Fair Will KHtirn Next Week
io flip .Mrtroiiolitnn Vaude
ville Slngo.
WKit has often been predicted by the
In ui'l.vnn.i of tho theatre Ii.ik taken
p'a-o nt last, it til Wclior iitnl Fields will
return next week to the vnui!-vllln stage,
n they began their Joint careers
to many years ago. They will onco
more show tlio fnnious gatno of bllllntds
wli. -ti tinitmlit. them to fame nnd which
will roti.ilily lie Immensely protltnlilc to
fiom again, They will first bo seen nt
l'ic I M la co Theatre a week from to
ciy It will probably not bo ncccs
iry for them to rchearno tho net ns
they havo frequently during recent joars
r.i itecl tli in old "turn" for charity or
nt benefits. They havo not been seen
together In public since tlift opening of
the Forty-fourth Street Theatre, which
wa built to be a theatro for them.
Weber niiil Fields havo hail n long
and varied career. They began making
Vm laugh at tho tender iikc of 11 ami
have been at It ever since. Their llrst
..ppearanco was In IXi, ninl they eon
t rue 1 to piny togethtr In the variety
I.alti until 1 ."SS, when they formed u
c nipany of their own, presenting miisl travesties In which they appealed
with David Wnrtleld. Lillian Itussell,
William Collier, Do Wolf Hopper, .Sam
lleni.iril. Vrst.i Tllley and other now
famous stars.
In 1901 Weber and Fields separated,
b th becoming producers of musical
ila . Ictur Herbert's "It Happened
In Nordl.ind'' was Mr. Fields' llrst pro
duction, and Its great success ted him
to product) "About Town," 'The (Jlrl
llehind tho Counter, I'he Midnight
Son." "The Jolly HacbelotH," "Tho Hen
Fecks" anil "All Aboard," In nil of
which Mr. Fields played tho leading .
comedy role. His last appearance was, old Mr. Kingsbury calte.l the roll at
with "The High Cost of Loving," under i j p. m. and found that them wero pros
the management of Al Woods. I rMt Alexander W. (Sandy) Dingwall. IM
Joe Weber has nlco made everal , Cooke, who has been out with "Hen
notable productions, among them being Hur" companies for llfty-flve venrs : 1M
"The Climax," "Alma, Where Do You ! wt, Itooth Jack of "On Trial." Joseph
l.lie "' and "Tho Only nirl," but unlike J nuoktev. capitalist: Charles Uulkley. a
Mr KUMs. be did not appear In nny fr,., f Joe ltucklev's; D. W. Haynes
of these comedies, nor has he played (nearlv-doctor from OmnhnL who Is not
anywhere since 1912. when Weber anil
Fields resumed partnership and pre
sented the Wcbcr anil Fields Jubilee.
Sylvester Schaefer, who completed n
successful tour of forty weeks In vnuJe
ulle, and cannot begin the s.uue experi
ence. Immediately, slm e such high priced
artists aij expected not to travel over
ihe same ground In such rapid succes
sion, will this year be sem In a musical
rly which will also afford opportunity
for tho exhibition of most of his feats of
physical strength. The plu will bo
given first outsldo of this city, and If It i
hows signs of vitality will bo brought I
to the attention of Hroadway.
Andreas Dlppel will also present Her-1
r.ardl, tho famous Illusionist of Kurope. .
in a programme which will lncluoo
operetta arxl vaudovllle.
William A. Hrady his rid himself of
the tesiKinslblllty of managing Do Wolf
Hopper nnd ltobi-rt Mantell and talks
P'hslmlstlcally iibout tho widespread
popularity of moving pictures. Hut ho
has produced at Atlantic City "Kvlt
Tongues." n now play by Charlwi Went-
orth. Tho story deals with tho blomish I
that divorce Is supposed to cast on ovn I
an Innocent woman.
Maurleo nnd Walton havo received
j-rmlsslon from th ShulrrtH to use tho
Forty-fourth Street Theatro for their 1
dashes, and under the ch.iperonage of.
Lusabeth Marbury, their manager, and '
Klsie de Wolfe, tea will I, servid to the , or tra; two darcers at o'clock
hen tho Ies"ons come to an end.
The following reassuring announce
ment omen rrom th management 'of
tho Winter fjardeni, In explanation of the
action of tho chorus girls who on
Saturday night are said to havo met to
form a society for the suppression of
'The m inbers of this society pledge to refuse to pay any ntten- I
Hon tj any 'mash' notes, to go straight i
home after tho i.erform.ince and tn meet 1
ei ery morning at 11 o clock on the stage
of th- Wp'ter Crarden, In onler to re-
hearse nsw numbers and to Improve !
themselves In stage requirements, so
. ' .... " ..... ...iv ... ................. i
g.rls to principals, and finally to refuse
mat tney can be advanced from chorus I
i' a'-ept powers, canurs anil otner
trinkets rrom any mn to whom they
have tot been Introduced.
"The first to attach their signatures ns
mTibfrs or the 'Antl-Jnhnnle Society or
the Winter Harden' wero Itoslo yiilnn,
Allre Vail Rlker, Viola Qulnn, Pearl
Iranklyn, Ireno Mitchell, Hetty Hard-
groie a'.l Martha F.hrlleh. An elwtlon
of olli crs will be held during tho coming
V. ' . i. . ... . . .
It may recalled that yesterday was
Sunday, that It wns Just as hot ns tho
preceding day and that press agents as
well as tho rest of the world sulTer
iru.ii in, n,ni. .
from the heat.
Another new play which Cohan &
Harris will present early In the coming
stKon l "Me an.l My Dog," which Is
interesting In that It has a doc to repre.
ssnt one of the characters, which Is tin-
unm to-day even Ir it does recall the!
(lajs f.f Johannes Wolfgang von (loetho
at Weimar and later the Leonzo (j. Dickson. Miss Vliglnla D ckson, Miss
ll.o'uts Frederick Hallard, a grailu-1 m. A. W.nslow, Troy ( Plot re-Arrow) j
ate or the Harvard school or drama, who 1 w. It. Cbambcrlln. Dr. A. D. Whitney,
w'"io "Hclieve Mo, Xantlppe!" Is tho .hiladelphla ( Pa-'kiird) : Mr. and Mis.
su'h .r or the new piny. It deals Willi i William H. Dexter, Spi Ingtleld. Mass. ;
the reformation or a tough lad through 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Palteison, Middle
k r.Jncss. The bad young hero Is downed town, Conn. ( Stevens-Diiryoii ) : Mr. and
tn li . a.iir his rrlend. He Is nrrestod I . t. I. Tlio Mrs. I. 11.
' s'eii ng chlcKrns, nticl ns nts aunt. '
th whom he lives, hns declared thnt
..ii ooi im c s.. ooo i. i
free. It looks as If his career as a Isjy
gangster might bo ended, its ho has been I , jir, Kdwnnl . p. Ftan.e, Mr. and
in 'he court three times. Imi-s. F. O. Terry. Cleveland I Packard).
Hut ihe woman whom lid lias robbed ' ... , , ,
fffers to take care of him If he Is re. MASritKSTKti, t , Aug. 1. Arrivals by
leased He towards her kindness by nutomobllo nt the laiulnox Iouo In
fteiihng her money nnd trying to run I cludo Mr. and Mrs. Alfied WaastalT Jr.,
w.iv with his friend and their Insepar- I Alfred Wngstnff 3d. New ork
- . . . .. . .. . .. ..... nn.1X1ru nniirim C. Tli.-
" iriefid, tlio nog. Hill tne nnitlini is.
no over by nn nutomobllo and brought '
'a. k to the house by tho boy, who Is i
"e.iMhroken at tho thought hi. may ,
die Tho dog Is nutseil back to life,
however, nnd through his recovery tho '
P xi in tho character of his friend Is i
brought out and he Is n reformed char.
ri,.i Tho play Is said to be taken from
& sines of stories by Pearl Franklin.
Pliiyn nml Players.
! has been derided tn postpone tho
r . i. on of "Tho Hlue Paiiullso'' nt
' i until Thursday evening. It
. -i tu inly be performed urn that dato.
! . st (llendlnnlng Is going to net tho
P." of VoiifA (n "Kxperlence" when
' o.t Comstnck eV (lest-hls play is
' sunnlled with mnnagers opens Its i
n . ,1 .M.nn In ltonlro. Iti Seolembor.
P I I Dennett, who acted with Mr. and
v s hlo In Australia and was brought
".'ii to this country, has been cii
g'gi I .v John Cort to appear In "Come
"n Lu i lit- which (Icorgo Hobart will
n.jK. on nf Tlioinan Addltnn'H storlcn.
' .- nnb," which will bo nclcd at
A--- Pnrk to-night, will open the Hur-
T cat i ii a week from Thmsday.
Ti free circus nt Luna 1'aik this
w hides espicially sulking feature n
.i.touck ilillnti and lu trained uuimul
l.fl.W of Ms Sisters anil Uroth
crs Also Fall Slrujrlin
Tho Hot Air (sometimes known ns
the Old .Scouts) Club, composed, ns nil
llroailway knows, of the men who
ninnngo New York'n theatres nnd the
ntrlcal companies, clambaked on tho
Shrewsbury Hlver at tho Rllverinere
Inn lust Saturday, but nltnost nothing
was revealed of the really Important
doings of the venerable managers until
last night, when Ocorgn Kingsbury, boss
of tho "Starch Mo" troupe, camo up for
Tho old gentleman spoke enthusiasti
cally of tho Hot Alrers' party, saying
that In his sixty years of experience
with the club nothing so pleasurable
had ever been held. Tho club left Its
town houso nt Forty-second street and
llroailway nt in o'clock on Saturday
morning and proceeded In wheel chairs
nnd ambulances to tho Sandy Hook boat
Monmouth. Arriving nt Senbrlght at
11:21 1'. M. the llroadway sagos wero
assisted Into a scdato launch, which
carefully conveyed them up tho Shrews,
bury Itlver to the Sllvermere Inn.
Debarking nt the Inn nnd leaning on
the elbows of stout young porters, tho
old gentlemen were nsslsted to dinner,
where they consumed (twenty-seven of
them) 1,0 in steamed clams, 51 bltictlsh.
54 broiled lobsters. 27 chickens, Mary
land style, 10 ears of sweet corn, 21
clam fritters, a.", watermelons nnd
enough of Irish nnd sweet potatoes to
keep them from going buiiKry until
Mint.or time.
to bo confused with Pink Hayes of the
Selwyn forces, who sat next to the dor;
Frank Martlneau of the K. T3. force",
Jnmes I'ooton, the oldest living press
agent: Harry Alward, Itlchard Hanoi
of the Friars. Harry I'lmer. William
Malley of Stamford. Al .1. Simmons of
the Lehigh Valley Itallroad. Henry C.
McOulre. n steamship man ; Joseph
I'rooks, who brought Phyllis Nollson
Terry over here to show folks what Oil
Maurice's Idea of Trilby really was; D.
Frank Dodge, scene painter do luxe and
Inventor of the Ice worm and tickler
nnt; John T Lerringwell. Otis Skinner's
manager: Kddlo ltoenbauin. wearing
si (ioodfrlend's high hat : Clarence
Hyde, A. J. Spencer, James Jay Hrady
,)f ., Coi,.... & inrr. forces. Theodore
(Tenl) Mitchell, Sam Thall
And right there an automobile horn
honked loudly on the Inn drive, startling
the octogenarians and Interrupting old
Mr Kingsbury's coiinu The nutomobllo
wns conveying William A. Hrady. who lieam that tho ileans or tho theatre
wero gathered at Sllvermere nnd who
,lt.,.rp, greatly to deliver a speech. It '
rouldn't bo done. Others tried later, i
lint. Incklnir tlm imn vii.r-,,,. ,i
rhonls of youth, tbev couldn't mnke I
themselves heard above the clatter of 1
reminiscence that went away back, more I
than half n centtirv. to the il.ivs when
fleorge Welty was just becoming well
Toward eienlng tho Hot Air Club elected
Al Simmons to tho nrrie,. if f.e ,.wi t.-.
per (as their president Is known) for
the year 191f..lfi. Mr. Simmons succeed
ing j:uwiii iiooth Jack.
WATKi'.nt'nv, Aug. 1 Vninnir ihe,f 'ho water was C, an unusually high
motor arrlials at the Hotel Klion on tho ,
Ideal Tour wero. Mrs Leonard Wood,
H.ilkan hrhoyer. Pittsburg
Kl-it) : Mr and Mr-. W. T. (Irani, the I
M!so Crant. Pelhnm, N. Y. Tlat i , Mr.
nnd Mrs J. II. Kmerv and mrtv V..w-i
lorn irrcriessi: nr. nnd .Mrs. D.ivl.l
.Mngle. Jnmes Magle. Prllieetnn (Pierce) j '
Mr. and Mrs Frank J. Ilutler, New
York (White): Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. .
pierce. New York (Hudson) . Mr. nnd
, i ., iin ill, 1. ii , .or. niil
Mrs. Leonard L. Stein. Cednrhtirt, L. I.
i ( .ozIer) ; Mr nnd Mrs. K. II. Sayre
I n,j party, Ilrooklyn (Alco)' McICiy
i Vanvllet. M. II. Dimscomb, John
m. Falls, Memphis (S'utr.) Mr -mil
Mr K A. Atnsden ii.,1'y ' Now'-iik
(Cadillac) Mr. and Mr I 'it date,
I woo,, nichniond, Va. (White) : Mr. and
j M w nn,i f.nnv Trov
; ' '..,, ,,, . Mr ,, Mrs Oeorge mler-
, Mr. Atr,, Kcheff New" York
'(Ml'nerva): Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Keb-
, '',;,.. ph ladeM.hl.i ( I ozler)
' nn cielirw ffn, ,
I . , ..Co . . . I'.i 1 ',r,:
, V, , i . . Ct..J . . u. .
I (laid. New York (llayne); Mr. and
- - -
Mrs. Charles (-. valentine, .New vork
( Packard).
I.r.Nnx, Aug 1. Motor arrivals at the
Hotel Asplnwall to-day Included: Mr.
,inii Mrs. W. H. Cahoone. Proildenca
i pnekard") ; Capt. and Mrs. K. C. Hill,
ynw York (Packard) : Dr. ind Mis. T.
oloke. (Lozler); Mr nnd Mrs.
wniiAni H. Douglass and ramlly. Tarry.
town ( ( Mils iiioi'i ie i : air ii ii i airs, u u,
,.... Phllnilelnhia ( I'n katd ) . Mr.
rls, Newton J. Harris, Detroit IH nton) :
Dr. nnd Mr. J. H. Siiler. AUoipn hh,
New lorn nc'iiwi , '.,
Mr. 1- S. llrlegs, Mrs. liuth Ilecker,
Mrs. l-opl'i' Frle. Pa. ( Packard) ;
Mr. and .Mrs. II. I., liltcn, air. aim airs.
F M. Fc'lhiieh Toledo (Hudson); Mr,
ntnl Mis ('. II. Cahoone, Frovhlotico . Mr.
unit alls. I'liotlicic l . n iiMiirm, eon
York (Lozler).
COOI'FIISToWM. Aug. 1. Aiitoinohillsts
nrrivlng at the o-te-sn-ga to-day wero
Mr. and Mis. J. llenj.imlti Hrady, Mrs.
A. M. Wood, Mrs. Chillies Wood, Filen
(Packard): Mr. and Mts. L. Palmer,
Miss Hazel Palmer, Onconta, N. Y. ;1H vtnK Leonard M.
Miss Hindis Itankin, Wonnsocket ( Pull- (0mmunlou hymn was
..... ,. Mr .in it Mrs. Willi. mi 11 Porter. ... .. i ,,.a....
1( WmU,r, Wi.ller I. Sw.isey.
., ,,, ii,,nnm mu a linf.
I I ..'.......'.. '. o. ...1..1... 1.... . . ci 1
; mm, riii"oiiiK i p 1 ie n 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 ,01. .nee
Mrs. 1. W. Mott. o.swego i Franklin);
Mr. and Mts. Clin Mrs J Wolrott, lloch-
ester (Pilchard) : Mr anil Mrs. Fred II.
Col ill. 11. llocheslor ll'cerlewO; Dr and
Mrs. W. II. Wood, New York (Slut.) ;
Mr and Mrs ciiarles Sum. Mr. nnd Mrs,
J V. Itiohmonil. (iloversillle (Packard);
Mr and Mis. A. Klein. Mr nml .Mrs.
C D. Mosher, (lloiersville (Overland);
.Mrs L. Knigl.iiid lliadfonl, (ieoigo I).
Iliiulfoid, Now York. Miss Myra Carle,
Habvlon. L. I (llulck); Mr and Mu.
II. D, Miles, Ilulfalo, tho Mlts. rjun
bar, O, U Dunbar, llostuu (Frunklln).
VMi tmm Hull.,.. in T,iiii.
'Ol'll IKHe JltlllUlf tl) 10111-
iitiiiiciit IMiiyed at Sliiiinc-
rock (iolf Chili.
Sol'TIIAMITon, L. I.. Aug. 1. To-day
wns the wnrmest Sundny Southampton
has had this season and after the ser
vice at the Kpiscopal Church on the
Dunes the bathing beach was crowded.
'The largest crowd of the season and
the best bathing." said the manager of
tho bathing pavilion. The temperature
noti, the Shlnnecock nnd National
,, ,. .., ...... n,.,Pn,,l,,li ,,,r
(,t,lf dul,s "ri ,"r" P"r" .i fnr'
situated on the hills between the .shlrne.
enek unit Peconic bavs. thern was a
continuous breeze blowing wntcn inane
It very comfortablo for luncheon parties
on the vernmlas.
The eighteen hole handicap tourna-1
I.H'lll I'tnj'n tU n'r riiMiti-.uvn
jliolf Club ror the house committee prize.
mem was played at the ShlnnecocK Mills
Al tho tennis tournament nt the .Menuow
Club Saturday, Miss Virginia ltlco and
1 Loulo Trevor won the preliminary ror,
I the Carnegie cup nnd Miss Trevor also .
Won the play ror the Harris cup. Tho
match for the Cameron cup was won
by Harry Sproul.
I Mr. and Mrs. C.eorgr A. Crocker, Jr..
will arrive to-morrow from Oyster Hay
I to spend the month of August with his
mother, Mrs, (leorge A. Crocker.
Mr. ami Mrs. (ienrgo F. Haker, Jr. .
Saturday for the season and
i.'.v.. mlien tl... l.lnle Orchards. James
i, ttrei'se's coltace
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lnrlllnrd nre also
expected to-morrow nnd hnve taken Mrs.
Nelson's Ingleslde cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheiwood Aldrlch nreltroin Newport to Siiratog.i. arrived at
entertaining Mr nnd Mrs. Samuel Hop-1 the Maplewood In IMttstlebl.
kins Admits of New York and Mis. I Mrs- Charles Wcslnn Hoiilley and
cio,.leM ltnsscll of Albany.
Mrs. S. Parker Coming or Albany
has taken A. 1-2. Schermerhorn's north 1 orneuus Minueriiiit is expected to ar
cottago and will arrive tn-morrow 'IV" at Shadow Hrook tills week to ho
Miss Mario L. Itussell, daughter or ' n gurt of Mrs. Alfied (! Vanderbllt.
Mrs. .1. H. Itussell, has left Southampton I -
for a brief visit. Miss lively.. Shaw Is YACHTS AT NARRAGANSETT.
the guest or Mis. William Lowo Klcn i
Miss Molly Hare and Mrs. Ib'njuml,, u.irl.i.e.s" 7.7.7
llaro are spending the week end with
Mis, Henry H. lingers. Mrs Lawrence i tlvr (ferry Arrlte,
1 Dilwnrtli, .Mrs. i. n. j-caiie, aire, ncmy
Curry nnd Mr. nnd .Mrs. Jerome 1 1 111
line ri'i'iiooiK o 7
.MIS. linen Ityers 111 llio ivliorein cuiu.K"
on (Ireat Plains mad.
.Mrs, Loeiv (ilirs u I, unci. con nnd
.Mrs. Clrus n Dinner,
-N'KwronT. It I. Aug 1 -Mrs, W.
,,y i.oew gave n tunenron io-ua. tne.,,,,,, Ml., l)otm .Norrls, otheis who en
,nnm,r hostcssfs were sirs, v. . r. rnnnip-
son, Mrs. (leorge p. .Messorvoy, .Mrs, ,i. .1. Coombs, Mrs. 11. W . Hurke, .Miss Hum
Mnson. Mrs. W. K. Vauilerbllt, Jr., and Hide, Mrs. c. W. Hutchinson, (leorge
Mrs. Henry Clews.
Master Cornelius Vauilerbllt, who wns
taken 111 yesterday at llalley's bench, was
ni'lllti'l 10-O...T iii. ii'.tion o-oioioi o.
Hie homo of his put cuts, Heaulleu.
airs. rreoei icK . , hiiio i ion. oo
visiting Mr. nnd Mrs, JaineB L. Van Alcn,
slnrt"d by motor to-day ror Lenox,
Col. Don Nicolas Fretilin, inllllniy at
tncho or tlio Spanish llmba'-sj, has nr-
rlved here, Kenneth Iludd ef New York
Thomas, whoo
sung In Trinity
Mrs. Hugh D.
A,ut",iI cluss will return 'next
! ... v.. ... i.'r...,J,ia,.,
week from
n,r ... .,1. .",
nnd tlirougn miiisn oiuiiioia
.i it. Aiieibach of New York s visit ng
Lorlllard Sponcer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.
David Dows aro the guests of Mrs. I,
Tiiwnsend llutileti, Mrs. Hall It, Kor
nochnn Is Hie guest of Mrs, ,1. .1. Wysong,
who is making arrangements for n largo
miisirnlo at her homo on next Friday
Cul. C. L. Robinson cntortnlned on
board Ids schooner to-day. Mts. (Icorgo
II, I'ost had returned to her to-day a
handling which shn lust lubt Wednesday,
nnd for tin. return of which vhe offered a
rewind ol S0. .
A red letter day.
Cortltuidt V. liisliop and I'arty
Clinili Jacob's Ladder in
I.f.sox, Aug. 1 ('ortlandt F. Hlshop
and a party of friends went to the sum
mit of Jacob's Ladder In automobiles
this afternoon to delicate Jacob's Well,
a spring of water that located Justj
otT the State highway and which has
been opened for the hem fit of tourists.
Mr. Hlshop was the plum or advocate of
a State highway over Jacobs Lid. tor,
nnd assisted In laying out the route.
Mr. and Mrs Khdiop will leave the I
Maple tn-morrow to go to the White
Mountains, travelling with Mrs. Newbold i
Morns. ,
Mrs. William Hazard Field. Miss Mary
Osgood Field, ( ierald Do Wilt and Sumner
iiauani or .niv ior are visuihk -ir
ind Mrs. William II. Osgood Field at
illlgh Lawn. H. W. Wlnthrop of New
York has arrived hero to visit Newpold
; -
, A reunion of the members of the Ceti-
uiry c nio cu .m'w- i orK was nei.i in hito-,
bridge jesterdny, among the members ,
present Is-ing Joseph II. Choate. Thomas
Shields Claike, Daniel Chester French,!
Frederic Orownlnshleiil. lMwin T. Hlce,,
Prof. William II. Carpenter, Trof. Henry:
W. Fiirniim and Dr. N. W. Hrllton. ;
The .Misses Jtnsamnnd and Frsncesci:
Ollder gaxo a dance last evening at the
Fernslde tea room In Tyrlngham, ejiter-
laming for their guests MIm OIIvIh
Hemlnway. Dr. Hay.n.m.l Hoyc hez an.l '
Percy Cameton Itichard (!. Hone is
visiting Miss Clementina Furnlss.
Judge and Mrs. William llrlnkerhofr
nnd Mrs. Fannie II Kager of Jersey Clty
arrived nt
Hotel Asplnwall for,
August. .Mis. c. (.ray I nnsmore, touring i
family, who Had been at Me.itim Hall,
rrtuined to-day to Morrlstown. Mrs.
AimAOANSKTT Pikii, Aug 1 --Ilnrrv
Darkness of New Yoik put In nt the ple'r
i in the vvuKlva nnd nnchoied off the
Mnthewsoll lain IhsI v ni. enlnrli.l,..
Ing friends at luncheon at the Casino to-
'day. Itepicsentallvo (leiry put In nt
,lh.. Pier In the onn and entertained
his wlfo and n few friends nt luncheon.
Mrs, John C. drbln of New York wns
among tho guests at n luncheon nt the
Casino given by Mrs. Joseph lloosevell
Miss Antoinette Hloodgood of Now York
was a guest at a luncheon given by Mr.
tertalneil nt tlm casino were v.
Champlln, 11. II. Coxe and Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome .N. llonaparle. .New Workers at
tlio Casino Included A. D. Talbot Jones.
Miss Christine Wilson, Frank T. Foster,
A. It. Johnson, A. .1. Harrets and Jack
Children of ll.ploees on Untitle
Christened There.
TatniTTowt;, N. Y., Aug. 1. John D.
Itockefcller's rdllnbow pool was used to
day ror a milium ceremony when tho
Itev. J. Homer Nelson christened Snralt
Fiances and F.dwnnl Tarnel, I'lmenco
Cecilia and Katliorlne Illlzaheth Howe.
Launcelol Ilurtnn Clrar and Arthur
Ihigciio Welngart. All of them are cbll
dien of employees on tho Hockcfeller
ojtato. The grounds were thrown open
to tho parents nnd friends nnd more
than a hundred persons s.w tho cere
mony Mr Hockcfellur, In giving Mr Nelson
permission to uso tho Halnbow pool,
expressod regret that ho could not b
present at the chrlstontnes .
Week End Visitors There From
.Many Places August
Rooking Jnereased.
HniAnri.iiT !.oior, N. Y., Aug. 1
Mis. David Van Kmlx-rgh Is entertain
ing her ulster, .Mrs. II. C. Vnn (Jelson of I
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Van,A' ,:d Mindny Picture Mioivs
Deventer of Ilrooklyn nnd Miss Kllz-t-beth
Van Kleek of Jersey City are at
the Lodge for August. Dr. and Mrs.
David Magle and James Magle of
Princeton, on tho wny by automobile to
ihf Whl.n Moi.nti.lrtM t..,a..i,t Ui.,,.1.. n
the l-oilcp. '
other Sunday visitors were Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. D. Plnkus of Now York, Mr. .
and .Mrs. I hnrles A. Porter and Miss
e D Porter or I'hlbidelnhl-i and
1 Mr. ii vieh7.t J? "n(1
l. J J, U':: :
Mr. anil
Agnes Nicholson
or Monrestow
stown N J Mr aid Mrs
e and Mrs j " W Mavimrd of
James (iee
beth Hutterworth and Miss Patience
(inland or Philadelphia, .Mr. and Mrs.
I ...i.,,,-.
nnd 'M'r Ilyi?MyJttnVh,Ml'M',
1 -Vcf"- ''"I1" r Tn0,,"P"""'
... . . (tioi.iii tio.i ..irs
Mack Fisher or New York.
.Mrs. Montague La Montague or Cedar
hurst. L. I . is visiting her parents, Mr.
nn.i .Mrs. John Jtirgenen at the Lodge
W. H. Jourdnn of Ilrooklyn will pass
the month of August with Mrs. James
Jour.lan nt the Lodge. Allan Mr
Dougall, Jror New York Is a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hloodgood.
Lunching nt the Lodge to-.lav were
noted Mr. and Mrs, Holmes H. Dltmas
nnd Mr nnd Mrs. floorer von Wenhnven
of Hrnoklyn, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. H. Holmes
of Jersey city, Mr and Mr. Sydney
Mason of York, Pa ; Mr. unit Mrs. Will
lam Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Lnddls or New York, and Mr. and Mr.
F. J. Fuller or Jersey City.
o(l,(llll. Take Pnrt In Funeral Pro
cession nl Dublin.
Si'fdnl t'tihlr llttP'itcfi to Till Prx.
llNtiON, Aug.
Fifty thousand per-
sons participated to-day In n funeral pa
tauo at (iiasncvui cemetery ror Jer.
mlah o'Donovan Hossa, the Irish patriot
who died on Juno 30 In the rutted
t..tett 'Clin forii.rnl .irai.Au.l . ... I ....) . . .1 ...I
ooniingonis or tno irisn volunteers, .Na-
( Volonti..oii llto l.nrl...'u ..l,...,.i
unity nnd other organizations.
Jeremiah O'Donovan Itossn died
month ngo lit St. Vincent's Hospital.
West .Now iirigllton, Mlaten Island, at
n result or n rnnipllrntlnn or diseases
He was tho last of the famous group of
Fenian leaders, with the single oxreptlon
of Col. W. F. Roanlrre of Dublin.
O'Donovnn Itossa plotted to slay the ene
mies of Ireland with dynamite.
Colonel Denies Tl.nt Wife Wni
Ntrlckcn nn Train.
Ct.KVKI.AfJP, Aug. 1. Mrs. Theodore
lloosevell is not III. She and tho Colonel
passed through Cleveland to-night on
the Twentieth Century Limited on their
way lo New York. Denial wiih mado by
tho ox-Prcsldrut through his secretary
of tho despatch from Omaha that Mrs.
lloosovelt was suddenly stricken nnd
was being rushed Fast.
Col, Koosovelt was annoyed over the
report. Ho i fused to comment on that
' or any other subject during his brier
stay In Cleveland otlie.r than lo authorize
the statement that Mrs. Iloosevelt wus
In tho best of health,
Mr. II. I. AVI.Itiiry Improved.
HnMPSTKAP, L. I Aug. 1, It was
announced nt tho Hurry Pnyno Whitney
country homo at Whoatley Hills to-night
that Mrs. Whitney wns Improving very
satisfactorily toiiowing nn ouoratlun on
Friday for uppondlcltls. .
T)narons Adopt. Novel Idea to
Lure Conjrrcyntion to
MoNTCi.Alit, N. J Aug. 1. A "store-
optlcon sermon" took tho place of tho I
usual spoken discourse In tho Watchung
Aventio Congregational Chimin hero to
day, tt was one of tho efforts of the
Imard of deacons to discover some means
to draw members of the congregation
from the cool comforts of shaded nnd
screened porches or the livelier
pleasures of tho nearby benches, links
or tennis coutts
During thu past month, whllo the
nsv, Thomas Travis, tho pastor, has
been on his vacation, four other min
isters tilled tho pulpit on successive Sun
dnvs. but ths deacons felt that In
sweltering Sabbath days of August somei
novel service wns needed to attract ven
half of tho usual winter congregation.
The Idea of conveying tho lessons of a
sermon by means of the eyes rather
than by the ears suggested Itself to
William A. Dunlap, superintendent of
the Sunday school. He proposed n series
of sterooptleon views of the work of tho
Christian Church through Its mission
aries In foreign lands. The deacons de
cided that It wns worth a trial.
Church Darkened for Pictures.
Hllnds were fitted on the windows and
doors of the little Ivy covered church
snd a stereoptlcon machine was Installed
In the gallry A big white screen was
stretched In front of the platform whero'
Usually Dr Travis takes his place
Before opening the service. Mr. Pun
lnp. who was In charge, pulled off bis
coat and Invited the male members of
the congregation to do likewise. They
were not slow In following his exnmple.
After a few simple hymns were sung
by the congregation the church was
darkened and the screen sermon began.
It wns on "Child Life, of the World."
As the pictures, ncompanled by n few
words of explanation by Mr, Dunlap,
were thrown on the screen, the congre
gation In the darkened church, which
seemed to grow cooler with the coming
of darknes. forgot to ply fan nnd hand
kerchief In watching with envious nt
tentlnti pictures of children In the frozen
lands enjoying themselves In the snow.
Outsldo the church locusts buzzed their
confirmation of th statements of old
Montclalr churchgoers that It was the
hottest Sunday on record.
(iinlrnsi Cools ConarcKn t Ion.
Tho grownup part of the congrega
tion became cooler by contrast when
views of India, Slam and Central Anier-
len were Hashed on the screen, but tho
Juvenile onlookers, who wero clad In
their Sunday best, wriggled in their
seats when they saw tlm unconventional
attire of the brown, black, red, white
and lellow babies.
Deacon Kphralm .Martin said that the.
deacons thought It their duty to keep assigned to (irace Church, While Plains
the church open throughout the year1 He Is survived by his wife, who was
and to devise some Torm or helprul and Miss Kstelle Mayer Hamilton or Haiti-
Interesting religious services during tho more, and his two sons, l-'i -rlrk
nbence of their minister
"Many of the churches In Montclalr
and Upper Montclalr nro now closed
for the summer season," bo said, "for,
of couree, many or the residents of the
town go away during the hot weather,
but wo felt that we should keep open
for the benefit of those who must re
main nt home "
nt l.ouu Itrniieti.
Ixino Hr.Ncn, N. J Aug
, ,,
' ""
i tinned failure of the police to put an
rm , ftumlay movies here has caused
hilivh folk tn Inaugurate what Is
called a " ighte .us boycott'
or tile pic-
ture theatres.
At to-da s srrvlies
In the churches
wot shippers slgiu.l an agreement pledg-
Ing themselies not to attend during the;
L .nv moving Picture theatre which
''' 0"" " s"",l-,.v- A" ,fr,Ml 1,1
' ,n U '"r ,,0, T"k'''- "
those obtained to-day
The movement to start the boycott
originated with the Ladles Auxiliary of
the l.'okerson Illble (Mass of St. Lu'kos
i. Methodist i:pls ...I .'hurch
Ileporlril llliuiiueil lo Mine. Will-,
Un. Polish Prima Donnii.
There Is a rumor that Iowoll M, j
Palmer. Jr. a member or one of tno
oldest rimlllfs In Hrooklvn, and Mine Walska. a Polish prima do-in i
who made her American debut iist April, sclerosis yetet-.l.i at her summer home,
In the French operetta 'Mile Nitoiiche" Itrlghtslde, Monroe, Orange coiii t . N. Y
,nt the Centuri Thcntre. ale ngage, tol.Mrs. Hughes had hem In 111 health for
bo married When seen last night Mne. nw months. She was " cars ..I.I and
, Walska woinu neun.r neny nor aiuriii
'the report. sa ing mat u was mo eariy
, to make any statement Mr Palmer
at hi home, i o'ttninia Meignt,
tlooKlll. nil.-.-. ni'i-i .i-o.-o,
saving that neither he nor Mine Walska
had gien out ihe Morv and that It wasi
,i I.HUI ii iv,., ........... ............... .-..'
less he would not deny the report.
Mine. Waka is the widow of Haron '
(l'i:iiiorii, a Itusslan nimy olllcer. who!
as k.lled In the lighting In Poland I
nbout tluce months ago She has not
received any nfllelal notification of her
husband's death as et. but knows that
It Is true. They had not lived together
f.i- e.i-.u :it e..r.4. Mill, Wiilhhn nlnnn.1
Willi ner ii.i-oiiiu nen je.u oi.i
, nml U-H H. I i.l I fl t CI I from hlo. lifter .i fmi.
Mr. Palmer Is tho president of tho
a' Palmer Lime and Cement Company or
, Ilrooklyn. as well as being Interested In
fcvcrm uhiumi ics,
lliigiiueinen t
Moloney Is
Iii William
A i. no.. nerd.
I , Aug 1 Judge
IMward II. McC.ill, of tho pun
lie Service Commission, and Mrs Me
Call havo announced the engagement pf
tlielr daughter, Miss K1U c. tMior M.
Call, to William It. Malum of Now
Mr. Mtilonoy lives nl li W. st Forty
fourth street, Manhattan, and U a law
,er at 37 Wall street. II.. was gradu
ated from Yale lu llion. Ho is a ineni
ber of tho I'nlveislly Club. Y.ilo Club.
Squadron A Club and Is adjutant of
Squadron A. No dato haa been set for
the wedding.
Atrlvals yinterd.iv by the American
liner St. lyniils, from Liverpool:
Mr, and Mrs. Itohcrt Mr an.l Mrs. T M
II. i. on. Jelferwin.
Pol. John ('in-well. Mi. Julie Ii (i,i
Col W. Mell.iln. Iienne.
.Iiulitn K I' Coyne. Ml Una I (i.i.
Shnne I'he helllle.
Mr. it 1. 1 Mrs. Mr ntnl Mrs. M. (J
II. Kustnee. Iteicherl
Mr. nnd Mi V 1. Wllll.un Sloan
Ketlierstmieliaiicli, Mr. nnd Mrs. A del
Miss Kls'e .Inula lert T Slewnrl
Mrs. Josephine Janli. Jhiiicm C. Triiiubull,
Or, Henry A. Lunge. Frank II. Webb,
10.10 A. M.-Clly CiimmUlee liieellinr al
Kasl Thlrty.fourtli street.
Noon WnlklliK T.ilks nlnnt the l!at
"liver plprs.
2 P. M.-Mretinr of Press anil Pub.
Ilelty of (Irrniati.Amprican Committee at
301 Fifth piiue.
3 P. M.-Prpnch Committee meeting,
I'nst Thirty fourth street.
.1 to S P. M. Seventeenth Aswmbly PI"
tricl, Mrs. J. W, Morton l homo to silt
tracts!, s:i Itlverslde Drive.
P. .M.-.Mci Unit of Press and Pnl.
Holly Committee of Woman Silffraito
Parly at 41 Kant Thirty-fourth street,
P. M. Twpntvthlrd Assembly 1I
trlet, street mcctlnir aj K!th street! Mrs.
M. I., (lean, leader.
S P. M.-nttoentli Assembly District,
street merlin nt Slxty.sevenlli troet and
Amslentsiii ntpmic.
s P, l,- Thlrty.llrst Assembly District,
street fleeting nt 12,'tli street and Seieiilh
nreiiue. Chairman, Mrs. Kmlly I. Wels
lierr, Speakers, M, Itublnsteln Hid Ml
Frances Illumeiithnl.
P. M. -Street meeting nt Washington
avenuo nnd Clnremmit Parkway, JJroni
Wnm.iii Suflrnen Party.
:30 P, M Twenty-seventh Aemhly
District, regular business meeting of th
district t the home of Ix-.i.lor Miss H. C.
Krvlng, 17 West Flltleth street.
,m P. M. Seventeenth Assembly Ills,
trlet, street meeting at Ninety-sixth street
and Hroadway, Mrs. W. J, Morion, chair
FltAOE. I P. M. Confereneo at Voles for
Women Ittstnurnnt, "0 Wall street.
:30 P. M.-Slxloenlh Senatorial DIs
tricl. Third avenuo and Klghty-tixth
:. P. M.-Twentleth Seintorlal Dis.
trlet, Nlncly-rlshlh street an.l Third ae
mie. 31 P. M. Itovlmr Shop "Winner," streit nnd Setemli nvemir.
9 P. M. Street meellti? at Fort) -third
street nnd broads ny, Speakers, Florence
llnrmon, Maudu .Mslono ami lliuh Mc
.... , ' .. "
Hector Wns Arch-
ileiKMiu of Weslebesler.
Wiiitk Plains. .N. Y., Aug. 1. The
Itcv. rredcrkk Hrlnsmald Van Kleeck.
73 years old. for forty-live years rector
, ,, ,. , . .. . .... ,
of (Irace Lplscopal Church. White
Plains, died to-day of cardiac nMlinia.
Dr. Van Kleeck had been urchde.iron
" - f stcmcr
since 1SS7. lie was born at Troy, N. V..
and wns the son of the Itev. llobert II
Van Kleeck, for many years rector of
St. Paul's Kplsoopnl Church In that city
After he wns graduated from Columbia
Culverslty lu ivr.3 Dr. Van Klceek
entered the tleneral Theological Senv
Innrv nnd was i.nlnlne.l to the ni-lent.
hoiwl In lsfifi,
Dr. Van Kleeck was first assigned as
i deacon to the late Dr. Moignn Di, In
i St. Paul's Trinity parish. New York.
and two jears later h-v was in, ide lector
of St. Paul's, Morrlsanla. Ilo remalneil
at St. Paul's until lS7o', when h was
Hrlnsmald Vnn Kleeck, Jr., nnd William
II. Van Kleeck,
Ildltor nnd Tniieller Itcnd
Washington lf(er n l.oiiu Mini, Aug l.--Dr WlM'am A
Croftut. editor and traveller, died bet.
yeterd.iv nftor a bmg illness He wns
tsirn In lle.ldlng. Conn , n J inu try. 1 J.-!.".
At Irt he Was a liporter for the New
Haven I'nlUttUum In the civil wnr he
, served as a prlvato of the First Mlnne-
i S"t i Iteglmetit nnd as a held onrespcmd
cut of the New York 7'nliioir After the
-r he was employed at varum, times
' . ... .. .. it im ih......... ine .-i. j-nui
I Tlnrt. the Minneapolis rwiniiic. the Chi
. en go .'ivimiii; I'nit and the tfruihlr, Tvi
hi -
liiinr and It'orM of New York
rust Cleieland Administration
In the
" ' ' ,u . ' 1
Washington I'nst.
'f travel letf -s w
be wns
were writ
ten in ei-e under the title of "A Mid
summer Lark." He wrote the libretto
of a coniic opera. "Deseret," the music
h Dudlev Huck. which was produced lu
New York In U1;. It was ,( liurlc.u
on the Mormons, Among his books were
"The Crltn-on Wolf," a nowl; "The
V.inderbllt"," "A lllstori of Connecticut
In the liel.illlon" an.l "Houilniii llal
t.tds," a collection of political pectin
written In ivft. He wrote the opening
isle for the Columbian Fxpo.-hlon held
In Chicago in I 0S.
Mrs. Ilrlnn li. Iliiulies.
Mrs Josephine White Hughes, wife .f (! Hughes, paper box manufacturer
and etate oiieriitor, died of art. rlo-
W!1H u,,. daughter of Willinin White
i Hoton. She was nnrrleil to Mr.
) S7fi. She had been a member of Ml
saints' liomau Cntho'lc
Church l;"'!1!
- K,r, el mill .M.liliso I ..vel lie. To. tottiv
I , ears.
t( sl.lrx her husbud. Mrs. I Inches
ji.a,.r I 'i I . e in o hi o.r ion iihm jiur-
roll. Miss Clara Hughes and Hiiin (t
Hughes, .li .
- -
sliernliili Hoot,
Sinni.c. I. I, Aug 1. Frederick.
Sherman liook. iig'd f.o w Ilo was with
the Slick llxe'l.tng' nrin of C'l.lties D.
I 1... CC'o. x I
71 Hro.i.lw i v. was found
, deiiil in i.) ."-o. "i niu iioiuin,
r..l,.lt.- .... nil ollll. ilavw i.'i.
Mr Itook was n former New Vork sugir
hrokci and well known lu Wall Street.
lie was at mm fine coiinerted with the
i tlnn of W It. 1 l. tightnllng A. Co., and
wis a son or tne i.te i.nwaru r kook.
The Int. i ment pr . 1 will be the llrst
in St Liwreni-o Ce-ncteiy, tho new
c.ilho i i o ne'erv h. c
Sets of Dookt, by tltn Standard
Writer, bound attractively in
Clotli and Leather. Alto,
Thit Sale, at muni, will afford n
tplcndid opportunity for liook
Buyer to acquire good Sett at
notable reductions in prce,
I'lstfori rordmlhj unlnl,
,llh 1 e. unit 'iH St, .New tori..
Oiiriueiit, Workers' Offer Ac
cepted by Wiirdeii O.sliorno
After Confereiice.
Ossimnii, N'. Y, Aug 1 --Warden
Osborno iicrcitid to-day mi offer of the
it'nlted flarincnt Worki'rs l'nlnn to send
' loltintrcrs In Sing Sing to point out do
I fcClS III lllk' clotlilng shois.
i Tlio offer was inailo by John .1 Man
J nlng, idllor of tlio (7nniirn( H'orkers,
'nt u coiifcrcnn' In tho prison bctweon
Mr. 0bome and Samuel ilnmpprs. presl
I dent of tho American Kederntlon of
Labor, ami a spei committee consist
ing or rcpiesciitntlvcs or organized labor
and of tho National Committee on
Prisons nml Prison Labor.
Mr. Maiming Mild Hint Collls Loyoly
hail made tlm same offer In behalf of
the International Hoot and Shoo Work
ers fiilon. The propositions were ap
proved by Mr. (InmpciH and tho other
labor men.
1 It was decided as n result of the con
fidence to ciutel.ito tho work In the
i Sing Sing night schools with the In
dustries and to work out a system of
Industrial education In tho prison which
will ntford cvciy man opportunity to
, lit himself to earn an honest living.
Prison Mmli' tioods Problem.
I "Wo men In tho labor movement,"
Mr. lionipcrs said In nil address to the
members of the Mutual Welfare League
In tlio prison cb.inl. "bellexe that the
Inmates of penal institutions should
i work ami ought to work because their
'own lust in. inly Interests duinnud It. but
the proitiii is of tli. prisons should have
the bast damaging elTetts upon free
I li-ir.. nlv.l If.l.n lin the enn-
lintel s.xsteni of prison labor, under
'"'l" tlio labor of inniales of Hie prison
was used for the prliato piimt of con-
tractors, bet.iuse Its liilluencu on the
m.., UHK pernicious In the extreme.
KinployeiM of oulslde labor were hIso
Id.iced at a ills.uhantuge, not so much
because of the quantity produced In the
'prisons but boeiiiisu the contractors
0,111,1 .H"V ,lt " '"w 'l.'""" "1,lc1' I1""
pressed the geiieial selling prico of the
ntll., ., r,m!.1.,e,1ty l,a,l a de-
pressing effect upon tho wago of the
workers In that line of Industiy.
rv r;;r rtS:
I becomes tnskinnster and sells tho
(iroducts of Its prisons on the open mir
ket, the irne being tl.xed In a selling
agent who draws a .omm ssion regard
less of ihe iot of m inuf.ietuniig
llesl teni Vet llcllcd.
The State uso s stein, now In vogu
I In New York State, Is, 111 my Judgment,
ine up! yei ucvisc'i il nan nui jpi
been conducted upon a scientific, or,
perh.iiM better still, a plain, common
sene basis to anomplish the bebt re
sult With Mi. nslsfne .is warden.
however, and aptding the lesson or ths
Ueorge Junior Itepublio of allowing the
""" 1,1 11 iii iae m iuu express
' them-ches a satisfactory development
I a'sured"
! Manning, as a representative or
the National CoiiHiiltteo on Prisons and
Priton Labor, said that oiganlzed work
ers have no objection to the employ-
! ment of the Inmates of Instltu
i Hons In this way.
I "(Mir (omentum Is." he, "that
I when Ihe State restrn'ns a mm It Is
'" I lesj.onsilno foi his futuie. If J man
.. Is not propei ly tr.i.i.e.l in pi sr.p he is
i com tig back f.r l.o k of opportunity If
a m. in Is pi Mfiy traine.i ami nesireg
to make good there Is no belter place
for him outside the Walls of the intl
tiitlon than .i labor organ. zition So
far .is 1 know trade unions all tint Is
-ked Is that R man Is a good mejlmnlc
an.l willing to m ik. goo l.
"From in) obi-ci oiis her., to-diy 1
think Mr. Oloine has taken n
wptnler.'.il t. r In the r.ght direction In
iiioving to the public that tho laics
1 number of Is uii" c .iry. If
this Is true tin re Is only .tie .iltrnatlr :
Instt uctors or' pe.-essary and they
should be Mihstttiit. d for the guards,
and I b. lien- tint the m.i J.. :iy of tho
trader a willing to n..prite with ou
nnd nsslst In every posm!.!.' way."
Closi lo Life of lien.
Prof, an exponent nf indus
trial islu.nt ion .1 the T- I 'liers Cnllere.
Culumbu I'll. ver ty. who .s oigmlzlng
night s.-lo o'.s at Sing Sing with the aid
or a committee of th" Nitmnal Com
mittee on I'lis'.ns ;iml Pilh.n Labor".! by Mrn John H. I'l.iglsr. snd:
"Hil'tly the plan for the t h..r. U to
try t. In ng the work close t" tho work
Ir the l.o. and the hf of the men
Tho men iro'ighi before mu courts are
e.tlliiK otic of the best les-ons In
llsb composition--how non-h bter irom
.in edu. at i"ii i' standpo't.t that, to teach
inatur. in. n to w Ito 'A Heaullltil I'ay In
May' It Is the (i.iry. lu.l , plan liiat wo
hope to woik out iii Sing"
Those .it the conf.tcie-e included
Homer 1' Call, ptceolent of the New
V ok F delation of l.ii.or. James K.
lio.ich. geneiiil org.t.Uer Aoierlcnn Fed
eration of Labor, il K'ielit.k. n vice-
f I iiielileiit of the New Yoik Frdoiatinn of
I ...nor : .1. Kosenthal of tho c,..rment
W... L. i I'm. .ii of I'lii 1. t-t
. , ... , i, f com.
.... v- . . t
V.-ILf.. .. ,, , i no,,,,, i ,,i
"iniiii'tee on
. and K'.lhu
i , ,mir, f.ill -i-n. v .ngiiicr
I ) 1 I.' 1 1
HAL11WIN On !M.urtv,
St tils r"0'h nee. Svn. k.
St. 111B,
. Wllliim
II lU'dwtn, in hl v(n:yfourth yejr
Punrrsl prl itc
' '
At h'- rf-llrn.s. Hotel Sun
llsmr., NeW 1 ork It X . 'HI .lll.V 31.
Kruik W.IHim Km r, In the nf f v
eluh'.h ve.u of his sr -run.
ral ei 1' r t his Isle .e-hlsnie.
11. oi : Aucusi t V M
ni'Tiii:i.'"''H" "n Hs'unis . .t'.iv .ii
t!.i:., hi ihe Hshnem.iioi II -piii'
ii.'er Itotherf urt of 1 1 1 Ms lis -ni ie.
toi. Ion.'' no I ef l...ilts M Hntherturd th.' s-.ii ..I ihe Uts N ibe.U sn.l
c"er II I'h.Tliir 1, In hl sll'v llltn
w , , m-ii t . r ef th N, v Votk Nsvil
i:,. i... M i hto.ii nn 1 the New
k .' ',' rl.itis
s .. f O ' TVll hrreiifier.
ji.WAlii ui Ja 8. ai Dp itt'sboro,
i . I i ,4 i- II I ir', Si'tl nf the Utn
1 i.on i j Ii .mil Marietta C Stewart
j.-,,, , , . . . Mot tin. M 3'. st
, hu- h "t the Apc rislon. Fifth nnus
ft... i.iitti trrot. Ir.'ertnent IVood
hi a n l .tun pipem . i i- ropy
r.ll.l' A' M"t ' i 'ta u. N. ' ti t oi-.- . Into
li. .lulj .".I. 1 0. Lull M, lf of
v ii im tt To ld nn I ili.isli'cr of tho
, apt. Tliomus unit M.irmrot
I. n is f Tlriioklyi.
., r il . i i h i k Tin ! 1
A'liun 1 li P.
l ,
, Ii
I h" I .'hnr.
I ' ill klrcet,
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