Newspaper Page Text
foiIast Our Greatest Defensive, Need Grektea hn P. M THE WEATHER ' Capt. John P. Meigs, U. S. N. (retired), ordnance expert of the Bethlehem Steel Co., points out how private munition plants have been discouraged, in a forceful article in Sunday's SUN. Fair to-day and p moderate, varia Highest temperature vester Detailed weather, mail and mar VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 3. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 . 'Copyright, 1915. by fir Sun Printing nnrt PiibHitMnD AmorfnHon. PRICE TWO CENTS. aBBggg- Oa DYE MAKERS' ONE HOPE IS IN THE TARIFF w Only Thing; They Say. That "Will Make Possible For eign Competition. I. F. STONE SHOWS INDUSTRY'S NEEDS Point Out That Such Pro tection Wouldn't Raise Prices in U. S. SJaksr f coal tar dyes and interme diate who are hopeful of rebuilding- the Industry In this oountry through the op portunities prwnted by the war agreed yesterday that the one way In which It egB done la by the Imposition of a tariff on dyes that will enable the Amer ican manufacturer to compete on equal lanns with the foreign manufacturer. The tariff 1 the answer to the whole problem.'' said L P. Stone, president of the National Aniline and Chemical Com pany. 'With a tariff that will enable ua to compete With Germany the ic .n- dustry In this country will sruw until ., . Independent of Europe. Without Hit IB doubtful If we will I' abb. after the war, to liold what we have gained." Sir. Vtone'l belief la ahured by all those who have the upliullding of the Amu .n dye Industry at heart, no mat tar by what motives they are actuated. The dye manufacturors who have been etruntli.'.g for years against the day when they could meet the foreign com petitor on equal terms; the textile man ufacturer.", forced by the failure of their forein supplies to ask the upliullding of a domestic supply of dyes, are all urgin necessity of a higher tanff If a golden opportunity is not to slip from them. Price Would Itrmnln "sine. Tnev do not beiieve thai u higher tariff would raise the of, dyes, on tag contrary, they point to the tact that the small amount of American compell tloo. lettering BajaJnat difficulties for : ears, hag held tavn prloe of the German nude a llele below UJ pries that ob tains la Uurupa, It la this underselling of the Ajuii loag market and tbe conse ntient alHaam ot.luiidtug their own thai haa caused litem to urge aa a supple ment to an Increased turlff a law pro hibiting what they call unfair compe tition. Through iliese two agencies dve makers SM a return to the earlj days of the Industry, when It was o profit able and giowmg so fast that it at tracted nif.i from Germany, and the United Mates was mentioned as a prob able "serious competitor of Europe" The abllit.v . the capital, the raw ina tsrials and tiie market are here, they say. ami it requires merely an oppor tunity to prefect development and or gaiiiiht.on to make the American dye industr. large enough to supply all do sjtstlc deuia nds. "We have been competing in a small way Coi yean," said Mr. stone, "de spite tremendous difficulties, so it can be Imagined what would be the future of this Indllttr) if wire helped by the tariff Instead of being held down. Even now. a- we are going ahead adding to ou. plain, we do II with the knowl edge ,t i. ., gnnible. that we may earn enough in this year to pay for the ktertased outlay in capital only at the end ..f the vtar o be throttled again by the tremendous, organisation that has lieen built up by Germany. Una.. uui on Kg pension. "We have spent IjOO.OOO to increase eur output and I believe that we are the onl dye manufacturers In the coun try Who have been able to expand. There aie many men who would like to put money into the Industry, but they have been held buck by the fear that in a yeir or so they would be ruined as the dye men of thirty years ago were ruined through the lowering of the tariff. With the embargo on dyes lifted "ie would i,e unable to keep their plants in operation. "This is the situation that I have pre sented ,, Secretary IteJfield of the Ie of Commerce time and again, walls admitting the force of my argu ment, he has merely said that the Ad ministration cannot In this term advo cate th raising of any tariff. It la a Wonderful opixirtunity that is presented, n opportunity that would mean the In SStnuml of millions of capital and give employ merit to thousands of people. But 'l Administration holds out absolutely no hipe to us. "I'r Norton r.f the Department of OSBlinsrce has come here to investigate jne dye situation with 11 view to 'stlmu '';''' the Industry, What is there for wsn to investigate? What can he dot ne onl) way t., snoOUragTS the dy e man JUsetiirera Is to -how them how they can tnvfM (heir money with a chance of hav. " ! Some return, but if they are given no encourage men t by the Govern m"ii m (he way of tariff increases no eaount ot stimulating wHl do any good. . olden IVrlod la Past. "Ths effe, t that the tariff has had fnn the .lye industry here Ik plain to one who has studied the subject The oiden period of the industry was from ill", to 1115 F,,,p hy0 ,,, ,ss:) tnar wu a ,Uy 0f pj, rent ni VH0rfm Md .0 rents H pound specific, which lava ampls protection to the Industry! Md a a conssqusnoa there weie nine or . Ii lories in the fnltd States, and the proiiaci ,,r becoming Independent of otnr nations for our supply of these anl Dducts was bright Indeed. Hut the of the tariff act of July 1. INKS, hollshed the specific duly of .10 ' pound, leaving only the ud va- Of IB per cent, and lixlng a - I" 'nl due on the intermediary ""'' arhlrh left only a net protao. n "f : ' .int.. Immediately Checked las Industry here. , ' w fo lories were stalled. Ml,d win. er after the new tariff look Ivs or those alreudy established , ' " f d to go out of business, leav- ins foui io continue the work, and foul would have gladly followed 'lera. bill lliev led liivnle,l luevi. tile JH" In plant- which would be an en tire to, jf abandoned. "The 'our factories now doing busl- i CosManed uh THr4 Pagt. WILSON AT THE THEATRE. attends Play for First Time .lner j Mrs. Wilson's Demist. Wasiiinoton, Sept. I.- President Wil son went to the theatre to-night for the first time since Mrs. Wilson's death! last August. Accompanied by Dr. Grav son. his physician, and Joseph P, Til- I multy. his private secretary, the Tresl- I dent orcup.ed a box nt Poll's stix k thea tre. w ii. , in. ,, .. -- . i entdnnt In the first two years of his ad ministration. The play was "The Ringmaster." and the sight of the fsmlllsir stork players seemed to pbuse the President mightily. He applauded frequently. BURTON SEES A LANDSLIDE. W Dunn's Peace Efforts Won't Mop O. O. P. In tots, Mr staya. Chicago, Sept. 2 Ex-Senator Theo dore E. Burton, Republican candidiiate or i resioent rrom ihlo. arrived here , to-day from the West, where he has 1 been making speeches, and assured the ! J! lenders that the Republicans would win in a landslide next vee He said his survey of .conditions In the West has thoroughly convinced him that there will be a big victory fo. the Republican candidate, whoever he may be. The Senator also ventured lite opinion that the solution of the disagreement between this country and Germane, which he said redounded to the persona! credit of President Wilson, will have lit tle effect In stemming the prophesied Republican victory. AT 107 SHE BECOMES A SUTF. Oldest Northern Veer York Woman Hopes to Vote Before She Ulea. Oi.ens Falls, N. v., sept 1 "ot course I haven't many years to live, but my one ambition is to live long e.iuuan to cast a vote and I think 1 ' will." These were the Words Mrs Marv Sage I 101 years old. of DalTOWSVlllS, s small ' ! hamlet near here .... i ,.!... . ......... or iii- . .signed the yellow slip Indorsing woman 7 J. " " nage is tne olilesi woman in Northern New York and she hag ..I- , way believeil that soine day the women Of the State would be (ranted the right ' so long denied them 'Do men nagleoi their business for politics"" flhe u ouore.l ae -' .. a frlenil mentlone one of the principal argumer ts of the nntla '.Tl...n ir .1 - - ii,-., o inn dont, why Is it reasonable to expect i women w ill ?" BORGLUM SCRAPS WITH ART EXPERTS His Alteld Statue in Chicago Disapproved by Municipal Commission. t'HiCAOo, Sept I. (liitson Hoepium'c statue of Gov. Altgeld has precipitated a row in Ike ranks of the Municipal Art t'ommisslon here, and there Is sirong probability that the dispute will go to Uov. Dunne for final settlement. The statue, carved in stone, showing a figure of Altgeld with outstretched arms protecting n man, a woman and a child, laborers at his feet, wag made at a cost of $2r.,non. and was to be placed In Lincoln I'ark on I.ubor lay. The Municipal Art Commission disapproves of its size and has fault to find with the proportions, "I forget more about Sculptural art overnight than any of vour Chicago Municipal Art Commissioners knows in a lifetime!" wns the lelort to , lay of liutzon Bonglura, ihe Ki w Vork sculp tor, who executed tile Altgeld monu ment. "1 shall Stand for that monument and the art interpretation of Altgeld'g char acter anainst oommUlaon and all Chicago back of It. "it g I ;4nd the Altgeld memorial commission, eomposeid of his devoted friends, whose bueinsss It Is, not that of any municipal commis sion,'1 It Is said thst the Illinois State Art Commission also objects to the design of the monument, though It has not officially expressed its disapproval. "The State An Commission has not been officially consulted regarding Ihe Altgeld memorial," declared .Martin Iloche, a member of the commission "If ov. Dunne, our chairman ex-oltlclo. approves of ihe monument we shall all concur." "The Art Commission Is to pass upon a design only at the request of the Gov ernor," said Gov. Dunne. "I have made no request. There are some vehy high minded gentlemen on the Altgeld Com. mission men like Ixiuis I-'. I'ost. Daniel It, Crulce and Joseph Martin. I have heard no complaint from them." FIRST ELECTRIC ON P. R. R First Train From laoli nterol Broad street ItatlOH, PMILaDSLVKlA, Sept. I, The first electric train to enter Broad tit reel Bta- j Hon rolled into the big shed tins after. I noon, having come over the Pannsyl- vania'a main line from l'aoll, the other j terminal of ths suburban electric lira nch. This was. merely a teal Hani, m.ule up of three cars There were no railroad oftloiaui alard, but the construction engineers made the trip to see how Ihe new system workel between West Philadelphia and liroail street. It was said that everything was satisfactory. No date has yot been definitely set for the opening to the public of th electric train service (0 I anil, though it was said early tn the summer that the trains probably would be running by l.alur Day. F0SS AND 'TaTZ" IN HOT ROW. "Honey" falls Kx-(rnveriior I'Mlal-H.-r and Kake Prolilltltlonlsl. HosTO. Kept. 2. Kx-Go. I'oss ami Honey Kltsgerald are anaaged In a sai eaattfl letter writing debate which threatens to end In a libel suit Tbe ex-Governor opened hostilities bc alleging that Kltzgerald promised to call off strikes In his plants if he would appoint d. d. Driscoii, a labor lender, I'rlsou nommlailOIIS r, l.'IDtgerald re. torted tliat the slalement was :i false hood, lie asserted tint loea atai a fake prohlbltloiilst and had ilrunU both Let r and whiskey from a bottle l'osa replied ti t lltgferatd had at tempt, d to run the offlos wlnie he hut Governor, lie nsserted that KiUgenild Irantsal to name Ihe Licensing Uommla. slon thst his brothsrs' interests might be protected MRS. MOHR IS HELD ' AS MURDER PLOTTER Three NcgNM Confess. Telling of Proniisp of $5,000 to Kill Doctor. ONLY TO WOUND UIRI, Widow Flatly Denies Complic ity and Is Released in $10,000 Hail. PB0aa1gel, Sept f. trs. Klizabeth Tiffany MotlP. the attractive widow of Dr. C. Franklin Mohr of this crty and New por was cauirlit to-day In the unravel ling siit'in of circumstances surroundlna the mysterious killing of her husband on Tuesday night when he was mo oi Ing to Newport with his office ass! n;. Miss I'tnlly liurger. who was shot at the same time. arty this morning, scarcely more than an hour after daylight. Mrs. Mohr was arrested at her home on Keservolr avenue on a charge of conspiring to In cite three negroes to commit the crime. The negroes were gathered In by the police through the night and one after the other, so the officials relate, they ac wised the physician's wife of offering them money $6.1100 was the whole price to kill Dr. Mohr and his young woman companion, according to their etcry. Mrs. Mohr and tbe three men were arraigned this morning before Count) Judge Frank liatnmill and the negro- s were held without ball on different charges. They are : ' icorge w Hoalia, Dr Mohr's cheuf fi nr. who according to the police, con fSOSed that be agreed at Mrs Mohl -1 bidding and for II.CM to stop the doc tor's automobile at a lonely spot on tbe Harrington road so thai the Other IIS groes might carry OUt their part of the alleged plot Dial's WSJ held as an a - ceeeori iwfore and after ihe fact. t'ecil V. Ilrown. formerly an employee of Dr. Mohr. who. according to the no lice version of a confession he Is said to have made, was offered 12.000 to k;,.l Dr Mohr and Miss liurger at the ap pointed place. Brown was charged wiih murder. Henry Bpellman, half-brother of Brown, who also, the police maintain, confessed to a part In the shooting for fl.nnn promised by Mrs. Mohr. Il.t'tiO promised by Mrs. Mohr He was charged with ussault with a dangerous ana pnii. Mrs. Mohr Protests Iter Innocence. Mrs. Mohr. outwardly jnore unper turbed than anyone else In tbe court room when she and the negroes were arraigned, cslmlj protested her inno cent e. I'onfronted l.v the fad that for years she has been Intensely Jealous of her husband's affections for other women--she had sued htm for divorce on thst ground as Well as the negroes' confes sions, reports of threats that she had made to kill h"r husband, verbally and In writing. Mrs Mohr Insisted in the brief statement that she made that the negroes acted simply out of revengs in shooting bet husband. "1 hsva no idea who committed this crime." said Mis. Mohr. while she w-as "detained" at the police station. "My cup ,,f grief is now tilled io overflowing. 1 have sun .Ted long for my husband's love, this is the final crushing blow " Mrs. Mohr kttMOtttrOa Mrs. Mohr is more attractive in fact than Miss liurger, with whom her hus band was said 10 have been infatuated. She is slight of build and when she entered the automobile to go to Warren, the Bristol county seat, with her coun sel. Arthur Cushlng. she was modlshly dressed In a blue tailored suit and straw hat. A brown veil slmostly completely concealed her features. Chief Inspector O'Neill began to weave the circumstances of the shoot Ing together In a way that involved Mrs, Mohr when Miss Florence Gram bee, who was employed In the physi cian's office, t'-M him thai several times 011 Tuesday, Ihe day of the shooting, a woman, whose voice she thought, was .Mrs Mohr's. so O'Neill said Inter, called her on the telephone, warning her not to ride with the physician to Newport that night. Later in the day, her story went on. Healla asked her if site intended to go with the doctor, and when she replied "No." 'he negro, she sani. seemed greatly relieved. Hut the entanglements grew last night. Healts's first explanation, that his engine Weill "dead" Just before two strange holdup men died the fatal shots ami disappeared in a passing Ford automobile, was essentially weak Then late last night he amended that story and confessed, so O'Nolll sal, I, that he and Brown, the discharged em ployoe, had pi, Mined to roh the physi cian. It waa a poor confession at beM. but 1 lead to Brown's arrest and Brown's arreel led 10 gpetlman's. who was so surpriasd ashen suddenly aoouasd by the police of committing ihe murder him self Unit his nerve collapsed and the details of the alleged conspiracy flowed freely. When O'Neill and his associates brought Hpellman back to Providence from ItiM-raide, where Brown had said lie was going to visit him on his motor cycle on the nighl of the BhOOtingi BpeUmau's revelations were repealed to Brown, The strain wns too much for him and he too, the police say, con fesssd io the alleged conspiracy, til Tell Tin Ir Stories. It w is then thai llealis broke down lio and repudiated his -former stories. according to the Providence police, and by daylight ihe loose ends ha,i been gathered together from other sources. one of the most important of these was the following letter written to George Rooke, broiher-ln-law of Mlsa Burger and signed 'Mrs. Mohr": Dear Mr. Itooke : Just 11 line to ask you 10 tell your sister if she dares in go into my Newport hotne she win never come out alive. I am giving her f ur warning, no mailer what the, outcome may be, I will see it through. I was told about her buying linen at QlaeVilnga'a fProvklenoe department store I for Dr, Mohr 1 do hope you Hill try ami straighten this matter out and I know yea OSnnol stop her going out Io dinner with him. Hut she will have a sad ending if she keeps on against me. My home S being Watched and if 1 should h ivc Newport this summer my home will lw wnlclied Jusi tin. r'oHflHiird 011 Last 'aye. BANDITS YIELD TO 1 SUFFRAGE ORATORY Robben Hold Up Car of Tour irur Workors for Cnnsp, hut Talking Wins. VOW TO HELP WOMKXi Lost Ciimpaienfrs Moot Moun tain Hiphwaymon, hut Gel Safely Away. NnwAr.K. X. .. 2 Four young women who have been making a tour of the Sttste for suffrage reached here to-day with a tale of an encounter with r.ighwavmen in which the robbers came! out second best. Not the bast Inter-! estmg feature of the narrative was the j Lot thai the robbeis had to listen to three suftrage speeches before they were permitted to slink away, empty handed, but convinced that this "votes for women" thing has a punch to it. The encounter occurred, early to-day near Hnckettslown. Scbooley's moun tain, where, the suffranlsts said, there are ' mnnv winding, mysterious roads, some of which one can travel for miles and miles and not get anywliere. In the suffragists' automobile, which Is called Terpelohore, were Miss Kethei Holmes of Hlverton. Miss Margaret gquldd of Bernardsviile. Miss Frances Beck ..f New York ami Miss Alyse Qregoi y of Trenton. Lost In tbe Mountains. As the Jersey town clocks tolhd the hour of 3 this morning Terpsichore and its four workers for the cause were groplntt through the dark on the side of Schtole's mountain somewhere lost Tiny hadn't the slightest Idea of where they were, so they juat followed the road. In a darh spot two men stepped Into the road. "Hands up " commanded one. The order was oheved with al.icrlt.v Then the highwaymen stepped loward the machine and announced that they in tended to take the money and valua bles of Its four occupants. Miss Beck, seeiui: that neither of the highway men was armed, stepped on Miss Gregory's toes. The signal was enough .!ut as t lie robbers reached th.. car Miss Gregory puked up a large COW bell, winch had been used to summon audiences to the street meet ings, nn.l ing it furiously In the high waymen'a faces Ha it Io l.lslen Io Speeches. By Ihe time Ihe tlsngiug had stopped. the two bandits found themselves '' lining to the first of three speeches. 'Tiie talks wire on the cause ami. as Is 1 well known, the men were powerless to Interrupt the fair speakers. So there I was nothing 10 do but let the robbing I business wait until I hi speaking ceased. By thai nine me highwaymen had been I won over. Tiie young women male their best 1 spet t beg for the robber audience, so the j stnrv goes, and depended tin pure ar gument to convince the thieves thai they Should not only refrain from do ing any robbing Just then hut thst they should, in justice to their wives, mothers or sweethearts, vote for the enfranchisement of women, Strategy was aw ssful. The high waymen were completely charmed uv the courage dlaplayed by the women slid, vowing to their voices for equal suffrage, dtupprd out of sight ill tiie hushes at the roadside. The good enr Tsrpelchore then bore the suffra gists here wall the tile. TO MARRY WHEN SHE VOTES. soBrnae llrgnslier Keeps Prof Heltsel on the kaaloas teai. I'll II AI'RI I'll I all right." sahl gtpt, L' "I'm engaged Mies Jane Myer. suf. 1 to-day. "but I'm not fraga org snlser, 1 o-ds) . going to be married untl the vote In at least 0111 women have 1 of the three successor to campaign Htstss. So lr i 'buries Reltael, Prof. Hcotl Nearmg nt the of Pennsylvania, is rooting suffrage lie Is the suitor, hoping that fellow , illsens along ins matrimonial plana frags victory in November, Psnnsylvanla, Now York University hard for ami he Is j will help, by a suf- 1 and New I Jt rsey are the "campaign Htates ' upon j which setting the date of the wedding' I depends, MISS Myer doesn't think.1 though, there will be any cause for postponement or the nuptials, "I firmly believe," she sild, "that the vote win be won for women in Penn sylvania ami I'm making my plans -oordlngty." LINER REPORTED ON FIRE. Deepateh s the MttorsUiai is ITelaae tarsals Here Donbi n. London, Sept. . The liner Rotterdam was reported this afternoon to be on Hie. according to a despatch from Am- ! stsrdam. Ths blaas is said to have been oauaed by overheated cotton. Despatches to-nlghl add thai the pas sengers have been discharged at Amsiei- I dam. KffortS are hung made to check the blase. Tbe local office of the Holland-Amer- I h a Une lasi night had received no news concerning a lire on the steamship Hot leionoi. oeiooKiuK m imit management here believes that The iin ship on me was iin on tanker. "If the ship on fire were the dam.'' said a statement given out Coller b Ihe line yesiernay, "we would no have informed to thai .IT, doubt ct. It in:, . be. of riiuiHi. lion 11,.. IA..01..1 in, to 1 , 1 0 1 eo - sor Is holding up a message, but there appears to be no reason for such ac tion. "When Parrying passengers, our ships do not carry contraband. The Rotterdam carried I".'. Aral class passengers ami ,11 seconii .I,, passengers, with Hill III the steerage. The cargo was of a gen- eral nature, all consigned to th I mil h uovsrnsmsntt PLUMAGE MAY OARB ITALIANS. Pressed r'lalhrra Said lit Re a Bgke atttato 'r Wool, ipteiml Cubit Psaasfra 1 10 Si R0MB1 Nspt. -' A Verona priest has solved the problem of the scarcii of wool, which will be abundantly nseded by the Alpine troops during tin forth coming winter campaign. j He has discovered a substitute non slslllig of pressed feathers, the a Ivsnlage I being thai they maks lighter, warmer and cheaper wool. Russians in mmpoPE DRIVEN FROM BRODY Teuton. Take City; Czar's Troops on the Stripa in Retreat. WIN FIRST GRODNO FORTS Berlin Heports Wilna-flrodno Railway Cut Xorthoast of City. tprrial Cahlr WsafeA to Tn Scs I.imN. Sept. 2 The Russians are rapidly giving up their little remaining ; territory In Oallcln. Brody, only three mllM from the frontier, has been en-1 tetred by the Austrian troops, and south TerlMpol) which Is twelve miles from the border, the Austrian aviators report thst many troop and supply trains are beint rushed loward Kussian soil. The Russian forces on the Slrip.i are1 apparently In full retreat and at varl- ous points the Austrlans have even forced the Russians eastward to the Sereth. This Is the last river offering anything like a permanent line of re sistance for the Russians and it Is J likely that here they will mnke a stand while the remainder of their QalloJan armies and military material are hur ried to the e:,st and to safetv. So the Importance of the fall of I.ur.k yesterday was not exaggenatedt That break permitted the Teutonic forces In Ituaais just north of Gallcla to bend back Ihe BUSS iSn at RlIsS and thus to threaten the tl'OOpS in the south. The Stripa hail been held for a day. while the Orand Duke Nicholas slipped from his opponent's grasp, but Ihe fall of Lush mads longer tenure of that line too hsasrdous. i t.roiloo Korls Cniilnrrri. The advance forts west of Grodno in ; the ti, nth were stormed and captured by the Germans last night and to-day and tiie capitulation of the entir. strong, hold sss?ms 1.1 be merely a matter of ; hours. Little Importance is attached to the Imminent loss of this fortrCOO, however, as it is well known that al valuable war material has long since been removed and that the Investing garrison is of very weak numerical j strength. There is rather more alarm to be found in tiie report from Berlin that the; railroad from Nllna to Grodno has been cut at I'ltarnoro, northeast of Metetsch. forty miles northeast of Grodno At ; this point, as has frequently been Ihe , case during the long llusslan retreat. I the Germans are endeavoring to fuh ' their forces to Ihe rear of s salient po sition In the bop,, of cutting off and rapturing. 1 large body of men Vei as often as this attempt has been made It ha failed! It, this Instance. tiH. It ; seems thai the Russians will be able to ..scape by means of the remaining railroad built In recent years, which runs . most due east from Grodno 10 Minsk. The tusfrlnn Rppurt. T'ne Austrian official statement to htghl was as follows 1 The pursuit of the Russians co:, tinues 1,1 pr.grti- satisfactorily Our ftin-es t rossed the Styr lt'ver In the province or Volhynla from I.utk north on a Wide front. In east Qatieia fllso the Kuss.nns are retreating). Brody has been en tend hi tne army of 1 ten von Hoehm Brmolll, which U now advancing cam acr ss the frontier. The army of Hen. von Hothmer Is pursuing ihe defeated enemy on t ie roads from Tarnopoli Boo row ami z.i- losce. the enemy retreating toward ti e gersth River. After heavy fighting the army of (en Pflaneer forced the Russians across the heights of the lower Stripa Itlvrr yesterday. A- a result the Ittis siuus have retreated from the In :e ater froi 1 to lis Junction wth the tjersth, Numerous villages behind the Russian lines on the BsSSSrsbtSh front aie in dames Northeast of Kobrin the Auatro Hill, gari. 111 and tlerman troops are gradually driving the Russians hack. In the marshy districts if ihe upper Jaalolda River there im been no change, Qerfanss Dssrrlhs tdvnnre. Baatsm Ihsatre of war. army gr-vip ,-f Field Marshal von Hlrdsnburg: The linage f CsarnokOi o: ths Vllna flrodno RailwaVt was taker by storm: .ti Mofecl ion the ,emen River about forty miles northeast of Grodno) our attaoh made progress. tin the western front of QrodnO the outer line of forts has fallen The Xorth Qesmai l.andwehr tool; hy storm ysstsrdsj Fori No. t, situated to the north of the DombrovoQrodno Ingii road. The garrison, consisting of 500 men. wns captured. I. ate in the evening 'his was followed by the enp tUn by troops from Itailen of POrt NS, 4 A. situated further north. Here we tool, prisoners a garrison of ISO men. Tiie other fortifications -in the sd vanced wester , front were thereution evacuated hy the Russians. Ills- ot the forest of Blslusstsshs crossings , ver the Bfrlsloca ami Malta- row ce. on ihe upper streams southeast of Odelalc, were occupied by our troops after a hard struggle. The total captures made hy this arm) group ysatsrday amounted to Hutu prlsonsrSt ns hsavy gun and three machine guns In addition to this three heavy cannon bidder, hy the enemy in thi' marshes near OSSOWlM were dug out. Arm) group of Prince Ueopold of Havarlu Vestsrda) we won our nay out ,f the northeaatsrn bordei1 of the forest of Bislowlsska, During the night we obtadnsd nosaeaston of a crossing over the .lasiohla, in the marsh district north of orodno, by a surprise sttSi It, line thousand prison , i s were taken. Army group of Pleld Marshal von Mackensen The Muchasleeo section iin the PrtpOt marsh region) has been crosssd along tiie entire front duru.g our puraull of the enemy. Moutheastem theatre of war: Dur lug yesterday's pursuit more than I. noil prisoners ami one machine gun fell Into the hands of the tlerman troops. Now thin the Russian evacuation of Clallcla is .1 practical certainly the quea lion arises as ii did after the Germans shattered the KovnoBreaiLltovsk line 111 Russia, will 1 he TsUtOlliti forces con- llnus thai, offensive along tins front? Kieff Ins :'iiii miles to the east. Uilesss Hi" -'' lbs 10 the southeast. There have bean many reports, and they cm -linlsti "'at Ihe Teutonic allies are pre paring to tarry fall aid Winter Coiiiisiirri un Second Pagt, PEACE MEDIATOR; GERMANY READY TO HEAR PROPOSALS aaaB BbbK eaaMllBBBBl JPPr Bes-taasaafttV Copyright by American Pre Association James Cardinal Gibbons. 1'hotORTnphed in Washington yesterday after his conference with President Wilson. NO PEACE UNTIL BRITAIN IS BE A TEN, SA Y GERMANS Control of Seas Must Be Wrested From England, De clare Newspapers Von Reventlow Sees Only One "Mortal Foe." $$t4Citt VabU Dt$fatk to T fit 9rs. BetRLIN. via Am. retain. Si' pi. J "Nn pMCt ll D0Mlbl befoii KiikIhikI lias bMII Uflni(i'lv tl"fo.itil it ml ihn Hii ptt ina' y f ItM MM VrTMtMl fi"ni htr.M . Thlei in rutsianre, i thf Iftnd "f UW Gtrmaii pfM conunnl lo Ih Mont I of lh 1 - i 1 1 1 n k Jourtiftl dcnYftnd ihat J the iei'v. rnnifni DTOMCUl the war un it 11 thut atm haH been Accompli shtd, ami Urn tlmt all ffnrts Khmjld bo devoiod ggttlnpt tirral Hrttain. Count Krn-t von RovtnOoWi Um j nava.t expi'rt tf the DfUttcht Tutj e9ttituHff, whe wruie ttinji bttttf ar tlclot HKuint th L'nttOd BtfttM alfttr Ide siiiKnic of ihe Uusitania, havh to-day in , till papet . "BHtAln nton remains ur mortAl ftif. Th' i.ennan Bniplro doCI not dream f rultng felurop. de-ptt offorU if th' Hritlsh to throw dUl m ihe ys of neutral.- Oermany deslref, aft-r dt , foatlni hor nemlei, to Mature benwlt ;iKainst future aJt.nU and to iroate a KUIop in wh it'll the ivi urin e of the lirt'Heut ultuation will he ImpOMlblf, GREECE WON'T OPPOSE GRANTS TO BULGARIA Aurt't".. ConjAltlontUy. i Kventual Territoril Con- fpssions by Bfrblft. Spnitl i abU I'tspaiOi to Tun Sri ItoMS, Bept, 2 The uiitlook in the Bslksns to-day appears t, oe more hope ful for lae Allies, awing i" Qrseea'a de o Hum not in oppose Serbia a eventual territorial roncesslona to Hulasriu, even if ihass ooncesalons extend beyond the right bank of the Vardar River. Tiie tleciriun Ik conditional, liowevt r. on Ser- bhi'a retention of the regions of Douan .im! i iheoghelll. Aitiiouaii the queslion o( the Kavalu and iiraiua dlatrlot Is vet in sbennce, a solution is tiopetl (or later, since I lie Allies have promised Bulgaria .t greatsr area in Thrses than was offered Turkey for her ouoparatlon ami itn immediate Oi'CUpal ion. Men ii wlnie. tiie thrsateneil Auatro. Merman Invaalon ol Kerala and Rumania Is niosi unlikely to bo earrlsd out as tiie troops eonoentrated In Transylvania are Insufficient for any attempt o( extenalve operational Hesitieh. ther Is a lack of reserves. NEW PACT WITH ALLIES. HIhiim urer nii'iil to iiiirfiH I niilr In out ra bund rllrle, pASISt Sept. 9 n Vthens dMpatt'll reports the signing iy iiraocs or it flnai sgreeniant with the Bntsnts Powsn con , earning Dommarcs and navigation I Qroaos grass to laks the Btrlctssi mes" uras for the supprssalon f trade in oo n j traband srtlclsa whlls ths Untents ; powsn oonsanl to ths fras ssportsttoii of tobaiwo and raisin, si bo fore the i and the Importation rrom ihe bi Itleh I onlas of ail koimI1 sgcluslvsly raeerved I for Individual consumption in Ureses i t agreement pro Idsi for Ihs Im- tneiliHte 1 1 nntluuancr or ths SSgrch b) allied wasghftpg f Greek boats ply 111 I between Oretk potti. WANTS WILSON TO BE h0WVer, In m.-i..- uut after' the iOUl of the dHVln povi if the 'ontlnentftl fnHpira le- UtuH war- hM boon placed hot d combat and con- tlned 10 its island, and when the i dom of iiie M-as is no lonftr a t hy tin- ki." "f Britain. t ii wrenchad awaiy by throati r violancc at any in nttni it ptaaaaa her tim"- at the vital naoda rr the Uerman future. The freedom id the neat is ss,'ni lal a ltd must In- trained " "Tin ini road to peace' ai j the Frankfurter Xrttung, "Ip for Eeiiyland ' 1 o abandon the iupramacy of the seas (Jarmany demands an open road for the development f her strenath and com t panaatlon for the losses which this war. not of h r seeking, hM Ot 0MeO)Odi "This, Sir Ktiward tirey ouaht to admit 1 is no more than reasonable The declaration that Kngiami no longer ! I doing anything In violation of the prin ' cipte of the freedom of the sens comet as tldlnn f Joy. but whal dors Bng- j land understand hy 'freedom' and what 1 are securities she offers? "if she win abandon her supremacy 1 a considerable part of the road will have ; been passed Which BUfOpS Htill musl travel to arrive at peace1 I BRITISH E BOATS SINK 4 TURKISH TRANSPORTS FwiipIi ' iff icin I Report Re rordi At'hlevemcnt, AUo Gftilll fr Vlli'. Paris, Sept. ? - Tiie torpedoing "f ! four Turkish iransports hy British suit-, marinas la announced hera today in ths following official atasemant: To the transport sunk on 1lie lth j of AUgUSl hy one of our avIatOfS In the n borage at AobgghllUn it Ik nsc ssaarj to add four t rs nspoi t tor podosd hy British submarines, two of them at tlif same potnl and tWO others between Ualllpoll and Nauara Tin- Km is of the battleships hnvi hit several v'rineln anchored in the s trails. in the Dardansllss the hh wek of August hax been calm throughout on lb- Southern front. In the northern mm Hritlsh t roopa dslivsrsd succsss i fill attacks Which put them In posseH- Ion of a hillock to ihe waal of Uuvuk Ana fa Ha, Which hail been contented j kaant) TURKS SAY ALLIES LOST. i Heporl Moulin; llnnli Ittaell and Urlelag Rack Mine aweeperai l Constaktinopui, via Amsterdam, Sepi .'. Tin Wai iiltlce issued the f..- lowlna slatemsnl ioday i Near Hedd el Bahr lbs enemy's ift . w 1 1 . j unsucceisfully attempted to de- j atroy our trenohee, wasting a great amouni of ammunition. Two. bombs i from mis of our mips howllssra bit g trench ot ths siisiiiy, who thereupon ' ct ised ins bomb throwing. i in Monday our batteries al the st alls forced enemy mine aweepera In t ileal after i hey had approached the entrance to ihe Dardattellee. Tlte aaitta batteries dispersed otfcer n ne SWeeueif near rlie point at Sedtl el luiir. Hud aueceaaull) bonibardad.tkg j iiifaulry of ihs entmy nsar byv Cardinal Gibbon: ( alls on President and Present Pontiffs Message WASHINGTON THINKS TEUTONS KNEW PLAN Relations f Vatican and Austria Thought Reapon sW in Part. T s. WONT ACT 1 1 ALLIES WANT WAK A rmisti t H i n ted Germ a n Tonus include Free Sons ami Free Poland. w AKiiixi.T.iN. Sept (.Cardinal OMh buns banded to President WllSon at the Whits Hons,, to-day a eommunlcatlM from I'ope Benedict on the subject of peace in Burops and rtlaeussed with iiuth the Praaldeni and Secretary Lenelng the pagslhllllies of bringing iiout a terniinntion .if the At almost the sains lime it was m i,i. clea- In an .nithoritativ- in. inner thst Qemany is win ex to have it known to the Washington Government that over tures looking inward u peace discussion win be aooaptabla to iteiiin These develoinieii:. were followed by the disclosure that the President and his advisers are prepared to tlecline Invlta Hons to initiate an) peace movement at thle time unless satisfied tint such overtures will be equally acceptable to the belligerents un both sides, w.ish inaton officials know ti, it i!.. silled Qovemutenta woubt regard sny invita tion from the United States t.. .Ii, use tenns t this lime .i an it: un like ihat of a sincere friend While no authoritative statement waa made ,n regard to the messug from the rope the understanding hen la thai It waa chiefly informative, liui contain -. an eaprsaalon of hup., thai ths President might use the good offices of tii I'nlted ktatsa In the direct! mi if peace, lnr Hae uuKesied trralstlce. A statement waa circulated In Catho lic circles here lo.nlghl lhat the I'npe had siiggeste.l thai President Wilson propose tn the belligerents un nrmlstlce, during which there should be no rurt'uer military preparation) or hot in es, thi period to he need n discussing posslblg peace negotiation! This repari ; given meret) for whal ll is worth. No conflrmatli n ol it .. obtained from an) authoritative , nai lers. Although Cardinal (Jibbona tounded note of optimism in ilisciMslng bis lulk with the Praaldeni md the prospect r a restoration of neaci n n a. fu ture there i- nppurentl) little, if ai v likelihood of the fnlteil States takii'a a step i uh- direction ui . condl .ii Humps hav. materially changeii The reception given tn n e ,. sage and its hearer wa niosi . and the prelate wui henrillj assured by both President llso and tterretarv Uanalng ol the desire ..r this ! . ment to do whatever (t feels n cum io to expedite peace in Kuropi The fact remains, however, thai liters is im preset. t Indication thai io-dsy's conference with the t'ardi c win iiive any Immediate effect so ri as the i filled stales Hoverninent la .... eerned The Mntoiuciit was made ! r, miliar with the dels ll of ll . .',,.; ,, , mission That ha said nothing which would .iffoni g basis f,., ., ii fen m that ihe Poiie has acted ,tt ihe instance of tisrmany or Austria. Hn tut what passed here tn-. . , ,ilr,H was, ii 1h declared, aba lulelj , ., Wgr. rant fur such a:, assumption Nevertheless, in view of tin , re latione which have always evistod ne tween the Vatican and Aut i is ic ganleil as no nmrt than natural thai the Pope should have complete and intimate Knowledge of the fitv..r. ititude ,tf tiie Teutonic aiiie-- t wnrd the riis ueaion of peges ti nils a' litis time, Pontiff Pall) Informed. That this Is Ihe attitude of b.ith i r- nsany atm Austria la no longer matter of doubt ;n Washington There is go,id reason to bsliSVS thai brith Austria and asmtatl) have made It clear to tne Vatic! thai It vvill have th ayrrspaahatla supisin .,t chnee countrlsst in ny effort t, bring about peace al ttrla time, it is intimated too that th.. tetms emsah Oerman and Austria arH prepared to aocspt have been dlaeuaaad Tin- Indspandsivcs of Poland, which is s Catholle noiintrv, in sa .i to i ,. f,B. ture Mugge.steii by ih,. Teutonic i;,.v-n-inentH. While the preolss it tture of the Pope'a oommunloatlon to the President has not been disclosed there is ground for he Heviinr that the message was more of a gensral than particular character snti that It was nunc suggestive and liiftii -in.itive than nUiervvis. While It is ;ke) that it cunlaliiSil .in i Ml.,, . i f k- dsalrgbinty of the United Htatea ranee ing the effirts it made ;i year ngo, when, this Government Icnderod Its gnoo offices to the belligerents, many doubted tinti the Pope had suggested any deflnlf course of action to this tlovernment, ii estubllshsd, howev that tim Pope's meaaage is not ,. ireni circular ami to other neutrals, but I addraeaad la ths United states Hi This Is pot sail , g tliavl Posj Heiifl'l iiih.v not move also toward eiilletituglle active supporl of othsr neutrals f pagie movement. Indeed, the belief I" t ll lllt' ll likclv In lake aotiull of Inn I'llHr1', hut the fact 1 1 regurdi .1 .. n .. ' ml thai Im flrit OOgMBUOiegtion waJ"