Newspaper Page Text
INDUSTRIAL REYIVAL SEEN BY CITY BAE i J.nnk for Oooil Ocncrnl Trade This Full Warns of War Profits. THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915. SO HASTS FOR WAGES j! , f the lirlustrtnl nwnkenln? i tup country promises to spread soon ra ff jfv all l.nes Is expressed by the "lty n.nk In Its August letter. I h.j nuu.l mean good general business lor.'l t.cra in the fall. The Inlustrlal revival has now etched ''e stage where, with the addi tional Impetus that may be expected r.m the marketing of a pood crop, It ill Include nearly nil lines rind ns lire a s itmfactnry state of general trade Mt fall. ' eays the bank. "In some lln jf rrr lu.d'on, particularly In branches f the steel Industry, the point has been leuer-' 4 where more capacity Is wanted, ird the st'rr.ului of orders for additional jlir.t eiu.pment Is felt. I.ool.s for Aviildnncc or AVnr. 'The strained political relations b Iween this country and Oermany, al though undoubtedly presenting a very le-inus s tuatlon. have little noticeable 'rfluenee upon the business community, . .l.-h Is satisfied that neither Govern Tent wa'ts war with the other anil that tomn way will bo found to avoid it. Apparently a definite agreement as to t. "us f submarine warfare Is Im possible, but If In practlco tho German luthorltles avoid tho exercise of the wer they claim the Issue may not be jrfsecj. The war order business Is constantly Tfrfa'ng In volume and Its Influence Is utending It Is evident that the lndus irlal capacity of the country Is being en riged to n decree that, while very help 'ul now, may prove embarrassing when ih business conies to an end. Furthor r.ore, the reports of large profits to be eillzfd upon these contracts arc caten ated to make trouble with labor, which Is make f nny opportunity to Improve Its .icsltlon. "It may be that the exigency which wasl'ins 'hto orders makes them un gual y profitable, but any Importnnt thange l- wages Is likely to afreet not erly uar business but nil business In the line lines, and It would be unfortunate 'or the country, wage earners with oth Ira. if the gencial level of costs In this irry was raised to such an extent ii io put us at a disadvantage In produc. .ion when the war Is over." Hopeful A limit Cotton. The Natl nal City Hank takes a hope 'ul v.. w of the cotton situation. T"e outlook f 'r tlnnneltie the ernn from no lucers' hands Is better than last I 'M-. It tv-re is plenty of money In this .mh!' ti handle It If pruper warehous--it fa .l.'ics arc provided." says the jr.k, Tnere Is agreement that the South la pr'ed this crop on a lower basis f costs than usual, aad It has nlsa pro 'need a much lartter grain crop than ler before and will be more nearly self "?!"'ni; for 'he coming year. It is - r! 'hit the other or' ps of the South :s x ir will surpass In value any cotton cp 1 "as ever grown. T.e t has been restricted nnd econ rrr.) nas been practised, with th result t at tl.e South nil! conio Into possession e' ' ii this year with a smaller In- j i. ss attains-. It than ever before A .g. t c iieldering the possible bene f'.s of rop d.vtrsitieatloii in the future, i .o ns it, though the South had turned a tkp i'.'i..l calamity Into a blessing. Ut it w "i,. piefer nor to deal with any Uit-ier adverse conditions at present." T.e fo mil cx.-iiai ge situation may '!". the storing f cotton here by fore t 1 avers because: of cheaper cost of r- it It or the buying of futures In t I .rket says the hunk. In nv uiiik the war for the year the hmk sais. "The war has now lusted m ear the war expenditures have Hpi.t'led the most extravagant predle t!oi . the lighting has been continuous nnd the .a.ualtles nppultlng. but the r ul's signify practically nothlnu ns to when t. e conflict will end. There are no f 'n i tt a either side Is runiilnr; out of rif n or m mey, or that the people of any .' thf hi- ' g countries arc vveakenlnK in rf-r.'iitj. ii or contldence. Apparently li h lifM' tliLinholvvi to !.i tiKlitliur for prf rviition nnd security of their r' 1 ! I f Fmtn this point of view th enure situation teems to be the re mit of n rolnssnl anil hopeless nilsun dersMndmR . not only a rollnpne of rlvi l.iat .. but n failure to comprehend the "' a unity and reciprocity of numan liitriffn ihe world over. "Kx Italy, which came Into the ir at tlm cud of tho tenth month, and for wh' few tlKiires of expenditure"! or" re uvullalile, the war losum of the iihjt.i - have iiKKrcsated npproxl mati'v jr,,.oo.'.no.nuO, and this about rpr - t tin. Koveriunental e.xpendl-turi- f'u yenr. "Th.i cash expenditures of Great Brlt.i ,ue undoubtedly larger than i".o- riy M.ier ciuntry. hi .. nililutes of the German Gov frr.i . i,t j,'e probably next to those of !rc.i H, in. n Altogether the estimate 'f i f pr day for tho outlnyn 'if .i the ijovcriiiiionta is uuen not to bo i, if. LAST WEEK'S BOND MARKET. Continual from Tenth Page. u.t Hlith- Ixiw-Cloi. Net IMS 19 oiilhltyJs ik. wt mi i4 ui Wi J Nillysm ii ri mh u M M, I MsndMlilJ, 8jij 83.j M!J 2!1 nH M)j STCAIHtll Hlll4 inllj nut I0DJI0UIJ 1 TerAsSLSslOl 101 101 ioj tooil 1 TerinAsbtL, ! .... Wi Mi Hi mi M'4 0 CX at I 1st ?S 7H T j -j tot u'l;.;' i5." MU M " "'i t0 U hBf, S1 w 9J 2t Ut acevit. a M u m Mf M'nNJlUl AC Is..., 99 90 (xi if rn tMt 63 W.-iwn01 m m lirosiCctf &J mi Sf) -l ji t J J.";rChl M'f 0JU st( U Wi n 8 ltyi,... 8l WIK 9l! H m aJi( J J!.J,h ,,,101, lUU l0'X t M W'abl lt tTer " " ' 9,M llyltMsctf Ii H u u hi li JiWablTltyl n H 4 " laColTctf forCcnTr. f4 H H H vj JJV.o.. ,9 ' I Uab ex 4 . ,'.nTrct,, 17 Truttrffa 1?l 191 .viz u . . irctlistij I5 is IS t 3) s 7 WaahTSlii fof MM M )t 81 tOU 3 UclicttLSslOI lot 101 t0J' 1)1 34 Wcm tilee , .-y, i'i !" IMS - Ji ioj iooh 13 w" v4PaM' M Hi "H " . II'W l"3 IM W1W lM?i S nett.Shtt. 83 II I) 93M SS 1 U ratSUitr MH 8M KS K SOX tiU I UestUnSa. 4V vi s) H 1i S IS WmtUnt'llVIH 0t Bl 3)4 (U 5147VrslshouM rv .uai nH . ........ .. 17 VVeitnuute bircrvU.lUH I0S) 104? ) 0K 89 , 7J etirnou UcvScttlOS) 104?. 10J U tOi'MOl . t Ueslghouta 3 v n d LK cn ., 1V 51 41 Ji i so II WUCeuK, 87 81 81 -1 87 81 no ml Sale. Lat Wffk. SI 6.838,000. Trcvloiis week, 80,200,000. Jan. 1 to date,S440, 314,000. Same period 1911. 4 as, 860, 000, ISeller 3J dayi nil. tSeller J) dy dit. tSellcr lu dayi flat. 'Pellera 3 day Sat. THE CURB MARKET. 1M . tl'U TT.A- la. nr V ,ir r-1 ii t f-r St .' t F' m i cr ta, l t'K. rai. r a fl teg War l'ur:ll' Industry. " ffort of tho war upon normal ri the warring countries, par " on the f'ontlnent. where so i have been called to tho color, ' !-. paralyzing. Constructive ' i for tho enlargement of tho . trie- Ih almost suspended and ' ' re in many lines l greatly r 'Miieral trade Ih seriously d ' ul the piofesslonal classes suf MMiy but agriculture Ik carried women, children nnd old nwn MR. .lily successful resultH. ir tries dependent upon Great Ml western I'urope for capital i r i t ally ut a htandstlll In con- work, and their International ' i-'tii trade hiiH decillied, . ,i llrltnln, under tho clrcum- has malntnliu.d her great for i de very welt The ftatht estl- -bat allowing for loanN to Allies, ami other fonlgn countries, and n redlt for the earnings of British '.ii nbroad. the balanco of payments tho country Is running at tho f between Sli.onO.nno.OOfi and $'.', ooo a yeur TIiIh Is tlm amount, ri -iir to the h'inllaf, fur which l.on- r find ineuiiH of payment by sell ji Investments or borrowing d "IMMUNE," BUT GOES TO JAIL. Window ('leaner Joins Alimony l lull .TIioukIiI It Impossible. I" id le of statements by Iouls Huss mari a window cleaner, that he would I've b petit to Jail because It was "'.oil h decree," Supremo Court Justice 'I'.i ti has signed an order com "i ' g him to Ludlow street Jail for fi-fii for failure, to pay $65 alimony o i wife, Sarah Hussman, under a l 1 hi ion decree. Suisman told the court that the rain re i- iv had cut hut Income down one r He alio said that hla wife's father as a wed to do crockery manufacturer r.d , .i vvbiid he was dcsiltutc his wife ' wallowing In luxury In tho home i hei parents.'' Transactions In dttall In the curb market List week were as follows: c,,. reni llljli- Low. Cln- -ii , , in et. Ina iM American Zlne . Mu iii siu isi. 3iTW 'Aria Diiquetnr.. SO CJ :7 7Ki Alaka Juneau . U l'S II llij ' Alta Cons Min.... S3 S3 T 12 Jl Atlanta jot, ji n Mt, J'i) Alltaniie Kllm ; rt iW Amer dm u jj UV) Pic I-dse Dee.. v i 3-H V, :n 7ft1 'Ilooth 49'j 4J 411, 45 IW 'Hie Coltonoo.. C f, sl, S4 vi llraden Copr..... s 6 t 6; "Canhboy ." 4H S I S liyl Caledonia j; , .s si 1HM Canada Cop ' 'a V i J) Canada Steel :i : :m :3V, UK) Can Car A F'dry lOo 11: Si : rrt Can Car 4 F pf 104 in 104 11: HK Can Nat Oai Cor. Vi 2S IS IS Car Luht A Pr 101, m, js ew Cenlril I".lry 14 l j: is', MM Central K ilry pf :s 2 Z3 ii ICO 'Ciribou Cobalt 50 y jn jr 11SW Cramp Ship , T3t 34, 6 Jni Chile Cop ln lsv, 1! 1!V, Ji" Con Aril Smelt " S S Si Cons Nev-t;tah.. S-l S16 S-l f.l t-'t Dm Illaek nutte.. I t I I I(i0 RIe.1 lloat " 4J IV) 30 !1K Kleet Ilnat pf 3J0 390 no Sii 3Jii Klc Doat pf new I) 10 jit, 3tr, V) Kmersnn Phono, ii K lis US Kmtna Cop .. . J 41 33 4t 'norenen 4S SO 47 47 . llrerne Canaea. i 4" ) 40 3C.X OnlilflfM Cnn . IS IS 1 8-l l'i UTitf "fJoldtinld Mcner ii ::'t M :i llemlee Mfr J S3 Jl'i 31' 14. ' Hall Mimal IS IS 13 It :1 Ilae ound ... 3', 3S 3 0 Inter Mer Mar. . 1 :s i i tint Inter M Mar pf.. 54 S 5 7S 3975 Inter Pet S 3S SH i winter Itubher.... 'j 7S S 7 11") Inter Motors. . 11 li It 16 30 Inter Motors pf . 40 4 1 40 41 :w Iron llloom. . . 75 73 7: 72 I:?) lot Steam Pump. V, ls 14 j: S3') lot St Pump pf. 17 :: 17 17 !Mv) Jumbo Ext . . 1 !M IS 1 M 1 W S37' Kenneeott Cop. .. 3:4 33S lli IIS 1030O Mewana ... .14 11 10 104 CtO Kelly Sprin Tire 1 is 1V) i: 13.1 Kelly S Tire 1 pf S3 S7 S3 5 I) Kelly S Tire : pf 1: 1 Id: 185 570O Krr Lake ... .( MIIMI 3 SS ra La Hole 7-l 4 7-l 7-H 4.W 'Lone Star SS 6S S SS KM Lake Torp Hoit. CO AO IS 17 :.) Marconi of Am.. 3S SS 3 4Vi KWMaama Cop. .. . US 13'i l! 7100 Mother Lode 2 U it M 1S00 'Malestlc Mines 70 75 70 70 I.100 Mclntyre SI M 47 47 1PM McKIn D S Mill. ?1 51 M :i SS'O Montana Cons .. IS IS 1 "! 1 7-1 1K0 N Y Tran . . US 1S 1S4 US 3100 New Utah ninr.. SS 3S 3 3 rtt) Ncv-I'lah Bin? .. 3S i 3 3 1700 Nlplinlni Mlnea.. S'i 1'4 SS JS S-ftl 'Nev ada H1IU...H 19 11 1 gul Nat S C nf Can . 3S 47 3'S 4: ISO 'Orn 7 7 If.:; Pyrene Mfr. . 13 US II; US f.C.1 Reo Truck 17S 17S 17S 17S l'io Itlker-llrr Corp .. S l H 1M0 'Sella M : 50 UK0 -Silver Pick.... 10 10 9 9 7:100 btamlard Motori 15S K.4 ' IS 1!S 44fi StsJid Silver Lead 14 IS IS IS I' St Joseph Lead. 12 US 12 12S :30 Stewart 1 ! 1 1S-W 1 9-18 IS sn 'Sueeeia Min. ...1 1-32 IS 1 IMI 15K.1 SilPTitllinn Min :t 2t ti 23 700 Snndttorm Kend. 54 64 SS S4 3.7) Savoy Oil S 10 Sterllnr Gum w 1.2 n-18 3 IJ-18 iK i y.SO "Tonopah Mener 37 S7 3.1 St MJ Tonopah Min 54 SS ' 64 SH4S Tonopah Kxt.... 2S 2S 3 5-18 2S too Tri llullion 6-l 11-H 6-1 15 J3 t7Ci Tuloumno Cop... 4 -10 4 M 71fi L'n Clit Sirs new. 10 10 9S 9'i lO.ViO tin Profit Shar . CS 5i H ! 1 10M Ventura Con Oil. 12S 4 114 U4 370) WaMteh 1 3-18 IS IS 14 1SIK 'West Knd Con M 89 6 80 112.-. WhitB Kn Cop pf, 2S !4 !4 3'i 6i4 World Kllm .... 34 IS JS 3S STANDARD OIL SUDS1DIAIUER, pio Ant-lo-Amer 14 14 14 12 Atlantic Reflnlnr. ... 60: 647 600 18 Crescent I I II 39 41 IKi Illinois P 1 110 IK 140 65 Indiana P L M N M 15. ) Ohio Oil 1M Ul 1W tii Pierce Oil 4 94 Prairie O 4 O i" 312 3' 117 Tralile P L ll IM 169 : Solar Iteftnlnr It Hi K fiv Soullicrn P L 211 211 212 96 So Peiin Oil new 23 20 tit 121 Slan O of Cal tn 2H0 23S 45 Stan O of Ind 413 400 4IS IK Stall O of N J 408 402 404 i Stan Oil of N Y 10 H24 1 130 Union Tank Line, ... SO 79 80 CO Vacuum Oil 2M SOI 220 BONDS. $104000 Kenn Cop St., . .1174 1174 Ul IK S00OO0 Wet E con 6I..109K IMS IDT 109 FRENCH LOAN HERE YIELDS $43,000,000 National City Rank Gives Fig tiros Assures British Bor rowing Success. BASED OX U. S. ISSUES Ilesults of the recent loan to Franco hy J. r. Morgan Co., tho National City Rank and tha First National Bank through the nothschlldi on the pledge of American securities ss col lateral, have been far more gratifying than Wall Street expected at the time, according to the figures given by th National City Bank In Its August letter. Instead of a loan of from 120,000.000 to 130,000,000, as the financial district reckoned, tho loan thus far has pro duced 113,000.000. Such success with this French loan, In the opinion of finan cial men, augurs well for greater iuc cess In arranging a similar British credit. This kind of loan Is the most popular which could be floated In this country. The difficulty In arranging It, however. Is In getting the American securities from private and Institutional holders In this country abroad. Th success of the French bankers, however, In collecting American securi ties which have produced 113,000,000 In loans, It Is thought. Indicates that British bankers will be able to gather a much larger amount. The ability of tho London and New York bankers, therefore, to arrange a credit to tha extent of 176,000,000 or 1 100.000,000, based on American securities. Is re garded as assured. London bankers ara busily engaged In gathering suitable American securities at the present time. The reasonableness of expectation of success In this matter Is further bol stered by the fact that the American securities pledged for the French credit wera of only two companies, the Penn sylvania nnd St. Paul railways. In discussing Oreat Britain's financial situation the National City Bank circu lar says: "The magnitude of the problem con fronting Oreat Britain Is shown by tha figure of her foreign trade. Of course all of the balance does not come to tha United States. Serious xa the situation undoubtedly Is It would be more serious to any other country under the same circumstances, for no other country has such a variety and amount of convert ible onsets ns Oreat Britain. Her eggs are not all In one basket by any means. Aside from her wealth In tlxed property at home Great Br'taln held at the out break of the war securities based upon properties In other parts of the world valued at I ;0.000,000,000. and of these, according to competent estimate, she had parted with not to exceed 1500.000, 000 up to June last. "Oreat Britain ! stilt abundantly strong In her general credit, but besides that she has these transferable assets, outside the area of the war, and al though they are prlvat property there should be a way to use tnem If neces sary to support public credit In an emer gency like this. "The gold resources of the All'es ara being strengthened hy the contributions of the French people." 4 11 GARMENT STRIKE LIKELY. t'nlnn ODIrrri Sn- 11(1,110(1 Are llemly to Cin Out. A general strike cf the 0.000 men and women employed In the cloak and sul' trade of New York will be called to-morrow morning unless the final ef fort of the council of conciliation ap pointed by Mayor Mltchel proves auc cessful. Workers aviillahte for picket duty have been enrolled, It wait said last night, and are being held In readi ness to he sent to tho 1,000 shops In New York. The officers of the union as sert that everything Is prepared. An ultimatum was sent yesterday by the Ladles Garment Workers t'nlon to the Cloak and Suit Manufacturer Pro tective Association to the effect that If the decision and recommendations of the Mayor's council are not accepted by Tuesday morning a general walkout will be ordered. Benjamin Schleslnger, pres. Idmt of the garment workers' organiza tion, said yesterday: "We have been working hard to avoid a strike, but we have been preparing for It Just the same In spite of the efforts of the council. We do not Intend to let nurMdves be taken by surprise by the manufacturers lu case they decide to force u strike." Prof Felix Adler, chairman of Mayor Mltchel' council, who has been out of tlut city for some time, was notified of the new developments and asked to make a final effort to hrlng the manufacturers to an acceptance of the recommenda tions of the council, which were rejected last week. LIGNITE IN NORTH DAKOTA. Increases In Tonnnue nnd Ynlur Fuel of Ihe :Vort Invest. Waskinoton, Aug, 1. !., output of lignite In No-th Dakota the only min eral fuel of the State Increased In 191 1 from 49.", 320 short tons, valued at 1750,. 652, In 1313, to 506, '".So tons, valued at J771.379. At present lignite Is consumed chiefly for domestic uses, but when properly handled with proper equipment It can be used with satisfaction n a boiler fuel. A convincing example of what may be accomplished with lignite for boiler use Is presented by the Irrigation plant of the United States reclamation service at Wllllston, where the reclama tion service operates the mine and uses the product In the generation of steam for Its pumping plant connected with tho Irrigation project at Wllllston. At Kenmare, Scranton and Dickinson lignite Is successfully used In burning hrlok, and a It Is smokeless and Booties and 1 cheap It Is well adapted to this ute. As the gas producer and Internal combustion engines In large units coma Into more general use In the West, as tlfry are rapidly doing lp the Ka:t, the lignites of North Dakota will become great factors In the settlement and eco nomic development of the State, To be successfully utilized lignite (un less briquette!) muat be burned In the vicinity of the mine from which It Is taken, When freshly mined North Dakota lignite contains from 25 to 40 per cent, of moisture, but on exposure to the atmosphero It gives up a largo part of the moisture nnd "slacks" or crum ble. Prolonged exposure reduce It to a rather fine powder with oxidation and loss of volatile combustible material. Hi t . Warning! From the moment the organization of the Triangle Film Corporation was announced, all sorts of fantastic tales of fabulous expenditure and still more fabulous profits, have been flying about. Based chiefly on fact, these stories have, in some cases, grown into such gross exaggera tions as to amount to misrepresentation. Dealing with a subject that interests more than half the people of the United States, such exaggeration is not unnatural. Most of the stock of the Triangle Film Cor poration is held by Mr. Griffith, producer of "The Birth of a Nation"; Mr. Ince, producer of "The Battle of Gettysburg" and other big pic tures of the big outdoors; Mr. Sennett, producer of "Keystone (Domedies"; Messrs. Bauman & Kessel, proprietors of the New York Motion Picture Corporation, myself or others directly concerned in the management. All of this stock is deposited for two years and cannot come on sale. The remainder has been underwritten by a syndicate which will in turn dispose of it through brokers in the open market. While I, and the experienced and successful motion picture men who are with me in this" Company, have every reason to believe the busi-t ness will be highly profitable, and while it is, in our opinion, extremely likely that the stock will advance rapidly in value, there is no authority whatever for the statement that either the Com pany itself or any of its officers guarantees or prom!oes dividends of given amount or within a stated time. Any business yielding such amazing profits as this business yields is subject to great risks. It is not the type of investment for the man who cannot afford the chance of loss. The total capital is $5,000,000 all com mon stock, par value $5. There are no bonds no notes no pre ferred shares. No matter how great nor how prompt his dividends a stockholder isnof satisfied if he has been led to expect something greater or quicker. So While I believe this venture will be even more profitable than any of my earlier ones, I am making no definite predictions as to date or amount. And no one else has any authority to make them I want satisfied stockholders Which is why I am printing this advertise ment. President, Triangle Film Corporation, 71 West 23d Street, New York. DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. lave Filled With Bobbers' Loot. Kvanhvim.b, Ind., Aug. 1. A robber' cave, such os pictured In magazines of Ihe yellow back variety, wu found by the police here, following the arrest of James Qoodge, 19, and Ollle Reotzel, 21. The two men were arrested on the charge of breaking Into an Implement tore nnd under a grilling by the do tectlve told of a care on tha banks of Pigeon Creek In the western part of the city where they had bean hiding their plunder. Many atolen arllolts were recovered by the police, pft com com pfd com Pfd Speedometer, quarterly. . . pfd EX DIVIDEND, romoany and Term Stock v.Monal iwmiln-. quarterly . com ?an llank Note, quarterly con. American Uraphopnont, hum Aahtin VaVa'.' quarterly &on:,rary..nn.aVoli; and uniaha. ml-annual. ChlSigo. HI. Paul. Minneapolis and Omaha, semi-annual. . . . Pennsylvania Itallroad. quar Quaker Oa't's. 'quarterly . . . Untied Cigars, quarterly.... vn tad Statea Steel, quarterly DIVIDENDS PAYABLE. Ontr.l. Railroad of Sjw er.ey - aieari-won. '" quarterly . . Stewart-Warner quarterly .... Anient-" ' American Cigar. ""'"'. Amarlcan Oaa and Electric, quarterly ; Amarlcan Olue. semi-annual.. American kii" ..-.... quarterly American Light and Traction extra stock . . . . . American Light and Traction, quarterly American 81m Uauge and Valva, quarterly Atchtion. aeml-annual. Atlaa Towder, quarterly Aurora, Elgin and Chicago, Quarterly Auatln Nichols, quarterly..... pM Automatic Electric, quarterly. Hanger Railway and Electric. enil-annual com Bay Htate Railway, aeml- annual... pfd Harnhart Broi. A Kplndler, quarterly I rid Barnliart Droi. A Bplndler, quarterly pfd Batei Manufacturing, aeml-an- Ttrlll. J. O . quarterly Ilrlitnl and Plalnvtlle Tramway Drown Shoe, quarterly Burns nroa., quarterly Canada Hnuthern, semi-annual Cluett, I'aabody & Co., quarterly ColumBus Hallway, rower ana Light, quarterly com Columbus Hallway, Power and Light, quarterly pfB Amt. IV. 1.94 ITe 11,15 I'll 15c l'i 1 S t: so m i.r. com 14 com pfd ptu com com Pfd Pfd pfd pfd pfd pfd pfd pfd com IS" 14 11. 14T 14 4 '. !4 14 1, :'t 14 14 1S 1 4 13.00 IS 1H IH.OO 1 5 l 11 71 u. 1 14 Company and Term Commonw ealih Edl.on, quar terly Commonwealth l'oer, Hull way and Light, quarterly.. t'nmmnnuealih Power, Hall way and l.lsht. quarterly... Cuba Company I'uh.i ltillio.tit, .eml-annual Cumberland Cmini Power and Light, quarterly lie Long Hook slid Eye, quar terly .. Dominion Coal, eeml-annual. .. Dominion Steel Corporation, quarter!) .... .... Light, quarterly Eait St Louie and Suburban, quarterly Edlion Company f llo.ton, quarterly Elrln Watch, quarterly Electric llond and Share, quar terly Electrical Sfciirltlei Corpora tion, quarter!) Emery H. s., annual Eureka Pipe Line, quarterly.. Kail rtlver, Charlton Milling, quarterly Fall Itlver Oaa Works, quar terly Federal Sugar Itennlng, quar terly Fort Worth Power and Light, quarterly Oranby Coniolldated Mining, Smelting and 1'nwer (Irani! Rapid Railway, quar terly (Irent Northern Railway, quar terly llooil Rubber, quarterly. Hone Ion Oil of Texas, semi annual Illlnoli Northern Utilities, nuitrterlv International Nickel, quarterly Jackeon Traction, quarterly.. Ka)er, Julius, quarterly Kaveer, Julius, quarterly Kelly. Sprlnglleb! Tire Lewlitnn, Augusta and Water vlllc, quarterly Lnulnvllle Healing, quarterly.. Lowell Electric Light Corpora. Hon, quarterly Ludlow Manufacturing, quar terly Lyman Mills, semi-annual .... McEIwaln, W. II., quarterly., McElwaln, W. II., quarlerly.. Mahoning Coal Railroad, semi annuvl Muxachuaetla quarterly . .Midwest Refining, qiiirterly .. Mohawk Mining Monongahelu Valley Traction, semi-annual Montreal Tramway., quarterly Municipal Service, quarlerly , New York Central, quarterl),. it Stnik Amt. : com 1 Pf.l 1', Pfd S4 , pfd 3 i . pfd 14' 1 pfd 34 I rfd 1 4 pfd 1 pfd S . 13 00 . 3 Pfd 1 4 Pfd 14 pfd T I l 00 1 It. CO pf.l 14 Pfd !, f 1 so pfd 14 Pfd 1 4 Pfd 1 . pfd 3 . 11.80 pfd 14 , pfd 7Sc 1 pfd 1 S pfd I , com I 4 Pfd 1 4 com 3 1 3 ' I nd Company and Term Northern Pacific Hallway, nuar'erlv Omaha Electric Light Power, eeml-unnual Pacific Coa.t. quirlerly. Pacific Coa.i. quarterly... Pacific Mill., teml-annual Pacific l'imer and Light, quar lerly Penman, Ltd, quarlerly.. . Pennsylvania Traffic. neml annua! Pin. bur? and Lake Erie, semi annual I'nriland Oai and Coke, quar terly TuMIc Service Investment, quarterly rnbltc Service of Northern Illinois, miartery. Public Service ef Northern Illinois, quarlerly Pyrene Manufacturing, quar lerly .... Railway and Lighting Securi ties, sentl-aninia! . Sapulpa Refining, Initial quar- leriy sierra i-acinc Electric, quar terly Taylor-Wharton, I. A 8., quar terly Teus Power and Light, quar- i rriy ... Unlteil cigar Manufacturing, quarterly., Washington Oaa Light, quarterly nest Pennsylvania Railways, IK', I I 'I 1 . v Illys.Overland, quarlerly. , I Siotk Amt. 14 :, 1 pfd 1 4 3 pfd 1 , 13.00 i pf.l 14 I Pfd 14 I 3 i: so pfd 1 4 . pfd II. SO . com 1 4 Pfd 1 4 1 4 com s ' PM 34 . pfd 11 oo . pfd 1 4 j pfd 1 j com 1 j ' ii :o ; , i pfd ! 4 : com 1 4 DtVlDRNDS A.ND INTEREST. Coupons Due and Pijiblt al Ihe Olfice A. B. LEACH & CO. 149 BROADWAY, N. Y. AtltllMT ifvr. wis. Austin, HI., School District No. 2 Bergen Count j, N, , Iliidgo Illooiulngtnn, III., 1'iintllng Iliitirumho tniinty. N. C Funding Champaign, III., Improvement Chlrkaaha, I. T School Coal Township, 1'enim., foor House K' tan 1 1 on, HI., Judgment Fairfield, lows, Kef, Waterworks Falrmount, Minn., Mater Works Kit. Creenlteld, Ind., Funding Houghton, Mich., Sew it Huntington, Ind., School Iron Mountain, .Mich., Sewer Jackson, Mich., t'nlnn School District KaJamamo, Mlrh,, Improvement laake Forest, 111. 1 Grand, Ore,, Refunding lauiraater, N, V., Mater Merhanlctllle, N. Y. Morrison County, Minn. New Cattle, Pa., School District Onero, Wis., Fire House Portland Electric Co. Pulaski Co., Ind., Court House Rlverdale, N. J Road Imp. fiherhurne Co., Minn,, Drainage Spring Valley, lit.. Bridge Snohomish Co., Washington, School District Snohomish Co., Wash., Road t'nlon City, Ind. Warren Cn., Indiana, nrldge Wauuatnsa, Wis. Water Works Al'Ol'ST 13, 131.1. Snayter, Ind., School A tOt '.ST 14, 191.V Centerrllle, Iowa Consolidated Klertrle Cn. of Maine (ienrgta Light, Power ,v R). Co. t ign in., inn., running Aftll'xT '.'I, IBIS. ummltvllle, Intl., School J WEATHER FORECAST Winslow.Laniir & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK THE FOLI.OWtNO COt'PONR AND DIVIDENDS ARE PAYABLK AT OUH HANKING 1IOCSK DL'HlNli THE MONTH OK AUGUST. HIS: AtniST I, ID1.V Ths American Cotton Oil Co, 44 Deben tures. Clevelind, Akron Jk Columbus Hy. Co. Cone, Jltge, te, Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R. Co Gen. Jllge., series "IV Oat City. Indiana. Marlon County. Indlini. nrldge Rond. Mintllon A Clevelind Rd. Co. quarterly aivi.ientj i'e Portsmouth, Ohio, Street Improvement nonne. Wheeling Termlna' Rv Cn 1st Mtr. 4s Wiishiitnfton Predictions for To-dny nnd To-morrow. For enslrrn New t orh, p.ntly rlniidri not quite m warm to-dny nnd tii.mnrrow i prnliitlil) shower lo-il.i) in south portion tiii.ilcrute shifting winds. Fnr New Jersey, pirtly, not quite ei wvrm to-d.iy and tn-miirriiw, prnl.abiv thunder showers to-day, light to moderate shifting winds For New England, tncil showers tn Jav partly cloujy and somewlut .' to morrow; moderate slilfilng win.!. For eisiern Penns)lv aula, partly cloudy, not quite so warm to-djy and to-nori-aw, light shifting winds For western New York, pirt.v clouly to day, cooler at nlaht, fair and con', r to morrow, molerite win Is. mostly no llient and north. NEW YORK, Aug, ! Cloud) and con tlnued warm weither prevailed over most of the country east of the Mississippi River yesierday, wlih an occasional shower or thunderstorm In the lake reg: .ns tha middle Atlantic anl south Atlani Slates. There was an area of high pressure form ing over the lake reglors. where the tem perature was lower. It Is quite like y that the cooler air from tins high rn wl.l be forced south and eastward anl give cooler weither and ehowe-t In the New England and middle Atlantic Stales to day. It was somewhat cooler In the West and Fouthw eit. In this rlty the day was pirt:v cloudy anl sultry: thunder showers in afternoon; wlnda. fresh southeasterly . averare hu mility. 71 per cent . hirometer coire. ted tn read to sea level at s A M 3J 5i 1 P. M.. 2!U-i. The temperature In thli city yesterday, as recorded hy the official thermometer, l shown lu the annexed table- 10I.V. 1914 ' IHS 1014. O A. M 7s 0 P M M 77" 12 M II 77' o p M 71 71 3 1'. M SO' SO', 12 Mid 71 7 lllahcst temperature, s.T, at II .VI A. M. Lowest temperature, 71. at tl P. M. EUROPEAN MAILS. The Dome Mines Company, Ltd i No Per.oril Liability) DIVIDEND NOTICE Tb. Dl-i it -f t-. inev.nme,l Compjnv h.ive r.-iV'.d i.nt !h Conpa.iy do pav a fliv -dend q-j-rt-ilv on the nist day of M-irn, June iv p emoer hiiU De- cemoer in earn, ann that there h pl.1 on September 1st l'l', to share holl'ra of record vt the el. se of business on 'he :ird day -.f August. Ii. a dlvlieml nf fifty cn's per eh ire -inl hat the trans fr b-j .ks of the c.i ii an) be cl .. d from August .(th. 131! to September let, It'ii, both .lays mns:- AI.BX PAPKHN, S'cretiry. July 30th. 1!1 Th Holland-America llnr Noordam. te-niorrow for Roue .tarn, will take mall, closing at S 50 V M fir tli .Nether lands, (ieuniny, Aust.U. ll i.iKii -. Luxem burg and Turkey The Frenih liner Chlnro. silling to. morrow for llordeaux, wi.i t.ik mi!., cls Hit at I! M , for Franre. Rumania, Rul. garla, SrrblJ. Swltarund, l'uv, tfpiln, Portugal. Kgypt. (Ireeee, H.-Uieh Indlv, Rrltlsh East Africa, Slam, Malta, illbra.t ir, cvvion. .-trails Settletnants. Dutih llaet Indies. West Austr.illa .ind f'etsla. La V'eloce '!ner Kurooa. sai.'nc Wednes day for Napies. will take mil. .losing at k in A. M. for Italy. Ilu-kaila, 1-crMl. 1'uiujiii.i. .-wlt-rland and e The Wlnte star liner A.!rlv. sailing Wednesday f-r l.lvrpoil. wn: take mill, closing jt S 30 A. M. for Kui..p leu. ept. Ing fiermanv, Austria. Hung.i-y. Luvem hurg, Turkey, tne Netherl i .Is. Norway, Sweden. Deu nark Itily. In iria, Serbia. Rumania 'Miumand and Ci . e) and for Africa. Wesi s!a an t Kvst In lies MARINE INTELLIGENCE. $16,500,000 I REPUBLIC OF CUBA lour mill t Hie llu If iVr Cint. linUl ltoml- Hut- H'J Coupona ihi Autjit 1. 191 .. of !h .ihfti' 1 nftirlf wi in? ni'i ..n nreintnMon at our om e on an I .iffe that .lat" SPEYER &. CO. New- Y rk .Id v pt .MINIATI RH ALMAN C AM I'M PM Sun rises . 4 '..LSun sr's 7 in Munn rliealu 3') HKill WATKR THIS DAY. AM AM AM Sand) Il k IS Id r.ov 1st I ou Hell five 2 M I.DW WATKR THIS DAY. AM AM M Sanl)ll'k t. inOnv l! 7 I'.l.llrll tlate n ill j Arrived SI'NI'A Y. August 1 - .. .. v .-.. MUM I" vVesiniinstei noon. rior. j u July 1., Miir.lnl noon. IahmIoii. Jul) ' Crauna. i" 31 A M . Marseilles July llovif. e p M . M m.-hmer. July i? eirathalrly. S A M Cilslnbal, July il. Trafalgar. : A M M Jul) .'7 Ua)amon. T.m P M . ui jinn, .miy .; Port Anionio. Ul p M . Jjimliu, (HH'AliO. Ml! W At hKt; A sp. p.f. IIAII.W V t (nii'N. II Itrfiiidw nv . NV V -k .I i;v .loth ins Nfttle. hee elvMi that ther has re.n de'li-ed i llvH.-n I of Thre dollars anl Flfn cms I'.r .-hare n th Preferred stork and i .it. H. 1 ,f T " Iinl'ars Per Shar. on th Comme-i to. k of he i'oni pvny. to si-., kh.-, !-- if -e. -ird a' 3 i In. k on tn- of .vug ist. nvviKe s..,tn.r,r 1st. at 'he .-.til-e ,f the it. tb City of Vew York II It W '1. 1.1 M.. Vr.Presl1nt , July SS Se Antsret : P M Tr.iii.1art July 22 Morro Castle. I A M Havana. July J7. Api.he jj Usonville. Julv . Citj nf .Mor.Unmery, av .iiinih, July . Kl Sol inlip.tiin, Jul ... I'r.ii i'.s Anne. .Norf.v 4. Julj :i I Su-r Ch ti r Jul) ! Delaware. I'hil.i.lf i.hia July :i Tv.-r Norfolk .1 i.v Texan Philadelphia. July r. Calliope. Ni wp irt News July .11 AIlRIVHt) FROM Mn- YORK Ss New York. .11 Liverpool s Knu iieorte. at Havre ss Laurasiri tn, at London AIR.MOt NI ('OAI. .V COKi: COMPANY. I" Se p' i i August ; I'll 5 Coupon N 3t , r,,- t tons, e.nm the K.rst ponds o( this .'omptnv will b imM i t" 'Ittrtll to tS.e r,rnt. ers I. -hi A T: .s- . Nn York JAMi:s F f VI(Ni:STOC! Treisursr SAILED FOR NEW YORK StTivives. fioni Puerto Burlos. I.F.NKItXI. CHIIVIK l. (liMI'VSV :i Ur nd S'ree- New V rtt .tu'y 30, 131V X UUirterlv ,1 i .end ,f one end . h s If rT.en' ill,' . nil h Septem ber I TH" tn . .j,,,, S".. k ..... I.r. nt re. .tl ii " p M v i: i-' a tus. l.AN.'ASTrit ll.i'l ,tx Treneurer OITGOI SC. STF.AMSHIPS Sail To d i Mails Close Oldfteld (Irinre RinJan'rn . Ilvmllion Nortnlk . .. Al iskan. San Fr in. isi o . sail To morrow Yeseele nl. i: m m .1 1 p M 1.' ' M COEDS WHIP BURGLARS. After PtimniellliiK Intruder They III ri-VV 1 1 I III Dill of WIllllllVT. WriLsnt'rtq, W Yi . Aut. i.out- wlttcd iiiul .utfou;;ht. two lmrglnrs who had the temerity to enter the room nf Mary Hocc. need 10. ,mrl Dorothy Ii.irc, aged . coeds In the Went I.lherty Col. lege at West l.lhertv. near here, were lucky to Ret nvvay nftrr they had t.eiii unmercifully pummclIiMl l.y the girls mid thrown tlr'otich an open wimlow'. nie itule Were awakened .it on eurlv hour in th.. nuuinn hy a soiin.l of shullllim feel -.omewhere in t h ir loom Aci'tutoniltiK tl -r r)i to tin. ,.m ixUt the co.ds made nit two lui'itl-im ktiro! Ing in f I tint of ,i ilreeeer, stulllnj; tile Milualiles they found into .1 hntulic. t'llpiilng rautlmisly fr 111 thejr lie(R the Kills evei.l Poms nf f.-i.-e povviler Into the es of the hurglirs lirfore the l.itur . lis. nve cd what was h.tppenltiK With the hurglars almoft llelplcsh lu-. JI lis-.- of tl.e.r Inability to l-ee, Xllss lure ,e nod .1 lo.ivy li.ur l.rtjsli and began pound ng t'mn ov. r the head, while .M.s IIosk vv 1 , 1 b.-ivy pitcher put III an ''. as 1 ...vv REWEDS FORGOTTEN WIFE. Chicane, Bordeaux IS is M Nooi.litu hutteittam t So A M Apalle. Jaeksnnillle . . C of Montzomerv jv'lt Prioress Ann Norfolk Sill We.lm rl l). Au.'Ust Adrtatie. Liverpool Ii A M Riiropa. Naplee s w A .VI Mirieiibo l.i i.i: i.vr.i :j A t Santa Mart a J.iniji.a '...havi Mavaro tlrrnadi lu w A M Monius New Drle ins Ar ipall e. Ii tlv etoll Kiln ll Ml I l'.ile-ls.o Madi-ou. N irfoiK . . 3 .VI P M 12 M 1 ' P vt 3 ' P M 3 Ci P M 1: 01 M 1J ."1 M 1 M 1. i) M 1: M 1. "! M 1 'Hi p M l: 1.) M 3 ii P M BUYERS COME HERE EN MASSE. 1 pfd 1 pfd com com pfd Tfd II. SO II. ll". 1 V, '. ts no l'i Tr 1". 15 00 14"e Hi Tliree Sleeper lli-Inu- nig Pnrtr From Indianapolis. Indianapolis moved on New York In unique fashion when a big party of buyers for dry goods and department stores there reached here last night In three special sleepers attached to the Black Diamond Express of the Iehlgh Valley Railroad. In the past Indianapolis buyers coming to the New York markets have travelled separately and as they plei.ed, but this year some one had the Inspira tion to organize an all Indianapolis party The buyers made the trip a soit ot club affair, combining pleasure with business. Mil 11 VIiiii Mcmnr) Mils Limit 11 IllnuU I'lnil llriil.'i'ii llimir Ties. Tin is. O'uo. Aug 1 --Asserting that ln- ansi of Ii. Junes received m a rail way accd.nt 111 ixk.. his memory I1.11 1 been a h.atik for vars. during which time lie was tepiraied I mm Ills former wife. John T M.ut n. ti.. of Pi.xtoti. Ill, was marred H.ei.tly to Mis ICmma 1 Kuepper, !'!. .1 1-'onto. 11 irlnw Mr Kneppe" was hla former wife, Martm say. They wen. married forty- two y.ars ago. Twelve years later while travelling he w.i liijjired in a iiccldent In Illinois, from which ho mf li red an emiro l.ipso of memory ami spent ten years In 1 Stale hue-pit i lie was lost to his friends and family, anil Jim is afterward wh. n hl meniu-y r turned he f umd tint hi w ife had di vorced him on the ground of desertion and rcniovid tn rindl.iv So'vu tim. him.- Kuepper died and Martin renewed courtship of Ills former wife Imme diately nfier the wedding ceremony Mr and Mis Mir: 11 left for Florida on-their' eicond honeymoon 1 Dim I'llltllflll to I, oat ti, fimvnoyiiAN, Mich, Aug. 1. a two. ear-olil sou of I'ain.U llourlsaw wis found aflcr an all niglit scar, h througli the vvnr.iN. In which the vvlmle country, side took purl He lind wandered awiiy f 1 1 itiv hyine the day before Krink Ilaimi was led to the. pli,,. wheie (lie ch I I la .x sleep. ng hy a co lie belonging to a ueighhor of Il.uirli.aiv The dog evuleni v fou"il the boy and walled for i-ome one to pass. 1NCOM l.M i sTK A MSIII I Du- To ta- I. i.-kaw nun Manihe.ter July u IviroliMiie L.i Roehelle July 16 PI it urn . July 14 Liu. olr-lnre laviidua Jttiv 17 llt)oiinr- SI 1, du lllmne July II Yi mi. Hav re . July I" 1- Co 1 . July is llaltie LnrUeiib.ii h Cnnolul .July H Cameroina . . July :3 H-pi.'iie Horde .nx . July n Capii .. lsreie . July IT Nctlieil.e .. . . ll-ix r . July la Caiv Oriejal Orsn Inly 17 HI Piso . . .. Calteslon .. July M II. -nn.'l.i Hull July ii Amcriean Iloiierdam July IS sir ithleven .. Havre . July 19 Rr.iros san' ..July.'. .Metapiu Ilavant Jilvji Iro.iaois . . tioiitmgii Julv ; Antil'ti'S New Orleans Juiy D is To morrow FrederieU 1 1 1 Chrntnii-inrt July 11 )t)nda:n Hultudnni July ;4 llrone Wuus Ll Palll.e atllv M Djibouti Marseill.-j July IS ll.iv.n.a Havana July .1 Nue.-f- . lialvi-smn July Ji l'uv of Columbus s.ivsiiihIi July :. Mohtuk Jacktom ,lr . July JI Due Wedne1.)y. A'i,-ut 4 Ardrryfe London July ' lro.ii'.is London J.ily 21 Siup.Mii. Hu.i July 7! Mc-il'i l.on ion J ilv :i llonr.rius P :eno- Aires lily v I aliform 1 I'eroimhd.-o .luiv .a Prins WHIem I IIa)t Julv Matxlev lllr Junao'i .t-:U - An. 01. C.'.tnhll July Kl Mhi i.ilv.stoti . Julv . Mohiwk J.l. tile A,. I I iii'onilnt; Vrees Ilv W'lrrless. II ivans. ll'ivir-i c: tr ,e. sou'.1! o! Ualleras at noon vesterlxv Ir.'iiois saito loniot;o hi .01. a of Hook it r p l S C.ty of CVumhus Meant' in 4.' miles nnrtlei.t of Fumi.' P-.n al I'.nn s. Prolcu New orleau .' m.lcs snuih east of South Pi-s 'it 1. urn SM Hatt.e T 1 I," .I.J1I1 Sail F'.r .-o ?'" milts suuth "I inlv Honk al ion s. K! Mhi iliivfsion. li. ni'.e torth ot Jupiier it P V ss F.' sifio. tialve-ton. '.0 nt le. w.t of Ton Hi. is ai i 1' M s. Mohawk ,1 1. kionv r. .. '.1 n' .it r .-ti. of M ,loh' ti'ir it " " Xf ss Nueivs iii.v.'-l'i' . m..e. .oi.l'l nf Hook al ' !' M s. Alain. 1 Mobie c.i m.lci .e-ih of Sii Hook al 7 P M Tiirlli' Wins llatlli Willi nnk.i I'OVlMil'.S, lid, Adet 1 W,,; .'1 ;t C.'rl' g w li '.. vv tlkt'.g in 1 , 1 1.- .1 II,' si or le. . waa a'" 1 '.-I . a no, ae '11 the uiiderbriihii llwi ti v 1 etigittod he ri'iame : witness t n in. tie to tile death between a ' r 1 t :r'' and 1 Mri.-Asn.ike. The parti" had tho r.ak a n.-1 I 1, "a mouth ni.d uav bclr.s diage .1 1' .-p the Miaki'. Tl.e n.aa.' v z wil.llv. ! 'I! 'ie til'"' ' .'"'..- .1 'h !u d II i-e'ti. r a -nuiiln f ' . h 11' 1 ' . , a 1 e.upe.s byrty The tu le .1 .ip-pearexl