Newspaper Page Text
6 THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1915. TAX IN DANGER ON WENDEL MILLIONS Ft.-ili- K-tim.itr.l as Hitfh H $R(.MM),(XK AppririwMl nt assign IP to MOTRIN A B C Envoys to Take Up Carranza Defy This Week Meeting to Be Held in New York May Decide to Try First Chiefs Plan of Recogni tion, Some Believe. Whtth Plain. V T. S,l 11 John Oottlieh Wenilal. hnaa HIM hna ninny bfn i-nnalJerd M be "worth hatwpvn :(. ooo.hou ant end UllMW morr. laft property -worth only $2 !7!,91J. MOOfittHI M " P pralant nie1 to-ily with Mali Trunefr T Aynraiecr William C, I'Ui of Mnunt V by K. Kabell, at- tar my for th Wandal tat Th- MM) Triinafrr T Appiuleere i it,, unite thai th, inheritance nm on tha r.tat wnul'l nuMHM !" nrarl) RUMOR OF GEN. VILLA'S DEATH IS DENIED Wamiimuton, Hcpl. 1 1 Condition In MexliM hivi' mi, . I h nnn arhre It la tM-liavttl Uiat the 1'an-Amcrlian con ferenir. act Inn OH U own Initiative, will anon feel the nwreeiilty of taking further ateps to restore order aouth of Ihff Imrder official here admit that Klrat Chief Caffanaa i unduuMatfty txtatidlnt the aoope of hi aUfhOfltlTi while the oim and a tluht will n.-w tar uil ; . fact Ian aiieara la he in the nnene lone nf aoHara wrtn to nrovt that tn 1 1 1 1 of nrtsnart tranaferred t the fi U'erwh-I tlcr hefme J.ihn il Welalela death la taSaM The appraisal a severe Jolt to tha State Cimiptroller'x ittorne. PrUOk A. Wh-ai". an. i inx taatetaat, Cfcartii c Konno. at Whit.' flu i n-. shows that Mr. Wanda!! who Mad Navawfeat '. Ml, at Ba Ilia Munli'a. Cali pr mnia to his daath nuitr ronveyanvea of real e itata valued In the millions to hia four aimers. Mar B. a Wandal, Rebeooa a. u wope, BUa V. Von B. Wendel and Oeoralanim tl It Wendel. Twanl4HM uarrels are liateil in tins .aterory. nui without their location The pputitia! also allow that Mr Wandal had ank deposit amounting to more than SCSn.- 00 when he .lied, hut I weaniiKiMp parel was worth only $10. Nn Point liaised. The ItAtamatll the value tif the Wandal aal it-, was between IM, i0Q and 1100, I araa nlad In the WoMt- chestei SurroKiite'a Court vvrun Visa Kiln '. Von B. Wandal and Mra Rabaoca A. D. Wendel BWOpa filed their bouds aa udminlstratera of th. u brother's es tate. It was then expe.tisl that the Inheritanee tax would be the larteat ever collected. The sttate Comptroller will now try to prove that Mr. Wcjulel made the transfers of property to his plater In anticipation of death. t ia aape the State tax. I'roof or that voint Will deia'nd on the time of the transfers. Mr fstnao salo a new point In trans fer lax pr.seedlnas will be derided st the Woi-aiel hearma before State Trans fer Tax Appraiser William C Clark. John li Wtndei, father of the '.nte John O- Wen lali It seems author xe.j the lat ter 10 appoint his real estate t his siss tern by deed or will In ls'.h John O. Wandal deeded certain propiirty to h's BJatoni other properties now aald to Comprise vhe bulk f the Wandal estate have heel transferred sitae then an.l the Stale Comptroller, aid Mr Kenno, Will try to prove that the ower of ap pointment iby deeds made the transfers taxah!.- b the State A aaarob of the lieiater a offl, e In January rewealed the transfer of forty five parreto of real .wtate by John il. Wendel to tua sistera wiihln one year Of his death, whkh oo'iirred in his eigh tieth year. Htfofa thwe tnnrsfera John Q. Wandal hold In bll own right aluut tlfiy pa. wis. The for"y-ftve transferred comprise. 1 twaOtythraa of these tlfty, and othafl from the leiltlnfa of bis father and of his sister, Josephine J. S. Wendel. Mr. KabefTl skhedule ah ma that Mr Wendel owned forty-srven parcels In New Vork and an undivided half In terest in the proparty at im Broadway; also pi'ojierty at TurrNtown. vaiued at $40,600; at DovM Perr . valued at 11,400, and real estate (it iuogue. 1,. 1 , Ml til llt.ltO. of disinteara'.lon There are conflicting reajrta us to what action a'lll be taken D) the l'an Amerlcan (otiference relative to the pro aaal made by Carrania to the peace note that all Governments interest, d I Join In forming a eommlsslon to eon- alder claims by foreign lowers for dam ages against Mexleo that may be filed Incident to acts committed during the five years of revolution. Some authorities take the position that this Government will assent to Carranxa'a proposal and that a a re sult a provisional government mm he established with the First Chief hoi. link the poaltlon of supreme authority In Pact, within the past few days report have leen current Unit owing to Car ranaa'l succeases and defeats adminis tered by him on the VdiUta faclion. the First Chief nt last stands a fair chance I of recognition hy the I'nlted States arsi the other Towers. I . a. May Helert I'lan. other officials tske the Mew which has been quite generally entertained In Washington for some months, that Car ranza under no circumstances will 1 reoognlied by this Government and that the I'nlted Htates will reject the pro posal for the creation of an Interna tional commission to adjust claims against Mexico It is the understanding that the l'an Amerlcan conference will assemble In Ma Tork next week Th exact time and place of the meeting have not yet been decided upon However, the chances 'are that the meeting will la? held in New York probably Tuesday or Wednes day n. -.ii Batata Listed. The total value of the realty Stale appraisal filed with T.i Appraiser Clark to-day la rlxe.l at l!,61S,teO and the peraonal proparty at 1441, 0l. Mr Wandal did not own an automobile. His ftva hmsea sold for S b r ami one catriaga fur only 130. The hink dapoalta were as follows: New York Life Insurance and Trust Company, t(S,0M.Mj itank for Sav ings, $S3l4s; Bank of New York. f, 014.44 ; Natlonitl Huti tiers and Drovers Itank, 4sBS74 ; In a vault In the New Vork St. ick KxetiaiiKe Hull. ling. 11. 1''." in a sate at 1 1 73 So The real estate panels appraisal are: l".3 lirnadway r t Orand st n-ei i . nraadway i Weal liroadway joi Wasi Broadway - ! Cnlumbui avenue. 24t. W.-ni Iiniiu1wa.v . TO M aiden lane II, Knllon street M4,M 400 Qraial slreet 07 lirand street 46.000 III Waal Fittlelh street iioti g.v pearl street ;:i Kms-x sireet pa West Forllrlh street u.isln i' Heventh avenue. ,,, al.'iOO III a statement Issued to-day the Villa agency mukes a hitter attack upon the statement made in l arranta's response that he controls the major portion of Mexico The Villa statement says In part "The provisional government of Mex ico, through the confidential agency here, will address a not,, shortly to the Pan American conferees answer. ng the mare of falsehoods, misrepresentation and in consistency contained In Venustlano Car ranis s reply to the appeal of six Ameri can nations sent several weeks ago to the Mexican people to compose their differences. "The first point In the Carrania note requiring correction la his claim to terri tory controlled by his lie gen- ' ero usly eonaadaa to the conrantlon con trol of the Plate! or i liiiiuauua aim M..rei.. .ed a small part of Sonora. 11 has neglected to add. however, thai tic State of Onxaca. large portions of tha 'he I states of Chinas. To!. . ci Julls ... Bin- Tiansfer a0, Coahtltta and Sat. Lull Potoai ntcl parts of the territories of I epec ami l.ow.r California havo not been sub jugated by his forces. "As evidence of hi" lack of domination of the country In- has not d irrd to mOVf himself or his capital to M xlco city, hut remains In Vera Cruz safely isolated from danger of attack." Ii road way- listed In the tiim.noo 17 '-.I l mie by Hherlffs, pistees, rangers or soldiers bands have broken up and recrossed Into Mexico." . DENY VILLA WAS SLAIN. .taenia tdmlt HpPM Was lAounried In I'IkIii With I rblna. Ki I'aso. Sept II. A report which Smanatad from Miguel S.lla, Vllla'a sec retary, to-day said that Villa and Gen. Rudolfo FlelTO had b. en killed In a battle with i ten. Tomas 1'rhlna and his follow ers. This was later denied when Villa re ture.l to .11 miner However, it was admitted that Fierro was wounded twice anil his force beaten off hy l'rhliiu. Villa agents also declared that t'rblns wns killed. Villa moved against Crhlna In an eftWrt, It la officially stated, to force him lo surrender l,000,0t0 In loot, which they charge 1'rbina selted be fore lie decided to iUlt the Villa cause. American! nrtiving frinn the south ray it is generally known that I'rblna 0,1111 Villa because he saw that Villa's cause is lost and that Villa, in a rage, moved hia forces against 1'rbina for the purpose of crushing him Carmnaa officials expressed a belief that there waa no rupiiSc (xtween Villa and I'rhina. hut taat l'rbliia had been sent west w th loot and Villa, on pretence of moving nc trie- htm In bat tle, waa trying to escape to the nioun Ulins. lien. Kaoul Madero. one of the Villa commanders recently defeated by Car rania forces at raredon. ens! of Tor no:., reached the border to-nlghl. having quit the Villa forces. No explanation of his presence on the twirder Is trlvcti. Gen. Angeles, who crossed to M Paso yesterday, presumably to go to Son ra and take command of Maytorena-Vllla forces, remains in KI Paso. liipollto Villa. E. H Hromman and the La I .!. ;., ,i,- :,. Cotniiany were to day sued for HSO.Oon in the Sixty-fifth District Court by the IVmpauia Miners Jullega y Anexas de Almolnya of the State of Chihuahua. The petition claims that on Cctnher 31. 1(13. agents of the defendants took possession of the plat: tiffs' mlies in the Jlmlnaa district and aaiaad IM tons of gold bearing ore and later worked the mine for the ore output, taking a total of llSO.OOt worth of ore CorMrmation was received to-day of the execution by Villa recently at Chi huahua city of Sebastian Vargas. State Treasurer of Chihuanua ; Aurelio Gon 7ales. State Secretary anal former Chi huahua Govenmr. and Teline Gutierrex, an tlier ex-tlovernor of Chihuahua. De tails were contained In letters received from Mrs Vargas, widow of one of the victims Villa, according to the letters, forced the three to make wills beiiueathlng all their property to him ard then ordered their execution Andreas OafCla. Carranza Consul In B1 Paso, was advised to-day by his chief that no negotiations ha e been came. on between the Carran.a faction an.l any of tile lliierta faction, and furthtr that h" was informed that ail Carrania commanders on the border at Hrowns trllla and tvrth of there have been noti fied by the First Chief they will be held atrictly accountable for any compli cations arlalng with the American Qov fMPaai as a result of any overt nets by Carrania soldiers on the border. It is declared that Carranza notified tier. Nftfarrete. commander in Mata rnorns. that carelessness and inattention to troubles on trie border will twit be countenanced. Similar notification has been sent to Gen. Alfredo Rlcaut at Nuevo Laredo. United States military officials hers t '-day were advised that at least 2,000 Mexicans have tied from the American side of the lower Rio Grande Into Mex ico, In fear of their lives, as a result of the recent trouble there. ZAPATISTAS ROUTED. ISrnnii'a Trooaa Ilelvr Them from Amssd Mexleo Illy. Sprrlal fwMl pnlcn lo Tax Bus. Mxxico CiTr, Hpet. ll.-r-It waa of ficially announced to-night that a strong force of Zapatistas, which had been moving toward ttrla city for several days, have met with a severe repulse after a day of lighting a few miles aouth. Following the defeat of the forces of Gen. Zapata, the Carrwmlatas occupied the towni of Topilejo, San Oregorlo. San Mateo and I'lanigtillla. capturing large number of prisoners and taking an Im mense ijuaftlty of supplies. The Zapa tistas, It Is said, were in full retreat Inward the mountains lying south of the city. Gen Pablo Oonsnlee, military Gov ernor of the Federal district, telegraphed fJait, Carrnnia to-day. congratulating; him for his stand in rejecting the pro posals of th Pan-American Conference and praising the First Chief for his I, energy and patriotism I Gen. Gonzales renewed his adhesion I to the cause of Carrnnia and off. red i th services of himself and the forces I under his 00 Bl ma fid In the event of an inrmed his command with outside Pow ers. He addeil that he would personally preside at the Independence Dsy festlvd lltta which will he held in the cipltal I on September IS It Is expected that I Carranza will arrive In Mexico City a day or so later, when Gen Gonzales I with the greater nrt of hip for. s will I north to Join in the campaign laxalnst Villa. The stat' ment wis made to-day that I Gen Candida Agullar w ith a powerful force ta clearing the Mexican railway of ' roving hands of Zpat!ataa. preparatory J to the Journey of the First fill, f from i Vera Cruz. I K. Pan!, ireneral m.vtngcr of the Con stitutionalist railways, says that the . entire office force is now I: Mexico City and will remain there lie is bending nil his rfforta toward normalizing and ex tending th- trait! so as to bring In a greater supply of fo.ulstuffs. The shooting of 1 number of counter feiters has met with th.- approval of the general public, who have frown weary of worthless bills and who believe that the severe measures wei Justified for the sake of I. ringing about monetary stability. who they daclar would kill them. Gen. Nafarrete at Matamoros declares that 3.000 Mexican women have appealed to him for aid, saying that rangers have killed their buabands, who ware peaceful Mexicans. Three Mexicans were killed In lighting with citizens In the Delflra community to-day, according to reports reaching Mission. Villa General Fleea to 1'. B. DPI Rio, Tex , Sept. II. Oen. Hllva, a Villa leader, sentenced to death by a court-martial of fill own loldleri at I .as Vac as. opposite here, escaped and reached here to-day. He waa aantanced following a mutiny of troops, headed by Col Fills, who declared for Carrania. CAE HITS PILLAR . MANY HURT. Two Seriously Injurcil When Aa- phalt glides 1 aider Traeka. A chunk of aaphalt slid under crowded Third and Amsterdam avenue trolley car at Third avenue and 104th street yesterday when the car was go ing at top speed. The fifty pasaengera were hurled to the forward end of the car when it Jumped the tracks and plunged Into an elevated pillar. Hardly any one escaped without cuts or other Injuries. Two were taken lo the Iteceptlon Hospital, while thirteen were treated In the Kaat 101th street police station. The pavement is being patched where the aaphalt iiad become warped and workmen were digging out the holes close to the tracks when the car came ! along. When a large piece of the waste I paving slid under the trucks the wheels j were thrown off the tracks and the ear 'skidded, iirlklng a pillar with tremen ' dons for e. I The two perosns taken to the hos i pital were M.ix Wald, fil. a tailor of 1 102 Convent avenue, who suffered a broken right arm and Internal Injuries. and Mrs. St ilea Klmpl, 44, of 1414 i Second avenue, whose nun, was broken 1,000 IN HORDER BATTLE. Ilia-May torena 1'orees Oriented NoOAi.ts, Arli. Sept. II Carranza ' cavalry under Gen Rilai Catlaa, which is Invagttnpj NogaUa, Sonora. engaged a i detachment of the VlllaMaytorena army ' to-day six mllei east of here and half u mile from the hord'r It was estimated that I, a4 men were engaaed. The Villa troops were under Gen. I'r- dale Jo, a Yaqul rhlef The Vllla-May-j torena for. es was driven back toward ! Nogales RIFLES SEIZED. , llonae Nnr Mtnlon, Tel., Wn lleadqtiarfrr of HanrilfH. ! Oai.vkhton. S'tt 11 -Mori thHn l.ftOO j rl fl' H and 5.00ft rnumlji nf ammunition ' wi-if ttikt'n Prom a hoiir orcupled by ! Mexican tn ttS Minmn AlttliOt lo-day I i j,.. 'acv officer l An old Mexican woman n,n In l'harr' j of the house, which It believed to have i bi-en headnuHrttTB for bandlti oprmtlnf In that Bectton. She riciare1 nhe know-, nothing of how the anna and I ammunition came to the hnme. Shi admitted that bnnd of Mexican" had conferred at the house. J Kully 3,""0 Mt'x icane. mnetly wmen and ( hiMren. hav lied ACrOM the Rio Or.itide durtnic th pMl week, acrorditipr i to recordx kit ;tt vanoua cronnlnc. I Many of thes. Mexicane hV left thnr cropn and hOUMhotd 004l iti efforts to I OOCaVpt from the mnxeia and cltlzena, WOMEN FOR THE PROFESSIONS. Series of Lecture to He QlWgP al rw tork i alraaaitpa How women slice d, and why. will be explained In a series of lectures to be given at the New Vork I'nlverslty next I winter under the cooperation of fifty women of various professions. The ! rang., of occupations covered Is wide The programme is aa follows: Baptnmbar "The Woman Govern- ment," Mrs. ChariOttO Parking Gllman . October fi. "Woman's Place In Kcnnom- lea To-day." Miss Juliet I'oyntx ; October . in. "The Theory and Practice of Bual ness." Joseph Kreni h Johnson, dean of the School of Commerce, New York I'nl- versity ; October II, "Office Work as a Foundation for Secretarial Positions." Kleannr Gilbert : "Precepts and Princi ples for rhe Business Woman." Mlas Mary flnow. Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations ; November 0. "Selllna and Buying." Miss Marie I.tttle. Kqultable Life Assurance Society. "Retail Sell ing." Mrs I.uclnda Trlnce, Pnlon School of Salesmanship ; November 14. "I'lothes." Mrs Belle Armstrong Whit ney ; November 23, "Organliatlon," Miss Mary lirier and Mrs. Henry Moskowlts. November 10. "Arts and i 'rafts," Lady Imff Gordon ; "Iecora0ve Art." Mra. Hipley Hitchcock . "Photography," Mlas Frances Benjamin Johnston ; Iiecember 7. "Architecture and Interior Decora lion." Miss Fay Kellng and Mrs. Mary Linton Ackernian ; December 11 "Jour nalism." Mrs Dorothy Dig; De.ember 21, "Journalism." Miss Kdlth Brownell , January 1, "Advertising and Soliciting." Mlsa Nancy M.i'lelland. Miss Anne Kdgerly and Miss Barbour Walker January 11. "Recent legislation for Women.' Mrs Irene Osgood Andrews. Fetriniry I. "Th. Study of Fooda," Miss Laura Catlble ; February 4. "The Profession of Homemaklng," Mrs. chrla tine BTadarlOk j February 15, "Women and the Community," Mrs. Mary Bitter Beard. roker's stnkrs fur lleil roaa. LONOON, Aug 10. Word comes from r re land that Richard t'roker has de cided to hand over -.ill the stakes won by his horses this season to the funds of the British Bed Trose Society. 'I Seeking llurrta'a 'd. "Carrnnia's chgrga that Gen Villa Is reactionary sounds strange in VlBW of the fact that he has Just invited ex Fderals to Join his OBUag and has made overtures In many other ways to the old Huertn element In ilrta .lesei-aliou to obtnin aid for conducting his war ag.ilnst the efforts to establish a gov- lt.444 1 arnmant truly for the paepla 'f Mexic 14 irl r.noo lai.'Sm If Gen. Carrania sincere y wlahiw to I retore the constttut MrsM order why does he not proclaim as President Vus I quel Tagle. who la DOW in t'nrrania I territory and who aa tha rnnk n mem I bar of the Madero Cabinet is tha leglti- it.ixsi mate successor to the Presidency?" 43. WW I ilmr. leiotnn lr...C v pai.oi Ii .I In the War Department that he Is now In full Irf. Srv. Hilt avenue ..i lerenlh avenue 4. Bond street. 7 William street .... 49 Ann -'reel fit Ann strct M uden imif , . 73 M ilnlell Isiie . . 7.. Maul. -it lane i-j. no: IT!' Waal slis-et 11.500 H,40 control of the border s tuatlon. U JLH ! stated that with the forces under hlj i iiio ' command he Is In n posit. on to control at fan I the entire lllo Grande front from LaredfJ 30.000 to the Gulf. He mid : UMBI , ..t H behaved wlih the forces ntPW ill my pmnissmi u w.n o- jiussnne 111 the course r a short time larg. ... B si r'ni .ir" t " " "'" Pr,v,nl BeHWtlaa i Avenue ii llM ' arm ad ban da who may i' either ma lt Avenue i iilum rttudltig bunds from Mexi.iau side oi AVemU I).. Ilo.i i ,.,,,l. ,,n.l horse thfavaa fv.,i,i Atneel. can' side. "It Is well esiahlished tint herWofore I many Individuals composing bandit hands who have given us go much trXMebli have bean made up of persona crossing from Mexican sld.- and getting arms frani concealed stores on Amcrlixm aide and have then started on raids When pursued and hard pressed either 71 Avenue u 11.400 It Avenue U WOOD II Avenue II 1 l.5no 1 Avenue i) 2.''00 41 Avenue 1) 11000 J Avenue D linen W Avenue U , H.rsHi 144 'ir.iiid street lllnoo ill Third Bvenue isud 111 (iranil slrei ti llllou HI I'eiure street 4l.fUW VjM'U Hevrtilh avenue lfs.'oiio iit seventh avenue :oini 114 eventli avenue inlooo 7n;l Hrnuilway SR. 000 7"'. Broadway m!ooo One half interest in 1M Itrondwuv 117 Ron Mr llahell refused to of Mr atat. ii. .-nt Compirollor'a olAt made before Mr f estate of the lute oinmrnt on the Fenno, for the state . that a light will be ' lark to tax the entire ! Mr Wendel inclusive of the bulk alleged to have t n trani- ferred to the sisters prior to his death Decisions In the Surrogates' CoiirtB, however, upheld the states contention tlutt the million! transferred to Mr Wendcl's sisters may be taxable, it i held that the Stat.- inuat prove that the property was transferred in anticipation of death. Mr. Wandal was sn yea re old when In- died and was suffering from n atroka of paralyala when he left New Tork agrly In November, the month in which he died. RUNS NEW ELECTRIC TRAIN. $4. IIIMI, Olio System of Pan Bag Tried Out at Philadelphia. pHIUtoatiPWA, Sept 11. -The new 14,000,90 electric aysiem on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad was put Into olienitlon to-d iy. the first elec- itic train leaving Paoll and arriving at the Broad Wtr.- t Station thiee-nuurters or un hour later, after stopping t every atuilnii along the route. The first actual test of the system, Which hilg taken more than two yeare to pomtmot, was entirely successful. Ho gUlqkly and easily dtd the train pick up siiec,i i ,,t it reached I be stations en mule ahead of lime and had to wait from fifteen to thirty second! before glarting again. ( Tne train took only about three mill itee to make the run from Weat Phila delphia lo Broad Slleel Siatlun. p '"p c Advertising w Managers I We have Published a book let called "Something Dif ferent." It' Is thouaht bv some to be the best example of the NEW ART applied to advertlsinft that has thus far appeared In this country. We will gladly send you a copy. No charge. PUBLISHERS PRINTING Co OatUaara. Cnaravara and Prlaiere 207-217 West 25th Strict Hampton Furniture of Pleasing Personality THF.RE is, about our Hampton Reproduc tions, a quality more easily perceptible than defin able, which gives to each a dis tinctive personality ot its own. Partly due, perhaps, to the discriminating selection, as models, of the masterpieces of the past, partly to the crafts manlike integrity with which they are fashioned, this is the quality that makes them as securely at home in the lofty Reception Rooms of the state ly Mansion as in the feminine Boudoir or masculine Den oi the more modest home. AMFTON SHOFC H At the Sign of the Triangle "Raymond Hitchcock, Douglas Fairbanks, Dustin Farnum, Mabel Normand, Mack Sennett, Fred Mace, all in one bill" ilm , , n 1 A ' - Al i.O H 1 ..J wnai son oi a coniumawuii i uian aisivcu 4a man who read the Triangle announcement last week. "Just look at this," he continued. " 'Frank Keenan, Eddie Foy, Lillian Gish, Rozsika Dolly, Wilfred Lucas in another bill; Billie Burke, Bruce MacRae, Helen Ware, Tully Marshall, Joe Weber, Lew Fields in a third entertainment,' and so on. What are they trying to do? Mix up the tragedians and the comedians, the buffoons and the farceurs, the light sentimental and the historical-pastoral, the twinkletoes of musical comedy and tbe reverie of the thinker?" No, the TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION for the opening of its new policy at the Knicker bocker Theatre, New York, beginning Thursday evening, September 23rd, is not trying to jumble the talents of its many stars nor the diverse plays which it.will present. Let us illustrate what is being done by a glance at stage history: In the golden days when Kemble and Kean, Macready and Mathews illumined the stage, pa trons repaired to Covent Garden or Drury Lane early in the evening. The bill was introduced by a curtain raiser. There followed at about 8.30 P. M. the piece de resistance of the evening an elabo rate drama, some masterpiece of Shakespeare or Sheridan or Knowles. Then a merry farce or a light afterpiece closed the varied entertainment of the evening. Nobody thought the bill too long, because every one was privileged to see as much or as little of it as he wanted to. The fops in their sedan chairs came from White's or Al mack's to while away a couple of hours looking at Edmund Kean as Shylock or the Moor. Milady left the dance or the drawing room to appear at 11 o'clock and laugh at the farce. Diverse forms of art do not interfere with each other when shown separately and not rudely commingled in any one play. The experienced theatregoer loves them all. In the golden days all were offered to everybodv practically nightly. Among the many misfortunes incidental to the de cline of stage art is this falling away from old ideals. One play, one metier at a single theatre has become the rule. TRIANGLE PLAYS will change all that. In a single evening patrons will be able to see : A matinee favorite like Dustin Farnum in a great love play (this time an Alaskan story entitled "The Iron Strain"). The quaint and satiric comedian Ravmond Hitchcock in an uproarious farce, "My Valet" (like those famous things that Charles Mathews did), supported by Mabel Normand Mack Sennett and Fred Mace. Douglas Fairbanks, most energetic of youthful heroes, in "The Lamb," a wonderful adventure story of the South west and of Mexico. Each of the three entertainments, complete in itself; each in a different key; the three harmonizing with each other, so that gay succeeds grave, and laughter follows tears. And so with the combinations of the later weeks. Roz sika Dolly will dance her way into the hearts of admirers in a Bohemian play the same night that at another hour Frank Keenan will reveal the strong emotionalism of "The Coward," or that Eddie Foy will contribute his innumerable japes to the exploiting of "A Favorite Fool." Still again, Rillie Burke is to shine in Scottish comedy on an evening when Tully Marshall will also be seen in a great crook drama, and later, Weber and Fields in some of their characteristic antics. It will be fine to have the roman ticism of Orrin Johnson in "D'Artagnan" as a foil to the humors of De Wolf Hopper as "Mr. Pickwick" - the tragic mastery of Mae Marsh to set off the clever detective cunninu of John Emerson or the intrigue of Frank Campeau. The stage should mirror life. For the first time in recent stage history it seems to be reverting to its function of por traying life in the large. And it is the motion picture art. the screen art which h achieving this. Griffith, Sennett, and Ince are returning to one of the finest dramatic fashions of the world the fashion of giving us interpretation of not one but many sides of life in a single evening. That fashion prevailed in the English and European playhouses a hundred years ago; on the stage of the Grand Monarque of France two hundred years ago; in the spacious time of great Elizabeth more than three hundred vears &rn AND THERE IS NO REASON WHY IT SHOULD NOT PREVAIL NOW. THE KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE is the place and THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 23d, is the time wWn theie new plans of TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION are to be first realized. TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION.