Giants Get Even Break, but Dodgers Lose Twice Saratoga Crowded With Visitors for Gala Race Meet
8 t
Split Double llcailcr ns lias
lleooine Tlieir Custom In
Two Ply Affairs.
Yc-lerdav's llrsiills.
SI Ixiun. 4! New York. 3 (10 Innings, first
New York, I, SI Ijiiiis, 1 i second r.ime).
Cincinnati. 4s llrnnklyti, ; (first umpi.
Cincinnati, ii: ltrfiokt.vii, 3 iecnud samel.
Chicago, i; Philadelphia, 1 (10 Innings).
Detailed Mainline of the dubs.
2 I d
icy i S
Club! I S g t I
5i; T !i Jr. EE i.
F ii? S .V r " "
i. sj a a 7 C w a -
Philadelphia. j "j to t M 40 .580
Brooklyn 9''.0 "; 41 4J .ill
PittmurK V C fi t," "r 4T is "in
Boston 1 19 j; J J 0 47 46 .SO.1,
Chicago J J " ,"?! 4 4) ,MJ
New York ! t'l "t fj 44 4 Tilt
St. Louis "j jj S Y 4 J1 M74
Cincinnati... 0 4! i 3 7 "j To' t 40 51 435
Oamealnst.... If) V IVcn 4V IK M 31' Kit
lll llul'. M lleilllle.
New York In SI Louis,
Prnnklyn In Cincinnati
Boston In Piltsbiirg
Philadelphia III Chloaro
II) Wl 1,1.1 1 II. II WW..
"r 1.01'ls, Aug. 1 Mlspbtys by the
pltchots, one each by M.iniuint unit
Sehauer, the first game of n double
header for the (Hunt to-day, u game
which lusted trn Innings. Tht'ii habit
reasserted Itself nnil the (Hants won
the second game. They have been play
lnrr double holders ninl dividing them
for Mich n spell now that It ban crown to
be a rniitlniml custom with them. The
ecore of lb" opener was 4 to 3, nf the
pecond I to 1. The teeming afternoon
began with roasting hot weather, so
much so that the umptrlrnl pair, Knson
and Hj ron, deflect convention nnd np
reared In shirtsleeve to do their ar
bitrating llyron was nttlred In n robin's
egg blue waist and frequently doused
his rati lu the water bucket. The cooler
looking Karon wore freah laundered
white. It was cool .mil raining when
the battling ended n ml dusk wasn't fur
off. The St. laiuls pitcher, chronic
ally slow, helped to protons the siege,
which, however, never was dull.
Although outlutted many times over
In the first Eamc, the Clams mailt. It a
etubbom tilt. They hadn't much chance
to win It the way they were hitting
Bailee, ellclnK oiT few .ind far apart
safeties, but they plugged alons and
pestered the Cardinals by getting- runs
out of little. They pared a three run
lead down to nothing and the second
Nw York pitcher. Ilube Hchauor, was
Just effective enough to have kept the
argument going Indefinitely had he not
grounded a ulld pitch and thus put a
man In position to tilt In from third
on a hit by thu demolishing slugger
Krank Snyder.
That wild pitch by Schauer was te
eponslblo for the run which brought the
tlrst section nf the soliee to a close, and
an error by Maniuard In thu tlrst Inning
lowered the portculllH to two rutui.
Drlskly batteil though the New York
pitchers were, they fell down by reason
of poor support of themselves. Still the
Cardinals were In a similar boat. Their
errors were the outlet to all the Now
York runs. There was some slushing
support behind both Maniuard and
Schatier. Iturns and Fletcher weaved
over tho verdure making lightning plas.
l'oll Perrltt deftly outdid Hill Doak In
the second game. Taunts and Jeers and
recriminations weri Hung at Poll con
stantly by certain of the rooters, but
J'oll paid not tho slightest heed. It waa
verbal ammunition wasted and wan re
ceived with entire Indifference oy the.
former Cardinal, who attended to bin
(business without allowing nnythln,? to
disturb or distract him and twirled a
game of commanding excellence. They
Jammed ii run ucrixH on him In Mm iiri:
inning, but fium that on he bew'ldercd
them with a change of pace and his
cleverly oompounded mixture,
After long had mado a hit In the first
Inning of the llrst g.une .Manjuurd bad
n double play all out and bee.:
einlng when Miller grounded to him. Hut
he shot a (-cutter brained toss to sec
ond. Hums helped him on the next play
ly tin owing a man out at the plalo on
Dolan's single, but ho couldn't do hm
share, and walk and a hit sent In two
runs. Snyder waa passed tn get him
out of the way, but Hyatt, not to be thus
discredited, made the run devising lilt.
In the fourth the Cardinals ran their
largesse up to three runs A couple of
hits ami a muffed throw by Doyle were
the agencies, An error on SnodgraHS
In the sixth and singled by Hums and
Fletcher scoied two (Slants, and In the
ninth Kletcher dropped a bunt to tho
grass which caught the entire Cardinal
Infield flat footed. It was a hit right
enough and when Heck threw It to right
Held It wiiH the erjulvalnnt of n three
base hit. Sallee didn't allow the next
three batters to poke tho ball beyond
the Inlleld, but as the St. louls Inlleld
never came In .Merkle's roller to Under,
which bounced off the bat without the
batter being leaily brought In Fletcher
with the tying run. As the Inning turned
out this run could have been shut off, but
the Cardinals preferred n tie to taking
chances of more New York runs, which
was convercatlsm with a capital C and
the antithesis of nothing venture nothing
Still the Cardinals' board of strategy
Vloubtless calculated that the iilants
couldn't score again, which was exactly
roriect long singled In the tenth.
Miller popped to Doyle and Wilson
truck, out on a wild pitch, which tun
nelled through Meyers and allowed I.onn
to take third. Snsder, whoie war dub
la especially deadly to the (Hants,
rammed a single pan libert.
Hob Itehchei tok himself from plate
to plate In ihe tlrst Inning of the second
name and was tin. only Cardinal who
had the honor and the enterprise t do
A belt line trip on I'errltt. Heicher
walked, scouted to third on Leing's sin
gle and came through on Wilson's fly.
in New Ymk's second Fletcher was hll
on the elbow, ihe spot wliern all the
tingling seinatlniiK mine from, woiked
his 'pas-Mire to third on two outs and
h tppeil ii. ihe Ii artliMime on Hnilnard's
Inlleld hu An ii live contributor tn the
onwaid iiiovi'inini of the iilants, Ilruln
nrd, II " New V. ,)lt good fjutune
IIum-I.uII tb-iluj-, I'. M s v Amerl.
'"Iilr 'W una Aum. uOi
Find Handicaps as Did Easterners on Asphalt Courts
Seabright Games Expected to Give Line on
Probable Result of Return Contest.
n- .t. iMimtw p.aiiict.
The tables were turned last week t
lamgwood, nnd the Tactile coast players
who have come east found the grass
urt conditions nt ltoslon no mure to
their liking than did the Kaslcrn play
ers find asphalt courts In the recent
disastrous trip to tho exposition. In
tho interteum matches In San Francisco
Johnson bcM Church rather easily, but
when the clever Cntifonilan tackled the
grass courts at I.ongwood he was
beaten by Nlle.i, three sets to one, nnd
Nllca Is several notches below Church
in all estimates of relative skill of the
best players.
Grlllln beiit Williams slso In the coast
matches on asphalt, but the visitor from
tho far West has found turf court play
a very different matter.
Theie Is on foot a plan for a return
team match to bo played at the West
Side grounds, Forest Hills, Immediately
after the championship tournament the
first neek in September, mid Mclxiugh
J 1 n is already In negotiation with the
Knstcrn authorities over the details of
the play If the match comes off It will
probably be played as nearly as possible
under the same conditions tint gov
erned the first series out on the cuast
except that grass courts will be used
Instead of nsphalt The same number
of players nnJ matches would probably
complete the programme.
To say the least, the recent series
was very unsatisfactory. The visitors
from -the Kast found not only the court
surfaces very dllllcult to play on, 1iut
the California club grounds were swept
by heavy winds most of the lime. Not
one of the four visitors, no matter bow
badly he was beaten, has made any
effort to belittle the victory of Ihe
Westerners, but It Is an open secret
that they are anxious to redeem them
selves under conditions such us the
championship tournament Is Invariably
It Is expected that there will be In the
Kast In September nearly all of the b4t
coast men. McLoughlln Is here now,
having pased through New York last
week on hl way to I.ongwood, where he
defends next week, and Huudy Is ex
pected to start east net week. John
son, (.Irltlln and Ward Dawson are also
all here now and expect U remain until
after the championship at Forest Hills,
so that the coast men lack only John
Strachan to e-omplete the same team
that beat so badly the delegation headed
by Champion Williams last month. They
would need only to substitute C.rlllln tor
Strachan to complete their, lineup, and
us Johnson and (Irlllln won the coast
doubles and play together they should
make nearly If not iiulte as strong a
team as thu other combination.
What the chances are for an Kastern
tlctory in such a serle remains to be
fhown by the grass court play of the
next few weeks at Seabright. Southamp
ton. Newport and Forest Hills. Hut the
Kastern team could be strengthened ma
terially for such a series without any
Injustice to the vlsltoi. When Williams
took his team to the coast he was un
able to get the bejt men of the Kast nnd
was forced to fill the gaps with players
pot so strong. He met the best the
coast could offer on their home grounds
when they had their full force to eelect
Now they are unable to sfnd one man.
that he came to hat In the seventh In
ning after Merkle had wended his way
to first on a single. He Jumped a home
run over Hescher's head. The (Hants
kept nt Doak In this era until they had
trimmed hlni good. Dooln singled. I'er
rltt sacrificed his receiver to second and
Hums sent blm to the plate with n sin
gle. The scores .
NEW YOKK i.V 1. 1 ST l-OUIs iX I..i
ah h p a e ab h p a
Ilurna.lf 4 1 4 2 0 llf.eher.lf .-. ft !, ft 0
Hob'laon.rf 4 ft 2 ft ( I.onir,rf 5 3 1 1 ft
Iloyle.2h. 112 2 1 Miller.2b . 113 4 1
Heteher.aa 4 2 4 1 3 2 3 ft 0
Merkle.ef.. 3 ft 1 0 o'Witsnn.ef. 2 ft 2 ft 0
l.olieri.3b 4 ft 1 I ftiSrjder.c 4 t K ft 0
llralnar.i.lh 4 o r, I oll.v.itt.b . 4 -j 7 ft 0
Meyera.e. 3 02 ftilitiler as .11221
Maro'rdp 1 0 ft 2 1 Hrk.3h. I 2 0 ft 1
Snoderasa 1 0 0 o' ft ft 1 ft ft
Schauer.p. 2 0 10 oisjllec p. . 3 ft ft J 0
Totals .34 4 t2MI 2' Tniala . 31113)10 3
flatted for Marnuurd in flflh liminr,
tTn-o out when Miniiini: urn waa scored.
New York noooo-ofti ft 3
St. Louis, 2 0 ft 1 11 0 0 0 n 14
Huns New York. Iliirns. Fletcher, Snod
sraaa; SI. Loula. Loni, Miller. Dolan. Snuler.
First base on errors New York. U'ft on
banes N'e- York. 4; St. Louis. . First base
on hills Off Maniuard. I; off S-illee. 3.
Struck out lly Maniuard. 3j by Sih.iuer. 2;
by Sallee. 3. Two base hit Imir Sacrifice
hil Sallee. Double plavs. Meteia and
Fletcher; Miller and Wild pitch
Sehauer. Illla-Off Miiripinnl. 7 tn five In-nliii-a;
off Sehauer. 7 In four and two. third
Inninza. Umpire In chief Kaami. Field urn
pin Byron. Time 2 hours and 1') minutes.
NEW YORK iN 1,.) ST l.ol'IS ..V 1, 1
ab h p a e ab h p a e
Hurtle If 4 12 0 '!iesi-her,lf. 2 ft ft ft ft
Itnts-rt'n.rf I 2 " 0 ft Iinir.rf I 1 ft 2 ft
Hoji.;b 3 13ft ft Miller.2h . I 1 r. 1
Fleliher.aa 3 ft 4 II 1 Wllton.ff 3 11 ft 0 ft
Merkle.ef 4 3 1ft ftSmdcr.c 4 1 f, 1 ft
Iibert.Sh I ft 1 4 ft Hyatt. lb 3 2 1.'. 1 ft
Ilr.1111ard.lh I 2 lft ft ft linlan . ft ft 11 ft 0
Donui.e .4141 ft' lift 41 J S ft
1'errilt.o.. 2 0 2 0 lleok.3b j n a 2 ,1
- Doak, p. . . 3 ft 1 ; 0
Totals 32 27 1 3 1
Totals ,30 :. 27 21 1
Ilan for Hyatt In ninth Innlnr.
New York 11 1 0 11 ft n 3 ft 04
St, Louis looonooft 0 I
lluns-New York, Fletcher. Merkle Drain
aril. Dooln; St. Louis, Heartier. First base on
errors New York, 1: St. Lonis, 1. I.ft nn
bases -New York, 4: St, Louis, it. First base
on balls- Off I'errltt, 4! off Dmk, I, Struck
nut-lly I'errltt, 4: by Doak, S. Home run
llralnard. Sacrifice hit Perrltl, Saerlth-e fly
Wilson. Slnlen hnaes llewher, Hyatt,
lie. k. Double plays Fletcher and llralnard
2. Itelrel anil Hyatt, Hit by pitched ball
lly Doak (Fleteheri, Uninlre In e-lilef Myron,
Field umpire Eason. Time 1 hour Slid M
HT I.Ol'IS Aug 1. Here wa. u,.r
deielopnient Iri dayi Snn.lKrass laid off
yesterday on account of his ,.nk hitting,
was aent In to pinch hat fur Mnrmiard,
He hit a sharp grounder and scored a run.
Mrtlraw-'s latest shift was continued t.,.
da. Merkls jilHyert centre In eprl style
ninl robbed timelier with tine mill
Ths next time nrarher came up lliirua
retired him with 11 beautiful running curb
Dave Hnbertson. whose hlttlnir had
fallsa away In nnlhln, gathered two
single" In Ihe second came rine wus a.
bunt which ha beat with Ills spaad. Nn
luidv In the Nutloiial Lr.iKHe can travel
wllh him between Ihe pints and first
Hut from that point on there nm freipi-n!
inninents when, as 4 haaeriinner, he Is a
shine Imams he duean'l run wllh good
Fletcher again showed, his aplltuda Ht
hitting In runs with two out e drnve
Hums tn Hie plate In Ihe tlrst k.uii- mth
two dlspied nf. Ilriilniird has balling
average of 333 fnr his Inst fiiur xnmea
and his hits, beside being timely, Iniiiide
ti iiihi- rtn'i h iiiuiir run.
The Cardinals have an enreedlnglv
'aiihl tiimiK iibivar In Tommy Long He ihinw he can run h can till, which
makes a fair suppl) nf virtues for any
I Lnbeil trailed .ilc.lii; lliiouch twft munes
fielding well bin mil m.iUlinr a hit or
lflliMf nn bau In cl.iil times up.
I Slrnchnn, east, Just as Karl Hehr was
I unable, to go West, and the home dele
1 gallon should havo the right to
, strengthen their team with Hehr,
Clothier and Alexnnder If they wish to.
I If this Is done I am Inclined to be-
llcvo the home team will prove the
stronger uii grass courts, although pos
sibly not so overwhelmingly superior as
the California delegation appeared U be
in lilt! coast matches.
j The failure of Hackett and Tell In the
Kastern championship doubles nt Long-
I .1, ...lit ......I.
.1 ma, iicn ,, iiuu.iuij intuit inr
pawing nf Hackett as a championship
factor. It has been considered a seven
das wonder that Hackett has been able
to Inst to long at the top of the doubles
Players, and only when he has been In
clote training for hard play has he been
able to bear through long matches In the
last few seasons. On papcrllnckctt nnd
Fell looked to be easily the best of the
teams entered for the doubles nt Long
wcd, yet they were beaten In the semi
I finals by William" and Washburn, who
1 nro not considered to be a very power-
Iful combination.
The champion Is a poor doubles
plaer nt bet. His method, very suc
I cessful In singles, Is poorly adapted to
i the either game. For modern doubles a
(ery close net iiosltlon Is rehired for
tho volley. Williams hangs back dan
gerously far lu vol!c.ltig nlwas, and
, has a tendency to get 'the ball at his feet.
, even resorting to the half-volley at times
uce-ause he Is caught out of isltlon.
The tery essence of good play In
doubles requires the pin) era to crowd
very close to the net and volley ug
giesslvcly at all times. This nwltlon
naturally opens the plaer to attack
Jrom the lob overhead, which may bo so
well timed and well placed sometimes
as to catch the man at the net so close
In that he cannot get back lu time to
volley the ball, nnd must let It drop.
This Invariably turns tho attack over to
Ihe opposite side, so the lob Is more often
used as an attacking stroke In good
doubles than In singles.
With Hackett nnd Fell eliminated
from the championship lists for the
double's the chancer for an Kastern
team lu the challenge round have grown
slimmer. Church and Mnthey seem
now to ht the einly pair whose 'chance
e-an be considered very serlouslv to beat
Johnson and Crltlln nt Chicago In the
Intersection!!! playoff. They had an
easy uth through the Northwestern
championship sectional tournament nt
Lake Mlnnetonka last week and quali
fied easily for the Chicago finals.
The Western tournament for doubles
conflicts this season with SeabrUht. and
this Is likely to take some of the best
plajers away from Ihe popular meeting
on the Jersey coast Mclaughlin has
promised to enter this event and Dundy
and many of the best Kastern stars nre
also exp.'cted, but Juhwmi, Urlflln. Will
lams, Washburn, Church and Mathev
will all be engaged out West during the
Seabright week.
Ward Dawson, a young expert from
Southern California, made his flrst-Kast-ern
appearance at Ingwood last wfek.
but did not distinguish himself, as had
been expected. Kastern critics who have
seen new stars rise out of the West
almost every season of recent years
were looking for another metror In iMw
son. However, the visitor Is iulte
oung and this was his first
on grass courts, so he may easily re
deem himself In th- three or four wes-ks
of play that yet Intervene before the
championship week.
Yesterday's Heeiilfs.
No games scheduled.
Detailed standing of Ihe Clubs.
Clubs. Ob' c
- - i
S i -2 -i
foston 71 12 a
Chicago 7 I j t j
HetroTi JS; "7 ,
Wishlngton.. 4 el "i s
Ncsr York
SI. I.ouU 3 41 5
Cleveland 3 4 4 4 3
Philadelphia. 4 24 4 "s
(limes ... 13 m ail j 7?
I it
ej S
e 7
: 11
7 1
! 4
1) 11 111
s: J.u
47 4i.5ftJ
44 4; .4'!
Ti ii.m
jjiai "57I1
M'M', Srliedule.
fhlcago In New York,
Deirnlt In Huston.
Cleveland In Philadelphia
St Louis in Washington
Hut Ynnkrea Attain Pull llefore
I'roiTess of tnialn.
I.ONH HnANeiii, N. J Aug. l nill
Donovan In person brought the Yankees
heie to-day ninl saw them humbled In-
Acosla, tho Cuban pitching wonder-, by i
a score .if 2 to 1. Cy Pleh was on the
mound for the Yanks nnd It was a
tough game for him to lo-e, ns the
locals could do nothing with his slants
until the closing Inning, when thcv got
to him for three hits, storing two 'runs.
ii ii p n r, Hi) h n n
J Cairn ef 3 13ft ftlCnnk.rf . I " " o
yiolarf. I 3 ft 0iH.iruell.3b. 30030
'.-nlrnn.311 4 1 ft " n' M ,,n.,n ,'1.
4 13 0ft
1 s 11 ft n
Hunito2h 4 12 4 1
TCalvo.lf 3 t 2 0 ftCree.lf.
llaranda.lh 3 2 14 ft o I j yd-ti.l f
Torres e 3 ft 3 I (.1 llaum'n.iih
Acnsta.u... 3 1 0 2 0 Sweeney. i-
- Si hwerl c.
Totals. 3t 11 27 If. :;l'iehji .. .
-r ... - ,
2 0 3 0 0
2 ft ft ft 0
.1 1 ft 3 0
2 ft Ti 0 0
1 0 2 0 0
3 10 10
One out when wiiimus run w.-i'a sivr'ea
3. S 2fi U (I
New York ft ft ft ft ii n i o ft l
Long llramii .noooiiflftn 22
Huns -New York, llnone: Long lirnneh,
Itomanach. Viola Two base hit Viola
Sacrifice hits ! C.ilvn, Hartell Double
idajs-Iliinso, llomaiiai li and llaranda:
lloone. llaumaiin and Mullen; Kallmann inn.
aasisieili First has on errora New York
ill lick out lly lleh l In Acoslll, 2 Stolen
bases-Ilnnito T Calvn. Ilaraiula, 2 Umpire
- O'Connor Time l hour and 3ft mlnuiei
Nmitliern la-ague,
Memphis, !, Mnblla, 3
Nashville. (, Atlanta. 3 lift Inning),
VV. L 1-C ; W, I. PC
New Orle-ilisVI IJ :.S4iAt.1lita. ..II 31 41ft
IllrmiuahiiniW 41 .f.T0Molnle ,...n ,-,2 p,-,
'Memphis r,7 IV w,s i t,
Nashville. ,Vi n M9 Little Hoik. 37 82 .374
New Knsliiiid I.eaciie.
W, i. IV W L I'O
l.awreili e. IH 80 .r.'O Lew uton 3'l m
Portland . I'. H .Manchester j-, 47 4117
Wons'ster II ,ir, .."ill Lou ell , 31 12 14a
l.jnn 11 !T ..VUlFltehhurg .,31 49 37
Virginia League.
W I. IV I w 1. PC
Rocky M-nl :.3 r,( fti Suffolk 11 47 47s
N port Nawsif in nil Portsmouth II 9 t-"''
Norfolk 4J IJ .j.'Jll'eicreburj 3 52 J5
Tiiilcnd Kflds Take Until Kmls
of Double Bill Coombs
and Douglas Pitch.
Cincinnati, Aug. 1. Herzog's cellar
Ites put n temporal)' damper on Wil
bur ltoblnson's pennant hopes this after
noon by taking both games of a double
header by the scores of 4 to 2 and 6 to 3.
In the Hist contest the locals bunched
hits off Douglas, while in the second
contest Coombs, the veteran, went nil
to plcecs In the fourth round when he
nltowed four lilts nnd walked two men.
McKniery, Toney nnd Henton pitched
good ball for tho locals. The scores:
ab h pa e uli h p h e 4 2 4 " e'droh.Jb ... a I : I o
O'M.irn... 2 0 4 2 0lhriu . 4 1 j 3 I 4 I " Wnsner..h . 3 u o ? o
7. Whcat.lf. 1 2 4 0 o Kllllfrr.ef . 3 0 0 n
f:tilaha'.xb ft 0 o n (iriffith.rf . 3 17 0 0
Stcnrel.rf. 4 1 1 P 1 Wlnto.e ., 2 1 7 1,,,. 4 0 0 2 u William.. If 3 n 1 1 0
Mlller.e.. . I g 4 I 0 Jlnltwiu.lh f o 12 0 ft
MiCajihy. 0 o 0 o o Mi Kmc ry.p r M I
tl Wheat , ft i) 0 o OiToiiey.p 0 ft t 0 0
Doililll.p,, 20000
tsclmlu.... 1 1 0 0 ii Total . .27 12:11 1
Delia 0 0 0 ft ft
lOlson...,. 1 o ft e ft
Total. 32 7 24 ti V
Hatted for Miller In the ninth !iinin
tKnn for .McCarthy In the ninth inuim.
Ill.itted fnr lniui.i in the eichlh limlni.
Dialled fnr Drll m the ninth innlnc
Ilrnoklyn 0ftftftftftft2 o !
CinHiiii.111 it ft : n o ft x-l
Buii.-llrnoli:ii. Mer. Sibull; Cliuln
null, droll, Kilhfer . I.rlflllh Molrn Im
llrrroi; Too bae lilt Klllifrr Three
base hll-Rrifnili Mnuk mil lly Housl.i".
4: by MeKenery. 4 Wild pitch-McKeiicry
liases nn lull. -Off Doiul i. off MeKeneiv
2 I'mplrrd-lUijler and Hart. Tinie-I hour
and II minute
ub b i a e ab h p a e
Mfersef 4 0 3 1 ftCrolOti . 3 1 4ft
O'.Mnr.i.M 4 111 o llerii),s 4 2 S f. n
D.'illlierljh 4 3 S 2 0 Watlier.2h I ft ft 2 ft
ZWheal.lf 4 t S 0 . 3 1 I ft ft
C'tshaw,2li 4 3 13 ft (iriinih.rt . 2 I I u n
Slentel.rf. 3 ft I 1 ft tiarke.c . .31410
Hummel.. 1 o ft ft 0 Wilams.lf, 2 t 4 ft 0
r,etr.3b.. .4120 ft 2 1 1.1 2 o
.M'C.ithr.e. 3 17 3 OToney.p. . t 0 ft 3 0
I.M. Wheat ft ft ft n n jWiiun 1 ft ft ft ft
Mlller.e . I 0 ft ft ft llcnlnu.p.. I ft ft 0 1
Conmbs.p . 3113ft
. - - -- Totals M 7 27 17 1
Totals 3.1 It 21 14 ft
Tlatled for Menrel tn the ninth Innlnr.
titan for McCarthy In Ihe vienth Inmnr.
Matted for Tone) in Ihe fourth tnmn?
IlrooUlin ,. nnnjftftftft nj
Cincinnati o 2 11 1 0 0 ft 0 x r,
Huni-llrooUlyii. 0'Mnr.i Uauben. 7. Wh-v;
Cincinnati. Kllllfer lirlfftlh. Clarke. V.
lams. MnllwHr. Wincn Too hie hits
Hauberl. Z Wheat IiouW,- pi iv - lienor
ami .Mnllnltr Nrucl. nut- IH Coombs. I;
by Tonry. 7; br Pentnn 1 ll.i.e 011 hall
-Off Coomb.. 4 l'mpires-Hlelcr and Hart
Tinie-1 hour and f.2 inimitr
Wlilllril I. els 7.linmcriooii's lilt
Roll to IVnec In Ten Ih.
Cmcvilo, Aug. 1 - Zimmerman's sharp
hit which escaped Whltted ami rolled
to the fence, allowing Heinle to score,
broke up a hot ten Inning battle with
the Phillies this afternoon, the Cubs
winning, 3 to 1. Williams's homer In
the fifth ptoduccd the other Cub tally.
AtcU'irry'n error and Cravath's single
III the sixth gave the visitors their only
11m. Hoth Alexander nnd Ailamo pitched
great ball. The score.
I'HILA iN I.i CHlCAliO i.V Li
ah h p a e ah Ii p a e ,1 0 3 2 OOnndrf I ft 1 ft ft
Stock. 3h . 1 ft ft ft ft, Ft slier as t 1 ,", 1 ft
llecker.lf . 3 2 .'. ft ft chlllle.If I ft 1 ft II
Cravath rf 4 11ft ftlZim'nun.Ib I 1 ft 3 ft
Nlehnff..'h I 1 0 I 0 KhIm lv,2l :l ft 0 1 ft ft ft I' 3 1 4 ft ft
Lllderua.lh 3 1 ' 1 ft Areher.c 3 n s 3 ft
Kllllfer.e 1 a f, ft ft'Mclairry lb 3 1 13 ft t
Alex'der.p I ft 1 1 3 0 ft ft 0
Totals 3.T. 2S '. 1 Totals 31 1 30 It I
One out when winmn; run was score.!
Philadelphia .ftftftftoiftnft ft 1
Chli-aro ft 0 ft ft 1 ft ft n 0 1-2
Huns-Philadelphia. Slock: Chli-aro. Zim
merman. Williams saendi-e hit Hacker
Stolen liav-naiicrnft Hume run-Williams
Double playAlexander IlancroII and laid
erua Ila-es on ballstiff Adams. 3 Struck
onl fly Adams, r.; r Alexander. I I'm
plres Klem and Eni'lle Time 1 hour and
K minutes
New York Male League.
AT ''-ncA -FlHST II .MK.
Albany iftanftftivft ni j
I'lU-a . ... 2 11 ft I 2 11 3 ft -s 13 0
llatterles -Albany. and Clouglie-.
Vtlca. Hreuer and McDonough
It It E.
Alheny 1 n n 11 1 ft ft : 1 1
Utlca llftftlft x 3 1
llatterles Alhanv, Frill and I'helps;
l.'tlca, Sherry and Allies,
It II E.
Trov ftftftftftftftftii 3
Syracuse .... ft 11 ft n 7 ft ft ft x 7 in 2
llatterles Trny, Fullertnn and MrOralhi
Syracuse, Frl-1 and Tjler
n 11 e
Trny (1 ft ft ft ft n ft -a 1 3
Syracuse 0 0 0' 4 0 a 4 7 I
H.itterls- Trny. Ilurkeia and Medrath,
Syracuse, Itelxer and Tiler.
Wilkesbarre . ftftdtftftonn 1 e, ft
Klnilra. ft 11 1 n ft ft n 1 ,s n -
llatterles Wllkestiarre. .Meyer. and
Hrleger. Elmlra. t'apurel and llemls
W. I.. I-C I W. I. PC.
Ullea . .. M 2 .wn'WIIkesliarie 37 4.'. I'd
IVshamlon .'.2 32 .in;svrai-use . .1 c, 411
Elmlra . . 4H 37 .Mr,,Tio) .... 12 41 .39'.
Scranlon. :3 3 ,&24Alh.iny 21 M .321
American Assoelallnn.
St Paul .... ftftOftllftft 2 I s (I
Clavalanil ... 01 1 0 0 ft ft 0 02 t 2
llatterles Hall and Johnson, McCall and
It. II K
St. Paul ftftftft02ftft 13 11 0
Cleveland ... 1 0 0 ft ft 0 ft 0 01 9 2
llatterles laithrop and Johnson; Hren
ton and Devom.
It II. E.
Milwaukee ... ftft0OOO21ft-3 S 1
Cnlumliua. . . ft 0 ft ft ft ft I (I (11 4 0
Hetterlee Young and Hughes; Schene
berg and Scolt
It 11 E.
Minneapolis . . ft ft 0 2 ft 2 .1 ft ft -7 V 2
Indianapolis. . 0 0 0 0 0 ft 4 1 11;. II I
latteries llnfier and Sullivan, llegan,
Criindall nnd (iossett
Minneapolis .. . 0 ft ft ft ft ft j-2 s 3
Indianapolis. 3 " 2 2 0 11 s 1 1 a
Hailerlas- l'.ngel and liharrlty; Willis
and Hosaett.
Kansas City... 2 ft 0 2 1 ft ft 2 o7 14 3
iusville 2 3 0 0 3 ft 0 1 x 3 U, 3
Hailerlas Delhi. Ilegan. Larson and
elrlbel, Taylor. D.inforih, Kills and Croisjn
Kansas city. .. 0 0 1 1 0 ft a n 2 7 2
Mulsville 11 0 2 ft ft 02 4 1
(lame called on aicount .if d irkn-ss,
llatterles--Delhi and Helbel, lioih mid
W 1. It! V I. S'
M Paul ai 39 .(I'll Louisville.... 17 49 .490
Indianapolis f,l 1:, .oi.'.i Mil w aiiLcc II 52 I'.s
Minneapolis fs. .'.Clcicv rl.inil 12 r,a 117
Kansas 49 Mo I'oluniJius 31 mi lis
rraapee-t I'aik league.
Circle A. A.. I, Shlnneeoek F. C. 2
Canlral lily A, A, 12i Kllon Athleilrs, 4.
oivmpli' F c, 9, Cenlral cm- a A 0
(forfeited 1
Xavler Lyceum. 9, Pearleas F. r, 3
Saelev F. C, t, Imnisriilala, 7 icalltd
on account of rain seventh Inning),
t'eilo I'lnjer llrnlsed and Slrnlneil
In (iniue With Kreeboolera.
I'.t.-MsoN, N. j., Aug. 1. In ,thc
third period of a polo match to-day be
tween the itunuon four nnd Freebooters,
I.elnnd H, Itoss was thrown fiom his
mount In a collision with ,1, llerens
Waters'g pony nnd landed on the side
Ixiard In front of the Rumson Country
Club bouse. He wus badly bruised nnd
strained nbout Iho legs and body, but
no bones were broken. W. Strother
Jones, Jr., look hl place with the Free
booters nnd scored three goals In suc
cession. J. llerens Waters was also unhorsed,
but continued In the game, which was
played In tho rain nnd was evenly con
tested the first half, each learn making
four goals, but the Freebooters had a
runaway In the second half, when Jones
scored three goals and McClure seven, of
which six were In close succession. The
final score was 14 to fiifc goals In favor
of the Freebooters. The lineup;
l-l'eter Mauck, Jr. lfl, .lason Waters
L. If W. 8. 2-J. llerens Walirs.
Jones, Jr S- Howard S. HanKi.
- Waller McClure n.ick-0, , Henry
Ilark-W W ilartmur
Ooals-Freebootfrs, M'Clure, 9; Jones. 3;
Itoss. ; Darbnur. t. Totsl. 14. ltumson
llnrden. J; J. II. Wafers. 4: Penalty of U on
foul by J. II. Waters. Total, c4,.
Veslf rilai 's ItesiilU.
Newark. 4i Chleato, 3 iflrst lime)
Newark, 3; Chlcaao. 2 (12 Inninrs. seeend
Kans.u Cily. 2: Ilaltlmore. I Iflrst came).
Kaiisis CM). : llallimore. 3 Iseennd irame).
Iliirfalii, s; St laiuis. 2 (first camel.
Iliiflalu. Ii M Ixmlt. I in Innlnxa. dark
lies., semml camel
V,,. n.l In. . .... .!.....
- . .. ....... ... V I u UK.
W. U I-C. W. I,. PC I
,.nup.i- VIIJ.M, .1 ,t,,j i, l.ntlis.., i' 4, .i'JIi
ClOesso. . M 42 .Wllronklyn... 41 f.l .441
IJIlsliitrs . M 41 .t'.llluft,ilo. . 4! M .441
Newark . 51 44 .137 llallimore ., 31 M ,111
To-dnv's sehedule.
Ilrooklui In I'ltt.bitrx.
Newark 111 Chieajo
llallimore In Citv
buffalo in SI. I.uuli
Al Cideagn.
It H. E
Neaark IF I..1 . . . .ft ft ft 0 0 ft 3 ft I 4 0 1
(ilte.lKn IK. I..I I) ft 0 1 1 II I ft ft 3 1 1
...o.-rir- iieiiiuncn ann iiariuen;
drlx and Wilson.
13 1
7 1
Nen ark 1 F I l.ft ft ft ft ft ft ft a I ft ft 23
Chit-dan F L. l.ft I 11 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I 2
,, ' rnie-rnn-rs. -onran nn
-.-ii, a.irnnaii una i ncner.
Al s,. .niils.
He.,... 11 " H
lliirratii il" l). . I ft 2 ft ft ft ft n ft r, 0
St. Louis 1 F !..) . 0 0 ft ft ft 0 n n--2 r. 2
lliitierles Krapp and Allen; Plank. Wl.
leit and i'
SECOND li.Mli:.
It. II
Iliirfalii fF 1.l..ftftftftftftftftlft a 1
St I.nnl. IF 1. 1 ft I ft 0 11 n 0 0 ft n ft -I a
lljiterle.Ford. Andersnn and lllalr nnl
Al. en. c'randell and Chapman.
.XI Kansas lily.
Ilaltllnnre IF 1,1 ft J ft ft 0 ft ft ft ft 1 'j
Kansas I'll)- F I., l.ft ft ft ft 0 0 J ft t- -2 i 2
HaiterlesQuinn anJ Owens, Mala an 1
Ilaltlmore iK I.I 'i.
K insas City iFLI00ftftftft42 1
llatterles llender, l.r.ialr and Jack
lltschi H-nnlnK. Cullnp and Easterly.
elcrila' Kesiills.
Jersey I'Uy I, .Montreal 1 (first game
Montreal 14, Jersey city. 12 Imi
game i
slandlng nf Ihe Clubs,
W. I.. It' W L.
I'rnvliien.e M r .r.WUochesier.. .n 4s
lluffal'i . O 32 .uc. Torimlii. . .-. 4.
Ilarrlsbiirt 14 .Ti ..Wo llichmond . 3 sn
Montreal . 41 .123:.lers.-y City 33 JS
Toila)'s stbedule.
Harrl-burc In Tornnm llwo gamesl.
l'rovldenie In lloehester.
Itb hiiion I In Hurfatn
.142 1
. I.1J
.r.i i
1 tl Xlnnlrenl,
' . It II K
I Jersey City (I 1 , ft 1 ft 5 0 11 ft . ft-- 13 ft
! Mnture.r ii 1,1 Oftftoftftlno-1 3 I
lliilerles -llrui k and Tragresser, Me.
Illale. Dowil sml How-lev
Jersey Cliy ( 1 I. 1 1 ft ft ft 2 ft 3 ft- 12 14 1
Montreal il I, 1 2 ft I 3 f. ft 0 1 x 1 1 ti, 1
llatterles- Verbom, Crnteher. Ilrmk and
llevnolda. Miller. Cartnre and Madden.
1 "
Four llnrt In line Hull tin inc.
There was a heavy casualty list In the
e'lrclcShlnnecock game ni Hie 1'rospect
l.irk parade grounds esterilay after
min. Four pla.vers nf the Circle te-am
were injured Hlchanl Domly. man
ager. suMnlned a broken linger In
practice. Frank lamgtry. second baee
man. and Albert Duerk. right
fielder, collided while going 11 Dor
a short fly ball In the sixth Inning. Hoth
had to be carried off the field l.uigiiy
vvas able to resume play, hut lastfd only
mother Inning, lu the ecvctith he
broke his left ankle while sliding for
the midway station, Joseph Hopkins
look his place at second and on the tlrst
ball thrown to him sustained a broken
Clip fur How Dim mi Creen.
The Hrookljn Howling on Hie 1; reen
Club announced last night the offering
of a sliver cup as a prize in .e cotitewtoi
for between the members of the HrooU
1 x 11 dub and Hie Tdlstle Club of Hart
ford The cup Is to 1m known as the
H S. Ilearn trophy August 11 is the
dale eel for Hie first contest, which will
take plate on the rinks of the Hrooklvn
club at 1'rospect Dark. The winner will
retain the trophy, hut must be open for
challenge by any bona fide bowling
green club of Harlfonl or HrooU) n,
Scml-pro Mill's lilt 1,1 liiiilnus.
Dolllis l-'Kllltv. All!?. I M'li..
Ferry ball club won a fiflceii Inning 1
game b I to 0 from the Mason &
Seaman Transportation Company nine'
01 .ncw lorn nere lo.rlay, Francis
pitched all the way for the winneis and
Sheridan for the vlsltiits.
Western Lengue.
Topeka, 9. Omaha. 3 (first gam-)
Topeka, 12; Omaha, A (second giuiei
wiihiiM. 3, sioux cit). 0 (first giuiei
Wlrhlta. t; Hons Cliy. 11 (second game)
Lincoln, 9, Si. Joseph, 2 (tlrst game).
SI Joseph, 3. I.lmoln. 2 1 second game).
Denver. 9; Das Moines, 3 itlrat game)
Denver. 9; Des Moines. & (second guuie).
Drs .Moines''" 3ii 1.". Omaha ( r.t ic
Denver . r.ii 37 iW Sioux Cliy 12 .-.) c,7
Tivieka .. M 47 .'.ll Wichita 31 to n:,
l.llicolll.. IC 4s W) SI Joeih. 37 M 39v
racltle Cnasl lengue,
San Franilacu, .'1, Oakland, 3 (tlrst rainei
Sin Francisco, 7; Oakland, 0 (second
Mall Lake, , .o. Augalei, 3.
Vernon, 1. Portland 0 (rirei gainei
Vermin, II, I'arlliind. 3 laecnnd game)
W. L. I'O w. L. PC
San F'c'co K7 63 .MS, Oakland . eift 4 .4(4
Los A'lreles mi 57 .M7i Vernon f.7 HI .471
Pnrlland .. J7 M .49iiSall Lake . S3 l ,,3
Texas League,
Mhrevepori, il. (lalvision. 3 (first gainei
Shrevepiirt, 7; lilveslon, 1 (secon)
Wiu-o, 3, Ilriiiatoii ft
Dallas .',, Han Antonio, 4 (to Innlngai
Fori Worth, 7, Heaumnnt ft itlrat gainei
neaumonl, 0, Fort Worth, 4 (second
g line)
W L. IH' w T.
Waco k'l ir 11.V Dallas r,v (,7
C.nlveaion 1,1 A3 .ssvllnustnn ... fi f.3
S'n MU'nlo 11 .'i7 MJ. Ileaumont as SI
rt. Wart.. i; .;oi!shrevrpnrl IG 70
North Carolina la-aiue,
W L Ki w L IT
Aaherilts .M vi a is Wns'n-Siem.-ei 49 117
Durham IS IS 7v rjeaenalmro .13 14 41W
Haleirh. . 47 In iM.Charlolle. ,,n n ,'jlt
Many Cottagos Occupied for
First Time in Years and
Visitors Fill City.
S.viiatoha, N. Y, Aug. 1 Crack
thoroughbreds of the Kast and the West
will meet to-morrow for the tlrst time
this season on common ground nt the
opening; of the meeting of the Saratoga
association, which will last throughout
the month. Since the last e ncounter be
tween the eipllne celebrities of the two
sections Saratoga has been transformed
ft out a village to a city, but the munici
pality Is as strong for tho horse as ever
was the village which has been the sum
mer home of racing for half a century.
There 1s every sign that tho present
session will eclipse In Interest nnd at
tendance all those held since the break
In the sport caused by the laws fostetctl
by (!ov. Hughes. Collages which have
stood Idle for years have been rented this
season and many old timers who have
been absent In the pnt two )eais have
returned to the scenes of their former
President II. T. WiUoti. J- , has leased
the Davidson collage on I'l.lon avenue.
He has made a visit of Inspection to the
track and found ever)lhlng In readiness
for the bugle call. I'aytie Whitney was
anotliir early arrival and will occupy a
cottage on Clermont avenue for the
month. William IC. Vanderbllt ha en
(.aged cottage. at '.he l ulled Slates
Hotel and Jesse I.evvlsohn. who has not
been a regulai here for the past ten
ears, Is at the Kearney Cottage on
Caroline street. (.'. Iv. il. Itll.lngs will
be hole fnr the season nnd ainoi.g olhers
who have taken cottag'H ale Samuel A
Clark. (Ilfford A. Cochran, Dr. Tlieodorua
llalle.v, Itlchard I-'. Carman. Thomas
e"l)di. Janus C. Duff, I Hoard C Dog
gett. Amos I-'. Kro, K. W. Hetfner. Mis.
Henry H. II) de. IleiiJ.imtu Hart. Thomas
and Francis H'tchcock, Kdwanl W.
Kearney, Adrian I . Klrkmaii. l.ei .1.
la-hmanii. Sol I.lchtcnstcln. Kdwanl
Murphy I'd, liiaiincey Olcott. Israel
I'utliam, Schu.vler 1.. I'arsone. Huticiu ii.
Hupert, James Sheviln Hol.ind W. Smith,
Ceorge Saportas. Ilari) M Stevens, Al
bert Stokes, .1. I.. Scl-oir. Mlrabeau 1..
Towrs, F. Skidd) Von Slade. .! eph A
Wolley. .1. Hrandt Walker
Mr. and Mrs Ferry ISeltnont have
been for Ihe past three weeks at the
llelmont cottage 111 the private race
cotitee and August llelmont, chairman
of the Jui key Club, Is expected at tin
Culled Slates with a pail), (.libels at
the Slates Include. John Sanford. James
It. Joseph. 1'iedeilck Johnson, (ie-orge
Johnson, Willis Shaip Kllmei. Wallci
Scheftel, 11. It Duval. JclTcisoti Sellg
mae, (iiotge F. Hun, Thomas F Shenly,
John F II) Ian, Mitchell May. James
l.'lliiian. John W Schorr and Ceorge F.
The Jockey Club has established head
quarters at the- Crand I'tilou and the
racing men will meet dull) In the Sara
toga Heading Himiiii at this hotel to ills
cues form and enjoy club privileges.
Many of the racing enthusiasts have ee
cured accominielallons theie. Im lulling .
l-'oxhall I'. Keetie, K. liatence Jones,
Mrs. Frederic NeiKui. John I '. Crlni
mine, Archibald Harklle. William A.
l'lnkerton. 11. C. Hallcnbeck. Fernando
Sanchez De Fuentes, John Tucker. W.
HlncMc Smith. M-s. C. Hiay Dlnsmore.
Mrs H. Flank Clvde. W. A ('. Hughes,
II. 11. Hewitt, Capt. N. Hugh Cotton
nnd Kmll Winter
The rank and Hie have been arriving
all day long, the last and largest con
signment coming on from the Cavanagh
special, which had fjurtnii car.- In two
sections. The night boat from New
York was so crowded thai man) had to
wait over 111 Albaii) lor trains to bilng
them on. Others aie. due lo-morrow
In the Saratoga Handicap Tom Mc
Dowell Is the onlv owner from the West
or South to take up the glove thrown
down h) ihe Kastern horsemen. He has
11 formidable, candidate 111 W iter lllos
roni, a thn e-.vcar-old. which has not
been beaten this season and which won
among ollur r.i-es 'he C. madia- Deiiiv.
In which she defcatel The F un. He
sides Water Hlossom. McDowell lias
named the slx-.v ear-old Star Jasmine,
a mare that has alie.uly shown her
racing qualities here. Theie ,-ue eight
overnight entiles for the handicap. In
cluding Harrow, Hoamer and Stromboll
The main battle between the Kast and
the West will be waged In thi I'lilted
Stales Hotel Stakes, for two-year-olds,
nnd boll) side-, are equally r.pieeenlcd
with six from each territory. Clifford A.
e'ocliran's Air Man. Janie 11 Keein's
l.orac and I, S Thompson's Dominant
appear to be the Inst of the Kastein di
vision, and not one of them Is ovei bur
dened with weight. The Westerners to
a man arc pinning tin ir faith to .1 W.
l'arrlsh's Hulsc. a eolt by Disguise- -Nethereole,
which his nn unbeaten
lecord in the West. Dulse's many vie
Inrles liavv earned him penalties, o that
ho will h.ive to carry DPI pounds. Ivvnty
pounds more than the heaviest weighted
,1. ii. Creencr'a Cosmic, by Countless
Miiwen, Is another speedy Western colt,
which has had his weight brought up to
117 pounds by winning his l.'iM three
laces. Anotliir dangerous lauilidate Is
Johnson N. Camden's Marsc Henry, by
Hen Hrush- Nun's Cloth, and In spile of
nevcrat wins he Is In with 111) pounds,
with a chance to turn the tables on
Hulse, which beat him when they met
before. Jefferson Livingston will he rep
tesentcd by an Knglleh hresl coll In I'ol
lonia, b) l,olyitielus---I.acoma. This
richly bred ) ouiHrstcr Is stil a maiden
in spile of several stale, but Is expected
tn graduate nt the Spa. The other
Western entries urn II. II. Hewitt's
Cantnra, by Sain -Inspiration, and J,
W. Seciip's John W. Klein, by Star
Shoot liantress.
Theie ni ft Western entries In several
of the other races, Including Hawthorn,
which for Iho past two years bad been
considered a stake horse, but which How
ls dropped in a selling nice. Many of
the Kastern horses did not arrive until
to-day, which nrcfitmts for Hie r-tther
light cud for an opening day. There
aie, however, about 1 ,r,(l(i horses quar
tered at thu track.
Knights of Columbus la-ague,
San Sa viidor 1 1 I'niM . i
Mviie Hose, in Twenty fourlh District s
Navlur. 4 Eighteenth District, 3
When ordering say-
Mott placet serve
it exclusively
Bottled by-E.A J.BURKE
First Hare Fe ninuuse, Corslcnn,
Second lines Swish, Sklbberrrn,
111 Hurl.
Third Huce Air .Man, Dominant,
lourth Hare llmimer, Morrow.
Flflh Itace .Amnlfl, Vnlaa, Im
pression. Sixth Hare lie memlirnnce, Ktrnck,
Indian ('hunt.
First tlaes For three. year-olds
and UP'
waru, senilis-; ix iiirinnas'
Presumption 112 'Forecast 1
N.n in-.i.Stpicaler Ho
Conntnc Tower,.,, lftoPalamiuin Ill
Hawthorne ,, , 9Corsiean t''i
Fenmouve , pJ'llunlress lis
llrooni Flower. . lO.'Chartler I.i
Saraenet . , lOjiAuni Jos.e .. .. 103
Second Itace For four. year-olds and up
ward; Iho s'lllll.ih Steeplechase: rclllng;
about two m.lea and a half;
El Marl .... I3v Swish . 137
dhlbbercn ... . 117 Knight of Merei. .. II?
-rii.r.l Ifn... L.. I........I.I.. at.- Ir. I
Slates Hotel Stakes: six furlonse:
Kilmer K7,Pnlronia .. ... .... 107
Canlara no.Marae Henry 110
Airman lift Dominant 107
laird Hockvale. 107' llromo lift
Jhils- .103 Cosmic II J
lairae 107, John W Klein. . . 107
Fourth IIjis For three-year-olds and up
ward: the Saratoja Han heap: one mile
and a uuartcr;
Stromboll . !rinrrow .. , la
SiratosM 103, Water lllossom, ... 101
Trial by Jury . ! star Jasmine t-ij
Sharnshonler . . lOiiltoamer , 123
Fifth User-For three-year-olds: selling;
ore mile!
'lirenvenor , Ml Sh)neas 94
Marshon ll.'.i Hooker hill 110
Amalfl .... Ill'Valas 91
Forecast !) Llmlciitlial . . .. lej
Impression lift
Sixth llaee For maiden two-year-olds; con
ditions atx and a half furloncs:
lishin Chant IDIColonel Venice. ... HI
Orjandle 111 Itemembraue-e ... Ill
Slrock lll.Fleurn Ill
Dig Smoke. ID .Moonstone ..... Ill
Klhel May tltlTrumpator . . Ill
Sniilax .-HI John W. Klein 114
'.Viprentlce allowamv ilalmed
j Moll ami CriiKlii Kllnilnnled nl
' IMucincrc lis llaitua nnil Oaf emlorf.
KnuKMKitR. I.. I. Aug. 1. The team
mot rnvored to win the Invitation double-,
Walter Meirlll Hall anil Arthur S,
.Ciagln. was beaten In the semi-final
' loiind at the Kdgemere Club here lo-day 1
; oy uaipn 1.. u.igg.s anil Albert J. Osten
idorf. at : ft. 01. 61. A large pal
ilery saw the match and not one spec
tator thought the Daggs-Ostendorf com
Iblnatlon had an outside chance of win
1 1 tig.
i Hall and Cragln ran thioiigh the first
set with such case that they maJe Ihe
jolher pair look ns If 11 was standing
j still. At Ihe beginning of the second
set. however. It grew very dark nnd Hnll
could not see the ball thereafter llesldes
'this, Cragln got In a nil of bad playing
, and the other team had no Double nt nil
I pulling out the match,
In the singles, Alrlck Man. Jr.. Hall
.1111J Hugh Tallant came through to the
semi-final round. Man and Hall won
In straight sets from C. I.. Johnston, Jr.
'and A M. l.ovibond respectively In
, the third round, while Tallant had 10
,go three sets to heat (i. A. I.. Dlonne.
The Mimmarles :
Kdgemere Club Invitation Singles, ihl'd
I Hound -Alrl.-I: II .Man. Jr. defeated
e'harles I. .lohnslon. ' 2. s . Walter
I Merrl'' Hat; daf..,ued Arthur Al Lovlbond.
V f, h Hugh Ta Pant d-feated ii. A 1.
I Dlonne s, ,, 1 ,
I Doubles, s'e, ond Hound -c-drl. V M.iI.t
and Vlrlik II Man. .Ir . j I, M
j Hull and KliKene Aehlev. r. 2, ,1 ; Ar
I thur M I.obond end Wy.le c. (irinl de
feated Hugh and (I. A. 1. Dlonne
ij--i, i -1
Seml-nnal Hound A'bert .1 ll-lendorf
and K.i!ph I. llagga def-.iled Waller Mer
rill Hail and Arthur S. Cragln, .' ) I.
General Humidity) Puts End to Hope
of Britton-Dundee Bout for Present
Hutting lliimiillly knocked out the
Jack Krittoii-Jnlinii) Dundee match last
night with a terrific clout on the Jaw.
tin- blow .-ending Hill Wollman, Hill
Hniwii. Dan Morgan and Scnlty Mou
tlelh to the Iloor with one fell swoop.
It's off. Just when a lot of Interest Is
kindled over the affair Hauling Hu
midity swings one fiom the Iloor and
Hrllton goes down llrst
Dan .Mm gnu staggered to the plume,
mid lu 11 trembling voice nld to II.
Wcllmiui : "Notwithstanding that the
panic Is mi and Hint Dan MeKcliick
was looking forward In a little gasolene
inone) for that French car of his, I am
compi lied to announce that the heat has
hit my Jack Hritton and he Is taking
the count. It will be Impossible for
blm lo make Hie weight nnd be the
original Jack Hritton. Thereto!. Mr.
Wollman. I lug of oti to call It all oft
for the time being."
Whereupon set the date back
until the tlrst week '11 September. This
postponement iela) the Impending argil
meiK between .lohnii) Dundee and Well
man over ihe selection of Dill Hruvvn at
l.'ie oMlelat referee of the club. Dundee
had ilecl.ui-d that Hrow-n wasn't to be the
ling Judge if he was to have a voice In
the mailer. Wellmin had Just begun to
toll up bis sleeves over the affair when,
as he claims, Morgan rang up to an
1 ounce the Indisposition of Hritton
None of the hospitals about town con
tallied the athletic form of said Hritton
last night Perhaps Kittling Humlilltv
short hooked the advance sale. Onlv iho
box otllce man could tell and a sign on
lis Utile ticket cole nt the Harden las.
night read "(lone to that particular
section of the breeze kissed coast where
one piece bathing suits aie not ques
tioned. Will return the first week In
September "
Whatever the leason. the fans will pot
see the Hritton. Dundee bout until Sen.
Deputy Sheriff I.avmsky of Stratford,
Conn., has finally consented to do bat
tle. He will meet Colin Hell, the Aus
liallan heavyweight, at Hill Hinvvn's
Hockaway club fiext Friday night Thu
fact that the now famous culprit gath
erer has not promised to leave his shield
nl home means that he will attempt to
drag back to Stratford n carload of sus
picious looking pcrMiim at $2 50 n bead.
This bout was postponed tluee weeks
ago when Hell Injured his hand In
Kvery tight fan has sien gabbv Utiles
I'dillle lltacket ip one of the lighter's
corneis on a lug Untie night It doesn't
have to be a big n.ght either. Paulie.
ns round as ,1 roll of butter, make his
living swinging the towel and shouting
not particularly sound advice to the
kiadiatoi he happens to be attending
The late Tim Hurst when he man
aged lights at the Harden didn't crave
the din generall) set up m iui,.' an.
gle of Hie ring, mi when the next big
tight ciiiui! along Tim haired poor
Hracket at Hie big front door. It was
the season's sensation when It became
noised about that Paulie Hracket was
cooling his li'Sullivanr. out on the ciii'j.
slone He hud never missed a light In
his Jife, noi f which In ever paid lo
What Ike Dorgan's Annie Oaklev
reputation was In San Francisco Paulie
Hracket' was In New York Hoth of
them were ever Jealou.- of the gale
crashing fume nf the late One K)ed
The main bout waa due to go on,
Clearly Outrides Kramer in
Criterion Itcvciijre, Takinir
Last Two Ifent-s.
NkwaRK, Aug. 1. Alfred i. 11 .e' ,
Austmllnn, didn't need any aid fmm u
team mate to defeat American Cl 1 up r
Krank I.. Kramer In the Crl'trnn lt.
enir at the Velodrome this afteri 101
The race was at one mile In thrm a-
Ciesar Morcttl was the th. d -t .
isoollei clearly outrode the two oihen.
taking the second and third heai ,1 1
Kramer had captured the llrst lint
There wasn't any question e.f ii .
let's superiority. His lime 11 the .
eighth or. a inne 111 eain nun a 'ei
why he triumphed. In his two w 1 v
. ... ,f..nll-t r.wlo feoin second lll.lCe 111
the eighth pole nnd hit the tape tlrst ,i
11 4-5 svconils. in eain m un-ae mc
....... t,at- hs rode around Kraiuar.
(UI1UU3 lliili. " -
The latter took the tlrst heat in slower
time by the margin 01 a 1001, ine. sum
maries .
Half -Mll Handicap. Amateur Won (
Arthur Spencer, 61 )ar,la; Alien- Lang
yard-, second! Fred Tay or , 1. .
J, p. Cobert. 30 ) arils, fourlh li ne. 1
"'Thel"Hrasard One Mil- Profei.lonvl
Alfred lirenda. Australia, vs. (.irser .Mo
rettl. Italy. Won by lirenda. Dm-. .
inlnutea 44 seconds.
Two Mile Invitation Handl' .ip P of 1
alonal Won by Norman Hansen, fio yard.
Donald Maelaougall. n5,'
Willie Hanley. i rntch. third. Wlli; Co.
bum. arJ.. fourth, lime, a 1..D1 ut-a
4 3 seconds. ..... ,,.
Australian l'uisult. I'rofeaslo 11 -Wee s.
Haggle Mc.Vnmara; Alfred lirenda. se ,
Oscar Egg. third. Distance, 3 mPee . ivt.
Time. 1: nilnutea Do seeonds.
Half Mile Novice Won bv S e
dutoi William Heik, remnd. Time. mlft.
ute 10 1 3 see nude
Half Mile Handicap. I'rnfes-lnnV W s
bv Harry Kaiser, 3i yards Hei.-Se
Nainara, snatch, second . Mai.-e; D ip 1
lft yuple, third; Norman Hamen, ".a v.s1..
fourth. Willie Hanley. 3ft v,n,, it 1,
TIllH . e3 1-3 aei'ollds.
Criterion llevenge on- Mil- Prof-..- -evl
First heat won bv Frank L. Kia r.
East Oralice, Alfred (ieu'lel Au-'-i -second,
Cesar Motettl, I'-ilv. third T 1 -2
inlnuies 41; seconds Se. of . he.i- -.,1
bv Hnullet, Kramer, second. Mor ti h I
Time. 2 minutes 13 aeennds Tin I 1 it
won by (loiillet. Kramer sr ml M I,
third. Time, 2 minutes 5; .11 1
Public Mil) f.rf llrserv iilloiis To-
ila Orlttliml I'lmi liuiitm-d.
The general stibwiiptioti list fo c
lug reservations for tin 1, Inn
tennis ch implnnshlp at th W.-- s '
Tennis Clllb, Forest HI. Is. I. I atari e
August 3ft, will be opened I 1 iV c
to-day nt the otllce of H.-iiri S l i-K-r
In the Forty-second St 1 1 el Hi'.! T
Is a ileparture from the .r 1' 1 t.m
wh'ch was to give menu:- .if , 'u .
nflHIati-d with the 11:1 1 I is-o .11 ,m
first choice of seat.s and not lo siu.t
the public distribution until Au-mi' ;ft
Ope of the strongest aigumcrts use'
In the fight lo transfer tu- im' i
champions)! p fiom Newport t Nn
Yo:k vvas that It would put the i ae
feature uf the lawn tennis eoi-.m w t
thi re.u'il of the i-eil lollowers 1 ' '
game, nnd a elorni of protest vvas 1 . 1
whin it was found that these for . .
we e nit to get the same oh. inc.
seats as club members.
Cheers for the contending he oe 1 e
the rafters and leaked out to w b.
unhappy liracket stool N-av " ma.
wcie In the ring and bow " g m
pieclatlim of the din Ip 1 e mi
entrain.- suddenly rush.d . ' '. I 1
can) lug .1 b.g ri d pasti ben 1 b"X T
ticket taker gnixpi-il b in l t1- ,"n -he
tried 10 lush by witlnuit a ow r
ticket '"Don't stop inc. don't -t' p m I
got 'em In here all r gut T'iiik c o
ness I'm in tune fn- ll.i sis -low ! .
011 I'V e got 'im," lie CI dl
"Hot what'."' asked 'he doorman
"1 lot the gloves for the man v.
Don't deta.v me"
"Oh. all right," -a d the ticket m"
"run right in."
And Paulie Ht.u ket did. empi
and all. He kept 0111 of Tun II i-s
way, elated over the fact tint in .
sullied 1 epulation for nevei r.i 1
beat the gale had not been bli-'- 1
Matt Welle, according i Dan M
Is the only Knglish lighter w .
came to this shoie with iiiore ' -dime
nn top of anothei
"Wells arrived 011 our ib.u -su)s
Dan. "with a bank loll "f I
which Is an astounding . W
da) s of unpaid bills. I beam. '
ager right nn the pin- , 1 - .
It Heach. liked the place an 1
day Nitighl a half lut-rist m .
Heach Hotel lie has the si'.
Kngllsll trainer Willi bun. In
He's like Hie II. mo diamond . ,
j lose him '
Avenue A soclnl note l
Hrown, the well known lt.. 1
p. tried yesterday In In n w 1 .'
for the Panama Kxpositum .it S.n 1
Cisco. He sa.vs he will sleep ' '
slacks on the way out
Hill Wellman of Madia m S .i
den declares that In bis op,u ..1 '
two men who can giv .Has 1 . 1
battle are Jack Dillon 111 I II
1 .ri iii-i. . nai 00, 1111. .0 1 -
foi the giant killers, eh 7
Soldier Hartflcld, who swe.i
heard Silent Martin call ns 1 1
lit Hrigllloii Heach, will cin.r 1.
members." lit KxpositMi Pa
lung, against Harry lit. Mi n .
(Ill August If, he will mi,', M
or Freddlii llllnmre at Hud
(lilmnre Is the man who M,. .
refused to meet, though Ii. w ..
J'.',.ri0n for his end A lew n ,
the Hudson fideas the busting -will
encounter K. u
ring at Huff.ilo.
llniilil Oiilriins lidil In nun
labile 1 1 .1 II I it of tin Hu' '
House outran seven othei op,
the Kim vuid invitation nr
monthly games of the Mohiw . V
Club held on the M.110111I1- D.
Hack ) cslerdav. Mutt Sk,i w 1-
three .vaids behind, with Hot nni I
following les than two toil b
In tin ntury apc ial spi I
StepheiiMin won in a blciA
fiom lluce other Matters
Seallle llcaeiiis Imputation.
SiATTI.K. AMU The town f
hecallle enusldetabl) peevs d lee '
wlru some golling iei'soti said 1 .
tallied so muii in the H is' 1
I IropidlN Ih it a golfer needed t ' iv
"i go tig ar)lind the c.inse v
' Seatlle has ciinie to the fnte w
laud ftgipes I.i mIiow tnc s, i' ,
I ise i.ilii'il 1 s I, -s in , 1
cit) of its tiii; III tile Limed au'ea