Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915. VILLA IS DEPORTING FOREIGN MERCHANTS Jfp.vfrnn Sliopkcepors Tut in .Tii i 1 mid Slocks of All Confiscated. HE SAYS THEY HOB TOOH Kt. Paso, Tex.. Auk, 1. All foreign merchants nre belnir driven from the Mexican territory controlled by (len, Villi and nil nitlve merchants are being thrown Into J.ill nnd their shops selied. The ofHchil explanation of the action it the (iencral Iji that the, merchant (lave been so Increasing the prices on Ihe poor that thousands were, starving, particularly In the city of Chihuahua. Friends of tho merchants assert that Ihey refused to lend more money to Villa n-ltli which to carry on his rebellion nnd that he Iji taking reprisal. They also lay the merchants are selling as cheaply Ui possible. News of Villa's actions came to-day n messages to the border to friends of Inany of those concerned. The me.uasM laid that a special train would soon reach Juarez bearing those deported. Villa Is said to have told the foreigner he was sorry he could not shoot some of them, adding. "Like dogs you come here and rob the Xor Mexicans, tnklng advantage of war renditions to double, and treble your trices. I am going to put a stop to this, The Mexicans who have done It will be ocked up and their goods confiscated for the poor. As to the foreigners, I will confiscate their good and send them nut of the country. 1 will shoot the worst offenders among the Mexicans. "I am sorry that 1 cannot shoot you foreign carrion. All of you have al rendy received much more than the value of your goods from' the starving people of this country and I have a per fectly legal right to seize what you now have on hand." Villa has been making the merchants accept his money at 30 cents gold, yet It Is only bringing two cents and lets In American markets. A five cent box of crackers has sold for J IK Villa money. Villa dealt to-day with American min ing men, whom he Is trying to force to make loans to him. If they refuso his Jemands, It Is said, he will put Into ef fect his decree of several months ago forfeiting all mining properties owned by foreigners which are not operated at full capacity. WIFE AXD BABY KILLED. BairlUhmnn AVnn 'Wounded Alio Tnr Vllln Troops' Shots. Thomas Mallard, English engineer of the Eagle Oil Company of Tuxpan, Mex ico, nrrlved here yesterday by the Ward Oner Morro Castle with his five-year-old tirl and a story of his bereavement In the reckless attack of the Villa forces on Tuxpan on June S. He was In his own home with his wife, who had a baby at her breast when the fusillade began. Two tfomen neighbors were with Mm. Shots were heard In the distance. They :ame nearer nnd presently a bullet went Ihrough the heart of the baby and her mother. Mr. Mallard was disabled by a Ihot. The women neighbors took him Into the cpllar and drei-scd his wounds. After tho tiring ceased Mr. Mallard was taken to u hospital. He told his little (tlrl. who did not know that her mother ind little brother had been tnstnntly tflled, that the mother was 111 In England. It Is probable that when they ire at tea Mr. Mallard will get a wire less telling of the death of Mrs. Mallard ind the baby. DEPORTED FROM MEXICO. Harry Itrrllnrr Accused of Spenk Iiik III of riirrmizn. Harry Berliner, Mexican manager for William A. Parker, who has eome of the foreign rights for the sale of Oliver typewriters, nrrlved yvtdcrday on the Morro Castle, having been summarily deported from Vera Cruz by order of First Chief Carranza. When Mr, Berliner was Interviewed last evening at the Hotel Prince George he said he could give no reason for his deportation. He said that when he nr rlved at Havana he learned that the Mexican Consul there had given out a. itatemcnt that he had been sent from Vera Cruz b?ause he had used "vile language In speaking of the First Chief nnd had Riven out false Information by ordep of Gn Hu-rt.i," Mr. Berliner said he was arrested a. week ago Thursday and the liner was held for t-oni.. time by the Mexican au thorltles so tint he could be put aboard, A for having spoken 111 about Carranza Mr. Berliner said; "Well, If they are going to deport a person for that they will have to de port every foreigner In Mexico." He denied that he is a representative of Huejta. SEES A NEW MEXICO. West Texn lltsh.ip Indorses Prrsl- Irnt Wilson' Policy. Bishop Capers nf the diocese of West Texas preached In St George's Church In Stuyvesant .Square. .".-Merday and nfter tho tervlco talked concerning Mexico, "The troubles our news chronicles as occurring In Mexico are the birth pangs of a new nation." said BUhop Capers. "There Is some good In all of the vari ous eienvnts, however Irresponsible they may be, and this goodness has stirred Mexicans to patriotism. It U charged that Mexican men are corrupt nnd that they lack love of country, but It is to be remembered that for years Mexican men have htrdly realized that the coun try belonged to them. Now that Diaz nnd all like him are permanently over thrown and there Is no chance of n return to a dictatorship Mexicans are beginning to feel for the tlrst time that they really own Mexico. "I um not deploring tho appar ent Ineffectiveness of the revolutionary lenders, for they are working out even In their dlfferenct. a real national con sciousness, from the lowest classes to the highest President Wilson's atti tude hai, In my Judgment, shown great wltdom nnd great patience His policy Is now and has b.en from the first Just what It ought to be know, as my neighbors ovur the bordrr, that many Mexicans who have been Impatient with our Government are comln- to sea things us Mr Wilson ses them, to under stand the situation as It Is. I am look ing for a gradual coming together of the discordant elements by virtue of necessity Whether Gen Carranza Is the man to hold the government or not I am not saying, but I think the time not fir distant now when there will emerge forces that Mr. Wilson can get behind and relv on "A verv griv.i difficulty In the situa tion Is (hit presented by the bandits. Their Irivn for so tinny years that thny now irsi-nt being deprived of their occupnt.Mn Tliev create, many of th distill b.mrei tim n)ft r(.portf,l . Ill our dml tu w i win tiike nmo to rid Mn v r,f tt,m I'niWr pqZ they were Mippir nr.l, int goiten rid nf Mow Mexico is In tho proi c h of ridding her sfjf of them and It takes time But Mexicans me etual m n. tusk A pew nation is coming Into being." 'LABOR' WOULD OUST DUDLEY F. MALONE Collector Will Bo Charged With Violating Law in Lnsitania Case. ALLIES' SHIPS AIMED AT Washington, Aug-. 1. The members of Labor's National Peace Council voted dqwn n resolution to-night authorizing proceedings against Dudley Field Malone, Collector of the Port of New fork, charging him with exceeding his author ity In granting clearance to the Lusl tanla with passengers ns well as muni tions aboard. In spite of this It became known that an action will be started any way. This, officials of the council said, Is authorized under n very general reso lution adopted In tho form of a memo rial. In addition, the organization wMl nt tempt to have classified as warships nil merchant fthlps flying the flags of the belligerent countries on the ground that they nre able to put up a defence by lamming. Such a regulation would allow British merchantmen only twenty-four hours In an American port, unless special permission were granted by the Federal authorities, and would Justify German submarines In sinking them without warning anywhere on the high seas. Slake Appeal to tVashlnicton. Claiming to speak for at least 1, 000.000 labor voters. 4,600,000 farmers and a large number of business and civic organizations, the Confetcnce adopted to-day resolution, and a memorial to be presented to the executive and Judicial branches of the Owernment "to the end that not only may we have peace In this country but assist in restoring peace In foreign countries and advance the great cause of peace universal." It was a hot day In Washington and perspiration and oratory flowed freely In the executive session, from which press nnd public were barred. At one time It Is said a deadlock threatened which would preclude an agreemnt In the form of resolutions, but In the end the announcement was made that una nimity prevailed. Tho resolutions committee w com posed of Frank 8. Monet, Columbus, Ohio, chairman ; Charles A. Oberwager. New York, secretary : H. Robert Fowler, Harrlnburg. 111.; O. F. Hummel, Chi cago; C. H. Oustafson, Meade, Neb.; J, C. Parrlih, Plymouth, Wis.; W. N. Giles, Skaneateles, N. Y.. and C. S. Stet son, Greene, Me. Ileaerre Bank Chars; Again. The memorial, which renews by In direction the charge that tho Federal reserve banks are being used to further the Interests of munitions manufacturers, nnd hence the Allies, was as follows : "That we do support our Administra tion In Its patriotic effort and rray that all and every means be used to main tain peace In our country as against any and all warring nations abroad; "And that we go further and, nslt tjiat at nny time the services of this country can be used In particular In promoting universal peace every means at Its command be used In furthering such n consummation : "And we would further itate that If any private persons or corporations are secretly nnd wilfully violating any treaty rights or national or International law, as found by a careful and rigid Investigation, such nctlons be stopped so as to avoid entanglements with for eign nations; "And If the Federal reserve banks, which were organized to erve certain business necessities, nnd which under the terms of the act establishing them are prohibited from uso of their funds for speculative purposes, are advancing the Interests and furnishing means for Individuals or firms for the purpose of floating the bonded Indebtedness of any belllgerenls, that this be Immediately estopped, so that this country, both ad ministrative itnd private, shall be free from any treaty violations of Federal or International law or treaty rights, a this Is the only possible assurance of peace, for w-hlch we devoutly pray'1 NINE FIREMEN OVERCOME. Illnir In llrondrrny nb-cr1lnr Quickly Pot Out. Nine firemen were overcome by smoke In the sub-cellar of the Library Bureau Company, 314-316 Broadway, corner of Pearl street, last night. Several of the firemen had to be dragged from the cellar and three were taken to the Hud son street hospital. Tho fire was quickly put out, but the smoke from the burning furniture and burlap filled the sub-cellar. The fire men poured water Into the adjoining cellar of the Folsom Arms Company, where explosives were stored. Those overcome were ('apt. Patrick Walsh, Lieut, Martin Monahan, Firemen Henry Gtffards, Hdwnrd Keane, Ed ward L. Kearney, John Dunn and .T M. Hagcnward of Engine Company 7 nnc! John McHeenan and William Dlnder beck of Hook and Ladder Cnmmny 1. Grlffards, McHeenan and Plnderherk were taken to the hospital. MISS DINAH GORILLA DEES. Makes Lonnerlly Record for Spe cies In Dronx 7,00. Dinah Is dead Not even the recent spell of hot weather, dally gocart rldew through Dronx Park and meals nt a real restaurant could reconcile the melan choly gorilla of th Kronx zoo to life far from tho Jungles of tho French Congo. According to the sorrowful keepers, Plnah's meala In the nocking Ktone res taurant, although sufficient In quantity and of a quality calculated to tickle the palate of the mot epicurean gorilla that ever Hwung from bough to bough wire disregarded toy the lonely, homesick Dinah. Hut although Dinah did not flourish In a foreign rllmate, hhe leaves behind her a record for gorilla longevity In tho park. She was brousht here, last Hep tember and lived well wrapped In furs throughout the winter. Other gorillas brought here lived for only three weeks or a month. WIFE HAS HUSBAND ARRESTED. I u Police nreak Into Hotel After, b 1'liiillnsr Telltnle Letter. Bcavkr Falls, Ph., Aug. 1, Discovery of n letter making an appointment to meet In the Kaoy Hotel hero resulted In the arrest of F C. Newcomer, a wealthy I'nlontnwn attorney, and Mrs. Harriet Hough of Cleveland. Mrs. Newcomer hud filed suit against Mrs Hough for 10,Ono for alienation of affections. The latter recently wroto tu Newcomer, It Is averred, asking him to meet her In Heaver Fulls. Mrs. New comer found thn letter After New. rnmer arrived hero lust night i Union town constable with local pollen broke Into it room In the hotel nnd arrested tho couple, Mrs Newcomer recently began an action for divorce and alimony. fifcUJorld Field Safety First Vtou can not tpror Hy inaured unlet youaraaafrlyinturvd JlVERPOOL -London "Globe em.w rEClAL NOTICES). LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES , One size smaller after using Allen's Foot . Easo, the antiseptic powder for tho fret. It 'makes tight nr n.ur bIicm-i f,il e.-sv ol instant ruler to corns and bunions, prevents Blisters, Callous and Sore Spots. It's tho ffrAfnat mmfnr l.rniMu nt lh. ...... Dl.l I everywhere. 2Jc. For FREE trial package. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y. FOKI.CLOSUHE SALES. supreme court of the state or NEW VOIIK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK Richard It, Swartwout and Glraud F, Thorn ion, is trustees under the last will nnd testament of Maria I.oulie Miller, dtcturd. i'ltlntim. igiilnit 13Ulit L. llsriii: ind others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judf ment ef fore closure and sate, duly mada and entartd In the abovt-ontltled action and Ltarlng Oat the eighth day of July, I, tha umlar- lened, tha reftre In nlJ Judgment named, will sell at public auction at tha Lxchanre Salesroom. Noa. H-lt Vney Street. In tha Ilorouch of Manhattan of the City of New York, on th third day of Auiuit. JS1S, at IS o'clock Uoon on tht av. by Joierh I. Day, Auctioneer, tha premli'i directed by said Judgnunt to be. t. an1 'herein described a follonat ALL, those certain lota, plecea or parcels of land, with the bulldlnsa and Improveme nta thereon erected, situate, lying and belne In tha llorouth of Manhattan of the City of Jew lork. In the County and Stat of New Tork, bounded and described as follows: neiclnnlnc at th corner for. led by the Interiictlon of the southerly side of Howard Street with the easterly side of lireadway, running thence easterly along the southerly ele of Howard street on hundred and twe.ity. three fett livt and one-half Inches to p:emlss No. 31 Howard street; thence aoutherly along said premises and nearly parallel with nroad- I" hundred and one feet ten and one nll inenra to land now or late of John aa; thenc westerly nearly rarallel with Howard Street and along said land now JLJ'iJ of John J,,y twenty-four feet nlna "'o.uarters Inches to a point dls ilJi "ln,t'-'ht feet three and one. ha f J,J ,f,t'rl' from Broadway, thenc northerly nearly rarallel with Broadway and along the land now or lata ot John inVL . '"J"' f" eleven and one-half kJJ 'h nsrtherly line of said land ISrt JirJa,Vf John J'i 'hence westerly arid along the northerly line of tand now or late of John Jay ninety-eight feet four arid one.quirter Inches to the easterly lids ih. -V. 'bene northerly along 1?.. """''. side of Droadway rlfty-on " ?ni on.quartr Inches to the joint or place of berlnnlng; Together with in.? ,n1 eUctric llxtures. heaters, boiler, elevators, pumps and machinery r?"" on' .f description in or ""l."1 ""h said buildings and premises tsiL V"her or not the same or tuiy of or o?hJr,!icVi',y "ch. to the freehold In ihJ ,h' ,am' having been declared " mortgage hereby foreclosed to be mortgage n(1 covcr"' hy th ,len ot ld Dated. New York. July loth. Ills. r.P-nnnv ,.AnJVM,AM FELT. Itefere. im?i5.iw' ,?.',C2.MSON'- Attorney for XltlV!?."- 'V. "rjsdwny. Dorough of Manhattan. New York City. eriv .i01.101",'. '.a Jlrm "f the prop YlY.ti" HVi'1' Numbers a Street" Hroadwa)' nd JT-ll Howard Hcward Street. UJ V" The approximate amount of th lien or charge, to satisfy which th above described properly Is to be sold, Is 1)33, Ttt.tO, with Interest thereon from July d. 1115, together with costs and allowance, amounting to 3: ?, with Interest from July sth. 191S. together with the expenses of the eale. The approximate anmunt cf the taxee, asseesmenia and water rates, or other Hens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out ot th purchase money, or pulJ hy the Iteferee. Is as follows: Taxes for second half of "912. 18.019 SO , for sec ond half of 114. :.,S, and for the nrst half of ISIS. t:,;il.3t, and Intereat; and water rates. !:(, Dated. Nw York. July 10th. 1H5. AI1HAHAM FELT, Itefere. SUPREME COPHT. NEW YOllK COUNTY THE TRUSTEES OF THE LEAKE AND WATTS OHPH AN HOUSE IN THE CITY OF NEW YOKK. rialntlff. against WILD HAKT HEALTY COMPANY, ot at.. De fendants. File No. 1M!:.)9U. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered In the above entitled action and bearing date th 16th day of July, 191S, 1, the undersigned, the Iteferee In said Judgment named, wlli sell at public auction at the Kxchangs Salesroom, Nos U-l Vesey Street. In tha Ilnrough of Munhatun, t'lty of New York, on the Itth day of August, 1915. nt i: o'clock noon on that diy, hy Joseph I: Day, auctioneer the premises directed by said Judgment tn be sold, and therein de scribed aa follows: ALL that certain lot of land with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Dorough nf .Manhattan, City. County and State of New York, ami bounled and described as follows: TIE. OINNINO at a point on the easterly side of West End Avenue, dlslant seventy-five (7S feet iilid live (5 Inches southerly from the southeasterly corner nf Went End Avenue and Maty-second Street nnd run nlng thence enterl, pjrallel with Sixty te'ond Street and partly through a party wall one hundred iloO) feet; thence south erly, parallel with West End Avenue twenty-nie t:si feet; thence westerly, par.nlel with Sixty-second Street, partly through a party wall one hundred (100 ft-t to the easterly side of West End Ave. nue, and thence northerly along the es ut eri y elde of )est End Avenue twenty-nve CM feet in the plice of beginning, be the raid several dimensions more or less Said nremlsaa being now known as No. ts West Avenue. n the ntv of New York. Dated, New York Julv IK 1915. .. , ,.,A,.Y FltENCH. Refers. NASH X JuNK.s, Attnrneis for Plaintiff 3 Wall Street. ,. york The following Is a dlagrs.111 of the prop- f,' V. "'Id' "s street Number Is it Vt est End Avenue: Cind Street, a 100 J .c.'.n.,.r.', ,,;',n.e. I,loc'k Cist Street. Tho approxlnute aninunt of the Hen or charge, to SHllsfy which the ahuve de scribed property Is tn be sold. In Twelve sliiiumind mie hundred nnd fifty dllais 1 1 j ., t ou p , w'liu mierek! iiirreun rroni the ltth day of July, 1315, together with the I coats and extra allowance umountlng to I Three hundred sixty-four ami 97-100 itsl.!i") K.illiirs, with Interest thereon frmn July is. 19l, together with the ex- ' penses of the s ile The upprnxlm He I iini'Mint nf the taxes, usuesiinienls and I water rales, or other liens, which are to be 1 allowed tn the purchaser nut of the pur. clnea money and paid by the Iteferee, l Eight hundred slxtv one nnd tt-ici) (Hill7i Dollurs and interest. Dated, New York. July in. 1 9 1 n. HAItRT N. FRENCH, Refere. ronECLOSjJiti; aA.r4 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK. ERIE I'OUNTY UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW JORK, Plaintiff, agilnst I1UFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILWAY COMPANY, JIUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA IlAIt,. rJ2AlLCMM,'AN'Y' WELLSVILI.E. COH DE1LSPORT AND PINE t'REEK HAIL llOAJ) COMPANY, ADDISON AND SUS QUEHANNA RAILROAD TOMPANYi ?KJAt, ANP SUSQUEHANNA COAL AND COKE COMPANY. Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREHY OIVEN that pur suant to and by virtue of a Judgment of foreclosure and eile In the above entitled action, entered In the oince, of the Clerk ?.Pr,e. County on the 19th day of Julv, i.',?' 'h underslgred, OEOROE D. CROFTS, Iteferee named In sild Judgment, will jell at public auctlf.n In the westerly y'bule of the .City and County Hail, In the City of Iluffalo, County of Erie and Stat of New York, on the !3rd day of August, 1915. at eleven o'clock tn the fore noon, to the highest bidder, the following described property, premle and franchises of th defendant, Iluffalo and Susqu nanna Railway Company, orders I and de. cred by said Judgment of foreclosure and sale to be sold by the undersigned, to. wit: All and singular the properties, rights, privileges and franchloa of every name and nature, real, personal and mixed and "ver situate, owned by the defendint Buffalo and Susquehanna Railway Com pany on April 1, 1903 or since acquired by it. whether by purchase, merger or other wise (excepting property released from tn . .1 "? "f mortgage) and Including the following property owned by said de fendant, namely: All that certain other tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lvlng and being tartly tn tha city of Ituffalo, County of trl and state of New York, and partly In the City of Lackawanna, formerly a part of th Town of Wst Seneca, In said County and State, and partly under the waters of Lake Erie, bounded and de scribed aa follows! Heglnnlng at a point tn the westerly line of said Hamburg Turnpike (as a street sixty six feet wide) which point ts directly' opposite, across said Turnpike, to the northwest corner of the parcel of land hereinbefore iteecrthed. m,l nhl.h e.M point nf beginning la six hundred and six and nftv.three one. hundredths (0 S3) feet northerly, measured along ssld west erly line nt a1.1 Tnrnnll.- . t. . ...... t. line of the City of Puffaloi tnence running along the west line of th Mtd Turnpike sou'h twenty-one degrees fifty-four and one-half minutes east (8, 21 SUj' E I. six hundred (00) feet to a point six and flfty-thre one. hundredth 16. S3) feet njMherly. measured along the west line fi 'i!1 Turnpike, from the south line of the City of Hurfaln; thence along the north line of lands formerly owned by the Lacks, wanna Iron and Steel Company, south sev ?D1li".l,,V!. ngf sixteen mlnutee wet (S. 74' 1' W,l nve hundred and thlrtv.on and eighty-six ene-hundredths U31 Si feet, to the shore Una of Laka Erie, as It existed In November, 1901 (at the begin ning point of lands now under water con veyed by John J Albrlrht to Charles W Oopdyear. by deed dated the first d iy of July, 1903I; thence still along the said northerly line of lands formerly owned by th Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, the further distance of about four hundred and ten (410) feet, to the shore line of Lak Erie, as It existed In the year 1549, as shown bv a survey of Peter Emalle. mad April first of that year, attached to a deed made hy Reuben It, Heaco, k to Charles C Riddle, reeordel in Erie County Clerk's once. In Liber 101 of Deeds, at page 1S9, thenc along the aild last men tioned shore line northerly about seven hundred (700) feet, to a point In satJ shore line of 1149. at Its Intersection with a straight line drawn from a point on the harbor line as established by the United Pistes Oovernment on March !7th. H9 (which rolnt Is distant four hundred and eighteen (4H) feet northerly, measjred along ssld harbor line, from the Junction of said harbor lino with the harbor llr.J as established by the United states Govern ment on January JOth, lno to n point In the shore line of Lake Krle as It existed In November, 1901, distant about two hun dred and elghty.slx () feet, measured on a line tearing aouth sixty-seven degress, fifty-seven and one-half minutes wet (S. ? 474' W) from the aforesaid place of beginning; thence easterly, alorne said straight line, drawn from said point on the harbor line about four hundred and eighty. nine IH)I feet, to a point In the said shore line of Lake Erie, as It existed In November. 19D1. and thenc north alxy seven degrees fifty-seven and one-half min utes east IN ? S7H' E.) about two hun dred and eirhty-elx 1S feet, to the place of beginning, the last described parcel being the same lands and premises con eyel by Samuel Ilea anl wife to John .T Albright, by deed dated February 1. 190J. Together also with all the right, title and Interest of th said Durfalo and Susqu hanna Railway Company of, In and to o niucn 01 ine namDurg turnpike as is ad jacent to the premises above described. Also All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate partly In the City of Iluffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, and partly In the Cltv of Lackawannx, for merly n ptrt of th- Town of West Seneca. In the County and tate aforesaid, bounded and described a follows: Heglnnlng at a puint In the shore line nf Lake Erie, as It existed In Noember. 1901, In the City of Lacktwanna, formerly a part of the Town of West eeneca, where said shore line Is Intersected by the division line between the Unds formerly owned by the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company and the lands conveyed by John J Albright and wife and Edmund Haes and wife, to Charles W Gondyear b deed bearing date July 1st 199:. sill point of beginning being about five hundred and thirty-one and eighty-six one. hundredths 1J31.SS1 feet, measured on said division line, westwarlly from a point In the west line of the Ham burg Turnpike sn eilled las a street sixty six feet wtdei distant six and rifty-three one.hundredths 16 i3 feet northerly, meas. ured along said west line of said Turn pike, from the south line of the said Cltv of Iluffalo thence running from nld point of beginning, under the waters of Lake Erie, north 7S degrees west (N 78 W 1 along the northerly line of Ixnds under water granted bv the state of New York to John J. Albright, hy letters patent datel October 31. 1V9. and recorded In Erla County Clerk's ofh-e In Liber s: of Deels. at page 407, about twelve hundred and twenty (1.530) fest. to the Junction of the harbor lines, as established by the United States Government on January 30th. 1900, and March :7th 1 559, thence along the last mentioned hirhor line, northerly four hundrel and eighteen 1111 feet, thence eister v about twelve hundred and elgh') eight il.:SI feet, to a point tn the said shore line nf Lake Erie as It exluel in November, 101, which point Is dlstxnt about to hundred and eighty-six feet, measured on a line bexrlng south sixty-seven degrees flftveexen and one. half minutes west (S. 67' 574' Wi from a point In the said west line of the said Hamburg Turnpike (aa a street slxty.atx feet wtdei dlslant six hundred and six anil flfty-thre nne-hilndrtdths (0(.iti feet northerly, measured alonir said west line of said Turnpike, from the south line of the City of Buffalo; thence southerly, alone ssld shore line as It existed In November 1901, as It winds and curves, about six hundred and ten (810) feet, to the place of beginning being the same lands and premises conveyed by Sentusl Res and wife to John J. Albright, by quit-claim deed dated February 1, 1903. Also all hat triangular ple", parcel or gore of land situate, llng and htng tn th County of Erie nnd State of New York, ant more particularly bounded and describe 1 aa fnllnws- Heglnnlng at a point In the shore line of Lake Erie, as It existed In November. 1901, where the same Is Intersected bv the eoutn erly line of lands formenv owned bv llitnni Slade, which point nf beginning Is tho same point of beginning of the premises hereinbefore described, running thence north eeventS'-elrht degrees west (N 7x W 1 about twelve hundred and twenty (1,230) feet, to th Junction of th harbor lines, as established hy the United Slates Government on January SO, 1900, and March 37. H99; thence southeasterly about eight hundred and eighty (0) feet, to 11 point In the shore line of Lake Erie as It existed In IS49. ns shown by a survey nf Peter Emslle. made April first of thxt year, attached to a deed mad hy Reuben n lleacock to Charles C Riddle, recorded In Erie County Clerk's nfnre in Liber 1 of Deeds, at page 1S9, where such shore line Is Intersected by the southerly line of kai l lands formerly owned by Emma Slade pro Jected In a westerly direction; thence north seventy-four degrees sixteen minutes east 4N 74 IS' E I along sild projection of said southerly line of lands formerly owned by Emma Slade. about fnur hundred and ten 1410) feet, to the pi ice of beginning, being the same lands and premhes se, . ondly described In a certain quit-claim deed executed by The Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company to John J Albright, dated July , 1901. and recorded In Erie County Clerk s nftlce, In Liber 709 of Denis, at psge 326 Als ah th it tract, piece or parcel of land situate partly In the City nf Iluffalo and partly In the on of Lukawanna, formerly part of the Town of West Sen eca, In the County of Erie and State of New Vurk, more particularly bounded and desrrlbed as follows: Heglnnlng at a point, being the Junction nf th harbor lines as established by the United Slates Government on January SO 1900, nnd March .7. 1199, whl, h Is the nine Jun"ton nf such harbor lines referred tn In a deed executed bv John J Albright and others to Charles w G,-odcar. dited July 1, lno;, and recorded in Erie loimiv Clerk's office In Liber 931 of Deeds, at pig thence south lxn nine degrees twenty-six minutes east (S 2V E 1 Ave hundred nnd ten i50 feet to n point which Is the weslirh extremity nf lands conveyed by Charles W liondvear and wife to The Lackiwannii Steel Company, h deed beuing date 'he u.'nt thlnl day of July 1902. thence north si'vrntt -right de. grees wei (N 7 1. admit tive hundred and elghiv i.tiii feet to nn intersection with the harbor line above mentioned run ning In an eisierly and westerly direction; thence north fifty degrees east in. so ; ) along th last mentioned harbor line, about one hundred and twenlv-etght (121 feet tn tha place of beginning, containing rtve hundred and six one thousandths 1 lor.i of an acre, tie the same mnro or lesx; bslng Ihe same premises conveyed tn cinrli-s W Goodyear by The Lxckiwunna Steel Com pany by deed dlled Julv 23 110';, a shown on a mop nr plan attached tn said deed and colored red. Also all that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the City a I FORECLOSURE HALE. of Iluffalo. County of Erie, Stat of New lork, being part of the Ogden Gnro Tract, so called, and bounded and described as follows: Heglnnlng at a point where th South line of the City of Iluffalo Intersects the Last line of th Hamburg Turnpike; thence North twenty. one degrees fifty-four and one. half minutes West (N. 21 MV V.) forty-two and nlne tenths (42.9) feet along said East line of Hamburg Turnpike; thence North eighty-nine degrees eleven and ona-half minute East (N, SB" 11 14' E.) thlttecn hundred and sev. enty-four one-hundredths (1361.74) feet parallel to and forty (401 feel from said city Line to a point; thence North eighty J".' Af.rf." thirty-six minutes East (N. ! 38' L.) three hundred and two and six-tenths (303.4) feet to a point! thence Nertn eighty-nine degrees, eleven and one half minutes east (N. 19 114' E) two hundred and fifty (250) feet parallel to and elgnty (0) feet from said City Line to a point; thenc South seventy-on de grees. forty-slx minutes East (S. 71 4' 1. ) two hundred and eleven and six-tenths feet (211. ) to a point, and eleven (11) feet from said City Line; thence South forty-eight, and one-half minutes East (S. 0' 414' E ) eleven (II) feet to a point In said City. Line; thence along said Cltv Line South eighty-nine degrees, eleven and one-half mlnutee West (S. It' tlW W) two thousand and nlnetv.six and thirty four one-hundredths (209M4) feet to place of beginning, containing to and thirty-two one-hundredths t2 3i) ncres. Subject, however, to a certain agreement bearing date the first day of February, 1902, between Samuel Ilea and wife, ami John J. Albright and wife, providing among other things, for the construction of a canal across a portion of the premises herein described, whlih agreement was re f".ri1"1..ln Ef, County Clerk office In Liber 92 of Deeds, at page 640: and to a certain other agreement made between Tha Lackawanna Steel Company and John J Albright nnd wife, bearing dale the eighth day of May, 1902, providing, among other things lor the construction of a canal across a portion of the premiers herein described, and recorded In Erie County Clerk s office In I.lbcr 839 of D-eds, at page 305, as modified by a subsequent agreement made'between The Lackawanna Steel Company and Charles W, Goodyear and wife, bearing date July 23, 1902, and recorded In the l?rle Coiinlv Clerk's nmre In Liber 9St of Deeds, at page 537: and -ui-jc-vi i in- rn11.11 ana oiner rignis of way granted and conveved tn the Iluffalo and Susquehanna Iron Company by a cer tain deed from Charles W Goodvear and Llla C. Ooodyexr, his wife, bearing date July 1, 1902, and recorded In Erie County C'erk's office In Liber 943 of Deeds, at p.ig 134; being the same premises conveyed to the Hurfaln and Susquehanna Railway Company by Charles v Goodyear and wife, by deed bearing date the fourteentn day ot March. 1903 Also all thoe live (S) certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land situate In th town of Hamburg, County of Erl and State of New York- PARCEL NO. 1. Known and distinguished as a psrt of th Iluffalo Creek Reservation and further known and distinguished as a part of Lot No. , Township 10. in the sth Range of Townships, bounded and described as fol lows; Heglnnlng at a point in the boundary line between lands formerly of J J. Albright and .7. F Titus, distant southerly one hundred and nfty-elnht and four-tenths list 4) feet from, and at right angles to, the southerly boundirv line of Lake Ave nue, and distant westerly ninety 1901 feet from the original center line of the Ilulfilo and Susquehanna Railway Company, Thence southerly along a line parallel to and distant 90 feet westerly from the orlg'r.l center line nf the said Duffxlo anl Susquehanna Railway Company, lxty (tO) Thence easterly forty (40) feet, more er lesi. to a point distant westerly nfty (SO) feet from th original center line of said Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Com pany; Thence southerly along the westerly right of way line of the said Iluffalo anl Susquehanna Railway Company, sai l right of way line being parallel to anJ distant westerly fifty (50) feet from the origini! center line nf said Iluffalo and Susque. hvnna Railway Company one thousand two hundred and fourteen and ninety-three hundredtns (1 214.93) feet. Thence southerly along a curve to the right having a radius nf nine hundred and nfty.flve and four-tenths iti' feet, fir a dlitar.r of three hundred and thlrtv nlne and eightv.slx hundredths (339 ,) feet to a point distant westerly sixty l0) feet from the original .enter line of the said Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company, snld curve being the westerlv rlght of way line nf the ssld Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company; Thence continuing southerly along the westerly right of way line of the sail IlutTali. and Susquehanna Railway Com pany for a dlstan' e of one hundred and ninety. one and one one-hundredths (191 Oil feet, said right of way line being piritlel to and distant westerly sixty iioi feet !nm the present center llr.e of the said Iluffalo and Susquehanna Rvllway Com pany. Then?- norther'y along a curve to the left having 1 radius" of one thousxnl nine hundred and ten and one. tenth (1,910.1) feet more or less for a distance of seven hundred and four anl two-tenths (704.2) feet, to a point distant westerly fifty (SJi feet from the present center line of the. said Buffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company, Theme northerly along a line parallel to and distant westerly fifty (50) fet from the present enter line of said liurfalo and Susquehanna Railway Comptny on thousand and elghtv-t-vo ii.oj;, feet, more or less to a point In the houndtry line be tween Hnds formerly of J J. Albright and J. F Titus; Then.-e easterly fourteen till feet, mors or leu, to th poln of beginning. Containing one and twenty. four hun dredths il2ti acres of land, more or less, and t'.tng a l of the premises conveyed hy the Stony Point Land Compiny to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York bv deed dated January If, 19o, anJ recorded tn the offwe of the Clerk of said County in Liber 1027 of at page il2. PARCEL NO 2 Tlelr.g par; of Lot number eleven tin. Township number ten HOI. Range eight (t), of the Iluffalo Creek Indian Keservi tlm. an.1 more partlcu'arly bounds 1 and desrrlbel as follows Heglnnlng at a point In the southerly e of Lake Avenue, so culled, at a dls. tanr of one hundred ind eighty ,ti feet westerly from the wrterlv Hn- of the lands ol the Lake Shore A Ml hlran Southern ItaPway Cnmpanv. me isured aiong ssld southerly line of Lake Avenue being the Interse. tlon of the division line between lands formerly owned hy John r Titus and lands now nr formerly ownel bv Anson C Goodyear with the satd southerly line of Lake Avenue, running theme snuto. six degrees, two minutes west (ft. 2' W ), along eald division line, one hundred nftv eight and four-tenths UtM) feet to the south line of sild lot number eleven (Hi. thence north eighty-four degrees, sixteen minutes West IN ! It" W 1. and along the south line of sai l lot number eleven (11). fourteen (14) feet, thence northerly about one hundred and rifts -eight and forty-two one.hundrelths '13 (2. feet, to s, point In the southerly line of Lake Ave. nue which, sild point Is seventeen and sixty-two one-hundredths U7!i feet westerly from the point of beginning, measure! along the said souther'v line of Like Avnue. thence south eighty-four degrees sixteen minutes List iS (' li' E 1. along said southerly line of Lake Avenue, seventeen and lxv two one-hundredths 1 17 C.i feet tn the point or place of beg nnlng Containing five hundred anl seventy four ten thousin Ittis t 05711 (,f .tu acre, be the same tur- or less Tnge'her with all the right, title and In terest of Hie said ernn'nr In and tn Lake Avenue In front of and adjacent to th above described premises l'ARCEl. NO 3 Pelng pirt of lot 11. Township 10, Range , of the Iluffalo Creek Indian Res. ervatlon. bounded and described ae follows: llrglnnlng at 11 point In the division linn between lands forinerli of VUlllvm P Stamba" h, and lands formerlv nf John F. Tlius. where sild division line Is Inter sected hy the westerlv line of In, 1, here tnfore i.invesed b sild William I' sum. Inch nnd Id 1 R, hi' wife 10 the Ituffalo and Susquehanna Railway I'onipari) thence north eighty-four itli degree, six teen (111) minutes west along said division line stventi-tlve 7 6 1 feet, thence north six () degrees, two 1:1 minute eist four hundred ami forty-slx and elghiv eight hjndrelths il4SSi feet 10 the souther, y 'Ine f a pan-el ..f land . unejed bv Dinlel W Allen and wife to tno New York state Realty nnd Termln il Cnmpanv, bv deed dated Min h J, I'.'Oil, and re nrded in the office nf ihe Clerk of snul fountv In Liber 1 " 4 1 nf Deeds, at page ibt; thnce south eighty-four 1 Mi d( grees. sixteen ilfii mm uus east along ald southerly line of Ian 1 einveyed as nforesil 1 seveniv live i"',i feet to the sal I western llllf of la nds of s.itd ' Iluffalo and Susqueh mn.i Italiw iv Cini piny, thence south six i- degrees, twn (2) minutes west along the said westerly line four hundred and furtv slv and eighty, eight huntredths 4 1 .S I feet lo the pl.ico of beginning, being a strip of land seventy five 17.1 leet wide and four hundred and fnrtv slv .ml eighty-eight hundredtns 1 1 If.vs 1 feet long . Containing slvtv seven hundredths (0 67) of 1111 aire of land, more nr less, V'n all the right, tills ami Interest or the said gr.niinr in and 10 that portion of Lake Avenue opposite in and adjoining the premises hereinbefore deprlbe.. and brill ihe sune premises conveyed by Willi mi P Stambach and Ida II. his wife, to the Gll'irantv Trust Cnmpanv of New York, hy deed dated June 7. 190.V recorded In the oilbe nf the i-ierk of said County In I.lher 10J7 "f Deed, nl pace 5'H l'.Wn'i:i. s'O. 4. Known nnd disilngu',.)ied as a part of the Huffiln Creek ltfeervitlon and further known and distinguished as a part nf Lou Sos 14 and IS. Township 10. In the Nth Rang of Townships bounded and described IIS follows! Ileglnnlnr at a, point In the northerly line of a psrcel of land conveyed by Dvnlnl W Allen nnd wife tu the New York State Iteilty & Terminal Compiny by deed ( Mann 9. ll'OO, nnd re orried In (he nlllce o' the Clerk of said fount v In Liber toil of Dee Is, hi pice 1.',S. dlslant wcsler'v fifty isni feet from ihe original center Una of the Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company thence wenerl) ulung sild northerly .line nf land conveved aa afnre said fst; thence northerly along a roHECLost nr. sales. line parallel to and distant westerly fifty (M) feel from the proposed center line of the llurfalo and Susquehanna Railway Company eleven hundred and flfty-on and one. tenth (1151.1) feet moro or les to a monument tlfty c 50) feet westerly from th proposed center line, thence southerly along the preeent westerly right of way line of the Iluffalo and Susquehanna Rail way Company, said right of way line being parallel to and distant westerly fifty (50) feet from the original center line oftn said Hurralo and Susquehanna Railway Company, one thousand one hundred and thirty (1130) feet more or less, to the point of beginning; Said piroei containing one and twenty six hundredths (12) aires of land, more or less, being the same premie- conveved b the Stony Point Land Company to the Guaranty Trust Company nf New UrK by deed dated January 1, 19M, and recorded tn the office of the Clerk of aald County In Liber 1027 of Deed, at page 510. TARCEL NO. 8. Being part of Lot No. Eleven (II). Town ship No. Ten (10), Range Eight () of the Iluffalo Creek Indian Reservation, bounded and described as follows! , neglnnlnr at a point thre and forty seven hundredth (3.47) fest easterly front the northwesterly corner of parcel No. 3, above described, said point of beginning be ing In th southerly line of a parcel of land conveyed by Daniel W Allen and wife to the New York State Realty and Ter minal Company, by deed dated March I. 0, recorded In th omce of the Clerk of sild County, In Liber 1011 of Deeds, at page 3SS; and running thence north westerly, four hundred and flfiy-nln and four-tenths (459.4) feet to the nuthwext erly corner of parcel No. 4, above de scribed, said list mentioned corner being In the northerly lino of eald parcel of land conveyed by deed as aforesaid; thenc eastorly along eald northerly lln of said land, on hundred (100) feet to a point distant on hundred and twenty-four and sixty-nine hundredths (12 1.9 feet west erly. measured along said northerly line from the westerly exterior line of land of th Lak Shor A Michigan Southern Railway Com pany; thence southeily parallel with said first above described course four hundred and fifty-nine and four-tenths ( 439.4) feet to a point In said seutherly line of said land conveyed as aforesaid, distant on hundred and eleven and fifty-three hun dredths (111 S3) feet westerly, meieured alonr said southerly line from said ex terior line; thence westerly along said southerly line, one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Containing one and five hundredths (1 05) acres of land, more or less. Also those certain pieces or parcels of land conveyed by and more particularly descrlb. d and set forth In the following deeds. Deed dated October 7 1903, Frank H. Ooodyear to Iluffalo and Susquehanna Rail ay Company recorded In the office of the Clerk of Cattaraugus County, Liber 23 of Deeds, page 19., conveylr.g a small pxreel of land situate in the Town of Freedom, County of Cattaraugus, State of New York, Deed dated October 3, 1908, The Stony Point Land Company to Iluffalo and Sus quth.mni IUI way Company, recorded In the office of the Clerk of Erie county In Llber 9t0 of Deeds at page 141 conveying three aeparsteiy desenhr 1 pxrcels of jand situate in the city of Ui ' Jnn i, ror merly a part of the Town of Wet Seneca. County of Erie nrd Stile e w York Deed dated September 29. 1906 nrbr K Fowler to Iluffilo and Suxi.ufhanna Railway Company recorded in the nlllce of the Clerk of Erie County In Llber 105S of Deeds at page 212 eonvevlng a small parcel of land situate In the City of Lackawanna, formerly n part of the Town of West Saneca, County of Erl and State of New York Deed dated September 21. 1903. The Lackawanna Steel Company to Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company recorded In the office of the Clerk of Erie County in Llber 93 of Deeds at page 350 eonvevlng a small pircel of land situate in the City of Lackawanni. formerly a pirt of the Town of West Seneca, County of Erie and Slate of New York. Deed datfd September 14. 1903. Walter D and Helen M. Ingham tn Ilufftlo and Susquehinna Rallwjv Compiny recorded In the ot'.Iie of the Clerk of Erie County In T k.. ACS Tl . . I 1 . ,. SI 1 n " rr a small parcel of land situate In the city ' of Laikananna. formerl a part of the Town of West Seneca, County of Erie and Stat of New York Deed dated June r. 1903, Frank It, Good ear. ef of. to Tluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company recorded In the office of the Clerk of Allegany County In Llber 203 of Deeds at page 522 conveying a parcel of property sl'uite In th Town of Welles x lite. Conn y of Atlegany and State of New Y. rk. Deed dated Jinttary 31. 190S. The Lacka wanna Steel Comptny to Iluffalo and Sue qjehanni Ral'w.iy Company recorded In the offl-e nf the clerk nf Erie County In Llber 1014 of Deds at page l- and con veying the premises designated by the letters O. Q. and D. In that certain agree, ment dated January 21, 1905, between The Lackawanna Steel Company and Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Cnmpanv and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Erie County In Llber 1017 of Deeds at psge 231 eonvevlng .1 small parcel of property situ a'e In the City of I.arkxwannv formerly a pir' of the Town of West s'eneci, County of Erie and State of New York Deed dated November 4. 111. Anson C C.nodvear and Mary F tu United State Trust Company of New York recorded In the onVe of the Clerk of Erie County in Llber 127 of Deids at page 503 convey ing seven separately described parcels of land locals! In Erie County. State of New York Deed dated November 4. 1912 Fred A Lehr o United States Trust Compiny of New- York recorled In -he office of the Clerk nf Erie County In Llber 1242 of Deeds at pag 24 4 convelng a slnsle de scribed parcel of Und located n the Toan ef Hamburg E'le Counts Deed dated November 4, 1912. Anson C Goodvear ei 1 M tr F Goodvear his wife, to t'nl'ed Sti'es Trust C impany ,,f New York and recorded In the office ef the Clerk of Cat'ara-lgus County In I.lher 237 of Deeds at page f02 conveying two separately described pin-Is nf land locited in the Town of Yorkshl-e In Cxt'araugus County. S'lte of New Y rk Deed dated November 4. 1912. Anson C. Goodiear and Marv V Geodvear. his wife, to t'nl'ed st.T's Trust fmnpiny of New York, recorded In 'he office of the Clerk of Allegany County tn Llber 251 of Deeds at pis." St rnnvevlng three -eparately described parcels of property located n the towns of llelmont and lielfaet, In Erl Countv. State of New York. Deed da'et February 17. 1J0, John J AlbrU-ht to tluffi' and Susquehanna Rail way C'tnpanv rc-orded In the office of the Clerk of Erie county In Llber 1039 of Deeds at pat-e 0 c-inicyltig a emit! parcel ef land a1 s . nhwest corner tn the City of rtuffalo. County of Erie, State of New York Also nil the line of railroad beginning at Intersection of southern terminus of the line of th nuffalo and Susquehxnna Hall, way Company with the northern terminus of the line of the Iluffilo and Susquehmni Railroad Company and th center line of West S'lite Street. In the Milage of Wells, vllle. County of Allegany. Slate of New York, thenc In a northwester's- direction along the Genesee River, tn he Village 0f Sclo County of Allegany. Slate nf New York a dtstonee of 4 7 miles, thence In northwesterly direction amng the Genesee lllver to the Village of llelmont, County of Allegany, S'He of New York a distance of 4 es miles, thence m n northwesterly direction along the Genesee niver to the Village of County of Alleganv State of New York a d'stinee of 2 is miles, theme In a northwesterly dlrectlun along the Genesee River tn the Village of Transit rtrldge, County of Allegany, state of Ncv York -. distance of 293 miles thence In a northwesterly direction alonr the Genesee River tn the VI "are of n-i fas' County of Alleginy. Sine of v., I York a distance of 4 29 miles, thence In I a northwesterly direction along the Genesee ' River to a station near the Villi,, f I Caneadea. County nf A leg any, State of New York, 11 distance of 4 53 miles, thenc In a northwesterly direction n.i. th n I see River to Rushford Station. Coun.v nt ,,Vr?,'y' fM",Cf V""'. Vork . dlstanci. of 2 07 thenco In a northwesterly dlree'ien to Weslej 1 Houghton Station) county of Allegany. Mile of New- York -11 a distance of T. S3 miles, -hence ln a north, westerly direction to a station near th. Village of C.ntervl'le, County of Alleganv State .if New York -a dlstanc of si miles theme In a southwesterly direciioo tn I'lxley Station ineir Falrvie.v i o 1 Count) of A.lesany S'.He of sjew York n distance of 3 35 mile,, thence "7 erly direction, crossing the line dividin, the Counties of All.gany and Caturi igu, to Crystal Lake, (near Freedom). County of Cattaraugus. State of New York a di. tanre nf 8 J miles: thence n , norih" westerly direction to the Village of K. dusky. County of Cattaraugus, Htaieof v, J York -. dls-anre. nf 3 4 nine,. th,.cl ?,, ,T northaesterlv direction and rr.sslne iVi line dividing the Countle, of Ctmriui!!! and Wyoming, to the Village of ArVsd . County of Wyoming Stve of n,w York' distance of S 1( miles thence in ,, welteTiJ direction along Cattaraugus Creek crossing line dlvldlna the Counties e Wjomlng and Cattaraugus to the Vi ii-I of Yoikehlre County of Cull.riugus, stat. of New Turk a distance nf ,,ViYl' thence in a westerly direction and rossini the line dividing the Counties of (.,,'," raugus and Erie, to the Village of Sirdl ni." County of Erie, State of New Yorki .1 .' tmce nf 111 miles, thence In u 1 wester J direction to a connection with the sniV line to Sprlngville N y ,, .Ksuih" n "TO miles', thence In n northwesterly dlrecn'oo l .1 stitlon near Hi Village of u, cord. County of Erie State of New Ynrkll! a distance of 2 2 miles, thence In a north" wester y direction tn ihe Village f "..n" CuuutJ of Erie, Mate of New VoiU s Ins tance of ( 9 miles, th.i.i-e in north we.ier'y direction 10 a s'atlon i-al Is I'alchln near Hoaton Center I'ouniv lie Erie, State of N'.w York a distance of 17 miles, thence In a northwesterly direction to a station near North Boston. Count! of Erie. Stats of New Tork distance of rortECLostnE sales. 3.01 miles! thence In northwesterly di rection to Vlllag of Hamburg, County of Erie, Stat ot New York a distance of 3. mllesi thence In a northerly dlteotlon to Village of HIasdell, County of Erie, Slat of New York a distance of 6.35 miles, themo In a northerly direction to Plnt of connection with th Lak Shore and Michi gan Southern Railway near Smokes creex In th CUy of Lackawanna, formerly part of th Town of West Snc. County of Erie, state of New York a dlstanc of 0.9 of a mile, and a total distance of Ighty-four and three. tenth (4 3) mile". Also a branch line known as the "Spring vllle Spur," extending from the point or connection with th main line of the Buf falo and Susquehanna Hallway Company about 500 feet ln a northerly direction from th Sprlngville Junction water tank, thenc In a southwesterly direction to the end of a track In th village of Sprlngville. County of Erie, Stat of New York: dls tanc nf on and thlrty-slx hundredth (1st) miles. . , Also all the estate, right, till In terst owned on aald April 1, HOS. or there after acquired by said defendant nuffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company In or to alt He lln of railroad constructed or thereafter constructed of every natur whatsoever; also the branches and exten sions owned by sild Ituffalo and Susque hanna Railway Cnmpanv on April 1, 1901, or which it ha sine acquired and all ter minal properties owned by It on April 1. 1903, or which It haa lnc acquired, and also all th lands, ,-eal estate, grounds, way, rights of way, yards, wharves, docks, piers. watr rights, terminals, terminal facilities, licenses and easement of aald Iluffalo and Susquehanna Railway Com pany upon which th above described rail roads are situate and which r necessary, useful or convenient for th use, main tenance and operation thereof whether owned on said April I, 1903, or there after acquired (except ueh as hav bn released from the lien of said mortgage), together wiih all right of way. leases if and trackage rights over th lines of the railroad. Also all terminal nronertle. tracks. switches, sidings, spur, turn-tables. lel- grapn ann teiepnon lines, w-nier wnin, bridges, viaducts, culverts, fences, depots, station housea. freight house, engine houses, power nnd machine houses, shops, gravtl beds, warehouses, coalhouses, fur- nt.itre O-.,,.-- Ma -It a. her eon t r lie t Inn S appertaining to the line of railroad above I described and all other things nf whatever kind and any and all easements. leaseholds, I contraet and contract rights owned by said I Huffalo and Sjaquehanna Railway Com pany on said April 1, 1903, or thereafter 1 acquired, that at any time have belonged 1 to or appertained to or have been provided for use upon or ln connection with ny of . the said lines of railroad, branches, machine works or othr proprtls (excepting only such as have been released from the Hen of said mortgage) Including leasehold 1 trackage rights and trackage agreements . directed to he sold ' Also certain locomotive engines, cars and uiiirr ru.inig .iocs ami w'l uiiiiii.iui ,,,v, particularly descilbed n follows: 49 Steel, Flat-bottom, drop.door gon dola freight exri of 100,000 pound capac ity, C.OS 11(01 to 15100 5 Consolidated Freight locomotives, Nos. 141 tn 141 Inc. 4 Passenger cars. Nos. 19 to I! Inc. 2 -Combination passenger and baggag" cars, Nos. 13 and 14; said equipment being subject to certain agreement dated the nrst day of April, 1907, between Huffalo and Susquehanna Railway Company and the United Stales Mortgage and Trust Company, as Trustee. nd to the ll-n of ssld agreement, and said equipment shatl be sold subject ts sild lien. Also certain locomotive engines, csrs and other rolling stock and equipment, mor particularly descrlb-d follows: S ton consolidation freight loco motives. Nos 117 tn 122 Inc. 2 9 ton S whtel passenger locomotives. Nos. 2"e and 277. 2 Passenger and baggage cars. No. I and 9 1 Huffet cnr. No 29. 2 Observation cars. Nos. 30 and 31. 1 Passenger, baggagu and mall car, No. S3 19S nt bottom, drop door, gondola freight cars, 10,000 pounds capacity, Nos. 3201 tn 3100. 1M Tw In-hopper bottom gondola freight cars, 10,000 pounds capacity, Nos. 6001 to 8200. 21 Cabooses, Nos. 101 to 125. 1 tlrldge Dept Tool Car. No. A-S. 1 Lldgerwood Unloader, No. A-l. 4 Hoarding cars. Nos. A-2, A-51, A-J4 and A-27. 2t Ilallsst cars. Nos 201 to 230 Also all other locomotive, engines, ten ders, passenger and freight cars and all other rolling stock and equipment and all kinds of machinery and tools and all fuel 1 and al1 rails and material anl oth-r sup- plies onn.d by slid Durfaln and Susque. 1 hsnna Ral'wsy Compiny on April 1. 1903, or since acquired by It or ln w-hlch It has an equity (excepting only such as have n released irom in lien of isia mortgage). Also all warehouses, elevators, structures, erections, buildings, docks, bulkheads, whsrves. cribs, revetments' and piers now upon or ln front of. or In any manner ap pertaining to, "r connected with, the said shove described lands and lines of railroad, or which may be at any time hereafter erected, and all fixtures and. machinery used In er about any of said premises. Also all right title and Interest In and to lands up ler water contained within or appertaining to any of the aforesaid de scribed premises Also all rights ef wharfage, cranage. iWkage. pierage and riparian, rights, fran- ' chlses and pr' .ileges nf every kind and char- I ener wnvisoever. wnirn are or may be ap purtenant or appertaining to th- said premises or nny rsrt thereof, or tn which the Railway is or may or shall he, for any reason, entitled, and also all the lands, rem mil' grounos. ways, rignts or way, 1 ards wharves, dicks, piers, water rights ! terminals, terminal facilities, licenses and eisements now owned by sild Huffalo and I Susquehanna Railway Company, upon which the above described railroad, lines ef rahrnad or ritlroads are situated, or 1 which are necessars-, useful or convenient for the use, maintenance and operation of 1 the said rvllroid, together with all the rlrhts of wav lessee of and trsrkage rights nf ssld Huffiln and Susquehanna R.i''w ay Company And also all things In action, claim I and demands of said Buffalo and Susque. hanna Raiway Company ' Also anv and all corporate or other 1 rights, privileges and franchises which said I iiiiiinm "' ."-urqiienanna tvsiiway Com pany now has. for or appertilnlng to the construction, maintenance, use or opera tion nf such lines of railroad, branches terminal properties, machine works or shops or other properties now sublect to the lien of sild mortgage or deed nf trust And aim any and all the rents, Issues prnilte tolls snd other Income of uch line of railroad, branches and terminal proper tie., and all other properties which are to the lien of said mortgage or deed or trust. Also 93.13S shares of par value nf ttn each of the common caplixl stock of tha Huffalo and Sujquehnnna Rallrnad Com psnv ' And also ,1) c,,h, rno, , htU claims snd demands of every kind alt books of record, agreements, contract! mars, files documents, bills, fixtures, lm p ements, furniture, material, weights, coal o 1. fuel and other supplies In the no,". slon of or belonging to said Huffalo nri Susquehanna Railway Company or held 5, the plaintiff herein a. trustee under said mortgage or by Harrv I Miller as rec.'Jir In this cause, hut such receiver msy re'sln possession or have access to ,rh books and records as mav be necessary or con xenlent to enable him to prepare his ar count, nr to perform hi. other dut Is", rec.lver when the same have s-rveri tu?h purpose the receiver shall deliver them tn the purchaser, unless they shall hav". b..n delivered to th. purchase? a'.o all property of every nam. nn" naturl whatsoever and wheresoever .itun. '? r.Vr'i'lo11' '"""'"'for, dee'crlbed1 'r ferred to, belonging to sail rieferTi.l; Iluff.ln and. Susquehanna u.i-fS'V.tV ,?I',-"?rr' .M'er. as receive, herein nr In nr In eki.1, ..11 "C'lver receiver have any e.tate right, title Venn erty. possesion, claim or 1 Jl'.ll' wmcn it or he as ami y estate rih. A ' ever without excluding from the general, y of this, description anv nron.r... ...J" .... . - , , irineno whb... , soever because nf specifications In n.h.. i parts of this Judgment of anv other pa?'1 tlcular property or clas, of prop.Tiy Vml I Including also any other properties which this Court nny further find or deer,. ,S he" ' property of said and Su.quehannJ Railway Company or to belong to -.11 ' Harry I Miller as such re Wer her. n ! ,onreele.e',lW'fl ' 'h' MM hefe'l'S ! The above mentioned premise, prop. rtv ! and franchises specincaiiy describe I herem and In said Judgment aforesaid win bl old as an entirety and a one parcel Pursuant to the terms of sai l Julgm.n. of foreclosure and sale lh. SnderslTild will accept no bid for the properY ' pr.m! lee. and franchises dlreced 1,' , J.', s.u uecrr. unie.. Ine binder deposit with the undersigned at the tint- nf bidllng 1. a part of his bid and a pledg. to mike tl" same good. If accepted and the sale en... tinned, either the 'sum of One Hund?l,i Thousand Do Ur, U100.0OO1 in m"nSy 0 by certined check upon any bmk or trust cnmpanv In the C tv of New Vurk ,, ,, Clts'of Huffiln N Y. pavable or endnr 2 tn lh ordrr ot the tinders gned as Referee or unless th. bidder shall mak. a like doi posit nr plelge with the iin.lersigi e.l 1. ,"'"r...l!,To,;r" -"dred Thousand Do . lars (1301. 000) par v ue of 11,- .1.., gage bonds nf said defendant Huffalo ..nd . Susquehanna Railway Company, which sail 1 deposits of cash or bonds slin'l be forfeited I III c.i.e the bidder, who is successful, shall I fall to make good his bid and cninp.v wrn the terms of the ssit Judgment nnd of any I urd.r thereafter mide is 10 filliire p.iv-1 ui.'Uis or otherulse but the sain, shall 11PP led on th. purchase price In case nf I .111 n nnipn.nrr or reiurnej in else tn. 1.1.1 U not successful The certificate of auv bmk nr trust pinv 111 the City of New York. Including tu plaintiff, that It holds bonds and con. pons ss therein described, secured by the FORECLOSURE SALE.. aforesaid mortgage subject to the i,i any party named and transferred t i, undersigned as referee, will tie e tin and accepted In lieu of a dspos; . 1 iv,: bonds and coupon specified In ssit enit cate, en account the bonds required to s, deposited as aforesaid In lieu ot i . .! Ilk force and effect a though t : and coupons therein named had Itth 1. Uvered to the undersigned. '' The Court reserve full power ant yretlon to reject any bid which in thi Judgment of the Court, ts Inadequate . subject to Just objection, and a, so m ,,. aell tha property upon such noti e ai t Court may direct, at the risk ar t r ,i .. the purchaser. In eass th purchase thereat hall fall or omit to make any piv ,s ,( account of th purchase price wit i,i daya after the entry of th order rci.ri-i uch payment, " Th purchaser, on confirmation of th. ale, shall make euch further payments cash on account of th purchae pri the Court may from tlm to tl So much of the purchase price ns n ay r, b required by the Court to be paid 1 (, may b paid either In cash or the r,u( chr may satisfy and make oi 1 j.s. residue of hi bid In whole or tn pi t turning over to the undersigned b 0. the Iluffalo and Susquehanna Hi mi Company Issued under and secured bv In mortgage to th United States Trust m. pany of New York, as Trustee, t;.itel At.-.i 1, 1903, with coupons of May 1st. in Xni all subsequent coupons thereunto attn het The aforesaid mortgaged property prsm' lse and franchises will be said s t ts th lien of any and nil taxes, hi m and water rents levied sgalnst said h,, described premises, or any pirt thereof which are or msv b chargeable up, i m j properly or premises, or any portion t ,( prior to th Hen ot said mortgage .11.1 April 1. 1908 Th purchaser shall, as a pin nf th. consideration for such sate, anl I al 'ltti to th price bid, take th propertv nn. chased subject to all conditions, resent. Hons and restrictions set out In the nil Judgment of foreclosure and sa.e tr, 1 ti any Mens which may have beeu or mir hereafter be established as having prtft-cr over the said mortgage dated Ap l1 I 1 and all pending contracts tn re.pei t to a tJ property above described lawfully nude i the receiver of the propertv ab ve ds. scribed, heretofore duly nppulntet In this action, and alio subject to ur.pal' In debtedness, obligations or llabl.ltics wt" 1 hall have been duly contracts J -Ir, u-tl by said receiver In re'pset there'o befo-j the delivery of the possession of t ie pr ip. ertv sold and which shall no' be ssld receiver herein out cf the Ih-m 1-1 earnings of the said property a .e j(. crlbed, or which shall not be pall nit at the proceeds of tiie sale ot said pi pert abov described. Any person propnelng to pur-hii. . said sale the said propertv, pren s 'l franchises above described ts rete'rel ti th said Judgment of foreclosure ai 1 si t, In this notice specifically menu nd, d- more full and complete dee, rlpr 0' '-i propertv, premise and framhlsss i.-m directed tn be sold, and also for th- te'-j and conditions upon which the 1, 0f said propsrtv, premise, anl fran shall ti. made, Certified copies ct sa'l Judgment of foreclosure and sale w: In the possession of the undersign.) at 1111 time and place of sale and may be -spected by the Interested pere-.n. or bll. ders. Dated. Julv 20th, 1915 GEORGE D. CROFTS. Eeferse STEWART .tr SHEARER. Alt rne s tnr Plaintiff. Office P O Ad 'rei Vn 46 Wall Street. Ilnrough of Manni-tn. City of New York. N Y SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW YORK. John W. Sterling, plaintiff anlni William C. O'Brien and Alice (i. I 3, defendants. In pursuance of a tuirment f f"-" closure and sale, duly made anl rire1 In the above entitled ac'lon, and ii'e the 29th day of May, 1915 I the .nt.r. signed, the refere ln sild J lg"tent named, will sell ut public auct! n ,' -t Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. V . 11. 10 Vesey Street, in the Borough 'f v-. hattan, City of New York, on ti S .. :,j of Jul)', 191S. at 12 o'clock r. 1 n .t da$ by Henry llrad)-. am': r.ei s premises directed by sild (ulg-.'V "i be sold, and therein described as p w All that rertaln lot pie -e rr t ir el if land In the city, county anl ."at. f v York, with the buildings int 1 p" '. nts thereon erected, bounded and ues is follow s: Ileglnnlnr at point In the n ":fy side of Thirtieth Street il .'a" n 1 n dred and sixty-four feet f-ur ir, 1 easterly from the Interse n f th- n rth erly side of Thirtieth S-reet anl the east, erly side of Fifth Av-nue and running thence northerly, turallel with Fifth Ave. nue and pirt of the wiy thr ugh a pir y ll. elghtyone feet twe n hes, the easterly, parallel with Tlilrtle'h S re . twenty. one feet nve tnche., then" south, erl)-. piraliel with Fifth Avenue and pir' of the way through another party eichty-one feet two Inches to the nrtV-tv side of Thlr'leth Street, and thee tr.y along the norther. y side of T'- r i. -. Street, twenty-one feet rtve Inihe. 1-.1 point of beginning, Dated. New York. June 10. 191' N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, JOHN A CARVER, Attorney f ,.- I a:- -Ifl. 65 Wall street. New York The following is a diagram f the r' T erty to be sold: Its street number u r n.. 80th Street. Borough of Manhatai. ot New York: N 1 it! 7 EAST JOTH ST The approximate amount "'. 'he '.:n or charge, to satisfy which the e de scribed property Is to be sold. Is f e thnussnd five hundred and ten ji 1 "...' dollars (t47 6io.33i. with in'e.-es- '..rr from the 2ith day of Mis. 11 with the costs and a.,owan'e it s three hundred and eltlreen a" : 1 dollars ilStx t,. .,, in.rr,.. f - , 29 1915. tos-niirr with the e, f ' sile Tile approxtma'e an taxes, as-essments and water ra'es -r . liens, which are to be allowed o t- r -chaser out of the purchas, it. -ne . - j by the referee, is two thou.i' 1 dred and seventy-two and 4? ;" i-s 112.372.47) and Interest Dated. New York. June 10. uit N TAYLOR PHILLIPS Mefefe JOHN A CARVER. Attorney f 1 P il-ts The foregoing sale Is hcehv - -i. t to Thursday. July 22. 1515. a1 the 11 ' time and place Dated. New York Ju'v I 19' 5 N TA YI.OR Min.l.H K' The foregoing .ale I. h-re'v f : ti Journed to Friday. August 19:'. at thi same time and place Dated New York. Ju' 2" ' !' N TAYLOR PIULt.M'S I" JOHN A GARVER. Af rnei f r " 65 Wall Street. New Y rk 1" SUPREME CUIRT COUNTY ' - YORE THE WINDUxM nr'' COMPANY. INC. Piaintirt aga.'-' . ALLEN NICHOLS, et a' lr .. In pursuan.e of a julg-i-i' closure snd .a e d'l v ma 1. a- 1 e In th xbove-entltled action a- I 1 date th. 1 ith das "f June undersigned, the referee In i ! . 1 named, will se.l at pub t au ' Exchange Salesroom, Nos 14 Street. In th Ilnrough of Ms ,1 'i of New York, on the 2n 1 aa ' 1916. at 12 o -lock nv n on , ' SAMUEL MARX. Au-'l .neer t ' r it. reeled bv ssld Judguien- ) le s therein described as fo..os ALL th.t er-aln I joe e p lan I eltil.i'-l. lvlng un1 beli g . of New York In th. i'nun r 1 ' New York, and bounded anl . follow s BEGINNING at a p-ilnt on ! erly side of Seventv-tlfh h-ren-one hundred and twelve feet I:.. the Northe isterly corner ef s. Street an I Columbus Iver .e thenc Northerly para lei w.'i i Avenue one hunlted and la . ' 111. he. to the ventre line t thvme Easterly ui mg .ui twenty. one feet; thence S -i.1..-para .e'. with Columbus A. of th. dlstmce through a p hundred and two fe-l tai ' Norther'v si 1 of re;env fit1. -theme Westerlv along tl si one feet lo the point or p 1 - Dated, New Yirk l' '" ' ' EDMUND HI ltl.KV ' -ALEXANDER t- l.KEKV A" Plaintiff, limce .ill 1' (1 V'vay, Borough of M.. Y Cltv The following Is a diagram of e erty to be sold; lis street . . ' " West "ith Street: 'el 113- 76th tret The npproxlmite am Mint of ti- charge, tn satisfy wh. h th scribed properly ts to be n I, ir FIX 13 THOUSAND Ullll.r. 11' ' SEVHNTY-SEVEN 7tl0u 1 165.37: Hi. with Interes- t 1 III Ith day of June 1" 1 1 1 the cists and al'owxn e ,1 . r 1 13.10 59 with Interest ( n J . tnge'her with the expenses ' The approximate am. n,t cf e se.ui.ent. and waer rate, or which are to be a . -wed 1 'n. out of the purchase mone 11 pi 1 heferee. s 12 Srit 39 and Interes Dated, New York Julv 9th 1915 EDMUND HURLEY, He.'e'e.