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9 4 SOCIETY IN FORCE SEES POLO MATCH Jinny Now- Yorkers Witness Championship Event nt Xnrrnjuuisctt l'ier. SUFFRAGE DANSANT GIVEN AT NEWPORT SUFFS TO STORM CAPITAL SUFFRAGISTS DENY 'JOBS AT YALE NET , FRAUD IS CHARGED TO DOCTORS IN MOVE TO THE DA Y CONGRESS MEETS MEN ARE DECEIVERS STUDENTS $37,146 MRS. HELEN D, JENKINS i . CREATE MORAL WAVE Several Hundred Attend En tertainment nl Mrs. (). it. 1'. Uelmonfs Home. Plan Great Demonstration at Washington in Decembei'nvonidn't Sav They Favored Suit to Collect Jitdirment Ho vonls She Chanced Nnino to Helen Field. Pick War Time to Oive It th Initial IinpnlM' in This Country. Work for 2,007 Obtained by Hiirean of Appointments, Ileport SItows. in Behalf of Anthony Amendment Every Senator and Representative "Indexed." the Cause to Savo Time, Miss Hay Declares. THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. LL'XCHEOX PAIITIES OIVKX NAF.r-AnANsr.rr Pir.n. July 31. Polo was the chief topic of conversation nt the Pier to-day for tlio championship match, won by Meadow Hrook, 15 to H. attracted a meat society turnout The larceft crowd of the yiar intended the event. Among those present were the follow Ir.g New A orders; Mr and Mrs. Philip Stevenson, Mr, nnd Mrs. John 15. Kelt. Mrs. David Stevenson, Mrs. Charles 11, Fnowden, Mr. and Mrs. August Melniont. the Duke unl Duchess nurnzzo. Mrs. James floosevilt. Mrs. John Cothln, Mrs. J. Gordon Dot gins, Mrs. A. II. I.anger nin, Mr. and Mrs. It, Utevoort Kane, t:ilcry Anders m, Clarence, McCnrmlek r.J James B Townsend, "VOTES" COLONS PREVAIL Nnwror.T, July 31, The dansant given this afternoon at Mrs. o. II P. Helmont's summer home, Marble House, for the Joint benefit Of the. work nt th. f-iffr.H.1nn,il Union for Woman Suffrage and children made destitute by the war was a success in every particular, though a much larger ciowd could have been accommodated. Still, several hundred tiersons gathered upor. the lawns and about the marble ter lace. Clouds eatly In the afternoon (Mttei it fear of a downpour, but this did r.otm.iterialize N'o ne attending was al.owed to for Re", "votes for women." The union's colors predominated, the union's papet wa sold and there were buttons calling attention to the suffrago iiuestlon. All of Hie booths about the grounds were wc:l patronized ard when all of the ie celpl nre In there will no doubt be seveial thousand dollars to be contrib uted to the causes for which the fen- vvaa Prior to the match many tuncheonH given vxerc given, Uileliy lit the Casino. .1. M. I Th dnnclrg contests vvete novel In Waterbury. who wu No. : on the I that never before had there been a pub- victorious .Meadow nrook team, enter-inc nance eoi. test here tn which the young talned for Kllcry Anderson, l)ai Elklns and lareuco McCormlck of New Vork. James 11. Townsend took lunoh with Mrs. 1. A Wi.tUlns and Charles 11. Dorro of New York. Mr. and Mrs. K A. Downes of New ark entertained for Worlhlngton Mines and Jack Ilouvlcr, The hop at the Casino to-night was women of the summer colony entered. The. first contest was for cMldren It was a onestep In which six couples, nil gins, entered The two -upi were awarded to Miss Hetty l'lerson. daugh ter or .Mr and Mrs. J. Fred Plerson, Jr and Miss Kathleen Vaiiderbilt. daughter of Mr and Mis. Reginald C. Vanderbllt. Then followed a ot.estep contest for the largest of the season, more than ; grownups. It drew a urge entry and the ou i.ciust I'rcpciu. i no Kuesis include.! i -i,- v " v. ,i,.i,i. I.uther P. (iraves. the Misses tllt nti.l i daughter of Hear Admiral Austin M s Jane Hhcnrsou. MIsh ' isnignt. anil I.H'Ut. J. .1 London or tile Washington, July 31, Mis Alice Paul, prtsldent of the Congressional t'nlon for Woman Suffrage, returned to Washington from a tour of Kastern, Western and middle Weteru Stntes this week and reported to the hcndquirteM of her organization "Our campaign for the Susan itUe4tlnM nt fft 11,1 A if I t tt I. Mf. O. II r. nelmont of New York will , A, SVEltS AMIS UHAlllthS SOME MAKE S300 A EAK Helen Dwell., Jenkins, who acquired spend much of the autumn and winter .,,,. ..... In Washington working for the amend-, , rotorlety thtoiigh the Kderal prosecu- ment t'on of her friend Nathan Allen, a "Our Immediate attention Is being The truce between the suffrngKs and , Nr.w Haves', July 3t.Y.ito students. upktliy .ther mainiMctuter of Ken9 riven to the women voters' convention, nl,t, wn only a tempQnry one' who worked their way through college , . .... . .mucBllna lewelry Into to be held at the headquarters 01 tne .., ,, , . ..... of j7,nf,.S! In i ... a i. m In the Supreme. ult l (lustave h i rMuMlton " it thi linSmiVpMine Ex- AHr '.he, suffragist, had ransacked , p0.ion. obtained for them by the , Mr, Jrt.u,n, we ,,, , II. position, Kepember 1 1, IS and 1(1. Con- : 'own by telephone last Thursday , l.ue.tu of appointments of Xnl t'nl- fourt j i--tpr-l.iv in a suit Anthony amendment to enfranchise greealonal Union field workers are. head- Mrs, Arthur M. Dodge, president of the I verslt) , according to t'.-.e firt report nf . Walter, a Judgment creditor of Mrv women." said Miss Paul, "is grow,,, , J -. JS National A-soclatlon Oppn.ed to Wom.n tin, bureau made public to-day Xr,' U0 rapidly Into a tremendous movement: and laig.. of Its kind ever held In thl Stiffipae. nude some remark, about the During the enr the hun-au as.s,ed , phtrA hp r1(,( ll)t fhe 1)(.en vlns which will reach Its cllnnx at the country." u.nthods of the sufrragi'ts and tho'.r j f On students who applied for work. In 101,,i tij -mde. the name of Helen I'anllnl neYi t),.i-tii- whn tevorali 1 rcnl I'Urpose or our mrt.iuout , ar, hattdnes tn rorcmg inn ;i-ie-;ine cases or ;n:ee-ioiinn oi uw nirri i i.-.u . , . activities this summer," addeil alias thouand women, reprefentlng every Htate In the L'nlon, wilt asc:nlle theie .ii.iilvi, ih. r ,.Fii,t.,t for work waller appne.i 'o jusuce uiegencu Miss Miry iiarreii-and scholarship aid sucient :o ,,. TrilI.f.r fomnany. which the nssetit for the ear eipjnl to 'he tntal ia. lt, it, ,-uto l two van load of r.ecesarv exnensix. ' household effects taken from Mri. TvtieuritiRif uiut nei'.ocr.iii no worn . einins s anarinifnt ni l'i i.lshod the most profitable means of i:ihiy-flrt street in a house owned by I.ucla Chase, Miss June Hhenrson, MIsh Frances MacVelgh, MIhk I'hyllls Shear son, Miss Itosemoiirin Wyman. Nelson si, uraves. .miss Antoinette llloodgood, Mrs. II. U. Kane. Miss I'lorencc Kan., L. K. Htoddard, Dcvcreux Mllburn, II, A. Gatlns, Mrs. John Corblu, Harry llol loway and MIhs I.lsa Norrls. 1'rrtVloun to the hop dinner were given by Mr8. flagship Hamilton The irn. st was the to Mi? Col. mid Lieut. IMmund I'riilrle The oup iln dnuhle work on till, rnnnlri '.w unni .ti MfTr lur. nnd. bV I sucn a r.oi na to nuke a demonstration This clt Is a reit .leinons'.ntion in Washington ' iin . cnairman os vtom.n to be the centre of the greatest suffrage j " J"' Corn"" '.i; 11110 l"n' r,,,a:la,e'1 "c"xy ''' M1R, e,.vl,lM ..r .lin..d In th countrv. 1e.' :.':e'..0 '..i". " can't seo how Mrs. Dodge can say "Hy the time Congrei. meets e will Is vigorous and general. On that day 1t ' anl' cU1"1 un mcn ufTri,Kl" employmint mid the newspaper bureau Witters Mfe. deliver the property i,... ,..,i,o,- nf IV, u.mi. ami u - u. .. , . i, , ,it. ,.,i ,r.... t f '. h.iii ip.iIIv the renorts In thtt , tunneht ufi.'.i rouits (Kvnic to fie il.- in 111 in W.iltei eat his Judgment for Home Indexed, to that we can tell Just one of the, most favorable petition" ritw nparers Kor our vice-chairman, , ius;on that arose concerning tutoutii; f .i-nituie so.d to Mrs. Jenkins under how he stands, on our proposition If ever died with this Congress. Our con- .,,,.,i ,,,, hnlesHl,i meat 'lv' ""' not pu-lied vlcnroU'ly. the name of Helen Field, and after he h I. fo, it will know and give viiitlon will onen the Kama lav J',, a-trn- r'"'" u'' l,olHI' '" B1 Next ar. arconllng 'o irningiMiients sued ner for the money she moved and i.... mn.. ,v, .,.!., i,,ni him., "Amnti ih. t,rnniinni unnwii whn . ealers. uking them from the teiepnone mail.! ul the faciiltv. there will be a remained m coin..t.ilment. he said but if he Is against lt we will leave will take part In the demonstration are, book, hit or miss, not kmwing whether legu ar tutoring so .'O'. attiehed to the was unable to -erse her an order no stono unturned to brine him In line, Miss Charlotte Anita Whitney, president ' n,,. ,..r. in favor ,.r nni.osed. but found ' u.eif:t i tv her evamlnm.nn In stipp ementar. It l our purpose to ncuulio all the In- of the Civic League of California, Mrs. I , ' to ,he ammdment Mis. , ",e r,'t'or'1 !",lt 0,,tl,e "'""J"1'- rTT.'I formatlon we can about each member of William Kent, wife of Itetircsentntlve ti.em favo.ahle to the amrmiment .mi , , (,,.,,. nm, ,i,.vl a total of 2.aoT lrl t niilrr- i..imiit v-,n.ti,,.' ,cnvu n ... ( ji.u vi mten ur, tiur.T.v f . .... ....t . t. A . I ... .... . ... . aiiT's, ta,ieu iiifin up nnu ,ui,i, ,,.! nuimn oi Uiiiers-r t.u iro.n s it. c i,e time thc were intervlweil n: .. n tlx mer irportnl tutu .-nin.i.g of lnst the majority had changed taeir ' ;j,Uf, 5, and t" positions wcie tur pi::. us on tin iuet!on of votes for i ni.hed !,, students for Hie sutnnie:, frcm wemer w ich th tstlmatttl total income i t do not agree with Mr Hodge when , J i T ..-, ft ehe says that nier. answered 'es' be- i Th.s of oarse does nut Includf the 1,1 use ",t was uuicker, easier and cooler' atnuunt nf Inmmc of iiim fto-n oti hut day to do this. It euiely takes I u.k which tlit v hnxf continued o-i loll Congress and use every legitimate In- Kent of California fluence at our disposal to Induce him to support the amendment "Mr. I.ucla Orlmc", an expert :n reerch work, and Mrs. W. I.owe, a historical student, are coming to Wash ington from Michigan lu the earb fail to make a caieful Index of Congressrnei Mis.- i'.mI uai.gii - if r-lie,'. t r i.K.t e I Cnlderhcad of Kansas . Miss Margaret Whlttemore, Mrs. Kdward N llieitung, Mrs. I.ucla Crimes, Mrs W Lowell and Mr l..'is-:e S.'ippe ' Mi Ml-.1 Aldsn II, l'ottcr, Mrs. A. It. Colvln, ! Mrs Uertrude Hunter, M!s Alice . for us. They will ascertain whom each O'Llilen, Mrs. A. II. llrlght. Mrs. An- member of the Senate or Houe mat- dnas IVland and Mrs Sophie Kenyon Wjomlii was popular. Mrs. I ".r "i '. .1.. ."" ;.o longer to say 'no' than 'Jcs' and it Is' Una ncd through the bureau In iii.-v. ,m W. Cary proseuicl the cups. I wnal ' n". ';.'"' " , l."," ' fl. .J.' "''". ' " earv 'flr a man to hang up the receiver venrs, or the earnltig. f:om ! ie .at,-.- dlflicul; cor test to decide enurcn ne hi,.. ""'," ' "" uuumi .11 , iWt. ttjn. . ,,.,cu., Mlhjcct amourt wo-k which mn have found fox trot, the cups finally going '" '"""J"1'" , , 1' "u,-,u", ' 1 do nt think the men of New York, for 'hein-ehes about the city Or. 'he! Itobeita Willard. daughter 01 Klnnen of Wisconsin wit nsl-t hem H on, of l h ciao Mi 1. W .il'.h.m !.. C . ,.. v fi replieV to woma I Us.s .,f th.s c,in,put..t.,r. It 1. e-timatcd I Mrs. Joseph II. Willard. ami "ml oll"'r wooers at union head.u:ir- Mrs, O, H. I . llelmont. Miss Isabel Mott. , to ,,. Hodge's statement ' a: out Too , indents In tne university s.m- K. Ilraiwll nf Ihe C. rt M. ters HIS .loan Holers o. .New Oi Jlr. ,st t ...1 r.n . mislderatlnn for the nnrl Ih, ni.r It e .111,1 n.irn .iiiiirrvli, s were present eil by "Mrs. Kdward Ilrelturg, a wealth Mi,r. Hut, hesor I'a.'e of Maac'i Jjett A. B. Tangeman. Walter Tower. David I !.?.' t--.vninlerl.IH and .Mrs. Cary. ... a - I I' X . ' L itt u i ii 11 ui.i-nit'n iui ! iiuii. 1 " . . - " , 1 . . . . . 4i7iii mfcivu ui i piin limn, unci .Mr. t. II.. .It-.. Smith, II. llrevoort Kane, Chaiiea , '"Y'1- cup offered n u t-oiiiiolatlou pilze 1 J t J n, Curtis. Mrs. William M.-iiim 1 "'"'' which was announced would be palgn. Mrs, Hi Dwlght Chaiiea aicivim. jn irs , v : ........ .. . . Samuels and Mra. Samuel l.,men.elM Klven 1.1 tlie worst .lancer on the tloor. start our campaign 1.1 ..ic.iiH.ta Me of the suifrage cam- llreit.nig gave us U,f,0f to Mrs. It was some time before any one would ccd of New York, Mr. .mil Mrs Atittkt, . h at the Pier In the varhi Srnnt u.t0n,i. and nt the end the Judges announc i..n,.n.i ki.. their selection, I'hlllp O, Mills of New " ' ;Voik. Mr. Mills would 1 -1 go forwai.l MM. m- . I " III II VttllVlIt Ulll lilt' pi-.ii(jii IIIIIHT, iK'-1) GUARDS QUIT CAMP TO-DAY. !i:. Oelil.lis. after hesitating a moment. accepted the prlc. War lnmr llmls 'I'rnlntnu nf 1 Thf' RueMs arrived at Marhle House 1 oy tue uencvue avenue entrance anil ADAMSON WARNS OF ERASMUS 'COTTAGES' lelcpN-re t-.r'., ! want to say that tvti?i ;.iao a year t-ach at Yale il.n wa planned weeks In advance ai.d They engaged In all kinds of wc tl.d e anticipate such hot weather. . work. Theie were 31 ushers. S .I'd l ., Imlldi. lirtttnt-nr Milffr.lue vtnrl, ?:t u writ i,.tlt..r. r,,l in. V Klliiigton and Mr, T T Cotmall xu b! Kri,j. n,,, t R-rklng girls , cludd In other classes of uoik nio can- we i not feci that It was too much Missing, caring for fuinaces, gaulenii'g. t 1 ask of them extra work for Just one collecting, clerical work in dining halls, day when hundred of women througa- and cleikmg in stoi of Arkansas. NEW CANAAN COLONISTS AID IN POLISH RELIEF i-roteedings. so he served on her atUir i.ejs an order to sho muse win her furniture should rot be turned over to him It uppus'ug the appli'Mtlnii Mrs. .lerUlns "aid the ptoieitv In storage w b'UKht c-. f -tn tnents and that she s. ,11 ones !u. I'.:c -oncerr. U',500 for t She n" 'hat iti'.eti she moved Into M-s Walter house Walter offered to bit frtalt. rMi.g.nss and furnishing foi her. but she learned that she had u, . "outra-isonsly overcharged," and after pa;iltnt $900 -he refued to pay an;- more When the ult came to trial she was suffering from a nervous break down, .ie the lesult of which she his been In the lonstatil caie of physicians and nurses until rcrlitl. arl Judgment was taken a8.ilnt her hj default r.ep!lng to the defendant's state iiifirs Walter sa.d . 'She Is iMlurious wunan those i.-il name 1" Helen Dnelle Jenkins and tlie same peisoti who tmnf time since associated lth Nathan Allen of Ktnosha, Wis., and from whom she Mllltlnmni. Camp Whitman. Klshklll flams, N. Y July 31, Camp Whitman will be evac uated on Suudjy morning by the t.SMO dancing began. the loggia, the booth containing ! cloned nt Once. Perfoi'iniinoes of "The Mikado." were met at t. v grilled door bv Mrs. Ilel mont. whj remained theie until the y,ivc Wniuloii llio'h St'liool fler t.asslnc th.oughl - " ..................................... booth containing t-ul sttitm.f ni.,,c Slwililil lie Allllll- i Vstlnn..! rtii irH.ntr-n .n,umni h... I-'oril automobile, which w-ait sold, was ' Sunburned and weary, but happy after I passed en the left, and on the right the week spent In war exercises, the I was t'e tent where Winston Kenllworth men will jntraln at Hopewell Junction 1 told fortunes. for home. Twelve special trains will, airp. unaries ai ueincns.assu.iea commissioner I , , ,, votes against the amendment, but if she ..... ' .i.nk' r-.l.I.iic-. ,c carry the guardsmen of the .Second by eighteen joung women, sened lemon- In the opinion of Hre commissioner Nrw Canaas. r,,..n Jul l--To , wo,n ,,,, lhI, ,,,for Urlsade back to Hrooldjn. where the 1 " at a well beneath the tteos. All A,iam!,0, the wooden buildings of Eras- (h( nl tlltr !n ro.anl Novrmbtr 3." ' . '' ,, L ,f ' .T. . .pr ,,. .Pri... k..n ,.i i ' sOrts of flowcis also were sold, as wore. ...... . ...... ... iir.iUvr. are i . . . ... I .tents a nipping or the rccnni ,i per ..... n.... v.-.v., ,,wi. i. ..... mils nan iiiK.i i-iii-w, tvv.T tterrnrmnnces or I ne .tllK.t.lo were1 Theblgsest war came of the week war , Afternoon ta wtis rerved In the ' un-afe and should be abandoned i Rfn Bt th, opera House esterd. In HEADS ELMIRA COLLEGE. p'.iye.l to"day ' A early as 6 o'clock Hilncsc house at the edge of the cliffs. nnc0. He so Informed Thomas . ,vhoh nn,i)0r, nf the summer colony the bugle called the ltrds and Illues to , "I"1, Mf; Ioh" J- ch'l"l ot i Churchill, preldent of the Hoard of tpok Mme. Stnibrlch, president nf llr. .1. II. Mum. llnor New t t.rU o,7e'r- n&?rZ1 JSTmSK, t .UWi - American .'ollsh llel.ef Committee ,. ,r. ..,...,. r li e m rrchlnz and counter n " Caalno and the Hlllto,. orche.. ' Xses In the fireproof struc ; came from New York to be present s- v.. Ju r Joh out the State are devoting themselves Twenty-live men canvassed for nanu-i 1 ir, rlxed lewelry of large value, a por- t . .e auc, morning, noon and r.lsht. fot a woman's sulTiage petition pie-1 Hon nf which was smuggled into the "I would like to refute Mrs. Dodge' rented to the Connecticut Legislature. I'nttcd states, and for which Nathan iicrt thit t-ithlng but publicity tle acted as model for artists, for 1 Allen was tried nnd coniicte.1 In the was nitntd b telephone da We re- classes lu anatomy and for an under-1 Cn, ted Siatt Circuit Court celled iniiiij favorable leturns from peo- up.n- iii.imifactur.lig cnmpativ; tlfteun "Helen I'lel.l Is oni an usuimed name lie we liad never Inteivlewed before. I ncted as pallbtarers, fifty were "super'' under which she succeeded In staining lendll) see why our antl-surfrnge friends , theatrical tnlertalnments. flvn were: entry to the house at 153 Wet Mighty are not undertaking work of this kind, professional pattner at dances. lit t stieet and under wlitch she In- There aie ei few of them they cannot, one man worked for the Winchester Ite-1 duced deiKinent to sll merchalidlso by branch out, while we have so many peatlng Arms Compan, doing a twelve ie ison of which ehe was ciiablcl to cpible. . iiertetn worker, that we huvo , iriur M(t lN mahts a week, and hei.l.-fraud him" to ktep th. nklng up Usns all the time ,. ,,m,,i0 r, a regular .vrar of la.v hcliool -lustlce Cleuerbli decided that since to keep tl.em svllstled and busy ; work others gave sleight of hand per-l'hoo was unceitalnty as to the title "Mrs. Dodge will have to change be. rrm,mees. idaved In n -heslras. served' "f 'ne pinpeitv in stoiage he would .in- fore .November I her estimate of J'lO.oc" , i,,w.,rM f,,e H... ,..,i..iit , mt,.i. ...... 1 point Adnlnh H'ern receiver to take i Mi.e4..ri ni iK'ji jiroiierij as .tir.. Jeiiluns owns to applv on the Judgment. A committee of ISO prominent Amer ican physician nnd Investiga tors of which Dr ft J Meltier of II West 121st stieet Is p-esldent Is work ing to organize the Me.lltal llrotherhood for tho Furtherance of International Morality and funds me in hand to per mit the fending out of tO.OOrt requesti to become membr There are 144,000 physicians In the United Slates, and It I expected that all ultimately will re ceive Invltatloi's to Join. Similar brotherhood in 'e formed later In other neutral - -.e The purpose M organlratlon. a set forth In an signed by Dr. Meltier. la nme'.y a desire "to bring to the full consciousness of the member of the medical profession the excepttonat moral position which all elvlllz'rt na tions, even while at war, permit and ex pect medical men to occupy, at tent a long as they remain In tho medical profession and act In this capacity." "This consciousness,'' the appeal con tinues, "cannot fall to elevate the moral standards of physifians. Furthermore, alter the clistf of the present war the brotherhood could without doubt facili tate the reunion of wembers of th medi cal profession of all nations at war and Iticieaso good fee'ings among them A humanitarian body suta as thle propoed brotherhood, If already In existence and reatlv for service, might and could he of the greatest usefulness tn many way," tt Is expressly understood that It Is not the object of the proposed brother hood to Influence the feelings md views of any one rcga-dlng the problems In volved !n the war Dr Meltzer said in the nppfat1 "The war has demonstrated one n rouraplng fact, naively, that among all the sciences and profession the medical sciences and tneillcil practice occupy an almost unique lelNtloii'hlp to warfare, and that among all the citizens of a country nt war medical men and women occupy a peculiar and 'list. active p.u. tlon "No dlscoverv In medl.-al science, his been utilized for the purpe of destroy ing or harming the sii'my Medici! men lu each nf the warring countries nre ns courageous, as patriotic as any other citizens and are as lowly to die or to be crippled for life in the ervic, tf their country as any other cl.ies of ihsir fellow countryme'i tint their ser vice, however, cn-tst In ministering to the sick and tn the injured and in at tending to their anlt.vr need Fur tbermote the) ottcn r'sk their lives by venturing Into the llr'r.g line to hr'ng the Injur-.1 to pl.ic 0f sifety and to attend to their immediate needs In them heroic and liumanltar' n acta friend and foe are treated alike." In; I iris, coupled with the delightful view The game lasted until S o'clock In the afternoon. The Illues won the decision. I tea served under the direction of Mr. Nat Z;. Wnm. think that Keller. ... I proved , .-.attractions ?r"!Z the col.,. r. of the Ongresslonal Cnlon ".:". ."". ..V. ...... ... -nuiple. w-ite and gold, hung in ban be located here next .vear uen. uiijati Lumm--. nun uniMiuMi ' .,.. if tiri-esurv. than to Keep . and the appetizing cakes and wafers and ..,',. ,'mihisi" of the school ,j ,n j i,,. ii..,n,i., u.n. Illmir.i College to-day. suctecdlng the " I ' t . rn.MM.. 1. ............. The opera was producd by Frank II t lUU-om Shaw was eletied president of group. The t.-,,.,. Hull buildings were ! derson found t.b'e unsafe In April of last eir V"'-V n-I bv a sp- '.al bnird appointed by Cm- ....iU-'nn Her. .- . then Chief the part t.f ln-l Kenlo. and other ' department experts appea-ed a Pit''-'"''' l,..v re.,e...edlv called attention to the were mien as ion s r.v. Donna F.ssle.v sang the role of ' nr; 'nr of ,;rpsh. tr.rUn Arthur Clniigh w i m I.o Angeles From !ss lo J Davenport had 0 was pastor of West Knd I'res event between Yale and Harvaid to settle an argument between a Yalu graduate and a Harvard grad uate One cleaned tombstones. WOMEN FORM CITY CLUB. WALTER RUTHERFURD. NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. All of IOU Member Vre MirTra Blsls, It I snl.l. A new club ha Jut been nrgan'ed m New' i nrk called the Wniran city and Mrs Davenport l.vier.ui, t'huuli In New York, going 1 ' l,lh. of Nl'w nrK- Modem il after n other roles f-n. ti.r.. tr. li.iencn where he r... similarly niiiiieri film ill t nic.ig... i ne or nerB from the tries In long streamers " 'J ' lo bough, and seen I...?, ,. fire Wendell, the .IfUodo . Morris K. rarker, I until 101.1. when lie went to the Im ,.r,th,.ritio. imw. roo-Zloh: Marshal Stearns, I'teh Tusli : mamiel liiurcli nt I.oh Angeles, He etett Jansen . n.alned is pistnr of the Second Church f.vom the camp above, all others In ! . "";-"""' -0Jn 0-VJir and Vibbons. which were sold by )oung .r" ? '.- I women. ."' ",- n VMlm Hr.nley. .Vre-nn.i . MIm , 1m-. -mt it signed theie. but Is expected L": V . ..r .u"Z The sale of th- Ford automobile at-, .ucceeai.i i r'T a Florence C,.,rrlh. 'cep.ln. nnd Mr, tn ,o sa ..,.rt accept the i:imlra posl- .nr.. nunc .rei" - .. . , ,h. l,.,r,,l, mi.l PllltS llll'ie SO mai l.l".' . ,. .... ..,,. ... ,, r ......I ' It they were to - ...., ,u 1 not be Inconvenienced. . w-.L. ,........ ..... I ,. , r i.b. ,i,.i...i prenldenl of the Woman Adeiiitng luilMInc nn The school iiuthorltles, how- rtsultant Improvement. b Placed In the field to-morrow they gnniZHtlnn boasts nf inn meinl.eis. and each mriuher Is authnilted to ask ten others to Join Although It is lint officially n suffrage organization, the members are all niffr.t- glals, ai-t-i.iiling to Mrs. Claudln Muiph.v Ill ll.C UtlU IU-II,II" ...W .11 l.. t ,ll,.t. ould be ready In the opinion of lli i ' a" T " "V "' ." commanding ofllcer. ' " " ,V. " V i. -!.,.. f. mr-ir, fr.lhi train g vrn IEn to pay for tve car which he had rluilen rrom Hopewell camp this morning Private Smith Company C. Forty-seventh Iteglment mined his footing. Ills arm was broken, be ftbaniioind h "c,s at cach performance She raid "r'',r"". ." . ... . .... t,.,. ,.,,i.t of Washington nu , " i"- '"""m ; , in part nt ine run ni in.n r .....,,. , ... . TROPHY FOR COAST GUARDS. Ninth Command Lfnvss To-ilay for Tnraet I'mftlrr. IS K'e!:nc,,n0gPwasrorf,cn,1rser,he fea- Mpa". W pM J of ture of the afternoon. When the dm- to rearrange the classe-t K as o perm n san- wis firm Planned the spacious ball- - this Mr lunnlson however "bt word , , .,,. n I room of Marble House was to have a short time ago that reartangement rmotnn aa be-'n the scene of the exflbltlone. ine woimi oe uiiiic...., , not e.i contents and the geii.ral dancing, but yesterday. Mr Hunnlson eald he ie- k(( ,( generous American turning their attention relief of my unfortunate ni) heart is tilled with su-h settje. ARRIVALS BY AUTOMOBILE. itr.rr.N'wtrii, ''mm , .Ttity 31.- -ArrUalfl i'.ini .4.1 tn. !-. ; . - - ..... , III. 1" P? lUi. 1 1 1 111 1 1 n liter It was decided to hive th danc- ganled the frame Milimng a enurr., hp nlr )n(,r, on(.p ., Inc on the tiled terrace overlooking the, safe and asked If tiny could not be con- wl) R(( a )n, , ocean I tinned Once more Mr. A.iam.on re- ny hlJ(TprnK ront,x , that vou 111 Lawrence Durant and Mlp Itett"-' ! fi i red the matter to department expert nl) an, , Joln Wth ,nB .,fflpriwn t... th exhlbliion dincers. and got the same reply, that the livs rr,lih H.lief I'mnmlllss In the work it The Ninth Coast Defence Command, j and their numbern Included dance for i nf thf pupils were tn danger ns long ,iong towud making known and re. MAUSOLEUMS THE THEME. V- n V ...III t ... M,.l,.,i,.,n tn. ..t.1.1. t-rt,,,- Imv hnil w rlt en special t lev nVC. 11 tne irailie collages, dav by boat from the foot of West mllSc Tev dancfd severit numbers. Commissioner AdaniFon clossd bis lel-Twentv-fourth street for Fort It- '!. ' which t 'ey"had not done before In . ter by acknowledlgng that Mr. (. hurchlll Wright, on Fishers Island, for a two ' ,,ubllc The cups. f"r the dancing con. "has stood at all times ready to take weeks tour of duty It will relieve, the ,vrrf) exhibited earlier In the tir, proper steps to safcguaid the rhll Thlrtsenth Coast" Defence Command, afternoon. Mrp. John J Mason gave i ,iren In the public schools." under Col. N H Thurston, which will ' ,irt nrlze. Mrs M. C. Mil row a of return to Hrooklyn by steamer. Worcester the second, Mrs. MartMen J. Col, John J. H)rne, who command j,frry tK. twlrd. and Mrs. Leonard M. the Ninth, announces that a bronze . xhoiiiaa the. consolation. Mrs. Prestm trophy will be awarded to the company nat(orwhltc gave the cups for the maKing mo nest recoru ai inrgei piac-. r,iitrin's dancing. tlce with the bin guns at Fort Wright. tu. c.i,.-, orchestra, led by Many of the inn slept at the armory ,,ii.rnatel with the Hilltop Ull night ro as to avoid being late for r PPtr;1. te-il by Joseph Fejer, tne nttseinu.y tnin i.iu. iituti t. " t o'clock, The first fire command will comprise th Thirteenth. Fourteenth, Sixteenth Nlnteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first lompanles, under Major Lewia M. Thlery. and will man batteries Uutter field and Barlow. The second lire enmmnnd will com prise, the Fifteenth. Seventeenth, lilgh teenth and Twenty-second companies, under Major Mills Miller, and will man Batteries Marcy nnd Duttnn. nil such appreciation that It Is n automobile at IMgewo.vl to-day were eas.v for me to utter all I would to sav. Hut 1 thank sou all. 1 ikeped. you ' and Mrs M. D W oods, the Misses others of I Woods. Fdgewood. II I (Packard): Walter Field, Albert Mend, F.ugene Ja.'ksnn. T W Tllllnghapt, Providence (i"lialmersl . Itobert Crawford, New York ll'.ldlll.'ie) I,r.s., Mass.. July 31 Motor ar rivals at lintel splnwatl to-day In cluded Mr and Mr, lt C Wlutne.v. Mr. nnd Mrs n S Walla, e. New York iCadillnc) , Mr and Mr Chnuncey OI Mis IMIth l.uckett, New York (Flat). Mr and Mrs. Charles W Pi.T-kctt. New York (Stearns), Mr. and Mrs. K. K Snilloy, Lake Mohonk. N Y. Hudson ). Mr and Mrf. H IlanUer Die of I .t phulil Fever Vfler llrlef Illness. Walter P.utherfutd, a member of John A. Hutlierfurd k Co . hankers and brok ers, of '.'rt Itroad street, died of typhoid feve- vesterday at the Hahnemann Hos pital In his .lxt.v-rii't ytar. He lived it . Til MidiM.-i avenue M- Ilutherfur.l way a member of the . New Y"rk Nav tl lleserve. St Nl. holas Club ui.l the New York Yn 'it C.tlb He ' : bv Ills wife. Louise M. and . nt- mn, .1 ihn M niitherfu-rt I Ml ll.-bet-t'il I . xee.n.n.1. Mr and Mrs tleorse F Hiker wilt pas th lest of the season it South ampton, L I Mr nnd Mrs Henrv Fairfl'll Osporn will occupy the summer place of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Satterle at Harbor. Me, .luring August Mr and Mrs. sheiwnod Aldrich, who are passing the season at Southampton, I.. I., villi make s short cruise on their schonnsr yacht with t heir guetts. Mr. ind Mrs S untie! Hopkins Adims of New Y-.rk and Mrs Cltarl'e Pusssll nf Al Inny The second for this seasin of the afternoon musn-alr b airarged b) Miss Juliana Cutting will t givri. on Thurs dav at the countrv pit.- of Mrs Oearge, Wariintgon Curtis nt Southampton. L t. Ileving the condition there." At the town hall a bazaar wa held In further aid of the Polish fund Among tlnse who attended weie Mr nnd Mrs William Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Williams. Mr and Mrs Henry .1 Davenport. Mr nlul Mrs Morris Palker. Mr and Mrs Louis Lapham, Mr and 1 Mrs I' H Adilance, Judge nnd Mis ' Hush Tnggart. Dr nnd Mrs F W. League, .md lieiself n member Just what step will be taken to puptre the women to use the ballot and where the clubhouse will be situated aie still under cnii'ldernllon Among Hie members are Mis Anno Morgan, vvlio neretoioie nay st.ton amoi U-,,,, ,, , ,chter. Pr llmily C frivtii u i kiitirnnn uciivii mu ai ru iirni . m J It Fellow. Wllllntn Hryant. It I. ,,,. n Mrt AmnH ,.,.., Mr, -'' ? - ".r'r " 'prof Itafftiev. New t nrk ii nnimen.) . .Mr , Nnll , l)p r Wliltrbmise ib i . . '''',,. ......J..... ', ..i,.".. .Kl ..-Hi . - ii,'i.,- tt jxi.-iiit. "i in ,,. llll.l ninerh nil ill"' e ,-t .t. M ,- i-inninii i nre Miss Alice Caipenter. M's Katha rine II Davis. Mis Ogden MIH Ite.d Mrs Alb e Duer Miller and Mrs V. ft Slmkli'ivitcb Women of all pmfe -sinus nre eligible provided they aie Miflrn gists. Ml Hebee, a C Seaman l. widow of I The l,it for th of Mrs H W. Valentine II Seaman, fot more than ' Hawkeswoith s morrlna miislcales wilt half i rentiirv in active worker among I be given on Fridiy at the summer homo the Sonrtv 'of Friends 1- Hrooklyn. j of Mrs Jnm'i A Scrvmser a- Set- died on Frnliv at her home. 13.. st bright, N ,1 James plai e She wa one of the origi nal nie-nbeis of the Hn-iklvn Women's litib Site m survived bv two s,ons, Hen-v It Seitnm tnd Valentine II ..lli'iale at tlr fuiieul fervires this tf.e-i .i .ii ThA interment will be In th Q.iikri Cemetery in Prospect Pirk IUier nut- 'I'tillle. Sieier Anne Tuttle, si, died yesterday ai the Convent .f the, Sacred H.irt, I3?.l Mieet nnd Convent avenue, where -lie In 1 bee.t since Ivli. She wis born in M'ntR"inor, Pa, and after being 'gridiiat.d from the public school there 1 (.he took the veil She c ime to the Convent inf the Sacicd Heait two years after Its litis announced bv New Vmk I'm .foundation and was there for th te. TLANS VETERINARY SCHOOL. ett V urU I lllerll In I i btilli I (nlli-ue Here. nnrrtnniltenn l'Hrr-lng itierlcnnN. 5reci"' i'nt-'f essifeA In Tilt f . . Paris, Ju'y 31 T!ie Vicompt d- nreteull is booked to nil on th Urx-hl'il-beiu, ns are Mrs Spmtiie and Mrs. Stln'ss inhei pissenijers silling ir F R Neviu and It Dvvenpo" of "ie Amerlrir Ainbulinre C'rpf-. Pr fi K Hiever of Mrs Wh'trev hospital, lei lis r'ustlethwaite, ard Mrs H Y Ivi Cobb. Jr , vmx. l"lT!? ln s',,Tftf' ' i ' ''- 1 lr tn VI jnl Mrs i".r. Pibnt ruttis l'.ii.etlll.t.i h- MeKernin, Mr nnd Mrs. Ashton Clark- ' Lakew ml. N ,1 (Parkatd). Mr and . t -,,, son. Dr Samuel Llovd, Mrs. H H. Mis F W Unbind, Mr and Mrs ,T H. t l viiniin.irri.. Humphries. Mme Anna M. Zleslei , I teach. Mrs David Woostor. Iti dgeport. ('iin.tlllon nl i Mr. Hnmnhrl The theme for the cnU'etltlon nf itmf. .losenh Stengel, Prof William Th young architect;, will be a private mau- llnrr. Mrs. A. M. Whltehlll and Hnrr.v 3 music ah arranged for by Mrs. James j sntpum, nccordlng to the annniiiicem"nt n. Thayer ' II Kidder of Boston. yesterday of the Friends of the Young Mme Semhrlcli hat. reti o ' . ; Artlstn Soclet) Tlie subject was se- collage at Lake Placid, w AT JEFFERSON, N. H. returned to her where Mm will ln addition tn S Kearny, t versit) ,veierday are expected o pti. e ' maining sixty-six years of her life the New 1 ..rk-Amerl--nn Veierinaiv i ol- lece. a State in 1 1 1 tit te.i . .- mnecied with Ur. Ilitcbel the iiniverslt v . on an eii.ial nutting with Conn. lUibott). Mr. and Mrs F. J I nthei veterlnarv sehoo! Work on the Megan, Miss Wolfe, New ork (Pack- present biiililii.r on West Fifty-fourth I1.CII. Jul) 31 Mre PAGE'S SON TO WED. la ringajreil to Hill Knllierine ef- lon nf Auburn, Lonpon, July 31. Announcement Is made of the engigement of Miss Katll erln Sefton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sefton, of Auburn, N. Y , to Frank C Page youngest sou of the American Ambassador. Mien Seftfln Is row in Ievndon, where she Is to be rlrldes maid at the wedding of Miss Katherlne I'age lo Charlen Lorlntr. tblnl of linn, and ten prizes of I each The competition Is open to all Hnlry Collins. KuzAHKTU, N J.. July 31. Miss Helen I. Collins, former secretnry of the Sum mit Hoard of IMuciitlon, whm married this nfteinnnii to Patrick J. llnley of Hrooklyn, In the church of the Nutlvlty, that borough, by the Hev. John Hertford, tlm paMnr. MIh.i Collins waa ultended by her ulster, MIsh Margaret Collins, hh bridesmaid and by two iilt-ceH. MIhm Helm Weed of fitnmford, Conn., and MIsh Catherine perry of Kant Orange. John ColllnH, a brother of the bride, WHH bent man. Mr. and Mrs. Haley will live in Brooklyn. Ciiilf K.xhlliltliin KoHiivreil h' Te" ' nt thr WniiinbeU. jKrrKKsov. N H. July 31 - The ap- ...i.i.,.. ,.,! nntilne nxhlhltloil at tin: Waiiiubek this afleriioon watt given by young architects In the I'nlted States Mrs Walter l.lpplncoit, nun ine and hotel colony was nut on Ibtt west lawn Tea whh served after wnrd on the pnrch, and there waa a concert bv the Wnumbek nuartet. Mrei. J 'Morse. Mrs. Mark S. Willing, Mr. Thomna Diniond and Mrs, Henry A. Hlalr entertained Informally at the Wnumbek to-night following the danc '"Arriving at the Wnumbek at Jcrfer t,m'i to-day weio Mr. mid Mrs. 12. Hunt Allen, liana Itunckr, F. P Howe, (.ell. HiiwkliiN and Mr- nnd Mis. M .rlf llth nf New York, Mra. Henry Iclielbelnier of .New ork bus a cottage nt ine vi at...... ...... Tlmrncwell of New ork Ih with her. Among those coming mr .in..e. . i i,,,,w-ii of Lowell. Mr. and Mra. Charles Darlington of New York. Paul Wild and MISH vnim .... ...... - Kochehier. N. Y. i Mm, K. L. Osgood and MIhh Hannah Osgood, tho womnn go f chiiniplon. Mrs. A. Scott Cumeron Ih coming up from Long Island later In Hie teason. MARRIAGE RECORD FOR JULY. lerted by Thomas Hastings, n member remain until October of the advisory board and chairman of ! t,0 rrrelptH the two performance. the Jury of awnrds, wiilrti Is fompiwen which nninui ininiinted to several thousand dot- of twenty-live prominent architects. )MrFi tl i-r- was an autoinobll.. raflled for ard). Mr nnd Mrs. F W. illbbs, Mr. street will be .lln.nilnu.'d and Mrs A. II Cleaves, It . II. Harnes, achnol will be nnducti l In . b'-e ,-on New York (Cadillac): Mr and Mrs. nectlnn vvltli the I'lilv.-rslt) and Itelleviio Wlliam .1 SIOHtio. New York ( Packaid), Hospital Medical College nt Tnciit.v Mr and Mrs II .1. Piatt. Mr. and Mrs. sixth stieei and First avenue p'ot i; L Staudrii, New Yotk (Cadillac), of land adjacent to the mt-db il .-'illes,. Mr and Mrs. (. II Hutching. Miss;, md owned bv the unlver-sltv was some l'i ir.vpirn. N. .1 ll.i. Iui Aiken 101 vear.s old. died lat it the Home for Aged Women DIED. tuly V Y HI IMS. IV illtim I I night at the ). U.Tll, Jn.e ,-on- Thirteen prizes wilt I in awarded; the , $,20n, and Mine. Semhrlcli sold auto- Marion (1 Kaiie, Miss Marlon W Ager. ' time ago set aside for the vcierln uy tlrst of 12"0. the second nf IU.0. and the Kr,,.il pictures nl sum ranging fioin i .,.w 'oik i Peerless) Mr, anil Mrs. Warner' Klfllt'lb Annlvrrsnry, Mr and Mrs. Julius Warner, who urn passing the mimmer at Far Hockaway, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni versary last night at their summer home, The occasion brought together nearly all the members of their family and aevrriil iriendd for a dinner followed by dancing, Dsnahter Horn Cn Mr, ami Mr tiratgf IVnbnily KaaCla. NnwrogT, R. I., July 31. A daughter Ib born to-day to Mr, and Mra. George, Ptibcdy Euatls. Their home U at 1717 I trt, Waahlnrton, I), C. Before her rnirriact Mrs. Kuitli wn Mix llona tnord Htrtet, Klerll Till II to i:r,n. HAVEMEYER EXECUTIVE SUED. school A biilldlni; will be eicMel Ibeie i CnornisTow n. N. Y, July 31 Auto- when the neee,irv rtiiul Is .' .mptt'le.l mobile arilval at the 0-te-.-i-ga to-day Anntliet . onleiniilalt d !( the lengthen- were .Mr ami .Mr. r. vvener, .Master I inc oi ur ciiinse u.r.e u ...ur Fcidiiiand Weber. Jr , .Master Kept )car. The s-t will have the use of Weber, Biooklyn (Cadillac): Mr. and ! the medical college lab .ntories and may Mrs Ch.ules 12. Johnstnn, llaitfoid, also use the animal Imspllal near nt Conn . 1 2I 1 1 li L. Johnston, Wcatnuirr- hand In il t. N. Y , Lillian Johnstnn, West-1 Alurniish the New Ynrk-Anierlc.itl tiior.tuiiil. N Y . L. M. Johnston. Pitts- , Veteilnai) College was made ,i Slate burg f l'lerce-Al tow) . L. D Hosley, Instltiitlnn by net of the LeuiMature In Portland, Ore , I. C. Human, lllon. N. , !H3, nn appropriation his ever been X (White). Itobert B. Wni.ilward. J. granted foi the nippiut of the school W. Hughes. Hrooklyn ( Pbi re-Arrow) : -),,, rollei;.. I required to give a ftie Thco.loie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. '(' II. , Hiimlarshlp l" "ne student fiom i-.n-li Jmits, Herbert D. Join s. Brooklyn , Assembly district. iWinton). Mvvi'MKSTKit. v t , July .11 Arrivals Ttrp t.W APTTP TWf. TrVMAW North i. mw-4ia.i tl.ut if i, A t.-n,,.,t ,Ar.-,ii,, 1,.,.. 1 ailipioil, ,.l,is- ; nun iiicnnr.l I'l.lliUl Srrk Co He.-. ner fill), (MID III ProniUeil lle.itel. Max Vngrlrh, a pianist and composer, wim was engaged for mnny yrnrs to play for Mts. I2mllle de Loosey llavf meyer, widow of Tlteo'l.iio A Have- The mausoleum Is supposed lo be such as the head of a well known family would build In the principal cemetery of bis city as a burial place for the mem bers of Ills Immediate family. The committee suggests that the mau soleum should be designed In the freo treatnnint of classic or Heualssancc aicliltecturp. Arrangements will he. re- ....i I ulwnn. ,, 1 ,1 .., i, It. A,, nllnr s gbl y alee, above tho general level ieyer filed suit In the Supreme Court ....... .1.; ... ....,1 ...... u'ltiii,,,., I yesterday against the executors under ..I ll.c num. n, a. 1. 1 ... ..-on. ...... , ,.iii in r,.., tinnnn Mr. are also iroiili'i-ineiits, and the striictuie , ""' ' " ' ,'.,' .,..' , j . ...r... A.l.i .......... r.,, i it. 'meyer dleil on May 3 last in Swlt7.crl.itid . , I lln. m The .lie li he ve. alumni since IfilU. I vy'in-Hr,.. v . . niy ,.i -Arr , ' T 7Pe H,P 1,1 ,he' Vogrlch says that lu while he I ut.;nioblle a the l-..,ultiox llous cemetery is 60 feet b) 7ft. " . ',... ..rK ,, ...,,.,. .din K Mr. and Mis. W. A .N The drawiiigs will be received at the ,"." PT P A.VI,:.u.r.,,,: ' r' ainnton. Mas- : Mr and Mrs. Itlr galleries of Mrs. Harry Payne w nitnev, " "r ,, ,h, lerv-ice V.f , ,V. I A- ''..ley. Philadelphia iWinton); Mr. S W'est lllghth street, before September Mr w Siruut. Miss Worth, i v,. ,inJi., I., poiinbnrniinn w be "he would leave mm .io,iiiiu in her will ,,. u '..-n,.,! v ..' .1. u.-niKH in . i,i,i,'i,t ..... ... .i , ... .MCMIII'l.T rlrilll.. tt 1..1.II1UI..II. t consldeiid. ine compeimon win ne con- : '.. .,. ... .,..' . .. i Locnmob lei . Thomas ' l ow er. Mrs. i stead of n wpignt wcie wain-.l ves .t....t ..n.tAt. flu. i ,ni nil nr tl.e " i" .,.,. iiii. iri, i. ,n i ...iv ..... , Friends of Young Artists, (130 Fifth live- se.v strtct. where she had been ar Innrite foi about thlrt.v )eats. Site wa bor i where the town of Bloom-I tiebi la now nnd she lived .ill her life in New Jirev She is survived bv iwn glands.. lie. ten great-urandchlldieii and tlin e cri'it great-grandchildren llenr) ('. .Itid.l. HsiircoKi.. Conn. .Inlv 31 llenr) C -ludil. e"iuor n ember ,.f the wool firm of II c .lu.ld Hoot, d'ed I. -d-iy af'er a sboit Illness He wa burn in Northamp ton, Mass. on April 1?. I 2T He mar ie, Miss Mny P outig f .lewett City In I'M' She ind three .hlld'en sur vive him Mr. t : 1 1 1 II, 'I mid. Ml lliinlv M i'.id.l. wife of William It Tndd. .I'd : sstsil.iv In Morrl'toiv n. N .1 Mr Todd I president of tlie 'Miin. v M nlnr i 'ninpnny, 32 Uro.dway, and se.-i, l.u ' -tteasurrr and a director nf the Adven'ure Cnnsolbl iled Copper Cxnpaiiv I lee ales her hiihbin.l Men lliirllonn Wnrii kiiIiiI s,.IUr , T.-tbl is sin vlv e.l bv her h.othei. Alonzo Thiuni- ..t llmoklyn l) (be II I., Ice dealers who sell bv the . hunk n- moyer made a will leaving him $:iu,iimO and Kent him ll conv of the cli.l.KO eon- "UThc society has alieady conducted tulnlt.B hU bequest, and advising hi,,, .l " ...V.....i ,...,ntiti... ,hi. ,,r to retnln It safely until her death Hire.- itm-ite. .., . .,,,,,,, ... h. ,., h.u ... ment mid declined other employment, but that when Mrs. Ilavenieyer's will was tiled she left him only $in,nnn. Vogrlch says lie hns been unable, tn collect even this amount, because the executors have Informed him they have nnd has distributed $2,100 In prizes, be sides assisting ninny young nrtlsls to sell tholr wnik, Tho exhibition of paintings which has been held at the studio of Mm. Whit ney will be taken to Newport and po Hlbly to Narrangansctt for exhibition. K.lllrrllilner nil the Vlnn.lllla'. no funds with which to pay the be,,ucst I:""" " " , ' ' 'V ,Vn ,..r, ,fr 'i''' n ,.H"annra ,r,!.:,,: :ov).L r'iImrlf.')"! MrM'i',,l Mr" liinr'a l,ur-l WICh Wrdtllnsa Cn 541. ...... ...,tli,, tl.iin Jtmo. Ih the mnnth juijt ....... , it iH....f.iialnar fill iui .liniiiinias1. i i. i i of mnrrlages In tho ciiyH nurei u i n in. ' ... . ..... ... i. i. .,,.,.. 'r, ,.,,,,-,,.., . Joseph ,lendcnln nnd pari). New York Municipal iiuii'iiuK. ... .."""!',", narry run win .... um .......n . i--" i''.'' .. ,'"',' ,,,', e . . I Lamia). .Mr and Mrs. B P. Clial ii record cor mo nur.-u.i w.... n. ...i,.. ... inrnger on ni m.-iiih".... ..........1..... ..... ,,.,n fni.ti. 731. The number In June whh nil. 'night and will tell stories and In other; In Austria, where her father, the cheva- j j,IK 'w In May tlio mreo i hii.i ...... y nivn . ways aceK m aniusp iiuiiiih ine in.eivitin ..- v, ....r, ,, i.f-inisinni..-ii bnd been managing the city's malrl-in the dancing. Other entertainers who member nf the Austrian court. monlat affairs for many years lu collo- wm ))C on tu, Mi,it In the course of thai Fowler. Miss l-'.nvi.r. New Yoi k ( Pack-, tenia) by Weights and Measute.' Com-. ard). T P Fowler. Jr. New Vmk tnissloi-er llniilgiiu. He sent .ml word, i lllipnu.bll.') . L. Mali. II.-, M M. I !i iihani, ' that Ills men would anest ill nlfcnders I New Ynik (Cadillac); Mr. and Mra. and would ask for the maximum tine . if II. D. Drlxe), Miss Doris Biixe), Mrs. I JS0 lu cases of conviction I Hugene Cable, New York (Pierce) , Mr. I "The dty ordinance's, say l.e must , , .,..... it. .it v... ,. 1 i. L,.i.i i.. ii-Aii-hi " .,,. .. ..Ill ..ur tt il lie I ....... ...n . ... . I.. r,.,i .... . ,.. .,- --. . ,.L, ,., ,f t -n It '! ,'l,,,r..l,MI II. I......... I -.1,1 "11,11 iiwiiil .iter urn s Mini; It -' h"', 'eft all enale nf IllOle t In II ..0. Wati'hiiphv, Conn., July 31. - Aniony, I by the th e, ten. fifteen or twe t) n ut the motor .ii rivals at Hotel Hlion un ! piece Ver.v often the .'U-ti.nier buying I the Ideal tour wcie Mr and Mrs. C. 12. I In this way pa) a a go.'d deal more than h- would It tne l.e was w.-min.i nAI.nvviN --On rfiturdiv at his rsld"ne SiifV It Hald In in hi- vtfvfiu-th i Kunsral rrlv," IIMKKY At his rn'rt.n... Htl -!iv lteme. en .1 til v 31 Prs ik '.VI mn Kmrv, In 'h flf. . -eithin -ir nf Ills t e Sutler nf funrrjl hrrf'r rAlBALl. - a'hirlet Nirr. t ac '1 jears Fnnrii fmev THE f'L'SEPAt. rllt'ltfll," 3" W'e.t it.T'-tnlrd ursei )l .'..iiphli Bui .ti.ui. fundiv msrnlnr a xtrDANIK'"8 In f'tit Wsh si.Jdnlr. Jalv it.'er H MrDinisIs runrrsl In ell. Xlsss . Amo't PAi.Ml'n on Tlursdus, J-i y ii Hirtsy llnlklns rlmr l'i the slx'v-rr' .sir nt Ills 'IB' a. his U'r rssldsnr. Murr.iv avenue. Illdiw t. N t it .v p M Mindli ..l't t Trvln Irsvei, .trrsev Cilv, I2rl H H II S tl I' XI. RCTI I KHFCHP -'in Mturdiv .l'i'' tl. 1IV" si 'be Hihnmann, Waller lluiherfiird JK Maoism tv. line, husband of I.nutst M Huiherturd md the n.i "t lb late Is.iltellt and Waller ltiilberfiir.l. In hl sutv-tiftn ve..r. nieniber f Hi N"' '.ek Navit He.erie. fi. Nl'h"l ant Hi N'sw nrk Yacht . ul. Snllie "( funeral hrre.lflet Bl'.MAMIN F Sl'IMs, 11 Jewelrv mer- I (.l-.u -..-..l.)rii'i . en .l.l,i !(. lulle (.eldler. .t.'.Kli'.f 'I. '.I' ii'nry WILLS AND APPRAISALS. ham who ille.I .xiarcn .'.'. li'll, left l, "f will. I. lie glive JK:',!.nn In bih wire. Sadie V spink. and 170,33.'. to his son. 1 let bei t W Spink .li.siiill.s'i' I-. V TlU'VT. who died July borntlon with Alderman Hnppy Jack Iteardon wero inruwii oui mm n wn preBcrlbcd that the only fee to be charged waH 10 cents to pay for the revenue stamp on each marriage certificate. Tlie Aldermen who lake turns lu performing the. civil ceremony eel nothing but "Thank you's." Of the 1,273 weddlngM under the new aunplceH Aldarman William F. Cjulnn hns off! elated at 131. Alderman Fred Bmlth nf Hrtklyn la second wllh 98. week nre (Irace La Hue on Tuesday and Irene Frnnldln next Sunday (In I In- Screen al Cbr Yltnicruph. Theie will be shown at the Vltagraph Theatte to-night the thirteenth chapter of "The (loddtss," as well as a pew play called "Hearta Ablaze," Other plays to be seen are "Hit Bunkle." "His Knlry tlodmother," "He Took a Chance" nnd "The Club and the Daisy Chain." I.rnvrs fft lo Ill-Hliaband, Mrs. lllla tlnix. en Moses. .Ictsch, who died July 1 at 111 Weal l2lghty-foiirth street, left If. to her former husband, Itobert K. Moses, whom sin- had illvi.i.i-d, "and my entire forgivpnei.s for all his cruelty to mo for the past ten years" linns K. Jetsrh, husband of the tes tntrlx, got $6,500, nnd the same amount went to her friend, Kthel Winifred Chnp-man. New )..ik (Thomas) ; Mr and Mis. William .1. Ilnllcr nnd party. New Yo.k (Stn.iii.aut r) : .Mr. nnd Mrs S. J lai.'wi.ntlinl, New York (Do Dion Bnu tun) . Mr. and Mrs. John W. (ircen, Biooklyn (Coli ) ; (ie.irge F and Frank S. Itllcy, New Yoik (Pierce); Mrs. II. .1 Kaltcnbach itnA Miss Kill tenbach, Yonkcis (.Marquette) ; Mr and Mis T S Whiting, New York (Over lilld), Mr. and Mrs. K A Cooper, Paterson, N J ( Itoe) , Mr. and Mis fl, L, Hu'chlnson ami p.uty. Orange CPrrrlese). nnd Mr and Mis It Sleden hurR, Jr. Oreenwich, Conn, (Locomobile) Will I inn it In 111 Mliii'iiln I'lilr, Mink.ii.a. I.. I. July 31 The miii agomcnt of the (Jiieens Nassau Agiieiil lui.ll SfM'Icn .inui.iiii.' .1 to-. 1. 1) that (p.v Whitman lias arceptcd an invltatlmi t.i vb.ll the annual fair nf the s... ioiv in S pleniber at tills pbie. W. dm eilay, SPplrmber h-is been designated as (1. wrnor's day. iifiii. She give ? n per waitress and J230 In l.ei conk, and her nurse. Mnllle UallSfher, reived ."..noil. Dr Wind B. II, .as, liei .h), g..t tl.non and a similar anmutit went lo th. I linger. HI v. ersidi- Pl'f sbyterlan Chinch ller etep urn, I'.lvvud N Treat, received K'O.niifl ii, irusi nn.l the ii-iiiaiii'li'i nf the rs t He went t.i her son, Valentine Tieit 111. II XI. ( i.rt'.trnn lliitf-iued. Tin. . itsa g.'nient h.ik been announc! ..I .Miss M.ny I'nivni'.in ..' ,er s.v CD, N .1, and AMhnr I.e.. Cass1., nf Itiiinklyn No date ha bie.i f..r the wedding I'rnncl lllicl.eiilinn Hi-tiirnliiK Siitt'inl I'altle flfunalrtt in Till. Si s Hu. ,s- via Lnnilnn ..Inlv :(1 I-". ..,,-! ' ',"' X ll.ll 11 1 III llirillor MacLennan, the American singer .it- In' ' iMt lininrh in Tnr ii i tached to the Berlin llojal opera I'lim- ) I'miis, .luh M -.laner siev, r t ,i pany, will leave foi Atueinu sli .ri'v t" pot', has u ,ns to Dub-. wheie he fill engagementi during the Chicago ha hem nppulnlril cmator of the Na opera season l'.-tuie Oallcr) ,,i,, .i. iri.-t" s. i.iiei Kunrril ervl- ..' I.e. '.lie rrotenr-, U Webster ..v-iuie .It-r.rv . 'tiv Heluhts, S j, nn M-.ii 1 1 .tfirninmi V'uu.t ; jt t 31. .V. .... k Interment M V.irk II v I'emelery STUWAHT "n Julv 3". Ilratttrli.irn, V. . lmualas II 1-iew irt. .on ef the lit Tlioinas P. and Marleti i .".swirt. diner il sertl- Mniniiv. ,u loijn. u rhur.'h "t lh As.-tnslnn, Fifth -ivn.i ,n,) Tenth sliet. In'eiment Wool latin Hoston papers .leir enpy TODD -At M'.rrle'nwn. N . en'sierl Into res' .lull ?'. ti'.. I'.mllt M. alf.- nf Willi. ni II Tell ' l...t'..'.'r ef the late I'.ip. i'h in i in I M.rniret liinll. IS ef llr.M.k Ii Kiit.eeil ."!. Ti 1 1 A.igllst 3 P. . ,u th. rri,i, n, . f her lirolher, A'nnzo V Tl' n. . I-'V i4n sirel. III. ink n ili-i-tMien- .' pi.19 Hilts Crmnery UMIEIITAhRKtt. QxEGAJlPlMli:! 241 3 W 3ST I