OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 01, 1915, SEVENTH SECTION, Image 70

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The Latest News of Many Summer
Activities in Educational Realm
WIIIIIUII-.. Mum., July 31. A I
I tup Income of which will bo
rum niiiiu.ii, ii.m liven
. f illnua
'I am prompted to Oil plft by the
t,('lcf tliat much knottledKe of thoso
dlsi.w r'f wlnrh Iho cause nnd treat
ment a ' nt preoetit wholly or In part
unktion . will lc aciiulred In tho future
through 'lie iiernlsteut study of thoso
dlst.i't l r-kiUul ami Industrial work.
, 't nb, m.i lw able to devote their
iole t me Tor a Riven period to audi
study It is my liopn that tho Income
of this fund U enable and encourage
Loth younK men of marked promise and
InveetlBatnrs of brilliant achievement to
pursuo those scientific studies In the
frlda of medical or MirKlenl Ti-soaj-ch for
which they nro IdKhly qualllled or enow
tpeclal adaptability."
The Income Is annually to be assigned
by vote of the president nnd fellows of
ll.mard College, unless In their wisdom
and unrestricted authority tho purpose
cf this gift could best be served by
T.llhliolJliiR tho Income for any year or
ny term of years.
rini.AtirUMliA, July 31, A trust fund
cf JlOu.000, the proceeds of which are to
if divided between the William I'epper
Clinical Laboratory of Medicine nnd the
l.itln nnd (ircck department. Is be
queathed to the University of I'ennsyl
nU under the provisions of a codicil
attached to tho will of Samuel Dickson.
NoRTiinri.n, .Mass., July 31. Revell
and llolton halls of Northlleld Seminary
re being thoroughly renovated during
the preent summer. To this end n
Ftnerous gift of 125,000 has been made
hy Mrs. John S. Kennedy of New York
city Work n 111 be completed before the
tpenln? of the new Hcademlc year.
TYrrirjRtcK, Md., July SI. The Notre
Darns Sisters, who have thirty parochial
schools and several academies In Mary
land, have taken over St. John's Liter
ary Institute here nnd will establish a
system of coeducation. Mother Agnes,
superior of tho order, and Sister
Clarissa, her assistant, spent yesterday
looking over the new school site. The
order came here through the efforts of
Cardinal filbbons. who was nnxlous, In
view of the uncertainty of the Sisters
of the Visitation Convent remaining
here, to have tho Notre Dame Sisters
come. The Newman house, adjoining
the Institute, recently purchased by the
church, will be remodelled Into n con
vent and occupied by the sisters.
SI. John's Institute was formerly one
of the lending Cathollo Institutions In
western Maryland. Its cornerstone was
laid In ISIS. dor. Lowe, Chief Judge
James McSherry. Admiral IVInfleld Scott
Pchley nnd others were omonc Its
Trof i:dw1n II. Korbush. Stnte ornlth
elocist. gave an Illustrated lecture on
"Pome Interesting facts In bird study
ft'.d bird protection" In front of the Mas
s.irhuietta Agricultural College CJiapel nt
Amherst, Mass., the other evening. His
slides were many and varied, showing
no: only bird life and bird action, but
also Interesting nnd beautiful bit of.
rural scenery. 1'iof. Korbush stated
that yt;trs ago ho began experimenting
on bird photography, but It was some
time with the expending of an infinite
amount of pitiuuco before ho got the
rropcr apparatus and the ability to get j
rooi results. swnllowM miy bo easily
tamM nnd housed by putting a Mick or
rail In an coucnlent nook or corner
here they may safely hang a nest. The
protection of their net by a long box Is,
howecr the most elllclent way. In the
rae of the swnllow ns with mot rural
Mrds It Is -eeti that the mnle Is often
the more affectionate to tho young.
When building boxes It Is always best
lo Imitate nature ns much as possible.
Hwe small hollowed loas make the
ts artificial homes. An ordinary
squire liox on n tall pole will al.o very
I 'i Klv attract the birds. In connection
with this method many bird lovers hive
a't-utei Hocks to their fields and gar-(l-i
by merely fai-tenlng tnll poles w ith
Irixes attached to the ordinary fence
poif surrounding their lot.
'takes also attract the birds ns they I
make convenient places to watch for ,
ami otner prey, me nicKer,
Tro' Korbush stated, requires a deeper
"is Tie hole should be covered with
or t.n so that the bird won't peck
' 'n.iking a larger one, and thus
ferrj an opportunity for enemies to
f it a ready entrance. A little giound
c r inuld bo placed In tho liottoin to
rr.ikr ,i soft place for tho egis, as tho
f kf makes no nest, hut tas her eggs
lr, i' i.,,f .j,.-,, woo. of a hollow trunk.
III. duly .11. Frederick II.
uiieiiy of .Ma.-.sachiisctls, but
slv e,irs In the lieological
I reciimatlou service, for the
I of the time as head of the
of iirlg.itim, lias become chief
fepartment of civil engineering
'" verslty of Illinois. This brings
1 a region where problems of
1 n merge Into those of drainage,
i Interesting engineering and
a' i
li -
M Newell constructed some of the
ltrK si of our Irrigation plants, At
wn' ore or less hampered by politics
ami i . , no absurd conditions Imposed
by i ot sress on thin great enterprise,
he Hirted disfavor by advocating a
Kie i . imslness basis of operntlon, In
Hi -oi I pcle Sain charges the aettltr
'nl nu, cost price In ten annual In
'tamienis, without Interest, u seheino by
in Ii tho best Iho tlovcrnment could
jo wnuni bo to get back now dollars
for (uri ones, losing more or Ichs on all
unfi. imi.iti, selections for sites. Mr.
New, . expects to pass the remainder
't i n working years us a college iro
'f a task for whlcli his practical
Ii.. n'e should lend additional em
plia io his exposition of tho text book
U.e ri
A iniiiit emept Is made by the Mon
i" IMucatlonal Association that Hr
ri- orl, the Italian educator ami fa
'"r for her "Chlldien'H Houses" of
" i has decided to lemaln In this
'on ' i it II Ihn winter. Tho apcclal
of her stay Is an International
lo s.s ii Triilniiig f'our0 lo be con
'n ofrsonnlly by I Jr. Montcssorl and
ef assistant, Slgnorln.1 Anna Kl-
bo given iluiing the months of
Auc'iii, September, October mid No.
J'T'.ir on tho grounds of the Paliumn
l'a iV. Inicrnutlonal Kxpoaltlon, Han
. r .1. n .iii ii. r UiiiT,! . i Vii " nrpnrimeiu in i'.iikiiiiii, aim (union ere .pa nt Norwich I.n Ivermty, Nortn-
(Mf'i wlen Itlc Pltdy of , Stude n enrolled will receive perianal Howard llonney of Auburn, Me., will , .,,, ... ,, ., .... ...
the " Prevention i of dlaoaae. .Miuctlon from Dr. Montesaorl, .us- teach Latin. merit nnd nmlent hnstury. 'eMl l" , l,a "e,lt
V,e i r Is M lloiid.m Mattery of Rett on nnd InstruetlniiM from many I Mr Itonnev Is n nrnlmttn of IIuIm "P'- I'nrker of that Institution, In
.,., mi he rltr to the corporation , enilllut durnton nnd opportunity for , ro.J- ' e , ' ?;UZ "Tt iWdr-li h ..iv.i "I want to
. mil ill I irv.iri mr iif I'll i"nnvi ifim ipntii (in n imu nr .1... ......Li .-..i... , ........ ... n. u t ..... . ... .... ....
Through Country
- rnnr - lKCO, This course, the most i
complete ever Klvr-n l.y Dr. .Montcssfirl.
"in mi kivimi lor oiorviitioii to eminent ,
observation In Montcssorl detnonatiiitlnti
schools, eogethi-r with supervised study
of International exhibits bearltiir on ..ilu.
cation lu general.
Niw IIavrn, July 31. A beiiie-t of
JT.'iO.uUO to Vale University, which has
been held up by long lltlgattuii In an
nppeal from probate In the will of
Mario C llotchklss, now noes to the
The Supremo Court of Krrors found
no error In the lower court's finding
In allowing the bequest to go to Valo.
Nome Daiir, Ind.. July 31. The Knl
vernlty of Notre Dame has created u
new department In Its school of social
science. No branch of collegiate work
III the past llvo years has developed
more extensively than thnt devoted to
tho rtudy of tho social problems. The
demand for trained men ami women
to copo with these tremendou prob
lems hns brought a largo number of stu
dents to the study of sociology. To
train elllclent men for this woik the
University of Notre Dame has cieated
this special department In her school
of social sciences that will be devoted
to tho study of social problems us di
rectly affecting the municipality. The
llov. J O. Mciiui, D. D dean of this
department for the past ten ears. Is
visiting tho Inrger Industrial centres of
the Uust, nnd at present is lu New York
city studying the special problems In
charity and coriectlon work, poverty. Its
causes and relief. Juvenile delliiuucncy,
unemployment, the care of the feeble
minded nnd penal Institution.
Notre Dumo Is IhoSlargctit Catholic
college In America nnd the largest
boarding xchool In th world. Its stu
dent body contains nearly fifteen hun
dred xtudeutH who live In halls of resi
dence nnd take their meals lu common.
It Is nothing less than n vast
family, with tho faculty perform
ing a paternal ns well as an
educational role. Twenty-four hours
of tho day the students ur under tho
eye nnd control of tho university. Meals
nro served ut tho samo hour each day,
periods nro speollled when the students
must be at their books ; hours aro al
lotted for exercise nnd lounging n plan
Intended ti develop the ability for In
tense application by fostering a well
regulated mode of living uud it sjstem
ntlc habit of thought and work, The
distinctive feature of Notre Dame is
the homo life of the students. Tho In
timate relationship between the faculty
and tho students Impresses the visitor
and In nno key to the Intensity of the
college spirit ut Notro Dame.
Tho career of the university Is little
short of u marvel and Its history Is nu
Inspiring record of sacrlflco nnd devo
tion. The secret of Notre Dame lies In
the fact that It has been able to keep
up in n latgo household the spirit which
usually belongs to u small one. The
wonderful locality, the noble buildings.
tho htudentH anit teachers, enable tin
directors to produce really enchanting
fccenes almost nt will : nnd tho abound
ing llfo of these youths vxpressed In
such variety and with such freedom, and
yet with fcuch restraint, keeps all things
The entire plan of studies Is bnsed
on the modified elective system. The
student Is free to select Ills own cur
riculum conformably to his natural lik
ing, the career In life ho may hao In
view, or the determinate Intellectual bent
deeloped during his secondary school
years ; hut. though he Is free to elect
his own studies, he has not, however,
unlimited freedom In this respect. The
principle of general election is modified.
Twenty programmes are open for Ms
choice In the colleges, each embruelng
courses which In the opinion of the
faculty contribute best cultural, scien
tific or professional knowledge. Stu
dents who wish to spend n limited time
in study nnd cijnnot complete nil tho
courses In n programme for n degree
may register as special students nnd
elect any course for which their prep
nratlon has fitted them.
The university has opened a New
Vork ofllce, tinder tho management of
William 13. Cotter, nt COS Klftli nvo
nue. The faculty mtilntnlns that an educa
tion which gives little attention to tho
development of tho moral part of n
vouth's character is pernicious and that
it is impossible to bring about this de
velopment where students aro granted
nbolute relaxation from all faculty gov-
eminent whlio outside tho class room.
, young man must lenrn obedience to
law by the nctuai practice ot oueuier.ee
Here students nre required to obtain
permission for any departure from the
regular daily rc mine.
Kor the most part the faculty at
Vilbrnhain Academy. Wilhraham, Mass.,
remain unchniiiieil for the coming year.
Tho plan of the school at tho present
time calls for one teacher for rery
eight undents. This brings masters
Into clime personal rthitlonslup with tho
boys nnd necessitates careful eelectlon
of men who by personality, training
nnd experience are titled to be miccos
ful leaders of young men. Two nw
HF HVy will pnhllih
weekly irrlei of note
worthy ednratlnnal r-
flclei, beginning 8tnrdny, Ad
rait 14, and ronflnnlng two
and a half montha. Tbeae rn.
nnhle arllrlea will be written
by hrada of leading aehooli and
enllegea thrnnghnnt Hie country
They ihnubt prore a great help
to parrnta and gnnrdlnna In
nlrlnr the problem of aelrrtlng
tne rlrht lehnnl for their chil
dren. Principal! of high class prl
fate ehoola and arndrmles will
find TUT. TT.N during the
montha of August, Krptrmher
and October an exceptionally
fine adrrrtlatng medium that
will do the TOlnnble lerflce of
dlrertlng the attention of par.
rnta and guardlam to really d.
ilrable srhonlt.
In 1011 TIIK HVX calnr.1
more agate lines of acliool ad
vertMng than any oilier .Now
York nrwapuper In itt :lan.
Far and Wide
trncliprs will lireln tli.dr work nt Wll
lirahnm thin Mil. William AhIimoiIIi
ot Lebanon, ?, H. , will have charitc ,
II. A. In 1'JVI. For two Neurit ho taught
Latin and (Ireek at Clallin University,
Orangeburg, S. C, wheru he was ulso
faculty director of the student V. M.
l A. and leader of the college orches-
tra, Hi- plays three illffeient Instru- t
ments with skill and abilitypiano,
violin and cello. Slncu Sepetniber, lall.
Mr. llonney has been taking graduate ,
work at Columbia Unllets.ty, where ho
Is coutlnu'ng his study during tho sum. i
mcr session.
Mr. Ashworth, the new master In Mug
1 Intl. prepared for college ut Tllton
Seminary. Tllton, N. 11., nnd received
the degree of II. A. from Dartmouth In
19V9. For two years ho was Instructor
In Kngllsh ut Mount lleriuun School,
following this with one soar's work as
heuil of tho KngllFh department ut
I'owder J'olnt School, Duxbury, Muss.
In 1!M3 he went from this school with
the principal to the Allen School, West I
Newton, Mass., wheru ho has Just ,
completed his third year as head of tho
Kngllsh dmartinent. Mr Ashwoith Is
also an accomplished muslclun. playing
tho piano and chinch organ.
Headmaster W. W. Marsee has
celvod reiKirts from Harvard, Yale,
Princeton nnd llrown universities and
unusually favorable results were attained
by the bos who took college board ex
amination In June. The bo.xs am Justestry, which was held for tho tlrst time
now receiving tneir
renoits showing
unusually satisfactory results.
Arthur Avrnu t hns Just been engaged
... ....... -.J.l- ... ...1.. ..1
ill iitiii-i return i iii.imi't lu luivtf iiiu finite
of Arthur Madden, leslgned. .Mr. I
,yrnult was for live years a master ut,nuully. but who has no Idea of becom
ft. Taul's" School, Concord. Ho then
served under l'r. damage for four years
at St. l'.iuls School, uarden City. For
tho pa?t few years .Mr. Ayrault hasstry attitudo In two groups of ydung
conducted a school for young boys at "10" ,v,1 ,lavo R"o back to their busl
llarrlson, X. Y. This school he Is glv- r profession or to school with the
lug up. though he will bring with him r'Blt nnderstandlng of tho forests nnd
to Masseo some of the older boys ofi""" i""1" nu nauon.
the school.
Mr, und Mrs. Arthur D. I.. Ayrault
and family will reside In llronxiltle In
mere Is too much diphtheria In Cali
fornia, thinks the Stato hygienic lnborl
utory, maintained nt tho university by
tho State Hoard of Health. Its services
have now been offered to nny school In
California to help light tho dangerous
disease. There were 422 cases of diph
theria In California in March nnd 2S1
In April there Is a lot to bo done.
Tha old way of fighting dlphtherli
In tho schools was to send the children
home, close up tight nnd resort to ex
pensive and Ineffective fumigation. Then
tho children came back. Among them
were pretty sure to be some who were
"carriers." that Is who wcro practically
well themselves but dangerous to others
bcc.uifo they still carried diphtheria
germs In their noses nnd throats. These
"carriers" usually had gone undetected,
ao the epidemic went right on spreading.
Hut a new- way to light diphtheria la
proposed by the Stato hygienic labora
tory llko this:
Oet rid of tho common drlnklnc cup.
Oct rid of tho roller towel.
Keep tho floors, furniture and door
knobs clean.
If dinhtheila does appear take'cultures
from tho noses and throats of the chil
dren, teachers nnd Janitors nnd send
theso cultures to tho stato Hygienic
laboratory nt tho university. Theso cul
tures will bo examined without chargo,
and thus It can bo found out If there
aro any "diphtheria carriers" In the
Then there will bo opportunity for
those who liavo been Innocently spread
ing the disease, without the slightest
suspicion they were dnngeioils to others,
to tako proper precautions and to have
their noses and throats completely cured,
Meantime all tho other children can
keep on with their school work Instead
of being thrown Into enforced Idleness.
This Is declared Infinitely better than
the time wasting nnd Ineffective old
method of quarantining n whole schoil
without finding out whoro the diphtheria
really came from nnd without really do
ing nnv thing at nil to check Its spread.
California's diversified agricultural In
dustry attracts college men from nearly
every State In tho Union nnd from tho
leading colleges. In addition to the grad
uates ot tho land grant agricultural
.nUi?.-s. there aro hundieds ot college
and university gtaduntes of tho leading
Institutions actually engaged in nusuiess
of fruit, livestock and crop production,
During the forthcoming fruit grow-
i,r' convention ni roanioru i noiinio
college men engaged hi agriculture will
moot ii round tho baniiuet table Friday
evening, duly 30, for consideration of
the formation and permanent organiza
tion of collego men engaged In agricul
ture. Irrespective of what State nr what
.nllcire thev como fiom. All men nro
urged to bo present. This rail Is signed
by ileorge l Welden, chairman, licputy
Stato Horticultural i ouioni-mmi. ! , .
rnmento, and 11. 13. Van Norman, so
rotary, dean University farm school,
Pa Is.
!(orge Fitch, tho humorist and author
of vest pocket essays, told the class In
short story writing recently at tho cm
v,.,.uv nf Washington. Seattle. Wash.
that n million words already wiltfen nnd
gone over carerully Is not too iniirn pr.ic
iln orellmliinrv to. the submission of t
short story for sale. Some of the stu-
.laiit cusneil a little.
That's only n short university
course." said Mr. Fitch, noting tho as
intiUlnnetit. "That's a thousand words i
dnv for three years. And a thousand
words a day is only fair practice. Tho
writer should practice Just ns falthfull
as the musician, the p.ilmter. tno limn te,
filial II II wlm work to excel must lMlictlse.
"Just one or two pieces of ndvlco,
Study tho marketing ns well n tho writ
ing of a stm y, and lie an oirtnlvoious
taker of tiolis," ho nuhl.
The usual practice among beginners
In short slory writing Ik to write n story
and then pick out the magazine In which
they would llko It to appear, Instead of
choosing the magazine that takes that
tpo of product. Tho result Is that
every high lints magazine rccelvis a
vast amount of matiiial that Iho e.llloi
dlHllkes, despises and will not havn mi
der any condition.
"Now, as In Iho taking of notes:
When I was n cub ioirtcr Itobirt .1,
Itiirihtte. whoso heart was cnoiilowlns
with kindness to all. told me to 1111 note-
, books with every idea or half-Idea that
j occiii'ii'il to ino lie said he hail ilouo
lit and thus had stored up for himself a
supply of 1eas on which he lould keep
running for ten yearn If not unolhei
Idea occurred to lilin for fen yeius
more. I took hi mlvKe, and have found
It excellent. I Xicg to luius It on to you."
Latest News of Events
in the Scholastic IV or Id
AJOIMIKN. Leonard Wood of
tho United Ktatfn iinny, who
nttpndetl the commencement ex
to you my appreciation of the nd
mlrablo work you are doing nt Nor
wich, evldenco of which won everywhere
apparent during my recent vlidt. Tho
tpo of military work which Is being
ilonn nt Norwich Is of irtimt vnlun to Ilu.
country In prepatlng the graduates of
iu. university for duty ns officers In
case of war," 1 lu ulso expressed the
hope that tho -Slate would glvo the larg-
est possible support and that endow-
ments might bo secured making possible
tho erection of new buildings, pnrtlc
ularly a riding luill.
Tho August forest camp maintained
by the New York Stato Collego of Kor-
,,s,r' 0,1 K1UK ' !"t of the
general educational work In forestry
which the college Is obliged to carry
on under its organic lnw. The camp Is
"ul a nionlh of ordinary outing, but Is
(given to thoroughly effective Instruction
which Is supplemented dally by field
studies in nature's laboratory,
Through tho kindness ut tlt-orgo II.
Thacher of Albany. N. V ono of tho
best camp sites on Kaipietto Like, lias
been secured for tho Stato forest camp
of 1915. The CAtnp in a wayiK n mini
uluro village with the men living In Sx9
In establishing n summer ciunp In for-
(during the month of August. 1912. ths
New oik Slnto Collego of Forestry nt
,. "vracuse negnn a Pioneer movement In
.flul.l Inul rni.tl.... In ..rul..
.u.ituii ... ivi.kii; iui low mail
who wants to go Into the woods an-
ing ii lorefuer.
Already tho camp has dotio good work
for the State, developing the right for
Ann Anaon, Mich., July SI, Formal
announcement Is made nt tho University
of Michigan of s. campaign to be started
In October nmonir the JS.OOO alumni of
tha Institution to raise 11,000,000 to
College ot Arts : : School of Music
School of Household Art. Secretarial
Courae. School of Education. Preparatory.
Thirty-four miles from New York Cltv on tho Hum
Division of the D Ij. iV W. It. It, 10 modm" build,
inaa. 315 acres of land. 60(1 feet nlioio sea level All
coiues from Secondary School through College' con
f,irniJ, '.'l" Mandard requirements of tho State Hoard
or hducatlon. Catalogues upon request.
Bradford Academy
Bradford, Mass.
1 31 It year bestns Peptcmher 15th
Thlrtt miles from Union. In the beautiful
Merrlmnc vailey. Katensive Krounns anu
modern equipment. Certlflcate admtti to
lendlne collenes. Oeneral course of Ave
e.ira and two years' coursa for lllsh
School irraduatea. Aililrras
.Mlsa IAi:ilA A. KNOTT, A. M Vrlnrlpal.
House in the Pines
Norton, Matiachuaetta
40 minutei from Boston
Miaa Gertrude E, Corniah, Principal
Wheaton College for Women
The new cnlleia for women. 4 yar
course leadlnK lo A. II. deeree. Faculty of
men and .omen. Also i year diploma
course lor man aciiuut Kraousies, i,
Imlhlltin. 100 acres. Kudos mrnt, Cat
aloe ltev HAML'EI. V COI.I1. 11. Il ,
I.I.. II., President, Norton, Masa. (10 miles
from Huston).
riTTSKIKI.n, Maaa.
Miss HalPs School
MISS M1RA H. HALL, Principal
ItOMi:, New York,
ACAD KMT Of nil'. IIOI.Y NtMr.S,
lltinie, N. V.
Hltualeil near Hie hanks or the historical
MoliaHk, Ohjcit of ac.tilciny Is lo iitticato
iiiiiik Klrls tliorniittlily Tim academy Is
in i nillliil lo i tin t'nlicrslly of the Ktnte of
Neil York. rite for booklet.
,r.iiii(JK(Mi, new mra,
MT. ST. MARY-oi.-t.il-HUDSON
NetilnirKli, N. Y.
Aendrno " loiiiia laidlra.
Kor particular apply lo alutlier Huparlor.
IlL'ri'AI.O, Nen York.
ivrorit.i.r, roi.i.Eiii:. nuiraio, n. t.
A Catholic ('ones for woman.
Write lor booklet.
TAHIIY lOtt.V New l'nrk.
rnNvr.vr sritrii 7i r.A n r nr i4nr,
"Mnrinimil." T.iriytown, N. Y. Wrlt.i for
lllusiratcd Catalomie.
HVHAft'Si:. New York.
hi rat use, N. 1 .
Pull informallon addreaa Mister Dlns'lross.
PLAIN I I i:i. II, .New Jersey,
t (ii.i.rtii: or m r.
Hltualeil nn Ihe Walrliuue Mountain. Col
lea for ynunx Moineii. Kitenilon coiirsns.
hmh siliuul and pihuary depu. A nlKh data
graded school for youog bo.i and (irla.
erect, equip nnd endow a building for the
Michigan Union, nn organization com
posed of virtually nil tho students nt- j
tending the university. The announce
ment states that the purpose of the
student union In "to democratize the
undergraduates, to glvo them chances
for self-education by mhigllng with one
another nnd to develop tho community
spirit nmong the students." The pro
!oed new building Is to be a common
meeting ground for all Michigan stu
dents nnd itlumnl.
Committees, ure being formed In 1S3
cities In America to carry on tho work
of collecting tho funds.
Tho puritoso of tho Michigan t'nlon
building Is to provide u (milled and
official playground nnd lounging place
fur tho students. Ilooms for clubs, mu
sical societies, dancing, eating, commit
tees, ga.nes, visiting nlumnl, billiards
and a swimming pool are planned. And
there is a room olllclally designated us
tho "rough house room," which cer
tainly no well regulated collepe should
bo without. In this way It Is hoped
that Michigan will acquire the unify of
spirit and friendliness of n. small college.
"Contemporary' Sculpture" Is the sub
ject of n serlen of six lllustruted lectures
which nro being given In Leon Mnndel
Assembly Hall nt tho University of
Chicago by Lorado Taft, tho Chicago
eculplor, who Is professorial lecturer on
the history of ntt In tho university. Tho
opening lecture, on July 2C, was on "Liv
ing French Mnsters," and on July 27
the lecturer considered "llecent Herman
' 't,,l r'
flu AiiLiiut X tliM Hlibti.pl rt tins leptnrA
will bo "Sculpture of the North : I3ng- '
land, Scandinavia and Itusla," und on
August "Present Tendencies In Italy
und Spain,"
Two lectures on Iho young American
sculptors nnd on living nrt will complete
tho series. Tho closing lecture will be In
1-on Mnndel Assembly Hall on the eye
ing of August 6.
Leave of iibsenco has been granted by
tho board of trustees of tho I'nlverslty
of Chicago to Dr. I'letro Stoppanl ot tho
department of romanco languages nnd
literatures nt the university. The leavo
of absence extends for a year from the
opening of the autumn quarter In
Dr. Stoppanl Intends to enter the
Italian nrmy, nnd expects to he nsslnged
to service In the hospital corps.
ia r ion. n. j.
BinntOND 1III.1, x, T.
., nunc lady of etKTlclice. itrBiluHe of
Savais-e .school for I'hjslcal Kdiiculon,"
clilrcs 10 conmvt with .1 hlidi rlas.s Kirls"
Prelmraior sihisil At present einplmcl,
nut Koiilil consider niaklnit 11 chanse. hlali
,t rerereiKi-a. MISS r. .s IIIU lleecll
NI., Illdiiiiond IIIII, I.. I.
TAItltlTOlVN-ON.III iimin, .v, v.
The Misses Metcalf's Boarding;
and Day School for Girls
College prep ir.itlon, l'lualca. training
rlillnr and eutiloor enorte
iarrtoHii ou-jludsun, New
hotnu nmili.Kiir.M, vi.
A seleir si Imoi fur girls. Colleitv preiwratory
and llnlshltik-1 uiim. Uleitlin stinlles. Ail.
dreva t I. At 111; N. 1V..M', frliiclpal, Hoi
) -.'H. Sonlh llelhlelieiii, I'm.
i Trinity Collrce, u aslilnnt.in. D. c. A
' .
I , Oenritelunii Ytsllailnn t'nitienl, lVasn.
Kl,l!el SlJ " wWw for"tiookV,;.Ch0':-
IIOI.Y f'lCOSS At'AIII'.llV. ll-nslilnelnn
II. (.'. Ili.nrdtnR rind ilay school for clrla.
Writ Klsier tuunlur lor llouklet.
IIOI.I.II 1 VSItl lit.. Pa.
M' r...l. C-U 1 Inr
miss .ui UI.I1UUI (;irls.
I llllahlnitil Haiti llnllldnisliiirK, I'riiiin.
'filfeae prcpir.uory Adiani'isf (oiirsn fur
i IIIkIi Cchiail itrnitiia'cs. Mu.e An. Hi
mcsilc riiii'itce, llialihful location In union.
laliis. tit itina.liini. Mtlmntlnt; po.il sl,silni
ixirch. All riKiuts conniTt llh bull. I'atalni;.
Address i:IMt MII.ION :OMI,KN, llrjil
of Si hool.
I.OItl'.l TO. r.iinsili.iiila.
ST, TltaNI'IS ('(II. I. I I. i: and EcUslas.
Ural heiiiliuir, l,ori-llo, l.i ;oih ic.tr
Slluntlon healthiest In I'cuita Imprme.
ments, priiale rooms, uym. Mliiitnlni pool,
larae c.nnpus Very llec. J V M. DOvl.H,
T O. It . I . I.I, 1 . I'reslilint
I.ITITZ, rrnnsjlvnnlu.
I'or (ilrls. Est. Kin. Ilii.iklil. Address
Hut inn, i.lilif, I'n.
HETIU.KIIKM I'eiinsilianla.
Moravian Seminary & Collegn for Women
nr. i m.i.nr.M, i'A,
Accredited 17 4th )eur Sejit, :2. llt.
hi'. .YMItY'N, r.'iiiisiiiiiiiia.
nr. iii;m:ii(T's iciiir.ur,
hi. Man's (l.lk Co.), I'cnna.
I'.lciiiiiitary. Intcriueiliato
ami Henlor
Terms 120.1 ml lm 10 nionlhs.
iiAi.rnioiih. Mil.
Notre Dame of Maryland
A CoIIckh for Monicn, .Mamilllrent Imlld,
jnss lu hc.nillful Vll-ncre park. Iti-iruc.
Iocs are sniHiallstM. All comsna. Mudc,
An. Catiiloiru.i. Charles hlrret Aieiine,
llaltliiliur. Aid.
MOI'.NI WAhlll.NlilO.N, Mnriland.
Ml, St. nes t'olIeK, Ml Washimrtnn,
Mil. Collive, IIIkIi School and (ir.itiimur
richool. I'or Information, thu lliiis'ireas,
IM'llt (Jl'i:. lima.
mt. sr. Josn'it coi.i.i'c.r. ami
A4MIIK.MY, Ilulllimie, Iiihu. Ilwiklel on
1 OHIMIAM, New Vork tllr.
.1. JJ" 't4.llng Csthol'C U,n,!vfr,iy oi AmtriVa, ofu-rin exceptional educational
advantages to young men. Under direction of the Jcuit Kathcrs.
Jolin'i College' 0Ung Jo,",', H'Bh Scho01 PffPlr,,ory ,0 St-
I , r liH Vonb,Uo !ngV "' M,nct!f fitV.' camP'"' rtc' Plt!snl '"troundingi.
Location I9lit St., adjoining Bronx Park. Further infamatlon jum
Fordham University, Fordhnm, New York City.
l i:
NKW VOIIK. New York Clly.
ihioioih our method of nocrntrntlnii
hoy of 12 paMil the rollonlng ItiyentV
Arithmetic t H. HUtorr
'"sraph)r WrlthiK
Hf. tllux Kleiiieniary Alifhra
Heading I'Unn (Icuineiry
l.ltiiicntury Kngllsh Kngllsh i'linsi Years
And a hoy or to did
Four Years Work in One
WiUits. X. V , July Hi, nf,
I Ills Is to ecrllfv that Is-IHceii (Moln r
I'.'l l. ami .tun... ntt A. I I'linusl To Uivi nls
count at the OrolM' I, !tt SCHOOL by pass.
n.s in.- luiiiin sillljlis
im-iira loo
iliterniisllale AU
p, lir.s 11 r
Anur lll.lorv H.I'.
-iujir fs'
Solid (leoiuctr. si'
lil) sirs, .NV.
1'remii, ltd r . ".
tiienilsiry WZ' ,
KnglWi, 4 )rs S3'
Am Almlira
rremli. 'Jd r
Plane flistim-liy .
in ;,
e ure iloliuf the same grade of work In our
Hiiimiiir -)cIiihiI.
tub "luin-ciark School
'-.VI W. T.llli St. Irl. 7 t Col.
OAltllKN CITV, X. V.
St. Paul's
Garden City
Healthfully located In beauti
ful (is.rih'11 City, l.onc Island,
is miles from New York Klre
proof b u 1 1 d I n e s oinplrtiv
touliipi-tt (, uiii.tslinn, snlin
luliiit pool, ?o acres of fine nih
il tic fields Until clr.ss n ml hull
ililual liiMvuctliin nil en. Pre
pares fur aiiv collect, or virntiao
school t oni pi lent master at tuc
head of rauli department.
A Lower School for Younger Boys
Kali Term llrglns .Sept. Itllh.
Ilulldlnes Now Open.
Catalogue ou Iteciiifst.
WAITi:it II MARSH. Ilrailmanrr.
Ilul l.s. Garden lity. 1.. I
HltdllKI.Y.N New York.
St. John's College ,'',Vu",ln.' N.I,Y.AI"
Thul'a the place to educate jour hoyt
Clasiilcal, fiintinc. uinnierclal, nielnsr
Inr. peilaRorlr il and mtilc.tt courses. He
opns Sept. 13. Wrltt for catalocue.
llrookljn. N. V, Ulrei te.l by the Krnm lscan
ltrc.th.rs. Day., lunar, only. IIIsli at hool,
c ss.lial anil rummer 1 il
c asii ai ana commr i.u,
l'l:i:i:ll(ll. II, New Jersey.
Freehold Military School
For Hoys 7 to S
Theso two srhtmls. parh Independent,
half a mile apart ulie n boy a tralntnir
under onr poilcv from his Tfh ear till
hi.'s ri aily fur colVin or business 42
inlli s from New York Terms i VI lo
f.-i.-.ii Address Mnliir ,M. lll'N-N,
llo fs.'l. I'reeliold, Neu Jerse,
For Hoys over li
New Jersey Military Academy
HllillT.sTOlY.N New Jersey.
PEDDIE INSTITUTE t:n:!;lr,?)::"n"
l'r, pir a fur aM rolletrri. Iluslners. itislr.
til tnmisliim, .sulminlnc Pool Ath'etic
held loth ear. 300 hovs. l.oner ? tioul
for liovs II tn l years Kates jro to I '.o.
Send for cutaioa Address It. w. si ;t-
I.AM I, A, .11., Hill A. II., HlElilslollll, N..I.
HI.AIKsHHVN, New .ler.ej.
Blair Academy for Boys
lnO-acre campus; lake s ntolern buliil
Inas. Kyinnasluiii. anlmmlnc pool Hn
done.l. Terms 1400 .Itlll.N I. s.HI'i:,
A. .M It. II., Jleadiuaeler, Hut II. lllalrs
tnun. N, .1.
.IKItsl'.V CITY, New Jersey,
.iritsKY CITY. N. .1.
Co Ifce and hlBll f 'hool roinhn -e,l hv the
Jesuit I'nthers 1'nll term tieains Meitnes
ilai. Sept s. Vitr caialnciie ad'lress th
I'resldeiii, ltev James K .M-llerinn't. S .1
hf.MMlr, Nen .Irrse.
rHI.Tt)N ArAIKl, Sf.MMIT. N ,T,
t'pper si linul ictves thorouxll prepiratlon
t,,r nil lOLeites. Itt'lli IiIimI ittlrtttlon. cntit
meritlil courses, iiihellc sports, resilient
c tin pits In Low er si linn' hotist tnother tn Klve
persnn.il care I'll A UI.KS II. SVIU'i.T;'.,
A. M . Ileailn. aster.
Neunian s.'hool, llarlieni, k, N J A
r,i !rc pri'p.ltiltorv tioar IIiir school under
I ii no Ic .inspire .IKS.SK AllllUltl'
l ili'Ki: A M . I.I. I. llemltiiasler.
Nouti: iimii:, ind.
University of Notre Dame
College. ''"m'.''rVis""' ,'"ur",m leadlnK to
Hoard and Tuition $lisip.rear
Preparatory School 4onHTt-.ir'
Si. Edward's Hall F"r '"'S' perTear
New York Office, bos fif rn Avcrjut.
Munui Hill HI 1,1.
i:.MMITMIt'lt(i, .Mar) land.
I'llllllJiil so
MOl'.NT N4.IM' Millt'S 'Ol.l.r.41H
I'liiiiillslinr, Marl land,
Condtictisl hy Hivular (iiTH)incn, aided
hy ly Profi-viors l-otirs.'., I'rcp irator) .
( nninicrclnl. Heleiitlfle. ('lasslial Kcelcslis.
Iic.il, Separate Dcpartnieut lor oinu Uos
i-iilalouuti upon rtspiest. Adilri-ss. Ittntit
lli'v Moii'lKiior II. J. llllAll.i:i. Id.. II..
Al.l.nNTOWN, I'a.
Allentown Preparatory School
I'rep.iria Ikijs nr lendiiiK colli acs and iinlierl
tles spis'lil dip I lor joiiiihit lio' New I in 1 1 1 1
lnn All nllilell'-K Iliuli slaiulirds Lami.
cainp'i liH'liinvi" Iitiiis .'7,,i ami up Cit.il, k.
Atldnas Crank N. fluni.iii. A M . I'rluclp.il
Vlll'lllillllli I'll,
CI.YMOLTII, New Hump. hire. i
Cljioiiiilh, N. II.
Klif liuilillnns Tncuty ai'rfs. Prepares for
rid !." nnl Tfi'linh al .schools Hanks ivl'h
the lilelHst Kr.nle si liunls. t llm tuition
Is moderate, New (Ikinnuslum 3? th tear.
HIIM.KMOI.O, lli:ill)lN(. ItllM.i:, Conn,
Tllll SVNIOKO hCIIOOI., I'or llnya
Uox 8, Itldcewold, IteddliiB Ridge, Conn.
I (lltl)ll AM. Nen Vork ('!?.
I lilt litMH
1900 t f t abnvo tlie
a In the rnulhlis
'of the llt-rkshlres, .',0
miles from New York
rin II. ocrt
l.ak. one mils la
Ifliirli. prnihles nil
wntiT snorts Xsw
bout hoii.!, A'lllMIC
flel lo.
iii'in 'ui g. n'r.il emirr
Due Luihur iii n ft)- f, ,, mnkrs pes.
Uhlr nn III. .mate reliili.,iili littwren
" ' '- inul iuir l:.iih puis ln.I1
ll.luall'i ilcllU nnd ilelrlutiril. Ad
IIIII AMI .1. Mt'l.t'dlMl. Ph. 11,
llritilinustrr. Illdnrllrld, Conneclleiit.
. . .: . : . " ft' "
.Mi:i((-i:iciit'iti, in.
Mercersburg Academy
Iii llr I In th ftn - imlier nn I Vj'Ve,
of the in .-l lii',iili 11. uti I hraitllf'J.
puis In A'lif'-a. l'rop.i-p. r ,,,,i..k .-Liisln.'-.
y. ho'ii In, ii, us u t i,in:) tune
nt f.f reli i,- uii lri i!ul i in iiu.' ts
iruin in- Kr. II linivrsllli.- I'Hrsonj n t
trillion Kll'-ll ! 1- )l bo l-:.ttjilllfal III t
ouk-lili iii. i li-rn. In' hi. lint.- 111,11:1. in, . nt urn
Kiiin.iIUMi Kor 1 m, 1 1 ii; ,inu n ,uk et. al
dicsa 11,11 1 II
WILLIAM MANN IRVINE. I.I.. t).. Headmaster
ll.l.SII , Pa.
tittl i U al in I M. him at J.iiit
ii 'rnuif 1 if. A 'srtnl tiiin
Ilc thnt hit n a m 11 I l si 1 r litv
urk I u 1 tit irr- - i tr
iu-r. iMuani t-,.i-oiMifi.r.).n. ...
l'revSiJeht. linv.M, llluiitMu. I.i.ta
lvtentine Att y, tor tnall
llAsl'IIAMI-IO.V, .Mass.
11 11. 1. 1-1 (i -.i;niN.itv i-oit nos.
Yn ir l p. r. 11 in, .in, in , n,,i ,
iitil Ai the ni vnntKK. s of n hlih
prl ei s, li 1 'I for -no Urate term. s
title an,l prei-irat ir" ilepiriineius iv
tntilillnirs. iti ninslum six s, r. utlt eti
tie.il. irlt tor Imnkiet or citaioir .liisei.H.
II Saui'T. I. H f).. PrlncltMl. i:i.tliumi.
tun, Mas.iclitlsells
(ilttlTON, Mnsncbllsella.
Red House School, Grotop, Mass.
, , , . . . ,
. 'm,J, ' ' " K . cunit.nes ,
III Hue " with lion! '! Ii ine, and pre
' pales t, ju. ,.r the .line 1T-. iraiori
1 ft n,"'s l.mt-e.l I , en In is
Address, ('. A. slum, HmidniAAtr r.
.NOKTIIAMI-ION, Massna hutetta.
, I offer special itper l-lnn for young-
hT. IIONAYllNTt'ltr. V. O., New lorU.
st. Iliiittiifittnre's ('iillcice nnd Semlnnrt
Fi It. n , ' i- 1' U A eciti . a a
t iiljs i'j., N Y nurse-, i jtnin r i.i ,
A ajemt . eirute ami Theoiogi' i
ri f for 11,. kief
NEW YOKK l.ukeinont.
Starkey Seminary
l.K('iiim.t, Vn let Vu,, N V.
lUutitlfu Mle on cntcu I.uke. Iteitl roun
tr, pupli.1 Ud? rouin an. I air. An riulowtil
hoiii ftihot'i for both f-xei of 11 ymri nn-l
uiiwani, Carcfui trnlnlni: in hralth nnl
cdura ter. l'r pari ivc bffft totlrcfl nnl
bu'iiitfetet. Ad v tl rouri In Art anj
luic .V. Y. MJle ilecfiH Mainlartli.
curn room eirty. lUle, J250 tu $300
AiMr) liu in;
.Marl j ii MiimiM'rhrll, 1,1,. !,, rf Iclriit.
TIIK IIK.HI.I-. ini"nr.. SCHOOL.
For chtlilren b m 13. Dr. Ilerie here
applies his eistem of home training, Sum
tuer und winter sports combine, 1 nth u
t.ipld. heuthv mental irroivth Iiieal loci
Hon. Iiulli llual nttrntlon. Terms 11. 0j)
iSutnmer 1400 I
I.ITl'll ITEI.1t. t'onnerllriit.
(illKENSIIl'lin, Ienns)ltanla.
(illEllNslll'IKl, PA.
Elementary, academic courses. Writs
far llooklet.
VII.Iill!AHllK, I'rnnsTlianla.
alnt Mary's I-arnrlilal lllth ftrhonl,
Wlike.iiarre. I'cnna. AllllliteJ to ihs
Catholic I'nlverslty of America, Wash
Inaton, D. C.
Hand Summer rhnnl, A'lenhiirst,
Hoarding, no failures for entrance.
llt'SINI'.SS 4'Ol.l.rr.E!4.
NIAl YOIIK New Tnrk ritr.
UUAI lAfnOTU Business Institute, tlrn.irUa
VlHLllUllin A7rdSt Slenosiaphy. Honk. ,
kcoplnp,ScretanalCourr,CIilServlf iinaCalaloj.
New Y'nrk City.
TAl'lillT PltlVTI".V
'IO IIOTIt sp.M-.s
I n
' D ALTON rn' es.'!p; V s.."n
TIIK SUN maintains a
most ellicioiit Kducutional
This complete Borvico la
absolutely freo of charge to
Accurate nnd unbinssed
information given to all in
quirers. This Kcrvicc will provo of
valuable assistance in so
Icctini? tho proper school
for placing your hoy or girl.
In writing give aufficient
detailf ao that intelligent
advice ran he given.
150 Naatau St., New York
TOl'Xtl yt:S AMI IIIM M.
llAHNUtl) S.'IUMII. roil Itllr
Klelilsoii.il irt atsd St. Ilovs may remain
allilsy. liicliiillnKSiil'y. stndv hour, Tennis
Courts. Athletic riefd, Mud'g 10 Oolline.
.m W. R I tli St. Tel. 4311 Schuyler.
Hoys from n to 20. All In pirtmenls.
No home atudy Inr hots inulcr 1 J.
TltlNti r M lKHll,
I3U-I47 Wit nisi sin.,.t
A I borili Dai Sitniol
Kilt HtlYh.
aiiKiia nn i-,ii,i ,ic. rri, Col. ruiu.
The I nth icnr lupins Octolsr I IUI.-..
Outdoor ilMTl.'.s I .111 o 4 till winter.
1)11 Kill I' si lllliil,. 1.1 w, 4:tl ST.
Hay Ih'pt.of Ncn oik Prep iratory Siiio.il.
ThoroiiKli niirk, limited ilvsi. miKl. fees,
buiuuirr cislou lor sirpt l.a.imhiatloiis.
11111:1:1111.1. iiii.Min siiiiini. "
14 ncres. nr.ir Van l ortlnriilt I'k at J.M Nt.
Day A lloanllrnt Ilu) . 1 s II ic' ctt. Head
master. Intimate tmchlnir M Keliularly Men.
I'Olt tilltl.s NII TOl'.Ntl MOMItN.
1111: iiAitwp.it m limit. 1011 i.nti.s.
lllmleriCHMell to ( ullnite. 1 1 .11 1 1l.1t i 111 l,..v.
IliRColletrvs i 11111 isl nii and I rililb. CaU
loue. 4-.M W.s-t mmii street.
lUIHi. KIN ISSItll ll; roit (.IIMs.
t olli ge ei rtlllcnl' S. lloiiie ,lc .- 'enes
course ailiaiiri.f work in l.n.-ii.'i niM is.
eru l.anxuuces Tor Until scli sil n i lu.i' -s-
'I IUI M I lllll.it SI MODI t (iu I. tut S?
411 IHllIlM riein. i,- ill II.'!,'- i. ' llo
lili'-tli'M li'tire ,r, tn if 1,1 MtriMoc. llri,
t'liurse l.lft l'rolili n,. 1'ils.- Morimh u .nn 1
III I It-1 It I . SI I llllf ...
a:a i rt i:n.i ,w ... i it.
K Ind rl rait en, I . i.-nn nt 111 , tl 1 , cli,iol an I
t'olleje I'rep-il itlun LI in if-
41 MtOM It M MOllI
10 I ti'li ,.
Iloarillm: m I l)j- s 1 ,1,'
f.Mh inr I, .'in ii 'Ii
HOI II S vi s
1 1ll. IIHOtl N M IIIKII HI' II IDI.'tM.
V41 Hot ...111 Mfit ' ' I it.
Ofirn nil Mtninirt, Ai 1 i.iitu; lsiantl
JctM-y lo.it. liar llnruni ( i.t tin 11, Ac.
: 1 i ai. 1 i.t 1 1:1 si iiiiiii.
Central I'ai.. We n . 1 "it.
I rotn Im.di : . . t -li
Athletlu ll'li I'.'.'i 11 i . fnT.t.
I HIS llllfl.f IllliV U'I'I Ills Kill Y
A St Mill, lit I 1 s UN ItiOll-sl.
nn. si iiimii.. 1 01 1.1 (.1 vm nil'
lit III It . N I. M , lilt.
NKW 1 IIKIi Sen Yuri. City.
Dancing Oarnival
Il Ml
1 ' er fill
' I' ' i door
r f ,. -. , r i'
,i , , c i-r , t
fi et
iii-11 f i -.,!' 1rV,
no i.itiroii -01.11.
.' ri,
I It, I IV
unit iinnr nr. r
I no-. S.J"
-Iil V I I.
I.I l In
-it ii II. J'll-
i ii .i.
' ..iftt
I I i I I I " it fjK
. .. i" i. mr, 1', ..'
Pi ' i. Ml llli I . f ll'l i
p T r "1 .u' !.,!. (' ' "U '
uu i t il iii.i' r In-' . . i
' in Ir- ii i ( (j i 1 1 i j ,1
V. 1 . f ( i - II . T ' I - ' - il
t lt !' . t ' I "1
4 it i.r, . t.i - li Mi. i . ai , - '
rV r .
(', 1 . . ii.
Tirol i . I
I -i i, 'i
rtr fArC Hepb-irn
r r. s, -
.i I'
4 n'l, 'ifu
Irriri Hr.meiis ls.
tlx' ' .'.."
i,i.' .1.-
ltm . u ii. i . .
Tlfrlev 1'liil.l.it'l s 11 tuffs St ,
Tslrssses r.rvsst
Write fsr li.formstlv.t Tsvlun Ssrtnal Csocia.
The National
Conservatory of Music
of America
Incorporated In IS' iim' elm 1 in 1'Ot
l.y Spiclal A ' of ' s
(Jeannetle M. Ilimlier. I I'm.)
I.NAM AMI I M."l I Ml M,
M'pt .'I I" I" i
The ,11st Si liol.lsl Ii le.il lleulo" Oct. 1
Ad sis-'s. IJo i: s . Cl'y,
of Hut ( Ut nf York
An Endowed School 1'rank I 'niroch, Dircdor
flon ii)"ii i
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atlTntrajiloit Son J.11.
vvl'h natural nblii v
iluca-tlnn I' hunt
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Wioi vrlMH itium w u'l to f 'O'll'-tJVI
ntiiry. Hue ( I irriimut V V.
581 to 35! MAUIO.N AV M.Alt 4?t ?T.
I Illrrr n.s, Curl lli-ln, Autn.t 1'r.n'iin.Ls,
1. i:11lMi m iioof. or Ml. mc.
At I.nnesi It i.e. 'I rms llo Per Ou-LrLe.! TTo.
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Harmon), Orsh. l.vciur t ,n .nn, 'r.
Vlojn Cons. rvatnry,
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Tearher of Mnitloi;. sjo (.sriii'irt.i ItalL
Ml I1H) (IPI..N AM. Ml MM Kit.
.MlP mliKM
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mmk. BUCKHOUT rf,li;Mpir
Amy Grant

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