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THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916. OUTSTANDING TITLES ON THE AUTUMN BOOK LISTS 10 NEW FICTION TO SUIT ALL TASTES Vict tirfwinf flnrkarronnds. Hrnrt of Sunset Harper). By KtS Itim h. A wry mo.lvrn up to dat tal of th Mexican border. KuMUng of rattle anil arm ori'n lb horvW, a heroine held prisoner hy nn insurgent Mexlean Iwuler. a chivalrous rutvfrer 1'ivpr and udven thrill, mark the etory. Th Stnr KotH r I Macmjllan). Bv Jack London. A grloping tory of a man who at tempted t tree hi spirit from hi body, recounting the wonderful adventure of thus '"star rm-cr," mverlng long lapaea of year and Introducing an antra people In etranger landa. A Baby of the Frontier (Revell). By Cyrus Toiensrncl Bratty. Thla author' imeat nirnano, of the Western plains Introduce pioneer d.-ivs. Indian adventure and the thrilling epl eodea a hMi surround the capture by a tr1le of Cheyenne Indiana of the UUi daughter of the commanding officer of Fort Hulllvan. Thr Bninbou 7ciH (Harper). lly y.oty firry. A "double barrelled story" of adven ture In the Southweat, embodying cer tain problem of that region. The moat tlrrlng arene arc laid In the Mormon country from whloh on uvnuni of the ! frankness of hlfl writings, the author waa banished with a price on his head. Winri nt luincirr (McBrlde). llu Arthur A Xelson A quest for a loat city located In the wild lands of unknown Africa. Iure ro mance. Introducing fierce paaalons and all the thrills of peril. Thr If all frnm thr Btltrr Hoots (Ldp pincott). By Caroline l.orkhart. A hem who l a born fighter; he fought Ms partner, Insane from moun tain lonellnasa; he fought an Majno biis- sard. a roaring river, a crooki-d mining steal, a wrestling champion, and finally he conquered the gltl for whom he had waned his battle nlnio (Relll) & Britton). Hm Woltir T.Uiood. The life atOf of the wistful, virile son Three young men full of gener ous dreams of social reform come to New York their adven tures with the underworld; the Great White Way; the ever waging war of right against might all is inti mately told in Bronson-How-a r d'a intensely interesting novel. tnaaaaaalWaj "The mornl will set s ns'io-i thinking." "I neednl to nho-k thr r it v into mrndinst ,ls ways.' N V Tim.. Virr. 1 O net. nt all elr,rt Tin: fir, kr vemtltl rosiFAXr.PublliAit f-, ! 555 s WSak m George 'M s, Bronson W, N1 I Howard "M s. MwM wmmm Some of Little, Brown & Co.'s THE WAY OF THESE WOMEN By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM A tensely written mystrry novel containing the author's beat portraiture of the fair sex. $1.35 ml THE LITTLE RED DOE By CHAUNCEV J. HAWKINS A sympathetic story of a creature of the wilds. Mutinied. $1.00 nn ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS REMODELLED FARMHOUSES OLD CONCORD By MARY H. NORTHEKD By ALLEN FRENCH Shows the ehangM that converted twenty farm- Effectively depicts the town's literary and historic houses into C banning homes. f associations. iSuper6i!f iUuttratad, 8vo., $5.00 mi WUh 29 iUuttratwn by Hornby, 810. $3.00 net OLD BOSTON MUSEUM DAYS CTDV c V..C1 , cv Bv k iVTB RYAN STORY OF WELLESLEY Rrines ntnaa to the render the lorn and dnmnnpnl I?' FLORENCE CONVERSE early stage life at the Museum. Illualrnleil. Buo., $1.50 nrl WALKS ABOUT WASHINGTON STATELY HOMES OF CALIFORNIA By FRANCIS E. LKUPP By PORTER 0ARNETT Breathes the very spirit and atmosphere of the Capi- tal city. Over 125 illustrations MISCELLANEOUS hooks FUTURE OF SOUTH AMERICA I REMINISCENCES AND LETTERS OF By ROGER W. BABS0N SIR ROBERT BALL A most rtadabld exposition of the country to-day jy Sfj HALL his son for the business man or investor. j The aut(,hioKruplv l)( England', famous astronomer. 12mo. $2.00 Ml Illustrated. 8i-o. $5.00 net LITTLE WOMEN Jessie Willcox Smith Edition By LOUISA M. ALC0TT A handsoma new edition with 8 colored illustrations by Miss Smith. 8 no. $2.60 nrl At All Booksellers LITTLE, BROWN O'THC MAN OESU3 of a Spanish father and Filipino mother. : realism coloied with oriental myeticJam. romantic Incident. Intenae emotlonal lim and an Btmoherlc Iwckg round. The rrniri- Wife ltoblis-Merrlll). By Arthur Strinarr A woman of faJOjOf! and luxury mar riee a man on Impulse and go, with htm to hla shack amid the great wheat Held of the Canadian Northwest. She herself tflls the stories of their tiard- ahlps and of fu.w they finally "mad" good." afMmmMrf Mniiir i Putnam). By Wnltrr Bnmfyldr. , An elemental story laid In the Cots wold Hills, full of wild passion. Jeal- ousy. fear, hate, love and with a thrill- , j tng fight In It There Is a gypsy born I hero and a heroine of "queenly beauty." I Thc GoUirn supper f Putnam). ' By Anna h'ifarrotc flrren. A series of detective stories with a( control figure. Violet Strang, a young, girl who has the faculty of disentan- I gllng out of a male of parpteSlng clr- j cumatancea the one explanation which ' will accord with the facts. A Wild (loose (I'jffleld). By Edwin Palmer. I A younc (X :orcr Is npnarently lost in , the Arctic, and his sweetheart Is courted ! by another suitor, a "yOUItf man about I town." At last the latter wins t'he girl's promise to marry hint If he will take her j on an expedition to try to find the ex i plorer. The adventures which befall I them In the Ice fields make a story of! : thrills. Thr Pntrl Fishers tT.ane) By It Di Vi rs SfAcvoofa A castaway sailor drifts onto a coral Island, where he fiitds tw, previous castaway, a man and a girl The three explore and find a lagoon rich ir pear: shells. A tale of s'range 1 f. on tha Island, fierce ItruSK' lor life and ro mance. Ktblfst I'hnraeler. Of Human Bondnnr rpnran). By W. .Somerset .Ifiniyfl'nn. A strong, realistic .icture of the -outh of a man of to-day and his discovery of women and of the world. I'Sa HsMoreS MaffMflcmi ( Macmii lan). By 11 O Wl ft The story of one man's search for the kingly life a theme peculiarly sult d to the author literary gifts and one which he bis handled with skill, feeling vision. luikr .n,-. i Small Maynard). By Fthcl Sidyxrick. An adroit piece of character drawing. ruke Jones, "the man in the street ' .1 commonplace, casual type, concealing under his ordinary OXtarior rare quali ties. A tale of s If-efTacernent arid of love that asks nothing and gives all. rS Biffk rfrst ss i Scriliner's ) . lly Roll rt tlrnnl. Slncn Mr. 'irant's "1'r.liavened Bread" h!s publlo have leeri aJlva to hi.- ability In presenting the fern nine :il f human nattire. in Cils hook he give us the married life of the "modern woman." and very frankly shows her limitation. She Is so occupied with her own personally and anplratlofta thai she i lets her hllSbaild drift under the sped f a siren of the old faghsOliad tlH. Iliislitess Hml I. ore, TSr Monet Master I llarper). By Sir CHlbl rt Parker. A etory of modarn Canada, of which the hero is tre moneyed of inr dijs- flct. half philosopher, half III. an- genlua. His wife deserts him, hla daugh FICTION JEAN OF THE By B. M. BOWER TAD AND HIS FATHER By V. LAURISTON BULLABD A attldy of the home Hfe of the preiit liberator, Lin coln. 11.00 ml in leather; 50 rents in cloth by Hornby. 8o. $3.00 net CANNING, PRESERVING AND JELLY MAKING By JANET M. HILL The latest recipes and a reliable guide. Illustrated. $1.00 nrt & CO., Publishers, . . , m ewerr wisTrie,, authox or "thc mnttcost ocnt-rvr-nxY atLTArs-. Trfr. JM1TH' (LITTLt , SSO"N ) ter diaobeya him. his money take w1nrs but he proves himstlf greater than his mifortune VaMMS Monry I Stoke). lyy thtrn Juhnaon. A young man just out of Yale enters Wall B trMt to make hi f irtune H first fancies himnelf in love with the worldly daughter of a financial king and glmotM aooapta her ideal lut then he comes to know her younger Bister. Im pulsive, but a teal erson. The Bitomi rant Mcliride). By WUltam Hamilton osbornr. A story of business and social Hfe In New York, with plenty of Incident, sur prise and romance set against a familiar background Thi (Jriilus" (LaSS). lt)i Thr, dorr DriT, The young son of an ordinary, middle class family in I small Indiana town dreams dreams, becom-'s an artist, suc ceeds in newspaper and magaxine cir cles, marries, has morbid and unusual experiences with women, falls and dra matically rises again A realistic story. sTmma lfc7s & Co. i stoke). Ilu Bda frrhrr We meet again many of Miss I'erher's popular characters. This time Mrs. tic- Chatne) takes a hand In the matrimony name h.rself. As Mrs T A Huck, she has sortie amlialng domestic experiences, arid as bualneai WORiaO she keeps things humming in her characteristic way. Phase, of American life. I ;ic ! it T in ' Holt ). Hy Itorothy Co'ifirld. The "twig' is tile daughter of a pro fessor In a middle Western unhersity, a modarn minded girl bent by the cja torns. tasultloni mid Ideals of her West ern home and by the Integrity of her mother, character. The story embraces he: experiences and romance at home, in New York and In I'aria. HtralgM lloun thr Crooked l.nne I Century ). Itl Hi rtha Itiinklr Th author of awaahbuoWar novels h. n t imi- to people of to-day The Btory moves from Newport society to an army garrison In the Philippine. There is a mystery, a love Mnrv, e-isy good humor and several familiar types of wall drawn characters. The flit at" OrpSan (Holt). itu l a, : Hm, mi OiUtnora. Th.- experiences of six strongly indl- Fall Books LAZY A The moving-pictura fiell in the West, with a real cowgirl for its heroine. $1..'I0 nr( lts trailitiotis and history, by n graduate. lUutlraUd by b'oman 1. Black, Hm. $2.00 nrf The construction and selling of twelve of Cali fornia's linest homes. Illustrated in color. 8t'0. $2.50 net Send for Fall Announcement BOSTON, MASS. CLYDE CLARKE,, AUTHO or - gcCoCS TD, S3 " fkwh.rTcsN) vlduallaed brothers and sisters who sre alons In the world. There 1 the same humor and the same understanding of youth Which characterized the "1'h.ebe and Erneat" books, hut the olllvant or phan grapple more directly with life I Thr Story of Julia 1'apr (Ooubleday, I"age). By Jfnlalees) .Vorrls A fearless, reii'tc treatment of on" ' of the big social problem of the day. I The herolno, hungering for the better! things of life, has to climb the ladder of 1 life against the greatest handicap that a I girl can have, but her courage and f ilth j win out. Hrmpflrld (Iouhleday, Tag). By Cm id Orayton. A quiet etory of country life which hlngea around the publication of the Hernpfleld fllnr It Is written with the charm and kindly love of nature which ; characterized the author' "Adventures In Contentment" etorle. ing Hp fO Billy I Stokes 1 By t'litaorth Cooprr The atory of a New York cabaret darfcer. told In her own expressive, col loquial wa: . Handicapped on every side by environment, heredity and opp ttu nlty. when her baby nephew is thrust uiin her he keeps her up "on the level " A "human document" embodying humor and pathos. ' ltr li liay Scribner's) . By Hufikinron Smith A novel with a distinct Dickens flavor, whose scene Is laid in New York of ten years ago. or more pecincally in tho Fourth avenue of that time, the Fourth avenue of the antiquo Mmps. In one of these antique shot take place a strange, mysterlou drama, wh.rse hero la a young Irishman who has con-., to America In search of the wife who h.n left him. The book is remarkable for th color of Its atmosphere. r&a Song of th Lark (Hought.m Mifflin). By WW .tltierf CnfiVr The daughter of a BwadtSh minister in Colorado develops her an at It goes . to Chicago, eventually goes to Oirmany. and comes back a full (1 !- I Wagnerian singer. The heroine Is lub llmely egotistic, always struggling be tween the human nd the artistic, and the atory gives a close picture of Ws--ern life and of the ways of prof, s-c nal musician Ood's Jfnn nohbs-Merrlll). By Ororgr Aronson-Hovard. A drama of life to-day in America, with scenes set In New York city ai d on I,nng Island. Women of frank; mar cenary lives and their frsll sister of the stage, clinging pirssltes called man. ar.d tha various spetiders bled by th.s crew all figure In the realistic atory. lloinor and Whlsiir. Ft Dorr ( Dutton). it; mllg rial Strainer, The story of mi unusual, wh mi al American girl In France, who grew up there . and her cxnerlen --s In an en- ch.inted Burgundy chateau, which wag the scene of her lomairtic hone moon lirurKmmy K'entury) Ry Jean H'efcslrr. The now novel by the author of Daddys Lotiir-Li Ki ' g nlo not in nn orphan Alum. whi-h U ItBtif oiphHn-i until Huliie ICoBl ld COmtl to run It Then nil the orphana ' lnclujJ4ng a founs 1 Hcotrh mirstoii Hti icbtd to the Inttitu Uon) have u fftortoui linn ftnd ir much Impfovtdi Tk$ tit-rut, hntfh (LlttUi Brown), By ffldnty MvCait, A rjunint Story Of nn oMi Bouthrrn home wherein there ! confllcl btwen Mfly Vlctortatn and ultra inodtrn idenli Two women ; roinmn ene him nil eiotio MntltnontaUlty and both woman wnnttnir the tatnt thinsr 7 i' Mortcroc of on (Boltty A Brit, ton). By I, Frank ttnum. Compared to tha work of Lawla Car roll ; a tale of iwl'lent. Whlmiy an it fun. with an 0tM character as the central Afura, Th Little noid (Upplnoott), V n -i rirr Hru lrtt. A modern Helen 1 kidnapped atld there, follow u Hiege ; kidnapped by four b rot here, all overcome by her rharm, and aought l" nn Indomitable hueband, hTletseehean roue wit ii ooonvtnr ata xta, wh huSit a nittaae near the atlt and by power T will forcei hla lady t- return I A Oof iea corwroia Dora-n) Hit hTatoa Wolpol$ In this new novel hv the ftUthor "I "Kurtitude." n tule of ohtldhnod f" arownupOi Mr. Walpota hai made an effort tn revive all the maiia f child hood's play hours rhr CoOUit0Ht (Doubteday, laa). Hy Corfu Harris-, The taie of what happened In a worn- noinpt Boutkhorn villain- when Rarah afoaaly died and loft her aetata (which COnt rolled RtOet Of the aiUICta nt the 4omtnu nifty ) o a ootnmtttee for advanc lm the oauaa f woman auffraaie. There is a contii uouH upbubbllni f fun. Mr. BMfla (Dodd, Mead, Hy Georfff Hurr MvVutrhton. The atory Of a r'.erk with an InttnltoeU Ready The Life m 4 By WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER This authorized Life of one of the greatest diplomats and men of letters is probably the most important Ameri can biography of the decade. The first volume is largely devoted to his life as private secretary and chief confidant of Lincoln, and gives a fresh and remarkably interesting picture of the great President and of the Civil War. The second volume deals principally with Hay's diplomatic career and throws a flood of new light on our foreign re lations and on the character and conduct of his famous contemporaries from Lincoln to Roosevelt. Fully illustrated. $5.00 net. At all bookstore. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO., Boston and New York APPLETONS' NEW l FICTION Athalic. By Robert W. Chambers. 30 full-pago picture. II 40 net. Thankful' Inheritance. ny Joseph c Lincoln. Hull. SI 38 twl. The Foolish Virgin. By Thomas Dixon, llluttrattd. S1.3.1nel. The Yellow Dotc By Oeorge tilbhs. Illustrated. II .25 net neaay Ort. 22. n ma- i , upen mantei. By Josepi Daskam Bacon. FrrmtUpitct. S1.8S hlne nel. A Young Man's Year. By Anthony Hope. Illustrated. 11 3.1 net. Bird's Fountain. By Baroneaa Yon Hutten. Illustrated, ft 35 net. Ready In So. The Hope of the House. By Agnes and Kgerton Castle. Illustrated. tl 35 nel. Nicky - Nan, Reservist. By sir Arthur Qulller-Conch f'Q"), 11 SB ner The Passionate Crime K. Temple Thurston. SI. 30 nrf. By The Official Chaperon, p, Natalie s l.incoln nrt. Illustrated tl 30 The Winged Victory. By Sarah (irand II 40 wl. Rradu in No, The Measure of a Man. By Amelia E. Harr. Illustrated. (1 35 nrt. Hags. By Edith Barnard Delano. Illustrated, ft 30 net. Something New. r n Illustrated SI 35 net. I p the Road With Sallie. , I ranees 11 sterrett. Illustrated. II 21 net. Record No. 33. n Idi Clydt larke. Illustrated, tl SO Mrt, Private Spud Tamson. ('.Hit K W Cmiihell t ll , By JUVENILES The Boy Scout Year Book. Published lth the approval ,,f rhi td. tonal board of tha lioj scouts of Amer loa Afnnr, IHuttrotlon. tl SO nrt R, Bay in A'or. The Secret Play. Knlpf, llenrj Harbour Illustrated tlaiir.,! The Hosts of the Air. Ph A. Altsbcler Illustra:. II v Jo lt :iu nrf. Against Odds. Hv WUUam Hejlig.r Illustrated, tl nrf. Danny, (he Freshman. Walter Camp, Illustrate -, Hi, nlu in .o. The Trail of Black Hawk. Paul Tomlinaon. Illustrate ai By net. B The Rock of ( hickamauca. By Joaepb a Altahder. Illustrated l an nel Danforth Ploys the Game. Ill Ralph Ucnrj U arbour Illustrated tl Jo Fl. I Fair May. B llluttrati . "t i 23 Haw ley Williams I For Sale at All Htxikstores i . V St' at nrue tor our new, tree. Illuntratcd latalog, alto our new Jucenue Latalog. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY Publishers 35 West 32d Street New York lm -1 a heart as Ik mall, rh rough unagpeetad causes ha Is eleygted t. gr. jt ....i li .md take h .-. love of children with hint go that, in time, he accumulate a doaen of them I Humor, sympat llttla pathoa and a k .- ? alonota Crime. ( Appleton Hy I mpli It, rt oh fair motive lend unarm lo thla atory -f myatery, t In Ireland, A I m intaln re I use n ta a beautiful g:l whom he haa reason to belles e l the fairy w ui mi -f hie beaettlng emottona whloh had oaueed htm to de to the it tudea How he atrunriea and what tie th ;i does makea the atory, w it h much lovely Incidental d1 rlptlon of the irieh 0 untry. IfOON hf ,i pit I h'.''tin ' f.ttrtrr l.u miry (tane). ity ttephtu l.r-ifrtik. Burleeque 'tti!i'i. but a droit humor aa quiet and kind) a a that f kteela and Addlaon, The author lauajha not at u. but it). u. over many of the foollah atttloi '-f Ufa Forotarai iettlttBai Bt oli in '-if di uehpch) . Ity Michael Arizibish-f. All thoae persona who, in hushed voloao. aaked t tii r bookaellor for cops of 'Han I ii.-." will want t- read thla lateat novel by the name author. T-- fo;iow this taie of Rujaitan Boelaty In n Brrleon town t like fatting Imtet lectuaJ eleotrle treatment; it's ihockintf, but it etlmulati h jmi hi, i mi: hi, day, afe)i Ittj srhnti Uagm-lof, Tranai ited into Bngtteh by Velma Rwapeton Howard, A profound but un labored study of Bwedlah peaaant life, Kv kt a reatlatto picture of the i : h oua and aoc al upheaval which taken plaee among a gf tip of ttv.-uphifiii po- td, and. in. ally, of tho r ftaorvtloa Hhii thi leave home and eo untry to make ptlgrlntage t- Jaruealem Tht I'tnttf tint o ( txUimity (Macmll hi i l . Ity OuH n WiU r. The tragedy "f Qermany, aeen by the I ethor to Un b en a national atate of which made it i eal-ble for the nation to "aprlng :t the throat of an utvevpeotlneji unprepared world." I'lushnn Mtml t Harper). iiy Comploa Mttckrmte A modi fn and romantic love story t in rural Bngtand, tha deacrlp Today and Letters of John Hay JUVENILES Making Good. Byw t Nicboia. Illustrated, tl Jo net Joe Manning. By irsing wmiami. Illustrated. II .if Ml T. HaTiland Hicks, Fresh- man. By J. Baymond Elderdlo. Illustrated. tl.25nei T. HaviUnd Hicks, Sopho more. By J. Baymond F.lderdlce. Illustrated, tl 25 nel. Heady In No. The Gray Whale, Derelict. By Sherwood Dowllng. FrontUpUe. AO rmlf nel. Cyntra. By Ellen Doug la Deland. Illustrated, tl 35 net. Ready net. II. The Marooning of Peggy. By Agnes McClelland Daulton. 1 1 2ft nel. Ready Oct. 22. GENERAL Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters. 1792-1896. F.dltcd by her daughter. Henrietta l.ltchtleld. Two vols. Kvo. t" V) nel. Threescore Years and Ten. B Amelia I, Barr It .SB net. Ready in .Ywr. Forty Years in Constantinople. Uncollect Inns of Sir Eclwln Pears. 173 IB1S Afntiiy lujfratim. 8ro. Sfi nel. Hindu in .Y'ir. New York's Part in History. B Sherman Williams Many illustra- Nona, Small So. H w net. Men, Women and War. By Will Irwin tl on nel. Problems of Readjustment After the War. fiy Rear Admiral Caaaar F Ooodrtrh and hufgaanr Albert BUHIMU Han. Edwin B A s. llslman. Franklin II Ciiddlngs. w w U III m.-!.i- i osirge li w uson and Emory It .lobnson tl l net Ollt-of-I)OorS. By EmiTson Bough tl 16 nn. Isles of Spice and Palm. By A Hyatt Vcrrlll Manu illustrations. tl 2o nel It, ady in .Vur. Places Young Americans Want to Know. By Everett t Tomlinaon. Many illustration, si 50 nrf. The World Crisis and Its Meaning. b FeUa Adlar, ti so nn. Marriage and Divorce. Felix dlcr T." renlj nrt. In Times Like These. ny Nillle L. McCluug tl 00 net. Character and Temperament. Bl Joatpl Jastrow, Ph. D. S2 50 net Introduction to the Study of Sociology. Bf Edward Cary Hayes. Pl. D. 12 50 nrt. The People's Government. By David Jayno Hill. 1L D II. IS art. The Trade I'nion Woman. B Alice Henry .Miny MlatMNoSt, i SO n,t Ready in .,,r Pottage m. at s the I woich In tings of Wl uf the have been compared to of Ilurne-Jones and the Ham Morris. It is the v :s :.s 'o: - ting or a man and wo-i:.,ri hi on each other's personality. :th .t for hero and a rector's daughter for heroine. I'ri ffe i Knopf i. By Quy lie lf' Trunalatlofui of a novalalls and sevirai ttorlea by Mrs John Oalaworthy, Revelus New Books Alaska Days with John Muir S. HALL YOUNG. "1 can see only one fault with the book: it is far too short. I should love to read Mirli a hook as big as the dictionary." Gene Stratton-I'orter, Author .,f "Thi Girl o the Limbmott" Illustrated, net 11.00. EDWARD A. STEINER Author o "On tht Trail of thi I tn tn QTQ nt." Introducing the AmericanSpirit 1 i.i ; h art end tenss of bumor sre oi tilt iem much in evidence In ateji ' new hooti ii. ibovinf off America to n uld w..ri,i romps n ton he hitx upon 'hi' real dominating anter icn spirti and wo . ouraelvei ss i i hers see un " N.-t si 00. PROF. HUGH BLACK The New World The old order ehaagaiki brlngtna In the neai ' To s re- iea of our changing world ndlgloui. sclent lfle - ii tiuRh lllack triiiKs that interpretative skill and keen insight which ds tlniulehes all hla wrltlaCS and thinking Net $1 no ' When My Ship Comes Home CLARA E. LAUGHLIN, The latest of Miss Luughlin's stories well sustains hor reputation for originality and refreshment. None of her previous works excel in quaint ness or cli;irm this narrative of the two "argosies," which eventually muke I safe harbor. Illustrated, net $1.00. At All Booktellon. Send for Naw Fleming H. 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