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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 02, 1915, Image 2

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Up-State Inquiries Show Women Fighting for Rural Vote
' ' s
every .laturiLy evening iitihllc meetltiRK
were held In the village throtliihout
the county, nt (Which lultlrcsseH In fur
therance of (he cause were delivered
a the miiln xtreetM from mitoinoljtle.
At first the crowds were .mall, htit each
eucccecllnir Saturday drought larger
An thin In mi off year In iolltlcn,
with no nntlonal i.r State ollloers to he
elected, It In quite lniirohnttn that a
larse vote will be polled ; at least the
Interest rdiown In the proposition tn dale
hy the men would not Indicate a much
lamer vote than the ordinary wile In an
off year.
If the women were to vote on the
proposition It would lecelve nn over
whelming majority In thin Kcctlou, hut
II li ery hard to obtain any definite
line on the Maud thnt the men will take
on the Issue.
The women lune made It a point to
nsiertaln the stand of the leading poli
ticians In hoth of the old parties, The
rre.it majority of the political leaden
have expiessed themsehcM III faor of
the proposition. However, their lati
tude Ih much the same an that of the
oters In Kencral they tnUe no decided
stand on the Issue. A very prominent
politician In the county said : "I eo the
handwriting on the wall, woman sur
fraKe Ih hound to coma soon and 1 mlKlit
better he for It than aRalnst It."
Women llntr Aroused Interest li
Aetlle I 'n in pill km.
Dunkirk. Chaiitainiua county, population
u.s:i 1
Dlnkiiik, Aug. 1 Indication!! cem
promising that the woman suffrage
amendment will lecelve n substantial
majority of the votes which will he
caat on the proposition In (Chautauqua
county In November
The Woman Suffrage Society Is well
organized In the county. There Is n
central organisation, with Mrs. Hetty
Bherwln of Fluvanna, county president,
and there Is nleo an.organliatlon In each
Of the two Assembly dl.:rlct. with
local branches In the most Important
rentre. of populitlon.
Then, too, the Woman's I'olltlcal
Union has local branches In Dunkirk,
Jamestown and several othfr communi
ties. The union and the society are
working harmoniously and energetically
logether Jn the Interest of the commo i
No official action has yet been taken
thia year upon the question hy the
county organliatlons of the leading ini
mical parties. 1-n.t year the Ilepuh
llcan county committee gave a Mrone
Indorsement of woman suffrage. Charles
H. Wlcks, chairman of the committee,
Is avowedly In favor of voles for women
ind announces that he will vote In favor
of the amendment. He expects a total
vote In the county in election day oi
from 1S.000 to 20,000, which Is aim'
fi.000 to S.onn short of normal, and pre
dleta that the amendment will be sup
ported by Chautauqua voters.
Thomas J dimming of Dunkirk.
Democratic State committeeman, states
that It I' doubtful that he will vote In
favor of the amendment.
Ilaral nUtrleta Si-i-m to Cure Noth
ing for MiiflriiKe.
rcavtskllt, Oreene county, population S,: 1
CATDKILL, Aug. 1. Two ye.us ituo a
local committee was organized ' Cat
klll to w.ise a campaign for equal suf
frage. Headquarters were opened here
for the distribution of literature and pro
moting the movement.
No Interest was taken In the move
ment by political leaders of either party
and after a uncut time ihu headqu.nters
were abandoned and save for a small
meettrg that attracted few several weeks
ngo. Interest In the movement In Oreene
county seems to he centred In a few peo
ph who were Instrumental In the forma
tion of the first committee here and lit
tie attention Is being pild locally to their
movements. In the, rural dlnrlcts out
side of the village the question auracm
in..-, mniv i.mre nitentlon has
i..ln i,i m ihn movement because of I
the energetic campaign being wa--ed at . lj;ln-,Illu,t1 z Z'A Cam'w" Aub' T'hB U'oma" " wom;" outlook In north
Saiiirrili. undpr th.- direct on of the sui ennuiKieni oi press worK. la nir-i. mnvement ha been ue laied n m v..- vnrv i. ..
Countess Allda von Ki allow and .some of
th. leading summer res denC. and ome
tnthuslnxtlc meetings have been held
there during the summer. Leaders or ,
both political parlies regard the move-1
ment ns InsUnlllcau' and have taken no I
Inteiest In It. ,
The request of the Countess von Kra-1
kow to be permitted to use the high
school auditorium for a meetlne few
dnfl ago was refused. Permission has
been given to address the banquet of the
S'augertles Hiislnes Men's Association at I
Roxmor, Woodland, next Thursday,
night, so the men of Saugeitles lrrepec-
tlv-e of political creed seem open to con-
vlctlon, No meetings have been held In ,
the smaller hamlets ln the vicinity of
Saugertles except ut Woodwtock and ',
thre are few local organizations In the
Delaware county Is waging one of the
most active campaigns for equal suffrage
that Is being waged In the State under
th direction of .Mrs. Henry White Can-
non of New York, who as county chair-'
wan has established headquarters at
Delhi, where she has a summer home,
W-lth brsnnhe, nl nnvhnrv S9mlr,l
- u.
mM.ini, in i,n hehi ... -tii, .n. ni
SlTmlor 1 i' t k a V I ,1. 1 ,
V. ,r.:,.i:. .h . ,, ' """'irnost at lively, so that the work Is now .
.Vm. ,t ii,J, ,,i .. i i.Vi . J
zance of tneni and admlltlni; to each
. . .... , ...
i..' J i l I" H""!" 'luctlon will
pla an Impoitant part In the next elec-
v .,,., , .,
....T.h'.olP ln.H".lrr Hn'' "reene counties
e V. niv 1, .vliV ... . "ol'-ware
tount It will undoubtedly surprise those ,
. ... ...... riu. iii ru-i
View1 SuiTrime (lor-
Hnnsevv Ives
Hon Willi liidlrTerc nee.
(Ketsev-llle. lex enunty. popiibitlon
1.H35 I
KEE8KVU.LK, Aug. 1 The voters of
Ilssex and Clinton counties ,ue viewing
the appioachlng campaign for woman
suffrage with Indifference, and while
suffrage meetings have been held In a
few of the laraer towns and umall cities
In thin section the Inteiest nroueil lij
those advocating "Votes for Woman"
Is practically nil
The vote on woman suffrage will un
doubtedly be very email In thU section.
The women do not seem to care whether
they vote or not and the men not In
fluenced one way or the other by their
wives will. It Is expected. iKIlore the
suffrage campaign and largo nuinhni
are expected not even to vote on the
The leiding politicians of both Re
publican nnd Democratic pintles are
Iving low anil not taking an active
part for or against The weekly news
papers which circulate, lamely In the
rural districts aie devoting Utile space
to the NUfftage ipientlou and lltei.ilure
for and against .voman Miffrnge which
Is being sent ln lame quantities llnds
lta way with legiilnrlt lo the waste i evening to tin-in. We women believe
basket. One newsp iper Issued In Ilssex I In being courteous at all limes, yrrj
county has larae quantities nf plate know "
mutter unopened In Its otllce, .ind de-, Mi. Vnnamee spoke from an auto
spile the nonuse of the nine the suf- I mobile ami hail a large crowd of at
fraglsts continue to express it at their ! lentlve listeners, Miss Ida Jackson of
.-a-iniir--, -.iiii.uhi- dim H one hi simias-i'
nws has enteied the newspaper's
colinnitM In months.
JThu faimei at this time nro busy
Al.tiANV, Auk, t. The. iroinnn suffrage amendment to the Slnfe Constitu
tion, which has passed (ten l.rgistatum and will he submitted to n vote of
the people nl the next S'oreinber flnlloii, riuds as follows!
Article II. , Section 1 Bvery
(mule) citizen of the age of
21 ears, who shall have been
n eltlien for ninety days, and nn In
habitant of this State one year next
preceding an election, and for the
last four month a resident of the
county and for the last thirty days
a resident of the election district In
which he I or she) may offer his (or
her vote, shall be entitled to vote at
such election In the election district
of which he or ihel shall at the time
he a resident, and not elsewhere, for
all officers that now are or hereafter
may be elective by the people, and
upon all questions which may he
(Vole Word In Hcillc in parentheses
and words In brackets and tn full face
with their crops and summer boarders
and are not thinking about political
campaigns or woman suffrage., Kven
the deliberations of the constitutional
convention are not attracting Interest
t'nlnterested A'oters Proving m Se
vere Handicap.
Fort lisln, Montfnmtry county, popula
tion .;:.)
Kort Plain, Aug. 1. Suffragists here
are making nn active campaign and
have been for a long time, especially In
Canajoharlc, three miles east, where
they are being aided by Walter II. Mpe,
one of the richest, foremost business men
In all this section. No anti-suffrage as
sociation exists here, but many of the
prominent women are opposed to suf
frage, or at best disinterested.
Miss rtuth Dexter of New York hi
now here and addressing suffrage meet
ings In village streets and In rural dis
tricts In Grange halls.
There Is every reason for believing
that the vote will be large.
A suffrage meeting to organise a
campaign committee In Kort Plain was
held In the Wagner house on Main street
Wednesday afternoon. It was attended
by sixteen women and Miss Helen Far
mer, vice lender of Montgomery county,
presided. Miss Kvn 8. Wock was elected
town leader, after which Miss Ituth
Dexter of New York gave a short talk
on "Why the Women of Fort Plain
Should Tnke an Active Part In the
I Hnffrnulxt Try to flet
I'ledurs to Cause.
lltnlh M!Miltn rmintv. nnmilallAn t ttl 1
Hath. Aug. 1. Suffrage leader In'
Steuben county expect a large and fa-
vorable vote for women s enfranchise-1
For nevrA. weekH
houe to house
. w. ; " Li ,
or iiornell and Miss hveiyn u. l-ay or 1
lleitrt r- P rtVi-if. unn Vs ti at .Vtiios nf
:"":.. . .. .V ' J . "" .t ... ."v. " j i .
l nr ii it rv iii inr iri umi neprmiuj u i
trlct and Mlsi Fay In the First As-1
sembly district, and earh 1, assisted by
numerous coworkers. i
Kach town has been divided Into neigh-
borhodd districts amj extreme pains have)
been -xerted to make a good canva!..
nmuKii mc utnvHwi in hb nivuin-
plite. from returns received from
ernl towns where the committees have
finished their work the expression Is
almost universal tn favor of suffrage.
The average ngalnst suffrage Is not over
ten In one hundred,
Mrs, Harriot lllatch and Miss Plncus
of New York within the past two week '
have addressed meetings at several '
'"'ide In every school district
Supplementary- to this work,
"rs l i suT RTejpl,TOllo7o"f '
xhul 1 ' " .iper of the
county haH HXrMlkoa t!,e( ils ,urctly i
op,0(Ip,i t(1 tn() measure
, n . , . I
not Surfrnvlsla Are llrlnainic In
Ileernlla With A ruuinenls.
fCo-nlng, Ptmtien county, population
13,733 J
Corning, Aug, 1. A vigorous and
seemingly effective campaign for womnti
suffrage is being waged In Steuben and
neighboring counties through county and
branches of the Woman's Political
l- "lu"- Scarcely a week passe, without
",,H or "'ore large gatherings In the In-
t,'r"t ot ""ffrage, and frequently theru
"r series of meetings covering the en-
tire couniy.
,", ,wf.f, Jn.eu ""ffrage torch
"J i, ' , tel,xi"
lf." iV'?".?r n',10."!""""" .' ''5J
i' ,,, ' " l"''lu, " .'TV,"', ,r"'"f"'
"'ft Vnna Defon ..Mn "n'r
?.UltP '.. M."' -Vlm "Oliy Mai tin of
V.,,, -nrLT fl.l.l ..thau
roum. ine trip or the torch with its
meellngs did much to
We" organized There Is a county or 1
...,i..i ... .. n ... , , , .. I
hi'iiiiiiiuii - v.cu up, lilt' iuliii liruilclier. I nr nuihiui - I umuuii I lui'ii ji,in 1 1
necently a countv convention was held h;ad(iiarters In Putnam county This
, whlch MrH, c..,rre chapman Catt county Is In the tenth campaign dls-
spoke and enthusiasm was rulsed to A.trlrt, which comprises Dutches, Colum-
high pitch. Miss Ilosalle Jones. MIh hla. t'lster. (ircene and Putnam counties.
Jnns ,.lm.u, nn(1 othPr prominent work- ,
for the cause nddressed a serle. of
meeiings a lew mo ll is ago cover nie t ie
e ntlre county.
The active politicians of the Republi
can nnd Democratic parties are both
fiiendb to suffrage. Though the county
paity organizations have not Indorsed
suffrage, most of th county committee-
men have O. K 'd It.
Vii no nice Lend lug Spirit In ;
OrniiKr Comity. I
Pinsnen. urange eouniy, population, 3,osi i ,
(inriilKN, Aug. 1. Mrs. Wll'Jam Van
ninee of Nevvburgh. leader of the First
Assembly district of Orange county, la
holding weekly Hiirfrage meeting each
Saturday night. The meetings nre held
outdoors and are being largely at
tended. While at present there Is much
antl feeling, It Is believed that part
of this will be overcome ns a result of
the meetings.
Mrs Percy V. D, (loll of OnMien
will be In charge nr the work In the
Second Assembly district. Mrs, Van
nmeo In speaking at an open air meet
lug at .Mlddlftnvvu last Saturday eve
ning hald :
"I nin trying to win 1 3000 vote he
tween now nnd November, Hiid 1 nin
here Instead of lu the First Assembly
district lo-ulglit because there In u
i Socialist meetliit; lu Newburuh ibl v.
i nlng and out of courtesy I lenvei n,
,ew itocneiie accompanied .Mrs. Van-
allien. Miss Jurkson Is one nf the assist
nut State organizers.
Republican County Chairman John
submitted to the vote of the people,
I provided that u rltlirn by marriage
hall hate hern un Inhabitant of
the I'nltrd Slates for tile )ear
and provided that In time of war no
elector In the actual military service
of the Slate, or the I'nlted Slates,
In the army or navy thereof, shall
be deprived of his lor her vote by
reason of his (or her absence from
such election district : and the Legis
lature shall have power to provide
the manner In which and the time
and place at which eiich absent elec
tors may vote, and for the return
and canvass of their vote In the
election districts In which they re
spectively reside.
are eliminated from the Constitution
are added to the Constitution.)
H. Hose of Newburgh Iihb declared In
favor of the suffrage movement, and ex
llov. Odell has also expressed himself
In the name manner.
I'lrrta-e Card. Also DUtrllmteil to
Bring; Vntrra Into Mite.
Delhi. Delaware county, oooulatlon 1,71..)
Delhi, Aug. 1. This village, the
summer residence of Mrs. Henry W.
Cannon, chairman of the Sixth district
suffrage campaign committee nnd who
Is also leader of the Deliware County !
i . . L. . " i
8uffrnge League, Is the centre of ac
tivities along the line of eqmil suffrage
effort. With a force of seaetarle. and
many volunteer workers Mrs. Cannon Is
managing propaganda work throughout
this community with vigor and per
sistence. j.aieiy louriy ineeiiucs nave oeen Held,
h" J!'"in CCT '7,' "'--'Vorrcl,-. who'u'worklngrVarn'gand
heard. Including Dr. Anna Howard Shaw ()rKnn,nK RanM ,he movement; He
In two of the larger towns. Mis. Carrie m.,nt. hart promn,nt yonker. at
Chapman i at at two large meetings. irnc. maVte ,ch a(raln(l ,he u,
Mrs. Kaymond Hrown at evoral meet- Montlcello
lugs and other prominent suffragists In The suffragists are sure of the aup
varlous small p aces. .ort of b,llh pMlicR pixrt. john T.
The suffragists are working throuith Curtis, chairman of the republican
the different local graiiRcs. that organl-i county committee, hat announced his
intlon having Indorsed equal suffrage In 1 support.
various conventions, also through con-
ventlons of the W. C. T l? which has
also given public npprov.il to .qual ! NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
suffrage. The organized granges In I
Delaware count.! have n membership of , Hot li .HirTrnlt and Anils Work
1,100, Including both men and women.
The plnns of the suffragists Include ,,nr'' ' Harntoaia Cimnly.
meetings at nil agricultural fairs between I D.illnton 8pa, 8rto County, population
now nnd ele-thm day, furnishing a ' MM.l
Hhnn.lHnn, . . . . n . , 1 . . fn.- nni .. f. ..... I till t (TnU Una At.w 1 Th. n..ll.-
j (ji (.iniiiiT-iii ri,ini'i ivi vi'un,; ft.iiua,,. ....-. . , ,'n, un, t. 111c uco.iuii
: picnic to be held on the fair grounds of woman suffrage has not been taken
I In Delhi August H and specially ar- seriously In Saratoga county, although
1 ranged meetings for practically every both sides are making a thorough can
town In the county. vass of the situation. Hoth the uf-
In anticipation of a large vote on the
suffrage qucetlon November 2 the suf-
fragc managers are Planning to have
watchers at every polling place In the
cuntyi th(,rp i,enst nft). voting pre-
UlllVllt. 4n UlCllt W Ulil. ltr iir u-uit ,
the nui'stlon will not bo Inlcntflcant It t
-nndently alsertl, Ihit "one In
. . . ' . . . L ... t- I
'"V""'r " -V" i
KIEIlftl fUTlIH Bi K 1 1 1 i 3 1 1 1 K iUVIl """"'
nf .mi.i ,irrm-. ..n.l the C.1MV.I.MM being
' . . . . ,
o vigorously waged is expected 10 in-.
crease this percentage con-lderably be-1
rore election nay.
At the annual convention In Walton '
June 12 there were SOn present to h-ar
Dr. Shaw at the evening meeting, while
aner a ueoaie ai inc itin'inuuii r.-n-.....
sev-ljune IS between Miss Helen Todd of
' California and Miss Lucy Price of Ohio
a two-thlrds majority was recorded In
favor of suffrage. 100 being present ana
Voters Are I nlcresleil.
,,u,n,,n roun,y to 5",e ''X,?U r"r fhe
ln"1 two years, but no actual campaign
wa "tarted until Ut fall, when lepre-
sentatlves of the Woman a Political
t'nlon attended meetings of the county t
committees of the Democratic and He-1
publican parties and had them adopt a
resolution that their candidates for the
Assembly, If elected, would vote for
woman suffrage. Hoth candidates agreed
I , (Io tm1
I Within the past few wveks several
'meetings have been held by the Worn-
an's Political Union In this county and
clubs have been oiganlzed In nearly
.every village, but very little Is heard of
them except when a speaker comes to
I forward their cause.
. The hot fight between the Democratic
nn,i Republican parties for the county
nnrt town ticket, always draws out u
r(f, vote, but the vote on amendments
of any kn( )( UBU,j. nmf.i, smaller
and probably only one-I'alf of the voter,
will mark their suffrage ballot.
The leading politicians generally favor
suffrage In the open, but it Is thought rnajorlty of women grangers! In northern
that their real opinion on the question N'' York are said to be definitely en
Is under cover and Is not mnde known, ro,','', under the suffrage banner,
but they are believed not to be In favor Thus, although the rank and file of the
of this movement. yntera are generally classsd aa neutral..
The Republican roun-y committee 1 confidently -tlmnted by auffrage
will meet here nn August 20 and the """"erH that the Influence exerted by the
Woman's Pulitlcal I'nlon will probably "'"menfolk will he auch as to In.ure an
hnc ,.( ih,, overwhelmingly pro-auffrage vote in N'n.
who will make an address hi favor of
Political I'nlon has no
nnd the headquarters are at Pnughkeep-
sle In Dutchess couniy.
. ..
Women llnve Plan lleiidv
VlKiiroii Full ('nliipnlmi.
H-ficon, Dulchepii rounty, popuUtlon
Hkapos, Aug, 1. If the First Assem
bly district of Dutchess county In a fair
criterion, the woman suffrage amend
m,,,t will surely be curried In Noveiii-
l,er. The women of the district are
organized and have plans well lu hand
f0r Hlret.uous fall cnnipalgii, tlui vol
ers appear to favor the proposition, and
the leading politicians, almost without
exception, will lend their assistance.
Mrs. James (5, Meyir, Miss M.lry IIus
I Ik and Mis. John ('.union, leading mem
bers of the Heacon branch of the Wom
en' Political i'nlon, Nitld to-day that
they ine now raising money to defray
campaign expenses, Prominent speak
er will come lo Helicon thin fall.
I'nughkeepsio, lu this eouiity. Is an
other city nn the list. Other plans such
iiH a suffrage ball nre ncarlng maturity
Party leader nf both the Itepuhll-
n nnd Democratic parties Indorse the
ivement Democratic Slut.. Cipuimlt-
movement Democratic! Slut" I'nmiutt
teenian Samuel lleskln Is In sympathy
wltti the cnuse. City Judge F A Hoyt
(Dem.) favor It City i-oinmlssloner
John T. Cronln, formerly a well ki'own
Tiimmany man, says "the cause Is
marching on and Is one nf the rer
talntle of the future," City Attorney
Robert W Doughty (Prog,) will help
the women. Kx-County Judge Samuel
K. Phillip (Hep,), now a delegate to
the Constitutional Convention, has no ob
jection to the womnn suffrage amend
ment, Jnme U. Meyer, prominent
Democratic lender, Is on the fence. He
ha. not yet decided hi position,
Another man who la aiding the aur
fraglstn of Dutchess county Is John K.
fingue, now Collector of the I'ort of
New York, hut still a Democratic power
In Dutchesa county politics. Mr. Sague
has already addressed several meetings
In favor of the amendment. Mrs. Sague
Ih an energetic worker for the cause.
Mrs. It, J. Muller Plana In Ilonee
Sullivan Oonnty.
Montlcelln, fulllvan county; population,
MoNTICEI.t.0, Aug. I, There Is con
siderable activity among the women of
Sullivan county. Mrs. It. J. Muller, who
Ik the mistress of Muller Caitle, and
Mn. Payne, wife of Dr. Payne of Lib
erty, are the local leaders and are sup
ported by Mrs. J. P. Itooao, widow of
the late Judge, John P. Itoosa.
It was through Mrs. Muller'i Influence
that Col. Hoosevelt made his trip through
'Sullivan county and held a targe and en
thusiasts meeting at Montlcello. Mrs.
Muller, with an ox team and gypsy
wagon will visit every town In Sullivan
county this fall. She will have several
prominent speakers and workers with
her and speeches will be made from the
wagon and literature distributed.
Mis. Payne Is preparing to have a
branch organlxatlon In every town In
the county, headed by the most promi
nent women In the communities. The
efforts of these two ladles are expected
to Increase Interest In the suffrage
Miss Annie Hutchinson nnd Miss
ICtlna Murphy of New York city, promi
nent speakers and workers In the cause,
have been touring the county In an
effort to raise money to prosecute the
local w ork. They are securing dollar sub-
. ,'plJ, , 8 ol!"
In nahlc. When n Mont cello last week
"T 'T . ' auo.crip ions
lk.en j'T'1 '"'J"1 'X "f"
they had a tine list of subscriptions
men of the county, which would lndl
cate thnt the merchants are In sympathy
with the cnuse.
The most outspoken and pronounced
tn opposition to the movement la C. E.
i .. m.-.i-.h.. i.. ...
tragisis ana me antls have held meet-
Ings In the various villages In an effort
m win voies ior tne cause. Tne artvo-
eatex of suffrage have been the most
active, although of late the antl cam
- - - -----
inr fcniimfnt as to nurrrage neemf
lift W. ntoi-Mf thnt ! I,un
In the question It Is not exnerierl .hnt
7. . . "
ln"rp ' e a large vote at the refer
"the of th. po
,. .,,,' , '..L ...............
" '' rV"' S .
u0"'! 'h,0'f !,rn"d ?Mn,t 'J;
.tinny of It .Members IMrdsrrd to
I lie Cnnse.
Ailm, Jeftersnn County, pnpulstlon l.iSl.l
Apa.ms. Auk, 1. Present Indications.
according to woman suffrage leaders,
that Issue throughout Ihls section of h
-""- i ior lurincoining election in
the words with which Mis. Jeanetie
Morfeu of Watertown. auffrage leader
of Jefferson county, recently summarized
the movement In her district,
Dftermltied steps are already being
taken for an active campaign by the
women. Local clubs nre being organ-
Ized In man of the tow ns and villages.
The extent to which this phase of the
work Is being pushed may be estimated
by the fact that Jefferson county alone,
with a score or so of townships, ha.
some eighteen of these local clubs. The
chief function of these societies seem
to he the agitation of the question hv
means of "Vote for Women" parade.,
occasional public meetings and the dli-
trlhutlon of literature.
However, the most effective medium
for spreading the campaign, especially
In the strictly rural district, la probably
the Orange. In this nrganl.atlon. which
forms the chief soolal centre for most
country communltlea. the suffrage leaven
has been quietly set to work, usually
hy a few local enthu.iaat.. until now a
' lu.iiwirn m maKe ine cam-
palgn even more vlguroua a. election
i' . "pecini meeting will be
, , . . "
during August In most of the towns
""i1 rural J'"trlt! ' which outside vol-
n,.f,rJ,orK?rw wl" present to apeak.
A-ther strong point claimed by th.j
suffragists Is the favorable attitude as
slimed by leading politician of nil nnr.
ties, despite the open opposition dls
inlajed by Senator Klon H, Hrown of
Watertown. Secretary of Slate Francla
I M. Hugo, also of Watertown, la conald
I ered one of the strongest friend, of the
Or mils', ln lht MlntA u'hll .v.. ... t i... m
Assemblymen and other leader., except
ing a few neutrals, are aald to be In
favor of woman suffrage.
Women' Clnli In Level Comity
i'rjIiiK Hard, llmrrver,
I.o vlll, Lewis County, Population 1,(100 )
Lowvii.i.r., Aug 1. In about half of
tho eighteen town of tills county the
HUffraglst are active, flourishing club,
being established. In some sections
a canvass will be taken The campaign
Is being waged on the line, pur.ued
by the machinery of the old parties.
State organizer visit the several town.
In which the women are active.
From present Indication It I doubt
ful that a large vote will be polled
There being no crowded centres of iKipu
lallon, the .uffrage appeal to be at al
successful mUt be mnri hv hm,.. ..
successful muNt be made hy a house to
nnu.se ennvns among the rarmere,
which would entail the expenditure or
n larger amount of money ths.n the suf
fruge advocates will be able to raise In
nil probability.
The altitude of the leading politician,
of both the old parties toward the move
ment seems to be one of Indifference.
They rarely express m opinion, and
although some of them nre suspected
of a bins ono way or the other they are
taking no active Interest In the matter.
From present Indication. II Is not
probable thnt the auffrage amendment
will be carried In this county,
Tn a mrrn tttt t iiAAnn
iu run bull muudl
Conlliiurd from First Page.
will have the appointment of a superin
tendent. In addition to the four elective and the
executive department heads appointed
by the Uovcrnor there will also be the
following constitutional departments:
A Department of Education, the head
of which will bo the regents, who will
appoint a chief administrative officer
like the present Commissioner of Kdu
cation. A Department of Regulation nnd Con
trol of Public Utilities, to he composed of
two Public Service Commission, of
five members each to serve for terms of
Ave year., to be appointed by the Gov
ernor with the consent of the Senate,
but who cannot be removed by the Gov
ernor without the consent of the Senate.
This section of the Constitution provides
that the Legislature cannot pass n bill
affecting rntca of public service corpora
tlona unless It Is based upon a leport
after Investigation by a public service
commission. It also provides that there
.hall be a court review or decision and
orders of the public service commissions
"in such manner and to such extent us
the Legislature may provide."
There Is to be a Department of Civil
Service controlled by a department of
three to serve for tcim. uf six years
Thus under fourteen main departments
are to be grouped the present lfitt de
partment., boards and commissions
which administer the affairs of the State
government to-day.
While It has not been definitely set
tled, the plan Is, If the people adopt this
Constitution at the November election,
that the Legislature lu January will
pna. the law to make the changes to
take effect on January 1, 1917, when the
term, of the present elective Stale offi
cial, expire and the Constitution will di
rect the Legislature to pas. these reor
ganization laws.
The Stlmson plan for nn executive
budget, which practically places the re
.ponalbltlty for the State's financial con
dition upon the Governor Instead of the
Legislature, provides that by November
is or each year tho heud. of all depart
ments, no. mm and
the Legislature nnd
si u-io, ih- i!,,.. n. ii. .,
of the financial needs of the department. oi"Cloe what further report the Ad
ela.sir.ed according to relative! Import- ,lrHl, "w,,c ,a, to lh.! f''V" , " i" ia!
ance. The Governor la empowered to ' tlan capl al. particularly as regards
examine the heads of department and I the political situation. .,,n,iri
Ihelr .ubordlnntes publicly and hear pro- , ht", r.t,,rt" 5 r"P' '"f,, he,.nA' ? Lr."
tests of taxpayer, at the same time. Indicated that the tuatlo ntMne,l
The e.tlmate. for the Legislature and
the Judiciary are to be certified to the
Governor by January 15 by the presid
ing officer of each house nnd by the
Comptroller. The Governor will not
have power to reduce any of these estl- i
.iiaies on, ne can veto mem after they
IaPM inC LffllllalUre.
The Governor must submit his budget
eluding appropriation bills, estimates of
revenues, total proposed expenditure
and suggestions for new revenues The
legislature Is prohibited from Increas
ing any Item of the Governor's own
budget for State department and In
stitutions, but may trlke out or reduce
any Item. The Governor may submit
message amending or changing his
budget at any time before the Legisla
ture p.ises It. The Governor and hi ads
of department may appear In person
before the Legislature and defend re
quests for appropriations and they must
answer questions or legislator at such
No appropriation bill shall be passu!
hy the Legislature until after those
sunmitted by the Governor are dl.
rinc.ri.rl iifi .
n l,v" h
,h. ''l'ture
without further Mctlon
posed or. The Gov
being passed upon
will become laws
by the Governor.
After the Governor's bills are acted
upon the Legislature may pass any
appropriation, but It must be hy a sep
arate bill for each piece of work or
object, and the Governor will have the
right of veto. The Governor Is to trans-
mlt his budget to the Comptroller for
information and likewise lo ,!,. Legls -
made by the Legislature shall not ex
ceed the expected revenues. Another
provision changes the beginning of the
fiscal year from October t to July 1
The committee on finance, of which
Henry L. Stlmson ! chairman, has
xirnr, ... i coairin .u. nn
anoui coilliueieu n iiimi revision OI
the budget article of the Constitution
..111 r.nnr. I. . I, . .,.... I
nil,. n ... ,1,..,., .V W llir . 1, . VIH IWI1
practically a. outlined above.
lull .Moose Lender n There Will
Itr o Surrrudrr.
Xloi-ST Pi.ka.ant. la., A int. 1 Victor
Murdock of Kansas, chairman if the
Progressive National Committee, made
a statement to-day:
"l have Just completed a three months
personal canvas of the situation with
the Progrieslves In the central Wist and
on the Pacific coast, and after m.ik,iig It
1 am ready to ny tlatfootedly that we
Progre,slve are going Into the 1916
fight ns a party and to win We will
hold our national convention early ami
nominate a ticket
Everywhere I found those Progressives
who made the tight In IHU' vvih that
Idea uppermost eaar now to continue
the nctit. Wherever they have had a
chance to make good they have done so
"The spectacle of Kcpuhllc.in reaction
In New York and Ohio, In contrast to
Progressive achievement In Callfoin.n
under Gov Johnson, Is a diamatlc pur
trayal of the need of a new strung pa
triotic; parly of public service There
fore the Progressive part will go on
with Its fight straight out nnd flat-footed."
It Is provided that the legislature the Ha llan c-np t..l. men le-i i to tne """
; vote on the appropriations for landing oi me American rorc-e. of friendship between theni iiiih ene hv-I
department, bureau and conimls- I'"'-"" ''"ored here Include; plan- for . v ,f '.Thl.V ' '''L.A
separately. There I a constltu- "tabllshlng American control or lay- ..,,,,;." ,, '' 7, 7. i
nrnriilnn (hat iv,.. n nr.,.,i , .i. llan nuances nun an ngrermi-ni ui.li uie ., .. ..; ;
B. Altmatt & da.
The Newest Sweaters
and Sweater Coats for Wonxeini, MSsses and'
Chtldreini are am nrnterestiinig feature of the
advance styles for Autumnirj now displayed
ora the Second Floor. The assortment 5n
cEudes Sweaters off sUk jersey, knitted sillk,
crepe de ChJne, satSn-straped popDin, flibre
(resemlblSng sillk) and wooL The smartest
coDor combinations are shown, as wclfl as
striped and checked effects and a number off
fur-trimmed novelties.
Jiftlf Atmmc -
34th ana 35tlr fctmta
Admiral First Gets Sanction From Washington Indi
cations That United States Will Take Over
Control of Negro Republic.
Washington, Aug, 1. After asking
for and receiving permission of the
L'nlted States Government, tho com
mander of Hie French cruiser Descartes
has been allowed lo land a detachment of
marines as n guard for the French lega
tion In Port-au-Prlnc. Haytl.
This development, announced here to
day. Is regarded as emphasizing the pe
culiar obligations of the l'nlted Stales to
France In the present situation in nayii.
It Is viewed here as Indicating not snly
thai It consider Itself In sole charge of
'the situation at the Haytlun capital,
where Hear Admiral Caperton Is In military-
occupation of the city, but also an
Implication that France holds the United
States solely responsible for the present
situation there.
The commander of the Descartes illei
not merely Inform Admiral Caperton of
an Intention to place an armed guard at
the French Legation but specltlcally
asktd If he might be permitted to do so
Admiral Caperton did not give this per
mission himself until he hod asked In
structions from Washington, which I In
Itself regarded as a fact of some sigmn
cance'ln relation to the International
situation In Haytl.
When he reported the French com
mander's request to Secietary Daniels
the latter conferred with Secretary Lans
ing, The conclusion was reached that It
was titling that the French Legation
which was violated last week by the
Ha llan mob should be guarded bv
French marines. Accordingly Instruc
tions were sent to Admiral Caperton to
permit the landing of a small French de
tachment, and he was also ordered to
lend hla cordial cooperation to the com
mander of the Descartes In placing a
guard at the legation of his Goveinment.
KIkIiIIiik Mlop In Porl-au-Prlner.
According to a despatch received from
commissions except , Admiral Caperton to-day there has been
.(.. 1...11..1 ..."n!tin further flirhtlnir ii Port-au-Prince
nin order nrev.i Ils there. Official. Hid
I " ' V " . ' k ,hV , w.
These are due principally to the rise of
several factions of llavtlatis vvitn inner
ent candidates for the presidency and the
presence In Port-au-Prince f largo num
bers of unemployed
luiure i
I nrosramme Admiral Caperton Is retain -
I .1 t .u ... Ji. ,,,.,1,,,,
' fL' 1c0ntr"1 of ,,h1'' M' .,7,'
1 a.vt ans which might interfere with his
.. : .. . , .... . . ...r.i. ui.
1 u ' L . 7. i-"'""'- - they remember. Dr. Hrann Hld he pre
The Statu Deiiartmeiit meantime la, ' . .... . , ., ,
, . , ti. vv-ll
a waning nn- .lec-is.uii ..i . . . ..-
son as to what shall be done In .
The Issue which has been put up to the
I rCMIlflll IS 1111111 ill uui mr .......
States Is to be satisfied Willi merely.
having restored order In the capital and
shll withdraw soon, leaving the Hay-
Hans to fight out again the question of
who shall control the Government, or
whether steps are to he taken to bring
to a permanent end the Intolerable con-
dltlons which have existed there for
ears as a result of an unbroken sue
cession of revolutions
.so far as o tlclal W ashington Is con-
i1""." ' , 1 " 1 1 l " '' 1 t ue nine na come
Uor alu ng In the merest of the Lnlted
! State. Kurope and the Haytlan them-
selves the International nuisance which
the negro republic admittedly has be
come. How f,u the President will so
In support of the recommendation sent
him from here I. not known.
There Is no doubt, however, that offi
cial of the executive departments here
feel that the l'nlted Stales should no
longer temporize with the situation, but
, should tak steps . making , . -"'r,b !
sucn ouirases as o-jurren msi ivn-r, m
for.- of the Lnlted Mates shall l.s , ' authorlt her., that on his i-t ,
orTrKWtmem in Havt. ' V""'1 lpan. s.ild the Hussl ,n Ambassador. ?nU Sir Ilobert Horde,, will -orderl
government in Ha II bv h.r bri;il.im.v successful operations " for in-000 additional V ),n--,
.. !",:h arrangements would It Is be- , (!cr,,,, colonv- Inhe Far There are now over IM.nno . .
neve, proM.ie me uas.s or Kcepiig
I In 1 1 In a state of peace with a stable
ov,rmnent and one certain to meet Its
!,, ,,h, ... H-iMi to.iliv I.
! ',,1..,,,,,
1 1. II h T 11 H
The-e phases of the .Itiiitlon In 11,, tl
will be discussed ;-'"""" ''
tary Lansing and Paul hu ler, Jr Mr
Fuller recentl wen. to Haytl In an
effort lo negotiate a convent. on with creation of what Is practically a Kusso
the government there which would give Japanese alliance,
to the Tutted States at least the basis
of an arrangement for keep.ng Haytl In
better condition than she has heretofore
enjoyed 111- efforts were a total failure
and lie leturued to Washington, con
vinced, as were all officials and commis
sioners who had preceded him to Haytl,
that only active Intervention by the
l'nlted States could save the situation.
It Is thought possible that Mr Fullei
may ogaln be sent to Haytl tn aid ln
working out the political side of the
One phase nf the situation wh eh Is
giving nfllclalH some concern Is the
attitude of certain members of the Sen
ate In the event that a decision Is
leached to try to do something nf n
peim.inent character fur H.iti. It has
not been furent-en at the State Depart
ment what difficulty President Hoose.
veil had In obtaining Hie sanction of
the Senate to the flnanclnl arrangement
made In Santo Domingo which Is ad
mitted to be the only thing which has
kept that republic from reaching as low
a level flnano ally and politically a.
Haytl. situated on the same Island.
Neither have officials forgotten that
fttaiitBmt Antral
Nrm f ark
opposition In the Senate has prevented
the ratification of the pending conven
tion with Nicaragua, a measure by
which It is hoped to strengthen the finan
cial condition of that republic. There
Is, therefore, a fear that If a treaty I.
made with Haytl confirmation of It In
the Senate will be difficult.
On the other hand, It Is believed by
some officials that the situation In Mex
ico and the event nf the war In Hurope
may have Impressed opposition Senators
wilh the advisability of the United
Stale bolstering Up the weak places In
the vicinity of the Panama Canal. Most
of the opposition to such measures In the
Caribbean ns the present Administration
vvlshc to take comes from the Demo
cratic side In the Senate.
Allies Win New Conflict
Will Follow, Snys the
lev. Dr. Brann.
Catholics yeeterday expressed gratlfl
cation over Henedlct XV. a peaco pro
posais, saying mat me i-opo l
moral Influence possessed probably b
no other person In the world and that.
the great war being so terrible, tho
Church must ever put forth effort, to
Hid It.
"The outlook Is so desperate," said
tne Hey. Dr. Henry A. Hrann of St,
Agnes Church, "because of the causes
of the war. These causes are greed for
land and for money. All warn have
been desperate for the same causes. If
Hngland and the Allies win and o-
called German mllltatlsm Is crushed
Kngland will at once be compelled to
grapple with Ilussla. The troubles with
Germany be.it.-n will bo Just hegun.
jiuski.-i na I'-rruory iarK.T man
i.uil'l": mm lo" Mititii'ii-t ui j,u(iir, i
I. IJI. I. .. .U .1.1...!.. ...... I.....I.
,, . . . ,., ,
will win out In cooperation with her
piesent allies and then settle down In
peace. The Pope must realize all this.
1 I:,.,' ""i ""
Hnce Catholics all over tho world must
irjutf" iu per nun "uimiik km im HIS nil
"d to the war. the sooner the better."
i'ciihk iiciituiis iiisiurj, lavtir irrmans
. ,,. .,. .... , .,,
icih-ii iiufc iu .mi. mi, nun nicii ue ituueei ;
, ,.,t , har(1 for KOm( , fur
then ome history Is not so very
..,.a,hoIlc, over th world a
It is hard ror some to forg't. And
old "
are say
lug pniyers for peace." Mgr. Hrann went
on. "Hut peace will not come, I fear,
IK. Ill nnt. l.1. ll. I. I..
completely crushed.
If Germany wins? Nothing will hap
,.n (s.,m. i. ( , ..i .'.
An.rlca has nothing to fear. You can
f-y tn. Cllthollcs of America and the
worl(j nrp praynK for th(l fffortR of tn
p(ipp for vrsicti ,, that tho!. ,o
understand the re.il condition of greed
ra..R that there may come such
. ., , , n
,r., , n 'n mnr(nWiir
prnt ,lllr, for ,.on,r,,, nf 1C sfilH ..
' rr "' '"e "fl"'
Car' Hnvo) at Itiiine s,n? .Nations
Are .Now Allied.
.-psciai ' nfiie itenpnirn rn i n r cv
,ow .7 arn.o n.,. XtJL J'Z.
t , . , , : ; '
,Af, na(, Wom(t i(,p(1 .y
;'..; "V .:,,Y ,1. ..." ,f "V '?
'"-'"""'"'- n"ui , uc urci.ireu,
uussia anil japan, nmllng themselvr.
menaced in their most vital Interests by
'(,man aggression, are now loyally and
iordlallyc-ooperatlngforagreat purpc.se.
M ,,e Insisted that the deeds of
;crttiativ and Austria h:nl c.-m..l is,-
Increased Renting
f JFfw M B
Property electrically equipped will
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Vacant buildings are usually with
out electric light or power
Wires and fixtures can be installed
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The New York Edison Company
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Open Until Midnight
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'Temps" Snys Pontiffs Ui',,
Since War neyan IIac
Heen rnfnrtunate.
.Ipecii fViMe tlerp'ttcli to Till. S
Paris. Aug. 1 Tins morning , ,,
print I'jpo Henedlct", appeal f, ,r
but only n few pimment up.m T
rlerle.il organ . (Jmilnls s.i -i
homily loses inbleness," w',,p
7'riiiji editorially iIIscussHir ine r
has this to say!
"The Pope' words since i . ,k
nlug of the war have not had Hie i
fortune to provoke the effeii t, r
thor had expected. The e-onsist ,
locution of January 22 str ng", . re,, nve
Injustice generally and at the m i
displayed the Impartial attitude
lleved himself bound to .:m v
letter to Cardinal Amel'e had '
"The Iow later advised Us , ,,v i
everything likely to prolong the f!'
charging Von Wlegand, one of t.ie ;
Prince's regular Interview! is ic r -till
t his pacific view, .it the .-it, i .
Inviting President Wilson's Inte v
for peace. He addressed Fr -- e :n I .
through n Parisian Jouri ,i - .
word were denied, but th rec H ii
failed to dissipate the uneasiness I i
the Interview.
Neil trill II J Itii-oni-elviihle,
"These manifestation have ti t
Pope's own thoughts. It Is ir e v.
that his spiritual sovereignty
nani.,,1 ImlivA-n Inn lirlnt-ltilK M .
, ,mtlni, the whole world in coml i
( ..Cl,rdinal Gasparrl's explanan t I
, J)ot atlHflcd French Catholic. w,n ..
ut)H,,1(. to cr,,t what seems i., i.
,)rl,8,cnt des'gn not to tnke side. I,..
, luni.n rlirhl n ml Inllltlltv
The Inst manifesto nf lie It
t,-,,,.,.. ,u ,,,,iauu. i,,'..itu,.i v
j, ,,. mly ,lm, tt,f Vatl. .m m - i
,ct understand. The Pope dlvi i. ; ,
.rmi ov(1 ,naiy between the v i .
d the nggiessnr and urges tin- i
rn,.otcllcil. but the victim r
, wtlMnk, , ,,. imt on eiiualitv w f. n
tt10 massacr"."
I Tllc re'iiiis aert Ilia- Ce P p I
I m,lkI1R Mmset dvoc,nc of i;c -
. i irnLf miiii o;ii lie is ni.i' e i -
It llirmtt-l, fi.,,,,r.it i.,iiil-.w I., ,,... I .
pfHCP Hnd that he Is
(lirnilt-li M
' Allies accept a compromise
(nlliollcs Willi l.erninii).
, ... ' r.:',, " ' .
"Iteavons of Justice and eq i 'v w-s
- tn- i "!- ""lies rii-mi-t '
'world," continues the 7'rni)., ,e
. .,,, ,,.,,, , .,
iik,.iiii.i w.-i ni.iii.r in - i , i
two groups of belligerent ar I
dined to pronounce himself
neutral countries 11 is tse m '-i-
'Catholic circles that favor ui' i .-e.
- , because they consider Hii- Hie r"- e-
eent the hierarchy and tie i-i'h -tv
which they ptocUlm t' be t ie . o!
.1.. n utnul ...I.
i "A declaration of mr '-v r . . ',
- 1 more fr the reestnbltshnv t ,' ,f .
I'.i, n ,h ..,i,i
The Join mil ,rs prbf p-,i,
1 the noble principle of t-.. .ppejl re,
, . has less chance th - ev r of .
' effective. The paper refers to the Poi
anxiety to preserve s-rut eu'ra
which l natural. It savs. even , ,i-n
t.,e m,xl,y , tb moral g-oun.l w
It Is siirprl-lng. The I,eb, ,h k
pppr.,: wll. not make the Austr .-s
u.-mians overjoved if thev ,,;.;
ileetly and c .rcludes thai ge-er.-
Ifest.itloi.s cannot bring peace
the prudent anxiety to preserve
Ity, the paper closes "It can be
trom the appeal Itself that pi
leparatlop are obtainable oi
complete victory of the Allies '
Plniift to Keep Hill, lino nliintei
I'p In Wnr Mrenutli.
nmu-i. Allp. 1 T! Iw i.l.ltrl rt
..; ,,,,,,, ,,,,., noarly IMI.nuO pii s ,
sens, but It Is understood to h..
of the Government to keep Hi,, m,
up tn war strength on the Con'
In I'ugl.ilid 111 readiness lo go '
There are now- seven large
areas throughout the Dnnnn t
are In charge of officers w
turned from the front to c .
the benefit of their war i. fr '
124 W 42d St
151 E 86th St
27 E 125th St
Bryant 5:63
Lenox 77S0
Harlem 4630

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