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The Fashions Beautifully Illustrated. Strikingly original designs of the best French and American fashion authorities in THE SUN'S big fashion number WITH THE SUN NEXT SUNDAY. THE WEATHER Showers to-day or to cloudy to-mo. Hiehest temperature yesterda Detailed wSiWtsr, mall iM murine VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 44. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1915. ropwipM. Klli Hi Pftunt$ nn PaMUMaf aiXrtsMei,. ysMssaMst 14, M'ADOO WANTS II. S. TO BUILD TRADE FLEET (ttivpinnieill Owned Marine i mi Id Re Used a.s Xuvy Auxiliary. asks FEDERAL BOARD TO MANAGE SHIPPING iNinANAMUtj "'' IS- I" spaasH j, to-ntfh! Iirf'irr MM lUSl Daai mcnf una pitjr Secretary or ihe Trsasgry m - Art i,i diskless-, hi!1 nrw plan f"r hlp- eing legislation. He had Jui"t Started out frinn Wash l:ii ;. on tL trip serOSS the continent, rhlfll) fi II"' purpose of atliring m entlincnl for S revival ol ihi effort by mi Wilson Administration to susn it p i . legislation tinough Oongregg, Mr. Hi tdoo'l PSecg as r isunied as re- t). 1 1 . the st.nid that Prealdent wiipon H take on thta nujssllon. Mr McAdOO presented in I new dre t)ir olil Uuverntncnt ownership plan which was defeated In the last sesbion oi Concress after a ions fight. He pro posei thai congress shall appropriate lilt, i instead of the .i.imi'l in the oilnlnal hill. Instead of bu nig Ships already plying the eeim. he i v ailvucatse the bUlldlOl of new ve iii ill designed as auxiliaries to the United ; StStsg navy. yedOiml bl.lnH Hoard. The Secretary suggest!! the creation I (I i Pederal shipping hoard to manage lbs liuvernient ownership plan. Me i.i;...-i loo lliat power le lodged wlth Bonn Agency of the Federal Government I In rgutute the merchant marine com-1 paiiif . and suggests that the Shipping I r,i he empowered to act in conjun. - I lion with the Interstate Commerce Com-i mlislon in arranging for through bills hi hiding and special rates In t ween the railroad! and the steamship in ... Air. Mc.vdoo emphasised the naval . :i; irjf feature of the proposed io trnmttll ownership plan, and many here IS ned the impression that the Wilson Administration .was aisiut to seise upon the pre its redness isstis a a means of promoting the Qovernment ownership It. -I. ill in ill the next I'm. Kress. Tiie mu(it remarkahle feature of Mr. klfAdOO'l speech, however, was an at b) him upon the otttdala of the raclDu Mail Steamship t'ompanyr. Ilsl IStSI Jl McAdoo charges that It w a i ni the aSSmeU'S law which forced the i i Mall people to dlsoonilnus bust bessj hut the opportunity to reap a big profit through the sale of their mIiIimi on the Atlantic nuboaid. where abnormal c.t.-. ratSS were being charged. Will Mnrl tunlriiii'r.j. l s charge, i Is understood, will ! pr.itint.iy mark the beginning of a bitter f. troversy bot wt- M t Li Admtnlst ruiion K i the Pacific Mall Steamship Coin- i people over this ISBUS, Washington Ofl als ha v e l iff: i conducting ait in- -' nation into thf conduct ot th.s com pany, Kj iftary McAdoO Mild that h had tton to Secretary of the Nav Dan . - tsklng Ji i m what iitiinlmr of mei - ml vessels would In. vti to hava liu .mertcan uuv -i it 1 to-dny. ai 1 iiitxftfhum uaafulneai nnd afAotancy time ' w n '' A 1 1 in i rill Ui titon 1 1 - led for liacratary Daniali that it would pnr' 4uo merchant vaaaalfl for auxU I irlav, with a totaj of U 173.000 gipaa toniiaga, S ift.iry HaAdoO Hail that tlee :i I mall tmtAiH for mlna awaaplng ooutd be pupptlad from the coaatwtM ahlpplngi but thai of the l.l72ooo grooa tomtaaja Mcdad for otht-r auxiliary purpoaaa. vaa j flr- uf riot more than 700000 gTOM tun ngj could ht- COfrVartad into naval i I'Miieui from our praaant maaohant j TiiiH. tho Ha Tft.try oontandad vei im .vti h a daflolanoy oC about i i in ruHH tonn.tfre to nietit the ncel avy iin it standi to-1a . T i inaat tl.- nfl Mr. Mi Adoo ned that Oongraafl appropriate ,000 for tin- building of auxiliary He daoiarad that tho Qovarn n thould procead Imroaoajiajy with the . Mun of thf si auxlllarlaa as '" fhf proixramim' f prparnInea li -igiiH for the vessflrt Nhouhi he ' t ipon and atprovad by the Navy ' , .r t'Uent. I'inn mi trjirratloii. VI Adoo then went on 10 1oh nhe for the Uovarntnant oparaftlon m ttuxlllatiai In foralgn trade as '.VI illy useful n.i.(i auxiliary should uf tn t paaaenger and eavgo wi ii a ordinary cargo ships, b ned passenger aad cargo -"hips 1 !" lUltShle for operation on sps such, for instance, ss lines IIS si follows: Hi nil, Uruguay unci Argentiim ' nn Iilng ui the Important ports of I'ountrlss. i 'olombia, Bouador, T'eru and 1 ami aluns the west coat of South "1 a me 'To lie Orient, touching at Honolulu leading pons in Japan, t'hina : Philippines. I bring about these results a ship HI hoard could be created, eonsistlng Hecratary ol the Navy anil the 'i ,f i 'oniniei ce as members ex- '. and three members to be selected the President and confirmed by the inate. IKgeal Hiat Hie Secretary of the vj he .i member of ihe board Instsad - retsry of the Treasury, as pro- i ii ihe shipping bin Introduced in Congrsss, becauae at that time - Ity for naval preparedness was apparent as it is now. Tin HecretSry of I'ommerce, whose rlnii i has its hand l onstantly upon bu nesa pulse of the nation, should "n ly in- a member of the hoard. es :i id appropriate ami put '' ' ' amis of this hoard a fund of This Would be sultleient reah a naval auxiliary of sullablo 'i ham khip of from 400,000 to 500. ii triu-s tons. This hoard should i iiliorlty in establish as quickly Ible steamship hues to the easi 1 vim euasta oi South America ami Ihi in-lent. "in ordei in make this ervic most ' i tory, ihe shipping board should r lOiilj 10 organise i ooiporatlon po atloit and tn subaurlbs to the 1 Nn !. tliereof .i whole or In part, ' ' hoard msi determine will most UI mil I in- uujootl hi view. tiutid shoulil have authority to u . belonging to ihe United i uiii .. oi on 2'Aird i'ugt. Garrison's Bigger Army Approved by President; Daniels Busy on Navy Military Reserve and Increases in the Force of Regulars and in the Militia on Programme Three or Four Big Warships Probable. U. S. OFFICERS PESSIMISTIC OVER OUTLOOK President Wilson. according to a high UTSShlngtOfl ..Itli uvl. ie. now In agreement with Secretary of War Harrison on the main fSgtUrSS of the Secretary plan for tile reorganization of the army. This plan provides for the creation of a reserve, for Increase in the regular army and In the militia, for improvements in the coast artilletw defences and In the quantities of reserve ammunition an I equipment Secretary of the Navy Daniels will recommend a live year Continuing programme of construction for (lie Navy, but the details have not lieen worked out yet. Arm, ami navy ooicers are DSSStmlStlC over any large IncroSSSS m the military establishment In the immediate future and fenr that the Ailminis tratlims programme will be OSSJgd chUflv mi promises for the future. WILSON FACES CONGRESS Washington. Oct. 1 3. A feign Ad- minim ration official atd to-night that 1 President Wilson and Secretary Garrlfm are in ggratiniOl on the proKtamtne for 1 the reorganizatlnn of the army Thii itatatnanl ipparantly waani that Pratl dent Wilson haj derided to stand h. hlnd his Secretary of War and will throw the force of hid Administration behind M' OatrlaOtl! rerommendationn when the are nuhmitted 10 Conrest. It menns too that President Wilnon probably will he obliged tc. tali' nn open ?tand airalnst those I democrats In Congress m ho op pone a aubstantial enlargement of t ie military establishing nt The President, It was said, instead of btlng inclined to throw over the Garri son programme m raoponM lo the pres sure f the peace at any price affliHtots. is wall pleased at thf Secretary rec ommendations and ratilied at the mod eration of the plan- that he has formu lated. Mr. Wilson will confer to-morrow with Rapraaantattve Hay of virgUiia. chair man of the House I 'otninitieen Military AtVatra. it t" ballavad t at the presi- dent will attempt then to enlist the aup poit of Mr. Hay for the main reaturea of the Garrison programme. The chance are that there w 111 he otiHidemhle opnueltlon to the army re oruanUbiton pnigramme In t'ongres, more even than to the navy programme. If President Wilnon. however, lit ready t stand behind Set tetary Gwrrlson with t he full force of the Admlnist t .it ion's povM there Is little doubt of the su - t ess of i ; i program ma. Secretary tiarrlson's entlniates, it is HOSPITAL ORDERLY SLAIN BY A PATIENT Bride See. Her Hoibnod'n Murderer Escape Over Fence. Mrs 1. ill. an Csvsnsugh, reeentlj mar i led t,i John Cavanaugh, an orderly of the polyclinic Hospital, -aw from the kitchen window of he; home at 3aJ West Fiftieth street ySSterdg) sftSMIOOn an old. bareheaded man climb over fence into her reai Srd Sd wipe the blood from a penknife with which, as she learned later, he had Just killed her husband, An hnu' before the old msn, Joseph William Nlohplsen of til Wesl Tliiity Bfth street, while psddjlng sosp ' a aainKe at '.'IS West Slxty-ftflh street fell down stairs and cut his forehead over his right e e. At the poly, linn annex a little later I 't Pool stitched the WOUnd. Tin patlenl was drunk and violent, in Pod called Cavanaugh to Conduct Nicholson to a small room In the rear of ihe dressing room. CgVSnSUgh left thS patient lying on a cot Tsn minutes latei tin- cry of a maid on the floor aboe was heard CSV. gnaugh and In. Pool ran up and fougd Nicholson In the loom nf one of the maids They forced him down stairs. He resisted Dr. Pool, after telling Cav anaugh to tie Nicholson to the cot. left the room. A moment latei the physician heard Cavanaugh cry out. "My Clod, I'm stabbed!" Cavanaugh staggered from the resl room and died in Dr. Pool s aims Within two minutes. He was stabbed In the heart. M-anwhile h patient, minus his hat, escaped through tile mald'H room up stairs to the Cavanaugh yard ass l dour. where the orderly's wife saw him, and into the basement home of Mrs. Kiel Deleourt at VYat fiftieth street. Theie he naked Mrs. DslCOUTt for a hat and grumbled, "They Hied to kill nie. bul I killed them." Then he strolled over to the garage across the street from the hospital ami asked the driver of the ambulance which had brought him to the hospital for ten cents. The chauffeur recognised him and gave the alarm. Nicholson slipped out and the polio had mil found him up to a' late hour last night Mrs. Cavanaugh collapsed when told of her husband's death. SUFFRAGE SPLITS U. OF P. NtndenU Indignant Over ew Hf (rlitlon of Free Mnrerh. pllltgABgUePHUi Dot. 13 The free speeih controversy at the I'nlversity of Pennsylvania threatens hi he revived as a result of a refusal to-day hy Dr. Wal ter T. Taggart to permit the singing of a woman suffrage meeting in Houston Hall. He said that "woman surrrage is a political Issue " I n the few hours since news of t he refusal became pu'olu hundreds of stu- denti have signified their Intention of holding a demonstration on the campus, nnd oai'talii mamUan of the faculty have XPtyaaad their approval of this course. The lUlTrngi meeting U to he held Juet outside the hall. FIGHT BY ON ARMY PLAN understood, w.ll tun over t00,000000. I While Mat ting With the prlmipl.- that large standing army is repugnant. Mr. Garrison hae kept in mind the nuitlbal Ol men whirh a tlrst class Power would ' be able to land in the Unit ad States in j a rmmth, assuming that it Ka'.na control . of t he seas Army expeits are agreed that Powe like Germany, f In control of the seas. J could land at least : men on the . Atlanta- coaat In a month. The Wic department's problem therefore has Ite. n to arrange for the creation of a force adequate to hold such an enem force until volunteer armies could" DO raited. Tlte regular army, the militia and a sxstem f reserve, the latter t he newlx craatadg are counted on to meet the sit uation. Mr. Garrison re.-ommends there fora Increases in the regular army, In the militia and outlines a plan for build ing up a renetxe force. It is understood that . Mr. Garrison's plan calls for the upbuilding of a re serve of 150.000 men. It has been sug gested that the plan contemplates tl three ear service. Secretary Ga rriaon ' also proposed to gix the militia an increased effe -t ix e force of probajbly ISO. 000 men. making tt subject to the control of the War l)e piu'tment when occasion requires. It Is understood, too. that this plan proxides for the Federal Government to bear at least a part of the exprvee of the Na tional Guam equipment. Secretary Garrison. It la said, would 1 nrrea se I he peg ulu r a rm y to 1 '0. tlghtlng men It has now alKnjl men, exclusive of soldiers not Included in the actus 1 flghi tng 'forces. At la ist one entire neW division of lnfantr ten regiment s is t onsidet eti necesaary . to- f'ontinnrtl on Thini Pafft TWO DEER HUNTERS KILLED BY FRIENDS Fatalities .Mmk Opening of Season in New Jersey, Where Game Is Plentiful. Tut. r..l..llll.w t)1:l-Lri lha r ...its n ii , " I esej ' i iiMisasssgj vajxuii in ,-rw jrini-) aattrday. a ninateen3 ear-old iigii chool bo) 11 rtd at a hig buck, The dt .r fell dead and pait of the ogd of buck hOti ftiined high, pas-el over the animal and killed another hunter talking lha same daei . The gaeond death resulted when two friends tracking the fame animal became parted. On mistook the othr for the lecr and shot him The first fatality happened in the W -mouth Paar Wooddi bal ween Ma Landing and tSgg Harbor ahortly hefore noon. Kred Hanaal if May I sanding caught alght or u large buck and flred at It with a shotgun. The deer fell, hut i part of t he charge paaead ovar It. Frank Dixon, as. of Botelvllle. was ntaiu- iiiK the pgtne deer and was onl) twentv ygrde away from it at the tune Hansel hied. The stray phot stinck him in the heart klllln j him Instantly. Other composing the hunting party tan lo the place St the sound of the sun to learn what luck their two friends . had had The- found Hansel bending Over DlxOtl and holding tlie dead man's ' head In htg lap. A physician was sum m 'lied from Mays IggndlUg. bul htl services were n it needed Hansel ggve himself up to the police, hut a jury en I panelled by Corouoi BOW, after hearing the tegtlmony, exonerated him and j brought In ft verdict of accidental death. ; Dixon leaves a family The Other BhOOtlng happened in New ton, n. J, Elmer Lanterman. SO years old, of Greenville, . Y., and AHin Hull ' nf Oreen Villa, with ta 0 other friends, i formed a part) of four which gtarted from Oraanvllle before dawn yesterday 1 morning, lainterman found the tracks i of a deer and fdlowed It in the BtUS I Kldge Mountains, hack of Middle vlllg. Hull was close behind him As they reached a thick patch of un del brush the tWO lOSl Bight Of each Qjther, K few seconds later Hull spied S vague oliject luovitiK behind a hush. He fli ed and l.autei man fell dead without I a sound. Hull was prostrated with grief md gave himself Up to the auth .titles, I 'hut gS tiie shooting was entirely accl- I dental no charge was made against him. I I The two had been chumg for years, j I'lider the Jersey law four dayn SB0 I open for hunting deer In the year. Yes- ' I teiday was the tlrst and the others, I fuiiow at Intsrvals of i week, allowing 1 j hunting OR the laHt three Wsdnesdg) I i in this month and the first in Novemlier Hundreds of spoilsmen took advantage ! f the ehanos to brtng home van Hon ; and the WOOdg were stirring almost be- 1 fore dawn in the upper part of Passat 9, Iteigen. Morris and Sussex counties as ; well as other parts where there arc deer I WOOdeV I Automohllists passing through the sec- i I llOlt between raterson, uroanWOOd UuHi I and Lake HopgtOOflg heard many ghOfS peer have been plentltiil since g year I 1 II... I.,I,..U ),:.,,. Ii,.., U I'..., ...1,1 i .1 nk. hv the nhTn.. i ihe law I h.h llnws I hem to ahnot llher hlleb lor doe or any fawn more than a year .ad. line deer to a hunter is the limit per. m ii i c, I py law anil a iienany oi IOV flue i et for violations. VILLA TO SEIZE RICH GUGGENHEIM MINES QtVM ('omiMtny t'ntil To-morrow to Kooprn SiiH'lters or Lose Thorn. APPEAL TO WASHINGTON! William l.ooh. .lr.. to Protest To-day to Lansing in Bo half of Concern. Foreign Flags Barred Except Over Embassies Spuria 'abl lrip it h tn TM St! Mkxico Citt, Oct. 13, Gov. Lope, do Lara published a decuv t i-day pl-Oh Ibi ting natives nnd foreigners from fixing fon ign Mags fixer aUtO mobiles, residences and bualtteWJ M tabllahntanta, axcaptlng legations nnd consulates, which may always use Hags, and on foreigners' residences and offieff. .in nntiotiHl holidays. The pgnggty for tli-oliclionce is expulsion 'mm Utg country, or a fine of S0 pesos and imprison men; from tbrai tO Itllrty daya, The decree ex plains that the promiscuous and con stant use of foreign flags f..r protec tion as heretofore, is no longer neces sary, ii s the CofiatltUtlonaltatfl are giving? full protection to Uves ami proparty. EL Paso, Tex. Oct. 11 - len. Villa! Issued a decree tod) ordering the American Smelting and Refining ( oin- pany (Quggaithetm property to start up us mines and smelters In the Chi huahua and Santa Kulalia districts by 1 Kfblay or he would seize them and run them himself. . Americans here say Villa can not carry out his threat because powder arms ami other supplies wilt be held up at the bonier, and he cannot operate the mines without powder. The orders are issued by Fidel Avilla. Villa Qovarnor of the state id Chtttua hua. and follow : The America! i gntOltiUg and He fin - Ing Tofnpa ny win start up their Chl hua hua city smelter at once. h I use the former employees, now out of work and staivtng. call for resump tion of operations. The American BlIISlMnfl and Ite fining Company is bete and now told that If it does not start up by OOtOQOr 1 3. Villlets Government ofluials will take It over Immediately and oper ate it for the Vlltlsta ttoYsrnment, put ting the workmen back to work The American Smelting and Refin ing 'ompuny c t un he: told the! f it does not start up operation- at once and retovuixe the pfopoaltlon of tbe Vlltlsta Oo'arnnaam that it accept all confiscated ore the Vllllsta ' b em inent has to otter, the VlltlStS QoV emmenl will take over the smelter in I in hut hua city and all silver and other mines belonging to the American Smelting and Refining Companj in the Santa Kulah.i district. A shipment of powder for Mexico was offered at th Custom House tins morn ing for exportation and w.n niused This is the itrst direct refusal to gccSpl munitions for exportation and it indi cates ttiat arms, ammunition and othsr munitions of war will not be passed to Villa, it is reported that an official request has been made to Washington to have the embargo official!) declared along the border to be effective at once. Uuaymae, the on! neaport "f the state of Snnora, hdd Jointly by the forces of Villa and MayfTen was lakfi loda3 j,v represent :ig 'arr.i nsa. The city war- captured by g combined .. and naval demonstration under com nand of dsn Dlegues Troops w i i Ian tied from t ranspcits und. t tie pin tection of tin nun boa : luerrero. Then lis the troops stormed the city from two Idai t'o- gunboat baaran a bombardineni of the ly from the Gulf, The nari,- soiling force of vtlllsta troop.- remained but a short time gftai the attack opec i. The first Villa Operation against the communications of the Carransa govern" ment following ins anounced poili convincing the world that an anxa cannot control the country took place lo-day in the Uaguua distil, t tear TAir reon. A force f( VllllStaa under Gen Keyes appeared suddsuly south of Torreoi and defeated, according to Villi advh as, a ! force of Carrsnslataa moving In the di rection of S.iu bull POtOOl fol ftod foi the Torre. in garrisons and cltlgsns After , driving the Carransa troop" hack t ie villa force is said to have destroyed 1 1 ii railroad. PROTEST MISt: ShlZUKh'S w.iiiitiit boob. Jr., . ga Laaslag In lli half ( ..UKHenheims. ConQscstlon of mining and smelting pr..,ii -lies iwinn are vaiiici ,i mam rtlea which a million "f dollar and in wlicli the liuggrnhf im arc Interested hftl been threatened by Ueu. Villa, The situation has bscams o pressing 'that Wllllsm Losb, Jr. rspresentlng tiie Uussentielm and tlie A-neti, in gmslttng and lienn- Ing Company, will have a conference in Washington lodsy with Secretary or stale Lanalng Mi Losb explained ai langtli vaster day the dilemma confronting the l!ug genhsims, He said that work on tlie various mlns ami smsltsrs operated by the American Smelting and Refining Compsn) was suspsnded several vvsska ago whsn Americans nrsre warned to leave Meslco by ihe stale department, ! The amerloau at the mines gnd the smsltsrs are ail expert ind without 'iieni tlie properties cannoi Im worked. ; Tlioueand of Mexicans were thrown 'out of Word when the mines closed, i That has angered Villa, who has Issued 1 u decree that unless. thS owners ra:e the plants lie will heiuS them. Wind was received w-esterday of lien. Villa's threat. A protosl was wired Im mediately to Washington anil .Mi l.oel : made an engagement with Secretary Lansing for a conference to-dav M . I.oeh left last night for Washington. Imiuiiy was made ysstsrday of 'big Interests owning minis ami smelters In Mexico to ascertain whether they had bad i an troubls, a reprsssntstlvs of I'holps, Dodge & i n. said the concern OWnsd a copper till lit' ill NaCOSSrl, in 'he Slate I of Sonora, almul seventy-live mills. out of POUglSS, Ari rsau said th ii when l result 1 1 ' Wilsons it that Americans leave Mexico was inibllshcil nil Ihe wives and chll" Co mi unci on SUIh NEW ZEPPELIN RAID ON LONDON; 8 DEAD Heart of City is Again - lin krd hv Homlis From Gtrmaa Alnhlp. CASUALTIES MAY nliow No Public Banding. Hit j Kiros Caused hv Haiders Easily Put Out. hut Ps5fs httpntrh to Tai v. la.vnoN. Off. 13. For the second time in a llttl more than a month -five ( weeks, to be exact- a Zeppe'in squadron Threw bombg into tiie heart of London J lO-nlght, BtgThl persona were killed and thirty-four Injuted, acrorditig to Ihe of fblal cifiualty list aiven out by the Of. filial Press Bureau which stat s cx Prassly, however, "as far s repor:e.l " The offlclol statement says the material damage done S small and thit nons of the public Puddings was damaged. Nevertheless It is possible that when alt details ha e been ascertalne.l they may show that to-night's raid is the . most serious thus far mule upon the City of laoudoii, Surpassing even that of September 7 ami when Zppe1ins m id three su-.-PHSIve raids Upon the Hrl'ish capital within thirty -six hours The total number of casualties at that time, as officially announced on Hop! ember IT, was thiriy-eight kill d and Iff injured. The following statement was given out ! hv the Official liess ltureau tO-nlght J a Bappelln raid oocurrad on Wadnas da) svainlng oirar Mta London area A number of incendiary bombs Serg dropped. The Riatarlal damage done was amall A fOW tires WOra caused. which were quickly sxtlngutahed b) the fire brigade. Public buildings remain d uninjured. The casualties, as far as reported, were two women a d six :nen killed and thirty four injured. Cms eoldter was kilted, the resl were civilians. .von a city or gloom. Ooesaaa gtenri m i.nt ii g Id lilOluee I oinlon 1 1 I I j i r k ii " . OSet'N' CorfttpondeitCi to Tai Six LoKOON, Get. 'J The account of the latest Zeppelin raid on London as given c. the commander of the German air ship has had at least one effect, It lias caused th authorities to take further rfteps toward reducing t.u lights at nigh; in london. An order has Just been Is sued by the Home Sacral try intended to control deftnlteh the lighting if tin Metropolitan District. This order re- ok s all previous regulation. Jt de cree that the intensity of even the In sab- light ina of shops and shop fi outs must be reduced po thai no ni " than a BUbdUOd HkM ll cast in any din lion outside. aii sources of light must . .o screen, d as to tut off all direct hght from w ndoa - and doors. Bright lights in hotels, flats, dwelling bouses and premises musl be ahaded, or windows ecreeued so that no bright light is cast m any direction out si tie. All large lighted roof areas must be covered over, or t he lighting Intensity reduced to ,, minimum The lighting of railway atattons, sid ings and goods yards muat tn reduced to the intensity suffu lent for tie eg fa conduct of bus! nesa there, The gppvr half of tiie globes of all bright lights must ie shaded or painted over Pan sengers in rail way ca rrlages must tp the bimda lowered SO as to cover the window j i.igtits along sny watai t roni must b masked to pn vent reflection upon me Water. The aggregation of M.ties ui it reel markets is prohibited, bu; pro riy screened lights of moderste nowef may be Ugsd I ii i . u li I.IkI! lo I olOil I are. The light of iraina mi umntbusaa must not be more than aufflclen! to tn aide farts to lie collected, ami all lights egCOpI on (tie front and tear must oe covered gor extlngulahed while vroaalng brldgea, The use of powerful lamp- on m tor ami other vehicles la prohibited slvery vehicle must dlspla) during the period between h tif an hour after sun set ami half an hour before sunrlst - lai To tin- front, a wiiiio Unlit visible for a i raaonabls dlstsnci If only u lamp i provided f 't tin purpose it muw be placed on the off. or rlg-ht aide, of the vahtcte. hi To lie a I'd litf h' ISlbtS for a reasonable distance If only one lamp la provided for tins purpose i must be placed on the off. or Hght Side, of 'the Vehicle, a I nl ill sihii a posh. tn that lha red light ll visible at a central burnt Immediately behind the vehicle. So brightly was London lighted before the war that its street lamps alone gave out lights w Inch una lied 0,000.000 candle ppwei In, addition there wet e the sky smnv -hop tronts and fal l& light xdverttse met.te. , The volume of the light! of London all told was not far short of 10,000,000 candle power. Th Ilghta of IsOndOn could he plainly seen trout hill in Hertfordshire, Ks. . Huiray sud Kent a bright glow In the sky Indicated the posit Ion of London I e- iccia i on a da 1 1. night . from a dis tance of fully l went) miles si blS ill Ten Miles. In spit' of a reduction of ghl during the past ten months, eOUSl Ung perhaps . 70 per pent., ihe dull glow of London' Huhls cm Id b. faintly discerned ten roll t from St. Haul's It is .putt eefa 1 lain, therefore, that it could he distin guished ny aircraft. I Now with the tin t he: reduction it 1 ousht not tp be poaalble In dtltlttgulSh . any glow in IhC sky at nlghl The new order means a reduction of at least SO per c ut .m pre-war luchtiug. which means that the diffused light over Tun square miles will not exceed a light" hit; intensity if more than U, 000,000 on tall a power, AIR BOMBS NEAR STRAND. I a bleu rit in PSOSS "ttga)M orre- pontfarat lailleates one or Ittgobi T'lK St'N received from Its correspond" i nt in London the follow ing cabli gram last night : "Myaclf and my home safe t The brief cable message HcemH to It) i dlcato i hat Tim Mpn 's londun oil ices, i which are nn the Strand, as well as the Savoy Hotel, were no! dnmaued hy the Koppalln raiders, hul that bombs were dropped In the immedute neighborhood. French Foreign Minister, M.Delcasse, Out; Premier Denies Spltt in Cabinet Vlvlanl Refuses to Retd to Chamber Letter of ResigllH .IN AGREEMENT OX BALKANS HINTED AT SSeetftSs I ttir ttt-imt' h . Tin Si . PeVfttt, Oct It. -The roslgnstlon of Theophlte I Nil ca see, the French foreign .Minister, was announced iii the Chamber of Deputies this afternoon by Premier VI Via nti The resignation ban been sanc tioned at a Cabinet COtlfsfVltCl held ear lier in the day. I'retuier Vivian! will take the portfolio Of Foreign Affairs The resignation of so Influential and popular a man as m Dalcaaas has caused the greatest stlt throughout the country. In political circles his withdrawal fmt.t office was not wholly unexpected but to the rest of Fram e tiie Snnoimi enn ui was S complete aUfpl las. Late (his evening the I iiamb-'r adopted B resolution of confidence in tlv Government The vote was ? to The Govern men! ecored on) the first vote taken this iftOTnOon on the Social- it pfopoaal that a eacret gaoston be hefd at which the Cabinet ought to give fur ther explanation" regarding the Balkan policy. The propOSgl was defeated hv a vote of 101 to IM, I Itn mtier In I proa r. Tiie session was 1 hen r Bttmodg M Pugilesl Contli s Royalist Deputy, mak Ing a violent SttS k on the Socialists. The Chamber was thrown Into such an uproar that M. I Nachanel, President of the Chnmbe , after many attempts to Indues the ipeskOr to moderste his Ian guage, iusp4 nded the sosalon and or- oe.ed the Officials 10 letlliVe tile dt balers forcibly if they refused to go. Rverybody was compelled to leave the Chamber during tin suspension. The i Chamber of I tepul ;es was in formed by the Premier that M- Delcaaas ti : st offorod hi i eatgnatlon uion his re turn from a recant trip to England, He was dissuaded at that time from press ing the matter, but when the eecond let ter if resignation w.t- received last night the Government decided to accept it. The Premier said thi t there had bee: no discord between M Delcaasc and ins on 1 leagues In the Cabinet respecting the foreign pollcj of Prsnce, but assurance to that etTect were racaivod with rasarva tlon hv the I tepul lei After Premier VlVlsnl had said that there were two letters of resignation there were .ties of "Read the letters!" And "No! No" lire lines lb Head Leltera "NO one rail oblige me tO read thit letter," replied the Premier. "I can affirm thai no itlacord has occurred between the Minister of Foreign Affair ami his colleagues AM tin- decisions i, a ve been taken In perfect accord, and I have nothing more to ngy i the Chamber l v i v ui I'alnleve. President of .he Marine foinimittee, declared he was ntddeneil to hoar the i ramler Indicate iin wiled languags a divergence between t the Cabinet nnd Its Mlnleter foi For sigh Affairs, li said. "Speaking .n the ii unea of both Gen. ' lioy a and I SOI g Ls) gUS, presidents of ihe Army ami the Foreign Affairs committees, i want to know if the Gov ernment has taken all neceoaary precau j tlonj for the luccess of the iialkan ex pedition ? MWe should long a ti t v khowu our strength to the Balkans, As fm back as AusTUsl -T, knowing of tha concentration of ' I rman troopa, ws In I vlted Ihe Government to t. ike the ncea sary steps to f the Dardanelles and enter ronatantlnople. What has been done since that time? VYI y were not the necassarj moasuros taken IVow we want to know if everything ; ready. i "France ha1 taken some engagement a that -he cannot deny It is therefore simply i question or coordinating our military rfforta in ordei to spate the ; blood of out soldlsrs." Premier Vlvlanl i ate to reply and be gan to saying he did not wish to sss the debate degenerate "political I pugilism." "France ii ttoaje," "i understs nd why t he Chambcf aulu mitu questions," hs continued, "but neither lore nor anywheie else where the Interests Of France are not alone I In question is it poaslbls reply to every Interrogation no matter how lsgitlmate. Ths tlovernment has no longer the right nor the pooelbiltt) '. of explaining mltltnry nnd naval plana i of gn expedition Undertaken i" common With out allies It appeared t us im possible to let Ksrbls be asaasalnated either irom in front ,T from behind. 'Faults have lieen committed, but the Government haa not only ,. take into account the suggestions of commtsalous, ii must liIso arrive at an understanding with Its allies. If WS Were una hie to act quicker, it was because our action wa subordinate to other duttea, Ve. intervention was nocossary, but in aocord with tin General staff ami ' without forgOtl ng the essential duty . without weakening the French from. Corns What may. It is on tin- French ti Dili thai the decision vv ill rest. We knew we were not weakening out front When we went to Sulouii-u. (he laiuriist aas matte ami continues, hut it ii undesirable to state the exact military strength, Phe Government gives formal assurance that the naval and military plan! acre prepared care fully ami methodically hy the general tatTa of t he Allies, and in so far as pre pa rat ion is concerned they Were In perfect UCCOfd ami believe the result B Will be BUCOSSSfUl "Then what do you wan' ' ll is time to speak clearly and only m public ae tlon i ' have i right io bring here diplomatic or military ss rets, foi i hold Ihsm from cliaucellsrloa which con tide them to the Government io be uaedi bill not 0 be i eve tied " It is general I said thai M Delo. ims,' realguetl because of ill health hn ughi on hy the cures of office Duiiug the last live .lay , M. I ndcasse having been away from hla dealt because of lllneaa, Premier Vlvlanl has been dlreiulug lbs foreign gfTulrS of France. REGRET IS' LONDON. Henluiifttloii BeVlvOa lroinnl for rOafereuee f II I tea Lom.on, Oct. in. The resignation of . i - l Lw gaV HNe $'v BsVSk. sWfeaa aaX'l sBBBsHBsv sBLH Thcophilc Dclcassc. M. I elOtO . hM created pi eaalon and much l gn profound Im n ofltclal t ti ¬ les h.-re. 1 1 if! known I hat his health has been bail for some time and thai th" imprisonment of his son In German) has caused him deep depression. M, Delcaaaes resignation and ths Bal" kan situation have revived the project advanced recently, but rejected, for an ambastiadortal conference of the allied Powers to li- held either tn London, Paris or IV'.og'ad Ii is the idea that the varloua questions and policies con fronting the allied Powers might thus be dealt with Immediately. In support of the proposal, it ,s pointed out thai aueh a conference worked ad mirably inning the Balkan war. It la gem rail: felt that there Is grave need of closer cooperation on the part of thp lint nte Powere. WILL PLEASE BERLIN, He lea sss OVoa Furred i'rm t'ablnel in itiOA n Gersaau Tbreat Theophlte Deicaasea raslgnatton of ' the post of .Minister of Foreign AffOIrt in Fiance a il be hailed at Merlin In the light Of a victory ami will be C3T respond I ngly regretted in Rn gland snd ' nan Icularly In Russia. Bmpsror Wilt lain waa eg Jubilant In June. IS05, ovet the downfall of i his dlmlnut ivs but : maeterful statesman, after eleven years of office, that he Blguallsed the event bj bestowing the title of Prince upon his then ChanciUor, Count Bemha i X von Hueiow. Tr view of the fact that by reason of the W ar t lie disappe.'. - I snce of Delcaaae from the political j Sreti i at this partieutar Jimeture ls n 1 event ol Immeasurably grestor lmpot- a nee. it la quite 00 the cards th:t the Katser maj commemorate t ly conferring s princely coronet upon his pi esc i t I Mi. i nee! Ir, von B t iitnarri Hollweg Delcaaae, aho owing to his amiltj itature and hta phonomanal Activity haa been nicknamed by his count; men "L. Pou" I which may be euphein ii call) i i nets ted m The Pisa, the French comic papers uauall) rap -seining him .i nich in caricature, Is one of the chief authors of the Anglo. French Kntente and enjoyed In s vary marked degree the confidence ami warm friendship of Bdwnrd VM. with whom he cooperated in the negotiation of the understanding between their respect' countries and in bringing about th.- ii lat Ion nf Germany. 1 le is an sv?n still greab r favorite of tin- Csar, sml it was during hla atg) at Petrograd on the spe.;ai invitation of Bmpsror Nicholas, from the early summer Of 1913 to the late aprtng tif tot 4. th .1 t hs a r a use menl r a ere perfecteil t . the united action of France ami ItU si i in tin pi eeent groat International conflagration. i hn m pinned ausa or t . s, Hoi a in AmerU a he i ramembe l, It any rate m oAlclnl ctrclos it lVaa!l Ington, as having championed the cou?c of tin- tinted States m b r vv r With Spain and as having In his capacity xi Minister of Poretgn Affairs pro vented his Government snd his couiu t rymen f i om giving an) xsslstsncs to Spain. Dslcaase has many blttei foes, no only In Berllti, but even i( Palis, and II la quite possible thai his resignation may bo due to ma meu 1 1 ' on thslr part. He does not stand wil with the Rothschilds and with the Jewish haute finance in Prunes, who say thai he has made to many coneesstona to Fluaata and b is contributed is thing to the ame lioration of the lot of the Jt W s.lbje. 1 to ths CaaFs rule. Kveu Catholic and I rotestfl ni Hnanclera In Prance ore dis posed to condemn Ii ; leanings t iward Russia a1 being excessive and hold him to a graal sxtena responsible for t e ,-oiossai amount of French money loaned to tin- ixara Government: mvne un w ha ll no Interest has been paid in France since tits beginning of ths war, this constituting a blow thai has fallen aim st entirely in Preuoti Invoniora. it must be borne t:1 mind that much If not moat of these billions of djllgra wrc loaned b Prance tn Russia dur ins the years when Delraase was in coi 1 1 oi of the foreign retatloitB of Praia e as Minister f Korelgu Affairs h Perls. Foe uf Radicate, it la also possible that the reslgnuUon of Deli ssse m t have been sboui h his Rail lea I toes, it is the bete noire of the Radical party, winch retains a majority In tiie i number of Deputies, .M Delcaaae is t hs champ. on in Prance of resistance a out ranee ll will need much patriotic gasurance tn ihe part of premier Vlvlanl lo convince pro p in France and abroad that 1ecasses retirement dtas not mean any departure from this policy, lines before the Cab ire: to w hloti he belonged Jettlsoi ed him it was in Ho:, in order lu avert i threatened war with Herman.1. FOR RUSSO-JAPANESE PACT. l i U II do's (,io e en in e ii I v g H m Ha nee I one Hided HUUSJ OS PuasllllOi kgeeiuJ ' gA iVrSgWifcA 'li . LosiHiv . uct. t i. Ths correal leni of the tfot.s g I'etrograd telegraphs th.u the Foreign i mi is informed thai Japan w lahes v havi ths prapgrutory w ork for Hn- iicgot i . ion of a RuseO" Japanese1 it Ilia nee o be concluded as peed;ly as pnaellds 11 Is rumored that a high Pnrelgn iMHcc nMclul is short I) gnlltS In .1 a pa 1 1 I or lg mil nose i.lti:l til X It sI'KIM. un.u. I 4d b0 thS mra ol ill g ' t StOpptrSg liottlct BULGARSHELD, TEUTONS PUSH BACK SERBIANS AiitinOermniiM Orciiny Town Ten Mllea Houth nt' Memenilriiii W Mi l)K( LAIf ATlnN AT SOFIA REPOHTKD Xew CommaiMler of Army Recnllri to Bulgnr "Fop'i TreiiclippJ RESISTANCE SLIGHT, RERUN DECLAIMS Sny s Advniieo of hivnilein Is Interfered Willi tn sniiill Degree. SfjsJ raftli feVsgoicJl fs Tai Ii i IONpt.N. let, 1 S. The uti o-Oei msn armies Serb. a w In h croassd the Danube at Bentendrta snd Itam, east of Betgrada, srrlved nl Pooarovac, ten miles south of the frontier yeotofday. Fresh advances WOTS male south ot Belgrade, wuers the village or RaiesnlH and the heights to ths eaai were lakeUg aocordtng ths ofllclal German state ment of to-day. Unofficial ad vi. i Rome lndt cats that Ihe Italian nrc glmut to send an expeditionary force ti aid the Mon tenegrins In an Invasion of Bosnia a'd Heruegovina The attitude to 1"' RfM SUtned by Italy, however, .s still a mat tor of uncertainty, other report" ! ! ona Home di .taring that tin- Itallat a are unable to Hpai e t nwips for an ov1 se.. i expedition. The Doflp .t".',-. correal ten) al ss ionic i telegraphs thai fully equipped Bulgarian aoldlers have de sertsd neelng tn o Rumania. The correapondent -obis that the that Fremh Infantry Reghneul started for Serbia from galonlea lo I The rail road after crossing Ihe Merb,an line ie spanned h triumph) 1 sri lo - im i ied "Long Live Prance! Wclconto!" fit-s! i lighting of a vigorous cha a 'nr occurred yeoterday along th Montane g. in border, says a It" it. .1 sp.t'ch. ths Auetrlans aavumlng thi orlenalve, They again attempted to croas the In m. but ate reported to have been repulsed with iieav y losses. An Athene despatch say s the Mulga ruins yesterday tiegaii a fresh onTeuslVO against the aVrblane ui a p..i n . south of Zair mi . The Invadera were roputaod according to tin despatch, and falUnl to take tiie Serbia 1 1 poaltlona for which tuejr O'er e a t r I v I ng mo n atale me o i . Th.- Herman Wai i fti. . ilcmei ro ssctiug the Baikal low V . dll) vv a1- a - fotJ The resti statin tf thi perblans wag sufflclcul io h .id up only slightly our forward movement. South of Uelgrado ihe Villttgs of fttlexnik and the heights east of the village on both sides of Top-id. irska, wore storniod. Attacks upon poxurevAv arc cons tlnulng favorably, The Ktsigan vac GrailiSte road hns been crossed In a souther!) direction. The following ofllcliil slab neiu Issued In Nish covers th. opera Hone of i i.-tobei- 1 1 and ihe nlghl of kdobef 1 1 -1 : i the l lauube front lighting ou cur red south of Gradisis and south W esi of steiW ml Via Sen ' U'll la V :i evui Uated. In tin direction of ihg village of i.ipa. near sWmendtia, a tierce engagement was fought Tho enemy succeeded iii Oi.'1'upylus, Llpa but at heavy cost There haa boon no ac aittce Ho- en, niv had such heav y Ingsi - -hg bwttlefleld Is covered uiih hodfiva, The enemy a ISO attacked neai Hel grade at silks, Mokrl, laug I id Ton rink Greek foree are retairtetl from At tens to have been sen! ton r.i t m Hulgarlan frontlet to drlvi out i a idlng i irtlj Greek trooiB were receutl) v i nlrawu from the Hulagrlan frontier in preve the KJSslbllit) nf a coiitli i Tin ii lb , I art ice are said lo havi i iossed in lo Greece a point adjoining Serbian ter riiorj A Soti i despatch sg lhal ihe i i - lei .a I nap'; SlIt'QttHl P'lll irtlllS 1 1 s I ol low Ing - eai Hid"-, .oicn k Mogsbo "' 4 Ueibluu Iroops without a i-i n tgckeil OUI ici'.'es. In rep I) lo this bwl Imii pruvoi nt ton our troois, . i o d o defend themsalveM the urtfl captured gfter u sharp conHM the height of Kltkii. in Mei'blun ti rrltoi . . Thi light lug l isted from v M until HI' M The pr asnca of Austio-Gerinaii Irooiig .n Poaarevoc, ten miles isskiw tin Auss tto-Hunu ii Ian frontier, Is in- tuusi im port mi mllltar) news front tin- Balkars to-da) Poxgrevac i a Uttji east the railroad w h ich i uui ogti gemendrls ' liana, tweuty-dvc n i. -south, where li meets t he ina line of the Urleid lailway film III .w cm. A despiiich lion Nisi eas lhal lbs Uulgar- who (rossed into Se ban leri tory MlUth ol' oi.-ar vv . ihiVi back by tin Ser li oel ore t n. wore t oh lu littrsiK'h. The correspond! ui "i 1 i - Ituchnrcsl telegraphs Hi tnc It lis 1 U US opened hostilities ill I M Uctoiwr u b Ignnburil i h -lion trams. A Sofia dt sp itch to-day. - ,y . ijeti ,le oil, the neW coait.i n tiiig the Bulgarian f mblressuii . n ,. - of the day to ti unit) rr 'li ne: ihi victories of Hulgu am forcei in t lu tn -Italkan war Uiul saying thi' C) W di'prlvsd the brnetlts of their gchievi illenls "by the I;im n loUM 14" 'IS of ui i tic my ' Klnu s sns l iili ruty, I Frou n Prince Mui is hua been qotalts I to duty al the gSllurgl he.iduuarlers and i rune Cyril, sc nnd son uf King Perd - i I