Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, MONDAY, 'AUGUST 2, 1915. Big Fleet Wending Way to N. BIG FLEET WILL SAIL IN N, Y. Y. C. CRUISE V.iohfs to Leave New London To-morrow for Ten Days of Itncing. WILL I'SK CAPE COD CANAL Only bad weather can mar the racing Surins the crulxo of the New York yacht flub, which will begin to-mor-t..- with a run from New London to Newport. The bent of the racing yachts In this country are In commission, they have been specially overhauled for the racing of the next ten days and they Ml) patlicr In Nuw London harbor thla evening. The centre of Interest will be in the Mclnc between the Hesolute and Vanltle ,nd these two yachts will bo In racing irim. that Is. they will carry clubtop i.tlls and will be dripped out, while the Mher yachts will be strictly In cruising trim and will carry only working top Mils except In the races for the Astor and King's curs. The fleet will sail out of New London lc-morrovv mornlrig and the racing fleet nlll start from a line off Sarah's Ledge ind finish at Hrenton Reef, leaving Race (lock, Ktsher's Island, Point Judith dhiitllng buoy and Brenton Iteef light l esse! on the port hand. The Navy 'hallemto cups, one for schooners and una for sloops, will be sailed for on this run. The distance of this run Is forty mites. On Wednesday the races for the As tor cups will be sailed off Newport. There are three cups this year, one for tchooners, one for sloops nnd one for the rup yachts Resolute and Vanltle, and the warning signal will be made at 11:1S o'clock from a line off Urenton Iteef light vessel. There nre two oursts, cither one of which the commlt If may seloct, otie is called the Block Iilsnd course nnd is thirty-eight miles long and the other the, Vineyard Sound lightship course of thirty-seven and one half miles. There Is no time limit set pn this event and when once started the yachts stay out until they finish, which sometimes has been pretty late. On Thurslay the run will be from the Urenton Reef light vessel off Newport to a mark anchored one mile westward of the northwest corner of dumping ground oft West Falmouth, leaving both buoys off Sakonnet Point nnd Hen and Chickens light vessel to port. The dis tance of this run is thirty-three miles. The special races will be for the Alumni Association of U. 8. N. challenge cups, one for schooners and one for sloops. The next day will be taken up with towing through the Cape Cod Canal and railing Informally through Cape Cod Piy to Provlncetown. From Provlnce ton next Saturday morning the yachts Mil race to Marblehead. There will be one day of rest at Nenport and on Monday the run will be from Half Way Rock to whistle buoy 2A off Eastern Point, leaving Hoeton light vessel to port, twenty-four miles. The King's cup will be sailed for off Newport on Wednesday, August n. u hi always been sailed for off Newport. This race Is the only open event held by the New York Yacht Club and any yacht can race for this cup. The only requirements are that slnsle masted wild, must be more than RO feet water line and schooners more than 0 fee: water line. The race is sailed with out tlrre limit and the course wilt be a triangular one of thirty-six miles. The etart will be made off Half Way Rock at 11 .30 o'clock and four minutes will be allowed to cross the line. ANCHOR IN MORRIS COVE. eavranhakr. Curluthlau Fleet Races to .vr London To-day. Kiw Haven. Conn.. Aug. 1. A fine , , wn.-i. fleet of yachts is ncnored In Jlorrts f ove to-night fllng- the burgee .or Feawanhaka Corinthian harbor riy left Seawanhaka harbor early thin morning and proceeded Informally to Morris Cove and to-morrow will race to New London, thirty-eight miles away. This cruise was arranied to give the jachtsmen some entertainment while proceeding to New London to Join the New York Yacht Club cruise. Last night Commodore Daniel Bacon held a reception In the Seawanhaka club house and late In the evening the ynchts ere Illuminated. The lights on the big yiehts Corsair. Aloha, Oneida and others were particularly attractive. On the shore from Shaw Point to Hours Point with the clubhouse In the centre, the scene was like fairyland, with hundreds of lanterns strung from the trees. Commcdor Bacon hoisted hlM flag on the Meamer Florette early this morning nd ordered tho tleet to proceed to Storrls Cove at will. The sailing yachts got ur.iier way at once and had a long sail, at the wind was very light and from the "t. elv.ns windward work all the way, In the fleet are Harold S. Vander bllt's Vicrunt. George V Scott's Sllladl, Howard C Smith's Ahmakola. Henry Wntons Windward, E. K. Price's Cla rissa, w H Judson's Rival, E. Walter Clark's Irollta and E. Plerpont Hlcks's El .Sana Theae are all schooners. The sloops, yawls and ketches are George F Uaker's Ventura, J, P. Morgan's Orayling. Ralph N. EIIIb's Iroquois, Pembroke Jones's Carolina, H. Stein bruste's Acushla, John L. Cutter's Aleva, J. W. Alker's Alerlon II., Dr. C. B. Kteler's Alice, fi. P. Oranbery's Aneta, It li Uudd's Arnovet, George Rlggs'a Oretsah n Ogden Mills Reld's Lena, Herbert A. Prentice's Silhouette, J A Slahlstedt's Okee II , Daniel Uaron's Soleta, T. F, Humphrey's DJ'n. Kverett Domlnlck's Colleen, Paul riunkett's .Sapho, Oeorge Bullock's ' leona, iuy Worman's Iris and U C. Hutier'H Sakana. Tlieso yachts will all take part In to-morrow's race. Indications to-night that they will have a light easterly wind, The sloops snd yawls will race for a cup presented by Commodore It, on Commodore George F. Baker, Jr of the New York Yacht Club has offred a cup for schooners. Former lammodore August Heckscher has given cuj.s for the 60s and SOs, and other rr.ze are offered by Vice-Commodore nowd C. Smith, Hear Commodoro George Nichols and P. V. Rouss. 'i 'he fleet of steamers and motor yirhts are J, P, Morgan 'u Corsair, Ar'hur Curtlis James's Aloha, K. C, titnedlrt's Oneida, E. O. Weber's Msreva, J W Alker's Florette, J. O. Wilson's Lodona, Mrs. Arthur Curtlss James's Irttiai, H, C, Smith's Sllverheels, Clin ton Mackcnzlo's Fronde, Walter C. Hub lard'm Leda, P. SV. Rouss's Tango, IMgar Palmer's Gulnevera, SI. Wyelh'g Tanmvulu and Walter Upplncott'g Ldy l.itty. ' ("If Proa Make 91,000 Hatch. As the result of a friendly rJl match In which till Nicholls was beaten 1 up at tireat Neck by James Fraser, the undent pro, a match for $1,000 a side s arranged. Ten rounds will be Played to decide the money, ail at Great Kfcck. GOOD GOLF PRACTICE MEANS BAD GOLF LATER At Least Many Golfers Find It to Be the Case and Are Wary of Record Breaking Before Tourneys Fear Seems Well Grounded. r JOH.V G. ANDKIISON. What should a golfer do when he Is playing "too good" golf? I suppose a number of readers may be mystified at this rather strange query, which as suredly must be preceded by exumples If a reasonable explanation Is to be given. It Is easy to And samples to show clearly Just what la meant Perhaps the best explanation of the past year Is furnished by Gilbert Nlch olls. In the Shawnee open tournament, which came a little while before the national open championship, the bril liant Kngllshman literally smothered the course with accuracy and extraordinary scoring ability. In the practice rounds previous to the open, Ntcholls kept up iii. .n..4 t ... ...ui.. ...,t. th. --.(--..I i.j ..u .,.w ,.t the national he led the field with 147. His last two rounds In the championship proper showed also the same figure, 147; a combination of ,h. two would l given him the title by three strokes. ),,,,, but ,hp me of lttup may be Uut In the preliminary' round Nicholls better determined than It has been. Con was playing "too good" golf; he was tlnuous play oils up the joints, planning . . .. .the shots sureties the Judgment, nnd a getting too much of the good golf out of KOlfer of diuig becomes nt times a well his system, and when the searching regulated piece of gulling machinery, test came he was just enough stale to ' T'ue whose Joints get rusty or too , ., ,, ..,.,. loose never win championship titles. Only make good scoring a matter of sincere h . n k d t0 effort. The extra effort required which was not necesssry at Shawnee or In his 1 know of several players who. I feel preliminary rounds at Baltusrol was reasonably sure, would have done ex what made his score mount. There were centlonally well In amateur champlon hunddreds of "I told you sos" when "hips If they had not plajed a number Nicholls handed In a card for the first of rounds before the regular event where thirty-six holes at Baltusrol, which left of money was laid on the outcome him well down the list and practically of the matches and the efforts made out of the rutin nir for the chamn onshln. The professionals ugreed pretty much. If not unanimously, that he had played too good golf beforehand. Could Nicholls then hnve so regulated his play, to some extent at least, that he would not have had such bad rounds when he did? It's a bit of a question, but I think It can be answered when we have taken other examples of this "too good" golf. A few years ago at Mulrfleld I re member following Tom Rail for the last iweive ,n me qumiiyu.g ' lng great guns, playing "champion as the spectators said and qualified first because of this one brilliant round of 68. It was a wicked day for golf, the winu coming in snun airuiis, iiitui gusts; nothing was favorable for low scoring; but Rail's will and heart were stronger and his play flawless. Dun can's score was a 73 and there were not many scores under SO. Or would naturally suppose that in a caae of this kind Rail would have been made a favorite for a low score money prise in the championship, especially as he had played well In twoyrevlous pro- fesslonal tournaments. The spectators wno naa jouowea me rouna, gooaiy number, told over again every' shot and lumber, told over again every shot and ipoke particularly of the deadly pre- ?,0n,h,n rln,Vh.y coming W.'H ,he."":n J" .... ... .u . .. . . -i.,i 'f, th'h?n:r . S and heveral who were making books I on the affair while saying little to dis credit the play, marked the odds against his winning that very night from 12 to 1 to IS to 1. They figured that he had shot his bolt, had played too excellent golf too soon. And they were right. Ball did not figure for a prominent po sition at all. John Graham, the Illustrious amateur whn m rtrath nn h hHtilfctleM but a ' few weeks ago, then whom there was now and then In tho course of u round, hardly a better beloved man or more foreKoliiR the glow which mlKht come brilliant a medal player ln the history , from an especially brilliant round. I'rac of the fame, usually turned in a strlk- tlco rounds are never mentioned when Ingly brilliant round in th practice pre- the real affair Is on. Try variations on llmlnury to the championship, he won your shots when the mood is on for a the medal play trouhy. held Just before I kllllnc round. This mltrht well take the mo inaicntn wsie buiibui wii mvjic man .vim .-I i i r.juiiii.iii which wncn car-" onj occaJ,tni but ne ,enerally failed to rled out would eend the ball past the I through the seml-tlnal round. It J hole on both the appioach and the putt. ... .,. hi -inn .rrwwi" troir iuiuJtiui i,,nn... v. the matches were started, on more than may be that his "too good" golf came out of him too early in the game. It may be. perhaps, mat tne Play oi Harry Vartlon nnd Edward Ray two years ago suffered in this way. They had been breaking records, playing day arter day, travelling much and neither golfer ln his last round at HrooKiine couia uo better than would be expected of a han dicap three golfer at least one ln three times. Their good golf was not In them. With them alsd much conscious effort had to bo made on the playoff and fail ure came to them as it does to almost every golfer In such a plight. in tne same tournament i recau mat George O. Simpson, who had tied at Chicago two years before for the title, went over the Brookline course ln prac tice In 73, 74. 71. In the championship proper 1 think he was 81 for the first round. I remember the Incident with peculiar Interest, for a caddy whom I had frequently met at Brae Burn had asked me tj get him a man with a chance to finish In the money, and when I told him of what Simpson had done In former years he gladly went round determined to give nis very nest eer- ,,1. io.r hi. tvmn ha4 made theae . "' ... fine scores in practice tne canity w,'nl and bet all the money which he counted upon maklna- that week on the chances of Simpson linlshlns; amons; the first ten ; his face when I saw him irnlns; to the home hole rn that SO round was a study for a futurist artist, Hlmpson had had his day too soon. It Is easily possible to multiply these Incident by the thousands. They hap- pen every time a tournament is nciu thev come to every olfer, be he come to every toiler, be he a scratch or an 18 handle!) man, and the question naturally arises whether we can prevent such occurrences or not. I feel that not only Is It possible but ln the years to come (julte proliable that this will oome to pass. We will study our name not only In connection with the maklnB of shots but also our to-da'H olf In ojnnectlon with to morrow's. It has been said on numberless occa sions of Jerome Travers that he only plaj'B In his matches to be a little better than his opponent, to take an 83 If his opponent Is 86, and so on. His history In match play would seem to hold true, partly st any rate, with thU theory, which Is only an offshoot of the other matter which we are presenting-. In some such manner and measure will golfers who take part In tournaments of prominence study their game. Homo Rolfers are doing this very thing now. An Instance to show that this Is not visionary theory: Before the recent nnsn championship I was talking with a professional, aimer i.ari Ainicrsun or Tom Kerrigan, who had Just played a couple of rounds with Michael lirady. I asked mm now iirnuy w.i ruhik aim he said, "Fine!" "What score?" I asked. TI," was the reply. I aald that 71 was nothing extra, und then Carl said, "No, maybe not, but Mike could have been six stroke better. He Intention ally mltsed shots; he was playing "too good" golf, so he said, and was afraid that If ho made a 71 or 7 that score would be gone from him forever." In the championship proper Brady made a 71 In his second round, which put him In the running for first place. t would be difficult to convince the former Mac- Y. Yacht Club sachusetts open champion that It w 10t l,ar,lv due to the fact that he had done some scheming In his preliminary rounds. I know that urady naa always eased up In his practice play before many of the other big tournaments In which he has been a contestant and It has, I think, helped. The answer, secret, or whatever it Is, therefore, may tlnd one solution In the Intentional lack of concentration which will bring about a shot of uneven worth but because of the previous knowledge of the player of his evident purpose will not work a lasting harm. On such days Is the time to experiment with certain shots, to be sure and be up to the hole with the possibility of being well over. The golfer can feel his top form but be can preserve It If he will. It sounds mieer. a bit foolish, perhaps. to speak of the Intentional miss. Uut Is U7 livery one will admit that so far we have found no stated or efllca. 'clous remedy for a golfer which will hm , ,nc ,ip of hta sam!. ,,nysl. cal Inability, mental and ec strain and 'all the rest of It combine to make all l&'X? XZW. the play at the right time come through. 'P n" ' reserve strenKm oi and brought them on to their game a bit sootier than was best. In this connec tion I think the four ball matches which are played before tho champion ship proper nre very likely the un realized means by which most of this tension nnd chance for too good golf ha been eliminated. The tendency of not holing out In many cases and the approximations which one knows are al ways liberal help In this direction. Match play for a week, as is the case ln , umateur. does not come especially namente and ,he on nnJ two )laJ. m(.dll, ,)la. merXinf.n whlcn cM for ,mnk. ing nnd sc1mnlf ana- ,hf professional can benWlt more pernap!l than tne amateur. Several of the professionals In the field at Jlattusrol went on record as saying that they would much prefer to play on the tlret day and have a rest of a day provided they were playing very well, hut a fou who hod been teaching for the most part and had few rounds wished to havo another practice round on the Tuesday and play on the Wednesday keyed up to real necessity ln this way they expected to get to the top of their gome. Th a dlfrenc, between playing fnn m,,h ,, , H JV t. too mucn ,f nnd too d ,f .. J ui.i.7.ii. h hd pVeYtoo much go.? for he ha koI'I more than a hundred others I that d Kun.u in' mute in.tii n iiuiuurii uuit'ra ill ent; he simply played xuper- finely at the wrong time J H. Taylor tells us that we play best when we have the vacant mind, which means, however, when we are not wor ried by nnthln. If, therefore, one finds hlmfelf before tho proper time plating with undue precision, particu larly when medal play Is the feature, he should study his game, his mental at "tuue towaiii it and experiment every form of a resolution which when car-1 That seldom happens, you know. TWELFTH VICTORY FOR ALTALTt Willis anil M tan nurd's Yacht Again Outanlla Star CI naa. Port Wasih.noton, L. 1 Aug, l. Yachts repreientlng the Port Washing ton Yacht Club finished one, two, three In a race of the. Interclub star class over tho triangular couiwj In Slanhasset Bay this afternoon, Edward Willis and Edi son Stnnnurd won their twelfth race of the season with Altalr. which crossed the line 2 minutes and 25 seconds In ad vance of Veta, which Is owned and was sailed by George W. Elder, Jr. The I summaries : INTERCLUB STAR CLASS START, 9:30- COUHSE, MILES. Elspsed Time. II. M.S. I 1 40 1.1 1 4 '.' 10 , 1 41 Ki ' 1 45 23 I 1 16 SO Finish. II. M S. . J 10 15 5 K1 VI I II l S is , ! 1.1 .VI . a H 1.1 Ysrht nnd Owner. Altalr. Willis and Stannard Vela, Georte W Klder, Jr. Hydra. Charles E Hyde Little Dipper, o. vv corry Varaway. A. II. Fr. .1 l.(t ll.nn .11.,.. IV. 11,. I miV. c i ivi a """"" shon'tlnr Star, W.' Trench' 1 snake. Tracy II. Lewis . . 1 I 1.1 1 14 M 5 IS 3) S H 31 1 44 35 Did nni finish. Ncptuue, W. L. Hopkins.. Did not finish. llayatdr I'rnlae On Thla AVeek. The seventh niinunl cruise of the By elde Yacht Club will be started on Thursday off the clubhouse In Little Neck Bay. Louis C, Ilerrian. chairman 'of the regatta committee, hua arranged ror tne boats to lay up at Kea CHIT Thursday nlRht. Friday mornlnic the yachts nnd powr boats will proceed to Northport, where the tare will be guests of the Northport Yacht Club. Thoy will soil to .Stamford Yacht Club on .Saturday, where a dinner hah been arranged for them. The run home Sun day will bo informal. I'nur Pairs Tie at Great .eck. Knur pairs tied In a best ball handicap medal play competition on tho links of the CIreat Neck Golf Club yesterday. Un der a club rule all scores of 73, the par for the course, or under count tis 73. The net scores of the four pairs which lied follow. Campbell and It. M. Tarleton. 73; Thurston Ely and Edgar T. Ely, 70 , t:. B. Zlenler and C, Murphy, 72 : Dwlitht Rockwell and K, Scott Mi Knight. 73, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H, Zlegler, with a handicap of 19, won a mixed two. ball foursome flaK competition, surviving to the eighteenth green. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Rockwell finished second. Ilrntly to Launch V. II. . illh. Alexandria Bat, N. Y Aug. 1, A. Graham Miles of New York and Alex andria Hay and Mrs. Devereux Wlilton or HewlettH, I.. I., aro building 1', L, Q. 8th, which will be launched In the 81. Lawrence River Wedaesday, The new boat will be 24 feet over nil and 6 feet 8 Indies beam and equipped with u twelve cylinder Van Blerck engine. 1'. V. Q. Sth Is expected tn make over forty-eight miles an hour, nnd will be entered .In. the gold cup race to be run August J 4 at Manhaseett Bay, Rendezvous at SPECIAL TRAIN RUNS FROM CITY TO LINKS Chirapo Golfers AIro Have a Chance to Eat Lunch en Route. MOHAWK TOURNEY . NEXT Chicago gilfers now have a luxury that their brethren In the East are forced to get along without. On one oC the railroads running out of Chrcaajs a "golfers' special" hns been provided which stops only at stations at or near golf clubs, and Included In the equipment of the special Is a lunch car. The train leaves Chicago every day except Sunday at 12:10 P. M., but the lunch car begins business promptly at noon, and many golfers eat their luncheon there while waiting for the train to start, secure In the knowledge that the time devoted to the meat will not entail any chance of lolng the train. A counter running the entire length of the lunch car and scats along It provide accommodations for twenty-seven per sons, and It Is well patronised, espe cially on Saturday, which is the big day of each week for the "golfers' special." Not only does the rallrond provide for the golfers on their llnkaward Journey at midday, but It takes care of them In the same excellent fashion when they return to the city at night. The "golfer's spe cial," lunch car and all, starts Its return trip right before 6 o'clock, and picking up the tired golfers nt the various stations brings them Into Chicago at 7 o'clock. The train has been a success this sea son, and there acms no reason why sim ilar trains on some of the railroads about New iork should not prove successful ventures. The .Mohawk Oolf Club at Schenectady will hold Its annual tournament on the last four days of this week. Last year Jerome D. Travers won the tournament, beating Jack Neville of California ln the final round. It not unlikely that the national open champion will play at Mo hawk again this year, and a number of other golfers of prominence probably will follow his example. During the same week, but not on ex actly the same dajs, the Htockbrldge Coif Club will hold Its nineteenth an nual tournament. Play will begin on Tuesday, August 17, and play will end on Friday, August 20. There will be ns many sixteen as the entry list warrants. The first day will be devoted to the qualifying round, and as the tourney Is a four day affair the final round on Friday will be at thirty-six holes. The Stockbrldge cup will go to the club from which the winner plays, to be kept for ono year, and the winner's name will be engraved on It. Alth ugh three victories are enough to gain per manent possession of tho trophy, the cup has been up for competition since 1905. Three golfers have won It twice S. l. Rowers, Rrooklawn. 190S and 1)03; W. R. Tuckerman, Chevy Chase, 1907 and 1910, and Roger II. Hovey, Hartford, 1913 and 1914. The programme for the annual Invi tation tournament of the National Coif MnkH of America to be played on Au gust 19, :o and 21 has been sent out. Provltdon has been made for three dx teens and an equal number of beaten eight. All of Thursday, August It, will be devoted to the elghtew hole. 111 of the sub- I luallfylng round, sn that nil sequent m.itch rounds on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, Including the Duals, will be at eighteen holes, nntrles must be received nt the club house, Southampton, I.. 1 , not later AMCBEMKNTH. UIINTFD CIDnFU n'way & 60th. Evo . a. Will I CK DftnUttl Mats Tut.. Tbvir. A Sat. ai.AO MATIN'EK TO.MORIOW AT t. Best or All Winter Harden Shows. Enthralling Vlalons of Girls Divinely Fair. Evening .We.. gl.OO, S1.40, $7.00. 1ATU Thea,. W, of 14'way. Ev..s. lin Sis Matinee Wed. Sat.. 2. "lieniilne Mucresa." Reamer. Bun. HANDS-UP wrP RALPH HERE. IRENE FRANKLIN BURTON GREEN'. ISO Pretty Itlrla llsnda.l'p Alns llands-llown Ev. World RnrtTM 4Mb, W of B'way. Evr. s BUU 1 H Matinee Wed. si Bat . 3 .1(1 ,10 LOUIS MANN tn THE Hl'BnLK. COMEDY OF WALL STREET LIVE. Ilaa'iaa ElllaH' alh. nr. B'way. Kve..40. Mlline tlllOn t Mala. Wed. fit..a:30. Ath month of the brlghtestJollleat musical comedy success onheyesr" OBODY MOMl The Theatres do nut deel with Tjson Co. NEW AMSTERDAM Matlneci Wednesday and Saturday 210. Thi Grilles! Musical Show Em Producid In the Coolest Theatre In the World. i ! Jllllll V AKTEIl THE PEHFOKM ANCK RKK .IKCKK.U) MIDMOHT FROLIC. (iro.pnillll'C Theatre. U'wsy A ri Ht M. liUIMII Popular Mat. Wed. 3 30' IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE AMERICA'S GREATEST FARCE AT I IRFRTV w- 2d HT TIIF. UDtHII a:is & g.i.V TWK'R Pally Inrt.Otinday. Kv.siHat. Other Msta .2fw.n-si D. W. 6RIFFITH S OIOANTIC HI'ECTACI.K. Symphony Orchestra of 4(1. aTTrnrv ITn7TTTirv37ricvit7iT"Tit I ril al 1 Piw'' Col' ) Sat. 1M LAST Lj I J1 TIMES 3PC .nniUDll "'": RIIRI tmt Mst, uiuinuin , A I7lh To-day THE EUUatl eunat Last 3 OHBAT i.nrnn nvn weeks. LONQAGRE W. 4Hth St. Eves, at S:S0. rnpuiar Matinee wed. 3:30. Laughing A FULL HOUSE fi Hit nr. , New York red kaon, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS 14tb Streets near Fourth Avcauc New London than 3 V. M. on Wednesday, August 18, the day before the tournament begins. A spec'al one day tournament under the direction of the Women's Metropoli tan Golf Association will be played on KrMny, August 13, at the Spring Lake Golf and Country Club. Tho main event will be nn eighteen hole handicap, with prises for the best gross score and fop the first two net scores. In the after noon there will bo a driving contest and nn approaching and putting compe tition. LIGHT WIND FOR BIO FLEET. Courses Cut In Half lir Rernen ' flench tlrstnttn Committee. A fleet of forty yachts raced In a regatta on Jamaica Ray under the auspices of the Uergen Reach Yacnt Club yesterday. The wind was light throughout and the regatta committee cut the course In half for the majority of the divisions. The summaries! CABIN SWOl'S-START. lJiOS-COURSE. MILES. Elapied FlnUh. time. Yacht and Ounrr II M.S. 11. M !, Marten, W. E. IMm 1 S3 It 1 :i 14 May D, W. BolsnU ..... . 1 :i 51 J M KNOCKABOUTS START, KiCi-COUBSE, C MILES. Sis, 11 A La Ilarle 1 21 M HTM I.s Petite, v a Wlnsrsve. .. 1 :i 41 1M I'm he. J. A C 1 II 14 1 rt 14 CABIN CATBOATS START, 1J:0-COURSE. MILES. Slndbad. O. Brown Alice, a, II. l'ai-r.on CUra May. W Emlllrh. OPEN CATBOATS STA HT, -. MILES. Selfish. W Smith . l w si l :i .it l si oo i :". r . l sj m t ;,. i::0C-COl'KSK l ji w i : .o OPEN CATBOATS ISMALLI-START. 1S.10 COl'llSE, 0 MILES. Bill Nye. C. VsJentlne 1 44 I 41 Borer, E. Arelt 1 St 17 1 11 K Olrlle. (. Dottier 1 II OS 1 SI 03 Tt'RTLE-STAKT. IMS-COURSE. MILES Mock Turtle. L, C. Suydam .. 1 14 91 1 JI M Turtle. I) S. Van WicUlm.. , Hill I 31 IS ORAVESENO BAY CLASS-START, 13.14 COt'RSE. 71 MILES. Maxtxr. (1. L. Boton. .. . 1 M St 1 II SI Wist. O. Brown IMH 1IU1 OHAVESENI1 BAY CLASS START, :H COL'HSE. b MILES. Moune. R V. Suiiper 1 51 !S 1 17 M Shadow. W. L. Intlee 1 J! o; 1 II 07 CRUISERS START. i;;IS COURSE. MILES. Siren. W. Krtuer 1 II 40 Echo. W. W. !vim 1 19 s Ersndt W. .Miller 1 50 M Tnn. 8 C llasb. Jr. ... 1 29 CABIN roWKR BOATS-START. COURSE. 6 MILES. May si It. llirrm.iii 1 13 1 HlMe, II .1 ltllilfbriiiiil 1 20 V. Elttsbeth B. J Brims ... . 1 21 21 Louise B . C A liuckmiller 1 : v Miuian. W lmtmkv . . . 1 :l 01 t H 1 1 W SI 1 02 M 1 It 2) 12:20- M ! I I1J5 1 i oi :i I 04 it i o 01 rteius su, u. iMrr ui'i not nnin Ol'EM rOWER BOATS-START, 1: COURSE. MILES Sunnyslde, C 1loill-y 1 12 II A II Jesile R . J. I.unilMrom 1 II 12 '. 12 Sri la. W S.ibni . . .. hi OA es FranrH K.. W Kunf ... 1 31 24 11121 OPEN POWER BOATS (SM ALU-START. I J -I- COURSE. MILES Anns firace. A Clril 1 1 It Smarty II . L liotlr 1 .'3 CI Tlielma. A Zwrlllnir ' n 12 Clara N C Xn i 2 Eilith II . W Harrtwick 1 24 21 Paul Jone W Joiw. 1 27 52 KNOCKABOUT I' LAS - TART. COURSE. MILES M It tJ M to i: 1 es " i : :i 1 it c li 31 Cllneo. R. 11 Wilon : 1 11 i :i M Surprlr. A Van Winkle u alined llovrnrd Jlenrv TtlVra Handicap. Howard H. Henry won a handicap nn the Oakland Oolf Club links yesteid.iy by a niarRln of one stroke over 11 St Popham. Tho best gross wore of ' -.e day. ST. vv.vs m.ide by I)r. W. S. Jlrown, who Onlihed 'ourth. The scores follow: Howard 11. Henry. 9.1--1S. 73; It. M. I'opham. 9 II. TH . I!. V.. W.ioils. 93 H'., 77: Dr. V S. Hrown. ST 9. Klrby Stevens. 99 19, SO; J, II. Cordon, Jr. 9111. SO: II. Woodruff, 91 IS, S3; Herbert H. I'eek, 9112. S2; John It. O'llrien, 109::.. 44. Six IMnl.b ll MkIiI Itarr. Of the sevc- nutor yachts which left PougWceepsle at 6 o'r.ot'k rrlday eve ning ln an all nlrht race to Hrlghtwa-i rs. t T .11 ma 111. ..(.ill... nf io5 "nautical miles, crossing the line off i..r i.i.,,, i ini-. Snturd.iv moi llnir. Klrt pitxe was won by the Clara, vvhlch nnlshed at .20. The Vonrly tirNhcd at 7 12 30. vapturlng second prize Third prlie went to the Aloha, which finished nt V.07 ,15, AM I'.sK.M ESTS. 9QTU QTPPFT TITE4TRE Will OlRLLl ner llninlnay Evenings S.30. M ulnee. Wed. A 2 30. A Farce of Thrills. Roars of Laughter. I ictot Iv nljon. Anuriton. A Merry Hal Hal Pitu. with EDWARD ABELES Amusing Original Entartain- inir H'orW. The First Laugh Aa Good As "The Last Laugh" Htrali. CASINO Spemng Thuri., Aur, 6 New Vlennere Q lit PlDnlCCvUll 4' i SraM ' Now 'ECU, Operrtto. THE Ubua, i nnnuisb LEAN LYRIC "n..y. Mon., Aug. 9 Jr'l fflj"1 THE 6IRL WHO SMILES 44th A ll niy 3 ..10 A H :iil. lllr.141. "IILAHTN Alll tyf VJc,oOc.i"rilKlilllllLR(l"(UihCliaptir Pll K.KKITH'siHielU Mayhew, the (treat II IRplt'wsyiHoudlnl, Marie Nnrilstrniii. a.aiwsit7 s, ,vd, ,o,okova. Howard A UnllyMat Sltor.lelNIrCanelen Welch, others. DELICIOUS LKMONADK FltEE TO ALL I I I IVI A Free Concerts, Free Tots. asset W li Free Circus. Fni Shows i Prire Dancing Contest Thursday Night " NEW Mai. To-day lliarry Fn and Yam I DKIunlUl lihe(litmlllavgrounil." Brighton Beach lllggs sV Wttclile, Ollis. - TTnilinn',ry 47Ht.)MAHV I'ICKFOHI) V MAN Noon to 1 1 .:i().l ln"HAIS," XllinilU io to ,VH- 'Strandlitch ASololsIs, Next W'k. Illancbe Hniwt In 'sweet Orchard To California Expositions See Jamaica, Havana, l'anania Canal en route, Send tor booklet. I'nlletl Fruit '., 1J Mattery IMacs, City Ticket Office, ICS! llruadway. N, Y. OLD DOMINION LINK. To all points south nn-i West. Every week day 3 I". M., Pier !S, Norlh illver. Tel. 1400 Franklin. HTKA.MSIIIP TI4 KETI4 In any port, omclal Agent all lines. 1 Ilaymnnd Whltcombt o, Mb At., N.r It Day AU Expense Northern Cruise. 140, liooHitt rree neu cross Line, New York, HO TO HERMl'DA 11Y"S S. riEltMlTDIAN'" HookletsC3UElli:cS.S.CO..Lld ,J2 ll'way.N Y TO NOItTII JERSEY C'OAHT RE80HTH Handy Hook Route Ns Jerse) Central. Touts. CALIFORNIA TOURS Hend for Free Honk FRANK TOURIST CO, 3l llroadway, New York. Ttl 4SS0 Franklin. Travel Free. r,K"' IIUIUI llbbt jursle.a. niail'vvay.N.'r. AUTO.MOIIILK hUl'l'LIEi. -BKARINC.S- New Departure Service. St. The (1 William Oo. 33 W, W Nt. (at ifwajr). Va). 350 Uolumbui. Eastern Steamship Lines Ml-thc-Vai-by-Y(iter 5 o'clock every day BOSTON Finest Equipped Steamships in the Coastwise Service METROPOLITAN LINK F.iprrM Twin-Screw Hteel Steamship MsMstlitiietis and Bunker Mill leave .'"."it 1 fl,nl "r Murray St., every ''"' " I'. M., Mine nervier reluming. Due Boston shout H A M, Unsuriiaiweil fscllltles lor eipnlltlous halldllilK of Alltomnblles, llorM nnd I'rtiKht Expreis Service. MAIN DECK DININQ ROOMS EXCELLENT SERVICE si. no Inside Itimnn lth Klertrlr Kn tl.OO' Outside It on mi K7.W). To PORTLAND ,M4tK HTKAM8IIII1 LINE steam.hlpi Norlli Land snrt Norlh Htsr. I'I.t 10, N It., foot Warren St ,Tnr Thur . ami Sat., .1 l. M . Kn Mnn 1(1.1(1 A M. A dellRhtful .too-mlle. 22 hour trip lo I'ortland. tho CITY BEAU TIFUL. East of Boston Turlilne-drlven uteil lr.iinhlp fnnn Itiw. tun to llaneor and I'ennlivot Hay and River I'nlnts, Klo to I'ortland ami St. John, N. B. 1-itleen StrAuibli Lines, ronnect Imt New York and Ilmtiin with tin1 priori pal cltle and Summer rpnrt alonit the roast and In the Inttrlnr nf Maine, New Brunsoirk and Nova Scnla. Thrnusli Tlrketa tn III I'nliita, llasuaRo Checked Ihrmmti. FARES LOWER THAN BY RAIL Ticket nnd Informatlnn nt lien, alo alt Tmirlt and Ne York Transfer I'o. oninn, or aildn-K rawenerr Trarilc Drpurtnient, I'lcr t'.i N II . New Wk. CUNARD Established 1840 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Saxonia . . Thurs.. Aug. 5, 10 AM Orduna . . Sat., Aug. 21. 10 AM Tuscania . Fri Aug. 27. 5 PM j Saxonia . . Sat., Sept. 4, 1 0 AM I Cameronia . Fri., Sept. 10, 5 PM. Orduna . . Sat.. Sept. 18. 10 AM Tn.n!, Fri 9.1 5 PM I . U0VUIIIU . .... hSVfJV. I I . ... t- Itfll'TE TO IILISdlin', ROUND THE 0KLD TOURS hrnugli bookluga tn all principal port nf I lie VAnrlil. COMPANY'S IMTIC K VI I Stale SI., N. V FRENCH LINE I'ompatnle r.enerale Tranaatlantlqu I'OSTAL MEIt II K. Sailings for BORDEAUX CHICAGO Aug. 5, 3 P. M. ESPACNE Aug. 7. 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU . .Aug. 14, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE Aur. 21, 3 P. M. EOII INKOIIMATION APPLY COMPANY'S OFFICE American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N.Y. Liverpool, Pier G2, N. R Noon St. IjiiiU . . Aug. 7 M. I'ta ill Aue. 14 White Star Line N.Y. Liverpool, Pier 60, N. R., Noon Aditatlc, . Aug. I.Lapland 2 Azores Gibraltar Naples G 1 anopir .VUlll.l 11. Ill A. M. OITIIi:,UIPWAY.X. V. Tel. uunil lienor. Atluntlr, C.iilf unci Wol Indlea Mininlili I.lnet.. C'v ie M,in,ir Ward P r ll, o Lines "90 Ilroadnay, New Y'ork 1 l v lir.uL's a nidi, 1 11 1 : I I'nres In all l'olnf. soi l II, OCK.N Mr.4M.SIMI' CO., .Mil Mh .,N.Y. BEAUTIFUL Str. 'HIGHLANDER,,..,V Lvs llatttry Wot I'.l.l St. U,j. Yonaera 10 1.1 A M. IMNt'lVli. IIH. I I, lit lll.V.Mtlt. .W. Str.'MARY POWELL" I?,TWd nt 10 an. m i win m iii in a M isun. daand llolKlayn. Sir. ".NI.VI IIL'ltlill") Hound Trip Dally, Ms, I'lilldrt.ii, a.W. fundaya A- llnlldavs. 7.V. I'lilldrrii. wkj, .Mi'4l.l.sri'lt M II' I ( II. Til llrnad D.Vj. A Mr rovvell Mh'l Co. Tel Miruiir (111 ifron Jtoainbont do hkkp sr.v risniNti tnit. I'vriif'i." Dllly at 4. M. r-oni I'I.t 1 V It ONLY. SPECIAL NOTICE I NO LANDING AT W. 23D ST. 1 Patriiii'. are rant Inniil that lb IIM.r nnien nf the IIIO.N M i:MIIIIl I'll, in hlHE of doek. Iron Rleniiihtial. tn onev l.liintl, ami Sir .nirnd Hrpiibllr" In lloikavvnv Item It. j,,,,,, y. IJllth hi. and I'ler I, N. It. l'ull Time Tabli an- nn lu.lib- .if back i-nver nt Tib'tdimio nirti tori.-.-. Til. Itf'tnr fi?a 1 ' " , Atlantic Highlands SffiSN-FARElOCts. Aiilnninbllea I'arrled; tapaillv nil ears, Tills Itoilte fur All Jitm'V Coast Iti'sorts Lvs. Dally ft Wbltt- I.vs.Atlantli'llUlilin.N'XttiiStnitb 11 !. A M . A I' M Kerry.lUA M a I'M Tel. Ilrnad 17Dnr.tii..i, raasengrr rapacity t llmltitl tn itl.Mi CONEY ISLAND ROCK AW AY BEACH Str. Kniirdnlff & 'lm1iriu Ifuly H-.t . Vt 12 St. 1 30. 10 30, WkmI 23 .0, U, lliittfl). 10 30, 11 30 ( omi In t; 7 itocki.t I.MiirHitin toUt'U, IIAII.T ASI) Sll.M4T TRII'S TO I nterstate Park Land ings III OMI HIE VDDSI. TR. KINtlSION l.eavev ', Until St. at lli M.,'.A.M..M Fare H.4 its. Ritiind Trip, Sight-Seeing Yachts llattery I'ler 2::m. Tel. Ilrnad :i:i7 i. ToSAMIV IIOOKaiidtheOCI'UN tsJ0.M. HARTFORD LINE From New I'ler '.10. Halt Illver, root e "eet Sllp.dally except Sunday, at A P.M. fta- Oonncc. tlcut Itlvsc Uodlogs, rim (or auinmec (older, Up the Hudson By Daylight All Mertlre Kally Ltrept Nundai. Direct Hall C'onnii'tlon to all points In the Catklll, Haratma, the Adl-nn-larks, the Wrxt and Nortli. All thrmuli rail tlrkets lieioivn New York ami Albany acreiiteit, Minlc. Restaurant. Ir.brura HI., S.ll) A. M,, W. 42d St.. 0 A. M.t W. I'JHth St., it.2i) A. M ! Yon kers. tins A. M.; lamlluit at Wit I'lilnt. Newbnrgli, I'nuuhkii pile. Kingston I'olnt. Catsklll. lludsun anil Albany, Alsii lleshroaaea Ht (Mil! W 42d St . 10; W, I2uth St., 11120; Yonkera, 10'ftO A. M for Bear Mountain, West I'olnt, 1 nrnwall. Neburnh and Pongbkrrp.lK line llv llntlnislo rmmhkerp.le. New burgh, Weil I'olnt or Hear Mountain. Afternoon Boat for Bear Mountain. West I'olnt. New burjh. I'otuthkeepst-. Klmtstnn and way landings, leaves l)chrm.' si., I 4. I'. M-. W 42il St.. 2 I'. M , W teuth St.. 2 20 I'. M.: Yonkrra. I IS l. M llr,ll. etiept Sunday Irtial nullnm lo Ibwr i Mounlnln and Meat I'cilnl, returnlnit by sir. "ItonuitT FULTON. I lta Hudson T River Uay lAne ' Deabrowa St l'lcr- Trl. 4141 Spring. N. V EMPOIUGIIIPOUTE NEV YintK aLiia.m iuo anil the MIKTII. Dally. Including Sunday. Capital fliy Line I'ler 32. S. It.. Toot 'anal St.. S::M) I". SI., W. isjj jii , 11:00 I'. M. Iave Troy :O0 r. .M Alb.vuy s:00 l M. fare l.ori- .. . New Night Kipresa I'le" n:oo i". si.. (t laid 8';:,Y,,.2?1,.Y' Leave Troy (exrept Sunday) ; S J .. Albany, dally. liH-ludln Sjmday. II toil I'.SI. Kare i one "'if-j." ".,;. V. V I'eople'a l ine- I'ler 3J.S. 0W S W 132d .It. 11:30 I'. M. Leae Albany, 8:00 I. M. Tiro H 'W one way. 3..0 rounil trln. Niinilay mnrnlnx lioat fur Newhurnh. Point anil Al lianv leaves I'ler 32, N. It.. n:30 A. M-. W. 1.12d Nt . iomki A. SI. Uin Al liaiiy. 10:00 k. SI. Til. sprlnu oiuo day or nltit Largeat lilver Steamahlpa tn llie unrlit. r Grounds" Hvtry lfitl(Jc fnu tnni nb lainirtf, batlPf; tnl flri. k Inn I lunei I, rna ecu fnij and flslM, cltirthtk din. Bfff Dd ft II lflCdioclnr K1H tHtititlv aif tinrri ta ftlttff At. It t rtt a.thSt.half huui Tt.T' itn ltoats trHcyt, una jnp FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 I.v PIKIt II N It.. It I'llltun M., Dally 8.311 P, M Mutir. Priivldenre Line: Mrv. I.v I'ler II, N. It., rt Kultim at., Hick itass uuly, P M ,r LiMiiInn (Nnrvvlih) Line, vli New Lun. Ion I.v I'ler 4U. N It., it lluii.tuii M . e.'W l.iy nnl .', 311 p M , Pier 70, K. it . rt ):. 22d st . n on P m .New lledluiit I Inn Mr. I.v l'lcr 40, N II . rt. Iluustuu Street, wiek di) unl). at ii IS) P M. The public t p'eaaed. 1 BOSTON $2.80 v Hont and Hall. lltll'VIl Tllll. aim PROVIDENCE i',?,"' t $1.75 IIOl'.Mt TltlP SI.:lO. Colonial Line I'lrat-rlaa service, rater-liu to the bont people, vvetk day nnd Siindavn at ,'i.30 P. M. from I'ler 3i, : It foot West lloiivtoii st. KU Outside llooms, SI. nil 10 S.I.(M. Mlreleaa equipment, l.nltiwn otllce, llruadway and 2Jd si Phone Sprlns Diui, S. S. "MANDALAY" VVKI KIIt S AMI SI'MIAVS. To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS New Home lo Jrrsev I'tiast Itr.orl-. 25 Cts, i.vs.vv i:hi m ti an , M. llatltT.v I'I.t Hi ,in AM Atlant i-llli!lil .'. P M f. VI II WAV. Itet tn llattory tinly 7 I'M Tel. I'ler. .Morn 4Hm. ltriMd l7'-:iatt.l tls nost nnd Trnllev .' Worcester, t'.'.no; I'rtittdeiiiedtrei'l.SI .Ml MAI I'.IIOO.MS, Sl.lkl, SI.3U anil Si. IS), llallv, Including SiintUv. Aim I'. M. Vrom I'ler 10. K. It, .Theme 2700 lleekman, I'lty Ticket Office, 'JU(I ilroadnay. N. V. Ulituwn Ticket oniiK. ll'way and 'iJd SU Wnte lor UliistraiiHl Voider III ItsillN III V I II 111 .Ml, II I MANHATTAN LINE $1.00 TO ALBANY lllnlng llnom Servile a la Carle. uiitin in Kf. rs imi it .:; Aiii: I III I Ki ll lit 41 I. I'lllN IS. Autos and Horses al l.nw Hates. Steamers I.v dally, I'ltr aw, Nnrtli Itlver fuot Wist llousiun st , A .311 I' M West 111 st (', I' M Telephone tuan Spring S.S. "MANDALAY" .Mnonllgbt Sail I I lir -I I nil sun Every ElenliiK. Broadway Stars and Celebrities Will I'inllively Entertain Every Tiifda, Thurkd-vy mid Sunday Night Leillf llattery 7 II) 1'. M WW l.llsl St s .lu I' M. Dancing and Music I'm- Cfyl YACHT CLIFTON ft& ssaW SIGHT SEEING I 9 .,..., ll ill 4u Mile i lloiir Crulss. ui, AROUND Ln l"mtW 4Jd St. Tel, lb)snl .In. 4 manna i i ah lout ctkasua a JJI iii()1.i:iio.n mii ice. . . ' NotbB Is hereby given that tha pari nershlp ls.lely aiibslsiiug between Artli ,r lllllds and U CIlRor I N. Me, under the nrm name or HINDS aj NuHLE. dealers m new and second hand school bonks at 31 West ISth Street, New York City, uas dis solved on th :ith day of .Ma). UMi. and niv i .nnectloii with said tiusiness i easel on said date. Dated, New York, July Sn I . J 5 AHTHCIt IIIS'DS IIEU' W ANTED MALE. WANTED Ktrat rlasa printers' makrr to take out of town position, bon IIS Sun office, rollir I', a, HUMMER IIRSORTS. NEW JKItSEV .prlin Ijike llrarh. THE NEW essex o qussex hotelOCOcottages SI'ltlMl t.AKI. IIIUCII, N, J. Iltredlv nn Hie Drron. .NOW IM'RN. I onrrrt nnd itanee nrrlirsiraa, llulf, Tst-S Uhllii(T. Oanlrn, drill. I'nt and rnld water In bathrooms. N. V. (Jtllcc, 60'J Mb Are. I'liutie Murray Mill. 1144 III li. I'l.UMr.ll, Manager, l ine Cottage lor rem In innnertlon viltll hotel. NEW jritSKY Atlantic City. Ttlt ItADING RtSORT NOItl Or Tilt W0RI ODarlborougb - JBIenbclm ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OWNISIHIP HBNaOfMCNT JOBIAH WHITE A. SONS COMPANY RAITMOREM usorsr rurrncH.r hlsoht noTtL A Sold Original Creation UJ mull. i.iroi .r ( AiUniii- ( nt M-m aaaaT""auwMAwiNr TmtBKB ml DRIIVC "I. I'hurli- I'lace and LUnHinC bearb. Ireli ami M'a aster ImIIii. runntiiK water In room., levator; superior table. Ouch nt trains. A. K. H.(l K1I, I'rupr. W. R. LA VI ON, JUr. ri..N.SVLVAM A Mimiil I'ucono. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE .Mount I'ornnn, I'enna, raterlng Hi a rlletitele wb sppreclale the beat. I'rlvntr luitln. I'rer Karago. Opoil all er. Lltiraturr on rnimat. V . h. A II. M. I.KECII. CITATIONS. HVNT1NOTON, I'OLLIS P -The Peple oC the State nt .New York by the grure et OuJ, tree and Independent To All.vlllll.I.A I), lit XTINUTO.N, Li:oN(llA II. KOSTKlll llCNHY UllWAHUrl lll'NTINilTON. WIL LAltll V llL'.STINHTO.N' I'AHOI.ISB . iiui.i.Aii.vv, aiiiii.ini: 1.. tt xiiAit i:t- l villi II Iit'.MI.Mt. JOHN N. IIHUOICH. 1 administrator ut the K"' i. c'ultela and rtp,ui nf lleora-t H., ilceaseri. ISAAl' II I1ATI2S. en utur lit the l.i.l lll and tmiiinuiit or i:n.i!'c(h II Piiiily, ile rented llLLUN M H. IIATIJS, KVWIULST A. JL'DK, .i.inilnl-tr.itiir itb the will .iniu i'd nt the k .mIs,'ida jnd ireuita i.r CmIIIs II SaltlliU'. deie.ise.l. ISAAC 1. UATUS. ex'cutur of tt" lust vvl'I unit Kriunient nf Suiuii L. Porter. ilei'.ied, l:lW.UI I). LCWIS. executor of I lit- last will and tenia limit of Susan L. Porter, deci.ed, KU WAltl) D. L1IWIS, exetut ,r of Hie Ut mil and tesUlll'llt of IM ird II. Pal lie. iIh. eenie.l, MA It V 1.'. I.12W1S, executrix uf Ilia 1.vnt 111 ami leriuintni oi Miiurn 11. Pardee, decerned. SI A KY i: I.IJWi.s. In- , .ttvi.iun'iy, i:i.i.l'j a. PAiium:. plok- I KNl'i: I". PAIIKUK. adniliila-riiirix of tbo ll'iudr, cliillla and ire, uf I'r.inli.ln J. I Pnrdre, ilrteas'd, ant MAItY PAIlllHi; , (ill.KS. unit to .ill prrouus lutrrejteU as 1 credliors, lejcale-s. tiexi of Urn or other vli, In tin ealu'.o of I'OLLIS P HUNT 1 INttTOS. dered, wl.n at Hie lime of hi. I death resided 111 New York County, SUXi) I OltLKTlNC Upon the petition of rutin Trim Con I pnny nf New York, a'triislen under tha , will nf Coiil 1' lluntlnisioii. dcir.ej, for I the b.netp it f . 11 S.:nuil, lilj vvtJow and rtnialn.Iernieu, bavliig Its prtuctpal . piare of bu.hienH ,it No Itlo.idwy, 1 ilornunh of M.itinuft 111. city of New York ( YOt AND K.M'II OP Yl'l' Aitt: nciti: I IIY ti rr.Ii n h .w uiin- brfore our Surro , Kate of the County of Nt w York, at the. Surrogates' Court of sold County, held at tb Hall trf U ords. In the County of Now York, on tn 11th day of IMS. hi h.ilfp.isl ten o'cloek In tit forenoon of that dm, why tin m count of t'nion Trust Company of New York, as truntee under the VMI) of fin lis p. Huntington, tleeeased, for the benefit nf CollU II. S.tinlllls, Ilia widow snd remaindermen, should nut ha Judl. Iilly settled, nnd the true tnninlnk ind construction of the Last Wilt and Testament of Collin P Huntlnitton, de eased determined anil declared more par ticularly so ns 10 determine what person ur persons nre intltled to the principal of said trust fund under said Will, f,,r tha benefit or Collls II. Sammls. hl widow and remaindermen. IN TESTIMONY WHKItlXvr, We have caused the Seal of the Surrogates' Court of the sild County of New York to be. hereunto utllxed WIT NIS. HONOIIAIILK JOHN P. I.. S COMA LAN. u Surrogate of our said County, at the County of Nw York, the day of July In tha vear of our Lord, one ihousainl 1 nine hundred and fifteen ' In Vll'l 1 i.rtur,i,ii. Clerk of the Hurroj; it'i court. hritlUMiATK'JH MHItKh. "" Jys'i. spi VBsavs"a HOWDOIN. TKMl'LB.- -In rurituinc of an order ot Honorable John 1'. r. conalAti, Hurrosate or the County or Naw York, XOTU'i; l hereby given lo all persona having rlnlms usalnst T'mpU How, loin, late or the County or .s'sw Vork. deceased, lo present th same tilth vouchers thsreof tn the suhsrrllied, at their place or trans, acting business, No It Uroad Ptrett, in the City ot New Vork. on or betar the lit diy or necember next. Dated New York, ths Mh day of May, Uli. J. I'lEfU'ONT MOlttlAN. DaNIKI, P. KtNlllroilD. El. erutors HTI'.TSON. JIINNINOU HUB. PELL. Attorneys for Eiecutors, 14 Uroad Street. City or New York. SA.MW, TAYtl In pursuance or an order ol Honorable John 1'. Cohalan. a hurrognte or lb County of Naw York. NOTICE Is hereby gtv, n u all persons having rlalnia ugalnst T.iyo San Is, ute ot lbs County of New York, d. reus, d, to pre sent the s.iine tilth votnhsrs thereof td the sulmirlber, at place of transacting business, No. IS Hroid Htreet, In ih city of New York, on or befor the ith d.i of October nevt Hated. New Y.irk. th :7tt day ot Mar. It, Uli. miHEN LI VI.N'dSTOM MILLS, Ensiutor. STETSON. JENNlNdS A ItrSM'I.L, Attnrnea tor Kiecutor, 14 Uroad Street, IloroLgh o! Manhattan, City of New York. (TLLEN. IIAItltlUT A In pursiivnc. of nn order of Hon. John I. Cohalan. a Sun .gate or the County of Nfv Yo-k. I N T1C1. I hcr-by gavm to ail psr-ons utlii . mm,- n,.iit,i iiiirrit! ,v. I ulln. lale of the County or New York, deceased, to present the same viitn roio'iiers tt.Mreor to the tubscrlbera at their niate or trans, acting business. No, 14s llroadwar. llorough or Manhattan. In tha City or New York, on or berore ths tlrst day or lit. ceinbsr nsxt Ilaled, Sw York, tha 7th da ot May. IMS AIU.I.i: M.MtTIN. El e.'iltrlv. W'lLI.IAM HOIIEitTsON. WILL IAM II. ELLISON. Cieiutors. ELLISON A ELLISON. Attnrnevs for Executrix and Executors, Hi llruadway, Manhattan, City of Nw York, l'UMItur, MAIIV EDNA. in pursuancs ot an order ur Honorable John 1. Co halan, a surrogate ul the County or New Vork, NOTH li is hereby given t all per son having . anus -iK.ilnst Mary Edna ruinroy, lain ot the County of N'hw York. deeised, to present the same wltn . vouihera thereof to the subs.rltitrs at thetr piare ot traiisai business, No. 3u t'lna Street In the llorough or Manhattan, city or New York nn or beforn the tlrst day of Oi toler next Dated, New York tha 7th day ot Mir-h, Uli II Al.TllL'U , I'OMltllY. HEN'ltY K I'OMHOY. Execu. 'lore S VTTntt.l.r, r IM'M' A STONE, vttorneys rnr Exei utors. 49 Wall street. Vorough of Manhattan, New York Cltr. HOWDOIN. Jl'LIA lltVINO (illlNNEI.U 'In nursuince of an order nf Honoraltla ' John V I', n surrogato of tb,-County or New Vork. NOTICE Is heret-y given to all persons having claims against JuMa Irving lirlnriell Hondoln late of the County of Nt-w York, deieised, to present Ilia ani with vouchers thereof to the sub. scrlta I at tbeli pla.-e nf Iran- i tii.g l,i.l- ness No. U llrond sireet. In the city of New York, on or before the 1st day of Ds. camber nex Dated New Yrk the Ith , ia or M isir. fin r I o hhwdoin. - i i i,nr uiiii. i.xeutnrs. STETfON JEVNIS'IIM Ht'ri-sT.LL. At tornevs for Ee, utors. 15 Uroad Strsat. (Mtv of New York St MMONM.n, SI I'ltl.MI" oil ItT SEW V'ltl I'lllSTV M A tt V ('ilNTlUMVV I'.aln. tin against I'ltAVK I ol NT It i M N. D ten lain SfMMoN'S V. tlnn ., Ai.n'l. a Marriage To i, desired In New v,qrk Vr'Viin AIIOVI: NAMED DHKTNn NTl I vol' ahi; iii.iiiiiir si to an- - j saer l lie ( nip!. lint III till a, M, mil ut ihtnenty"..''!.; n. ivi o or Ibis ev .usl.e of the dai ot servbe: ui.d In tn.e or your t,i .uo- i i appe ir i,r,ll,Mer jii Igini-nt l.l I, e t iki n n.iliit i"i b) il . r i fur Hit tel. .! tn in l''l tn tin c iniplaint 1 1 , i N, a 1 .irk. .Iuiih lib. I'll '. JusEI'll 1, 'iltEEMIEIKi. Attomev for I'latlltin, o ,v. I' ll Ad Ire-t, ; .'i llra.i I , iv, HoMtigli of M mli.itt ill. New York Tn FRANK cril'NTItY.M N- The t'.l eir-ilng sulilll''na is serve 1 upon von by publication p:ii-n;int tn an or ler , I the llmi Eugene A 1'hllbln n Jusilra of the Supreme Court Nell V, rk County, date I the :Jrd diy of .lull. Mr .,, ,i,,fj. tiled togi titer nub 'he'itnt. In tha ..III- uf 'bo Cnilltl ("erl. of New Vilrfc Ciniiitv at the I'.iinti c mi llniae tn tin. II, ir. ugh of M mliuttan i ny o New Vork, on thi 2ltli dai of Ju . un Dated, N Yinii July :ib, IMS JOSEPH I' OHIIENIIEltfi. ortlce It V O Aiblress, SS3 llroadnuy. Horoufh ot Manhattan, New York City. B