the blind man, ex-en If his despondence does noi. drive him to a rash act, If apt to lose his Intelligence or to drift into an apathy irom which it U illllicult later to axoua hla," AUGUST 1, 1915. folks happy nt the Tuxedo Cottage. Pinochle Is the favorite card game. Last Monday evening a fortune telling party was otijojed. A progressive BOO waa held at the Laurel Inn at which most of the guests took a hand. ftobcrt Mantel!, the actor, his wife and their daughter. .Miss F.thel Mantell, were summer visitors nt the Mount Pleasant I lunar, AiiRU-t Hoffman of New York and bis friend L. F. Campbell of New York are enjoying a few weeks recreation nt the Mount Plc,iant House. The Mln-es J. L. and A. O. Morris of New York have returned to thn Pocono '"" ,,otlse for their fourth sea- Miss Klsa I.elfds of New York has returned from Spring Lake, where she l?. ,.?! ?F " ,,'', " "l " '" r me ... . .V,,,,,., , , ,, ... YoM "'jj art Arthur of N weS' 'addition to he t..P i,.i . . ... .u. Itecent arrivals at Mount Pocono from New York Moilnt piea-ant .Tames .!. Sullivan, iT. i. , M,,n,ii,i mi., r,i, m,.u MlM p,,lne .Munileld. Mr ,nn,i Mr. t' I Ash, Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Cor!ett Pocono .Mountain House Miss J. L. Morris, Miss A. G. .Morris. Fred W. Stelle. Ontwood Miss Catherine Chlllmaln, Miss Itose A Patrl. K. B. Henry. Meadow side Mrw. Adolph Luthy, Mis. Adelaide Luthy, Miss Jane I. CIo. h!M!. Miss Kllzabetli Clohlsse. Devonshire Pines Miss Kitty Pen nltiRtnri. Mlrn Fried i Pennington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weeks. Krnest Weeks. Pocono .Manor Inn Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Cantlcld, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buz sell. Mr. and Mrs. Ie Byn, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Slater, Mr. and Mn. B. Sh-irman Fowler. Swlftwater IIoiiho Miss Helen Nler, Mrs. He Night, Miss Dorothy Knight. Mr and .Mrs. M. K. Archer. Belmont M. H. Slmpon and family. Mis llllen Barnes, Miss Katherlne B irnes. Klvln Harry Fttland, Mlsi H. Cal lis er. lUnry Callisher. lHwtlioine A, Donnelly, Charles D. Itidcew .iy. Laurel Inn It. Llnderhoryn, A. M. lMdlns and famllv. Inke View William Collins. William M, tellurite, George Forgottston, I'alrvlew A. 1. Schloser. G. Burke. A II Isbell, C W. Ibell, Mrs. .McGln- m . Mary MoGlnness. ' lo nh.'i s-pf Wltttn til FlnmlArs Miss M. ICelleen, Miss Melaln. Tuxedo Colt ige--Mr. anil Mrs. Harrj' F. William-. Harry Williams, Jr. Tobyharna HjUi-e Dr. and Mrs. Hastings, Lieut, and Mrs. Moore, J. K. Smith IVnnhurst -Miss K. F. McDonnell, Guy N Lister Grove Cott ige Mr and Mrs. William ' Scliloss, Miss May Johnson. Colcheter Mis Helen Meade, Miss IMIth Smith. Miss Florence A Slot key. M's N Smith BLINDED Miss Holt took with her when she sailed a French xvoman xvho already, km Mrs. Hewitt said, has lenrnrd two f the s,v.steinstiM'd In reading by the blind. All the teachers and visitors who xx ill carry out this xwirk will be na tives of the country in xvlilch the work Is carried on. Money Is required for games, tools, writing nppllnnccs, glass eyes, coloied glasses, clothes to replace dirty nnd ragged uniforms, for sal aries, travelling expenses, relief, Ac, Tho committee Is composed of Joseph H. Choate, president! Hlshop flreer, honorary chairman; John H. Kinley, chairman, Mrs. Peter Cooper Hewitt, secretary; William Korbes Mirgnn, ,lr treasurer; Miss Kmlly II. Hotirne. .Miss Winifred Holt, Senator (lore, Herbert I,. S.itterlee, William Howard Tuft, Arthur Williams, Mrs. August Ilplmont, Mrs. Nicholas l llrndy, Mrs. I It, do Cravioto, Mrs. William K. Proper, the Very llcv. William M. Ornsvenor, Joseph How lund Hunt, Willnrd V. King, Adolph Lewlsohn, Seth Low, Mrs. Uw, th llcv. .1. I Mngnes, the Ilex-. William T Manning, I), I); Howard Mansfield, Henry Phlpps, Jncnb H SchlfT, J. O. Scluuldlnpp, Isaac N, Sellgman, Francis J.ynde Stetson, Samuel C. Van Dusen, Felix M. Warburg, Schuyler Ekaau Whctler and Loul .Wiley. ' I SARATOGA RACING STARTS TO-MORROW Hotels Alrcndy Filled With Followers of Sport Bijr Jlccting Expected. MANY COTTAGES TAKEN Babatooa HrRtNOi, July 31 On the eve of the opening of the race meeting the number of dally addition to the hotel guests nnd cottagers has been un usually heavy. In order to avoid the rush of the last few days many rnme from New York early In the week, with the result that August conditions hne prevailed. All eyes are now turned toward the, opening of the races Monday afternoon. In many ways this Is a society as well as aportlng event. Assistant Secretary A. McL. Earlocker of the Saratoga j lUcIng Association, who arrived here Thursday to make early preparations for the meeting, brought with him n list of box holders, which Is larger than In many years. Practically every avallablo box has been taken, and there will be faces In evidence which have not been( seen here In years. Among those who will occupy boxes when the meeting opens Monday will be Itichard T. Wilson, president of the as sociation: Andrew Miller, the secretary :j David Stevenson. Payne Whitney. C K. G. Billings, John Sanford. James Butler, ' Blchard F. Carman, ("apt. H. B Cnssatt,, Auguit Belmont. George T. Smith. Frank McKee, Amos F. Kno, George A. Sa portas, Edward W. Kearney, Chatmcey Olcott, H. K. Knnpp, Hamuc'. A. Clark. Col. George Perkins Lawton. Mlrabeaili L. Towns. C. H. Warring. W. B. Gage. Miss Florence F. Hathorn. John T. Walker. J. C. F. Jacoby. F. W. Law rence. Franklin Pettlt. Edward Murphy 2d. Park M. Wooley, George N. Ostrnnder. Judge Nash Itockwood, Frank J. Nolan. Glfford A. Cochran. Francis It. j Hitchcock. B. J. Gammon. A. McL. Ear-1 locker, Thomas Clyde, Walter F. Pre-, grave, 1 1. C Cummlngs. John Don, Ackley C Schuyler, I.eland Sterry, Charles E. Johnson. William H. Man ning, James W. Flemmlng. John E. Mad den, J. W, Yelxerton, H. Tooker Warnlok, Douglas W. Mabee. Jefferson Living ston, J, L. Holland, Frederick Lewlssohn, II C Hallenbeck, A. Hershfleld, Frank, Jirown, vtmiam a. I'lnaerion, r-amuci x. Hlldreth, S. A. Llchtcnsteln. Harry M. Stevens, Edward It. Bradley, Jamea Keane, Albert Stokes and Ieo Mayer. W. K. Vanderbllt has taken a cottage at the United States for the month of August nnd will arrive early next week. I John Wanamaker arrived Wednesday night and will spend, a part of August here. Harry Dlsston of H,mont. Pa.. Is expected to arrive early next week a: , the United State, where he has taken j n cottage. Joseph E. Wldener and family of, Philadelphia have taken two cottages nt the United States for August. Practically all of thn well known 1 Lewlsohn family of New York are to make Saratoga their headquarters this 1 summer. Jesse Lewlsohn Is already oc cupying Edna Villa, on Carolina street. Ills brothers. Walter nnd Frederick,1 have each engaged suites at the Grand ' Union for August. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew M, Shanle of New York have been nt the Adclphl this week. With them are Joetph Conlon , and Mrs. Shanley'a nephew. Joseph Schwartz. I The society ex-ent of the week was 1 the charity ball Tuesday evening at the Casino for the benefit of the Home of the Good Shepherd. Sexeral hundred en joyed dancing, songs by Chatmcey n. cott and Borne Kenton and solo dances by MIsj F.von Fontaine. The enter tainment . committee Included Mrs. C Vanderbllt Barton of New York, clnlr man; Mrs. George Perkins Lawton, Mrs. Douglaes W. Mabee. Mrs. William Hay Bockes, Mrs. James !.ee Scott, Mrs. Joseph H. Clark and Mrs. Fred Menges, This ovenlng Basil Durant nnd MKs Marguerite Ifsnksworth will Inaugurate a series of exhibition dances in the new orchaid nnd garden grills nt tho Grand Union Hotel, I The grill nt the HueMls Hoii'e opene 1 on Wednesday night wtth dancing bv , Miss Jack Wilbur and Edwyn Johnston of New York, readings by Miss Virginia ' A. Grlewold, daughter of former Sen i tor and Mrs. Stephen M. Grlswold of Brooklyn, nnd x-ooal selection! by Miss Frances Coglln. I HUNT BEETLES IN ARIZQNA. i ('Hector With Iftn.OOO Ipeclliienn ! I.nnklnic fnr Still More. Tl'sooN, Ariz.. July 31 Ileetle hunt Ins In the mountains nrounil Turewn Is rooiI nt this easnn; nnd Charles Diiry of t'lnclnnntl, xvho hns a collection nf 1 SO.noo specimens. Is here to ndil to til" number. He will first try for the came In Ktone, Cabin canyon In tin Santn 1 1 1 1 a mountains. It Is n small nml rare beetle that, Oury Is after, fellows only 1-16 of an Inch Ioiik. "Arizona has more specie of Inyct life than any other .State In the I'nlnn ' and more remarkable Insects," said he ; "It would tnke many years of coiiftant work mid Investigation to make nny thtntt like a complete collection of specimens of Arizona Insect fauna." IN WAR This Is the letter nf nppenl. BOO of xvhlch Mrs. Hewitt was signing: "Perhaps the greatest Individual atlllctlon rrsultlng from the present xvnr Is absolute blindness, which Is occurring to a greater extent than Is generally known, A Committee for Men Hllnded In Hattle hns been formed for the purpose of providing relief nnd for their education, for which xxe ask your help, "More than 110,000 have already been privately subscribed for this pur pose, which has enabled Miss Wini fred Holt to" go to Europe, and wo hnve Just received n cablegram say ing thai she has already organized a lighthouse In Bordeaux for tho ob jects for which this committee xvas formed. So the "Pharo do him I)!eu" has been established, nnd grateful pa tients nre being shown the way to light out of darkness. Aro they really grateful? this Is one of the ques tion, frequently heard In connection xvlth endeavors being made to alle viate distress. The question xxns put to Mrs. Hewitt, "Are they grateful?" sho repeated, "I am grateful that I was permitted (to aeo bow appreciative they are, all 80MMKR nEAORTS. Tf)NNE'TirttT.' The Griswold EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT. Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America 2li Hours from New York or Boston. OPEN TO SEPT. 15 NEW ALA CARTE GRILL Shenecossett Country Club With Its 1 Famous 18 Hole Golf Course j Hlotr-l Guests have privilcRe of jolninK club tit thn usunlclul) ratc. I Magnificently appointed throughout. Over ; llin llntlirnnin Unites. Milk Crextn, Poultry and ee tables huppllcd by our l arms TlieUranfurd 1 arm.." I.nrly Itciervn.. Hons rfiould be niailn vr -, l or booklet, linnm Plxns. etc.. sddress H. D. SAXTON. Mnnnger. Also The BELLEVIEW, BELLEAIR HEIGHTS, FLORIDA ami tiik I'AxintM BF.LLEAIF COUNTRY CLUR Mini ns imi ciiami-idnmiii' c(irK-K4 with Tritr itttims tiiti.i s-. N EM' .li:itsi:V Cape Ibt. mm CAPT3 INT AY, TV. .T. AMfRICA'S riNCSr DATMI.NO BfACH Ito ItOOMS I.V, HATH BOOMS I Ircpmnf rnnstrnellon. ('i)iiducted on the Amerlrsn Plan, white srnleo thrnuftiout. (JOLK, TIl.N.MS. IIOAT l.Nd, I'l.Sllt.Nti, CAIIAUi:, b'addle Hoists with Instructors. Address, lintel Cape Mar. s'ape .Mat. .V, ,1, JAMUS K, (t.I.HIIi:V, Mnnige-. May .Il:lfi; IjiI.c Hnpatrnng. lrnil tin- MimtiiiT or U'rrli ltu itt NEW HOTEL BRE3LIN OnUkcHopMcong, P.O.Mt.Arlington.N.J. Opi-n until Sept l.'ith HIi-vihTm-i 1 Ux) ft Nu mal.irt.-t or iu'wiultof. Urin lumr from New York ta l. I, V V i-nahlt-H you to coniimit' nl n nunith, .'toil riMMMK with tMit nnd rnM running wnlrr. If h It nth Miltc Itn.itliiif, r.itiHH)K hnlh int, tKlilnc. ti'iinU, Mdillii hifrM-.. OrrhcH tra, UtM-(x, t-Afc. urltl. IltHiklft. nnto Hnpaimmr Ii. I IC XK t OI'l.. SVAY r.N(i!fcM. Is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAY'S RUN llluttmtcti route Umk nr Itirgr win in colura frcr ot 1180 liroadwa'j, or bj mttilfrom ALMON C. JUDD, Hotel Elton, Waterbury, Conn. Tour New England x' inr. mi;m:iit ok tiii: MIIIM AI.XS. I IU.I.OH I Hi: lt(M U IKIt'.Mt Mllllti:. l.M.i:i( V IMP. WAIT.IIS Of MIXIl; IIMIU lll.lfi: i-xki:. i it v v 1:1. iitiiot'iiii a i-ic-niti.suti: ai.i.i:v. tut; TAIIMIMi (OI.MIIVAS Kit ll. I.. All furins of senile b-Hiit Await you In tlil VAi-.iiiim 1 nml, Willi good mails ever) where, nnd attr.u-ili Waj-w.le lims. Pnl itlnl Itesnrtv or iiiiiciiinieiii Clti Hotel to piuHi tor jour comfort. N'-nil for free llliivr,it,il roul niin In enliir-., XI'.W l'At.l.WIl TOfUS," null. iistmi in- the m;w i:iii, mi iionn. AS'M'IAritl.N, eoinprl-lni! oxer to hun itreil of tlx best liottK anil re.oiti, WM ,t. MMIIAI.I.. .seeietrtry. Ilrper lintel. .Niiritianipnm, Mass, TOWER HOUSE Mil M iu:.( II. SN. I On ttif u--' I 0 miiui'ws rrotn New Vork. tiuatuiR i-inline t.thlnK r utitn pn f freiiufnt tM-n- i v: nitiiuii4 in f ti lnt hoiito titl (Mok r K .M fMITlI ' ll,i1i1i.' nin' inl -Tilt. .MAfsMCIII'M.I IS, HOTEL ASPINWALL, LENOX, MASS. Three pnlf enuri's. suhll horses, tennis. il.Mirltik-. inoii.rliic. Iln" tlriM. etc c niniimwjjtiMNi Write for circular Also Hllllapi i.i:am.idi:n N II IIDTI'.I I Ake X UltXIDNT. &uiina)cKoiw Msnchester-'n-lhe-MounUins XT.itMoNT. . : it . : mix m. niKKCTWIItKTOItAVMOMi I'V.NCHON .X t'O N V omCK. TIIK MIKH.MNK At XIM-., ClxLvdae AND ANNEX I Heron Isl., Me. At I In' mouth of tin' 1 uiKirlM'.utii Illvrr. will open June 1 i llri'kli l .NK.W JKIIMIX -prllm- l.llke Mi ni Ii. THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring llcncli I.nke, N. J. An I nexci lliil I let, I nn tha iiceiiii rrimt With I'.mpj Atir.niliin for the summer i-iior Dlllv I 'iim'.rls mill ll.irirn- Plm nnd Tea Hisiiii iiiiTlimkln? Prix.! Tiniils Civirts (inlf, Mninrlm; rMilnii. IIMIni I'liA.Mi I- sill Ti: Mnw;er the TIIK NEW 17SSEX O CUSSEX l--HOTELWC-'C0TTAGES . , spiiim; i,ki', imxc n. v. j. Dlreilh on the Oienn, MIXX lll'I'.N. nniert iul ilitnre orelii urns. (mlf. 'IVnnls. lllitlnir, (larili-n. drill 1 1 nt nu, enld im ter In Imilirmims, .N V Ditlee. :,th Ami. Tlioiie .Hi.-i4 Murrnv lllll 11AVIK It. I'l.l'XIIIIt, Xtinncrr. Tine Cfittniie for rent In i oniiei lloii nllh hotel, of them nre. for the ktndne-xses that nre lioiin them " The New York licndiiuarters of thn Committee for Men Winded In Uattlo is at 111 East Fifty-ninth street. IjHlOTEL f,Ap& IGKd m miyATy Iran? t A x RU.MMKR IMPORTS. CONNKt'THTT. StCbarlesPldceandth. Beacb.f HMACII nto.vr AtcovMoiM 'I lO.N.'i AT UAI.r PItltl.. ilelw en the New (innlc-n and htrel Pi the popular scrtlnn. Wltliln rtotii snd frrund of ild ocena. A hlifh i lass modern hotel, with Ski isr looms, all with open ctvi private baths, hot nnd rnld rtjnnfi. water In rooms. Attractive fmr. a elrvater, etc. Ctillnennil,ervieei x cry reason. inic rates, lliij.. II. J, I)Y.VP..t, VIritlnta Af. nl ll h On ,n (.'apart. JSO. I'rlvati! (tat hi, rmnii nl ttf hi riMni. i levator, .'if. Mu ii: AO up wii kly, 1-50 iMMl iity ii ',.iU yrar. Huokl.-t fA M I h I. H I n O S T E N D Orcupylnit nn ntlr 'ink rt rrr-n frnt end eoiili-o".e,l wl'h th" f.i:r : In tli iwpulxr ''h-lf i . p, i ff0, unusually Inrirc r,,o. r-- otstructed view of e. . tt fr flpptntment find rftmfil i 1 -wt. r In nV t- litis, rum - kw- 4 000 fet ef perrh.s S'iri the new illntne r-x-in ' r lln--: rulnln- nnd hl'p jur-' of hoPiImIh dancltiR twl,, -rMon rei-ldent phs nw I-alm I.otinx.' fp, , wpekly. Ikink ' ni-x , inannKf-mr nt by own- John i i ' t Hotel TRAYMQRE Till: LAH(1T FIltKVl.O T IT , ham HOTKI. IN T'l . ORLII 1 A lloll Orlr.nal .rea , t t, Local Cclor of At' e Ci y AmrinSiibmriiieCir I fir tilt LLAUING RtSOKI 110 III Of (hi U0KID flnarH)oroiiabS3fenkn! ATI. A NTH' CITY. N. J. OWNtn.HIP M. NNQI MINT JOSIAH WHITE A SONS COr.lPANY THE LORAINE M. 'liarlr l orli. I i. vller lialll- rlltlllhli? Hutt-r In r, Hlperlur talile. t'imcll lit 'rein. Mil, I'riipr. W It. 1 AxaiS NKW .li:H-r. .ir.i I'nrK. NEW MONTEREY HOTEL North Aslmry Park, N. J. Ite.iltliful t" 111'. ,i Tei nls ..,irt eilt Hi,' a P In -vrv mo,!- FRANK F. SHUTE, Manaccr IVI ETRO POLSTA N XMtt ll I' VIM.. S. .1 oi'I'.N I liliiil (.nut i no ii k New . Mit'lci n i mi t i tVnir.illy hs !" it I iivii nie lliiihs miuit a XXIllle .! lie. M ii-ti . Ii-om- ( ,m 1. N Y. :ll. It " Xli X Ipin. nr Sltl.ltXMN o. IIIXXI Xl.iniiiirr AcconiiiHHl lies lull I Sunset Ha X''llfltY 1' Xll s 1 e' 11 In e r r. pp S .its P) h , I I mo.Iern linn Iiii; Willie .orvi p t lrfs j .; ,1 i(. , i PLAZA 1 n"" iiiira. 1 1 Bl'Jl!iyiVOEBTl lMrert Ottin ront 7th iMn O k B R 1 5 T H h ,ii M in ,. has r s. it i .. hi HOTEL WINTHROP i ifvrtior. in htn-iM wf .ii.iti HOTEL BRUNSWICK )niMI on inr lii.iili Noted for Its Inch t.iamli i ,,f . Mllltl.AS A. I Xlt-nNi THE EASTONIA e;n nu - ' r.i w in nioiliTii eiiin cnlrliecs I s'l'i , HOTEL PARK VIEW Hlort, froni (viMll. MiltPi ttth , xnmr 'ip.u'lis .inn llnxlilXVN- , HOTEL THEDFORD miiii-s null h.iiti retliii'd nitr,,' tr, i ll.XllhX lit I I'll. I II MlMllT in,. I I n SURF HOUSE ,.!,;; pi in Tennis J. Vt niter li.u. lu- I' STAY prlni. llraili. THE ALLAIRE Pprlnft l.akK lle.irli S I )lre"' ' ' lloaih. MAI D I' TU HOI Ml " THE SHOREHAM Hnrliu 1 iVe lle.ieli, N' J Pacini; I iWm !i bliAkl hum Uikiii Nmr open L, bl'A.MjE.MJtHU. I NKW ,1 Kit RY Atlantic fltjr. iKIfflEiH