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'la ' t. FORECAST.AvJrl. TRIUMPHS OF FASHION ART. The most striking models of the greatest Krench and American designers in THE SUN'S FASHION NUMBER. Out to-morrow. Order from your newsdealer to-day. THE WEATHER tin. Fair to-day and to-morrow; Highest temperature yesterday. 77; lowest, petailcd WaaUiafi mall and marine reports on iugc If VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 46. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. ,, 1911. ht thr Ptni PnnrtQ nvt Ptiblinhino A o t (rn mmo CHIEF KENLON'S $10,000 PAY MAY BE CUT Bkliffiutnl Official Threat ens lo Rwitni Whetl Sur priwil by Mote. inn Imm K KMPLOYEE8' jobs i;k in DAKGEB Thr rtnatrd of' s HurcHU of Itanitard 1 1 commended reterday that the Miii 17 of John Kenlon CTitef of Um Fir Department ' 11 ; from iin.oon to $7. ft"" n eai ' 'iii'f KtnkHii to henv fell M 0 Kif' Comrolssloftef Adti'-" thi nctlon WM a startling iirp: Vlrtuall) threatened i resign if n .t spproved by the Board of Ml tuna Tin buiTiiU also recommended ttigt Hi Minn of 1 ii Phlef Thomii ln. irha entered tin- esrvtos in is7ir end who now. oldest f the deputies, if li chart "i llrooklyn'i lira Lighting be Hisced from IT.. t H000 year. gorougn. Presidents Koundi ami Ma fttweun, the latter atou holdtm the pj-ix of I'reeldeni M Am ny of thr Al gWfnen. wen Bitting uih the budget iub-''tnMi:t whati tti1 Kan Ion and Uti'v prupoaalii wan revealed. Although majority of the i ilmste Board! main t n i k committee was thus represented ami a eete could hsve been taken r.K-n ttit-it it wa decided lo have the omn e( Kenton and i-iii specialty oonatdarad by tht full ininittfi at a RMWXlnfl to bi? boM in a ffw da a Kisrhrr in Iht daj UM Milcoinniii;-f it 'iiim,M(ii that ii' ' ratar) lllp of u. Patfc department, hold at Mii a rar by Will'. on I. Matona. father of ColU' t-r of the Port Dudlej Ptetd Ma tuj.' .t fri mi of May or Ifitchal. te iboluibed. About i lhar Dock Da ptrt mant wi re ."lut'-d for elimina Km. pltuattoa I nrllii-r I oiitltHlftl. Iirtbor confualni the salary ettuatloii ti Bureau of Municipal Raaaarvh. Wh"-ii I"- I wo ) earn haa worked "in the ilaaai0caUoii plan with the Bureau of HtandnnlH, rrpiidiatcd tin tnt'thmt of Ifplylnf the new Htandarib Adopted bj Ua ittuiic i iutwoinmittee. In it letter i Um Hayor, Kr'i.-nk a. Cleveland ftreetot "f the Research Bureau, aald that tandafdttatton improperly Hpplied m h iMed a u nan instrument f turtur." When iommlMiloner Adamaon. rep rcsniing iii kh . j wpiuimeut at tortidi' m eating f thi budget tommtt f-e, h-Hi'l t hi propniHpd K 1 1 reduc tion nMnttanad he aaked abruntly i "Wiiri reeommandi iir,- "iMrtn't you know about tins '' said Prr-Mtirh! Pound "Of courM 1 dtdn'tt" Mild tn Kin Cmmh m( oner. George Tlrrell, director of 'in- Bureau af gtandarda, explained that i he ap pi .ii tf the in re Lepartment wan PaJaaed mi late yaaterday morning that "he nadnt bad time to t . k- tip -vr ilnnjc arlth the CommlMilonet " Ne aiti th' eaatnln . after comparing tha Hut i. .f tit- it re rhlel hi re ami in Man) r t-itteei hail found that Kan km wei Ui beet pan) chief in the wrld mhI that bin ;iiary waa out of tti pro portion t' hie work. ."!.. fi K- !.i . hie fail ii ami opverod tii p. ppirui on, Jumped up. Mli tin my body here" he naked "ah" - took : foi a la w Chief of Vttr i ii f Uepartnu nt 7" President Usthewson said soothlugljr : Oh. dpn i lisntl .n your reelgnatlon Ulef, unt!: the main hij,ij(t:t committee ntudled the quest on " "I'm much Interested In th!a matter aa I'.n purnuid, ooking ul T.irfell. "May 1 gi ik- a Htatenient '" lit' wai persuaded to hold hi? peace aii-. tl itti r w.if et tied ire i bapla i ne Kail uced . Coiumienioiier Adamaon Nimself had W' nmmi nded t hat hli eexruta i . Thep ior Htitt, t- reduoed from ljlsoo ti J,..ti(j LonCurmity with the new stand i tilM secretarial grade, Thu Bull nun me subcommitteo, ir went furt . i net nuut thai St it ; ought Ul bi pu: down to 13.310, I don't think that's right," mikI Com g ei Adamson. "siirt $ competent nd riiithful end deaervas M.fiou1 Win reuiou Prentdents I'ouuds and pltithwon overruled thi ubeommlttee al niuiut'iided IS.ruu for Mtltt, Are chuplalm weru each reduced 'r 1 I $!"" m year. This was - i by OommiMeioner Adamaon Mid thi von wan unaulmouM Pour vol ompsnlas In vYbttestone eere ;; 1 ii .l saving of 3,400 Pom Jjitv i-1 Adameun wsnted nre MurMhal ". .1 from $:;. i to 14. 500, 1 ttsun by the bureau --f ntmul fc' I 1 in 1 hut tha main budget ' will prohably head th1 Adam-n not Mayor Mltchel knew hudget xub committee proposed Win. .uiii' Ma lent from th lid not be learned an he led fpr Ashokgn when the tatloii w i- made on the advice j '.! a .f i 'ontraot Supervision icctoi i- THdeii Adamaon. No f tin Bo H'l of IX. male was m the nut aninlttee accepted ' Hon Hnding 'oinmlHsloner fetmith bad ssked ,r5 for nexl yoar. The allow-' i tiy the Rubcommittae in v hit h In I536.I&6 less than W'propi iation. - r Smith, who hai money 1 e commended that h: own i d from ' 1 1 15,000 Kit at Uoputy Commisalonar i irrition raised from I6t000 tim BubHa 'tnmtttefl had no iprovo su'h a request. ioU'i- In tame JubS ' d uilai st reuse ceehiei of i lepN ' i men! at M000 i year, mended or abolition as were of nine! seven stokers who HVSrage of 11.010 a eai ami needed . hen oil repl "'p ' M i on ii municipal ferries, iter lendi re, i ighteeil marine ttn live ton im n were slated iiitulllnu IIS.IOO, letter 9q the Maor. tHrectOf of the I hi esu of Municipal Mayo I who an- looking for opportunl ouoinlae nhould find these very 1 in iti i iq 1 1 eratlon which plred througl tasurae which ironiote the welfure and Miyalty 1 r urinj of men and women knrking for Hie public good In op t he method which o now tployod and which pute Into the thi Mei Hi e ii foi ft th, I hand! or the stair t ihe Board ol Ksii-i mate .i mi Apportleninanl tin- iaer to prOpOM, mil m effect o decide on, : Individual salary Incraaata and decrease IS hot a pri per application of Itlf prin ciple of standardisation, nor is this n ' pro par use of information gained fori purpose of standardisation." Tiip Research Bureau's memorandum, ani to all members of the Board of Hal imatr. siya ; "There i no one who i. qaallfMI to determine how aaraoewi shall i,e aaglf nst ! work except officer who are ressin- slble for thp dally conduct and Direc tion of the work to .la- done, When a budget making i,i puts Itself into the attitude of continuing lo deprive its own members as executives of the right to eswrulse discretion in this matter through conditions attached to approprl- atlona it use its power t" a manner arhleh ultimately must defeat a-msi ad ministration and makes It .mpoaslble to conduct the affairs or the city In the moat efficient and economical manner. h ALAN SEEGER UNSCATHED. touiiK It H ) In I'orrlun te uton Writes iir'M w'ti. Vaeclaf Caai freeaafeA f- Tai hi PAaiS, i ct. IB, Alan Set-ner. Ill' oung American member of the Foreign ie gion ehoee vivid nccounti of the light ing In Prance have appeared from time to time In Tin; BVM lltd who hM been mleaing for more than sreelu is safe. Th i Bun'i correspondent r celved lodo) t w following inner from htm, writ leu from "Home when in Champagne.'1 under date of October i-: "iur regiment ha been i the thick Of the ofteriplvc m Champagne ever since the morning of September 1$, We have lost a number of men. hut have had the plea mi re of ,nl ancinR several kilometers taking lota of pria onem and letting them know that It aaa the 'Promdenlegion' t terman for Pot eign LeRion i that eacoTted them to the reir. "We are mui on the front i am i- waye tn good health and ip the beat of spirits. Kivt Apiericans were wounded to my knowledge. Sweeny, Boutiaiy, Casey, Trlnkard and Blnn. Moat f the others are frolnv to Take Advantage of the opportunity to pa? into the ioth of the line, hut 1 havt decided to Stay with the Moroccan division with which 1 think there will he the beet ChanCQg i-f variety of action and adventure." SCHWAB GETS CONTROL OF $49,000,000 PLANT Peunsyhania If It. Sells I7, IflleOOO Block of Pennsyl vania Steel Co. PHitsApgLPNia Oct. IS. - Ownerohtp of i he Penneylvanls Steel Compan) , which one ratof the big Workt t Steelton Pa . and the Hparrowe Point, Md.. shipyard, s to paai to the Interests headed by Charles M Schwab al prices tmt the Mocks Which make t he prop rtles lOat Mg.SSI.OOO, At a special meeting today the hoard of dlrectorn of the Pennsylvnnle i 'nm jmny authorised the -ale tot lTttl,9C0 of the Ml.310.ro0 otock owned by the Penney Ivai is Railroad Intereets for nooig yearn. No official announcement of the deal In ) et made. BaM of -ftntroi of the Cambria Steel Compan) throUStl the stock market In spproachlng completion, The Donner party will probably get thli property at a turnover valuation of shove $,!,,.- "mi for the 4A, 000.000 outata tiding capital' itock. n - expected that his nnanclal and developmMit plans will t' carried out with the Cambris Steel Com party af soon ss the transfer of control in completed Following the Pennsi Ivanla Company board meeting thli morning Henry Tat nail, hnanolal vice-president of the Penn pylanls Kkllroad won) to see tVtlllam It. i 'onner. president or the I ambrli Step I'ompHfiy. who hoht in option on LfftfiO shares more of t he stock to be pant for at SUCh prh-en an can ob talned from any other buyer. In the ei d nnrket Quotations will probably fi the price at Which thin hloek of ntock win change ownership Action takeii more t linn a ye i r ago bj Sa muel I tea. president of the Pepn Ry Ivan la Railroad has worked out no that th system of Which he in h ad re i Usee about $g000(000 more in the eaie "f it big Intereets In steel prop r ties than would have been accented a year ago. U S. NAVY STATION WRECKED. Three Marl ' r.pli.i t tlaakaa Wlrel-sa Plasil. Washington, Oct i:. The expin...n r I,, alcohol ink erecke4 the nary wireless station at Cordova. Alaska, to, day :iid iii!"ii the Injun of three an listed men, a nlliiK to .1 report rerelsed .it th Navy Depa imenl tonlght. ' ih tune thr tiirh.iKf was nled i'1 station Mill wsth burning, hut the are was said i" be under control. A iuntier named Kolton seriously burned, but the names "f 'he rthei Injured men .ire noi Kirn in t tm despatch. Alcohol I iik.-iI ss part ,f the sanding equ pment at the Cordova station. RYAN TAX PUT AT $584,400. in; I n In HelMirl H I Millions in kovi Mat. 1 1 1 ' -II MUM'. Va.i inond, examlnar port ith Mats Uiday showltuj Thomas Portun i h glnla. mill Ni rt. is. R II Drum- records, til.'ii a ri- tudltor C Lee Moore that fur tin yaars lyan nf Nelson eountyi w Vnrk han ninittr.l from laaatlon bonds, money and Hhare nf -in. u to the ralus of 146,115,000 and Income totalllnc v. W0, j. the total Mtate 'ax due being I14S.0H and the amount due Nelson county ItlO.ITS. judge Bennett T. Oordon and the lo os I board of review approved the report An corrections Will have to he made hy the Circuit Court 'if Nelson county. FORD IRON DIRECT FROM ORE. Mti Mnnmrr Irtn1m't, Dhthoit. uvi fi, Phurlts A Biownll 'f tht Krd Motor PumiNUiy Hnnounctd lo-ulffht tiiat henceforth the 7(10 or more iun nf iron dnlly coniUtned at the ptuni Will lilt'. t lit' lllilMl fill II I' CS III ItH . i n. i. tate unci be refine! by " heetlni into both iray and nialleivbie Iron. MVhsi Meniei to be u InitKMMlblllty Iihi been ui,i,oinillhediM staid M i Itrownell "The element! while t 1 1 1 In ii moll en vtate are Dhutured Anally Hnlehed and poured direoi Into moulda. Thli new prooeei nol only effaoti great econom) . but producae Iron ol ntnoh greater Rtrenain ano auranimvT '"j'liin diaoovery win prove of (femen itiuH Importanee in ii nv of manufao t nr. In which grii und m. ilk-able iron Oft UhHil " TRAINED ARMY OF i, 000,000 IS GARRISON PLAN Wnnlil Orgnniie Ytm-r of M fnitiiieiitals" With Six Vfsr KiiliMini'iit. twin imn piiTI i lie 1w . ill, i i,.i i PART OF PROGRAMME! w ashimi ton. Oct, II. Beerstar) Oar rlsan'a plan ror trengthnltm the mill lary fHtimatf. whUh has la-en apprnveft ii President Wilson and m tie r ui-1 Bittted to Congrass at the heuinnins; oft the msl seas Ion In Decern pot, will at ! the rnd of six yeirs glTS the I'nileil statcM a trained force of considerably mora t an l.oea.aoa men suhject la a call t' arms in : he event of war. The Jet. ilia nf the Damson petagramRM which President Wilson i going to try to push through Congreaa In the face of determined opposition became known definitely to-day. Tlie creation of a new military force . tn i-e composed of young men of ap proximate!) collese a-iv Is the cardinal feature t' the new prograrama. This new force, now ileslunated as the "ContlnenUlls." Sill tie made up ofj young tn.-n sertflng an anllstmenl term, of six yearn, during the nrsi ttiree ysirs I of which they are to spend two months out of every twoive In Raid service The int three yaars the are lo be "or fur lough,'1 enaraahig la no active service Through tit." entire six years they are tn u, subject to a call to the colors lii case of war Mr. Ctrrifon regards tins plan as the fundamental of hie ne Klicy. He he Iteves it will hive the United States a.- surance that scvsral hundred thousand nieri who have had some military in- otructlon will be available for aervlce with the Federal troops the Instant they may he called Into service. e, rrepneeiliiefta Kra. He regards ii as the besTtnrHng of a new kind of military preparadneea In the fulled State and the moat iiniortant phase of the n. w policy which lll he presented to Congress in general outline Mr Harrison's ia provide.-- for the folkrajrltlgl tlret line defen, e of more than fOO.Oto Instructed men. Including r,rii Inr army, militia ami continentals, In three years and more than l.oaO.OOt) in six yestra, Increaae of tlie reirulur army to , alsiut llO.aae tliihtniK men durlnK the next two yeaVs A hi year term of enlist menl la tlie regular armv. two yea is of whtoh Is to be spent with the colon, and fOUT years on furlough, tubjeot to a call to the ,slors .n .-iui if wur Six leiir term of enlistment for the SO-called continentals, three years to be siienl In active service and three ;r.i. on .i furlough. Increased irederal suptinri of th National tluard, lncreaeis in const detences and re eerve supplies of ammunition and eojulpmant. In. r. il-c of ll. tllllin. Th regular arm) la 0 he effe-ted h the addition nexl two e-,irs of the followtni laattons to the present fore: Ten reel ment Of infantry. 10 he Si peace strellKlh and t he irsjan- . it t liree at war wtrenKt Ii Pour realmentu of Held artlllorj Klftytwo companlee of coast artll- lery. Klfteen engineer companies Four aero squadrona. This entlrs plan has heon sorked ait with a view to the creation of a furea of it least 100,000 men. with which a pos sibl Invaalon if the Un ted Htates might lie met In case of war with a first class Power. It han neen estimated that a first claaa military Power could land at Icaat 500.01"' men on the coa-t .if the t'nlted states in a month, if it gained control of the seas .ir Qarrlson early reached the con clusion thai it was Impossible to proposs t.i Congress the creation of a large standing army. He thereupon decided that the additional men needed, after the I'Mutai army and the mllltla, must he obtained tnrougn new foroe, This he KNUfh the reatlon of some tn bring Into being for niviiiK young men IntensIVS military hi- , tnrougn ins tuan Short pel lods of Htructlon In a term of six yaars. riiree ihii-e- Ivallastle, ii, sstlmatas tha classen . f men whos nbtalaed f-1" 'he natli i here are tinee pervlces mlsht he ml defei These Me to wlmni regulai army serin- willing in give vice appeal! Men who would brief periode for Intensive Inatruetlon hi during the lummer monthe. Men who are la encaged In Industry or buetneee thitt the ran nol kIvo any protracted ierlodii t military lervlce, but who rould give night or ho a waolc. Kor the ftritt olaoe t ht regule r army service will ! malntalnett: for tha aeo oiul clash the no-culled oontlnentoJ foroe , rjasigned, while for the third elooo, the mllltla. w-iii remain If r Oar r I oo n faeti thai thu he hai opened opportunltj to even claaa "f cltlsan who would can to receive military Instruction or would be likely to volunteer in COM of wa:. w hile the War Department han sought to obtain n tir1 line dafenca of at leant (100,1 men, after the proposed SChtmt Is in full operation it g believed Ii will produce pretty close m a million man at nil ttmn available for service. The ton, noil force of cltlien ooldlen ih to be c res tad b the enlistment of 131,000 men each yar, and after the third year j that number would pass to the status of those on furlough' Al Ihe and 'f throe I yean ihe numbi r on furlough would total 180,000 men i or the same mh thone in active ssrvloe. malting a grand total n vim, (mim men available to call in thiH force alone. Hi1 her I'orr f gB0OUO (in tlie Other hand, it g QOtimatSd that eucti year under tht m-w scheme, one ii.tif of tin regular army would pass LfltO itif status of ihe furlought to be on tall for four veuiN. TbiH would make at the end of m years another force ' of about 950,000 men graduated from the retular army service and subject to h call to the POlOrS Tboos wo reserve forosi combined Wlttl tl itgUlar army and the mllltla. onflHiird en Thir4 Peiee. Extent of T" UK accompanying map. reproduced by courtesy of "I, 'Illustra tion" of Paris, shows the extent of the recent Krench offensive in Champagne on a front extending from Auberive to Ville-sur-Tourbe. The objective in this advance is the railway running through Somme Py paralleling the German line. This railway not only acts as a supply road for the German troops fighting even as far west as Kheims, but also supplies the German Crown Prince's army in the Argonnc. The black line in the map is the old Krench battle line, before J .ii m Jin ' -rr- . 'm n ri.,., Mr' -tlM :: .. ,, m 11 aw " x s- VI lb. Milaire BIG GUNS CLEAR WAY ruKGEKMAN GAINS Home f the Points LobI to French Reeaptared in HeaTy Piflrhtlnir. VOSUEfl DRIVE Pl'RIOrs Veecfei VtibU DeejMfcs ri Tin i l'Ahij, Oct, ' -In an attempt to ; gain a pan of th- trenches In Cham pagne lost to them tn the French at tack on September 15 th Qermam last night and to-day followed Up terflflc two days bombardment by launching .i violent infantry attack upon th- estrone left wing of the new Pifjeh frotit. oii- cent rating it upon a point Just eoot of Auberive, They succeeded, according to the night COmmUnWU, In gaining a foot hold "at one point In their old trenrheV' In this neighborhood For geverol days paat the German a heavy gone nave been battering the new Krench front. and t".d t.v- attack Hgninst tiie left wing- i belten ed b re to be but the Porarunnei f mora at tempti S1multatieou! with i ht- tion m Ihe Champagne the Germane atarted a furl oue drive" In the Voeges to-day bringing them partial sucocm After deapatchlna an avalanche of shells and bombs t all allbreti Into the Fremh linen t hey flashed forward on a front of a little more than three mtlag with t he muo contested Hartmannswallerkopf again as their objact Ive gome t reiiohes taken from them on Beptomber l&, eituated the MjmtniT of tht hilt, were retaken by the attacker and two Hetenlns poets !-. ween t he summit a nd the rug d of uuentteim wen reached. Raoapt for the, gains th- attack WOO repulssd Tite French claim local euoceoeei ..t other paiUn of the front t'retieli He port II eH I tulitl nu. The nigbt communl)u follows: Bombardment of unabated Inten Slt continued tinting the greater part of the day before Uooe, -H the Itolg en-Hauhe and In the forest of (liven chy In i 'hampagic . ax a renult of thli morning's bombordmsnl east of Auh-- t ive. the enetn luooeeded bi gaining a fotdliopl at one point m tde Old trenches forming n salient in front of the extreme left wing of the pt.s,- tlmiH taken by uh in ou tacks. In tlw Argonnc the exp of our mlnee destroyed oi recem al- rn'ui I. n mar Hill IIS On the I. or: a . ne front w lure! parts of trenches whet tap- the enemy maintained nifflSSIf Rince i ictober H, north of Ret lion, and re pulsed several lotinter attacks l-'ifty prisoners remained m our ha nd. i n t in- Vosges i he Germans tins morning launched a very strong at tack on a front of live HomeiOI i three ml lea and an eighth) between Rehfcleen, eouth of Hartmannswaller kopf and Hudelkopf, The attack wan precede by violent rains of ehelle of all calDires ami of tug bombi with projectiles tilled With gasolene. The enemy WOS repulsed on a 1 most the entire front of attack, ihe enemy ucceedlng onlj In reox'cupylng some t re nc lies Hit ua ted on the very sum- mi t of Hartmannswallerkopf and in penetrating two llatenlni postg be tween he summit ami the rood of Wuenhelm (Hir aiilller tire destntyed !et- man trenches and demolished two hlookhouses al VIolUi between the Ool de ste Ifarle ami the Col du Bon- boiutne 11 Ih la u ill Work In letols The text of the afternoon eommu- nnpje is it s follows : In the Artois dtStrlcl there WSH H violent bombardment last mght In which both Hides took part In front of l.oos ami to the northeast of guuehes. Then have been reported also spnited engage ment h with ha ml gr tiudei in the trenches to the south of tin liti s en Hoeho. There wci e severe arl illci cx- ohanges In the lector of Ulhons, o well as bet ween t he Utss and t lie Aline i in tlie regions of t'uisaleine ind Qusnnsvlsreii and un t he lVou run plateau. in iiw Champagne dlatrlct our bat tsrtss have replied with energy to i concentration of Ihe enemy's ar tillery tire on our positions to Ihe cast of Auberive. Along tin- front in Lorraine a French curt. tin of tire put an end, III a point In front of ladticourt, to a vio lent tire in which the artillery, the In'antrx gnd the machine guns of tin Germum took part We have fur i her more, directed an - ffeotlvs fire against the works of the enemy to ihe north of Hellion. In the VoSBSS there ha- been very Hpirlted fighting With trench w apons in itie suburbs of Cbapelotps, to the northeast af tiadont tiiern, a nd on (he belghtH of the l.inRC and of the Tbir renkopf. There hes been aloo a vle- the Recent French Advance in Champagne LOA N A GREEMENT SIGNED;1 $300,000,000 MUKb iUUUH 1 Lord Reading Announces That New Financial Arrange-' ment With Americans Will Be Asked Likely to Affect Only the Big Banking Houses. Lord Reading, chairman of ihe Anglo Fier. Ii loan commission, ItAtOd Dual I tlvel) yesterday afternoon following the; nvning or ine agreem.-nt Tor me ISOO.OtO.tOtl loan, that another edit' arrangement nouhi probabl) Id effected for th account of Knitland anil Krance within a month or two. He would not make en) deftnlti itatamenl regarding the amount of the now credit, hu: said it would probably lie more In the nature "f .i pural banking arrangement 'han an out gnd out iiau. i'r,i Reading aald the Brltlah Uoern men) would "moat aaauradlir" ell e. change to Individual of that eountry sgainat th credit ju.-' obtained Thi w the first lira a deflnlta statement to that effect hae been made, glvitia aa suranve that th British Oovtrmneat does not intend In mills.- entirely for Itself its portion uf the loan, but is wining to promo t 'rade bstweea Urcit Rlrtarh end the I'nltedj tate bi providing Individual alth the m ressary exchange with which to meat tln-ir obligation Incurred in thi eoun try through the purchase nf goods It i believed thai lord Reading had in u Ind when he xm ke of a new credit ., r. an issue if bankers' ac cept, incoa. which haa recent!) I n the subject ,d considerable discussion be tween the commission and American bankers Tt.e amount involved in thta .ii rangemenl n Is i tsirliood null um, would probabl) of If&O, 1,000 in the J0O, Head i ou Th formal sign ment ! ok pi n.. -Inner th n agra II ! M in oils nf l"iatd 1. 1. ens mi tne second tbir of th, new Morgan building. Although -he signing was don.- with an little ceremony .is possible the scene was nevertheless unprseaive. uasnered m tn room wee I all the numbers of the mission, several of the uartners ot th firm of 1, P. Morgan A Co. and repre sen tat Ives from every prominent bank and private hank ing bouse in the city winch is Interested in tiie loan, i,i Ite .ding was the Ural signer of the agreement, writing his Itle, "Read ing ol Brlelgn," as the official repre senlalive of Ureal Britain and Ireland , in the left hand corner nf the last sheet i 'i ihe agreement. Octave llomberg ami Urns: Mullet, representatives of the l-'reiM h liovsmment, added their signa tures beneath ami a little to tlie right of l.nrd Reading's, . Then j. f Morgan, whose Arm Is acting as agenl for the managers of the loan ayndlcata, signed I "J, iv Morgan & Co., agent of matia g ra." Kran.-is l.ynde Htetsnu, K V Mc iuteheon, lleorge W Oardlner and Basil i P. lllackett then added th-n ilgnaturaa. Tiles.- were ihe nnl) signatures pui to tha agreetnenl yesterday, but lo-da) the total will be brought un lo algty-aavan i names, as all of the New Ynrk banks i i and blind houses represented in the syn dicate will sign. There will be sixty- saven differeni iwttracta signed, he ess 1 sitaiuiK t.i-: slgnaturaa. Juai before the signing of the ggrao meni -i P. Morgan made a short speech, I In which he said that If Stl) credll Were ' due in an) one in this country for the success nf the Inall It belnilKed In the 1 hankers, whose earnest und activ I operation had made the gigantic under ! taking possible. 1 Lord Bvadlng then addreaaad the gs semi, led bankers as follows. "Mr. Morgan and lientlemen We are ' met here this afternoon on a historic occasion. We have just slened the con- tract for the 1500,000,000 loan, I 1 want 10 pari from you "h tins sjoc tslon allium; tcllltui )'OU how much W indi'hted to yOU for your as-lHtance , tliis matt. r. "We rciiliBed from tlie lira: that lent cum adlng ul Uartmannewell- erkopl and iii this vicinity, "JOFFRE ORDER" DENIED lg r la Ml Hoeilg 1 11 m 1 r 11 1 1 1 o 11 m Im ! ( O II III II It) I llll II I III 111 If. I'akik, Oel 5. -Thi !cnnan version , I of lien. JotTre'S oilier of tlie lny lie- ' fore the ruriit allied offenslvs tn Cham ! ' MtgUe " Hiatli iiih;c recentlv hy the ' oerman Wai Office, wan cjrtaraotetiaed I an unauthctitl'- In an ofHoial announce- tnehi hers lo d.i The Iter II n ntate- inetl I was to the effect that file order has been found un a dead ofHcer and ih;ii 01 it It'll J Off re had asked the' 1 Kii'inh onicti-H to explain the proposed (IrlVS aimed al 'V tearing Krench soli ' ; t-i niiietci of tt enemy" ami an going a long wa toward dooldlng 'he war. j Tin ofAelal staiomeiil nolutii nul Ihal I there Is onl) Ihe Mlurhtssl chttuce thai! an order of this kind would he found 1 ! under sin h rirciiiiiHtanccH. as ofth'erH ' uHitJiiiv destryy suoh litatruottoui before I 1he gu Into action. A not her version of -the now fa mnus order, puhllahsd in i s nssjftspapergs the advance of September 25. The territory gained by the Krench last line shows the new battle line. Since September 25 the Krench have advanced at two places, in the direction of N'avarin farm and north of Tahure. The Germans delivered a heavy attack, which was partially suc cessful, yesterday just east of Auberive. This action is indicated on the map by an arrow. 3? . 3ef3 wan On!) hikm kit U out a trans tf there wu Ml b all con and all their action of this magnitude lovul and devotetl csmrra i ei ned. from Moreen a- 'i oaeoclotes in Ihe s nd From them arc have had nothing but tha greatest ass lata nee ami congelontlous and sin ere advice, and it Is for that rsaoon i daalra lo express our alncere Kratitude. This haa not been an easy task on the whole, and taking Into ac count ihe tnagnitUds of the transaction the t,-eult lias been vtr) oredhable, se pedally as we have carried t rb rough thi' date orlglnall) lined for the liret payment on the bonds. "It ma) not has,- l,.ii the exact date we Intended, bul are have got there The credit for that is due to the work s,.iiu.r DughU' ami earnestly performed by Mor gan Co, ami miu who sa-e aagoctated with them, and M the staff .,f Uatrgan Ss Co.. which i know luis been working dav ami night "Ma i add another observation whi h i think will t.e of Interest to the public al large thai ifter a close stud) of conditions here, after having made our selves acquainted with the difficulties of thi transaction. In a country where the people are nt familiar with external loans, the advice given t.i Us Was con- sclent lousl) and honestly aiven. not only In the best tmere-:s ,,f our own country, bul we believe in the best IgtgresIS ff thr United States " x.ii liolng tu a i, a, in Octave Itomberi I'rencli i; ,1 -eminent speech, thanking ih f ir their .-irnr:. n flotation reprasei tina then made a slmil syndicate in inage h.-half ,,f in.- I 1.1 Basil iv Blackett berg will remain he: members of the mlgS 1 tn their respective c ind ' i tae Rom - aftei Hi- other on haw 1 tinned unt 1 as. learned rront ember of the mlaaion that the Hritisli Oovernmeni will shortly semi (,, tin. rountr) a treaaur) official to cooperate with Mr. Blacketl and M. llomberg in cloaing un the dels 1- 1 sar) tn tin- completion of the l&, 000 loan ami arranging for tin- addi tional credit which is tn h, .staid-shed The other members nf Discission will not an to Canada, as Ii ad been nreviouslv intended 1,1 speaaing thla land much ma : v c feel Reading sa. like to un to things to b Unit wc are "We should ana, la. hut ht very lone iit h ed d thai 11, 'I w Anions thus.- present a' the signing of tim loan agreement were Thomas w. Uinrnnt, W II Porter, Dwlghl W. Mor row, Alexander .1 Hemphill, Oeorg r aii Tuyl, ,lr. Lewll I,. Clarke, Steven son b! Ward. Charles Rich, James Brown, Krederiek Strauss an.) franklin i Brown There was ., rush of investors and members of th syndlcati yesterday to tajks on the bonds it was reported that more than half of the loan bad been l iken hy subscribers, Icavini; only about 1140,000,000 to h,. off red to th,, public RIDDER STARTS EXPOSURE." Prlata Masses i tier ma a Plrai aba.rlbna la Loan, s pan ,,f t-.e Oerinan Amen palgn against the allied loan country and In denunciation of am- this let mn ii American liankei- and tirtna th ha vi sill, scribe, I to the Munis XrifUMfl has --ii what its editor. II rmaii lii.hb-r. a ttnoui CSd a sxpoeure" of these concerns Kvery morning on the flrsi pass of his paper Mr, Bidder prints at Ihe top of his Bnglish column ihe names of four Arms winch have subscribed lo lon'tlthe loan, tin names being purely ijer- names being puraly man I lie lameg are en,-! ised it heay mourn conspicuously 1 IK hold- V, stamlinK mi ag ilnsl t he lest ,if the pane Not a wind nf comment goes with the n, itne- t- described h the preei bureau better Imitation f Jen JotTru'i hut as equally unauthentic. a m ; wtyle BRITISH LOSE GROUND. Uermsgs Report Hsoaptars of ro- IllOgS 111 tee Ilea RsglOUi HattbiK, via Amsterdam, Oct, l The il. riiian Win Office report Issued thla I afternoon follows : Northeast ami east of Vsrnisllss the iiriiish have again been driven out of our positions. The) hate been ubls to retain only a small imrtinn of - a trench on the western fringe uf the gravel iiunrry, in Ohumpague, oaal of aubortva. Saxon Iroopa look tl , i, main- ; ing Prenoh fortlflsd posiiiou from i winch a great attack could he i i,. h ur posiinms captured five 1 ufHi'era ami :i i n. as well as several machine suns I luring i he ulgln ,,r i icinher I :i-1 I the stations nf I'harbins and Viti . KimucoIs, of military Importance for operations now under way, aers'bom liarded by on of our all, -hips dotted line undernenth shows the Kebruaty The double hatched kfiratrjiiiil tcrteua BRITISH 0. K. HEEDED! TO SFtNU CASH HtRt Committee in London Must First Sanction All PurchaaeH ti f Munition-. DINHEOARUEII ONLY ONCE if . ii thi v i t sums are ependlng in this which the Mhos ountry for war mater i-, -.i it was said here yesterday , teemingl) exotllenl authority, Ml i cent can be paid out unless tlrst the British OovernmgBt oflletall) consents 1. 1 ; lie expenditure. A loiim.ittee London, it way ttivi-s such is net case on record with headquarter In furthgr learned, alone on, i 'tie and only one eould be found where the dictates "f tin- committee in the 111, tier of expenditures had been rtis 1 regarded, the oountr concerned in that parti uiai being Russia. Iteprssentatlves nf all the countries allied against Uermany and Austria are represented on the committee, bul o far it has bssn ImpOSStbls to learn the namea of tin- eontmlttaomen. Tin- eom mlttee h is a French name which might ne translated t- the International War supplies 1 'otntititlsa. The body does not seek to control pur chases nf wav materials made m tlie h inayketa nf a nation nf tin- Allies, ' Ian its sanction is n.--e-ar where ma terials are Is, tight from ottterS than the' nations at war or their colonics. Nol on!) pur -bases of arms and ammunition, hut of all supplies needed by All army, such as food, clothing, tie are super- 1 vised i the committee. 1 The area; I,. uik.r for Ihe Allies, Ureal 1 Britain, dominates the body, As one of us chief duties the committee act, for the British Treasury in allotting in the Other nations nf the Alias the amount ilrsal Brttaln will allot in given case for buying war materials in America. I The onl) time in led of ope ratio ago. and the effe the committee's plan was atsiul six months Is of tiie failure h ive - ,,t -t bean sradlc Bed. This was 111 run- neel on wltli purchases by Bussla in the L'nited states Ruaala had been : .01, ti.-d b) the Brit ish members of tin- commlttea that eh, might spend a certain sum of money for war supplies In tills country. The sum was not ills losed ,c.-terila . but It is believed to have bean between ItOO. .aim and II00.000.0O0, Whether tha allotment was fully understood by the Uovernmant is not known, but what Russia did wgg to spend the BUUI allotted, and. in add. 1:011, make buite iHimnvltmetlta in this country for further supllles The-,- commitments, OOVOrlhg matt) months, wars said to run tut,, th, hundreds of mllllona of dollars a sum tar In exceaa of the .mount allotted her by the British Oovarnmant, in making these contracts apparentl) Ruaala tailed 1,1 consult th- commutes. i hen the contracts came due in part Ruaala had Ineufflclenl funds to mset tli.-m and the committee, Itol havinc authorised tin- niaktng of the contracts, had to ,1, vise quickly some tin thod ot paying ihe btlla. This was extremely difficult, atni th.- demoralisation of the foreign exchniiRc markets in this coun try recently was attributed In 110 small mi aauru 10 this cause. S in,- that time Russia has adhered strictly to the wishes of the committee. Not a dollat - worth of war supplies Is purcliaacd by her In this country with- out in,, con mltteei approval in return. tlrcat Britain is paying bet iniin b. Nnl onl) these hills, hill those of and. more recently, r ranee, are Italy, being p id to-, lay by ' Britain, a single Ruanda! houas .1. r sforsjan k i,i. acts as the disbursing xgancy of 1.1, British Uovernmeni in tins oountry.l t etr disburaementi are understood to, 1,111 I pa v ment of all Hoods purchased I for the Allies here. Tin- moo, , Anglo-French credit lam just negotiated, it is said, win pro vide payment for a Igrgg quantity .if! e,oo,ls purchased here for Russia. Kdward It HtettlnlUS, who represents .1 r Morgan x. Cq in the purchase of supplies fo: the Allies, was asked by a reporter for Tin- Hun l-it night about ihe workings nf the committee which had Just come tn light "I have nothing t 1 say on the matter," Mi MtSttlPlU replied "I can till you absolutely nothing, KING'S LETTERS STOLEN. llOOUWeSJtS iHelHSle Knhrr't ll- elies to f 4 rook stoggrekt sfifnt' Vahfa t0$ntch tn Tni fi v ito.MK. rci i -a despatch from Atheiui iays some hlgnly Important con ndenilal disuments, Including private cnrresio mle nee between King i 'onstan tine nnd the Kaiser i have been stolen f mm i he King's desli in l he Ho . I Palace. Pomplicit) Hinong tiie Kiug sntour ngr i Huspeoted The tiesk wan npened with a falsi kej and oulV Important documeiili were utolen Ueerfeot faraji Uausagei t iIih fo in .ti Mutnaereush, sjt- i'ti pound perohntenl psi Kgs t.i Ir i 4e; luf xd nrni a Dun ONBULGARS BY GREATBRITAIN I Russia Italv Llkeh to Take Himllnr Step With out DbIbx, SERB KKsisTANt T. SURPRISES TMI TONS Berlin Announces occupa tion of Posarevac by Assault. CAPITAL MAY Hi: MOVED FROM MSH Are; HreTvep' ,m" ly a Few .Miles Insjdc Frontier. fp ,,i i thlr trpm . f Tgl St LoKOONi Oct 15. treat Hi it i d- j Clare. 1 wur on Bulgaria to-iiiElit Krnnca I and Ruaala are expected to take a similar j ftni at on e Announcement of the British declara tion of war against Bulgaria was mule m the following statement laaued h the Official press bureau I Tne foreign I Uli. e announce that III VleW Of the fact hal HuIkmiIi 1 i i 9 announced that she is at war with Seibla and is an ally Of th central rowers, the British tlovrrmneni lias informed the Bulgarian tJcvcrnmeni through the Swedish Minister, who II looking alter Bulgarian Interest that a state of wa- exists between it eat Britain and Bulgaria from I'l r M October 15, Serbia also has declared war -.n Bill- garia. announcing that th.- declarnl a made as a result of Bulgarian nttackg on Serbian armies the Kaltchen and Radovltch fronts. Athena despatches of yaaterday announci 1 that Bulgaria bad declared war on Sethi,, asserting that the laiter was the aggrcs ir, It is expo te, thai Caar Nlil ih, sa "Olllet protect, ir ,.: all the Slavs." Will issue a manifesto to tn,- Bulgarian de claring thai King Kcnllnaml is guilt) of treason In Joining tin- Teutonic allies. the enemies of Russln. Tiie itusslan Uovernnieiil has i.-t -t become known that a llusslall arm) a ll he sent to the Balkan.- at auxin an Hit necessary trooiai .1 declaration nf w.n Bulgaria ami the si. in army will In close iiKin the mut Italian Italy's aid in de th- Teuton ,-Bu'.i!. regarded a- assu iitallnul formal b) t Cgur against nf this II US ihtllty lo low ding proli ..iiri-il. nc Serbia ug.itnat i-Turklsh allies -a In I till) .- cast there ,s the Itaio-i lemtait Since iltese t a pea, e w itti ea 1 e uliar i-11-.'iimsiaii, - relations to Ih- consult i nations arc nomllliUI) .1 other in suite nf It. 1 al y'a 'War with Austrltti Ucriuiiny ' uH This oiuicuuy con,ii.i u 11 he Hurmountf d by iher 1 Italy 1 aenwng n-tHiiw hitm tint Turke) tr Bulgaria thua not iIuah reetly slth the i lermun invudc Berbla. ; Tin Italian Ministry iii take a Cabinet council toinorroa th up Cffe oil Italy'H part in the war of the ) I development! in the Italkuiui ami Ital? 1 (uturs course. The count II la speci d J to he om "f ihe moel ImiKirtuiii In Id I since the v. ar Isjigan. 1 No direct new has been made puhlif there regard Ini the AnglnPrencn forvHi 1 at Saloni a, and it is tun known OH etS r j they haVS advanced or nut The 1.,. k of positive Information regantiug ihr inov ' nient s of theee iroo)te i .1 tt r buted t. 1 1 es censor. A recent report coming through Oermaii houiph vtated that the Ktitcnte J forces wtrc still cncatnd with:: ,1 .t jnlle area at Sahm.- M. ejieo1 wi.;. It. I acttniinK tu German inform ition, j Serbia' 1 twin utater a t- with Ureses a report that Sir Ian Hamilton. I commander In chief f the British forvcji jet the Pardanellee, hue gone to KInIi lies I not been couflrmed, v V'icnnn tleniiatcii quotes information from Hahmicti n qgts f October 19 to thi' effpiM that "im landing (f AttglKrencji iruotm cun t mi-- at tin ctrcrk port untlcr the iio- tpctlou ot a l-'v : crulsri und the Russian cruiser Askol I, The position msui com inues ga Ion tea deepati Tuesdas 's date the h, ,i to the M in i ' ct cm - ii Ti iin 1 H twk Mil been declared throuirhout donia and that theie an ( rsletent h ii ho far unvr:tteil renr' thai Mulait troops ure uottcentraUng on ti- ;i- i frontier. An Athens dsapatrli to puMiere tit tin gera of Milan rays thr itrecktf ur" cooperating itti the Knteute Powers by keeplni their arms inobllisetl, ihun ard inK t'fl' any possible Itulgurtun uttiick on the bass of niieratioMn nf th a n- n Pranch sapeditionar) forc Tlio de patch addi 'hat tn returu foi vn eiktancH ijrsece ! t" receive futuln for malnts Inlng her armament und H credit of M.000,000 han been pJitendcd to the National Hank ii r i. mn Hud Parli Jn iu ii u,a i ntl I'll r I le I m i loo Th. probali tltUdfl nf ipJtli gn rdlng ' he littlk in s tu 1 1 In a Ttkio itespstch to i In n s indleate1 1 1. -I whah nays that t'oth tiie in . 1 H authoitl am) puhhi' op niot n Ja i oppose ' he suggestion mi le in Knstlleli iewsuiiH I that a Japanese ami) be sen! to lOurnp, i risgpatchi h receivitl hi oiidon how that Serina u undergolnu lucrttsing I nrrssurr on thiei from, The mrm. le ctKNMltng VlMie-ahle HilltM and !s en deavoriug to cm ttie iterlilati ml catloin. The Se' r. r gtrongly. ylsldiuu inch h incli Tiis snettii his nM i-ei iTachnl t1'- rail roads t id Willi h h. t Ims to the dee 1 1 have (telle i itchei Hied I tn K.i i la in th' ' f Only 'mc pit III to th iter) in unuounceN grrblan iwi of ' outh uf siciuendi hi i ma)i IfflCO IS) I furl ll ir:i