Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. rwrythlns ami everybody, Induillna the Situation whlrh Jim now In no delicate. ii xid Hit- Qovarnmsnt w merely piittlnn oft Ihe evil dy when It would he compelled lo misa-sr. lie urged that the new dtVSloprnentl In the llalkann Kiive the I loveriimeiit an opportunity of kcIIIiik out of Ills unfortunate venture at the, Iianli.nellea with proper dignity. "ne searched in vain through the care fully chosen word of Sir K'twurd tlrey in nil speech In-fore the OOHUnOIII for even a migirrstlon of insurance that i he Itatkan nienace in to he dealt with Vigorously. It wax Impossible to nattier that a definite policy of union has heen determined on. ".Serbia," Mid the Foreign Secretary, ' in now moating the new erlfll with plandld courage" "Cooperation by the Itusstnn troops haa been promised M x.xm ax they are available. l'he Allies are noting In the closest consulta tion," Ac. There were few sentences fr.nn which one might draw the Inference that some thing, no mutter what, Ix to be done 09011 Al one poitd. while speaking of Oreece and Serbia. Sir IJ Iward liny said It M obvloux that the interest of thexe two coantrlaa are one In the long run, and i hat they muxt aland or fall together Front ihli it would appaar that tue tiov- ornmanl docs not exiiect a hostile attl tude to be xhitwn by Greece. It ii inn ii In la Krlendlj. The present relations of i Britain with Rumania at least are friendly. Thle the Foreign Secretary inserted posl tivaly. That country, he aald, la favor aide to a policy which will promote agreement between her neighbors and hax revealed a readineaa to promote tha aama policy which the Allies have pur sued. In opening lux aildreax Sir l'Mwnrd i;rey aald he did not propose to touch Upon recent criticism of lUa diplomatic pot Icy. but would online hlmaelf to the Objool of that K)llcy In the Near Kiiat. He than prOCOOdod to review In outline the Malory of eventa In the B. ilk. in peninsula allies the opening of the war. If Turkev had remained neutral, he the Allien would have ewrn that Turkey anil Turkish territory ahoulil not eilffer at the clone of hoatllltlea. The Allies, had been ready to do all In their jmwer to obtain .oncaauion.s for Hul gOlia. Hill the ential preliminary to iiny nuch course waa. he raid, a Bul garian alliance wtth the Kntemte PoatOfa. Now that Bulgaria Iwia de clared hrraelf on the aide of Inn German It la too much, be aald. to uxk tha Allies to believe that Mulgui la waa in duced to enter the war without promleeo of aggrandtiajiiaRt. The Foreign Secretary told hla auditors that whatever action i decided upon will lie hatied on the "soundeat Iratagy." The atruggle for all, ha, is tlie right to live without being under the shadow of l'ruesian milttarlam, which will not observe the ordinary rules of humanity in war or leave others free from the menace of oppreenion. mtlaion In Balkans. In explanation of the Balkan payohology he said that at the begin ning of the war the feeling there Ivad been one of division Khcour.Lgtng Hs bcttH'.on, he went on. Is easier than soouring a policy of union, it ansa on the principle "f dissension that the i'kiv- srnmsnts and sovorolgna of Qsrroafty, Austria and Bulgaria had worked and thev had won. There was one revelation, one. how- ver. which has been hinted at liefore, in Sir Udward's address. It was trait With the exception of territory In Thnice 1 1n. Oontml POSfOI'S had offered more to Bulgaria tli. m the Allies had felt that the) COttld In fairness lo the other Bui lt. in gtatSS offer on their side Al the outset of the war, he aald, the Qovsntntsnts of the Bntsitts had dsatrsd to prevent the war from spreading tn the Halkuna, Isst ths sssumpuon of arms by Ihsr Balkan Slate should bring the lest in Its arake i'or a time Turkey bad resisted tin- Uerman prssoura, but wiun Turkish ships were forced by Ger man officers to fire on Russian vsaasla all obligation on the part of the Allies toward Till key ended. 1 1 was aniiouuced in the House of Commons flint the total British canal. lias at tli, bsrdansilas up to October 9 had been ll.Stt, ' 'f Ihese. It, 111 were Australians. CALLS SPEECH JEJUNE. I I Hit" i) h lilMiiil.rnti Ion K& Ul In til IliiHrtrrs. bft&il ClbiS I'f t Tin. Si . IeOMsi.s, Oct 15 I Kiiday). Tha Tim I, Which i t he foratltOal f tha Oovarnntant'a trttlca, tii-st-rib ih apaocta f Hir Rdward Gfay Mnitu- l uly Ji )u;h. 'I'll'' iii ir ti iifWH Ith at lack n I lf Jo i'iMn-tit atwl doll rv tiiat dkMAltofaoCton with attttajiton i vdu . g,nd ihi evi'iit.i eraataf 'l i MM.- Ill .ill 1)11.1 1 llTK Brttlah diplomacy, ami t K0neru1 conduct ! tha war. the .iiir I fit era tr h. want oh vm on a iwl ti rv t ion. it a felt Bverywhr iiiat the tru itory of the I 'ii rfl.un -lies exjitMln ion m Viei-oin- Ins a metter ol common knowiire and It in not a tMury t hat i wIoiiimIh to tho OffOdll OI I hour who iir r rMpOflStblt, The DnUy AfoiJ declnree that .ir KM ward Qreyfl ipoech will make a tn heorwniiMi InipfeMlon thioushoui ttus ountry. "lie Mill HppMfl to he uia -oiiboltiuf," Mtyi thin peper, "of the fact that he hu any niitituKeH to RpolovlM tor. Yet the .-low wUteilnetfH of HritiHii lialkan dlplo mwy mutt be patent to verybody uni m Brlllih diplomacy is ho Miuratod with tne truditnjii that bo long an it etraifht forward nd dlynlfled poihlni is tit br ex tiii. " I iut in crucial time like then flrm neU aiid energy ure nMdtd Thi l''ot- eiKii Office has placed our military Hrategy at a .eiioub dlaadvantast' CARSON DENIES HE RESIGNED. London HrleeH ir. Irlid To. tint That rr. inlt r Wouldn't A-eit. fpeofaJ 6Wi4 fttaattW to Tub Iok taiONPONj Oct H Sir fid Waft) I'iiman i.ats dafllad the report, widely ulri'uhited, that ha had raaleToad from the OftMttat The rumor was Htarted Tuenday when it WtU le.irnd thai hu lud heen nheent from a lontr aaMlOn f t)ie Ouhinet. LtLler euhMaiH-e Ht-erned to bo riven rtiis. ' iito.iP tiv llu lai-l t h.Lt .iiiii, i: t.hi ksv. i moii bo had been ilttlns in an .nij.i. . i.t iiouho diattini w ith two frlende. At t he COnclleWotl of t he ufKinn S. i i.dwar.i Geiwon pacaived a rnaaaaJN firn Iri-mier Asiuith. It ih now belle veal i i. a he tendared inn replantation, and that the Premier rafuaad to aoept it, GERMANS TO AID BELGIANS. To ' for I "toil 4 roi iinil ;ie I h in lo . iiit i it un 4 oniinUnlon. KaONboN, Oct 14. Tha (lartnan Armjrj hi iff in the aaat and went Ktandara I .one tiaa n included an a rrangenifiit ' with tin American Relief ( -omntlaalon by which 100,00(1 Halglan civilian! in that dlatrlci win be provialonad. The Qtrmaii author it tat have requi n tioin d at hM-d prti aa t he re real and root crops and wilt hand ihoui over to ha cuminiaalon for equal dlatrlbutlon. -Taj fuftgtamtlttople1 - l and. ftpecJaJ ( gOita DaapalrA to Tai Sts. I'ahih, Oct, 14. -7'ge Jimnml gg ;e baii in an adltortal todtty o;- -i tint 'lu- allied foroea whleh art going to the 4U 01 Scihia mg) atrlke for ('mietaji- tlnople if they ahould he unable to pri w nt tin- .- u:' i roi larmana and ituigur iatui ft 'an penetrating ihrough Btrbia lour grit lab bblpa WaaVa Talli Saeal t aald brmmivh tn Tuk IQ luDNj Oct, II y0Ur Uritlah mer mi 'tn wcra nun It or raptured dur i',: 'm.- week endud October 13. it was "li'.ally anounoad tOtay. The number i Anhau and vaUinga ;us 1,001. TEUTON DRIVE HELD UP BY SERBIAN RESISTANCE Advance Makes Slow Progress at Heavy Cost in Men Italy Likely to Send Troops to Balkans Greece Reserves Final Decision. .spmal I ablt Dtspatvh to Ths Si s. London. Oct. 14. Hoth tlis dsrman and Austrian War ufflrsa announceil to day thai iirnKrsss wax Dtadi In their ad vance Into Msihla, but the fa. -is as ds- i ..... .. in iut- i aepevsiTe siaieiiimus un nui Paraa a rapid ailvanrs. In furt, they I imlirutii Just the oiipusltr, n very slow forward movement made tn faOS of furi ous mid effective resistance hy the. Serbs From llerlln It Is learned that I'oiare vac is practically envelntied. This town Is ten miles south of the Austrian fron tier and is a little east of the branch railway Which, runs south from Semen drla to Plana, twenty-live tulles distant, where It connerts with the main line of the Orient railroad The Uertnaji official statement yesterday said the advaucs guard had artneil I'.izarevac. The Vienna stati -lit to-day says that proaress has been made south of Bel irrade and that on the lower Prlnu, on the northwestern frontier of Serbia, the Serbians have been driven from some of their trenches. Tha Herniary have assumed tha of fensive uaainst the KulRarlaua and have entered Mulgnrtun territory at several points. An unnffVlal despatch from Sofia contains this news. It says that on Octolier 2 the Serbians crossed the frontier and attempted to occupy the helfhta of KorltsUa, lilava and Ilaao vatls. but were repulsed and these heights were occupied by Bulgarians. Srrbs I nsnreessral. On the night of October II the Ser bians unsuccessfully attempted to take strategic 1 points commanding the Sofia road by a surprise attack. They were driven hack. Fighting continues. The (Jerman official statement respect ing the Serbian campaign says: our troops continue to .idvance south of Uelgrads. The works on tho west, northeast and eoutheast fronts of I'o sarevac. which are of a fortified char acter, have been taken. The Austrian official statement was aa follows: Our attacks are proceeding every where in spile of most severe resist ance on the part of the enemy. I n the l-.wer Prln our troops ejected the enemy from several trenches. South of Belgrade we capiuted Stubbornly contented antage points. Serbian counter attacks always failed, with ver hsav losses to the enemy. It seems probabla now thai Italy will take action in support of Serbia l'he French Premier, M, Viviani. announced in ths Senate to-iay that Italy in all likelihood would take part tn the ll.ilkan ops rati otia A despatch from Home says that Premier Sal.iiulra returned from the front to-day and immediately oonfSrrod with the Minister of War. It is ex pected thai a Cabinet council will be held without dslay. Premier Salandra went 10 the from a fe days ago to submit io Kiim vi. tor Rmmanusli it is believed. .1 plan for Italian COOpsratton m the Dardanallaa. mi its 1 1 si salon Ira. Ft.. m Athens ii is learned thai Dsn. Sarrail, commander In chief of the French forces In the orient, arriyed at Salomes yesterday. The civil nnd mili tary authorities are said to have ex tended a cordial welcome t. him. A Merlin despatch says the Forestall PUbllahsd a retiort that llaly has tJC cuplcd tWOlVS Islands In the eiisten. Mediterranean. It is undaratood that Oreece has made formal protest against tins action Martial law was declared al Balonloa Tuesday, says a despatch from Athens, and the tlrssk forces have la'en Com l. lien Mosohomowloa In com mand There, to aaluts the Fri'tic-h and British officers. A similar order has been issued Ii; the alllsd Insips in rs- giird i.. sniiiiing ths ilrsett officers A Bucharest despatch says that the Russian" hays withdrawn 'he troops massed along Hie Rumanian frontier iii Bessarabia and are now concent rating them at Odssas witn a view to sending an sxpsdltionHry force against Bulgaria y way of t ne Black Sea An Athens despatch Wi lhat the See the Mil hniu Tlrr Bulgarian legation received official news I rum Sofia to-day that n Serbian column had been attacked by the Bulgarians near Ktistendll and Twi. Seventy Serbs were killed nnd 101 wounded. Bulgaria declared war on Serbia at 8 A. M October 14, the despatch udds. After the newn that two Bulgarian divisions had crossed Inlo Serbian ter Itory reached Atlwns the Serbian Min ister there called on Premier Zaimla nd asked what ilreere's attitude would e. The Premier reserved a. delnlte re ly, but aald that lireeoe would main tain armed neutrality for the present, eaervlng flnai decision until further de velopments. BULGARS SEE SEW ERA. Occupation of feded Turkish Ter ritory n noil need In Mofla. UptCial Cs6m1 Drspatrh f TllK Si v. London, Oct. 14. The following of ficial statement was issued at Sofia to day by the Bulgarian War Office: The ceded Turkish territory haa been entirely occupied by the Bul garian authorities. F.nver Pasha has telegraphed to Foreign Minister ltadoslnvoff aasurance that Turkey OSded the territory with a profound belief in the continuance of Turco Bulgarktn friendship The Sacrifice of the ottoman Gov ernment, which was conscious of main taining good relations with Bulgaria, marks the inauguration of u new era in tlie Balkans. GREECE RATTLES SWORD K Inn nym, llowfirr, ouDlrr Mrnaure i Nation. Atiienb, OOt 14 "'Oreece n merely loosening her eword it itn Hiibhtrd,' i. k Tonst inline Bald In an interview to-dny. "She menaccH n nation, but Mie eannot allow her integrity or the freedom uf Greece to be menaced. " The King aald he hoped to be able to fulfil till duty of ke ptltg hie coun try out of the war at all hasardt1. AUSTRIANS DRIVEN BACK. Kalian Smy Two OltrimlTrri Met With lleav y loOnae-. pri(i( Cubit ittopatrh to Tun !rw. ROM k. Oct 14. - The War Office ia Iliad the following at. item nt 0nlahtl on tin liengll ( Monte Nero region i on the evt-ning of otoler 1 J eneniy datach rntfltg attempted an irrutlon HKainat our approaches. Tha attempt failed with heavy losse.- to th attactt ern. un the Carao plateau in the after noon of ( ) tidier 12 t he enemy, after violent artlllarj and rlfla tti', acoom panit-d by the throwing of nunteroui ha tid ffanadati attacked out poalt mips east of Stonfalcone, owing tn the firm ft. i ml and the effl'Nielou Are of our tfOOpg the enemy's infantry retired in dtsnrd'-r. leaving many dead, and a!io aome priaonari in our hands. REPULSED AT TOLMINO. A Ir mm Hfiria I'nllure of Itallnii t tn i' k on Hrl i!h ' d . Viknna, via Amsterdam. Oct. 14. Th Aunt nan War ( M5o lasueat to-day the following report of oieralion n the Italian front : Vigoroua artillery fire troni guns of heavy gnd meiliuni oaHbfa araa lngm yaatiirflg) aftamoon ag.ijn! the plataaU f Uifraun ApraniKt eOlHi aactore along the front in th- poaatal district enemy grtlllery alo deveiopwi Inoraaaed activity Attempts of Italian Infantry to ap- proaoh Orelu and t h biidiohaad at Tot ml no aera reputeed i u the noft haaatam iort ion of the Dotaardo plateau our tirr forced the enemy to evacoata pfaclpttataly hie advnnoed dugouts Brrlla B offer a i r hmcU of i 1 1 u . Hkrmn via Amatardanii Oct, 14. Milk carilgi aim liar to thoae uaed early in th raar In the dlatrlbutlon 'f bread. iua be intfoilui ed here as ti n suit of tha ihortaeTa of milk .-apply In Berlin. MICHELIN ANNOUNCES The New Universal Tread Casing A real advance in Tire Making In this New casing all the long-wearing qualities that have made Michelin (Racing Type) Flat Treads world famous, are combined with the superior life and resiliency that have always characterized Michelin Plain Treads And in Addition -the tread of this New casing combines in one tire all the non-skid qualities of both the raised or studded tread non-skids and the so-called suction-tread types. llko mil MUhtHn Tin: ( Nmw Untvowml 7 r.J ii mW in One Oumllty Only- Th New Universal Tread Casing at Nearest Michelin Stockist fuiiipsiif-arssdasf st Stb suset RUSSIANS TENACIOUS IN GRIP ON DWINSK Fiyliiiim' II mil to Keep Firm Hold of the EmittM Railway Ontro. GERMAN GAINS ARE FEW T.oNtKis, Oct 14 In the lighting thut has been a-oinff on for many weeks now S rOUDd DWIIWlk the point that Is essen tial for yield Marshal von IlindenburB to reap the full fruits of the control of western llussia's railway system, the '.er man War Olllce to-day claims local suc cesses west and southwest of llluxt. which lies due west al Dwinsk, on the DWtnsk-Iilhau railroad. This claim, however, ia followed Im msdlataly by tho statement that Itus sian attacks west and southwest uf Hwlnsk were repulsed, whli'h shows the t'sar'n troops continue to keep up their offensive with the ohject to hold t'wlnek at all islds. Moreirver. the Ttusslan offlcial state ment asserts that the defenders of the iiwinsk approaches, after baatlng down (ierman attacks, took the helshls north west of the uiiuge of gchloaahsrgi west of llluxt. Both sides assert headway In nshllntc In eastern Oallcla. The official stntement Issued by Herman War ofll. e Ihia afternoon lows : Army gfOUB of Meld Marshal Mlndonblira West and southwest Il'.uxt we threw the enemy out of an other poltton and took Hon prisoners and three machine guns. Ilussian at tacks west and aouthwest of Owinsk were repelled. Army groups of PrlltCS Leopold and Hen. von l.lnsiruren There Is tvith Ing to rejport. The troops under Oen. Count von Bothmar captured Halvorsnka, south of Burkanow (In eastern Qallcla) and dmvs the Ilussian bai k oer the Hirypti. RUSSIANS AGAIN BEATEN Fourth (nark ear Birksnsw lie. nnlaril h natro-tiermana. Viknna. via Amsterdam. Oct. It The War Office Issued the follow nig statement to-day regarding operations against ltuss:.i : Near Hurkanow. on the gtrypa "east Osllcla), the fourth Itusslan attack waa rrpuUed by Austro-i ierman liat taHOflS, otherwise there were no lin- isuiant svsrrts in the north sast, FIGHTING FOR DWINSK. Bappellaa aallvoi llaai lrtlllavi HuaalniiH Mf Hatllr I Itajfcaejf Mutual ' aafa frttpat-pa t i hi si PafaooaAD, la London Qeneral staff laaued the , trt. 14 - following -The otti- Clal report lo.nlgbi : , Uarman aaroptane h.ia dropped aeveral bomiia on the Rama rah Ftii a .i Una north of Krtadrlchatadt. In tha region if Jacobatadi the ar I n tan littery (Ire ha- laaed Ii Ity in aome ptacta, On the nigiit of the llth Zap palln droppad about Hftj boanba near Dwlnak, Mo one wan injured. On the DWtnatt front there haa been .in artlllarj dual on t'1' road aouth of Bchloaabafgi whieh aa captured yesterday. Obatlnatg lighting run- t Inuaa A at unborn engagement, in which both aider, are attacking, la alao in prograaa naar the village f Bprou- gUtna and In the Vtclnlt) of the v.l- iage of Qarbounovka. i ti tha Una of the i temtnen and preawtat) lakati daaultory uttacka by the anam) have met with no auc reen. The art : Her duel- nonttnua have BOCUplad the village uf Khroplne), aouth of Novel, on the i'i ii-t Kiver tin the loft bank f the Str. north Of U.ifal'A ka. our cavalry Cgflad the KalUedlna farm. in 'iaiicia. on the Htrypa front, the a nanny at aeveral polnta aaaumad the tffinai ve w it bout Mic ce X'i'deiit fighting ie taking place around the vlHaaraa f Banlav and Uavoroaka and aeat of Tremhovln on tha Cauoaalati front the effort f TuraHtih aootita to gat paat our ad- m 'Fbsae Circle t vaneexi floats continue Without success In the i-oaat reirlun. Our ndvnii e rta have repulaed the Turks with rifle fire and Itarsl sretmdes. in the sector of the lowsr Ottl lilver and the vlllajre of Sivratchny. iniuUiensf of I ,n ke Tortiun, there have heen skirm ishes between patrols. Neur VftStan I'nss, on the eoullmrn side if Ijake Van. we nnnlhilaleil a TurlCsh dsksch" inetit, with Itn oftlrers. Ilnv'a Rrlllah l.nasea ft.nao. bipedal ( able tHnpatch to Tiir Si v. i.oniion. not. i4 The British casualty lists for all fronts published to-day con tain the names of 11 offtoSPS, of whom slxly-tnree were killed, and 2,SiI men, of whom 4T.2 were killed. lOf whom 4fi2 were killed. many WW prohahly declare war on tho i Get out of the buzz class in writing your letters! THAT'S the class you are in if you still have your letters written twice once in shorthand and once on the typewriter. You buzz the buzzer and wait. You feel great you are going: to turn out a day's mail full of "punch." So you press the button and wait. Then your stenographer comes in. Maybe. Provided she is at her desk, or where she can be reached, and providing she is not already taking dictation from someone else. But admit she does come in promptly. All right - Off to a good start. Just a minute, you're going too fast. Well, you want to go fast, that's the way you think. Or, the stenographer didn't catch "that last sentence." You repeat -and before long you are repeating again, or slowing up. You begin to lose your snap. Your ideas begin to jumble, because you are interrupted so much and so often. And your dictation isn't like what you thought it was going to be at all. Thousands of other alert, keen business men have gotten by that sort of thing. Now they dictate as fast as they want, as much as they feel like, and just when they want to. They dictate to the Dictaphone. Arrange for a demonstration in your own office on your own work. Call Worth 3043 -the Dictaphone. Or, tear oft n. n,. .,, - , , this little call card, pin it on your letterhead and mail it to ' ' us. Do it now, while you think .... J .Wi7e M ot it. THE rr.,T,inriM. n 1 1 1 n i P n M 1 1 1 1 , aaiT,' ni l MTHM I ! ' 1 nil ' 1 M 1 1':! I HI !! 1 IH 1 ,iTT lllllllllllllllll lllllll IHI Will Willi 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 ! I U I II I nTTTTiTnTlTnTll nTTTT I mrm m nTTTT IMilill BRITISH MAY SEIZE DR. DUMBA'S VALET P.issriioops Siiy Knvdy Vvv diets Wit With 1. S. Over Munitions Sales. LONDON, Oct Hi "Austria and fJep- protiably inv l.uo war on tlie Mtfflrn' I This Advertisement was llhnnllliniMIIHIIini'''' United Btflrtaa unlaa the latter making' munltlone for the Alllea." Su h Is tlie latest verbal nmnifoatatlon rf frankiaws on tlie part of Dr. Conntan t In T. Pumlwi. aOCOfdlnC to papngera on the NlatlW Amsterdam, tlie Holland' A merica II hit which bore tlie (; Austrian Ambass.olor homoward. The liner la being detained at Fal mouth bacauaa ir. Dumba'ii valet in of military age anil has no pasap4rt. Ilia ntatus ia being IftVMt Igatwl D tha Brit" lab aiMhorltlee. 1 'assiMigera on the Nieuw Amsterdnin ay lr. Dtiniba In the COtllM of the voyage freipjently expn'wstfl bis i-onfl-dem-e In the victory of the central riwer, and gttppl am entad his nrexliotlon by the abovi' atatoment. Mis fellow pas-si-tifgera aanert the ox-AninaiWH.wlor tried RtGISTCRtD dictated to the Dictaphone .iinniiiiiiiiiiimnifniiiiiiiiiiiimiiii (o be friendly, hut that America i aj rule, kept aloof. Dr, Dumlia and Mtrw Dutnba aie at n aapafatc table in the saloon. 17 GERMAN ORE SHirs OONX llrlllsh Mllillinrlnri In Mats n Mi. Mlsslna LoNPOlli I W, H A ' patch says that seventi-i n ttsamahlpa ahtoh ply tn t are mls-ltuf Raltlc Ma, rssstSi ikholm ttsrmsn ers le Haltlo Rh Thel ire hi Ii, t. liriil.h No ( hmiib i'.s nt,