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l.ll.l II . . M-WWPM THE SUN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915. 5 7 MISS CRAWFORD IS A MIDWEEK BRIDE 82,800 ASSISTED BY POOR MAN'S BANKS Delegate! ReprewntlBg Morris PIm Companlei Meet Here in Convention! GARY PLAN URGED TO j CUT RATE TICKETS END SCHOOL CROWDING I DESPITE AGREEMENT Bccomei Wife f l. K. Bfttteji it Parents Homo in Now Roehellet Board of Edneotlon Aiked to Put it iii Operation in ah Borongh!. Tliontm .Afnnncrprs to Consider CniM of Four Houses yio lntinr Rcoont finln. UHANDDAL'GHTEB OF NASI Nin RoCHKLLfl, N. V, Sept II M;s Muriel Nasal Crawford, daugfttgr of Mr. nnd Mm. John W. H. Crawford und irgflddaVflltar of tlio latu Thnmn Niiflt, In cartoonlet, heroine the brldt ill liltrri ri lodajr of Donald Kiieriiy Battey, Ion of Mr. ami Mrs. William J. Hal toy. Tli rerentotiy wa performs! by tho I;. . -iK' lli'.l Of Maw IVItnin, I'onn. It VM double ring ceremony. The ... families are nelghlmra In Overlook Clrele, Hi- rhinont. m Bvslyti MacAllster of Engl. WOnd, N. J., and Mlee Sullle. Naat, the bride I roualn, were her only attendanta. The beat man wan William Karle Hat ey m"l the ueh rn were John William 1141V Crawford, Jr . Thomaa Nan Craw orl. Thomai N:i!t HIU and Henry T. Klrkham. isoniun W. Battey wu the pae. Two hundred (rtip-t remained for the recaption, wedding and dan- glnff Mr and Mra. Ilattey will live In a Ph"to .xinyrnht by Mare-m. New Tork Mrs. Donald E. Battey. hnuse in Bceehmont Juat built by Mr. Bsttey. He la ., member of a large woollen firm in New York city. SMITH PALMER. V of I'. litatrni'lor Weds Three Ias After llrlile'a llliorrr. pHii.At Fi.PHtA, Sept. 15 Just three gays ai'ter she had been irranted A di vorce from her first husband, Jackson Pi ' in attorney of kowell. Mass, Mrs Mary Palmer, daughter of Mrs H P Perkins of Lanedale, Pa., was mar rlad l ii. last to Dr. Henry It. Snrlth of the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvaiua faculty. Til,, marriage did not become known publicly until to-day. Dr Bmlth, who la 33 years old, la In trn In plrlloaophy. The degree of I Oct 01 ph ioaophy argg conferred upon him rec, titljf. Mra Sm :h appllad for a divorce from her nrst tcuihand In li.combur, 1913, on t'ie gruundl of cruelty aid flMgl Ullll Tlie decree was grantid In the Norria town ourts. Ae so.ri as Mra Palmer received word that she had won arrangements wero QUI' i . made for her marriage to Dr. Srrctii. who mat her eight months ago. The ceremony was performed by Jud-. Qllpln m the Municipal Court. John son Karrlagloa. Nr- RoCHgbUI, N. Y. Sept. 15 Mlsa lanohe Violet Farrlnaton. daughter of r, and Mra. wllaon Kip rarrlngton, a- rri.d to-night to Heorge White Mhrtaon, a director of a bank in Hack MM k. J , at her home on Bgachmont Prl tl ,. Rev, 11. 11. Hadley, pastor " SI Paula Church. Newark. N. I s attend' d by her sister, Miss Baihnr.1 Karrlngton. Kemptun Johnson aaj ti.e best man und Alexander liarber the usher. The couple will live at the residence 0' tha bridegroom's parent-. In Hacken a. k( The brldt is a descendant of the Kips, ti Id KnlckerbOOkar family. The bride ITi - father was one time a State nai in Now Jaraay, was Assistant ter-Oanaral end is now president of tho bank of which the son It a direc tor NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. Mill 1 11. es M. Loonle and Donald ' H oil. : will bo married this after Roon at ih.- home of the bride, 64 Rlveralda Drive. Mrs. H,ie, Slater of Neajiort Ii at t. Klti-Carlton, a ha re also is Mrs. Montgomery Hears of Jloston. Mrs Richard Zrvln, who was called to BaltlrnOrO hy the HlOOri and subse J" ' death of her mother. Mrs. Thomas n Morris, has returned to her home, Park avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Hevereux Kmmet liive I from the Adiron. lacks and are : 81 James, I . I. Ml and Mrs. Prank S. WUIoak of P irg, who huve lieeu passing the Urn ! at Hark Harbor, Me., are at t'ie St. Itegls before leaving for their ".untry place at Sewlckley, Pa,, for tha Ml Mr and Mrs. W. Btorrj Wells have returned from Newport and are at the PiaJia. Tha wedding of Miss Knld Bhaw, '' iter Of ex-Secretary of the Treas fry Leslie m Hluiw and Mrs. Shaw, to John M. McMUlail of this city will llebrOtad on Betember 22. THE SEAOOER8. I'sswniarf by the White Htar liner lApland, which Milled yesterday for Uve pool Q. H M Breaiasf Thomas Kilgnur. V i Plekson tr A. I. Lockwood i uis Jai.ksou 0 Miller i; ' "si- Mr. anil Mrs H B ties II Hiitehiii Nelll "' A V Tarbell Arrivals by the Ited Cross liner no from Newfoundland and Hull- fsv fill I. C Cooper Mr and Mre O J. ; "le Hldeliour L bm8wEo- r and Mrs. U W. " "unman wSf ' sF -SM DISCUSSION BY EXPERTS Tieleffntea r epreeetitlna every one of the or-mpnnleM now operating under the Morrla Plan of In Hietrlul Inane and In vestments wire pieaeut yetterday morn Ina when a two duya convention of the man.iaera of theae inwt'.tutions oiiened In the hoard room of the Industrial Fi nance Corporation, the orgitnlslns body, at r 2 Wlllliim atreit It wiia Boon ob aerved that these guarters were loo lim ited, and after the opening a ldreaaea the delegate adjourned to the board room of the (luaranty Trust Company. Clark Williams, praildanl ol the tn- dualrlal Fln.uae Corporation, welcomed the .'.legate Ha was followed by Ar thur J. Morrla, vice-president. Mr. Mor ris has for many yeara liecn Interested in opiHMilnit the small loan agents' tneth la of doluK bUOlIMN and his -name was uivon to the plan under whvh these OOmpMlM operate. The discussion which DottOptnad the of the dele gate up to 1 o'clock wa undertaken by the gcknowladcnd experts on the Morris Plan and was commented on ojr the delegate as 1cinK particularly In atructlve. After tills dlaCtiatlon luncheon waO aervel at the Hunker Club In the Kquitulite Hulldiiift, end the delegates then Inapeeteil the new ottlr es of the New York OOrApany, which are on the third Boor of the tSqultabia Building TIih inmpany has ii. e'liiatv feet of floor apace there and .1 lease for five yeans, with option of renew ft, It woe announced a few days ago that fpm Ii'cemWr 31. 1114, to AugtMl It, Itll, the local company leaned 14 1 ". . 4 s 0 to 324 borrowers, the average loan being under 1125. Many ..f. IhON borfOWOrJ were ost offloi employees, firemen flirl potlOBfnefl, claaaei of men who becauae of infreipiencv of pay days have always lieetn the ieeullar prey of the loan agents. In the aftern'Mtn the delegate! went to the Polo Q founds to me the American i.eacue game between Detroit and New York. After that they visited the Will Isms College Club as guests of Mr. Williams. Mr Williams was the or eanlger of the WlUtatna College club In New York and la now Its president in the evening about I OH delegates and their frlenda went to the theatre. The business -.esslon to-hiy will be hold In the Isaird room of the Uuaranty Trust Company and at tfon the direc tors of thi Induotrlal ftnonca Corpora tion will hold a special m-eting The d-legateg have been Invited to Inspect the offices of he itnaianty Truet CORt' piny by President Charles II Sahln. who Is chairman of the executive mm ndttee of the I. K. C They have also been nskt-1 to villi the Stock Kxchunge. In the evening there will be a dinner at the Hilt more. it arai announced yeoterday that the twenty-five eompantaa now oparatlng bad. up to August 31. loaned llO.IIfv OoO to s2.H"'i borrower! In sums averag Ing less than lltl. The Infant OOWIPMiy operating under the plan Is that at . WaterbUry, Conn. Hrhlch haj been do ing bualnaea lesa than a miinth. Ciitn penies at Providence. P.. 1 . POM Wayn Ind.. and Ranaaa City, Mo., are now be ing otganlxed. MISS EMILY SLOANE MARBLED. stew York tilrl Hrlde of French Army lator, fgftlfgf ''itt'lt ir.sitr ti Tils Si s. T'Aina, Sept. II. Miss Bmlty K. I Sloane, ilnughter of Henry T Sloane of N-w York, grgg 01. in led to-day to p.aron Amaurv da la Orange In the city hall uf the Mstggnth Arondisaenieiit. A reli gious ceremony was performed Imme diately aftarward in the Church of st. Honor d'Kvlau. About a dozen er sotis wen- iiresi nt at the, moatly relatives of the bridegroom, many of them in uniform. Miss Sloane's witnesses were H. W. Itliss, secretary of the American Km basey. and a young woman who accom panissl her from New York. The bride groom's wltness..s were the t'omte Chnu-mont-Quiry and tha Comtesse de Prls sac. The brides dioss was tr.mmed Copyright by Mar.enu. Baroness de la Grange. with old lure ladonglng to the la (i range family. Tliu bridegi-oom was In unl- j form. The Mayor, In his specstli, referred to the bonds of union between the United States and France and the fact that the bridegroom Is serving In the dlstln I gu shed corps of aviators. Cbli'HSn (.til Wed. fpeetaJ cabit ....;. . to Tax sun. Ijonpon, Hept. ir, Major It. Whit bread of the Coldstream Ouards and Miss Josephine Peck, daughter, of the late Harold Peck of Chicago, were mar ried at St. Peter's to-day. YACHTS AT NEW LONDON. Nkw Lomion, QoBfl . Sept. , The auxiliary srhooner yiuhts Vugrant, Hear CotniiHskire Harold s Vun.lerbllt, ami tho Intropid. Uoyd Phognlgj the steam yacht Itcmllk, Willis Sharpe Kil mer, and the Cigarette, William 11. Ames, have arrived. The schooner yauhta Dervlih. John Bird; the Fedalma and the Vagabond II, have Uoparted. i sjjtfritiw : II I BrSlwbB H I Ba ''l vBmtmKF fgH I 0 SERAFIN CONTRACT NOT YET CONFIRMED None nt tlip Metropolitan Open House Will Say Hp Bneeeeda Toeeanlni. NtMtg of the persons concerned In the management of the Metropolitan t -cra House was able yesterday to con firm the reported engagement of Tuiiio Serann us conductor of the opera next sastin It Is supposed that this engage, ment la Intended to supply a substitute for Arturo Toscanini, who has not yet signed his contract to return. John Brown, bUStnaaS manager of the opera bouse. .-.Cd that nothing was known at the theatre In connection with this engagement. Seradn has been the conductor at I.a Scala, where Arturo ToBcanlnl was for several years. He began as a violinist In the orchestra. One of the most Influential of those connected with the management of the Metropolitan Optra House told yester day of 11 letter whi. h had recently been sent from Ituly to him The writer, who has been with Slgnor Toscanlnl, said that In spite of the conductor's present disinclination to sign a contract now, all his friends felt certain that Slgnor Tos canlnl would come to this country when the time came to begin rehearsals for the New York season. Slgnor Toscanlnl has been receiving nt the Metropolitan opera House a sal ury unprecedented In operatic history for a conductor. Last year it amounted to 4t,000, 11.000 a week. GA TTI-CASAZZA DELAY. Time of HI llrtiirn I'roni Italy Is I iicertnln. fgirttl PtUt Deagsfea Tm Si s. RAMI, Sept. U. Tha report that Ar turo Toscanlnl. the Metropolitan Optra Houae conductor, will not return to the Culled States this season la premature. Decision with regard to the lime of the return to America of illullo Dattl- Caaaaaa also is held In sbeyanoe, NEW PLAY BY HALL CAINE. Krohiiuin Ooaaptmy Will Present "The Prime Minister. ' The Charles Frohman Company ac j ceptod yesterday a new play by Hall ! Calne called "The Prime Minister '' (hjtanle of the novelist s dramatlsut ion of his bisik "Tlie Manxman,'' which Jo- ! seph llrooka will present here. It Is his I first contribution to the thentre alnce 'The OhrlsUan" and "Tlie Eternal Quea- tion" foundad on "The BtornaJ city." New York will ace tin- play this season The company which will support William tilllette In "Sherlock Holmes" and "Sac rat Service" at the Kmplre The atre includes Joseph Itrennun. l!lward, Bdwgrd Mordant and Marshall Y'liicent, who were added to the cast yesterday. JAY B. LLPPINCOTT TO WED. Will Marry Divorce,! Wife of 1 . IrvliiK It 11 11 1 1 om 1 o 11 To-ilay. Mrs. Mary Ludlow Uogert Huntington, divorced wife of K, Irving Huntington, and Jay 11. Llpplucott, clubman and former champion polo player, will be married at noon to-day at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs llcniy L. Ilogert, on Lawrence street, Flushing, L. I. This will be Mr. Llpplncott's second matrimonial venture. Ilia flrat wife was Mlsa Camella Hare of Washington, D. C, nnd they were divorced In HMO In Colorado Springs, Incompatnblllty of temperament being the basis for the suit. Mr. Llpplucott, who was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, le a member of the family of publishers and belongs to the Klttenhouse, (tacuuet, Radnor Hunt, Country, St. Anthony and Huntington Valley Country oluba. He Is a son of Craig LlppinvotU The Juggernaut. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. nme nf 11. . latest Names IMared nn the Itcalafera. McAlnln MM Helen Itlmr Rohln. son. 1 1, nvei ci.rfor.i pern barton, Jr. Phlladi Iphla A .N Morr.ll. crtpm Creek Col Albert -Mr and Mrs K. C Uilbert. Prlv.dence. It. 1. ; K N Hrooke. Lowtll, Mass BelltclaJre Mrs B Miller. Washing ton ; it Ducknar, Chicago, Braalln XV, Morgan Hhuater, Wash ington . I. P Wood, Tro) N Y. Majestic -W. S. Sou, Chicago. Manhattan Mr and Mrs w. ft w. Bdflgr, Dayton, uhio. Mr. and Mrs. Q, A Merrill. Salem. Mass MM lis Antoinette lu.lge and Mrs Aleck Board man, Mew Orleans ; itaiph LOVlttt lietrolt. Mathtrland Mr and Mr M Uaa ker, Qalvsaton, Tos . Mra, D Hech mysr, New orlaans Lorraine- Mr. and Mrs John L Me- Klnne , Tltusvllle, Pa Irving w Hen- blight. Rnglewood, N I . Mr nnd Mrs J. imes W IteWUrt, Cleveland Plata- Sir BrnaM Caasel, MontraaL TOURISTS BY AUTOMOBILE. vYATMgUar, Conn., Sept. ID. .Auto-! moblllglg from NaW York arriving at '. the Hotel BHMl to-o.v Include Mr. and' Mrs Charles 1. Taylor and It A. Pendleton (Locomobile) ; Mr. nnd Mrs , B, H. Hnthorn and the Misses Hnthorn (Haynes); Mr. ai d Mis. Albert Tuttle, Mrs Morris Patterson (Packard); Mr grid Mia E, M Harrison (tudtbaktr) ; Mr. and Mrs Theodore Stall. Albert P , Stall (Wlnton)l M-. and Mrs M V. RamUthi (Dodge): Putnam, Miss Carltton (Packard); Mr, and Mrs p. 1 i. Wobbar, Alica O. IVabbor (Hudaon) 1 Mr. n.r.l Mrs c H Bona, ' "ga liana' (Hudaon); Mr. and Mra. H. P. Dyer I (Oldamobilt), other arrivals were Mr. I and Mrs c c. lmg and Daniel C Long, Washington (Cadillac). l.t vox, Sept. It. Motor arrivals at Hotel AapinWalt to-day Included Mr. and Mrs E II Webster, Mrs F. tl Webster. Miss Webster. New York I Cadillac ) . Mr and Mrs. Qlf B. I Cady, Miss Bllaabtth Cady, Ntw York (Oldamobilt) 1 Mr und Mrs. .1 m. Hoyt, Mrs. Robart Poryan. Chicago ( Plerct- Arrow) ; Mr. and Mra. DouaTkui Wdh ardson, New York (Packanll: Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Cochrane, New York 1 Packard 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge S Payson. Naw York Hudson) ; Mr. and Mrs. W. K, Stewart. Wi.rreii T Stew- nrt, Kdwln Stewart ( Packnrd t : Dr. nnd gee, David Mugee t Plerce-Arrow ) ; Mr Sd. New York Mrs David Ma Jr., Princeton and Mrs. J H Potter, New York MAMOHgSTgg, Xt. 1 Peerless) Sept. U.- - Arrivals y nuto at the Kitiltioex House to-day In clude Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baldwin and the Misses Itiildwin, New York (Cadil lac) ; Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Ktrby, Lngle grOOd Chandler) ; Mrs K J. Shattuck. Miss M A. RhattUCk, Miss S. Shattuck, Huston (Packard) ; Mr. und Mrs. K. W. Heist. Ilnstoii (Hudaon); Mr. and Mrs Frank Hillings. Cleveland (Packard) ; F. L. Curtis. F 10. Tufts, H. T. Anderson. II. C. Ite Holds, Puasalc (Packard) ; Mr. and Mrs. W V Jones, Mrs Charles U. Wright. A. V Hrldger. Ctlca (Cadllllo) ; Dr. and Mrs H, M. Illcka, Mr. and Mrs John It BlOOd, Amatiirdam, N. Y. 1 Stevens ) . CoOPgggTOWN, M, T., Pept. It, Auto arrivals at the OteauKn to-day were Mr. and Mrs. II. Perry Mills. Oraonock, Conn. (Pai-kard); Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Miss Kether J. Jackson, Master Sanniel Jiukson. Jr. New York (LOOO mobtlo)) Miss ft O, W'nkeley, H. W. Drake, Mr. and Mrs Q, S. Weldon, Brooklyn (CgdllUSO); Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cniuld Schurmnn, Miss loroth" and Mlaa Martha ftohurman. Ithaca (Cadlllao); Mr. and Mrs. A. W Uodwln, New York (Mercedes); Mr and -Mrs. It S Ma pea, Iteacon, N. Y. (Mercer); Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lafrentz and Miss Hazel It La- frantga Brooklyn (Packard); Dr. C, M. I lupine and J. A. Lupine, Itoohester (Franklin) I Mr. and Mrs. W. S Haw kins. Watervllle, N. Y. ; Mrs Heverley CisiHltt, Miss Cundee. Watervllle. N. T. ( Pierce-Arrow. ) g:t,000 In Jewel. Lost In Hag. Stamkokp, Conn.. Sept. 15. -Mrs II. ('. Vangiesen. 11 wealthy Omaha. Neb, woman, has asked the Stamford police to find a suitcase containing upward of $3,000 worth of Jewels, which disap peared at the railroad station here yes terday, si..- la a sister of D M. Van Knihurgh. IQ Kaat Thirty-eighth street, New York, PARADE AND HORSE SHOW AT PITTSF1ELD Mrs. EdwanJi Spencer Drlvei Winning FonMn-IIand : Mini v riasxps Slion n. Lwoi, Sept, It. Many teno and Plttaftotd cottaifers took part in a parade and horse show In Plttaflold ihll ,.f;er noon. held by the Ptttsfield Urange There were 200 horses In 'he nai I. FreO ii. crane exhibited bis Belgian -table and John Alden Hp r showed bis Clydesdales. Mrs Bdwards Spin. er drove in the four-In-hand class, with Mrs Augustus Drum Porter 011 tha box beside her OiMUd Poster ex hibited bis tandem and saddle horses The awards as dtcidtd by William Pol lock were as follows : Four-in-hands Mrs Rdworda Spencer first, Wellington Smith second . tandems -iSiraud Foster llrst. Wellington Bmlth second; ladles' saddle horses Mlaa Kate Cary first. Qaorgt IS. Turnure second. Miss Edith llonsal third. Mrs Pavld T. Dana fourth; gentlemen's aaddlt horaea Qiraud Foster llrst, Wellington Bmlth second. Wltllard Smith third ; ladies driving horses- Miss Matilda M I Whiting llrst ; ponies over thirteen hands - Miss Kate Cary llrst . Colts over two years old Miss Helolse Mcy. r llrst Mrs. John F. Alexandre came up to night from New York. She will give .1 dinner for twenty at Spring Lawn 11 , day evening before the domino dance of Mr and Mrs. Carlos M, de Heradla. Among Mrs. Alexandres houae guests will be Mrs. William 11. Russell, Miss Kdlth .Morgan and Newton Rat Other arrivals from New York to day were Mrs. M Dwlglil Collier. Mi- li.ivul T. Dana, Miss Isabel I . Shutter ai. l Mrs. Hubert Winthrop Mrs. i'hlllp Schuyler, who has been at Kthelwyn with Mrs Winthrop for some lime, has returned to New York. Howard Wlllets has deeded 1,000 acres of MopsJ farm 111 New Marlboro to bis son, J. Macy Wlllets Mr. and Mrs. QeorgS F Perkins, Sr , have closed Hrooklawn in Let, Mrs Francis C, Huntington ami fain tly are visiting with Miss Helen c. But ler in Btookbrtdge, Mra. Newbold Morris and children have returned to BrookhUTgt from Luke Qaorgt, Mrs. l'alward H. Hurrlman and Miss Carol Ilarrlman are expected to arrive for the week end. Mrs. Charles Macliougall has arrived from Auburn to visit Mr and Mrs Carlos M de Heredla. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D, Johnstone and Miss Kthel Leupp cams up to Ty rlngham from New York to-night, Mr. and Mrs. Havld Ives Mackit have returned to (treat Harrington from a two months visit to the San Francisco 1 x position. OSCAR HAS SELWYN IN COURT. objects tu Play llllla on Dis mantled Vletorln Theatre. Oscar Hammeratelti yeatenlny baled Kdgar Selwyn Into the West .'hie police, court on a summons charging him with posting playbills on the walla of the old Victoria Theatre ut Forty-second street and Seventh avenue without Hammer ateln's permission. Mr. Selwyn told Magistrate Appleton that he had paid the wrecking company which la tearing down the tlieutre for the advertising and that Mr. Hammer stein had also presented a hill for lilt, Mr. Selwyn said he did not lielleie Mr. Hamim mteln was thb present lessee He callud the superintendent of the wrecking company as a wltnesa. who said that according to the contract ho bud the right to use the burning for advertising purimses Mr. Hammersteln asserts Mint he Is the lessee and Ida lease has nine years yet to run and that the contract per mits the uss of an electric sign only. Magistrate Appleton gdjoumod the case until Friday, aaklug that roeorda of ownership be produced. WHITE SULPHUR GUESTS BUSY. lirD dm 1 natloajf 'iniir t hlle (It tl tracts Mai,.. Wgtra si i.i h' it gpatgoa, w. v., Kept I ". To-day's programme was filled with many social ag well as sporting events Btorrs Walla of New York gave a turn 1 at the Log Cabin, taking his guests there by motor. Mrs Alan Iewls. Mrs p.ail Lewtl and Col. and Mrs. William W Wh.atley made up the , party. Mrs r 1 Cragin of Philadelphia waa among the hostesses at tea this after noon at the Qrttnbliar, entertaining for Mr- Wheatlty, Mr- Alan Lewis. Mrs John Izard Middlttnn ami Mrs John B Sherwood Mrs A. H liner of Phila delphia gave a t.a for eight, among thnaa pic-, nt being the Misses Frances and Iterthu Clark and Miss Kliiubetb Lowndes Included in the driving parties to-day were Mra, James Hpeyer, Mis. Braclay Warburton, Mlaa Mary Wgrburton and I Mrs James It Haggin and tr, and Mrs. Preston Batterwhlte, who drove to Blrn hural for t.a, Mr, and Mil c M Mac- Parians ami Miss Isabella MacVarlana ol Chicago went there fnr luncheon Mr and Mra. William Reynolds Brown motored to tirgan Cave retiming through Ltwlaburg Mr and Mrs. k. i. I Hobbs of Morfolk motored to the same pla.-e. Mi- W K Vanderbllt, Jr. nnd Miss A' i f Morgan plnyeil their usuel game of 1 golf over the eighteen hole course Other golfer arena I u Field. tut Lewis Taylor and Walter Taylor In a twosome, Col. James n Branch, w a Btlckney, Alan Wilson ami Knnuv Wlnsbip In a four some. Mrs I. H Butttliok and the I Misses Margaret Uuntgp, Prancaa Clark i and I korothy Hancock. Mr and Mrs .1 w 1 'assldy of New . York rtached (hi Qreanbrlsr to-day from the Mount Washington. Hretton Woods. Mis William Plgol and Miss L. Y. Freeman of New York motored over from Hot Springs I ionald Markle of Haslet on, Pa., returned to the (ireen I brltr after .1 week In New York. Playa 1 Plttrata, David Warfhdd returns to-day from .-'an Frunets.o ami will begin rehearsals :u a now ptgy written for him hy David BatgaoO, which will Is. shown In New York early In the new year Walter DafltrOSOh, conductor of the New Tork Symphony Hooltty, returned Msterdny from nn extended stay In San P pane hSPO, where he hud gone to con dutg the mualc he wrote for Margaret An-'lln's dretk pUVya at the I'nlverslty of OalMomla. Ned Wavhurii's "Town fPapiflg" has boon postponed at the Centurv from : Saturday night to Tlnnsdiiv, Septeinher III. Sunday coineits and special matinees j for the snoou ragsmant of worthy playa, bsgidag the prodUotlon of two new muai ' cal OOmadles and "Poppy," a play by ! Cynthia Btocklty, constitute the plans I lor this ataaon of the Times Producing 1 Company, which controls tin- Longacra ciieatre Dr HttgO Felix, the BurODOan com poser, has ai rued In Now York with his musical acre of Mra. Carter Harrison's new oparspta, "Prince Sllverwlngs." which will be produced lure and In Chicago Arthur Hammersteln has engaged LaWranCt Haynea, a dramatic tenor, to take the leading role in his new light I opera "Katlnka." by otto Hautrbach ami ltudolf Prtml, . , TAKE White Sulphur Springs WEST VIRGINIA MOST CELEBRATED WATERING PLACE IN AMERICA GREENBRIER F,NEST BATH EUROPEAN PUVN ESTABLISHMENT CPEN ALL THE YEAR IN AMERICA Staff of experienced Physician in attendance The svstem of vocational schools that originated In Dtiry, Tnd.. was offered to the Hoard of Education at ! llrst meeting of the new school year yester day afternoon as n solution of the par; time, or double sessions, problem There are 10,000 pupils In the elementary schools of rjrenter New York now on par; time. The greater part are In the boroughs of ftrooklyn nnd The p.ronx In Manhattan there are onlv about 1, 000 pupils In the elementary schools on part time. The ;.iry system Is now In practice In twelve schools In The Itronx nnd John Martin, chnlrman of the ronunlt tee on vocational schools, asked the board to institute tills plan In nil 'be boroughs. The ilary plan was Intro duced Into the twelve llronx Si ROOla by William Wirt of Cincinnati, the crea tor, Mr Wirt with tie aid of Herman Schneider will Introduce It Into nine more llronx tchOOtl next week. The teachers' retirement fund, Which Comptroller I reiel. t gast an nounced this summer to be bankrupt, was also under discussion. The Comp troller reports that there la not enough In the treasury to pav the retftVd teach era at the end of this month. A ip lal committee was immediately formed to confer with the Mayor's committee on pensions and the city officials to at tempt a solution until legislation could bs enacted to appropriate a fund for 1 this expense. John C. Green, chairman of the com mittee on finance, Introdui-ed the HUH budget It Is the largest In the history of the city and calls for an expenditure of $4,011,141.01 more this year than I laar The total amount Is $13. KIM. ill -1 McCARREN ESTATE IN COURT. WIHIaaa a. Hirier1 cinim to lie ( untested llefore .linlae. Samuel S Whlti house, executor of the .-state of the late State Senator Patrlok H. McCarren of Brooklyn, Hied objections yesterday to the claim for 111, 777. fit OJKently made against tlie es tate by William s. Hurley. Mr. White bouse ho. da that the lit'.. 760. 04 glroad) paid Mr. llurl.y was all Senator Mc Carren OWOd him In a supplemental objection the executor points out that even though It be found that the Mc Carrcn estate la still Indebted to Mr Hurley the latter has lost his chance to collect by falling to file his claim Within six months after the advertisemnfl for creditors was published. Hubert H. Beaton of Mr. Wh't. h -use's Office, Harold N. Whltchoife and C Walter Randall visited Surrogate Ketoham yusterday with the request that he submit the matter to a Coun'y Judge for trial Surrogate Ketoham denied that he had advised Hurley, but said he had discussed the matter with him nn 1 therefore would grant the re quest. The trial will probably take place next month. NO PAUL ARMSTRONG WELL. I'liMtrlslit'l Kslute nlil to Viiionnt to l.esa Than g."l. Pnu; Armstrong, playwright, who died on August 2 last, left no will His widow. Catherine Cissaly, known on the stage as Catherine Calvert, yeaterday hied in the Supreme Court an applica tion for letters of administration, She said he left no real estate and that tils personal estate Is Valued at less than Ifii'O. He left one son. Paul. 14 months old. by his second wife, and three daugh ters, Annabel, Myrell and RUggbgUt aged respectively it, it ami II, b) ins tlrst wife. The thus children of the first marriage are living with their mother at 15 Roat Seventy-eev.nth street. As Armstrong left no real prop erly his divorce 1 wife has no interest In his estate. Her alimony of 1 710 a month icased at his death. A. G. SPALDING LEFT $600,000. l.eavee 1100,000 Baeh to :t inns, Realdae la Mm, Opaldlag, San DlBOO, Cal, Sept 15 The will of A Q, Spalding, veteran baseball man, has been tiled for prolate His Widow, named as executrix, estimates the estate to be worth t00,000 Keith Spalding of Chicago, n son, was bequeathed 1100,000, lb' has received 0t,l if the bequest I turand 'hurchlll, a stepson, who was willed an equal sum, also has received fjot.000 The adopted son. Albert 'i Spalding of Loudon, receives Iliui.nOO. of which $1,000 Was advanced The relnalndei of the estate goes to Mrs Spalding. B, o Ippletrgle beavea mi.ihhi. Edward i Applagata of Brooklyn, wlai died at Spofford. ' H., on Sep letnber . left an estate of 110,000 to his three children, Jane K, Kdwittsl (1 and MOrrOW W. Apple.-. ite Hard child takes a third. The testator's wife, Annie K Applegate, died on June 28, WILLS AND APPRAISALS. OgOaOl A BUMBINO, who died on July id. 1014, .it 221 West Twent y Hi st street, left an estate nppt.ils d .,i 172. a.4. Ills widow, Annette it Blessing, received K'n.lui) and the residue was di vided squall) nnuuig lour nephews and nieoea, otto i.kiiman, who was i coatumer, b ft nn estate valued at 111.012 He died on Bepetsmbsr 1011 His widow. Marietta Lelunan. and three children are the henetlciarles. The will of Arthur Qeorgg BedgWlck, lawyer, who died July 14 last at Block bridge, Mass., was flle.l ytsttrdgy In (lie Surrogate's Court, of his estate of about lloo.onii he left his person il ef. fects and paintings to his two daughters, Susnn R S Swanii of 12 West Sixii flrst street and Qrgce A Sedgwick of I Fast Tenth street He also gave I hem the income from the residue of the es late and testamentary power oxer one half of the residue The other half Is to be divided squally among their Issue, another Newport llonse Rented, ie Blola a Btdrldgs have leaaad for one year for J J. Rooney his COttggO on ttie easterly side of Ith.sie island avenue Newport, it 1. to M.s Julia Winter hoff of New York. THE CURE -AT Orchestra seats at four first class New York theatres were sold last night UIHll r the regular box office price of $2 and as a result the managers will hold a meeting to-day to attempt to bring the offenders to order. P was also discovered that tickets In a prominent hotel agency are being sold at over the ."0 cent advance which was pail of the managers' new agree ment Indiscriminate passes, in certain Instances, ate being r sorted to gg well, anil a determined effort will lie made to Straighten matters once more at the meeting. Two producing firms are InvoKed In the technicality over the i ut rate llCaOt queetion following the employment of detectives by another manager who at present has no tin aires open, but who used cut rate tickets last season. "The managers win meet to consider several important questions," said Shubcrt last night when asked about the reports. "it has been discovered that scats are being sold above the 50 (( tit advance, not by the Tyson Cnm pan) but by an ag-ncy to whom they dlsttgiute tii ki ts." Mr. Shubcrt denied that cut rnte tick ets are being sold for his theatres. Aaked If 4 was considered permissible to sell seals at less than the box nrtice price after the curtain wus up lie said it was. "That Is what la called 'dressing the house,'" he said "A perOOfl gets a straight balcony seat and an ort-hestra seat coupon with It entitling the holder to an orchestra sent for the price of one III I lie balcony. But It Is all done after the curtain goes up and Is consid ered gtrlettl legitimate." Aaked If he thounht these peketa could gel into the hands of the cut rate agencies Mr Shuts rt said he thought they could, hut didn't know that they hud. It was learned last night that this method waa being used In several houses and 'l .it -'! of the managers believe the practice does not live up to the agreement re sntljf signed. The situa tion Is delh ate. and although apprehen sion was f. it yeaterday that the plan might fall through It was though' oe slble that an understanding could be reached The committee which win probaMp meet to-day consists of Sam 11. Harrta. a H Woods, Bhubert, Chart ea u. Dillingham and William A. Brady. IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY. ol. iinil Mm. Uo To BrafVft ttola hr Pre nlilo'tit'M lloimp Pnrt. I WASHIMQTOK, Hrpt. ir.. Col T. BfoWttt iUi:!i of tlM loltt Mrf. Wilson, ha.- r-tiuiitrtl tu tUt- Whitf lliuv, a i omp i nlfil by Mr. BrOWtl Mi- n to 1 I rn;i ri for ROtnt tltnt With ilie Irr1nt, imt Mrt. Urown w:M return tu hfr hom iti AtUuM i tbti Wffk Socr-t.irv M?AdO0 nrrlvr! nt th , White Mouno l.tMt ti fhT from NVw Rl J lanl. where he h.tH been on a motor trip witii Mm. McAdoo. Mtu Ittlrn Wood row Boneii Dr 'apv i Qra'MMl nd Mr Tumulty POtllplOti tho houp jart f the Preitiflfnt. Mm. (loorga T. Ilaryo, -.fe f tho I Unltod Hut h A mbftaWodo tu Runola, ' is hero proporattory m iottiltHi hor huo bond at hli pool f duty, Mm. Moryt iiai orrlvod in Wanh;ntori from Call , forxiia, rhi tha pont the aummfj j at her hoirttv OBITUARY. .Iiilin lloliert . PATggaoM, M. J.. Sept, i ." John Doherty, brother of the lute Henry in. I hertv. who was the founder of the Henry i Doherty Silk Company snd one f the must prominent siiw mauiufiscturorg in I New Jersey, d.ed ilerlay at his home j I'1 Floss street, aiceil 79 years. He wae i aaaoclated with his brother in the arjltt I buatneaa, but retired, four years ago. Mr. Doherty fought In the civil war j until he was dangerously wounded at iQeltysburg. lie was not innmed. Prank K. HamlHll. laVlNO-OK-THg-IlDOaOK, Sept. n Frank H Hand. ill. 01 ears ..Id. preet d. ut of the Kmplre Coal and Coke Cont- panv of West Virginia, Med hora to-day. lie graduated from Harvard in the class of 1 sT4 and later from Columbia Inw schisd He prartlaed law a short time, then went Into the cal mining bUSinSOS. He Is survived by his wife and one s,,n. MARBLED. DS I.a OR A NOR- st.iiANB. On Tuoadar, optambar i, ltH( t parla, Krancr-, Ktni:v Rlaonor, doufntar t Hrnrv t PlOOna f Niw York city, 'n llamn AOiaury l lo ir ni: uf Pari! Krnr. DIKD. it A'.taniniit, beloved Hits Jl, ,11 1. fl v. Y . on s pti m!nj! of WHUom a Bn .- aptp-flrai ir Punral r lci Krlday. s. ptamtM r it, nt ! Church of mi- if t y Pommualon pouth r.i us . x. t, t'n grrlvaj of trttn laavlng Hobokon I a. m. I'hWKI.I. Sihliii-n v. on S p' ember !4. ri . ai - ii i Ii Co 111 husband ol Hattla w i'.an poi ;i n fotbaf -f tlu ivu c nrt aod K4wla laopoa lowail. ail Thurs raonn ,,f IV II K, dy .it h i- M Mt tha lotlpi Na YrU l.odfft, No. 1. It Knrt thirl airtrt, RMf PUtQ AYtnua, Na Yrk RANPAfX. in New Vork Plly, taptambar ir.. I'riak k. mm of tha paul King nil Harriot Rldrodpa Randold in tho x lif i li yar uf nkc Punarol aorvloai ' ht ra(donea, Mndop holm, Irving ton "ii the Hudaon. Fri day, at 2 10 0ClOC 1 1 1 ' 1 .i n m w niaoi th Itll trnin from Nao Yrk al Iho Irvlngton itatlon. Norwich. Naw Y'rk nnd BoMOn pitp'-r plaoac copy. RiiiNKi.ANpr.n guddanly, t Tui- ii l'rk. on galurday. Ceptc-inhfr 11. litis Ad-lalda Kip. olfa of Philip Rhlnp liindr unl Uiihtr of ItOta I, and roritella Kip. Futii-riil ,rlrff Will hold Jt Hsr. IhOtOMf Wl t'hurch, cornnr M'tdUon ftVSDUa n',(1 Kurt - fourth t ret. na FrM. iv mornlngi taptttnbtr it. h it o'clock. In Me murium CORl'RV v loiamQ hiaH innivaraacy piaai of raqulam win ho in 1 1 rhurch of ih Imwitautoti Conaapiioni V iMUtif, N Y . on FrUl4v. Heptemr 1 ; f i f i.f r. PON f t h OUl ! Iha :,(, . vr thrt it Corlay. Hffvai ' t- r . v nnd fHandi hi , inviiad without f h-r poitga 1 M)l l( I KI M, 7Vi a rv1?PillTWr( grigM 3