Newspaper Page Text
aw. . .l 7T r Sty MORE NAVY YARDS NEEDED. Read F. D. Roosevelt's views on this fea ture of national preparedness and use Department is making of antiquated locationa. In to-day's SUN, Page 2, Section 5. THE WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy and warmer to-day; to-morrow fair, cooler; northwest winds. Highest temperature yesterday. 71 ; lowest, 58. Detailed weather, mall and marine rssortson p.ig 17. VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 26. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1915. Copyright. 191B, by the Sun Printing anil Publishing Association. 70 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Greece to Stand by Serbs; Bulgars Disclaim Threat; Allies Advance in West BIG SACRIFICE URGED ON KING BY VENIZELOS WOMAN KILLED AND FOUR MEN INJURED AS SECTION OF BROADWAY AT 38TH STREET DROPS INTO NEW SUB WA Y EXCA VA TION JStm. Hellenic Railroads and Steamships Taken Over by Government. BOFI V STANDS FOB tRMED NEUTRALITY FroiicO'Britisli Annies Win round Over Long Front. ) ili.'i1; rnllnvid and nto.unship i g;:i . . i nn i.. f. n . -, ,j 1 11,- Ooveinmtnt, Thg mobilisation order asuel al Athens places 380.000 men tinder anna by to mot row. Bulgaria announce her mo- I n does not necessarily mean MI The RugSgJllM I'lHmot Is believed to have reached n decision which has fx Indorsed by the Parliamentary Inters Th nature of the decision If not yet known. rtr!.n announces that the long ex- pr tfi! A nglo-ferench ofTrnsiv.-. has be- t m and that the udvanrlna troops Here driven back everywhere except ir Champagne Parlataltaof raecMtful sffenalve movements la Belgium, near! Arras and In Champagne. Tlie Russians have taken the nf (: at several point on their long front ami .it three places east of Wilu.i. rrnrth nf Plnsk mil at f disk their attacks have 1mii pressed vlg- grously ami with success, .t Link, they My, 4.000 prisoners were taken. Von lilndanburg, however, continual t advance on Dwlna . Tin' Oarmana tOQ m.nitnie their loaeea, while the ' Auftriana any that on the Volhynlan front the Russia lis were repulsed with ! llfavy loss. i lie German naval command baa been practically reorganized; men up- RUMANIA REPORTED TO HA VE COME TO DECISION London Hears Bucharest Cabinet Has Agreed on Ac tion in Balkan Crisis and National Leaders Are Satisfied. ' 'ii' t utile Daaaaie to Thu lea, LonooKi sept. II. Oreeb inoMllaatlon Is iroceedlng quietly, the public shuw- la apparent relief that the tension of I laat few days has been relieved by i 1 1 pven (hough thai action praaagaa i . Wbethar w'ar win come immedl tt I) does not seem to lw a settled iUi s- Hi t' 1 1 G i tin i minils, the consensus bcina hostilities between liuliiail.i and ennot bo indefinitely postponed, t tli a there Is no ri ason to believe t will begin Immediately upon the onipletion of th mobllliatlon in the tu countrlea. When tin iire. k Parliament DMOta on VI -day It will be askeii to pro. lalm a. irtlal law throus-hout the kuiKdoin. lar a state of sleic. In Macedonia 1 lo take such other measures as the i i demand. Fur th pfnti r derstOOd, the National Hank I: idvance such funds as the Qovern i) rquiri iiioek steamers as well as the t nes have been renulaltloned by i inent ami a moratorium will; be wtabhshed Immediately, a news I S in despatch from Athens says, add- i ilk "Without distinction of parlies the p - unanlmoualy approvsa the maaa tire taken b) the iloverntnent In defence! I Oreece." I TI t twenty classes of the (ireek army eniM fur in i he mobillaatlon sobeme, I added to iii,. (,,ur olaaaaa already mottll ' lied, make a total of 110,000 mn under Sin - These twenty classes MUM Join II I ns by Monday. The ireek Xie ''ii Hank has gltiod p.self ut the dlK- I '-.ii of the Oovarnmant, K'S I 'Histamine, Mho has not yet! feaulned mis usual health after his re- tt i illness, was able to rOOCiVS I're- ir Veniselos this morning. Report of Ills ..ii i .'ii, e indicate thai Die Kins and! I n n are agreed on (Ireek policy, v s to include an observance of , Ha nation's treaty oMIgatlona. Thla is i"'.. i.i mean that Qrcec will k to i ci "f Serbia Hhould the Bulgarians ii si rbian frontier. n ii Venlaalai i quoted by a cor t udeni of the i' Au Poeieii as af- 1 ihe necessity for an agreement I I nraana. itunmnia and Serbia I ordei to forco the Bulgarian Oov- i I'm to give careful consideration 'o I ,i I.- results before it eiileis the .i in :i" side of the Teutonic allies, RaaiaatavNa all tmw war. b . iria's mobillaatlon has been an i i ii) the Rumanian pubhc with i 'man demonatratlons, according l I t un' h..nt despatches rooetved in ilia manlfeatatlona becoming ao it liny baVS hastened the de- psitura of Un- Duke of Mecklenburg L H'l ,. who bus been III the Rumanhui , Cipllal h the personal representative. 1 Umperor William, while Donslderlng 1 c Bulgarian ntoblllaatlon 'M " nat 1 in' runner of hostilities. Ru-1 1 in opinion still hesitates to believe ' d Bulgaria will actually enter upon ' . i full of peril to her future. ih Angel off, the Bulgarian Con 1 K 'ill in London, who took a prOIUU 1 part in the negotiations following i's liu kan wars, declares that It Is In teliesrsfjgti that Bulgaria will fight Bus- j ARMED NEUTRALITY BULGARIA'S ATTITUDE V' I'll ' tltif to Tafl Si V LONDON, Sept. 25. An official statement from Sofia sent here by wireless from Herlin says Bulgarian mobilization does not mean that Bulgaria has hostile in tentions, but intends simply to enter a state of armed neutrality. This step, the wireless despatch says, is explained by changes to be made shortly in the political and military situation and by general conditions in the Balkans. Bulgaria, it is added, has no hostile intentions, but is firmly resolved to safeguard all her rights and her inde pendence, by force of arms if necessary. Owing to the movement of troops by her neighbors, Bulgaria has been forced to declare an armed neutrality. Negotiations with the representatives of both groups of belligerents the Allies and the Ger manic Powers continue and there is no immediate intention to enter the war on either side. ppasd to granting the demands upon which the t'nlted State has Inalated with respect to submarine warfare have beaQ removed, Admiral von Holtaendorft succeed V tee Admiral Ba hntann as head of the Naval Gen eral Staff. New instructions have been i given to r boat commanders restrict- imr attack on paaaenger vessels, it Is now said that all liners will be warned of impending attack and pas sengers and crew be given every op- port unity to secap in safety, No attacks aIll be made unless hoattlt tent is shown beyond doubt, or tempt is made to escape. ln-ut- eta ami Bngland, "her two boat frlenda, who hacked and preserved ButgUr a ex istence.' As for the reason fur Itul- ganau mobllliatlon, tin- Consul-General said "if Qormany is Bring her cuns nuu Heiarad and Iniejiils to invade Seibia thiouk'h HulK-i'ia or to march to Con atantlnople, surely Bulgaria must be pre jiare.i, and if in-r neutrality Is 'Infringed upon must resist, she cannot resist un-1 1-c-- moblllasd.'1 M. Ansel, iff said that the tw. nty-six , classes called to the colors b Bulgaria represent ?&0,000 man, bitter equipped ami w.ih lu tter m ans of supply than In the war UKainst Turkey. "If the OOnceaakMIS In Macedonia had i licen made month agO," he added, "the i losses in Qalllpoll would have been unl neoesssiy. as a Bulgarian army could i have marched direct u ConatantlAOpI," , iiouiit ituiuar Promises, Tlie Pi tit Parieien s.iy s the allied Powers nave placed little faith iii the protestation Oi Premier It.oloslavoff ami thai they were nol surprised when word came of Bulgarian mobillaatlon Th, paper adds that representatives of these Powers have been considering Jua; i sucn an eventuality as new wreaicns atid have been laying their plans with a view to exertlni ihe greatest possible force iii tlio Halksns. As a result ot this foresight, the paper adds, lin y are in a oosltlon to strike quickly with the reserve forces in Ihe vicinity of the Dardanelles. Berlin opinion, ai reflected in Amster-j dam despalchss, display- profound us-i UmlShmenl at the mobilization in j Qraeoe, Bitterness, is manifested ' against Hum in. a, us in the following comment from the Cologne 0ggtf. "Whatever happens in the Balkans ,1 Rumania is played nut Her role as a link between Austiia and Turkey Is fin is: id We shall pass through Sofia That will teach Rumania a lesson for siding with pur foes" Statements given out by the Overseas Ni-ws Agency in Berlin and roosived here by wireless say; "Oreek mobilisation is regarded s a rn, asure of precaution tor probable eventualltlea It Is not expected that the King of liieece will give up his policy of neutrality so long us th In- ConBsui d i" Second Page, THE SUN TO-DAY CONSISTS OF SEVEN SECTIONS, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST Central Newi . SECOND Sporting. Automobiles. Kennrli THIRD -Ninety, Kewrtl, Urama. Booki, UUtrMM, FOURTH Pictorial Magazine FIFTH Special Feature Magarine, Faihions, Art . . , ',' ',' SIXTH Foreign. War Feature, Semi-Newt Articles. Sehooli . SF.VUJTHRcl fcftate, Gardena. Poultry. Financial, Problem! . . , Total ReaJtn or ntteiJealen tcAo io nol ttctit all of these section! will confer a fatar tn "The Sun" h notifyint the PuHication Dtparlmtnl at ones by Ihe phone (2200 Beehman) and the miutni sections will k promptly forwarded if possible. , j Text of Premier's Letters Bhowg He Would (Jive Up Ravalli to Bulbars. HAD PROMISE OF IMMENSE (JAINS Bleulkeeie k. PenleeBs la noun nt th- Jo (in . Orrrk affairs. M. Vrnizrlas as Premier tirped on OrMCC curly in thr Knrofif wt lear thr fidrtsnlclol'y of srrk Ing to reunite thr Statrs of thr Halkan League in old of gerMa anal is oooaaro. Hon tiith thr F.ntmtr Voiccrt against Turk' y. King ( onstnntinr. u hos' trie Is i ststrr of thr Knisrr, li rlinrit accept this inrice and thr Premier rr sinnrit. Oreea public siloa, lomtaer, rmaalaed ttaadfnttly with thr prrmirr unit hr mis finally mnllr,l to povrr. tn thr present irttiintKm in thr Balkans, HrilA .1 tMfro-iJcrmiia armies thrratrning anothrr lavawioa of Serbia, nnd with Bulgaria mussing troops on the Serbo BulearidS ron(ir, Orrrcr may toon hair to stake a decision bet totes .up- jjorf of Serbia, ICffa vham shr has an alliance, ami thr tlangrr of bring Irft irlikoMl friend ' ta Balkowe, The ellowiap irttrrs, written by af. CrsUelos lo Kin CoMtanliae In la period preceding his reaiasialioa ai Pre. mirr. trptaln in iti 'nt Ih poaitioa of thr man uho HndoaetetUMi a reeail of his politieal i Iciory aeer King Con itantlne, v ill have thr recponaiaillfy decidinp thr poHon of thr country. Yin i! M.v irsTT : I now have the honor to sulniiit to your Majesty the contents f a communication Which the British Minister here made to me with Ins'rue. lions from Sir Rdward lltey. Oreece, by his communication, is aaals confronted with one of the most critical period .n thr nlatory of the nation. Until to-d.ii our policy simply con sisted m the preservation f neutrality. In si f ir as our treaty obUfjatlona arlth Serbia did not Oblige us to depart there from Hut Sr are now called upon to part . Ipate in the war, no lonajoi In order to mint almpty moral obligation, but in view of compensations which if raallaed Will , !. ite a great and powerful Oieece such is yen the boldest optimist Could have Imagined only a few yers hack In order to Obtain these great rum penaatlnn f real danger will certainly have t.. he faced. Hut ftfter MIM and careful study of the question l hold v pinion that we ought to face ihM I ingem. We ought to Hu m ehletp becaUM even though W were to take no part in the war now. nnd to endeavor to pre. -erve OUI neutrality until the end. w should And nurselvoc exposed to danger! equall) sen 'us. Sfilmilen In im oare r. If we allow Serbia to lie . rtwhed to day io another AuatroOerman Invasion we have no sasUfaitOS whatever that the Austro-i ierman armies w ill stop shori front of our Macedonian fronrtleiw and that they will not be tempted as a mat ter of course to cojue down as far as Salonics. But even if this danger !e averted and we admll that Austria, lielng sa.lstled with a ' rushing defeat of Serbia, will nut wish to establish herself In Macedonia, is there any poastMs doubt that Bul garia, at the Invitation of Austria, will advance and occupy Serbian Macedonia? And if that wen- to happen, what would be our position? Wi- ehuiilil then he obliged, in accord on. with our treaty oc ntttanoc, to hasten to the aid of Serbin UntOSS w wished to Incur the dishonor of dlsre gardlng our treaty obligations. Bven if w'e were to remain indifferent to our moral debasement and Impas sive, we should by s.i doing have to sub mit to the disturbance of the Balkan equilibrium of Bulgaria. Tim powefi thtu strengtfiened, would either now or some time hence be in a isisltion to at tack us, when WO should be entirely Without friend or ally. If, on the other hand, we had. In the rlrcumetanocs Indicated, to go tn help Serbia In order to fulfil the dut Incum beiii on us, we should do so in far more unfavorable ciroumotancaa than If We s. rt.i.i wenl lo ner nssistai now, liecauee would already he crushed, and In consequence our aid would lie of no, or i at least of very little, avail. Moreover, ' by rejecting now the overtures of the ! Powers of the Triple BntSnte, even In ; the avenl of Victory We should sncure I no tangible compensation for our tip. )Hirt in their strugicle. Let us now ex imlne under what clr- we ought to take, part In till contest. Above all we must seek the coniera tmri 'n' only uf Rumania hut If pos sible of Bulgaria us well. If are should succeed In ohtalnlna this cooperation through an alllancg of ail Chriatlan states of the Balkans not only would every serious danger of locsl defeat be averted, but their par ticipation would bring a most Important Influence to bear on the struggle of the Entente Powers. For It Is no exaggera tion to say that their participation would exerols an important Influence In favor .it the ascendsncy of the latter. In order that this may he brought gboul I think we should make concessions to Bulgaria. Bo far we have refused even to discuss any concessions Continued on BeveniA Pnac. Psgci Chen I bbbbbbI aKaCaaaatfll atil jJf JPSjj E w j I -i ','' $$$$ H BaaSBaBaBaaaaBi9BBBBBBnllflBa RE Kjs"-J-fc " - MBK aaaWlfcii'iifcBBiflBwl . ..r.r.vvava-.TiW.ra. J2&mS2&&iiMM:T' l&4u-.?. .i IZMiLil - 'J Flashlight photograph of the cavein at the northwest corner of Thirty-eighth street and Broadway, where the false street surface over the subway excavation gave way. A taxicab containing a woman pas senger fell into the hole, and also four or five persons who were DR. DUMBA'S RECALL exp mm day State Department Feels sure' t In- Vienna Note Will Be Ratiafacton . FACTS KNOWN ABROAD w istttMOYONi Sept. II. Officials of tie State DspartmaM are satsfled that such misunderstanding about 'he Dumb case as might have existed in Vienna is now cleared away It was In dicated tn-div that the State Iicpatl ment has reasor. to helifv'e that the re ply of the Vienna Uovcmmenfj to the American note requesting the recall of Ambassador Dumbs will be forthcoming very soon and that it will be sallsfa. . lory in every respect. By sadwnges with Ambassador Pen held ai Vienna the Btafa Depart mcnl learned that ill the facts in the Dumbs case were not thoroughl known and understood In that quarter. Const -qusntly the Department has sent sv- eial mess. ices to the Ambassador, not only Informing hint fully of all the facts which led t the request for Ambassador Iniiuh i s recall, but also ot subsequent development. While this .nformation was sent pri marily for Ambassador Pen field ' It Is not doubted djiat the Foreign Office ha got till benefit of It Inasmuch as Dr Immba cannot get home without one, he is virtually com pelled to remain In this country until his Oovernment tastes the action re quired by the I'tilted States Officials of tin- siste Department pec', lo have on Monday the rest of the papers taken from Archibald, who car ried the Dumba letter Some of these documents have bean received, while the rest were mailed on the Cymric due ut New York to-day. A decision In the cases of ('apt von Papon, military attache of the Herman Bmbaasy, ami others in volved In this correspondence, will be made after the papers have been re ceived. With regard to reports from Ban Fran cis.,, that dipt von Papen ami Prim Halsfcldt are lo leave there fur HsXlCO neat Tuesday, officials of the state De partment said they were not Informed 1: was pointed out that ('apt. voit Pa pen, as military attache, is accredited to Mexico as well as to the t'nlted States. Persons supposedly In the con fidence of the Herman Bmbaasy have declared, however, that reports that the Captain was to go to Mexico at this time were not well founded. The Allies have cimiHetited lo insure "sale conduct" for Mine. 1 intuitu, wife of the AustruHungarlan Ambassador, M. Jusserand, the French Ambassador. tu-day gave llns assurance In acting (Secretary Of State Polk. Mine. Dumba and her maid will sail on the Rotter dam on the Itth. PROTEST SENT TO WILSON. QtraMa IliiplUt liiirrlirgi Art K it I it I l II II I I HUB) i Mortal. Ni:vAitK. N. J. St'l -f' The Atlnn- t lo conftrtnoi ol Qr?nin uaptiMt chttfohMi ftl thi ilhlnth MiniMl nt4 Iiik i th Kirst rhurohi Clinton itvvnui ami ifourttwnth Htift't, thii afternoon adopted (h fiiiinwiiiK rMolMtlon and Mnt h taUffram emiH)dyTnf u t" PrMldanl WilHi'ii : "Wi1 I'fiininnd ihe Cornier uttihide of PrMldtnt WilMitn that our country re main neutral In ihounht, word and deed. wi Intrefore Mrnevtly proteil Kaainvl the exportation of thlnfl which kill ti any of the wutriiiR natloiiN uf Kurope. We pray hal ihat our felr land may emerg" with rlean hanitn as peat-uinkere In thin prenent world conflict." New Offensive of Allies Is Infantry Attacks Following Terrific Bombardment of German Lines Result in Ground Being Gained on Long Front. Special l ab 'r In ifi I .' Tnr c RgBLiN, by wireie.-s. via London sepr I :'". - The following oftii ial statement was Issued here i his afteriiisiii regarding the operations on the western front : m the entire front from the sea to the Voages th.- enemy's artillery firs Increased In strength, ami east of Ypres, between l.a Basses Canal and Arras, as well a in Champagne, from ProsneS to the Argontie, it was of the Utmost tier, efiess. The attacks which were expel ted after the strong artillery pro pa ration lasting on certain parts of the hue fur fifty hours have begun Between the railway from Ypres to Routers ami that from Ypres to Comlnea the ATnglish advanced early to-day. (in the northern wing their attack has been repulsed after hand to hand Bghtlng before and in our position, They also are attacking northeast and southeast of Acnieu tier and north of La Haaaee Oanal ' i Mi Thiirsda evening, as has onl) now become known, the French pene trated our battered down trenches near Vouch, We ojaotod them es. tenia) The French were a!ain re- pulsed yesterday near Vouches and on both shies of Nclivllle. in thampagne from Prosnea to the Argonne the French attacked, but weu- a' a majority of points repulsed This was due in part to our strong artillery fire In part also the attacks collapsed a few steps In front of our obstructions under the fire ut our lli fantr) and machine guns The retreating enemy columns suf fered considerable losses owing tn the j vor severe artillery and machine gun I lire At some points on the front hand to hand fighting is proceeding. GAINS OX LONG FRONT. (rriun ii rt u t O III Driven Hack Mild 1 I Hill f. In iii i serial ''ahlr h'$xni''t to Tint Sis Pauih, Sept 25 PrenOQ and Hntith infantry niMt valuatile sfalnn to-day In l.etitlum, to the north of Arrati and In t !hamp&ane The military value uf the ponttont bombard men I which the Prenoh and luiiiidi mms of ail odllbrei hav- main- tallied in thOSe dlttrlctit M well ah on many other point! ol th line for the p.iBt vvaeka was demonatratad hy the at- tackn for which the tong continued artil lery Hfa wiiM a preparation. Day after day the Ptrlfl puhlie hun read, "The arttllei y ilKhtlny continues north of Anns." Ac. To-nlffht'H announcement that the In- f an try has bean ent forward to occupy n part of the e-nemy u works after a huh. tuined hall of Hhellx wa taken as ait li, tilt at Ion that the allied commanders bt tevt the time has poms for making a heKlnnliiK at the task of shoving the i larmani out ol the lines which they have held for 10 many muuthM. The offensive wan DSffUn at ths west ern satrsmlty of the line on th.. Ileltftau poaat. Hure llrll th ahips and the Krench bat (Sri SS COOSratad 'n a lHiihardimmi of the Osrman )Kraltlons at Wiviteiide and Ulddalksrks. The Infantry took up Hie light I tig to the west of I ami Hul lUOhw where Ihe Mrltlsh troops attacked the Herman positions with sueceHS. To the north of Arras un SnsrffSUO attack was mads hv hith French and Mrltlah Infantry i ami the Allies gained a foot hold -it many points of the (ierman Hue In Champ. Mfne there wre a heavy In fantry aaauutt between tlte Aulppe and ciossing Broadway at the time. A number of workmen were caught in the cavein. A Broadway car going south was stopped just in time by the motorman to escape being carried down. The Casino and Knickerbocker theatres were ordered closed for the evening. ; Frmce the A hut nerwal ol It was preceded hy Isinihardmcnt, under a re- i ol w hlch French seised tin f. ireinoet Oerman line over almost the ei, tire limit of the atta 'k and are still pushing for- n ard The nlghi Oommuniqttl of the War Office said on Ins perats the I". ml lltlons at lt.'lg, I Will ardme Weal an coast our batteries i th.. English fleet In nt of the Qerman po rnde ami Mlddelkerke. The British troops attacked uceesa fuiiy the enemy position to ths west uf Lgoos and of Hulluch Our troiipH. operating mi roniun - tlon with tin- Brttlah army, made an HiuTgeth attack to th north uf Ar ras This attack permitted them to gain a footing at many points of th- enemy's ttnea. Hitween tin Smtinio and the Aisue tio-ie wsh rit;iiting with aerial tor pedoes and botnba in th sector af Sanny-sur-.MatL our artillery ex ploded a mun tiun-s depot in a for t iiii'ii house at Beuvralsnea in Champagne, after a new ami very violent bombardmi nt t the trench eei aheltsra, block bouaea and haltenes uf the em-my, our Infantry mads an aaaauil n the Qerman linen between the Suippe and the Alans The Arst htie tif enemy positions was or. PUpied over almost all the front at- tacked. ur advance i- temg pushed. There was arCllety tlghdiiK in the Woevre, in Lorraine ami in the Vosaea in the anvtrons of i. . Chapelotte ami uf the Bchratamaenneli The afternoon low : ommuniquS wai as f-i- In the Artots district eiterli our a Hillary continued its effectlvs bom bardmant "f the llnst of the enemy( To the south Of the RlWf S.min.c the Oermans bombarded our tretn iie.s and our saps in the suhurh if Andech) and Donoourti our battarlea reaponded with eneiu, anil at a iarae number uf places took the Initiative In tiring The artillery exchanges to the north Of th- Hlver AlaiM ami along the hanks of the canal bet Ween the Msn and the Hams continue with severity, in the Champagne district ths enemy rsspondsd t .1 lioUnl bombardmsnt of his trenches b the firing uf as phyxiating shells In the Vicinity of AuberiVS and St. Hilnirc. Thuae sheila hail no SfTsCl Thi re v;ts s.'ir.hir ac tivitv yesterday in which both our ar tlllsri smi that of the em-1 v partici pated In the Argonne district, par t h'u la rly in the sector uf i ?0U1 tSI i'haussees, and there have been engagements with bombs and hand grenade in the forest of ricttv In Lor rains our patrols havs brought In several piisuiiers. a sojuadron ol Krem h asroplanea yesterday threw on the uablona rail road station nc li Mots Something Ilka furty hitmlis FLEET IN ATTACK. s'seeNif re6s fiaapatch ta Tar si s A.usrKiuAM, Sept. ;.'.". Five large British warships and tWunty-flve amallsr tighimg ships participated in the bombardment of the Herman naval base at laehrtiggs Una morning liespatches received here to-night said thai the warships stood cloe In and shelled the Herman defences from i:g A. M to 10:11, The Hermans replied with light artillery. Herman aeroplanes and observers stationed in a captlvs balloon dim Hug Ihe Herman tire Tb,. result of the bombardment Is unknown ' GRE" WAS' FAGHT to mm fleet If ml ships. Will E 1 1 si ii ire iii War Daml i'nil to rrwi ( .ti" Florida. I'uiiit v BATTLE OPENS 1 1 1 1 . . . Noarout, Vs., apt, IS. After two weeks ..f target practice, both night and j day. the larger portion of the battle ehlp unit of th. Atlantic fleet tested Hi - afternoon Ten ships arrived in Hampton Bonds during the afternoon and others are expected hy to-morrow ! night. I I The ships now ill the road- ate the i I Wyoming, flagship of the fleet; the Ar-1 I knnsas, Nebrasb 1. Rhods island. 1 ; Texas. New York, Baltimore, Yankton, Cyclops and San Francisco The last I named vessel w as engaged in mine plant-1 . nig teats. Admiral PletchSf hi' practically "om- , pleted arrangements for the most reatla- tn war gam. ever attempted hy 'he Meet, winch i;i begin neat Friday. Orders Will he issued to the Captain of each . j ship on MiiiiI.i . I Bach ship will proceed to sea un.ler I sealed orders, which will not h.- opened I until the war vessels arc beyond the live mile limit Then the ships will 1 be sent in all directions There Will be ' more th in f. rt war vessels, including , twenty .four lorpetla boat destroysrs, in these manoeuvres I The) wiii i attend along toe coast from Caps Cod to Florida, Theie win lv two forces, a defending fleet, and an Invading tloet The Wyoming will be the flagship of the former utid the scout cruiser Chester will t' flagship toi the invailtus force, Tin- d tenders win try to prevent ihe invader from entering any port along i the Atlanta- cuast from Capo Cod to i Iftorlda, There will in. other ajuuvgu I vree, Inoludinaj a mimic battl, the ; details of which are known only to Admiral Fletcher and olbclals of the ' Nav) Uepartntant. The battleablp Michigan, winner of i take an Important part in the war gams end w . ii probably will be assigned to l the defending IWet, may he delated in departing from the roads bacauae of un i accident to her turbine circulating VillVCS last night off Ihe irglu.a she was obliged to abandon ipes rS'-1 practice and r.ttiiu to Hampton Koada The battleships Mil hlgsn, winner of 'ihe proficiency trophy for spring target i practice, and the Florida, which is re l ported to have made the beat Individual record of any ship in the rleel In Ins I practice Jusi en, led, had not returned to the roads late to-night. The were j reported mtiiiouvrtug off the capes and I will probabl) proceed north after re- 1'Slvlllg Orders to participate in ihe war , g illie. Khlpi now ill the roads are loading coal, ammunition and provisions CHEER BRITISH ENVOI Mlii-lio I Ives H Im iat log on to - Premier. Way Atiisns, Sent IS. Ths Hrlttsh Min- I ister received a remarkable ovation this afternoon when he motored to the l-'or- i i igii oflice for a conference with Premier I Vnlllselos, Immvdlatsl) after the Intter rrtUI'lied from an audieme With King Constsntlne. A crowd gathered arnunil his auto- mobile and cheered frantically. The, Minister eVed his hand lit regpjmgg . to ihe dsntonsl ration, Reservists contlnuetl to pour into Athens all day, marching through ths Streets .singing war songs MT.a i i iimim ii i r. vl i s- th ird An- bine's K,. Kinrl I .'U i Sni l il S II Will HUM, III II K i.k'i 1 1 : a M M Ksit Mill I IV 3H l.llltll 1 III I llH I M mil Prl sseh let I ' ii i llll Bra Peg 1. IK..'. It I -1 'llt i IS lets Ida, Accidenf Said to Be Due to Slide of Rotten Mica Taxicab Swallowed, ONE VICTIM BELIEVED TO BE MORTALLY HURT Two Theatres Forced to ( lose Surface Cars Stalled for Blocks. ENGINEERS HAD .IFST SAID SPOT WAS SAFE Shopkeepers in Vicinity As sert Warning Was (iiven of Disaster. A section of Broadway, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth streerts, fell Into the new subway laat niirht at Till o'clock in the s itne man ner th-at a section of Seventh avenue dropped to the depth- Wednesday morning. One woman was killed in last night's accident, an electrical worker was mortally Injured and three men. pedeatriana, were hurt. It wnji said by the poliC at mid night that the woman might be a Mr Tomaselll or Thotnol!aton found ne.i' the body was a mesh bag in whi ii WM a receipt made out to "Mrs. A TomaaelU." The receipt was made out by the Twiliuhi Inn of Haines Falls in the Catxkills. and was for L'0. It was (lilted September II, lieeldes the receipt the lmg contained Ii card with the name of Miss Caroline (iikhrlat, 68 Hatlston avenue, llallaton Spa, ft, Y. i it w.ib learned over the tele phone from Ballaton Bpa, N thla morn I 'na that Mi.-. Tontaaelll had spent a t couple of weeks there with Hlaa on chnst. who aaid i hat the dead woman's New York addreaa was 134 We' Seventieth atreot. Before the woman dud In Meiievu Hospital she became conscious. After repeated Quoatlonlng iv tin- nurae ahe lUUnafed to whisper her name, whl as nearly as tin. nurse could Under stand it was "Isabella Tliomolistnu ," Trail taxicab, ir ruling o roadway l or In whidi for th Just Peril. the woman temporary above Thii A was plan I. ty-cgiith street, crashed dow ward thirty-live feet when the wood. - street dropped A trolley car cm. laming eight persons besides the con I ductor and motorman would nao plunged into the -real hole also had it not been for the remarkable active brain Of the motorman. Had the ac cident occurred ess than an hour later ( doubtless djogana of theatregoers at I riving at the r.isno and Knlcket bockar ttiaatras along the east side of Broadway would have been iiumpeu praclpltataly into the hole tuejgtiwi i with many automobiles, Out of the rush ami confusion of arriving policemen, firemen, do lots clergymen, officials and the clang o thirty ambulances it was learned la ju general way that the cause of the accident was tie slide of a section of rotten mica roclti Twntyfouf hours before the slide occurred t)X' pert engineers employed by the Pub lic service Commission and by the United states Ileal t) and Improve, ment Company, the firm which has the contract for building the Seventh gtenua section Which fell on Wednes day an. I tin sort lull that dropped ia-i night, ins ted the Hi Iwg) section and had found it, so Ihsy re p. a led. particularly w ell Umbered and seemingly safe, aighlseelHg im' Baeapea, ust before Hroadwaj dropped htal night - making .1 hole Which was open 1,1 lit.. s,.,,s fl'.itli Ttnrt t .. 1 1. In 1. .ii.,. north for almost half a block and ex tending from the southbound car tra k half way mio the wist Md. walk -a heavy sightseeing car passed ovr the plunk coverln of the excavation. Vut days, ho shop keepers in the VlClnit! said. 1 vi ry lima heavy nuushlnea passed along the block the plank road Way loll need up nnd down. The strain of the pausing sightseeing car may or may not have acted as the last gtpau N" dynamite blast could i. Instanced as a cauae ol' last night's slide, such 't was SUggSStSd when Seventh avenue dropped in the Twenty-fourth atree neighborhood three days earlier For days, so Public Service Cominli lion r 1 William Hayward said at tin- edge of ! the great hole last night, no ro. . Cavatlng had been done in 'In Vlcllillt " rbS digging was all hell II Mr. Ilnywal!. "and Moll, WUS it a standstill pending Un arrival of ih. Hteel which was to bt Install us per msnent supports ' Ah a result ,,f is - 1 .1 Ol op. the Knickerbocker rbeiiire pl was closed foi 'In- iv u Ihorltles also ii idinl earls cturii shoe Tlie a' that Hi. members of "The haui Pal idlae" pauv at tin Casino Theatre who hat rein mil llieti dreselng r to dn - foi the perfuriiigiu u hi 1,1 hn .. M lyur m teiiid , n is . -1 ii 11,, Of the HC 'nil . ' II n I ' at' " He had bet i at . lid ' Hai..i.. 1 ,., . I ' ' " 1 Opera Ib'J e ill 1 1 I I II