Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. 11 ) SELECTED -HIGH LIGHTS" ON A VARIETY OF SUBJECTS TIMELY BOOKS AND INTERESTING! iM'Hno of thr llnj. TV,- World CHsef and ttS Mcaninq I (Aopleton). I a frllc -idler, Not h ir lunik, but .i work "n social ithict, snalyslhg Hi I'au,-. and otT( t. loth WSnl unci tUttirti f I lie Kreal wjr on c villnatlnn. takln- up tilt QUS iten of fut ii rr Initrnatli nal poare ami I how OOW h'i)f to aohtgv It. .tfy t'far o fir 0rMl H'nr ( DoM. Htld) (v Frrderiek flnlmof, "I oiMii." ' tlio nutlior. 'without Vuri'i patches' or 'rooking toil horror,' 10 britm hOmi thO folly of wnr nt the MIM lltIM I prelt ptcturo of th atruBKl1 thtt i .i mi- un lr my oWxcrv.i tion. tnd th thought! tliry induced I h,-ie :h;it every 0110 Mho wants to ho a lonit pe ' aft this war will want tgl book." If 001 of VttrojH ( Rei Ibner'g). Bij Boh.h erg, This In a timely book In that It lr- j eribc? tho baUty art and erohltc tur of uli rtti,'r. run UOIIVOjtl, Uheltiw. M.i . Atniene, Brugeg and countl other -,-lti ol Pr&IHM iimI llclk'iuin Which lino fallen victim In the ureal war, Mr CranVa aon of the lo-s or BrM of theee beautiful thitiK i el- Quoiit. f ir beyond the mora marshalling of facts ami flEiri-s. With thlrty-tw. OMl of Calamity (Mmniih leave the affair to one man for scttle tit. the author attomiit to no-tun- the COndltlOM under which dinlomaev la oarrltd on, the retitrRl urohlem with which It final, ntnl the neneral polio which a peiu'ffful omnlMI ion of the I World require. rhr Pawl Mil r.-iKe llluatratloni from photowrapbai lanl. ami photogravure frontlaplaot, By own vvsitrr The W (hnffcm of (latrrnment with The tragedy uf tietman.v. M f lAhmv locnoneraj. I th author, w. that atata of mind By John W, Barf I which made It olll for the nation to This book truces thmuirh the ae-ee thej "oprlng at thr throat of nn unexpectlng, effort to keep the true path between unprenare-J world'; the trauody of a despotism iii the one side and anarchy country that is possessed "f "the mania on the Other, The Complete raooncllla of irranrtur eomplemented hy the mania tlon of pivommanl w ith liberty lirm bOan I of persecution." perhue the greatest problem of hie tory How Diplomats Moke Wat ( 11 u-boh ) . end the fact that It has never been i By g British Sfgtglglgg, geajofaotorily OollhBd hae undoubtedly j An expose of Kurope in statecraft, had an ImiHTiatit beaTlr.a on the present J planned before the present great war, Kur't' crisis, a thoughtful reading glooloalng worklnga of Brttlah diplomacy of this tiook should conduce to a better In particular. The volume preeenta undertandinc of the QSttOOg of this con- faots, analizen crooked diplomacy, and flic! i auks us to have no sympathy for the In- gisoolj o! To-morrow (Huiton). ! tolerable svetem of orrtiodox statecraft flu I'm'. John Dcirrv. Which hoodwinks the people A volume ihuh will be Illuminating I Thr "'"'Id'' lliiihuny (OotM) to educators and thinkmK DOrOntl who ere dlssatisneii n tn too results or 'ra dltional theory, and who are looking eotne adaptation to exisr.ns social con gitlona The rropir n Oovontmawl (Appleton), Bv David .oioie HUt A hsi 'llKjok on the relationship of the eJtllen tn the St ate, which will be of I jittjt ill gejige slgs ( ill .Jl&fljlj BiiieoOBPBitW j agLwe III BfjfJ WjHtaf'VeVji" yJal Bkw' i. ' X Wfb 'iw aaaaW JJ JA . C LINCOLN Authar c l-w M I A NEW CAPE COD STOW-V ' I ( APPLETON ) fjngjyea-. I IMPORTANT BOOKS OF THE FALL; THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOHN HAY This authorized Life of one of the greatest diplomats and men of let ters is probably the most important American biography of the decade. Mr. Hay was a copious and pictur esque letter-writer, and the wealth of material at Mr. Thayer's com mand has enabled him tn tell the story of his subject's life both as a man of letters and as a statesman with unusual vividness and richness of detail. By WILLIAM ROSCOE THAYER Author of "Tho Life and Tlmoa of Cavour." Fully IttutlfUj. i.90 ml. The first volume is largely devot ed tn Hav's life as private secretary and chief confidant of Lincoln, and gives a fresh and remarkably inter esting picture cf the great President and of the Civil War. The second volume deals principally with Hay's diplomatic career and throws a flood of new light on our foreign relations and on the character and conduct of his famous contempo raries from Lincoln to Roosevelt. Itw V Uf Ml MM Attortl. A study of America's position In the ereat scheme of the world's history, with pnrthular reference to the part the t.'nited States must play in effecting the neutralise. Ion of the sea, and (ho use of non-military means of coercion. ff (irrnl kTOWt (Kennerley). iiy C our lea r ergaeee Interest to students, librarians.! The author undertakes to point out the huslne.s man. law yers, teachers and true nieaninK of the present war in relu- Slorgymon. The discussion is based on s wide historical knowledge, nnd is pre eented With taraanoai ami force. Tht flakes of Diplomacy illoit). Bu Walter Lrippmasin, Btsitinnik- the Lusitania crisis. tlon to the chief Intellectual and political forces of modern history. He dlicussrs the marvellous structure of capital, credit, contracts, corporate organisation and Instantaneous news service, which has made the business system of to-day FICTION n THE SONG OF THE LARK WILLA CITIIKR The story of a prima donna's life from clilldbrMid on ,i Western ranch to international fame. "A distinct improw ment on her nreLnis noels. 0 Pioneers' and 'Alexan der Bridge .V. V HrraM. tl 40 net r emt Hy M VRV noPF.KTS WNF.IIART "The'ealest hp of work Mary Roberts lltnebirt has done . . sn achievement n the midst of an arid eaate of novels tool .Vru . MunfMv. IHus SI a-', net LITTLE MISS GROUCH Bl lAMtTBL HOPKINU D.MS. 60nMACrQM I'1 ft lnnr . . writtri D0BMMlW !i tulr " "Anbrlitht a hit of funw MllTI It In a rrltrf to rooic on a wHl- -A". y. .sun. mm, 1 00 n PENELOPE'S POSTSCRIPTS when even a demo, racy like ours had the powerful thing It la. Some Scribner Books Vote Under the Lamp Check books you want and take this to your bookseller, or cut it out and send to the publisher direct CONSTANTINOPLE OLD AND NEW By H G. Dwight. Profusely Illustrated. In Box, $5.00 net. THE STORY OF OUR BIBLE By Harold B. Hunting. Illustrated in color. In Box, $1.50 net INDIAN WHY STORIES Frk B. Uwltmtm. Illustrated in color by Charles M. Russell. $2.00 net. HANS BRINKER, OR THE SILVER SKATES By Mary Mapes Dodge. Illustrated in color by George Wharton Edwards. $2.00 net. SOCIALIZED GERMANY By Frederic C. Howe. $1.50 net. THROUGH COLLEGE ON NOTHING A YE ARi Literally Recorded from a Student'a Story. By Christian Gauss $1.00 net. THE RECONCILIATION OF GOVERNMENT WITH LIBERTY. By John W. Burgess. $2.60 net. IVORY, APES, AND PEACOCKS By James Huneker. $1.50 net. WHAT I BELIEVE AND WHY" By William Hayes Ward. $1.50 net. THE HOLY EARTH By l. h. Bail.,. $1.00 n.t. FELIX O'DAY A novel hy F. Hopkinson Smith. Illustrated. $1.35 net. THE FREELANDS A novel by John Galsworthy. $1.35 net. THE HIGH PRIESTESS A novel by Robert Grant. $1.35 net. THE CROWN OF LIFE A novel by Gordon Arthur Smith. $1.35 net. WHEN MY SHIP COMES IN A novel by Gouverneur Morris. Illustrated. $1.35 net. AUNT JANE A novel hy Jennette Lac. $1.25 net. "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" By Richard Harding Davis, $1.00 not. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Fifth Avenue at 48th Street, New York EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY There it a beauty and distinc tion about theie 721 volume. Only .15 Omit Stn4 fur a complctt Mtt. E. P. DUTTON ft CO. aai Fifth Ae.. N.w York David Grayson r Who vfotei "Adventures In Coutentroent." has written a novel. In It he tells of his adventure In rountry Jour nalism and how romance entered Into the fortunes of Anthy and the llempfleld "Itar." A very delightful story with murh of the charm and flavor of the author's previous "Adventures." HEMPFIELD Just Out. Net gl.M AU. BOOKS TOHS.1 DIM gLEDAT, rAGE COMPANY 1 J Boon, thr Mind of thr Karr (OOTan) By Krainalil HI, at Introduction hy O. WtUi A satire on men and policies of to day, from Bernard Chaw and th Amcrl- eaa public, to the works of Henry .lames and the puimftclounfs of tht- militarists A'rmialem In OOTOMftg nnd geoMM- nm ui i Holt l. By Kathmnr Anthony. Instead r striving vainly for the bal lot the women of Germany and Scandl navln, throusrh organisation and foroe fUl Individuals, have arrompllshed mu. h by direct agitations In the fields Of moll er protection, women's education, women s pay and women's general wel fare. Thr rn,ina Cnsr illuebsch). Hu l.tahtmr 1111 Wt SI", Inspired hy the recent ousting of Prof. Neailng from the I'niversliy of Penn sylvania, an set which aroused uphold ers of free speech throughout the coun try. th: honk contains the clinmes, the evidence, the arguments and nnny Intonating documents, Including the let ter from Dr. Nearlng to Hilly Sunday, which led to the trustees' action. Arrutr! (Doran). By a German. A "high ranking Qerman'1 declares thnt his fellow countrymen have ibeen deceived Into going to war by the mili tary faction of C.erminy, and In his book he blimi'i his own country for the war. Illetury and Bloseaphy. I. iff of Lord fitrnthcona and Mount Ho'ial ( Houghton Mifflin) Hy Brcklr WUlton. An authorised biography of one of the great empire builders of the last century, throwing light on the settle, ment of northwestern Canada, ttie fur trade, the Ited Hlver uprising, dealings with Jsmee J. HIU, the hulldlng of the St. Paul and Pacific Railway and later the Canadian Pacific, Life of Clara Barton (Macmillan). By I't rry ii gofer, The tirst biography to lie published Of Clara Barton, supplemented with 'acts drawn from her diaries, corre spondence, lectures anil addresses, re viewing her entire career he-K.-hooI teaching days through the battle fields of the civil war, the Franoo-Prus-s!n War. the Spnnisli-.Xincri. an War 'When Mlaa Barton, aged vu, went to the front), to her death In lilt, .fmiortr of n I'nhUHhrr i Putnam). Hy (Intrgr limn, Putnam. The author continues his personal reminiscences from 1SH5. the date reached in his "Memories of My TOUth." The hook contains also a record of the undertakings of the Putnam publishing house from II7S, the year of the death f it four,der 7Ae 7.n nml l.,ttrrx of John liny (Houghton Mifflin) Hy WtlHnm Kom or r Anger, Tlie authorized biography of the fa moltg diplomat and mat) of letters, In two volumes. The first volume d'.als :th his Ufa ns private secretary tn and i hief confidant of Lincoln ; the second leals with his diplomatic career, thmw ng ncw light on our foreign relations and his famous contemporaries from Lincoln to itonsevelt the utory of a Pioneer (Harper). By Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. Krontlerswoman, a-nnol teacher, praaoheg', lei'tnrer, nrdained minister! Physician, worker among the poor and president of the National American Woman's Suffrage Association, Dr. Shaw has told her own life history In an SStOnlShlng human document. In the Footeteiin of N Past SOS I Mac millan ) . Bp Jamet Mnrnan. The results of a flve months tour, the author starting at Napoleon s birthplace In COndog, following his "path" from 'Ity to city, from post to poxt, from SUtlCSSa to downfall and death. My Childhood H'entury). By ,1n.rim Horky. The Ufa story of the eminent Ttunslan nuthor from his earliest recollection to his seventeenth year, when his grand father kicked him out and told him to shift for himself. A record of contraxts. beauties and brutalities crowding upoii one another, und. Incidentally, a revela tion of the national character of the ItuHslan people. (Jeminnv in the Nineteenth Century (MoBrido), By lleinrirh von TreUm hke. The first translation Into Kngllsh of what la considered one of the greatest historical works of the century. It Is a monument of narrative and exhaustive reeearch, and should not he confused with his recent truculent pamphlets and utterances. Henry Codman Potter (Macmlllan). Hy (teorne Hodyet. An official biography of the seventh Bishop of New York. Dr. Potter's cureer throughout his ministry, especially as rector of Grace Church and Bishop of New York, and his many public services are dealt with at length. Philosophy and Poetry. The Freudian With; Itl Place, in Kthic (Holt). By Edwin H. Holt. A review of Preud's theories In their ethical respect, hy Prof. Holt of Har vard. Freud's achievements have been almost wholly In the field of abnormal ity, but the present author contends that the principles have a wider application Rat-ripe unit Other K$$ayi (Century). Hy A. C. flnneon. The author talks about charm, vil lages, sunsets, the new poets, how to forget the war and his own literary creed so delightfully that the book re quired a second printing before publi cation. Osoar Wild' Worfc (Putnam). Ravenna edition, thirteen volumes, rsd limp 1 either, sold separately. The first llv KTK. Imrtll. AN WKIOIN. ' Aga cannot destroy nor famil iarity lessen, Penelope's power to rhsnn In tosss, her 'post script.' thst Dower u ss potent s ever, rtub, Prm. I'rontliplcce. ft on net THE VALLEY ROAD Dl MARY HAItLOCK IfOOTB. ' OM of tbfl rholrr novel of the yvur . . HUaTOUlMltlll ibfl "torv Kitd onn Hith It is the tslorful i allfornlan MOMMpMrc ," MitirauKf t'rr re.s. tl net CLOSED DOORS MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS ON AN ELK HUNT Hy K.I.I Mill r. PHI ITTSTKW ART Aa fMOlaatigg as Jhe Letters of a V)omsn HonfoMeader " by the tame suthir. "The 'human document' form of nternture has nowhere else attained such sanity such clarity, such richness of simplicity - .si. ljmu Itrpumc. groiiltspktUf. Si no net A HILLTOP ON THE MARNE By MM.DKKD AI.I!t l M Thee MMVt, writ ten hy a Hmton tr limn who - II v Inir on the hill ton" nt tht tlniu iff the htule un the Marnc, rtnd who tyel there t nroufftloUl t he tltanlr .tniitKle, iimke a bunk of uuhuc Inten-M I'n i un-. rmd ui(m. f 1 25 tie, THE LOG OF A NON-COMBATANT By lion K. OMKM Thh hljrhly n alaMe an-ount of the eiperl enee and Httv in ur-s nf a 'Min Anierlran nrreMondent and dlspatrh liearer In the war eone de-MTven a olare nt ft own IlluMrateil $ an net WHY I BELIEVE IN POVERTY Hy M MUi H"K In thW little tHMik Mr 1t.k tella of finme nf the hartUhlpr- he went thnniuh and now they verved to develop character and Inuciiuii y ami Dglptd him to Miierenn. renta net ARISTOCRACY AND JUSTICE By PAUL KIsMKK MORI Theae MMfl th ai with the vital nnea tlotis of the day both critii ally and rofMtrucJ i el Among thn lOpkl treated are The New Morality. The PoQOIOpill of War Natural ArLitoirae . ete. f 2.", net MAKOARBT PKBKCOTT MONTAOITK TcBdor and humor OtM rtOIiOl of tittle dt af ami hlitul 1 iiildrt 11 atuonft whtun MWa MonUftM has WOTM 0,1 net BELGIUM'S AGONY f KMII.K V K H II A K l K.N "Mice and more rle.irlv Verhneren enieret. from ih., present conditiolin ss the olc of Hi-lntnm. ' UsM flaws, t 2 gal JBCRTA RUCK Author o 'Trie wooisa or kosamo.d rAfgc ( DO DO. MEAP. ) "ppor' unity Klven the puhllc to prvure a uniform edition of Itl poet, one vol ume at a time. nrrodurtiiff the American Spirit i Itevell). Hy Kdward A. StcUtrr. A series f pilrzr:m,i(res in search "f the real "Amsrican splrrt," Prof Steiner his conception of this "spirit" and how it finds majnlfaotatioa In aspiration .mil Ideal, and how i: ,s re'ealed in its attltuds to national and prohlems. Acres 0 iuiMoitd." (Harper). Ity .'..; 1 It. Cjnwill LnlKdinK the Idaaa with which Dr Oorrwoll has inspired and shaped 'iiou sands of lives In lecture form. Inirine tho past fifty-si VS years the author has received OVl r 14,000,000 for delivering the lecture and now f.,r the flist tune the contents are placed In book form. .Vtrfjjertr and flie lilroln of Modern Germany (LongtnaJia). By Herbert I.rtlie Stewart. A volume cor titled ,to those aspect of Nlotsocba'a work arnloh throw llgttl upon the social policy and Ideals of lie-many as revealed in the prese it war. Nietfsche is trthen as typical of a mood which haB had fagrful ootiaequsnces fi r mankind, H'or Letter From tie 7,n inj Deotl i Kennerley), By h.lna Bark- r Furtlier Communlcatlona from "" In the spirit world, portraying the emo tions, influences aid peTSOnaikiCB t hu man and astral) involved in Me present warfare aj.d containing prophatla utter gncoa concerning the termination of the war and the future dev. lopment of the race. Vision of w.w (Macmlllan). By Lincoln Colcurd. A poem with a twofold theme: war. Its characteristic assl llj effect ctv.,i- ration, and the need various reforms in human society. Ttiere are dascrlp tlong of life In tiie troches, the suffer Iiik of tho wound ad, the spiritual glory of war ami a lslon of In UltUnarta UI -icitish brotharhuod of nvtn, u hut I Bttievo ami Why (stcrJAwier's) Hy iriAiani Hayct Ward. 'Phi book 1 a frank lnvaatgatlon b) in Waul of his own religious convlc Uona oonvtotlona "f long lif.- in which :ii. atudy of aolence plays an Important prut. The bik la Interesting in tint it brejils down many of the notions whioh are ootnitig to isi aoooptod nowa day about ti.e unfortunate affect ol tli knowledge of science on faith and gives the reader a sound baaia for a sound belief, Dr. Ward i la little Introduc tion Hi gooantpUohmenta are widrii known. New World (Re veil), By Prof Ihiyh Block. A review of our Changing world -reiiRhma. aeigirtlfic, aoclaj- -especially treating the problem or tin- preaenl day unaott lament and unreal in religious bellefa. Bronte 'ocnm I Putnam). The poetry of Ch.rriotte. Bmllg. Anne and Bramwell Bronte, with nn Introdui tlon by Arthur Ohiiatophi t Benson Many poems have been Included that have not previously found their way Into print, Collected foente U.ane). Hy Ruftei-t Brooke. A glgntOUr srreater than poetry's sur rounds this young Bngiah poet, who gave his life for hi country In the .!: ,!, Tlie sonnet he wrote on the w-r,r are nmomir th most beautiful In Mm con tent of the volume. 7'Ar Croud in Peace and War (Long maus). Hy Sir Ifafffg roiticay. An attempt to deal in popular lan guage with the relation of the in dividual to the crowd and of crowds to one another The writer dlaOUggag broad nuestion of morality, religion, govern- ment, nociallsm, war und education. 1. 1 tern t ii re and Art. Art r Small, Mnynnrd). Hy Auyuete Bodin, Written In the form of question nnd answer, tho French sculptor cover pre tlcally the wliole rnDitre of art find annlycea true works of the WloU mru--tcr of painting und sculpture, ancient und modern. Un the Trail of Strc-nnon (Double day, l'age). Hy Clayton Hamilton. Throut-h Ills ehlhlhood and ioiith in At All Bookstores HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Boston and New York Rdlnburgt), his vagahond Journeys In r. st of Scotland und on the Conti- t i'it. througtt England and Kmnce. in the laUIn Quarter and 1'ontainehhBii reyion. In our own country in New Yolk and H.irunac rhc uthor follow the rail, accompanied by the Illustrator, Walter lla-b, who pictures many of the half forgotten places described in the l ,, ,ks of It. I, S The BorMsos Palafm (Stokes). ; .; drtkur r- Barb ion, nn obaeur little hamlet on the border of the eontainbleau foreaL WM th home and inspiration of Millet Rouaaoau Dlaa, Dupra, Daublgny, 'n.t. Troj .n ai d Charles Jacques Mt of he material hitherto presented about rhis remarkable sr.. up of painter has lieen In monograph form I here they are I r. jTcd In one volume. fvorg, Atct and Peacock IScnh ricr'). Hy Jamet lfa ker. Tuts I a charactoruslle Huneker book llscuaalng number "f literary flgurea nich a Jotavph Conrad, Dostoievsky, the rUtUriatl rn art and music and man: tlar subjects which are ullve to. day Hie book appropriately toltiwa Mr llnnekei s "New t'oemoli-dis" of last vear. I i.tre Lthi Small, Maynard) By ' Helm. At on.. biography of Mm Labrun, infolding u pan Tana f the l'l.illce of the Revolution, of Napoleon, of the tteetoratlon, and of the Italy. Auatrla, ttussla and Bngland of th same period, ,n,i a stud) of her development a painter. Including a catalogue of her work. A Book f Bridges i line). By Frank Itronnuyn. Tcit by Waiter Vtiau Ipgrroie, Painting nnd etchiius have held nr. important position in Mr. Brangwyn's art for many fllrs. In this took rr about forty reproductions tti color, and numerous Mack and white cuts drawn especially for the hook M-. sparrow .'.so ha made an eghaustlve study of bridges i'i many oountrlei from every point of view re Magic of Jtwett and paarmi i I.ippltl. ott I. Hu Oaorgt Frederick Hunt. Mu. h unique and Interesting informa tion, especially relating t" the magical ; 0Wr Which I eclOUS ston have been supposed to exerl over individuals and vent durlni r ist nges. Thr Hunting Wup (Dodd, Mead). H'i J. RenH I'obre. p e celebrated s ntlst's death last eek attaches a special and sad Interest to this b '"k as being his last werk 'Hits K'.'k unique and as fjusdnattttg a his earlier uorks, revealing his knowl edges With s lenl He accuracy, but at the -anie lime expressed with an exquisite barm of style. Travels Near nnd Pag. The House on II, nr. strret (Holt). lit bull H old. As had of the Henry Street Settle ment, on the Baal ilda of New York. Mis w aid hi" for twenty years watched the transforming miracle which (rave contracted centuries Into ear, m.ikinx American cltlaena of jew ami nun and Slav, she tdi from tlie ArneHoafl ,de the human story of Immigration. old Roods from lit Heart of New York t Putnam), Bu S,,roh Cnmstnclt. The author follows, one tiy on, for a: distance of thirty miles from th Hat tery. New Yolk, those ferries and ronds which most nearly correspond to thJ terries and roads of other days. fravrla iloslio (Houghton Mifflin). By John Mutr nn his death, last year, Mr, Mulr left; practically completed this account of I "The man north tchile It the gagn With emilr, M'ien ettrylhintj age dead trrong." Wherefore, Mr. Bingle is worth while. And he is worth your while if your care to meet an optimist so sweet, so sound, so unfailingly sure to make the best of every dis appointment and see the good in every disagreeable person that he could easily qualify as an expert in optimism. You will find him in George Barr McCutcheon's Delightful novel MR. BINGLE Illustrated '" James Montgomery FUigg 368 Pages of Optimism $1.35 net. AT ANY BOOKSTORE Publishers DODD, MEAD & COMPANY New York trips to Alaska In 17!. 11s'! ami IS90. rue book was made up f'"m Journals written on the pot, nnd is marked by freshness, enthusiasm, vhldwss and .harm. Civilisation of Bubylonia and Assyriu i Mpptneott), By aforri nfroic. Jr. ParhM the only Iniok treartirur of the .mire civilisation of these ancient na r .r.s language, laws, relisloi'.a, cus toms, buildings, fcc Ivory and Flcpliont t HouV.eday-T'age ) . By lr. licortie F. Kunz. A tudy of the art of oarvinK i,.r!(s fnnn the time of the Neanderthal man to the beautiful work done at the preaetvt time, with deocrrptlona of eie phani hunting and th.. aaaroh for th Ivory "f mammoths ami iniifdodons. lv. K in, been for more than twonty-Bv year an expert for Tiffany Oo, Fori-lan I mills. Tn il Ifebom (Century). Hy Utrhtrt ddomi (HOhona, RooordlngJ Ifl diary form facts and feelings of Paris during the first six months of thn fighting. With sixteen tail page lUuwtrarlona ly i-eter t;. Hornby, who was roIpk gbout With the author all the time these Impression were being received. The Soul of thr War (MoBrlde). Hu Pkilip OitbS Tho human and payotMlosrloaJ sid .'f the war as seen on t.he hattlelleld under heavy shell tire, in gMnbgrdad town, in llcld hospitals and in the midst of tlio movementi of troopa It has been asked : Where is tho novelist who will 1 write the Tolstoi's "War and Peace," of the titanic strucule :j WO are now witnessinc. 9 HALL CAINE ! not with n novel, but with Word that open new vistas and gtlr to new sensations has , sin lu new sensations ha ! leached prophetic heights in MINISTERS I The lauKhter of a fool is i p. like the crackling of thorns r- under a pot, but the words of I a wise mnn is the hent that I bakes the statf of life. I Yesterday is over, but to-day is here und to-morrow coniinir I m Doctor Wnlton in "PKG I ALONG" lays emphnHis on I to-dny nnd to-morrow Do ? j? you? Yes, nnd you will do it f with more fervor if you rend PEC ALONG II. Of AT A 1,1, BOOK STORES. Little Schoolmates Series Edited by Florence Converse The Journal uj f-'.ilitcution Boston' nays: " N't pwfrtt nf m oi hni a mtm IntorMtlpR piTiOtwIH v. . . alwuil t hi chtM yon mUht h;i Ih . n hftd uur f.itlitT and iihHIht Ifrvq In GffMNi Of PMlD it In wh;.t lyor iHlUUtr) lb" tHluk UiW'TllMai ami uiiikuat L'ytry i)itruKr;i,))i viltl. OVUfy 'h;tr;ii HT it n-iil. eVWy fnClUwi Ri'iitilue." KATRINKA By Helen E. Haskell (New volume In "Tin Ml tin Hiho.lninf s" Sfrli Dwrrlbra i Uny i ir in :i nowhounq' Runlan yIIIjuti under tho ihavdnw nf thodroaini . 'mmki una KinonR thn ulntpi . wurniiiiarta ami utwuIqum ftilli t the Miuntryvlftaf. 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