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J. EADS HOW FORMS NEW HOBO SOCIETY JroMiorliood of Dally Life Or to Plscnss Social Problems. THIKTV OET FREE LUNCH J, naJ Ho cnm bck to town jrB- Ijf.ljy .Hid holrl a mctlti(t attended by thirty persons to orgnnlzs n New York rancli of thn Hrotherhood of Dally Life. How nay." thl orKonliatlon Is ntrong In 5t Iiuls and rinrtrvnatl. It lins no dues ir.J merely holds weekly meetings to ills rocM, economlo nd religious Miles. These meetings nro followed by coffee uid buns, provided usually by How, as s the ciisn yesterday. After on hour in smill room, one flight up at 1SS U.ut Twenty-seventh street. How's friend repaired to n bakery and lunch room at 3"0 Third avenue, nround the corner, whero the coffee was waiting for 'tam. Those who wished were permitted !0 toko home a loaf of bread. How, whn saya ho Is a Colege of Phyal clms and Surgeons graduate, wild after ,h meeting that he tins none back to nedlelne and assisted recently In Fhlla ijlpMa at the entry of two more per wn. Into a world In which, he asserts, .here are already "6.000 boys under Jl "on the road." As In the past How ilm to help these hoboes, of whom he locounts hlnnlf one. Ho Is not opposed :o the hobo, but wants to uplift him ap-jorer.Uy- Itow has more money for the uplift ork than ever before. It was the In rttw that came to him when his lather died that caused him to bo called he "millionaire hobo." Ills mother filed Ml month. When a bond matures I take tbe money and bank It for the use of our or irinltatlgn," ho explained. Ho expects to continue Indefinitely this light sprin kling of benefactions upon the hobo kind. For a while every year he makes It his business to look for work that he may continue to qualify aa a hobo. How told the twenty-even shirt leered men and three women at his meeting that war Is wrong and must end. but cannot be ended except by edu cation a!nng tho lines of production for ue instead of for profit. Cora D. Har vey, who said much the tame thing, fare her address aa 49 West Sixteenth Meet. rjUa. Harvey 7' "I don't like to um the Airs.," aald Cora D. "I don't like to be responsible for any man." How read to the audience Edwin Mirkham'a "The Stan With the Hoc" rd Oenrge Keeder and Alexander Law ipoko briefly. The Janitor had soma doubt", aa to the character of the meet leg and, a delicate situation arising. How told tho crowd to come early next Sunday, since It might be necessary to rnset elsewhere. As most present ad journed to tho bakury several stopped nd tried to reason with the Janitor, who orly ehook his head In a doubtful way. How also spoke at a meeting In the afternoon tit Manhattan Lyceum, 66 Eart Fourth street, where problems of te unemployed were discussed. Ho told the audience that there Is very little dif ference between the tr.tmp and tru rich rein except money, mid that he had met icir.o of the men reputed to bo the ablest , :n America and could not see that they tre vcttcr mentally than most workers. JOHN L. SULLIVAN AT ASBURY. W'H Open Trmprrance Crusade Trxt Sun da;' Jvrnlng. AsBl'RT PAnK, N. J Aug. 1. John L fjl.ivan. former fistic champion, will 0fn his crusade for temperance at the Asbjry Park auditorium next Sunday evening, This will bo his first appear In public as a temperance advo cate. On of the leadeis In the national t'mperatice movement wrote to Sullivan s few urtks ago suggetlng that he was th one mm to reach a great and fruit ful audience In the temperance field. .Vhmieli Sullivan abandoned the use of i'Tiir In any form ten years ago, he has n"t aought to Impiess his temperance rt'ii mi others, save through occasional rpiier articles written at the solici tation of pertniinl friends. He con it ntfil to fpcak. however. FullHan lins probably paid ns much If r.ot more money for wine and hard 1'iuor than anybody living. Although r kept no accounts In the days of his c-rat prosperity ns a ring champion, he f"l that he has passed nt least half a ml!Mon dollars bars and spent rru-h more for drink Indirectly by Riving money to persons habitually Inclined. SAYS HE KILLED INSULTER. .MnMnchiinctts 3lnn fSlvpn Himself I p to Police Here. Pal of face and nervous, a man slkH into tb Third Hranch detective bureau jeiitirday atfernoon and ap--oadi.'ij the desk where I.leut. Gal astr sat "I rai t stand the strain any longer," i" cried. "1 want to give myself up 'nr muider" Tho lieutenant called Detectives nrantiiT and Whltn and told them to far ihi. man's afory. The man said he Kiank Jones, 31, nil tipholeterer, litng at Iloxbiiry, Mass. On July 1". l" raid when in n saloon nt Itoxbury, a n ho Knew hh "Joo" came up to him 'nd iniiili; u dlsjiaraglng remark about i wife J'ui' s said ho struck "Joe" In the face mi that "Joe" fell, his head crashing uawit the cement floor. Learning that tre man was dead, Jones fled, ho said, ind mine here last Saturday night after i.d.tig for two weeks In Providence. Jones was sent to Police Headquar rs uiiero ho will bo kept until the toton police olllclals reply to ft tele tram atikmg whether he Is wanted, COG KILLS SNAKE; SAVES GIRL. ollle le I'rom Poison Aflrr xiiMiik lii-roic riKiit. CvrnKi.i, N. J, Aug. 1, Don, a col li" ii u (uvned by John Mlllur of Kalr- i nnnie, West Caldwell, gave up his " ' .iftenioon to havo the slx-year-" ' "a iKhti.r of his master from an at 'I li, ,i miakc, Tho dog man Jfci'ii i.i Mil thn snake, but died two '"iih la'.-r from poison. Anns Miller and her older sister, (''"fa ntarted out for a romp with Don "is afiunooii. Thoy were making for '"ail dump of woods not far from r hnrne, with the ilog idosc at their '"I' Tim dog suddenly sprang for W;,"i Kae ii growl and leaped upon a f'i'l s zw cnjiper snake dlieotly In the I'"," '.f the little girl. r nliltr girl saw Don tackle the "he inn) s,H seized her little slater ''l pulled her nway from the reptile. ,!'.h the girls tlien ran home ns fast hn rould and told their father of adMiitiue, Don got back to the MUse I, hi died soon lifleiw.ild. 'lara Miller said to-night that li the iIor had not tackled the snake ''"I at Ihf inoment her little sister Wf'Ul4 have heen bitten by the reptile, 'hlch waH not more than' three feet "em her at the time. Nnra: sing sing "mayors" now. Change .tlpause- Old System Canard Com let Intrlunr, .-??,",N,, A,,R' ,, Ho much Jealousy ana Intrigue were caused because II" , . 'inayor" wn" Bt t,lp ''cad of tho convict fcovcinment of Hlng Sing prison, II w"" nnnuncu to-day, that hereafter in onice Is to bo passed around among ine nine executive committeemen like a hat at a baseball game. hen XV. J. Cummins, former banker, was mayor Kid Dropper Kaplan mniln charges against him ami Warden Thomas Mott Osborne put Cummins In a relt. Thn "tn.l...... - Janies Connelly as "mayor" In the pl.uu . us. .mw encn or Wo execu tive committeemen, of which Knplan is Pi"0" i.i. a rhnco to preside over the deliberations of the Mutual Welfnro League. The new plan Is to hac n different committeeman preside at each meeting it. i.i. ut .,i ,,, . - " -Him .iiiik will have nine "mayors" Instead of ono ....u iuicu ior n period or six months. r TRAFFIC SQUAD OFF ON PICNIC. Acting Cnninilaalonpi- Onr of rinraU Ootlnir. More than 1,400 policemen, with their ucsts. attended the seventh annual out Ing of tho trafllo .quad In Duer's Park. W Milestone, U t cstenlay. Prizes valued at about J.I.Ono were distributed among the winners In the athletic contests. Among the guests of the policemen were acting 1'ollc.. Commissioner t,con t !ecoml 'fputy Prank A. Iord, Third Deputy Lawrence It. Dun ham and President K. D. Underwood of the Lrlo ttnllroad. The prlies were thirty old watches, nrtecn silver loving cups and thirty pieces of cut glass. Among the police commanders at the outing worn Inspectors Thomas Movers, rlw1il?"f..,he ,ranlc "I"'1'1' 'rot. t-raj, Kelly. Itvan and Hoettler. EDITOR AGAIN TRIES HIS NO FOOD THEORY Fasts for Throo Days This Time and Fools Rotter E(iintorlnlly. Jacob Pfeffer. editor of the Jrwt,h World of Philadelphia. Is so convinced, as a result of actual experiment, that the only way of curing Indigestion or other stomach trouble Is to quit eating, that nowadays when he feels the slightest equatorial nam; he rnn..i. n, .. he has an appetite. Yesterday he finished! a three days fast. tinnleMtrmi n Ilia fast of twenty-two days from June 26 to July 17. "I suppose," said Mr. Pfeffer yester day at the Hotel Chelsea, "tha't th's sounds a good deal like n patent medicine advertisement, but 1 don't take medicines and 1 have not patented my own cure, llut I do believe that any person chroni cally aflllcted with stomach disorders or kindred Irregularities will be Interested In my experience. , "On May li last t weighed is:, pounds, a suitable weight for mv sK feet of height, but 1 felt miserable all the time. I made up my mind that, like the rest of humanity, I was eating too much. I started on May 15 to reduce my food allowance nnd to prepare for a protracted fast. I'ntll June I reduce.! my food allowance very gradually, living on n bit of bread, two eggs and a little fruit daily. On June 2fi I started my long fast and ato nothing whatever un til July 17. When the twenty-two days of fasting ended 1 had lost fifty pounds and felt splendidly. "However, a few days ago I was again troubled with disorders and some pain and so, to test my theory again, I fasted for three days. The re'Ult was that I again feel perfectly well and have satis fled myself that the cure Is a dependable one." Mr. IVeffer said he was sure that any person with norma! heart action could fast for three wveks with great benefit, to health. "Most persons." he said, "are so used to the Idea of feeding themselves heavily three times a day that they can't bear the thought of curtailing the pleasure of heavy eating. Hut ou can cut down your food supply very easily, once you make up your mind to It, and after a while you will get to like the feeling that comes from self-denial." DEATH DESPITE SAFETY FIGHT. MntorrrlUt Killed by Train nl I.ona Island I.lne Crossing, The. first fatal accident on the hong Island Ilallroad since Its safety first campaign commenced sixty da) a ago occurred on Saturday afternoon when K. S. Mulford, 23, a solicitor emplo)cd by A. 8. Pettlt & Son nt Huntington station, K I., ran his motorcycle Into an castbound passenger train nt tho Deer Park avenue crossing. According to a statement made by the railroad the engineer of the train blew n warning whistle and n warn ing bell sounded nt the crossing. Mul ford, It was asserted, was driving his motorcycle at the rate of sixty miles an hour. General Manager J. A. McCiea had Issued a statement before the accident saying that thn safety first campaign seemtd to be succeeding. The com pany again warned the public to ob serve the safety devices on which It has spent much time and money. BROOKLYN GUARDSMEN BACK. n.OOO Itrtnrn From t'anip Whit man 1 March In Ilnln, llrooklyn's 5, ono National (luardsmen who have been at Cnmp Whitman and F;shers Island leturned to their armories yesterday, Tho Thirteenth Ileglmcnt of Coast Artillery made th trip from l'lshers Island In n steamer up the Sound to the foot of East Fifth street, debarking there. The Twenty-third, Forty-seventh and Fourteenth Heglments of Infantry and the other branches of tho service rep resented nt Camu Whitman during the past week broke camp before noon and marched three miles to Hopewell Junc tion, where they entrained, From Manhattan they went by subway to Hrooklyn and reached their armories late In the afternoon, matching In tho rain. OVERLOOKS MRS. ROGERS'S ACT District Attorney Mart In Mny laniirr Her I.rntliiK Stntc, District Attorney Martin of The llrnnx said last night that It t not probable that h will take any notion to bring beforo Justice H.irtow S, Weeks tho fact that Ida Knlffeii Walteis had left this Htnte on Haturday lo go to Jrjsey city to be married to Ixirlys Kllon Itogers. When Mrs. Walters, now Mrs, ltogers, was released In $7,fin0 ball pending trial on chaigiH that she murdered her two children, of whom lingers was the father, Justice Weeks stipulated that she should not leave this Slate. Sim has left It nt least on two occasions, on Friday when she got her marriage license and on Sat urday when she wa married Mr. Mar tin reiterated yesterday that both ftogi rs and his present wife will be tried on the Indictments which He against them. 'HOLIDAY' MONTH IN CURATE'S CALENDAR TIio Hov. Mr. Unities of All Angels' Cluirch Expects Cliiiiifjo nt End of War. CLK 11(1 Y MEN FAVOR IT The end of the great war may be marked by a relslon of tbe calendar In tho opinion of, tho Itev. It. P. Hames, curate at All Angels' Episcopal Church. He said yesterday after a service which ho conducted In the absence of the rector. tho llev. Dr. S. De I.anrey Townsend, who Is on his vacation, that he bad beard favorably from so many clergymen In F.urope that lie believed the calendar chance might figure In tho negotiations to end tho war, Tho ciirato Is a native of Hertford shire, England, but camo to America twelve years ngo. H was educated In Ijondon schools. When ho came to America he taught school nnd then served for a time n a Methodist minis tor out West lie became a member of the I.plscopnt Church and was trained for the mlulxtry In n theological Kliool on the Pnclllc coast, lie has been a minister a year nnd a half and lias been In this city only since last September. He Is vlcvnnsldent of the Junior Clercv Association of tho New York Diocese. The names calendar provides that all holidays come on Mondavs. This Is In the luterests of labor. There can then bo at frequent Intervals In the year half of Saturday and then two whole days of rest Another novelty Is that Easter Day always falls on the third Sunday In April. Easter now shifts ftiiu early In March to late In April. The addition of another month to the )ear Is one of the Ideas of Xlr. Itantes. This new month put In between June nun July, and Is called "Holiday," al though Mr. Haines snld yesterday that some other name might be found. In the new calendar all months shall have twenty-eight days. All months will be gin on Sunday and end on Saturday. Thero will, however, be one extra day each ear and two extra days In leap years. Tbeso Mr. Haines proposes to put In at the end of December, and to make them general holidays another concession to tho worklngman. "There Is no society behind my pro posed calendar." said Mr. Haines. "The plan Is my own, but It seems to have met n need, for It Is attracting attention both here and In England. Wherever It, Is mentioned the advantages offered by It nr seen. It Is bused on church cal endars to some extent, but I do not think that Is why so many clergymen ate favoring It. I think the reason Is the general advantage to Church and people." Will Jleel Brother Aflrr 44 Years, York, Pa., Aug, 1. Alexander AVel feld of this city lias gone to Chicago to visit a brother, of whose whereabouts he had no knowledge for forty-four year. The brother. Abraham, left their home In Austria and came to America. Alexander followed him. but never found any trace of him until nn accidental meeting of relatives In Chicago revealed that Abraham was living In that city. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. Manhattan. HIST ST. ::o w Title O A T Co to Sol Knlil. So; w 104th t: atty. T n Co. in ::,ooo FT WASlflXriTO.V AV, :S0-.UnhMtn Mts Co in Kmlurant lnd Sav Tlsnlc, r.t Chambers t. Htty, i: .1 MrCtiilre. M 'hnmher st n;a noo FT WASHINiSTi'N AV. S8U Metrepolltnn Triit Co to Mnnliittan Mt Co. :oo llav. atty.. R J MrOutre, SI Chambers t noo SiiTI! ST, TO W CratB V liandall et nl to X V Title In-Co. 1.15 Hwny. . :t,000 CTH ST, 6ST Thi SatlUr, rr, to Sarih Stephenson Ar ano, 150 Montague t. Ilklyn aihlrrsi. 1C Court t, llklyn St "TH ST. S3 Same to same; aJJre. same . jj HTI1 ST. St: KSame to same, ' a jdre. sitn t SI ST ST. JIS W Joj n Krrn-Chaff'ter to iMw 1. Klloirir, ii W 61st ,t; attv. It r Mela, HO Ilnay 14,000 WKST KM) AV. 340 Irma F I,oeb lo I r-il W Sew ell et al, sxrs tru, J70 Park av; atty. Paul M Herto. "3.1 nwy I45.O0O 30TI1 .ST. ti s. 1 SS.a w Cth av, :3.5x Irrss lni Seiner to Josff Sieltifr. 30: V .th st, any, llrnry V Itothschlld, 1)1 llway it I0TII AV, 39 Ha.t ItHer Sar Inttn to hrnrna Ilertel 131 w S6II1 at; atty,. Ilninller II. 41 llwny IIC00O &1TI! ST. s s. SO w lit av, SOxlOO.S J F Kernochan ano. sirs, to Kate I.epplir. 101 Av A; atty, T Co IT.OOO ATTOHNKV ST, HI-,Ino (I Mrlter. a.lmr. to Angelina Cliiiinplln, Parts. Feanre: nttv.. Merrill. It k T. 100 ll ay. . I1C.00O 134TI1 ST, :2R W Martha Uretmer to Max S (Irlfenhaiten. T30 Hher-lde Drle: I.,.I.'' "!". ' ". 43 Kxrlinng pi 11 MTU ST. 110-113 W city Ileal K.tati Co to KireMor Savings Dank. 7 W :Sit t: ntty. T ! Co. 176 Ilnay 141.000 H4TII ST. s s, ::s . tth av. Savlng" Hank of Vtlca. N V, to Lawyers MIR Co, 69 Liberty st 130.000 114TII ST. . s. 536 e Mil a v. 25x100.11 l.awven Mtg Co to Emigrant ln.l Sav Honk. 61 Chambers st, ntty, M J Scan Ion. M Chambers at $30 000 COTH ST. 137 W I.eona llolillng Corpn to Abr Haili nml ano, 341 w 113th st; atty, .1 11 Zleser. 63 Park Row fl 66T1I ST, 153 IV Wynne, chas, to Oscar H Thomas, 350 V SSth st, or aililresi 60 Hwnv 14,000 17i'ni ST. 714 W, is. I!S e Fort Wash Ingtnn nv Lawyers MIb Co to Central Trust Co of X y, Jl Wall at; attv, I, Mlg Co, 5S Liberty st. . 115,000 50TII ST. 365 W Newman, lleatrlce, to Tiilla Kaskel, Iterkawnv Park, N V, nttv, Arnstrln L, US Ilnav lioo 1KTII ST, f.Ifl W--tIakell. John Fred, to Wm P lloonev, 563 W 113th st; ntty, .J Mm T Mulhall. :of, Ilnny . . 1 1 00 39TII ST, s, H3.4 e 3il av, 41.8x88.8 X V Life Ins & T Co to Law) era Mtg Co. 61 Llbertv M.. . 140,000 :;rnt st. s s, i so. i w 6th av. 39.8x!8.9 Wnllarh, lirelnclien et al. exrs ami trs, to Lawer .Mtg Co, 69 Liberty at: nttv. T (i Co, 176 llway 135,000 Ilrunx, IK AXOr.LIS, Fred, to Alln Duech. ner 1100 ACKHlt. Peter H, & ano, exrs, to An- Kellne L Acker . . $30,300 TITI.i: 1 T co to Ktta c s Uuild $60,000 HA M K to IlenJ C .Mar'h $3,000 SAMII to Horace Anilersnn, tru . $2,750 CITV M TO Cf) In Mnrlaml MtK Co.. 134,000 X V Tltl'ST CO to City MK Co .. . . $10 MARTIN, Josephine l to .May I: Freind. ixtrx $3,300 X V Tltl'ST Cf I to lilt V Operating Co $1 WILLIS, Prank A, exr, In Jim II Lit- lllKsliill $3,000 ROCKLAND Itl.TV CO to Lawer Mtg Co $33,000 Iir.L.XFir.l.D RSTATi: to Denis A Miiran $1 IIRIIVOORT ItKAI. USTATi: CO to X V Trust Co $30,000 SAMII to same . $311000 AXTIIOXV AV Hlll.DINO CO to silne, $1 A J SCIJWAR.LKIt co lo Dora Sihwenk.$t HTKIX S1111I. to Hermann X Appel .$1 CCLI.HX. .Ilio .1, to Title OAT Co.. $4, 600 TITLK (1 ft T CO to Chin Khtien ... $1,500 MKfllANICS' I.IKNS Manhattan 65TII ST 307 II Jacob Sleff agt I)hI, Osierxieis. owner A contractor ..$C50 Cllt'ltCII ST. e , whole front between Murray st and Park pi, ISOxSOk Irrn Levin Ilrns Co. Inc. iiKt Kslate of Chin A Liw, owner, John Ollgar. tnntrac- tor $1,430 llrom. RUCK ST, s w 1 or of Aie SI John, 100 ion -Louis Wel iigt llrlilow IliilMlng CorporJllen, owners; Von Dletsch Paint 1 111; 1111. 1 Decnrallng Co, contractors. $39 331TII ST. 11 e ior of llrnnxwood iy. 60 liio D llaberman & Co, ngt Liberty Liie A Net line Works, owners; John Iv Cooke A Son, cuntractnrs . . . $264 LAVTON AV 11 e cor of Wnterburv av, -x - - Andrew J Hwiinnnii asl Itnsla Klnhlen, owner; Charles Peterson, con. trailer $55 NATISIIKII ML( HASH S' I.IKN8, .Manhattan. IIIVCRHIDK DRIVi:, s e ror 152d it lieu Mor.'in, Jr. 11 m lleslork Ileal I.Vtale Co el ill. Mar II, 1914 , $(9 77 AMSTERDAM AV. w s, whole front be twri'ii 176th A 177th ts liro II Muritii, ,lr nit llesloik Real K'slats Co el al. M.r 11, l14 tiii.u THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, -1915. TRANSACTIONS RECORDED, TRANSFIUtS. tWIlh name and address of lender and attorney. If attorney's name It omitted address party of second part.) Downtown. (South of Fourteenth at.) F.RflnX ST. 57H. w s, 10 n lleter st, :t43. Iforeelos. May 57) W ltuel Oiborn, ref, to Amy 1 twenteln. 11 W 0th at, July 30; atty, T O Co. 176 llway $,$00 PHF.RIFF T. e a. ISO n Delancey it, 25t 100 Alfred II Townlev, ref. to Law) era Mtg Co. 69 Liberty st, July 30: atty, Cary A C. 59 Wall it..,...;. 152.004 SIIUItlFF ST. 66.6s. e s, (0 1 Rlvlngton st, 40x75 Jos Kaplan to Max Rossnb-rg, 712 K 17th at. llklyn. mtg I27.S00, July 39; atty. T O Co. 176 llway ,$100 A D. t e ror 6th t, 327$ Haml New man to Saml ttruber, 153 2d av. .July 2 $4,000 1'TII ST. l:t K. s 370 w Av II. 35xt03.S Fredk 1: Klein et al, exrs, Ac, Josf Meln, 72 W l!9th si. to llarnet Realty Corpn. 371 fln-av. tufr 411011a. Jnlv 11. .".'.'.'.' M" Sllverstoln. 309 Hwnv.. $35,000 SAM 12 PROPKRTV llarnet Realty Cirpn 10 i.otiis Hochmnn. 331 . Stockton st. Hkln. mtr IU.000, July 2$ iinj Rast Side, of rifth av, between Fourteenth nnd tlOth sts.) 31HT HT, J20 B. s e. 240 e 3d v. 32 6x9$ 9 1. ;v r, ueaity corpn to Carl A ll.iinch, 633 Hllinore pi. Wot New Vork X .1, ting $1,000. July 36; ntty, t. T .V T Co. 1ST A V, S26." 'n "i" r 'tVt'h 't', ' 20x60 -Ferrt i.iiurrirer in 1 urue my inveitnrs Co. , I''T ntty. T II Co, 176 Ilnny. t 1!,.T-.-AV. SIS Same to same. Nov 27. 1 ISO, . 46TH ST. 40.1 K. ti '. il . i.i n.4- V M Hulilierger In Turtle llav Invesinrs in. .ov zi, i',o; ntty, t 'o, 176 iiwnv.,, .... .... $t 4CTII NT, 407 K. n . 100 e 1st av. 50x71: 4Clh st, 105 K, n . xo a 1st av, 20x7S .une 10 same, .vov 27, 1907 $1 46TII ST. 401.411 II. n s. 120 a 1st av. SSx ..iAr!inm,Jn Ml"". Nov 27. 1907 $1 lJH ,ST'. "."" " :;' w 0 av. 80 100.4 (forerlns. Jnlv ?.li. ! L'ni.. '. " "ery Mav Hank. 134 Rowery, July 26j nttya. Cadwalader, W A T. to "all t $;o 000 West Side. (Writ of Fifth at, between Fourteenth nnd 110th sts.) 17TII : ST. s s. 573 w 5th av. 60x93 Emm". A, M"y,,?w ' ,:n" ''rank, 766 Halsey it, llklyn, July 39; ntty, Slurum, 170 llway ,, . J0TII I ST. n s. 3)0 w Jtli'aT. 36x9$'., Ma'r' Ooldberg. ref. to Mutual Life ini c. . Nais.ui st, July 30; address, 69 Cedar 3TII ST.""s.' 325'w' Vtil"at."3.l!4xjY9-C'-Mlrhisl Mnllrlde to Prtnk W De Muth. lS 1 U..,(l5"' "' mK 156.000. all linns. July 21; attys. A A II Hloch. 93 au st a. 61ST HT. s .. 375 e Weil Knd' av. "Sxlboi y.a forest H.ildwln. rrf. to Kdlth H Halsey, l5 w 57th st. July 30; attv. . T tl Co. 176 Rwar ..... $7,500 61ST ST. a j. 50 e West Knd UV. 3.-.X 100.5 i..,:1Jli'.l''..",m: J"'' 5. atlv, sime .$7.r,00 WLST I1ND AV. e s, Sits S9lh st. UxX3 3 J01 A Arnold, ref. to Michael jc (lulre, 100 10th av, July 30, inlc I20.000, attys. Kellry Connely. 37 William st ...... ......,,,. JiiQO "J'VST 131 W. n ,, -t3.9 V OoIumbuVol. 1 4x100 II (foreclni. Xlay 37) leo i; '"X:."'- 10 ' Ihi'lrr. 196 Ltfrerts pi. Ilklili, July 30, Hlli, How-era A- iands. 46 Cedar t IIS.SOO 1'ptotin, (Manhattan Island, north of 1 loth et.) ,,rr,.l.1'T' "-St ' 15. n s, 230 w Park av. 2x100.11 (fureclm, .lull- 14) --Winter Russell, tef, to Suretv Rlty Co. 135 llway. d'.'.'.V. 0 "" MSA IS Isaacs. 63 William st $12,000 130TH ST. n s. 200 w Ith av. 50x100.11 Morris or Mua Srhlinml to Sol Schlmail. 34C W 89th st. t A s, June 34. rerecorded from July 14. 1916; attys. Wlia A . 13 William st , $100 13STH ST. 312 W, s s. ll w Ktli v, lt 99.11 llv Preiser to Chas I, Druminon.l, 303 W USth at. mta- $6,600, July 30; ntty. 1. T A T Co. U0 llway $100 7TH AV. 2626.37. e s. 40 n 116th st, 40x100 (forecloi, July 301 Frederic c I.en luiirher. ref, 10 Central Trust Co of N V. 84 Wall !. July 30; attya. Laikln A It. 54 Wall st $38,000 "TH AV. 2533-35, e s, 40 147th st, 40x100 (foreclos. July 30) Same to same; iittvs. same m ana COXVBXT AV. a w cor 151st t. 104,11x43 5 .nay c Know lea to Francis M Male. 571 1'ark ar, Ju)y 19 f too Dronx. (Horouh of The nronx ) MOTH HT. 416 R. n a. 17.9x100 Kuntx Realty Corpn to Henry O Hchiteltier, 449 K 143d at, July 30, mtg $7,500; atty. lit- V ICIralfv. 391 i: 149th st li LOTS 61. 52 A 60. blk 45. map Mnrrls Park Thoa Kane to Sara M McKeon. 23J Fort Washington av. July 19. mle $3,170; atty. Sara M McKeon. 33! Fort Waahlnrton at-.... li HOI! AV. s w cor Aldus st. 43xt11 nanu neauy co to Frank L Froment. 63 K "4th et. July 30, mtg $50,000; ally. L T A- T Co. 160 llway It CARTKR AV. w cor 174th it. 73 Cx 114.3x75.7x106 Carl H Dlttmar et nl to -Mnrlli Kandel, 133 W 117th st, May 19: Attys. Ka-ntrowlu & 11, 320 llway. $100 HOLLAND AV, w s. 36 n 3!2lh st. 25x 95.10 Ilronx Patlngi Ilink to Joseph onaln Co. Inc. 1314 llrlitow st, July 30: ntty, Louis S Harris, 670 K 16iat street $ioo HLACKROCK AV, a e cor Castle Hill av, 105x33 Frank (lass to Franresro fjra nlero A ano, 220 K 177th st. Apr 30; atty, 1, T A T Co, 160 llway . .1100 LOTS 106 A 113. map Ardrn property; also 325 fl or lot 112. sanis map Mary K Schall to Otlllla M Mayer. 48 North 16th at. East Oranre, X J.. Mar 30; nttv. Louis F Doyla. Ill Rway S73 LOT 43, map Hunter estate ciaus II Hlnrk to Simeon M llarlstr, 137 i: 66th et. July 6: attya. Ileardsley, II & t, 64 Wall at $1 FOfTIIKRX llOl'I.F.VARD. w s. 376 Jen. nlngs st, 37.6x100 A M .1 Realty Co. Inc. to Anna A Marlanx K Miijewskt. 674 K 141st st, July 30. mtg l.1(r.OOO; stiy. T O A T Co. 176 Hn-uy $100 LORILLARD PL, 2319. iv s. 41 10x90 llermax Realty Co to (iennaro Caldarelll. 33S9 Ixirlllard pi, Julv 30. mtg $30,000: atty. T O A T Co, 176 llway. . ..$100 316TH ST, n s. 23 w Tllden nv, 34. 4x 135 9 Katie Alexander to Walter Alex ander. 2995 Websler av. July 26; nttvs, Sonneborn A Co, 2h60 Webster nv. .(lift T1LDKN AV, n tv cor 2lfith st, 14.4x10,3.1 Katie Alexander to Sadie Alexander and ano, 2995 Webster nv. July 3i; ottta, Sonneborn Co. :0 Webster nv (lift ROSF.LI.i: ST. w- s, si.s s Poplar st. 65in 147.1 Valentine Tavlur. ief. to Mux Mrrzlg. 333 W Sltli" "t, mtK $6.0o0, Julv 39; nttv. A I. Davis, 291 Ilnny .. $232 VALENTINF. AV, e s. 161 n n soth st, IH.exlrreg Knoa s tlonth. ref, tu Law. yers Mtg Co, July 37; uttys, Cary A- R. 5!) Wall st $1,000 INTHRVALK AV, 993-9'H, w s, 293.10 n Westchester av, 60x100 -llenrv Ur-en-span to llarnet Rlty Corpn, 271 llrnnil tvay. mlK $40,000. July 16, atty, Samuel lllttermun, 309 llwnv . . , . $100 LOTS 253 to :.'.S. map Rt llrndlah .lohnsnn Kstnle of llrndtih .Inhnmn. a corpora Hon, to Abraham Samuels, 217 Fmsyih st, July !7; any, T II A T Co, 176 llway $50 ALL followltiK, same mop. same date and atty l.ot .199 Sams to Jacob Itoihen berg. X97 K 176th st $173 LOT 472 Same to Florence Richardson, 43 W 4Mb st . .$75 IAT HI -Same to Saml Asblll. 1160 3,1 nv $JJ5 1AJTM 531-532 Same to John J Sullivan. 101 W 126h at J50 IX)T 46$ Same, tu Caih Dor.inge, 62$ 2d sv ... $i:,o LOT 71 Same tu Lillian Ilechthon, 1012 Kelly st $23 LOTS 131 to 133 Same to Jus J Moure, 1121 Klmore pi, llrookhn $1,700 LOTS 331, 332. 351, 352--Sain to U in II Sohn. 130 Mast Hint av $1,300 IA1TS 203. 273. 274 -Sillua to Alfred Tucker, TlKkahoe. N V $750 LOT 66 Same to Abr Hryrrt. lull Vvse av, A an $235 LOT S19 -Saina to David Knnter, 1917 LOT 602 Sam to lieu II Kverltt," Furest Hills. LI. $175 LOTS 248 A 249 -Same lo Isaac C Fel.l herg, 79 Lewis st $650 LOTS 201 A 205 Same tu Reiiedetlo Soplcnia, 27 RIvIiikIuii st. $;ou LOTS 293 A 391 Sums to Jna .1 Duwd. 527 F. 7 S til st $350 J.OTS 317, 318. 350 251 Same to Vlr- Klnln A Punth, 601 W I6CII1 st Isoo LOT 466 Sams In John Miller, 179 K 75lh st $225 LOT 466 Sume to Martha M Miller, 179 K "Hh st $160 LOTS 26$ A 2S9 Same to Kill Sannree, 671 W 13'Jtli st. ano . . . . $300 LOT 98 Saiiia to Meyer Ariinwllz, S5 liar- clay al $300 LOT 94 Sums to Wm C Hull, 12S7 St Murks pi, llklyn tcio LOT 619 Sams to Louis HI111011I, 60 K -t st $;no LOTS 666 A 868 Same to IMw Curry. 607 W 190tJi st .$1;5 LOTS 606 A 500 Sinn to Richard D Am- l.rlil, 929 Amsterdam sv . . , $300 LOTS 384 A 385 Same to Philip WIhii. kens, 13H 13 Houston at $300 N , LOT 91, map Mt IMen -Loma Caslna et nl to Alfred Sen Ida, 105 Rock. wood si, July 27; ntty. III i T Co, 176 Htvay noo 2I9TII ST, a s. 116.S W 3d nv. Is. 9x124 0x 18 9x130 1 Louis It Hull lo Martha A Smith, 439 II 166th st, July 30, tilt K 12,000; alty. THAT Co, 176 llronil. way $100 HAILRV AV. 3001, tv s, 45x Irreg Anna M Jones to John Hums, 3037 Albany Crescent, July SO, mt $8,000, ntty. c I'srrls. 36 Wall st . $100 DKCATIIR AV. w- s, 300 s Woodlnwn rd, 25x110 Arlhur Teinme 10 Caih L Mini. nuln. 37.1 West End av, July 39, nil it $5,700; ntty, T 0 A T Co, 176 Hw.iy II 176TH BT, n e 1, i n from net lot 63, IIRAI. ESTATE AT AUCTION. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? TO-DAY at 2 P. M., RAIN OR SHINE. GO DOWN TO THE AUCTION SALE AT BELLE HARBOR (A beautiful residential section in N. Y. City on the Rockaway Coast, 12 miles from City Hall.) I said the lots Must be Sold for whatever price they will bring They are being sold but not bringing enough to pay what the sidewalks, sewers ' and all the other improvements have cost to put in. Every One -Any One - who knows anything about Belle Harbor will tell you the lots are being thrown away. The balance, about 200 Lots, including 80 Ocean-front Lots with Riparian Rights, must be closed out TO-DAY no matter what price they bring. This is the Simple Truth. or 70 Can Remain on First Take train from Flatbush Avenue Station, Brooklyn, to Rockaway Park, time about 34 minutes; or from Penn. Terminal, 42 minutes to Rockaway Park, from Rockawav Park Station 3 minutes by trolley to Belle Harbor. For maps apply to JOSEPH P. DAY, Auctioneer, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. map Fnlrmount, JfixllO AMc 13 Pa Imily tn Klrnun Iliac Co, Inc. 3114 3J nv, July 16; ally. M Ptrin. 4C Ortnr t II0V K'.TIl HT. II e v, il-.i II r MouttlrMI llil.l, J1SU -Kmtnu K I'ovrnhovrii iiml aiiu tu HI. Is r. 3114 3J av, Juiy lu. mtv. Jl .xii-ln. 4C I'nlnr n Jli MAIN XT, n p cor Ulimam l, lit 4. imp rt KIU It II Klnx Oily InUri.l Kut'llr V II Dearborn lo Henry OInen, 43 Lex ington nv, July S", atty, I O i T Oo. i; Ilnay 11 lilTII MT, ' K. '. 33 1x100 Oolni 11 ilren to Will.r M Tlnnlry. iH K 13:th t. July il; nty. T J T Oo, i; llway It I.UT.S 30 anil 31, Ixtrcrl 10, miii Win II iiKilen .11.1111ICW I ixiyie, rei, in jai .1 Mct'Aiin nml nno, 103 I! luih it. July JO; nttv. TlliT Co, i;t Ilnay 4.0 I'l.VMITON AV. e . i:3 4 llnrrulirl it', iix Irreit John A I'rlcss lo Jaa M Kar rll. lu; (HJrn av. Julv :?. lute ICvOO; attv. T T Oo. i: llway II llli.Mi: MT, n enr llryant av, io.tiluo.lx ii wni Mnnutt Oo tn i.tinis 11 AJuina, Catiuun, N V. July SI. tins 14,040, Mil, THAT Co, 17 Hwav II0U 1IOA1I Iraillnic from Kln(rlirUK tn Will. laniatirMc. 11 cur lani. lOTxlooxbOx tf.lxlO; ulon road rrom Kliir'brhlk'f tu 'Wllll.iniitirldite, n a. lot ii, tuap 3 4'hai Darke. Mx53SlJ3x48 Inhtl Hani, to Anna M .Innra. 4J1 K 167th at, Julv 30. nun II,;00; ntts. T O A T On, 17f. Hay tl MOKTIiACiKS. iWlth name anil ai!dri of lenler and lender'! attorney.) Ilotvntown. (.louth of Tourteenth at ) BS8PX ST, w a, SO n Heater at, 2Sx43. Amy 1 l.rvnenateln to Anna W Ilnrnthal, 15 W 9Cth al, July 30, due an ir l)iul. atty, T U Co, 176 lluay 115,000 Kaat Mile. (Kaat of Fifth av, between Fourteenth and IlOtli ata ) IJTII KT, a e, S:.". e !d av, :6xH! 9. !.l bt. a e cor Slit al. 37xS -Adam J Kllneer to l.oula Silierbach, SI3 n Slat et. July 30, I r. li p c, ntty, H II OoldliiK. 13 j llway i:.10u 47TI1 .ST. 11 . 140 e Lexington ut. SSxlOOT. Terenre .1 L; nch to lieo Uhret, 1107 l'ark av, July 30. due Nov II. 15 K.. 3 p c, atty, K M llurithard, 111 ll.i 1100 SITU MT, r a. 175 w :d nv, 15x100 !. Annlo Lelchl to Fredk V .Mayforth, 11SS Lex ington av, July 30, due July 1, l":o. .'. p c; atty, T l! Oo. 17C Ilwa) I7.U0O 50T1I ST, a r, 34S e Av A. 50x10:'.: -Tim 01h Mt lleally Ourp to Jna A Milunltt, :34C Mvrtle hv, llklyn, July 30. due a per boiidi atty. Urei-nWIW II Wlnihrop. 7 llway K',000 Wnt Wde. (Weal of Fifth nv. between Fourteenth and UOtli ata.) 17TII ST. a a. 675 w 6th av, tOxS:- little Frank to Hnial Holding Co, lis llw.iv, July 30, mtg 1200,000. 3 yr, C p c. attva, Arnateln & I.. US llway :7,03'J 51ST HT, a r. Hi 10th av, SSxsS Jna H llerrinan tn (ieneral Meml nary of I'roteatant Kplacopal t'liurcli In t'nlted Mlutea. 'iti Dili av, July :7, 3 ra. 5 p r, ntty. T II Ou, 170 llway ,111,000 S3B MT, 11 a, 3S1 3 Onllimbua hv. 1,H S7.1r-lly 1, lluller to llawrrv Mav llink. 1SI lluwery, July if. due .Mar 3, 1H. 5 p c; nttje. Oiidnulailfr, W li T. 40 W11II M I.'.sno 1031) MT, n . 543 0 iv Oolumliua l '.'x 100 11- lly I. Hutter to N V Tru.t On, Jt llroul at. Julv 30, 3 yra, 6 ji t. hii. Bowcra V M, 4I Oedar at 113,500 Ilronx, lllurough of TIio Ilronx ) V ' LOT 590. map Waketleld llllen C llradlev to Maria K Aluablle. .'3; II ;01et at. .lull 3 N I . I p 1 , atty. J V Mlierldall. 3H7S Wllll.llllbrlilge rd l..i00 lSITILMT. a a, i06.6 e Alaxander ul, 10 x loo- llrlilget Uurna to l'atk llolhuiJ. 350 I! 134lh at, July 30, 3 ra, t p c , atty, 1, T T 'o. 1 tl 0 llw.iv 1500 I1H0KI1OCK AV, a f ior Oaatle Hill v, 105x33 Frniiceacii llriiulero to Frank (lam, 234k l'owell uv. Apr 30, 5 re, i't p ; nttv, 1, T a T Oo, 100 llway ll.bOu HiiLl.AM) AV. w f, ii n ;i'.'lh at, :5 i5.10 Joa riiiiiain Oo, liit. lo llrtuix Mav Inga Hank, 4;u I'riiii'int av, Jul) 30, due a a per bund, any, I, T i. T Ou. no Ilnny ll.i'O OAIITi;it AV, ll tv lur 174th t.1, 75 1xIOtlH Morlta Kiindel to O.irl 11 Dlitmai. I '."7 Clay uv. July ! yra, I p c, atty, 1, T A T On, 160 Una)' I7.00U ItAN'UAl.l. A. a a, (0 w Amunilaoii uv, 35x100- Victor lllaeu tn H.latchoaler Mav Inga Itank, '. Mouth 3d av. Mt Vernon. 7 V. July '."I. 3 ra. t, p ; ntty. J Jl Hell. 9 Mouth 3,1 av. Mt Vernon, N V.ICOO INTHIIVALi: AV, !i'.i3-i, e a. 0x100 llar net Itliv Onrpn lo Henry tlreenapnn. 351 W IHIIl at, pr IIIlK 1 111,1100, July . i yra. C p r, all), Kami lllllilm.ili. 309 llway 13.500 N ' Lul' H. map Ml IMeu Alfred Mer vldii lo Oaliigera Onera und ituo, H50 lirund 1 11 1 it. Julv 30, due aa per bund; any, THAT On, 170 Hwav . . II uoo MUl'THKIIN III.VK. tv a, 373 n Jennluga at, 37.11x100- Anna .M.ilewalil lo A M .1 Itlly On, I Mi'. :'l K I57lll at. July 30, illU' ii a per bond, ntty, T ll & T Oo. 17C llway tl.r.00 LOTM 31 A 35. map eatatu of Hr.itllih Jnlinaonlajiila Ilerntk tn eat ita of Hrndlrh Jnhnaon, lallp. I, 1, July 27, due aa pi r bond; ally, T ll A T Oo, 17 Ilwut ... . j;i, All follow Ini; aame dale nnd .itturuey nnd .ill due aa per bond LOTH 311. 32f, 351 A 355 - Win II fnm tn name , . isit LOTM 131, 132, 133 -Jaa J Moore to aame 11,190 LOTS 91, 491 A 4J2- Win C H.lll to aame 145s LOTS 301 A 30.' Timothy M Sullivan. .I2S0 LOTS COS A snaHii-hard D'Amhrlal. .1210 LOTS 145. 5M A 5s Kdw Oiirry In aaiii" IS7 50 LOT ton Maltha .1 Miller to aanie'.no.i LOT 4H5--.l(ihii Miller to aame. 1157 so LOTS 30 A 31 pel 10, map Win II oB,en Margt Mi Coy A nno to Mary Mi O.arry, 421 W 14lit al, July 27, due aa per bond, atty, T H A T On, 1TB llway .. 15.000 6TH MT a a, HO iv 3d av ( Wakellnldl U 9- Irieg- Mnrlh.i A Smith to lunula It Hall, r.9 K 7.1th at. July 30. dun na per bond. ntty. T (1 A T Oo. 176 llway .11 una 18 ITH ST a a, 01 2 a e Tlabout av, 217 7x Irreg Kowue Oonaln On tn Malhllde, 1, Albreiht, Haailnga. s y, ,,. ;3i yr, 0 p p; nttv, T li A T On, 170 Ilnay 12.000 I.OUILL.Wtn I'L. tv a. 42 a I ST 111 al, 41 n 90 (lennan Oaldaralll tn Herman llealtv Oo, 1 R 3 i Wnllaie av pr mtg 120.00a, July 30, 3 yra. Inlareii na par hnnd, atly, T U & T Co, 170 Uw uy , . , . 1 3,000 Easy Terms: 10',;, on Day of Sale and Mortgage. To reach AUCTION SALES THIS WEEK. Vnlnntnrr "ml Koropil OITprlnn:ai In .Mnnliitlliin nml Tlir llrnnx. MONDAY. Al'OUST :. AT 14 Vi:sr.V STItV.KT lly Joaeph 1'. Day DI'ASK ST 42, a ' cor Lafaett at, 1x31.3x19.2x23.3x18.3. aty loft A atr (iI.1k.-11 i: Clark n al an Madluu Ave Ileal Katale Oo et al; Harrleon Olnrk. Jr, atty; L 11 Satnlera. ref, due, 19,597 01; t.ixea. Ac, 11. ISO 01; aub to lat mtg. 1 12,000. 1ST AV, C93. w enr llth at, 21.3x100, 2 A 4 aty tnmt A atra -1'eier Doelger et al. ixra. gl J F Murtha. exr, c. ft al; J o lloennlnger, atty. H W l'olloik, tef. ilue, l;,3ui, tiO, taxei. AC, 1200 DHOOMI: MT, 319. a a, 25.0 e 0ll)atla at, V5.Cx75 4, 0 aty limit A atr -Ileitis Itoilifeld agt Anna Matin et al: Kur tmn, F 4 il, ultya; U A Ulauxeli, ref; due, I2C.270.1J, Uxea, Al, I473.a5. lly Simurl Marx. 75TH ST. 55 W. n a. 112 e Oolumbua av, 21x102.2, 4 Hy .Iwlg Windham Hralua Hon Co, Inc. art J A Nlchnla et al; Alexander A 11. att)a; llmund Hurley. rf; due, 123.70x 37: tuxe. 4c, J2.57C 39. lly M. Morgenth.iu, Jr. Co. I'HINOi: ST, 169. n a, "5 w- Weat llway, 25x96. 5 aiy Hunt A etra -Marx Oflnger et nl ngt Mtruni-N.nlel Co et al, Kur man, F 4 11. ntty. Samecn Larhmau, r. f, due, 120,015 92. tax., Ac. 112 93. Tl'UMllAY, AL'IH'ST 3. (AT 14 VKMUV MTHF.irr.) lly Joaeph I'. Day. HIlOAllWAV. 42-32. a e cor Honjr.l. 01 10x123 5x Irreg, 6 aty loft and air bid - It 11 Swnrtout et al agt II I. Halaell et al 11 11 Thomaon. atn , Abr Felt, ret, due, 1333. 059 4S, taxea. At. 15,792.25. 1ST MT, 7 W. n a, 14s. 9 ivntral 1'irk w, 2C3xtn4l. 4 aty .Iwlg Corn llx.-n Hank agt M II Harc!.o et al. Ilowera A M attva, M.i.donild DeWItt rif, due, i;.3,16l 30. taxta. Ac, 12,1 17.45. TTH AV, 2329.31. e. a. tn n 14t.tll at, 39 lOx HiO. 0 t Hat nml etra -llreennli'h Sav Hank agt Flel.ihmann Itealty On et nl, II A Samla. tt . II i: Hemlug, ref, due. I3S.075 '..!. t.ixea, .tic. S'.2.3l.. 1ST AV. iS9, n a, C9 a 17th at. 23x100, aty brk tnmt and atra -Oily Ileal Katat 0.1 i:t J 11 Heltx Menken et al; Harold Sttalli. mti. M II Clarke, ref, due, 113,- 002 07. taxei, Ac. 1700 50. 36T1I MT 410 W, a a. 13u tv ?Ih av. 2Sx 9S.9, 5 "i) Hat- Truat Oo agt It S Tiler et al. Harold swain, am , M 11 Km in, rrf, due, 119.311 SO. taxea, AC. I2XX.T5 Hy llryan L. Kenneily 18311 ST. 131 W, It e. 3'IS 6 tv Lenox av. 33 3x99 11. 5 ty Hat -J I. l'onl, trua agt F ll Hi. ml! el al. l.-viu, M A W, a't)a. It C Morrla. ref, due. 2C.3fi4 02, taxta, 4e, tr.13.55. Hy Henry I1I1KKNK ST. 22,., a, 112 n 3d at. 20 lx ST 3x20 3s7 5. t. alv loft and atore bldg Oommi'iiwealth Ina Oo agt Annie Hrotvn et nl, Ilowera 4 S, attva. .1 x Lvntll. ref. due. I2T.900. taxee, At'. II. "19 5 211 AV, 2120, e a. DO 10 n lil9lh at. 25x73. 4 a-v tnmt and atra-l'aullnc Mtera agt lllka Itinkln et nl: W o Otr. am Win Arrnnemllli, ref, due, III, 017 29. taxei, p. 1272 13. I AT 320. TIIIIIH AVKNt'n) lly Ilridii I. Kenneily. CLINTON AV. e . 132 n Kli' at. 5xl.',0 -Annlit M ilinney et al ngi illume tl.illinl el al; Wiaaelman 4 K .!'). W .1 !" Keutin ref; due, 14 3Ts CO. tae. ,xc. 12,091 05. lly Cliarli a A Ht IMIfVPKCT AV, 2140. - a. 410 ll l'Ttll t. 20x95. 2 aty Wi dug Fannie lieiney agt Minnie Ziimbuelil t nl. Abe Ornnk, ntty; II V Herding, ref. due. ICC33 16, taxea, Ar. S12I 30 lly J. II Mavira 213TH ST. n a. 205 n llirnea av, lOOx III I. J .Moaea agt A A Otti.n it nl. 11 A Mnia, ntty. Nrlhur Hell, ref. due, II.909 55. taxei Ac, 31C. w i:iini:sdav. Ai'iirsT 4 I AT 14 F.SHV STHKKT 1 Hy Samuel Marx 311 AV. 2100, a -w cor 115th al, 32 1x100 0 at hotel W T Koch it ill ngl J II Ueinlniaii t nl Vetera A ll, ntl; Frank Jlnii, raf, dm, 11,015.21; taxea, Ac. n too. lly Henry H. Ketrham. CANAL ST. CT lo Tl. II n ior Allen at, 00x54 0, tttn 0 aty bk tnmia A- atra. alao P'.tll al 1T0 W, a a. about IIS n Amaler ilaip av. 'JliXlOO.S, i aty tnmt, right, title, Ac I, II Llilllgaloll agl S A Krulew Iti Ii et ill. L 11 Levin, ntty; Henry II Ketrham. reiclver. I AT 320S THIItl) AVHNI'K lly (leorge I'llte HTTII ST, 450. CO B, a a. 150 e I'.irll av. 50x100, three 2 aty dwlga -A M FlaiTler Iigt Fndk Steeg el al, Ilowera 4 Manila. !la, .1 F Freea, ref, due. 111.1192 SI, taxi a, Ac, 1091 05. Hy J II Mayer (ilUINADA I'L. a ror SI lieorge'a Orea teiil. 2t 0x1 TxlOO25x92 0, i aly dwlg J O HelntK ii m Marl i i.iiihii vt nl. iiu inv Frey, any, I. S ll.irrli, ref, due, 11,975 01 , tnxea, 4ic, 11.109 Is 11) Oharlea A llerrlan CIIOMWIH.L AV, w a, 404 1 n 1t',.1lli al, 1 13 3x120 10x113 1x1 11,7 wit am- M W V Ouillll, trua. agt Hal Ilea uf Long lle.irh et nl, Ver IMalll'k, I' 4 I', lllt)a, Krneil Hill, ref; due, 18,32.' s7, taxea, Ac, 1152 52 THimSDAV, Al'lll'ST 5. I at 14 vi:si:v sthi:i;t Hy Joaeph I' l.iy 17STII ST, 000 W. a w ior St NKIinlaa nv. '.111x100, 0 aly apt linuia A atra .1 V. Marx agt llrendan Trading On et nl, Leaa A O, altya; 17 II lloaenatoek, ref, due. 130.953.17; taxea. Ac 130. ST NICHOLAS AV, 720. a, 2H2 4 n Il.'.th ai. i. t,xti uxia extii l. 1- Jtl (in I, allien agt O A llnrat el nl, chaa Hrandt, Jr, ntty, It S Kearney, ref; due. 16,1SS.90; taxea, 4r, IH19.35 11 ITH ST. 100.10 H, a a. 02 0 e Turk at. 62.0x100, 0 sty Mat A tra Cooper Fnlnn agt Ullaa Senft el nl Cary A O, altya, M (1 1'alllaer, ref, due, I5S.M0 00, laxea. Ac. 11.137,60 1231) MT, 411 Fl. n a. 324 0 a lat av, H.x 100 , 3 aty dlg -Kmlgrant In luiirUI bat Inn Hank ait L H Barnard i t al, HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. 3G Monthly Payments may be the Property; It A K J O'Horman, attva; I S Ottan berg, ref; dut, 14,160 17; taxev Ac, 1140.91 311 AV, 101, tv a, 100 l n 92d at, 26x100. 0 etv Hat A atra H O Faulkner et al act MI'lil Sheridan et al, Tliompion, 1C I A W. attya, J II Itogau. ref; due, 132, , 317 SI; taxea. 4c, 1114 10 lly William I1. Hae. 70T1I ST. 240 W, a p. 220 1 Weal Kntl t, 20x102 2, 3 aty tlltlg -M ll F Saliford agt lablore, Hlrarh et al, llnrold Mwaln, ntty; J II Judge,, ref. due 122.370.74; taxes. Ac, 1 2,109. 2 1. lly Henry Hrady. 2TTH fT. 312-14 XV. a. 137 0 w Ith av, 37. 0X91. 9, 6 ety Hat- -J I. Huttenw leaer agt Janorower Itealty Co t Ll, I'nger A V, atta; It -M lloldnaon, ret; due, 113,499.70, laxfa, Ac, 1154.10, AT 3201 TIIIHII AVKNUC Hy Honry Hrady. MAIt.MION AV. 1x90. e a. CO 3 a 17Hh aj. 33.1XS5.7, 4 aly Hat - S K Furnald et al ugt Katunah I'uuatn Oo et cl, Itlcbard Kellv, atty. J 11 Hirrlaiin. ref. due, II9.0CS 5S. taxea. tic. 11.071 50. MAKJIION AV. 19S4. e r, 33.3 a 17sth at. 33.1x45.7, 4 aty Hat- -Maine agt aame, aame .illy and ref; due, 119.017 17, mix. Ac. 11,071 57, FltlDAV, Al.'OFST 0. at 14 vi:si:y mtuuktj lly Henry Hrady. 3vTH ST. 7 11. li a. 101.4 e Sth uv. 21 3x 1.2. 3 aly dwlg -J W s-.rllng ngt W o o'ilrlen et al, J A Darter, atty. N T 1'hllllpa. ief, due, I41.S29 22. taxia, Ac, 12.372 47. AT 3201 TIIIIU) AVITNUK lly Henry Hrady 1421) ST. 419 K. n a. 19.0 tv Hrooke nv, 25x 100, 4 ply until- -Luder Haukeu agt Hnru liolirmann et nl. F 11 ')ie,ia,y, aity, J J O'ilrlen, ref, duv, 110,037.75, t.llr". Ac, 1047 94. NATISI'IKI) MIIKIIiAliF.S. iWlth name and adJri-ai uf lender's at torney.) 124TH ST. 17 UO H, a a. 95 n SJ av, 30 11x100.11 Aug 14, 1913 Will C Half) to the .Mutual Life III. Co, 59 C'dar t 125,000 163H ST, a a, 260 tv llolllevald. 60 10X99 11, May 2, 190i llroajna) llell.inre Itealty Oo to Itli-liird F Carman. nti)a, Iiexter. Unborn A F. 71 Hunt . .. 112.600 1531) ST. a a 400 5 w Ilnay, 121.7x99 11 Same to aame 130,000 I HllllAIlW A V. ll e ror lt.2d at, 99 11x100.1 IVb I. 1909 -Medford Itealty Oo to Mefi ropolltan l.lfp Ina Co.; alt) a. Woodford, II A 11. 1 Madison nv . . llTa.oou 621) MT. 511 11, a a. i,:l e At A :3vl02 2. Apr 2i, 1913- .Inlltii and Joaephlne Itul bltahti k to Max mill Ill-nil. i ltoubltauerk; atila. A II llluch. 99 V.iaaan at l.l.outl 14 1ST ST. (30 W, a a. 426 w llway. 125x 99 11 Apr 22. 1914-ICO Ilroadway Hold ing I'orp to Joa Itoatiitlial, nttye, Mnrki a- M, '3 l'ark Jtow OHOTuNA AV, ll a. 217 e 1'roapert al. 50x 90 11. llec 21, 1904 J'arl Wltrel lo Ida, Kate a Francei Camplnn; ally, T tl A T Oo. 170 Hwav ;, (iu 12311 ST. ll a, 210 ' 7th n, 19 10x100. Mir 10. liS3--Miitlieiland il ,v I'.llz H Timor to .Komi enlinven Hatntea, Ine ni')i Iath A Wllllama, Hrldge. l'lara Norlh. Horough of yueena il ooo 22H MT. 407 W, ii a. 60 tv 9th uv 10 ix9 'i Feb 14, 1910 Julia It loniiel to Ap polonla Ketrham. Vonkera, N V. ant , V F llnnnellv. 99 Naainu al 11 000 1 MA MM l'HOI'I.'HTV. IVb 13, 1915 SHlile to Sarah ll lionotan. utty. Thoa Adam 6 Heekmail at l lily LOT 2S4. Jlip lute, Vlll Ourtlandl e. -4th Wliril, JulV 22, 1912 lea M Oregan to Augunua Vim t'or lauiH , Mliarnn, Conn, A Ohaa K Heekmaii, j3 l'ark av, exra A trua, nti, I. T 4 T l', HO Ilnay. . , , li Oi.O LOT 2S5, a una map A title- Stiuie to " line 1 , 0 (I 1 1 1 1 A N 1 ) ST, n n ior oiinion t. .. i n x July 1. 190.' Joa li lioldati in to s ,m llema'd. att)a, Kantrnttitz 4 H-'i -320 Ilnay . . I.IO.Otio 11TH AV, awe 40lli al, 9X. 9x125. litis a . II w r 39th al. 9l'n241ll. llth a. a w r 39tll at, !S9xl-.'i. ulao iiirpolale fun tblie, rlghla. prltllegta 4 linuniiiHIri, nf mnrtgagta 4 ail eitatta, rlglita. t lewialona A relunllulera ju i;ult) A law. lenta, Inroma a protlta, rr.uirlil.e ' llrrnara, Ai, June I.i, 190.'. Tile N V Hut lo ri Dr. aid Mt ill i 'o lo llie liiii t.lbla Truat I'd of ,N V to rotrr tminl i laaue, ,ltt, N V T I On, 13j llroul nuy xo(i,i)0i) AV A, 1144. f a. 1.2 a 77th at, 26 IxOS Api 21. 1918 -Mophta Mueller to Hanll.lli Walljrh. atty, Albtrt Imnieinianii 200 Tin iv 12.000 16 I II MT. I"5-I0: 11, 11 ., r.O . I'll at Ox 103.3, Ft b 1, lint Ki.ili) (1 Fainter 10 Wm A l.lni'olu, 92 M ipir at, Mprluglli id. Mifa. iitl.ta, Stoddard 4 M, 12S llroad n.i) 9.-,. 1100 2STH ST. 11 t a, 171 III 1. 4th uv, 21 I0X 91 9. Not in. 1904 llelle A Uil.n to the lilt Hull! Kiv I nut , lillja, Mini i .Man n. A W, 233 Hwav . . lf,.000i SrTIl ST, '.20 W. a a. .117 w 7lh at, 2u 9.9. Jul) 27. ini iiiii,re 1 Lrnli in Mar) i: I', ,',0 W Mai at, aitta Alexander 4 ll. 120 lliwn t;. noo HLciiitDLii i, Mniiliutlan. 7 I'll AV. 2103. double atore Ma'U.Ja Hohl ken In IImiii'i HoHnlein. 3 1 1 a irom Apr I. 191.'.. am, I. Hall,., nn Nuaaau al i0 3'.'" ,'' " VI' '"l-lloberl II I),j 4 llil.l It Wee.1 37th St Col pn. 3g MaJI,,,,, nv. .'I tra from ,iime 1, 95, am T n Oo, 1 ,0 Htt .1) . . 0(ljj 1ST AV, 2417, atore 4 Ii .Aiineiie Tlirh, ixrx, tn John MrhiU, 2117 lat nt, 3 tn from An I. itite Ci HAND ST. 527. all--ijImer 'T llut l.'r ' tu Airrtd n liiibert. f,27 Urand at. r. na from Aug 1, 1911 n .00 NASSAF MT. 120, all- lleo Hhlit l.i t,r J .Meelian, 2H.0 llathgate at, 0 3-12 ra from Fib , 1913, addnaa l.'O N.ia- h,750 Ilrunx, FIIOSI'IIOT AV, loi, amre -xnsel Oonat Oo. Inr. to Mb hi Minliininlan. m: 11. al. t, yra from Mar I. 1315, am, (t,i n 111,111. 10,1 'roMit uv 120 10 Ilio IIATHHATK AV.'.,on. all Uuaiatu. ill. k in Wm Annla, 1001 Hxthgnle nv. 0 m from Aug I 1915 rttn, j 1, Hvanj, 32ri ..Si.!'1.... n 'nl"1 t.oril ,-T ainre-.Mlr.hl Tlpntrkt to Many Mnuaer nil Oharlntte al. 6 ra. July 20, 19IJ. attj. s A Fried, ;tl) liwa) j800 REAL ESTATE AT ArfTION. Arranger!. Titles Insured Free. 13STH ST. 491 17. we.t nre Si limltt lu J.oula lirodaky, 6.2 17 l.istli at. 5 yra from May 1, 1915, attv, J lirooka. 610 i: 13Mh at IJil to ll'.i 131TII MT, 510 K. atore Ferdinand Schln delu to Jaa Hrooka, 230 lln ok at. 1 )r from t 1, 1915; ut f, J,,, Hmokt, 23') lliook av Iloso lo 11, JOO Lis 1'I:NIIF.Ns. Manhiitliili. 10TH MT. 250 nnd 251 F. V l.lfp ln Oo tt al agt M.l .11111. , . . t al (tur-t luauro u( mortgage), atta, Cary A Onrroll. SITU MT. Ill W Simon It Weil l n A"', ngt Lillian ll ifur-tl .turn of luorlgacei; alt) a, lipllet, Itoiaton A Horn 11. 0211 MT, n e, 155 tv ;,i uv, 5nxlno 5 runner Loan A Truat Co agl ILmho of Hie Chrietlan llutigirlan Ml. k Hi n cnt Societies of N V et al ifor -ire of mortgage); utt. Heller, lio Vun . lloran. LHXINIITON AV. 1 .'0-!a. r.l. 1'iw. . exr, ngt Miriam C Tliurn e hi ifore . ,ro tuortgutei: nttv. s liitti ri,,...n 10H MT, 11 a. 10 it AtiiMer lain it lO.'.x Irreg -oi'y Ileal i:i,f ., Held l.'oliit Oo et al 1 11 men, led for. i f mortgagel . attv, 11 Mwaln 1171 11 sr. f.i i:-M,tt 1. wight i-' rav Hat.ite it nl 1 forp"liwur 1 ' gngel. attva. N tab .1. .I.i..,,- 1 1 "x M 1 -'ll. e, M ir. Ill '"t- 133H ST, i.i I-:-.! Llriette On,meg. iirt 1-rank T-rreili ., . , . 1 . ,. rluaiire of liiortgagei, ntHa, Hi t ., a l tjrti, Itr.iux, W VSHl.VdTiiN AV . "- . n. iiiin at. :.,vi:. ii,. xj v , aa truatppa, ngt 'li.,-. w ,Ki . I forerlu.iirH of mni-'g.igel , at al. 1! i..irKin ,v U11 inn. mi'. M'.liLV ST. . -. 3il,-. 1 ft a of Wat tiaite av. 31x100- -llradlah Joliiik..,, , ,. . irualee,, ,,Bt .r,n (l lsl (:..,,, I IIP, et nl I forei'lno'ire. of tnorliigel; Htlva. Pjiii X. I'.-... 1 ' 1CIST ST. 700 i: Law lira Mr',r l ngl Agnea M I'rpgi..tll i.. 11 if,, .. of innrtg.igfi . afvi i',rv a . , l.AHLi: AV, tv a. Hi ft f v.., Hranch Haliroad. .-.x!:'.! . .,..1 1 '0 auro tlll& .Me.eracnmliH agt Mn'garet V irkl el nl llorn-.oiire of m,,.iEagei, .1.1. LOT 304 lanutherlv lii'ft, mn of Fn,i.,. MPtiarh et al (fore ntiir, of in .r'riLwT. attya, Freea A M.F.te, 't Mt ' ArAIITMKNTs TO T.r.r-I M I HVimii;), -THE MAJESTIC St. Miholna ,, s.n. l or. H.lth SI. I 7&8Rooms&Bath I Rentals $660 to $1,000 I.argi Ilnln rixitnw. cnniplnto, elevator ittul tili'iwi(i arr1c. All inodunt romi'Mli-nri'M, Closo to culiway nnd iluvntotl lines. J.ROMAINE BROWN CO. N K Cor MmliMin Av 4- 41st. Te' , Murray Hi 1 4 Uniting Agent m I'remnea. REED HOUSE I2road.uay at 121st St. 5rooms,Sfifi(). S720 0 rooms, 72(1. S0OO Trooms.syOO-SlLMll) I'prfei I .Srrili p. OW.m:ic IIN I'ltl.MI.H.S, lli'fiiro tlixMilIng on nn AimMi it i i lunk at PRINCE'S COURT 3920 Broadway, N. 11. I or. Iiillh -I 4, 5, 6 and 7 Rooms. Rent $480, S900 I IIHAI. Il.ll. Illll MAI K. J 3J,s.t III s,I IS. For Sale: In the Berkshlres A 1 TO n ' re fa rio w t ll 1 . .' . a , f aumtiirr b-oi,, ,',0 '.-.. Illll iu in 1 1 1 1 ,,1 n .1 to . . ., ttiiiiili, limner, aiir.i k 11 1 . a , a j mt.ea from a .itli.ii, a ,t,,. 1 , llrirlta In gieat ill. ui'l tin 1- 1 1 f barn ere'tt.i Long r . of , . t , 1 maple. ,it liouie. Sp t of r. 'It ! . V .. ilnaa 1, 11 ItlCHAIlllhO.S. I'll., vi, M,i,a. II F D. So. 3 .maim:. FOIl MALI'. IN MA ISR War doe. p.,, h-,,.n ,,,1,, , ,, Vi'iaj en h tear a.'. In. ii.,!,,., wa f ,r our towualilp .'1 nno ii,re., Invent ,ri 1 iveatl g He uVM:! II, , 113 t;,,, 1, ,,, j FACTORY, spventcon smnll build iiHrs, wnter power, 100 horso power. Deep vnicr nntl rail trnnsportntion. 100 acres. Convenient location, i STRATFORD OAKUM CO., J Jersey City, N. J. .