OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 22, 1915, Second Section Sporting and Automobiles, Image 13

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-08-22/ed-1/seq-13/

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11 WWPPI.yjllUI.M l L J
nrr-? 1 s i
1. r.
A Mcmlirr Objects to De
tour BflltaflN for
niPp h. r of the Automobile Club of
A-ntrlc upnttH thr opinion that the
0!ub ought W attempt to have a law
gaisnl that WOUtd make It unlawful to
Ciiic ever repair or resurface any pub
lic ron.l In 'he State before the latter
art of autumn In each year He muit
hive miffirc'l. other motor tourlata
hive ilone. on account of the repair
worl on aOfbi main travelled touring
j, fltirre motorlata In the height of
ihe touring, ISSSfifl are ehunted
IstOUri which the press of
off on
nuke 4anirotW for all.
write to
ty ( tub jonnvif Mi muty .
' ln itite autumn and winter there
eM than oae-half the number of
leu on the roads than are to be
fnunl there In the spring and summer,
,n,l u la eafe to say that at leaat one
..i ,if the people who use the ro1s
tre etrtottsly Inconvenienced by having I
'red In the nrlpg and sum-'
mr For some unaccountable reason It
wetiM ieerrj that the sprint and summer
,imr was the very season aelected to
have the roads repaired, and ao far as
I can see. for no very good reason ex
cepting m it ..He people uncomfortable.
"Almost Invariably In the spring and
nimnier when one goea out on the road
for pleasure or bualneea before he re
turns he has been obliged to go over
certain sections, not Infrequently ee
much as two or three mile of newly
laced broken atone, which ruin the
tire of his automobile and render It
hard going for a horse and vehicle, or
he Is compelled to go over a newly oiled
road sometimes following for a mile
or two a machine that la squirting black
grease over the road, smearing ami skid
ding his car end not Infrequently he
It brought to a standstill by finding the
road barred with a notice 'road closed.'
compelling him to make a considerable
detour, frequently over rough and rutty
roads, and not Infrequently through ad
Joining field
Wall I admit that the roade have to
ee repaired and that the users of them
must epect to be Inconvenienced to
ome extent from time to time. 1 ran see
so reason why as a rule the eeaaon
for making these repairs should be at a
lime when the roads are moatly uaed.
rather than at a time when their use Is
much reduced as I said before, per
hins 16 per cent less than In the spring
gnd summer.
"It can't be said that the roade are
repaired In the spring and summer be
cause that is the better season for mak
ing repairs than any other, for that la
sot true. The autumn season and the
airly winter (not Infrequently the en
tire winter) can be selected for the re
pairs just as well aa can the spring nml
tumnier time The rnlna In the sprli g
are quite copious, or more so than they
re In the fall The temperature la quite
M conducive to good road work ae Is
the spring and fall, excepting perhaps
when It freeses or the snow falls, and
the: Ihe work can be suspended."
We (the automobile editor) have been
very considerably rebuked, both edi
torially and privately, by the Merlden
nil; . ; for having had the
temerity to criticise the torn up oon
aftlon of West Main street in that Con
es town without having had the
grace to say that the road from Merl
ler. to New Haven aside from that wee
fine I; I intimated that we used no
ree , ad no ser.se and were a
ITOUl t. 'Iioteover.
It must he repeated that the road
i fil lined of is certainly atrocious and
the, daj we came over it was eu deep in
e f'iCaSaP it
Ihe vhlte oninlbn hin In Ihe lllnatratlon Is a famlllnr .lulu
Ma, thl uh a heavy motor chicle II ha pnramatlr Urea. The
the ear la equip "llh four l ulled Stale "( bain TVeaiP' lire on
I aj east a Trrad tlrea on Ihe front narrln.
mini iim to be very dangerous going. No
etll even In MerMan ,leo'e nooarentlv.
Ir i.s'
tli i
be fi
he .-treet is lorn up. which is what
eriia the stranger motorist
dot t know eny other street to
to wild this bad going. We are
to know that this fearing up is to
"I by the laving of a line pavc
May It be soun !
load OOntraCtOr In KW York
fortunately very few, do not
l: seenis. that when a roud is
'leluur must be tniirkeil
Oret wooi I.alte is Interstate in lis
' and the necej-Hlty tif repairing
si ' m iklns IU v.et,t side road ha I
i'Kn In hand by a Joint New Vorg
Jersey oommlttee A. H Dal
"'. j Murray, .1 Counsel and H H
E . ideWtll are the members of the
ln New Vork ooniniKtee, While
J I Hopper, William waiter, w O.
1 1 1 'harlei P. Rofere are the New
' men who are aciing In a similar
September 2 mill II are the
ected for the repairlnjj and r-1
1 of thin Important lakeside high-1
tf.e announoamenl of the commit-1
let Ihe fnllowlni ooncle Informntiou Is
st I "Work youreelf and bring'
' en sWPVanlai If you are too luzy I
ihlg In wxik hire u gisal man
t Place -hire htin gn) way on-
ins 1 f team, dynamite, money or
inii i
..1.1 ilf'il solicited. ' 'iinpe-
I re
I rnuKi ii will ovcrsi'e lln work.
wci . n will Drganlas iticinst'lve to
that th hungry hi fil stul the
i nre suiinlirrl with the rironer
bk.U n -leMiincni. DiHJlors at mvill-
First Car to
Enter Yellowstone
"THE years of agitation to ad
mit motor carg to Yellow
stone National Park culminated
in success on the evening of July
31 when Government and park
officials in a White touring car
rode through the park entrance
at Gardiner, Mon., officially sig
nifying that the great American
playground was open to motorists
for the first time.
Originally it was planned to
open the park after midnight of
July 81, but this was changed to
permit entry early in the evening,
so that tourists could make the
six mile trip from Gardiner to
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel in
daylight and be ready to start
through the park from the hotel
on Sunday morning, August 1.
Many who last year made a pil
grimage to the park entrance
with cars bearing the slogan
"Let Us In" were there to see
the results that they had helped
to gain and enthusiastic to be
among the first to cross the here
tofore forbidden line.
cine and divinity should volunteer
Their eervlcee will be needed "
Volunteers are requested to communi
cate with any member of the committee
at Woodland on the two days of labor.
Automoblllate who are going to tour
the Kinpir Hlate will find a handy book
In "Empire Tours," Just laaued by the
Kmpire Tours Association to provide the
motorist with a guide to the scenic and
historic points of Interest In the State
of New York. It has been necessary to
group them under three tours each
with its own Individual features, yet
forming with its two companions a com
pact whole.
The quaint Indian nomenclature of
these three famous tours connotes an s'r
of romance which can only be under
stood by thoee who have experienced
from a motor car the myriad attractions
of the Kmpire State
Throughout the length and breath of
her threescore counties New York offers
to the tourist thousands of miles of
splendid State and county roads, radiat
ing like the spokes of a wheel from a
hundred centres, and constantly Increas
ing In number and extent. Hotels there
nre. and Inns by the score, which for
luxury and comfort, for excellence of
cuisine and of hospitality cannot be sur
passed the world over. It may truth
fully be said, and in no spirit of vain
glorious boHstfuIneNs, that no part of
Kurope of similar extent can offer to the
motorist any trio of Itineraries which
for scenic- attractions and historic In
terest, for smoothness of highways and
lor excellence of hotel eocorjunodatloni
can excel the three trails known collec
tively as the Kmpire tour.
Says Cm Only Makes the
Knight Engine More Ef
ficient for Owners.
"The ileeve valve motor differs from
jiher ty-pee In that where all others
Chain Treads Do Hard Work for
deterlorate with use the Kniulit type
Improves," says John N. Willis. prei-
iient of the wuiys-( )vriaud Company,
who is undoubtedly largely reiponklbia
for the present great interest in this
type motor In this country.
"The improvement With use I ex
plained In a measure by the fail that
carbon deposit has a beneficial Instead
of an 111 effect upon the sleeve vale type
The snail amount of carbon that forme
in the tnotor serves to give ine suriacvs
1 Ml.. Ill, Tim. Hi.
longer the motor Ik used the quieter
ami amoother it becomes, carbon d.
posit lias Just the op
e.pet valve engine,
oatte elfeot on the
which generally
fter two or three
need dc-;utioiilaiii;
thoiihund inih a.
"In Ihe VVillyH-KnlRiit llggVg valve
nvotor there grt m noigy pop pat vgvg
or ogrfTis, no uno4rrigln vlVg iprlnvi 6y
VgJVOO to grind; in fact the glmpllolty
of it eongtrutHlon hgg pfgAtkNUly eiimi-
ngttgd 'he wear thut aoonar or hiter gU
the bait of the poppal valvg nfflni "
I I M 1 1 k.I I 1 11 I mi-iI riua.
Kdi'Ki'tdiT, I lid , Aug ill. Th 'rni
LsngTdon. g RtchpoH Ditilifii bough4 gav
oral plgTg a few daya ugo. Much to Ins
gttrprlgi h found that he hn-l gome
trained anunalH on big hands, for when-
usi thi 'f riVlook Mr tt i. ,'lin L uUiutli-M
blew the pi mtda a franrie ruah fur
thg feed trough, wlnif thai itOOd gild
iiueiiled until fed. Mitking Inquiry h"
learned Hint they hud been formerly
tieen kept near the flout mill nnd fed by
one of the employees soon
whistle hlew
t hu
W ' ' a I!
Jji ss?eBe! Ma. aa
i 4Ta3 aaaa? aal i Hptl
? Tr' vlp,lkglggr MW .x M
The eamplner areae la the Maxwell breach ha alien place to n seashore ereae, rnnrrlvril
Harry J. lie near, branch manager. "ea archln" In the fnreg round hna modelled la and
small ear on thr lines of the IDIH rar. Thr "model" eland Jnst back of Ike tanil artist.
Walter I'rnkp Gives Factory
Space for Children's
The use of playgroups is an Incentive
10 keev children off the slreets and
thereby reduce the caarfoe for accidents
has been proved a practical succeem by
the Hupp Motor c.ir Qompany of iie'roit
Since the opening of the recreation play
grounds in the renr of the fUCtOry for
the bonefll of Mm children of the nelgh
bOrtstOa It Is estimated the nUJSnbOt
of accident has decreased from SO to
73 per cent Officiate of the Hupp com
tKiny place the decteusr st CO iter cent.,
but tram.- oflMala In that section of
the rtty make a more liberal estimate
of ".' per cent.
Just a present the PSCPesiehll commit
tee, which has charge 'if ell the play
grounds In Hetrolt. has not completed
Its data on the value of playgrounds
an a safety first movement, although
the dlrecetors know In a general way
the results obtained In taking the chil
dren from the streets Into a playground
or onto the BBeclal streets which are lie
urg set as;ile f.,r their use
The oflMaM of th Hupp plant tisve
dlCVred that It not only decrease ac
cidents hear th' ir factory but in th
Motel Bus
on Ihe streets of Worcester,
rear wheels are donbled and
Ihe rear, villi, I ulna tate
1 entire nelvhborhood, WhWh is one of rh
luMrnoMI manufkoturlni centres of the
city At the Hltpp playgrounds ntilldren
of famlllei of employeea of not only the
, llujip nut of the I lodge, Psrkard, Kord,
rjetroll Bteel Producti .Muniinum Oaat"
Ingi ltuduakr, Maxwell and the Bur
rOUsThg Addlni Machine I'mntkiny nuike
use of the pla groum I.
e are highly pleaaed With the result
of the playground whl
h we turned over
to ih
recreation committee," said I'reel-
tie ut J. WaJtgr 1 i aUe, "Rgportg from
our offlcarg ai.tl frOtn trglflO nion in tha
pelffhuonhood ihOW 11 remarkalde de -
CfggM in UOOHIgfltg lu 'lie tu'lrrhborhiKwl
of the Uygroursdi The elilltlien atem
to eiijov the pUuov tintnenaely a.nd their
(.areiit-H seem to rea'ize how mu)oh ggftf
they are iiway fjom Ihn ht;iy trallh
In thll Paction 1 It would )e it wonder
ful thing If notional reeteatUui move
ment aag ahartad for the ugg if vaeunt
proparty bflongTlngj ra ma nufavctUTorg
in ovary tlty
"Manuf o tin fi - g.iie!ll will nml
tih nt they are noi only aiding the mm-
Unlty Hi " tiunr I nltai Ian U 0f thlr
I propaii) w hi i 1 hey uia I holding
fur trimu. pin I
the eOfldetltMII '
,11 retlents, srhleti
i-rm hut by better lag
ore liwiirsme uglturt
have tieen Ini'reusltig
1 mofe
1 nli yen nn r of Ih In
11, go(,glaUg.t
Ci, .IK
Window Display for
Automobile Chamber of Com
merce Prophesies the
Tflis nrtn lr conies from thr Vafloini
Automobile ramnber of Commerce, far
Irtulintj DOClaflOM ot motor rar movers
of thts coiinfrt
There does not seem to be the sllghtesl
dOUbt that the Jitney bus marks the en
trance of one of the most wonderful ot
of modern Invention Into a further field
of usefulness, from which It Is not go
ing 10 ret reel even though the surprise
to the public thet t can be so used Is
I" .heps a little greater than the sur
prise which h accompanied the several
other stage of th automobile s develop
ment. At a five cent fare, or even at n
ten cent far, the flexibility of aervlce
supplied by th motor nar and th ser
vice rendered to the public during rufh
hours and over routes not covered by
etreet cor line einunt for It Increasing
use and Che demand of the public thai
Its uc lie foetered and not hampered
I by legislation of a confiscatory nature
The present rather chaoti indltloni
under which the Jitney buses are oper
ating will pas, but undoubtedly there
will remain a properly regulated ser
vice of this character Much opposi
tlon has been of an artificial nuture
and voiced from a more or less Helfl.-h
standpoint, but the thing that will de
termine the future of this new method
of transportation in elty streets li
whether It Is a public ut tlty and n o.
nomlcally correct, and It is In consider
atlon of these points that II will finally
be Judged
The public will certainly not permit
of Its being denied n opportunity to
demonstrate Its usefulness merely be
cause certain persons or Interests are
affected. If a new and dangerous com
petitor of traction Interests has ap
peared, those interests must sooner or
later meet this competition ; they cannot
hope to strangle It any more than trunk i
line carriers could prevent the final tie- I
v lopmetit of trolley systems. Kaoh
ha finally come into Its own portion
of truffle that naturally takes to the
different channels, and It Is certuln that
a portion of traffic Is going to take to
I the motor vehicle.
Nor is a five cent fare necessarily a j
I o lulrtlon under which the automobile
must lie used 1n the handling of ntis
ae.ngers. Kveirlsiy w1m goes to thej
theiitre doesn't eleot to pay 12 for a
eat. alllkough everybody pre-eiit see
I the same show. It Is ipiHe ptahnble i
i that there I a middle ground some
where between taxiiiei and street car (
j that In many localities would result In I
I a Una of properly equipped and oper
ated bUSeg doing a good business t a I
ten cent fare.
Some city authorities have feared 1
I accidents due to the sudden appearance
of Jitney bus in large numbers, but I
It Is worthy of note that othor oltles dVi I
not npiear to be troubled particularly
In thM resfiect. anil we ca-n see no
reason why that sort of thing should
continue It may have reunited at first
from a mistaken Idea of drivers. ee
slbly not as SgpSt "IStlOSd as they should
have been and would be under proper
resuUttloiis, aa to the peed they should
make with their piutseugeiw, but ex
cessive speed, In the final analysis, I
certainly not going to be expected of
thcue vehicle.
It would be n trouble for them lo
cover a given route a rapidly as trol
ley cars, and their flexibility in han
dling would seem, in the long run to
T nrgue for greater sareiv eriaiuly.
i If thev pick up a cena.iu percentage of
passengers, notably women and Children,
I at the curb, who now have to go to the
middle of the street lo take Street cais.
there Is a oitilllty of eliminating a
certain number of street accidents.
Some have expressed the view Hint
(lie Jllney bus Is merely the product of a
temporary imlitlon whereby the inin
1 r 1 no 1 r iirii 1 1. 11 n r'li ii u- s 1 1 nt-i -
1 ond luitid HUlotnohlU a
Hid thoiinanda of
unemployed men. II jja la tfue, lei us
gts one inoir plM-er for the saitomolilli.
nl what It lias ilone fur the country
It 1 nedl,'S to reclt the growth
of the Industry and the huinlrel 0(
millions of dollurs thai It luis mhleil
our Industrlel development annually In
II own and allied Irerluali'le.
If It haa, nt this time of liuslnesa ,le -presslnn,
given employment to thou
aandl of unemployed men In a field of
!i 1 ml effort nowndiivs hHnl to tltul.
it is sometMng rery muoti to n desired
itut if anybody heiieve that nil of ti
sr., .n.l lit, 1 1.1 union, itslM Ivive liern put
Into use iitwl will aoogl he worn oui. lei
blm not forget th.it nearly 110,000 new
ones huve Just heen added to ihe sup
ply with th i rose of this eat s iiiatiu
fsetuclng ." ..ri.i thnit iui even
greater number la mtlrlpated for fie
coming year A ersnelilereM reroport Ion
ut LUese uiadiliurs Is abswiueU uf per-
eit's grfw hive old ones, hut who csn
afford t,, dMpOSS of them to gratify
their desire to be In poaeeustoii of new
Whether all of the men who have
undertaken to earn a UtlM by buying
second hand machine and carrying pa-
aengen are making suitable eMowence
for 'lepreviotlofi, so as hi re peace their
machines when worn out. is another
matter, but It mad be taken ns a CP
t Bitot jr thai throughout the countr) there
are automobile dealer and oilier cap
able men who will not le' ihe opp -tunliy
pis to operate these hue
where the btisinees prospect exists, and
they will not have to depend on eopnd
hand mn.'htne to do It The Induatrj
has reached a pdnt win re new Oatf
isn l I luced at a SetlsfSJ lory price
and so buiit a to be Ideal for this pur-
i l
Those who are attempting to orecist
th. future of the Jllnei bus should, to
reach a sound conclusion, avoid con
sideration of many detail Which will
right themselves or be controlled by
lo. ai regulation, It is going to n ilvs
itself Into a straight business prep 'Sl-
tlon. for. so far as the public Is con
cern ad, patronage Is undoubtedly as
sured, and to a greater or leas degree.
Bowling to the i'tnpctltion which this
new service Will 'have to meet In the wk
of trai lion facilities, and It must not
be overlooked that In many places the
jitney bus will supplement rather than
compete with trolley line.
The question Is whether automobiles,
new or old. and considering also ths pos
sibility of equipping old chassis with
more suitable bodle. can be furnished
at thl stag' of the Industry an 1
operated at a cost that will show a
profit, assuming a pr.iper and reliable
service. On this depends whether the
public w'ill continue to have this ser
vice with h .1 Wants, and not oti any
artificial consldsratlon of Its offset on
the earrings ami service of traction
companies if ihelr earnings are Im
paired II I onlj because the public, a
a matter of choice, prefers this new
method of transportation, and the trac
tion companies win get b.n k their earn
ing if they are in position to meet Ihe
competition J If they Cannot do so Ihelr
bttsll ss will suffer exactly as any oilier
business must take Its chances wl'.h
oompei itors
Interurban trolley system are to-day
existing on business which they have
taken from the railroads, and those in
terested In the Jitney bus will ee to It.
so far as obstructive legislation Is con
eerned, that .they are given a fair op
portunity to operate Just as the traction
systems look after their similar In
terents To some extent the trolley lines
will undoubtedly be able to hold and re
gain patronage; this will depend on
local conditions, but It Is certain that In
many cases the flexibility of the auto
mobile as to handling and new route
d oalgj immI
rl Inch
II en l 11 lur tor 4 gtgg
In run nt n aprd of -
tread 1 It 1 irlre of
1 1 ,i7 :.. nml for the rhnaal Oftl)
mnniiui r of t0 R0 Motor ( ur 4
ran and win boih upploragnl gnd 00m
pele with the regular trolley lings, and
In many eggng thin ggfvloo will ba mueh
prafarred by munlolpalltiag nnd the pub
lic to a furthot Bsttonalon of mttg The
matter of llcanaa foag) routaa, ggfaty f
mHt hltit'M ami ability of m river- to piop
aw a o, , , ,1 t II. i, ., ...iii
. . ' . ' , . '. .
, b manner.
80 x 00 ft.
CMtgg l Mrood At Mmkel MM.
Nt wark. V J Kv vhtlon.illy Or
kiiruhie Inrallon rnrm- riy opeuitlad b
INiek.ird Motor ir (. Suii.ible
fr any other btialn4aM Adiirfnai
F MKIMHI.nACMC. 90 Ooniirai
Hi , Newark N I
I .gt mm
IN tt jy;a' g'aftr3TgM Mmr ftWSmi 1 .j . -
TIioiuah and Rnhlot
Leave to Compete
Europe's war gone Is being Invaded
10 get racing drivers of out and out
foreign nationality to go against the
1st of nstlve clacks who already b w
mounts fur the Vincent Astor cup race,
the opening event at the new Sheepshea-l
Hay Speedway on ( K-tober 'J. Harlo
ftesta. born In Italy, a Hritlsh subject,
has a French Teligent as his mount
Ralph ile I'alma. Italian born, but n
American ettlnen win the at the wheel of
a Qormnn Metcede. and Harney (ld
fleld has a Krvnch Helage for the great
IfiO mile speed classic. Karl I'oopet
and labile Kickenbacber. both Amort
can. have won big races on nnli-.i ma,
gtUtl atid Maxwell cars.
The French War Minister has he-n
approached through the Intermediation
of a member of the firm of J. P Mor
gan He t o. and advices from Parti give
encouragement thai th" appeal has n :
be. ti altogether in vain. HearUig 'n
mind the generosity of Americans in
the matt, r of the founding ami Bupnor
of hospitals for the sottnded, . ui no'
Unmindful of the material value th
retention of the prestige of French cars
Will SB to his country s auiomohii m
dustrj after the war. hi Excellency the
Minister of War Is said to be Inclined
lo release certain drivers. Kene Thomas
and the noted Kablot have received per
mission for a leave of absence tti cr
tier to compete. Than thia pair F nut
haa no more famous speed pilot
Thomas won the Indianapolis ra - m
IS14. Haldol made much of his repi . i
tlon In the Targa Florin, the ilr.'-.l
I'rlx of the Automobile fluh of Fra'.c..
end a string of other Important fo.'e!rfn
ra -eg.
Manager Everard Thompson says he
will have no diltlrulty In securing for
them mount on fast cars of for, u-i
makes already bought on which option
have been got by wealthy New Yorker
end others who propose entering o ,0
racing game, rorporato, of the Hal- in
army, who finished necond In the, I'm
cago Derby on a Sunbeam, is si PI la
thla country. 1'orporato Is rated oi
Italy as the equal of any of the ItC.tld i
drivers, Ie I'alma and Kesta not ex
cepted. The spirited foreign competition may
sllr up the Maxwell company to r-t.ncr
racing. There I a great fleet of Maxwell
racers now lying idie, hut If It sh .ipd
come down to a dose issue they OOUld
do much to help swing the icilar..
toward America. This country has .h -i.
overshadowed In motor racing of lat
since the Maxwell withdrew.
Leadership In 12 Cvlindpr
Field I What Mnkos the Re
duction, Siivs Jackson.
The comparative
Packard Mot r car
twelve cylinder Held
Isolation of the
Compttny In the
is directly rsspon.
s.bie for the substantial
,ve prices of ns.'nr cars
reduction in
marketed by
this company, aocordlng i
win, Wt) succeed M. J.
president of ihe Pnckari
k it Jack-
Kuitlong ns
Motor Car
Company of New fork,
Had the 'Tw.n-SIx' principle been
Inaugurated by n concerted movement,1
said Mr Jackson "Shared by the greater
proportion of the high class car naikors.
a was the case when the 'Six' was In
troduced, prices wwuM have remained
unaffected. Naturally, the output of
any class of tn"t.ir car 1 Calculated In
relation to the demand. Hail many
maker '.ante lied the TwhVMaV the de
mand for a ear of this type would have
been served from e many ounres. the
m ratio of distrlbutecn would have
Obtained s when the 'Six' was
iiinught out, and tin promlscu us pro-
Brings Out New Light
11 , In 11 a 1 11 u. Ml h haa liroua li t OM1 n t li rr-i 11 11 rter ton tit 1 1 . rrr vn r
- mile mii hour nntl iiititiutril on n U Inch w hrtd Imae Of Mb "tiindortl
thr oniplitr trurk irlth thr atnmlnrl r pre ImmI n nil imiiii top I
la gl.(MH.
oinpiiny of
'Ihi-Pc drdill nre 11 11 110
" Vopki fVllOM plgCO
AllottOB, neevtaarlly nmall In Individual
i'anea, would have made COntlllUad higli
pplcgg imperative.
"It reuuirea. nt t he leu.t calcUh4tlon(
eighteen niontha to eotieelve. COIsgtntCst,
trM, refine and make raad) for matkei
i motor oar modal bui't ground now nnd
lino inimm plinolpltH In Die develop
tnem atid liitro.ii i ion f the 'Twin-Sin'
ihe Packard company trod new trail
alone The gpgn of ime roqulrod for
i agggirn uni agparlmani now i behitni
1!, and the twelve lnuler market ir-
t tin o ty lln ' ii ii wi iuwsj ihiii tt
eom'entrati'd auppiy Houree intint aerxe
thin market, for many month at Igftajt,
henre the 'u kard company pjroduc !
Hon miif' be u iHwii iy tncreacd to care
for tin demaml.
"I'r dUOtiOtl trovern price more than
does gn other element tn tihinufacf m -1
11,' RgOaUM t he I ',u ka rd product i'ii
ha heen increased :hreeftdd, g reduc
tion In prlt'e waa fagglbjlg Thi tn-
prggegad production i the taouli of no
vpeniiiig up' pri , moral) it haa
boon projaotad for earM Anticipating
Ihe dgflUlPd It WOUld be ealle.i upn to
moot, tha Packard oomponv propgrad for
it long In ot vi net AddltkHlf ft tha
1 ui ue 1 nun when thr T ln-Mg'
. t" OnU' a lalOA. 1
Renl "Imhl" Trip for Sale Torre
of iii ri mi Healer.
C. T. SHver, Battern distributer for
th overland. Peerless ami Wlllys
Knlght car. t on of trie "pep" din
ner In lire Hotel Aetor last wlnUr
promised his sales force thet If trt any
month his retail sales reached a total
of 2(10 car he would give them a real
yachting, trip.
In June the company sold ItS new
cars at retail and the men could have
sold more hd they been. atla to gen
on account of the rush of summer
business the yacht trip, however, wes
delayed until Sinn-, lay, August 14.
when the Hllver branch houses In
Brooklyn, Newark. Yrtnkere, The Hronx
and the main aales room st Broadway
and Fifty-seventh etreet were cloeed
for the day and all -nande, headed by
('. T. Silver, Jack Abbot, hi right
Imwer. and (brntrg Floyd, th factory
representative of John North Willys,
msrrhed lo Rest Twenty-fourth street,
where they boarded the tug Fred J.
Yachting cpe were distributed to the
men. who ptvmptly eet to work on the
good things to eat and drink with which
the boat waa loaded. After taking In
Ihe motor boat race at Manhaaset Hay
the boat was heeded down the Hound
i Irorge Floyd kidnapped the Marine
Hand fr i Oavlds Island, and with
I tele Pam's musicians In the lead the
party tok the Hotel Hevan at Earch
itmiit by itorm. After dinner, a hort
night's rest and breakfast at this resort
Ihe pgrty reembarked Sunday morning
on the Pep. sailed up the Round again j
and headed for Wltxcl's Orove, College,
A bnsehall game followed between
the sales force of the New York store
the I
in one lde and a nine reproeentlng
Silver hrnch tore on the oiher. The
New York hoys won by a ecore of S to 1.
Turner nd Herme were the tiattery
ine the New Yorkers and Whttnlock and
lveod log the branch boys. Afterward
I lie men sat down to a clambake
Notes of Live Interest to the
Motor Trade, Local and Foreign
AVhen Rent won hu 100 mil ohe.lnpT'
rat e at TTlliTffli h frmnitf11ily
fnl.nwtt: Won th 100 mil -htVIn ra. .
t 104 .V mile, per hour. I i LMx n
Irnph i Automoblr Uubrlrfcrn. tcfa I
i n hlnhlv recommentl. Heilev"
Th hunt thing for th rf rut
owner to rt Into hU hen-i ) thttt a
th..ufh he my not he running ru hi
lar Is npverth e0e In conatant nl ol
prODf IttkrlCAUOB ami that the afe wav
i ' ubrii at It an-l prolong lt Hf I I
n lopl the form of lubrication which Pian-l
up umler iu.h cvi ttt aa racing
wing th nrae in r-apltallnnt ion
f- ii I.'." tn $1,000,000 nlre- tor of th"
Pttlgft It lt Motor 'r Cwnpiny at it
mtlttg hld August 2 uthorldd the dl
Irll ii on of :?o,noo par vaiu of th n".
tot k pro rata .ning th rtutipiny s: " k
hotMrt In th form of a 100 pir ten'
toi k dlvlfjeriil' Thy alo oror1 Ih
tr.mefer of l-'.O.OtKI from fUfplua gTCOUtll
tO i ipi'ftl gtOCk part of th tMtgtton
Th remaining l.'.oo.ooO of new to. k. It
wfis .1.. 1. 14. In to - retained for th pre,
en In th trHiir -f th company.
The dlrei torn also i1frlart1 a oaah dlvl
lend of h pr rent for th month of An
Ku-Bt on th 6lJ and new stork Th com
pany rSlvIdtnd paymenta for tha eurrtit
car Hggregu'f 44 pr Cglll. on th' original
outPtaiidtng capita: itoctl of $.0.00l.
TV'ork li prtigrfsplng M rapl'lly on the
new lytng litailfl MFVlct Pta'.lon of hi
Ktiirlet.itkpr Corportattntl that tha con
trast tfr I tidtt gnggsfgd In pouring t he
ron t ret Thi building will lp uw l f"r
th toritge of new i ure u well as for
th h"ir se-rvtr work thU ITlll R0
l -nger he tiiken or- of either at th- nW
VorH brgJI h r Ut Hnok'.n eVlon.om.
Ths King Motor Car t'ompany innmm M
a dtsWtlMg sedan top for ummsr and
winter UN, (generally u h topi are fur-
RlgJietj by fhf tp manufarturrs to ths
munu'a. tursr of motor rar w ho In turn
- them to their dealera, who sell them
to Ih num r.
Th K.nic Mo! tr Car c.mpanv, according
t tienei.Ll Manager V'llhrrh! will manu-fgt-tura
.i limited number of touring cars
qulppod tth this top Thy 'ii only
fun ilta "ne touring car equipped with ttlto
rObhl eiiiin top to their distributers
i Vi gddltlonnl orders distributers Instead
Of sending to the King . om pan y wtil :
dlrr I t I the top miinufui turer tin I get
the b-nefli tf quantity pri' a arrang- d
b) Iho factory
Th lop giv-s the car a linumsln effort.
v Ightl of g.ass which are eal.y
rotltOVObl fnf warm weatht-r The detarh
gvblf lop brings the Mat prU on a
touring tar up to fl.5t0.
"The pet forma pi- of floodrlcb Hliver- f
town rord llrtf asit Saturday at th MM ea 1
In Chli agi- and Dl Molnen se-ma to b 1
the tln.il proof hat hereufter thev will be ;
rgardd a most ImpoHblll fa' tor In any '
it ipei cT,wt fir Utomobllogt" rhti 1
i: i' Tlbbltt. al-rt Ulng tllrertor of th
H v (eVoodrlch Comptutyi Akron, ohio
'There no room for questioning tn
fgCl that thy contributed In a i onsl lerable
le re.- to the gplondld show Ing male by
Itestti. Cooper and Hurmun at the fhb'ngj
iptj t, as well A to the eight cars
finishing on them :tt Des Moines Th
iMrei of their Ucf 11 and of their con
s' l i v Inrr ilng fgvor with rn-rlorlsts !t
In their curd ronstructlon th two pllff
11 ihtiI here h 11 I lna?rroll,
i Ml II- Meat M 1 1 -pti nml atrret.
nf rl 1 1 r iil.br Impii'iiiiiiH cord
ing tit- eareaan anlen i dUtlngulahail
n t unl) by III dlnTgranra from mhtr- iut
by tin pgrVantaM ' t IrO RTVicf "
n hnneal tt gnodnai ga anient mllrtjifa
tent Kn dmlnUfartd t" i Mltrhii "gUgm"
. fao dayi ago by ny .ihe ror tii tit
, hal I- i- ttavtr Company f Poftland
'i g ,.nt 4 rta! tet," aald Mr. aii..
K. m thl. ur ti.r ha gama n.rt of rnadi
I that utiy lo r nf thf cur Would take wllg
I hlg family or frtandti dodga nn blili -maki
i m prtllmlngry tyyaiiia- incnrpuri.r nn
1 fiMk -irlhiR h.i ;)ir mai hint atrletlv
ptandard gnd u ptork rat tn ev-ry partio
ular i gran I to ba gala lo iiupiirate ibi
reaiilti "f thlN teM nny plant, nny Uma that
1 'ii oil I l' thll car "
Whan thi' maihln rjim to n u t ln
ptnp oil a mi inly rmul t he nil1etig-
IT 7. line BkOWIM for t he rtoU and thi
atandard ltg admniwtarad.
MOnt oftin haam ih urKUtnent 'hut h'nt
I'Mttaaa axpanalog .f th tir g lira iuf
m. wnt tn pfmluaa a glow nirt," aayi h w
Lit rh Held i faciory manaif nf tht rtiaod
vrnr Tirr unit Rukhaf ompgnt "Mnny
moforlati t hu agauf f heir babli of inn
tuna itrai undgrlnAaied Kvag agparlanea-l
B-triigf men t ltt ilit ur n tun it Mf-
i i-en t it i w ani y pouodg Iowa praaaura in
h"" Mthpf
T'. aaiiif) aufgalvat n 'hi polRt wa r
i'oiiIi inn ir n unuu.tll -ir irlt, ulng
a rungbuui 4)ulppd Uh Hal ia
Houpt, the Hudson Man, Sot
This Is the Host Arranjro
mpnt for Motorists.
"Do you know." said Harry S. Houpt,
the Hudson distributer, "that a limou
sine cabriolet or sedan body Is by far
the beat type of automobile for a man
who oan only afford one par? The
extraordinary weather .ondltlona which
prevutled thla summer have brought
rather forcibly to the attention of
motorists that the closed car Is not only
the best air for city use but If properly
built and not (00 heavy Is also the
Ideal vehicle for touring purposes as
"In th first place, In pleasant weather
the cloeed i-ar roof Is a ladler protec
tion ago inet tw sun than the average
touting car top and In case of rain,
enow or dumpuess the lifting of a few
windows renders the Itttt rlor o warm
titul comfortable a the living loom of
your own home. I am glad to say th
Hudson Motor Cir Company ot De
troit realise this and as a result OH
Septemlier 1 I will have on exhibition
In the droit Building and ready for
delivery a Hue and up to date litis of
cloeed cars.
"There will lie four distinct t.iprs of
cloeed car bodies which will Include
( a cabriolet, s summer sedan, a llmou
! sine and s town car which will lie
' finished In from two to five different
colors upholstered In harmonizing rlutdes
of whtpoonl. 1 he pi Ices will range from
II, (tO for the cabriolet, which seats
three. Up to ti!,l5 for o luxurious seven
passenger town car or limousine. The
csrs ere carried on the 1111 chassis of
th Hudson"
selected a 'lay. w hh h. a c Girding to Ui
local rerorda. was the hottiv. June .irt f
rgogftjad, Tha tirts wi-tp pumpi l up to
eighty pountls with the fv itannlng In th
cool of th g. mine it wai drlVOIl Inter
mittently for alrotit an NoUf : ri I w lien not
running was glow I 10 and In the sun.
Than It waa taken for n spin at forty mils
an hour owr bftck and tarred wiod blorlt
pavanifnts t)n moaturing ihe pfgggufg wo
found It hail lno4aod Ju1 four MttlggtfV
"Tlrea are ROW built w ith fiji h a lilnh
faotor of ggfoty thit nn lncfao In pres
ure of many times four pounds would not
cause a browroul unloai '" 'l ruined by
uvr loading atid and. r In Mat 1 n '
The huelneaja nia n of today want p th
Tctu.il flgurea 'tn what motor I ransporta
rlon a'titptmnt will pool blm and what It
will tlo for him, a J K t)OW man of th
Federal Moutr TfUt k I 'unpnny. "At th
present time Allan Dak el of OUT St. Loutg
agen- y Is making an lti est Iga t on w li.. b
will be of int rt st to bttalROgg men en
gaged in the selling nnd delivering of PF
ihbi proaiucta, iurb as moat, milk and
t ream. VogOtftbl and frwl' The lnve-tl-ga'lons
re b Ing made with t h cooper a
tlon of the Hukle Commlaalon tinpa,ny tf
St Ixmls, Mo
"A sealed llMtrumont hgl bn attnrhed
to the company gfcdafftl tPUrR whlrh re
-ortlp a tlaily analysis of the work lone.
Included In this r port are the number of
loada rarrled. s'p m'le. g:ie--lerle t-on-
pumptlon rar apaod, gt Thne ng'ireg
enable the user of h -res to chock the In
efftrinry f his Ion m and by placing lil
horse opt-raitlng flgtirei alongside th ITU H
rf-ordp h tan t i U' ten ho mttoh Biorg
truik eotild nccompltab tt him
"We ute ggibrlng ret-ords In all lines of
hualn sp atd before many w .-eke have
pgagfd arHI be able to supp'y any bU0lng
man with reor'lp which will show eartly
what the ctpt of hla d-ery would be If
Kedrr.u ttut ks arota usl
If there Is gnylhlng 'h it bedts the pun
lahmrnt admlnlPtered to tir.s on tlty
taslcgb, the oho. e mhfhi pooalb g t lb
nr'tor rar In servb at a logging ramp
Male Manager RorhoPI Qlthon tf the- Fed
eral Kub'ter Mnnufactuftng Company re-
rent'y aelected two ttn t?'n the blt
dr-ls that reach his dook In the course of
a month, t ypbal of the two u bovt men
Hon d entremei.
Henry .1 Fox managtf n? the CentrAl
City Taxi far Compnny Syraiuae, N V,
writes that two 3 44 1nrh Federal tlrw f
the rugged trea 1 tvpe ha v. boon dlivag
over ' now nt'.'es nn "ne ii f ht tab'tl
Mr F x MVg the Mres t I look 'od foF
an additional 3 M mi es
1 C. H Akers. Miynr of Mon-e Vlltg, Col ,
anl owner of , oral luml- r unpg and
mlnei n ar t he town of Crcdo In that
Stntv. 1nftrnij. Mr tilth ns that his car hna
gone over ll.Otd mllcg on on s t of f atl
rais Mayor Akorai trips includo Ihv
worat roils in fob. ratio combined wl'.h
niany mountain ttur
"Rome inlom hi
mtiPlr.ii conlp irdtlon
the public Inaiantl)
do not ifr'n to rni
ure :ik- sngt of
Thev 't :ik' w It h
in I other gOOd ' 'ar
mrh tie. Idoq popular
favor " iavi 'UI i.i:n '
of th poortnor M n
"Vevr have t seen
portnr, pre-ident
ir nr Company
intfi mnni
feted In a single nut lei linn ha been th
rae with thi new NatlonaJ Highway gfg.
"One of our cutomora who bought a
HlghWgy W t' lef t from In front of ur
ge lesrootni bound fof Ih Ibtna uia-Ibi-'ifl-l
epitlon with bli family Th ar I
being driven by the wf of tlie mtn',
and a f terrm fr on h r rcrotvod yotttf
day from Chtoago aayg 1 h at the car haa
run perfectly all the way."
t 15 O'wsll v' prcaldcnl df (h fha'
mers Motor Cnmpan) If Ikll g nil vaca
tion In the north a - !- of Wl" otietin Thg
Olwt-tl party Ip malting an extenj. I . anog
trip and ti pot to pa ma until th mbi
11 of aWptonvbti
Tn adtlltion to
haker hai adopti
two t rain loatfi
1 day to t'telr bl
carp are pa-ted
Ingly, on laal M
other s(
t -Me pi
f Ih n
long lo
1 1 pin n t s. ft Itdaw
1 n "f nnalgQlngj
1 a motlet eu 1 h
from whlrh thi
lair a- cord
It I t v
train Iflgdl f
. the new Kt u fel
! for the Pacific
lantl'- coaat. for
ri tributary 10
I two more tralti-.
1 branch, and 01
akei mod II irte I. n
in and on ' f ttii At
Ha- rlbtii ton a ntong dogtl -th
i.t-mi, . Tuesday
were under way for other
1 Wi dn'M.tv another dou
train load waa aenl otii ihli prograrntna
to continue until Mch branch kouaa win
have re. flved It- q p t h .,f . u
The demand f r t models has been
00 gre.it that, although working .lt and
night, th enormous Ptudebaker plants at
Detroit an 1 gouth Rand hav aen unablt
to meet the si uatlon
le-uip atanibai h
lraurr of the Timet
Square A ut rmnp
Hon t -ur of Ih M
ny, lifter Hi llispei--
1 ra R 1 and Twombty
agjonclai through
Rngian 1
that evervw he-e bu
I tl'S
Ii n lurlahfna,
"It w ar.t'lfvr e
'he unounl of
buslnesis thai N
have .lone and ar n
Rnfl t'd ge ma
tilling lo da" sav
Mr Man-on i 1 h
ra ir lln try at
mand for light i ir- lb ii
aiva raa ,
ft-r in nil nuei
- i h n unahati I
oUlng raoordf will
that tit u yaar R
III tad
'Mayor in mid man
baan gctlv In mil i
tt kai ktpl U" gueal tf
UaHvai to our agei
mawy Inatanci ha 1
la tad b) tie din .-
by th Tlm i gour i
them tn tltHit tjil k'
in atrngngt
Ik putdlg
dt buying ggg
m ib adagualg
hna .iirti in
i graatly fa-in-n
" n' . n i h win
my In helping
Bf the
it i oniy a in itiar nf unit whi n tha
manufacturan hav to avnivp agog
a pad Ian I harrby their ian' will h
hetter DrOtaetl'd an i limit, lull t-tu.M ... r.i
of tlt'l
tn laennd h in l i ar. Stmner t.r
hp factories' li! .f naeeMtly hava t.
Liter thi
n. i r: lelpat
i it it i m Kin marl in urreq in tha
nn le
1 1 nvH 1 1 1 '' i 1 1 1
lowtd i cgfi t k n in aschangf
Hiah ntatfiinl an i gnnd worgmanihla
pre only two of th faelnr :)iat us urn iitl
j auefgi geitargohlii dr l'ropr daatpOj
IH 01 virtual I 0Ufll iiniorinn' i The 1.,-
olri Kubbar and Ttr.- Company of Trenton
N .1 in "ri ma fni tha tin- which
una dd rprenl the ioun t ti mdaru of
perfarmanca iiid nm toniani ieif with
appl mii re. I mi. lu r in I he probh in ggjd
having h tire fahnnd hj I hi innvt ..
pi rt nparuOvti M nugh1 glao to get a
nenkld If gad whlrh vimuld te a letiuncg
to rut gnd llppri itrti mil which
nhould hi the iam tima if a nafeguard to
tlie body of thl tir.- an i gtaura an agtaOf
Klnn of tt Ufa,
The bod ol ih ilr i nmterlad agftlMl
brulaai and n.tii i rut thai Hna v raaull
tn h
t Inn,
i. am blla
the !re,i
I I i0 HI'
ha i
Tn aholi
l n f -.r
Ih .ng
tr N i.
. Inn. I
haaad nn
rod r ii i. -
rvttn'lttl RefVli
gi aatar -aft i v
if. una t tu
t -lentinc al n n T i
her U .t r lld in M mi lu I
toughnHii th fa. t thai 'In tim
whth ll I I'ure.i lo t he Km pirc C'lmpanp
Igvnlval 'he no i ii" ' 1 1 in 1 1 ii si tht Mill
it into ha ate nf the tlri and " u
w iV'Wflwrata long bafurt it ikOaaai
l i
I tn
' Ki'l,

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